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Dear brothers and sisters Stalin. Stalin's historical appeals to the Soviet people (speech recording). The enemy will be divided

13:11 27.07.2016 | Articles and comments

To the 75th anniversary of the appeal of Stalin to the Soviet people

Such is our story - the great and long-suffering that there is no one in it, which is called the "living place", the same perceived and assessed by the Russian world community.

Even this, ingenious in his simplicity, deeply meaningful beginning in the appeal of the leader to the Soviet people is interpreted by liberal circles - public and church, the dared, which arose not suddenly - like flirting with the people, forced to replace the usual Bolshevik rhetoric.

« Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! Fighters of our army and fleet! I appeal to you, my friends!» - With a deep feeling, for the first time in Russian history, these words began on the radio on July 3, 1941 Stalin.

In a verbal triade - "Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! ", As in a drop of water, reflected the changed, after October 17 of the year 17, the composition of the society of the former Russian Empire. At the head of his "citizens", in the first place, became "comrades", but also those and others - all of them, nevertheless, "brothers and sisters", among which there are many, directly in spirit, the heirs of Orthodox Russia for which these Two words are especially memorable and familiar.

Of course, not everything was so simple in the Soviet society, and this confirmed war. Many "citizens" did not fully adopt "comrades", being unable to forgive them "their business" in Red Terror, in the genocide of the Russian people, the destruction of temples and clergymen. But, in the words "brothers and sisters", called the call for the union: "There was a serious danger over our homeland."

Common sense, if it is consciously not disconnected, does not allow to deny the leading role of Stalin - the Supreme Commander of the USSR Sun, Chairman of the State Committee, in the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. The history of severe this war testifies that the victory, ultimately, was achieved by the superiority of the Soviet Army over Hitler, equipped better than German, military equipment, thanks to the best organization of work of the entire USSR industry, incredible, the heroic efforts of the entire people on the front and in Rear, in partisan detachments and underground resistance.

Demagogical rhetoric of the liberal hierarch of the ROC: "I believe that Stalin was a monster, a spiritual freak that created a terrible, antichelological system of the country management, built on lies, violence and terror. He untied the genocide against the people of his country and carries personal responsibility for the death of millions of innocent people. In this regard, Stalin is quite comparable to Hitler ... The victory in the war is the victory of the people. The people who showed the greatest will to resist. The wonder of victory in the war is the great phenomenon of the spirit of our people, who did not manage to break Neither Stalin, nor Hitler [Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev). Mission to the world].

"Miracle" is a Soviet military equipment: the world's best Russian artillery - "God of War", the best tank of World War II T-34, the world's best "flying tank" is an armored attack aircraft IL-2 (the most massive plane of the Second World War ), the famous jet artillery "Katyusha", who horrified on the Hitlerians.

Stalin personally knew all the designers, directors of army factories, held the timelines and the number of combat technology produced. This is written and removed so much a film that not to know these facts of history can only a person who does not want to know and take apparent.

But no matter how great the merit of Stalin in the construction of socialism in the USSR, victory in the Great Patriotic War, creating our "nuclear shield", to the relationship of it to the Russian Orthodox Church, the assessment of the authorities of that period - remain the main in our religious consciousness. Was the power of Stalin from God or he really, was the "monster, spiritual freak", which can be compared with Hitler? Consider this topic more carefully.

For the people of my generation, the Komsomol residents of the 50s, who were standing on the mourning post at the banner in those March 53 years, for our front-line parents - a comparison of Stalin with Hitler is unthinkable, blasphemous and offensive. My native Uncle Clemenov Moses Kaleevich, a member of the Stalingrad battle, in his last ride to his sister, took with him, together with medals, premium diplomas for combat merit signed by Stalin. In our city hospital, he died soon, before his death, he asked that a rifle volley was produced on his grave. But he was ordinary, and so bury the military, just starting with Major, as the mother's local military team explained. Getting from Kuban, Uncle Moses was a calm, weathered man, but I don't know, he would restrain him, hearing such words about Stalin.

On the "Russian People's Line", in the "urgent topic" "Stalin", one of its authors explained to readers about people who insult the memory of the leader: « People, cursing Stalin, these are those who understand that they are revealed as the fifth column of our reality» [Hegumen Evstaphius: Stalin's dialectic - red against black].

I will add, as I understand it, in a broader sense, the faithful of these words: these people cut off their way of retreat, inspired by the outside, they decided to go against Russia and its people.

Stalin destroyed demons generated by the revolution on the Russian land. Stalin expelled the fascist demons from the Russian land. And therefore, following the words of St. John of Zlatoust, let's say that it is ridiculous and recklessly identifying Hitler with Stalin and say that he has no power from God ...

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill in July 2009, speaking live in the world's largest television channel "Inter", said: " And in the Nazism, and in Stalinism there are repression, and against its own people, too, as in many other modes that existed. But how does Nazism differ from any other system? It is distinguished by his horizontality ... This policy and philosophy, which justified any human cruelty, which sets its goal for the destruction of people. That's why it is impossible to put everything for one level»...

And Russian President Vladimir Putin about the specified topic said that " it is impossible to put Nazism and Stalinism on one board, because the Nazis directly, openly, publicly announced one of the goals of their policies - the destruction of entire ethnic groups: Jews, Gypsy, Slavs. With all the deformity of the Stalinist regime, with all the repression, even with all the references of entire peoples, all the same, the goal of the destruction of peoples never put the Stalinist regime, and the attempt to put on one board alone and others absolutely does not have any soil"[CIT. by: Igor Evsin. ].

The question of repression remains one of the key in the assessment of the acts of Stalin. Only it is not necessary to attribute to him, unprecedented along the scale, the genocide of the Russian people under Lenin, who works by His comrades to Sverdlovy, Zinoviev, Trotsky, and bear the number of his associates and continules of the world, the global revolution. Hegumen Eustafius, whose words have already been given, speaking of suffering and about the dialectic nature of Stalin's policies, explains: the victims of the Stalin period did not disappear for nothing - these were the inevitable historically victims of the creation, the construction of the country in which the future generations could have lived happily.

By the way, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) grew safely, he was educated, including the musical, so came in the army and now, in this, created under the Stalinist Board, the country. The victims of the breakdown period of the USSR, privatization, with its bloody, otherwise you can not say, the leader of the property, the construction is now unknown by what, capitalism is not less than the "Stalinist repression", deliberately exaggerated by Trotskyist Nikita Khrushchev.

Under Stalin, there was a noticeable increase in the population of the country: abortions were prohibited, the nursery, kindergartens, schools were built, were implemented in relevant human rights to free medical care, education, social security, old-age pensions.

