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Essay "Anthem of honor, courage and glory." The essay "Anthem of honor, courage and glory soldier war chooses

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Anthem honor, courage and glory

War ... At first glance, a simple word, a set of letters, the same as peace, life, love, but unlike them, forcing people to tremble from fear and horror. In the online encyclopedia of Wikipedia, such a definition was given: "War is a conflict between political entities occurring in the form of hostilities between their armed forces." According to the wording of Clausever, "War is a continuation of politics with other means." The main means of achieving the goals of the war is an organized armed struggle as the main and decisive agent, as well as economic, diplomatic, ideological, informational and other means of struggle. In this sense, the war is organized armed violence, the purpose of which is to achieve political goals. According to Daly, the war is "Discost and Ratty Fight between States." The word "war" in many are associated with the Great Patriotic War, especially in the younger generation. But in many ways it is not our oversight, but an ambiguous assessment of the war. About the Great Patriotic War they tell a lot, at school in the history lessons this topic is given a lot of hours, in contrast, for example, from Afghan. The "undeclared war", as she was dying, continued for about ten years. This is a long time, and for soldiers and officers who served in Afghanistan, the unprecedented complexity of the test, which imposed his imprint for the rest of his life. It is about this war that we have the smallest idea, because it is usually said about it or in February, or on the day of the conclusion of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. From the stories of Pope I know that there, mostly, conscripts were fought for the eighteenh-twenty-five years. The young men who have just graduated from school, who did not hold the military weapons truly in the hands of the Hands. These are "newcomers" went to the neighboring state to fulfill their international debt. Among them was our countryman - Viktor Anatolyevich Tarasevich. Still learning in the Tara Secondary School No. 2, Victor loved the lessons of war. He gladly fulfilled the tasks of the primary military training teacher Grigory Grigorievich Lukyantseva, listened carefully at every occupation. In its interview, the Leninsky Way newspaper in nine hundred and eighty-seventh year Victor said: "I was interested in the actions of our warriors who fulfill international duty in Afghanistan. I read about it in the newspapers, watched TV shows. And there was some desire to visit me there, check yourself, for what I am capable. " And now the time has come to the Soviet Army. When Viktor asked if he wishes to serve in a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, he, without thinking, answered consent. Enrolled it in airborne troops. After study, he is a gunner - a fireman, deputy commander of the paratroopers fighting car. Much had to see and test him, but one of the fights, which laughed in just forty minutes, was especially remembered ... But the Soviet soldiers who had been capable of what courage and heroism were. "Once, the intelligence reported that the caravan of the weapon was going on the side of Pakistan," so begins Viktor Anatolyevich his story. - in its composition of the order of one hundred and fifty camels, nailed by military load, a large number of dushes. Our division gives an order: to meet and destroy! Quickly equipped and hiking (the combat car will not pass there) we move in the direction indicated by the command. Everyone has more than sixty kilograms of cargo. We go on the map, full off-road, around the mountain. Exhausted extremely: thirty-five kilometers in the heat with complete equipment - the case is serious. In the morning they stopped in some small mosque, as they say, translate the Spirit. Put the guard. For about twelve from the mountains on both sides of the mountain river, eight dusts descended. They scored water and went back to the mountains. We feel that the caravan will appear here. So it happened. The hour has not passed, as the caravan began to stretch into the valley. Our blow was unexpected and so strong that the dusts did not immediately come to his senses. Polkaravan cut off, the battle was started. Part of the opponents was destroyed, part, defeating the weapon, fled. I had to pursue running away with two comrades. About three kilometers we chased them, leading fire from automatons. However, the Dushman group could still gain a foothold in the mountains, install machine guns. Their destruction took over our helicopter units ... ". At the end of the service life, Viktor was awarded the medal "for military merit" - a sign of a high assessment of his courage and courage. Unfortunately, in the nineties of the last century, the war and the actions of our troops in Afghanistan began to give a negative assessment and the actions of the warriors - "Afghans". Invented the formulation of the "Afghan syndrome", into which disappointment was invested, the inclination, the inclination of participants in hostilities to violence. Mass literature appeared, filmcelions about the "heroes of our time", where the gangster, a killer, a home-bodyguard, a breakdown with the Afghan past. And only today our soldiers started talking about the heroism of our soldiers who have fulfilled not only their international debt, but, above all, the order of their command. Discussing the right one was the decision, to introduce Soviet troops to Afghanistan or not, it is possible for this, probably has the right to everyone. Only it is necessary to keep in mind: Estimated from the scales of the story of the war, sticking it as an imperialist, aimless and so on, you sweep the memory of those who died there. He died, without thinking, in the name of the debt. About those who could, and escape, but decided not to leave the burning helicopter, covering a landing, who sat down under fire to pick up the wounded. There was no order to the feat. And behind was not Moscow. There was just another plot of a dusty Afghan route. And yet they performed feats, the heroes are famous and unwindy. The more we shout that this war was not needed, the faster we rush to forget, the more we kill the pride in our own for the fact that our nation, who, without any questions, will be breastfeeding to defense not only our homeland, but also well-being other nations. The "undeclared war" claimed the lives of fifteen thousand military personnel of the Soviet Army. And it is important for us to remember those who fought, and those who died. Regardless of whether the state was the right decision on the direction of its troops into the territory of the neighboring state. It is necessary to remember people who gave their lives in fulfillment of debt. Because if you leave and betray their memory, what are we standing after that? Who will come next time if you need to cover your homeland? And who can we take an example? Only with those who did not bear, did not betray, showed courage and fulfilled his military duty, like our countryman Tarasevich Viktor Anatolyevich. DiplomaII. degree Andriyanova Tatiana Studying MOU "Tarskaya Secondary School No. 5" of the Tarskaya Municipal District of the Omsk Region. Leader: Muhamadeeva Z.V.

Countryman Afghan.Poster

Zvezchenko Alexey,

learning MOU "Mokhovo-Privaist average

comprehensive school"

Muromtsevsky municipal district

Omsk region.

Leader: Shashkov O.F.

Their feat in the heart of pain will respond

The life of everyone belongs fatherland and not remote but only true courage brings him benefit.

