Bedroom design Materials House, garden, plot

In which part of Harry and Hermione kiss. Kiss. Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Hiro Fayns-Tiffin, who played the young volume of Reddla in Prince-half-breed, is the nephew of Rifi Fayns, who played Voldemort

Part 1.
Chapter 1.
Hermione nervously gnawed the pen, the desired thought eluded all the time, and he prevented the hum in the common living room. Students laughed, joked, speaking loudly and did not seem to think at all about the lessons. In the corner of the girls played in the "magic nodules", and from there constantly came the laughter. Hermione frowned, angry, but decided not to leave until the essay would do. There was only one last paragraph, the most important thing. Finally, despite the noise, Hermione managed to successfully formulate a mutual idea, and she began to write it hurriedly.
Only a few minutes later, she noticed that Ron stuck near the table with a guilty view. And, it seems, for a long time.
Hermione looked angry at him:
- What do you have today? Again essay fix?
Ron was a little discouraged by her coarse tone and was uncertain:
- Yes, essay ... it ... please.
"It's time for a long time to learn how to write," the delicaciously cut off the excellent man.
- Soon the game, you know. Harry requested to be today in training. And this is a damn essay tomorrow to pass.
Ron's view was unhappy. Hermione measured his ice look, completely in Snaipovsky:
- Okay, come on. But this is the last time.
Parchment moved to her hand, and Ron immediately disappeared behind the door. She looked after him, offended by prying her lips: so always, write, correct, tell me, help ... and they are having fun Kviddish, while she is hardworking the mistakes. Friends are called ...
The mood has deteriorated, and it turned out. The explosions of laughter irritated. At another time, she, perhaps, finished the work, would join the playing. But today someone else's fun is unbearably acted on the nerves.
Hermione somehow adds an essay and began to collect numerous books and parchments.
- Where are you going? Sit with us, - called her Parvati, pissed off from the game.
"I'll go, we will rest," Hermione's hand, vaguely, and almost dropped one of the books.
Having come to your room, she carelessly threw textbooks on the bed, which was never done before and unexpectedly loosened. The essay, which was spent so much precious time, fell on the floor and was remembered, the feathers rolled under the bed. Hermione did not pay attention to anything. She was unbearably insulting. Friends, her only coming friends completely forgotten her, were exchanged for Quiddich, on Lavender Brown, on someone else ... no, they did not forget to regularly contact her for help by study, but have been having fun without it.
Ron kissed with a lavender around the clock, making a break only for food and at Quidditch. She stumbled on this couple everywhere and everywhere. And Harry ... No, Harry did not kiss anyone while. But she recently noticed how gently he looked at Ginny Weasley, as he communicated with her at a quidditch training.
And what is she, Hermione, worse? Why are she not invited to Hogsmid or on a date to the lake? Although it is necessary to pay tribute to Finnigan, he tried. True, nothing good came out of date. Hermione would prefer to go walk with her friends. As always. Like before.
She sobbed, remembering a recent trip to Hogsmid, and wiped her eyes. Harry and Ron invited her, and she gladly agreed. But they did not have time to reach the village, as they caught up with Lavender and Ginny.
- Oh, Bon-Bon! Lavender brought himself and immediately hung on her neck from Ron.
And Ginny started with Harry a lively conversation about Kviddich. Hermione felt excess and quietly retired towards Hogwarts.
Slowly flowed minutes, slowly crawled sad evil thoughts. The sun has long been the village. Hermione finally woke up, finding himself in complete darkness. I had to light the light and put yourself in order.
"We must do," she solved firmly, aiming a wand. " - Accio, feathers! And to hell romance! "
Now it was necessary to consistently implement the decision made, not paying attention to trifles, like love notes, dates for the lake and walks at the moon. No sooner said than done. And when Harry once approached her in the library, he discovered to his surprise that the mountain of the textbooks in front of the girlfriend is two times higher than the usual size.
He went around the fortress wall from books, found a small man and whisper quietly:
"Hermione, let's go, take a walk while the weather is good."
- BUT? What? - Announced head nassed because of the book mountain.
Harry Conspiratorist winked:
- Weather, I say, good. Let's go to the lake.
Hermione absently dismissed:
- A, no, Harry, I can not. There is still something to read.
- Well, okay, as you know.
And Harry went to the exit. Only minutes after five Hermione realized that he said to her. I understood - and she immediately defeated his eyes. Harry offered her to go for a walk. Himself. And she refused, traded a friend for these damned textbooks! And she again burst up again, no one seen her for a huge bunch of books.
It is imperceptible for herself it was having a touchy, undiscoverable and irritable. I tried to convince myself that it was easier to live, if you don't hope for anything and did not notice that attentive eyes are constantly watching her.
Valentine's Day did not promise her anything unusual. I did not expect valentines from anyone, and he didn't write anyone herself. And, unlike the rest of the students, sat at the table, frowning and not surprising, turning the newspaper. Everyone laughed, joked and launched flying hearts. One fell near her plate. Hermione stared suspiciously on a pink misunderstanding.
"Take it to you," Ginny giggled under the arm.
She herself just received a honeycomb postcard, which disgusted a love song with nasty squeaky voice.
Hermione frowned: the song was stupid, and the execution left much to be desired, but Ginny was unusually pleased. Well, everyone is his own. She extended her hand to take a heart, but it spinned and flew somewhere towards the table Haflpiff
- Apparently, I was mistaken by the address, - stated Ginny, enjoying his song for the third time.
Hermione did not answer anything and went out of the table was dark. She again did not notice what was observed behind her.
In the evening, sacrificing books and notebooks, Hermione unexpectedly discovered Valentine. The usual pink heart with flowerflies, as it should be, unsigned. She with distrust revealed it. Inside there were poems, the simplest, about roses, the sky and all that. At first, Hermione decided that this is someone's a stupid joke, but then noticed the inscription: For Hermione, Granger.
The heart immediately froze, and the hands shoved: Hermione found out the handwriting. It hurriedly climb into the bag and pulled out one of the parchments to compare. Yes, that is right. Hand writing the same!

