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Truthful stories about the afterlife. About the "Life" told the scientist returned "from there". - what does it look from there what is happening on earth

Remove the Dead Baby!

Doctors clinicians in their essence are atheists. Most of them absolutely believe that the treatment they will prescribe will help. But there are cases when treatment does not help, and, suddenly, the present miracle happens, and the patient is unthinkable, without leaving any intelligible explanations, recovering.

And there are completely mystical cases that are remembered for life.

When I remember this episode in my life, then still goosebumps. Therefore, I do not recommend you impressive.

Student I was in practice in the maternity hospital. We were led to the resuscitation department of newborns. An hour before our arrival, a newborn baby died there.
When a person dies in the hospital, it is relying it to keep it in the department, to state biological death and already be taken into a pathological and anatomical department.

As a rule, after 2 hours the body is coocheries. We approach the time to the child together with the nurse. She inspects him, something is very frightened and begins to call doctors. We can not understand anything. Then she says: "The whole child has crushed out, and the neck and the head - no!". And this means that the child seems to be "looking around, who else to pick up with them."

Only she said it, as near in the intensive care chamber "gives a stop of the heart" another newborn baby. All the crowd run to him, begin to reanimate. A 26 week-old baby lay nearby in Kuveza. He had everything relatively normal, he developed well outside the body of the mother, and there were all the chances of his further discharge in a healthy form. He also "gives a stop"!

2 Brigades doctors are trying to save them hard!
And the nurse shouts: "Urgently joined the dead kid from the department, call the workers, let nails go to each angle of the resuscitation chamber!"

Well I say, the doctors before the last believe in their treatment, but then what the hell is not joking, found a worker and he scored on a nail into every corner.

And after a while, the condition of these two kids improved, and they safely went on amendment.

We, students experienced terrible shock! And the nurse said that in her practice it was so several times. Sometimes even these measures did not help and the dead child "nevertheless someone took someone."

Spot coffee

This story told me aunt who told her his acquaintance. They lived were a guy with a girl, they loved each other very much.

The guy recalled into the army. And at that time he was in service his girl died.

He arrived home, and his parents would not be injured to him who did not tell him anything.

Once he walked down the street and suddenly met her. They went to the cafe and ordered coffee, but Katya - so called his girl - shed coffee to her snow-white skirt.

When they approached her house, he said: let me spend you! She answered with a categorical refusal. The next day, he comes home to her and says: Call Katya.

Her parents sighed hard and said that she had long died. He said in surprise: how? We were in the cafe yesterday!

Parents have achieved to spread the grave. And when they opened the coffin on her snow-white skirt there was a stain of coffee.

Very tight tie

I want to tell you one strange story that has happened "recently" with me, and after which I still can not come to my senses. It happened in the summer when I, my girlfriend, her brother and another young man went after the session to rest on one of the local recreation points.
Removed a small house on four at the lake. I was very glad, because at that time it was very in love with the left - a guy who went with us.
And once, at night, the following happened. There were two rooms in the house: I slept in one and my girlfriend, and in another brother a friend and this very leva. I have never been before Lunatic, but what happened to me, I don't even know how to call. I sleep and suddenly wake up with the thought that Leva is too tight tied tie (although he did not wear a tie). And for some reason, he can not unleash him, and I think that if I don't do this, then leva suffocates.
Another more surprising was the other: I seem to have woken up, but I see the whole room in the blue light - sleeping girlfriend, all our things, furniture. I get out of bed and slowly go to another room. I go, I look: Brother Girlfriends and Lev are sleeping, and everything is seen still in the blue light. There is a complete silence. Leva, indeed, on the neck tie, tightened tight, and the face is distorted. I sit on his bed and start untying a tie.
Suddenly it happens incredible: I was like a volat to hit my head. I hear the Levin frightened cry, someone else was exclamated, and suddenly the blue light disappears, and the world becomes normal. I sit on the bed at Leva, and he looks at me frightened eyes and shouts:
- What are you completely crazy?!
I say:
- Wanted tie to remove. Then I watch: a tie, of course, no. And friends in the eyes already have a real horror. In the end, I was simply called Lunatic and Crazy and sent me to our place. After that, I was ashamed to look into the eyes of Leve. From myself, I did not expect this at all, I tried to figure out for a long time.
Then everything was somehow forgotten, but after two and a half months I called me and my friend witness this case and said that I recently had a leva with someone. He was alone, and their four. The fight was serious, and Levu tried to strangle the chain, wrapped her around his neck. Fortunately, at that moment people arrived at that moment and dispelled. Levka managed to save. After a couple of days, he himself called me and asked if I unleashed the tie on his neck. I said that almost, but not to the end, since he also prevented me. Now leva for some reason I am very much grateful for it.

Winter, evening, decided to pay out ...

