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76 I am the Guards Assault Assault Division of the Airborne Forces. The city that is waiting for coffins. In the Chechen war

The 76th Guards Array Assault Division is the oldest division of the Airborne Forces, to this day, which is one of the most successful and prepared military compounds of the Russian army. The Pskov Division of the Airborne Forces was formed on September 1, 1939, on the day of the beginning of World War II, then she was called the 157th rifle and was stationed in the territory of the North Caucasus Military District.

The basis for the creation of a new unit was 221 Rifle regiment, which was part of the Taman division, it was he who was the prototype of today's 234 array assault regiment. This legendary military connection was created on January 15, 1926 in Krasnodar, and the title of Guards and today's regiment number received March 6, 1943 at the end of the Stalingrad battle.

Combat activities within the framework of the GOG 2349 regimentary of the 157th division began September 22, 1941, taking part in an offensive operation during the defense of Odessa. From December 1941 to May 1942, the division compounds, which were held in the 44th Army, took part in the Kerch-Feodosian landing operation.

It was the first large-scale offensive of the Soviet Army, conducted by the joint forces of the land forces and the fleet. The beginning of the operation was as successful for domestic armed forces, however, due to the fatal planning errors, it ended tragically - more than 300 thousand people accounted for general losses. The Feodosia has a monument to the soldiers to the participants of that operation.

In August 1942, the division compounds were defensive fighting on the Aksai River in the Rostov Region, it was then that for the first time, the soldier division received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. It was a gunner of 716 shelf Athanasius Ermakov, more than 300 enemy soldiers were destroyed by them in those battles, in addition, he later showed himself exclusively as a hero and an example for imitation.

In January 1943, the Division was transferred to the Stalingrad Front at the disposal of the 64 Army, where she took part in the outcome of the war "Ring" operation, during which more than 10 thousand soldiers and officers of the enemy were destroyed by the division fighters, Division operations were awarded the title of Guards.

The commander of the 234th regiment at the time was Major A.M. Pavlovsky, under whose command of the personal composition clearly fulfilled the tasks, defeating the enemy and capturing more than 20 units of combat technology. According to the results of the operation, Anatoly Pavlovsky was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

In August of the same year, the 76 Guards Division took part in hostilities on the Kursk arc, while playing a significant role in the destruction of the 2nd and 9th German tank armies under the eagle. According to the results of the Kursk battle, the commander of the 234 Guards Regiment Pavlovsky was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky for a clear organization of the actions of subordinate and successful performance of a combat.

The eighth of September began an offensive under Chernihiv, which was carried out by the forces of 76 GW. Divisions, according to the results of the operation, the connection was assigned the name "Chernihiv". On September 29, 234, the Guards Regiment first forced the Dnieper, taking a bridgehead on the right bank held it by providing the necessary time to approach the main forces. For personal courage and skillful leadership of the commander of the regiment A. Pavlovsky was awarded the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union". 234 DSHP (Pskov) to this day keeps the memory of each of the heroes of the part.

In accordance with the order of the USSR Minister of Defense, in April 1965, the composition of the 234rd assault-assistant regiment was made forever, another hero of the forcing Dnipro - Guard Major V.A. Malyasov. The battalion under his command, despite the massive art print, the first reached the opposite shore, for personal courage and military valor Viktor Malyasov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Further, soldiers and officers of the 76th Guards division took part in the Bagration Operation on the liberation of Belarus, as a result of fierce battles on July 26, 1944, the combat units of the division came out to the USSR state border just west of Brest. For the successful performance of combat missions on September 30, the division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In battle for the village of Sumilino Vitebsk region commander of the separation of one of the mouth 234 Shelf Senior Sergeant V.I. Averchenko destroyed several dozen fascists and a reinforced machine gun. For the manifested valor, Vasily Averchenko was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Medal "Golden Star" with the assignment of the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union".

In the final offensive, which began in the winter of 1945, the 76th Guards Division was operated as part of the II of the Belarusian Front. During the period offensive operation, the soldiers of the division dismissed the cities of Tsoppot, Danzig, Paperslav, Güstrov, Karov, Buttsov. On May 3, 1945, on the Baltic Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Baltic Sea in the vicinity of the city of Wismar, there was a meeting of advanced compounds of the division with the airborne troops of the Allied Army.

At this, the fighting in the framework of the Warm for the personnel of the division was over. Fifty soldiers and officers during the war were awarded the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union", more than 12 thousand received various combat awards, on May 7, 1945, 234 regiment was awarded the Order of Kutuzov III degrees, the 33r fighters of the regiment were awarded the title of the Hero of the USSR.

234 regiment 76 VDD after in the second half of the twentieth century

Immediately at the end of the Great Patriotic Unit, it is redeployed in Kirov and is now called the 76th Guards Airborne Division. In June 1947, paratroopers are transferred to Pskov, where they are deployed to today. On June 17, the 234th Guards Airborne Regiment, which only received this new name arrives in the location of the Pskov part of the Airborne Forces. In the same June, without any delay, specific training events begin - permanent shootings jumping with parachute, studying the foundations of sabotage activities. Also, 1947 was devoted to the restoration of the infrastructure of the military town, destroyed almost completely.

In 1948, the commander of the Division becomes V.F. Margelov - the legendary commander of airborne troops The creator of the training system of the Airborne Forces, the best theoretical of sabotage activities, the icon for the entire Brotherhood of paratroopers is the same "Uncle Vasya".

Under his leadership, the first tactical teachings are beginning to be held, where landing and fighting on Earth are combined. It is on the basis of the 76th DShD that the aquatic panels are being implemented on unfamiliar area, the experience of an effective and rapid attack has become a business card of landing and rapid attack by small mobile groups. Vasily Margelov stayed by the commander of part 2 years, and by decree of the Minister of Defense of the USSR since 1985 forever is the honorable soldier of the division division of the USSR.

