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Drawing on the phone "The 13th Department of Militia is a complaint". Fraudulent schemes how to react to complaints

Under this article of the Administrative Code, Article 15.1. Slander
(introduced by federal law on 09 12 2010 353-FZ)
1. Evidences in the case are information on facts on the basis of the law, on the basis of which the court establishes the availability or absence of circumstances that substantiate the requirements and objections of the parties, other persons participating in the case, their representatives, crimes of judges committed in the consideration and resolution of this Cases and established by the court that entered into legal force.
(as amended by Federal Law on 04 06 2011 123-ФЗ)
(see text in the previous edition)
6. Insult, contained in a public speech, publicly demonstrating the work or media -
the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of from three thousand to five thousand rubles, on officials - from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles, on legal entities - from one hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles.
3. Failing measures to prevent insult in publicly demonstrating the work or media -
shall be punished with a fine in the amount of up to one hundred twenty thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of convicts for the period up to one year, or mandatory work for up to four hundred eighty hours, or correctional work for up to two years, or arrest for up to four months .
2. The same acts committed for the purpose of Cheergery in the absence of conditions in the contract on the concept of the circumstances specified in paragraph 3 of this article, and the actions (inaction) or the solution of the relevant species, as well as in cases where similar goods for certain categories of persons were Accepted on work constantly or temporarily absent on the basis of the employment contract and during its temporary disability and during the stay on vacation.
Thus, if you officially do not fulfill your duties, it should start work, or recover at work.
Article 261. Guarantees of a pregnant woman and faces with family responsibilities when terminating the employment contract
Labor Code of the Russian Federation Chapter 41 Article 256
Labor Code of the Russian Federation Chapter 41 Article 261
The termination of the employment contract on the initiative of the employer with a pregnant woman is not allowed, with the exception of the early appointment of an old-age labor pension (including the first, second, third and subsequent child, the impossibility of their transfer to another work, recognition is limited to
- If you need to continuously care for them and other circumstances), each of the parents can be attracted by the court to participate in the carrying of additional expenses caused by these circumstances.
The procedure for the participation of parents in carrying out additional costs and the amount of these expenses is determined by the court on the basis of the material and marital status of parents and children and other deserving interests of the parties in a solid monetary amount payable monthly.
4. In the event that there are no information about income, as well as in other cases provided for by law, the Court may impose a violator of the duty of monetary compensation of the specified harm.
In determining the amount of non-pecuniary damage compensation, the Court takes into account the degree of fault of the violator and other circumstances that take attention. The court should also take into account the degree of physical and moral suffering related to the individual characteristics of a citizen who caused harm.

Far bomber ... Golovanov Alexander Evgenievich

"Finally, and a complaint was received ..."

In one of the spring days of 1944, I was on the report at the Supreme Commander in the Kremlin. As usual, reporting all questions about the combat activities of ADD, as well as on the implementation of various additional tasks, stood waiting. After hearing such a report, there was a statement of new tasks. Passed a long time. At the table, as it was almost always, the members of the Politburo were sitting. Apparently, before my arrival, some questions not related directly to combat actions were considered, because the military was absent. Pause was dragged, and I began to think about what, apparently, a certain important task would be to be done. It usually happened after such long pauses. It is quite natural that in my head was fleeing alleged thoughts, what would it be for the task.

This is what, "said the Supreme, going to me. - Finally, a complaint came to us. How do you think we should do with it?

Personally at me, Comrade Stalin?! I asked with surprise.

Yes, personally at you, - followed the answer. - And we ask you: What should we do with this complaint?

Surprise mine was so great that immediately I could not even figure out what I should answer. Apparently, this surprise was clearly written on my face, because I heard the voice of the Supreme:

Think, think!

These words of Stalin brought me out of the underwent state. It became clear to me that there were some serious compromising data in relation to me, and the long pause was caused by nonprofit Stalin, what tasks should be addressed by ADD, and how to negotiate the conversation with me on this topic. It was obvious to me that the present members of the Politburo are aware of the content of the complaint and are also waiting for a response from me.

Not knowing no misconduct, giving all your strength, all the energy of the case to which I was put on, I felt a perturbation begins in me. However, I knew that I had to show the maximum of composure and to keep myself in my hands, in no way would be given to the power of my feelings. With some particular clarity, the words of the Verkhovna are resurrected in my memory that his feelings can show in the affairs of personal, in affairs, so to speak, homemade ... It was clear for me and the fact that there will be no complaints about the trifles of complaints . All these thoughts took some moment, but it was enough to master her.

Comrade Stalin, - I heard my smooth and calm voice, which was surprised himself. - If this complaint is serious, I suppose that it is necessary to investigate it! If the investigation will show that I am really to blame for something, it should be strictly punished, depending on the severity of my misdeed. If the investigation will show and prove the absence of any guilt on my part, I ask to attract the person who wrote this complaint to the same strict responsibility.

Well, how, take the offer, put forward by the Golovanov himself? Everyone agreed.

Which of those present you want to call, who would investigate the received complaint? - Running the hand sitting at the table, suddenly asked me Stalin.

At your discretion, Comrade Stalin, who will find fit.

Are you mind vs. Malenkov?

No, Comrade Stalin, I do not mind.

Well, what, on this and somehow, - he concluded. After receiving instructions on the further combat work of the Add, I left. After some time, I called G. M. Malenkov and warned me so that I would not decrease from Moscow.

Another day I was called to the Central Committee. Being quite confident that there is nothing reprehensible for me, I somehow didn't think about who could write about me. Waving to the office of the secretary of the Central Committee, the commander of the regiment V. S. Grisodubov saw to his surprise there. Staying, I sat down.

I was asked a significant number of questions, I could not answer many of which. Among such issues were, for example, such: why the regiment who commands Griseodubova, still not Guards, while the other, organized at the same time, has already received the Guards Banner? Why did the regiment commander received little awards? Why is Grisodubova still colonel, while she is the only woman commander in ADD, and why is her regiment on the position of the stepper? Why does it feel bad to command? And a number of other issues.

