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Shape a report in the FIU 1C 8.3. Accounting info. Personalized accounting data

Report of the SZV-M in 1C Entered into the releases of the versions of the program in April 2016 in accordance with the Federal Law of 29.12.2015 No. 385-FZ and the Resolution of the PFR Board of 01.02.2016 No. 83P. The installed update allows you to form a report automatically. About where to look for a new form in the program and how to achieve correct filling is our article.

Description of the new reporting in the FIU

The form of the SZV-M is intended to be submitted to the FIU of information on contractual relations with persons who are paid (or may be paid) a salary or other individual income (including copyright and license payments).

The report is monthly. For the first time he should be prepared for April 2016 and submit to the FIU until 10.05.2016.

Read more about the report on our website, in the heading "SZV-M".

In this regard, in April 2016, the developers "1C" released releases that allow you to generate SZB-M software, as well as unload ready-made files to send by electronic channels. The report becomes available to work after updating the program.

At the same time, in different versions and configurations, the "1C" path to a new report may differ. How to find and fill out a report in the most common versions, we will describe in more detail.

Where to look for a report of the SZV-M in "1C 8"

The name of the report is "Information about the insured persons of the SZV-M". There are 2 ways to him:

  1. Menu "Salary and Frames" - Tab "Insurance Contributions" - Select the SZV-M report.
  2. Menu "1C reporting" - "Regulated Reports" - "Create a Report" - Select the Folder of the Fisys in the folder - in the folder to select the SZV-M report (at the bottom of the list).

Where to find a report of the SZV-M in "1C 7.7"

The report in this version of the program is also called "Information about the insured persons of the SZV-M".

Way to SZV-M in "1C. 7.7 ": Menu "Frames" - SZV-M report (at the bottom of the list).

Where is the SZV-M in "1C: ZUP"

The name of the report is "Information about the insured persons of the SZV-M".

Path: Menu "1C reporting" - "Help" section - "Create" - from the drop-down menu "Types of Reports" Select SZV-M.

In versions "1C: ZUP 8", the report is also available on the "Desktop": "Desktop" - Tab "PFR" - Report of the SZV-M.

How to fill the SZV-M in "1C"

To be correct form a report of the SZV-M in "1C" as The rule must first do the following:

  1. Check for SBILS in all employees and individuals with which there are contractual relations. This can be done, for example, by building a report "Personal data" on the last day of the reporting month.

IMPORTANT! If the program does not specify a minor employee, information about it will not fall into the SZV-M.

  1. Make sure that at the reporting date, all information and changes on them for the period are made to the database.

To fill out the form in "1C" follows:

1) Create a new report;

2) Select report parameters:

  • organization (if the program is used by several organizations);
  • the period for which the report is drawn up;

3) press the "Fill" button.

After that, the program will automatically enable the required data into the report.

Functions are available for monitoring and passing the report as:

  • check;
  • print;
  • unloading;
  • sending to the FIU (for those who have "1C reporting").

More about the delivery of reports by "1C" read in the article .


The formation of the SZV-M in "1C" is automated. To fill the report, you must install the required update, check the source data and automatically fill the form.

To prepare the information of the personal accounting in the enterprise 3.0 accounting program, it is recommended to use a special workplace. Called workplace - quarterly reporting in the FIU. You can contact it using the "Section Panel / Employees and Salary / Navigation Panel" / Insurance Contributions / Quarterly Reporting in the FIU ". Here we choose the organization in which we create the reporting and the reporting period for which we form reporting. Click on the "Update" button. Documents are formed in batch mode, simultaneously create reports of RSV-1, ADV-6-2, SZV-6-4.

Documents ADV-6-2 and SZV-6-4 enter the journal, which is called "packs, registers, quarterly reporting", these documents must be carried out on the "Conduct" button. By the "Print" button you can see the print form of the required report and print it.

Let's return to the quarterly reporting of the FIU. There are periods of the interruption of the experience in workers who are not automatically reflected in the accounting department automatically, i.e. In this case, you need to edit the form of the SZV-6-4 manually. To do this, we highlight this form and choose an employee who had break periods in the experience. Click the "Edit" button and in the "Startup Records" field, make changes to the table part.

