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What dreams black raven in a dream. What dreams of a crow - a bird of death and failure to what dream of a black crow bites

It is difficult to find a person who would love black raven. Since ancient times, it is believed that this bird has a dark energy. Previously, the crows accompanied the sorcerers and were their backs. Now people do not believe in such fairy tales, but still fear to see a black crow in a dream.

Black Crow

If a person will attach importance to his dreams, it will be aware of the time that in his life is happening. Not all people have the opportunity to sit down every night and make a disassembly of the day, recording your thoughts and feelings. And the subconscious of this is engaged. Therefore, it can from time to time to remind a person or warned him from errors. What awaits a person who sees a black crow in a dream? Such an image subconsciously sends people who cannot or cannot make decisions on their own. Such persona prefer to ask about those surrounding. People who do not know exactly what they want from life, always turn out to be losing. Therefore, if the dreams sees a crow in the night Gresses, he needs to think what happened in his life. The man relies too much on the opinion of others and gradually begins to lose individuality.

Flock of Voron

A black crow in a dream and in reality is an omens of death. A man who saw in the night of gold a flock of birds, will soon lose someone from loved ones. It is necessary to calculate which of his surroundings breathe on incense, and come to say goodbye to a person. And perhaps the dream will even be able to save a close life. If you detect health problems in time, they can be eliminated. But not always a flock of raven is a bad sign. If the dream has familiar who suffer from severe and incurable disease, then death for them will be a welcome gift. The dream is not worth warning a person about anything, but to spend a friend for the last time you need. Talk to the sick, please be his last time.

Voron carries something

To interpret the images seen in the night of gold, you need very carefully. Black crow in a dream is not always a bad sign. If the bird will carry something in the beak, and then let go of his cargo, and it will fall to the ground, then the dream should be rejoiced. Soon it is waiting for material well-being. Money will be found or come from an unexpected source. For example, an inheritance from uncle will get a decent condition, allowing to live without breaking throughout the year. The subconsciousness warns a person about money not by chance. Son Dan a man with the goal so that he does not waste all the money. They should be put into dealing. The dreams should develop a business plan and discover its enterprise. If such a way to enrich people seems too complicated, it means that he needs to invest money somewhere so that they bring interest.

Catch crow

Are you a lucky person? To see a black crow caught in a dream - a good sign. The dream will soon smile luck. The black band of life is over, and light begins. Failures and troubles that accompanied the person for a long time will leave. A person will be able to sigh easily and freely. But it is not worth a long time to enjoy life. While good luck on your side, you need to use it. Think than you always dreamed to do? Take the dream of life. Now the right time. Act boldly. But do not tell others around the plans. Let happiness be quiet, then it will last long.

If you caught in a dream, and then quickly let go of the crows, luck will be short-term. Do not strust some complex projects, limit yourself to the elimination of current troubles. People who dreamed like a similar dream can safely play gambling, they will be accompanied by success.

Kill Crow

A person can be very happy in raven? Similar dreams foreshadow the person that the enemy who did not give him the opportunity to exist normally, soon leave the way. The dreams should think what way it is best to eliminate the enemy. Try to eliminate a person from its path without quarrels and conflicts. Walk it to the side. Let a person stay stand in his place, and you continue to move on. Such an outcome of events will be the most acceptable.

In the fight against the enemy, you can ask for help from friends. They will give good advice and morally support in a difficult situation.

Cracker Crow

What does Black Crow mean in a dream? Bird, which boxes, notifies the dream that the enemies are gloomy about him behind him. Gossip and rumors that bloom about your personality can constantly lift the reputation. Think someone from acquaintances can spoil your life. When such a person finds, try to exclude it from your circle of communication. But before that, tell us with all families that the bikes, who, with such an expletion, told a person with every opportunity, is a lie. Withdrawing the person to clean water, make it in all seriousness to admit that everything told was in fiction. After such comprehensive confessions, any rumors about you again went, everyone will think that they continue to dissolve all the same ill-wisher. People will stop believing the gossip, which means you have achieved your goal.