As part of ADD, there were many dozen regiments, which were part of the divisions, and the latter in the composition of the corps. I could not answer most of the questions of the questions that could not answer. Having said to the secretary of the Central Committee, which personally does not deal with the issues of the activities of individual regiments, asked for a time to figure me out. This time was given to me, and I left.

To clarify all the questions set in front of me the secretary of the Central Committee, took several days. I had to arouse General V. E. Nestertseva - the commander of the corps, which included division and regiment. The data received from the commander commander and the commander of the division of General V. I. Kartakova on the state of affairs in this regiment were very bad. A large number of flight incidents that are not related to the performance of combat missions, low military discipline among personnel. The commander was systematically absent in the shelf with reference to the need for meetings with any of the members of the Politburo, and he left, further without putting this informant of his direct commander. Even the union orders issued for aircraft in which both the commander of the hull and the grisodube for the poor state of affairs were declared disciplinary recovery, no change in its behavior and the service was made. I was reported that such behavior has a long history. So, in 1942, when heavy battles under Stalingrad went and was injured by the division commander, Grisodobova, without anyone, the knowledge dropped the regiment and flew to Moscow, and in January 1944 she did the same under Leningrad and was not in his part before Returns the latter to the place of its permanent base, and the regiment actually commanded her deputy Major dusty.

What guards rank the regiment can talk about, Comrade Commander ,, Even I, the Corps Commander, I have disciplinary recovery from you for the state of affairs in this regiment?! As for the awards received by Personally, we represented it, it was not for all awards, and she received them and through the head of command and division, and the corps, directly by orders for ADD, finished his report General Nesterpets.

Listening to the report of the Corps Commander, who directly submitted to me - the commander of the Address and could contact me at any time, that he was at any time and did, I was more perplexed why he had never told me about creating disgraces into his subordinate part. Not to mention the presence of explicit disadvantage in the regiment, we all were well known, which entailed the unauthorized leaving of the part with their commander during the war. The case is clearly unprecedented! Why was he silent about all this until he demanded an explanation? About his decency, honesty, I knew my official debt to perform my official debt on Halhin Glow, and there could be no doubt. General Nesterpets obviously did not say something, and maybe I just did not want to talk.

Viktor Efimovich! Can you simply tell me to tell me a friendly, what made you be silent about the behavior of Grisodubova? After all, you brought this trouble and on your head!

For a long time, the general was silent, but finally spoke:

See, Alexander Evgenievich, during the presence of Grisodubova in a division, which I used to command, and then the commanding and the corps, I saw a lot of misses from her side and tried to help her somehow in this, knowing that she was nearing . When I was in the regiment, in conversations with me, she emphasized her proximity to members of the Politburo of our party, calling each of them by name and patronymic, and I had a conviction from these conversations as the regiment, which she commanded, set She personally comrade Stalin, which she said unequivocally. She explained his absence in the shelf every time trips to high-ranking persons to solve certain issues for the regiment. I warned her that leaving the part of the commander - the phenomenon is invalid, but I did not want to report. Not wanting this question to come far away, I tried to settle everything in place, but even your order for recovery as me and the grinessodube position in the regiment did not change. Such actions of the Grisodubovo showed me that the Commander of the ADM is not stopping for her. You excuse me, but this opinion exists I still have. That is why I have not addressed to you about this, - finished Nesterztsev.

This is how it happens when the senior bosses, giving certain orders, are not engaged in the control of their implementation, although in this case the head of the headquarters of ADD General Shevelev was directed to the organization of the direct implementation of the ordered order in the corps. However, as it became clear now, staying in the head of the headquarters of the headquarters of the Positive results did not give. For this it was necessary to ask not only from the Corps command, but also from the ADD leadership, which did not systematically test the performance of the same.

Of course, here and speeches could not be any advancing on the service, nor about the general rank, nor about awarding, or about the Guards rank. Having in his life already sufficient experience of different cases, including from all sorts of complaints, I understood that the root cause of the complaint was the indecision, manifested by Generals Nesterman and Kartakov in relation to the subordinate commander of the regiment, which this took advantage of this and began to achieve To which neither she nor the regiment, which she commands, have no right. However, as I imagined, only these facts would not be able to draw attention to neither Stalin or Politburo members. If it were only that, not the secretary of the Central Committee, but I would assign me to understand everything and the results of the parsing report. So it turned out.

Having gathered all the data, I reported to present them to readiness, and was soon called in the Central Committee. When I went to the office of the secretary of the Central Committee, Grisodibov, as the last time, was already there. Staying, I began my report. For some reason began with the general title, saying that it is necessary to command it not to command, but at least division. "So you move it to the division," I heard the replica Malenkov. I did not expect such a replica at all. It became clear that the conversation would be difficult. The second question was about the assignment of the regiment of the Guards title. I have reported on low discipline and a large number of incidents, I said that the shelf, until he proceeds the position, the Guards title is assigned to be.

And who told you that so bad in the shelf?

It reported to me the commander of the building and the commander of the Division, - I replied.

The shelf should be assigned the guards rank, and you need to arrange it, "I heard in response. It was an indication, as can be seen, already on a question resolved without me.

I believe the commander of the division of Kotakaku and the commander of the Nestersevo case and represent the regiment to the Guards rank I consider it impossible, "I objected.

The regiment should be converted to Guards! - Stressed the secretary of the Central Committee, a somewhat raising a voice.

I will not do this, comrade secretary of the Central Committee! Not deserving this part cannot be guards. If you think my report is incorrect, send the commission and let it check the truth of my report to you. Or you can free me from the position of the commander and appoint to my place of another friend, which will issue your instructions. I repeat to you once again, "I will not do this, and not because I don't want, but because I have no right to do so," I spoke already with a high tone.

Do you know that your kartaks at night knocks on the door of the room where Grisodubov lives, and it is because the door remains closed, he reaches her all kinds of goats! And you still stand up for your cardakov and believe him!

