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1C does not close the month. How to close a month and form booze. Reporting. Where in the program is the block "Closing period"

At the last occupation, we were viewed as in the program 1C Accounting 8 to conduct personnel records and calculate wages. Our tutorial 1C accounting ends and we approach the final stage.

In this lesson, we will deal with regulatory operations. Most of these operations program 1C Accounting 8 makes automatically using the helper.

Assistant "Closing the Month" in the program 1C Accounting 8 contains a list of necessary regulatory operations. Regulatory operations are performed by documents Rules Operation, as well as documents forming records of purchases books, forming records of sales book, taxation of taxes (contributions) with fot.

The closing assistant provides an opportunity:

  • Perform all the necessary closing operations in the correct sequence,
  • Partially execute the closure of the month,
  • Cancel closure of the month
  • Partially cancel the completion of the closure of the month,
  • Refuse to perform the operation in the current month (skip),
  • Refuse to re-execute previously performed operations (mark as completed all operations to the selected),
  • Form reports explaining the calculations and reflecting the results of the implementation of regulatory operations,
  • View the results of the execution of the regulatory operation,
  • Create a report on the implementation of regulatory operations.

Regulatory operations or operations that are recommended to repeat are performed by the button Perform closing of the month. Regulatory operations performed successfully, in this case are not performed.

Partially completing the closure of the month, you can follow the hyperlink of the unfulfilled regulatory operation. In the menu arising from the hyperlink, you need to select item Perform an operation.

Canceling the execution of all regulatory operations of the specified period is performed by the button. Cancel closure of the month. Cancellation of operations may be needed when all operations have been completed successfully and in the correct order, but according to some special reasons, their execution is required to repeat.

Partially cancel the closing of the month is possible by the hyperlink of the executed regulatory operation. In the menu arising from the hyperlink, you need to select item Cancel operations after the selected.

Team Skip It is recommended to use for those operations that do not need to perform. For example, if the organization applies the calculation of the value of the write-off of the MPZ on average weighted, then the regulatory operation "Correction of value" must be skipped. If the operation is missing, and it is required to execute it, you should use the command Performfrom the operation menu.

Team Mark as completed all operations to the selected It is recommended to use for those operations that do not need to be reused. For example, if after the closing of the month was produced, the OS depreciation operation was reused, but it is known that the operating results of the OS depreciation will not affect the results of other regulatory operations (closing accounts 20,23,25,26, closing 90.91 and etc.) Then, using this command, you can refuse to re-execute the costs of closing cost accounts.

To form reports explaining the calculations and reflecting the results of the execution of regulatory operations, you can Certificates-calculations. Help calculations can also be formed for a fulfilled regulatory operation. In the menu arising from the hyperlink, you need to select item Form a certificate. When choosing this command, certificates are formed, which correspond to this operation.

View the results of the regulatory operation can be hyperlink performed by the regulatory operation. In the menu arising from the hyperlink, you need to select item Show wiring.

Create a report on the execution of regulatory operations by the button Operations Report.

The list of necessary regulatory operations is formed for each organization in accordance with:

  • a period, for example, the formation of books and sales books is offered only at the end of the quarter;
  • accounting policies, for example, the composition of operations depends on the tax system specified in accounting policies;
  • the status of credentials, for example, the operation "Write-off of the expenditure of future periods" is performed if the balances of future periods accounting are respected.

Operations are distributed in the order of execution into four groups.

  • The first group includes operations, based on the results of which the organization's expenses are recognized, and some other operations, the execution of which must be monitored for the correct closure of the month.
  • The second group includes one operation "Calculation of the shares of the write-off of indirect expenses". When performing the operation, preliminary calculations are carried out to close cost accounts.
  • The third group includes costs for closing cost accounts.
  • The fourth group includes operations that determine financial results for the period.

First, all operations of the first group must be performed, then the second, etc. Inside one group of operations can be performed in any order.

If the operation of the operation is not respected, then when trying to perform an operation when not all operations of early groups are made, a message is issued about a violation of the sequence of regulatory operations. Operation is not performed.

If the operations are executed in the correct sequence and some operation is performed again, then the operations of the senior groups, the results of which may change, are marked with gray-blue color and are recommended for re-execution.

To perform regulatory operations in separate divisions and the head unit in the closing assistant, it is necessary:

  1. Specify the period and select a separate division or head unit. By button Perform closing of the monthregulatory operations of the first group will be completed.
  2. After performing the regulatory operations of the second group on the organization as a whole, by the button Perform closing of the monthregulatory operations of the third group will be completed.