Chapter 2.
In Hogsmid Hermione went along with Harry. Not that he invited it specifically, no, somehow it happened. First, they, as usual, went to a large Gryffindor crowd. Ginny, however, it was not, she was "resting" in the hospital wing: the day before it was unfortunately landed in training. And Ron with lavender quickly behind everyone. And then the rest scattered. Harry and Hermione went into a sweet kingdom together.
"Look," Harry said, showing the shelf. - Here I am with Ron recently new candy found. Sugar hearts. Amazingly delicious.
Hermione tried. Candy, indeed, turned out to be wonderful, with some elusive pleasant taste. The mood from them immediately improved. And he could not spoil her unexpected rain with snow, neither spinning near the Malfoy Adit.
Harry with Hermione took at once two packs of multi-colored hearts, then Harry chose a hotel for a sick Ginny, and Slytherin challenged suspicious glances and tediously with the saleswoman about sweets: it was not suitable for him, it was not good, it was too expensive, but That's not better quality. The saleswoman has already been to lose patience, and Hermione suddenly became ridiculous, he looked very ridiculous by Malfoy's awesome.
On the street she said Harry:
- You never noticed, what stupid seems to be Malfoy, when is it starting to affect?
"Yes," Harry agreed, diligently holding the killes: the wind gust tried to knock them out of his hands. "It would be a quantity, would like a person."
So, chatting and laughing, they reached Hogwarts. Then they went to the hospital wing to visit Ginny. On the way, Ron with Lavend joined them. And a strange thing, this forever kissing couple stopped annoying Hermione.
A wonderful day ended, she lay down in a beautiful mood, although the cherished words, for which she secretly hoped, did not sound.
"Everything is our time," he judged Hermione in philosophically, looking at his invaluable pink Valentine. - Will have to wait".
Wait for a short time. A few days later, right in the lesson, she discovered a note in her notebook written by familiar handwriting. The note invited her after lunch to the astronomical tower.
Hermione glanced over his shoulder for Harry: he was passionately discussed something with a rhone. It is strange that he said nothing personally and behaves as usual. Although ... maybe Harry is just shy.
She reread a note once again. There is no doubt, a meeting on the astronomical tower.
- What is yours, Miss Granger? - Snape's sharp voice rang.
She shuddered and blushed:
- Nothing.
Slytherins Merzko shook.
- Nothing? And here it seems to me ...
Snape quickly stepped towards her desk, but the note melted with Hermione in his hands. Indeed, nothing.
But Professor did not embarrass:
- Minus five points from Gryffindor.
And he turned to his pulpit. The giggling of the Slytherins has become more confident.
"Damn you,", "thought Hermione. The mood was touched, but the upcoming date got the soul.
She ran to the tower a few minutes to the right time, got into the corner and revealed the book taken with him. But I could not read. The heart almost jumped out of the chest. Hermione never thought it would be so worried on a date. Yes, and she did not have any dates, Victor Kram and Simus Finnigan not in the account
Steps heard, Hermione convulsively grabbed the book as for salvation. Harry appeared. He stepped toward her, smiling sunny, and extended a box with sugar hearts:
- Divorce, I still have one box.
Hermione took candy with gratitude, and she immediately became easier. She again felt confident, because the same Harry, her best friend!
Drying all day rain unexpectedly ended, and because of the clouds looked out of the sun. They sat, basking in his rays, chose out of the candy box (what they were tasty, tastier than last time!) And chatted about trifles.
- You have changed very much lately, you are nervous, angry all the time, something happened? - Carefully started Harry.
Hermione pulled out another sugar heart:
- You know, nerves, probably, shalyat. These disappearances, constant threat of Voldemort ... I'm afraid for you, Harry! And here is Ron with his lavender. It seems to me that you have forgotten me that I don't need you.
"You are mistaken," Harry said quietly. - We need you. And Ron. And me.
He said it very seriously, and Hermione had a heart again. To hide embarrassment, she reached out again for candy:
- Harry, why don't you take? I'm not even a shot.
He smiled:
- Yes, and eat, I saved it specifically for you.
Hermione was embarrassed

