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Anna and Maria. Hero of the Soviet Union Anya Lisitsyna feat of Maria Melenetva and Anna Lisitsyna

Anna Mikhailovna Lisitsyna was born on February 14, 1922 in the village of Zurionzhsky, which is now part of the village of Ryrgek, Karelia, and it was originally from the Veps, the Finno-Ugric People, to the revolution called miracle.

In 1938, Anya Lisitsyna graduated from high school in the village of Rybreka, and in 1940 - Leningrad library technical school. At the end of the technical school, the librarian went to the Segezha district club. And it is unknown, no matter how the fate of the girl has developed, if the war did not begin.

With the beginning of the war, the nineteen-year-old Komsomolka Anya went to the partisans and became a connected Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Karelian-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic.

Anya Lisitsyn

On June 15, 1942, Anna Lisitsyna, together with the partner of Maria Melenetva, on the task of the party, were transferred with the fight through the front line in the village of Ascension of the Leningrad Region and headed to the head of the Finns of the Sheltozoi district.

Girls got a task to establish communication there with the population, prepare custody apartments for the arrival of underground party and Komsomol workers, mined Finnish civilian documents, collect intelligence data on the deployment of military units, headquarters and defensive enemy lines, about occupying and traitors of the motherland.

Masha Melentiev

Being in the enemy's rear for a month, it is hourly risking life, Lisitsyn and Melentyev fully fulfilled the combat task.

When returning from a combat job, on the way to the front line, it was necessary to cross the Spear River. The girls came out to the river on August 2. All day Mastered the raft and at 1 o'clock in the morning on August 3, they began to force the river on it. In the middle of the raft river began to crumble. The girls decided to overcome the rest of the river.

Touching the documents on the head, they rushed into the river. The water was very cold. Not far from the bank, Anna Lisitsyna felt her legs began to reduce cramps and she did not swim to the shore.

From the created situation there were two exits: scratch, then the enemy soldiers will swim from the shore on the boats, they will save her and take it, or, sacrificing their lives, save the documents and girlfriend, giving her the opportunity to go to her. The choice was clear. Chilling, Anna Lisitsyna said Maria Melenetva, which will not get down to the shore, drown and that at that moment "most of all is afraid of the world, scream."

Memorial Board in honor of Ani

Having managed to transfer the documents and bug your hand, so as not to scream, without making no sound, Anna Lisitsyna disappeared under water. Maria Melentieva tried to save a girlfriend, but it did not succeed.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 25, 1943 for the exemplary fulfillment of combat missions and manifested courage and heroism in battles with the German-fascist invaders Anna Mikhailovna Lisitsyna posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In the city of Podporozhye, in the village of urban-type Nikolsky Zaporozhesky district and in the village of Rybrek, monuments Anna Lisitsyna was established.

Monument to ane

Her name is the streets in the city of Petrozavodsk, the village of urban-type Nikolsky, the fishing trawler, Petrozavodskaya School of Culture and the vessel of the Ministry of the Marine Fleet.

Anna Lisicina and Maria Melenetva dedicated to the play of Alexander Alexandrovich Ivanova "It was in Karelia" and Essay Gennady Fisha "Girlfriend".

The portrait of Anna Lisitsyna was installed in the monumental portrait gallery of the heroes of the Soviet Union - natives of Karelia, open in 1977 in Petrozavodsk in the area of \u200b\u200bAntikainen and Red Street.

Anna Mikhailovna Lisitsin Born in the village of the Zhildor Prionezhsky district in the Vepsian family. After the end of the Leningrad Library Technical School worked as a librarian in Segezha. It was aimed at underground work in the rear of the Karelian Front. A. M. Lisitsyn died in 1942 when crossing the p. Spear during the execution of the reconnaissance task. The title Hero of the Soviet Union was assigned posthumously in 1943

Maria Vladimirovna Melentiev Born in 1924 in the village of Karelia yarn in the family of peasant Karel. At the beginning of the war he worked as a nurse in Segezh. Together with the girlfriend, A. M. Lisicina was aimed at the underground task. After the death of Lisicina, one completed the task execution. In 1943, he died as a result of betrayal, a group of intelligence officers was surrounded by enemies, M. V. Melentyev was shot. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union received posthumously in 1943 by the names of Lisicin and Meleneta, the streets of Petrozavodsk were named, they were established monuments in Petrozavodsk. Monument A. M. Lisicina is established in p. Rybreka, where she studied at school. A memorial museum of M. V. Melenetva, a monument is opened in the yarn. In 1943, the writer Gennady Fish wrote an essay of the "girlfriend" about Lisitsin and Melentyev. Then he was reprinted repeatedly called "Karelian Girls". The book of her countryman Rüric Petrovich Lonin is devoted to A. M. Lisicina.

