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Private guards. Panteleev Alexey Ivanovich (Panteleev L) Guard Private GW Sergeant Decryption

Each military rank has a number of nuances characteristic only for this step in the hierarchy, and the senior sergeant is no exception. This title is awarded to a military personnel who is the second most important in a platoon - deputy commander. Most often, such a person has closer ties with subordinates than command, and solves small and medium-sized problems. Also, he knows quite well what the soldiers are undergoing under his start, and can predict their behavior in different situations.


Senior Sergeant is a military rank, applied to the younger officer of the Army of the Russian Federation, and is found in a number of other post-Soviet countries. To clarify the type of troops, or the official position is made to add additional words to the rank.

How to call Art. Sergeant depending on the place of service:

  1. The "Guard" add to the rank, if the person is currently working in the land military unit or is served on the ship.
  2. After the title add "medical service" if Art. The sergeant is in stock, but has a medical education.
  3. After the title add "justice" when a person who is in the reserve has an education in the legal sphere.
  4. Addition "In stock", if an officer is not in the service in the army, and does not have a specialized education.
  5. The rank is adding "retired" if a person is no longer a military service (does not allow to serve in the army the number of years, health status or other reasons).

This position sounds differently in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - the main foreman. Regardless of the name, these people perform the same function as in the army - the deputy commander.

To whom and how the title is assigned

For each position, there is a set of instructions on which the command composition is oriented. And to assign the title of senior sergeant, a certain seniority is needed, namely, a person must hold a minimum of 3 years in the current military.

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When this period is suitable, and if the elder does not have any objections, then the serviceman handed new epaulets. The decision to change the post may also affect the occupied position, the presence of education, additional qualifications or more specific reasons.

Early assignment

Sometimes, when the sergeant manifested itself well, and the command is confident that this position is too low for its abilities, he can award an extraordinary title.

Causes of early assignment:

  1. The imagining of the new title is influenced by the performance of the serviceman, and its behavior according to the Charter.
  2. The soldier has specific knowledge that go beyond his official duties, and can benefit at a higher level of the hierarchy.

Assign a new rank can only guide if it has reasoned reasons for this. At the same time, the award of the new rank is possible if a person already has the title at the stage below assigned. According to the regulations, the military must serve in all previous posts before getting a new one.

There are cases when the early assignment of the title is postponed if the soldier lacks education. Then he is directed to training, upon completion of which and increase in the rank.

Delay assignment, decrease and deprivation of title

Sailing years is considered a standard reason for obtaining a title. But sometimes even she cannot help a person in promotion on the service stairs. This is hampered by the following reasons:

  1. Systematic disruption of discipline, which entailed a record of a personal matter. It is believed that the military unable to monitor his own behavior will destructively influence the platoon if he becomes the deputy commander.
  2. The presence of complaints from the civil legal system, expressed in the initiation of a criminal case.
  3. There are signs of service violations, which leads to the verification of all actions. Before the result is obtained, the new title cannot be assigned.

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The chin can lower if a person dismissively refers to his duties, which resulted in disciplinary recovery. Often, this measure is taken when they want to replace the unsuccessful selected soldier to more competent. After that, it is possible to restore the chin only a year later, if, according to the command staff, a person has changed his behavior.

To deprive titles may be for crimes that entailed a violation of the work of the army. Another reason for the deprivation of all the ranks is recognition for military criminal guilt. The recovery in the rank is possible only after serving the sentence, and by decision of the commander of the military unit.

Terms of receipt of the title

Shooting senior sergeant can only get after the passage of special courses. After all, the knowledge gained is distinguished by sergeants from the ordinary composition. For sergeant composition, quite specialized teachings. The direction can only be obtained from the older for the title, for the manifestation of the qualities of necessary in senior positions.

Before getting the position of Art. Sergeant, the soldier must serve in the post of sergeant for at least six months. If a person manages himself, as an exceptionally useful frame, then he is awarded an extraordinary title.

Distinctive signs

In the army there are 20 steps, from the lowest - ordinary, to which cadets are attributed to Marshal of the Russian Federation. Each of these levels has its own distinctive signs. They are grouped depending on the responsibility that is entrusted to people. So, the senior sergeant belongs to the subgroup "Sergeants and the German", which combines similar patterns.

The value of signs on the shoulder:

  • ml. Sergeant has 2 narrow transverse strips on the chains;
  • sergeant has 3 narrow transverse strips;
  • art. Sergeant epaulets gets with 1 wide transverse stripe;
  • the foreman has one longitudinal strip.

How should the epaulets look like:

  1. For the shape used in hiking conditions, the color of the shoulder shaft corresponds to the camouflage coloring of the fabric.
  2. Skits have a trapezoidal form, and a button is necessarily there.

The history of the first guards parts in the Russian army originates even with the existence of an imperial system. It is relifically known that two and Preobrazhensky became the first such parts, which were based during the reign of Peter I. Already then these shelves showed considerable exposure and heroism in battle. There were such units up to the coming to power in Russia Bolshevism. Then there was an active struggle with the remnants of the royal regime, and the Guards parts were disbanded, and the concept itself was forgotten. However, during the Great Patriotic War, a question of the promotion of distinguished warriors, as many soldiers or entire units fought brave even against the superior enemy forces. It was in this difficult time and the sign "Guard of the USSR" was established.

Institution in the guards

In 1941, the Red Army suffered a number of defeats from the Wehrmacht and retired. The decision to revive the former tradition from the Soviet government arose during one of the most severe defense battles - Smolensky battle. In this battle, four divisions were especially distinguished: the 100th, 127th, 153rd and 161th. And in September 1941, by order of the Supreme Command, they were renamed the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Guards Divisions with the appropriate title. At the same time, the entire personal composition was awarded the sign "Guard", and also relied on special salaries: for ordinary - double, for officers - one-time officers. Later, this sign began to decorate also the banners of distinguished divisions (since 1943).

During the war years, the Guards title was awarded many parts that showed courage and heroism in battles with invaders. But on this the history of elite compounds in the Red Army does not end. Awarding the Guards rank was carried out during other armed conflicts. They continued until the collapse of the USSR. Awarded the "Guard" sign to any recruit that came to the part, but only after it passes a fighting baptism, and in such as aviation or fleet, these requirements were even more stringent. Moreover, in this regard there was no difference between officers and ordinary soldiers.

Chestnaya sign "Guard": description

There are several varieties of this award in total: the time of the Second World War, post-war, as well as modern signs. Each of them has its differences, because over time the design changed and yes, they were produced at different planes. Below will be described sample 1942 release.

So, this honorable award is a sign made in the form of a laurel wreath, covered with gold enamel. The upper part is closed fluttering colors, on which gold letters are written "Guard". All space inside wreath is covered with white enamel. In the center there is a Soviet red army with a gold edge. The left rays of the stars crosses the banner of the banner, which is passing to the ribbon. Two cords are departed from it, which hang on the left branch of the wreath. Below is the Cartus, where the inscription "USSR" is engraved.