The closing of the month on the organization is generally carried out in the information base containing the credentials of all separate units and the head unit. To perform regulatory operations on the organization as a whole, it is necessary in the closing assistant:

  1. Specify the period and choose an organization with separate divisions, for example, "our organization with separate divisions."
  2. After executing the regulatory operations of the first group by all separate units and the head unit, the regulatory operations of the second group must be made.
  3. After performing the regulatory operations of the Third Group by all separate divisions and the head unit, the fourth group should be implemented.

The report on the completion of the closing of the month on the organization as a whole is formed by the button Operations Report.

VAT accounting assistant

VAT accounting assistant in the program 1C Accounting 8 performs regulatory operations for accounting for VAT. The assistant controls the correctness and consistency of the execution of regulatory operations. After executing the regulatory operations, you can form a book of shopping and a book of sales, as well as a VAT declaration.

The assistant analyzes the status of VAT accounting registers and determines the composition of the regulatory operations. All regulatory operations are displayed in the order in which they should be performed. The current regulatory operation is marked with an arrow. Each regulatory operation is highlighted by an icon in accordance with its current state:

  • Operation waiting for execution - in the current period, the relevant document required to close the VAT period is not created.
  • The operation is fulfilled, relevant - the required document is created and correctly filled.
  • The operation is fulfilled, but not relevant - the required document is created, but it is possible to overcoming and conducting it.

If there are no economic operations in the specified period for which the reflection of regulatory operations is required, the corresponding informational message is displayed: "Operations taxable VAT are missing."

When performing regulatory transactions on VAT, the order must be observed, since the results of a single document affect the filling of others. When conducting, canceling or changing regulatory documents, the fact of execution of subordinate regulatory operations is checked. If subordinate operations were found for the corresponding period, a sign of relevance is removed for them. This will be reflected by the corresponding color of the pictogram in the assistant. To update the regulatory operations, it is required to overcoming and conducting relevant documents.


Data Editing Date - Functional Program 1C 8.3 BP, allowing you to limit the input and change of documents for a certain period of time. Speaking in accountants, it is necessary to "close the period in 1C". The ban can be installed even for specific users and organizations in the database so that no one can make changes.

The instruction is relevant for both 1C accounting and other programs created on the basis of the standard subsystem library (Trade Management 11, ERP 2.0, 1C ZUP 3.0, 1C OFF and so on).

Where to find the date of prohibition of editing in 1C 8.3? This feature is located on the Administration tab, in the "Support and Service" section:

If you have not yet included in 1C 8.3 Editing Prohibition Date, then install the desired flag:

How to open and close the period

First you need to decide whether we will distinguish the rights to change by users or will use the date for all:

For example, choose the option "by users". Now it has become possible to specify the individual setting for each of the employees.

Example: For employees "Sergeyev" and "Ivanov" you need to configure the date of editing 01.01.2016, and for the others - 03.01.2016.

To organize this option, it is necessary:

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And now complicate the task. For the user "Ivanova" you need to put a limit on changing the data of the organization "confetprom", like the other users, on 01.03.2016.

We allocate an employee in the list and at the bottom of the screen, install the "Method of specifying the Date of the Prohibition" switch to the "Objects" position:

The setup menu of editing dates to organizations appears. We add with the help of "pick up" in the table the necessary organization and prescribe a ban date:

Setting the "dynamic" date of prohibition

The method described above is not always convenient: it requires constant administration. That is, every month / quarter / year the date will need to be installed manually.

In 1C there is a way of simplification - the installation of the "dynamic" date of the prohibition. That is, the program can be configured so that the system will automatically "move" the ban date. Example - at the end of the year, month, quarter, weeks, day.

To customize it is not difficult. As you probably noticed, in all the settings there is a field "Date of Prohibition". Just it is responsible for this setting.

Total date for all users:

Or individual setting:

Data from downloading data in 1C BP 3.0

We also affect the topic of banning the download of data into the program 1C 8.3. It happens that very unpleasant situations happen when from the management base (for example, UT) in the accounting 1c comes any data in the closed period.

Closing at the end of the month in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 31.10.2000. No. 94n "On Approval of the Account Plan" is subject to accounts 25 and 26, which should not have a balance at the end of the month.

Also, in accordance with the instructions on the application of the account plan, the closure at the end of the month is subject to accounts 20, 23, 29, as well as accounts 90 sales and 91 other income and expenses.

In addition, at the end of the year, the accountant must prepare regulated reports. To do this, the balance of the balance is occurring.

How to hold the closure of the month in 1C 8.3

Conduct the closure of the period in 1C 8.3 must be regularly and sequentially. With the help of an assistant Closing a month Such as writing off the expenses of future periods, depreciation and other necessary operations for the correct distribution of income and expenses and calculating income tax is performed. To start the closing assistant of the month in 1C 8.3, you must open the operations section:

Finding into an assistant to close the month, first of all it is necessary to set the period - a month that will be closed:

If 1c 8.3 came from another program or put residues manually, for example, introduced the remains of December 31, 2013, and the account began in January 2014, then we choose for the closure of the month in which the first accounting wiring began.

