Bedroom design Materials House, garden, plot

Attitude towards Nature Pavel Petrovich Table. Essay of bazaars and Pavel Kirsanov Comparative characteristics. Look at life principles

Bazarov E. V.

Kirsanov P. P.

Appearance High young man with long hair. Clothes poor, untidy. Does not pay attention to your own appearance. Handsome middle-aged man. Aristocratic, "pioneering" appearance. Carefully monitors, dresses fashionable and expensive.
Origin Father - Military leakage, poor familiar family. Nobleman, General Son. In his youth, he drove a noisy metropolitan life, built a military career.
Education Very educated person. Talented doctor and purposeful researcher. Familiar Bazarov is a great future. He studied in the PJing Corps. Not enough. Success in the service is obliged to rather personal charm and family connections.
Important personal traits Pragmatist and Cynic. The main measure of the values \u200b\u200bof a person considers his utility for society. Knight's nature. In man, appreciates his personality, self-esteem.
Lifestyle He eats a lot, loves wine in large quantities. Early starts the day, active and active. Restrained in food habits, little drinks, loves a comfortable life.
Attitude towards love Cynic: sees the meaning in love only from a physiological point of view. A serious feeling is not ready. Romantic. After the death of his beloved woman left a brilliant career. Devastated in spirit.
Attitude towards people Mixed: sympathizes the hard position of the poor and despises her ignorance. Communicates with peasants on equal. Aloud is admired by the folk culture and patriarchal struck, but it dismisses direct communication with the peasants.
Attitude towards the family Despises patriarchal values. Loves parents, but pushes them. Criticizes native arcadia in his presence. Family values \u200b\u200bputs above all. Loves brother and nephew, protects them peace and well-being.
The attitude of the characters to each other Sees in the senior Kirsanov the embodiment of the worst features of the aristocracy: inaccessible and bakingbear. He considers Bazarz to the threat to the established building. The spirit of destruction is afraid, which carries a new generation.
Speech features Rough, simple speech. Actively consumes folk elements. Says competently, it consumes French and English phrases.
Behavior on duel He is joking, considers what is happening absurd. Not aim in the opponent, it hurts him by chance. Seriously refers to the duel. It fails, but the result of a duel is satisfied.
Character in the final Dies. His grave symbolizes the only possibility of reconciliation of different generations. Leaves Russia. Abroad leads a bright, but empty life. By definition of the author, the live dead.
    • Kirsanov N. P. Kirsanov P. P. Appearance is a short man a little over forty. After a long-standing fracture, the feet is seamless. Facial features pleasant, sad expression. Beautiful well-groomed middle-aged man. Dress Up Schegolevato, in English manner. Easy in motion issues a sports person. Marital status Widovers for more than 10 years, was very happy in marriage. There is a young lover of Fenzka. Two sons: Arkady and Six-month Mitya. Bachelor. In the past, he enjoyed success in women. After [...]
    • Evgeny Bazarov Anna Odintsova Pavel Kirsanov Nikolai Kirsanov appearance oblong face, wide forehead, huge greenish eyes, nose, flat top and pointed bottom. Light long hair, sandy color barenbards, self-confident smile on thin lips. Nude red hands noble posture, slender mill, high growth, beautiful showy shoulders. Bright eyes, shiny hair, slightly noticeable smile. 28 years of medium height, purebred, years 45. Fashionable, sunshine slim and elegant. [...]
    • Tolstoy in his novel "War and World" represents us a lot of different heroes. He tells us about their lives, about relations between them. Already almost from the first pages of the novel, it is possible to understand that from all the heroes and heroines Natasha Rostov is the favorite heroine of the writer. Who is Natasha Rostov, when Marya Bolkonskaya asked Pierre Proghova to tell about Natasha, he replied: "I do not know how to answer your question. I strongly do not know what kind of girl; I can't analyze it in any way. She is charming. And why, [...]
    • Disputes Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich represent the social side of the conflict in the Roman of Turgenev "Fathers and Children". There are not just different views of the representatives of the two generations, but also two fundamentally different political points of view. Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich turn out to be on different sides of the barricades in accordance with all parameters. Bazarov is a difference, a naked family leaving, forced to pierce his own way in life. Pavel Petrovich - a hereditary nobleman, the keeper of family bonds and [...]
    • The image of Bazarov is controversial and complicated, he is torn off doubts, he is experiencing mental injuries, primarily due to the fact that it rejects the natural beginning. The theory of Bazarov's life, this extremely practical person, physician and nihilist, was very simple. There is no love in life - this is a physiological need, no beauty is just a combination of body properties, there is no poetry - it is not needed. For Bazarov did not exist authorities, he also proved his point of view until his life was convicted. [...]
    • The most outstanding female figures in the novel Turgenev "Fathers and Children" are Odintsova Anna Sergeyevna, Fuenuska and Kukshin. These three images are up to the extremes of each other, but nevertheless, we will try to compare them. Turgenev treated very respectfully to women, perhaps, therefore, their images are detailed and brightly described in the novel. These ladies unites familiarity with Bazarov. Each of them contributed to the change in his worldview. Anna Sergeyevna Odintova played the largest role. It was she was destined [...]
    • Each writer, creating his work, whether it is a fantastic novel or a multi-volume novel, is responsible for the fate of the heroes. The author tries not to just tell about the life of a person, portraying the most bright moments, but also to show how the character of his hero was formed, in what conditions developed, what features of the psychology and the worldview of one or another character led to a happy or tragic junction. The final of any work in which the author conducts a kind of line under defined [...]
    • Duel test. Bazarov and his friend again passing along the same circle: Maryino - Nikolskoye - parental house. The situation externally almost literally reproduces the one in the first arrival. Arkady enjoys a summer holiday and, barely found a pretext, returns to Nikolskoye, to Kate. Bazarov continues natural science experiences. True, this time the author is expressed differently: "I found a fever of work." New bazaarov refused the intense ideological disputes with Pavel Petrovich. Only occasionally throws enough [...]
    • Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" contains a large number of conflicts in itself. These include love conflict, clash of worldviews of two generations, social conflict and internal conflict of the chief hero. Bazarov - the protagonist of the novel "Fathers and Children" - a surprisingly bright figure, a character in which the author conceived show all the young generation of that time. We should not forget that this work is not just a description of the events of that time, but also deeply felt quite real [...]
    • The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel arises from I. S. Turgenev in the I860 in a small seaside town of Ventenne, in England. "... The case was in August of 1860, when the first idea of" fathers and children "came to mind ..." It was a difficult time for the writer. Just happened his gap with the magazine "Contemporary". The reason was the article N. A. Dobrolyubov about the novel "On the eve". I. S. Turgenev did not accept the revolutionary conclusions contained in it. The reason for the break was deeper: the rejection of revolutionary ideas, "Menietic democratism [...]
    • Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" ends with the death of the principal hero. Why? Turgenev felt something new, saw new people, but could not imagine how they would act. Bazarov dies very young, without having time to proceed to any activity. His death, he seeks the one-sidedness of his views, which the author does not accept. Dying, the protagonist did not change his sarcastic, neither of his directness, but became softer, more kind, and speaks differently, even romantic, that [...]
    • Two mutually exclusive assertions are possible: "Despite the external severity and even the rudeness of the Bazarov in circulation of parents, he tends to love them gently" (Byady) and "is not manifested in relation to the Bazarov to parents that mental person who cannot be justified." However, in the dialogue of Bazarov and Arkady Point over I set: "- you see what my parents have. The people are not strict. - Do you love them, Eugene? - I love, Arkady! " It is worth remembering the scene of the death of Bazarov, and his last conversation with [...]
    • In the February book of the Russian Bulletin, the Roman Turtennev "Fathers and Children" appears. This novel, obviously, is the question ... turns to the younger generation and loudly asks him the question: "What are you for people?" This is the real meaning of the novel. D. I. Pisarev, Realists Evgeny Bazarov, according to the testimony of letters I. S. Turgenev to friends, "the most pretty of my figures", "This is my favorite brainchild ... on which I spent all the paints in my arrangement." "This clever, this hero appears in front of the reader in nature [...]
    • Dear Anna Sergeevna! Let me contact you personally and express your thoughts on paper, as they say some words out loud for me is an insurmountable problem. It is very difficult to understand me, but I hope that this letter will slightly clarify my attitude towards you. Before dating you, I was an opponent of culture, moral and moral values, human feelings. But numerous life tests made me look at a different look at the world around the world and overestimate my life principles. I first [...]
    • What is actually a conflict of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova? Eternal dispute generations? By opposition to supporters of different political views? Catastrophic disagreement between progress and stability bordering a stagnation? We will take the disputes that subsequently turned into a duel, to one of the categories, and the plot will become flat, will lose sharpness. At the same time, the work of Turgenev, in which the problem was raised for the first time in the history of domestic literature, is still relevant. And today require change and [...]
    • Arkady and bazaars are very dissimilar people, and friendship, which arose between them, the more amazing. Despite the belonging of young people to one epoch, they are very different. It is necessary to take into account that they originally belong to different circles of society. Arkady - the Son of the Nobleman, he from early childhood I absorbed that the Bazarov despises and denies in their nihilism. Father and Uncle Kirsanov are intelligent people, valuable aesthetics, beauty and poetry. From the point of view of Bazarov, Arkady is a soft-hearted "Barich", the smell. Bazarov does not want [...]
    • In the Roman I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children" by the main character is Evgeny Bazarov. He proudly says that he is a nihist. The concept of nihilism means such a type of belief, which is based on the denial of the total cultural and scientific experience gained over the past centuries, of all traditions and ideas about social norms. The history of this social movement in Russia is associated with the 60 -70s. XIX century, when in society there was a fracture in traditional public attitudes and scientific [...]
    • Action Roman I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children" unfolds in the summer of 1859, on the eve of the abolition of serfdom. At that time, the question was sharply in Russia: who can head society? On the one hand, a nobility, which consisted of both sufficiently free liberals, and from aristocrats who think the same as in the beginning of the century, claimed a leading social role. On another pole of society were revolutionaries - democrats, most of which were the differences. The main hero of the novel [...]
    • Evgeny Bazarov's relationships and Anna Sergeyevna Odentova, Heroes of Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" did not form a lot of reasons. The materialist and nihilist of the Bazarov denies not only art, the beauty of nature, but also love as a human feeling. Just knowing the physiological relations of a man and a woman, he believes that love "This is all romanticism, nonsense, rot, art." Therefore, alone, he first appreciates only in terms of its external data. "Single rich body! At least now in an anatomical theater ", [...]
    • The action of Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" refers to 1859, and the writer completed it on it in 1861. The time of action and the creation of the novel share only two years. That was one of the tensile epochs of Russian history. In the late 1850s, the whole country lived in the context of a revolutionary situation, under the sign of close steep turns in the fate of the people and society - the impending liberation of peasants. Again, again, Russia "risen over" over the unknown precipice, and her future was illuminated [...]
  • The problem of generations. Comparative characteristics of E. Bazarov and P. Kirsanov. (according to Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children")

    Goal : 1. Ensure the skill of students to compile a comparative characteristic of the characters. 2. To be able to determine the moral and ideological positions of the heroes of the work. 3. Develop students' thinking, oral speech. 4. Develop the interest of students to read the novel.

