Bedroom design Materials House, garden, plot

The image of Machine Mironova in the story "Captain's daughter. Masha Mironova - the embodiment of the Russian national nature The best mental quality of the heroine

Read offers from the left column.

Is their information sufficient to understand?

What words indicate that the situation is not fully described and requires explanation? Explain the main offers by pressing, on the right in the "For Help" section.

What word in the main sentence is applied?


In the main sentence, as part of complex, indicative words are often used, as pronouncing pronoun he, this, this, all, everything, everyone, any, no one, nothing, someone, something et al. or adverb there, from there, then, so, everywhere, everywhere et al. These words indicate that the situation of reality is reflected in the main sentence, and that the main proposal should be apparent.

For example: It happens often to us / and the work and wisdom to see there, / where it is worth only to guess / for a business just take. (I. Krylov.) The caravans are passing through those rocks, / where they were only fogs and the king eagles. (M. Lermontov.)

Significant words form certain couples with allied words and some unions: the one - which, that - who, is what - what and so - to and etc.

The structure of complex proposals with an indicative word in the main schematically can be portrayed as follows:

98. Record the indicative words with a highlighted "tip" - letter T.. In which part of the complex proposal are they? Why are these words called the tip?

T.when so

99. Write down, arranging the necessary punctuation marks. In complex proposals, emphasize these words as members of the sentence; See from above, what part of speech they are expressed.

Make a diagram of a dedicated sentence.

1. It is known what significance in the life of a Russian person a song. Foreigners have long been affected by the song flood that encouraged the story of the Russian life in all directions. 2. Diversity and perfection of Russian song creativity are amazing. Of course, in the first place should be delivered by what is given by the Russian people in the field of church chants. The Russian people of the ages of infant souls have gained such a great joy of warm prayer causing from which we largely looked.

100. Read the text by using navigable words on the site of the pass. What proposal is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text? Write out complex suggestions. Make the schemes of dedicated proposals.

A kind person is already the most kindness overwhelms all human flaws. In an old time, in ancient Rus, good was not called stupid. The fool of Russian fairy tales is always in a smart and his life always gets precisely because he is good. Fools of Russian fairy tales of ugly skate, "Gorboon" sticks and - a bird that has flown wheat to steal, let go. Those for him then will be done in a difficult moment - what he needs. Kindness - she is always smart. The fool says to all the truth because there is no conventional for him and he does not have any fear.

Loves the Russian people fools not - that they are stupid, but - that intelligent. Smart -, the highest mind, who is not in tricks and the deception of other things, is not in the plowing and successful persecution of its narrow benefits, but in -, wisdom, which knows the true price of all false Good in other, and therefore, and for yourself as a person.

And not all the fool and eccentric loves the Russian people, but only - which the ugly skate "Gorboon" is inhibited, the dove will not be offended, the Tsev has not beyond, will give his other, the nature will save their own other, respects. Such a fool does not just get a beauty, and the princess from the window will give a wedding ring, but with him together and the state-state in the dowry.

(According to D. Likhachev.)

101. The writing. Of course, you met good people in life, good heroes in books ... Tell us about one of them. What and how did the kindness of a person who will be written about? You can get a story, description, reasoning, description with reasoning, diary recording, etc.

102. Correct the proposals from children's essays Speech flaws. Explain what they are connected with.

1. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden led us where the concert was. 2. The loyalty to his Mironova manifested itself when Masha was in the hands of villains, he saved her. 3. When Sonya reached the last lines, a trembling voice read them. 4. When Pugachev captured the fortress and hung Mironov, Pugachev wanted to hang and hang and Grineeva.

103. Find errors. Use the indicative words in the right form or eliminate them. Record offers in a corrected form.

1. Could you clarify how you belong to the position of our movement. 2. The fact that the festival will take place, no one has doubts. 3. The director asked to report everything that happens at the factory. 4. I will not quite conveniently report to all of what was said. 5. You understand that the life of Kati will differ from some standards. 6. No need to check the one who pays every day. 7. His arrival himself means that he wants society.

Subordination unions since, because after, since et al. can dismember. The first part of the Union in this case remains in the main sentence and becomes an indicative word. It depends on the communicative task of the speaking or writing and happens in cases where the speaking or writing need to emphasize the ka-something the event referred to in the main part of the sentence.