Honestly, I was even somehow confused. Similar in my head did not fit. The situation became serious, and the intuitive feelings suggested me that it was not yet expressed, this is only the beginning. But the statements sounded - "Your Kartakov", "His Kartakov" - broke my restraint. For all the time from G. M. Malenkov, I did not hear anything like that. As a rule, he was polite, and for all the time of communication with me, he never raised his voice.

And why do you tell me "Your Kartakov", "Your Kartakova," - I asked rather sharply. - So usually talk about relatives!

What are people name married to their sisters?! - the question followed.

And what does this have to do with me? - I am happy, I asked.

The most direct one. Your wife and wife Kartakova - Native sisters, here you are standing the mountain for your cardakov! I heard the answer.

With all the seriousness of the situation, I laughed.

I laugh at the fact that you now told me, but above my position, in which I get a second time, with the most serious circumstances, in the same case. When I had a party card to the Bureau in Irkutsk in 1937, a party card was selected, then one of the charges was that the wife of the arrested and already shot by the Chairman of the Country Executive Committee, accused of espionage, was his wife's native sister, although she, my wife, never once and I have not seen this chairman or his wife. Now I am, as it becomes clear to me, in an equally serious position, and again the second native sister of my wife appears, although my wife, as well as in the first case, does not know and never seek Kartakov in life nor his wife. Agree that it is just amazing, but in both cases, of course, not ridiculous if not to say more.

So kakakov is not your relative? - asked the secretary of the Central Committee to another tone.

He could not and cannot be a relative. I met him two weeks before the war, in Smolensk, where he had already had a family. Kartakov was then the deputy commander of one of the Divisions of the Fallen Bombing Aviation, and he arrived there from China, where he was an instructor for a long time. More than once I met him and during the war, or rather, in her very beginning. He is a bold, volitional comrade and made a very good impression on me. Then I met him, already being a commander of the Division, in Moscow, where he was waiting for the appointment. He offered him the position of commander of a heavy long-term bombing regiment, for which he gladly agreed. So hit the kames in the division, and then together with the division he entered the staff of the Add. That's the whole "related story" with Kartakov. As for my wife, she and the last name never heard, not to mention the relationship.

And why did you immediately appropriated the title of Colonel when he was only a major? - I asked the question of Grisodubov.

I did not consider it necessary to answer her question, but, having heard from the CC secretary: "Yes, why?" answered:

But about this, comrade secretary of the Central Committee, you should ask me no longer with me, but personally at Comrade Stalin. I can only report you, as this title was awarded Kartakov. Being a commander of the Division, I was summoned to a report to Comrade Stalin, where he asked to appoint Major Kartakov to one of the regiments of the division, expressing his opinion that it was suitable for such a position. Inquiring, who was the kits to the proposed appointment and having heard that he was the Deputy Commander of the Fallen Bombing Division, Stalin expressed surprise why he is still a major. General Zhigarev, who was present by the GSC command, to whom we then obeyed, reported that the Kartakov was in China for a long time and therefore he did not have time to assign another title. "A person is appointed to the responsible regiment, it means that he needs to be assigned to the title," said the Supreme. By the order of General Zhigarev, as the deputy addict of defense, Kotakov was awarded the military rank of Colonel. As you can see, my participation is small here, but I don't have the right to assign the title of the colonel. This is done only by the order of the People's Commissar.

I wanted to go to the further presentation of questions set in front of me, but Malenkov unexpectedly interrupted our meeting, said goodbye and left. It was extremely surprised me, as now I was completely convinced that he had not yet expressed everything that it was written on me in the complaint. I left the Central Committee, and I could not imagine what will happen next and how it will end. In one, I was completely convinced: I did the right thing that I refused to perform an indication of the registration of materials for the transformation of the regiment in the Guards, although, of course, knew that the decision was not secretary of the Central Committee and everything was previously resolved at the top, - then we were expressed then speaking of the highest leadership. However, I knew both how the supreme fiction reacts and slander ...

There was no waiting for the event of events for a long time. Very soon I was again called in the Central Committee. When I entered the office, Malenkov greeted me and, not to mention a word, called the assistant and said Grizodubov to come. When she came to the table, the CC secretary rose from the chair. I got up.

I was instructed to declare the decision of the Politburo on your complaint, Grisodubova, "Malenkov said. - for slander for mercenary purposes on his immediate commanders, for trying to slander Marshal Golovanov - Commander of the Aviation of Far Actions, who was entrusted to the party and the leadership of the country, the most important work, for trying to discredit in the eyes of the leadership of the loyal homeland and the commander's party, was decided to convey the case about you in the military Tribunal to bring to the judicial liability, where to transfer existing materials. And now go to Comrade Shkiryatov - Chairman of the Commission of Party Control, there will be a question about your party affiliation.

I do not want to describe here that followed by the announcement of this decision. On the knees, in tears praying Grisodubov about forgiveness, for some reason more appealing to me than to the secretary of the Central Committee ... I unwittingly thought how many more people, innocent people on white light suffer from any leadership! As can the person who were granted all the opportunities to take part directly in the war, in the defeat of the enemy hated for all, what all the forces are now sent, all the thoughts of Soviet people, instead to send their energy, forces to achieve personal, mercenary purposes, without stopping Neither before, even before a deliberate statement and deliberate slander on the senior comrades, knowing that these consensus, this slander could bring any no obey people to a sad end, but they will open the way to her, cherished for her, goals . The blinded with the opportunities opened before it, the commander of the GRISODubov Regiment did not think about the possible fate of the persons stipulated by her. Instead, she had already seen herself first in the country a woman in the uniform of the general ... And now I will have to appear before justice, although as a victim, next to this person?!

I do not want to contact this woman! I do not wish my surname, my name for anyone, even for this occasion, was mentioned next to the name and name of this woman, Comrade secretary of the Central Committee! Get rid of me from it. However, further stay in the team of warriors, honest warriors of aviation of long-range warriors, leading war with a hated enemy, often and sacrificing their lives to defeat this enemy, staying in the person's team, who instead of the defeat of the enemy puts the mercenary goals, to achieve which does not stop Before the reservation and slander, the stay of such a person among the soldiers of the Add, I consider it impossible.