    Equipment: Portrait I. S. Turgenev, Presentation "Fathers and Children".

    During the classes.

      Orgmoment .

      Message Topics and lesson purposes. ( On the screen - the portrait of I. S. Turgenev) We continue to study the Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children". "My whole life is in my writings," he wrote. Turgenev has a special sense of time. "Our time requires to catch modernity in its incoming images; Alleged too late. " In his works, he "captured" that new, which was only originated in Russian life. Today at the lesson we will try to answer you to questions: - What is the meaning of the title of the novel? -How and why is the dispute between representatives of different generations? Guys, at home you constituted the comparative characteristic of the images of P. P. Kirsanova and E. Bazarov.3. Work on the table.

    Comparative characteristics of E. Bazarov and P. P. Kirsanova.

    Conflict generations ... This problem is relevant at all times. - What works are this problem? (Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet", A. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", etc.) in the middle of the 19th century, on the eve of the abolition of serfdom in Russia, the disputes between liberals and revolutionary democrats, aristocrats and allocates sharply agreed. About this and tells us I. S. Turgenev in his novel.

    - Which of the heroes of the novel is opposed to each other?

    What are these people called? (antipodes)

    Antipode -Schelovka, opposite to someone by convictions, properties, tastes. (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S. I. Ozhegova)

    Name the antipodes in Russian literature. (Grinevo and Swabrin, Oblomov and Stolz, Chatsky and Molchanin ...) Today we will conduct a comparative characteristic of the new heroes of the novel.

    1. What can you sayabout the origin, social affiliation of heroes ? P.Kirsanov - nobleman, aristocrat, son of General, retired officer, Liberal conservative.E. Bazarov -Son militaryheskaya, had peasant roots, student honey. Faculty of St. Petersburg University, Differential, Democrat-Nichlist.

    2.Pornet. Bazarov. - "High growth in a long balachon with brushes." The face is "long and thin, with a wide forehead, on top of a flat, a downward bow, big green eyes and hanging sandy color bacenbards ...". He is "naked red hands."

    P. P. Kirsanov- in all the appearance of "gloss and scope", the appearance "elegant and breeding", beautiful hands with long pink nails.

    3. Speech - P. P. Kirsanov uses French expressions in conversation, the speech is exquisite, often distorts Russian words to a foreign manner (princepi, etc.) E. Barabrov- says simply and inesently, the speech is simple, often consumes sayings and aphorisms. (We read from the text)

      There are many differences between the heroes, but, perhaps, the most important thing is that makes them irreconcilable opponents is the philosophical positions of each.

    What are our heroes argue about?

    1. About attitude to nobility

    P. Kirsanov . Pavel Petrovich specifically sees basic public strength in the aristocrats. The value of the aristocracy, in his opinion, is that once she in England gave the freedom that in the aristocrats a strongly developed sense of self-esteem was developed. Their self-esteem is important because the society is based on personality

    E. Bazarov. The conversation that Aristocracy gave England's freedom is the "old song", much has changed after the seventeenth century, so the reference Paul Petrovich cannot serve as an argument. There is no benefit from the aristocracy to anyone, their main occupation is Noschena ("Syflower is sitting"). They take care only about themselves, about their appearance. Under these conditions, their dignity and self-esteem look like empty words. Aristocracy is a useless word. In idleness and empty boltnery of Bazarov sees the main political principle of the entire noble society living for someone else's account.

    2. But the principle of the activities of nihilists

    Pavel Petrovich It is worth the preservation of old orders. He is scared to imagine the destruction of "total" in society. He agrees to go only on minor changes when combining the foundations of an existing building, to adapt to new conditions, as brother does. They are not reactionary, they are liberals

    E. Bazarov . Nihilists act deliberately, based on the principle of utility of activities for society. They deny the social system, that is, autocracy, religion, such is the meaning of the word "all." Bazarov notes, one hundred freedom about which the government is bothering, will hardly go to work; This phrase contains a hint of preparing reforms. Bazarov does not accept reform as a means of changing the public situation. The denial is perceived by new people as activity, not a chatter.

    3. How much to the people

    P. Kirsanov . The Russian people - patriarchal, holy appreciate legends, can not live without religion. These Slavophilic views (with the lifestyle into English Lad) talk about reaction. He is touched by the backwardness of the people and this sees the key to the salvation of society.

    E. Bazarov . The position of the people causes no subsidiacy in the bazaareas, but anger. He sees the disadvantage in all areas of people's life. The bazaarov turns out to be far-sighted and condemns that then it becomes a symbol of human faith. It is not by chance that he says that the Russian people do not need useless words like "Liberalism", "Progress". The Bazarov sober attitude towards the people. He sees the uneducation and superstition of the people. He despises these shortcomings. However, Bazarov sees not only the accuracy, but also dissatisfaction of the people.

    4.Oh looks on art

    P. Kirsanov. New Movie Artists refuse the frozen academic traditions, from the blind way to the old samples, including Rafael. Artists - Movies, in his opinion, absolutely refused traditions. New artists "powerless and fruitless to nasty."

    E. Bazarov. New and new art denies: "Raphael is not worth a barrel, and they are not better than him."

    Who wishes over in disputes?

    Does the bazaaries have the right to judge so much to judge his opponent and his "princons"? (It is necessary to respect someone else's opinion, age ..)