SUMMARY OF THE ENGINE committed by the Commander of the Communist Party of the Republic of the Republic of Komsomologians M.V. Maleteva and A.M. Liscilina

"18 - Summer Karelki Karelki Maria Melentyev and Anna Lisitsin - Svyaznoy Central Committee of the CP (b) CFSSR received a combat task to penetrate the Sheltozersky district, occupied by the enemy, to establish communication with the population, to prepare custody apartments for the arrival of underground party and Komsomol workers, mined Finnish civilian documents, collect intelligence data on the deployment of military units, headquarters and defensive enemy lines.

June 15, 1942. T.T. Melentyev and Lisolisin with military reconnaissance with the battle were translated through the front line in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Ascension of the Leningrad Region and headed for the combat task.

Having stayed in Sheltozersk district for a month, it is hourly risking life, Lisitsin and Melentyev fully fulfilled the combat task.

Returning from the fulfillment of combat task, etc. Melentyev and Lisicin on the way to the front line were to cross the Spear River, to which they approached August 2, 1942. All day Mastered the raft and at 1 o'clock in the morning on August 3, they began to force the river on it. In the middle of the raft river began to crumble. The girls decided to overcome the rest of the river.

Touching the documents on the head, they rushed into the river. The water was very cold. Not far from the shore of T. Lisitsin felt her legs began to reduce cramps and she did not swim to the shore.

From the created situation there were two exits: or scratch, then the enemy soldiers will swim from the shore on the boats, they will save her and take away, or, sacrificing their lives, save documents and girlfriend, giving her the opportunity to go to her.

For heroic patriot, the choice was clear. Chuckle, she said Melentyeva, that he would not get down to the shore, he drows out and that at that moment "the most in the world was afraid to not scream."

Having managed to transfer melenet documents, banging my hand to do not shrink, without making no sound, Lisicin disappeared under water. Meleneteva failed to save her.

Left alone, t. Melentheva hardly got to the shore. She had to pass another 23 km around the terrain, densely saturated enemy troops.

She wandered five days in the forests and swamps without clothes and without food. At night, I was very much frowning, I hung up in moss or jumped, trying to warm up, in the afternoon I went to my own, pursued by the clouds of mosquitoes, who, before the blood, Zalili was not covered with clothing. For the sixth day, t. Melentyev reached the location of the 276th rifle division of the 7th Army and reported to the Central Committee of the CP (b) on the fulfillment of the combat task.

After treatment, after a while M. Maleleva was secondally sent to fulfill the task of communication with the segreen underground district KP (b).

Having done the most difficult transition, being in the enemy rear, as a result of betrayal, it was discovered by Belofinn.

Surrounded in the forest Finnish soldiers, M. Maleletheva led a fire fight and, causing an enemy damage, shot himself to the last opportunity. Consigned by Belofinnam, until the last minute of his life, Melentyev behaved stably and courageously, as a faithful daughter of the Motherland, and was immediately shot by invaders. Maria Melentieva and Anna Lisicin are genuine heroines of the Soviet people. "

Melentheva Maria Vladimirovna (1924 -1942) - Karel. Born in yarn. During the war years - a connected PC of the Communist Party in the occupied by the enemy of the territory of Sheltozersky and Segozersky districts. Shot by invaders. Hero of the Soviet Union (1943), was awarded the orders of Lenin and the Red Star.

Lisitsin Anna Mikhailovna (1922 - 1942) - Veps. Born in the village of Rybreka Veps National Value. During the war years - the Svyaznaya Central Committee of the CP (b) of the CFSSR in the territory of the occupied Sheltozersky district. Died when performing a special task. Hero of the Soviet Union (1943), was awarded the orders of Lenin and the Red Star.

Lisitsyn Anna Mikhailovna -

Hero of the Soviet Union,

he was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Star.

Anna Lisitsyn was born on February 14 in 1922 in the village of Karelia Primezhsky district. According to the nationality of the Vepsaya. He graduated from high school in the village of Rybzec. In 1938, 1940 he studied at the Karelian School of Culture, at the end of which he worked as a librarian in the Segezhsky district club.

Anna Lisitsyna - a member of the Great Patriotic War, Partizank, a connected Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Karelian-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic.