That now most worries people, so this is justice that has always been in the price of Russia: to live on conscience. Under Stalin, if there was corruption, then not in the power structures, but for the most part in trade. Nowadays, power cannot cope with corruption, even on the topmost floors - governor and ministerial. And now tell me, was the power of Stalin not pleased with God?!

Stalin is creative, according to the current moment, approached the problems of ideology, considering it key in the raising of the people. This is what one of the authors of the RNL writes about this.

"Recall, for example, as the Soviet ideology changed during the Great Patriotic War. One appeal "Brothers and Sisters" On July 3, 1941, Stalin changed our ideological official doctrine - a completely different spiritual spirit. Bolsheviks-bootiers, Trotskyists he was deeply alien ...

Stalin has changed the pure Leninism-Bolshevism, first of all it is in spirit. He left the goals of the "Mirove Revolution", he set the state interests to the empire recreated by him, he rehabilitated Russian patriotism, he recognized the legitimate place of the church in the Soviet Society - becoming in this, one can say, like-minded people with Metropolitan Sergius, who according to his will It was elected in 1943 by the Patriarch - and not because before that, Stalin would not want it, but because there was no possibility, he would not have given this ...

So, the main discrepancy between Stalin with Bolshevism was in returning to the Russian spirit in our lives. That's what he most did not suit the Bolshevik-Trotskyist-Leninist, and not at all a communist pro-Western intelligentsia, and the whole west. And still does not suit. And never satisfies. Spirit is not that! All other conversations are about the "cult of personality", about repressions, is all the secondary. The cult of personality was Lenin much more, as well as victims of Leninsky repression, completely unreasonable, - this is all accepted by the "freedom-loving West", it does not interfere with anyone ... why? Because it was against traditional Russia, there was one spirit with the West, with Russophobia and the worn, with those who always stand behind them ... "[Archpriest Nikolai Bulgakov. Revenge Bolshevism. To the 60th anniversary of the XX CPSU Congress].

Common thought in his conversation was expressed by Hegumen Eustafia (Jacques): "Stalin became the" owner "in 1939, when Litvinov was removed, closely related to the West." Our attention should be paid to this circumstance: there are many people like Litvinov, if not for the intellectual level, then on passionate desire to break through to the top of the authorities, it appeared in Russia.

The exact feature for identifying people of this kind, including Stalin's loans, is their melting in the media. After all, everyone is widely known: where the wind blows in the sails of their imaginary "popularity", the polar opposite of the opinions of people thinking about them, in which there was never a lack in Russia. The trouble is that such people the Russian power, to put it mildly, dislikes, limiting their coming to the "Brazdam of the Board".

Let us return, however, to the topic of this article and give the word to the author RNL Igor Evsin.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Sergius (Stargorodsky): "Previously of the new state year in earliest, we will pray for an empty country of our and the authority of her led by our brand name. Yes, gives them the Lord of Power and the fortress for many years to make their great ministry for the benefit of the peoples entrusted to them ...

Patriarch Alexy (Simansky) in publications ... Nets Stalin in a brilliant leader, and also "Our headed Supreme leader", "the wise leader, whom God's fishe elected and put our fatherland on the path of prosperity and glory» .

Also, the famous Metropolitan Nikolai (Yarushevich) - Head of the SSSS MP ... calls Stalin in the genius, and besides "By God put on his feat of the ministry of our Motherland» [Igor Evsin. Stalin. Did his power been from God? ].

"Until the 30s, Stalin was only one of the influential political figures, but in subsequent years its political weight in domestic policy is out of competition. He is a undoubted leader. It should be noted that Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov made a career thanks to powerful external support for the special services of England, Germany and the United States. Lenin was burdened with obligations to his sponsors, who called "useful idiots" (however, from their dependence, despite endless concessions and victims, he could not get rid of him). Trotsky and Sverdlov (Wall Street People) were obliged to Jewish world capital, were also under certain influence of the external forces that investigated large money in the Russian revolution.

Stalin seems to be ascertained with political Olympus due to its efforts, without the help of foreign special services. Being prudent in relationships, had a chance and was able to become an independent politician, which cannot be said about his political competitors.

Under the leadership of Stalin, the country again, as it was with Russian autocrats, gained full state sovereignty. Stalin returned to Russia autocracy in a distorted perverted form. He was able to establish a state system with sole supreme power. During the years of his board, as with autocracy, the people knew at the top of the authority one name - Stalin "[Nikolay Dozmorov. Remember Stalin].

School years of my years fell on the edges of the camps and exiles: Kazakhstan - North and Central, Eastern Siberia. Often, the road to school passed by the "barbs", behind which the seks worked, and sometimes, during school classes, we heard the shootings of security: they were endless attempts to shoot from the zone of the buildings. In those edges, almost every fifth-sixth adult man graduated from the Stalinist "School", but never anywhere, no one had to hear a bad word about Stalin.

Forever I remember the words of the mother, spoken by her after the death of the leader: "How will we, son, live without Stalin?" My respectful, without exaltation, the attitude to Stalin did not change the report of Khrushchev at the XX CPSU Congress, with whom I introduced us to the father of my comrade, Frontovik, Colonel, who occupies a high camp for prisoners, which was located near our homes, on the opposite Side of the ravine.

I did not change my relationship to Stalin and reading the books of Solzhenitsyn. It is like attitudes towards parents - holy and unquestion: so that we will not recognize the new things about them, sometimes not quite pleasant to us, they remain our native people.

Our Stalin, such for us and our history will remain forever and this fact is not given to change anyone. Father John (Peastery) gave the wise council on Joseph Stalin: "Do not condemn it, God's judge to him. And you do not be judges "[Leonid Bolotin. John's father (peasantkin) and his advice regarding Joseph Stalin].

