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Kandaurov Veniamin disappeared during the Second World War. How to find veterans of WFI by name and surname? Review of useful resources on the network. Central Archive MO

"Lost" - notifications with such a phrase during the war years received received. There were millions of them, and the fate of these defenders of the Motherland remained unknown for a long time. In most cases, it remains unknown today, but certain moves in clarifying the circumstances of the disappearance of warriors still have. Contributes to this several circumstances. First, new technological capabilities appeared to automate the search for the necessary documents. Secondly, the useful and necessary work is carried out search engines. Thirdly, the archives of the Ministry of Defense became available. But ordinary citizens and today in the overwhelming majority of cases do not know where to seek missing in the Second World War. This article may help someone know the fate of loved ones.

Search complexity

In addition to the factors contributing to success, there are those that make it difficult to find missing in the Second World War. There was too much time, and the material evidence of events remains less and less. People who can confirm one or another, also no longer becomes. In addition, the disappearance was discussed during and after the war as a suspicious fact. It was believed that the soldier or officer could be captured that in those years it was considered almost betraying. The soldier of the Red Army could move towards the enemy, and this happened, unfortunately, often. Fate traitors are mostly known. The collaborators who fell and identified were tried and or executed, or received a long time. Others found shelter in distant countries. They are their who lived to this day, usually do not want to find them.

Where to seek missing in prisoners of war

The fate of many Soviet prisoners of war after the war was different. However, the Stalinist punitive car was pretty, and they were safely returned home, although all the remaining life did not feel with full veterans and felt some guilt before the "normal" participants in combat operations. Another was prepared by a long road in places of conclusion, camps and prisons, where they fell most often on unrefined accusations. A certain number of soldiers liberated from captivity turned out to be in the American, French or English occupation zones. These, as a rule, issued the Allies with Soviet troops, but exceptions were. In most of our warriors, they wanted home to families, but rare realists understood that they would expect them, and asked for refuge. Not all of them were traitors - many simply did not want to throw a forest in the extreme north or digging channels. In some cases, they themselves are associated with relatives and even unsubscribe foreign inheritance. However, in this case, the search for missing in Bords of 1941-1945 is difficult, especially if such a former tweed changed the surname and does not want to remember his homeland. Well, people are different, like their fate, and condemn those who ate bitter bread on a foreign land, hard.

Documentary mark

However, in the overwhelming majority of cases, it was much easier and more tragic. In the initial period of the war, the soldiers simply dressed in unknown boilers, sometimes with their commanders, and reports about irretrievable losses were no one. Sometimes there was no bodies, or it was impossible to identify the remains. It would seem where to seek missing in the Second World War with this confusion?

But one thread always remains, pulling for which, you can somehow unravel the story of the person of interest. The fact is that any person, and in particular the military, leaves after himself "paper" trail. All his life is accompanied by a documentary: a soldier or officer is discharged by douse and food certificates, it is included in the case of injured in the hospital at the fighter, a medical map will start. Here is the answer to the question of where to seek missing. The GIR has long been completed, and documents are stored. Where? In the central archive of the Ministry of Defense, in Podolsk.

Central Archive MO

The procedure for submitting the application is simple, besides, it is free. For the search for missing in the Second World Words of 1941-1945, the MO archive does not require money, and the expenses for sending the answer takes upon itself. In order to make a request, you need to collect as much personal information as possible about who to find. What is more, those employees will be easier to determine where to seek missing in the Great Patriotic War, in which storage and on which shelf there may be a cherished document.

First of all, last name, name and patronymic, place and date of birth is needed, information about where it is called, where it is directed and when. If any documentary confirmation, notifications or even personal letters are preserved, then if possible, they should be attached (copies). Information on government awards, promotions, injuries and any other related service in the Armed Forces of the USSR will also not be superfluous. If it is known in which the missing, the room in / part and the title should be reported. In general, everything you can, but only reliable. It remains to put it all on paper, send by letter to the archive and wait for an answer. It will be no soon, but certainly. Work in the Central Asian people are mandatory and responsible.