Anna Lisitsyna and Maria Melentyev - the Svyaznaya Central Committee of the CP (b) the CFSSR received a combat task to penetrate the Sheltozersky district occupied by the enemy, to establish communication with the population, to prepare custody apartments for the arrival of underground party and Komsomol workers, mined Finnish civil documents, collect reconnaissance data on Dislocations of military units, headquarters and defensive lines of the enemy, about occupying mode and traitors of the Motherland

Having stayed in Sheltozersky district for a month, it is hourly risking life, Lisitsyn and Melentyev fully fulfilled the combat task.

Returning from the fulfillment of combat assignment, Melentyev and Lisitsyn along the way to the front line were to cross the Spear River, to which they approached August 2, 1942. All day Mastered the raft and at 1 o'clock in the morning on August 3, they began to force the river on it. In the middle of the raft river began to crumble. The girls decided to overcome the rest of the river.

Touching the documents on the head, they rushed into the river. The water was very cold. Not far from the bank, Anna Lisitsyna felt her legs began to reduce cramps and she did not swim to the shore.

From the created situation there were two exits: or scratch, then the enemy soldiers will swim from the shore on the boats, they will save her and take away, or, sacrificing their lives, save documents and girlfriend, giving her the opportunity to go to her. For heroic patriot, the choice was clear. Chuckle, she said Melentyeva, that he would not get down to the shore, he drows out and that at that moment "the most in the world was afraid to not scream."

Having managed to transfer melenet documents by boning his hand to do not shrink up, without making no sound, Lisitsyna disappeared under water. Meleneteva failed to save her.

Overcoming, Melenetyeva hardly got to the coast, then passed another 23 km around the terrain engaged in the troops of the enemy. Only for the sixth day, the girl went into the location of the 276th rifle division of the 7th Army and reported the Central Committee of the CP (b) on the execution of a combat task, saying that when returning from the task, Anna Lisitsyna died when crossing the Spear River, having time to transfer to her Collected intelligence.

Anna Lisicin is the genuine heroine of the Soviet people.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 25, 1943 for the exemplary implementation of combat missions and manifested courage and heroism in battles with the German-fascist invaders of Lisitsa Anna Mikhailovna posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 25, 1943 for the exemplary implementation of combat missions and manifested courage and heroism in battles with the German-fascist invaders of Lisitsa Anna Mikhailovna posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The memory of the brave girl will forever remain in the people.

  • The portrait of Anna Lisitsyna, like all the 28 heroes of the Soviet Union, Natives of Karelia, installed in the monumental portrait gallery of heroes, open in 1977 in Petrozavodsk in the area of \u200b\u200bAnticinene and Red streets;
  • Her name is the streets in the city of Petrozavodsk, the village of Urban-type Nikolsky, Fisherman Trawler, Karelian College of Culture and Arts and the Vessel of the Ministry of the Marine Fleet;
  • In her honor, memorial plaques at home number 2 were installed on A. Lisitsyna Street and the facade of the Karelian College of Culture and Arts in Petrozavodsk;
  • In the city of Podporozhye and the village of urban-type Nikolsky Zaporozhevsky district, monuments are installed in the village of Ryrek, the heroine;
  • To her and Maria Melentyeva, the play of Alexander Alexandrovich Ivanova "It was in Karelia" and Essay Gennady Fisha "Girlfriend";
  • Anna Lisitsyna's name is Karelian College of Culture and Arts.

, Karelian labor commune

Date of death: Mother:

Maria Ivanovna Lisitsin

Awards and Prizes:

Anna Mikhailovna Lisitsin (VEPS. Anna Lisicina, Mihailan Tütär; February 14, 1922, der. Gourishing, Karelian Labor Commune, RSFSR - August 3, 1942, River Svir) - Partizanka, Connected Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Karelian-Finnish Soviet Socialist Republic. Hero of the Soviet Union . He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Star.


He graduated from high school in the village of Rybzec. In -1940 he studied at the Leningrad Library Technical School (or in the Karelian School of Culture), at the end of which he worked as a librarian in the Segezhsky district club.


In the city of Podporozhye, in the village of urban-type Nikolsky Zaporozhesky district and in the village of Rybreka, the heroine established monuments.

Her name is the streets in the city of Petrozavodsk, the village of urban-type Nikolsky, the fishing trawler, Petrozavodskaya School of Culture and the vessel of the Ministry of the Marine Fleet.

Anna Lisicina and Maria Melenetva dedicated to the play of Alexander Alexandrovich Ivanova "It was in Karelia" and Essay Gennady Fisha "Girlfriend".