Dead crow

You can not cope with your offenders? To see a black crow - this is a good sign. Soon you will have to fret ill-wishers, and perhaps even eliminate them forever. How can I do that? Clarify people with their authority. If the dreams will spend force on the acquisition of the trust of influential people who will become its allies, he will not have to worry about the personalities of the goats. After the transition to a new stage in the development of a person cease to excite small envious swords, which he converts. Such people can no longer harm, which means they are not dangerous.

Hold the crow

Have you seen an ominous bird in a dream? A black crow will not foreshadow anything wrong if she is in the hands of a person. And how can I interpret this image? The dreams spends time on trifles. A person can exchange life on trifles and engage in absolutely useless things and affairs. The subconscious says to man that it is time to become more serious and start looking for your calling. Person should reconsider their attitude to life and think about what time leaves. Sometimes find out where the precious hours are dried, it is very difficult. Every day it should be recorded than you were doing an hour for an hour. A similar tracker will shed light on the problem. A person may not guess that he sends too much time after a TV or at a computer. To change the situation, you need to make an hourly plan of action and abide by it.

Hunting on Crow

What did you do in a dream? Hunted birds? What does black raven mean in a dream? If the dreams shot in the birds in night gold, then the man spends his time on the people who unnecessary people. The person must reconsider its circle of communication and adjust it. Refuse those people who constantly spoil you mood, complain about their problems and worry the eternal requests for help. It is necessary to surround yourself to those who appreciate you and your time. Look at those people who stand above on the social staircase. Get familiar among them. The person grows when it is forced to this circumstance. Find the opportunity to communicate with smart people. Thanks to its new surrounding, you will get better.

Dream Crow Black

Black raven symbol is very mysterious. He seems to be between the two worlds, between life and death. In some mythological traditions, Raven is the mediator of the spirit of the dead and the conductor in the otherworldly world. It prophesies trouble, brings death.

Such a non-residential image is softened by the fact that it is this bird that makes dead wisdom. The image in the folk treasure of the interpretation of dreams can be both frankly negative and neutral. The Crow's Council always need to ask.

Raven dream as a harbinger of trouble. This bird because of the dark plumage, deserved the glory of the conductor in the underground world, so she knows more than any other living creature on Earth. In a dream, the crow must need to ask how to do in a difficult situation.

It is very difficult to unambiguously say what the raven is dreaming. After all, sleep can say that intrigue weave against you, or symbolize your new mentor - a wise, but very unpleasant person. What will lead such communication - it is difficult to predict, but invaluable experience will be guaranteed.

If you dreamed black

Small yurt black birds symbolize trouble, it confirms almost every dream book. If raven in a dream is large, beautiful, with a transfusing plumage - you need to carefully expect the right moment of further actions, which will be pushed by rapid developing events.

If it dreams that the bird looks carefully into the eyes - this is a warning that you do not need to start any business, and you should not trust even yourself. Only waiting for a more favorable setting, it will be possible to start acting.

Raven in a dream can caric or speak human speech. It is also worth paying attention to it. Vorona Karkagne in a dream talks about the change of weather or about receiving news about the deceased.

If, in a dream, Raven spoke to human speech, then listening to very carefully - it is quite possible that every word will be prophetic.

The appearance of such a bird in a dream can symbolize the appearance in the life of a new mentor. You won't want to take it for a very long time as a wise patron. But over time you will understand - that thanks to him they have achieved very solid results.

Anxious sign - many black birds

Flock of Voron

To see in a dream, a few large ravens, which circle around the dream and do not go to pass - in reality will have to face fraudsters, and there will be no good agreement with anything good. They will not even let you think about the correctness of the decision, how it will be done, and you lose money.

Kill them - you can solve a cunning plan, and the enemy will be defeated.

Many black birds on the field, the flock practically covered the ground - drought, hungry year.