Foreign archives

In the Went of 1941-1945, with a negative response from Podolsk, it should be continued abroad. Where only the roads of the Liphethet of Soviet soldiers who languished in captivity were not entered. Their traces are found in Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Austria, Holland, Norway and, of course, in Germany. The Germans conducted the documentation for Pedantically, a card was started at each prisoner, equipped with a photo and personal data, and if the documents were not injured during the fighting or bombing, the answer would be found. The information concerns not only prisoners of war, but also those who were attracted to forced work. The search for missing in the Secondary War sometimes makes it possible to learn about the heroic behavior of a relative in the concentration camp, and if not, then, at least, clarity will be made in his fate.

The answer is usually laconic. The archives report on the village, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich the soldier of the Red or Soviet army took his last battle. Information about the place of pre-war residence is confirmed, the date, starting with which the fighter is removed from all types of contentment, and the place of its burial. This is due to the fact that the search for missing in the Great Patriotic War by last name, and even by name and patronymic may result in ambiguous results. An additional confirmation is the data of relatives who should have been sent to the notice. If the burial place is indicated as an unknown, then it is usually a fraternal grave located near the specified settlement. It is important to remember that the conversions about losses were often compiled in the field of battles, and they wrote in them not very legible handwriting. The search for missing in Bords of 1941-1945 may be difficult due to the fact that the letter "A" reminds "O", or something like that.

Search engines

In recent decades, search movement has been widespread. Enthusiasts who want to clarify the question of the fate of millions of warriors who have made their heads for their homeland are engaged in a noble business - they find the remains of the fallen soldiers, they define them to identify them to one part or another, and do everything to learn their names. No one better than these people know where to seek missing in the Second World War. In the forests of Salney, in the marshes of the Leningrad region, under Rzhev, where fierce fights were walking, they lead careful excavations, passing her defenders with the Military honors to their native land. Search teams are sent to government and military representatives who update their databases.

Electronic tools

Today, everyone who wants to find out the fate of their glorious ancestors to have the opportunity to look at the commander's conversions from the places of fighting. And you can do this without leaving home. On the site of the archive, MO can be familiar with the unique documents and make sure the truthfulness of the information provided. From these pages there is a living history, they, as it were, create a bridge between the epochs. The search for missing in the Great Patriotic War by the name is easy, the interface is convenient and accessible to everyone, including people elderly. You need to start in any case from the lists of the dead. After all, "the funeral" could simply do not reach, and the soldiers were considered for many decades to disappear.

The memory of the Great War of the 20th century, we are stored for her heroes for more than 70 years. We convey it to children and grandchildren, trying not to lose a single fact, surnames. Almost every family touched this event, many fathers, brothers, husbands never returned. Today we can find information about them Thanks to the painstaking work of employees of military archives, volunteers who dedicate their free time for finding the soldiers' graves. How to do how to find a member of the BB in the surname, data on his awards, military ranks, the place of death? We could not get around such an important topic of attention, we hope that we can help those who are looking for and wants to find.

Losses in the Great Patriotic War

It is definitely unknown now, how many people left us during this great human tragedy. After all, the calculation began not immediately, only in 1980 with the arrival of publicity in the USSR historians and politicians, employees of archives were able to start official work. Until that time, the fragmented data were profitable at that time.

  • After celebrating the Day of the Victory of 1945, I. V. Stalin stated that we buried 7 million Soviet citizens. He spoke, in his opinion, about all, and about those who left during the battle, and the German invaders were captured. But he missed a lot, did not say about the employees of the rear, stood from the morning to the night of the machine, who had fallen from the exhaustion. I forgot about sentenced diversansants, traitors of the motherland who died in small villages of ordinary residents and blockadicists of Leningrad; missing. Unfortunately, they can be listed for a long time.
  • Later L.I. Brezhnev provided other information, he reported 20 million dead.