M.N. Kalinin

1979 - a deeply symbolic date - the beginning of the introduction of a limited contingent of Soviet troops to Afghanistan. This war lasted long 10 years, brought a lot of grief, suffering and tears in the families of the departed and not returned soldiers. "With a sense of big grief and sorrow we inform about your son's death ..." - such terrible for parents rows began to funeral letters coming in Russian families with once the "unknown" Afghan war. No, probably, such a family where the war would not affect the lives of loved ones or friends. They went to Afghan, and forever remaining young, twenty-year-olds, were ordinary guys, also went to school, walked with friends, their parents and their girls were also loved. Others, they became the oath. Faithful to his duty, they went to war ... Words went "for the river" or was "behind the river" for the person of the unfair sounded somehow very simple and ordinary. But for the Afghan soldiers, these words had and have a completely different meaning: they called the battleships to Afghanistan. First, due to the notorious secrecy, and then simply by habit. As for the river, it is border amunder. Not everyone who crosses in one direction this river between the two states, or rather between the two worlds, it happened to go back alive. And those who survived and returned home will never forget their fighting comrades. Nowadays, you can hear the phrase: "There has been a shortage of true masculinity and true femininity." I want to answer: it did not come and will not come until there are examples worthy. Examples are not actions, but feats committed by people who defended the honor of our country. Each person who became the will of Fate Warrior, pays an inexhaustible charge of courage, forgets about his personal, gives all his strength, defending Fatherland and is not considered even with his own life. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe historian of Locke that "the courage is the guard and the support of all other virtues, and the one who deprived the courage can hardly be solid in the performance of debt and show all the qualities of a truly worthy person," my words can not be confirmed better. Talk about the Afghan war hurt. Probably because she is closer to us, because those who live are still alive, there are no, in infinity of grief and pain, which, despite all are waiting for their sons. Before your eyes there are footage from the television transfer: the mother who lost his son in the war pulls out the precious box, carefully pulls out and revises the photos, re-reading the letters, regrets that he did not have time to talk about something with her son, to advise something important, save . But in some parents, this son was the only child. And now there is no it ... it is impossible to get out of some kind of talk when you look like such plots. In my casket among the rings, chains and mirrors there are no letters of dead loved ones, there are no orders and medals, there are no photos of people with chains. I did not live when this war began and even when it was over. But when I hear about the war - intercepts the throat. Last year, we prepared a class hour dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the conclusion of troops from Afghanistan. I prepared an overview of journalistic literature about this war. A special impression on me was produced by the book of Peter Tkachenko "The Word of the Moravarian Company". It tells it about one of the most tragic pages of the Afghan War - the Afghans on 21 April 1985 in the Moravarian Gorge, where almost the entire company of special forces died. In the book - confession of the participants of the battle remaining, letters of mothers, the materials of the investigation of the death, the memories of those who were in captivity. I read on one breath and ... petrified. From horror, fear, pity and compassion to those who died and to those who remained to live without loved ones and dear to the heart of people. When he read about how people died, not just admired their feat, but worried about all with them. Every soldier walked into battle, despite the threat of death, overcoming fear. But one thing is in battle when comrades around you, rising in the attack on general alarms, and the other in intelligence, when danger is felt particularly acute, when you remain alone with an invisible enemy. And all you do, depends only on you, from your ability to "replay" death, because in this ancient game of actors only two: man and death. The quality of the personality in such "colors" was manifested much more sharp and more clearly: the intelligence man no longer belonged to himself or his commanders or his memories. In battle or in a single battle - they are heroes. How did their heroism manifested? Differently. It was a modest or dashing, desperate or consecutive, burning in one impulse or raving for a long time, but all he, in any manifestations, clean and unwind, beautiful and talented. A separate word in the book is stated about those in whose home was the trouble, who on that war lost his son, her husband, brother ... I especially remember the episode about the sister of the deceased soldier. She goes to the author, Peter Tkachenko, through the whole country to tell about the dream, in which the deceased brother says: "I have left here for another 6 years." What is it? Madness from non-coming grief? No, I think this is a hope that, despite the saying, never dies. This book is not only about the feat, here is the difficult stories of people who are survivors, people with broken, crippled fate, sometimes forgotten who have found themselves in peacetime. Arguing about tragic events, the author affects the theme of human participation, sensitivity. The writer speaks of the soul of man, and without the appropriate infinite, about the soul, where there is no place for serious stories about the expansion of Afghans. I think that if the soul is real, then there is always a place. The writer himself is one of such sensitive souls that took the soldier in the heart of the fate, told them unique, truthful words. Snow falls outside the window, people hurry somewhere ... Probably, just like a year, ten, twenty years ago, they come to cozy apartments, and trying to break away from everyday problems, open a detective novel or watch the next series, making a deaf The wall is indifferent from everything that can hurt for living, to interfere with the soul. I close a book and think that war is scary. But no less scary human indifference. I want to say: let all the petty, troublesome, voyage will leave, retreat before the greatness, the name of which the feat. I urge to remember, honor the memory of the fallen. Let the anthem of honor, courage, the glory of our heroes sounds not only in the days of memorable dates. After all, only in touching with the theme of war, you begin to understand how you can have a short life and how many people still do a lot - to give your life in the name of the happiness of others. DiplomaIII degree Spoonnikova Julia , Learning MOU "Secondary School No. 33" of Omsk. Leader: Mikhalchuk S.N. Thank Russian soldier.Poster

Nikwashvili Nitella , teaching

MOU "Secondary school

with in-depth study of individual items

№ 39 "Omsk.

Leader: Bidaeva O.Yu.

Soldier war does not choose

I am with the birth of Russian to become. I am faithful from childhood by the edge of the edge. I, Russia, I do not want to lose, Because I protect you.