    5. Attitude towards love. (Slide "Scene of recognition in Love E. Bazarov to A. Odintova")

    P. P. Kirsanov has always been successful in women, men envied him. He led an active lifestyle, but everything has changed when Princess R. has appeared in his life, which Kirsanov met the ball and in love with passionately. The princess quickly cooled to him, and he did not go crazy, began to chase her around the world, showing the troubles. Exhausted by these relations, Pavel Petrovich was struggling, went and lost interest in life.

    Bazarov also refers to love very cold. "A man who put on the card of female love all his life, and when he was killed by this card, Raskis and sank before anything was able to do anything, a person is not a man," he notes. Love seemed to the test for Bazarov ... Love wins egoism, enlightens the world, this feeling turned out not to physiology, as he assumed the hero, this feeling amazing and injured. In words, he denied love, and in fact, life made her admit.
    For Bazarov, such a drama means humiliation and is perceived as a manifestation of shameful weakness.

    6. Lifestyle, interests.

    There are disagreements of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich in relation to art, nature. From the point of view of Bazarov, "read Pushkin - lost time, to make music ridiculous, enjoy nature - ridiculous." Pavel Petrovich, on the contrary, loves nature, music. Art (and literature, and painting, and music) softens the soul, distract from the case. All this "romanticism", "nonsense". Considering the album of the Saxon Switzerland, the bazaarov says Odentova: "You do not intend to me an artistic meaning - yes I really don't really have it, but these species could interest me from the point of view of geological." Bazarov is trying to debunk inactive "prunpsies", does not accept illusory dreaminess, refusing the achievements of culture ("Rafael a mertsha is not worth a copper") and utilitarianly perceived nature.Kirsanov and Bazarov remained everyone with her opinion. Bazarov - the enemy of distracted science torn off from life. He for science, which would be clear to the people. Bazarov - Turugenics of science, he tireless in his experiments, fully absorbed in his favorite profession.

    7. Relationship to each other.

    The bazaars should not forget about respect for the senior generation. He crosses the whole life of P. Kirsanova, who believed that he had a noble and worthy of respect.

    4. Approach the outcome of the lesson.

    Is there a winner in the dispute?

    Want heroes to find the truth or just found out the relationship?

    What do you think the author on whose side? (He refers to the generation of "fathers", trying to convey the thought about the important role of "old people" in the past and real Russia. It is impossible to deny all the accumulated human experience, art, religion, the spiritual side of society's life. The author tried to convey to the reader the thought of Finding some kind of compromise between generations.

    5. Estimates.

    6. Homework. Analysis of the latest heads of the novel. "Death of Bazarov".

    Literature lesson in the technology of "critical thinking."

    PUBLICAL OBJECTIVES:Create conditions for the awareness and understanding of the content of Roman Turgenev "fathers and children", contribute to the understanding of the connection of new material with life experiences.

    Type of training session: The lesson of the "discovery" of the new knowledge is a lesson for the study of new material and primary consolidation.

    Technology: "critical thinking".

    Triune didactic goal:

    • Educational aspect : Create conditions for identifying the main "points" of the ideological dispute between the heroes of the novel.
    • Developing aspect : To promote the formation of analytical and creative thinking, intellectual skills, generalizations, the ability to allocate the main thing, set up questions, the development of research skills of students, the development of speech skills, the skills of forming their own point of view.
    • Educational aspect : Promotes to enjoy the cultural heritage and the process of spiritual development of students; upbringing the culture of mental labor; The formation of communicative personal qualities (cooperation, ability to listen to the interlocutor, express its point of view).

    The lesson in the technology of critical thinking consists of three stages:

    1. Call (Insert). At this stage, the latest experience is actualized and the problem is indicated.
    2. Understanding. At this stage, contact with new information, its comparison with the existing experience. Attention is focused on searching for answers to those who have arisen earlier. Attention is drawn to the ambiguities that arise in the process of working on the material.
    3. Reflection. At this stage, there is a holistic understanding and generalization of the information obtained, the analysis of the entire process of studying the material, developing its own attitude to the material being studied, it is possible to re-problematic.

    Predicted result.

    Students independently identify the main positions in the ideological dispute "fathers" and "children." Based on the knowledge gained, the basic problem in the novel will be launched.

    Forms of work of students: steam room, group, frontal, individual.

    Forms of control: Honor, interconnecting, self-control.

    Equipment: computer, video projector, presentation, distribution material (table, circuit).

    During the classes.

    1. Call (slide 1) Teacher: Today we continue to familiarize with Roman I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children". Analyzing the first chapters of the novel, you came to the conclusion that the work was built on the conflict.

    Let's pick up synonyms for this word. (Fight, duel, collision) (Slide 2) The problem of contradictions, conflicts between generations and various social groups of society was, and will be relevant at all times. In the middle of the 19th century, on the eve of the abolition of serfdom in Russia, ideological disputes between liberals and revolutionary democrats, aristocrats and allocrats sharply agreed. About this and tells Turgenev in his novel.

    Frontal survey

    So who from the heroes of the novel is opposed to each other? (Bazarov and P.P.Kirsanov)

    What are these people called? (antipodes)

    Give the definition of this term.

    Slide number 3.

    Antipode - a person opposite to someone by convictions, properties, tastes (explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S.I.Ogova, p.26)

    Name the most famous antipodes in Russian literature (Chatsky and Molchalin from the comedy Griboedov "Mount from Wit", Grinev and Schvabrin from Roman Pushkin "Captain's daughter", brooms and galleries from Roman Goncharov "Oblomov")

    Teacher:Most often, knowing the typology of such people, we carry out a comparative analysis of their images, i.e. We give them a comparative characteristic. Let's remember what scheme comparative characteristic is built.