As a child, there was somehow alone ... Winter, evening ... well, he jerk me to pay. He lit the candles, opposite the mirror installed another mirror, so that the corridor turned out, and stared at him. Type, narrowed from there should be my come. Yeah. 300 times he came to me of course ... I stared there for about 5 minutes. And I see, a dark figure appears from afar ... High, black and terrible. Neither the fig on a narrowed disgraced ... I was afraid, but I can't tear myself away from the mirror. The figure begins to quickly move from one wall of the corridor to another. And I remember that if something is happening, you need to say "Chur me", and a mirror with a dense cloth. I'm standing in a stupor ... no fabric. And it's getting closer and closer ... As a result, I pushed something. And the cat in the room went. The cat immediately arched by the arc, hurt, all that I could come up with, it is to throw back the mirror that kept in my hands, and grab the pillow to throw to another mirror. The last thing I saw, before throwing a pillow, like a mirror corridor stayed in the mirror ... and an approaching face to me ... Even not a face, but in general something incomprehensible and distorted. The pillow rushed, jumped out of the room)) it was terribly very ...
As a result, when it dares to go into the room, there was a crack on the mirror ...

Did death come

The case was in the country. There we have a lot of dishonest in our house, so this is not very surprising. But scary. Mom went somehow one to the country. I decided to go to bed in a small room, in the only one, where the icons cost. I woke up in the middle of the night, like a push. Watching the door to the room opens. And on the threshold, a woman stands. High. In a white dress .. And the whole flickering ... as if the fabric is worn. Mom in shock and wild horror, sat on the bed. Can not say anything. Just a terrible horror covered and still shout, nor live in any way. And the woman looks at her, and she stretches her hand. And mom feels that she calls her something and puts up straight, pull her hand. I do not know how much she sat so much, did not give hands yet. And the woman stands, and in the head of Mom's voice female "and the truth. Early you still. I'll be back". And that's it. let go of aunt in white. And the door is closed. Only mom on the bed sits, and the heart is raging.

And it was after my grandfather died. Mint Dad. I still studied at school. He came home after school, he lay down to build a watch in his room. And in the next room, Grandfather was sick lay. And I wake up also from push. I look, a woman is entering the room in white. And next to her a man in black robes. They entered and stand. I went nuts. I feel not to move Nikkak. I look at them, and I can't say anything. Scary very. And here the man here stretches my hands. I'm lying, not moving. And a woman looks at me. And the head winds, and shows the hand to the next room. Second, and they are not. I'm terrified from the bed jumping. And then mom comes into the room, and says that the grandfather just died ... terribly ....

And my friend told me that he had a woman in a hospital in white came, and called with him. He refused .. heavyly sick very ... what she told him. "Okay, in three days I'll be back". "That I managed to tell this friend, about aunt. And exactly three days later died ...

Slippers for the Poid

In one Ukrainian village tell such a case. A woman dreamed: the recent daughter recently comes to her and asks: "Mom, say slippers, here you have to walk a lot, and I have uncomfortable shoes, on heels ...". The mother itself did not see the mother, just heard her voice, but read the address on the envelope, according to which the transfer should be taken. For some reason, she remembered this address well.

Waking up, a woman could not find a place to find. He told about everything Cuma, and she advised to buy slippers and take away. The mother of the Powder went to buy slippers, but they were not sold anywhere - the times were still "stagnant." And then she accidentally turned up one friend that I bought myself new slippers somewhere and never had time to wear them. She regretted the mother of the girl and sold them to her. Moreover, the dead wore just this size.

It was necessary to go to Kiev. From somewhere, the woman knew in advance, to which bus to sit, as if she was whispered in the ear. Asked passengers, where to go away, found the said street, house, apartment ... The entrance door was open, in the middle of the room stood a coffin, it was a beautiful young dead man. Guest I cried, then approached my mother of the deceased, told her his dream and asked permission to put in the coffin bought slippers. "We did not become our own on this light, but on that our children were cried," she said, saying goodbye.

All these stories suggest that the otherworldly world exists for some kind of their own laws, and the inhabitants are able to penetrate our reality to declare their needs ...

Want to believe, you want no, but it really was, and the story it happened to me! This story occurred in the summer when I was only about 11 years old! It all started with the fact that my grandfather died, and grandmother remained to live alone in the hut! The children had already grew up his grandchildren, but after the death of her husband, she was scared one in House! Mom decided to leave me for a while to live at my grandmother! Since I was a child restless. I constantly kept under the sighting look so that I wouldn't drink anywhere! How I remember the grandmother washed me in the bath, and we went to bed, grandmother lay down with me, I slept near the wall. I woke up because my granny snoring, trying to get out of the blanket, and already sowing on the bed to push the granny, because of her terrible snoring, but I got a glance, attention to The kitchen, which was in the next room, and seeing there that some old lady climbed out of the open imagine, and stubbornly looks at me! As I remember it was dressed: a white handkerchief, some kind of dress, apron! View like a real man! Without giving value, I went to bed again !!!