A. Voskresensky

After World War I, Afghanistan, who had the status of a neutral state, was actually in the sphere of Soviet influence. Cooperation was very close. There was a large number of Soviet specialists in the country, and many Afghans were trained in Soviet universities. In 1973, the monarchy was overthrown in Afghanistan. As a result of the coup to power, the brother of the last monarch - Zakir Shah Mohammed Daoud came. At the relationship with the USSR, the regime change did not affect. On April 27 - 28, 1978, military units, the faithful prommunist NDPA, overthrew and killed Dauda. The whole world was announced that this is a revolution, and the socialist. This military coup was the answer to the murder of April 17 of one of the leaders of the NDPA, the world of Akbar Highborhood and at the same time became a prologue to many years of bloody war, which lasted in Afghanistan for ten years. On December 12, 1979, at a meeting of the Politburo, the CPSU Central Committee was unanimously accepted - to introduce Soviet troops to Afghanistan. December 25 at 15.00 on a sunny winter day, the input of troops began. The first dead appeared after 2 hours. The situation in Afghanistan was complicated by the fact that the Afghan society itself turned out to be split into two parts: one of which perceived the intervention of the USSR as an allied assistance, support, and the other - with time, increased and developing, as aggression and imposing other people's orders. In the absolute majority of "limited contingent" in Afghanistan, the youth, which fell to war almost from school bench. People who did not have almost life experiences unexpectedly found themselves in a foreign country, in an unusual hostile environment, in extreme circumstances. And their attitude towards events, to the surrounding reality was emotional. Here are the passages from the letters of soldiers who died on the harsh Afghan land. Sadushkin Sergey Anatolyevich: "... Mom, I don't need to pour tears and mourn me, because I didn't go to serve forever, but just for nothing worry for me, and I will definitely come. Suffer-tightly whole, your son Sergey. " The letter was written on 03/14/1981, and the next day he died. Galchenko Sergei Vasilyevich: "... Mom, I ask you again, do not worry, nothing terrible will happen to me. After all, I was lucky and got into a good place! " In Afghanistan, he arrived on June 20, 1982, on June 22 wrote a letter, and already on June 28 he was sent home in the zinc coffin. Sevastyanov Alexey Ivanovich: "My dear mother! Allow me from all my heart to congratulate you on the upcoming 1985 year. You yourself are kind, mom! Kabul, Dra, 12/12/1984 "He was in a hurried with New Year's congratulations, as if he was afraid not to have time. Parents received this postcard together with the "Funeral". There are a large amount of such letters. They were addressed to and wives, and beloved girls, and friends. What love and tenderness are filled with these letters, care is not about yourself, but about the very native person - Mom. In the letters of soldiers in the center of hostilities, there are no complaints or reproaches, but there is only infinite love for their loved ones. There was a difficult war ... Drushnov had the latest weapons - right up to rocket plants. The feature of the Afghan war was the mass religiousness of the local population. Noting compliance with religious rites as dresses and government troops, Soviet soldiers felt that this was a foreign war, the intervention in the inner life of the country is inappropriate. Therefore, the soldier had a question: why are we here? And it was constantly an understanding that this world living according to special laws should be left alone, to give the opportunity to solve all the problems independently, not climbing "in someone else's monastery with his charter." But every soldier knew that he was doing his duty. And more to him, as a soldier, not to know. It was a kind of war, and ingenians were superfluous, having played not a childish role, as it was originally planned. But I had to pay to soldiers, officers, their children, mothers. February 15, 1989 began the day when the loss of our soldiers, officers, employees ended. And the result is pecled. More than thirteen thousand mothers and fathers did not wait for their sons, they did not hear: "Mom, I came ...". War in Afghanistan for our soldiers ended, but in December 1994 a new, no less bloody war in Chechnya began. From the personal impressions of the journalist Leonid Shifrina: "Already at the military airfield of peaceful Ossetian Mozdok, you understand that the wording" anti-terrorism operation ", which is constantly involved, speaking about Chechnya politicians, generals and journalists, is not at all relevant. There is a real war. Every 8 - 10 minutes from the concrete, the pair of SU-25 with a full bombup takes off and goes towards the Terrible, respectively, and every 8 to 10 minutes the bombing machines are launched. And helicopters flies no less than routine in spring ... ". On the territory of the airfield, the ranks of the army tents, technique were located. In 45-thousand Mozdok was 55 thousand people who arrived to fight - Russian soldiers, policemen. The city became one of the main transshipment points of the Chechen war and one of its brain centers. The arms of the Chechens was in every home. Even 10 - 12-year-old boys were with weapons and shot our soldiers. In Chechnya, there was a war against the Armed People. Chechen armed formations consisted of three parts: Armed formations of Dudayev - a well-trained and armed professional army; divisions of the folk militia, consisting of peasants, but with well-trained commanders; The third part was scattered, but numerous avengers are free arrows. In the third group there were people who went to war in his free time, as a hunt, as a rule, these, who in this war killed relatives or were destroyed at home, or those who have any resentment on Russians. We know a lot about this war, but there are episodes that we will never know about, and if we find out, it is not soon! We treat it differently. But all of us are unanimous in approval: "There should not be to die there our soldiers - 18-20-year-old boys who have long studied in our schools. Omsk who participated in local wars were played not a small role. About a thousand Omsk guys visited the Afghan war. Almost every soldier distinguished himself in battle and returned home with combat awards. Many oomic died when performing a combat job. They were awarded posthumously. They were 20 years old ... I will give an example of a simple Omsk guy who was almost 19 years old when he was sent to service to Afghanistan. Yuri Lavrentievich Antsiferov was born on March 10, 1964 in Omsk. Yuri learned in the technical school of the meat and making industry in the specialty "Technician - Mechanic". It was called for the service on March 29, 1983, the Kirov RVK of the city of Omsk. In the army was a grenaderate, ordinary. For participation in battles in Afghanistan, a medal "For military merit" and the Order of the Red Star (posthumously) was awarded. He was buried at the cemetery of the Kirov district of Omsk. In memory of it, the passing cup of intercity competitions in rowing on kayaks and canoeing is established. He honored his international debt with honor. We, in the Babukovsky district, also have their own hero. Zablotsky Andrei Valentinovich was born on June 13, 1968. He graduated from PTU-7 in the specialty of the navigator, assistant mechanic. The service in Afghanistan in October 1986 was called up in the school part of Batumi took the oath and in February already arrived in the regiment, which was 75 km from Kabul. Became a mechanic-driver of the BTR. A combat task Since then for the crew of Andrei, there was escort and security of people and goods in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mountain pass Salang. Caring for people and today remains the direct task of Andrei - it works in the police. In addition, he visited several times in the hot spots of the North Caucasus, performing official debt. Knyazev Arkady Vladimirovich was born on May 14, 1976. He graduated from Babukovskoe PU-61. In 1994, he was called in the ranks of the Armed Forces. I got to serve in Vladivostok in maritime infantry. Already in January 1995, the entire regiment was sent to continue the service to the Chechen Republic. During the fighting was injured, but fortunately, it remained alive. Awarded the Medal Suvorov. We all know well Arkady as a modest, honest person, a conscientious worker, a good family man. They are proud to college and our entire Babokovsky district. The list of our countrymen's heroes can be continued: Shinkorenko D.V., Golikov A. I., Sergeev A. D., Sobolev A.V., Rubtsov A.S., Rychkov D.S., Riva O.R. These people do not stand out among us, and yet they are unusual. Unusual in that they continue to live, work, raise children, carrying terrible scars in their heart. But, despite the fact that the war left heavy memories in their memory, they live with faith and hope in all the kindest and best. History shows that the spirit of the Russian soldier is so much so that it is able to withstand all the tests. Whether it is the Great Patriotic War, Afghanistan or Chechen conflict. And the power to pass all the tests, they gave them support and love of relatives and loved ones. Any war is not erased from memory. The more we learn about the losses in these wars, the more expensive the word "world" becomes for us. Shevchuk Valentina Studying MOU "Ayuvskaya Secondary School" of the Babukovsky Municipal District of the Omsk Region. Leader: Etoeva T.T.

  1. "Public Siberian Alliance" (2)


    In the Republic of Altai in line for housing, there are 87 participants and disabled of the Great Patriotic War, 65 of them as part of the planned funding for 2009-2010 until May 1st of the next year should receive a landscaped housing.

  2. Public Chamber of the Tomsk Region Report on the state of civil society Tomsk Region in 2009 Tomsk 2010 Introduction


    The report on the state of civil society has been prepared by the Public Chamber of the Tomsk Region on the basis of the requirements of the Law of Tomsk Region of 06.06.2006 No. 110-OZ "On the Public Chamber of the Tomsk Region".

  3. Results of the regional offices of the Union Work upon attraction of legal entities in the memberships (4)


    On April 1, 2011, the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "IRIS - Quality, Innovation, Modernization", organized by a non-commercial partnership "Association of Railway Technology Manufacturers"

Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region
Omsk Regional Organization

all-Russian public organization

"Russian Union of Veterans of Afghanistan"
Budget educational institution of the Omsk region

"House of teacher and children's creativity"

The soldier of war does not choose ...

Collection of essays and drawings

regional creative contest

"Anthem honor, courage and glory" - 2010

Omsk - 2010.
Memory worries ...
Once my hands accidentally hit the disk with the film about the Afghan War. I was first confused. Lost for a while the ability to instantly think and operatively act. I literally was confusedly seen. Shocked! Although it would seem, it would be difficult to surprise the modern young man, my peer, according to older, devoid of morality and empathy. But what I saw in the film was like mine, unexpectedly broken under his feet.

Soviet-Afghan border. Termez. Mid-February 1989. The return of our warriors from the blazing Afghanistan. It was a holiday of exiting a foreign war of the last Soviet soldier. Hardened orchestra. In front of the Tribouquer stood two battalion of guardsmen scouts. The generals, the colonels approached each warrior and handed him a combat award and a memorable gift.

And suddenly, this festive gomon ruined the wild scream of female Uzbeks with scratched into the blood face and beams of gray hair in his hands, whose son was not in the soldier's system.

My son died! - Screaming Mother Mother Defeasheed. - Yunusova I am looking for, Yunusova.

Do not cry, mom, your son, sergeant Yenusov, whole and unharmed crossed the border yesterday.

Woman soldered to a soldier's chest, rone tears of joy.

This episode knocked me out of the gauge for a long time. It hit not only the grief of the Mother of Mother, and the purity and tenderness of the Bolshoi Soldier's Heart, mounted for a lot of Afghan battles. Human relations, a true combat partnership between commander and soldiers, disinterested loyalty to the military oath and its army duty, soldier's reducingness - it is these qualities that are distinguished by our soldier in the Afghan war. And this, in my opinion, a real heroism.

And the merit of the heroes is that in the hellish conditions they acted intelligently and fearlessly, defended their lives and their comrades. I do not disgrace the courage and heroism of those who will never return to the father's house. The eternal glory. Everlasting memory. Alien war froze on our land in obeliski and asterisks from ordinary tin, in the songs of "Afghans", in verses and films.

But we began to learn about this only lately, before Afghanistan, it was not necessary to talk loudly. Crawled rumors. Flewing the funerals at all corners of the Union.

On the backyard of airports were delivered from Aphgan "Black Tulips" - zinc coffins. And everyone was silent, without giving the proper memory of the dead. Even on obeliski - no word.

At the Tashkent cemetery, where the warriors - internationalists are buried, stingy inscriptions over the ashes of those who died in the Afghan land in 1984: died in the performance of official duties.

And to my surprise, only by the end of the war on the monuments was made the whole truth: "died in the performance of international debt in Afghanistan."

The cemetery employee-old man is baptized and hurt: "God, God, your sons, warriors! Maybe now the people will repurd themselves? Gorky offended people to war this. One thing is a funeral from Stalingrad, and quite another - the funeral from Kabul. What is the lesson for us? War and lost?