From March 1, 1949, the 234th regiment of the division is officially referred to as the "234th Parachute-landing Order of Kutuzov III Cerats of the Regiment", in full, is deployed in the territory of the Pskov part of the Airborne Forces and takes part in all tactical exercises, being one of the indicative compounds of the entire aircraft system - Thesed troops of the USSR. Now the regiment is called 234 DSHP (Pskov).

In the fifties, first of all, at the initiative and under the leadership of V.F. Marghelova begins the reform and modernization of the USSR airborne troops. First of all, it has concerned weapons, the personnel training system has already functioned, the work was carried out at a fairly high level - but these were predominantly light combat groups.

Stormy activities to increase fire efficiency, maneuverability, reliability of technology used in landing operations. This work was carried out for two decades, most of the technician developed in that era and today are in service of the airborne units. At the disposal of the 234th ardent assault regiment are now, for example, 98 units of BMD-1. The reliable martial car of the landing was admitted in 1969, can land from the An-12 and Il-76 aircraft, it is capable of storming water obstacles, has the highest patency - for more than 40 years faithfully serves as domestic airborne troops.

In 1955, as part of the transition of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the Airborne emblem was introduced into a new form to use - the famous parachute composition with two landing aircraft. This brilliant symbol in his simplicity came up with a drawer of the Airborne Headquarters - Z.I. Bocharov. Vasily Margelov himself then expressed her gratitude and prophetically noticed that this emblem will forever be forever uniting for the landing fraternity, perpetuating the name of her author.

At the same time, the Flag of the WVDA of the USSR, based on this landing symbol and a mandatory red star. It has long been withdrawn from circulation, but still close and roads to veterans, Internet-shop Voentorg "Mortar" provides customers with the opportunity to buy such a genuine flag.

In 1969, a modern form was introduced for the personnel of airborne troops - it was then that the famous blue berets and vests appeared. On the front of the front was a red star or the Air Force Kokard from officers. The soldiers of the 234rd assault-ass regiment, being soldiers of the Guards division, had a distinctive sign on the left side of the bake - a red checkbox with the emblem of the Airborne Forces.

In the same 69th, for the first time, Chevrons were introduced for the first time in the Airborne suppression, then they were one, to date, the violated stripes of fighters of the Guards regiments and divisions have the right to wear their own signs of differences. The chevron of the 234th Guards Black Sea Order of Kutuzov III, the degrees of the argument-assistant regiment named after Alexander Nevsky, looks like this:

234 DSHP Pskov in the pod of the collapse of the Soviet Union

Since the end of the 80s of the last century, soldiers of the 76th Guards division and 234 regiment, including those participated in the localization of conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenia, Kirovobade, the Osh region, Transnistria - in most cases confrontation carried international and Soviet paratroopers acted with a peacekeeping mission .

At the end of November 1988, the compounds 234 of the landing regiment were transferred to the Kirovabad, the boundary of Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh, where at that time the situation was especially sharpened. Forces of the personal composition of the Pskov Regiment of the Airborne Forces, first of all managed to prevent mass pogroms and killing of Armenians. At the beginning of December, the infamous Leninakan earthquake occurred. Within a few minutes in the morning of December 7, the elements were a storm from the face of the land of the city of Spitak and destroyed 58 surrounding villages, the city of Leninakan, Stepanavan, Vanadzor was seriously destroyed.

More than 25 thousand people died then. Among the first in the rescue operation, paratroopers 234 regiment took part, on the same day those who left Kirovabad. In 1991, the connection was awarded the name pennant Minister of Defense of the USSR "for courage and valor" - it was the last award of the Soviet government for the Airborne Forces Pskov.

234 regiment 76 VDS (Pskov) as part of the airborne troops of Russia

The newest history of Russia began for the Pskov landing, primarily participation in the Transnistrian conflict, then the confrontation between Moldova and residents of an unrecognized PMR led to an armed confrontation, which was able to stop only the forces of the Russian army. Further was the participation of a soldier 234 of the landing regiment in the UN peacekeeping mission in Yugoslavia, as well as in the settlement of the Ossetian-Ingush conflict. In 1994, the first international exercises carried out by landing 234 regiment in the Commonwealth with French colleagues were held.

In the same 1994, the compounds of the 76th Guards Division were sent to the North Caucasus - the first Chechen war began. Within two years, the shelves 76 DShD were fighting with illegal bandforms, the loss of the division amounted to 120 people. In 1994, the head of intelligence 234 of the ardent assault regiment was Guard Major V.V. Yanin. The union of Major Yanine, as part of forcing the Argun River, discovered the previously unknown by government troops, guarded by the militants.

It was decided to suddenly attack the enemy superior in the forces, as a result of which the object was captured. Subsequently, paratroopers under the command of Valery Janin distinguished themselves in the battles under Gudermes, where the strategic height of the enemy in the rear was captured by a small group and retained to the main forces approach. The President of the Russian Federation in August 1995 was signed by a decree on the assignment of V. Janin the title of "Hero of Russia" for the manifested military valor and personal courage.

234 The Guards Rangent assault regiment is the only one in the country to be honored to wear the name of St. Alexander Nevsky, which was awarded the division by the Decree of the President of Russia from April 18, 1996. Since then, the saint's face is also a regiment symbol.

From August 18, 1999, soldiers and officers of the Airborne Forces of Pskov take part in the Second Chechen War, in the process of special operation in the North Caucasus, the soldiers of 234 of the landing regiment were fighting for the release of settlements Gudermes, Karamakhi, Argun. The commander of the regiment during the campaign period was appointed in early 1998 G.A. Insahanyan.