After that, many years have passed! Grandma moved to live to us! Once we watched family photos, and I learned this old woman on the pictures, which climbed out of the sample, in the distant my vision in childhood! I was just in horror! I told my grandmother History! And she confirmed her by the fact that during the war, there was a house on the place, and my grandfather lived in it! Everyone went to war, and he stayed, because he himself was still small in order to fight, stayed with her mother And my sister! One of the winters his mother died, because of the typhus, there was no money on the coffin, and he pulled out the chalkboard from the floor of the kitchen, made her coffin, and took her sleigh in the forest, burying her!

This appearance of the old woman, I still remember, so that people still have in the light of all sorts of creatures that fear cause us !!!

In ancient Greece, believing that the dead at night could visit their former dwellings, especially if the household did not please themselves. From living people, they were distinguished by black skin. Here is an example of modernity. An ordinary family lived: husband, wife, daughter of his wife from the first marriage and their common son ... Husband, Alexander, once had, as they say, "Golden Hands". But then he began to drink and lost his job, and at the same time the human appearance ... There was no valuable things from the house, there was no money in the family ... Drinking to the white guys, Alexander the mortal battle beat a spouse and children, chasing them with a knife, shouting that they want His kill him, and shouted threats: "You do not get rid of me, I'll get you from that light!"
Once he was found dead in the courtyard at home ... the money for the funeral was taken by the neighbors. Even put in the coffin of the dead man was nothing. He should, according to custom, put it in all new and white, but nothing in the house was found in the house - during life everything was proposed ... Then the widow put on him the only old old weekend shirt in red.
After the funeral, a mother with children went to bed. And later at night suddenly he was a call on the door ... the daughter with his mother simultaneously went to open. The girl looked in the eyes - oh horror! A man in a red shirt was standing on a lighted landing ladder. Damn his face to see it was impossible - it was some kind of unnaturally black ... But the man muttered the swearing and cursing the voice of the deceased stepfather! "C * ki, even a decent shirt did not find it to bury!" - came to the girl.
Neither mother nor the daughter began to open the door or try to speak with the uninvited guest. Both silently prayed ... The man turned to the door with his back and, staggering, retreated into the darkness ... Finally, the light bulbs fell on his face, and both women saw that it was blackened from expanding the face of the dead man ...
"Wrong" commemoration
The head of one family, his name was Vladimir, drank himself, though he was a good man. And always spoke to his wife, so that he was buried, putting a vodka and dumplings on the lick. He tragically died in Omsk. There he had to bury him. The funeral was arranged rich, many people gathered ... But about the nozzles of the deceased ... And now, at night, the children of the widowed woman heard her wheezing: "Help!" Rushed to her, and here in the hallway the entrance door slammed ... They see, mother sits, holding hands on the neck, and on her skin she has black bruises ... She said that Vladimir came, sat down at the bed and asked: "I asked you to bury me ? Vodka and dumplings! And how did you bury me? " And he began to choke her ...
This once again proves that the requests and wishes of the dead should be treated seriously and carefully. Yes, and guess them ... For example, with Nikolai (let's call him), the most real nightmare happened!
Nicholas died father. While the body was lying in the house, friends came to his son. They decided to get together in the bath together and at the same time to remember. And done ...
After the bath, it sat down to drink vodka for a member of the soul, and suddenly ... from the pre-banner came the piercing children's crying. Ran out to see anyone. Returned to the bath - again the child cries, and as if it was very close!
They stipped all the catches, so they did not find anyone. Also the men became. Returned to the house - and the dead is not in such a pose, as before! Yes, and then the snack was covered. Nikolai smacked that Bathi offended: they threw it, one left ...
And on the fortieth day after death, he was nicholasy in a dream and began to edit the fact that he went to drink vodka with men ...
Slippers for the Poid
In one Ukrainian village tell such a case. A woman dreamed: the recent daughter recently comes to her and asks: "Mom, say slippers, here you have to walk a lot, and I have uncomfortable shoes, on heels ...". The mother itself did not see the mother, just heard her voice, but read the address on the envelope, according to which the transfer should be taken. For some reason, she remembered this address well.
Waking up, a woman could not find a place to find. He told about everything Cuma, and she advised to buy slippers and take away. The mother of the Powder went to buy slippers, but they were not sold anywhere - the times were still "stagnant." And then she accidentally turned up one friend that I bought myself new slippers somewhere and never had time to wear them. She regretted the mother of the girl and sold them to her. Moreover, the dead wore just this size.
It was necessary to go to Kiev. From somewhere, the woman knew in advance, to which bus to sit, as if she was whispered in the ear. Asked passengers, where to go away, found the said street, house, apartment ... The entrance door was open, in the middle of the room stood a coffin, it was a beautiful young dead man. Guest I cried, then approached my mother of the deceased, told her his dream and asked permission to put in the coffin bought slippers. "We did not become our own on this light, but on that our children were cried," she said, saying goodbye.
All these stories suggest that the otherworldly world exists for some kind of their own laws, and the inhabitants are able to penetrate our reality to declare their needs ...

Meeting with representatives of the otherworldly world happened earlier and happens now, these days. Here is the story of a woman, what is called "first-hand" about such a meeting.