And I want to say to him, to convince: "No, they did not lose, the victory was obsessed - the limited contingent of the troops came out of Afghanistan."

From many I heard that our guys died in vain in the mountains of Afghanistan. But conversations with the former "Afghans" convinced me in the opposite. Our guys came there not for putting the power of the weapon to kneel a poor country and dictate her will to her. We are neighbors.

In many cities of Uzbekistan, Afghan children were brought up, whom the war had twisted from their native villages. Orphans shelted our country. My heart shuddered at the sight of these children on the screen. They are from six or more years. On the body barely healing firearms and knives. Slender, yellow, unhealthy color of persons.

For these guys and came to Afghanistan our warriors. I read the passage from the newspaper "True" from 1989, the excerpts of which are shown in the film: "Yes, they saw death at their twenty to twenty years later, passed a brutal hardening of fire. But seeing death, grief, destruction, they did not outlocked the soul. Moreover, they retained the kindness of the soul, the love of people, an involvement of man in his grief. They are ready to help anyone in a difficult position, protect it undeservedly offended. War did not make ordinary performers from them. No no and one more time no! They are thinner, more sensitive, greasy in front of people. "

Not once looked at this film and I can not convey the excitement from what you saw: I was overwhelmed with the feeling of pride for our people, for our soldier, for their commanders who were next to them.

Last crossed the border Commander of a limited contingent of our troops in Afghanistan Lieutenant General B.V. Thunder. A courageous 44-year-old warrior, a talented warlord, a man of high debt and honor for which the concern for subordinates above all in the world. "The main wish," Boris Vsevolodovich stressed - to remember those who did not live to a bright day, about those who are native and close to ever will ever meet. It is necessary to take care of the families of the dead, about the wounded, mutilated this war. Help those who return to peaceful work. "

Severe tests were our servicemen during the stay of a limited contingent in Afghanistan. And we, contemporaries, must always remember their exploits, about those soldiers who have not returned to their native homes and forever remained in the Afghan land.

And day on February 15, he became a holiday of sensible political thinking and prudence of human. This holiday brought our heroic guys to which this film was devoted.

Romanov Vladislav. teaching

MOU "Secondary School No. 152" of Omsk.

Leader: Shorets E.A.

In war, as in war ... Poster

Kukushkin Elena, Shilova Anna,

learning MOU "Secondary school

with an in-depth study of individual items No. 73 "Omsk.

Leader: Lisichenko V.P.

Three cups near the heart
The essay is completed. As if I experienced another life - such a bright and at the same time very close, understandable, complete plans and hopes and such a short ... And this is with me now - forever.

What smells of homeland ...

Alexey turned the letter and - the hands themselves caught almost weightless, thin green needles. "Pine ..." - he did not even think, and he felt the heart, the prosecution was defenseless and small.

Little green peaks lay on the palm and - smelled. Cool, quiet paths in the native Petropavlovsk Bor, the river, the water, which is almost the same color ... They smelled by mom and native Siberia.

At this point in Kabul - hot, dusty and every moment, two tiny pieces of peaceful and joyful Siberia appeared murdered to be murdered and every moment. One piece - unsuspecting anything, always alive pine needles. Another - as if matured, and in fact - only a little bit from above, gentle and very children's - the heart of the Siberian guy Gapeeyev Alexey. It has not yet known, it was too inexperienced to feel that these needles are the last message of the Motherland, the last thing he sees in the life of his own ...

The most fragile in the world ...

Petropavlovka village is now familiar to many. Nature - unseasonably rich, wide, free, biathlon center of world-class, tourists ...

In Aleshin childhood everything was modest and quiet, but no less joyful! Even more immodest than now, there were only forests, which their malachite tops grew straight into a blue-blue sky - it seemed like a little Aleshka.

Life was simple and kind. Simple, kind and very talented - especially for responsiveness - Alexey grew in it. There was one special passion - masters of crafts from matches.

Then the boys did not have a wide variety in entertainment, because he was often fascinated by something alone and worked straight to the skill! Alexey performed truly complex work, striking and complexity, and idea, and the beauty of execution. Now these matchmaking miracles keep the Muromets Local Lore Museum. Of course, they do not have artistic value. But there are much more significant value - cardiac, spiritual.

Together with the lightweight crafts, joy and pride are saved in the museum and another Aleshkin - a collection of icons. More than a thousand gathered their guy, uncomplicated, sometimes funny for a modern person. For me - tragic!

When I looked at this matchpidation, on badges that can be broken with one hand movement, I thought: like a fragile human life! In thin leaflets of paper, in fragile matches, in the occasion of the eyelids can be very long, almost endless. And the person is a strong, skillful, smart - cannot survive them created by things. Why do we do not care so short and just a giving life? Especially - someone else's ...


Alexey entered the Tarsky Agricultural Technical School - by calling! And the calling was - to love animals. He studied only on well and perfectly - dreamed of continuing his studies in the veterinary institute, so as not to feel helplessness when you see a plenty of salvation in the eyes of those who worked and defended all his life, in the eyes of animals.

But in front of the institute was one important thing, which was not shameful and avoidable in those pores, on the contrary - very honorable and mandatory, - service in the army.

And here is a strange, alien and full dangers - Kabul. 1985. Perhaps the boy from Siberia, who and in the city was the departures, Kabul seemed something like another planet.

At such moments, the person recognizes that he loves his homeland. That is how I told the teacher of literature, and Aleshka often repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly, not particularly believing in words. He just did not know ...

And now he wrote to her: "As I miss my homeland, in its expanses and forests. Here the sun is a scorching, the mountains are inaccessible, and behind them the enemies of the Afghan people. If the pearls were raised from these mountains and a stream rod somewhere! I would gather all a drop of water in the palm, I would give my friends and got drunk myself. In minutes, I am always messed with our Petropavlovka surrounded by a beautiful coniferous forest. I would smell every job, and it would be easier to the heart. "

That was then sent V.M. Rusinova Alexei Postcard, between the glossy flaps of which flew to the distant and hostile Afghanistan khoshinki from the native boron.

"I am now richer than everyone ..."

... trembling hands, trying not to breathe, held a few simple green needles near the face. He trampled their boy, millions or even some unprecedented quantities of them were scattered from him under his feet all his life. And he did not even suspect what they are beautiful ...

Igoles-Khooooki Alexey divided with comrades. Someone never had ever been to Siberia at all, but each khuvanka was part of his Russia, was a talisman, the key to the fact that you will definitely return to your homeland ...

In the response letter, Alexey wrote: "I am now richer than everyone ...".

These of his words became the last, who heard the native house from hot, dusty Kabulian gave. Alexey returned home in the zinc coffin. The wording was a brief and not speaking: died due to poisoning.

Important to remember!

Sibiryakov (perhaps, in other parts, too, I don't know) there is such a tradition: when a person is buried, stop with the coffin near those places that were especially meaningful in his life.

Where could people who carry Alexey coffin? Everywhere!

For a boy in life there is no insignificant, it is interested in everything - both the forest, and the ravine, and the tractor workshop, and the store, in which the most infrequently delivered in our territories - bananas ...

He just started to live, like me now. I know how many plans will get in my head, how many hopes and dreams do not sleep at night. Everything is ahead - because it is only spring! There will be ahead and a generous summer of life, when difficult work will bring their rich fruits. There will be a festive and luxurious autumn with her rest, holidays and happiness of achievements. All will be…

I have. I believe in it. And I so joyfully, so worryly wake up every day in anticipation of all this.

... And I'm so scary and so hurt when I think about Alexei Gapeyev's fate. All I can do is remember him. Is it much? I do not know. Is it important? Important! I remember about him, I will appreciate what I have. I will rejoice at every day. I will know the price and myself, and someone else's life, - it is immeasurable. And I now know exactly - I love my homeland very much.

Artists accompany the applause. Drivers - car signals. Children - flowers.