    Slide number 4 (comparative characterization scheme)

    Checking homework

    Teacher:At home, you have already begun to compare two opponents in the novel - E. Bazarov and P. Kirsanova, working in four groups and filling the proposed table.

    Slide number 5.

    Comparative characteristics of the heroes of the novel

    E. Bazarov

    P.P. Kirsanov

    1. Origin, social affiliation

    2. Portrait

    4. Philosophical, socio-political views, moral position

    5. Attitude towards love

    6. Lifestyle, interests

    7. Attractions to each other

    The response of the first group, which found common features from the heroes.

    1.Silic personality ( slide number 6. Portraits of heroes): Always confident in its rightness, both can be someone else's influence, capable of subordinate to themselves.

    2. The border pride, inability to lunch in disputes to the opinion of opponents.

    3. The factory has a complete rejection of views and actions of the opponent.

    The answer of the second group on the origin and social affiliation of heroes.

    1.P.P. Kirsanov - nobleman, aristocrat, son of general, Guards officer retired, Liberal conservative.

    2.U. Bazarov - Son of the Military Header, who had peasant roots ("My Grandfather Earth Pakhal" and a small nobility, a student of the medical faculty of St. Petersburg University, Different, Democrat-Nihist.

    The answer of the third group about the appearance of heroes.

    1. Bazarov - a man "high growth in a long hood with brushes." The face is "long and thin, with a wide forehead, on top of a flat, a pointed nose, big greenish eyes and hanging sandy color bacenbards ... Revived a relaxed smile and expressed self-confidence and mind." He has "naked red hands."

    2.P.P.Kirsanov - in the appearance of its-cover and fuse: "Dark English Suite, a fashionable low tip and varnished half-boots." The appearance of Pavel Petrovich, as emphasized by the author, "elegant and breeding". The contrast between him and the bazaarov immediately rushes into the eyes, but he is even more noticeable when Pavel Petrovich takes out his beautiful hand with long pink nails from his pocket.

    The answer of the fourth group on the peculiarities of the speech of heroes.

    1. For the disclosure of images of the Heroes of the novel is their speech characteristic. Pavel Petrovich constantly uses French expressions in conversation, his speech is strictly exquisite, but it cuts the fact that he often distorts Russian words to a foreign manner (princeps and other examples). Evgeny speaks simply and inesently, without thinking about the attachment of his speech of slightness and grace, his speech is simple, with frequent use of sayings and aphorisms (examples).

    Teacher: Yes, many differences between the heroes, but, perhaps, the most important thing is that makes them irreconcilable opponents - is ideological, the ideological positions of each. In comparative characterization, we approached the fourth point, read it (philosophical, socio-political views, moral position).

    - When is the difference between these views pronounced? (in disputes).

    - We will talk about these disputes today. Let's formulate the subject of the lesson together.

    Slide number 7 (the subject of the lesson).

    "The ideological disputes of" fathers "and" children "in the novel by I.S.Turgenev" Fathers and children ". Relationship E. Bazarov and P.P. Kirsanova. "

    Teacher: I propose to take the words of the literary criticism of Vorivsky Vaclav Vaclavovich. How do you understand it? Will it help us formulate the goals and objectives of the lesson? (read the epigraph and comment). The goal is to identify the main "points" of the ideological dispute between the heroes of the novel.

    Slide number 8 (epigraph) Two generations associated with Turgenev in his work disagree not so much because some were "fathers", while others - "children", how much because "fathers" and "children", by virtue of circumstances, became expressants of ideas of various opposite Epoch, they represented different social status: old nobility and aristocracy and young revolutionary-democratic intelligentsia. Thus, this purely psychological conflict develops into a deep social antagonism. V.V.Vorovsky

    Teacher: We approached the analysis of the 10th chapter of the novel, where an open ideological conflict between E. Bazarov and P. Kirçanov, nihilist and aristocrat occurs.

    2. Increase.

    A) cluster. For the identification of the main lines of the dispute Naumenko Vyacheslav compiled us to help the cluster.


    B. ) Table that is filled in the course of the lesson.

    Slide number 10.

    C) work in groups. Each group is invited to answer questions and discuss these questions in the group (Slide No. 11)

    • What would you ask questions to the dispute?
    • Why Kirsanov P.P. Going to a collision?
    • Why none of the participants in the dispute will give way to their positions?
    • What problems is trying to solve the author in this dispute?

    Slide number 12 (about the nobility)

    The first line of dispute.

    The first thought of the dispute that arose by chance was important for Bazarov, and for Pavel Petrovich. It was a dispute about the aristocracy and its principles. Chapter 8 - Consider the passage, comment on who won the dispute?

    Estimated result

    Pavel Petrovich specifically sees basic public strength in the aristocrats. The value of the aristocracy, in his opinion, is that once she in England gave the freedom that in the aristocrats a strongly developed sense of self-esteem was developed. Their self-esteem is important, since the society is based on personality. This apparent slim system of bazaars breaks up simple arguments. The conversation that Aristocracy gave England's freedom is the "old song", much has changed after the seventeenth century, so the reference Paul Petrovich cannot serve as an argument. The beliefs that the aristocrats are the basis of the public good, they are divided by the head-making observations of Bazarov, that there is no benefit from the aristocracy, their main occupation is Noschena ("Sit back"). They take care only about themselves, about their appearance. Under these conditions, their dignity and self-esteem look like empty words. Aristocracy is a useless word. In idleness and empty boltnery of Bazarov sees the main political principle of the entire noble society living for someone else's account.

    What is the result of this dispute?