If these words are used before composite unions as only, only, also, above all, it is obvious that it may probably beas well as particles and, ne.they are always dismembered before the union what put a comma. For example:

104. Read the complex offers. Name composite unions, explain the formulation of commas. Record offers by including words in them, data in brackets. Above the on top of the speech inserted words. Index words emphasize as members of the sentence.

because because; In order to - in order to; due to the fact that - due to the fact that

1. People sat silently because they did not want to draw attention to themselves (only). 2. He entered the Faculty of Philology, in order to seriously do linguistics (and). 3. My brother became a good gymnast, thanks to the fact that since childhood he went to the athletic section (first of all). 4. Here much resembles Lermontov, because a part of the poet's life is connected with the Caucasus.

105. Record offers, opening brackets and arranging punctuation signs. Specify what parts of speech are the selected words.

1. I guessed the sad consequences of yesterday's incident because) The expression of the person is always at the father after my trick. 2. I must have a scattered view because) That Mom repeated his question twice. 3. Bear was grateful to a friend (because that he planned him (because What helped in a difficult moment. 4. He moved through the river (by) to the small bridge about which grandfather spoke. 5. They walked (from) At home that stood on the edge of the village. 6. (From) What will you be nervous will change anything. 7. You did not cope with the control only (from) what a long sick.

106. Presentation. Read the text about the illustrations of the famous Russian artist Nikolai Kuzmin, who sought to comprehend the link that exists between Pushkin writing and Pushkin drawing. Restore the order of the text selected by paragraphs. Retell detail text in the logical sequence you installed.

The artist not only touched the Magic World of Pushkin Creativity, he entered him. And introduced the reader. No wonder then the publication of the novel, where Kuzmin drawings are running around the fields, take into hands with a special excitement: it seems sometimes that before you a manuscript that has not yet cooled a magic feather from running.

Now we can already talk about the tradition of appealing to the sketches and sketches of the poet itself in Russian graphics, although the artists go to Pushkin in different ways. But what Kuzmin did, illustrating the "Eugene Onegin", uniquely.

The first who drew the most serious attention to Pushkin drawings was a schedule Nikolai Kuzmin. His drawings to the novel "Eugene Onegin" in the book are placed as the sketches of Pushkin - on the fields. They, as if instant sketches made almost on the go. But it only seems. What patience, with what love was needed to delve into the pictures of the poet to learn not to imitate him, no, but draw, every line, every stroke reminding the unique Pushkin manner! And so, scattering between Onegin Stanf, we naturally live in our eyes of the heroes of Roman Onegin, Lensky, Lamb Larns, a secular crowd, St. Petersburg street ... And between them, more and more often - who is this, familiar and unfamiliar? - increasingly flashes a thin face in Bengnebards, surprised thin eyebrows ...

In the drawings of Kuzmin, Pushkin becomes the hero of his novel, and the hero of the most important and most interesting. And the point is not only that the artist's Pushkin looks like a self-portrait, but in the fact that finally the image of the poet occupied the place in the novel, which he applies. The line of the pattern is light and musical, like the Oneginskaya stanza, it is in this stubborn. To draw a letter of Onegin, or thinking the poet of the death of Lensky, or the longing of Tatiana about the left-handed Onegin is impossible. But to portray on paper, as Onegin misses his office, as Lensky falls into the snow, as Tatiana wanders on the house of Onegin, you can. Draw the heroes so that Pushkin sympathy and Pushkin irony felt behind them, you can.