The regiment under his leadership began a counter-terrorism surgery in August 99th, when the paratroopers led battles with Khattab's gangs and Shamil Basayev on the border with Dagestan. Next, the regiment's soldiers under the leadership of Gevorork Insahanyan participated in hostilities in Chechnya until 2004. In the mountains and gorges of the North Caucasus, 234 DSHP (Pskov) secured the reputation of the combat part, performing all the tasks and observing the airborne motto.

All operations carried out by the asian assault regimen were distinguished by a thorough organization and a well-established interaction mechanism, which made it possible to apply the maximum damage to the enemy minimizing their own losses - less than ten fighters lost the regiment to the second Chechen. For the courage and military valor, as well as the success in preserving the personnel, the Colonel of the Airborne Forces Insahanyan was awarded the medal "Golden Star" with the assignment of the title of "Hero of Russia". Airborne troops and guards divisions are proud of such fighters.

It is necessary to note with the clutch that for the division as a whole, the anti-terrorist operation in Chechnya became a truly black page - it suffices to recall the height of 776, where the death of brave was killed 84 Pskov's paratroopers. Twenty two soldiers who participated in that battle were awarded the title of Hero of Russia, 21th of them posthumously.

234 Airborne Regiment (Pskov) now

For many mothers, girls and friends, the guys undergoing service in 234 DSHP are relevant to the question of how to go to the location of the 234 airborne regiment. Well, the "military pilpe" will help in this. Address 234 Airborne Regiment: Pskov, ul. General Marghelova, 2, w / h 74268. Let's say if you want to come on the oath of 234 DSHP in Pskov, then the "Mortar" recommends Taking a taxi from the station, saying the magic words "to the helicopter platform to" - they know You will come without problems.

In 2004, airborne troops comprehended a little reform, many airborne divisions have somewhat changed the names - the Pskov Division of the Airborne Forces began to be called to this day, it is referred to as the 76th Guards Chernihiv Red Banner Assault Division. As part of that reform, the order of the Minister of Defense dated June 14, 2004, the Flag of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was approved. It is a cloth, three-quarters painted in blue and a quarter into a green color, a permanent emblem - a parachutist and two aircraft depicted in the center. Flag of airborne Russia Anyone can buy in our Voinher, in order to buy the Flag to buy, you only need to add it to the basket and place an order.

In a commemorative peacekeeping operation in South Ossetia in August 2008, the 204 WPV Guards regiment also showed itself from the best side. Being an advanced detachment, paratroopers under the command of A.L. Krasova completely disorganized the defendant of the enemy, disarmed the Motorway Brigade of the Georgian Army, thereby providing a successful offensive. According to the results of the operation, Colonel Airborne Forces Andrei Krasov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia. And this is just one of the many real paratroopers from 234 DSHP (Pskov), whose merits were noted at the state level.

For the long-term history of the division of 33 soldiers and officers became the heroes of the Soviet Union, 8 people were awarded the parts to be called the heroes of Russia, more than 15 thousand deserved orders and medals. Today, the online store Voentorg Voalpro has a line of unique flags of the legendary military units of the country. Including you can order and buy a flag 234 of the regiment of the 76th landing assault division (76 GW DShD) - the oldest airborne regiment in the country.

76th Guards Assault-Storm Chernihiv Red Banner Division

Day of creation of the 76th Guards Assault-Stord Chernihiv Red Banner Division is September 1, 1939, when on the basis of the 221th Black Sea Rifle Shelf of the 74th Taman Rifle Division, designed in 1925 on the basis of the 25th Iron Krasnodar Rifle Division was formed 157 -Ith rifle division.

On September 15, 1941, the Division is heading for the help of heroic defenders of Odessa. On September 22, the units of the compound changed defenders and the dawn occupied the initial positions for the offensive. During this offensive, the division fulfilled the task and collapsed by the state farm Illichivka and the village of Guilddorf. The Military Council of the Odessa defensive district highly appreciated the combat activity of the division in its first battle for the city. For the courage and courage, the commander of the defensive area declared the personnel of the compound of gratitude.

By November 20, the division returned to Novorossiysk and took part in the Feodosian landing operation, which the Transcaucasian Front conducted together with the Black Sea Fleet. As a result of this operation, the Kerch Peninsula was cleared of the enemy and a great support was provided to the besieged Sevastopol.

From July 25 to July 30, 1942, the division was active fighting for the destruction of the Nazis, crossed on the left bank of Don. For successful combat operations and the liberation of the village Krasnoyarsk Commander of the North Caucasian Front, the Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M. Budennaya declared gratitude to his personnel.

By August 4, 1942, the connection was departed to the northern bank of the Aksai River. From 6 to 10 August, its units led continuous battles, seeking to knock the opponents from the bridgeheads captured by him and not letting develop an offensive. In these battles, the machine gunner of ordinary Ermakov distinguished itself. On his battle account over 300 exterminated Nazis. The name of Athanasius Ivanovich Ermakova, a modest and fearless machine gunner, was opened in divisions a glorious list of heroes of the Soviet Union. This title was assigned to Ermakov Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on November 5, 1942.

Since September 1942, the division as part of the 64th Army occupied the defense at the turn of Mountain glade - ferhi. From January 10, 1943, the compound as part of the troops of the Stalingrad Front passed into a decisive attack on the destruction of the surrounded enemy. In battles under Stalingrad, more than 10 thousand soldiers and officers of the enemy were destroyed by division, more than 10 thousand Nazis were captured. By order of the NGO of the USSR of March 1, 1943 No. 107 of the 157th Infantry Division for the courage and heroism of the personnel shown during the Stalingrad, the battle was transformed into the 76th Guards Rifle Division. Until July 3, 1943, division divisions were located as part of the Bryansky Front in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Bellev Tula region.