    Pavel Petrovich "Pailed" and did not start more conversation about aristocrat. - The subtle psychological detail of Turgenev, who transmitting the defeat of Pavel Petrovich in this dispute.

    Second line dispute. Slide number 13.

    The second line of dispute on the principles of nihilists. Consider an excerpt from the text. Pavel Petrovich has not yet folded the weapons and does not want to define new people in unprincipledness. "For what you act?" He asks. And it turns out that nihilists have principles, there are beliefs.

    What are the principles of nihilists, what are they rejecting?

    Estimated result

    Nihilists act deliberately, based on the principle of utility of activities for society. They deny the social system, that is, autocracy, religion, such is the meaning of the word "all". Bazarov notes, one hundred freedom about which the government is bothering, will hardly go to work; This phrase contains a hint of preparing reforms. Bazarov does not accept reform as a means of changing the public situation. The denial is perceived by new people as activity, not a chatter. These statements of Bazarov can be called revolutionary. Turgenev himself understood the nihilism of Bazarov as revolutionary.

    What is the attitude of Kirsanov to this position of Bazarov?

    Later in this dispute, Pavel Petrovich stands for the preservation of old orders. He is scared to imagine the destruction of "total" in society. He agrees to go only on minor changes when combining the foundations of an existing building, to adapt to new conditions, as brother does. They are not reactionaries, they are liberals compared to the bazaarov.

    Other groups answer who is right.

    The third line of the dispute about the Russian people. Slide number 14.

    What are the character of the Russian people Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov? Clean and comment.

    Estimated result

    According to Pavel Petrovich, the Russian people - Patriarchal, holy appreciate legends, can not live without religion. These Slavophilic views (with the lifestyle into English Lad) talk about reaction. He is touched by the backwardness of the people and this sees the key to the salvation of society.

    The position of the people causes no subsidiacy in the bazaareas, but anger. He sees the disadvantage in all areas of people's life. The bazaarov turns out to be far-sighted and condemns that then it becomes a symbol of human faith. It is not by chance that he says that the Russian people do not need useless words like "Liberalism", "Progress". The Bazarov sober attitude towards the people. He sees the uneducation and superstition of the people ( clean the excerpt about superstition). He despises these shortcomings. However, Bazarov sees not only the accuracy, but also dissatisfaction of the people.

    A bright testimony of the Communication Hero with the people can serve their speech. For the speech of Bazarov, there are simplicity, accuracy and accuracy of expressions, an abundance of folk proverbs, sayings. Pavel Petrovich does not use proverbs in speech, distorts words, uses a lot of foreign words.

    Other groups answer who is right.

    The fourth line of dispute. Slide №15

    The fourth direction in the dispute is the discrepancy in views on art and nature.

    Pavel Petrovich believes that Nigilism seized the art area. Consider this episode. Lee Pavl Petrovich, speaking about artists - sixties?

    Estimated result

    Yes and no. Right, realizing that new mobile artists refuse the frozen academic traditions, from the blind way to the old samples, including Rafael. It is wrong that the artists - Movies, in his opinion, absolutely refused traditions. New artists "powerless and fruitless to nasty."

    Bazarov also denies the old and new art: "Rafael is a penny of the broken, and they are not better than him."

    Teacher:Who is the enemy of Bazarov in the dispute? How is the fallacy of ideas about art and bazarov, and Pavel Petrovich?

    Pavl Petrovich is an opponent of Bazarov in this dispute, but Nikolai Petrovich.

    It is especially favorable to art, but does not dare to join the dispute. It makes Turgenev himself, showing the feeling of organic influence of poems Pushkin, Spring Nature, Sweet Melody of the Cello Game.

    Teacher:How does the bazar look at nature?

    He does not deny it at all, but sees only the source and the field of human activity in it. The Bazarov is a host view of nature, but it is also unilateral. The detention of the role of nature as an eternal source of beauty, affecting a person, the bazaaries imposes human life.

    Teacher: This line of dispute is solved already in the 11th chapter in which landscapes appear.

    D) Summing up the lesson.

    Are there any winners in this dispute? Would you like the heroes to find the truth or just found out the relationship?

    Teacher's word:

    Turgenev believed (like the creators of ancient tragedy), which is truly a tragic conflict when both warring parties to a certain extent right ... Does the text of the novel confirms this assumption? (Yes, confirms. And those and other heroes are rightful in some matters and have false ideas about others. We cannot agree with the views of the Bazarov on art and love, with his materialistic approach to nature. "Fathers" in the novel adhere to other views . Their position is closer to us.

    But how can you take a lifestyle, primitive interests of the brothers Kirsanov? In this, Evgeny Bazarov acts as a complete opposite of them.)

    I.S. himself Turgenev attributed itself, naturally, by the generation of "fathers". Drawing his hero, he wanted to show both positive and negative qualities of people of the new time. He admired their desire for the progress, the realism of their views on reality, etc. But the writer is not trying to cross the life and activities of the Fathers generation. Drawing the best representatives of this camp, Turgenev is trying to convey to the reader the thought of the important role of "old people" in the past and this Russian. The writer in his own example understands the complexity of the adoption of views, the convictions of the new time. Yes, it is necessary to change life, give the development of natural sciences, stop denying the explicit sides of reality, but, at the same time, it is impossible to deny the entire experience gained experience, art, religion, the spiritual side of the life of society. He is trying to convey to the reader the idea of \u200b\u200bfinding some compromise between generations.

    3.Feflexia. Slide number 16.

    Writing Sinquina

    First string - word-key concept

    The second line is three adjectives for this word.