Today, thanks to the decryption of secret documents, search work, the figures acquire a real character. Thus, you can see the following picture:

  • Combat losses obtained directly at the front during battles are about 8,860,400 people.
  • Not combat losses (from diseases, wounds, accidents) - 6,885,100 people.

However, these figures do not yet correspond to full reality. War, yes, this is not only the destruction of the enemy at the cost of his own life. These are destroyed families - not born children. These are huge losses of the male population, thanks to which the balance required for good demography will not be restored.

These are diseases, hunger in the post-war years and death from him. This is a negotiation of the country again, again in many respects, the price of people's life. All of them are also necessary to take into account, doing calculations. All of them are the victims of the terrible human vanity, the name of which war.

How to find a member of the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 by last name?

There is no better memory to the stars of victory than the desire for the future generation to know ,. The desire to keep information for others to avoid such a repetition. How to find a member of the BB in the surname, where to find possible information about the grandfather and great-grandfathers, fathers - participants in battle, knowing their name? Especially there are now electronic storage facilities, which everyone has access to which.

  1. oBD-MEMORIAL.RU - here are the official data containing reports of parts about losses, funerals, trophy cards, as well as information about the title, status (died, was killed or disappeared, where), scanned documents.
  2. is a unique resource containing information about the workers of the rear. The most, without which we would not hear the important word "victory". Thanks to this site, many have already been able to find or help find lost.

The work of these resources is not only wanted by great people, but also a collection of information about them. If you have at least some kind of, inform it to administrators these sites. Thus, we will make a large common cause - save memory and history.

Archive of the Ministry of Defense: search by the name of the participants of the Second World War

Another one is the main, central, large-scale project - The documents preserved there for the most part are single and remained due to the fact that they were exported to the Orenburg region.

Over the years, the employees of Central Asia was created by a magnificent reference apparatus showing the content of archival accumulations, funds. Now it is to ensure that there are access to people with possible documents through electronic computing technology. Thus, we earned the site where you can try to find the military who participated in the Second World War, knowing his last name. How to do it?

  • On the left side of the screen, find the "Memory of the People" tab.
  • Specify its name.
  • The program will issue you the available information: date of birth, rewards, scanned documents. All that is in the card files on this person.
  • You can set the filter to the right by selecting only the desired sources. But it is better to choose everything.
  • On this site, there is an opportunity to see the combat operation on the map, and the path of the part in which he served as a hero.

This is unique in its essence project. Such a volume of data collected and digitized by all existing and affordable sources: card files, electronic memory books, documents of medical banks and commander reference books are no longer there. In truth, so far there are such programs and people providing them, the memory of the people will be eternal.

If you did not find the necessary person there, do not despair, there are other sources, maybe they are not so large-scale, but their informativeness does not become less from this. Who knows, in which folder the information you need could be lit up.

Went participants: search by name, archive and awards

Where else can you look? There are more narrow-controlled storage facilities, for example:

  1. As we said, the victims of this terrible war, were those who were in captivity. Their fate can be displayed on foreign sites like this. Here in the database there is all about Russian prisoners of war and burials of Soviet citizens. You need to know only the surname, you can watch the lists of prisoners. The research and development center of the documentation is located in the city of Dresden, it was he who organized this site to help people from around the world. You can not only search for the site, but send a request through it.
  2. Rosarhiv - agency, which is the authority of the executive power, which keeps the account of all state documents. You can contact your request or via the Internet, or by phone. There is an electronic circuit sample on the site in the "Appeals" section, the left column on the page. Some services here turn out to be paid, the list can be found in the section "Archive's activities". Given this, you will definitely ask if you need to pay your request.
  3. rGAVMF.RU - Directory of the Military Marine Fleet on the fate and the great affairs of our sailors. In the "Orders and Applications" section there is an email address for registration of documents left for storage after 1941. By contacting him with the archive employees, you can get any information and find out the cost of such a service, most likely it is free.