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If you are from those who still wait for a letter from Hogwarts, then this post is for you.

In the meantime, it did not come, websiteit proposes to distract and learn the secrets of the magic world.

1. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley officially never graduated from training in Hogwarts

After Voldemort was killed, and his minions surrendered, nor Ron, nor Harry wanted to return to Hogwarts and graduate. Only Hermione (as unexpected) wanted to pass all exams and participate in the graduation. However, all this did not prevent the guys to get a job in the Ministry of Magic. Harry and Ron became the grinders (fighters with dark magic), and Hermione received a post in the department of magical law enforcement. If you take into account the "damned child" (this is a performance and a script book), then it became the minister of magic.

2. How old was Dumbledore and Voldemort at the time of death?

Dumbledore was really old, at the time of death he was 115 years old, a little bit did not reach 116. Voldemort, no matter how much to become immortal, died only only 71 years.

3. Harry, Ron and Hermione appeared on cards from chocolate frogs

Mirtle's Blue-Ghost Blossom - at the time of death was about about about. Interestingly, to play her entrusted to adult actress Shirley Henderson, who coped with his task remarkably, despite the fact that she was at the time of shooting "Fire Cup".

6. Hagrid had no patronus

Due to the fact that this spell was very difficult for him, the giant could not defend against devenors. It is good that after Azkaban he did not meet with them.

7. At the set of Kiss Hermione and Harry Rupert Greenta kicked out from the site

It is not known that Rupert Greenta laugh so much (Ron Weasley) that he was so deafeningly laughed when Daniel and Emma portrayed Harry's kiss and Hermione, but he was even removed from the site to get scene calmly.

8. Hogwarts - Free School

When on the Internet, the approximate cost of learning in the school of magic was calculated, Rowling categorically refuted the fact that in Hogwarts take money for learning. According to her, it is the Ministry of Magic paying all school expenses. That's where in our world.

9. For the movie Hogwarts built 40 people 7 months

Decorators have done a huge job, putting a layout of the building for such a short time. And the work did not end throughout all the filming, since the necessary perspectives changed from the film to the film. But their works did not disappear after the films took off. This layout can be seen in the current thematic park.

10. Up to 11 years old, children of wizards are on domestic training.

By virtue of the "Statute about secrecy", the wizards up to 11 years should be brought up at home, as it is believed that before that age they cannot control their magical strength and ordinary people can expose them

11. Glasses - the most favorite details of Daniel Radcliffe

Harry Potter Business Card - Round Glasses. It is not surprising that they were so sealed in the heart of Daniel. In total, during the filming, he "demolished" 160 pairs.

12. Favorite Mythical Character Joan Rowling - Phoenix

13. The most important dream of Dumbledore - the reunification of his family

The professor in the Mirror Einelling (a mirror showing the most intimate desire of a person) together. His dad, mom and sister are alive, and brother again began to communicate with him again. This is what Dumbledore saw instead of woolen socks, about which Harry Potter said.