That evening I accompanied the mother of his girlfriend, who had more than fifty years lived in our small town. I came home late in the evening and could not fall asleep.

Evgeniy for five years As I became a widow and lived literally a ten minute walk from my house. Her daughter, Julia, my friend of childhood, begged her mother to move to her, in another city.
- Mom, I want you to be there. I do not want to wake up every morning only with one thought that you are there alone, in a hundred kilometers from me and grandchildren.

As it came out, the eyes lived in the literal sense, but there was no sleep. Several times during the night I turned on the TV, took a book in my hands.
Then I decided to overcome myself. Disabled the TV, put the book and turning off the light, began to count.
"One ... two ... three ... ten ... eighty ... one hundred thirty ... two hundred fifty ..."

And then ... Further, the action unfolded on the script of a fantastic film. Lying in bed, almost half asleep, I heard a simple knock on the window. Lazily rising, went to the window and, opening the chart, came to horror.

On the road near my house there was a bus from the funeral bureau with a black stripe in the middle. From him they looked at me in the windows of my friends who left this world and moved to "other".

I felt my hands and fingers of my feet, as the feet become wadded on the forehead and nose, and the tongue sticks to the sky. Goosebumps began to run around the body.

The father of my childhood friend of Yulki and husband Evgenia, who early in the morning should leave our town, Uncle Lenya should have been standing near my window.
- Sonya, why are you so scared at me look? He asked and, smiling at me, continued, - I won't do anything bad. Line and go outside ... you need to swim ...
I continued to stand and looked outside the window glass with horror.
people began to leave the buse. Many of them I personally saw in the coffin. They had the same things in which they were seen familiar and friends, accomplishing on the last path.

Tamara approached Uncle Lena, the former colleague of my sister, who died of cancer, leaving a two-year-old son.
- Why don't you go to us? - asked Tamara, - Do not be afraid of us ... We will not do anything bad ... you need to be afraid of living, and not dead ...
- What are you doing here? - I asked frightened, thinking that death came for me, - I do not want to die! I do not want! There is bad, there is scary and there is dark ...
- Look at me, "said Uncle Lenya and smiled again," look at me carefully ... Do I look badly? "

Uncle Lenya last ten years of his life very often sick and was very random. In addition to asthma, there was still a bunch of any adverse diseases. Now in front of me stood a lifting man with clear eyes.

I live in a great place, "he said," in Pine Bor ... This place is perfect for my health.
- What are you doing here? - I asked the brave language, "you are all the dead."
- They came to spend you, earthlings, "one of my good acquaintance intervened in the conversation, who died in a car accident.

I do not remember what happened next ... And how much I stood about minutes or seconds with an open mouth. Then ... Then I asked them:
- What's there? On the other side of life? Is scary there? Bad?
"No," Uncle Lenya said, "the hell is not so terrible, as you draw it ... There is another life ... Other concepts about life ..."

Do you want to ... to us ... to Earth?
- We want peace ... We want to drive us away from us, they did not hurt us and remembered that we are always next to you, we follow your life ...
- Watch? I asked frightened.
"That came to see how my spouse will leave our house ... It's hard for her to do it ... It's hard ... So I came to help her, support her ...

Uncle Lenya, - after a short silence, I asked, - Do you want to us? In our life?
- My mission on earth is finished ... All I could, I did ... Now I am at home.
- At home? - I asked in bewilderment, - how is it at home? At home I ... and you are not at home ... You are in the coffin ...
"Ha ha ha," the dead laughed cheerfully.

Sonia, "Tamara said," It's you Guest ... Earth Guest ... And the coffin ... So we leave your world ...
"Just do not think about me to say that there is good ... that there is a postal kingdom there, and everyone lives, like in a fairy tale.
- Why do everyone live, like in a fairy tale?! No ... Life and there is not a paradise ... there you also need to work and live ... there is an eternity ... And there is a stop ...

I no longer remember that I asked what they told me, I just remember one thing that I asked a few questions, which to this day make me think about many.
- How often do you visit us, and how often do you want to see us?
"Almost any of us does not pull on Earth ... But there are exceptions ... Grandparents who have little grandchildren stayed, want to see kids ... They come to them at night, when they are sleeping tightly," Uncle Lenya said.
"I want to see my son ... Put it to myself ... I left it such a little, so helpless ... I left him when he needed so much in me ... I don't really visit him ... There is no time for it, - with annoyance in voice. Tamara said.

We have our own life, and do not worry us on trifles ... Do not come to the grave when you think about ... Do not worry us ... Do not torment us and do not torment our souls ... For this there is a church ... Go there ... Pray for our soul, "said Uncle Lena.
- Why?
- You invade a different world ... The world, incomprehensible to you ... The time will come, and you yourself will understand everything ...

Who is bad there, in this other world?
- Who is bad? To the one who sentenced himself and deprived himself of life ... it's scary ... it's very scary ... We do not accept these people, our world, and they are already dead in yours ... they are trying to press to the dead, but it is impossible ... God gave a man life, And only God can take it from us.
- Uncle Lenya, do not scare me. What do you want to say that the killer ... A man who deprived the life of another, in your world lives better than the one who ordered his destiny himself?
- Probably, yes ... these people are slaves ... they take newcomers ... They work with them ... pass with them adaptation ... teach them to live according to our laws ...