The closing of the month can be performed in two ways:

  • Full automatic closure;
  • Partial closure. In this case, it is necessary to perform one regulatory operation or it is necessary to do everything except one.

Sequence of closing month in 1C 8.3

To perform this operation in 1C 8.3, it is necessary after selecting the closing period click on the closing of the month button, after which the 1C 8.3 program will perform the following steps:

  • Rearming of documents, that is, bringing into chronological order by time and dates;
  • The presence of a document is checked for wage accrual for the selected month to reflect the amount of wages and contributions to expenses.

In the event that the program 1C 8.3 does not have a document accrual for the selected month, the program when closing the period creates a document. The amounts of accrued salary are affixed in accordance with the salary of employees.

Also when closing the month in 1C 8.3 is carried out:

Depending on the organizational and legal ownership, as well as the chosen tax system, the set of regulatory operations in 1C 8.3 may differ, for example:

Or, for example:

At the end of the closing of the month, all regulatory operations on the screen will be highlighted in green:

And the state of the operation closing the month will be performed:

If the month is not closed in 1C 8.3

This result of closing the month is possible only in the absence of errors in accounting. If there are errors, then the program 1C 8.3 will not work and the assistant will allocate operation in red:

Also issued an informational message about where the error and how to fix it:

After fixing the error, you must close the error message and click on the closing of the month once again. Program 1C 8.3 will continue to close the month from the operation in which there was a mistake:

In addition, when closing the last month of the quarter (in our case - March), the program 1C 8.3 checks the availability of VAT accounting documents, that is, the formation of purchases books and sales books:

On the fulfillment of each regulatory operation, we can view accounting wiring or a document that this operation is made (if possible), also to see the certificate of operation. To do this, click on the required operation with the left mouse button and select the necessary detail:

In 1C 8.3, all certificates of calculations that can be formalized when closing a month can be seen using a special button in the upper right corner of the month's closure assistant:

Balance Reformation

At the end of the year, at the closing of December of the month in 1C 8.3, an additional operation appears. Balance Reformation:

This operation closes accounts 90 and 91 to account 90.09 "Profit / loss from sales" and 91.09 "Saldo of other income / expenses". The account 99 is written off by 90.09 and 91.09 and so on.

After closing the month, the result of the balance of the balance can be seen as accounting postings:

If, for example, you need to perform the operation of the OS depreciation right now from the regulatory operations, then in the assistant for this it is necessary to click on the left mouse button on the desired operation and select the Operation item:

At the end of operation, 1C 8.3 will issue an informational message:

If you try to make an operation from the second or third block of assistant, for example - the calculation of the reserve for doubtful debts, then the program 1C 8.3 will issue an informational message about the impossibility of performing the operation:

This is because in the closing assistant the month of operations are built in such a way that the sequence of closing accounts is respected in accordance with PBU. Program 1C 8.3 will offer to perform all the necessary operations preceding the selected one.

If you do not want to perform all operations, but only the selected one, you can skip all previous regulatory operations:

Attention! Skip the operation means to refuse to perform this operation in the current month. The actual closure of accounts for this operation will not happen, which threatens unreliable data into account.

To obtain the right and timely reporting for the month, it is necessary to hold the "closing of the month" procedure in its completion in the 1C accounting program 8.3, developed on the 1C enterprise platform 8.3.

The closing sequence of the month looks like this:

  • It is necessary to collect "current month spending" on the relevant accounts (20/25/26/44), and "transfer" them to "Consumables" accounts 90 and 91.
  • As a result of the "transfer" amounts from expenditure accounts (20/25/26/44), the final remains on these accounts will be zero.

Attention! For organizations (production, agricultural producers) in which products increase and affects several months, 20 account does not close completely, i.e. The balance will not be zero. Here, we will mention trading firms, which at 44 accounts take into account transport waste on the delivery of goods to themselves.

  • After moving amounts from consumables by 90, we will calculate the final residues for each - 90 and 91, account. That is, we must find the difference between DT and CT in 90 and 91 accounts, and the resulting amount to be transferred to 99. As a result, the final remains of 90 and 91 will also become zero.

According to the final, when you close, we should not have residues on our accounts (20/25/26/44), but also accounts 90 and 91 should also be zero.

How to make a closure of the month

The corresponding window will open, where all operations are listed *, which can be performed within our task. The first is determining the "organization" and we indicate the closing period we need.

* Closing It is important to do gradually, observing the sequence, otherwise not to avoid the appearance of errors.

Depending on the policy / type of taxation used in the firm, not every of the above operations will be active. At the same time, their set also determines the closing period - month, quarter or year.

