Bedroom design Materials House, garden, plot

The history of the creation of the story of the jurisdiction of the fight. A and KUPERA FIGHT The story of creating a story. Romashov goes to Nazansky

The story of A. I. Kaprina "Duel" is largely autobiographical. A. I. Kookin was a pupil of 2 -to Moscow Cadet Corps, a graduate of the Moscow Alexander Military School. In 1890 - 1894 The future writer served in the 46th Dneprovsky infantry regiment deployed in the town of South-West Territory. Thus, the most important life impressions of the youth Cookin were closely connected with the Russian army, its life and problems. Perhaps A. I. Kuprin, in the warehouse of his character, the peculiarities of the personality and temperament was not created at all for military service, especially in peacetime. But the profession of the military future writer did not choose himself: so life has developed. His mother, widow, without having a means to give his son a decent education, gave a boy to a military gymnasium, subsequently transformed into the Cadet Corps. Resentment for the non-vitality of his own choice was affected by the entire further military career of Kurpra, as well as in his literary work. As if in a mirror curve, she found his reflection on the pages of many "military" works of the writer and to the greatest extent - in the story "Duel".

Having started working on the story back in 1902, the Kuprin worked hard on it for a long time, experiencing a significant impact of M. Gorky, who did not just support and encouraged the writer, but also breathed confidence in his power. For the first time, "the fight" was printed in the Gorky "Collection of Partnership" Knowledge "for 1905" with the dedication of M. Gorky "with a sense of true friendship and deep respect." It is believed that numerous early stories from military life - "inquiry" (1894), "Bust of Lilac" (1895), "Night Summer" (1895), "Night Swelling" became peculiar sketches "(1901), the story of the" ensign army "(1897) and" on the fracture "(" Cadets ", 1900). In 1902, a story was written "in the barracks", which was the first sketch of the "fight": in the recycled form, this story entered the XI head of the story.

The subject of the work in the story of several thematic lines: the officer environment, the construction and barren life of soldiers, personal relations between people. "By your. . . Purely human qualities of the officers of the Kuprinskaya story - people are very different. . . Almost each of the officers has the necessary minimum of "good feelings", bizarily mixed with cruelty, rudeness, indifference "(O. N. Mikhailov). Colonel Schulgoovich, Captain of Plum, Captain Sidicchy - People are different, but they are all - Retrograd of army education and training. Young officers, except Romashov, are Vetzkin, Bobetsky, Olizar, Lobov, Beck Agamalov. As the embodiment of the entire inhuman among the officers, the regiment is allocated captain of sediment. The person is cruel, full of hatred to everything, a supporter of a sticky discipline, he is opposed to the main hero of the story of the poderochik Romashov.

In contrast to other Romashov officers in humans relates to soldiers. He takes care of Khlebnikov, constantly degradable, scored; Maybe, contrary to the charter, to say the older officer about the next injustice, but it is powerless to change anything in this system. The service will oppress it. Romashov comes to the thoughts on denial of war: "We put, tomorrow, put this idea, this idea came to everyone: Russian, Germans, British, Japanese. . . And now there is no more war, there are no officers and soldiers, everyone went home. " Romashov is the type of passive dreamer, it is not a source of inspiration, not incentive for direct action, but a means of care, flight from reality. The attractiveness of this hero in his sincerity. Having survived the mental crisis, he goes to a peculiar duel with this world. Duel with unlucky Nikolaev, who is completed by the story, becomes a private expression of Romashov's irreconcilable conflict with reality. However, simple, ordinary, "natural" Romashov, knocking out of its medium, with tragic inevitability turns out to be too weak and lonely to win. A devotee of his beloved, in his own way charming, vitality, but a selfishly squeezing embellite, Romomashov dies.

Heroes Romashov Georgy Alekseevich - the protagonist of the story. Shurochka calls him "clumsy", "cute boy," "good, cowardly", weak. In a young graduate of the Cadet School, now the suborpecics, the second year serving in the shelf, housed in a small Jewish place, the weakness of the will and the power of the Spirit are peculiar. Service in the army for him is a heavy test: he cannot accept the rudeness and vulpidity of the regimental life. "It was medium height, thin, and although quite strong for his addition, but from the big shyness of awkwards." However, it is the shy, blossoming even in a conversation with officers Romashov stands up for the Tatar soldier in front of the regimental commander Schulgovich, which causes his anger. He is aware of his loneliness and losingity among other people's, unfriendly or indifferent people. From the longing George often goes to the station, where the stopping trains remind him of another, festive life. He retained the children's habit of "thinking about herself in the third person, words of template novels." But one day he saw a beautiful lady standing on the exploratory train platform and her companion laugh at him - pale, short-sighted and awkward.

Calling himself "small", "weak", "sand", Romashov complains about God, but then asks for forgiveness: "Do all you have anything with me. I obey everything with gratitude. " R. is experiencing deep spiritual dorms, feels much older than his twenty-two years. After a fight with Nikolaev Romashov causes him to duel and per day becomes a "fairy tale of the city and the hero of the day." The meeting of the officer court decides on the inevitability of the fight between George and Vasily. Shurochka asks Romashov not to kill her husband, but also not to give up a duel, as this may prevent his admission to the Academy. According to Spurok, Nikolaev knows about everything and will also try not to get into it. Here, "Between them, I invisibly slept something secret, nasty, squalle," and Shurakah, knowing that he sees Romashov for the last time, he was given to him. The next day, Nikolaev kills Romashov for a duel.

Do not call the name of the Shureochki, Vasily tells Romashov's story of his love. He seemed to warn Romashov about the danger threatening to him, seeing that in a rush live at once "Two people: one - with a dry, selfish mind, the other - with a gentle and passionate heart." For the second time, Kazan and Romashov meet in front of a duel. He proves that the rejection of the duel would be a more bold act than consent to her. Vasily persuades Romashov to resign, as the service in the army urged even the best people, sees in the soul of Romashov "some kind of inner light", which is groaning in Berloga-in the shelf. Romashov feels madness in Kazantsev, transmitting "horror waves" to himself.

