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Test as he perceives me. What is your impression on men? Are you able to show an initiative in sexual relationships

Each girl before going to work, studying or walking looks at himself in the mirror. Do you see yourself in reflecting a stunning beauty, a cute princess or business lady? Are you just perfection with an ideal figure and a priest character?

We can evaluate yourself unheavking, close your eyes to our drawbacks, and embellish our advantages. Men can look at the woman absolutely on the other side, but they may be dishonest with it for many reasons. Pursuing a carriage or fear of offending, most say in a wrong way due to indifference or are silent at all.

If you want to learn the truth, go through the test "What am I in the front of the guys?", Which will accurately reveal your personality. You can attract men not only to appearance, but and attitude towards yourself surrounding, behavior, gestures.

Test "What am I in the eyes of guys?" It will help to open different facets of your personality.

Even the most confident and calm girl is always interested in learn the opinion of the guys about himself. Be prepared for the fact that the result that will show the test "What am I in the front of the guys?" May be touched upon your pride and affect self-esteem. If the test response does not like you, you will receive advice with which you can change your behavior. To do this, you need to be the most open in your answers. Remember that the results you got, having passed the test "What are you in the eyes of guys?" You will be known only to you. Be honest with you.

If you have ever thought about how you are seen guys in fact, you should not get lost in guesses, go through the test and get an instant answer. You will be able to understand how to please the young man, while not changing your individuality, and learn what you need to do in order for guys to have to notice your strengths and stop paying attention to the shortcomings.


How do you see the guys around you? Girl-girlfriend, homepage, woman vamp, and can a sexy thing? Pass this test and find out how you are perceived by the guys.

Total reviews: 14 including With ratings: 11 WIRE. Ball: 4.82

Other opinions about the test "How do guys perceive you?":

Amica 5 Curious test. Answered extremely honestly, the result turned out to be approximately as I expected. Larisa 5 Interesting outcome, about me. 5 Test Result:
The amount of points you entered: 42
(from 35 to 46 points) You are between two types: "A woman who is by itself," and "woman for a woman." You're sexy, not aggressive, you know guys, but do not get in front of them. You charm your femininity, and not any abilities. Your kind heart attracts more than your body. You prefer men to perceive you on an equal footing, and not as a sex symbol or a housekeeper. However, some reverend before you and call the "boss". But do not take it into account. Confident in yourself, you know what you want in life and how to achieve it. marinka.In the question of betrayal, it seems to me, there is not enough paragraph - I would immediately leave him. Well, in general, the test is interesting. Test result:
(From 47 to 59 points) You clearly know what a "woman for a man" is and what it means to be yourself, men love you, admire you and seek your society. But they also know the borders that you never step over. You have fun with you, you are smart and you have a feeling of self-esteem.

How do men see me? What do they think, communicating with me? Does their perception coincide with my expectations? Our test will help you answer these questions.

