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We live in the matrix for what laws. We live in the matrix and our world is not real. Signs and evidence. If someone could, he would do

A few thousand years ago, Plato suggested: what we see may not be real at all. With the advent of computers, the idea gained a new life, especially in recent years, when the "Start", "Dark City" and the "Matrix" trilogy appeared. Well, long before the appearance of these films ideas that our "design" is virtualized, found a place in fantastic literature. Can our world really literally be modeled on a computer?

Computers can handle huge amounts of data, and some of the most productive and intensive solutions require modeling. Simulations implies the inclusion of many variables and artificial intelligence to analyze them and study the results. Some simulations are purely gaming. Some involve situations from real life, for example, the spread of diseases. Some games are historical simulators that can be gaming (for example, Sid Meyer's Civilization) or imitate the growth of the real life of society for a long time.

This is how simulations look today, but computers are becoming more powerful and faster. Computing power periodically, and computers in 50 years may well be in millions of times more powerful than today. Powerful computers will allow powerful simulations, especially historical. If computers become quite powerful, they will be able to create a historical simulation in which self-visual creatures will not have the slightest idea that they are part of the program.

Think, are we far from this? Harvard Supercomputer Odyssey can simulate 14 billion years in just a few months.

9. If someone could, he would do

Well, let's say, create the universe inside the computer is quite possible. Will it be permissible from a moral point of view? People are difficult creatures with their feelings and relationships. Suddenly at a certain point in creating a false world of people will go wrong? Will it be responsible for the universe on the shoulders of the Creator, will he not take an unbearable burden?

Maybe. But what does it matter? For some people, even the very idea of \u200b\u200bmodeling will be tempting. And even if historical simulations were illegal, nothing prevented one being to take and create our reality. It would be necessary only one person who thought no more than any player in The Sims, novice a new game.

People also have good reasons for creating such simulations, except entertainment. It may be in the face of death and to force scientists to create a massive diagnostic test to our world. Modeling can help them find out what went wrong with the real world and how to fix it.

8. Obvious shortcomings

If the model is high quality, no one will understand that it is generally a simulation. If you had grown the brain in the bank and forced him to react to stimuli, he would not know what was in the bank. He would consider himself alive, breathable and active man.

But even the simulations can be shoals, right? Did you not notice some disadvantages, "crashes in the matrix"?

Perhaps we see such failures in everyday life. The matrix offers an example of a deja vu - when something seems inexplicably familiar. Simulation can malfunctions as a scratched disk. Supernatural elements, ghosts and miracles can also be failures. According to the theory of modeling, people really observe these phenomena, but this is a consequence of errors in the code.

On the Internet there is a lot of such evidence, and at least 99 percent of them - nonsense, some recommend keeping eyes and mind open, and perhaps something will open. In the end, this is just the theory.

7. Mathematics underlies our life

Everything in the universe can be considered in some way. Even life is quantified. The project "The human genome", in the course of which the sequence of chemical pairs of grounds, which constitute the human DNA, was allowed using computers. All the secrets of the universe are solved with the help of mathematics. Our universe is better explained by the language of mathematics than words.

If everything is mathematics, everything can be divided into a binary code. It turns out if computers and data achieved certain heights, the functional person can be recreated on the basis of the genome inside the computer? And if you build one such personality, why not create a whole world?

Scientists suggest that someone may have already done it and created our world. To determine if we really live in simulation, the researchers are carried out, study mathematics, which is our universe.

6. Anthropic principle

The existence of people is extremely amazing. To start life on Earth, we need everything to be in order. We are at a great distance from the sun, the atmosphere suits us, the gravity is strong enough. And although in theory there may be many other planets with such conditions, life seems even more amazing when you look beyond the planet. If some of the space factors like dark energy would be more stronger, life may not exist here or anywhere else in the universe.

Anthropic principle asks the question: "Why? Why are these conditions so great for us? ".

One of the explanations: the conditions were deliberately established in order to give us life. Each suitable factor was set to a fixed state in a certain universal scale laboratory. Factors connected to the universe, and simulation began. Therefore, we exist, and our individual planet develops as now.

An obvious consequence - on the other side of the model there may be not people at all. Other creatures that hide their presence and play their space "sims". Perhaps an alien life is quite aware of how the program works, and it is not difficult for them to become invisible for us.

