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Didactic game "Cow, give milk" for children of younger. Didactic game "Cow, give milk" for young children dynamic pause "Gather flowers for a calf"

Didactic game

The originality of the didactic game, according to A. I. Sokina, is
combining cognitive content, learning elements and pleasing children
gaming activities. The educational value of the didactic game is
that it enters the piggy bank of the teacher's pedagogical means is gradually
deals with children and becomes the content of their independent activities.

Of course, in the first youngest group, children are still not enough adults for
in order to independently invent didactic games, but they can
success to use games created by educators and older children,
gradually mastering the world around.

Of great importance in the didactic game of children 2-3 years has

autodidactic, that is, self-learning start: they pick it up and
fold out the objects of the whole (pyramid, matryoshka); Device such subjects
sends the thought of children to achieve the desired result. Playing S.
plot didactic toys (for example, with matryoshki), children endow
their human qualities, care about them, laid sleep. In this way,
the subject (toy) can perform a wide didactic function.

Specially organized by the educator didactic games well
fit into occupation mode. This manual presents scenarios
didactic games that can be used in class on different areas
knowledge and in various types of children. Each area and each
activity has its own specifics, a number of features, considering who teacher
will be able to most fully reveal the abilities of children, open them ways of action
with objects, give an idea of \u200b\u200bdifferent phenomena.

Physical education, as one of the sides of personal development, is associated with
health, physical and mental state of the child, so at physical education
classes and leisure disease didactic game allows you to achieve emotional
satisfaction in various types of motor activities, raises
the need for physical activity.

Mental education allows the teacher to open the child the way to knowledge
reality. Didactic game not only fixes knowledge gained
children, but also develops independence of thinking, sensory abilities,
activates speech development, stimulates the development of curiosity.

Moral education is associated with the development of the child's behavior, it
he contributes to encourages the moral values \u200b\u200bof society. In didactic game
the ideas about the relationships of people are formed, the first experience appears.
interactions that focuses the child to adult, peers.

Labor education is designed to meet the child's need for
self-affirmation, in the knowledge of its own opportunities. Didactic game
allows you to cause interest in children and respect for people's work. For a child always
attractive the game situation associated with difficulty, because he strives through the game
become independent of the adult.

Artistic and aesthetic education gives teacher the opportunity to develop
in the child's quality of a creative personality (aesthetic perception and attitude to

life, creative imagination and thinking), the foundations of which are laid in
early childhood.

Didactic game in creative activities (design,
visual, musical activity, familiarization with artistic
literature), according to T.from. Mosquito, easily integrates in itself a variety
content (word, movement, music, image), which helps children
emotionally perceive and realize images included in the game, understand them
aesthetic character.

Wide use of didactic games in the education and training of children 2-3
pet contributes to them comprehensive development, makes more attractive

the activity in which the teacher involves them.

Scenarios of didactic games


The game"Cats-mouse"

Didactic task. Teach children imitate a light run mouse; walk, high raising

Game task.Play in the "cat-mouse".

Gaming rule. Move so as not to wake (or, if required, wake) a cat.
Stroke Game

The educator produces children-Klimk "to walk until the cat sleeps. Mouses "come out
walk "(run to the music). The educator advises mice to run easily so that they are not
hear a cat.

If the cat wakes up (terrible chords sound), then they need to be killedb in mink (on chairs).
Here a new mouse appears (toy). The educator offers children to show the new mouse,
how to go suffocate not to wake a cat. Guys show - all sang together,
quiet stepping.

Soon the mouse decide to wake up the cat. They go high raising legs and drowned. Cat
wakes up and "catches" mice

Game "We Soldiers"

Didactic task. Teach children to proper walking while preserving good posture.
Game task.Play soldiers.

Game Rule.Act by order of the commander, not mistake in the direction of movement.
Stroke Game

The teacher brings the drum and says that a parade will take place under the sounds of the drum, all soldiers
they will go to the parade and show what they are strong and brave. Educator gives Drum signal
(fraction), march sounds (audio recordings) and children walk. Parade accepts commander (Toy
bear). He gives commands (cloth "," Step Marsh ") and waving a flag. Children go in direction
to the commander, then towards the drum on the command of the commander.

