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Advance invoice invoice in 1C 8.3. Accounting info. Conducting correction invoices

Program 1C: Accounting in version 8.3 assumes the possibility of existence of two options for invoices: issued and obtained. In turn, each of them has an additional classification.

For invoice issues:

  • To implement;
  • On advance;
  • On the Advance of the Committee;
  • Correction;
  • Tax agent.

For receiving invoices:

  • On arrival;
  • On advance;
  • On the Advance of the Committee;
  • Adjustable.

The formation of any invoice is carried out on the basis of existing primary documents - overhead (natural, consumable).

Invoicing invoice for implementation

Below is a sample implementation document. To extract the invoice and its subsequent wiring, the user needs to press the appropriate "write an invoice" button (from the bottom - on the left screen).

Below, the finished invoice is a ready-made invoice, with most of the parameters in it automatically on the basis of the data system already available. An employee only selects a document storage method if it differs from the default option "on paper". At the top of the screen there is a "Print" button, which allows you to make a printout to transfer the document to the counterparty.

Invoance invoices

When working with invoice invades, special processing is required. Most often, their insertion is carried out at the end of the reporting period.

Before starting data processing, you need to configure accounting policies, for which it is necessary to go to the "VAT" section.

To reduce the number of invoices, there is the ability to select the registration order. In this case, the extract will be made only on those advances, where in the period under review the shipment of products was not produced.

The processing call is carried out through the section "Assistant VAT Accounting".

There is also the opportunity to register the invoices of tax agents, while the implementation of such an opportunity will require the appropriate tag in the contract.

Received invoices

The main feature of working with the resulting invoices is the importance of accurate supporting dates and sequence incoming document numbers.

Registration in 1C incoming invoices for advance

Registration of advances transmitted by suppliers is carried out according to the write-off documents, regardless of which form a listing was carried out.

Conducting correction invoices

Corrective invoices can be created on the basis of one of two documents:

  • Adjustment of implementation;
  • Admission adjustments.

As an example, you can consider the situation with the introduction of changes to the parish invoice. In this case, it is possible to create it from the receipt document, and from the primary invoice.

A situation is distributed, at which the parties came to the price adjustment agreement. In this case, both prices are displayed in the tabular part of the document, and the remaining data for filling the system loads automatically. Registration will automatically be carried out. From the user, it is only required to independently specify the correction number.

It is identical to the procedure and when performing adjustments to the products being implemented.

The invoice "on the Advance of Committee" can be exposed only with respect to the counterparty with the agreement with the Committe.

Check received data and invoices

The latest versions of the 1C program provide users with an efficient test tool - "Express checking checking".

The report demonstrates a list of primary documents, for which invoice has not been formed, and also provides a list of recommendations for eliminating the errors detected when verifying errors.

According to Article 189, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, VAT payer organizations should invoice invoice for each advance payment from the buyer and accrual VAT. If the company received a preliminary fee from the buyer, at the expense of the upcoming product delivery, it is necessary to place an invoice for an advance and one copy to give the buyer.

In 1C 8.3, the functionality of creating, registration and accounting of such accounts for all listed options is provided. Let's see which there are ways to obtain an advance and creating invoices for an advance, on the example of the configuration of 1C: the company's accounting, the editorial board 3.0.

Features of registration in 1C accounting company 3.0

Registration of textures may differ depending on the method of obtaining an advance - cash or through a settlement account, as well as on the method of creating invoices - manually or automatically.

These features can be reflected in the accounting policy settings, where we will fall through the "Main-Setup-Accounting Policies and Tax Settings and VAT reports".

Figure 1. UP installations

Figure 2. Tax and reporting

Figure 3. Set VAT parameters

In the NBA tax navigation there is an opportunity to establish "The order of registration of invoices for an advance", What will ask the way to register our documents (in our case, we leave the pre-installed - "... always upon receipt of an advance"). This method can create documents on all those who came except the advances started on the day of arrival. If products are shipped on the day of receiving funds to a bank account or in cash, then the document of interest is not created.