On July 12, the compounds on the subwoofers began forcing the Oka. To the outcome of the day, the Guardsmen captured the bridgeheads and destroyed more than 1,500 soldiers and officers of the enemy, 45 firepoints, 2 tanks, captured 35 nazis. Among other personnel of the 76th division was marked by the Supreme Commander.

On September 8, the division speaks from the Eagle area under Chernihiv. For three days of a continuous offensive, she has advanced 70 kilometers and at dawn September 20 came to the village of Tovstoles, three kilometers northeast of Chernigov, and then, mastering the city, continued on the West offensive. The order of the Supreme Commander of September 21, 1943 No. 20 of the Division was made thanks and was assigned the honorary name "Chernigov".

As part of the 1st Belorussian Front on July 17, 1944, the division began offensive North-West Covel. On July 21, the avant-gardes of the compound with cruel battles began to move north, to Brest. On July 26, the troops, coming from the north and from the south, were connected to 20-25 kilometers west of Brest. The grouping of the enemy fell into the environment. The next day, the division moved to active actions to destroy the surrounded enemy. For the exit to the State Border of the USSR and the liberation of the city Brest Division awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

On January 25, 1945, as part of the 2nd Belarusian Front, the rapid march of the division division was blocked out of the city of Torun surrounded by a 32-thousand enemy grouping. The grouping of the enemy, defending Torun - a powerful support point on the Wist, - ceased to exist.

On March 23, the division assaults the city of Coppot, goes to the Baltic Sea and unfraps to the south. By the morning of March 25, the division is captured by the city of Oliva and rushes on Danzig. On March 30, the elimination of the Danking group was completed. By making a march from Danzig to Germany, on April 24, the division focused in the Corenthaten area, 20 kilometers south of Shattin. At dawn on April 26, the connection on a wide front forced the Ronda channel and, breaking through the defensive border of the enemy, cleared the city of Prezlav from the Nazis from the Nazis.

Immediately after the war, the 76th division is repulsed from Germany to the territory of the Soviet Union, in the same period transformed into airborne-landing. In the spring of 1947, the Division was replied to the city of Pskov.

From year to year raised the mastery of paratroopers. If earlier the main task was to train parachute jumping, and the actions on the battlefield were worked out without landing, then since 1948 there are rotary tactical teachings with practical landing. In the summer of the same year, the first squeezed battalion tactical teaching with landing is carried out. They were led by the Division commander, subsequently the legendary commander of the Airborne Forces General V.F. Margelov.

In 1967, the personnel of the division participated in the teachings of Dnipro. Guardsmen demonstrated a high utter learning, having deserve the gratitude of the command. With each subsequent year, the division has increased its combat skills. In March 1970, the personnel of the Division took part in the major general-purpose teaching "Dvina". The actions of paratroopers were highly appreciated by command.

In the period from 1988 to 1992, the divisters of the Division had to stew interethnic conflicts in Armenia and Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Baltic States, Transnistria, North and South Ossetia.

The black page inscribed in the history of the Division event in Chechnya in 1994-1995. 120 soldiers, sergeants, ensigns and officers died, fully completing their military debt. For courage and heroism, manifested when performing a special task to guide the constitutional order on the territory of Chechnya, many guards paratroopers were awarded orders and medals, and ten officers were awarded the high title of hero of the Russian Federation. Two of them - the commander of the guard company Guard captain Yuri Nikitich and the commander of the guard of the guard of the guard, Lieutenant Colonel Sergey Pyatnitsky, this high title was assigned posthumously.

From August 18, 1999, the personnel of the compound participated in the elimination of illegal armed gangs on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan and the Chechen Republic as part of the regimental tactical grouping. During this period, the military warriors had to take part in many combat operations, including the liberation of settlements of Karamakhi, Guders, Argun, to block the Vedeno Gorge. In most operations, the personnel received a high assessment of the combined command of the group of troops in the North Caucasus, showing courage and heroism.

Unparalleled mass heroism in battles with Bandoffs Basayev and Hattaba showed a personal composition of the 6th company of the 104th parachute shelf. The price of his life paratroopers did not allow a breakthrough from the Argun Gorge of more than 2.5 thousand militants. For this feat, 22 guardsmen (21 of them are posthumous) were awarded a high rank of the hero of Russia, 69 were awarded the Order of the courage (of which 63 - posthumously).

The history of the renowned connection continues. It makes her young guardsmen, successors of the fighting glory of front-line. It is complemented by the soldiers, sergeants and officers, who today carry their honorable service under the battle order of the division today

76th Guards Assault Assault Division - Full Name - 76th Guards Chernihiv Red Banner Assault Assault Division (76 GW. DShD, until March 1, 1943, the 157th Infantry Division) formed on September 1, 1939.

Since 1947, deployed in Pskov, one of the landing assault regiments is located in the suburban village of Cheroch.