The site of the TV channel "Star" publishes the cycle of articles about the Great Patriotic War of 19411945 of the writer Leonid Maslovsky, based on his book "Russian Pravda", published in 2011. In his author's materials, Maslovsky, according to him, exposes "the myths on the events of the Great Patriotic War exposed to Russia and shows the greatness of our victory." The author notes that in his articles is going to "show the non-departious role of the West in the preparation of Germany to war from the USSR." The third of July 1941 I. V. Stalin appealed to the people on the radio, starting speech with the following words: "Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! Fighters of our army and fleet! I appeal to you, my friends! The treacherous military attack of Hitler's Germany on our homeland, started on June 22, continues. "Stalin did not hide the excitement, said the truth, strengthened faith in the coming victory. "Despite the heroic resistance of the Red Army, despite the fact that the best divisions of the enemy and the best parts of his aviation are already broken and found their grave on the battlefields, the enemy continues to climb ahead, throwing new forces to the front. Hitler's troops managed to capture Lithuania, a significant part Latvia, Western part of Belarus, part of Western Ukraine. Fascist aviation expands the districts of its bombers, exposing bombardments Murmansk, Orsha, Mogilev, Smolensk, Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol. Over our homeland hung a serious danger. How could it happen that our glorious Red Army passed the fascist troops a number of our cities and districts? Is the German-fascist troops really are invincible troops, how are they tirelessly fascist brandy propagandists about it? Of course not! History shows that there is no invincible armies and did not happen ... The same should be said about the current German-fascist army of Hitler. This army did not meet even serious resistance on the continent of Europe. Only in our territory she met serious resistance. And if as a result of this resistance, the best divisions of the German-fascist army were broken by our Red Army, it means that the Hitler's fascist army can also be broken and will be divided, as Napoleon and Wilhelm's army were broken. "Dealer I. V. Stalin Analyzes the reason for the temporary success of fascist Germany, the feasibility of concluding a non-aggression Covenant in 1939, saying that Germany, violating the pact, exposed "himself in the eyes of the whole world as a bloody aggressor ... That's why our entire valiant army, our entire valiant naval Fleet, all our falcon pilots, all the peoples of our country, all the best people in Europe, America and Asia, finally, all the best people in Germany - brand the treacherous actions of the German fascists ... and see that our business is right that the enemy will be divided that we Must win. In force of the war imposed to us, our country entered into a mortal fight with his worst and insidious enemy - the German fascism ... what is required in order for the face Sewing the danger that hung over our homeland, and what measures do you need to take to defeat the enemy? First of all, it is necessary that our people, Soviet people understand the whole depth of danger, which threatens our country, and renounced the complaunt, from carelessness, on the sentiment of peaceful construction, quite understandable in pre-war time, but the harmful currently, when the war is fundamentally Changed the position. The enemy is cruel and inexorable. "Stallin explains the goals of the enemy, calls for stopping being carefree, mobilize himself and rebuilding all his work on a new, military manner," not knowing the mercy of the enemy ", prevent whins, cowardice, panic and desertion." Peoples of the Soviet Union Must rise to protect their rights, their land against the enemy. Red Army, Red Fleet and All Citizens of the Soviet Union must defend each Soviet Earth's span, fight the last drop of blood for our cities and villages, to show courage, initiative and a mustache, peculiar to our people, "said Stalin then The Red Army was injured, about strengthening the rear, about the help of our fighter battalions in the fight against saboteurs, enemy paratroopers, about the need to depart the entire mobile railway train, not to leave the enemy of valuable property, food, fuel, to invite all the cattle, on the creation of partisan detachments, On the nature of our war as the War of the "National Domestic" and the liberation, that "we will have faithful allies", about the transfer of all the completeness of the authorities in the state to the State Committee to the State Committee, about the need to solve around the party and the government to defeat the enemy, For victory. In the end of the speech, I. V. Stalin appealed to the people with calls: "All our si Lians - to support our heroic red army, our glorious Red Fleet! All the forces of the people - in the defeat of the enemy! Forward, for our victory! ". The people believed in their strength, the country's strength, in victory. She believed Stalin, as believed to be a native father. Researcher O. A. Platonov writes: "In fact, in his appeal to the people, Stalin outlined the program of nationwide struggle against the enemy. Its simple and accessible language allowed to convey many important tasks of war to the heart and the mind of many Russian people. The moral value of his speech was huge. The words "our business right, the enemy will be divided" became the main slogan of the whole of the Great Patriotic War. Hardness and confidence in the victory inspired Russian people. "Everyone of 1941 on the strength of Soviet people, the poet and writer S. V. Mikhalkov wrote:" We want to recognize or do not want to recognize today, but it is his speech that began With the words "brothers and sisters! "Forty-first caused unprecedented enthusiasm in people of various ages. They went to call points by volunteers. Vera in the Word is a huge faith, if his authoritative person says. And the fact that Stalin has been for millions of an authoritative person, can deny it either by the scorement Or by evil intent. "But today they are also writing about Stalin on evil intent, and about the disorderly flight of our troops in the summer of 1941. Estimated domestic war flared up, absorbing more and new territories of the USSR. Twenty-sixth of September 1941 in the summary of the German Supreme Command reported About the victory near Kiev. It was said that 665 thousand people were captured, 3,718 guns and 884 tanks were captured. He did not write about these statements, but with the beginning of restructuring they began to penetrate into many historical works and even textbooks. Russian historians denied these Information, indicating that before the beginning of the Kiev operation in the South-Western Front, there were 677,085 people. By the end of the operation Only in the front connections that avoided the environments and moved with the battles on the rear binds, there were 150,541 people. If you consider that the troops of the south-western front during fierce fighting, almost all September, suffered large losses, a significant number of troops escaped the environment, considerable The part broke through the enemy ring, the Germans could be captured under Kiev no more than 50 thousand people. The South-West and Bryansky fronts were actually stopped by Romn the offensive of the troops of Guderian, but a tank blow from the Kremenchug bridgeheads secretly focused four German tank divisions Guderian eventually decided the outcome of the battle of the southwestern front near Kiev in favor of the German troops. The Kiev battle was won by the Germans by stopping the offensive in the Moscow direction and unfolding Guderian's tank divisions to the south, to Kiev. About Kiev Defensive Battle of A. M. Vasilevsky wrote: "The enemy has succeeded an expensive price. The Red Army in the fierce battles defeated the ten personnel diaper divisions. He lost more than 100 thousand soldiers and officers. The loss of the enemy continued to grow. For more than a month, the Soviet troops of the "Center" army team in the Kiev direction were held back. It was very important for the preparation of the battle near Moscow. "Thekiev defensive battle lasted from July 7 to September 26, 1941. Our troops near Kiev were to death. Wehrmacht did not see such a resistance in any of the wars unleashed by Germany. Hitler's favorite Feldmarshal Pon Side wrote: "Kiev is a brilliant success. But the Russians, as they stood in front of me were inepent, and stand, and I don't know whether to smash them. "After the fall of Kiev, it was harder to keep the defense Odessa, which for 73 days fought with 18 German and Romanian divisions, and only on October 16, our Parts organizedly left the city. The high schools did not give rest and the Crimea, from which our aviation could destroy the Romanian oil crafts. Therefore, on October 18, the German fascist troops began the offensive and by mid-November took the territory of Crimea, except the city of Russian Glory - Sevastopol. In 1941, Sevastopol was not able to Germans. The Red Army and the Black Sea Fleet defended the city of 250 days, from October 30, 1941 to July 4, 1942. The Molensky battle continued from July 10 to September 10, 1941. It was one of the reasons for changing the Barbaross Plan. Smolensk battle, which turned on the front up to 650 kilometers and to a depth of 250 kilometers, threw the Hitler's Lightning War Plan against the USSR. Soviet troops caused a heavy damage to the Center for Army "Center". In World War II, the fascist troops were first forced to go to defense in the main direction. In addition, thanks to the Smolensk battle, the Hitler's command did not risk transferring the 3rd tank group for the attack on Leningrad. Smolensk battle, as well as the battle near Kiev, allowed the Soviet command to win the time to prepare the defense of Moscow and the subsequent defeat of the enemy in the Moscow battle of 1941-1942.Smolenskoye and Kiev battles proceeded at the same time, and they can be called one operation, temporarily Stopped the offensive of the German fascist hordes to Moscow. Military units, most distinguished in the Smolensk battle, was awarded the title of Guards. These were the first guards compounds in the Red Army. In the Yelninsk operation, which took place during the Smolensk battle, our troops who did not have the advantages in numbers, but superior opponents in the number of artillery guns, on August 30, 1941 were transferred to the offensive, German defense broke out, freed The town of Yelny, defeated by one motorized and seven infantry divisions of the Wehrmacht, was eliminated by the Yelninsky protrusion, threatening the left wing of the western front troops, the Germans dropped the Germans river, freed the significant territory of their native land and captured a lot of prisoners. As well as Smolensk battle, July 10 began a battle for Leningrad. On this day, the fascist troops began an offensive directly to Leningrad. We barely had enough strength to defend the city. To prevent the cutting down of Leningrad on land from the territory of the USSR, our troops failed, but also to close the ring of the environment. They did not allow German armies. To stop the Germans on the approaches to Volkhov, Volkhovskaya HPP and under Tikhvin, the BGK rate allocated four divisions to help, 20 thousand of them The fighters were immediately transferred by air, and the rest - Ladoga military flotilla. This fact indicates that our army and solid management, and airplanes, and the ships of the military flotilla in Ladoga Lake were sacred. The saints are the warriors who fell in the war, the winners who returned from the front home, are the holy workers who have governed weapons in the rear. For more than seven centuries, Europe went to Russia, but to overcome in battle Russia could not - did the "mysterious Russian souls" turned out for Europe. And in the army of Hitler there were all European peoples, except for Serbs and Greeks, and even the British were sitting on their islands. And they all killed our men, women, children. Hitler, German General Headquarters, theoretically, everything was correctly calculated: German troops quickly split the Soviet Arms near Leningrad and Kiev and join the armies coming to Moscow. But he did not take part that he was not Europe before him, but heroic Russia. In this case, the experience of war in Europe did not benefit, but in the harm of Germany. To be continued… Opinions expressed in the publications of Leonid Maslovsky are the opinions of the author and may not coincide with the views of the site of the TV channel "Star".