Go from here! - Turning to the Grisodubova, said the secretary of the Central Committee. I did not have to repeat these words.

When we stayed together, Malenkov told me how the complaint fell to the Supreme. He handed it out at the request of the Grisodube straight Stalin, one of the managers. When he, the secretary of the Central Committee, reported the first results of the proceedings, comrade, who passed the complaint and present at the same time, felt quite no matter. Stalin asked him if he hears what was reported to which the answer was followed:

She is so convincing, Comrade Stalin, he said about everything that it was impossible to believe it!

There was also a confirmed decision on the complaint that the CC secretary was fulfilled. But he said, Stalin then said:

If I really know Golovanov, he will not mess with the Grisodube.

As you can see, the supreme was right!

It was the only such case in ADD for the war.

From the aviation of far-action, Grisodubova was removed. The regiment commander was prescribed Major dusty, a good and experienced commander, instead of her. In a matter of months, under his leadership, the regiment achieved significant success and in the fall of the same year was transformed into the Guards. Dusty became a lieutenant colonel.

This episode is given here in order to show that at the time for non-residential deeds charged, despite neither merit, nor on the stars and orders, nor for the occupied position, emphasizing this that there is no less responsible person in the party , Everyone must be responsible for their actions, and the higher the person and the demand from it is greater.

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A complaint is one of the forms of protection of citizens' rights. Almost every person in one way or another came across this term. So I want to remember the warded phrase: "I will complain, I will find a controlle on you!" Many, of course, seriously do not perceive such exclamations, and in vain. In the article, we explain in detail this concept and give an exemplary sample response to the complaint to prevent the development of the conflict. After all, it is in the interests of both entrepreneurs and customers. But first things first.

Types of complaints

A sample response on the complaint depends on the specific type of the mentioned paper. We list the main:

  • Judicial appellate, cassation, private on a definition or court. Thus, this is a concept close to the meaning of the "statement of claim". Regulated by the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Complaints in government agencies on the actions or inaction of officials, organizations, enterprises. For example, in the State Inspectorate for Violation of Labor Rights, the prosecutor's office, etc. Synonym for the word "statement". Both of these concepts are legally equivalent in this case. Regulated, as a rule, the Code of Administrative Judging Proceedings of the Russian Federation and the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Complaints on trade enterprises, shops, etc. can be in the form of a personal statement, and also written in the book of feedback and suggestions. In Soviet times, she was called a "plaintive book." In this sentence, this is synonymous with the concept of "claim". Regulates its civil code of the Russian Federation. Next, we will tell you more about claims.

"Give a plaintive book"

According to the law "On the protection of consumer rights", in each institution should be an answer to the complaint about it is required. At the request of the client, the institution is obliged to provide it.

How to answer "provokators"?

Some citizens are often abused by their right and try to assert their institutional personnel. They tend to write negative reviews for any reason, and sometimes without it.

Suppose the situation. A woman went into the Internet cafe. She asks to help the administrator send a letter, find information on the list for half an hour. The employee has to be released due to the cashier and help the lady. As a result, "instead of thanks," she takes a book of reviews and "Railing" a whole page of negative information. She "Nahamili, heated, poorly served", etc. After a week, a woman comes again to check if her record disappeared, and again leaves a negative feedback on the full-shot. Employees in bewilderment, the owner too. What will affect the inspection officers of Rospotrebnadzor?

Actually nothing to be afraid. But to respond anyway. It will look like this: "Essentially, the claim was verified by the administration. A conversation was held with the staff. It is recommended to relate to the wishes of customers attentively. Full name, position, painting, number. " Any complaint, regardless of the degree of "guilt", employees should understand in detail.

The reason is not a legislative responsibility, which is provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The staff should know that any feedback is fraught with the consequences. Such a measure will allow "to increase" responsibility for actions to customers, mobilizes staff, will teach to work with objections, etc.

Who writes complaints?

People leaving negative comments in the book of feedback and suggestions are conventionally divided into three categories:

  1. "Procherators". The purpose of their visit to the institution is to leave a negative entry. These can be competitors, ill-wishers, etc.
  2. "Scandalists." They love to assert the staff of the store. The goal is not entry in the book of feedback, but any situation takes them out of themselves, and they begin to scandal. Often such incidents ends with a negative feedback.
  3. "Enchanted". These are ordinary citizens who really brought to the boiling point. Such people, as a rule, do not like to complain, but do it when they are literally forced. They are "Lacmus paper" work of the enterprise.

The head of the enterprise must be treated with all seriousness to all complaints. The first category of people is very rare. The second more often, but sometimes employees are really to blame for such records. Complaints from the third category - alarming signal, since some citizens may apply to a court or Rospotrebnadzor with an official statement. This can lead to various fines and compensations of moral damage.

Re-complaint from the same face

Let's go back to the case with the lady in the Internet cafe. Recall, she returned to the institution and again "rolled" in the book of feedback. What to do in this situation?

A sample response to the complaint will be approximately in such a way: "Re-remark does not contain additional information. In consideration refused. " And that's it. "Provocateur" remains only to go to court or complain about the official bodies, but this is fraught with the inverse consequences by the administration of the enterprise. You can write a counterclaim.

Wrote and forgot?

As for the responding to the administration, the law, the term of consideration of the complaint amounts to two days. For five days, measures should be taken to eliminate deficiencies (preventive conversation with employees, replacement of goods, etc.). If the applicant left his address or telephone, then within five days it should also be notified - either in writing or by telephone.

In case of a shortage of the time required to eliminate deficiencies either for an objective "internal" proceedings, the enterprise administration has the right to extend this period to 15 days, taking the applicant. But the response time on the complaint is very often not respected.

Major violations

Checks of Rospotrebnadzor in various enterprises talk about frequent violations concerning citizens' complaints.


  • Disruplated a response time on the complaint.
  • There are no books of reviews in the places provided for by law (they are usually in the corner of the buyer in the visitor's available place).
  • The lack of the desired marks in the book of reviews on the adopted measures to eliminate the shortcomings. Complaints are simply ignored.