The theory of parallel worlds, or Mulvers, implies an infinite number of universes with an infinite set of parameters. Imagine the floors of a residential building. The universes make up a multi-sense alone as the floors - the building, the structure of them is common, but they differ among themselves. Jorge Louis Borges compared a multi-lane with the library. The library contains an infinite number of books, some may differ in the letter, and some stored incredible stories.

Such a theory makes a confusion in our understanding of life. But if there really have many universes, where did they come from? Why are there so much? How?

If we are simulation, numerous universes are numerous simulations running simultaneously. Each simulation has its own set of variables, and this is not accidental. The creator of the model includes various variables for testing various scenarios and observes various results.

Our planet is one of many who can support life, and our sun is quite young about the entire universe. Obviously, life should be everywhere, as on the planets, where the life began to develop simultaneously with our and on those that originated earlier.

Moreover, people ventured to go into space, which means other civilizations should have taken such an attempt? There are billions of galaxies that are on billions of our years older than ours, which means at least one should have become a "frog-traveler". Since there are all living conditions on Earth, it means that our planet may generally be the goal for colonization at a certain point.

Nevertheless, we did not find any traces, hints or smells of other reasonable life in the Universe. Fermi paradox sounds simple: "Where is it all?".

Modeling theory can give several options for answers. If life should be everywhere, but exists only on earth, we are in simulation. The one who is responsible for modeling simply decided to observe how people act alone.

The theory of Mulvers says that life on other planets exists - in most models of the universes. We, for example, we live in a relaxing simulation, such alone in the universe. Returning to the anthropic principle, we can say that the universe was created only for us.

Another theory, planetarium hypothesis, offers another possible answer. Modeling implies a lot of populated planets, each of which changes, that it is one in the universe such inhabited. It turns out, the goal of such a simulation is to grow up the ego of a separate civilization and see what will happen.

3. God - programmer

People have long discussed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Creator-God, who created our world. Some represent a concrete God as a bearded man sitting in the clouds, but in the theory of modeling by God or anyone else there can be a regular programmer, pressing buttons on the keyboard.

As we found out, the programmer can create a world based on a simple binary code. The only question is why he programms people to serve her creator, as the majority of religions say.

This can be intentional or unintentional. Perhaps the programmer wants us to know that he or she exists, and wrote the code to give us an innate feeling that everything was created. Perhaps he did not do this and did not want, but intuitively we assume the existence of the Creator.

The idea of \u200b\u200bGod as a programmer develops in two ways. First: the code began to live, gave everything to develop and simulation led us to where we are today. Second: Literal creationism is to blame. According to the Bible, God created peace and life for seven days, but in our case he used a computer, not cosmic forces.

2. Outside the universe

What is outside the universe? According to the theory of modeling, the answer would be a supercomputer surrounded by developed beings. But more insane things are possible.

Those who rule the models may be as unreal as we. There may be many layers in simulation. According to Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, "post-people who have developed our simulation can be simulated themselves, and their creators, in turn, too. There may be many levels of reality, and their quantity can increase over time. "

Imagine that you sat down to play at the Sims and played until your characters have created your own game yourself. Their "Sims" repeated this process, and you actually have a part of even greater simulation.

The question remains: who created the real world? This idea is so far from our life that it seems impossible to argue on this topic. But if the modeling theory, at least can explain the limited size of our universe and understand that it is beyond ... This is a good start in finding out the nature of being.

1. Fake people facilitate simulation

Even if computers are becoming more powerful, the universe may be too complicated to fit in one of them. Each of the seven billion people is currently quite complicated to compete with any possible imagination of the computer. And we present an infinitely small part of the huge universe that contains billions of galaxies. It will be incredibly difficult, if at all possible, take into account many variables.

But the world modeling does not need to be so difficult as it seems. To become convincing, the model will need several detailed indicators and a lot of barely defined secondary players. Imagine one of the games of the GTA series. It serves hundreds of people, but you interact with just a few. Life may be like this. There are you, your loved ones and relatives, but all those whom you meet on the street can be unreal. They may have several thoughts and lack of emotions. They are like that "woman in a red dress", metonymy, image, sketch.