Such is our story - the great and long-suffering that there is no one in it, which is called the "living place", the same perceived and assessed by the Russian world community. Even this, ingenious in his simplicity, deeply meaningful beginning in the appeal of the leader to the Soviet people is interpreted by liberal circles - public and church, the dared, which arose not suddenly - like flirting with the people, forced to replace the usual Bolshevik rhetoric.

« Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! Fighters of our army and fleet! I appeal to you, my friends!» - With a deep feeling, for the first time in Russian history, these words began on the radio on July 3, 1941 Stalin.

In a verbal triade - "Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! ", As in a drop of water, reflected the changed, after October 17 of the year 17, the composition of the society of the former Russian Empire. At the head of his "citizens", in the first place, became "comrades", but also those and others - all of them, nevertheless, "brothers and sisters", among which there are many, directly in spirit, the heirs of Orthodox Russia for which these Two words are especially memorable and familiar.

Of course, not everything was so simple in the Soviet society, and this confirmed war. Many "citizens" did not fully adopt "comrades", being unable to forgive them "their business" in Red Terror, in the genocide of the Russian people, the destruction of temples and clergymen. But, in the words "brothers and sisters", called the call for the union: "There was a serious danger over our homeland."

Common sense, if it is consciously not disconnected, does not allow to deny the leading role of Stalin - the Supreme Commander of the USSR Sun, Chairman of the State Committee, in the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. The history of severe this war testifies that the victory, ultimately, was achieved by the superiority of the Soviet Army over Hitler, equipped better than German, military equipment, thanks to the best organization of work of the entire USSR industry, incredible, the heroic efforts of the entire people on the front and in Rear, in partisan detachments and underground resistance.

Demagogical rhetoric of the liberal hierarch of the ROC: "I believe that Stalin was a monster, a spiritual freak that created a terrible, antichelological system of the country management, built on lies, violence and terror. He untied the genocide against the people of his country and carries personal responsibility for the death of millions of innocent people. In this regard, Stalin is quite comparable to Hitler ... The victory in the war is the victory of the people. The people who showed the greatest will to resist. The wonder of victory in the war is the great phenomenon of the spirit of our people, who did not manage to break Neither Stalin, nor Hitler [Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev). Mission to the world].

"Miracle" is a Soviet military equipment: the world's best Russian artillery - "God of War", the best tank of World War II T-34, the world's best "flying tank" is an armored attack aircraft IL-2 (the most massive plane of the Second World War ), the famous jet artillery "Katyusha", who horrified on the Hitlerians.

Stalin personally knew all the designers, directors of army factories, held the timelines and the number of combat technology produced. This is written and removed so much a film that not to know these facts of history can only a person who does not want to know and take apparent.

But no matter how great the merit of Stalin in the construction of socialism in the USSR, victory in the Great Patriotic War, creating our "nuclear shield", to the relationship of it to the Russian Orthodox Church, the assessment of the authorities of that period - remain the main in our religious consciousness. Was the power of Stalin from God or he really, was the "monster, spiritual freak", which can be compared with Hitler? Consider this topic more carefully.

For the people of my generation, the Komsomol residents of the 50s, who were standing on the mourning post at the banner in those March 53 years, for our front-line parents - a comparison of Stalin with Hitler is unthinkable, blasphemous and offensive. My native Uncle Clemenov Moses Kaleevich, a member of the Stalingrad battle, in his last ride to his sister, took with him, together with medals, premium diplomas for combat merit signed by Stalin. In our city hospital, he died soon, before his death, he asked that a rifle volley was produced on his grave. But he was ordinary, and so bury the military, just starting with Major, as the mother's local military team explained. Getting from Kuban, Uncle Moses was a calm, weathered man, but I don't know, he would restrain him, hearing such words about Stalin.

On the "Russian People's Line", in the "urgent topic" "Stalin", one of its authors explained to readers about people who insult the memory of the leader: « People, cursing Stalin, these are those who understand that they are revealed as the fifth column of our reality» [Hegumen Evstaphius: Stalin's dialectic - red against black].

I will add, as I understand it, in a broader sense, the faithful of these words: these people cut off their way of retreat, inspired by the outside, they decided to go against Russia and its people.