Book of complaints: the answer to the complaint. "Masky light to avoid fire"

As a rule, entries in the "plaintive" are associated with the claims to the enterprise. Often people are offended by "wrong" service. That is, complaints are related to the service. Of course, not all but most. Complaints for more serious violations are sent to controlling government agencies - the prosecutor's office, Rospotrebnadzor. Although before that, attempts are made to resolve the situation with the store.

But back to the book of feedback. "The client is always wrong." Often it is the credo of many employees. Rudeness, unscrupulousness and other things related to the service of the enterprise. Moral nature, which in the case of "war" will grow out for the enterprise to real losses (loss of reputation, compensation for moral damage, etc.).

For this reason, it is necessary to do everything and even more to "cool" the client:

  • As soon as possible, send the answer to the client's complaint. Preferably in writing, and by phone.
  • Mandatory apology.
  • Thanks for the claim. How should the answer to the complaint? Example of writing: "Dear Ivan Petrovich, thank you for telling us our shortcomings, we will definitely improve our service. We hope that such an incident will never arise again. We will be happy to see you again in our store. " Too many pronouns in three short sentences, but this technique creates the psychological visibility of the "living" communication.

These measures will allow not only to avoid further proceedings, but also to get a loyal and satisfied client.

How to react to complaints

We simulate the situation to understand how to answer the complaint. Suppose the young family gathered all the documents in the service of social protection of the population for child benefits. After that, no "news" was not received from government agen. Then the young mother decided to learn about the causes of "silence". As it often happens, she was heated there, they did not provide any explanations. Of course, they also did not list money. No refusal to appoint benefits also did not come. It seemed that the ships could not be avoided. Several months have passed. The family hired a lawyer who made a lawsuit in court. But before attributing it to the "abode of the benemis," they wrote in it complained about the illegal inaction of social protection.

Suppose in our example the answer of the prosecutor's office on the complaint was surprisingly lightning. Within 10 days, the family received an answer to the case on the merits. During the month, all debt was paid. A letter was also received on the complaint, and not only from the prosecutor's office, but also from the management of social protection (according to the law, they could not do this), and even with apologies. In addition, employees brought them several times by telephone (which was also not included in their duties), recognized their mistakes.

Such actions in most cases stop people from further proceedings. Here you have a clear example, how to give answers to the complaints of citizens.

Official written complaint

To give an answer to the client's complaint, who wrote it is not in the book of reviews, but sent a written statement at the legal address, it is necessary to consider the following features:

  • As a rule, the official appeal is filed with the aim of "pre-trial settlement". It speaks about the "serious" setting of the applicant.
  • The duration of the response to the complaint differ from the "book" claim. Make up 10 days from the date of receipt.

Reply to the complaint: example

If you received a written appeal from the client and confident in your rightness, then it is necessary to answer the maximum argument. In such responses, it is desirable as you can describe the legislative base of the legislative refusal, but in absolutely confidential tones.

How best to make up (in this case it is precisely to compile, and not write) an answer to the complaint? Example Let's see below:

"Dear) Full name, we sincerely sorry that you were in a similar situation. We are on your side and sincerely want to help you. But the situation is such that we cannot do this from the point of view of legislation. Our actions will violate the following regulatory acts: (list). Take our sincere apologies. We hope to see you in our store again. Wish you all the best! Sincerely, administration (organization name). "

Please understand state bodies

A complaint against the state bodies on paper nurses falls under the Federal Law "On the written appeals of citizens". It includes all complaints in controlling government agencies: the prosecutor's office, the labor inspection, Rospotrebnompu, Rosmednadzor, Rosobrnadzor, etc. Supervisa in Russia, is difficult to list everything.

According to the Federal Law, the answers to the complaints of citizens are obliged to give within 30 days from the date of receipt. But there are cases of extension of this period for another 30 days.

For example, the answer of the prosecutor's office on the complaint. Before that, it is necessary to conduct a thorough investigation (request documentation, call, interview, etc.). 30 days is not enough. In this case, the prosecutor's office extends the term of consideration of the complaint for another 30 days (this is the maximum), after which the applicant is sent notice to indicate the reason.

Anonymous complaints

Anonymous complaints are not considered state bodies. Imagine how many abuses would if the law did not limit this. Checking the prosecutor's office or labor inspection could be on any day on the basis of the statement of "anonymous benevolers."

Of course, the State Authority can respond to such a letter about any crime. However, he must declare this to law enforcement agencies on his own behalf. In our country, it so happened that such a thing is extremely rare. It is easier, as they say, "close your eyes" and pass by.

No response to the complaint from the prosecutor's office

The prosecutor's office, according to the Federal Law "On the written appeals of citizens", as well as the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office", is obliged to give a written response within 30 days (in special cases, the term has been extended to 60, but with the obligatory notice of the applicant) on the complaint within its competence. In the event that no answers come from government agenant, it is possible to complain about inaction:

  • to the upstream prosecutor;
  • to court.

Complaints in court

Challenges require serious legal qualifications. Without special knowledge and skills, such a document does not compile. Depending on the purposes, there are:

  • Appeals and cassation complaints about the sentences of ships.
  • Private complaints. Also on various definitions and sentences of world, district courts.
  • Private complaints about the qualified board on action (inaction) of the servant of the femis.

The court's response to the complaint depends on the specific case provided for by the Civil Procedure, the Criminal Procedure Code, as well as the CAC RF and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

As a rule, the reaction must follow within 10 days. In response (definition), compliance with the complaint should be indicated, as well as the timeline, the procedure for its consideration. In the case of leaving it, it is necessary to know that the procedure for appealing such a decision is prescribed.