14. Dean Thomas always thought he was Magl, since his mother and adopted father were raised - ordinary people

Odnoklassnik Harry, Ron and Hermione Ding Thomas in vain thought he was from the Maglian family. Indeed, his mother and stepfather were ordinary people, but the real father of Thomas is a wizard. He did not reveal his wife who he was, because he was afraid for her life. Killed Death Eaters because of his failure to join them.

15. Ordinary people on the site of Hogwarts see the ruins

This week was given successful for me, and I finally could get to London to take an interview with the actors directly on the set of Harry Potter. Today I want to tell you about Rupert Grinte, playing red-haired, everyone who has loved Ron Weasley.

True, that you were forced to leave the platform during the kiss Harry (Daniel Rarcliff) and Hermione (Emma Watson), because he could not restrain from laughter?
Yeah, it was a thing. Emma and Dan kissed with silver paint on the body, so that the scene turns out surrealistic.

And Dan also asked to go out when you kissed Emma?

This film was physically demanding the rest? How did you cope with the shooting?
Yes, the seventh part is physically more complicated by the previous ones. Heroes are no longer in Hogwarts, but in the real world, full dangers. Wherever they do not risk their lives. There were a lot of cross-country loads, which I was not used to. Of course, in other films, they were also chase, but in the seventh part they accepted an aggressive character.

What was the work away from Hogwarts?
I liked to shoot the scene outside the school without all these annoying sceneries. We slept right under the open sky, it was an amazing time.

In parallel, you starred in other films. How much free time did you have? After all, in the seventh part you are almost every scene.
You are right, I worked almost every day, and there was almost no free time. When I took a holiday for several months, I immediately wanted to try myself in a new role. I am glad that I managed to light up in other films, in addition to Harry Potter. In addition to all this, I could relax a little.

Taking a vacation, and starring in other projects, did you gain experience for further shooting Harry Potter?
Sure. Than with a lot of people you work, the more you know. It is really curious to see how other films are removed. Harry Potter gave me a unique shooting experience. I know that I will not have anything more than anything like that, therefore, with interest to watch the work of other directories.

We talked to Daniel about the filming of the first and last films. With the arrival of David Yeits, something changed? Your character remained the same or also underwent a change in the director?
Oh, David is an excellent director! He gave us more freedom and provided the opportunity to play one or another scene at his discretion. For these 10 years, I was able to get into my role, so I did not have any problems.

Soon on television, the first films of Harry Potter will begin to turn. Probably after watching you say: "Oh my God, how did I change?"
Yes, do not notice the difference is simply not possible, especially in the first films. Everything happened before our eyes. All previous films come to homemade video of my mature. [Laughter] I can always return to it and remember the former times.

Tom Felton told us that I learned a lot of interesting facts about Draco thanks to Joan Rowling. How well do you know Ron?
I do not think that I know everything about him. Joan did not give me any tips and comments. I acted according to the book and was most afraid to learn that at the end my hero would die.

Before you start shooting, did you add to the books?
Of course, I reread books before each film to refresh everything in memory.

When did you find out that Ron and Hermione will be together?
Already in the first part, notes of love were traced. This was especially noticeable after the jelly scene. It was clear that in the final film without a kiss Ron and Hermione could no longer do. But most of all I was surprised by an epilogue when I learned that we will have joint children.

Do you use the advice of the director "Harry Potter"? For all these years, what recommendations did they give you?
Of course, I was lucky with directors. From each of them I learned something. All of them have their own approach to the film. But I think that only David Yeats was consistent and the closer to all adhered to history. It was very easy and interesting to work with him.

What is the Yeats in the process of work?
David completely trusted actors and provided complete freedom. It may be for the fact that we justified his hopes. In general, an excellent director came out of it.

Talking about the shooting of the epilogue is hard to each of us. But it was in the epilogue that the most interesting events occur, which are simply a sin not to ask.
Yes it is. At the first meeting with children on the film, we all remembered themselves in childhood. They were so similar to us that I was even a little frightened. [Laughter] I look forward to the scene of the folder of Ron [laughs] Adult man of me from me, but I hope everything turned out not so bad.

The scene with the medallion turned out to be really terrible. What did you work on the green screen and provoke strong emotions?
This is a great moment for Ron, where he finally could feel himself a hero, destroying Horkruks. The medallion began to manage them, talk about the family and Hermione, but Ron opposed Horkruks. This was the best scene, despite the fact that I was with difficulty.

What do you know about this episode?
I was informed that in this scene there would be a kiss Daniel and Emma.

What do you value most in Ron?
Ron has always been my favorite character in the book. I felt a strong connection with him, and a little with Ginny. I just liked the relaxed character of my hero.