Stalin destroyed demons generated by the revolution on the Russian land. Stalin expelled the fascist demons from the Russian land. And therefore, following the words of St. John of Zlatoust, let's say that it is ridiculous and recklessly identifying Hitler with Stalin and say that he has no power from God ...

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill in July 2009, speaking live in the world's largest television channel "Inter", said: " And in the Nazism, and in Stalinism there are repression, and against its own people, too, as in many other modes that existed. But how does Nazism differ from any other system? It is distinguished by his horizontality ... This policy and philosophy, which justified any human cruelty, which sets its goal for the destruction of people. That's why it is impossible to put everything for one level»...

And Russian President Vladimir Putin about the specified topic said that " it is impossible to put Nazism and Stalinism on one board, because the Nazis directly, openly, publicly announced one of the goals of their policies - the destruction of entire ethnic groups: Jews, Gypsy, Slavs. With all the deformity of the Stalinist regime, with all the repression, even with all the references of entire peoples, all the same, the goal of the destruction of peoples never put the Stalinist regime, and the attempt to put on one board alone and others absolutely does not have any soil"[CIT. by: Igor Evsin. ].

The question of repression remains one of the key in the assessment of the acts of Stalin. Only it is not necessary to attribute to him, unprecedented along the scale, the genocide of the Russian people under Lenin, who works by His comrades to Sverdlovy, Zinoviev, Trotsky, and bear the number of his associates and continules of the world, the global revolution. Hegumen Eustafius, whose words have already been given, speaking of suffering and about the dialectic nature of Stalin's policies, explains: the victims of the Stalin period did not disappear for nothing - these were the inevitable historically victims of the creation, the construction of the country in which the future generations could have lived happily.

By the way, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev) grew safely, he was educated, including the musical, so came in the army and now, in this, created under the Stalinist Board, the country. The victims of the breakdown period of the USSR, privatization, with its bloody, otherwise you can not say, the leader of the property, the construction is now unknown by what, capitalism is not less than the "Stalinist repression", deliberately exaggerated by Trotskyist Nikita Khrushchev.

Under Stalin, there was a noticeable increase in the population of the country: abortions were prohibited, the nursery, kindergartens, schools were built, were implemented in relevant human rights to free medical care, education, social security, old-age pensions.

That now most worries people, so this is justice that has always been in the price of Russia: to live on conscience. Under Stalin, if there was corruption, then not in the power structures, but for the most part in trade. Nowadays, power cannot cope with corruption, even on the topmost floors - governor and ministerial. And now tell me, was the power of Stalin not pleased with God?!

Stalin is creative, according to the current moment, approached the problems of ideology, considering it key in the raising of the people. This is what one of the authors of the RNL writes about this.

"Recall, for example, as the Soviet ideology changed during the Great Patriotic War. One appeal "Brothers and Sisters" On July 3, 1941, Stalin changed our ideological official doctrine - a completely different spiritual spirit. Bolsheviks-bootiers, Trotskyists he was deeply alien ...

Stalin has changed the pure Leninism-Bolshevism, first of all it is in spirit. He left the goals of the "Mirove Revolution", he set the state interests to the empire recreated by him, he rehabilitated Russian patriotism, he recognized the legitimate place of the church in the Soviet Society - becoming in this, one can say, like-minded people with Metropolitan Sergius, who according to his will It was elected in 1943 by the Patriarch - and not because before that, Stalin would not want it, but because there was no possibility, he would not have given this ...

So, the main discrepancy between Stalin with Bolshevism was in returning to the Russian spirit in our lives. That's what he most did not suit the Bolshevik-Trotskyist-Leninist, and not at all a communist pro-Western intelligentsia, and the whole west. And still does not suit. And never satisfies. Spirit is not that! All other conversations are about the "cult of personality", about repressions, is all the secondary. The cult of personality was Lenin much more, as well as victims of Leninsky repression, completely unreasonable, - this is all accepted by the "freedom-loving West", it does not interfere with anyone ... why? Because it was against traditional Russia, there was one spirit with the West, with Russophobia and the worn, with those who always stand behind them ... "[Archpriest Nikolai Bulgakov. Revenge Bolshevism. To the 60th anniversary of the XX CPSU Congress].

Common thought in his conversation was expressed by Hegumen Eustafia (Jacques): "Stalin became the" owner "in 1939, when Litvinov was removed, closely related to the West." Our attention should be paid to this circumstance: there are many people like Litvinov, if not for the intellectual level, then on passionate desire to break through to the top of the authorities, it appeared in Russia.

The exact feature for identifying people of this kind, including Stalin's loans, is their melting in the media. After all, everyone is widely known: where the wind blows in the sails of their imaginary "popularity", the polar opposite of the opinions of people thinking about them, in which there was never a lack in Russia. The trouble is that such people the Russian power, to put it mildly, dislikes, limiting their coming to the "Brazdam of the Board".

Let us return, however, to the topic of this article and give the word to the author RNL Igor Evsin.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Sergius (Stargorodsky): "Previously of the new state year in earliest, we will pray for an empty country of our and the authority of her led by our brand name. Yes, gives them the Lord of Power and the fortress for many years to make their great ministry for the benefit of the peoples entrusted to them ...

Patriarch Alexy (Simansky) in publications ... Nets Stalin in a brilliant leader, and still "Our headed Supreme leader", "the wise leader, whom God's fishe elected and put our fatherland on the path of prosperity and glory» .

Also, the famous Metropolitan Nikolai (Yarushevich) - Head of the SSSS MP ... calls Stalin in the genius, and besides "By God put on his feat of the ministry of our Motherland» [Igor Evsin. Stalin. Did his power been from God? ].

"Until the 30s, Stalin was only one of the influential political figures, but in subsequent years its political weight in domestic policy is out of competition. He is a undoubted leader. It should be noted that Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov made a career thanks to powerful external support for the special services of England, Germany and the United States. Lenin was burdened with obligations to his sponsors, who called "useful idiots" (however, from their dependence, despite endless concessions and victims, he could not get rid of him). Trotsky and Sverdlov (Wall Street People) were obliged to Jewish world capital, were also under certain influence of the external forces that investigated large money in the Russian revolution.

Stalin seems to be ascertained with political Olympus due to its efforts, without the help of foreign special services. Being prudent in relationships, had a chance and was able to become an independent politician, which cannot be said about his political competitors.

Under the leadership of Stalin, the country again, as it was with Russian autocrats, gained full state sovereignty. Stalin returned to Russia autocracy in a distorted perverted form. He was able to establish a state system with sole supreme power. During the years of his board, as with autocracy, the people knew at the top of the authority one name - Stalin "[Nikolay Dozmorov. Remember Stalin].