A lot of female images we encounter on the pages of the work of A. S. Pushkin. The poet always distinguished love for a woman in the highest sense of the word. Female images of A. S. Pushkin is almost an ideal, clean, innocent, high, lightweight. Of course, not the last place in the gallery of female images is the heroine of the novel "Captain's daughter" Masha Mironova. The author with great warmth refers to this heroine.
Masha is a traditional Russian name, it emphasizes the simplicity, the naturalness of the heroine. In this girl, there are no original, outstanding traits, it's not better to define the definition of "cute girl". And at the same time, this image is poetic, elevated and attractive.
Masha Mironova was brought up in a family with patriarchal struck, who adhered to the old nobility traditions. Due to this, she is obedient, calm, modest. She will never cross the fraction of decency, will not go on its moral debt and will not go against conscience. So, she would never marry Swabrin, even if this decision threatened her death. Recall, in what condition they find a locked Masha Pugachev and Grinev. Her upbringing, her principles did not allow Masha to be bowed to the screw.
A. S. Pushkin puts his heroine with love, and it passes this test with honor. To achieve well-being, Masha had to postpone a lot of heavy blows: Favorite was wounded on a duel, then the parents of the bridegroom do not give her blessing to a lawful marriage, her own parents die. A Pugachev Riot burst into the size life of Masha. Ironically, this event, instead of separating two lovers, connected them.
Nowhere has not been manifested by the nature of Masha Mironova, as on the last pages of the book, where she goes to the royal village without any doubt, to ask the empress to pardon Greeneva. This act boldly, because a young girl who does not know life is going to the unknown, and doubly rested because she wants to enter into an extra nobleman, which is very risky for her itself. She comes into fighting not only for their love, but also for justice. Tests that fell to Marya Ivanovna, soulfully burned it and did more. She was not broken by the death of parents, the harassment of Schwabrin, Arrest Greeneva. But at first she seemed so weak and helpless, afraid of shots, fainted. But when fate put her on the crossroads, she found the strength to fight for their happiness. Masha has become an adult in these trials.
A. S. Pushkin makes herself to suffer his heroine because it belongs to it tremble and gently. He knows that she will suffer these suffering, the most beautiful sides of his soul in them.
Masha Mironova has a strongly developed sense of debt and mental nobility. Her concept of debt develops into the concept of loyalty. Masha Mironova remained correcting cardiac attachment contrary to fear. She is a true daughter of his father. Mironov in life was a mild and good-natured man, but in an extreme situation showed a decisiveness worthy of a Russian officer. Masha also: she was a timid and impressionable, but when it came to her honor, she was ready to die, like a father, rather die than to do anything nasty conscience.
The spiritual qualities of Masha Mironova are beautiful: moral impeccability, loyalty to the word, determination, sincerity. She is able to love sincere, hotly and selflessly. And in the award she gets well-deserved happiness.
A. S. Pushkin, creating the image of Misha Mironova, put his soul in him, his love, his desire to see in a woman the embodiment of those high mental qualities that are so appreciated at all times. And Masha Mironova rightfully decorates the gallery of the images of Russian women created by our classics.

Roman "Captain's daughter" - mature and one of the best works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The novel creates a wide panorama of events on the eve and during the peasant war under the leadership of Pugachev. Heroic time gave birth and dedicated characters. I would like to stay on the image of Marya Ivanovna Mironova, trace all the changes that happened to her, explain their cause.
At the beginning of the work, a timid girl appears before us, which mother says about that she is "coward". The idleness that only is that "a frequent comb, yes broom, and Altyn money." Over time, the readers opens the character of Marya Ivanovna- "prudent and sensitive, girls." She is capable of deep and sincere love, but congenital nobility does not allow her to enjoy the principles. She is ready to abandon personal happiness, because there is no blessing of the parents. "No, Peter Andreich," Masha answered, "I will not go for you without the blessing of your parents." Without their blessing, you will not be happiness. We will conquer the will of God. " But the surrounding life varies sharply, the "rebels of Village Pugachev" rebels come to the fortress, and the position of Masha changes. From the captain's daughter, she becomes a captain of Schvabrin. It would seem that a weak and timid girl should comply with the will of his tormentor. But Masha shows the features here, still living in it implicitly. She is ready to die, just not to become his wife Alexei Ivanovich.
Savened by Pugachev and Grinev, Marya Ivanovna gradually acquires a lost balance. But here's a new test: Grinevo comes on trial as a traitor. It can only prove his innocence. Marya Ivanovna finds the strength and determination to go to the court of Empress to seek protection. Now in these fragile hands the fate of his beloved, the key to the future of happiness. And we see that in this girl there was a decisiveness, resourcefulness and mind to save Grneev, restore justice.
Thus, during the novel, the character of this girl is gradually changing. From a timid, short-sighted "panty" she grows into a bold and decisive heroine, able to defend their right to happiness. That is why the novel is named after her "Captain's daughter". She is a true heroine. Her best features will develop and manifest in the heroines of Tolstoy and Turgenev, Nekrasov and Ostrovsky.