Let's see, in what order are the advance payments on the example. The buyer listed at the expense of 150,000 rubles. At the expense of the future delivery of goods. It is necessary to reflect the receipt of money through the "admission to the R / s" by the "Bank and Cassa-Bank statements". We draw up the arrival of DS from the buyer's counterparty.

Figure 4. Extracts

Figure 6. Movement of the document

The wiring was formed, which reflected the received DS amount according to D-TU 51 SC. And by the 62.02 sch.

At the same time, the buyer made 50,000 rubles in cash. In the Bank and Cassa-Cash Documents, we create "Cash receipt".

Figure 7. Cash invoice

Figure 8. Cash movements

The document created a wiring and reflected the received DS amount for DTU 50 s. and KTU 62.02 sch.

Consider the creation of invoices manually, directly from the documents intake on the P / C and the flow of cash. We go to "Create on the basis of an invoice issued." This will appear a new document issued for an advance. Check the filling and carry out the document.

The creation of this method is mainly used, in cases of a small amount of documents or if a specialist in accounting for DS is responsible for the invoice.

Figure 9. Creating through the "invoice issued to advance"

Figure 10. Movement of the document on the advance

Formed accounts are filled with automatic. Before spending, you need to check whether the props are correct, as well as the content of the tabular part. After conducting, wiring will be created and the accrual of VAT in the registers of the account of accounting for invoices and VAT sales.

Creating invoice machines

When you want to form a large number of invoices, you can apply the processing "Registration of invoice for an advance", which allows you to automate their formation. Using it, registration can be performed during the specified period.

In the section "Bank and Cassa-Registration of invoices" we find the log of registration "invoices" in 1C. We open the processing form with which you can conduct this operation. Here you specify the period for which you need to register an invoice, and click "Fill out". The system independently finds advance receipts and fills them with a tabular part:

Figure 11. Automatic document creation

Figure 12. Registration

Processing will be filled with records from previously conducted cash receipts. Also provides the possibility of numbering. Using the "Run" button, we form and conduct invoices.

Figure 13. View issued invoices log

From the same form of processing, we open a list of invoices for an advance. Check the created invoices.

Figure 14. Sales Book

Figure 15. Account Card 62.02

Formed documents, as well as manual creation, will create wiring to accrual VAT and will be reflected in the registers of the "Account Accounting Journal" and "VAT Sales".

"1C: Accounting", developed by the Russian company,- The most popular program in our country is to automate accounting, managerial and tax accounting. At the moment, one of the latest versions is 1C: Accounting 8.3. The program has a fairly simple intuitive interface, but the accountants passing to the new version often arises of the question: how to make an invoice, the most important document that tax when checking VAT requires one of the first?

Draw sale quickly and without errors? Easily!

In 1C: Accounting of invoices create on the basis of the document "Implementation of goods and services", it is there that all data are introduced, which then fall into invoices. It can be placed in two ways:

  • Make a new one (section "Shopping and Sales", hyperlink "Realization of goods and services");
  • Create on the basis of an existing account.

Let's go secondly. We find the section "Shopping and Sales", hyperlink "Accounts to payments". In the journal we see a list of bills issued to counterparties. Select the desired line and on the panel just above the log click on the "Create based on" button. Then, from the list of proposed documents, choose the "Implementation of goods and services".

The form of the document will be filled itself, but you need to check anyway, if necessary, edit. We look: in the field "Type of operation" should be "Sale, Commission", the "Number" field will be filled automatically after recording a document, the default is currently current, but it is available for editing, the organization is affixed automatically, in the "Warehouse" "We put the warehouse from which the goods being implemented. Fields "Counterparty", "Treaty" are also tightened from an account for payment, if we started a new document for implementation, you need to choose them from the relevant reference books. Naturally, before that they need to make them right there.

The "Advance Offset" field allows you to choose from three options:

  • "Do not read" (wiring will not be forced to form);
  • "Automatically" (worth the default, 1C: Accounting itself determines the presence of an advance, the need for wiring);
  • "According to the document" (for credit, you need to directly specify the document on the advance).