The development of the plot coming from the regimental classes, the young porquet of Georgy Alekseevich Romashov receives a letter with an invitation from Raisa Alexandrovna Peterson, with which he had a long-standing, boning connection, but not coming to the meeting, but a letter to River. Instead, violating this promise, the porquituer goes to Nikolaev (where it often happens), where cute talks with a roschka - the wife of Captain Nikolaev. He is preparing to enter the Military Academy and almost does not take part in the conversation. On the regimental Ball Romashov announces Raisse Paterson about the breaking of their relationship, for which she speaks a bunch of insults in indignation and be revenge. At the end of April, Romashov receives a letter from Alexandra Nikolaeva with an invitation to a picnic in honor of her name. The picnic is recognized in the love of Shurachok and Romashov. At the same time, Alexander asks no longer coming to them due to the fact that someone sends her husband false anonymous letters about their connection.

During the review, the Romashov regiment suffers a failure to the commander of General because of his mistake, which led to the fact that the construction order was lost. The main character is deeply experiencing failure. After what happened, there was still an effort into his officers with officers. In total, he meets Nikolaev, who is coldly talking to him about anonymous letters relating to his wife, and also asks not to be more from him. After the suicide of the soldier in one of the mouth in the society of officers, drunkenness flashes with a particularly fierce force. Comrade Romashova persuades him to go with him to the officer club. Closer to the morning there is a conflict between Nikolaev and Romashov, ending with a fight. The next day, the officer court decides that the conflict cannot be completed by reconciliation and appoints the time of the fight. After a long conversation with her friend - Neckansky, Romashov is ready to give up a duel and leave the regiment, but, having come home, he discovers there, who asks not to give up a duel, as it hurts her husband who is preparing for admission to the Academy of General Staff . She claims to arrange so that none of the duelists are injured. Before leaving between them there is a love scene.

The story ends with a bloody duel, a senseless death of the young man from the hands of an insignificant careerist of Nikolaev. The final chord is permeated with a sense of intransigence with a ridiculous death, as well as the condemnation of selfish people who invaluable perfectly flourishing youth. Dry, government report on the murder of Romashova strengthens the feeling of absurdity, and, at the same time, the tragicity of the death of a young man, until the last moment passionately undertook to the truth and beauty, but entered into a duel with vulgarity and meanness. The value of human life, its fragility is seen in the light of these events especially brightly.

Withdrawal of Romashov's justice loyal lost in a duel with reality. Forcing to overlook his hero, the author did not find a further path for him, and the death of the officer became salvation from moral death. Romashov - a victim of time, circumstances and morals. He was looking for a way out, his inner dusty experiences were naked in front of the reader. However, to solve such global problems in the army, it is necessary that the need for change has understood the majority of people, since units are unable to change the course of history. But do not forget that concrete people are preferring the story. From what kind of people a society raises, it depends, whether the country's military power will be empty, farce, or the embodiment of the truth and courage, when young people will readily replenish the officer ranks and proudly, without a remorse of conscience, to say "Honor I have!"

Evening classes in the sixth company came to the end, and the younger officers were increasingly looking at the clock. Almost the charter of the garrison service was studied. Armor to the entire Place, the soldiers stood a breakdown: near the poplars who focused on the highway, near the gymnastic machines, near the door of the returny school, at the sighting machines. All these were imaginary posts, like, for example, the post at the powder cellar, at the banner, in the guard house, at the cash drawer. Between them went missing and set sentries; Change of Karaulov was made; Unter-officers checked posts and experienced their soldiers, trying to put down his rifle from his watching time, then make him get away from the place, then he to preserve some thing, the most part of his own cap. Olderly, who knew this toy chaise, was responsible in such cases exaggerated by a harsh tone: "Leave! I have no complete right to give a gun, except for how I get ordered from the emperor himself. " But the young were confused. They have not yet been able to separate the jokes, an example from the present requirements of the service and flowed into one, then to another extreme.

- Khlebnikov! Devil Corospheric! - I shouted the small, round and smart corporate corporal, and in his voice, he was heard by the bosses. - I taught you, taught, fool! Do you now have the orders now? Arrested? And so that you! .. Answer what you are put to the post!

In the third platoon there was a serious confusion. The young soldier of Muhamedzhinov, Tatar, barely understood and who spoke in Russian, was finally confused with the tricks of his superiors - and the present and imaginary. He suddenly cleared, took a gun on his hand and responded to all convictions and orders to one decisive word:

- Skol!

- Yes, wait ... Yes, you ... - I persuaded him Unter-Officer Bobyl. - After all, I? I'm your guard boss, it became ...

- Screw! - shouted Tatar frightened and viciously and with eyes that focused blood, nervously fell by a bayonet in anyone who was approaching him. A handful of soldiers who delighted the funny adventure and a minute retreat in the annoying learning gathered around him.

Rotta commander, captain of the drain, went to disassemble the case. While he was flewed by a sluggish gait, having embarrassed and dragging his legs, to the other end of the departure, the younger officers came together to chat together and smoke. There were three of them: Lieutenant Vekhin - Bald, Music Man Years Thirty Thirty Three, Meschak, Govorun, Pevon and Drunkard, Romashov, who served in the second year in the shelf, and the subwright of Lbov, a living slender boy with a lucavo-gentle-stupid eyes and with eternal A smile on thick naive lips, - all exactly stuffed with old officer jokes.

"Speeding," said Vekhkin, looking at his nicknamed clock and clicked angrily with a lid. - What the hell is he holding the company so far? Ethiopian!

"And you would explain it to him, Pavel Pavlych," Lbov advised himself with a cunning face.

- Hell no. Flight, explain yourself. The main thing - what? The main thing is that it's all in vain. They always have a fever before looking. And always go off. The soldier will be drawn, laughing, stupid, and on the view it will stand like a stump. Do you know the famous case, how did two roll commander argue, whose soldiers will eat more bread? They chose both more severe rzhsor. The bet was big - something about one hundred rubles. Here one soldier ate seven pounds and fell off, he could no longer. Roat now on Feldwebel: "You are what, such, the difference, led me?" And Feldfelpel is only with Laparents: "So I can not know, your clood, what happened to him. In the morning they did a rehearsal - eight pounds stressed in one sit ... "So here we are ... will be repeated without a sense, and they will sit at the sight in Kalos.