School years of my years fell on the edges of the camps and exiles: Kazakhstan - North and Central, Eastern Siberia. Often, the road to school passed by the "barbs", behind which the seks worked, and sometimes, during school classes, we heard the shootings of security: they were endless attempts to shoot from the zone of the buildings. In those edges, almost every fifth-sixth adult man graduated from the Stalinist "School", but never anywhere, no one had to hear a bad word about Stalin.

Forever I remember the words of the mother, spoken by her after the death of the leader: "How will we, son, live without Stalin?" My respectful, without exaltation, the attitude to Stalin did not change the report of Khrushchev at the XX CPSU Congress, with whom I introduced us to the father of my comrade, Frontovik, Colonel, who occupies a high camp for prisoners, which was located near our homes, on the opposite Side of the ravine.

I did not change my relationship to Stalin and reading the books of Solzhenitsyn. It is like attitudes towards parents - holy and unquestion: so that we will not recognize the new things about them, sometimes not quite pleasant to us, they remain our native people.

Our Stalin, such for us and our history will remain forever and this fact is not given to change anyone. Father John (Peastery) gave the wise council on Joseph Stalin: "Do not condemn it, God's judge to him. And you do not be judges "[Leonid Bolotin.

I can not pass by the disgrace. So I want to take part!

I thought here (and I liked it)))
About Stalin's speech. The name "Brothers and sisters ..."
We very often accuse him of a disastrous delay in the first days of the war. Although at that time, little could be done without accurately known from the places, especially since there were quite responsible persons. We had to respond to the debt on the instructions. And such instructions could not be. Shaposhnikov was an experienced military. In the absence of "red envelopes" in the safes of local authorities. I do not believe party and CC.
So here. Could this be delayed to be caused by the preparation of this speech itself?
About Stalin is not accepted to speak well, nevertheless, no dog has gone out about that. Who was the author of the text itself. Not a secret. With almost all political leaders. The period. With the exception of the Bolsheviks and, perhaps, Cherchil, their speeches wrote special people. If there was no suspicion to all all the ears about the intellectual insolvency of the leader. However, this is not.
Those. Suddenly, after ten days, a panic from nowhere appears a speech stunned the whole country. Speech, which has become a large program document.
This is strange. It's impossible.
However, for a person whose library consisted of 20 thousand volumes of which 6 thousand had his personal marks such a completely possible. And logical.
Think. Choose questions to which you want to answer. Justify your answer. Enable instructions for practical actions. Refire a performance. And all this was done by one person, not a group of psychologists, analysts, consultants.
Serious job.
Decent admiration.
At the same time, one should not forget about the colossal psychological pressure, which could not have an environment and general psychological situation in the country. Shock and panic that swept the country's top, and most of the population. Fear of late.
I give this document, in many respects determined the course of events.
Second question. Why did she enter the title of the name brothers and sisters?
Speech on radio

Chairman of the State Defense Committee

I.V. Stalin

Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! Fighters of our army and fleet!

I appeal to you, my friends!

The treacherous military attack of Hitler's Germany on our homeland, started on June 22, continues. Despite the heroic resistance of the Red Army, despite the fact that the best divisions of the enemy and the best parts of his aviation are already broken and found their grave on the battlefields, the enemy continues to climb ahead, throwing new forces to the front. Hitler's troops managed to capture Lithuania, a significant part of Latvia, the western part of Belarus, part of Western Ukraine. Fascist aviation expands the districts of its bombers, exposing bombardments Murmansk, Orsha, Mogilev, Smolensk, Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol. Over our homeland hung a serious danger.

How could this happen that our glorious Red Army passed the fascist troops a number of our cities and districts? Is the German-fascist troops really are invincible troops, how are they tirelessly fascist brandy propagandists about it?

Of course not! History shows that there is no invincible armies and did not happen. Napoleon's army was considered invincible, but it was divided alternately by Russians, English, German troops. The German Army of Wilhelm during the first imperialist war was also considered an invincible army, but she has several times tolerated defeats from Russian and English troops and, finally, was divided by the Anglo-French troops. The same must be said about the current German fascist army of Hitler. This army did not meet even serious resistance on the continent of Europe. Only in our territory she met serious resistance. And if, as a result, the best divisions of the German fascist army were the best divisions of the German-fascist army, it means that the Hitler's fascist army can also be broken and will be divided, as Napoleon and Wilhelm's army were broken.

As for the fact that part of our territory was still captured by the German-fascist troops, then this is due mainly to the fact that the war of fascist Germany against the USSR began under favorable terms for German troops and unprofitable for Soviet troops. The fact is that the troops of Germany, as the country leading, were already fully abused, and 170 divisions abandoned by Germany against the USSR and moved to the borders of the USSR were in a state of complete readiness, expecting only a signal to perform, while Soviet troops need It was still mobilized and moved to the borders. There was a considerable importance here and the fact that fascist Germany unexpectedly and treacherously violated the non-aggression pact, concluded in 1939 between it and the USSR, not believable with the fact that it will be recognized by the entire world of the striker. It is clear that our peace-loving country, not wanting to take the initiative of the violation of the Covenant, could not become a path of treachery.

May ask: how could it happen that the Soviet government went to conclude a non-aggression Covenant with such treacherous people and monsters like Hitler and Ribentrop? Wasn't it allowed here from the Soviet government a mistake? Of course not! The nonsense pact is a pact of the world between the two states. It was such a pact that suggested us Germany in 1939. Could the Soviet government abandon such a sentence? I think that no peace-loving state can refuse a peace agreement with a neighboring power, if even such monsters and cannibals are standing at the head of this power, such as Hitler and Ribentrop. And this, of course, under one indispensable condition - if the peace agreement does not hurt either directly nor indirectly territorial integrity, independence and honor of a peace-loving state. As is known, the nonsense pact between Germany and the USSR is precisely such a package.

What did we win by concluding a nonsense pact with Germany? We have provided our country world for one and a half years and the possibility of preparing their forces to unscrew if the fascist Germany would risk attack our country against the Covenant. This is a certain win for us and loss for fascist Germany.

What did you win and what did the fascist Germany lose, trusting the pact and committing an attack on the USSR? She achieved this some winning position for his troops for a short term, but she lost politically by exposing himself in the eyes of the whole world, like a bloody aggressor. There can be no doubt that this short military gain for Germany is only an episode, and the huge political gain for the USSR is a serious and long-term factor, on the basis of which the decisive military successes of the Red Army in the war with fascist Germany should be deployed.

That is why our entire valiant army, the whole of our valiant naval fleet, all our falcon pilots, all the peoples of our country, all the best people in Europe, America and Asia, finally, all the best people in Germany - branded the treacherous actions of the German fascists and sympathetically belong To the Soviet government, approve the behavior of the Soviet government and see that our business is right that the enemy will be divided that we must win.