The portrait of Anna Lisitsyna was installed in the monumental portrait gallery of the heroes of the Soviet Union-natives of Karelia, open in 1977 in Petrozavodsk in the area of \u200b\u200bAntikainen and Red Street.

see also


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Literature and sources

  • Heroes of the Earth Soviet. - Petrozavodsk: Karelian Book Publishing House, 1968. - P. 169-186. - 367 p. - 20,000 copies.
  • Fish. Karelian girls (about A. M. Lisitsyna and M. V. Melenetva) // Heroine. Essays about women - the heroes of the Soviet Union. / Red. Sost L. F. Toropov. M..1. M., Politicization, 1969. p. 327-345.


Excerpt characterizing Lisitsyn, Anna Mikhailovna

The head of the militia was Stat General, an old man who, apparently, was amused by his military rank and rank. He is angry (thinking that in this military property) accepted Nicholas and significantly, as if having the right to be right and, as it were, thereby considering the general course of business, approving and not approving, asked him. Nikolai was so fun that he was only funny.
From the head of the militia, he drove to the governor. The governor was a little living man, very affectionate and simple. He pointed out to Nicholas to those plants in which he could get horses, recommended his ladies in the city and landowner for twenty versts from the city, who had the best horses, and promised any assistance.
- Do you count Ilya Andreevich son? My wife was very friendly with your mother. On Thursdays I have collected; Today Thursday, mercy I ask for something easily, "said the governor, giving him.
Right from the governor Nikolai took the overstars and, putting with his Wahmistra, rocked for twenty miles to the plant to the landowner. Everything in this first time of his stay in Voronezh was fun for Nikolai and easily, and everything that happens when a person himself is well located, everything was transported and aroused.
The landowner, to whom Nikolai came, was the old cavalier of the bachelor, a horsepower, a hunter, the ruler of the Corval, centenary casserole, old Hungarian and wonderful horses.
Nikolai in two words bought for six thousand seventeen stallions on the selection (as he said) for a sousing end of his repair. After having lunch and drinking a little bit of Hungarian, Rostov, kissed with the landowner, with whom he had already agreed on "You", on the disgusting road, in the very cheerful arrangement of the Spirit, picked back, indifferent to the daisher, in order to sleep for the evening to the governor.
Changed up, swaying and the obtules of the head of the cold subway, Nikolai, although somewhat late, but with the finished phrase: Vaut Mieux Tard Que Jamais, [Better Late than ever,] came to the governor.
It was not a ball, and it was not said that they would dance; But everyone knew that Katerina Petrovna would play on the keycorder waltzes and ecosesa and what would be dancing, and everything, counting on it, came across Balno.
The provincial life in 1812 was exactly the same as always, only with the difference that in the city was lively on the occasion of the arrival of many rich families from Moscow and what, as in everything that happened at the time in Russia, was noticeable Some kind of special sweeping is the sea by knee, Tryn grass in life, and even that the vulgar conversation that is needed between people and who were previously faced about the weather and about common acquaintances, now he was conducted about Moscow, about the army and Napoleon.
The society collected by the governor was the best society of Voronezh.
The ladies were a lot, there were several Moscow familiar Nikolai; But the men were no one who could compete with the St. George Cavalier, the Gusar repair, and at the same time good-natured and good-fictional Graph Rostov. Among the men, there was one twentieth Italian - an officer of the French army, and Nikolai felt that the presence of this prisoner even more upheld the meaning of his Russian hero. It was like a trophy. Nikolai felt it, and it seemed to him that everyone was looking at the Italian, and Nikolai had this officer with dignity and accuracy.
As soon as Nikolai entered in his hussar form, spreading the smell of spirits and wine around himself, and he heard himself several times he had written words: Vaut Mieux Tard Que Jamais, he was surrounded; All the views appealed to him, and he immediately felt that he had entered into the appropriate to him in the province and always pleasant, but now, after a long deprivation, who hesitated his pleasure the position of a universal favorite. Not only at the stations, the intensity of the courtyards and in the cattle landlord were shining his career; But here, at the evening of the governor, it was (as it seemed to Nicholas) an inexhaustible number of young ladies and pretty maidens, who were simply waiting for Nikolai to pay attention to them. The ladies and the girls were flirting with him, and the old women from the first day had already walked about how to marry and sharpening this well done Husar's hanging. Among these latter, the wife of the governor who accepted Rostov as a close relative, and called His "Nicolas" and "You".
Katerina Petrovna really began to play waltzes and ecoles, and dancing began, in which Nikolai evenly captivated with his dexterity all the provincial society. He surprised even everyone with his special, intelligent manner in dancing. Nikolai himself was somewhat surprised by his manner to dance this evening. He never danced in Moscow and would even consider an indecent and Mauvais Genre [bad tone] such too unleashed dance manor; But here he felt the need to surprise them all with something extraordinary, something that they had to take for ordinary in the capitals, but the unknown to them in the province.