Dead bird - getting rid of the misfortune.

Several raven outside the window, knock, want to get into the house - troubles who hung over a dream head. It is better to abandon all the plans, not to go anywhere, not to do anything serious. Many birds talk about a series of failures, which will follow one after another, and the crow in this case will symbolize theft.

Hunt to the raven, shoot from various weapons and kill a lot of birds - you will be able to decide, it would seem, a glible business. Enemies will be forced to retreat before the resistance and the moral stem.

Symbolic interpretation of the image of the crow in different dreams

See a crow in a dream - bad sign

Almost everyone, tested by the Dream Interpretation, suggests that if the raven is dreaming - you need to prepare for misfortune. Ancient Slavs believed that the raven could indicate the dead man in the near-time house.

Vanga Providar, whose dream book was compiled by her predictions, endowed the crow from dreams unequivocally bad qualities - and trouble, death, attack. Especially bad sign is considered to see the flock raven in a dream.

More modern sources, which also include Miller's dream book, describing what the raven dreams are interpreted about the dark particle of the soul. It is in every person, but is hidden by the upbringing and norms of social behavior. In this case, a black bird symbolizes the attempt of the dark side of the soul to break out out.

Old Slavic Velezov Sonnik

In the ancient Slavs, Raven was considered a wise bird, symbolized the transition of the soul from Javi to Nava, and therefore had the opportunity to return from the world of the dead back. He often asked the road and councils in important decisions.

The faithful satellite of the dark forces, to whom the Roubon served more than devotion. He himself decided that it was necessary to know an honest person with high moral principles. Therefore, following him, a kind well done, often turned out to be in the Western.

  • Raven black dreams of sadness.
  • A flock of black raven on the field - the next year will be faithful.
  • To see a lot of raven, which is circling in the sky, the dreams will dream of war.
  • Wares in the window - the news of the dead.
  • Dreamed Raven, who attacks prey - help in the disclosure of the conspiracy.
  • If it dreams that the crows loudly squabbles - to change the weather, bad weather.

Dream Interpretation Vanga

Ravens are circling - unfortunately

Bulgarian provincial considered the appearance in a dream of a crow - a very bad sign. Troubles and misfortunes can begin throughout the city. Farm, natural disasters, military conflicts are possible. Black raven as a symbol received the interpretation of a herald of death. This is exactly the case when only death can get rid of suffering.

  • Raven symbolizes death, misfortune, military conflicts.
  • Seeing the bird in a high tree near your house - unfortunately, long-term illness.
  • Kill a black crow in a dream - the only salvation of the patient will be death.
  • See how a huge flock is circling over the city - military actions, conflicts, hunger.
  • A big dead bird in the house - to the dead man, who has experienced a lot of torment before death.

Dream Sigmund Freud.

The German psychotherapist gives the symbol of a black bird that appeared in a dream, secret knowledge. His dream interpretation interpreted the appearance of this symbol in a dream as a manifestation of the unknown side of the subconscious. For her, sex and aggression are the only direction of life. This is an important opportunity to show the depth of feelings, even if they are extremely devastating.

  • Dreamed Raven - this is a symbol of the dark side of a person's subconscious;
  • Seeing the bird on the window - an incomprehensible mutual passion with full harmony in proximity. At the same time, relations will be unbearable;
  • Catch a crow - the desire of secret pleasures, a tendency to cruel sexy games.

Dream Miller

This dream book also considers the appearance of a crow in a dream with a symbol of the part of consciousness that is impossible to argue. Perhaps these are the feelings that we never get out of our soul, because they are afraid of them.

  • Raven symbolizes the inner world of man.
  • A black bird attacks Padal - will witness an unpleasant clarification of relationships.
  • The bird flew out the window - to the news. Black raven carries sad news, white - joyful news.
  • To see a crow in the house - doubts in his choice, general insecurity.