If the employee continuously worked the entire period, then the record will be alone if he had periods of illness, periods of pregnancy and childbirth or vacation without detention, then add a new record. For example, Gordeeva Anastasia Nikolaevna was sick from February 25 to March 10, it means that the first entry from January 1 to February 24. We add a new record, and indicate the period of its illness from February 25 to March 10, and specify the "calculated experience" column - a period of temporary disability, click the "OK" button to save the changed information. You will also update the information created earlier in the quarterly reporting of the FIU by clicking on the "Update / Corrected" button.

Using the "Check" button, check for errors built-in checks created by the report sets. You can also check the report sets by third-party programs. To do this, using the "Upload Files" buttons, unload the formed reports and load a third-party program.

Using the Print button, you can form printed reports of reports and, if necessary, remove unnecessary report sheets.

The "Send" button allows you to send a report directly from the "Accounting Company" program if 1C reporting is connected.

When the report is ready and accepted into the FIU, it is important to establish the status of "information sent". If this status is not installed on the adopted set, then in the next reporting period the reports are not formed.

22.07.2014 00:14

Attention! This article will help to fill out the calculation in the form of the RSV-1 of the FIU (including personalized accounting information) in the program "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" (revision 2.5). In the event that you need to fill in the form of RSV-1 in the program "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" (Edition 3.0) Use the article

When preparing the calculation, it is necessary to apply the following procedure:

  1. Before you formalize the calculation, you should check the completeness and correctness of accounting in the program.
  2. Next, you need to perform the process of automatic formation of the calculation.
  3. If necessary, make manual adjustments to the automatically formed calculation.
  4. After you check the calculation for errors.

Automatic formation of calculation

The calculation of the form of RSV-1 of the FIU consists of a title sheet and six sections:

Section 1 "Calculation of accrued and paid insurance premiums";

Section 2 "Calculation of insurance premiums at the rate and at an additional rate";

Section 3 "Calculation of compliance of the conditions for the right to apply the reduced tariff to pay insurance contributions";

Section 4 "The sums of additional insurance premiums from the beginning of the settlement period";

Section 5 "Information necessary to apply the provisions of clause 1 of part 3 of article 9 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ by organizations carrying out payments and other remuneration in favor of students in professional educational organizations, educational institutions of higher education in full-time education For activities carried out in the student detachment (included in the federal or regional register of youth and children's associations using state support) on labor contracts or civil law agreements, the subject of which are the performance of work and (or) the provision of services ";

Section 6 "Information about the amount of payments and other rewards and insurance faces of the insured person."

Information Personalized Accounting Now is also partitions for calculating:

subsection 2.5 Section 2 is an analogue of the ADV-6-2 information;

section 6 - analogue of the forms of SZV-6-4.

At the same time, the forms of personalized accounting (SZV-6-1, SZV-6-2, SZV-6-4) applied in 2010-2013) are included in a new form of calculation in the form of corrective or canceling forms.

Filling the title leaf

Creating a calculation in the form of the RSV-1 of the FIU occurs (similar to the previous periods) through the workplace. Preparation of data for the FIU (Fig. 1).

Use the button to form the formation of the calculation is completely filled with "General" sections (namely sections 1-5), as well as subsection 2.5 of section 2 and sections 6, which contain personal accounting information. Subsection 2.5 of Section 2 and the calculation sections 6 are displayed in the preparation of data for the FIU and, if necessary, edited (Fig. 2).

Filling the calculation sections in the program is described below.

Filling in the title leaf indicators (Fig. 3) occurs automatically.

Indicators that characterize the policyholder are filled on on the basis of the organization's reference book.

If you need to add or change the policy information, then in the organization directory you need to edit data, and after the report shape board click on the "Update" button.

Filling section 1.

Section 1 indicates information on the calculation on accrued and paid insurance premiums for compulsory pension and medical insurance.

The data in this section is filled automatically based on the data section 2, section 4 and accounting data calculations with insurance premium funds (the accumulation register calculations).

Due to the fact that from 01/01/2014, insurance premiums in the FIU should not be allocated to the insurance and cumulative part of the pension, in the current section (Fig. 4) indicates the graphs for fixing the accrued and paid contributions for the periods from 2014 (graph 3) and to reflect paid contributions to insurance and storage parts for the period 2010-2013. (Graphs 4 and 5).

In addition, now in section 1, there is no line 145. Previously (until 01.01.2014), this column indicated the amounts of insurance premiums that were paid in the current reporting period for previous periods.

