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Payroll in 1C 8.3 Accounting. Registration and accrual of salaries step by step for beginners. When you need to accrue salary

Consider step-by-step instructions for conducting recruitment in the program 1C Accounting 8.3 (3.0).

Basic operations are:

  • calculation and salary calculation;
  • payment of wages for Vedomosti.

I specifically assumed a clean configuration to do all the steps, starting with the employee's reception to work and ending the salary payment.

Also consider the steps, what settings will need to do and for what. With them and let's start our review.

Select the bookmark "Salary and Frames":

  • We indicate that we will lead in the "this program". This choice depends the availability of some settings, documents, an appearance of the interface. The choice "in the external program" implies metering of the accounting of s / n not in 1C accounting 8.3, and in.
  • Accounting will be held for each employee. With this setting, the 70 count will appear subconto "Calculations with salary employees".
  • We specify the flag that we will take into account sick leave, vacation and executive documents. I note that this feature is available only for organizations that have no more than 60 employees in the state. If employees are larger, accounting should be conducted in the program 1C: "Salary and personnel management".
  • Personnel records in 1C Accounting 8.3 will lead a complete.
  • Checkbox of the automatic recalculation of documents Let us leave until the default, it does not affect calculations, only on the convenience of work. We will return to him later when we accrue the salary.

More detailed salary accounting settings are in the "Salary and Frames" menu in the "References and Settings" section:

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I will leave these default settings, it will be enough for our review. And we cannot consider the specifics of each organization here. If necessary, ask questions in the comments.

The only thing that will do in this section will be heading the position "Administrator" in the "Positions" directory. We will need it when receiving an employee to work.

Calculation and accrual of wages An employee in 1C

Before charging an employee of s / n, you need to make sure that he is hired to work. If it has not yet been accepted, follow the following instructions.

To create an accrual document, go on the link "All accruals" in the "Salary" section. In the journal of documents, click "Create" and in the drop-down list, choose the "Accrual of the salary".

Fill the details of the caps:

  • organization;
  • subdivision;
  • a month for which accruals are made.

After that, click the "Fill" button.

We in the table part should appear in the past month of sazons. His accrual in the salary, so its salary will appear in the column "result". If he did not fully worked for a month, the result can be corrected. Table accounting table in 1C: "Business Accounting", unfortunately, no.

As can be seen, in the tabular part of the document 1C 8.3 there are five bookmarks.

The "Officer" tab displays general information.

Bookmark "Accruals". Here we can see the type of accrual employee, edit the days and the clock that he worked. And, of course, adjust the amount of accruals.

If the employee has deductions, for example, on a minor child, they should also affect this tab.

In our example, there is no retention, only NDFL is taken from the employee. Therefore, let's miss the "Hold" tab and leave everything as it is. Let us turn to the NDFL tab:

It can be seen that the standard 13% NDFL is kept.

Let us turn on the tab "Contributions":

Figure shows that where it went. And, accordingly, the total amount of deductions.

The accrual did, now click "Conduct and Close".

Payout salary in 1c on the example of the bank

The next step is the payment of salary.

We will assume that the salary is issued through the bank. We go to the 1C "Salary and Frames" menu, then by reference "Vedomost to the Bank" go to the list of statements. Click "Create". In the new document creation window that opens, fill the props of the caps.

Consider step by step, how to make a salary accrual in the program Edition 3.0. To do this, select the "Salary and Frames" tab in the menu, then the Salary section and go to the "Calculation of Salary". Press the "Create" key. Fill the fields:

    Month of charge - for which month the salary will be credited;

    Date is the calculation date for the specified month;

    Division - changes as needed.

Pay attention to the Count "Accrual". It is indicated that salary salary accrual. This species is indicated in the employee's card when taking a job. Check the settings. Let's go back to the "Salary and Frames" tab, the "Personnel Accounting" section, the item "Work acceptance" and go to the employee's card, where the type of accrual "by salary" is selected. Double clicking on the inscription go to the settings. There is an item "Reflection in Accounting", if it is not full, then create a new "Method of salary accounting."