    Third row - three verbs

    The fourth line is a key phrase that reveals the state of the hero or meaning

    The fifth line is one word.

    This mental operation allows you to find out the level of understanding.


    Strict, irreconcilable, warranty.

    Quarrel, reveals, breeds.

    Decides truth in dispute.

    "Fathers and Sons".

    Different, irreconcilable, refuting.

    Arrive, they say, do not accept.

    They are so different. They do not understand each other.

    River banks.

    Installing estimates for the lesson.

    1. Homework. Finish the compilation of the comparative characteristics of the heroes according to the table in groups (1- No. 5, 2-№6, 3 - №7). The fourth group analyzes the episode of the "hot" dispute of opponents, i.e. Their real fight in Ch.24 "Duel).

    Approximate version of the table of the table

    Lines of dispute

    Views of Pavel Petrovich

    Views of Bazarov.

    About attitude to nobility

    Pavel Petrovich specifically sees basic public strength in the aristocrats. The value of the aristocracy, in his opinion, is that once she in England gave the freedom that in the aristocrats a strongly developed sense of self-esteem was developed. Their self-esteem is important because the society is based on personality

    The conversation that Aristocracy gave England's freedom is the "old song", much has changed after the seventeenth century, so the reference Paul Petrovich cannot serve as an argument. There is no benefit from the aristocracy to anyone, their main occupation is Noschena ("Syflower is sitting"). They take care only about themselves, about their appearance. Under these conditions, their dignity and self-esteem look like empty words. Aristocracy is a useless word. In idleness and empty boltnery of Bazarov sees the main political principle of the entire noble society living for someone else's account.

    On the principle of the activities of nihilists

    Pavel Petrovich is worth the preservation of old orders. He is scared to imagine the destruction of "total" in society. He agrees to go only on minor changes when combining the foundations of an existing building, to adapt to new conditions, as brother does. They are not reactionary, they are liberals

    Nihilists act deliberately, based on the principle of utility of activities for society. They deny the social system, that is, autocracy, religion, such is the meaning of the word "all." Bazarov notes, one hundred freedom about which the government is bothering, will hardly go to work; This phrase contains a hint of preparing reforms. Bazarov does not accept reform as a means of changing the public situation. The denial is perceived by new people as activity, not a chatter.

    About the attitude to the people

    The Russian people - patriarchal, holy appreciate legends, can not live without religion. These Slavophilic views (with the lifestyle into English Lad) talk about reaction. He is touched by the backwardness of the people and this sees the key to the salvation of society.

    The position of the people causes no subsidiacy in the bazaareas, but anger. He sees the disadvantage in all areas of people's life. The bazaarov turns out to be far-sighted and condemns that then it becomes a symbol of human faith. It is not by chance that he says that the Russian people do not need useless words like "Liberalism", "Progress". The Bazarov sober attitude towards the people. He sees the uneducation and superstition of the people. He despises these shortcomings. However, Bazarov sees not only the accuracy, but also dissatisfaction of the people.

    About art views

    Which constitute the ideological basis of the famous novel of the famous writer I. Turgenev "Fathers and Children", are ideological opponents in this work. Both personify different worldviews that differ fundamentally among themselves. The first is a nihilist-diverse, materialist in its views on the world, the second is an aristocrat in spirit and blood, a conservative by nature. So different personalities, of course, could not find a common language, it led to the ill-fated duel between them.

    Social contradictions

    Bazarov and Kirsanov, whose disputes served as the basis of the conflict between these heroes belonged to various social groups. The first took place from the family of a simple county gear. He spent his whole life in his work and did not tolerate his free pastime than, in fact, Pavel Petrovich was engaged.

    Bazarov studied a lot, engaged in science. In addition, the author gives the reader to understand: he was not bent and physical labor. Kirsanov, on the contrary, was granted to himself. He did not bother himself any activities. The son of a military officer, an aristocrat and nobleman, Pavel Petrovich led in the village idle lifestyle. Such different positions led to their first collision, which revealed deeper differences between them.

    Look at life principles

    Bazarov and Kirsanov, disputes of which concerned the most important parties of human existence, on the very first evening the dating experienced a living hostility towards each other.

    During the general conversation, both discovered completely different glances on the principles of human existence. Kirsanov argued that a person should be guided by the life of clearly developed principles. Bazarov, on the contrary, believed that it was necessary to take only practically useful. Pavel Petrovich defended the exclusive right of the aristocracy on the leading position in society: in his opinion, nobles earned themselves the right to be on top of society not noble origin, but by affairs. Evgeny Vasilyevich does not accept any authorities.

    About society

    The two main opponents in the novel "Fathers and Children" are bazaars and Kirsanov. Disputes between these characters are interesting because they show the collision of the two worldviews of the era of the mid-nineteenth century: the nobility-aristocratic and revolutionary and revolutionary. Bazarov considered the modern social system with obsolete and needed in full transformation.

    At the same time, a vulnerable place in explanations of this character is that he does not offer anything instead of the destroyed lifestyle. He argues as a maximalist. Bazarov does not even allow the thoughts that from the old building you can take and borrow a lot of useful. The hero confidently approves the need for breaking absolutely everything, without any exceptions. Such a position is shocking and at the same time annoying his opponent, who considers the preservation of the old social defendant by the pledge of well-being.

    About culture

    The spore of Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov is perhaps the most interesting for schoolchildren part of their conversation. The ratio of the main character to culture is also negative. He believes that the works of painting, literature, music have no practical benefit for humans and are therefore useless. These words shock not only Kirsanov, but also his brother, who, being on nature an esthete, loved to musitize. Pavel Petrovich refuses to understand his interlocutor, and in this, perhaps, his weak place is. He is only indignant and annoyed, but does not find and does not lead any explanations in favor of his point of view of the need of the need and utility of art.