Let's take into account the analogy of the video game. Such games contain huge worlds, but only your current location at the moment has a value, it turns out the action. Reality can go on the same script. Areas outside the view can be stored in memory and manifest itself only if necessary. Colossal economy of computing power. What about remote areas that you never visit, for example, in other galaxies? In the simulation, they may not start at all. They need convincing images in case they want to see.

Okay, people on the streets or remote stars are one. But you have no evidence that you exist at least in the form in which you imagine yourself. We believe that the past happened because we have memories and because we have photos and books. But what if all is just written code? What if your life is updated every time you blink?

The most interesting thing is that it is impossible to prove or refute.

Are we just a result of computer simulation? Who or what is our creator? More and more scientists are now seriously considering the possibility that we can live in the matrix, and they say that evidence is enough around us.

One of these scientists, Rich Terrell, from the laboratory of the NASA's reactive movement, the California Institute of Technology and participating in the preparation of missions for Mars, discovery four new Lun Saturn, Neptune and Uranus and photographing a remote solar system.

Terrell has its own opinion on our creator, which is customary called - God.

"What are the requirements for God? God is inter-space and controls everything related to everything in the whole universe. The Creator, who is responsible for the universe and can change the laws of physics, if he wanted. God must be, "says Terrell.

This is the same as programmers create scientific models, explains the terrel. This conviction of terrell confirms using the Moore law and Turing Test.

Terrell wondered what percentage of power is necessary for the modeling of the Earth. People create a doubling of computing power every 13 months, and terrell says that computers already coincide in power with the human brain, at least in the speed of calculations.

Now our quick computers are capable of one million billion operations per second, says Terrell. In this case, after 10 years, the terrell computers can create a real model of everything that we see around us and in general - land.

But can the computer fill in such a model to the thinking creatures, modeling the artificial intelligence of creatures, such as people? Terrell thinks people are on the verge of creating worlds inside computers in populated by living beings.

Terrell says that he found evidence that God is a programmer in nature.

"See how the Universe behaves, it's all quantum and made of pixels. Space, matter, energy, everything consists of individual pixels. Which means that the universe has a finite number of components. This means a finite number of states, which means that everything is created by a computer.

In his scientific work, "arguments of modeling" Professor Nick Bostrom from Oxford University, suggested that, most likely, we are already in simulation.

Studies conducted by other scientists, such as, for example, David Bom, Karl Pribram and Alain aspect suggest that our universe is giant and well-made holographic illusion.

"Our world has all the signs that he is nothing more than a computer model. But who needed to create all this and imitate people's lives ... Maybe these are our descendants from the future? They would have been for us in this case by god-like creatures capable of creating their own universes. Perhaps we happened from non-existence in self-awareness and in the future identity reached the stage when our future descendants themselves became gods, "says Rich Terrell.

Do we all live in the matrix?

Each child sooner or later was interested in the parents, where the starry sky ends and what is behind him? The answer, as a rule, was terrible for the consciousness of the baby: "The Universe is limitless, she has no end." Realize the existence of something unlimited malnutrition or child imagination, nor the brain of an adult person. It was so far that in world cinema with enviable regularity, films began to appear, in the plot of which the idea of \u200b\u200billusion of our universe was played. Unconditional hit among such films was the world-famous trilogy: "Matrix". However, films, movies, but many researchers thought, what if things are exactly so in fact? From that moment on, the Earth began a boom of searching for parallel worlds and attempts to make contact, with the main system administrator of the Program called "Humanity".

Simulation of mankind

One of the most likely scenarios of the development of post-deceive civilization researchers are called not only a gradual action of man and computer systems, but also gradual care to the virtual world. After all, by that time, the supercomputers will be able to create in the smallest detail any of the most fantastic world, any historical era and a person will actually be able to choose, in which world he will first conduct his free time, and then possible and lifetime. Even today, the question is what reality, each person will answer differently depending on its social status, wealth and intelligence. At the same time, the philosophers studying a person's consciousness, long ago do not associate his consciousness with the body, believing that the same consciousness could exist in different "carriers." Indeed, doctors are confident that for the presence of consciousness, it is necessary only to embodiment in carbon-based biological neural networks that technologically can also be obtained based on silicon processors. Similar statements concern and brain cells, if humanity learn how to synthesize them electronically, the resulting cell, which has all the characteristics of the biological, can be replaced by it, which will inevitably lead to the appearance of artificial people with the consciousness of a living person, but unlike him having artificial Not an aging body with replaceable components. In addition, post-delication will surely want to simulate many historical characters with full entourage of their era, to look at the possible ways to develop human civilization with their own eyes. However, people may simply not come to mind that the created models will consider themselves with real live people. And here it lies an extremely exciting guess version. And what if humanity has long reached the post-deceive state, and our world, only the virtual projection of this world, which has developed so much that it will be ready to create his virtual worlds to create his virtual worlds?