When assigning any part of the Guards title, the emblem depicting a reward was also applied to combat equipment - tanks or aircraft.

Sign sizes - 46 x 34 mm. It was made of Tompac - alloy brass, copper and zinc. His properties did not allow the reward to rust. For attachment to the clothes, a special pin and nut was attached. Reward on the right side of clothes at the chest level.

The project was developed by S. I. Dmitriev. One of the versions was almost a similar sign, but Lenin's profile was located on the banner. However, I did not like the idea of \u200b\u200bStalin, and he ordered to replace the inscription "Guard" profile. So the reward got my final look.

Privileges and features

For those who had the sign "Guard of the USSR", were relied on special privileges. The award was preserved for the man who received it even if he left the Guards Service. The same thing concerned the translation of the soldier to another part. The reward was also worn and in the post-war time. In 1951, the Government of the USSR was issued a law, to temporarily stop handing the "Guard" sign, making it only in exceptional cases. Such an order was observed until 1961, when the Minister of Defense R. Ya. Malinovsky approved the order, according to which the right of the sign of the sign took effect when serving the service in the Guards division. He did not apply to participants.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the delivery. It was solemnly, with the overall construction of the entire unit, with deployed banners. In addition to the award itself, the fighter was also awarded a document containing relevant information about awarding and confirming it. But over time, the presentation itself turned into a routine and lost its "ritual" value.


Now, when the glory of the past events fades, you can buy from various private traders since one of the most mass awards is the "Guard" sign, the price is usually low. It depends on several features: time and method of manufacture, history of award, as well as from who sells. The cost begins on average from 2000 rubles.


The "Guard" sign indicated heroism, military scarce and valor of his man. During the existence of the USSR, the parties awarded the title of Guards, were considered elite, and the soldiers who served in such divisions were treated with great respect.