Alarm clock rang ...

I stood in the middle of the room in the clothes and all shaking off the fear ... to this day I still can not understand what it was: sleep or ...

And if or ...

Starting, I began to talk about the night aliens.
After the story told in the accounting, silence came. Elderly interrupted her.
- Miracle, "she said," before those people who deprived themselves of their lives, buried behind the gates of the cemetery and they did not eat them in the church ...

After a year, my girlfriend comes to me and says:
- I had such a life situation ... I did not see the exit ... Mother died, her husband went to another ... I didn't want to live ... I decided to cut the veins ... filled the bath with water, took the knife and ... at that moment I remembered your story about the night Guests ... I became scary ... It's scary that in that incomprehensible to me world I will suffer even more. Two days later, I met a sushka ... Now we are waiting for a son ... There are no hopeless situations ... if you can't fight, then you just need to wait for this unsuccessful period.

One of the main issues to everyone is the question of what is waiting for us after death. Through thousands of years, unsuccessful attempts are being made to solve this mystery. In addition to guessing, there are real facts confirming that death is not the end of the human path.

There are a large number of video about paranormal phenomena that conquered the Internet. But in this case there is a mass of skeptics that say that video can be forged. It is difficult to disagree with them, because a person is not inclined to believe in what can not see the person.

There are many stories about how people returned from the world when they were at death. How to perceive such cases is a question of faith. However, even the most popular skeptics changed themselves and their lives, encountered with situations that cannot be explained by logic.

Religion about death

In the overwhelming majority of religions of the world there are exercises about what awaits us after death. The most common is the doctrine of paradise and hell. Sometimes it is complemented by an intermediate link: "Wising" by the world of living after death. Some nations believe that such a fate awaits suicides and those who have not completed something important on this earth.

Such a concept is observed in many religions. With the difference, they are united by one thing: everything is tied in good and bad, and the posthumous state of a person depends on how he behaved in life. Consider a religious description of the afterlife. Life after death exists - inexplicable facts confirm.

One day something amazing with one priest happened, which was the abbot of the Baptist Church in the United States of America. The man was driving home from the meeting about the construction of a new church, but a truck flew towards him. Accidents failed to avoid. The clash was so strong that the man fell into someone for a while.

In the near future, ambulance arrived, but it was too late. The man did not beat the heart. Doctors confirmed the head stop by re-checking. They had no doubt that a man died. At about the same time, the police arrived at the scene of the accident. Among the officers there was a Christian who saw a cross in the pocket of the priest. He immediately drew attention to his clothes and understood who in front of him. He could not send God's servant to the last path without prayer. He uttered the prayer words, climbing into a dilapidated car and taking a man who did not beat the heart, hand. While reading the strings, he heard the hardly distinguishable moan, which plunged him into shock. He once again checked the pulse and realized that it was clearly feels the ripple of blood. Later, when a man was miraculously recovered and began to live former life, this story became popular. Perhaps a man really returned from the world to finish important things to be detected by God's. One way or another, but they could not give a scientific explanation for this, for the heart cannot start independently.

The priest himself has repeatedly spoke in his interview that he saw only white light and nothing else. He could take advantage of the situation and say that the Lord himself was spoken with him or he saw Angels, but he did not. A couple of reporters argued that in the matter that the person saw in this follow-up dream, he smiled restrained, and his eyes were filled with tears. Perhaps he really saw something intimate, but did not want to give it publicly.

When people are in a short coma, their brain does not have time to die during this time. That is why it is worth paying attention to numerous stories that people who are between life and death have seen the light so bright that even through closed eyes it seeps as if the eyelids are transparent. One hundred percent of people was returned to life and told that the light began to move away from them. Religion interprets it very simple - their time has not come yet. Similar light saw the Magi, suitable for the cave, where Jesus Christ was born. This is the radiance of Paradise, afterlife. No one saw the angels, God, but felt the touch of the Higher Forces.

Another thing is dreams. Scientists have proven that we can see in a dream all that our brain can imagine. In short, the dreams are not limited to anything. It happens that people see their dead relatives in dreams. If there were not 40 days after death, it means that a person really talked to you from the afterlife. Unfortunately, the dreams cannot be analyzed with two points of view objectively - with scientific and religious-esoteric, because the whole thing is in sensations. You can dream of the Lord, Angels, Paradise, Hell, Ghosts, and anything, but not always you feel that the meeting was real. It happens that in dreams we remember dead grandparents or grandmothers or parents, but only occasionally someone in a dream comes to the real spirit. We all understand that it will be not realistic to prove their feelings, so no one applies to their impressions further than beyond the family circle. Those who believe in the afterlife, and even those who doubt, wake up after such dreams with a completely different look at the world. Perfumes can predict the future, which was not one in history. They can show discontent, joy, sympathy.