Stages of closing

1. Increased accounting policies

We choose the organization for which we will take closing, and check the settings.

2. Processing "Closure of the month"

After checking the setting for the "confedsprom LLC" and choosing the closing of the month "December 2016", we see that the operations will be displayed in the table part, which will be carried out in the process of processing the "closing of the month".

It can be done on each operation manually, but we always have to remember that their execution occurs consistently.

Select the operation for which we want to close the closure, click on it with the left button, and then "execute".

Closing has passed successfully, each operation has changed the color of the font to green and purchased the * check box.

* We note that the operations that have a pencil symbol, edited manually.

By clicking on the operation with the left mouse button, we can see its wiring, edit, cancel and / or skip it.

I stage of performing operations

Payroll - One of the few operations that an accountant forms independently. This row machine enters the processing.

- This operation is needed to provide the Quarterly Declaration on VAT. Wirings are formed, records to special projects for the formation of books and declarations.

- A regulations will be created on accrual / write-off on depreciation costs.

Stage II

Forming Calculation of the behavior of the write-off of indirect costs.

III stage

Forming Closing cost accounts (20/23/25/26/44) - the correctness of this action directly affects the cost of release. It is very important to monitor the correctness of the closure!

IV Stage

Closing 90 and 91 sch. It will form and calculates income tax (in our example, this is an action on the balance sheet).

Error closing a month

For error-free closure, we will pay special attention to the closure of cost accounts (20/23/25/26). The reason for a possible error may be hidden in making incorrect information when creating documents.

On account 20 (basic production) and 23 (auxiliary production) costs:

  • According to the salary of workers listed in the production units;
  • Depreciation of equipment and purchase costs, such as machines, etc.

The main and main feature that combines data costs - belonging to specific products, so they are called "straight". Production costs are distributed according to the analytics on nomenclature groups - this is the main point for their correct distribution. Costs should have the same analytical data as the nomenclature group. Along with this, the separation inside it occurs according to the planned value, i.e. proportionately. If the analytics of any costs will not have anything in common with one product produced, then this cost can "hang" in the unit. This is the main cause of the error when closing an account 20.

According to accounts 25 (general production costs) and 26 (general education expenses), indirect costs are carried out. Since indirect costs relate to several types of products at the same time, they need distribution. In indirect costs include:

  • Accounting for depreciation when using equipment for the production of different types of products;
  • Salary of employees directly not occupied in production.

The case when after closing the month to 44 sch. (Costs of circulation) The remains can be listed, may indicate or the fact that there were no operations for the sale of goods, that is, there were no revenues on trading operations as such, or on it "hung" remnants of transport spending.

", November 2017

Both beginners and experienced users have questions about the closure of 20, 23,25,26 bills. Using the example of the program "1C: Company Accounting 8", ed. 3.0, consider what the settings need to be done so that the cost accounts are closely closed correctly.

Setting up accounting policies

The organization's accounting policy is created in the program annually, and reference books are filled with it: methods for determining indirect costs and a list of direct spending.

The screenshot shows that it is possible to install two ticks:

    « Output" - must stand from those organizations that are engaged in production.

    « Work execution, provision of services to customers"- There must be organizations that specialize in the provision of production services.

If none of these settings are selected, it is understood that the program is conducted in the program of a trading orientation - "bought - sold" - nothing will be done and no services will be provided, therefore, the account in the activities of such an organization will not be used at all.

Recommendations for correcting errors arising when closing the month

Very often there is such a situation that the closure of the month was successful, the program did not issue any errors, but when forming a working-salary statement, the user notices that 20.01 the invoice closed on an account for 90.08 or did not close at all. You must do the following:

    view on wiring in the regulatory operation "Closure of accounts: 20, 23, 25, 26" At which account, the account closed /. If it closed for 90.08, then you need to check the list of direct spending, it may not have enough entries here;

    according to the report "Analysis of the Subconto: The nomenclature group to analyze according to which nomenclature group and the cost of the costs did not occur with the full / partial closure of the account / account 90.02. If the accounts direct expenses did not close on the cost of production, this may mean that the program has unfinished production, does not reach records in the list of direct spending or there is no revenue for this nomenclature group.

After checking the documents and the changes in them, it is necessary to reinstate the closure of the month.

There is such a situation that the program issues errors with an indication of where the problem, and what needs to be done to correct these errors. Everything is simple here, you should read all the information that the program was given and correct errors, following the recommendations, and again close the month.

In conclusion, once again we will pay attention to the fact that the organization's accounting policy is created annually, and together with it the methods of distribution of indirect costs and a list of direct spending are created. The list of direct spending is key, it is due to the presence of entries in it, the program "1C: Accounting 8", ed. 3.0, determines that when closing the month, write off to indirect costs, and what is direct.