Did you reread the essay about your character that I asked to write Alfonso Coumarone?
I think Dan and Emma wrote something [laughs] But I did not write anything, I really don't remember why. Oh yes. At that moment I passed the exams.

Did you take the memory of something from the filming of Harry Potter?
It's hard to say goodbye to the film, without capturing with you. On the last day I unscrew the house number of Ron. And I was given a delulingent, which I was not glad!

I know that in the gifts of death will burn Hogwarts. What other surprises did you give us in the final part?
In the second part, everything is just terrible. It reminded me of a military film. People die all over the world. Gryphindor's common room, where I grew up, turned into a sins. This is the last movie. All, end. There will be no continuation. And it is very sad to realize.

After 10 years of filming how long will you move away from the image of Ron?
I do not know how much time it will take, and I do not want to go into details. Shooting took half of my life. I do not remember life before.

- I know - you repeat it for several years. But, Hermione, you will not succeed to convince everyone. You do not believe, and even if everyone you will threaten with some frozen curse, it will not help. - Lavender uttered this experimental speech and now I was looking forward to the answer - as if her life depended on him.

- Better not start. You know: this topic is taboo, "Granger replied, leaning on the back of the sofa.

At this time, Harry and Ron fell into the common living room. After a quiddal training, both were wet from rain and swept. Seeing them, Hermione joyfully slept. Harry swallowed his hair and he smiled back in response, recalling the Nashkin Child, and not a seventeen-year-old guy who matured too early.

Ron was removed by anything to become the best goalkeeper and win the Quidditch Cup, and a friend, not paying attention to any day, nor in the weather, every free minute helped him to train.

Redhead, on the contrary, did not smile, and Mooro mowed on his right hand and wrinkled. Hermione quickly stood up, threw on both the cleaner and dried spells and, gently taking Ron by hand, began to led over her with a wand. Gradually, the tumor disappeared, and in a minute and redness was lost - the hand became the usual color. At that moment, when the girl took Weasley by hand, the ears broke out. Third-party observer would be surprised by his embarrassment - because everyone knows that Ron has long known this girl, so such shyness seemed strange. But Hermione could not even imagine Ron Weasley in a different way - his embarrassment was so charming and homely.

"So you really are in love with him," Lavender's pretty declared. To her happiness, there were only a few people in the living room. Otherwise, in five minutes, a premature Miss Brown Death would discuss all Hogwarts.

Hermione was buried - as a gododlot, when he pursues another sacrifice. Harry, who was not too lazy for the last few days, would displease himself, and Ron looked as if this second was ready to fall through the earth.

- Stop interfering in someone else's life, otherwise it will end bad for you, - warnings in the voice of Hermione would not have heard deaf. True, due to the fact that Harry held it tightly, she could not rush to Brown. The equilibreence of the smart witch of Hogwarts has recently evaporated in an unknown direction, because Madame Pomfrey banned it to be overworked and sit behind books for more than two hours a day, while her usual "norm" - six-seven hours. Observation of the prescriptions should have followed Harry - as the only person who could cope with the Granger.