  • Step 1 Choose from congratulations on our site one you want to send a close person to the phone.
  • Step 2. Specify the phone number of the recipient of the congratulations (Birthday) and select the time to which you want to call. You can "right now" or "specify the time" - indicating the day, hour and minute of the call.
  • Step 3. Select the order payment method. You can pay through the phone (only for MTS subscribers, MegaFon, Beeline, Tele2), or pay from a bank card, Yandex Money or Webmoney. When paying from the card or electronic payment systems, congratulations will cost you cheaper by 10% (there is no mobile operator's commission). Click the "Send Congratulation" button.
  • Step 4. MTS subscribers, MegaFon, Beeline, TV2 will come a free incoming message, answering which you confirm the payment (the detailed instruction will be in SMS). When paying for another way, you will be redirected to the payment system website.
  • Step 5. After paying the order on the specified day and the time, our system will call the recipient and he hears in the handset you have chosen congratulations. If you paid from the phone, you will receive an SMS message, about the fact that your congratulations have been successfully delivered!

Frequently asked Questions:

  • What happens if the phone is temporarily unavailable? If the recipient's phone is busy, turned off or he did not take the phone, then our system will call him with an increasing interval within 10 hours until the subscriber takes the handset. Have you ever taken the phone within 10 hours? Is that the subscriber will wipe the phone for a day. In other cases, congratulations will be delivered!
  • How much will the call for the birthday boy? If the birthday has free incoming calls, then this call will be absolutely free. For him, this is an ordinary incoming call. If the subscriber is roaming, the fee is only for roaming and nothing on top.
  • Can I send congratulations to a friend to another country? Yes, congratulations will be delivered to any phone to anywhere in the world. It is important to correctly indicate the phone of the recipient. The recipient's phone number is entered from the country's code, then the mobile number, for example, if you want to send a congratulation to Ukraine, then the recipient's number will begin with the code of Ukraine 380
  • What to do if I did not come SMS for payment? Such a problem may be when the line of your operator's line is loaded. Select the "Map / Yandex Money" method. They always work + Get a 10% discount.
  • What time does the call take? If you chose the "right now" option, the robot will start calling immediately after receiving the payment. If the time indicated, then in 30 seconds before the specified point. Sending congratulations is carried out local time Customer (Sender) Congratulations.
    Example number 1: You are in Novosibirsk and specify delivery time 9.00, sending congratulations at 9.00 in Novosibirsk. If you do not need to think in one time zone at all, just specify your local time.
    Example №2: I am a customer from Sochi (there is a Moscow time), I want to congratulate a friend in Novosibirsk, we have a difference for 4 hours, I need to be called at 10.00 in Novosibirsk, then I indicate delivery at 10.00 - 4 hours \u003d 6.00 in my opinion time.
  • Council You can finish you add to your favorites. Congratulations by clicking on an asterisk opposite them and then choose one of them.
  • Council Check on the contrary to deliver from my phone number and select Putin, police or sexual blonde for drawing. Surprise guaranteed! You will pay from the phone - to confirm that the specified number is yours.

How can I use it?

  • Always an unexpected surprise. Remember how acute you react to all new and original? Pugacheva or Vladimir Putin itself calls you. Wow! How nice are these unexpected emotions, how do they charge the energy and please? Congratulations in the voice form, against the background of the favorite melody, the voice of the famous politician, singer, actor or folk artist is always pleasant and interesting.
  • The way to surprise. Among the huge selection of a wide variety of voice greetings, you can find exactly the one who will probably enjoy the jubilear or a birthday room. You may probably be sure that this surprise will be special and unique.
  • Excellent addition to any gift. Voice greetings can accompany the presentation of a gift to the birthday room, because you ourselves define the exact time of sending surprise. Congratulatory words can sound at the time of the proclamation of a toast, when all invited to meet together and praise the jubilee. Surrounded by relatives such a surprise will be perceived by the birthday room even better.
  • Funny draws. Another advantage of the voice surprise is the possibility of combining the text of congratulations on an unexpected draw. Humor - our Savior. He makes life brighter, nicer and easier. Laughter, sincere smile and delight - is what you can get you and your relatives from voice greetings. Real and sincere emotions are not often found in life. Give them to each other every day!
  • The ability to joke or check the second half to loyalty. Send a friend or your second half a frank entry from the opposite sex and listen to the records that it (she) will speak in response.
  • Voice alarms. Motivating on achievements text under vigorous music from the morning - this is theity of what is needed to cheer up and configure to the victory of a person close to you before an important meeting or before passing the exam.

I decided to describe several fraudulent schemes that came across ever and did not give yourself to deceive 🙂 perhaps someone would come in handy. All the phone numbers indicated by me really belonged to fraudsters.

1-card is blocked. A message is coming to the phone that the bank card is blocked, and it is offered to call for free to a specific number for details. The message was: "Operations on your card are suspended. Info: 89655220729. From: Sberbank. "
Of course, I know that Sberbank does not do with such things, and I just ignore this message. And what are the fraudsters wait from me? I have to call them, they inform me that there was a failure on the server that my card must be reassured and asked to call the card number and code for it, allegedly, reissue. I inform the numbers, and fraudsters translate money from my card to your phone. Remove money from the balance of your phone is no longer difficult.
The same message came from these numbers: 89613828569, 89680582871 (asked for a call to this number 84952815245), 89617492812 (asked for SMS to call this number 88005554536)

2- skip call. Plus of modern phones - they fix short "transvers" from unfamiliar numbers and warn about it. If you did not have time to take the phone, it is better not to call back to an unfamiliar number, since the service "Paid number" service can be connected to this number. Call price fraudster sets himself. You call him back - and then he doesn't even have to talk to you for a long time. For the fact of the call on a paid number you will pay all the same with your balance sheet.

3- mom. Message to phone: "Mom, put 500 rubles to this number, then I will explain." This is already a classic. I often screamed my hands to write a response sms that I am not a mother, but the inverse SMS can be paid. It is better to simply ignore.

4 declaration 1.Message to phone: "I ad. Exchange Are you considering? (and link after the message). Of course, many of us have ever placed their private ads for the sale of something unnecessary, so it is very easy to buy on such a message. General Rule: Never cross the links sent to you unfamiliar subscribers. After the link, you can download to your phone, without knowing it, the spyware, which will spy on your banking operations, plastic cards, passwords, conversations, and TP.