History 1939-1947 - Dipskold

  • The 157th Infantry Division was deployed on the basis of the 221th Black Sea Rifle Shelf of the 74th Taman Rifle Division, created in 1925 based on the 22nd Krasnodar Rifle Division. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the division was part of the troops of the North Caucasian Military District and with the beginning of hostilities received the task to prepare a defensive line in the Black Sea coast.
  • The first combat baptism of the Division took place during the defense of Odessa. On September 22, 1941, parts and divisions of the Division changed defenders and at the dawn were transferred to the offensive, during which the division took possession of the state farm Ilichevka and the village of Guilddorf. For courage and courage, the commander of the Odessa defensive area declared the personnel of the compound of gratitude.
  • From 6 October 1941, division divisions were replied to the Crimea (Sevastopol).
  • From November 20, 1941, the Division was redeployed to Novorossiysk to participate in the Feodosian landing operation - the first strategic joint offensive operation of the Soviet land forces (the Transcaucasian Front) and the fleet forces (Black Sea Fleet) in the seaside direction. As a result, 9 days of hostilities were cleared of the enemy of the Kerch Peninsula and a great support was provided to besieged Sevastopol.
  • From July 25 to July 30, 1942, the division led the fighting for the destruction of the Germans, crossed on the left bank of Don. For successful combat operations and the liberation of the village Krasnoyarsk Commander of the North Caucasian Front, the Marshal of the Soviet Union, Budyonnaya declared his gratitude to his personnel.
  • In the first half of August 1942, the Division moved to the northern bank of the Aksai River, where its divisions led continuous defensive battles. In these battles, the machine gunner of ordinary Afanasy Yermakov was distinguished between the first of the division, the title Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded (by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on November 5, 1942). Since September 1942, the division as part of the 64th Army occupied the defense at the turn of Mountain glade-echha.
  • From January 10, 1943, the division as part of the troops of the Stalingrad Front took part in the final part of the Stalingrad battle, the operation "Ring", in order to destroy the surrounded opponent. In battles near Stalingrad division divisions, more than 10 thousand soldiers and officers of the enemy were destroyed and more than 10 thousand were captured. Order of the NGO of the USSR of March 1, 1943 No. 107 157th Infantry Division for the courage and heroism of the personal composition, shown during the Battle of the Battle of the Stalingrad Battle of the 76th Guards Rifle Division.
  • Until July 3, 1943, the parties and divisions of the division were part of the Bryansky front in the area of \u200b\u200bBeløv Tula region.
  • The division took part in the Kursk battle on the Northern Fac of Kursk. On July 12, part and division divisions in the framework of the onset against the 2nd tank and 9th armies of German troops in the Eagle area were forsted by OKU and to the outcome of the day mastered the bridgeheads, destroying more than 1,500 soldiers and officers of the enemy, 45 firepoints, 2 tanks and captured 35 Germans. Among other personnel of the 76th division was marked by the Supreme Commander.
  • On September 8, the division made an eagle area under Chernihiv. For three days a continuous offensive, she has advanced 70 kilometers and at dawn September 20 came to the village of Tovstoles, in three kilometers northeast of Chernigov, and then, mastering the city, continued on the West offensive. The order of the Supreme Commander of September 21, 1943 No. 20 of the Division was made thanks and assigned to the honorary name Chernihiv.
  • As part of the 1st Belorussian Front on July 17, 1944, the division began offensive North-West Covel. On July 21, the avant-gardes of the compound with cruel battles began to move north, to Brest. On July 26, the troops, the coming from the north and from the south, were connected to 20-25 kilometers west of Brest, surrounding the grouping of the enemy. For the exit to the State Border of the USSR and the liberation of the city Brest Division awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
  • On January 25, 1945, as part of the 2nd Belarusian front, the part and division division blocked the exit from the city of Torun, a powerful reference point on the Vistula, and then destroyed the 32-thousand enemy grouping, the defendant city.
  • On March 23, 1945, the division was assaulting the city of Tsoppot, went to the Baltic Sea and turned on the south front. By the morning of March 25, the division was captured by the city of Oliva and advanced on Dankig. On March 30, the elimination of the Danking group was completed.
  • On April 24, the Division focused in the Corenthaten area, 20 kilometers south of Shattin. At dawn on April 26, the connection on a wide front forced the Ronda Channel and, breaking through the defensive border of the enemy, cleared the city of Prezlav from the Germans to the end of the day.
  • On May 2, the division took possession of the city of Güstrov, and on May 3, after, passing about 40 kilometers, cleared of the city of Karov and Buttsi from the enemy. The advanced detachment came out to the Baltic Sea and on the outskirts of the city of Wismar met with parts of the airborne division of the expedition army of the Allies. On this 76th division graduated from the fighting against the German troops and began to carry the patrol service on the coast.
  • During the war years, the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union received 50 fighters in the division, and over 12 thousand were awarded orders and medals. Immediately after the war, the 76th division was replicated from Germany to the territory of the Soviet Union, in the same period converted into airborne.

History since 1947 - Pskov

  • In the spring of 1947, the Division was replied to the city of Pskov.
  • In 1988 he participated in the elimination of the consequences of an earthquake in Armenia.
  • In the period from 1988 to 1992, divisions of the Division participated in the containment of interethnic conflicts in Armenia, Azerbaijan (see the article Black January), Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Baltic States, Transnistria, North and South Ossetia.
  • In 1991, the 104th and 234th Guards Parachute, landing shelves were awarded the pennant of the USSR MO "for the courage and military valor." Previously, the Vympril of the USSR was awarded the division as a whole and her artillery regiment.
  • BTR-80 76th division of the Airborne Forces (right) and M2 Bradley in Bosnia, February 29, 1996.
  • In July 1994, for the first time in the history of the divisions of the Division, we held joint exercises with their French colleagues (in Pskov and France)
  • From 1994 to 1995, the Division took part in the first Chechen war. The battle losses of the division amounted to 120 soldiers, sergeants, ensigns and officers. For courage and heroism, manifested in the performance of a special task to guide the constitutional order on the territory of Chechnya, many guardsmen-paratroopers were awarded orders and medals, and ten officers were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Two of them - the commander of the intelligence company Guard captain Yuri Nikitich and the commander of the guardian battalion lieutenant colonel Sergey Pyatnitsky, this title was assigned posthumously.
  • From August 18, 1999 to 2004, Division participated in the second Chechen war. During this period, the warriors, paratroopers took part in the release of settlements of Karamakhi, Gudermes, Argun, on blocking the Vedeno Gorge. In most operations, the personally received a high assessment of the combined command of the group of troops in the North Caucasus.
  • Mass heroism in a battle at a height of 776 (2000) with the gangs of Hattaba showed a personal composition of the 6th company of the 104th parachute regiment. The price of his life paratroopers inflicted a serious damage to the enemy grouping. For this feat, 22 guardsmen (of them 21 posthumously) were awarded the title of Hero of Russia, 69 soldiers and officers of the 6th company were awarded the orders of courage (63 of them - posthumously).
  • On June 22, 2001, in accordance with the Directive of the General Staff of the Russian Federation, the 237th Guards Parachute Regiment was disbanded, which was part of the division from the moment of its formation.
  • In 2005, exercises with servicemen of the 26 Brigades of the Bundeswehr and joint anti-terrorism exercises were held in India, China, Uzbekistan.
  • Since 2006, Division has been an assault-ass. According to the former commander of the Airborne Forces of the Colonel General A. P. Kolmakov, both in the airborne division and in the arranged assault-ass 100 percent of the personnel are ready to land with a parachute way. In the landing assault division, unlike the airborne, in each shelf there is one reinforced battalion, capable of landing with appliances. This is due to the real state of military transport aircraft, the geographical reference to the locations of the unlocking parts of the Airborne Forces and the optimization of the organizational and staff composition of the troops.
  • In 2008, the soldiers of the Division participated in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

