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How he hugs. Hug or turn away? Poses in a dream tell the truth about feelings. The guy hugs you for waist

As you know, the beautiful half of humanity for the most part is distinguished by emotionality and the ability to openly express their feelings. For a woman, talking about them is much easier than a man. But this does not confirm the opinion on the indifference of the latter, the absence of their needs, both in psychological support and in the manifestation of spiritual heat. How to understand the hidden feelings of a man, his desires and needs? In this we will try to sort out the article.

Non-verbal manifestation of male feelings

If a man does not always mean that he feels, it means that he manifests it in a different way. The easiest is touch, that is, non-verbal communication. It is gestures that can tell you about the depths of his feelings and experiences. You just need to carefully follow what he does. Any action can reveal a lot in man.


Putting on the shoulder or back is a purely friendly gesture. A man who does this in relation to a woman openly emphasizes that they are connected exclusively friendly relations. At the same time, it is unlikely to be consciously on his part. Most likely, he does not even think that it sets the distance.

Hugs from the back

A very interesting gesture from the point of view of psychology is a person's attempt to hug another from his back. In the case of a man and a woman from whom a man hugs, it may be a sign that he is ready for more and wants to protect you. The back is a vulnerable place, because there is no vain a lot of expressions about the "knife in the back". Unconsciously, a person enters into arms from the back, exhibits a desire to protect.

At the same time, note that arms from the back with the plexus of hands at the chest level say that you want not just to protect, but also save from experiences and sadness. Such a gesture is filled with love, care and tenderness, and can tell you much more than words spoken out loud.

The same gesture sometimes testifies to the uncertainty of men in your feelings, so hurry to convince him.

Long hugs

If a man hugs you and embraces these continues a little more than usual, we can conclude that it is upset. Sometimes he can automatically stroke you on the back, but it is not worth offended. Thus, a person is looking for support from the one who is expensive to him. In no case, do not remove, it is better to hide in response and try to talk about what bothers it or just distract.

Hugs and strokes

By the way, the arms that are accompanied by stroking is a sign that says that a man is interested in you and is trying to get closer. If you are in the initiative stage with a relationship with a partner, this suggests that he is ready to develop them further. In any case, such a gesture indicates interest.

Touching LBU

Probably, each of us saw in many romantic films as people hugged. One of the most touching moments is a heartfelt eye and touching the forehead to each other. It is this gesture and expresses the degree of affection of the partner.

A man can do it with an embrace unconsciously, but the touch itself says that he values \u200b\u200byou.

Strong arms

Sometimes a man hugs hard and hard - it must tell you that he either experiences very strong feelings for you, or sexual attraction. Such hugs allow him to feel you with the whole body, give you an unspoken promise.

Men:often hide their feelings, but smart women can learn about them on behavior

Hidden manifestation of love from a man

In fact, answer the question of how to understand the hidden feelings of a man can be quite simple. Many actions speak for themselves, you just need to understand them correctly.

"Pink glasses"

A man in love never sees the flaws on his elected. Even if you know that you are late for once, that you unsuccessfully painted you or you obviously did not sleep, some comments are unlikely to come from a partner. Of course, some criticize due to character, but at the stage of love and new feelings, all these shortcomings are invisible and unimportant to him.

Free time

If you have noticed that a man is trying to stay with you as much time as possible, calls in you myself to the company of friends, then this suggests that he has a serious interest. In this case, you definitely do not have to wait for a call or think that he could highlight a little time after working for a trip to the movies. All this will make your partner and will offer himself.


The manifestation of jealousy is the indicator of the guise of a man you. If he reacts to any interested opinion in your direction, then it talks about the seriousness of intentions and unwillingness to share you and your attention with someone. Of course, too jealous partner can deliver a lot of trouble, because it is inclined to see the problem where it is not. From the part of the parties you must strengthen his confidence that you are also interested in relationships, but do not forget to leave a little place for the "maneuver".

Other manifestations of hidden feelings of a man

In addition to these, pay attention to the following actions of a man who will confirm his feelings for you:

  1. the desire often and to communicate a lot - sms, calls, etc.;
  2. constant care and attention;
  3. the desire to introduce friends with friends;
  4. support and understanding;
  5. the desire to make gifts about and without.

All of the above are only generalized conclusions. Do not take them as a guide to action, because all people are different and express our feelings in different ways. As many men hide their feelings and women can be closed enough. The key to successful development of relationships is to strive both parties to be frank each other.

It is difficult to understand exactly how to approach the girl and hug her: for the waist or by the shoulders? Squeeze hard or not so? Hug a minute or 5 seconds?