    A deep split in society in general and in the intelligentsia in particular the middle of the nineteenth century proves the dispute between Bazarov and Kirsanov. Quotes of their conversation allow you to better understand the position of the heroes. Each of them looked completely different things on the same things. The first, for example, argued that "Nature is a workshop, and a person in it is an employee." He also believed that to improve society I need to get rid of all old ideas. Kirsanov objects that it is impossible only to destroy that "because it is necessary to build and build." However, Evgeny Vasilyevich as a maximalist believes that at first it is necessary to completely get rid of all that is associated with idealism.


    The dispute between Bazarov and Kirsanov ended in a fight in which the latter was slightly injured. Indicates the fact that Evgeny Vasilyevich, who considered the duel with the remnant of the old regime, took the challenge and even shot.

    However, in this episode, the novel is important not so much a physical confrontation as the completion of the ideological conflict, which the author leaves open. Former opponents, although they were reconciled in words, but Turgenev makes it clear that the time will determine the right in this endless dispute of fathers and children.

    Speaking about the idea and goals of your future work, Turgenev admitted: "I was confused by the next fact: I didn't even meet me in one work of our literature that I was mounted everywhere." The merit of the writer is that he has raised this topic in Russia in the literature and first tried to create an image of a "new man", a representative of the allocations. The dual attitude of the author to his hero affected the novel, but Turgenev, despite the contradictory images of the image, believed that the future was opened behind these people. "My whole story is directed against the aristocracy as an advanced class," he wrote.

    The novel "Fathers and Children" shows the struggle of worldviews of two political areas: the nobility-liberals and revolutionaries of the Democrats. On the opposition of representatives of these areas, the difference between Bazarov and the nobleman Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova, the story of the novel was built. In addition to this basic problem, Turgenev raises a number of other issues related to the moral, cultural, socio-economic development of Russia in the 60s of the XIX century. So, the topic of the nobility and his role in the life of society rises.

    According to Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova, aristocrats - the driving force of social development. Their ideal is a constitutional monarchy, and the path to ideal is liberal reforms, publicity, progress. According to Bazarov, the aristocrats are not capable of action, there are no benefits from them, so the bazaarov denies the ability of the nobility to lead Russia to the future. The next question concerns nihilism, the role of nihilists in life. Pavel Petrovich considers them powerless "cynics, nahala and plebies," they do not respect the people and traditions, but he consotes himself by the fact that they are few. Bazaarov must notice: "From a muster candle, Moscow burned down." What do nihilists say? First of all, the need for revolutionary actions, therefore the criterion for them is the folk benefit. Bazarov believes that the people are still dark and ignorant, he is full of prejudice, but he is still revolutionary in spirit.

    Pavel Petrovich dies the patriarchality of the Russian people, without understanding him in essence. Considering yourself with liberal, he nevertheless talking to a man, sniffing English cologne. This is an important feature that characterizes it as a personality making conclusions, we can say that the disputes were not on private issues. They concerned the present and future Russia. In all disputes, the last word remained behind the bazaarov.

    The compromise between the heroes of Turgenev is impossible, the confirmation of this is a duel. The main reason, which caused the hatred of Senior Kirsanov to Bazarov, was that he was unlikely to admit even to himself: Bazarov crossed all his life. Pavel Kirsanov believed that he had a noble life that he was worthy of respect. And from the point of view of Bazarov, his life is meaningless.

    The discrepancy in the views of the main characters is their biographies. Pavel Petrovich - the Son of General, a brilliant officer who missed all his spiritual powers in pursuit of his beloved woman. When she died, he left the light, left his career and settled at his brother to wait for the eyelid. He is trying to make changes to his estate and the economy, considers himself a liberal only because in their estates they do not beat the fortress whip, but he is not able to understand the requirements of the new era, the views of the younger generation to him deeply alien. We know about the past Bazarov, but we understand that his path is a typical path of the dish-worker. Years of stubborn labor made him an educated person. He proudly declares: "My grandfather's grandfather smelled." Bazarov's parents are very religious, their interests are limited. Bazarov raised himself himself. How many prejudices, how many habits, rooted from childhood, had to overcome Eugene to raise themselves. Bazarov - a strong man in mind and character. A lot of such bazaars knew Russia: after all, Belinsky, the memory of which the novel is devoted, and the Dobrolyubs passed a heavy vital school. Brothers Kirsanov - Aristocrats. Turgenev wrote: "They are the best of the nobles - that is why they are chosen by me to prove their inconsistency." It is very bitter that their life is so worth so worthless, although they have undoubted advantages. Pavel Petrovich is very noble to his brother, to Fencake, he is honest, constant in love, understands art. Nikolai Petrovich, his brother, a very sensitive person, he is benevolent, soft-hearted, is fond of music, but his life is unidentified and boring. Bazarov introduces fresh air to the "generic nest" of Kirsanov. Eugene appears in front of us as a new generation person, which has come to replace the "fathers", which is not able to solve the main problems of the era.

    Dobrolyubov wrote about the people of Bazarovsky type even before the appearance of the image of Bazarov, arguing that they were solved "to step on the road of a merciless denial to find clean truth." Their ultimate goal is "bringing a greater benefit of humanity." The formation of their ideology did not do without extremes, they believed exclusively into science, but they were just moving progress in Russia. I would like to finish the written writing: the conflict "fathers" with "children" -

    Pledge of those continuous changes,

    In which something is looking for God,

    Playing generations.