We prescribe the name "Salary (20 account)", in brackets indicate the account number. It is necessary for the program to understand what an account and for what article costs made the calculation of this wage. We indicate the cost of "Payment of Labor". Click "write and buried". In the "Reflection in Accounting" field, a wired account was displayed. Click again "write and close" and return to the salary accrual. The document will display the names of employees, the name of the unit, the type of accrual, the amount of wages, the number of spent days and hours. If the organization provides any retention of employees, they will be automatically added in the "Hold" tab. Filling can also be made manually, via the Add key:

Next Tab "NDFL". Here are automatically calculated on the income of the individual. If necessary, they can be adjusted if you note the flag "Correct NFFL". In the field on the right, you can view all the deductions from the employee or add new ones. To do this, you need to select the deduction and specify the amount:

In the next tab of "Contributions", which will also be filled automatically, you can see all the accruals that will produce an employee. If necessary, they can be changed by setting the check box near the "Correction Contribution" item.

Now data on accrual, deduction and deductions are displayed in the corresponding fields. When you click on the question mark, the program will decipher, for which and where the specified amount is listed:

We will conduct a document and see wiring. It reflects one posting charge, one inclination by personal income tax and four wiring on accrued contributions:

To control, you can view the accumulation register in the "Complete Officer" tab. Here the amount of accrual and the amount of deduction is displayed:

You can also check the completion of subsequent tabs. Salary accrual made. Now you need to pay it through the cashier. Go to the menu tab "Salary and Frames", Magazine "Vedomosti to Cassu". If an advance payment was paid before, the entry of it will be reflected here. Create a salary payment through the "Create" key. The document "Vedency to pay salaries through the cash register" opens. Fill out:

    Month of payments;


    Pay - choose from the drop-down window "Salary for the month";

    Rounding - without rounding.

Next, press the "Fill" key. Near the name of the employee will stand the residual amount that he needs to pay. The program calculates everything on its own on the basis of the previously introduced document on an advance and the created "salary accrual" document:

We will hold and see the wiring. You can see that there is no accounting for accounting. There are only points "mutual settlements with employees" and "Salary for Pay":

It remains only to pay the cash to the employee. Through the "Create based on" key, select "cash issuance". It does not need to fill out anything, just check and spend. If you see wiring, then one wiring will be displayed.

Calculation of wages is quite painstaking, especially for a large organization. Manually without errors, it is very problematic. It is necessary to take into account all the benefits, tax deductions, apply different NDFL rates. Accrual of salary in 1C allows you to fully automate the entire accounting process. With competent introduction of primary data, it is possible to form analytical accounting reports for management and government agencies.

Primary data making

Before charging salary in 1C, you need to check the primary settings of the program. To do this, enter the program under the name of the administrator. In the Select Cell alternate field:

  • "Accruals";
  • "Holding";
  • "Salary calculation indicators."

In each tab, check the filling patterns. To add a calculation parameter to the "Create" button, you should enter and save the accounting parameter that can be used in wage accrued. It is necessary to test the benefits of NDFL in 1C material assistance in the amount of 4,000 rubles.

Change standard schedule

The main document for calculating wages in 1C 8 is a regular schedule. It is approved by the order of the head. You can see the current document in the "Frame" menu by the "Start Schedule" tab. If a change order is issued, you can make changes in the appropriate tab.

To create a new document in 1C salary accrual, you need to log in to the "Create" tab. The field will open to fill in the most detail.

  • The "Add position" cell is designed to introduce a new position, division, salary;
  • The "Change position" tab is intended to change the parameters of the current rate, salary, working conditions, benefits (for example, travel costs);
  • The "Filling Indicators" field is used in the case when the same type is entered for all positions. When saving accounting parameters, the data will be applied to the entire list;
  • When making data on a new position, you can tie individual work schedules in 1C ZUP.

After making changes, you need to make information about the order and check the approval date of the staff schedule. Only after that the document can be saved, it will be the basis for salary accrual from this period.

Working time accounting table

During the calendar month, all personnel changes are reflected in the organization: receiving work, vacation, ration, surcharge for the combination of posts in 1C ZUP, work on weekends and holidays, hospital and dismissal. If the information is made correctly, the accounting table is automatically formed.