Alexey Ivanovich Panteleev
Private Guard
Cycle "Stories about the feat"
Every evening, when the clock on the Kremlin Tower calls the first quarter of the tenth hour, when on all other hours - small and large, hand and pocket, home, street and rail - the black arrow shows 21 hours 15 minutes, throughout our army, in all her The parts and divisions are served by the command:
- Come out to be built on the evening calibration!
If the summer is in the yard, in Moscow is already dark at this hour, in the north - white night, in the south - the night is black and the sky from the edge to the edge swept up with bright stars. But also under the light and under the dark sky, and in the north and in the south, in the West and in the East, the words of the old military ceremonial solemnly sound solemnly and solemnly sound. And wherever the fighter caught this evening team - in the barracks, on the privala in the forest or in the camp on the educational collection, after a minute he is already in the ranks, tightened, selected, at its usual place: the one that is higher - on the right Flanga, the one that lowers is on the left. Officers appear, the foreman gives the team "Smirno", and the system is frozen, elongated in Lineshek. "Let's start verification," the senior officer says quietly; And, by responding: "There is proceeding to calibration," the head of the company takes a step forward, reveals the right track record and starts the rollback:
- Abdulaev!
- I - ah!
- Averin!
- I!
- Vasilevsky!
- I - ah!
Many votes - loud and muted, coarse and gentle, courageous and inheritance calls - respond to this minute across our vast country, from the Caucasian mountains to the Barents Sea: on the outcome of the day, the Russian army counts and recalculates the Terrible Rows.
* * *
... So in the company, where Sasha Sasharov served, this evening calibration also occurs.
Estimated on the move the faded field gymnaster, left the tent commander company Senior Lieutenant Khrustalev. Rota has already been built. Two ranks with a smooth lounge ladder stretched out on the edge of the forest.
- SMIR-RNO! - Commands the foreman, although people are already worth not lying.
In the hands of the foreman of a thick laid book.
- Get to verification, "says the officer.
- There are tricks.
The foreman reveals the book. Reveals slowly and solemnly. And also solemnly and leisurely wures the first list of surname:
- Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Red Armenian sailors!
But where is the sailors? There is no right on the right or on the left flank. Everyone knows that he is not, no one thinks he will respond, will respond, and yet the foreman causes him and waits for an answer.
- Hero of the Soviet Union Guard, Krasnoamec Matrosov, Alexander Matveevich, died by brave in battles with the German-fascist invaders, responds to the Malflaw Bardabayev.
From day to day, he responds from the evening in the evening for the sailorov, and still every time this high, state and broad-and-butter guy will overcome the excitement in his voice.
Silence. People are silent. Lips all are tightly compressed. And not only at Bardabayev, many other wet flashes their eyes under the stern by extreme eyebrows.
The foreman turned the page.
- Andronnikov!
- I-A!
- Solid!
- I!..
- Demshko! ..
- I!
- Illyyevsky! ..
- I!
- Kopylov!
- I!
- Prince! ..
Roll is over. The foreman closed the book, wandered by the usual movement of the gymnaster, turned on the heel - and a clear, printing rapid step almost runs to the commander of the company.
- Comrade Guard Senior Lieutenant! - He says, applying his hand to the pilot and immediately dropping her. - In the entry entrusted to you, the evening verification is made. The list is listed in the company a hundred and two people. Six people in the Sanchastka, eight in the outfits, illegally missing, in the ranks of eighty seven people. The Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Red Armenian sailors died by the death of brave in battles with the fascist invaders.
And again silence. I heard the bird flies. Or like rain drums on the window eaves. Or - the winter wind is noise in the tops of the trees.
The officer brings his hand to the visor cap.
- freely! Dissolve the company, "he says.
The foreman takes a step back, turns face to build and the command repeats the team:
- freely! Own!
People diverge. Everyone has their own business, their concerns in this late, after checkline. You need to have time before bedtime to clean the rifle or machine, write a letter, sew a button to overcoats, smoke ...
But, doing every person doing, people think about the sailor. He is not, and yet he is with them; He is dead, and the grass in his grave managed to grow and plant, but they think and talk about him as alive.
The name of Matrosov forever is written in the guards company's track record. This means that the spirit of the hero is indeed immortal.
But what is the feat made Alexander Sailors? What is the honor of his name and memory?
Listen to a brief story about the validity of the young Russian soldier.
In a dense pine forest, which on the maps and on the plans is referred to as a big broken boron, before the dawn, the battalion received an order to become a halt.
It was a very successful and timely order. People did not sleep for two days. Two days they walked through this frantic boring, to bypass the enemy positions, falling on his knee in the snow, went at night and during the day, with such short gear, which is not only sleeping, and it happened, and there was no time to buy a clearing.
And now, finally, the halt.
No one thought about to eat or drink tea, many did not even smoke: who was where it was there and fell into the snow and fell asleep-chripped with a Bogatyr frontal sleep.
And Sasha Satrosov was also going to sleep. This minute he simply could not wait - before his shutalo and Klonilo to sleep.
He pulled out a small hole under the tree, put the wound in the headboard and was already lay down, he already settled down, he already dragged his hands to the sleeves of the sheel, and already already had a sweetly closed him when he heard a familiar voice, slightly muted voice:
- Komsomol residents! ..
"The name of the Komsomol residents", "Sasha thought through the dead. And for one moment he firmly fell asleep. But something as if pushed him - he immediately woke up and opened his eyes: "Fu, damn! After all, this is my name!"
Three months in war - a lot. During this time, Sasha from the boy turned into a man: he learned to shave, managed to visit the infantry school, became an excellent shooting protector, held tens and hundreds of kilometers, participated in several battles and battles, lost a lot of friends and laid enemies From your PPS. He experienced a lot and seemed to be accustomed to everything. But for three months already passed since he wears on his chest, in the secret pocket gymnasters a little light gray book with a silhouette of Lenin on the cover, and everything somehow cannot get used to the fact that he is no longer just Sasha, not Just a cadet or fighter of the Guards division, and the Komsomolets Sasha Satrosov.
- Komsomol members! Hey! "Trying to scream not too loudly, so as not to wake the sleeping, repeated the same voice.
- Well? - With difficulty lifting his head, Sasha replied. - I am a Komsomolets.
It was still very early, and in the predestrous semicircle he did not immediately recognize the Rotti Comsor of Lieutenant Bryakin.
- Is that you, sailors?
- I!
- Come on, old man, raise the guys. Collection convene.
"There is, Comrade Lieutenant," Sasha muttered and, having done an effort, pulled off his head from the wreck and sat down. He dated his head.
"Let's lively," the lieutenant repeated. - Three minutes later so that everyone was at the headquarters.
"There is," Sasha repeated, made another effort, jumped up and felt like everything he had snapped and grinned.
Lieutenant disappeared behind the trees. Sasha reached out loud, on the whole forest, yawned.
- A, Damn! - he said.
He did not like that he was awakened. And besides, he did not really love any meetings and meetings. Maybe because he did not know how to speak, he did not know how to speak. Say speech - nothing is terrible for him in the world. And the meetings for the convened so that they were told. And he, who never lagged behind anything, felt at meetings like a fish on the sand, because he could not, as it was necessary, and how I wanted to express everything that he had in the soul and in the language. He always remembered with a shame and with an offense about how in the Komsomol meeting, before he was given a light gray book, he told his biography to comrades. Actually, he said what he had to say: that he is an orphan, a former non-shy, which was brought up in orphanages and in the Ufa Labor Colony, that he was eighteen that he studied there and there ... and Although nobody laughed at him and accepted him unanimously, without a single objection, he felt that he said at all that he did some kind of nonsense, because the main thing is not at all that he worked somewhere and somewhere He studied ... And what is the main thing, he, perhaps, not even a close friend could tell.
Wake up the guys was not so easy. However, in two minutes, a man of thirty Komsomol residents, enjoying and embroidering with frozen felt boots, have already approached the location of the headquarters.
On a small rejournanka, the ladded tent pale blinked on the blue morning snow lantern "Bat Mouse" on the Blue Morning Snow. The lantern sat down in squatting Bryakin and, putting on his knee a field bag, hastily wrote in a notebook a pencil grizzly, who hardly held his hand in a gray coarse glove.
Komsomol members are outstanding.
- Hello, comrades, - said Bryakin; Holding the bag, he brought, answered a greeting and squatted again. Sit down. Now the senior lieutenant will come out - open.
- What's the matter, Comrade Lieutenant?
- According to such such a meeting, not a light zary?
Lieutenant did not answer, continuing to write.
- Mother is honest! - slapped himself on the forehead Misha Bardabayev, Sasha friend of his friend. After all, we are guys, today birthday women! I am asked and forgotten quite ... Today is the twenty-third of February - the day of the Red Army!
"For sure," said Lieutenant.
He finished writing, hid a pencil stump in a bag, buttoned it and rose.
- Yes, dear comrades, - he said, - Bardabayev, though asked, and not mistaken: today is really the birthday of our mother - the Red Army! And on this occasion, we are with you, by the way, to make it now a good present.