There is pretty the famous story that occurred in Scotland at the beginning of the 70s of the 20th century with the usual builder. In Edinburgh, a residential building was built. The construction site worked Norman Maktagert, who was 32 years old. He fell from quite a big height, lost consciousness and fell into someone for the day. Shortly before that he dreamed of fall. After he woke up, he told that he saw in a coma. According to a man, it was a long journey, because he wanted to wake up, but he could not. At first he saw the very blinding bright light, and then he met his mother, who said she always wanted to become a grandmother. The most interesting thing is, as soon as he came into consciousness, his wife told him about the most pleasant news, which only possible - Norman was to become a dad. The woman learned about the pregnancy on the day of the tragedy. The man had serious health problems, but he not only survived, but also continued to work and feed his family.

In the late 90s, something very unusual happened in Canada. A duty officer of one of the hospitals of Vancouver took calls and filled the papers, but then saw a little boy in white night pajamas. He shouted from the other end of the reception office: "Tell my mom, so as not to worry about me." The girl was afraid that one of the patients left the chamber, but then saw the boy passed through the closed doors of the hospital. His house was paired from the hospital. It was where he ran. The doctor alert the fact that on the clock was three o'clock in the morning. She decided that he had to catch up with a boy, because even if he was not a patient, it was necessary to report it to the police. She fled after him literally a couple of minutes while the child did not get into the house. The girl began to call the door, after which she opened the door of Mom of the same boy. She said that it was impossible that her son would come out of the house, for he was very sick. She dispelled and went to the room where the child lay in his crib. It turned out that the boy died. The story received a great resonance in society.

In cereal World War IIone ordinary Frenchman shot himself from the enemy for almost two hours during the battle in the city . Next to him was a man about 40 years old, who covered it on the other side. It is impossible to imagine how much the surprise of the ordinary fighter of the French army, who turned to the other side to say something to the partner, but I realized that he disappeared. A few minutes later the screams of the approaching allies in a resistant were heard. He and a few more soldiers ran toward the face, but there was no mysterious partner among them. He was looking for him by name and rank, but never found the fighter. Perhaps it was his guardian angel. Doctors say that light hallucinations are possible in such stressful situations, but a conversation with a man cannot be called a conventional melting for one and a half hours.

Such stories about life after death are quite a lot. Some of them confirm witnesses, but doubters still call it fake and try to find scientific substantiations by the actions of people and their visions.

Real facts about the afterlife

Since ancient times, there are cases when people saw ghosts. At first they were photographed, and then removed on the video. Some people think that this is an installation, but subsequently personally convinced in the veracity of the pictures. Numerous stories can not be considered evidence of the availability of life after death, so people need evidence and facts scientific.

Fact first: Many have heard that after death, a person becomes easier exactly by 22 grams. This phenomenon scientists cannot explain in any way. Many believers tend to believe that 22 grams are the weight of the human soul. A variety of experiments were conducted, which ended with the same result - the body became easier for a certain amount. Why is the main question. The skepticism of people cannot be destroyed, so many hope that the explanation will be found, but it is unlikely to happen. Ghosts can be seen by the human eye, therefore, their "body" has a lot. Obviously, everything that has some kind of outlines must be at least partly physical. Ghosts exist in large dimensions than we. All of them are 4: height, width, length and time. The ghosts time beyond the point of view from which we see it.

Fact second: The air temperature next to the ghosts is reduced. This is typical, by the way, not only for the shower of dead people, but also for the so-called houses. All this is the result of the title world in reality. When a person dies, then the temperature is immediately sharply reduced, the temperature literally decreases for a moment. This suggests that the soul comes out of the body. Temperature of the soul is about 5-7 degrees Celsius, as indicated by measurements. During paranormal phenomena, the temperature also changes, so scientists have proven that this is happening not only with direct death, but later. The soul has a certain radius of influence around him. In many horror films, this fact is used in order to bring the shooting to reality. Many people confirm that when they felt the motion of the ghost or some entity next to them, they were very cold.

Here is an example of video with paranormal phenomena, which captures real ghosts.

The authors argue that this is not a joke, and experts who watched this selection say that about half of all such videos - the real truth. Part of this roller deserves special attention, where the girl pushes the ghost in the bathroom. Experts report that physical contact is possible and absolutely real, and the video is not a fake. Almost all the pictures of moving furniture items can be true. The problem is that it is very simple to fake such a video, but at the moment, where the chair next to the seated girl began to move itself, there was no acting game. There are very many such cases around the world, but no less than those who want to just unwind their video and become famous. It is difficult to distinguish the fake from the truth, but really.

This is a story of a man whose life broke the tragedy. British journalist William T.Sta (1849-1912) collaborated with different newspapers at one time and, moreover, showed an increased interest in parapsychology. They were written several books on this topic, for example "from the old world to the new"; Moreover, he possessed the gift of the medium. William Stad himself as a reporter adopted participation in the first flight of the infamous ship "Titanic" in 1912. The steamer was heading to the United States, and at the end of this flight was supposed to receive the "Blue Atlantic Tape". Due to frivolous errors that were allowed when managing a ship, on the night of April 14-25, a collision was collided with Iceberg in the northern part of the Atlantic.