To fill it, you need to choose or filling out the document to all workers in the tab, or by selecting a specific surname.

The default document creation date is currently populated. When the table is filling over the previous period, you need to change the date for the last number of the month.

In the table you can check the reflection of framework documents within a month. If any information is made to the program were not, it is necessary to reflect them before accrualing earnings.

Accrual of wages

All wage steps are made only from the workplace of the accountant or the head of the unit, which is open access to these operations.

Accrual of wages in 1C 8.2 is executed from the corresponding tab. Creating a new document can be executed by the "Create" button. In the menu that opens, you can choose the full filling of the document with all the accruals, deductions and calculation of contributions, or if necessary, form each of these documents.

To accrual a salary in 1C 8.2 for all employees for the previous period there is a "Fill" coppe. For data processing, it will take some time. If the accounting parameters were made correctly, information is displayed on the screen about all accruals to employees.

Program 1C: 8 allows you to make manual adjustments of the document if necessary.

Before conducting a document, you need to check the correctness of the introduction of information.

  • The "contracts" field is filled in the case of work under GPC agreements;
  • The "manual" field will be filled automatically if hospital, including child care benefits, were carried out in the month of charge;

  • The tab "Benefits" is filled in the case of applying bonus promotions, for example, employees compensate for the passage of travel or food refund. These data are part of the wages and are involved in the calculation of NFFL;

  • Tab "Hold" reflects all employee retention: on executive sheets, for indisputable vacation. If necessary, you can enter a new type of deduction;

  • The "NDFL" tab is formed automatically. Information about the interest rate and status of the employee is made upon reception. For physical residents of residents of the Russian Federation, a rate of 13% is applied. When calculating the income foreign employees of the Organization, which work on patent agreements, the rate is calculated in the amount of 30%;

  • Tab "Loans" allows you to control the timeliness of repayment of issued loans to employees of the company. Upon receipt of MatveyGoda, obtained as saving funds on the payment of interest, the calculation of the income is automatically produced;

  • The Field "Contributions is filled automatically when filling out the document. You can manually manage the indicators for each employee or as a whole on the list;

  • The "Adjustment of Payout" field is designed to reflect unnecessarily retained personal income tax. The data is made only manually upon presentation of documents for the right to submit property, social deductions or for other reasons that are regulated by law;

  • When the incompleteness of information is detected when salary accrued, the adjustment can be performed in the "Daughters, recalculations" tab. This field is filled only manually for each physical face. You can make corrections:
  • In charges;
  • Manuals;
  • Benefits;
  • Holds.

In this field, you can adjust the information of the previous periods to correctly reflect information in periodic reporting.

Before you write down and make a salary calculation in 1C, you need to check the formation period and date.

Accrual of advances

The Labor Code obliges the employer to pay a salary 2 times a month.

The advance payment of salaries 1C 8 can be performed from the "Salary" menu tab "Accrual for the first half of the month".

Advance accrual in 1C 8 3 is performed by the "Fill" button. The entire list of employees is formed indicating the accrual period. Automatically calculate hold on executive documents and income tax.

The formation of the document is performed by the "Write" buttons and "Conduct".

Payment of wages

In the program 1C: 8, you can form a list of employees to enumerate wages on the carcake of individuals to the bank or through the organization's cashier. To do this, log in to the appropriate tab.

  • The "Vedomost to Bank" button is designed to form a statement within the salary project;
  • The "list of listing statements" allows you to form a statement of accruals to accounts of employees open on their own;
  • "Vedomosti in the cashier" is intended to form payments through the organization's office.

In order to send a statement to the bank, you need to create a file in the "Sharing Documents with Banks" tab, then unload it from the "Exchange with Banks" tab. At the same time, to form a payment order for the amount of wages indicating the registry number.

Wage reports

Before 1C to see the accrued salary, you need to go to the Salary menu in the "Wage Reports" field. When making a report, you can choose the accrual period, fill out information for each employee, analyze the deductions and use of benefits. Program 1C: 8 forms analytical data and analysis in the context of any indicator.

All reports are displayed.