By virtue of the war imposed to us, our country entered into a mortal fight with his worst and cunning enemy - German fascism. Our troops are heroically fought with the enemy, armed with teeth with tanks and aviation. The Red Army and the Red Fleet, overcoming numerous difficulties, are selflessly fighting for each Soviet land's span. The main forces of the Red Army, armed with thousands of tanks and aircraft enter the battle. The courage of the soldiers of the Red Army is unparalleled. Our opposite enemy is growing and grows. Together with the Red Army, the entire Soviet people rises to the defense of the Motherland.

What is required in order to eliminate the danger that hurt over our homeland, and what measures do you need to take to defeat the enemy?

First of all, it is necessary that our people, Soviet people understand the whole depth of danger, which threatens our country, and renounced the complaunt, from carelessness, on the sentiment of peaceful construction, quite understandable in pre-war time, but the pernicious currently when the war radically changed the war position. The enemy is cruel and inexorable. He aims to capture our lands. Polished our later, the capture of our bread and our oil mined by our work. He aims to restore the authorities of the landowners, restoring tsarism, the destruction of national culture and national statehood of Russian, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Uzbeks, Tatars, Moldovan, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis and other free peoples of the Soviet Union, their numbness, Their transformation into slaves of German princes and barons. The case goes, therefore, about the life and death of the Soviet state, about the life of the death of the peoples of the USSR, about being to be the peoples of the Soviet Union free, or fall into enslavement. It is necessary that Soviet people understand this and stop being carefree so that they mobilize themselves and rebuilt all their work on a new, military manner who does not know the merger of the enemy.

It is necessary, further, so that in our ranks there was no place for nods and shorts, panicers and deserters so that our people do not know fear in the fight and selflessly went to our domestic liberation war against fascist enslavers. Great Lenin, who created our state, said that the main quality of Soviet people should be courage, courage, ignorance of fear in the struggle, willingness to beat along with the people against the enemies of our Motherland. It is necessary that this magnificent quality of the Bolshevik becomes the property of millions and millions of the Red Army, our Red Fleet and all the peoples of the Soviet Union.

We must immediately rebuild our whole work on a military way, all subordinate to the interests of the front and the tasks of organizing the defeat of the enemy. The peoples of the Soviet Union are now seeing that the German fascism will be unproduced in his mad malice and hatred towards our homeland, which provided all workers free work and well-being. The peoples of the Soviet Union should rise to protect their rights, their land against the enemy.

The Red Army, the Red Fleet and all citizens of the Soviet Union should defend each Soviet Land of Soviet Earth, fighting the last drop of blood for our cities and villages, to show courage, initiative and a surge characteristic of our people.

We must organize the comprehensive assistance to the Red Army, to ensure the reinforced replenishment of its ranks, to ensure its supply to everything necessary, to organize rapid promotion of transports with troops and military loads, widespread help.

We must strengthen the rear of the Red Army, subordinating the interests of this case all their work, to ensure the reinforced work of all enterprises, produce more rifles, machine guns, tools, cartridges, shells, aircraft, organize the protection of factories, power plants, telephone and telegraph communications, to establish local air defense .

We must organize a merciless struggle with all sorts of rear disorganizers, deserters, panickers, rumors spreaders, destroy spies, saboteurs, enemy parachutists, providing quickly promoting our fighter battalions. It should be borne in mind that the enemy of Couples, the Chiter, is experienced in the deception and spread of false rumors. You need to take into account all this and do not succumb to provocations. It is necessary to immediately betray the court of the military tribunal of all those who prevent their panicity and cowardice to the cause of defense, without looking at the face.

With a forced waste of parts of the Red Army, it is necessary to invade the entire mobile railway composition, not to leave the enemy of a single steam locomotive, not a single car, not to leave the enemy or a kilogram of bread, nor a liter of fuel. The collective farmers must treat all cattle, to pass under the preservation of government agencies to remove it into the rear districts. All valuable property, including non-ferrous metals, bread and fuel, which can not be exported, must be unconditionally destroyed.

In busy, the enemy areas need to create partisan detachments, horse and hiking, create sabotage groups to combat parts of the enemy army, to incite the partisan war everywhere and everywhere, for explosion of bridges, roads, spoons of telephone and telegraph communications, fabrics, warehouses, warehouses. In the captured areas, create unbearable conditions for the enemy and all of his accomplices, pursue and destroy them at every step, disrupt all their events.

The war with fascist Germany cannot be considered the usual war. She is not only a war between the two armies. It is at the same time with the great war of the entire Soviet people against the German fascist troops. The purpose of this National Patriotic War against the fascist oppressors is not only the elimination of the danger, which hung over our country, but also assistance to all the peoples of Europe, moaning under the IGAR of the German fascism. In this liberation war, we will not be alone. In this great war, we will have faithful allies represented by the peoples of Europe and America, including in the face of the German people, enslaved by Hitler's refrains. Our war for freedom of our Fatherland merges with the struggle of the peoples of Europe and America for their independence, for democratic freedoms. It will be a single front of the peoples behind the freedom to enslavement and the threat of enslavement by the Nazi Army Hitler. In this regard, the historical performance of the Prime Minister of Great Britain Churchill on the help of the Soviet Union and the US Government Declaration on readiness to assist our country, which can only cause gratitude in the hearts of the Peoples of the Soviet Union, are quite understandable and indicative.

Comrades! Our forces are innumerable. The coming enemy will have to make sure of this soon. Together with the Red Army, many thousands of workers, collective farmers rose, the intelligentsia to the war with the attacked enemy. Million masses of our people will rise. Workers of Moscow and Leningrad have already begun to create a crowded folk militia to support the Red Army. In every city, which is threatened by the danger of the invasion of the enemy, we must create such a national militia, raise all workers to the struggle, in order to protect their freedom to their chest, their homeland in our Patriotic War with German fascism.

In order to quickly mobilize all the forces of the Peoples of the USSR, to repel the enemy, treacherously attacked our homeland, the State Defense Committee was created, in the hands of which the entire fullness of power in the state is now concentrated. The State Defense Committee has begun to work and calls on all the people to rally around Lenin - Stalin's party, around the Soviet government for selfless support for the Red Army and the Red Fleet, to defeat the enemy, for victory.

All our forces are to support our heroic red army, our glorious Red Fleet!

All the forces of the people - in the defeat of the enemy!

Forward, for our victory!

Joseph Stalin

Brothers and sisters! I appeal to you, my friends. About first person war

Summary of the General Command

Red Army for 22.VI. 1941.

With a dawn on June 22, 1941, regular troops of the German army attacked our border parts at the front from the Baltic to the Black Sea and drove on them during the first half of the day. In the afternoon, German troops met with the advanced parts of the field troops of the Red Army. After the fierce battles, the enemy was removed with big losses. Only in the Grodno and Krysto-Polish directions, the enemy managed to achieve minor tactical success and take the town of Calvaria, standing and Ceghanovets (the first two 15 km and the last 10 km from the border).