The new film about Harry Potter ("... and the deathly gifts") something pretty more than the previous one ("... and the half-blood prince"). Although, like all the "Potters" in the formulation of David Yets, this is just an illustration to the novel. Good, but in principle optional. Warm Hogwarts, Quiddich, Cream Breeling Parties, Christmas Trees - All Behind. Harry, Ron and Hermione are no longer children, and it's time for them to go to the last battle with evil. David Yets knows how to create a tense atmosphere: you just need to darken the frame, let it in it more shades of black, gray and brown. For two and a half hours, the bright sun will appear once (and then it is covered with the clouds, according to which the ink trickle is the demolition of death). Yets tries to withstand the flavor and the atmosphere, as in the picture of Perov "Drilling": the heroes with landing faces roam the picturesque rocks, then in dusk forests, then on dusty corridors of sad houses. However, all this darkness is just the course of the director who gathered gently to nightmare the viewer for five hours (and this is the total duration of two episodes) with the sole purpose: more to delight his scene in which the dead Volan de Mort is lying on the semi of the Hogwarta assembly hall in Dazzling rays of the Dawn Sun for general applause. We will see this frame in July, when the second series of "death gifts" comes out, but a mentally drawn to his any person who has a minimal imagination and acquaintance with the work of Rolling and Yets, may now. Five naive questions about the picture 1. The film is very different from the book? There is differences. For example, the first scene is not a part-time at Volan de Mort, and the press conference of the Minister of Magic. It is followed by episodes in which young heroes leave parental homes ... and Harry and Hermione's relations are more difficult (see below). But in fact, changes are purely cosmetic. 2. Can I watch a movie if you have not seen previous pictures? If you did not read the books Rolling and have not seen their shields, then there is nothing to do in this film. Even a person, three and a half years ago, who read the novel, at times painfully trying to remember who such Namesnicus Fletcher or Gryum's Terrible Eye. 3. And why is the film not in 3D? Studio Warner Bros. Calcated that he would not have time to translate the first part of the "gifts of death" in 3D until November. The second part of the "death gifts", which will be released in July next year, will be in 3D. 4. Is there a chance that Potterian will continue? Previously, Ring solemnly promised that she would complete Pecterian on the seventh volume. But in a recent interview, Opera Winfrey suddenly reported that "easily" could write the eighth, nine and tenth books from the series. This gave rise to a wave of the pass. Daniel Radcliffe immediately commented on: Even if a new book about Harry appears, he will definitely not be filmed in the film. However, a little later, he told reporters that Rolling sent him an ESEM-ECH, in which he assured that nothing about the potter would not write more. 5. Is it true that Harry and Hermione are kissing there? There is an episode when Harry and Hermione dance to the song Nika Cale o Children (in the novel of dance, it seems not). In the "real" world, this is the maximum proximity to which they reach. But in the hellish vision, which is at some point Ron, is indeed an episode where Harry Harry and Hermione merge in the arms. Commenting on this moment, Radcliffe on one transmission reported that Emma Watson kisses an animal passionately. Watson got angry. "When we went with a red carpet at the premiere of" Harry Potter, "she turned to me and said:" So you, then, called me animals? " Well, what, yes, the animal is such a kiss ... I think most men agree that this is a positive epithet, "then justified in another interview with Radcliffe. What do spells mean in Harry Potter? Most of the spells in Roman's novels - on Latin. And the English-language reader, this Latin, as a rule, is intuitive - in English a huge number of words have Latin roots. "Accio!" - Spell, with which you can quickly pull the desired thing to the Magus, is translated from Latin as "Calling!". "Avada Kedavra!" - fatal spell killing a person. Rolling said: "This is an ancient spell on Aramaic," Abrakadabra "happened from him, and it means" let it die! ". Initially, with the help of this spell, people tried to treat people, destroying the disease. But I decided that "it" in the spell means man. In general, I allow myself a lot of liberties, twisting things and make them my ". Some translate "Avad Kedaur" as "I kill my word" and remind that the name of the Jewish Demon of Abadonna, which appears in the Apocalypse and Master and Margarita, has happened from "Avad". The word "Kedaur" the English reader resembles the word Cadaver who came from Latin - "Corpse". "Explitarmus!" - The spell, with the help of which you can disarm the other wizard, pulling out from his hands a magic wand. Comes from Latin Expellere ("Out") and Arma ("Weapon"). "Krucio!" - Torture spell, because of him, the person who is directed a magic wand, begins to suffer and squeezed. From Latin Crucio - "Musha". "Lummage!" - turns the magic wand into a flashlight. From Latin Lumen - "Light". As Daniel changed (and his hero Harry) Now, when Daniel Radcliffe grew up in some elk, it is already funny to remember that nine years and seven films ago he was a quiet touching boy in the goggles. Nevertheless, we tried ...

2001 Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone Harry in the plot of 11 years, Daniel Radcliffe at the time of filming - too. "Wow! It is a great honor for me to play Harry. It's just wonderful because Harry Potter has such an interesting life! As for Glory - Mom and Pope advised me just to enjoy what they know on the streets. In life there are things and worse! "

2002 "Harry Potter and a Secret Room" Harry and Daniel - 12 years. "I really like that the new film is gloomy first and I can demonstrate the dark side of Harry - he is not as innocent as you think."

2004 "Harry Potter and Prisoner Azkaban" Harry is 13 years old, Daniel - 14. "I'm going through the same thing as any boy of thirteen-fourteen years. Hormones - an interesting thing; I release couples, listening to a lot of rock music. "

2005 "Harry Potter and Fire Cup" Harry - 14 years old, Daniel - 15. "In the perfect world, I would go to the Christmas ball with Natalie Portman. Well, or from Scarlett Johansson. "