War Awards: Search by name

To search for awards, feathers are organized an open portal dedicated to exactly this It published information about 6 million cases of awarding, as well as 500,000 unbelievable medals, orders, and not reached the recipient. Knowing the surname of his hero, you can find a lot of new things about his fate. Posted by scanned documents of orders and premium sheets, data from account card files will complement your knowledge.

Who can you ask for information about awards?

  • The Central Defense Ministry site in the section "Awards is looking for their heroes" published a list of awarded fighters who did not receive them. Additional surnames can be found on the phone.
  • - Encyclopedia of the Red Army. It published some lists about the appropriation of senior officers, specials. Information may not be so extensive, but you should not neglect existing sources.
  • - a project created in order to popularize the feats of defenders of the Fatherland.

A lot of useful information, which is sometimes no anywhere, can be found on the forums of the above sites. Here people share precious experience and tell their own stories that can help you. There are many enthusiasts ready to help everyone anyway. They create their own archives, conduct their research, they can also be found only on the forums. Do not take care of such a type of search.

Warm veterans: search by name

  1. - an interesting project created by people ideological. The person who wants to find information enters the data, they can be any: name, the name of the awards and the date of receipt, the line from the document, the description of the event. This combination of words and will calculate search engines, but not just on sites, but in old newspapers. According to the results you will see everything that managed to find. Suddenly it is here you will be lucky, you will find at least a string.
  2. It happens that we are looking for among the dead, but finding among the living. After all, many have returned home, but due to the circumstances of that heavy time changed the place of residence. To search for them, use the site People seekers send letters, where they ask to help find their fellow soldiers, random counter wars. The project capabilities allow you to choose a person according to the name and region, even if he lives abroad. Seeing it in these lists or similar, you need to contact the administration and discuss this question. Good, attentive employees will help and make everything they can. The project does not cooperate with government organizations and cannot provide personal information: telephone, address. But publish your search for search is quite possible. For more than 1000 people were able to find each other thus.
  3. 1941-1945.The people are not thrown their veterans. Here on the forum you can communicate, to bring references among the veterans themselves, they may have met and own information about the person you need.

Searches for alive are no less relevant than the search for dead heroes. Who else will tell us the truth about those events, about the experience and stunned. About how the victory was met, the very first, most expensive, sad and happy at the same time.

Additional sources

Regional archives were created throughout the country. Not such large, holding, often on the shoulders of ordinary people, they retained unique single records. Their addresses are on the site of movement to perpetuate the memory of the victims. As well as:

  • - "Seeker".
  • - memories, letters, archives.
  • - International Biographical Center.

You tell me: "Why look for?

Those who have been killed here have long disappeared

We left and those that could wait for them

And all of them long ago forgotten ... "

From the song of search engines

Almost every family of our country has relatives, missing during the Great Patriotic War. Some disparate information is stored in the family, someone has pictures. But when you see the surname of a native person in the report of the Memorial base, for example, for some reason, it seems more clearly a train under fire, trenches ... and it seems that if you find out at least something else, your soldier will not be so lonely in his surrounding grave . And hope that the non-returned warriors will not remain without prayer.

About where and how to look for information about the place of burial of a soldier of the Great Patriotic War, "Fome" told Dmitry Alexandrovich Belov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Director of the Research Center for the Regional History of the Volgograd State Academy of Postgraduate Education, Vice-President of the Stalingrad Battle International Charitable Foundation.

Step 1. Where to start

The fastest way to find a relative who died in the Great Patriotic War is a generalized Memorial Data Bank, the base of the central archive of the Ministry of Defense (TsAMO):

For this:

At this stage of the search for a start, the surname, name, patronymic, year of birth, is desirable - the title. If he is Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, then, of course, it will be more difficult. It is necessary to show perseverance to make sure that this is the person who needs, the details of the wife, moms, the name of the village, the city, from where he was called, place of birth (in accordance with the administrative-territorial division of the USSR in the pre-war years - approx. ed.).

It is worth paying special attention to the fourth point. In the database there are really silly orphographic errors. My great-grandfather called Andrei Kirillovich. I wrote "Kirillovich" as a normal person with two l, and then thought that not everyone knows how Kirillovich is written ...