Filling section 2.

Section 2 indicates information on the calculation of insurance premiums separately at each tariff, which is applied to payments to the insured persons.

The current section includes:

subsection 2.1 "Calculation of insurance premiums at tariff";

subsection 2.2 "Calculation of insurance premiums at an additional rate for certain categories of payers of insurance premiums specified in paragraph 1 of Article 58.3 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ";

subsection 2.3 "Calculation of insurance premiums at an additional rate for certain categories of payers of insurance premiums specified in Part 2 of Article 58.3 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ";

subsection 2.4 "Calculation of insurance premiums at an additional rate for individual categories of payers of insurance premiums specified in Part 2.1 of Article 58.3 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ";

subsection 2.5 "Information on the packages of documents containing the calculation of the amount of accrued insurance premiums against the insured persons" (Replacing the ADV-6-2).

Filling subsection 2.1 Section 2

The rows of the table are filled in accounting by the amount of accrued payments in favor of an individual (these data are contained in the register of accumulation of income for the calculation of insurance premiums), and the sums of accrued insurance premiums (on the register of accumulation insurance premiums calculated). This data can be obtained using the report analysis of accrued taxes and contributions.

Attention! In subsection 2.1, there is no partitioning amounts of payments and other rewards, which are accrued in favor of individuals of incoming and not included in the database to accrual insurance premiums on the OPS, depending on the year of birth and the status of the insured person. And now there is no partition to the amount of accrued insurance contributions to the insurance and accumulative part of the labor pension.

Attention! Information on payments in favor of foreign citizens and stateless persons who are not insured in the system of compulsory pension and medical insurance in the Russian Federation, in the form of RSV-1, the FIU are not reflected.

Filling subsections 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 sections 2

For Employers FZ dated December 28, 2013 No. 426-ФЗ, a special assessment of working conditions, which came to a change in job certification (starting from January 1, 2014). Depending on the results of job certification, under the working conditions or a special assessment of working conditions, other rates of additional contributions in the FIU (part 2.1 of Article 58.3 of Law No. 212-FZ are valid.

Subsections 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 are filled automatically according to the data on additional contributions accrued individuals. To obtain accounting data to the amount of accrued payments in favor of each individual can be from the report analysis of accrued taxes and contributions.

The completed subsection 2.2 is presented in Fig.5;

The completed subsection 2.3 is presented in Fig. 6.

Attention! Additional pages In the case of applying several tariffs are provided only for subsection 2.1, for subsections 2.2 and 2.3, the division on the pages is not provided.

In subsection 2.4 (Fig. 7), the base code field is filled automatically. This field indicates the base code for use in. 2.1 of Art. 58.3 of the Federal Law of 07/24/2009 No. 212-FZ.

The fields of the "Results of Special Vegetables", "The results of attestation of jobs", "Results of special origin and the results of job certification" are filled in manually, in which one of the values \u200b\u200bof the symbol "X" is indicated.

Attention! If more than one "base" was used during the reporting period to pay insurance premiums at an additional tariff for certain categories of payment fees, depending on the working conditions established by the results of a special assessment, then so many pages subdivishes 2.4, how many "bases" was used During the reporting period.

Filling subsection 2.5 section 2

Subsection 2.5 (Replacing the ADV-6-2) is filled with payers of insurance premiums, filled out Section 6 of the calculation.

As mentioned earlier, on the Show all sections button, you can open the entire report, with the ability to edit the "common" partitions (1-5). Sections with personalized information (2.5 and 6) in this form are displayed only for viewing (Fig. 8).

Subsection 2.5 consists of subsections:

2.5.1 "List of packs of documents of the initial information of individual (personalized accounting)."

The subsection contains data on packages of information of individual (personalized accounting) with the type of adjustment of the information "source". The number of filled strings must correspond to the number of packs of section 6 with the type of adjustment of the information "source".

In lines by column 2 in subsection 2.5.1, information on the database is reflected to accrual insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance over the past three months of the reporting period for each package of section 6. The value specified in the string "Total" Count 2 subsection 2.5.1 must To be equal to the value equal to the sum of the values \u200b\u200breferred to in graphs 4, 5 and 6 of the lines 204 subsection 2.1 of the calculation on all tariff codes.