The tutor performs the song "We - Soldiers" (music.yu. Elephant, cl. IN . Malkova):

How our soldiers, we go
And the flags are Masha and sing.
One two Three! We are going,

One two Three! We sing.

Game "Get a carrot"

Didactic task. Teach Children Jumpsb on two legs: with promotion, in place.
Game task.Contribute to a whirl nut.

Gaming rule. You can "disrupt" the nuts, touched to him.
Stroke Game

The tutor brings to the group of protein (toy). The squirrel asks the children to play with her. Under
merry music kids jump like squirrels, trying to jump easily, on socks.

The educator invites children to treat the whiteline with nuts that hang on branches. Children
bounce, trying to rip nuts (jumping up from the place), then fit the squirrel and
abouther imaginary nuts are told.

Child and the world around

Game "pick up clothes»

Didactic task. Learnchildren distinguish visually and onsack different materials;
select clothes for dolls on this sign.

Game task. Pick up clothes for dolls.

Gaming rule. Pick up the clothes right, do not confuse.
Stroke Game

The teacher brings to grupping dolls and Bore. Says to children: "Cuppes cannot find their
clothes. After the walk, cooking and Boria threw clothes on the sofa and forgot about it. " Asks
children help dolls.

About the game "Pick up a couple". Children must select clothing for each dollAnd fold in
separate locker (box). Caps on the head cap in the floorfrom wool, Bori - blue
cap of fabric. Children take away clothes (scarf, coat, trousers, dress, sweater): From wool in
striped - for cooking, from smooth blue fabric - for bori and laid in lockers.

Dolls thank children and sing a song:

We are very happy today -
Everything in the closet is hanging, how to:

There and dress, and coat.

Nobody scolds us.
We selected for Var
Striped tissue scarf.
Bori scarf is beautiful,
Dark dark blue.

The game "Who for the Christmas tree"

Didactic taskscha. Teach children to call animals and allocate their characteristic

Game task. Guess what animals came to celebrate New Year.
Gaming rule. Beasts will not seem if they were called incorrectly.
Stroke Game

Educator Shows Children Ricewelsh, which depicts a Christmas tree, because of which
tails of the beasts are cast: foxes, hare, wolf. Reports that the beasts came to the Christmas tree to meet
New Year and began to discuss what gifts prepared for them Santa Claus. Beasts hid for
the Christmas tree and loudly argue, what kind of gifts will be. The teacher asks for children to guess who
hid behind the Christmas tree.

Children along with the educator reason and discoverthat on tails you can learn animals.
In previous classes, the kids have already met these beasts and learned their main
signs: who has a short tail, who has a long and fluffy, etc. Children guess
hid animals and call them. If the beast guess the correctly, he "comes out" because of the Christmas tree
(The tutor sets the toy on the table) and greets with children.

The game "What grows in the garden"

Didactic task. Learning to distinguish vegetables to taste and in appearance.
Game task. Guess which vegetables hedgehog put in the soup.

Gaming rule. Vestmake vegetables and determine them to taste,examined their appearance and
on the
about the diploma

Stroke Game

The teacher brings the hedgehog to the group and says: "The hedgehog cropped a harvest on his garden
vegetables. Hedgehog is a good cook. He decided to cook soup. Cut vegetables, folded into a saucepan, and

then he went to call on the phone. When the hedgehog returned, he could not remember what vegetables he
cut on a plank. Help the hedgehog learn vegetables for soup. "

The teacher gives children to try the risen vegetables: carrots, cabbage, turnip. Vegetables can be
folded into a deep pan so that the children take a vegetable without seeing himsack and determined on

game "On our plot »

Didactic task. Teach children navigate to the kindergarten, Call
familiar subjects, execute orders.

Game task.Enter the hedgehog with a kindergarten site.

Gaming rule. Do not confuse; come up with assignment (on the hint

Stroke Game

ANDgras is held on a walk.

The tutor "notes" near the veranda of the hedgehog (toy) and reports to children. Guys
hedgehogs are observed, consider it.