Almost every interpretation, which explains what the raven is dreaming, talks about the emergence of a dream or dishonest people in the life of a dream. Therefore, if you had to see such a dream, you need to analyze your environment and not start new cases, especially with unfamiliar people.

Snowstone Interaction with Bird

If you dream that I had to talk to the Raven, it is necessary to ask everything that interests in life. Everything that the black bird says in a dream may be true.

Be the owner of a black crow, wearing him on my shoulder - be a boss. Be able to subjugate all the forces of your body, getting special abilities. Or a dream will be able to reveal the cunning plan for envious.

See how the bird attacks in a dream, pecks a certain part of the body - the body needs a careful medical examination. Special attention should be paid to the body that has been attacked in a dream. No good to ignoring such a council will lead.

Trying to catch the crows - to gossip, intrigues, problems at work. You need to be prepared for the fact that colleagues can start against a dream of a frank war.

To feed a black crow or see as the owner feeds a manual bird - a connection with a person who will be patronized by Sleeping. There will be unpleasant rumors about this person, which is not worth listening to. If this person has already begun to communicate with you - you need to go to the end and this path will bring you well-being.

Estimation of the centuries Black Raven was the personification of evil. He was considered the "Witch Bird", and in every way avoided contact with him. According to other knowledge, Raven is a bird, symbolizing the wisdom of centuries and generations. Also ambiguous and the opinion of dreams about what this ptah is dreaming. Therefore, the correct all will check the plot of several interpreters in a dream.

Interpretation Miller

Miller's dream book gives such an interpretation of sleep in which you see how black crows knocks you into the window with your beak: knock is not loud - pay attention to your life, you probably do something wrong. And if it knocks very loudly, then you need to change both guidelines and priorities.

Interpretation of Gypsy Dreamnoy

Often, the explanations that the Tsygan's interpreter offers significantly different from all other prophecies. Here, for example, what dreams black raven, according to this "oracle":

  • a large flock of halinding crows predicts a noisy party and fun;
  • flying circles "Bird-night" promises receipt of unexpected news;
  • seen in a dream, as Pthaha left their nest - having time with the implementation of their plans;
  • drawing feathers sat down on the windowsill - to the family celebration;
  • help in the hands of small things are bored - by the period of rest and joy.

Vorony flocks: from bad weather before trouble

Did a lot of ravens swing in the sky? Compare interpretations of several interpretations and select one that comes to your reality. Dream Dream of Tsvetkov believes that the Gonding Voronary Steat is a sign that someone is very bad opinion about you.

Folk uprisings, catastrophes and troubles tend to dream dream of Ezopa, who watched a lot of birds with a coal plumage, sitting on the trees. But, the Slavic dream book promises the change of weather conditions, if in a dream a lot of raven rose to his friend.

Pernation, like a loss symbol and news

Pastor David Loff, suggesting, what dreams the black raven, which flew into the window of your apartment, promises the loss of something valuable and important for sleeping person. But if the bird flew out into the window, concerned in the house and flew to the street, then this vision means quarrels with households.

Dreamed that the Voronenok flew into the house and got on your shoulder? You will get some kind of news that is waiting for a long time. Hand-made black raven sits on your hand and eat the proposed food? This means that you can easily find a common language with a competitor.

Aggressive crow - a sign of problem situations

If you wish to understand what the big black raven is dreaming, which attacks you and pecks, then the simplest and accurate explanations you will find in East Dream.

Did a big screaming bird who attacks you, protecting your chick? You will learn some secrets of your child. And if you see in a dream, that the big raven begins you in the face, then take care of attentive to your surrounding - someone, giving yourself for your friend, builds you a goat and weave the intrigue against you.

Dead Ptah, or forgive, difficulties!

Have you seen in a dream in your apartment of the dead feathery? Be sure to find out what a similar plot is dreaming. So, for example, Miss Hasse promises to get rid of trouble and the problems of those who have dreamed like a similar plot.