We leave "automatically", as a rule, this option is most convenient.

If the goods consignee and the buyer are different organizations, in the "Advanced" tab, we choose the consignee.

The table part of the document created on the basis of the account is filled automatically. If we form a new document, implemented by the goods tighten from the "Nomenclature" directory. Accounting accounts are filled themselves, they depend on how the "Accounting Accounting Accounting Accounting Accounting Account" referred to.

If there is no product on the specified warehouse or not enough, you can write down the document, but there is no.

Now you can print a commodity invoice (the external printed form is displayed using the "Print" button at the top of the form), to conduct ("Conduct" the button to the same place) and create an invoice. We can write off the invoices to the buyer immediately, and you can wait for the return on the accounting invoice with the signature of the buyer. Invoices can be created:

  • Through the section "Shopping and Sales", hyperlink "invoices issued";
  • Document "Implementation of goods and services", link "To write an invoice."

After implementation, check forms formed 1C: wiring accounting (DT-CT button):

We use the second way. Click the link, the document will be formed automatically with the data completed on the basis of the Data Implementation Document. It can be printed. On the top of the shape panel, press the button with the printer, the external printed form is formed, and the "Conduct and Close" button to finalize the document. The printed form of invoice in the program fully complies with Russian legislation.

Be careful. Cancel the entered invoice if the buyer does not accept it, accounting only by reversing (current year) or adjustment of implementation (transactions for past periods).

Will we place the service? No problem!

Registration of an invoice in 1C: Accounting in the implementation of services is almost the same as in the sale of goods. There are also several possible ways to design:

  • Form "Implementation of goods and services" section "Shopping and Sales". When creating a new form, using the button on the toolbar, specify the type of implementation - services. In a new document, we put the counterparty, a contract (if necessary, we will put in relevant reference books), accounts for payment (if any), check the name of our organization. There are two links in the "Calculations" field: to configure account account accounts, to select the order of accounting for VAT. Check if you need - change. Fill out the tabular part. We write off invoices;

  • Document "Provision of services" (the same name of the section "Shopping and Sales" section). This form brings together all the counterparties, which turn out to be a specific service from the reference book (the field "Nomenclature"). Clients are recorded in the table part with an indication of the contract, the price per unit. The client is a separate line. The invoices are formed automatically in a special tab also according to counterparties. To print them, press the "Print" button, an external printed form is formed.

Hooray! Prepayment!

If our organization received an advance, we must set an invoice for an advance.

Advance himself reflect the document "Admission to the Settlement Account".

There are two ways to create such invoices:

  • Manual mode. We go to the document on the advance, click the "Create Based" button. The invoice form that appears is checking and carry out the "Conduct" button. This method is suitable if the advance payment as a form of calculations is rarely practiced;

  • Auto mode. Section "Accounting, Taxes, Reporting", reference "invoice for an advance". In the processing window "Register invoices to advance", specify the period, organization, click the "Fill" button. We receive a table with all invoice invades, lines can be added or canceled. Check the list, click "Run". To see the formed documents, go to reference from the bottom of the form "Open a list of invoices to advance."

We buy? We draw up!

An incoming invoice from the seller in 1C: Accounting declare after we introduce the document "Receipt of goods and services" from the section "Shopping and Sales". With this form, any purchases are issued.

  • "Type of operation" (for example, to buy TMC - "Purchase, Commission");
  • "Warehouse" (if accounting is conducted in warehouses, as recorded by the settings);
  • "Counterparty" (the seller must be established in the directory);
  • "Treaty".

The contract is better to start directly from the document, if you first add it to the directory, you can make a mistake with the "Treaty View" parameter, then the document will not find it.

The field "Organization" is filled in itself. The field "Advancement of an advance", as and when implemented, the easiest way to leave with the "Automatically" parameter.

The purchased TMTS can be added using the "Add" or "Selection" buttons. With the help of the latter - easier, as it opens the form of selection of the nomenclature from the directory. Click "transfer to the document" at the top of the screen, we get a filled form.