When Alexey was buried, the whole road to the cemetery people fell asleep with flowers. The whole village went on them, if possible, trying not to press these gentle, then pale yellow, then bright red, scarlet, like blood, buds. But all the same, someone's heel jumped into the road and destroyed beauty forever - too fragile, too short-lived. How human life ...

My pine needles

... I come to the pine, which in our village is growing in excess. All the snow under it was covered with needles, then rusty, then very green, almost black. I never thought that these strange pine leaves will be now the symbol of my homeland now - forever ...

Diploma I degree

Vaskova Maria , teaching

MOU "Muromtsevskaya Secondary School No. 1"

Muromets municipal district of the Omsk region.
Soldier duty
He loved his life and he believed his friendship.

And faithfully imbued with young years,

What is nothing, the rather duty of the soldier,

Neither above nor the most sacred in the world.

Phase Aliyev
1979. Moscow is preparing for the XX Olympic Games. All full hopes for the best. And at the breakdown of this year, everyone, then still Soviet, people fell roast as the wind of the desert, the word "Afghan". No one then could know that almost ten long years with Afghanistan will be bound by the fate and the lives of so many people, families, the whole country. From TV screens, commentators will explain the reasons and the need to enter the troops in order to prevent nuclear threat in the southern borders of our country, members of the Politburo of the CPSUs will talk about the need to provide international debts to the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

In those distant years, our guys who have fallen in the "meat grinder" of hostilities, sally believed that they really fulfill international duty, help the brothers - Afghans. This is today we ask questions: "Why ..."? And then every Soviet soldier simply performed the warrior's debt.

In the history of the Russian people there were already when the fate of the neighboring or distant country became very important. An example of this was Spain, the Second World War, then Cuba, Vietnam, then Afghanistan. The word it entered the hearts of millions of our people. It was disturbed by the fathers, did not give to sleep mothers whose sons in military uniform with the machine gun performed their holy international debt. Over the course of several years, a large number of civilians, tired of endless war, were killed in Afghanistan, who had resistance, courage.

Afghanistan ... Desert, mountains, caravan and silence, deaf, frightening, to which you can not get used to. How many guys, young, beautiful, sprinkled the roads of Afghanistan with their blood? As the school of courage on the mountain paths of someone else's country. These guys, and many of them turned then only twenty, would live, let them live, love, raise children, raise their power. But they lie in the arms of Mother Earth.

Among those who passed through the horn, the cruel events were more than three and a half thousand warriors, many of whom did not return from the battlefields.

In Afghanistan, a valid military service of 56 Moskalents passed. Many of them were awarded combat awards for courage and combat merits shown in battles. This is Lukashov A.P., Perenetko B.G., Kern V.A., Icehev A.V., Herman V.I., Kopenkin A.Yu., Lithov V.G., Limaz O.I. other. On the building of the Moskalensky lyceum, a memorial plaque dedicated to a graduate of Kapustina AG, who died in someone else's country. Every year on February 15, on the day of the memory of warriors - internationalists, the Afghan warriors gather here to honor their dead comrades.

But I want to tell a story that could be called a story about love if she had no such tragic end.

In a distant in 1980, my mother accompanied into the army of a young man. His name was Sergey Kostromitsky. Normal Soviet guy. That evening sang songs that in two winters he must return. No one could assume that he would get to Afghanistan.

Time flew quickly. The service life approached the end. Just three months before the "demobel". But the war ordered in his own way. The platoon in which Sergey served, accompanied the column. Night. The treacherous pass ... Suddenly the shots rang, grenade breaks, the cries of the commander about the need to take defense and reflect the attack of the enemy. When they were able to assess the situation, it turned out that the head car was shot down, the way back was cut off: the last car was crushed out of the grenade launcher and turned across the road. The enemy was called. Forces were unequal. The commander gave an order to divide, one part of the platoon to reset the head machine from the road to clear the way, the rest to cover the actions of comrades. Sergey was in the second group. They shot until the last cartridge. Many stayed there, on this nameless pass. The wounded, he realized that he would not succeed, then Sergey blew himself and surrounding his dusmanov, thereby guessing a few more minutes for his friends.

A lot of similar stories in our country. People with bitterness remember those thanks to whom they love today, children grow, fellow trees and build houses.

Now the participants of Afghan events know about the war, not at all. They were there, carried out international debt for the protection of civilians, risked their lives, well understanding the goals and objectives facing them.

This war lasted three thousand three hundred forty-one day. How many mothers did not wait for their sons how many weddings were not played, how much shed tears? And on February 15, 1989, the last soldier of the Soviet troops left the Afghan land.

In February 2010, we will celebrate the twenty-first anniversary from the date of the conclusion of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Is there a lot or a little? There is no longer a state that sent their sons to fulfill international duty. But in our hearts, the names of the generals of Rutsk, Swan, Gromov, the names of ordinary soldiers - countrymen will always live. We will tell about our children about them so that our children and grandchildren grew up on the examples of the heroes - fathers and grandchildren, to remember those who courageously and unshakably defended the interests of someone else's people and made all the trials with honor. After all, from such hundreds of thousands of heroic actions, the history of our state is strong and courageous Russia.

Diplomant II degree

Bolt Alena , teaching

MOU "Moskalen School Secondary School No. 3" of the Omsk Region.

Leader: Pastarnak I.P.
Anthem honor, courage and glory
War ... At first glance, a simple word, a set of letters, the same as peace, life, love, but unlike them, forcing people to tremble from fear and horror. In the online encyclopedia of Wikipedia, such a definition was given: "War is a conflict between political entities occurring in the form of hostilities between their armed forces." According to the wording of Clausever, "War is a continuation of politics with other means." The main means of achieving the goals of the war is an organized armed struggle as the main and decisive agent, as well as economic, diplomatic, ideological, informational and other means of struggle. In this sense, the war is organized armed violence, the purpose of which is to achieve political goals. According to Daly, the war is "Discost and Ratty Fight between States." The word "war" in many are associated with the Great Patriotic War, especially in the younger generation. But in many ways it is not our oversight, but an ambiguous assessment of the war. About the Great Patriotic War they tell a lot, at school in the history lessons this topic is given a lot of hours, in contrast, for example, from Afghan.

The "undeclared war", as she was dying, continued for about ten years. This is a long time, and for soldiers and officers who served in Afghanistan, the unprecedented complexity of the test, which imposed his imprint for the rest of his life. It is about this war that we have the smallest idea, because it is usually said about it or in February, or on the day of the conclusion of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. From the stories of Pope I know that there, mostly, conscripts were fought for the eighteenh-twenty-five years. The young men who have just graduated from school, who did not hold the military weapons truly in the hands of the Hands.

These are "newcomers" went to the neighboring state to fulfill their international debt. Among them was our countryman - Viktor Anatolyevich Tarasevich. Still learning in the Tara Secondary School No. 2, Victor loved the lessons of war. He gladly fulfilled the tasks of the primary military training teacher Grigory Grigorievich Lukyantseva, listened carefully at every occupation. In its interview, the Leninsky Way newspaper in nine hundred and eighty-seventh year Victor said: "I was interested in the actions of our warriors who fulfill international duty in Afghanistan. I read about it in the newspapers, watched TV shows. And there was some desire to visit me there, check yourself, for what I am capable. " And now the time has come to the Soviet Army. When Viktor asked if he wishes to serve in a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, he, without thinking, answered consent. Enrolled it in airborne troops. After study, he is a gunner - a fireman, deputy commander of the paratroopers fighting car.