1. If an unfamiliar man looks at you and smiles, you:

And - proudly turn away to the other side

B - Smile in response

In - if a man is good, then you look at it

G - shining, take a look

2. A man invites you to choose a gift yourself, you will prefer:

A - Ultrathin Laptop

B - cute heart bauble

In - Diamond Ring

G - subscription to yoga classes

3. If you have a vacation alone, you:

A - Visit the most expensive spas and boutiques

B - Visit All Possible Attractions

In - will certainly start a resort novel

G - take advantage of this to be alone with his thoughts

4. During the first meeting with a man you need to say:

A - About politics, stock quotes or jazz

B - about common familiar or student past

In - about him love

G - let him say, you better listen

5. In the store you choose some clothes in order to:

And - she corresponded to your status

B - it was comfortable and comfortable

In - to be attractive for the opposite sex

G - fit your inner image

6. How do you feel about the phrase "I even go out with a manicure!"?

And - so they do only insecure women

B - it says about the desire of a woman like

B - this is how the real woman should come

M - some kind of stupidity, I do not understand why to focus on this

7. Which of the qualities is more important for the perfect man, from your point of view?

B - sense of humor

In - determination

G - respect for a woman

8. If at the party's husband your acquaintance begins to give you increased attention, you:

And - analyze what is behind it

B - try to avoid such communication

In - you will be very happy

G - do not give this values

9. Which of these gestures is more typical for you?

A - Crash Ring on the finger

B - Write the edge of the clothes

In - folding hair from forehead

G - arms crossed on her chest

10. While a date another man calls you, you:

A - Talk to him as much as you think necessary

B - Answer a call, then tell about the conversation

In - ask to call back, referring to employment

G - you will not shoot a tube

11. Are you able to show the initiative in sexual relationships?

A - yes, of course

B - most likely no

In - provoke a manifestation of a man's initiative

G - it will depend on the circumstances

12. With whom of the following people would you prefer to dine?

G - Dalai Lama

The key to the test. If the option is dominated among your answers:

A - Men are afraid of you

B - Men see you perfect life companion

In - Men dream of sex with you

M - Men consider you a mystery

If your answers were distributed approximately equally, it means that you know how to make a man perceive you as you need at the moment.

Cold heart

You feel the look of men, but they rarely come to you. Familiar situation? All because of your cold look and impregnable look. Relax! If you smile a pretty person and give him to meet you, nothing happens to you! Let's chances and see how life will play new paints.

Male attention generator

Wherever you go and did not enter, all glances are directed at you. You know about it, and it does not confuse you. Even more - you like it! You are not tied to young people, as I am sure that in the future you are waiting for something more. Sometimes such a negligence attitude and high attention does not play your hand. Men simply will not take you seriously.

Gray mouse

You are afraid to make a step left, step to the right. It and in vain! You're accustomed to be inconspicuous and keep everywhere neutrality, which is neither bad, but also good. It's time to prove yourself and express what you think. You will see, you will succeed!

Girl from the courtyard

You are "your own on the board": you can easily find a common language with the opposite sex, and for this they respect you. But men perceive you rather as a faithful girlfriend or neighbor girl than the desired girl. It's time to change this situation! Show how much you can be feminine and desirable. It's only the beginning!

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Psychologists have repeatedly came to the belief that the first impression is decisive for the development of further relations. However, the practice shows that most of the female representatives, as a rule, during dating or at the first date, worry at all about those things.

Going out of the house, going on the road to a restaurant or during a date, many women think: "Isn't I painted too?", Will my new hairstyle like him? "Will he laugh at my jokes?" etc. In general, they think about everything, only not about what would be thought.

The joke is remembered here. The couple lies in bed after stormy sex and think:

- Female: "Why is he silent?", "He has nothing to say?", "I'm not interested in him?", "Did he blinked me up?", "Probably he has someone ..."

- Man: "Oh, fly on the ceiling", "I wonder how she keeps there?"

Attractive women, causing admiration not only in men, but also in representatives of weak gender. This is called Charisma - the ability to captivate with its emotions, thoughts and desires of people around you.

So, the first, and most importantly, what each woman should learn is a flirt. Flirt effectively helps to solve problems in personal life and develops such a not unimportant trait as originality.

In this situation, you can go in the opposite way, and instead of thinking about how to impress the man to develop your originality. Yes! Yes! Originality. Not anyone from it.

To impress the guy, it is definitely necessary to be original. Then he will notice, and incessantly will think about you. Alternate and combine different behaviors.

Here are some methods with the help of which, you can impress the guy and make it so that the guy thought about you, constantly. Experiment and look at the results!

Change periodically your mood. Be, then calm, then turbulent - active; That sociable, then a little secretive - mysterious. This is ashamed by a man. Do not be afraid to make extraordinary actions that will highlight you from the crowd. The main thing is that they make a good impression on others.

Support the position of the man. If you support the position of a man, especially when, unauthorized people, (for example, communication in the company), then this will undoubtedly make an impression on him, and he will think that your views on life are similar.

Look intently in your eyes. He will think that something here is so, and constantly thinking about you, just what we need.

Find out that he is impressive. Meet your common acquaintances that can impress the guy. Sit and reflect yourself that it can impress, from what he will come to delight. Be sure to think about something.

Well, if you read these lines, then it's the time to go through the test and find out: what impression you make on men. The test is not very simple, and at first glance, some questions may seem not having anything in common with the ability to make an impression. But so it only seems.