The teacher asks children to introduce a hedgehog with a plot and show all the most interesting around.
Children take turns take the hedgehog and show him all that they want, calling the subject: a veranda, a slide,
sandbox, sports facilities, swing, etc.
D. Hedgehog to "remember faster" gives children
order: transfer a sandbox bucket to the veranda; shake on a swing doll;
practice a bear on the crossbar; dig a shovel of sand and make a soup he asks
children give him instructions. At the end of the game, hedgehog gives children a few apples that
the tutor treats them in the afternoon.



Didactic task. Intensify the speech of children, improve the understanding of speech
adult; Teach sound resistance.

Game task.Play with a horse, show your toys.

Gaming rule. Do not mistake , calling toys; Perform instructions.
Stroke Game

The educator brings a horse in the group (toy) and shows how she rides.

I i love my horse,
Has her wool smoothly,
Comb Thoughtful
AND riding will go to visit.

BUT. Barto

The horse went to visit. (Merry music sounds, horse jumps.) The horse came to the kids in
guests. I came to Sasha. (The horse nodes the child.) I came to Masha ... treat the horse?
will we feed? Sasha will give a horse grain. (The tutor shows, then the child imites
- Substitutes palms with imaginary grain.) Lena and Olya will also give a horse.
grains ... The horse is very pleased, says to us "Thank you." How does she scream?
"ICH Oh!"

Children locked How shouting the horse. The horse is suitable for children alternately, nods his head.
Children stroke the horse, clapped in the palm; The horse jumps.

The teacher puts several toys in advance on the table, then offers children to show
horse your toys. Children show and call toys. If the child is mistaken, then
the horse displeasually hits the hoof.

INcapiter.Tired horse, it's time for her to sleep. Shach the horse,Osh!. Slow horse, Zhenya.
Everything she sleeps.

The game "Bunny and protein"

Didactic task. Fasten the ability of children to navigate in space;
improve an understanding of the speech of an adult; Expand the dictionary.

Game task.Guess where there are toys; correctly determine the place where it is necessary
like a toy.

Gaming rule. Be mistaken.
Stroke Game

The tutor calls the children to Christmas tree, under which bunny sits. About Didactic is found
game "Who and where?"

The teacher asks in children: "Where is the bunny sits?(Under the Christmas tree.)Then hesitates on the protein on
branch and asks
: "Where is the squirrel sits?"(On the Christmas tree.)Then reports that squirrel squabble
for mushrooms and asks: "Where is she now?"
(For the Christmas tree.)

Educator . Suddenly the bunny saw the wolf and ran away. Is he from the Christmas tree or close? Why?
The squirrel saw the fungus under the tree and threw it. Is it far from the Christmas tree or close? Why?
The educator shows the dramatization:

Belka on branches jumps from top to bottom,
Squirrel, by the branches of the legs hold on.

Bunny , Zainka oblique, bunny jumps barely,
To do not tremble a bunny, you need to tie slippers.

The teacher then causes children one by one and proposes to draw actions with toys:
the bird jumped onto the branch, the fungus grows under the Christmas tree, the matryoshka stands close to the house, doll
sits on the sofa and others. Squirrel and bunny stand on the table, and with incorrect actions of kids
turn away.

game "chantery, dances "

Didactic task. Teach children to distinguish with the sound of various toolstOV;
imitate the sound of musical instruments. Develop the expressiveness of the voice intonation.
Intensify the speech of children.

Game task.Invite a chanterelle dance; Find out what tool she dances.
Gaming rule. Clear tool; expressively imitate his sound.
Stroke Game

The educator brings musical instruments to the group (Dudge, spoons, bell),
calls them and ask for children to repeat the names. Then reports that under the game of these tools
loves to dance fox. The teacher plays alternately on each instrument and invites
chanterelle (toy): "Fox, wonders!" Chanterelle dancing. The teacher exercises children in
sound resistance (Du Du-Du! Tuk-Tuk-Tuk! Din-Din-Dina).

The teacher then removes the tools for the screen and asks for children to call a fox to dance.
The musical instrument plays, the educator helps children to refer to chanterelle: "Fox,
splits under ...
». The child continues: "Dudge!" If the tool is called incorrectly, then
the chanterelle does not get to dance.

Game "Cow, give milk"

Didactic task. Improve the intonational expressiveness of speech; develop
small motor
ik hands.

Game task.Ask for milk.