Accrual of wages in the program 1C: 8 is fully automated. If the question arises why the salary is not charged in 1c, it is necessary to check the primary settings. In addition, data should be in a timely manner in the general handbook, taking into account the middle-earnings table, which affect the calculation of remuneration. The correct reflection allows you to quickly form reports on personal income tax, insurance premiums and check the control ratios.

How to accrue wages to employees in the program 1C Accounting 3.0?

"1C: Accounting 8.3" Editorial Board 3.0 allows you to automatically charge the employees of the salary, calculate the average earnings for hospital sheets and vacations, accrual personal income tax and mandatory insurance premiums with phot, form reporting.

To perform these functions, you must properly configure 1C for salary accounting.

Accounting parameters 1C.

Main / Settings / Accounting Parameters

In this form, on the Salary and Frames tab, the following options are available for selection:

  • personnel and salary accounting - carried out in 1c accounting 8.3 or in external (1C ZPE);
  • how the calculations with staff will be taken into account - consolidated for all employees or detailed each;
  • whether the program will be needed in the program to account for hospital sheets, vacations, executive documents;
  • whether the document "Accrual of the salary" is automatically recalculated;
  • which personnel accounting is used - full or simplified (in the latter case, personnel documents are not formed as separate objects).

Methods for accounting for salaries in 1C

Salary and Frames / References and Settings / Salary Accounting Methods

This directory is designed to configure in 1C methods of accounting salary. Each method contains account account and costs to assign a salary. In the information base, one method has already been created, which is called the reflection of the default charges, with an indication of account 26 and the article "Payment of Labor". Accountant can change this method if necessary, or create new ones.

Accruals and retention

Salary and Frames / Directory and Settings / Accrual (Hold)

Accruals are the calculation types for salary and other payments. By default, 1C 8.3 Here were created: payment by salary, vacation - the main and for pregnancy and childbirth, hospital. For each accrual indicated:

  • is it subject to NDFL, income code for personal income tax
  • income type for insurance premiums
  • flow view when calculating income tax
  • accounting method (see previous item). If it is not selected, the program will use the "reflection of the default charges"

Accountant may, if necessary, create new charges for wages and choose the required parameters in them. Accrual can be assigned to a specific employee (when receiving the staff or translation).

Holding - types of calculation that serve to reflect the amounts retained from employees. The program has a predefined "deduction on the executive document". It is possible to create new retention - for example, trade union contributions or contributions to voluntary pension insurance.

Salary accounting settings

Salary and frames / References and settings / Salary accounting settings

These settings are made for each organization separately. There are several tabs in the form form.

Accounting salary. The "Salary" tab indicates a salary accounting method, which will be the main organization for this organization. The program will use it if another is not selected for accrual. Also here you can choose a way to write off deposited amounts.

Taxes and contributions from Fot. This tab contains parameters for automatic calculation and accrual of personal income tax and insurance premiums with photos:

  • tariff type for insurance premiums
  • the presence of professions on which additional contributions are accrued, employment of employees in severe or harmful conditions
  • the rate of contributions to the FSS for insurance against industrial accidents and PZ
  • features of Ndfl calculus

Reserves of vacations. Here you can include the possibility of forming the reserve of vacations, indicating the maximum amount of deductions for the year, the percentage of monthly deductions, the accounting method.

Territorial conditions. This tab in 1C 8.3 is filled in the case of the application of the district coefficient or northern surcharge. Please note that the regional coefficient is indicated in the form of a fractional number and must be more than one. For example, if the allowance for it is 15%, then here should be written here: 1.15. In the absence of an allowance, the value will be 1. In the field below, if necessary, the type of special territorial location conditions is selected.

For periodic details, you must specify the month from which they begin to act.

Based on:

1C salary accrual is made in several stages. First you need to make a reception of an employee to work. It is also important to properly configure wage accounting settings. Read this article to understand how to charge a salary in 1C 8.3 Accounting.

Calculation of salaries in 1C 8.3 Accounting starts with recruitment - registration of techniques for work, dismissal, personnel movements. You also need to make settings for accounting for salary for correct salary accrual in 1C Accounting 8.3. About all this you will learn in this article. As in 5 steps to make a salary calculation in 1C 8.3 Accounting, read further.