Masha Mironova - the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress. This is an ordinary Russian girl, "round, rosy, with light rusia hair." For their kind, she was a cowardly: even a rifle shot was afraid. Masha lived quite closed, lonely; Grooms in their village was not. Her mother, Vasilis Egorovna, spoke about her: "Masha; the girl is on issuing, and what is the dowry? - a frequent ridge, yes broom, and Altyn money, with what to go to the bath. Well, if you find a kind man; and then Sydi herself in the girls of the New Youth Bride. "

Having become acquainted with Grneevoy, Masha loved him. After a quarrel of Schwabrin with Green and Green, she told about the offer of Schvabrin to become his wife. Masha's proposal, naturally, answered with refusal: "Alexey Ivanovich, of course, a smart man, and a good surname, and has a condition; but as I think that it will be necessary to kiss under the crown with him." For anything! No well-being ! " Masha, who did not dream of fabulous wealth, did not want to marry the settlement.

On a duel with a Swabrian Grineev, it was seriously injured and broke out without consciousness for several days. All these days Masha cared for him. Having come to themselves, Grinyov confesses to her in love, after which she confessed to Greenwood without any hemanhood and said that her parents would be happy with her happiness. " But Masha did not want to get married without the blessing of his parents. The blessing of Grinyov did not receive, and Masha immediately moved away from him, although she was very difficult to do it, since her feelings still remained strong.

After capturing the fortress, the parents of Masha were executed, and she hid it in her house Popia. Schvabrin, intimating the pop with Pettoch, took Masha and planted under the castle, forcing him to marry him. Fortunately, she managed to send a letter to Greenwood with a request for release: "God was pleased to deprive me suddenly the father and mother: I don't have any relatives on earth, nor patrons. I resort to you, knowing that you always wanted me good and that you all Man ready to help ... "

Grinyov did not leave her in a difficult moment and came along with Pugachev. Masha had a conversation with Pugachev, from which he learned that Shvabrin was not her husband. She said: "He's not a husband for me. I will never be his wife! I better decided to die, and I will die if I don't get rid of". After these words, Pugachev understood everything: "Come out, the Red Maiden; I give you will." Masha saw a man who was the killer of her parents, and, along with that, her delightman. And instead of words of gratitude, "she closed her face with both hands and fell without feelings."

Pugachev released Greeneva with Masha, saying at the same time: "Take your beauty; drive it wherever you want, and give you God Love yes the Council!" They went to the parents of Grneeva, but on the road Grinev left to fight in another fortress, and Masha with Savelich continued his way. Greenyowa's parents accepted Masha well: "They saw the grace of God in the fact that they had the case to shelter and climb a poor sirot. Soon they were sincerely attached to her, because it was impossible to learn it and not to love." Greenyow's love for Masha no longer seemed to be his parents "Empty Blazew", they only wanted to marry their son on the captain's daughter.

Soon Grineeva arrested. Masha was very worried, because she knew the real cause of arrest and considered himself guilty of the misfortunes of Grineeva. "She hid themselves from all their tears and suffering and meanwhile thought about the means, as if to save."

Masha gathered to go to St. Petersburg, saying Greenyow's parents that "all the future fate it depends on this journey that she goes to seek patronage and help from strong people as a daughter of a man who had victims of her loyalty." In the royal village, walking around the garden, she met and talked with one noble lady. Masha told her about Greenyowa, and the lady promised to help, talking to the Empress. Soon Masha called to the palace. In the palace, she found out in Empress the very lady with which he spoke in the garden. The Empress announced her about the liberation of Grneeva, saying: "I'm in debt to the daughter of Captain Mironov."