Date, invoice number from the seller fit into the appropriate fields, and not replace the number, date on our form.

The details of the received invoice are introduced under the table part, where there are fields for the number, the date of the document. Click "Register an invoice", write to the program. A link to the invoice appears, open, look, check. The document provides for the ability to print an invoice for the supplier (if there is a need for this).

The topic of our today's article will consider such a document as an invoice, namely, what it is for which it needs, how to correctly fill out how to conduct an invoice in 1C, the types of invoices when and what invoices to exhibit .
Let's start with the definition of an account and its importance for companies.

What is an invoice. Why it is needed.

According to the rules article 188 and Art. 169 NK RF invoice - This is the main document for the purposes of proper calculation and VAT. Those. When implementing goods, works, services, property rights, the Seller must confirm the accrual of VAT through the invoice. Similarly, the buyer can take to deduct VAT, solely on the basis of this document. It follows that the invoice is used for tax control, therefore it is extremely important to unmistakably fill this document to subsequently avoid conflicts with tax inspection workers.

Mandatory details of invoices.

So, a typical form is provided for the formation of an invoice. In paragraph 5 of Art. 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the requisites are mentioned for filling:

  1. The number and date of the invoice.
  2. Requisites of the Seller and Buyer: Name, Address, Inn.
  3. The name and address of the shipper and consignee.
  4. Under the condition of obtaining an advance on the account of the upcoming deliveries - the payment order number.
  5. Currency of document.
  6. The name of goods (works, services), quantity, as well as a unit of measurement and the cost of a unit.
  7. The total cost of goods excluding taxes, the amount of excise, tax rate, the amount of VAT, the final cost of goods with taxes.
  8. Country of origin and the number of GTD, when importing goods to the territory of the Russian Federation.
  9. Signatures of the head, chief accountant or others who have the right, persons.
In principle, if necessary, in an existing form of invoice can be made add-ons, the main thing is that the above details remain.

An example of the proper registration of the invoice!

One important moment! Inspectors can draw any inaccuracy in the invoice against the company, i.e. Refuse to deduct VAT. Therefore, to minimize the risk of failure, it is important to know the materiality of the errors allowed in the invoices.

Unforgettable errors in invoices.

Error 1. Very often accountants are incorrectly Seller companies or buyer. For example, the correct name: "Consultation +", error name: "Consultation". The name must strictly comply with the corporate name specified in the constituent or registration documents. Similar errors allowed in writingaddresses and Inn. Everything they impede the identification of the seller or buyer.

♦ Error 2.Only the name of the goods without articles or other additional characteristics is indicated, with which you can identify the goods. For example, the name of the product "Glass Lighted" has differences in articles and dimensions, if you specify several goods in the document only with the same name, let's say "glass", then such an error will lead tothe impossibility of determining which item was acquired.

♦ Error 3.Arithmetic errors in the calculation of the value of goods are also unacceptable.

♦ Error 4.. If the company is engaged in selling goods taxable at different VAT rates, then the accountant should be extremely attentive, because Noteinvalid VAT rates He will refuse to deduct.

♦ Error 5. Often accountants or managers, invoicing invoice indicate the faithful VAT rate, but when multiplying the amount without VAT at the specified rate, the wrong indicator is obtained,not allowing to determine the amount of tax.

♦ Error 6. In document not spelled out the name of the currency or specified error Currency Code;

Errors that do not prevent the correct understanding of the essence of the mandatory details of the invoice are not essential, and do not affect the deduction of VAT.

Advance invoice.

Because To write an invoice for 5 days from the moment the earliest of the events: implementation or preliminary payment at the expense of the upcoming supplies, then when the advance payment is received, an advance invoice invoice is written. It should be fill in the same form, and the same rules as the invoice for implementation. (Resolution No. 1137) The fee is worth paying the line 5 of the document, where the number and date of the payment order is specified. This props is mandatory.