The deployment site of the 234th Guards Black Sea Order of Kutuzov named after Alexander Nevsky Against Assault Regiment, or V / h 74268, is the city of Pskov, the Pskov region. The compound is included in the number of structural units of the 76th Guards Assault Division, located in Pskov and is subordinate to the command of the Western Military District.

Sleepy sign of the 234th Guards DSHP


The predecessor of the compound was the 221th Rifle Regiment, formed in the winter of 1926 and immediately included in the 74th Taman Rifle Division. For combat merits in pre-war time received the name of the Black Sea.
In August 1939, allocated from the composition of the division as an independent unit and reorganized in the 157th Rifle Division. The structural divisions of the headquarters and one of the battalions became the basis for the formation of the 384th rifle regiment, replicated to Novorossiysk. The regiment itself, among the combat units of the 157th division, defended Odessa (September 1941) and was involved in the Kerch-Feodosian operation (December - May 1942).
The regiment was reorganized in the 234th at the end of the Battle of Stalingrad (1943), then he received the title of Guards. After the Great Patriotic War, it was redeployed in Kirov, and in June 1946 - in Kingisepp. The final location of the dislocation then of the 234th Guards Rifle since 1947 was the city of Pskov.
In the summer of 1946 there was another reorganization of the unit - it became known as the 234th Guards landing airborne regiment and entered the rolled 238th Guards Rifle Regiment. The 234th Guards Parachute Renamed in the fall of 1949. It is worth noting that during the war the compound received the Order of Kutuzov 3rd degree for participating in the liberation of Danziga (May 1945).

76th Guards Assault Division

Compound from 1948 to 1950. He was under the command of V. Marghelov and the first began to undergo tactical teachings, which included the association of landing and ground fighting, as well as ground attack by groups, small in composition.
After the 2008 military reform, he was renamed the 234th Guards Rangent assault regiment. Before reform (in 2004), translated on the contract basis of the configuration. Today, the division is the only one in the Russian Federation, which is called Alexander Nevsky's name (assigned in 1996). The image of the saint is on the banner and violating stripes of the division.
In the second half of the 1980s, the regiment participated in the operations carried out in Baku and Yerevan, as well as in the elimination of the consequences of the natural disaster in Armenia. The UN peacekeepers and participated in missions in Abkhazia, Transnistria, as well as Yugoslavia and North Ossetia. Participated in two Chechen wars (1995-1996, 1999 and 2004).

Power supply to the shelf

Evan's impressions

The material and domestic living conditions of the military personnel of the village of 74268 are called good. So, recruits and old-workers are placed on different floors of a cubic hostel (Kubriki are designed for 12 people), which eliminates the grandfather, although conflict relations between the old-starving and recruit fighters were previously noted. To prevent such situations, a black-based truck inspection of soldiers is carried out.
The barracks are equipped with shower, a lounge and a sports magol. The dining room is on the first floor: the personal and officers feed together. The store on the territory of the garrison soldiers can only walk with accompanying officers. It is noteworthy that there is a terminal in the chip to replenish the account.
In addition, there is a club, a medical unit in the garrison and a bathrobe plant. Cleaning the nearby territory and first floor barracks carries out civilian staff. Cleaning the fighters are carried out on their own (for this purpose is prescribed).

Sport in Part

The part management allows an independent purchase of a new shoe instead of the shoes of the old sample. You can do this in one of the Mortar of Pskov. Shops of army clothing, shoes and equipment are located at the following addresses:

  • "Alloy" on ul. Pushkin, 16. Works until 18.00;
  • "Camouflage" on the street. Jubilee, 22. Works until 18.00;
  • "Sturmer" on ul. Yana Fabrichus, 3-A / 13. Works until 19.00.

The oath is carried out on Saturdays, at 10.00 am, this is a common event for all divisions of the 76th Guards Tent-Assault Division. For this reason, relatives should arrive at the gearbox part to 8.00 to find the fighter data in the lists and make their name to the list of visitors. At the end of the oath, paratroopers of such a unit, like the military unit 74268, allowed to be allowed to 19.00. You can extend the dismissal to 19.00 Sunday, after celebrating the division commander. The rest of the time is allowed on holidays and weekends, but it is rarely released with overnight.

Ritual to bring the soldier part to the military oath

Mobile phones Before taking the oath, it is prohibited - they are published by command, but the SIM cards remain with the soldiers. After the recruits took the oath, you can call home on Sundays from 16.00 to St. Recommended to acquire SIM cards of all Russian telecom operators with tariffs for Pskov and the Pskov region.
The monetary content of the military unit 74268 charges the conscripts once a month, and contract services - twice. Such an accrual system is adopted in all military units of the Russian Federation. The accrual of monetary content is made on the Sberbank Card of Russia. You can rent money in VTB-24 ATMs and the Baltic Bank on the street. General Marghelova, 1, that is, on the checkpoint. Relatives should open a VTB-24 card and send money to it. Marine paratroopers, in turn, monthly rent a certain amount for the needs of the company.