I scored Kirillovich with one "l" and immediately found the burial place. Also Felippovich can be Felippovich, and with one "P", and so on. And in the surname, and the name is also better to try to change letters in the case if they wrote them a little man or the source document poorly read. Such moments should be considered.

Ideally, the result of your searches should be a document on the site of the burial of a relative and information, in which military unit (army, division or regiment) he fought.

If there is no information, you can hope that search engines who are engaged in the search and the burial of the remains of soldiers, will find something. If the search engines managed to find someone, they turn to the draft board, looking for relatives themselves.

But you can continue searching yourself. In this case, you need to assemble the maximum possible amount of information to start a qualitatively new search phase.

What can we help in this?

Step 2. Collecting additional information

Are letters preserved?

The most important thing in the letters is the number of the field mailer (PPP) on the envelope stamp. You can install the division number, regiment, etc.

Powerful resource: a lot of documents on military topics, memoirs, collections. If the division number is known, the area of \u200b\u200bbattles, then you can at least find a description of the description.

Database "Feat People"

Tsamo project.

This is a database where there is information about warriors awarded medals. The base is not yet complete, not all documents are scanned.

There are several hospitals databases on this resource. You dial the hospital number, click Enter and see which division he served.

And many more directories on the birth of troops, chains, weapons.

But the most valuable for

If you register on it, you can get a consultation of completely unfamiliar historians, specialists, all who are interested in searching, employees of the military registration and enlistment office.

To register at the top of this site (see the picture above the lower right corner) you need to click the "Registration" button. Next, you need to fill out the registration form.

Then create a topic (it is better to call it briefly, for example, "No. __-Taja Division. I am looking for a relative"). After that, your request will be able to read anyone who will visit this site. Do not doubt! Such unfamiliar and not indifferent people will be enough. Each will help you with information that has. Some will answer, advise, counseling, others - recommend sites, scan documents you need, excerpt books, etc.

Other resources

There are many more resources that publish interviews veterans, biographies. But it should be borne in mind that these sources, as a rule, do not represent historical values \u200b\u200bfor any researcher or for anyone who wants to use this material in the search.

To organize in archivessearch for dead and missing in Bords 1941-1945 relatives on the surname need

1) to collect maximum information about the wanted front-line (surname, time / place of birth; region of the army; place (s) of service; bodies of troops; part number (s); any official and unofficial notices of contact captured; field mail numbers from sent letters, etc.)

2) Contact all these data by the Internet sites:

a) Thematic resource of the Ministry of Defense called "Joint Data Bank" Memorial "" *. Address:

b) Electronic Bank "The feat of the people in the world of 1941-45"

Includes rooms and texts of orders about award. Address:\u003dnavhome.

c) "Memory of the People"

This resource contains information on places of deployment of military units at all stages of the Second World War. Address:

d) "immortal regiment"

Public initiative sites MOYPOLK.RU and POLKRF.RU allow you to seek the search for front-line people on your own database, publications in the media, orders, archival documents, stories of participants in the Second World War, etc.

3) Send requests for finding unofficial archives and databases to collected by the commutors and databases (you can find such as "Yandex" and any other search engine).

4) Contact specialized archives (Metropolitan State Military Archive and / or similar archives of the former Union republics; archives of power departments, etc.). With a personal visit to the Favorites archive, a statement may be required to indicate their personal data, the purpose of collecting information and the approximate list of requested documents.

5) Send a request for the search for dead and missing in the Borders of 1941-1945 in the archives of Germany and countries in which fighting was conducted. The main corps of the federal archive of Germany is based in Koblets, and the largest branches in Freiburg, Berlin and other cities.

6) contact the local archives of German cities and lands (Dresden Center for the documentation for the organization "Saxon Memorials", etc.)

7) If there is information about the approximate place of the death of a wanted relative - to contact local military-patriotic detachments, the list of which is available on the resource (subsection "Region. Representatives").