From the tent came the commander of the company of arthuhov and with him several young officers. Artyukhov smoked and kept some kind of paper in his hand.
- Sit, sit, comrades! - He turned to those Komsomolets who have already had time to sit down.
Bryakin approached him and said something. Artyukhov nodded, pulled out several times deep, threw the cigarette and glanced at the clock.
"So, comrades Komsomol members," he said, as if continuing the interrupted conversation. - A combat order was received: after twenty minutes, the company acts for performing an important operational task ...
He looked at his watch again. Komsomol members were silent. Sasha's sailors bent and squeezed Snow from the boat. Lieutenant Bryakin, spreading his legs wide, stood behind the commander, looked at the guys and slowly twisted his notebook into the tube.
- There is a hot business, "Artyukhov continued. - And here, as always, before giving an order to the performance, we collected you, advanced people of companies to introduce the character of the upcoming operation.
Artyukhov offered fighters and officers to come closer, unbuttoned the bag, pulled out the card from there and explained what the combat task was set in front of the roth. There is a broken boron to go, go out on the open area and with the fight to take the village of Chernushka. Here she is! Here is a broken boron, here is his western border, here is a small grivy, behind her ravine, for the ravine village. This village in this area is the reference point of the German defense. According to intelligence, there is not a very large garrison in Chernushka. If you act quickly and decisively, you can ensure success with a small number of victims. The whole thing is in speed, in the lightning development of hostilities. This is the basic condition of the task and must be brought to every fighter.
- The matter is yours, comrades Komsomol members! - Artyukhov stepped aside, sat down on the pennies and climbed into pockets.
- Allow, Comrade Senior Lieutenant? - turned to Him Bryakin.
Artyukhov nodded.
- Comrades, - said Bryakin, worried a little and continuing to twist his notebook, - not the first time we are going with you like that now they gathered around our commander to listen to his order, which is essentially the order of our Motherland. Do we need to remind you that we, the Komsomol members, together with our older brothers Communists are the best part, the avant-garde of our army and that for us the order of the Motherland is a sacred order. Uh, yes, however, what to say ...
Bryakin smiled and put his notepad for the serurator of a sermon.
- Comrades, there is little time, already engaged in dawn. Soon in battle. There is no time to talk for a long time. The task of Comrade Senior Lieutenant explained to us: in an hour, at an hour later, we will have to master the supporting point of the enemy, the village of Chernushka. What we will master it, none of us doubt. This little village with such a harmless and even ridiculous name is a Russian village, and this is the whole point. No matter how small it is and insignificant, it stands in Russian land, and there is nothing to do in this earth. They have no place here! This is our land. It was, there will be. And in an hour we will prove it. Is the eagles?
Bryakin smiled broadly again.
- Right! Truth! We prove in all the rules! - answered him from the darkness excited voices. Someone, in the old civil habit, shumbled in your hands.
The company commander rose from his hemp, waited a minute and asked:
- Well, who else wants to say?
- Sailors! - Skilled someone.
Sasha angrily looked around. Yes of course! Sailors! Always sailors. As if he had no other thing about how to perform at meetings.
Artyukhov learn the eyes of Matrosov and nodded at him:
- Well, Sashuk, let's tell us what you think.
What does he think? As if it is so simple and easy to tell what he is thinking now!
He thinks now ... But no, he does not even think, because they think in words, but he has no words at hand.
He feels with all his heart and his whole being, that most of all in the world, he loves his Soviet Earth, his country, his homeland.
Whenever mentioned when it is the name of this village - Chernushka, he feels tenderness, which he felt only as a child when he fell asleep on his mother's hands, putting her head on his shoulder. He thinks with tenderness about these people, about his Blood Brothers, who languishes there, for thick thickets of Lyuzhaty Bohr, for a ravous ravine, in a small Russian village, captured and over a year and a half a fascist beast.
But do you think about it? Will the language tell all this out loud?
And the guys pushing it. Scream from all sides:
- Sailors! Come on, come on! Do not be shy!..
Sasha sighs and furiously scratching the head.
"There's," he says and makes a decisive step forward.
- Guard Red Army Matrosov ... - He refers, as it should be on the charter, to the senior officer. Then he sighs again, and his hand again stretches to the back of him. - GM ... Comrades Komsomomolts and generally present ... I assure you ... that I ... In general, I will beat the Germans, as it should be left while the hand holds the machine. Well, in general ... understandable, in one word.
- Clear! - Comrades answer.
It seems to him that the guys laugh at him, clapping in your hands. In order not to redject and not to show embarrassment, he grins and, without looking at anyone, moves away.
Other Komsomol members advocated after him, and many spoke the same thing and not very folded and not very beautiful, but for some reason no one had blushed and did not confuse. And Sasha stood, leaning against the tree, looked at his feet, tensely thought, she moved his eyebrows and did not notice, with what kind of tenderness, with which fatherly pride and love glances at him, recreation on his hemp, the company commander.
And the foreman has already folded the commander tent. Already heard a platoon team: "Lifting!" In the frosty dwarfs, the voices sounded, the lights flashed ...
Komsomol members sorted by platforms. After a few minutes, the company was built, and tired, unbelievable people again stumbled in the other side where their card, compass and combat order heed.
The road was not - walked opening. The dawn remained a bit, it was necessary to hurry, and people, overcome fatigue, pressed, accelerated the step; Loose, stumbling and falling, falling into the snow, running out the column.
The sailors and Bardabayev walked in the head of the column, and they had it so much more than others: after all, behind the next track, and in front of them intact virgin, thick snow, drifts in human growth. Bardabayev - that guy is high, he is generally a right-legged, he is written in the family to go ahead. And how did Sasha got here, a small man, medium height? But it always happens: somehow it will always take it forward, especially before the fight.
And in the forest well. Another winter, still bites the noses and cheeks a cunning frost, the snow crushes the snow under his feet, but something elusive is already talking about the approximation of spring. Light resinous smell acts intoxiciously. It is a pity that it is impossible to sing: it's easier to go with the song.
As always before the fight, they talk about trifles.
- Wovenok, damn striped! - says Bardabaev.
- What?
- Breakthrough on the whole front ... Social Top. Snow, I think the kilograms of ten stuffed!
"Nothing," Sasha says, "I'll take it, take the Chernushka - you will taste the pakley, shut up. This is the most loyal case - palable.
- "Faithful business!" - Ground Bardabayev. - Even earlier, this cleanka must be taken.
Sasha is silent. Silent and Bardabayev. Both think about the same thing.
- Take? - He finally said Bardabayev.
- Take, - Sasha answers.
- And if you are late? If, say, their tanks will fit?
- Why should we be late? - Sasha says. - Loading to hell. And if we are late, if really the tanks fit - well, ...
He throws a vehicle on the belt and, I looked at the comrade, hardly creates:
- For yourself, Bear, I answer. With a grenade under the tank, I will quit, and the enemy will not miss.
- GM ... - shakes Bardabayev's head. - It is easy to say - under the tank!
"No," Sasha smiles, "you know, and not easy to say."
- nevertheless easier.
- It's not the same for everybody...
- Eh, look, what kind of whitefish slipped!
- Hare? Where?
- Won - for the Christmas tree. No, now it is not visible ... n-yes, it is easy to say. And you know, you speecked well today at the meeting.
- Go to hell! - Sasha says.
- No, really. Maybe what famous speaker and more interestingly performs, and yet ...
Sasha wanted to wicked up stronger, but then he was angry from the rear rows:
- Sailors! To the older lieutenant!
Artyukhov walked on the left flank of the second platoon, Sasha waited until he approaches, took a step forward and put his hand to the visor of the Ushanka.
- Well, Sasha? - Smiled artyukhov.
- What? - said Sasha, smiling too. - Good, comrade senior lieutenant!
Without stopping, the commander took it for the elbow. They went near.
"N-yes," said Arthukhov. - And I have to you, Comrade Guard Red Army Matrosov, by the way, there is a proposal.
Sasha was alerted and I looked at the commander.
- In the orders come to me?
Sasha flashed and felt his ears and cheeks tanned.
- Want?
- For sure, Comrade Senior Lieutenant. Want.
- Well, you will be ordinar. Do not fall behind now from me. Mood, it means good?
- Very good.
- And guys like?
- Guys - eagles!
- Will we live?
- We will.
- Would you like smoking?
- From "Kazbek" will not refuse.
From a good, strong cigarette of Matrosov spinned his head. Again he wanted to sing. Holding the machine gun, he now walked a lightly wide step, trying to walk so that Arthukhov remained on the path.
- Comrade Senior Lieutenant, "he said suddenly, without looking at the commander," you can ask one question?
- Come on.
- Do you have any of your relatives?
- Well, how ... Thank God, I have a family, and not small.
- And I have anyone ...
"Yes, I know," said Arthukhov. - It is sad, of course.
"No," said Sasha.
- Not?
Sasha thought and shook his head.
"I used to, you know, really sadly and missed." And I was driving on the front - it was also lousy: no one escorts, no one regrets. And now I somehow feel in a different way. As if I am not an orphan. As if, in general, I have a family ... Yes, even more yours.
"I'm not saying again," he thought with annoyance.
- It's not clear? - He said smiling.
Suddenly, Artyukhov took him by the hand and firmly squeezed her.
"No, Sashuk," he said. - Very even understandable. Only I think that this big family has always had, only you did not notice her. This is called homeland.