In many cultures of the peoples of the world, Crow occupies a special place. She was attributed to a variety of mythical properties. In some people, it is indicated that this bird is a conductor in the other world, and according to other legends it is considered a messenger from the afterlife.

To understand what the crow had a crow, you need to remember the smallest details of the plot. It should not be thought that this bird is a harbinger of sadness, dream interpreters offer a wide variety of interpretations. It is very important to remember the appearance of the crows, which appeared in your nightly Gresses. Your behavior relatively seen in the dream of birds has an important meaning.

See crow away from afar

If you saw the crows in the distance in the distance and did not touch it, then this is a very favorable sign. He symbolizes your confidence and fearlessness. At the moment of the time you feel a powerful person and you have a lot on the shoulder.

What dreams black raven

Very often there is a question that dreams of black raven. Such a dream can be a direct warning that in real life you want to deceive. To avoid this, some time must be safeguarded and controlling everything that happens around you, as well as to personally check any information that comes to you. But if there is a black crow in the cage, it symbolizes what you have a strong impact on the people of their environment.

A large number of raven seen in the dream warns that time came to pay attention to his own health. And if you did not see the bird in the night of gold, but heard her carcass, it warns that in reality you can make an increasing degree or take the wrong decision. It is unlikely that it will lead to serious consequences, but the troubles will be.

Dark crow

If you happened in the dream to see the Darky Crow, then there will be no trouble in the near future. You can safely engage in the outlined affairs.

Other scenes of dreams may indicate the following:
  • Many gillowing crows, jumping along the ground and sitting on the branches of trees, foreshadow a noisy party with friends.
  • A crow flying through the air foreshadows the receipt of important news. There is a high probability that you will not be ready for them, as they will be too unexpected.
  • Clearing from the nest of the crow, indicates that it is desirable for a while refuse to conceived.
  • Vorony flocks on trees are a harbinger of a large family fee, which will negotiate important questions.

White crow, seen in the dream, is considered a good sign. It indicates that the merits of the dream will fully in the near future will be assessed according to merit and it will certainly be expressed in material promotion. In addition, the white crow can symbolize an extraordinary person with whom the dream will soon meet.

Crowing actions in a dream

If you dreamed that a black crow intently looks at you in a dream, you should not be afraid. Such a dream indicates that you will see something important in real life. But at the same time you will only witness, not a member. And when the crow flies to you in a dream and sits down next to you, it symbolizes your sadness. Moreover, it may well be an inexplicable and unword. It is necessary to make itself more optimistic about life.

Crow flew into your home

If, in the plot of the night dreams, the crow flew into the open window of your dwelling, it foreshadows the family reunification.

But at the same time, attention should be on the following:
  • If the crow, hacked, continues to fly around the room, the family will come in the family and calm, without any effort on your part.
  • If you sat down on the furniture, then in order to create a friendly family will have to work a lot.

If the black crow in the dream pecks the beak into the window glass, it warns that the danger hurt in your life. But if it makes white birds, it's not worthwhile to fear, but you need to wait for pleasant Westa that joy will bring to your house.

Other actions in a dream, in which the Crow has chosen, can be interpreted as follows:
  • Kill the crow - win victory over enemies or competitors.
  • There is a roronene meat in a dream - soon falls in love and will twist in the whirlpool of feelings and emotions.
  • Hunting to the crow - a harbinger of good harvest.
  • Catch the crows with hands - to enter into a serious conflict with someone.
  • Take into the hands of small chicks - to expect the occurrence of a period of calm and prosperous life.

Aggressive crow.

If you dreamed of an aggressive crow, which attacks you, then this is an unfavorable sign. He foreshadows that the dream will have to realize the feelings that will be very unpleasant to him. And if the bird still attacked and, she managed to defeat you, it foreshadows parting with a loved one, as a result of the goat mischiefers. But if as a result, the battle with the Voronene you managed to fight off, then you will be able to save relationships with your loved one, although you have to survive a difficult period. Also, the victory over the crow can foreshadow bright victories in the business sphere.