- Yesterday ... - Lbov suddenly spinningly from laughter. "Yesterday, in all the rates they ended the classes, I go to the apartment, the clock is already eight, perhaps, dark quite. I look, in the eleventh company, signals are taught. Chorus. "On-ve-di, to GRU-Di, Para Di!" I ask Lieutenant Androsvich: "Why do you still have such music?" And he says: "These are we, like dogs, we will have to work on the moon."

- All tired, Cook! - said Vecchin and yawned. - Wait-ka, who is riding it? Does it seem to be?

- Yes. Beck Agamalov, "decided the root Lbov. - How beautiful sits.

"Very nice," Romashov agreed. - In my opinion, he is better than any cavalryman. Ltd! I dug. Kakenets Beck.

The highway was slowly riding an officer in white gloves and in Adjutant Mundire. Under it was a high long horse golden suit with short, in English, tail. She was hot, impatiently winds a steep, collected by the mouthpiece of the neck and often moved into thin legs.

- Pavel Pavlych, is it true that he is a natural Circass? - asked Romashov from the branches.

- I think it's true. Sometimes really Armenians give themselves for Circassians and for Lezgin, but Beck does not seem to be lying. Yes, you look, what is he on the horse!

"Wait, I'm crying to him," Lbov said.

He put his hands to the mouth and screamed with a voice, so as not to hear a regular commander:

- Lieutenant Agamalov! Beck!

The officer who was riding, pulled the reins, stopped for a second and turned to the right. Then, by turning the horse in this direction and bent slightly in the saddle, he forced it to be elastic movement to jump over a ditch and a restrained gallop crushed to officers.

It was less than medium height, dry, durable, very strong. His face, with shovel back forehead, a thin humpback nose and decisive, strong lips, was courageously and beautiful and still did not lose the characteristic oriental pallor - at the same time dark and matte.

"Hello, Beck," said Vetkov. - Are you in front of anyone? Daers?

Beck Agamalov shook his hands to the officers, low and casually leaving from the saddle. He smiled, and it seemed that his white sprinkled teeth threw reflected light on the bottom of his face and on the small black, the sleek mustache ...

- There were two pretty jigs there. Yes, what? I zero attention.

- We know how you are bad in the checkers! - Washed the head of the bike.

"Listen, gentlemen," Lbov spoke and laughed in advance. - Do you know what Malletur General said about infantry adjutants? This is to you, Beck, applies. That they are the most desperate riders around the world ...

- Do not vries, Fenrick! Said Beck Agamalov.

He pushed the horse with Shankels and pretended to be he who wants to go to the subpenser.

- To her, God! All they say, says not horses, but some guitars, SCBPE - with a cast, chrome, curls, props. And you give him orders - Knish himself fries, where it fell, in the whole quarry. Fence - so fence, ravine - so ravine. Blind through the bushes. The reins missed, stirrupping, hat to hell! Lichy rises!

- What is heard new, Beck? - asked Vecchin.

- What's new? Nothing new. Now, that's just that, found the regulatory commander in the collection of Lieutenant Colonel Lech. Bowned to him so that at the Cathedral Square it was heard. And Lech is drunk, like Zmiy, can not push dad mom. It is on the spot and swinging, the hands behind the back laid. And Shulgoovich how to bite on him: "When talking with a regimental commander, you will not keep your hands on the ass!" And the servant was here.

- Constantly rushing! - said Vekhkin with a grin - not the ironic, not that incentive. - In the fourth company, he yesterday, they say, shouted: "What are you tired of a tune in the nose? I am a charter for you, and no more conversations! I'm here king and God! "

Lbov suddenly laughed at his thoughts again.

- And here, the Lord, there was a case with an adjutant in the N-SCOM regiment ...

"Shut up, Lbov," Vecchin noticed him seriously. - Eco broke you today.

"There are also news," continued Beck Agamalov. He again turned his horse to Lbov and, joking, began to run on him. The horse was winding her head and snort, scattering a foam around him. - There are also news. The commander in all rotations requires the logging officers the stuffed. In the ninth company, such a cold caught up that horror. Epifanova rushed under the arrest for the fact that the checker was not honed ... What are you Course, Fenrick! Suddenly Beck Agamalov shouted at the subpenser. - Get used to. After all, you will someday an adjutant. You will sit on a horse like a fried sparrow on a dish.

Whether the Kuprin wrote about himself, the death of Romashov "killing" his youthful dreams?

A.P.Appsit Portrait of A.I.Kuprina 1928
Photo by A.I.Kuprina 1900E.

The Kubrin was the guarantic of the White Army, a brilliant rider, who at the bet could climb the horse to the second floor of the restaurant, drink, without leaving the saddle, half a cup of brandy and the same manner return to Earth.
Childhood Kurrina passed in the orphan school (Moscow, ul. Kazakova, 18), where for Bedni him, that he de General Skobeliev, Napoleon himself, will put on him a pointed hat with a fatty inscription "Lyun".
Kurrin studied in the Cadet School (Moscow, the 1st Krasnokursant Ave., 3-5), then the School of Junkers (Moscow, the angle of Znamenki and Gogol Boulevard), where he sat in Karzer for the peasant girl Dunyash (he cared for her instead of classes According to topography) and for the first printed story - "papermaking".
Yesterday, he, Juncker, rushed on the top three to the Female Institute, was explained in love on a purebuchny rink and secretly kept chosen in the theater of a shawl of some kind of stranger, and today he is an officer of the 46th Dneprovsky infantry regiment. He jumps from the second floor when some garrison lady promised a kiss for this, for the sake of another love, throwing poems and prose, trying to enter the Academy of the General Staff.
I would have passed - the exams passed brilliantly! - If on the way to Petersburg did not meet friends in Kiev on the Cadet Corps and, thickening, did not drop out or from the ferry, or from the police bailter's floodling. According to one version, for the fact that he did not give himself, officers, an ordered table, on another, more romantic, for bracking to some girl.
There were no duels in his life. But, is it not true, is there something general in the description of the youth writer with Romasov - the hero of his story "fight"?