Masha Mironova - the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress. This is an ordinary Russian girl, "round, rosy, with light rusia hair." For their kind, she was a cowardly: even a rifle shot was afraid. Masha lived quite closed, lonely; Grooms in their village was not. Her mother, Vasilis Egorovna, spoke about her: "Masha, girl on granting, and what is the dowry? - Fresh comb, yes broom, and Altyn money, with which to go to the bath. Well, if you find a kind person, and then sit in the girls of the Vidoshnaya Bride. "
Having become acquainted with Grneevoy, Masha loved him. After a quarrel of Schwabrin with Green and Green, she told about the offer of Schvabrin to become his wife. Masha, naturally, responded with refusal: "Alexey Ivanich, of course, a smart man, and a good surname, and has a condition; But as I think that it will be necessary in a crown at all with him to kiss. Never! For any well-being! " Masha, who did not dream of fabulous wealth, did not want to marry the settlement.
On a duel with a Swabrian Grineev, it was seriously injured and broke out without consciousness for several days. All these days Masha cared for him. Having come to themselves, Grinyov confesses to her in love, after which she confessed to Greenwood without any hemanhood and said that her parents would be happy with her happiness. " But Masha did not want to get married without the blessing of his parents. The blessing of Grinyov did not receive, and Masha immediately moved away from him, although she was very difficult to do it, since her feelings still remained strong.
After capturing the fortress, the parents of Masha were executed, and she hid it in her house Popia. Schvabrin, intimidating the pop with Pettoe, took Masha and planted under the castle, forcing him to marry him. Fortunately, she managed to send a letter to Greenwood with a request for release: "God was pleased to deprive me of Father and Mother: I don't have any relatives or patrons on earth. I resort to you, knowing that you have always wanted to me good and that you will be ready to help any person ... ".
Grinyov did not leave her in a difficult moment and came along with Pugachev. Masha had a conversation with Pugachev, from which he learned that Shvabrin was not her husband. She said: "He's not my husband. I will never be his wife! I better decided to die, and die, if I don't get rid of ". After these words, Pugachev understood everything: "Come out, the Red Maiden; I give you will. " Masha saw a man who was the killer of her parents, and, along with that, her delightman. And instead of words of gratitude, "she closed her face with both hands and fell without feelings."
Pugachev let go Grineeva with Masha, saying: "Take your beauty; Where do you want to go, and give you God love yes advice! " They went to the parents of Grneeva, but on the road Grinev left to fight in another fortress, and Masha with Savelich continued his way. Greenwood's parents accepted Masha well: "They saw the benefit of God in the fact that they had the case to shelter and climb a poor syrot. Soon, they were famously attached to her, because it was impossible to learn it and not to love. " Greenyow's love for Masha no longer seemed to be his parents "Empty Blazew", they only wanted to marry their son on the captain's daughter.
Soon Grineeva arrested. Masha was very worried, because she knew the real cause of arrest and considered himself guilty of the misfortunes of Grineeva. "She hid themselves from all their tears and suffering and meanwhile thought about the means, as if to save."
Masha gathered to go to St. Petersburg, saying Greenyow's parents that "all the future fate it depends on this journey that she goes to seek patronage and help from strong people as a daughter of a man who had victims of her loyalty." In the royal village, walking around the garden, she met and talked with one noble lady. Masha told her about Greenyowa, and the lady promised to help, talking to the Empress. Soon Masha called to the palace. In the palace, she found out in Empress the very lady with which he spoke in the garden. The Empress announced her about the liberation of Grneeva, saying: "I'm in debt to the daughter of Captain Mironov."
In the meeting of Masha with the empress truly revealed the nature of the captain's daughter - a simple Russian girl, a cowardly in kind, without any education that found in itself enough power, the hardestness of the spirit and inexperienced decisiveness to achieve his excuses of not the guilty groom .