Gaming rule. Do not mistake so as not to see a cow.
Stroke Game

The educator shows the children toy cow, which"Pashes in the meadow." Offer
affectionately call a cow: "Cow, stupid, give milk."

If children are called expressive, then the cow answers: "Mo-U-y] of milk who-y-y!" Child
"Entends the pot" (palms) and drinks milk. If the child is not enough

it is asking for expressively and affectionately, the cow answers: "Mu-U-y! I do not understand-U-y! " Then baby
asks milk again.

Option I.gRON.In the same way, the educator may offer children to turn to the lamb for
wool, to a jacket for the egg
, To Guseu behind a nice. Guys, having received a gift from the animal,
show what will be done with it: knit socks (circular movements with hands); swallow egg
(palm of palm); draw (move hands in the air).

Formation of elementary mathematical representations

AND gra "Vegetable Store"

Didactic task. Expand presentations about form and magnitude; develop skills
comparison of items.

Game task. Being good sellers, correctly select vegetables for buyers,
Gaming rule. Not mistaken when sorting the goods, do not worry the director of the hedgehog.

Stroke Game

The educator invites children to a new vegetable store. On the counter a lot of goods: beets,
potatoes, carrots, tomatoes. Offers children to work in the store sellers. Director
the shop of the Hedgehog invites sellers and gives them a task: decompose the goods to baskets so that
buyers could buy it quickly: take a round-shaped vegetables in the basket. If children
embroy, hedgehog angry snorts.

Option I.gRON.You can offer children to deliver vegetables with a vegetable base on machines by
kindergartens, shops (select the vegetables only in red; Packaging vegetables greater
and less magnitude).

And RPA "Build a house"

Didactic task. Develop the ideas of children about form; Teach correlate quantity
(one - a lot).

Game task. Build houses for dogs and cats.

Gaming rule. Choose a building material that dogs and a cat like.
Stroke Game

Thematic selection of games and exercises for young children, theme: "Cow"


Expand the knowledge of children about the cow.
Teach children comparing objects, find similarities and differences.
Enter into the dictionary of the word "Bull", "Trank", "Shepherd".
Form the sustainable ideas about the value, color, quantity.
Continue learning children to draw straight lines with a pencil.
Learn to make a crawler using glue and cereals.
Develop attention, small and general motility, feeling of rhythm.
To continue to teach children to listen carefully, to understand and emotionally respond to a poetic speech.


Toys: cow, bull, calf, cargo cars.
Figurines of cows.
Building material - bars.
Multicolored cardboard flowers.
Green pencils. Sheet background with sky, earth and cow. Yellow Circles-Sun, Colored Silhouette Images of Cow and Chat.
Pictures backgrounds with the image of one and two cows with a white window for the figures over cows. Figures "1" and "2".
Pyramids in the form of buckets.
Threads of green, scissors.
Clothespins, cardboard silhouettes of cows.
Drums. Dude.
Picture background with the image of a cow and a house of a house (square and a white triangle), in the sky. White circle. Similar blue squares, red triangles and yellow circles.
Picture with drawn cow, PVA glue with a tassel, buckwheat.
A leaf of green cardboard with a glued winding path, a rectangle, a large blue circle, five small green circles. Five silhouette flowers each child.
Audio recording: a cow washing, "the bull is coming to us" E. Zheleznova, "Cow has no other worries", "33 cows."

Surprise moment "Whose voice?"

Who came to visit us, find out in his voice. (Cow Wheel sounds). Who is meat? Cow. And here is still in a hurry to visit us.

Hearing songs "Go to us a bull"

Bull is a bull. If the cow is a mother, then the bull is dad. But what then is the name of the baby cows and a bull? Calf.

Reading poem M. Druzhinina

Among the Christmas tree and nurses
Mom lost the calf.
-Where m-ma-a-ma?
I don't understand!
- I am my good!

Didactic exercise "What a cow, what kind of calf?"

The educator and children are considering a cow and a calf, compare them.

Guys, look: The calf is small, and the cow (big).
The calf's calf is short, and the cow has a tail (long).
The cellets of the sides are thin, and in the cow (thick).
The calf has no horns, and the horn of the horn (cool).
The calon is small, he has no udder, and the cow is large: she has a ditch with what (with milk).

Applique and drawing with pencils "Green grass for cow and calf"

Here is a picture. It depicts the sky and the earth. Show sky, land.