The name of the story A. I. Kurin - "Duel", correctly transmits the meaning of the drama walked in it. The duel is meant not only described at the end of the test of the duel, but also all events taking place with the main characters.
The action of the book takes place at a time when it was just officially allowed the fights between officers. Naturally, in the garrison, this topic is vividly discussed. For the first time
She seriously affects the conversation of Churoko Nikolaev and Romashov.
Shrochka, beautiful, charming, smart, educated woman, talks about duels as a necessary phenomenon. Officer, she claims, must risk himself. Insult may be washed only by blood. Not only Shuraka, the wife of an officer, talks about fights with a similar hot. This is the opinion of the majority of men in the garrison.
The life of Romashov in the regiment is the eternal fight with him and with officers prejudices. He is not like his comrades, he has other life aspirations. Having come to the regiment, Romashov dreamed of "about valor, about the exploits, about glory." He idealized officers, believing that these people are noble, generous, honest. But in the garrison, officers are leading gray, hopeless existence, they are playing off on soldiers who do not consider people, evenings, not knowing what to do, officers are going to play cards and arrange meaningless couments.
The whole story is a series of small clashes of Romashov with his people around him.
All these insignificant clashes lead to one main - a duel between Romasov and Nikolaev.
In general, the duel was predetermined from the very beginning. Romashov loves his wife Nikolaev, besides, and she answered him not love, but at least sympathy, affection. Lasko calling an officer "Roma", Shurochka spends his free time "from nothing to do." Romashov refuses the novel with the regimental lady of Rasa Alexandrovna Peterson, with which they are dirty and boring (and for a long time) cheated her husband. Wanting to take revenge on His "Beefasting George," she begins to throw a herd of airls with anonymous.
Nikolaev himself, from the very beginning, does not accept Romashov to the shame during a review, when the ceremonial march failed because of the fault of Romashov, an explanation with Nikolaev, who demanded everything to stop the flow of anonymous, and they still do not have in the house. Consequently, sooner or later the fight was to take place.
The word "duel" in relation to the event that occurred may not be quite appropriate, as it was not an honest battle of two officers.
Shrochka, so hotly beloved Romasov, assured him that everything is agreed in advance and no one will be wounded. At the same time, she made a reservation, which says goodbye to him forever, but he, like all the lovers, did not hear it.
Did you really assume a romantic pursuit that your beloved woman is so cold, calculating and treacher?
He died, without disintegrated with love, without having completed a cherished dream about to quit the service and devote himself a more worthy lesson. The fight between Romasov and the surrounding world was not in favor of a dreamy companion.
"Fight" came out with the dedication to M. Gorky, to which, at this time of his creativity, Kuprin was close, and, in addition to the high estimates of criticism, he deserved praise L.N. Tolstoy.

And now duelists:

Yuri Alekseevich Romashov

I.Ladazunov illustration to the story "Duel" ch. 16 (fragment)

It was medium height, thin, and although quite strong for his addition, but from the big shyness of awkwards. He did not know how to fencing on Espadron, and for a year and a half service and completely forgot this art.
In a young graduate of the Cadet School, now the suborpecics, the second year serving in the shelf, housed in a small Jewish place, the weakness of the will and the power of the Spirit are peculiar. Service in the army for Romashova is a heavy test: it cannot accept the rudeness and vulpidity of the regimental life.
Romashov composes a story, although it is ashamed of his literary classes.
"Not for the first time after a year and a half of his officer service, he experienced this painful consciousness of his loneliness and losingity among other people's, unfriendly or indifferent people, is a temporary feeling of ignorance, where to give today's evening." From longing, he often goes to the station, where the stopping trains remind him for a different, festive life.
After a fight with Nikolaev Romashov causes him to duel and per day becomes a "fairy tale of the city and the hero of the day." The meeting of the officer court makes a decision on the inevitability of the fight between Romasov and Nikolaev.
The next day, Nikolaev kills Romashov for a duel.

Vladimir Efimovich Nikolaev
For two years in a row, he will fall into the academy examinations, and Alexander Petrovna, Shurochka, makes everything that the last chance (to do was allowed only to three times) was not missed.

And last, in 2007, the twelve-player television feature film "Juncker" was removed, created based on the works of A. I. Khurin. At the heart of the scenario - the novel "Juncker", the story "Fight", "on the fracture" ("Cadets"), many stories of the writer and episodes of his biography. The time of action in the film, in contrast to the novels of Kupper, shifted from the end of the XIX century for the years preceding the beginning of the First World War.

We left to count the fragments of the original source!

The usual, beloved by young officers a conversation about cases of unexpected bloody plants in place and how these cases took place almost always impunity. In one small town, there was a drunken drunk drunk with a checker in the crowd of Jews, which he had previously "disencuting the Easter bunch." In Kiev, the infantry porquituer drove into the student's dance hall to death for the fact that he pushed his elbow at the buffet. In some big city - not that in Moscow, not that in St. Petersburg - the officer shot, "like a dog", civilian, who in the restaurant made him a remark that decent people do not stick to unfamiliar ladies.
Romashov, who was still silent, suddenly, blushing from confusion, without need to correct the glasses and flipping off, intervened in the conversation:
- But the Lord, that I will say on my part. I put a buffetber, I do not think ... yes ... but if the civilian ... how would it say that? .. Yes ... Well, if he is a decent person, nobleman and so on ... why am I going to His, unarmed, attack with a checker? Why am I can't you demand satisfaction? Still, we are cultural people, so to speak ... - uh, you say, Romashov, - interrupted his branches. - You will demand satisfaction, and he will say: "No ... uh-uh ... I know whether, WEEBSP ... Uh ... I do not recognize a duel. I am an opponent of bloodshed ... and besides , Uh ... We have a global judge ... "So go to all my life with a broken muzzle.