In the column 3 lines, information about the accrued insurance premiums with the amount of payments and other remunerations not exceeding the limit value of the base for the accrual of insurance premiums, over the past three months of the reporting period for each pack of section 6. The value of the graph 3 of the corresponding string is equal to the sum of the values \u200b\u200bspecified in Subsection 6.5, which are included in the appropriate pack. The value indicated in the "Total" line of the Graph 3 subsection 2.5.1 should be equal to the value equal to the sum of the values \u200b\u200breferred to in graphs 4, 5 and 6 of the lines 205 subsection 2.1 of the calculation for all tariff codes.

In the lines of columns 4 reflects information about the number of insured persons on which partitions 6 are filled in the corresponding bundle. The column 5 indicates the name of the file (document pack number), is formed by the program automatically.

2.5.2 "List of packs of documents of corrective information of individual (personalized) accounting." The subsection contains data on the packs of information of individual (personalized) accounting with the type "Corrective" or "canceling". The number of filled strings must correspond to the number of packages of documents corrective (canceling) partition 6, SZV-6-1, SZV-6-2 or SZV-6-4.

To view the composition and editing subsection 2.5, you must proceed to the workplace preparation of data for the FIU (Fig. 9).

In the middle form, the composition of section 2.5 (sections of partition documents 6) - Displays a list of automatically formed partition packs 6. If necessary, new packages of sections 6 can be added to the report (for filling manually), also corrective or canceling information for reporting periods until 2014 (according to the forms of SZV-6-4, SZV-6-1 (2)). In addition, on the selection button there is the possibility of selection to the composition of RSV-1 prepared previously prepared documents of personal accounting.

Filling section 3.

If the payer of insurance premiums applies a reduced fare of insurance premiums, then to substantiate the application of the reduced tariff, such a payer must in section 3 "Calculation of compliance of the conditions for the right to apply the reduced tariff to pay insurance premiums" to fill the appropriate subsection.

Attention! Calculated in the form of the RSV-1 of the FIU in Section 3, it is no longer necessary to fill in the subsection, which was previously filled with payers of insurance premiums specified in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Art. 58 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ, namely, the subsection reflected a list of persons with disabilities, for the payments of which contributions at the reduced rate. Data on disabled employees are now indicated in the section with individual information about employees (section 6).

Also from section 3 excluded subsection 3.8. The subsection was calculated compliance with the conditions specified in paragraph 13 of Part 1 of Art. 58 of the Federal Law of 07/24/2009 No. 212-FZ (organizations providing engineering services). From 01/01/2014 reduced fares of insurance premiums (Part 3.5 of Art. 58 of Law No. 212-FZ) for such payers are not extended. Such payers list contributions in the manner prescribed for 2012-2016, unless they are subject to other preferential tariffs provided for by Art. 58, 58.1 of the Federal Law of 24.07.2009 No. 212-FZ.

Filling in section 4.

Section 4 is filled and provided by payers with which insurance premiums were provided in the current reporting period for previous reporting (calculated) periods on acts of checks (cameras and (or) on-site), according to which the decision has entered into force on attracting responsibility.

If the organization had an additional insurance premiums in the current reporting period for previous reporting (calculated) periods, then the detached contributions must be decrypted, namely: for which year and month these amounts are accrued, the basis for additional insurance premiums:

"1" - in case of detachments on the acts of cameras;

"2" - in case of detachments on acts of field inspections;

"3" - if the payer of insurance premiums independently indicate insurance premiums in case of identifying the fact of non-irregularities or incompleteness of reflection of information.

The final sums according to section 4 are transferred to strings 120-121 of section 1 of the calculation.

Filling section 5.

Section 5 is filled and seemed by payers that make payments and other remuneration in favor of students in professional educational organizations, educational institutions of higher education for full-time education for activities carried out in the student detachment (included in the federal or regional register of youth and children's associations that enjoy state support. ) According to labor contracts or on civil legal agreements, the subject of which is the performance of work and (or) provision of services.

Filling section 6.

Section 6 must be filled out and submit to payers at all insured persons who in the reporting period were charged and other remuneration within the labor relations and the civil law contract.

As mentioned above, using the Show all partitions button, you can open the entire report, the ability to edit only in the "General" sections (sections 1-5). Sections with personalized information (sections 2.5 and 6) are reflected here only for viewing (Fig. 10).