Much had to see and test him, but one of the fights, which laughed in just forty minutes, was especially remembered ... But the Soviet soldiers who had been capable of what courage and heroism were. "Once, the intelligence reported that the caravan of the weapon was going on the side of Pakistan," so begins Viktor Anatolyevich his story. - in its composition of the order of one hundred and fifty camels, nailed by military load, a large number of dushes. Our division gives an order: to meet and destroy! Quickly equipped and hiking (the combat car will not pass there) we move in the direction indicated by the command. Everyone has more than sixty kilograms of cargo. We go on the map, full off-road, around the mountain. Exhausted extremely: thirty-five kilometers in the heat with complete equipment - the case is serious. In the morning they stopped in some small mosque, as they say, translate the Spirit. Put the guard. For about twelve from the mountains on both sides of the mountain river, eight dusts descended. They scored water and went back to the mountains. We feel that the caravan will appear here. So it happened. The hour has not passed, as the caravan began to stretch into the valley. Our blow was unexpected and so strong that the dusts did not immediately come to his senses. Polkaravan cut off, the battle was started. Part of the opponents was destroyed, part, defeating the weapon, fled. I had to pursue running away with two comrades. About three kilometers we chased them, leading fire from automatons. However, the Dushman group could still gain a foothold in the mountains, install machine guns. Their destruction took over our helicopter units ... ". At the end of the service life, Viktor was awarded the medal "for military merit" - a sign of a high assessment of his courage and courage.

Unfortunately, in the nineties of the last century, the war and the actions of our troops in Afghanistan began to give a negative assessment and the actions of the warriors - "Afghans". Invented the formulation of the "Afghan syndrome", into which disappointment was invested, the inclination, the inclination of participants in hostilities to violence. Mass literature appeared, filmcelions about the "heroes of our time", where the gangster, a killer, a home-bodyguard, a breakdown with the Afghan past. And only today our soldiers started talking about the heroism of our soldiers who have fulfilled not only their international debt, but, above all, the order of their command.

Discussing the right one was the decision, to introduce Soviet troops to Afghanistan or not, it is possible for this, probably has the right to everyone. Only it is necessary to keep in mind: Estimated from the scales of the story of the war, sticking it as an imperialist, aimless and so on, you sweep the memory of those who died there. He died, without thinking, in the name of the debt. About those who could, and escape, but decided not to leave the burning helicopter, covering a landing, who sat down under fire to pick up the wounded. There was no order to the feat. And behind was not Moscow. There was just another plot of a dusty Afghan route. And yet they performed feats, the heroes are famous and unwindy. The more we shout that this war was not needed, the faster we rush to forget, the more we kill the pride in our own for the fact that our nation, who, without any questions, will be breastfeeding to defense not only our homeland, but also well-being other nations.

« An undeclared war "claimed the lives of fifteen thousand military personnel of the Soviet Army. And it is important for us to remember those who fought, and those who died. Regardless of whether the state was the right decision on the direction of its troops into the territory of the neighboring state. It is necessary to remember people who gave their lives in fulfillment of debt. Because if you leave and betray their memory, what are we standing after that? Who will come next time if you need to cover your homeland? And who can we take an example? Only with those who did not bear, did not betray, showed courage and fulfilled his military duty, like our countryman Tarasevich Viktor Anatolyevich.
Diplomant II degree

Andriyanova Tatiana , teaching

MOU "Tarskaya average

secondary school №5 "

Tarsky municipal district

Omsk region.

Leader: Muhamadeeva Z.V.

The name of the competition: "Anthem of honor, courage and glory."

Nomination: "Learning general educational institutions."

Work name - an essay.

Topic: "No one is forgotten - nothing is forgotten."

Information about the participant of the competition: Khakimova Kristina Aleksandrovna, grade 10.

Name of the educational institution: MBOU "Medetskaya Secondary General School".

Contact phone 5 94 22

FULL NAME. and the position of the head: Frolova O.V.- Teacher of Russian Language and Literature.

Xerets 2015, Khakimov Kristina Grade 10.

Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten

Comes to the holiday soldiers ...

And with sadness they remember

Guys died on the front ...

They passed the fiery trail ...

We never forget them!

Creators of the Great Victory

Will you stay forever!

No one loves the war. But for thousands of years, people suffered and died, roast others, burned and broke. Conquer, to take possession, exterminate, to get to the hands - all this was born in greedy minds, both in the depths of the centuries and today. One force came across the other. Some attacked and robbed, others defended and tried to save. And during this confrontation, everyone had to show everything that was capable of. Examples of heroism, courage, persistence and courage in Russian history and literature is enough. But the war is not over the heroes. All heroes. Each makes their own feat: Someone breaks into battle under the bullets, others, externally inconspicuous, establish communication, supply, work on factories to exhaustion, saved the wounded, accompany and waiting for sons from the front. War is a big trouble for any person. This is a universal misfortune, which is splitting people into a single whole. At such times, people forgot about their personal problems and resentment, united and did everything for victory over the enemy: whether it was Baty or Hitler, Napoleon or Dudaev. But the most terrible for our country was the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. It was the time of the greatest voltage of the forces of the people, reflecting the most fierce aggression in the history of mankind - the aggression of the Hitler's fascism. It was the time of the Great Victory, meaning the end and war, and the Hitler's fascism. The people came victory, in spite of any tests, deprivation and adversity and defeated the insidious and strong enemy. The source of this victory is the Golyansky Spirit of the Soviet people who stood in a brutal struggle not only the freedom and independence of their homeland, but also saved world civilization from the encroachment of fascist barbarians. Incredibly dear price got the Soviet people victory in the Great Patriotic War. Tens of millions of people of blooming age were divorced from creative labor. The war was a crucial test for all who came to her millstone - for men and women, for the fighters of the front edge and the soldier of the second echelon. In the fire of the mountains of the heart and the characters became complicated. But with all the time in the souls of people with the pursuit, something bright remained, did not have the faith in a different life, where there will be no everyday loss of combat comrades, there will be no horror and blood. And the timid front-line love flourished or, in any case, the hope was built to meet the very faithful support for the rest of his life.

The trouble came to large cities and small villages. She did not bypassed the side and a small village in the Cherlak district - Chereset.

For more than 100 years, the steppe winds have been felt over the Siberian little village, bringing joyful and sadness with them. The same winds were brought in 1941 a terrible message about the great misfortune - the Great Patriotic War. Our village paid for this war a big price. Many Medalians gave for power and health for the front and victory. But the most bitter price is the gathering for the homeland of life. Many men went to the front. And a few returned. The men who came from the front took their shoulders all the severity of post-war recovery. But did not live to today. Time and wounds claimed their lives. One of those who returned - Patin Vasily Sergeevich (1924-2001). Here is his track record. He was called up from Grigorievka (Novosibirsk Region) in May 1942 and enrolled in the thirtieth ski brigade, where he was before February 1943. In February 1943 he was wounded on the Kursk arc and was healing in the hospital. At that time he studied on the Sannaster. From March to October 1944 he served as an Sannaster in 503 Rifle regiment and in October 1944 received a second wound in the stomach. He stayed on the battlefield, where he found a German soldier and hid in a haystack. After some time, Vasily Sergeevich found his funeral team. From November 1944 to October 1945 served in the 11th company counterintelligence. He participated in the liberation of Soviet prisoners from the German concentration camp in the spring of 1945. Vasily Sergeevich took part in the liberation of Königsberg as part of Rokossov's troops. He also stood in the Honorary guard at the funeral of the youngest General Army, Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich. After the capture of Berlin, his regiment was sent to the Far East, and Vasily Sergeevich was demobilized because of three injuries. He broke up with his fellow soldiers in Novosibirsk, and they went to war (one more) against Japan. Fired to be fired on August 25, 1945, after which he went to the state farm "Medet", where he lived his whole life.

I would like to tell another veteran of the Great Patriotic War, the turtle Fedor Yakovlevich, who recently left his life.

Fedor Yakovlevich's combat path began in 1942 in 168 artillery anti-tank fighter shelf. Despite the old age, he remembered a lot from that harsh time - the capture of Zhytomyr, Rivne, the liberation of Belarus, Ukraine, Poland. The main military specialty is an intelligence officer - artilleryman, scout - calculator. This means one thing - to discover the enemy and bring the fire of its artillery on it. And he performed her honestly and with full return. Many of the enemy technique and infantry went under the fault of our artillery players.