Step 1. Install in 1C 8.3 Settings for salary accrual

Go to the "Salary and Frames" section (1) and click on the Salary Setup link (2). A window will open to change the settings.
In the settings window, select the Checkbox (3) opposite the inscription "in this program". This means that the accounting of salary and personnel will be conducted in 1C 8.3 Accounting. Also put ticks opposite the inscriptions "keep records of hospitals, vacations and executive documents" (4) and "Automatically recalculate the document" Accrual of the salary "" (5). In the framework section, check the box opposite the "Full" field (6). This will allow to conduct personnel records in the program 1C 8.3 Accounting.

Settings for salary accrual are set. Now proceed to salary accrual operations. But first create in 1C 8.3 personnel documents.

Step 2. Subscribe 1C 8.3 Receive an employee to work

In the window that opens, click the Create button (3) and click on the "Receive to work" link (4). A window will open to receive an employee to work.

In the form that opens, fill in the fields:
  • "Division" (6). Choose a division into which employee accept;
  • "Position" (7). Specify the post of a new employee;
  • "Officer" (8). Specify the employee who take to work;
  • "Reception Date" (9). Specify the date of employment;
  • "Tests. Term (m) "(10). Specify how many months a new employee will be on the probationary period;
  • "Employment type" (11). Select the desired value from the directory, for example, the "main place of work".
Next, click the Add button (12) and specify the amount of the salary (13) of the new employee.

After filling out the application form, click on the "Write" buttons (14) and "Conduct" (15). Now the employee is hired. To print an acceptance order, click on the "Print" button (16) and click on the "Admission Order (T-1)" link (17).

Step 3. Subscribe to 1C 8.3 Employee dismissal

Go to the "Salary and Frames" section (1) and click on the "Personnel Documents" link (2). A window will open for recording personnel documents.

In the window that opens, click the Create button (3) and click on the "Dismissal" link (4). A window will open to dismiss the employee.

In the form of dismissal fill in the fields:
  • "Organization" (5). Specify your organization;
  • "Officer" (6). Specify the dismissed employee;
  • "Date of dismissal" (7). Specify the dates of dismissal;
  • "Article TC RF" (8). Select the necessary article of the Labor Code from the list;
  • "Date" (9). Specify the date of the order of dismissal.
Next, press the "Record" (10) buttons and "Conduct" (11). Now the employee is fired. To print an order for the dismissal, click "Print" (12) and click on the link "Order of the dismissal T-8".
After dismissal in 1C 8.3, salary and contributions will not be accrued.

Step 4. Accruem salary in 1C 8.3

Go to the "Salary and Frames" section (1) and click on the "All Accruals" link (2). The accrual window opens.

In the window that opens, click the "Create" button (3) and click on the "salary accrual" (4). A window will open for salary accrual.

In the window that opens, fill in the fields:
  • "Organization" (5). Specify your organization;
  • "Salary for:" (6). Specify a month for which you charge the salary.
Next, click the "Fill" button (7). After that, under this button, a list of employees taken to work with salary data will appear. How to make a job to work in step 1.

In this list we see:
  • employees who were employed in your organization (8);
  • the number of days spent for each employee (9);
  • the number of hours spent on each employee (10);
  • salary accrued amounts (11);
  • sums (12);
  • amount of accrued insurance premiums (13).
If you want to correct the data, then click on the desired field (for example, the number of days) and make the right data. The amounts of accruals will change automatically after that.
After making changes, click "Record" (14) and "Conduct" (15) to reflect in accounting records on salary accrual. Now the accrual is reflected in accounting and tax accounting accounts in 1C 8.3. Check these wiring in the next step.

Step 5. Check the salary accrual in 1C 8.3 on account accounts

Click on the "DTTT" button (1) to view wages to accruem. The wiring window opens.

In the window we see wiring:
  • on accrual on account 26 wages for each employee (2);
  • hold ndfl for each employee (3);
  • accrued on account 26 insurance premiums (4).

Verification of wiring has shown that all salary accrual operations are reflected in accounting and tax accounting accounts.