Morning came and the sun shine in the sky. Attach the yellow circle on the sky - here's sunshine. Now glue the sun-yellow circle.
It became light and warm when the sun was shusted in the sky. A cow-mom and calf-child came to the meadow. Show the cow, show the calf. Who is big? Cow. Is it small? calf. Let them graze them - put on a green meadow. Now stick.

Here the grass rose, the cow would have attemp her. Let's draw grass for a cow. Which color will we draw grass? Green. We take a pencil correctly and draw short vertical strokes.

Sound resistance and articulation exercise "Cow"

Let's wash loudly like a cow: Mu-y. And now we wash quietly, like a calf: Mu-y. How the cow will refuse. (Chewing Movement of the Lower Jewish).

Didactic game "How many cows?"

Show one cow in the picture. Find the "one" digit and attach it to the window above the same cow. The number "one" shows that the cow is alone.

And how many cows on another picture, count? Two cows. Find the "two" digit and attach to the window over two cows. The digit "two" shows. What cows are two.

Didactic game "Cow House"

Let's build a house for a cow.
This figure is called "Square". Take your square and find him a place in your picture. What color square? Blue square.
This figure is called a triangle. Take your triangle and find him a place in your picture. This is a roof of a house. What color is a triangle? Red triangle.
House for a cow ready. But we have another figure. Here she is. What is this figure? This is a circle. What color circle? Yellow.

Where do we put a yellow circle? Is there a place for him in our picture? From the yellow circle we will make the sun. Take your circle and make a sun.

Designing "Calm Fence"

But listen to what happened today. As long as the owner has minted his cow, ran away from the yard the calf. The mistress of half a day was looking for him, and it turns out that the calf walked around the road. But it is very dangerous. He could get under the car. It is necessary to help the hostess. Let's see for a cow and a challenge a fence. Then the calf will not leave without mom anyone. How to build a fence? Prepare for work bricks. Now lay bricks so that it turned out the fence. (Children put bricks vertically on a narrow line). So brick to the brick, and the fence is ready.
For whom we built a fence? (Children's responses). Now the calf does not run away!

Movable game "Cow and Calm"

Sweet at dawn
Sleep in crots children
And the calf is necessary
Run behind mom in herd.

We run as calves, for moms. Keep behind the handle and run. "Mu Mu".

Didactic game with buttons "Cow eating flowers"

Children lay off the buttons in the empty middle of the colors, picking them in size and color.

(This is a picture for the youngest children).

(And this is for older children).

Dynamic pause "Collect flowers for a calf"

Walking white bullies
With a black speck of a barrel.
Wants to eat a flower chamomile,
Speed \u200b\u200bon her a bug -
And shouts "mu-mu-mu-mu",
Me guys tear grass
Very hard.

Let's collect flowers for the calf. Each child is given a task to collect colors of a certain color.
Sing, you sing, calf, grow big and strong.

Fingering gymnastics "bull and a shepherd"

Cock-chock, chok-chock, chok!
A bull runs to the shepherd.
("Run", tapping on the table with the pads of the fingers)

Woozy really wants
Maybe it is boring very much.
(On each hand I exhibit "horns" from the index finger and the little finger and turn the brushes in different directions)

Shepherd and not afraid -
Give a bull of water to get drunk.
(One hand is left in the described position, circular movements stroke her back side with the fingers of another hand)

For the horns will take it
And he will lead the grass.
(Capture a "horned" hand with a different hand and assure it to the side)

Stageing the poem A. Barto "Bull"

There is a goby, swinging
(Children on the appearance of the teacher "make horns", applying to the forehead cams with anterior fingers stretched forward and go, shaking off her legs on the leg)

Heat on the go:
(Deep breath and noisy exhalation)

"Oh, the board ends!
(Throw your hands up, sharing your head)

Now I fall! "
(Fall - lie on the floor)

Didactic game "Spend a cow on the track"

Just like I love my cow.
Fresh grass I feed a storm.
You go my sorripe home,
I will send you a key key.

That's the picture.