"Titanic", which was called, is not otherwise unspecified, split into two parts and went to the bottom in a few hours, having taken with him 1517 human lives. Among them was William Stad. Two days later, Mrs. Vridt, Medium from Detroit, he informed the exact information regarding the catastrophe. He told in more detail late, driving his daughter's hand Estelle Stared, who also had a gift of medium. Here are the excerpts from the detailed story of the late Stand written by it:

"I want to tell you where a person gets, after it dies and turns out. I was glad that in all that I heard or read about the other world was such a weighty share of truth. Since, at least, in general, I was still confident in the correctness of these views, doubts did not leave me, despite all the arguments of the mind. That is why I was so happy when I realized to what extent everything here corresponds to earthly descriptions.

I was still near the place of my death and could observe for what was happening there. It was in full swing, and people led the desperate battle with an inexorable element for their lives. Their attempts to stay alive gave me strength. I could help them! For a moment, my mental state has changed, deep helplessness changed the dedication. The only desire was to help people in trouble. I think that I actually saved many.

I will skip the description of these minutes. The junction was close. It was a feeling that we go on a trip to the ship, and the gathered on board patiently wait until all the other passengers enter the ship. I mean, we've been waiting for the end when I could say with relief: saved - they were saved, the dead - alive!

Suddenly everything has changed around, and we actually went on a trip. We, the soul of drunkenness, represented a strange team that moved on the road with an unknown goal. The experiences that we experienced in connection with this were so unusual that I would not take them to describe them. Many of the souls, realizing that it happened to them, plunged into painful reflections and thought about their loved ones, the remaining Pa Earth, as well as about the future. What awaits us in the coming hours? Do we have to appear before the teacher? What will be his sentence?

Others were like stunned and did not respond at all to what was happening that nothing is realizing and not perceived. It was such a feeling that they, again worried a catastrophe, but now - the catastrophe of the Spirit and the soul. Together, we were truly strange and to some extent sinister team. Human souls who are in finding a new refuge, a new home.

During the crash in just a few minutes, hundreds of dead bodies were in ice water. Many shower simultaneously rose into the air. One of the recent cruise liner passengers guess what was killed, and was horrified by the fact that he could not capture his belongings with him. Many in despair tried to save what was so important for them in the earthly life. I think everyone will believe me when I say that the unfolded events, on a sinking vessel, were by no means the most joyful and pleasant. But they did not fall under any comparison with what happened at the same time beyond the face of earthly life. The kind of unfortunate souls, so sharply ridden from the earthly life, was absolutely depressing. He was as heartselling, as far as repulsive, disgusting.

So, we were waiting for everything everyone who fell on a journey to unfamiliar at night. The movement itself was amazing, much more unusual and strange than I expected. The feeling was that we, being on a big platform, which the invisible hand holds, with an incredible speed take off vertically up. Despite this, I did not have any feeling of uncertainty. It was a feeling that we move in exactly a specific direction and on the planned trajectory.

I can't say with accuracy, I had any long flight, as far as the earth was removed. The place in which we eventually turned out to be fabulously beautiful. The feeling was like that we suddenly moved from the gloomy and foggy terrain somewhere in England under the luxurious Indian sky. Everything circle radiated beauty. Those of us who podnapil during the earthly life of knowledge about a different world, understood that we were in a place where the souls of the souls are preferable.

We felt that the atmosphere of these places had a healing effect. Each newcomer had a feeling that he was filled with some kind of lively force, and soon he had already felt cheerful and fulfilled his sincere equilibrium.

So, we arrived, and no matter how strange it sounded, each of us was proud. All the circle was so light, alive, so real and physically tangible - in a word, as real as the world left by us.

Each arrived with heart greetings immediately the dead earlier friends and relatives. After that, we - I am talking about those who walked fate went on a journey on that ill-fated ship and whose lives overnight broke out - they broke up. Now we all were again the owners themselves who were surrounded by the cute hearts earlier in this world.

So, I already told you about how our unusual flight was and how the arrival in a new life for us was. Then I would like to tell about the first impressions and experiences that were tested by me. I will make a reservation for starters that I can not say exactly at what time about the moment of the crash and my care happened these events. All seemed to me a continuous sequence of events; As for being in the otherworldly, I did not have such a feeling.

Next to me was my good friend and my father. He stayed with me in order to help get used in the new environment, where I had to live now. Everything that happens did not differ from a simple travel to another country, where you are encountered a good friend who helps get along with the new environment. I was surprised to the depths of the soul, realizing it.

The creepy scenes, whose witness I began during and after shipwreck, were already in the past. Due to the fact that in such a short time in the world in another, I experienced such a huge amount of impressions, the events of the catastrophe that occurred in the previous night, perceived by me as if they had occurred 50 years ago. That is why the concerns and disturbing thoughts about the loved ones remaining in earthly life, did not oversee the joyful feeling that caused the beauty of the new world in me.