For his military merit, Fedor Yakovlevich was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of II degree, Medals Zhukov, "For the victory over Germany" and many others.

After demobilization in 1946, Fedor Yakovlevich did not change his small homeland - the state farm "Chereset". As honestly fought, it honestly worked as a tractor driver, raising virgin lands. He learned on the driver and before the pension he worked in this position.

The Great Victory ... Such it will remain in the hearts and memory of most people. Further, deep into the stories takes 1945, but I want to believe that the feat of the people will not fade over the years. During its existence, our power was repeatedly the bastion, which was broken by the hordes of the invaders. So it was and so it will be.

As the hero of the film "Officers" said, there is such a profession - to defend their homeland. But recently there is a steady tendency to fall in the prestige of military service. And I am proud that in our small village there is an example, denying the fall of this prestige.

Lives in our village quiet, modest, no remarkable woman. But the fate of this woman is amazing.

In 1970, together with her husband and Three-year-old Son Yura, she came to the village of Medet. In 1973, Sasha's son was born, in 1983 - Son Vyacheslav. And there would be nothing surprising in this if it were not for the fact that all three sons of Galina Rodionovna and Peter Dmitrievich Sukhatsky did not choose one profession on three - the profession of the military.

All three studied in the Kazan Tank School. Yuriy and Alexander are already marine majors, and the youngest - Glory is a senior lieutenant. As a child, Jura dreamed of being a pilot, like many boys. But after the end of the Medets High School, went to the Kazan Tank School. He graduated, served in Poland, Germany, in Brest, in the Far East. Now retired, lives in Omsk, brings up daughter and son, who will come to the same Kazan Tank School for the next year.

Alexander with his father went to graduation evening to the elder brother in Kazan. He liked the school and the profession of military. On the eve of the school graduation, secretly from his parents filed an application for admission to a military school. For the eldest son, parents were happy, and to Sasha sounded: "So that you did not do." But he did. At the end of the Kazan Tank School, he served in Novosibirsk, in the "hot" point, in Tajikistan. Now lives in Omsk, married, Grow daughter, retired, but works by an engineer in a private enterprise. In 2001, the relay from the older brothers picked up Vyacheslav, enrolling in the same Kazan Tank School. Now he is a senior lieutenant, serves in Tajikistan, on the border with Afghanistan. Heat, mountains, hard to get used to them, because grew up in the steppe. But there is such a word - debt. Made several parachute jumps. Personal example teaches young fighters. Married.

Peter Dmitrievich died in 2004. But the memory of him is holy in this family.

Love for the Motherland, everyone begins with childhood. She begins with love for parents, to the native home, nature. And if, since childhood, a person will not love all this with a lover with love, it is unlikely that he is unlikely to know the love of the Fatherland.

The sense of love towards the Motherland grows together with a man, ripening and stronger, thirsty and passes with maternal milk children. And from them to grandchildren. And so infinitely, from generation to generation, as long as there is a proud people who can protect their homeland. Further and on the story goes from us the heroic and terrible years of the Great Patriotic War. Not one generation of people who did not have experienced the hot breath of the Great Battle with German-fascist invaders. But the farther, those unforgettable years leave us, the more wound wounds, the titanic feat of the titanic feat of the Soviet people are submitted.

We, generation of the 21st century, expensive the future of the planet. Our task is to take care of the world, fix solidarity in the name that the people of the Earth meet are not on the battlefield, and in labor, on the roads of the world and fraternity.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War of the Medetsky Rural settlement.

Patin Vasily Sergeevich, 2009.

Dyadic Peter Trofimovich (1914-2000)

on September 6, 1914 in the village of the theologian of the Claork District. He graduated from school, since 1932 - a member of the VLKSM. From 1941 to 1943 fought on the Leningrad and Finnish fronts in the 276 parts, as a commander of the sanitary department, the title - Sergeant. From 1943 to 1945, he fought in a 927 shelf in Eastern Prussia. Reached Berlin. Had two easy injured. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star, the medals "for courage", "For Leningrad", "For the victory over Germany", the Order of Glory 3 degrees.

Rudkov Foma Karpovich

ok in 1913. In 1933 he graduated from Sukharevskaya NSP. Worked in state farm. From 1935 to 1937 served in the army. Demobilizing, worked as a physical education teacher, senior pioneer worker. On June 28, 1941, he was sent to pass the service in the city of Anel, in the 45th spare regiment. From October 30, he participated in the defense of the city of Eagle. On January 25, 1942, he was sent to the improvement of military lawyers in the Military Association of the G. Ashhabad, but he arrived with a delay and therefore was aimed at work with a member of the Tashkent Garrison Military Tribunal, where he worked until May 4, 1942. In 1948 he returned home, lived and worked in Medet. He has awards: the medal "For the victory over Germany."

Municipal stage of the regional competition of creative works

"Hymn of honor, courage and glory"

Nomination "Essay"

We remember....


Kolesnikova Tatyana Mikhailovna

MOU "Kormilovsky Lyceum",

R.P. Kormilovka, ul. Frunze, 107,

Tel. 2-14-48

Through the century, after a year -


In Russia, always honored and respected the defenders of the Fatherland. Since the times of Russian epic warders and to the present days, the protection of weak and oppressed, the protection of the Motherland was restrained.

With honor, our defenders have been withstanding the courage, durability and loyalty to the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War. What kind of power helped to endure our people? Motherland, home, great love for the depth of Earth. She helped to stop, turn back the fascists, win.

Afghanistan ... In December 1979, the consciousness of Soviet people included the word "Afghanistan", perhaps someone remaining not noticed, but only until the first aircraft returned with the "cargo - 200" on board, and the heads of mothers were not addressed Under mourning scarves. Afghanistan ... nightmare ... such words can often be heard from those who touched this problem. How many things were survived during this time - bitterness, pain, loss of loved ones. Men, young men, almost the boys went to Afghanistan, disappeared forever. He gravated the death of a native, loved one during the war, but what could be more unbearable and incomprehensible than zinc coffin in peacetime? What can be consoleted by the bottomless sorrow of maternal hearts? Such victims do not pay off and never replenish. And the main question is why and in the name of what?

The truth about the war ... She returns to us now, the heroic tale is gradually turning into a heroic tragedy, heavy and becomes almost unbearable ... The truth about the war, about life, about death.

At that time, tried to teach, equate the war to everyday events, hide the maternal grief from human eyes. Rumors, short messages are the main source of information of millions of people 70 - 80 years of the former USSR. For many people, the Afghan war has passed as the "Unknown War". Today you can already read a lot about this war. And the younger generation should know and remember these events. Currently, many novels are written, memoirs and films about the Afghan war. And no one leaves indifferent this topic. Does not leave indifferent and me. Recently, the film "Kandahar" was demonstrated in the cinemas and televisers. This film has caused a rapid discussion among the population. I also made a huge impression of the 9th Rota feature film. How morally, physically and purely psychologically difficult to survive in such conditions. But the guys showed an example of the highest courage and heroism in a foreign country, their duty, the debt of the warrior. And whatever they spoke about this war, the main thing that guys believed that they were engaged in the right thing - help the simple people of Afghanistan to defend their right to the best life. For those who looked into the death of death, lost his comrades in Kabul and Kandahar, this war will remain sacred, because the Soviet soldiers defended the approach to the southern borders of their great, multinational homeland in it. Officers, soldiers of the Soviet Army just carried out debt to protect the interests of the state and did not doubt the correctness of the decisions taken by the leadership.

Ten years continued war in Afghanistan. This war ended for the country, but will forever remain in the memory of ordinary and commanders. Paratroopers. Drivers serving in different parts of Afghanistan. It has been 22 years after the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. But all, this page of the history of our country cannot be crossed out and forgotten.