Pushkin began to work on the novel "Captain's daughter" in early 1833. In the fall of 1836, the finally processed text of the novel was presented in censorship and after a while printed in the "Contemporary".
The intention of the "Captain's Daughter" could arise when Pushkin wrote "Dubrovsky". It also had to talk about the nobleman, who had tied his fate with the disagreement of the people. However, we will talk about the wonderful female character of this work - about Masha Mironova.
Masha Mironova - the daughter of the commandant of the Belogorsk Fortress. This is an ordinary Russian girl, "round, rosy, with light rusia hair." For their kind, she was a cowardly: even a rifle shot was afraid. Masha lived quite closed, lonely; Grooms in their village was not. Her mother, Vasilis Egorovna, spoke about her: "Masha; Girl on the issuance, and what is the dowry? - Fresh comb, yes broom, and Altyn money, with which to go to the bath. Well, if there is a kind person; And then sit in the girls of the New Yellow Bride. "
Having become acquainted with Grinev, Masha loved him. After a quarrel of Schvabrin with Grinev, she told the latter about the proposal of Shvabrin to become his wife. Masha, naturally, responded with refusal: "Alexey Ivanich, of course, a smart man, and a good surname, and has a condition; But as I think that it will be necessary in a crown at all with him to kiss. Never! For any well-being! " Masha, who did not dream of fabulous wealth, did not want to marry the calculation.
The Grineal was seriously wounded on a duel with a Swabrian Grievous and broke out without consciousness for several days. All these days Masha cared for him. Having come to themselves, Grinevo confesses to her love, after which she confessed to Grinevo in the heart leaning and said that her parents would be happy with her happiness. " But Masha did not want to get married without the blessing of his parents. The blessings did not receive Grineh, and Masha immediately moved away from him, although it was very difficult for her, since her feelings were still very strong.
After capturing the fortress, Pugachev's parents of Masha were executed, and she hid it in his house Popel. Schvabrin, intimidating the pop with Petal, took Masha and planted under the castle, hoping to get her consent to marry him. Fortunately, she manages to send a letter to Grinevo with a request to release: "God has pleased to deprive me of Father and Mother: I have no relatives, nor patrons on earth. I resort to you, knowing that you always wanted to me good and that you will be ready to help any person. "
Grinev did not leave her in a difficult moment and came along with Pugachev. Masha had a conversation with Pugachev, from which he learned that Shvabrin her was not a husband. She said: "He's not my husband. I will never be his wife! I will better die if you do not get rid of ". After these words, Pugachev understood everything: "Come out, the Red Maiden; I give you will ": Masha saw a man in front of him who was the killer of her parents, and, along with this, her delight. And instead of words of gratitude, "she closed her face with both hands and fell without feelings."
Pugachev let go Grneev with Masha, saying: "Take your beauty; Where do you want to go, and give you God love yes advice! " They went to the parents of Greeneva, but it happened on the road so that Grinev was forced to leave her beloved for a while (fought in another fortress), and Masha with Savelich continued his way. Greeneva's parents accepted Masha well: "They saw the grace of God in the fact that they had the case to shelter and climb a poor syrot. Soon they were sincerely attached to her, because it was impossible to learn it and not to love. " The love of Greeneva to Masha no longer seemed to be his parents' empty blazew ", they just wanted to marry their son on the captain's daughter.
Soon Grneev arrested. Masha was very worried, because she knew the real cause of arrest and considered herself guilty of all the misfortunes Greeneva. "She hid him from all their tears and suffering and meanwhile thought of the means, as if to save him."
Masha gathered to go to St. Petersburg, saying Greeneva's parents that "all the future destiny it depends on this journey that she goes to seek patronage and help from strong people as a daughter of a man who suffered for his loyalty." In the royal village, walking around the garden, she met and talked with one noble lady. Masha told her about Greeneva, and the lady promised to help. Soon Masha called to the palace. In the palace, she found out in Empress the very lady with which he spoke in the garden. The Empress announced her about the liberation of Greeneva, saying: "I'm in debt to the daughter of Captain Mironov."
In a meeting, Masha with the Empress truly reveals the nature of the captain's daughter - a simple Russian girl, a cowardly in nature, as her own mother said, but who found in herself at the required moment, the hardness of the spirit and adamant decisiveness to achieve an excuse of his Not the guilty groom.

Come up with the continuation of the fairy tales ... it is very necessary, please ...... Once a hundred years old, the most kind of all the most kind of old people - Santa Frost - on the night under the new

year brings seven magic paints. With these paints, you can draw everything that you want, and drawn comes to life. If such paints fall an evil boy or an angry girl they can do a lot of trouble. Therefore, Santa Claus has been checking the hearts of children for a long time, and then he already chooses who of them to give magic paints.

Please arrange punctuation marks, and answer the question, in which sentence out of four you need to put a dash? Please distribute the signs of the prohibina

and answer the question, in which sentence out of four you need to put a dash?