Search for a system administrator

Suppose we live in the virtual world, then there must be some objective things confirming such a gueside. Oddly enough, the main evidence is in human mythology. After all, the gods of any of the religions, if you believe the sacred texts created people, declaring the laws on which they should live. Such a state of affairs is extremely similar to the programmer who created the computer world and its inhabitants, punishing them through the example of God created by him, as needed to behave that the game does not end earlier, putting her time. No wonder when people stop following the supreme rules, the programmer erases them, settling the world created by the world with new "finalized" entities.

Electronic resort

In this regard, the term "fate" is fairly determined. In fact, because when creating people, the variations of their actions are limited to the fantasy of the creator - a programmer, so it comes up with each of the created virtual characters - programms the plot of his life. Collapse from which it is simply impossible, other characters will either return "to the true" path, or - destroy. There is also an option that our world is an amusement park for some higher civilization, the inhabitants of which are "loaded" into the body of a person with a definite fate to have fun, and then return to their world. This eloquently proves the fate of great people, such as commander or conquerors. About each of them contemporaries said that they would seek some external force. They take the only right solutions and make only the right steps. At the same time, the dictators were often complained of the genius, which hear some voices. But, at some point, the voice suddenly disappear, and the ruler or the conqueror of the Kubarem flies on the social staircase down, as a rule, on the scaffold. There is nothing to surprise here, just in another world, the user paid the game "Become a conqueror", his consciousness was loaded into a simple person, creating him ideal conditions in our virtual world so that he could reach the transcendental heights. Then, when the player bothers to play the dictator, he returns to his body, in his world. A person who played a role for the player's consciousness rushes to the mercy of fate. Similar games can be collective when a whole group of entities or players are loaded into our world, can play against each other, as this happens today in human computer games - strategies.

Evidence on the scene

In proof of the artificiality of our world, you can bring a strange fact for which astronomers of the whole world drew attention. In their opinion, the surrounding space is extremely friendly in relation to Earth. Its as if something worries from cosmatic radiation, huge meteorites and other unpleasant surprises of space. Moreover, the guardianship began noticeable from the moment the planet appeared a reasonable life. The same carbon required for the appearance of life did not occur at the time of the big explosion, as the rest of the substance, but only as a result of the most difficult unlikely nuclear reactions in the depths of giant stars, after the explosion, which spread through the universe. So English astronomer Fred Holded the Universe of Machination, hinting at its artificial nature of creating. And the famous Astronomer Martin Ri repeatedly expressed the assumptions that, as we, and our universe, no more than a virtual model of some more powerful civilization. Of course, no virtual model can be reliable for a hundred percent, there should be errors in it and they are! So John Web from the University of NSW, exploring the light of remote quasars, unexpectedly discovered that about six billion years ago, there was a minute shift in the speed of light. However, this can not be! If only an unknown programmer has not overloaded our world, making changes in it.

German scientists found the border of space?

As Daily Mail writes, German scientists still experienced scientifically proved that we live in a virtual world. For this, Sales Bean from Bonn University created the theoretical model of the Universe, to verify the fundamental principle of its infinity. In his model, the scientist used the theory of quantum chronodynamics, which describes the strong interaction of elementary particles. The scale of the model can be represented as the interaction of particles at 10 per minus 15 degrees. The virtual model of space created in this way limited the particle energy, confirming the thesis on the final universe, only imitating reality. Also, it was also that in 1966 the limit of Grayzen was calculated - Zatresin - Kuzmina, describing the upper limit of the energy of cosmic rays from remote sources. This discovery is true, directly, does not speak about the virtuality of our universe, but determines the border of the spread of cosmic rays. In conclusion, you can say only one if our world is virtualized, it does not matter with the purpose of experiment, games or rest of entities of entities from more developed civilizations, it is interesting for creators only until humanity is guessing the unreality of its existence. In connection with this, the most reasonable for people would pretend that they did not recognize anything and comply with all the highest laws sent to us by the creators.