Our country paid for the war in Afghanistan a very expensive price: Fifteen thousand Soviet soldiers returned, seven thousand guys in this war became disabled. In combat actions participated more than three and a half thousand oomics. 117 young guys were not returned, did not leave this war and our countrymen, 32 natives of the Kormilovsky district passed through the baked war. Afghanistan became for them the school of courage, soldiers' valor and heroism, tested for strength, dedication and loyalty to the oath. Here are the names of our countrymen - Afghans: Moras Andrei, Prischenko Valery, Muslimov Oleg, Baranov Sergey, Leskevich Yuri.

Moiseyev Alexander Yuryevich, Major, Deputy Commander of the Special Destination, which prevented the penetration from Pakistan to Afghanistan band formations.

Cherepanov Andrei Vladimirovich, ordinary, participated in operations under the Kandahar, Jelalabad.

Chartushkin Sergey Viktorovich Sergey Sergey served in Afghanistan.

Alexander Vladimirovich Krasnov, senior lieutenant, technician helicopter, accompanied the columns with food and fuel and fuel, carried out fire support from the air of hostilities on Earth.

All our countrymen are awarded orders and medals.

Soldiers and officers wrote from Afghanistan, which fulfill their international debt. Very hoped to return. And they wrote that their comrades die, which would distort them for their death.

Sergey Anatolyevich Zarovna - Our countryman, who did not differ from thousands of other young people who grew up in our country after the Great Patriotic War, who have seen only a peaceful sky. He did not have anxiety when he learned that he was sent to Afghanistan. In his eighteen did not understand what war is. Only when hitting for the first time under the shelling, I saw as much seriously.

For the first six months, Sergey Anatolyevich was a sapper, then the operator - the mine detector. Locked the specialty of the mechanic - the driver of the BTR.

The hot climate of this country was not particularly suitable for the young Siberian, but the guy was held steadfast. Sergey Anatolyevich service carried in a separate 130 sapper battalion. The task of the battalion included accompanying the column with cargo in difficult, mountain, often mined roads. For 1.5 years of service of such raids, Sergei Anatolyevich had a lot. From one and a half years in the part there were three months, and the rest of the time spent in the field, on the march, without the release of the machine from the hands.

I cut off the columns, found a lot of weapons in the mountains, undermined the mines. The sappers always went ahead of the column. The first opponents were celebrated, the first mint roads on the roads were first. The BTR, which has been carrying an ordinary gang guard, was equipped with two coils, as on the asphalt packer, which was fixed in front of the BTR. It was under them and the mines were undermined.

Sergey Anatolyevich service carried throughout the entire territory of Afghanistan: Kabul, Jalalabad, Baghdad, Kandahar ...

And about how hard he was there, no one knew, no one. Motherland strongly time, although the nature of Afghanistan surprised: around the mountain, the green valley, first saw the apricots grow. But I wanted home - to Siberia. In Afghanistan, the snow saw only once: he fell on the New Year and melted into the morning.

Many of our soldiers tried to hide the truth about the place of service. The guys in letters home tried to convince mothers that they carry the service somewhere in a quiet place. Here and Sergey Anatolyevich wrote the first six months, which serves in Czechoslovakia. Only later wrote the truth.

Sergey Anatolyevich demobilized in May 1987, and in March, in March, his mother sent gratitude for impeccable service, courage and heroism, manifested in the performance of international debt.

After returning home, I got used to a peaceful life for a long time. Another three months - four woke up at the slightest noise. After all, in Afghanistan, everything was worked out until automatism. After the team: "Lifting", "anxiety" after 30 minutes of a column of a long 150 meters already stood ready to march.

In peaceful life, Sergey Anatolyevich remained faithful to his profession. Went to work as a driver.

Sergey Anatolyevich never regretted that this harsh school was held. Many things began to look different, a huge sense of partnership appeared: they stood the wall for each other, they closed the unrelated guys - such a "grandfather".

S.A. The burden was awarded the medal "For the courage", which was presented at home, in Kormilovka, the medals of the "warrior - an internationalist from the grateful Afghan people", "70 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR", "15 years of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan", the Icon of the Guard.

Aleandr Alekseevich Podkaytov from Village Yuryev, Private, Marthercher - Scout, died on January 28, 1986. Vladimir Viktorovich Trabere from Sela Ignatievo, driver, ordinary, died on February 3, 1986. For courage and courage awarded posthumously orders of the Red Star.

Their names today are carved on the plates of the Kormilovsky Memorial at the Eternal Flame, are listed in the Book of Memory "Omsk on the Earth of Afghanistan".

We know and remember the dead and about those who passed through Afghanistan and today lives next to us.

Years will be held. Much with time, of course, forgive. But this war will remain in the memory of the people. The memory road must be eternal. We tell them who died on someone else's land: "Thank you! We will remember you "

Further and farther from us the Great Patriotic War. The surnames of those who have not returned from the battlefields are becoming less and quieter. Seventy years of peace ... but was peaceful life?

Afghanistan, Chechnya, Ukraine, Syria and everywhere, in the forefront our Russian warrior is fighting for freedom and independence. Very often in the address of youth hearing that "youth is not the same", as in Borodino, M.Yu.Lermontova: "Yes, there were people in our time, not what the current tribe, you are not you ...". But Evgeny Rodionov was. In 1996, he died with a martyrdom. On the day of death, he was only nineteen years old. Chechens cut off his head. What could be worse than death? Only death and betrayal. Evgeny died due to the fact that he refused to accept Islam. Zhenya not only did not betray his homeland, but also faith. Mom has found him - decapitated, but with a cross on her neck. Beautiful, young guy, what did he manage to do in this light, his life just started? His deed is not suitable for no measurements. Evgenia, a nineteen-year-old guy, the Russian Orthodox Church ranked for the face of saints. The Kapelan of the English Army, having visited his grave, said that on the example of Evgenia Rodionova he would raise his subordinates. Old Frontovik, as a sign of respect and reverence, took off his awards and put them on the grave of the soldier. A short life broke tragically, but she became an example of loyalty and love for their people.

Ukraine ... Children, women, old men die, young people - guys and girls are dying for their house, for their land. A teenager gets a hard wound when a sniper shoots it only because the Georgievskaya ribbon is jicked on his chest. It was May 9th. Victory Day The Government of Ukraine has canceled. No, the courage is no accident.

Syria ... Pilot Oleg Peshkov, Alexander Pozyn - Soldier Marine Corps, Alexander Okhanknikov, Victor Pashkov, Alexander Prokhorenko. Each surname is a feat. Fought in someone else's territory - the feat, to defend the interests of the people, stand on his defense - a feat. Whether Alexander Prokhorenko thought when he called himself that he would become a hero, would be an example for hundreds of guys, for those who knew him and who heard his name for the first time. Prokhorenko, realizing that he would die, decides to cause fire on himself, destroying his death not one tent of the militants. . He made his choice, and we young who inherited this feat, now live with this choice.

S. Alekseevich has a story "zinc boys." This story should be read to everyone. It says yesterday's guys. Cargo 200. This in their honor sounds anthem courage and glory. There are no hundreds of such guys, not thousands, but hundreds of thousands. They froze in obeliski, monuments, stars, eyes of mothers who raised their children without thinking that their guys would be prepared such fate.

Patriotism and debt. These are not empty words and these days they not only did not lose sense, but they became even more important. The guys go to serve in the ranks of the Republic of Armenia, schoolchildren enter the Cossack classes, cadet corps, boys and girls - in military schools, become officers. The hero of the film "Officers" said: "There is such a profession - to defend the motherland." Professionals serve in our army. Squad "Cons", "Alpha",. The guys made their choice consciously, they are always the first where they need their help. I think that they are in the first place of honor, love for the Fatherland, a sense of debt and high responsibility for the entrusted matter. The guys are worthy of the memory of ancestors - soldiers who fell in times of warrior and battles.

The poet O.Dubova has such lines:

"I have the honor and I do not sell it,

Honor I have in peaceful life and in battle,

Honor I have, for centuries!

There will be our Russia strong! "

These are rows about the current youth, even if not about everyone, but still!

"Memory of the fallen decent"