Algorithm for finding a missing relative

The more data is known about the front-line - the easierless. Ideally, in addition to the name of the artist, it is desirable to possess information about the place of his birth, the date and place of the call, the number of the military unit, etc. As a result of the analysis of documents provided by online resources, you can track the life path of ancestor. For example, information from premium documents will allow you to learn about the feasures committed by a relative, the address of the family in the years of the Second World War, etc.


Such wording in the results of extradition in no case should be the basis for the discontinuation of the search. According to the documents on the fields of service, you can "calculate" the female hero and to know the details of the fatal battle. There are cases when the fighters lost the memory "flooded" under other names. The main thing is not to stop searching, using any, even the most minor, "hooks".

It will not be superfluous to establish contacts with representatives of search groups (personal belongings found by them and the remains often allow you to shed light on the events of interest).

It is important to remember that in the number of missing fighters who were captured. To search in this direction, it is advisable to contact the Domestic Ministry of Defense and the German Documentation Center located in Dresden, where data on the citizens of the Soviet Union captible by the Nazis are collected.

How to act in case of failure

Counseling with like-minded people and people long engaged in search. You can find out the addresses of thematic forums and social networks (some sites are devoted entirely to the discussion of the front-line life of specific parts and compounds). The forum of the All-Russian Genealogical Tree site contains links to great many links and archives, query form in various departments, recommendations for the search, etc.

OBD "Memorial"

* The generalized computer data bank "Memorial" - created by the presidential instruction No. FR-698 dated 23.04.2003 information archive with information about the defenders of the Motherland, the fallen and missing during the Second World War (1941-1945) and the post-war period.

The Mission of the PUD "Memorial" project is to ensure citizens by the possibility of establishing destinies and places of disposal / capture / disappearance of their relatives.

Specialists of the Elar corporation specialists are engaged in the formation and filling of the site

Data on the fighters of the Red Army and partisan detachments were collected by the rear service staff

  • - departmental archives (Navy, Air Force, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, KGB / FSB);
  • - branches of the Russian State Military Archive;
  • - branches of the State Archive of the Russian Federation;
  • - profile departments of the Ministry of Defense;
  • - open sources (newspaper publications; postal correspondence data; reports on irretrievable losses; documentation of medicalbaths and hospitals; trophy cards of prisoners of war; the passports of the burial, etc.).

The result of such cooperation was the creation of a global (and regularly updated) information and reference system with more than 13.4 million digitized pages of archival documents and 42 thousand dumping passports. OBD "Memorial" - the largest electronic archive missing soldiers of the Second World War War in the world.

OBD-MEMORIAL.RU Available to study millions of scanned copies of documentary primary sources with information on personalities. Portal visitors can search for the necessary information about front-line engineers online. Access to the portal is open 24 hours a day.

The search for the missing participants of the BOB 1941-1945 can be made on sites (addresses are indicated above), which have solid databases with the names of the fallen soldiers found by search detachments. To submit a request, you will need to enter the name and, if possible, additional information about the search (its age, rank, combat awards, etc.) the base on the specified portals is constantly updated, so the negative result of the first attempt may turn into a positive after a while.

An alternative to these sites can be the appeal to regional military-patriotic clubs, whose coordinates can be found on the network. Search engines will make a photo of the missing relative with the personal data of the victim to the common base, after which the same enthusiasts throughout the country will be connected to the search for the fighter.

And finally, you can write (call) to the program "Wait for me", the organizers of which are looking for missing soldiers throughout the planet. To get to the project's database, you will need to fill out the profile on the portal "". The more information about the missing relative is known, the higher the probability of establishing information about it. Searching events start immediately after the arrival of the questionnaire. According to statistics, the employees "wait for me" weekly search for information about several dozens of people, about a third of which are not ordinary fighters, officers and partisans who have not returned from the war.

Attention! Due to the large number of applications, the processing of new requests is temporarily suspended. You can search for yourself on the databases "Memorial" (, "feat of the people" ( and "memory of the people" ( - the search for them is performed absolutely free.