It should be noted that only one package of partition is reflected in the form. To follow the transition between packs, you must press the buttons in the lower right corner of the form.

To view and, if necessary, edit sections 6 it is necessary to proceed to the workplace preparation of data for the FIU (Fig. 11).

Section 6 consists of subsections:

subsection 6.1 "Information about the insured person." The subsection indicates F.I.O. in the nominative case and reduced the insured person;

subsection 6.2. "Reporting period." The subsection indicates the period for which the calculation and calendar year is presented, for the reporting period of which the calculation is presented;

subsection 6.3. "Type of adjustment of information." The subsection indicates the type of information adjustment;

subsection 6.4. "Information about the amount of payments and other rewards accrued in favor of an individual." The subsection indicates the amount of payments and other remunerations accrued by payers of insurance premiums in favor of an individual over the past three months of the reporting period and from the beginning of the year, when specifying several categories of categories of the Insured person;

subsection 6.5. "Information about the accrued insurance contributions." The subsection indicates the amount of insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance, accrued in all the terms of insurance premiums in the last three months of the reporting period from payments and other remuneration not exceeding the limit value of the base for the accrual of insurance premiums in rubles and kopecks. Contributions are indicated by the total amount for the full quarter;

subsection 6.6. "Information on corrective information." The subsection is filled with information on corrective information. A list of packs containing corrective information are contained in subsection 2.5 of section 2;

subsection 6.7. "Information on the amount of payments and other remuneration in favor of an individual engaged in the relevant types of work, which accrued insurance premiums at an additional rate for certain categories of payers of insurance premiums specified in parts 1, 2 and 2.1 of Article 58.3 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 № 212-FZ ". The subsection indicates the amount of payments and other remunerations accrued by payers of insurance premiums in favor of an individual employed in the works specified in PP. 1-18 p. 1 Art. 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, giving the right to the early appointment of the pension, over the past three months of the reporting period with the monthly breakdown in rubles and kopecks and from the beginning of the year. The subsection also needs to specify the code of a special assessment of working conditions (Fig. 11).

subsection 6.8. "Working period over the past three months of the reporting period." The subsection indicates the experience of the insured person over the past three months of the reporting period.

Attention! Now it is not required to indicate insurance premiums paid for a specific insured person, i.e. No need to distribute payment to insured persons.

Also in the workplace is the possibility, add packs of sections 6, as well as corrective or canceling forms of SZV-6-1,2,4;

refill all information according to the information base: both in a separate section 6 (overwrite the button) and in all sections of the current pack (the button to overcome all information). In addition, you can reform the entire report, including the "General" report sections (reform button).

How are records about experience

In the usual case, an employee creates one job entry, it indicates the start date and the end date of the period of work in the reporting period (Fig.12)

Even the CBC for contributions is now a single one. Each time accountants have to re-master the accounting. In this regard, the Instruction on the formation of the reporting set for 2013 is proposed to the Pension Fund in the 1C Program: Enterprise 8.2.

Preparation of data

1. In the salary journal - salary accounting documents - if there were documents accrual salary, check that the documents were contributions from Fot. For zero declaration, see p. 4.

2. Open salary - Calculations for insurance premiums - add a new Insert document or copy from the previous F9. Choose payment in the FIU - specify the date of payment, the date of the document - fill out by payment - OK

3. Here, add a new INSER document or copy from the previous F9. Choose payment in the FOMS - specify the date of payment, the date of the document - fill out by payment - ok

Formation of RSV-1

4. Reports - Regulated Reports - RSV-1 PFR - New - Period 2013 - OK - Fill out - Yes.

5. We see the filling of the title page. OKATO code for 2013 point out the OKATO code (reference: for tax returns already OCTMO), check the presence of a contact phone number without signs - only numbers, the number of insured, the average number, the title of the head.

6. We look at the Filling section 1. Check these balance of insurance premiums at the beginning of the period (i.e. at the beginning of 2013) if there is, the amount is credited and paid.

7. We look at the Filling section 2.1. Select the tariff code to the table on the right: 01 - the main tariff, 52 is the main tariff, 53 - UTII main tariff, etc., check the filling of rows with sums.

8. Set the report number number.

Rule: Package numbers must be unique, more report numbers of the previous period.