"Yes," said Sasha.
There was already cut in the forest. The sun has not yet thought, but already cleaned the snow on the tops of the trees, and thin skin was already rooted in young pines. And the snow under his feet from the blue turned into white, and then began to repose - and the farther, the thicker and more gentle it became this trembling pink shade.
"Oh, as well," Sasha thought, - what a nice day ahead! And how is it generally great and wonderful - live in the world! "
Artyukhov looked at the clock.
"Throw smoking," he said, and the first he himself threw and sowned to the fibril.
- arrived? - said Sasha.
"Yes, it seems that they arrived," Artyukhov answered serious and concerned tone. - Rota, stand! - he commanded quietly.
- Stop! Pave! - It suffered from the stretched rows of the column.
Furming and unbuttoning on the go hobur, arthuhukh ran to the head of the column, and after him, too, kneading and shooting from the shoulder from the shoulder, ran Sasha sailors.
Artyukhov stood behind the tree and looked around the terrain. Behind his shoulder, with a machine gun, stood Sasha Matrosov.
After two-day wandering in the detarks of the forest, the picture, which now opened their gaze, seemed dazzlingly bright and immense.
Gallencing golden, lying in front of them a wide snowy glade. Naphthalene February Nature was smoothly Radan - no traces on it, only black bushes of the hawthorn and juniper peeking into someone from under the snow cover. From the West, the glade closed a small island of a small forest, as if toured from a huge mainland of Lyubratoy Bohr. This green-blue grivy hid the mentioned in the order and indicated on the ravine map. Over the edge of the forest immediately opened the view of the Western Skat of the Hollow, in which the winter road was disheveled with a disheveled ribbon. In some place the road disappeared, and where she disappeared, the black triangles of the roofs were peelled because of the snow ridges, and a light pinkish gray smoke looked out. It was Chernushka.
"Here she is Chernushka," Sasha showed his hand. His eyes could not break away from this cozy, homemade haze, which was slowly sailed over the roofs of a small Russian village.
Artyukhov said nothing, noted something on the map and hid it into the tablet.
"Let's go," he said.
Sasha tried to keep up with Artyukhov. As always before the fight, his face was burning, a blush spoke on the cheeks. In blue eyes played a rear boyfriend. He looked around, saw Bardabaeva, Vorobyeva, Kopylov and other guys. Bardabaev's giant, hanging out, dragged a heavy zinc on his shoulder with cartridges.
- What, Misha? - called his sailors. - Valenochka will not let down?
Bardabayev chuckled, crossed the zinc and muttered something under his breath.
"Perhaps, it will be hot without a boat," the hoofs grinned.
"Well," said Sasha, "there will be hot, I'll take a barefoot in the attack. Fight so fighting ...
Noticing that he was lagging behind Artyukhov, he nodded to his comrades and ran, pressing the stomach machine.
Almost all Rota was already on the edge.
And then there was something that no one could expect. Even Sasha, who has ever been under fire, did not immediately understand what happened.
A familiar whistler sounded over his ear, it snapped around, static, and in front of him from a big, thick fir with a crash flew off the shaggy light sins.
- Lit! "He heard the squeezed voice of Artyukhov, he saw his comrades who fell into the snow, and his evening fell, in time, intercepting the automatic.
- Back! - shouted arthukhov and also discarded.
People crawled back and hid behind the trees.
Sasha crawled to Artyukhov. The company's commander lay behind the tree together with Lieutenant Bryakin and the first platoon commander. At the platoon was a scratched bullet brush hand; He sucated her and spitted blood on the snow.
- Dzot, so that their devils took! .. - Cooking Artyukhov and, fiercely combing, threw off the box with cigarettes, followed by mechanically climbed into his pocket.
- And not alone, but as many as three dzota, Comrade Senior Lieutenant! - shouted Sasha; He showed his hand towards a small fishing line closed by a glade.
At this moment, they have behind them, over the tops of the broken boron, the sun appeared, and the reverent light of the February dawn poured the paradise.
- Won, won, see? - showed Sasha.
Now, in the sun, a wooded island seemed closer than before. Looking at, it was possible to distinguish individual trees, and looking attentively, it was possible to establish the location of enemy firepoints. The machine guns were silent, but the sun gave them - white dasane frames of wooden Ambrazur appeared even through a thick disguise network.
- Oh, the jester can, but this is the same Forest Fortress! Said Lieutenant Bryakin.
"N-yes," said Arthukhov. - Emergency consumption. However, we can't leave Chernushka on our conscience. Bypassing dzotes - it will not work out: the Polyana they have a targeted here, as can be seen, to the last Pyd. You will have to storming from the front ... Sasha, he turned to the sailor, - Lieutenants Gubin and Donskoy - to me!
Sasha fermented and led to Artyukhov commanders of the second and fourth platforms. Artyukhov explained to them their own plan: Don's platforms and gyuba decisive storm blocked flanking dumps. The rest take on the task to suppress the central, apparently the most powerful one.
"The work is not necessary," said Arthukhov. - But you need to do it quickly, otherwise the entire operation will go as shock.
Commanders returned to their units, and in a minute a loud, rolling "Hurray!", The volley fire and the response fraction of German machine guns was announced that the storming of the forest fortress began.
Artyukhov loved Sasha, he was pleased to see this modest blue-eyed, with a transparent, clean and open look, a young soldier. I myself have not noticed, he has long treated him not just as a boss for subordinates, but with some kind of stingy and harsh father's tenderness, thought about him, as his senior son, was proud of his success and worried when the slightest trouble threatened Sasha . And maybe, assigning the sailor to his ordinary, he did it not only because Sasha was a clever and a frustrated fighter, but also because he wanted this cute, who loved him the guy was near. But for Sasha it was strange and unusual - to be on the battlefield and not to participate in battle. So far, in all combat battles, he was always in the first place, he walked into the attack, without thinking about the danger, fasciating his fearless comrades, and maybe, so for all three months of his combat life, he never was not injured, Neither contoution.
The bold bullet is afraid
Bold bayonet does not take
He loved to touch often, although he had no decent voice and he never was listed in rotary seared.
True, and now Sasha did not sit without a case: he helped the commander to monitor the peripets of the battle, collected the report, passed orders, crawled, ran, made his way into the most dangerous, risky places. But it was not the job to which he was used, and his hands were scratched and stretched to the shutter of the machine. Ten minutes later he could no longer stand and asked the Artyukhov permission to go fight in the ranks of his platoon. But the commander did not let him go.
"Be around me," he said angrily. - And do not worry. Here you need you ...
Already at the very beginning of the battle, Artyukhov became clear that to take the storming this German forest fortress - the matter is very difficult. True, the side, the flank jotes were quite quickly blocked and disabled by the fighters of Gybin and Donsky, both of these dyspeck were silent, but the central - the most distant and most powerful - led such a fierce machine-gun fire, which not only approach, but also to seem in the glade There was no possibility.
Several times the Guards rushed into the attack and each time they were forced to roll back, leaving on the battlefield of the killed and wounded. In his eyes, Sasha died his companion on the platoon Komsomolets Anoshchenko. Lieutenant Bryakin was seriously injured. Sasha saw him thawed toward Bardabaev and Vorobyov. Sasha It seemed that the lieutenant was already dead: such a pale, a non-living face was at the compusor.
- Comrade Lieutenant! - Drinking from excitement, Sasha shouted with voice.
Bryakin opened his eyes, recognized him, nodded and stirred her lips.
"In Komsomolski ... in Komsomolski ..." he stuck. And although the words did not follow anything else, Sasha realized that the Komsorge wanted to say: in Komsomolskaya you need to fight, and if you need and die.
The shootout continued. And with that and on the other hand, they did not spare the cartridges, but there was no point in this fierce worried.
And time went. It was calculated in minutes and seconds, but in this setting even an insignificant share of a second could solve the outcome of the case, the minute delay threatened with the upcoming. Artyukhov understood it. He understood that the Germans do not sit back in their ambush, that the garrison of Chernushki is already raised to their feet and that somewhere the duty German telephonist, the sucked "Gefrayer", is already taking an encrypted telephone message asking for help and reinforcement.
- Nevaznets our business, Sasha! - Artyukhov said loudly. He tried to speak cheerfully and fun, but he had no bad thing.
"We will not have time? - Sasha thought. - Is it really necessary to leave?"
From one of this thought he sank his heart.
- Comrade Senior Lieutenant, "he said, touched to the hand of Artyukhov, - Do you know what? Combine once again in the attack! By god, ink! Here you will see, go together. And I will go ... I'll go ahead.
"I know that you will go ahead," Artyukhov smiled affectionately.
- So give the order!
"Wait," said Arthukhov and his hand showed Sasha Sel.
What to do? Raise people and lead them into an attack? But this means for sure to destroy the whole company and not achieve any results.
"That's what," said the commander of the company, "let's take a closer to this bastard, let's see what she is."
They crawled. They did not see them from the dressing, but with the edges of the broken boron, dozens of attentive and wopsy eyes watched their movement.
They crawled in Plastanski, hiding behind the bumps and tubercles, crawled slowly, with the transes and taking a few rockets all the time.
- Stop! - Completely, finally arthuhov.
They attached a juniper bush.
Sasha gently stuck his head.