Ilon Mask suggested that in the foreseeable future, people will begin to interact with electronic interfaces by neurocruzhev - a special layer, implanted directly into the cerebral bark. The term was previously invented by the writer Ian Banks.
Neocrojevo will allow people to recycle large data arrays at a huge speed. One of his first prototypes was created in 2015, when American researchers successfully manage to enlist such a system in the brain of mice.
But if people already managed to create neurokruzhevo, then why not assume that he was invented even earlier, because, as they say, everything is new - well forgotten old? Do we always control your own brain? Now there are already systems capable of suppressing certain memories or, on the contrary, awakening false memories ... And it happens, people make some absurd and even asocial acts as if under whose effects. We accept them for crazy, and why not assume that their brain is connected to an invisible computer that controls us all? Irrational behavior may be, for example, the result of a computer failure. And the reality is what is forced to see it. We are all connected to machines that manipulate our consciousness, as in the notorious film "Matrix" Brothers Vachovski.

10 signs that we live in the matrix.

A few thousand years ago, Plato suggested: what we see may not be real at all. With the advent of computers, the idea gained a new life, especially in recent years, when the "Start", "Dark City" and the "Matrix" trilogy appeared. Well, long before the appearance of these films ideas that our "design" is virtualized, found a place in fantastic literature. Can our world really literally be modeled on a computer?

10. Life simulators.

Computers can handle huge amounts of data, and some of the most productive and intensive solutions require modeling. Simulations implies the inclusion of many variables and artificial intelligence to analyze them and study the results. Some simulations are purely gaming. Some involve situations from real life, for example, the spread of diseases. Some games are historical simulators that can be gaming (for example, Sid Meyer's Civilization) or imitate the growth of the real life of society for a long time.

This is how simulations look today, but computers are becoming more powerful and faster. Computing power periodically increases twice, and computers in 50 years may well be millions of times more powerful than today. Powerful computers will allow powerful simulations, especially historical. If computers become quite powerful, they will be able to create a historical simulation in which self-visual creatures will not have the slightest idea that they are part of the program.

Think, are we far from this? Harvard Supercomputer Odyssey can simulate 14 billion years in just a few months.

9. If someone could, he would have done.

Well, let's say, create the universe inside the computer is quite possible. Will it be permissible from a moral point of view? People are difficult creatures with their feelings and relationships. Suddenly at a certain point in creating a false world of people will go wrong? Will it be responsible for the universe on the shoulders of the Creator, will he not take an unbearable burden?

Maybe. But what does it matter? For some people, even the very idea of \u200b\u200bmodeling will be tempting. And even if historical simulations were illegal, nothing prevented one being to take and create our reality. It would be necessary only one person who thought no more than any player in The Sims, novice a new game.

People also have good reasons for creating such simulations, except entertainment. Humanity may be in the face of death and to force scientists to create a massive diagnostic test to our world. Modeling can help them find out what went wrong with the real world and how to fix it.

8. Obvious disadvantages.

If the model is high quality, no one will understand that it is generally a simulation. If you had grown the brain in the bank and forced him to react to stimuli, he would not know what was in the bank. He would consider himself alive, breathable and active man.

But even the simulations can be shoals, right? Did you not notice some disadvantages, "crashes in the matrix"?

Perhaps we see such failures in everyday life. The matrix offers an example of a deja vu - when something seems inexplicably familiar. Simulation can malfunctions as a scratched disk. Supernatural elements, ghosts and miracles can also be failures. According to the theory of modeling, people really observe these phenomena, but this is a consequence of errors in the code.

On the Internet there is a lot of such evidence, and at least 99 percent of them - nonsense, some recommend keeping eyes and mind open, and perhaps something will open. In the end, this is just the theory.

7. Mathematics underlies our lives.

Everything in the universe can be considered in some way. Even life is quantified. The project "The human genome", in the course of which the sequence of chemical pairs of grounds, which constitute the human DNA, was allowed using computers. All the secrets of the universe are solved with the help of mathematics. Our universe is better explained by the language of mathematics than words.