Before you guide on hugs with the opposite sex!

A set of general rules how to hug right?


Girls like hug a guy (and get reciprocity) than when they hug them. The case is in the assessment of the personal space, which is more important for women.


How to hug a girl? First think what kind of relationship do you have? Are you familiar day or 10 years? Do you feel sympathy?


Look for signs that indicate that she wants hugs. Open relaxed posture, reducing the distance between you.


Is the moment right now? Perhaps the situation does not really have to this?


Consent is necessarily. How to hug a girl? By 60% effort. Give her the remaining 40%.


If you do not feel confidence, better wait. Make a step towards pulling your hand out of your pocket. Watch it for its reaction.


Be gentle. No need to hug a girl like an old friend from the university. She needs softness, and not rude men's hands.


Remember about the position of the hands. If you have neutral relations, keep your hands in the "neutral" places on the body. Spin, shoulders. But you do not need to lower your hands below the belt.


Remember your hygiene: no need to hug a girl after the gym came out. Or at least warn it.


Remember the duration of the arms. The closer you, the longer you can hug. Let the girl control this process.

Friendly embrace

Suitable for friends, families or even strangers, with whom lucky to divide a pleasant moment.


Hugs with one hand the least intimate type of contact of your bodies.


Random hug: When one hand is put on the shoulder and quickly attract the bodies of each other, but leaving the distance between the belly. This is another lifehak, how to hug with a girl.


Side hugs: When a person who hugs, cannot answer reciprocity.


Comfortable hugs. Do you know how in movies, when someone cries, and the other puts his shoulder?

Intimate embrace

Only with those people who have a special meaning for you.


Full hug: tightly pressed hands and bodies. Heads over each other's shoulders.


Slow dance: Hugs, where the situation is the same as with a slow dance. Romantic, nice, you can take a girl for the waist.


Hugs from behind, when both hands are on the waist of the girl. You can make a light bite on the neck. 😉


With a lifting! When the girl holds at the neck and waist, and he raises her. Requires strength! But nice.

According to one of the most powerful psychotherapists XX century, American psychologist Virginia Satir, a person needs 8 hugs per day to support closest, 4 hugs per day for survival and 12 hugs per day - for growth. Indeed, the lack of bodily and mental contact with other people deprives a person of the joy of life, he feels deeply lonely and unnecessary. So that this does not happen, try more often to hug your parents, children, loved ones, friends and acquaintances. It has been proven that hugging any living being, including a cat or a dog, a person strengthens its psychological and physical health.

During his arms, he increases the number endorphins, hormones "" and hemoglobin in the blood, which causes the feeling of Euphoria, removes depression and strengthens the immune system. Hugs are useful as those who hug and those who hug. They increase human self-esteem, soothe it and get rid of loneliness. After all, every person, even an animal, wants to be necessary, beloved and protected. It is these feelings that give an embrace. Hugs may have friendly, parent, friendly, related, tight and erotic character.

Parental hugs make us capable be in love. The child whom the parents did not hug in childhood, lagging behind in mental development and grows by a person who cannot express their feelings. Our parents, children, spouses, friends, relatives and acquaintances are waiting for the manifestations of love, warmth and kindness from us. Forget all life worries and resentment, think about anyone who is close to you. Remember when the last time you hug them? Hugs give each inexhaustible source of energy. Opening the soul to people and hugging them, you encourage them to follow your example. Make the first step yourself and hug just like that who you want to give your warmth and love.

Hugging someone, we wish him transfer to Our respect and affection. Especially important acquires, with an expression of gentle and passionate feelings between a man and a woman. There is probably on the light of a woman who would not have experienced a psychological need for a man's arms. As a rule, men are the initiator of the arms between opposite floors.

It is proved that from lack of support and attention In families, the most women who do not hug the day for the day. Fortunately, most men love to hug, they are pleased to feel contact with the female body. But the girls are more impressionable, they see an emotional connection in each embrace and want to know what the guy wants to say, who so much presses her to her body. After all, it is no secret that many young people lack the courage to express their feelings and gusts tenderness with words. This is what the arms tells:

1. Hugs from the back. If the guy quietly comes up to you from behind and makes you in my arms, then this is a sign that he loves you. Covering you from the back, the guy demonstrates his willingness to protect you and protect from all the troubles. This kind of hug gives men the opportunity to cuddle to the girl and press her to themselves, as if connecting with her together. Next to such a guy you will always be safe, it is courageous and strong. But if your boyfriend always hugs you, just going back, then this is already talking about his indecision. He avoids an embrace face to face, it is likely that this is the reason for his uncertainty that you share it feelings. He considers you inaccessible and wants you to become him closer.