Here is a rectangle - the house of the cow. Put a cow in this house. Morning came. Cockerel stood: Kukarek! The cow came out of the house and went along the path. Spend a cow along the track. Here the cow came to the lake the water to drink. Put the lake with your fingers - blue circle. Let the cow go away. And now the cow wanted to eat. Let's put flowers for her. Take flowers and lay them on top of green circles. How many colors did you plan? Many flowers. Eat a cow. Athell and went home. Spend a cow along the path before her house. Rest, cow.

Didactic exercise "Bucket for milk"

Children collect and fold a pyramid in the form of a veloc.

You can make a lot of useful and delicious products from milk.

What cow gives us?
And sour cream and kefir
Cream, rippy and cheese,
Cottage cheese, oil, prostroprious,
Milk for delicious porridge
We are given to our bourrsk!

Finger drawing "Bucket with milk"

Children draw white paint with milk powder in a bucket, trying not to go out of the contour.

Music and rhythmic exercise "Cow has no other worries"

Children knock on the drums under the same song.

Finger game "Cow"

Corn, cow,
(Swing your head)

Horned head.
(Show the horns on the head index fingers)

Small kids do not bod
(Threatening finger)

Milk give them better!
(Fold the palms together, in the "bowl")

Game with clothespins "Cow"

With the help of the clothespins, we will make a cow legs - two in front and two from behind. Count how many legs have a cow? Four legs. And do not forget to attach a cow tail. How do flies to drive off without a tail?

Manual work "stains on a cow"

Spread stains on cow glue and sprinkle with buckwheat crop. It turns out a very beautiful cow.

Didactic game "Preparation of hay for a cow"

In winter, there is no green grass, and what will eat the cow in winter. In winter, the cow will eat hay. The hay is the dried grass. Now we will harm the hay for the cow. These green threads will be grass. Take into the hands of the scissors and cut the threads into pieces. That's how much a lot of hay turned out. You need to carry it by car. Stand the hay in the body of trucks.

Reading fun

Early early in the morning shepherd: "Tu-ru-ru-ru!"
And the cows in the way were tightened to him: "Mu-Mu!"
You, burlyushka, go, in a pure field go,
And come back in the evening, we will drink with milk.

Every morning shepherd plays on a pipe, and the cows hear and go to the shepherd. But one day this happened:

Oh, Du-Du, Du-Du, Du-Du!
Lost Shepherd Duda!

Yes, you need to collect cows, play on a snooker, and there is no dulls! Looking for a shepherd dull (the educator plays the search scene, invites children to help the shepherd to find a shirt. Doudochka is located).

Dynamic Pause "Shepherd and Cow"

Cow children go on the track, bypass obstacles, "water".

Cutting a cow. Game for girls and girls! The cow had a good life. But everything changed when the nation of UFO came and wants to kidnap a cow. Help the cow avoid the UFO, collecting coins to buy her freedom. How to play Use ASWD or buttons with arrow or control buttons to move the cow. Improves Buffa, so when you get them in the game, you can use the best bumba.

Zaga Korovka

Hot summer with pets. Game for girls and girls! Hot summer with pets - a cheerful game for our smallest girlfriends about care for pets. In the country where our heroes live, today is very hot. Perhaps this day is best to spend from some reservoir. Girls, join our cute heroes and help choose them outfits and accessories for relaxing near the river. And so that the ribbean and the calf do not have to be bored, draw with them the construction of sandy locks. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Flight cows. Game for girls and girls! "Flight of a cow" - a cool game for girls to agility. Well, what can you do?! The cow has long dreamed of climbing the sky. And this case was introduced. Girls so that the flight of the cow will not stop even without starting, you will manage it with transport. To do this, you need a mouse. Make sure that the burenka is not crashed into obstacles and help her collect coins. By the number of points scored, you will judge the degree of your dexterity, good luck!

Care for calf. Game for girls and girls! Calculation care - the best game for girls from the series of games about animal care. Good cows grows out of those calves, followed by well-taking place in their gentle age. Here, the girls, you now and do. Telts, like children, love care and affection. Clean the teeth. Neither their body can be different insects and even their products of their vital activity. Clean the calf wool and take it with the use of insecticidal agents. Feed the calf delicious, useful food and drink milk. And now you can have fun with a calf dressing in beautiful clothes. Play the mouse.