Information for mom

Parcels and letters

Sixth company - completely secret

The official investigation of the tragedy has long been completed, its materials are classified. No one is punished. But the relatives of the victims are confident: the 6th company of the 104th regiment of the Airborne Forces was betrayed by the command of the federal grouping.

By the beginning of 2000, the main forces of Chechen militants were blocked in the Argun Gorge in the south of the republic. On February 23, the head of the united grouping of troops in the North Caucasus, Lieutenant-General Gennady Troyshev said that she was finished with militants - only small gangs were allegedly, only dreaming, to surrender. On February 29, the commander waters up the Russian tricolor over the Chateau and repeated: Chechen gangs do not exist. The central TV channels showed how the Minister of Defense Igor Sergeev reports to I.O. President Vladimir Putin on the "successful completion of the third stage of counter-terrorism operation in the Caucasus".

At this very time, non-existent gangs with a total number of about three thousand people fell on the position of the 6th company of the 104th parachute regiment, which occupied 776.0 in the village of Ulus-Kert Shatoysky district. The battle lasted about a day. By the morning of March 1, the militants destroyed the paratroopers and passed to the village, where they were dispersed: some surrendered, others went to continue the partisan war.

Ordered silent

On March 2, the Khankala Prosecutor's Office opened a criminal case on the fact of mass murder of military personnel. One of the Baltic TV channels showed the frames shot by professional operators from the militants: a fight and a bunch of bloody corpses of Russian paratroopers. Information about the tragedy reached the Pskov region, where the 104th parachute regiment was stationed and where there were 30 out of 84 dead. Their relatives demanded to inform the truth.

On March 4, 2000, the head of the press center of the EGM in the North Caucasus Gennady Alekhin said that information on the large losses incurred by paratroopers did not correspond to reality. Moreover, no fighting at the specified period did notice at all. The next day, the commander of the 104th regiment Sergey Melentyev came to journalists. Since the battle, five days have passed, and in most families already knew about the death of their loved ones through colleagues in the Caucasus. Melenetev clarified a little: "The battalion performed the problem of blocking. Intelligence discovered a caravan. Kombat moved to the place of battle, ruled the unit. Soldiers with honor fulfilled their duty. I am proud of my people. "

On March 6, one of the Pskov newspapers told about the death of paratroopers. After that, the commander of the 76th Guards Chernihiv Aircraft Division General Major Stanislav Semenyuta forbade the author of Oleg Konstantinov's article on the territory of the part. The first official person who recognized the death of 84 paratroopers was the governor of the Pskov region Evgeny Mikhailov - on March 7, he referred to a telephone conversation with the commander of the Airborne Colonel-General Georgy Shpak. The military themselves were silent for three more days.

The relatives of the victims were deposited by the CPP of the Division, demanding to give them the bodies. However, the aircraft with the "cargo 200" was planted not in Pskov, but on a military airfield in the island and held there coffins for a few days. On March 9, one of the newspapers with reference to the source in the headquarters of the Airborne Forces wrote that on the table, Georgy Shpak had a successful list of dead. The commander was in all details reported about the circumstances of the death of the 6th company. And only on March 10, silence finally broke down Troyshev: his subordinates allegedly did not know about the number of dead or about what unit they belong to!

Hardened paratroopers on March 14. Vladimir Putin was waiting for a mourning ceremony in Pskov, but he did not come. There were presidential elections on the nose, and Zinc Coffins are not the best "PR" for the candidate. It is amazing, however, that neither the head of the General Staff Anatoly Kvashin, neither Gennady Troyshev nor Vladimir Shamans arrived. At this time, they were an important visit in Dagestan, where they received the title of honorary citizens of the Dagestan capital and silver Kubachi checkers from the hands of Mayor Makhachkala Said Amirov.

On March 12, 2000, the presidential decree No. 484 appeared on the assignment of the Hero of Russia, the rest of the dead, the rest of the courage was honored. Vladimir Putin chosen by President after all came to the 76th division on August 2, on the day of the Airborne Forces. He recognized the guilt of the command "For the gross miscalculations that you have to pay for the lives of Russian soldiers." But no name was called. Three years later, the death of 84 paratroopers was closed by the Deputy Prosecutor General Sergey Freidinsky. The materials of the investigation have not yet been made public. Picture of the tragedy Ten years old gather relatives and colleagues of the dead.

Height 776.0.

The 104th parachute regiment was transferred to Chechnya ten days before the tragic battle. The division was consolidated - it was on the spot that they were completed by fighters from the 76th division and the Airborne Brigades. The 6th company was fighters from 32 regions of Russia, and the commander was appointed Major Special Forces Sergey Young. He and with the fighters did not have time to get acquainted, as the company was already sent to the combat task.

On February 28, the 6th company and the 3rd company of the 4th company began a 14-kirto march in the direction of Ulus-Kert - without preliminary exploration of the area, without teaching young soldiers to conduct hostilities in the mountains. For the nomination, a day was allocated, which is very small, given the constant descents-lifts and the height of the terrain - 2400 meters above sea level. Helicopters Command decided not to use - allegedly due to the lack of natural sites for landing. They refused to even throw the tent and bourgeois stoves to the point of nominations, without which the soldiers would have frozen to death. The paratroopers were forced to drag all the scarbs on themselves, and because of this did not take heavy weapons.

The goal of the march of the shock was to take the height of 776.0 and prevent the breakthrough of militants in this direction. The task was obviously impracticable. Military intelligence could not not know that about three thousand militants are preparing for a breakthrough through the Argun Gorge. Such a crowd could not imperceptibly advanced for 30 kilometers: in late February, there are almost no "green" in the mountains. They had one way - through the gorge on one of two dozen the trail, many of which went straight to height 776.0.