If everything is mathematics, everything can be divided into a binary code. It turns out if computers and data achieved certain heights, the functional person can be recreated on the basis of the genome inside the computer? And if you build one such personality, why not create a whole world?

Scientists suggest that someone may have already done it and created our world. To determine whether we really live in simulation, researchers conduct serious studies, study mathematics, which is our universe.

6. Anthropic principle.

The existence of people is extremely amazing. To start life on Earth, we need everything to be in order. We are at a great distance from the sun, the atmosphere suits us, the gravity is strong enough. And although in theory there may be many other planets with such conditions, life seems even more amazing when you look beyond the planet. If some of the space factors like dark energy would be more stronger, life may not exist here or anywhere else in the universe.

Anthropic principle asks the question: "Why? Why are these conditions so great for us? ".
One of the explanations: the conditions were deliberately established in order to give us life. Each suitable factor was set to a fixed state in a certain universal scale laboratory. Factors connected to the universe, and simulation began. Therefore, we exist, and our individual planet develops as now.

An obvious consequence - on the other side of the model there may be not people at all. Other creatures that hide their presence and play their space "sims". Perhaps an alien life is quite aware of how the program works, and it is not difficult for them to become invisible for us.

5. Parallel universes.

The theory of parallel worlds, or Mulvers, implies an infinite number of universes with an infinite set of parameters. Imagine the floors of a residential building. The universes make up a multi-sense alone as the floors - the building, the structure of them is common, but they differ among themselves. Jorge Louis Borges compared a multi-lane with the library. The library contains an infinite number of books, some may differ in the letter, and some stored incredible stories.

Such a theory makes a confusion in our understanding of life. But if there really have many universes, where did they come from? Why are there so much? How?

If we are simulation, numerous universes are numerous simulations running simultaneously. Each simulation has its own set of variables, and this is not accidental. The creator of the model includes various variables for testing various scenarios and observes various results.

4. Fermi paradox.

Our planet is one of many who can support life, and our sun is quite young about the entire universe. Obviously, life should be everywhere, as on the planets, where the life began to develop simultaneously with our and on those that originated earlier.

Moreover, people ventured to go into space, which means other civilizations should have taken such an attempt? There are billions of galaxies that are on billions of our years older than ours, which means at least one should have become a "frog-traveler". Since there are all living conditions on Earth, it means that our planet may generally be the goal for colonization at a certain point.

Nevertheless, we did not find any traces, hints or smells of other reasonable life in the Universe. Fermi paradox sounds simple: "Where is it all?".

Modeling theory can give several options for answers. If life should be everywhere, but exists only on earth, we are in simulation. The one who is responsible for modeling simply decided to observe how people act alone.

The theory of Mulvers says that life on other planets exists - in most models of the universes. We, for example, we live in a relaxing simulation, such alone in the universe. Returning to the anthropic principle, we can say that the universe was created only for us.

Another theory, planetarium hypothesis, offers another possible answer. Modeling implies a lot of populated planets, each of which changes, that it is one in the universe such inhabited. It turns out, the goal of such a simulation is to grow up the ego of a separate civilization and see what will happen.

3. God is a programmer.

People have long discussed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Creator-God, who created our world. Some represent a concrete God as a bearded man sitting in the clouds, but in the theory of modeling by God or anyone else there can be a regular programmer, pressing buttons on the keyboard.

As we found out, the programmer can create a world based on a simple binary code. The only question is why he programms people to serve her creator, as the majority of religions say.

This can be intentional or unintentional. Perhaps the programmer wants us to know that he or she exists, and wrote the code to give us an innate feeling that everything was created. Perhaps he did not do this and did not want, but intuitively we assume the existence of the Creator.

The idea of \u200b\u200bGod as a programmer develops in two ways. First: the code began to live, gave everything to develop and simulation led us to where we are today. Second: Literal creationism is to blame. According to the Bible, God created peace and life for seven days, but in our case he used a computer, not cosmic forces.

2. Outside the universe.

What is outside the universe? According to the theory of modeling, the answer would be a supercomputer surrounded by developed beings. But more insane things are possible.