Cleaver. Game for girls and girls! A cleverbug is a multi-level game for girls, dexterity. In this game, girls, you have to play on the side of the cow. You must help her get to the destination. Make it necessary for the time allotted time. In addition, moving on the suspended road in the wheel, the cow should still have time to collect the specified number of jars with milk. To control the feed, you need the arrow keys. Good luck!

Bomb attack from one-eyed cow. Game for girls and girls! Girls, help the innocent cow to escape from the bomb attack, which arrived from another planet, one-eyed cow. To do this, you will have to use the arrow keys to the right / left. Good luck!

Who quickly gets a cow. Game for girls and girls! Who quickly gets a cow - a cheerful game for girls for two. Actually, the cow can be reduced by one, after a time by improving its result of milking. In this case, you need the A, S, D keys. To improve the result of milking, there is one little secret. Try to militate a cow in different ways and you will find it. Just remember, the hands are given to us, so that they do something. But this game is more interesting to play together. Comparing the time of milking, you find out which of you will quickly reach the cow. In this case, the second player will require the keys J, K, L. Good luck!

Care for cow. Game for girls and girls! Girls, we do not doubt that you love milk. But, if you care for cows, you are not weak, then hurry on our online farm. Our dirty burenke requires a good shower. And so that the cow gave a lot of milk, it must be fed to the worn. It is no less important to make a cow on time. Girls, have time! Play: Mouse.

Back from captivity. Game for girls and girls! For you, girls, a cool logic game - back from captivity. At night, lambs, cows and pigs were abducted by alien beings from the barn. And now you, girls, you need to help animals escape from captivity. In some cases, you will have to free animals from under the fences conceded from different objects, in other cases you will have to destroy these structures along with the protection. And in each case you will have to take advantage of a slingshot. Good luck!

Farm protection. Game for girls and girls! Here, girls, you have to protect the farm with the cow! And the events developed as follows. The farmer would be removed from the farm, as the whole hordes of bees began to attack his farm. Well, it remained to do poor animals? After all, the bees tried to stive them. One smartest cow was armed with a bow and tried to repel attacks of aggressive bees. Girls, it's time and you take a mouse in your hands and intervene in this situation. The main thing, do not allow bees close to the fence, it will make it difficult for you. Good luck!

Elsa works on a dairy farm. Game for girls and girls! Even princesses are wondering how life occurs on a dairy farm. Therefore, Elsa decided to swim on a farm from his uncle and help him care for cows. Elsa True princess and she has not yet to be careed at pets. So, girls, care for cows you will be together. Good luck! Play, mouse.

Cool cow. Game for girls and girls! Cool cow is a game for girls to agility, free, about a funny cow. In this cool game you, girls, are awaiting the unusual adventures of the cow. According to the plot of the game, she must collect cups with pair milk. To collect them, a cow must be able to run, jump on the elevated places, jump over the ravines. Do it it will be with your help. You can control it with movements using the arrow keys and the space key. On her way, avoid clashes with snail and different bugs. Good luck!

Elena Chulilina
Didactic game "Cow, give milk" for young children

Didactic game "Cow, give milk".Speech development.

Didactic task. Improve the intonational expressiveness of speech; Develop in children a small motorcycle hands.

Game task. Ask for brewing milk.

Gaming rule. Square affectionately not to see a cow.

Stroke Game

The educator draws attention to the picture where animals "graze in the meadow". Shows the children a cow (toy) and asks: "What is a cow in the field? What gives a cow to people? " Children answer: "grass", "Milk". The teacher offers a cow call, but to do it affectionately: "Korovka, cute give milk." If the kids are called expressive, then she replies: "Mu-U-y! Milk to someone y, y! " In turn, every child substitutes the palm of the "pot" and drinks milk. If children are asking not affectionate and not expressive, then the cow answers them: "Mu-U-y! I do not understand-U-y! ". Then the children have to once again ask the milk at the cow.

Another game version. In the same way, the educator draws attention to other animals, birds in the yard. Recalls that it is necessary to contact them in gentle and expressive. For example, to a lamb for wool, to a geese behind a nurse, to the jacket behind the egg. Children, having received a gift from the animal, should show what they will do with him. From woolen thread knit socks (show circular movements with hands). Pries draw (hand moves in the air). With the egg roll it (palm about palm).

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