- We were led by the arguments of the command: they say, they will not put the paratroopers on each trail on the company, "he told one of the servicemen of the 76th division. - But it was possible to establish interaction between units, to create a reserve, targeting the paths for which the militants were waiting. Instead, for some reason, the positions of paratroopers turned out to be well targeted by militants. When the fight boiled, the soldiers from neighboring heights rushed to the rescue, requested the order of the command, but the answer was the categorical "no". There were rumors that Chechens bought a passage along the gorge for half a million dollars. Many officials from the Russian side were beneficial for them to break out of the environment, they wanted to earn money on the war.
The first encounter collision of the 6th company with militants occurred on February 29 at 12.30. The separatists were surprised, having met the paratroopers on the way. During a short shootout, they shouted that they had to miss, because the commanders had already agreed about everything. Whether this agreement existed in fact, it is not possible to check no longer. But all the police checkpoints on the way to be kept for some reason were removed. According to radio managers, the head of militants Emir Hattab received the team, requests, prompts on satellite communications. And his interlocutors were in Moscow.

Rotary Sergey Young died from a sniper bullet one of the first. When the command assumed Combat Mark Evutyukhin, the paratroopers were already in a difficult position. They did not have time to turn around, and this sharply lowered their defense capability. The beginning of the fight was one of the three platoons when lifting the height, and most of the guards of the militants shot like a target in a dash.

Evutyuhin was on a permanent connection with the command, requested reinforcements, because he knew: his paratroopers are 2-3 kilometers from a height of 776.0. But on the report that he reflects the attack of several hundred militants, he was calmly answered: "To destroy everyone!"

The officers paratroopers say that the Deputy Commander of the Regiment has forbidden to enter into negotiations with Evutyukhin, since he says, panic. He actually panicked himself: they rummed that after a trip to Chechnya, Lieutenant Colonel Evutyuhin was supposed to take his position. The closure told Kombat that he had no free people, and encouraged to observe the mode of radio solid, so as not to interfere with the front-line aviation and the Gaubes. However, only regimental artillery was provided with fire support, which worked on the limit of the range. Artillery fire needs constant adjustment, and Evutyukhin had no special console for a walkie-talkie for this purpose. He caused fire on the usual connection, and many shells fell in the defense zone of paratroopers: 80 percent of the dead fighters were later discovered by fragmentation of other people and from "their" shells.

The paratroopers did not receive any reinforcement, although the surroundings were styled by the troops: the federal grouping in the radius of a hundred kilometers from the village of Shatoy had more than one hundred thousand military personnel. At the disposal of the Commander of the Airborne Units in the Caucasus, Alexander Lentzov General Alexander Lenzova had a long-range artillery, and high-precision hurricane installations. The height 776.0 was in the zone of their reach, but not a single volley in the militants followed. The surviving paratroopers say that the "Black Shark" helicopter departed to the site of the battle, gave one volley and flew away. The command subsequently approved that in such weather conditions it was impossible to use helicopters: dark and foggy. But how did the creators of the "black shark" not deduced the whole country's ears, what is this helicopter all-weather? A day after the death of the 6th company, the fog did not prevent the helicopters with a naked eye to consider and report how the militants are assembled at the height of the body of killed paratroopers.

At three o'clock in the morning, on March 1, when the battle was about 15 hours, fifteen guardsmen from the 3rd platoon of the 4th company headed by Major Alexander, led by Major Alexander, who was surrounded. To reunite with the Kombat, the firm and his fighters needed forty minutes. Another 120 paratroopers under the command of the Chief of Intelligence of the 104th Regiment of Sergey Baran also starved from the standpoint and forced the Abazulgol River, moving to the rescue Evyukhin. They have already begun to rise to height when they stopped the order of command: stop promotion, return to positions! The commander of the Northern Fleet Major Marine Fleet Group Alexander Relkovsky repeatedly asked permission to come to the aid of paratroopers, but he did not receive it. March 6, because of these experiences, the heart stopped at Refaitsky.

Communication with Mark Evyukhin stopped on March 1 at 6 o'clock 10 minutes. According to the official version, the last words of Kombat were treated to artilleryrs: "I caught fire on yourself!" But colleagues say that in his last hour he remembered the command: "You betrayed us, bitches!"

The feds appeared at the height only a day after that. Until in the morning on March 2, no one fired a height of 776.0, where the militants were hosted. They finished wounded paratroopers, filled their bodies in a bunch. Headphones were put on the corpse of Mark Evyukhin, established a walkie-talkie and watershed to the very top of Kurgan: they say, zovi - do not call you, no one will come to you. The militants took with them the bodies of almost all their killed. They did not hurry, as if it was not around the hundredsmatic army, as if someone guaranteed that no shell fell on their head.

After March 10, the military, hiding the death of the 6th company, hit the patriotic pathos. It was reported that at the cost of their life, the heroes destroyed about a thousand militants. Although no one else knows how many separatists were killed in that battle. Having broken down to behavged, Chechens dropped ballast: Several dozen wounded surrendered to the internal troops (they categorically refused to give up with paratroopers). Most of them soon turned out to be free: local policemen were inferior to the insistent requests of local residents to return to the family of the breadwinners. At least one and a half thousand militants went to the mountains east through the place of deployment of federals. How did they succeed, no one figured out. After all, according to General Toshva, there were alone brassings from band formations, and the dead paratroopers had to authors of the version very, they say, these heroes and destroyed all the gangsters. Agreed to the fact that the 6th company at the cost of his life saved Russian statehood, thoring the plans of bandits on the creation of the Islamic state in Chechnya and Dagestan.