Features of the correction invoice.

If the buyer and the seller agreed in writing about changing the value of goods due to the adjustment of the price or the number of goods, the volume of services and work, then in this case the seller discharges the correction invoice. Its feature is a mandatory indication of the rooms and dates of adjustment, source data, as well as new information about quantity and price, cost without VAT, total value with tax, and, of course, changes in the value of the tax itself.

How to conduct an invoice in 1C.

Let's see how to make an invoice in 1C 8.3.

Invoice for implementation in 1C8.3.

Before writing an invoice for implementation, we create a document of implementation directly.
To do this, in the "Shopping and Sales" section, select the section "Shopping and Sales"

Go to subsection "Sales (acts, invoices)"

Open a list of documents "Implementation of goods and services" . In it, using the "Create" button, enter a new document.

Fill all the fields of the open document.

  1. Type of operation - "Sale, Commission"
  2. The "Organization" field is filled automatically.
  3. "Counterparty" (Buyer) Choose either from the "Buyers" directory, or introduce a new one if it is not yet in the database.
  4. Record the contract number. In this case, the type of contract will be a contract with the buyer.
  5. Next, choose the "warehouse" from which we ship the goods.
  6. Then there is a field "Advancement of an advance". By default, the program is "automatically". I advise him to leave it, because With such a configuration, the program will automatically analyze the existence of an advance on this buyer, which is undoubtedly more convenient for accounting.
  7. If you open a link located just below, it can be adjusted by the type of price and VAT. More precisely, its inclusion is in the price - "in the amount" or "top".
  8. And finally, fill the tabular part.
  9. Save the completed document, we carry out the "Conduct" button

I'll tell you now how to create an invoice for advance In 1C accounting 8.3. As usual, there are several ways to perform the same action. But before proceeding to the creation of an invoice for an advance, let's see, in what cases it needs to be done.

When you need to create an invoice for an advance

If you open accounts on the "VAT" tab, then there is an item "The procedure for checking invoices for an advance". As a rule, it is indicated that their invoices for an advance should be registered every time an advance payment. If this is not the case, then you already need to pay attention to the deadlines of the advance payment.

Thus, before wondering "How to create an invoice for an advance", It should be found out if you need to do this in this case. If so, read the following how to create an invoice for advance in advance and choose the most suitable for you.

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How to create an invoice for advance payment: ways

Create manually

The most primitive and long way. You need to go to the "Shopping and Sales" section, select on the Navigation Panel "invoices" and manually through the "Create" button.


In this case, all the fields of the information being created on the advance will be fill it manually, which is quite long. An example of an already created invoice invoice is shown below. Save the drawing as a sample!


If you are not sure how to fill all the fields correctly, you can always ...

Create an invoice for an advance on the advance of the advance payment

This is the most common way to create invoices for an advance. In addition, the fastest and elusive almost all possible errors. To create an invoice for an advance, first find the base document (for example, a receipt cash order).


The "Create Based" menu is also in the advance payment itself, so you can first go to the document to be guaranteed not to be mistaken. And in general, I always give advice on my courses of 1C accounting: "Try to use the input on the ground - it saves time and avoids a multitude of errors!"

If you need massively create invoices for an advance, then you can ...

Take advantage of special processing

In 1C accounting 8 there is a processing "Registration of invoice invoices". You can use it for automatic and massive accounts to the fact of an advance. It is located in the "All Functions" menu and looks like this.


For mass creation of invoice for advance, specify the dates interval for which you want to search for an advance payment documents, and click the "Fill" button, and then "Run". If any invoices on the advance have already been created, then they will not be reused (!), So this operation is safe for already available data!

Video Tutorials on ways to place advance invoices

On the video you can see examples of various ways to set an invoice for an advance payment in the program 1C Accounting version 8.3.

Let's summarize

Now you know how to create an invoice for an advance payment in 1C Accounting 8. To create invoices for an advance, I recommend using the input on the basis.

A detailed consideration of this issue is included in the curriculum of the course 1C, presented on the site.