I'm not saying that there was no unfortunate shower. There were many such, but they were unhappy only for the reason that they did not realize the relationship between life in the earthly and the otherworldly world, could not understand anything and tried to resist what was happening. The same of us who knew about solid connection with the earthly world and their capabilities, overwhelmed the feeling of joy and tranquility. That our state is possible to describe such words: let us give us a little easy to enjoy the new life and the beauty of the local nature before we inform all news about the house. This is how careless and serenely felt themselves upon arrival in the new world.

Returning to his first impressions, I want to say more about what. I am glad to argue with a complete reason that my former sense of humor has not listed anywhere. I can guess that the following a lot can hang skeptics and mockerels that the events described by me seem to be delirious. I have nothing against it. I am even glad that my little book will impress them at least so here. When their turns are also suitable, they will be in the same position that I will tell now. Knowledge of this makes it possible to tell me with some fraction of Irony to say such people: "Stay with my opinion, for me personally it does not mean anything."

In the company of Father and your friend, I went to the road. One of the observations struck me to the depths of the soul: as it turned out, I was the same clothes that in the last minutes of earthly life. I absolutely could not understand how it happened and how I managed to move to the world other in the same costume.

The father was in a suit in which I saw him during my life. Everything and all around looked completely "normal", the same as on earth. We stepped next to each other, breathed fresh air, talked about shared friends, staying now both in the otherworldly and in the physical world left. I had something to tell my loved ones, and they, in turn, told me a lot about the old friends and the peculiarities of the local life.

There was still something that surprised me the surrounding area: her extraordinary colors. Recall what general impression can produce a special game of paints for the traveler, which is characteristic of the English area. It can be said that gray-green tones prevail in it. There was no doubt about this: the landscape focused on all shades of gentle blue. Do not think only that at home, trees, people also had this heavenly shade, but still the overall impression was undoubted.

I told about it to my father, who, by the way, looked much cheerful and younger than in the last years of his earthly life. Now we could be taken for the brothers. So, I mentioned that I see everything around in blue, and my father explained that my perception did not deceive me. Heavenly light here really has a strong glow of a blue shade, which makes this terrain in particular suitable for staying shower in need of rest, because blue waves have a miraculous healing effect.

Here some of the readers will probably objected, considering that all this is the fiction of pure water. I will answer them: Doesn't there be such places on Earth, one stay in which contributes to cure from certain diseases? Include your mind and common sense, understand, in the end, that the distance between the earth and otherworldly world is very small. As a result, the relationships that exist in these two worlds should be largely similar. How is it possible that a person indifferent after death immediately moved to the state of the absolute divine essence? This does not happen! Everything is developing, climbing and moving forward. This applies to both people and the worlds. "The next" world is only an addition to the existing world in which you are.

The sphere of a different life is inhabited by people whose destinies are mixed with the most bizarre. Here I met people of all social classes, races, shades of the skin, the complex. Despite the fact that everyone lived together, everyone was busy thinking about himself. Everyone was focused on his needs and is immersed in the world of his interests. The fact that in the earthly life would have dubious consequences, there was a need from the point of view of both the general and individual good. Without immersion in this kind, there was no particular condition to talk about further development and recovery.

Because of such a universal immersion in his own person, the world also reigned here, which in particular remarkably taking into account the originality of the local population described above. Without such a concentration, it would be impossible to enter yourself into this state. Everyone was engaged in themselves, and the presence of some hardly realized by others.

This is the reason why I had a chance to get acquainted with not many local residents. Having welcomed me on arrival here, disappeared, with the exception of my father and friend. But I was absolutely not upset about this, as I finally got the opportunity to fully enjoy the beauty of the local landscape.

We often met and looked along the sea coast on debt. Nothing here reminded Earth resorts with their jazz bands and promenade. Silence, peace and love reigned everywhere. At my right hand, buildings were treated, on the left - the sea splashed softly. All the circle radiated soft light and reflected an unusually saturated blue atmosphere.

I do not know how long our walks were. We talked about everything new, which was revealed to me in this world: about the lives of life and people; about relatives left at home; Optional to chat with them and report what happened to me during this time. I think, for such conversations, we overcame really considerable distances.

If you present yourself a certain world, an area of \u200b\u200bapproximately an equal area of \u200b\u200bEngland, which presents all imaginable types of animals, buildings, landscapes, not to mention people, then you will have a distant idea about how the terrain of another world looks like. It is likely that it sounds implausible, fantastically, but believe me: life in the other world looks like a trip to an unfamiliar country, no more, with the exception of the fact that every moment of stay there was unusually interesting and filled for me. "

Next, William Stad in detail describes new places of the afterlime world and the events that happened to him. But it is not necessary to assume that each dead falls after death in a similar world. Even if it happens, this does not mean that the deceased may or should be in such a place eternity. And after death, it does not disappear for the further development of the soul ...