You did not read in the newspapers about the officer match? Suddenly Shurochka asked.
Romashov was fixed and hardly removed her eyes from her.
- No, I have not read. But heard. What?
- Of course, you, as usual, do not read anything. Right, Yuri Alekseevich, you go down. In my opinion, something ridiculous came out. I understand: fights between officers are a necessary and reasonable thing. - Shurochka convincingly pressed knitting to the chest. - But why such a tactlessness? Think: one lieutenant insulted the other. Insult is heavy, and the society of officers decides to fight. But then there is nonsense and nonsense. Conditions - directly like the death penalty: fifteen steps of a distance and fight to a heavy wound ... If both enemies are on their feet, the shots are renewed. But this is a slaughter, it ... I do not know what! But, wait, it's just flower. All officers of the regiment come to the place of the duel, not even regferred ladies, and even somewhere in the bushes it is placed a photographer. After all, it's a horror, Roma! And the unfortunate companion, Fenrick, as Volodya says, like you, and even in addition, offended, not an offender, receives a terrible wound after the third shot in the stomach and in the evening dies in the torment. And he, it turns out, was the old woman mother and sister, the old young lady, who lived with him, like our Michina ... Yes, listen to: why, who had to do from the fight such a bloody buffonade? And this, notice, at the very first pores, now after the resolution of the fights. And then believe me, believe me! - Schurochka exclaimed, sparkling by the burning eyes, - now sentimental opponents of officer duels, - Oh, I know these despicable liberal panties! - Now they will negate: "Ah, barbarism! Ah, removal of wild times! Ah, Fratoebeat!"
- However, you are bloodthirsty, Alexander Petrovna! - inserted Romashov.
- Not bloodthiend, - no! she sharply objected. - I'm foul. I am a bug that my neck tickles, he will take off and try not to hurt him. But, try to understand, Romashov, here is a simple logic. What is the officers for? For war. What is needed for the war before? Courage, pride, decrease not to smorn before death. Where are these qualities of all brighter in peacetime? In duels. That's all. It seems clear. It is not the French officers who need a fight that is because the concept of honor, and even exaggerated, in the blood of each Frenchman - not German, - because all the Germans are decent and disciplined from birth - and we, we, us! Then we will not be in the officer's environment of cards cheelets, like Archakovsky, or terrible drunkards, like your Nazansky; Then, the amicochiesty, the familiar deordares in the meeting, when serving, is your mutual foul language, allowing each other to do with each other, but not get to miss. Then you will not be behind your eyes so donate each other. The officer has every word must be weighed. Officer is a sample of correctness. And then, what kind of tenderness: fear of shot! Your profession is to risk life.

In the evening, on this day, he was again called to court, but along with Nikolaev. Both enemies stood in front of the table almost near. They never
looked at each other, but each of them felt at a distance
The mood of another and stiffly worried about it. Both of them stubbornly and
Motionally looked at the Chair when he read them a court decision:
- "The court of society of officers of the N-Sky Infantry Regiment, as part - followed
The ranks and surnames of the judges - chaired by Lieutenant Colonel Migunov,
Having considered the case of a collision in the placement of the officers of the lieutenant
Nikolaev and the companion Romashov, found that in view of the severity of mutual
Insults of the quarrel of these Ober officers cannot be finished with reconciliation and
that the duel between them is the only means of satisfaction
offended honor and officer dignity. The opinion of the court approved
commander shelf. "
After graduating reading, Lieutenant Colonel Migunov took the glasses and hid them into the case.
- You can, gentlemen, "he said with stone solemnity, -
choose yourself seconds, two on each side, and send them to nine
o'clock in the evening here, in the meeting, where they will work together with us
fight. However, he added, getting up and hiding a speaker in the rear pocket,
- However, the court order read now does not have for you
mandatory force. Each of you keeps complete freedom to fight
Duele, or ... - He spread his hands and paused - or leave the service.
Then ... You are free, gentlemen ... Two more words. Not as chairman
ships, and how older comrade would advise you, gentlemen officers,
refrain before the fight from visiting the meeting. "It may be a story to
Complications. Goodbye.
Nikolaev turned cool and rapid steps came out of the hall. Slow
Moved behind him and Romashov. He was not scared, but he suddenly felt
exclusively lonely, strangely isolated, precisely cut off from
all over the world. Going to the porch of the assembly, he is with a long, calm surprise
I looked at the sky, on the trees, on the cow at the fence opposite, on Vorobev,
Bathered in dust among the road, and thought: "Here - everything lives, cotton,
fussing, grows and shines, and I have no longer needed and not interesting.
I am sentenced. I'm alone".
Sluggishly, he went almost with boredom to search for Beck Agamalov and Vetkov,
whom he decided to ask in seconds. Both willingly agreed -
Beck-Agamalov with gloomy restraint, vancine with affectionate and
meaningful handshakes.
Romashov did not want to go home - it was terribly boring there. In these
Heavy moments of spiritual powerlessness, loneliness and sluggish misunderstanding of life
He needed to see a close, smoky friend and at the same time thin,
Understanding, gentle by the heart of man.
And suddenly he remembered Nazansky.