18. In the suggestions below, all commas are numbered from the read text. Write down the digit denoting the comma between the pieces of complex

proposals related to writing bond.
Entering the class, (1) Ilya put the kitten to the refined San, (2) and he hid it into his portfolio. On the last change, the main enemies of the genus of human, (3) Murygin and Mutyukin, (4) the kitten a little searched, (5) but soon forgotten.

19. In the proposal below, all commas are numbered from the read text. Write the digit that denotes the comma between the parts of a complex sentence associated with writing bond.
You see, (1) How the girl loves Katya: she almost does not release her from her hands, (2) and goes to bed, (3) and eats with her, (4) And we are missing day and night.

20. In the following suggestions from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write the digit that denotes the comma between the parts of a complex sentence associated with writing bond.
Anna Nikolaevna told about the last news from the front, (1) and Vovka, (2) he had an honorable duty, (3) moved the flags on the map under the guidance of the teacher.
Our friable beat, (4) Flags moved every day, (5) Expanding the front of the attacks, (6) and that day came far forward.

21. In the suggestions below, all commas are numbered from the read text. Write out the numbers denoting the commas between the parts of the complex proposal associated with writing bond.
The crown on my head, (1) Alas, (2) was not, (3) And the vengeous pests were, (4) and I loved the command very much.
The kingdom of toys in its own way reflected the real world, (5) is not humiliating anyone, (6) And the elevative me.

22. In the proposals below, all commas are numbered from the read text. Write the digit that denotes the comma between the parts of a complex sentence associated with writing bond.
The biography of Virtual Mita was invented without difficulty, (1) I took a photo from my mother's album: a young man sits on a ride on some kind of fence and smiling beautifully. His eyes are light, (2) And the hair is dark, (3) as on request ...
Having done everything, (4) What is needed, (5) To fill the Mitina page, (6) Nina exhaled satisfied and leaned back on the back of the computer chair, (7) to admire the hands of his hands.

23. In the proposal below, all commas are numbered from the read text. Write the digit that denotes the comma between the parts of a complex sentence associated with writing bond.
He sat down in the same place, (1) near the legs of the bed, (2) and, (3) when someone leaning over him, (4) He with a formidable powerless impression of ahead of a jealous culbage.

The sound of the phrase "Captain's Daughter" The image of Masher Mironova draws completely different, not as described on the pages of the story. It seems that this should be a girl with a mischievous, bold character, bold and flirty.

However, the main heroine of the book is a completely different girl. She is completely devoid of coquets, she is not peculiar to the enthusiasm and the desire of young girls to like everyone without exception. Maria is a different image. Masha Mironova - the essay of each schoolboy quotes this passage - "Kruglitce, Rushane, with light-rusia hair, smoothly combed behind the ears", a modest eighteen-year-old girl. It is unlikely that someone from young readers consider it an attractive special, worthy imitation.

Life and upbringing

The image of Masher Mironova is inextricably linked with the characteristics of her parents - Ivan Kuzmich and Vasilisa Egorovna. Their life proceeded by the Belogorsk fortress, not far from Orenburg. They lived in a small village with close streets and a low dressing, where Samkomdant occupied a simple wooden house.

Mary Mironova's parents were sincere and cordial people. The captain walked a little educated man, but was distinguished by honesty and kindness to people. Vasilisa Egorovna - a welcoming woman, accustomed to the military population of life. For many years she learned to deftly control the fortress.

In short, the girl lived closed, communicating, mostly with his parents.

Her mother said that Masha - a girl on her grant, but she had absolutely no, so it's good if I find that he marries her. It is possible that Vasilis Egorovna shared his thoughts and with her daughter, which could hardly add her confidence.

True character of the captain's daughter

The image of Masha Mironova, at first glance, for sure many will seem rather boring. She also did not like Peter Grinevo. Despite the fact that Masha lived secluded, one can say closed, surrounded by parents and soldiers, the girl grew very sensitive. Maria, despite the apparent timidity, was a bold, strong kind of genus capable of sincere, deep feelings. Masha Mironova refused to offer Schvabrin to become his wife, although he, by the standards of society, was an enviable fiance. Mary did not have feelings for him, and I did not agree to the captain's daughter. Having loved Peter Greeneva, Masha openly talks about his feelings in response to his explanation. However, a marriage who did not bless the parents of the bridegroom, the girl disagrees, because he is distinguished from Grneeva. This suggests that Masha Mironova is a sample of highly morality. Only later, when Petra's parents fell in love with her, Maria became his wife.