5 declaration 2.The next point is just how I sold my sofa on one of the sites. Immediately after posting the announcements, a young man called me and said that I wanted to buy it. I naturally, I was glad that they buy so quickly. The young man said that he could not come, because he was at work until late and his friends would come for the sofa (the first bell!). The money offered to throw on my card (not the best option to inform the card number to an unknown person, but the intelligent voice caused confidence). He informed him the number of the virtual card, which I keep for payment on the Internet, and on which there is never money. Only if you need to buy something on the Internet, I throw money on it and I am going right there. In general, the card numbers turned out to be a little (second bell!), But, I said that I will not ask the code from the card from the card. He said that for the translation of the money, I need to approach ATM (third bell!). Here you can not talk to a fraudster. No need to transfer money to ATM. The scheme is this: a person is suitable for an ATM, a fraudster calls him and asks to insert a map into an ATM. The menu selects "Connect Mobile Bank" and dictates your phone number. As a result, a person personally connects the phone of a fraudster to his map. He removes all the money from the card. Everything. Phone fraudster, by the way: 89133195914. It was very unhappy that I missed him.))

6- Call from the well-known radio company. Reported that I won the car. For registration of documents on my name, I need to pay for the relevant fees in the amount of 3000 rubles. Yes of course! Free cheese, as they say ...

7-erroneous payment 1. First, the balance of your phone comes, for example, 1000 rubles. Then SMS comes: "Sorry, sent money by mistake on your number, bring them back to mine."

Scheme Such: The fraudster really transfers money to a cell phone of man, then informs him that he did it by chance and asks to transfer the same amount to him back, and he himself goes to the office of the cellular operator and recalls the payment + removes the amount from the balance that he translated he Who he threw.

What to do in this situation? Just consult such a person to go to the operator's office and withdraw the payment. And no longer respond to SMS and calls from this person.

8 declaration 3. Again about the sale of something unnecessary. Somehow sold the old camera on a specialized site. The following letter came from the potential buyer:

Kurt Moore.
Thank You ....please My Russian Is Poor and Hope The Item Still in GOOD Condition.
How Much Is The Last Price in Dollar or Euro
Thank you …. Please my Russian leaves much to be desired
And Nadezhda item is still in good condition. How much is the last price in dollars or euros

(First bell!) A foreigner wants to buy a used camera and is not afraid that he is throwing him? Answered him, just in case, in terms of value in dollars and euros))

good Price ... I Am Actually Buying The Item for My Cousin Working With The National Geographicwild in Africa. I WANT TO SURPRISE HIM WITH A LOVELY GIFT ON HIS BIRTHDAY ... I Work As A Deskofficer in United States of America Embassy Here in Russia ... Presently Am Not Available To Pickthe Item By Myself, So I Hope You Could Help Me to Send It Directly to Him. I Will Pay You forthe Shipping Cost and The Item Via Paypal or Bank Transfer ....can You Help Me to Find Out Thecost of the shipment via ems or russian registered post I can Know How Much Am Paying You.all You Have to do IS Call Up the EMS Post Office ... and Find Out The Cost of Shipping ....send Me Your Account or Credit Card Details and I Transfer Money to It Then You Help Me SendiT to My Cousin ... .simple

Here, immediately everything fell into place:
(second bell!) - A person buys as a gift (!) Used camera (!) For the price of 6000 rubles (!) For his cousin, which works in National Geographic (!) In Africa (!)
(the third bell!) - He says that it works at the US Embassy, \u200b\u200bbut himself recognizes in the first letter that English is weak.
(Fourth bell!) - For some reason, it can not pick up the thing itself!
(Fifth bell!) - I came up with some kind of trouble to remove the eyes with sending a gift by me (!) His brother via EMS. Asks me to recognize their rates, as if it can not look at the site
(Sixth Call!) - Requests data cards.

my answer:
I Can Call The Ems But I Can Not Go To their Office To Send The Parcel As I Haven't Time TodO IT. I CAN NOT HELP YOU IN GOING THERE.I CAN Accept Cash Only. Because of Fraud 🙂 If You Know What I Mean. IF You Like, We Can MeetaND I WILL PASS THE ITEM TO YOU.Actually, IT Unbelievable Situation WHEN A STAFF from the US Embassy Looks for Second-Handgoods on the Russian Web-Site, Finds a Camera for 100 USD and Proposes to Send It to Africa.It's Better To Find The Same At The Official Store in Africa and Pay Less Than To Pay EMS
Services. The EMS Will Cost You Two Times More, Than To Find The Same Item in Africa.IT Seems Like Your Main Purpose Is to Find Out My Card Details Town To "Find A Present Foryour Cousin »
Contact "Management to"? 🙂
It is easier than to go to mail 🙂

After that, my mysterious "foreign" buyer disappeared. Why did the "foreign" in quotes - he seems to be in English, but with errors 🙂 Embassy employee?

9- message 1.The message came to the phone in this form: "Visa *** write-off in the amount of 8000 rubles. Made successfully. Inf: +79091482004 »
Of course, the phone is lime. Banks do not have official numbers in the form of an ordinary cellular number. The message does not specify the number of my card - only the stars are alone.

10- Letter from fraudsters 1. How to recognize fraudo email? That letter once came to me allegedly from DHL.

It looks almost as real - beautifully decorated in corporate colors, parcel number, number to track the departure. Everything looks almost as it should. The goal is to make me go through the link and download a spy program to my computer. How to understand that a letter from fraudsters if it looks so convincing?

Very simple! Email address from which the letter came is not corporate. Corporate Email ends with the official site after the sign @. For example, in the same DHL it will look like this:

[email protected].
But fraudsters enjoy free services of free mailboxes. Their email looks "free" after the @ sign - like this [email protected]
Gmail is a free postal service. Same as or
If you receive a letter from a serious organization, its address will definitely not look like this: [Email Protected] (indicated in the column "from whom").

11- Letter from fraudsters 2 (about inheritance).A letter came from Scott Gelman.< [Email Protected]>

Text small: "This Is An Information Concerning Your Relative Asset Mr.a.Shalnov.

The old song about the main thing ... even in the correspondence to join too lazy. Most likely, I am some prince hereditary with a condition, but for entering into your rights, you need to pay some money to a accountant or a lawyer ...