The enemy Dzot was very close: some hundred - one hundred and twenty steps separated them now from the Germans. From here it was clearly visible, as a short ash and red-haired jet of fire out of the embrasure of Zotka.
For one minute Sasha presented himself with fascist machine gunners, who, crumpled and semi-beating, are sitting in the huge cave of this forest dot. To present them to himself, he was not worth a lot of work - he had a lot in his age of these two-legged beasts in green shabby and rumbling overcoats, red, snotty, infinitely disgusting, dog-baked and doggy teeth.
As it happened to him many times, with one thought about the proximity of the Germans, rage and anger swept Sasha. How do they dare to hang around here? Who gave them right? After all, this is our earth! And this forest is our forest, and the village behind it, which is still a light leisurely smack, is our village.
He remembered Bryakin. Is he alive? Does it really be reminiscent of him! Does the Germans make them move away? No, the trait with two! Guardsmen do not retreat. Komsomol members do not retreat. Russians do not retreat. We will fight!
His hands squeezed the machine. Heart knocked. He waited for Artyukhov to give an order: "In the attack!" But the commander, thinking and appreciating the situation, gave him another order:
- Six car gunners - to me!
- There are six car gunners, "Sasha replied and the same way, hiding behind the bumps and tubercles, crawled to the broken Bor.
There were many people - he himself chose six people. All these were the Komsomol residents, his fellow suspension.
He led this sixyuhov to Artukhov. Artyukhov selected three.
"Such a task," he said, "to lie down as close as possible to the dumpling and - from the machine guns along the ambrusura. Clear?
- There is, - Avtomatikov answered. - from machine guns in ambrusura. Clear.
They failed to proligence and dozen steps, as the Germans noticed them. The fire blade turned sharply to the right, a short queue - and all three car guns remained lying on the snow.
Artyukhov called the rest.
- The task is understandable?
"There are," the Komsomol residents answered. - on embrasore from automatic machines.
- Enjoy a little right. Vividly!
Among these three were Kopylov, Sashin Comrade in school. He first got on the open clearing. Before the ambrusura remained steps of fifteen-twenty. Kopilov jumped up, raised the machine and fell, combed the machine-gun queue. Comrades were frozen for a minute, then slowly crawled forward. One of them managed to rise, ran a few steps and released, without looking, a short queue towards the jot. The machine gun lazily turned to the right and, as if reluctantly rushed it. Rose and comrade him - and also fell, struggled in place.
Artyukhov removed the header. His darkened face was covered with an embryo.
- What to do? - he thought out loud.
"Comrade Senior Lieutenant," said Sasha, "now I am.
- What are you"?
- I will go.
Artyukhov looked at him and realized that he could not say that Sasha was already decided. His face was calm - no Rumyanta, no fever in the eyes. So there are a person who is starting to the case, which he has long thought and has prepared well.
- Do you understand your task? He asked him artyukhov.
"I understand the task, yes," said Sasha.
"Well, go," said Arthukhov.
He wanted to hug Sasha, but did not hug, but only put his hand on his shoulder and, slightly pushing him from herself, repeated:
- Go.
Sasha looked out of the bush. In the forest fortress continued to knock a machine gun. Structure of fire leisurely moved on the right left and left to right. Having waited when she turns again to the left, Sasha jumped up and, making some light wide jumps, hit the side and, putting a mouse with a machine, crawled - climbing, wrapping snow, working, like swimmer, elbows, knees, all body ... Cold The snow shook his cheek. He heard him behind him, on the edge of the broken boron, rugged bursting bullets; This meant that the Germans do not see him. If the Germans had seen - click the bullets would be louder and closer and whistle would not be heard. And the bullets whistled on his head on his head: under cross-fire, he could guess what his own, what strangers.
What did he think in this short second of his last path in his native land? No one will tell us what he was thinking about. But the machine gun of the coils, who was not killed to death, who still lived, was still breathing, she was still fought with the fog, covered his eyes, - he saw through this fog Sasha Matrosov, who, speaking by, turned his harsh, harsh, a concentrated face and suddenly smiled at him, Kopylov, and suddenly said in a quiet and some one no longer, free, light, from the heart of the heart
- Komsomolski ... in Komsomolski ...
Seen Sasha and comrades from their positions on the edge of Lomov Togo Bohr. Squeezing his teeth and squeezing his fists to pain, followed his commander of the company of arthuhov.
Sasha Chitril. In those moments, when the fire blade turned to the right, he stopped moving and froze, flashed on the snow. And the machine gunner, taking it for one of the dead, did not notice him and passed by with his deadly queue. The dead lay on the snow much - the German did not occur to recount.
After waiting a minute, Sasha Polz further.
So he matured close to the dumplings. Direction he took the right - the ambrusura was on the left; He has already heard the sweet smell of powder gary and felt the hot closeness of a hot machine gun.
Those who are anxious and hopping their breath followed him from the edge of Lomochet Bohr, saw Sasha slowly raised, threw the machine and gave a sharp short turn along the ambrusura. The yellow smoke cloud broke out of the ambrusuras, the thunder shock shook the earth and he downloaded the tops of the trees - this is the Sasiina bullets were pleased with the mini or in a box with ammunition.
And immediately came silence, such an unexpected, stunning silence, that many did not immediately understand what happened.
The enemy machine gun was silent.
Without waiting for the team, the fighters have risen together; Many have already rushed forward and with the cry of "Hurray!", racingly shooting, we ran a dozen-other steps toward Jota.
And suddenly the machine gun came to life.
He stood feverishly, hurriedly, choking. And people who were already very close to the goal again fell into the snow and, stuff, crawled towards the forest, and many remained lying on the snow to never stand up again.
And then everyone who could see saw how Sasha Satrosov ran out of his shelter and screaming: "A, bastard!" Round to the enemy dzoto. Comrades saw how she turned on the run, fell on his left foot and his whole body was hidden on the ambrusura.
The machine gun choked.
- Forward! - Metal voice Artyukhov sounded.
The first jumped by the team Misha Bardabayev.
- Comrades! - he shouted. And no one recognized his voices. And he himself did not recognize him. Tears and anger, rage and pride over a friend stole him. He pulled the gymnaster gate on himself. - Comrades! For their homeland, for our Sasha, for the Komsomol Matrosov - ahead! URA-A! ..
A minute later, the Earth and Wooden Wheel is a minute - everything that remained from the German Forest Fortress, "the guardsmen lay behind his back. And after ten minutes, a hot battle was boiling on the chernoshka approaches, and the sun stood quite low when the flag of the country was watered over this little Russian village, for freedom, glory and honor of which Komsomolets Alexander Sailors gave his life.
* * *
On June 19, 1943, Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin signed a decree "On the assignment of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union of the Red Army Matrosov."
On the Sasha Togil bloomed at this time modest wildflowers. He lay here, near the village of Chernushki, and his company walked to the West and was already far away, but Sashaino named was not crossed out of the company's lists, and in the evening calibises he was still laughing like a living, and Misha Bardabayev responded for him, because That he was Sashin friend and because she stood first from the right flank.
In the evening, the company brought a newspaper. A flying rally took place. Fighters and officers, Sasha, comrades, chiefs and comrades were performed at the rally, they remembered what he was, what he said and what was noticeable. But few could remember something special and wonderful, which Sasha said. Only Bardabaev remembered and told how on the day of the fight under the Chernushka in Lomikat Bor, they arched with Sasha, whether it was easy to rush to the enemy tank, and how Sasha said: "It's not easy, and if necessary, I'll quit."
* * *
All summer, the regiment was on advanced; Together with the whole army, he walked with the battles to the West ...
For tact exploits, for the valor and courage, shown in these battles, the regiment earned the greatest honor. On September 8, 1943, the name of the Supreme Commander of the 254th Guards Regiment was assigned the name of Alexander Matrosov.
The name of a simple Russian guy, the former street, ordinary soldier decorated the regimental banner.
Taking the oath, the young guards falls on one knee and, falling her lips to scarlet silk banners, say:
- We will and we are so! We will be bold and fearless, honest and courageous - as the one whose holy name gold is embroidered in the cloth of this combat string.
With this oath, sailorovtsy, together with all our army, freed the Soviet land from the fascist invaders. With the same oath they will go if it is necessary, in the last, decisive fight for freedom, the glory and happiness of their people and their homeland.
Stories about the feat
The heroic topic attracted L.Pateleyev throughout his work. It is no coincidence that K. Chukovsky called Panteleev's heroes of the greatest courage and saw the merit of the writer in the glove of man. Panteleyeva is not only interested in the heroic deed itself, but the origins of the character of the hero, the path of upbringing and self-education, which makes a person capable of manifestation of courage and fearlessness.
Private Guard
In 1943, L.Pateleev was withdrawn from the army to the military department of the Central Committee of the IGCM. On the task of the department, he had to write an essay about the feat of Alexander Matrosov for the Komsomol truth. In his "notebooks" there is a mark: "He worked with the interest of sailors - a former non-primary, his hard fate." The essay was published on October 20, 1943, a few months after the heroic death of Matrosov.
In No. 11-12, "Friendly Guys" journal for 1943, the story of Sasha Satrosov was printed.
Separate edition: "Guard Private" (M.-L., Detgiz, 1944).
Yantonova, E. Putylova