Romashov told in detail the story of his collision with Nikolaev.
Nazansky thoughtfully listened to him, tilting his head and looking down on the water,
which is lazy dense jets, overflowing like liquid glass,
Dusted in the distance and wrench from the nose of the boat.
- Tell the truth, you are not afraid, Romashov? - asked Nazansky quiet.
- Duele? No, I'm not afraid - Romashov answered quickly. But immediately he
Prim and in one second vividly introduced himself as he would stand at all
close to Nikolaev and see in his outstretched hand descending black
Bully revolver. - No, no, - Romashov has added hastily, - I will not
lie that I'm not afraid. Of course, scary. But I know that I am not a jaw, not
Usah, I will not ask for forgiveness.
Nasansky lowered the ends of the fingers in the warm, evening, a little bit sophisticated
Water and spoke to a slowly, weak voice, fading to fade:
- Ah, my dear, sweet Romashov, why do you want to do it? Think:
If you know firmly, that do not bewit, - if you know completely firmly, then
After all, how many times it will be bolder to take and refuse.
- He hit me ... in the face! - said stubborn Romashov, and again burning
The malice was hard in it.
- Well, so, well, I hit, "Laskovo Nazansky and Sad, objected,
Gentle eyes looked at Romashov. - Yes, is this? All in the world
It passes, your pain and your hate will pass. And you yourself will forget about
this. But about the person you killed, you will never forget. He will be S.
You are in bed, at the table, alone and in the crowd. Hollows
filtered fools, copper foreheads, multicolored parrots assure that
Murder on duels - not murder. What a nonsense! But they are sentimentally
They believe that the thieves are the brains and blood of their victims. No, murder -
Always murder. And important here is not pain, not death, not violence, not
a squeamish disgust for blood and a corpse - no, the terrible thing is that you
We take his joy of life from a person. Great joy of life! - Repeated
Suddenly Nazansky loudly, with tears in his voice. - After all, no one is nor me,
Ah, yes, just no one in the world does not believe in any post life.
Because everyone is afraid of death, but unwell fools are cheating themselves
The prospects of radiant gardens and sweet singing of castrators, and strong -
Silently step by the edge of necessity. We are not strong. When we think
what will happen after our death, then imagine empty cold and
Dark cellar. No, darling, all these are the Vities: the cellar would be happy
Deception, joyful consolation. But imagine the whole horror of the thoughts that
At all, there will be nothing at all, neither darkness, nor emptiness, no cold ...
Thoughts about it will not be, even fear will not remain! At least fear!
"Yes, life is beautiful," said Romashov.
- Beautiful! - Repeated Nasansky dusty. - And here are two people due to
that one hit the other, or kissed his wife, or just, passing
past him and twist mustache, looked at him impolitely, - these two people
They shoot each other, kill each other. Ah, no, their wounds, their suffering,
Their death is all this to hell! Yes, does he kill himself - a pitiful moving
A lump called man? He kills the sun, roast, cute
Sun, light sky, nature, - all the diverse beauty of life, kills
The greatest pleasure and pride - human thought! He kills what
Never, never, never return. Ah, fools, fools!

- Well, do you want, I'll give up the fight tomorrow, apologize to him? To do this? He said sadly.
She silent a little. The alarm clock filled its metal chatter
All corners of the dark room. Finally she uttered barely audible, exactly in
Meditation, with an expression that Romashov could not catch:
- I also knew that you would suggest it.
He raised his head and, although she kept him with her hand, straightened on
- I'm not afraid! - He said loud and deaf.
- No, no, no, no, - she said to hot, hasty, begging
Whisper. - You did not understand me. Go to me closer ... as before ... go! ..
She hugged him with both hands and whispered, tickling his face with his
Thin hair and warmly breathing in his cheek:
- You did not understand me. I have a completely different. But I am ashamed of you. You
Such a clean, kind, and I shy to tell you about it. I am calculating,
I'm witch ...
- No, say everything. I love you.
- Listen, "she said, and he rather guess her words than heard
them. - If you refuse, then how much offend, shame and suffering fall
at you. No, no, again not that. Oh, my God, at that moment I will not become
lie in front of you. My dear, I just thought about it for a long time and weighed.
Put, you refused. Human honor is rehabilitated. But, understand, in duel,
ending reconciliation, always remains something ... how to say? .. Well,
Whether, dubious, something exciting perplexity and disappointment ...
Do you understand me? she asked with sad tenderness and carefully
Kissed him into the hair.
- Yes. So what?
- The fact that in this case the husband will almost probably not allow for exams.
The reputation of the general headquarters officer should be without a gun. Meaning
If you were actually shot, then there would be something heroic,
Strong. People who know how to keep themselves with dignity
Much, very much forgive. Then ... after a duel ... you could if
Want, and apologize ... Well, this is your business.
Trying to hide incomprehensible, deaf irritation, he said dryly:
- For God's sake, explain straight. I promise you all.

Ilya Glazunov Shurochka at Romashova on the eve of Duele Gl.22

Then she eradicately spoke near his mouth himself, and her words were
Like fast strain kisses:
- You will certainly shoot tomorrow. But none of you will
injured. Oh, understand me, do not condemn me! I myself despise panties, I
female. But sake me do it, George! No, do not ask about her husband, he
knows I'm all, everything, I did everything.
Now he managed to free himself from her soft and
Strong hands. He got out of bed and said firmly:
- Well, let it be so. I agree.

His high infant, commander of the N-infantry regiment.
Stack captain of the same shelf of the DIC.

I have the honor of conveying your highlaging that this 2nd
June, according to the conditions reported to you yesterday, June 1, took place
The duel between the guarantor Nikolaev and the poderochik Romasov. Opponents
met without five minutes at 6 o'clock in the morning, in a grove, called "Dubchenaya",
Located at 3 1/2 versts from the city. Duration of the fight,
Including here and the time used on the signals was 1 min. 10 sec. Places
Especially occupied by the dueling, were installed by the lot. On the team "Forward" both
enemy went to each other meets, and the shot, produced
Lauga Nikolaev, Poderoruk Romashov was injured in the right upper part
belly. For the shot, Lieutenant Nikolaev stopped, just like
Stayed standing, waiting for a response shot. After installed
half-minute for a response shot showed that the poderorka romashov
Answer the enemy can not. As a result of this suberoper seconds
Romashova offered to count the duel ended. With general consent this
It was done. When transferring a pitch Romashov to the stroller last
fell into a heavy faint condition and seven minutes passed away from
Internal hemorrhage. Secundants from Lieutenant Nikolaev
were: I and Lieutenant Vasin, from the side of the Romashov: Liekers
Beck Agamalov and Vecchin. Duel order, with general consent, was
Provided to me. Indication of the younger doctor count. AU. Snoom at seven
Headquarters Captain DIC.

Used site materials

The story "Fight" A. Kuprin is considered to be its best work, as the important problem of army disadvantages is affected there. The author himself was once a cadet, he initially inspired this idea - to go to the army, but in the future he will remember these years with horror. Therefore, the theme of the army, its deformity is very well depicted in such works as "on a fracture" and "duel".

Heroes - Army officers, here the author did not praise and created several portraits: Colonel Schulgoovich, Captain Sidic, officer Nasansky and others. All these characters are shown far from the best light: the army turned them into monsters, which recognize exclusively inhumanity and raising sticks.

The main character is Yuri Romashkov, a podoruk, whom the author himself called literally his twin. In it we see completely different features that distinguish it from the above-mentioned persons: sincerity, decency, the desire to make this world is better than it is. Also, the hero is sometimes dreaming and very intelligent.