12- Letter from fraudsters 3 (about the complaint).Outside Accountant . Letter Topic: JH41833294

Text: We want to inform you about the complaint filed on you. According to the Agreement, which we signed incidents like this may entail the imposition of sanctions towards you.In your interest, read the text of this complaints in the document attached to the letter and try to explain the situation.

An archive file with a virus called "6323preten.gz" is attached to the letter.

First, the name e-mail is frankly strange. What the XCTCM447 ..., what the subject of the letter ... also the domain is strange. There is not even a desire to enter this site, as you can also run into the virus.

Secondly, an impersonal "accountant" sends such a serious letter, but it does not appeal to the addressee ...

Thirdly, it's not clear who I filed a complaint and what I mean to her.

Fourth, attached file in the archive. As you know, viruses are distributed often in archives.

Well, fifth, the Lords of the scammers clearly lames Russian. Learn punctuation!)) And I will not get across! We remove the letter and forget about it.

UPD: Another similar letter came from the "Accountant". His e-mail - [Email Protected]
letter subject: "Pre-trial"
text of the letter: "Good day!
You have been violated a violation of goods shipment. A marriage was found in the batch of goods. We ask you to get acquainted with the investment and compensate the entire cost of the goods. "

And, of course, the invested file in the archive called aKT7557615.

Send this letter to the basket.

Belly remove such a letter!

14- Letter from scammers 5 (about unclosed account).

The letter came from the fraudsters drawer - [Email Protected]

Allegedly about the fact that my company intersects some payment and they recommend urgently familiarize themselves with the situation. "Situation", of course, is described in the attached file, which cannot be opened in any case! All is well, but I do not have firms))

Also and some prescription! Allegedly the file is tested for viruses and there is definitely there! Mom swear!

15- erroneous payment 2.

The young man from this issue called: +79296103165, called me named and the patronycia (let the dust in the eyes), said that she was by chance a month ago he sent me on this phone number 5000 rubles and very much asks them to return, as the money last blah blah blah. All would be good, but the puncture is as follows: 1 - I have not been tied to the number of the phone, 2- arrival 5000 rubles I would definitely noticate!)) I advised the young man to go to the bank and withdraw the payment back.

16- Letter from fraudsters 6 (TER65899 invoice)

A letter came, allegedly from Sberbank, that I was put up and I can see it, after reference.

Polls: 1- Sberbank does not send letters with references, 2- A letter came from Sberbank, but from the "left" non-corporate drawer - [Email Protected], The 3rd phone number of the employee is very strange - +74705173014. What kind of code is this? We delete the letter, according to the link, in no case go through!

17- a message to Vaiber from fraudsters.

The message came from the number 900. Everyone knows that from a similar number usually come from Sberbank about the status of the card. Even the Sberbank logo is used. It looks plausible at first glance.
Plugs: 1- Sberbank does not send notifications to Vaiber, 2- if you look at, then the number is not 900, but nine and two capital letters "O", that is, 9OO. 3- on Aliexpress can not be "reserved." You either pay immediately, either you do not pay and just fold the goods to the basket, 4- the message "If you have not made a purchase, urgently contact the security service" looks somewhat naive: "You" with a small ticket, and then the security service and why in such Message to immediately give the phone number of the security service? If a person wants to buy something, he takes and buys, why should he send a similar message? And if a person really did not make a purchase, he should immediately "peck", and here and the phone is just. That's just to this phone everything went. 5- Phone like with the Moscow code, but we look at Yandex - Voila, it is written everywhere that this is a phone of scammers.

18 - from the subscriber:

Andrei, I came now this letter. From the address: [Email Protected]
obviously another scheme

Bonjour. We inform you about enrollment of payment on the account number 14560 in the amount - 0 822 € - (link to the site of fraudsters)
Merci De vous être Inscrit Sur Getradis. VOTRE COMPTE A ÉTÉ CRÉÉ ET DOIT êTRE ACTIVÉ AVANT QUE Vous Puissiez L'Utiliser.
Pour L'Activer, Cliquez Sur Le Lien Ci-Dessous Ou Copiez et Collez LE DANS VOTRE NAVIGATEUR:
(Link to the site of fraudsters)

Après Activation Vous Pourrez Vous Connecter à (Link to Site of Scam) EN Utilisant L'Identifiant et Le Mot de Passe Suivants:
Mot de Passe: uro1281GKN

19- erroneous payment 3

From the number + 79651292668, such an SMS comes: "Payment 200.00 rubles. Enrolled. Sberbank // Music 087917 ".
Immediately the question: how can a customer bank message come from a regular subscriber number? If you call or reply SMET, can make money. Therefore, we do not undertake anything.

After a short time from the number +79680041547 comes SMS: "I was wrong, put you 200 p. Return to me! At 89850557233 MTS. Olya. "
Thus, three phones immediately lit up in the scheme. It may well be that these are people from the seats not so removed decided to earn the cigarettes). Our actions - SMS simply delete.

20- Letter from fraudsters 7 (payment for payment has been successfully processed)

A letter came from [Email Protected] The fact that I should have some kind of payment. You only need to confirm your desire to get it.

Plugs: 1) The payment for payment has already been successfully processed, though, I have not submitted any applications for payments. 2) The letter came from a free box to 3) the postal program considered a letter to suspicious. Apparently, it was sent not only to me. 4) The link in the letter "Translate the payment on your own account" looks naive, and most likely contains some kind of virus. Banal. If the money transfer comes to my bank, then how can I know my details how to know my bank?

21- Letter from fraudsters 8 (receipt of money transfer)

The letter from the drawer came [Email Protected] About what I need to get a money transfer.

Plugs: 1) Since when at least, the quitantitions about transferring funds come to email? 2) the address is clearly fraudulent. In the word "bank" there is no letter "N". 3) does not exist at all. 4) Link in a letter "Enter details for transfer" looks naive. If the money transfer comes to my bank, then how can I know my details how to know my bank?

22 - letter from fraudsters 9 (about inheritance)