2. Hugs with stroking on the back. If the guy, hugging you, quietly spends your hand on your back, then it symbolizes his sincere love towards you. Stroking you on the back, he wants to convey to you how much loves you much and counts on the manifestation of caress on your part. Such an embrace suggests that the guy considers you the closest person and is ready to move from simple "kissing" to sex. However, this embrace can be interpreted differently. It may be so that your guy is something very upset and his strokes on the back indicate that he needs your support. Answer him reciprocity and ask what he worries him so much.

3. Hugs in front when the bodies of men and women are strongly pressed to each other. If the guy, concluding you in hug, is strongly presses you to yourself, then this means that he wants to have sex with you. Pay attention to his eyes if they are directed somewhere in the distance, then such passionate arms indicate that it is only interested in intimate proximity. The guy in love will always look for your eyes with your eyes, and if he also concerns your head towards you, then this is a sign that his attitude towards you is very serious.

4. Hugs with pats on the back. When the guy hugging you, friendly pats you on the back, then most likely, you do not like him like a woman. So enclosure only buddies and friends. It is possible that the guy wants to open your eyes to this embrace and report that your relationship has no future and it is still free. No passion and love for you a guy, hugging you and patting the back, does not feel. But too upset due to the fact that the guy hugged you in this way. Wait, perhaps, the point will come when he wants to hug you firmly for the waist and passionately press him.

For me personally embrace - The way to express your feelings. After all, the arms are eloquent words. I hug when you need to apologize, make up, support and express my love. And what is the meaning of hug?

When we do not enough Heat and caress, when we want to feel the state of security, we dream to plunge into an embrace of your favorite hands. Sometimes embraces express emotions and feelings are much brighter than any other manifestation of emotions.

Men. It's easier to show love than to express it with words, so often instead of phrases they use hugs. And we, women, it is important to be correct to learn to read men's hugs, since each of them bears its meaning.

According to psychologistsIf a man hugs you from the back - this is an indicator of serious intentions. In thoughts, this man considers you a couple, you are very expensive to him, and perhaps he is ready to make you an offer. Covering your vulnerable place, gossiping hands on your chest, it, thereby, is ready to protect you from all the vitality of adversity.

But if yours the male Hugs you only with your back and in any way, maybe you seem inaccessible to him, he is afraid to look into your eyes. As described above, the arms from the back is a sign of a very good relationship, but a man is afraid of what you can be indifferent to it. If your man really is really sensible, discover his feelings, do not torment him. It will give an impetus to develop a new repetition of relationships.

Deep loving your man It will not only hug you, as well as ironing on the back. Gentle strokes may mean a strong sensual attraction, an invitation to something more than hugs.

Sometimes, if stroking back They do not stop, the woman may think that a man does it on the machine, but actually left somewhere in himself, thought. This is not quite so. Most likely, at the moment he needs your support, it is upset, but, as a real man, it cannot admit it. Give it, distract it from sad thoughts, hug, kiss, intend the back too. If you will so often guess your beloved man, you will become the most gentle and desired woman for him.

Hugs men are so strongAs if he, hugging you, wants to imprinted on your body, have an obvious sensual attack. In this case, it is not necessary to be clairvoyant, so it is clear that you pull to each other.

If a man is hug Looks like his forehead to you, it means that for him you are the closest person, and he is crazy about you. Such a man, even if you recently met, ready for a serious relationship, it doesn't matter for him that you have known for a long time.

Patted by back Men express their good location to each other. Therefore, if your man hugging slightly pats you on the back, do not perceive this gesture as love, he is extremely friendly. For such a man, you like "your own comrade board", he does not perceive you as a woman.

Well, if embrace Your friend's men are accompanied by patting only occasionally, for example, with a certain difficult life situation, it is just a gesture of friendly support in a difficult moment and nothing more. This man believes that for you at the moment is more important friendly support, rather than love feelings.

In general, there is such holiday - World Anniversary Day. It is celebrated on January 21. On this day, you can take the initiative to your hands, hug not only favorite, but also colleagues, friends, relatives. According to psychologists, a person per day for sincere equilibrium requires a minimum of 4 embraces. This is not only a pleasant lesson, but also useful. During the arms, hormone of happiness is produced, blood pressure comes to normal, immunity is strengthened.

In the arms of S. favorite man and woman Feels in different ways. A man first feels warm and protected, the proximity of the present friend. But only then he feels his beloved and gets pleasure from it.

Woman First of all, he feels like her beloved and protected, in the second place - perceives psychological support and the opportunity will share the mood and feelings with a close person.