Every day, the Romashekov was convinced that the soldiers were dismissed, he saw cruel appeals and indifference by officers. He tried to protest, but this gesture was sometimes difficult to notice. In his head there was a lot of designs that he dreamed of realizing the sake of justice. But the farther, the more his eyes begin to open. So, the suffering of Khlebnikov and his impulse to end with his own life, the hero is so amazed that he finally understands - his fantasies and plans for justice are too stupid and naive.

Romashkov - a man with a bright soul, with the desire to help others. However, love ruined the hero: he believed a married embroke, for which he went to a duel. Romashkova's quarrel with her husband led to a duel that suffered sadly. It was a betrayal - the girl knew that it was these duels and end, but she was deceiving forced to believe the hero in love with himself that there would be a draw. Moreover, she deliberately used his feelings to himself, only to help her husband.

Romashekov, who was looking for justice all this time, eventually could not fight with merciless reality, he lost to her. And the author did not see another exit, except for the death of the hero - otherwise it would be waiting for another death, moral.

Analysis of the story Kuprin Fight

The fight is one of the most famous works of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin.

In this work, the author's thought was displayed. He describes the Russian army of the beginning of the 20th century, as its life arranged, what she actually lives. Using the example of the army, Kurin shows the social disadvantage in which it is located. He not only describes and reflects, but also searches for possible outputs.

The appearance of the army is diverse: it consists of different people who differ from each other by those or other features of character, appearance, attitude to life. In the described garrison, everything is as everywhere: a permanent moisture in the morning, envelopes and drunks in the evenings, - and so day after day.

The main character of the Podoruk Yuri Alekseevich Romashov, as it is believed, written from the author himself, Alexander Ivanovich. Romashov is a dreamy, somewhat naive, but honest. He sincerely believes that the world can be changed. As for the young man, he is inclined to romanticization, he wants feats, show himself. But over time, he realizes that it is all empty. He fails to find like-minded people, interlocutors among other officers. The only one he manage to find a common language is Nassensky. Perhaps it is the absence of a person with whom he can speak as himself and led to the tragic junction.

Fate brings Romashov with the wife of an officer, Alexandra Petrovna Nikolaeva or otherwise ajur. This woman is beautiful, smart, incredibly good, but with all this it is pragmatic and calculated. It is both beautiful and cunning. She drives one desire: leave this city, get to the capital, to survive the "real" life, and she is ready for a lot of sake. At one time she was in love with another, but he did not fit for the role of someone who can fulfill her ambitious plans. And she chose a marriage with those who could help in fulfilling her dreams. But the years are going, and the husband does not all be able to get raised with the translation into the capital. He has already fallen out two chances, and the third was extreme. Shurachochka languishes in the soul and is not surprising that it converges with Romasov. They, like no other understand each other. But unfortunately, Romashov can not help the ajurist to get out of this outfice.

Everything becomes apparent over time, and the Roman will recognize Alexandra Petrovna's spouse. The officers of the time were resolved duels, as the only way to protect their own dignity.

This is the first and last duel in the life of Romashov. He confesses the words of Shureochki that the husband will shoot past, and let him shoot past: the honor of preserved and life too. Romashov as a person is honest, even in mind does not come that he can fool. So Romomashov was killed as a result of the betrayal of the one he loved.

On the example of Romashov, we can see how the romantic world collapses, with a collision with reality. So Romashov leaving for a duel, lost harsh reality.

Tale for grade 11

What is a dream? What could be common between a dream and reality, because a dream is our goal for the future. And reality is what surrounds us now. In common between them, this is what dream will turn into reality over time.

  • Writing that children do in the library grade 4

    Children like to visit the library. Here they can read a lot of diverse books: historical, scientific, artistic works. When students come to her, they always meet the librarian.

  • In 1905, he created the Kuprin "Duel". The summary of this story we will consider today. The first edition of the work came out with the dedication of M. Gorky. The influence of this writer has determined all the "violent" and "bolder" in the story, as Kuprin himself recognized. "Duel", which brief content we consider, begins as follows.

    Romashov bad luck

    The young officer Romashov after evening classes, leaning on the charter of the garrison service, wandered without a business on the streets of the city. This man was in service only the second year and had a fun habit of thinking in the 3rd face about himself, as in template novels. The hero on this evening was not lucky a little. Schulgoovich arrived, the commander of the regiment, which was not in the spirit and therefore made a reprimand with Romashov's soldier, Tatarin, who was poorly understood in Russian. Both were punished: both soldiers and a porquet. Romomash was supposed to spend four days under house arrest. He loved during walks to dream that he would soon go to the academy, successfully passing the exams, and then would make a brilliant career and would prove to everyone in the regiment, which he really was.

    Relationship with ajuro and Rasa Peterson

    What further tells the door ("duel")? A summary continues on the story that the main character was often visiting Nikolaev, his friend. Every time he promised not to walk more there, because it is impossible to annoy people every time. In addition, the hero was hopelessly in love with Shurahochka (Alexander Petrovna, wife of the lieutenant). Denger Gainan interrupted his thoughts. He brought a letter from Peterson Raisa Aleksandrovna. Romashov has long and boringly cheated her spouse with her, and he already tired of him. From the smell of the bottom-and-sweet spirits of this woman Romashov Romashova, as well as from the vulgar tone of her letters. The main character decided to go to Nikolaev. In the fourth chapter, the author describes his visit.

    Preparation of Nikolaev for exams

    Vladimir Efimovich (so called Nikolaev) was busy. He prepared for admission to the Academy, but each time failed exams. His wife Shurochka applied all her efforts to help him. She has already learned the program better than him.

    Nikolaev was engaged in, in the meantime, Shurochka with Romochek (Alexander called him) discussed the article in the newspaper about the fights in the army. Recently we were weacon. According to Spurok, it was severe, however, for Russian officers, it is necessary at least for the personality like Nazan and Archakovsky, who knew their place. Unlike Alexandra, Romashov does not consider bad Nazansky. Soon it was necessary to go to sleep, and the podoruk leaves Nikolaev. The fifth chapter begins the fact that on the street the main character hears how his frequent visits discusses the runner. He decides to visit Nazansky, who has been in the soup for some time.