At the same time, the number of the pack is assigned to the form of RSV-1 and the forms of SZV-6-4 and ADV-6-2. Therefore, note that the pack number does not be used in any reporting file of the previous period.

9. If everything is filled correctly, press the setup ... -Clipping sections properties - remove the checkboxes from empty sections 3.1-5 so as not to spend the paper - approx.

Formation of individual information of personalized accounting

11. Now we are preparing individual information of personalized accounting. If, when filled with RSV-1, all lines are filled correctly, then in the same way they should get into individual information. Select the frames - preparation of the PFR data. Reporting period 2013, quarterly reporting. Click to form information, then carefully read 1C warnings - there is everything normally - close and work on, otherwise correct errors.

12. If the "zero" and the head is in administrative leave, or decontrum, or a "milf", then create packs manually.

We go into the frames - documents of personalized accounting of the FIU - Create a new document Insert package of documents SZV-6-4 - press Add -, set the period 2013, set the pack number, select the desired employee in the table part - then press the SZV button and select the Administrator (for Decaders Decree, for those on vacation to care for a child up to the age of 1.5 years, choose children, from 1.5 to 3 years old) and ask the beginning and end of the period - for the entire 4th quarter we choose, respectively, 10/31/2013 and 31.12 .2013. If partially, the period of work is separately with empty values, and a separate period under the above code. Then approx.

Here (in the frames - documents of personalized accounting of the FIU) Create a new INSERT document inventory inventory information of the ADV-6-2, specify the number of the package, the CZV-6 information item, select the RSV-1, set the period of the report 2013, click Add, specify in the table part, specify In the column document, the type of data is a package of documents SZV-6-4 and select the previously created document - approx.

When manually creating bursts, each file is unloaded from the created document by pressing the Write file to write on the button - write only the file ..., for RSV-1, pressing the upload button - unload - choose the path and save. Next, check as specified in paragraph 17.

Rule: All files must be in one folder or on one diskette.

Each document is also printed by pressing the Print button.

Check bags

13. We check the numbers, then click Check: first built-in check, to ask the current settings to click OK, see the message - close.

Reference: Classifier Addresses Clauds is periodically updated, so if the addresses associated with addresses are detected when checking, update the brake to the last version in the 1C database, re-specify the address to be detected by the error and re-save the individual information (with paragraph 11).

14. Then set the latest versions of checking CheckXML-UFA and and CheckXML

15. After that, click Check - Checkufa program,

as a result, the test must be fine

then check - CheckXML, on both tabs should be success.

When identifying errors, they need to be corrected.

16. Only after checking, if everything went well and successfully, press the files to the disk, set the path and save the diskette (it is recommended to first format), or the flash drive (optionally empty or without other XML files and without other reports). When sending by telecommunications channels, it is necessary to download all the files.

To print reports in the FIU, press printing and print all forms in 2 copies.

17. It is advisable for reinsurance to check the files directly on the diskette / flash drive, for which you need to go to previously downloaded and installed in clause 14 of the program and check.

In CheckXML-UFA, open and check the file - select any of the set, all files are checked in the folder. The protocol should stand well.

Reference: The protocol opens in the program that is installed by default to view the Internet pages.

In CheckXML - Data - Testing the FIR file (list mode)

Add - all packs from the catalog - choose the path file

Check - all packs.

In the protocols of each file should be successful.

If some of the files are highlighted in red, it is a mistake!

18. It remains only to pass. Good luck!

P.S. In the process of drawing up the instruction, version 1C was used: Enterprise 8.2 Company Accounting, revision 2.0 (

Another changes occurred. Payment orders to the budget must be issued in a new way. Insurance premiums for IP have changed. Even the CBC for contributions is now a single one. Each time accountants have to re-master the accounting. In this regard, the Instruction on the formation of the reporting set for 2013 is proposed to the Pension Fund in the 1C Program: Enterprise 8.2.

Preparation of data

1. In the salary journal - salary accounting documents - if there were documents accrual salary, check that the documents were contributions from Fot. For zero declaration, see p. 4.