Astana. April 29th. KAZINFORM - JSC "NK Kazinform" for the first time began publishing a list of "Book of Memory about the Kazakhstani warriors who fell in the territory of Austria in 1941-1945", the presentation of which was held in Vienna.

In the memory book, the list of surname and data 1000 warriors has been published in Kazakh and German languages. Casinform translates this text into Russian. We offer a list of reducing the names of military rank, military units, archives provided in the text.

Abbreviated military ranks

row. - Private

gv. - Private Guard

ePR. - Efreitor

gW.EFR - Guard Efreitor

ml.s-t. - Lance Sergeant - Guard Junior Sergeant

c-t. - Sergeant

gv.s-t Guard Sergeant

art. C-t. - staff Sergeant C-t. - Guard Art. sergeant

st-on - foreman - Guard Starshin

ml.l-t. - Ensign - Guard Junior Lieutenant

lt. - Lieutenant

gv.l-t. - Guard lieutenant

art. Lt. - Senior lieutenant - Guard Senior Lieutenant

kn - Captain

gW.K-N - Guard Captain

mr - Major

gv.m-r. - Guard Major

p / P-K - Lieutenant Colonel

gV.P / Pcasto - Guard Lieutenant Colonel

p-K - Colonel

gV.P-K. - Guard Colonel

Abbreviated titles of military units

Red Army - Red Army

Gtrista - Guards Tank Army

Corp - body

Gorkorp - Guards Corps

Scores - Rifle Case

Gukkorp - Guards Rifle Case

mechanichor - Mechanized Case

HMEHKORP - Guards Mechanized Case

TKORP - Tank Corps

GTCORP - Guards Tank Corps

D - Division

GD - Guards Division

SD - Rifle Division

GSD - Guards Rifle Division

PD - Infantry Division

GPD - Guards Infantry Division

VDD - Airborne Division

GDDD - Guards Airborne Division

Kavd - Cavalry Division

GKAVD - Guards Cavalry Division

ARTD - Artillery Division

Gatd - Guards Artillery Division

mechartd - Mechanized Artillery Division

GMAHARTD - Guards Mechanized Artillery Division

Br - Brigade

GBR - Guards Brigade

TBR - Tank Brigade

GTBR - Guards Tank Brigade

mehbr - Mechanized Brigade

GMEHBR - Guards Mechanized Brigade

ARTBR - Artillery Brigade

GARTBR - Guards Artillery Brigade

motartbre - Motorized Artillery Brigade

GMOTTARBR - Guards Motorized Artillery Brigade

meharTBR -Mecanized Artillery Brigade

GMAHARTBR - Guards Mechanized Artillery Brigade

mehsbr -Mecanized Rifle Brigade

Gmejabr - Guards Mechanized Rifle Brigade

motabr - Motorized Rifle Brigade

GMOTBR - Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade

SAPBR -Sapped Brigade

GSAPBR - Guards Sapper Brigade

GP - Guards Regiment

SP - Rifle Regiment

GAP - Guards Rifle Regiment

ARTP -Artlerian regiment

Garthp - Guards Artillery Regiment

meharTP - mechanized artillery regiment

GMAHARTP - Guards Mechanized Artillery Regiment

VDI - Airborne Regiment

GADS - Guards Airborne Regiment

PP - Infantry Regiment

GPP - Guards Infantry Regiment

TP - Tank Regiment

GTP - Guards Tank Regiment

motp - Motorized Regiment

GHOVTP - Guards Motorized Regiment

Kavp - Cavalry Regiment

GKAVP - Guards Cavalry Regiment

SP - Penalty Regiment

Bat - Batalion.