Those who rule the models may be as unreal as we. There may be many layers in simulation. According to Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, "post-people who have developed our simulation can be simulated themselves, and their creators, in turn, too. There may be many levels of reality, and their quantity can increase over time. "

Imagine that you sat down to play at the Sims and played until your characters have created your own game yourself. Their "Sims" repeated this process, and you actually have a part of even greater simulation.

The question remains: who created the real world? This idea is so far from our life that it seems impossible to argue on this topic. But if the modeling theory, at least can explain the limited size of our universe and understand that it is beyond ... This is a good start in finding out the nature of being.

1. Fake people facilitate the simulation.

Even if computers are becoming more powerful, the universe may be too complicated to fit in one of them. Each of the seven billion people is currently quite complicated to compete with any possible imagination of the computer. And we present an infinitely small part of the huge universe that contains billions of galaxies. It will be incredibly difficult, if at all possible, take into account many variables.

But the world modeling does not need to be so difficult as it seems. To become convincing, the model will need several detailed indicators and a lot of barely defined secondary players. Imagine one of the games of the GTA series. It serves hundreds of people, but you interact with just a few. Life may be like this. There are you, your loved ones and relatives, but all those whom you meet on the street can be unreal. They may have several thoughts and lack of emotions. They are like that "woman in a red dress", metonymy, image, sketch.

Let's take into account the analogy of the video game. Such games contain huge worlds, but only your current location at the moment has a value, it turns out the action. Reality can go on the same script. Areas outside the view can be stored in memory and manifest itself only if necessary. Colossal economy of computing power. What about remote areas that you never visit, for example, in other galaxies? In the simulation, they may not start at all. They need convincing images in case they want to see.

Okay, people on the streets or remote stars are one. But you have no evidence that you exist at least in the form in which you imagine yourself. We believe that the past happened because we have memories and because we have photos and books. But what if it is all what is written code? What if your life is updated every time you blink?

The most interesting thing is that it is impossible to prove or refute.

Another ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who lived almost two and a half thousand years ago, put forward the assumption that our world is not real. With the advent of computer equipment and the acquisition of virtual reality, humanity increasingly comes to understanding that the world in which it lives may be a simulation of reality - a matrix, and who and why it created it, most likely never know.

Is it possible to create a matrix?

Even today, having, for example, a Sunway Taihulight supercomputer (China), capable of performing almost a hundred quadrillion computing per second, you can simulate several million years of human history in a matter of days. But on the approach, quantum computers that will work in millions of times faster than the current ones. What parameters will be with computers in fifty, a hundred years?

And now imagine that some civilization has developed many billion years, and in comparison with it, which is only a few thousand, is just a newborn baby. Do you think that these highly developed creatures create a computer or some other machine capable of simulating our world? It seems that the question is whether it is possible to create a matrix, in principle, resolved positively (

Who and why would create a matrix?

So, the matrix can create; Even our civilization approached this closely. But another question arises: who made it, because from the point of view of morality, this action is not entirely legal and justified. Suddenly in this illusory world something will go wrong? Is the creator of a similar matrix take a huge responsibility?

On the other hand, it can be assumed that we live in a matrix created, so to speak, illegally - someone who is just entertained, and therefore does not even ask about the morality of his virtual game.

There is such a possible option: some highly developed society launched this simulation for scientific purposes, for example, as a diagnostic test, to find out what and why the real world went wrong, and subsequently correct the situation.

The matrix is \u200b\u200bdetected through its drawbacks

It can be assumed that in the case of a sufficiently high-quality simulation of reality, no one inside the matrix will not even understand that it is an artificial world. But what is the problem: any program, even the most perfect, failures may appear.

Here they are, we constantly and notice, although we cannot rationally explain. For example, the effect of the Deja Nu, when it seems to us that some situation we have already lived, and in principle there can be no such. The same applies to many other mysterious facts and phenomena. Let's say where people disappear without a trace, and sometimes in the eyes of witnesses sometimes? Why is some unfamiliar man suddenly begins to meet us several times a day? Why are one person at the same time see in several places? .. Look in the Internet: such cases are described there thousands. And how much indescribed is stored in the memory of people? ..

The matrix is \u200b\u200bbased on mathematics

The world in which we live can be represented as a binary code. In general, the universe is better explained by mathematical, rather than a verbal language, for example, even our DNA is solved by the computer during the implementation of the project "Man's Genome".