2. Open salary - Calculations on contributions - add a new Insert document or copy from the previous F9. Choose payment in the FIU - specify the date of payment, the date of the document - fill out by payment - OK

3. Here, add a new INSER document or copy from the previous F9. Choose payment in the FOMS - specify the date of payment, the date of the document - fill out by payment - ok

Formation of RSV-1

4. Reports - Regulated Reports - RSV-1 PFR - New - Period 2013 - OK - Fill out - Yes.

5. We see the filling of the title page. OKATO code for 2013 indicate OKATO code (reference: for already OCTMO), check the number of a contact phone number without signs - only numbers, the number of insured, the average number, full

6. We look at the Filling section 1. Check these balance of insurance premiums at the beginning of the period (i.e. at the beginning of 2013) if there is, the amount is credited and paid.

7. We look at the Filling section 2.1. Select the tariff code to the right to the table: 01 - the main 52 is the main tariff, 53 is the main tariff, etc., check the filling of rows with sums.

8. Set the report number number.

Rule: Package numbers must be unique, more report numbers of the previous period.

At the same time, the number of the pack is assigned to the form of RSV-1 and the forms of SZV-6-4 and ADV-6-2. Therefore, note that the pack number does not be used in any reporting file of the previous period.

9. If everything is filled correctly, press the setup ... -Clipping sections properties - remove the checkboxes from empty sections 3.1-5 so as not to spend the paper - approx.

Formation of individual information of personalized accounting

11. Now we are preparing individual information of personalized accounting. If, when filled with RSV-1, all lines are filled correctly, then in the same way they should get into individual information. Select the frames - preparation of the PFR data. Reporting period 2013, quarterly reporting. Click to form information, then carefully read 1C warnings - there is everything normally - close and work on, otherwise correct errors.

12. If the "zero" and the head is in administrative leave, or decontrum, or a "milf", then create packs manually.

We go into the frames - documents of personalized accounting of the FIU - Create a new document Insert package of documents SZV-6-4 - press Add -, set the period 2013, set the pack number, select the desired employee in the table part - then press the SZV button and select the Administrator (for Decaders Decree, for those on vacation to care for a child up to the age of 1.5 years, choose children, from 1.5 to 3 years old) and ask the beginning and end of the period - for the entire 4th quarter we choose, respectively, 10/31/2013 and 31.12 .2013. If partially, the period of work is separately with empty values, and a separate period under the above code. Then approx.

Here (in the frames - documents of personalized accounting of the FIU) Create a new INSERT document inventory inventory information of the ADV-6-2, specify the number of the package, the CZV-6 information item, select the RSV-1, set the period of the report 2013, click Add, specify in the table part, specify In the column document, the type of data is a package of documents SZV-6-4 and select the previously created document - approx.

When manually creating bursts, each file is unloaded from the created document by pressing the Write file to write on the button - write only the file ..., for RSV-1, pressing the upload button - unload - choose the path and save. Next, check as specified in paragraph 17.

Rule: All files must be in one folder or on one diskette.

Each document is also printed by pressing the Print button.

Check bags

13. Check the numbers, then click Check: First on the built-in check, you click OK on Save the current settings, see the message - close.

Reference: Classifier Addresses Clauds is periodically updated, so if the addresses associated with addresses are detected when checking, update the brake to the last version in the 1C database, re-specify the address to be detected by the error and re-save the individual information (with paragraph 11).

14. Then set the latest versions of checking CheckXML-UFA and and CheckXML

15. After that, click Check - Checkufa program,

as a result, the test must be fine

then check - CheckXML, on both tabs should be success.

When identifying errors, they need to be corrected.

16. Only after checking, if everything went well and successfully, press the files to the disk, set the path and save the diskette (it is recommended to first format), or the flash drive (optionally empty or without other XML files and without other reports). When sending, you need to download all the files.

To print reports in the FIU, press printing and print all forms in 2 copies.

17. It is advisable to check the files directly on the diskette / flash drive to check the files directly on the diskette, for which it is necessary to enter the previously downloaded and in the program. 14 of the program and check.

In CheckXML-UFA, open and check the file - select any of the set, all files are checked in the folder. The protocol should stand well.

Reference: The protocol opens in the program that is installed by default to view the Internet pages.

In CheckXML - Data - Testing the FIR file (list mode)

Add - all packs from the catalog - choose the path file

Check - all packs.

In the protocols of each file should be successful.

If some of the files are highlighted in red, it is a mistake!

18. It remains only to pass. Good luck!

P.S. In the process of drawing up the instruction, version 1C was used: Enterprise 8.2 Company Accounting, revision 2.0 (