Tests in the life of Mary Mironova

The share of this girl can not be called easy. However, the image of Masher Mironova is revealed under the influence of difficulties more fully.

For example, after the execution of the parents, when Maria sheltered Popads, and Schwabrin put her under the castle and tried to make her marry him, she managed to write Peter Grinevo about his position. Getting rid of the girl in a completely unexpected guise. Her Savior became Pugachev, the killer of her father and mother, who let them go with Grinev. After the liberation, Peter sent a girl to live towards her parents, sincerely loved Maria. Masha Mironova is an image of real Russian but with this vane and sensitive. While it falls into fainting from the shot of guns, in matters relating to her honor, the girl shows an unprecedented hardness of character.

Best mental quality heroine

The image of Masher Mironova is even more fully revealed after the arrest of Peter Greeneva, when she showed the true nobility of his nature. The guilty of the trouble that occurred in the life of the beloved, Maria considers himself and indiscriminately thinking how to rescue the groom. For the apparent timidity of the girl hides the heroic nature capable of all for the sake of a loved one. Masha goes to Petersburg, where in the garden of the Tsarsky village meets a notable lady and decides to tell her about his misfortunes. Her interlocutor, who was the Empress itself, promises to help. The determination and hardness manifested by the girl saves Peter Greeneva from imprisonment.

The image of Masha Mironova in the story undergoes strong dynamics. The misfortune that happened to Grievo allows it to be revealed as a solid, mature, one can say a heroic personality.

Maria Mironova and Masha Trocery

A. S. Pushkin began writing the story "Captain's daughter" in 1833. The plan of this book, most likely, originated when the writer worked on the tale of "Dubrovsky". In this work, Pushkin also has a female image. Masha Mironova, the essay about which schoolchildren usually write, is a completely different personality than her thesis.

Maria Troekharova also lives secluded, however, in the raised conditions, in the parent estate. The girl loves the novels and, of course, is waiting for a "beautiful prince." Unlike Masha Mironova, she could not defend her love, she didn't have a determination for it.

It seems that the happy finals ending with the "Captain's daughter", the author is trying to smooth out the bloodshed that happened in Dubrovsky.

The image of Merron and Tatyana Larina

The image of our heroine to a certain extent was conspited by another female character created by A. S. Pushkin in the novel "Eugene Onegin" - Tatyana Larina. "Captain's daughter" was written later by Evgeny Onegin about five years. The image of Merron Maronova is revealed more fully and deeply than the characteristic of Tatiana. Perhaps this is partly due to the fact that the author himself became a little adult. Masha is also, but even more than Tatyana, relatives to the folk medium.

Main theme and idea of \u200b\u200bwork

The main problem that Pushkin is denoted in his novel is a matter of honor and debt. This can be guessing already on the epigraph represented in the form of a folk proverb: "Take care of the honor of the Smoloda." The main characters of the story show these qualities in their own way. Peter Grinev, despite the difficult circumstances, is faithful to this oath. Schvabrin, without thinking and not delight in the problems of the country and the people, passes to the side of Emelyan Pugacheva. Grynev's servant, Savelich, was devoted to Peter, performs the ads of the old Barin, watches his son, cares for him. Ivan Kuzmich, the commandant dies, fulfilling his debt.

The image of the main character of the story is also inherently connected with the concepts of debt, courage and loyalty. Maria Mironova, like the old captain, rather, is ready to die than to do something, nasty conscience.

Another leading theme of the "Captain Daughter" is the topic of the family, which is why home, personal relationships. In the story, the author represents two families - Grine and Mironov, who handed over to their children, Peter and Mary, the best human virtues.
It is in the family conditions that moral qualities are formed, such as spirituality, philanthropy, mercy. This topic in the story is just as important as the topic of debt.

The image of Masher Mironova is briefly characterized literally a pair of words, and in consciousness, most often, the appeals of a modest, ruddy, a church of the girl pops up. The depth of her character makes it clear how hiding under an imperious appearance.