It turns out that, in principle, on the basis of this genome, you can create a virtual person. And if it is possible to build one such conditional personality, it means - and the whole world (the question is only in the power of the computer).

Many researchers of the phenomenon of the matrix suggest that someone has already created such a world, and this is exactly the simulation in which we live with you. With the help of the same mathematics, scientists are trying to determine whether it is true. However, while they express only guesses ...

Anthropic principle as proof of the matrix

Scientists have long been surprised to state that there are some incomprehensible way ideal conditions for life (anthropic principle) have been created. Even our solar system is unique! At the same time, there is no more than anything like that in the foreseeable most powerful telescopes of the space of the Universe.

The question arises: why did these conditions come to us so well? Maybe they are created artificially? For example, in a certain universal scale laboratory? .. Or maybe no universe and this is an immense starry sky - also simulation?

Further, on the other side of the model in which we are, there may be not even people, but creatures, whose appearance, structure, it is difficult for us to even imagine. And in this program there may be aliens that know well the conditions of this game or even are its conductors (regulators) - remember the movie "Matrix". That is why they are practically all compromised in this simulation ...

Anthropic principle echoes the paradox of Fermi, according to which there should be many worlds like our in the endless universe. And the fact that we remain alone in the universe, suggests: we are in the matrix, and its creator is interesting exactly such a scenario - "Loneliness of Mind" ...

Parallel Worlds As Proof Matrix

The theory of Multiwers - the existence of parallel universes with an infinite set of all kinds of parameters is another indirect proof of the matrix. Judge yourself: where did all these universes come from and what role do in the universe?

However, if you make a simulation of reality, then many similar worlds are quite explained: these are numerous models with different variables, the creator of the matrix, say, to test one or another scenario in order to get the best result.

The matrix created God

According to this theory, our matrix has created a Most High, and almost the same way as we create a virtual reality in computer games: with a binary code. At the same time, the creator not only simulated the real world, but also invested the concept of the Creator into the consciousness of people. Hence the numerous religions, and faith in higher strength, and the worship of God.

This idea has its discrepancies in the interpretation of the creator. Some believe that the Most High is just a programmer, albeit the highest, not affordable level to a level, which also has a universal scale supercomputer.

Others believe that God creates this universe with some other ways, for example, cosmic or - in our understanding - mystical. In this case, this world can also, albeit with the stretch, consider the matrix, but then it is not clear what to consider the real world? ..

What is outside the matrix?

Considering the world as a matrix, we naturally wonder: what is it beyond? Supercomputer, surrounded by programmers - creators of numerous matrices?

However, these programmers themselves can be unreal, that is, the universe can be endless both in the width (many parallel worlds within the framework of one program) and in the depth (many layers of the simulation itself). It was this theory at one time, Oxford philosopher Nick Bostrom, who believed that creatures that created our matrix could be modeled themselves, and the creators of these post-people, in turn, also - and so to infinity. Something like that we see in the film "Thirteenth Floor", although only two levels of simulation are shown there.

The main question remains: And who created the real world, and in general, does he exist? If not, who created all these self-sustained matrices? Of course, you can reason so if you can infinity. This is all one thing that try to understand: if all this world created God, then who created God himself? According to psychologists, persistent reflections on similar topics - a direct path to a mental hospital ...

Matrix - much deeper concept

Some researchers have a question: is it worth it to create all these complex matrices programs with a multi-billion number of people, not to mention the endless universes? Maybe everything is much easier, because each person interacts only with a certain set of people and situations. And what if except the main character, that is, all the other people are fakes? After all, it is not by chance with certain mental and emotional efforts, a person can radically change the world around him. It turns out that either every person - his world, his own matrix, or each of us is the only player in the only matrix? And this only player - you! And even an article about the simulation you are currently reading, there is a program code necessary for your development (or for the game), like everything else that surrounds you.

In the latter, it is believed, of course, with difficulty, because in this case, the matrices are infinitely much not only in the depth and width, but also in the infertility of other measurements that we have no idea about. Of course, you can convince yourself that there is a superfrogrammer behind all this. But then what is different from the Most High? And who is standing on him? No answer, and can it be? ..