mot Bat - Motorized Battalion

Sapbat - Sapper Battalion

GSAPBAT - Guards Sapper Battalion

Medsanbat - Medical Sanitary Battalion

Wed - Rifle company

GSR - Guards Rifle Rota

Tr - Tank Rota

GTR - Guards Tank Rota

mehr - Mechanized Rota

GMEHR - Guards Mechanized Rota

SHR - Penalty Rota

Field Mail - Field Mail

VP - prisoner of war

Z - Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense

RGVA - Russian State Military Archive

Soviet reburial in Austria 1949 - Soviet reburial in Austria 1949

VA RK - Military Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Akmolinsky region - a list of those killed from the Akmola region

To familiarize yourself with the list, you need to click on the banner "List of fighting and dead warriors-Kazakhstanis in Austria", which is located on the site of the site www..kazight

Leonid Panteleev

Private Guard

Every evening, when the clock on the Kremlin Tower calls the first quarter of the tenth hour, when on all other hours - small and large, hand and pocket, home, street and rail - the black arrow shows 21 hours 15 minutes, throughout our army, in all her Parts and units (in those, of course, who do not participate at this time in combat operations) the command is served:

Come out to be built on the evening calibration!

If the summer is in the yard, in Moscow is already dark at this hour, in the north - white night, in the south - the night is black and the sky from the edge to the edge swept up with bright stars. But also under the light and under the dark sky, and in the north and in the south, in the West and in the East, the words of the old military ceremonial solemnly sound solemnly and solemnly sound. And wherever the fighter caught this evening team - in the barracks, on a privala in the forest or in a camp on the educational collection, after a minute he is already in the ranks, tightened, selected, at its usual place: the one that is higher, on the right flank , the one that is lowering on the left. Officers appear, the foreman gives the "Smirno" team, and the system is frozen, elongated in Lineshek. "Let's start by checking," the senior officer says quietly, and, the response "eat to cart", the head of the company takes a step forward, reveals the right track record and starts roll call:



Many votes - loud and muted, coarse and gentle, courageous and boyish beams - will respond at that moment, throughout our vast country, from the Caucasian mountains to the Barents Sea: on the outcome of the day, the multi-million Russian army counts and recalculates the terrible rows.

... So in the company, where Sasha Sasharov served, this evening calibration also occurs.

Estimated on the move the faded field gymnaster, left the tent commander company Senior Lieutenant Khrustalev. Rota has already been built. Two ranks with a smooth lounge ladder stretched out on the edge of the forest.

SMIR-RNO! - Commands the foreman, although people are already worth not lying.

In the hands of the foreman of a thick laid book.

Get to verification, "says the officer.

There is a trick.

The foreman reveals the book. Reveals slowly and solemnly. And also solemnly and leisurely wures the first list of surname:

Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Red Army Matrosov!

But where is the sailors? There is no right on the right or on the left flank. Everyone knows that he is not, no one is waiting for him to respond, will respond, and yet the foreman causes him and waiting for an answer.

Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Krasnoamec Matrosov Alexander Matveyevich died by brave in battles with fascist invaders, - Malflaw Bardabayev.

From day to day, he responds from the evening in the evening for the sailorov, and still every time this high, state and broad-and-butter guy will overcome the excitement in his voice.

Silence. People are silent. Lips all are tightly compressed. And not only at Bardabayev, many other wet flashes their eyes under the stern by extreme eyebrows.

The foreman turned the page.


Demeshko! .. Illyyevsky! .. Kopylov! .. Prince! ..

... Rock cabin is over. The foreman closed the book, wandered by the usual movement of the gymnaster, turned on the heel - and a clear, printing rapid step almost runs to the commander of the company.

Comrade Guard Senior Lieutenant! - He says, applying his hand to the pilot and immediately dropping her. - In the entry entrusted to you, the evening verification is made. The list is listed in the company a hundred and two people. Six people in the Sanchastka, eight in the outfits, illegally missing, in the ranks of eighty seven people. The Hero of the Soviet Union Guard Red Armenian sailors died by the death of brave in battles with the fascist invaders.

And again silence. I heard the bird flies. Or like rain drums on the window eaves. Or - the winter wind is noise in the tops of the trees.

The officer brings his hand to the visor cap.

Oily! Dissolve the company, "he says.

The foreman takes a step back, turns face to build and the command repeats the team:

Oily! Divide! ..

People diverge. Everyone has their own business, their concerns in this late, after checkline. You need to have time before bedtime to clean the rifle or machine, write a letter, sew a button to overcoats, smoke ...

But, doing every person doing, people think about the sailor. He is not, and yet he is with them; He is dead, and her grass on his grave managed to grow and plant, and think and talk about him as alive.

The name of Matrosov forever is written in the guards company's track record. This means that he did not quite die that the spirit of the hero is indeed immortal.

But what is the feat made Alexander Sailors? What is the honor of his name and memory?

Listen to a brief story about the validity of the young Russian guardsman.

In a dense pine forest, which on the maps and on the plans is referred to as a big broken boron, before the dawn, the battalion received an order to become a halt.

It was a very successful and timely order. People did not sleep for two days. Two days they went through this bright boring, to bypass the enemy positions, walked, falling on his knee in the snow, went at night and during the day, with such short gears, which not only sleep, but it happened, and there was no time to buy a clearing.

And finally the halt. No one thought about to eat or drink tea, many did not even smoke: who was where it was there and fell into the snow and fell asleep-chripped with a Bogatyr frontal sleep.

And Sasha Satrosov was also going to sleep. This minute he simply could not wait - before his shutalo and Klonilo to sleep.

He pulled out a small hole under the tree, put a wound in the headboard and was already lay down, he already attached his hands to the sleeves in the sleeve, and already had a sweetly closed him, when he heard his head on his head, slightly muted voice:

Komsomol residents! ..

"The name of the Komsomol residents," Sasha thought through a dead. And for one moment he firmly fell asleep. But something as if pushed him - he immediately woke up and opened his eyes: "Fu, Chort! After all, this is my name! "

Three months in war - a lot. During this time, Sasha from the boy turned into a man: he learned to shave, managed to visit the infantry school, became an excellent shooting protector, held tens and hundreds of kilometers, participated in several battles and battles, lost a lot of friends and laid enemies From your PPS. He experienced a lot and seemed to be accustomed to everything. But for three months already passed since he wears on his chest, in a secret pocket gymnasters, a small light gray book with a silhouette of Lenin on the cover, and everything somehow can't get used to the fact that he is no longer just Sasha, not just a cadet or fighter of the Guards division, and komsomolets Sasha sailors.