Aviation of the enemy attacked a number of our airfields and settlements, but everywhere I met a decisive rebuff of our fighters and anti-aircraft artillery, who caused the big losses to the enemy. We are shot down 65 opponent aircraft.

Speech by radio V. M. Molotova

Citizens and Citizens of the Soviet Union!

Soviet government and his head of com. Stalin instructed me to make the following statement:

Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without the presentation of any claims to the Soviet Union, without declaring the war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and subjected to bombing from their aircraft. Our cities - Zhytomyr, Kiev, Sevastopol, Kaunas And some others, more than two hundred people were killed and injured. The raids of enemy aircraft and the artillery shelling were also committed from the Romanian and Finnish territory.

This unprecedented attack on our country is unparalleled in the history of civilized peoples of treachery. The attack on our country was made, despite the fact that between the USSR and Germany, the non-aggression agreement was concluded and the Soviet government and the Soviet government fulfilled all the conditions of this contract. The attack on our country was committed, despite the fact that in all the time the actions of this contract, the German government never could have submitted any claim to the USSR to fulfill the contract. All responsibility for this robber attack on the Soviet Union entirely falls on the German fascist rulers.

Already after the attack, the German ambassador in Moscow, Schulenburg, at 5:30 minutes after 30 minutes, made me how the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs, a statement on behalf of his Government that the German government decided to speak with the War against the USSR in connection with the concentration of the units of the Red Army in Eastern German border.

In response to this, I was stated on behalf of the Soviet government that until the last minute the German government did not make any complaints about the Soviet government that Germany attacked the USSR, despite the peace-loving position of the Soviet Union, and thereby fascist Germany is an attacker.

On behalf of the Government of the Soviet Union, I should also state that in any paragraph our troops and our aviation did not allow the border violations and therefore the statement made by the Romanian Radio statement made this morning, which allegedly Soviet aviation fired Romanian airfields, is a solid lies and provocation. The entire lies and provocation is the entire Guitler Declaration, trying to compare the accusing material about non-compliance with the Soviet Union of the Soviet-German Covenant with the Soviet Union.

Now that the attack on the Soviet Union has already happened, the Soviet government is given to our troops order - to beat off the robbery attack and expel the German troops from our homeland.

This war is imposed on us by the German people, not German workers, peasants and intelligentsia, the suffering of which we understand well, but by clicking the bloodthirsty fascist rulers of Germany, enslaved French, Chekhov, Polyakov, Serbs, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Greece and other nations .

The Government of the Soviet Union expresses unshakable confidence that our valiant army and fleet and bold falcons of Soviet aviation will fulfill the debt to the homeland, before the Soviet people, and will apply a crushing strike by the aggressor.

Not the first time, our people have to deal with the attacking of the accusatory enemy. At one time, on the campaign of Napoleon to Russia, our people responded to the Patriotic War and Napoleon suffered a defeat, came to his collapse. The same will be with the accusatory Hitler, who announced a new campaign against our country. The Red Army and all of our people will again behave for a victorious Patriotic War for their homeland, for honor, for freedom.

The Government of the Soviet Union expresses firm confidence that the entire population of our country, all workers, peasants and the intelligentsia, men and women will take apprecatory consciousness to their duties, to their work. All our people now have to be cohesive and one, more than ever. Each of us must demand from themselves and from other disciplines, organizations, dedication worthy of this Soviet Patriot to ensure all the needs of the Red Army, Fleet and Aviation to provide victory over the enemy.

The government encourages you, citizens and citizens of the Soviet Union, even more closely to rally their ranks around our glorious Bolshevik party, around our Soviet government, around our great leader Tov. Stalin.

Our business is right.

The enemy will be broken.

Victory will be ours.

Message of Soviet Informbüro

During the 24th of June, the enemy continued to develop an offensive in Shaulian, Kaunas, Grodno-Volkovysk, Kobrin, Vladimir-Volyn and Brodsky directions, meeting the stubborn resistance of the Red Army's troops.

All opponent's attacks on the Shaulian direction were repulsed with big losses for him. The counterdasters of our mechanized compounds on this direction are crushed by the tank parts of the enemy and completely destroyed the motor bottle.

HA Grodno-Volkovysk and Brest-Pin directions are fierce battles for Grodno, Kobrin, Vilna, Kaunas.

In the Brodsky direction, stubborn battles continue the fights of large tank compounds, during which the enemy applied severe defeat.

For the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of June, Soviet aviation lost 374 aircraft, baked, mainly at the airfields. Over the same period, Soviet aviation in the battles in the air shot down 161 German aircraft. In addition, according to approximate data, at least 220 aircraft destroyed at the opponent's airfields.

Evening message of the Soviet Informbureau

During the day July 1, our troops led stubborn battles in Murmansk, Kexgolm, Dvinsky, Minsk and Lutsk directions. In the rest of the directions and sections of the front, our troops kept the State Registration and led the fight against the enemy who tried to break it.

In the Murmansk direction, our troops of fierce battles are delayed promoting superior enemy forces.

At the Kexholm direction, the opponent in several places passed into the offensive and tried to go deep into our territory. The decisive confruders of our troops attack the enemy were repulsed with large losses for him.

At the Dvina direction, our parts are working hard fights with tanks and infant infantry, counteracting his attempts to break through to the river. Zap. Dvina.

On the Minsk direction there are fights with moving parts of the enemy. Our troops, widely applying barriers and confrudars, delay the promotion of the tank parts of the enemy and cause a significant defeat.

In Lutsk, our troops stopped the offensive of major opponents. In multi-day battles in this direction, the enemy suffered large losses in human composition and material part.

By carrying out a planned waste, according to order, our troops left Lviv.

After clarifying data on the actions of our aviation, it was found that on June 30, 56 German aircraft were shot down, of which 50 in air battles. Our losses are 17 airplanes.

Speech by I. V. Stalin on Radio

Comrades! Citizens!Brothers and sisters!Fighters of our army and fleet!

I appeal to you, my friends!

The treacherous military attack of Hitler's Germany on our homeland, started on June 22, continues. Despite the heroic resistance of the Red Army, despite the fact that the best divisions of the enemy and the best parts of his aviation are already broken and found themselves a grave on the battlefields, the enemy continues to climb forward, throwing new forces to the front. Hitler's troops managed to capture Lithuania, a significant part of Latvia, the western part of Belarus, part of Western Ukraine. Fascist aviation expands the districts of its bombers, exposing bombardments Murmansk, Orsha, Mogilev, Smolensk, Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol. Over our homeland hung a serious danger.