    Romashov goes to Nazansky

    Nazansky tells Romomash in a drunken nonsense that he once was in love with one woman. There was nothing between them, and he believes that the lady was blown away because of drunkenness. Then he pulls one of her letters and shows him Romashash, who recognizes the handwriting of the shrochet. The main character becomes clear why it is so badly responding about Nazansky. Another letter is waiting for him at home. It from Raisa Aleksandrovna, pushed Romomash Lover. Now in it only threats and hints on what she knows about "relationships" with Nikolaeva Romashov. This letter ends the fifth chapter.

    On the nearest ball, staged in the regiment, the main character announced the rupture Peterson, and she promised to take revenge on it. Soon the anonymics began to come to Nikolaev.

    Romashov loses consciousness in front of Schulgovich

    It continues to describe the trouble that fell to the share of the main character, the Kuprin ("Duel"). A brief content of Romashov's official failures consisted that they were displeased with the bosses, and therefore, once he called Schulgovich, Colonel, and arranged a spread (about it told in the 7th chapter). Schulgovich did not like that he argues with the elders by rank, and also participates in the fleame of officers. Romashova from these prosecutors walked around the head. He felt that a little more, and he would hit the colonel. However, instead, the main character was lost consciousness. Schulgoovich was not frightened. He said that he got excited that he would like all his officers equally and did not want to offend him. Schulgoovich suggested to repent Romashov and even called him for lunch. The officer meeting takes place by Saturday evening, and Romashova appointed a blala manager.


    About the ball can not be not said separately a few words, describing the work that Kubrin created ("duel"). A summary of chapters will arrange not all readers. Some want to get acquainted with those or other scenes in the original. For those who are interested in the details of the ball, we note that the description is given by the author in the 8th and 9th chapter. There are all officers with daughters and wives on it. Raisa Peterson is also among the guests. This woman whose pride is visible with Romasov, arranges during the scene, causes insults by Nikolaeva.

    Day birthday explanation

    The main character at the end of April, Alexander Petrovna invites you to the common day of the name. He has now tight with money, the buffet is no longer letting the cigarette. However, for the sake of this case, Romashov took some money from Rafalsky (in the 12th chapter) in order to buy Spirit's perfume, which notes Alexander Kuprin ("Fight"). Summary of the festival scene the following. It was quite noisy. Romashov sat near the shurochka and tried not to listen to flat jokes and silly conversations of officers. Sometimes he concerned his hands his beloved, which did not like Nikolaev very much. Then, after a feast, he decided to walk with a rosure in the grove (14th chapter). She admitted that Romashov was MIL that they had common desires and thoughts, but the relationship should be abandoned. Shurochka Hopped him rather return until their care was discovered. Nikolaev and so was very dissatisfied with the incoming anonymies.

    Cabinet view, Arrest Romashova

    Is it interesting, I wonder what events does the story of the buyer "match" continue? A brief content proceeds to the description of the case of a case that has passed in May. About him the author tells in the 15th chapter. All captains, except Steelkovsky, raise either the light of their companies. He decided to give his soldiers to sleep, and at the idea they looked "the youngest", "dexterous", "with fresh persons." As a result, when the general checked how the soldiers are rebuilt and marched, he was satisfied only the 5th Rota, which was commanded by Stelkhanki. The worst, however, was ahead. The solemn torque, during the ceremonial march Romashov, was so noticed that he did not notice how he broke the system of the whole company. In addition, one exhausted soldier in front of the general fell to Earth. Poderukhik Romashov for this is a strict sentence. He must be on the division gaptwathery under arrest.

    Conversation with Khlebnikov, Suicide Soldier Sidic

    However, the public disgrace does not end the troubles of Romashov, the hero, which was created by Kuprin ("duel"). Read brief content on chapters, of course, not so exciting as the original work. Describing the main events, we note that an explanation with Nikolaev, who asked him no longer coming to them and stop the meaningless flow of anonymous. Romashov on the way home met a soldier who fell into fainting. His last name - Khlebnikov. This soldier cried and complained Romashov to the service in the company (16th chapter). He mocked everything over him, beat him, and he suffered from childhood hernia and the teaching is unsuitable. Romomash his own problems against the background of this unfortunate soldier seemed like trifles. The worst thing happened at the end of May. At that time, the soldiers in the company of the sediment (18th chapter) hanged himself. Then there was a dying drunkenness. All dried on officer meetings.

    Insulting Nikolaev, duel appointment

    Already approaching the end of the story of the knot "Duel". A brief content of his further events prepares the inevitable final. At the meeting once Beck Agamalov, in a drunken form, almost hit the young lady, brought him out of his fool. The main hero was barely able to stop him. Were on him and Nikolaev with Sidesty. The latter arranged the funeral of the suicide soldier. The main character demanded this farce to stop, but Nikolaev intervened and said that such Romashov would disgrace the regiment. The conflict broke out between them, during which the main hero splashed in the face of Nikolaev a naked beer (19th chapter). The officer court decided that this quarrel could end only in a fight. I refused to leave the service. Romomash Nazansky strongly advises to abandon the fight, as life is an amazing and exciting phenomenon (20th chapter).

    Final works

    In the evening, Shurachochka comes to Romashov. She asks not to give up a duel, as it looks like it will be quite doubtful (22nd chapter). Shurachochka also tells him how she spent the years of his life for the career of the spouse, and Nikolaev because of this case may not allow the exam. She assures that her husband warned not to shoot at Romashov. Thus, the duel must take place, but no one should be injured. At the end of the meeting, Shurachka hugged a roma and kissed him. After all, they will not see more, so there is nothing to be afraid. The fight took place in the morning of the next day.

    By making a brief retelling of the Tubrin of the "Fight", we approached the final, 23rd chapter. She is very short and is a report compiled by a regimental commander, which said that Nikolaev was mortally injured Romashov. After 7 minutes, the latter died from internal hemorrhage.

    So ends Kubrin A. I. "Fight". A summary of chapters will help you remember or find out its plot, and also oriented to which place the story should be treated for a detailed acquaintance with the main episodes.