Talking crow.

When the spelling crow flew in the scene of a dream in your dwelling, you need to remember her carcass. If the bird warned about the danger, then in reality it is necessary to show carefulness. Some dream books focus the attention of the dream on the fact that the louder of the crows, the biggest trouble can expect a person in reality.

You have a black raven

When the storyline is based on the fact that the Black Raven pecks some part of the dream body, then it foreshadows serious illnesses. This is a very disturbing dream, which is warning. Therefore, it is better to pass a medical examination after such sleep.

To feed the corona

If you have to feed the crows in night gold, then you will easily overcome any obstacles to the intended goals. This will be due to the fact that no enemies will be able to prevent you. You will be able to reveal all the intrigues of the enemies, and you will definitely succeed.

It is believed that the dream in which you saw a black crow, do not promise anything good. What is the black ravens dream? From a long time, people attributed their misfortunes to these birds because of their dark dark color and a tie with a cemetery.

In many primitive cultures of Asia, Ancient Russia and America, as well as among the admirers of shamanism, the Black Raven has always been considered a mystical harbinger of troubles and adversity, a kind of mythical antagonist, with unfortunate and sorrow. Most often, the image of the crow can be found in cemeteries, a black bird is associated with death, hell, something demonic. Therefore, it does not have to be surprised at a huge number of dream interpretations in which a black raven appears in a negative key.

In most cases, Raven performs the function of a messenger, warning a dream or a dream about the coming redirers, failures and tragedies.

In the same time many nations considered a crow with a symbol of wisdomTherefore, a dreaming bird does not necessarily have to be a harbinger of misfortune, perhaps it is only a warning, and in your power to prevent trouble. Similar interpretation is applicable to sleep, where the crow knocks the window.

  • If she flew to you in the house - you should expect the arrival of unpleasant guests.
  • And the bird flying out of the nest warns from new beginnings, which can bring some trouble in the future.

Some dreams involving a black crow are interpreted by both positive foresight.

  • For example, dead bird promises good luck and good avoidance avoidance, a lonely bird in the cloudless sky is the beginning of a new stage in life, and the dual-sized chick indicates the approaching positive changes in personal relationships.
  • Special attention should be paid to a dream in which there is a speaking raven. You need to carefully listen to what I said and try to decipher. This is a hint that will help you solve problems. The more the bird and the more human features, the greater the likelihood that a reliable comrade will appear in real life, which will become a teacher and support for you. At the appearance of an ally will also point a dream in which you feed the crow with your hands.
  • Black raven flying across the sky and rigoring somethingespecially if it "something" falls to the feet of a dream or a dreamy, foreshadows wealth or unexpected, but pleasant and valuable find.
On this, positive interpretations of dreams involving a black crow end. The following presented interpretations from the most popular dream books, mainly negative.

Negative sleep interpretation with black corners

The raven itself is the foresight of something bad, truly bad.

A black bird may impose a dream or a dream of a problem at work, breaking in relationships with a loved one, quarrels with family, scandals with friends, physical illnesses and even death.
  • A flock of black ravens, flying through the sky, is the foresight of the gloomy and sad funeral procession. A dream or dreaming would not have to fear for his own life, but he or she risks losing someone from loved ones.
  • It is believed that, Karakaya in a dream, black crows calls on bad weather. A dream or dreaming is better not to plan any grand trips or events soon.
  • A lot of carcake black ravens in a dream - the foreskins of gossip, evil languages. Around a dream or dreaming a lot of people eager for his or her money, fame seeking to disgrace him or her kind, honest name
After such a sleep, it is necessary to show caution, do not trust anyone from his environment - especially unfamiliar people, - and try to limit their circle of communication exclusively by those people in which in no case have to doubt.

Black Crow Actions in Sind

  • Black Raven, flying towards a dream or dreamy in a dream, foreshadows real physical danger in reality. It may be a risk of seriously sick. The reason for this will be numerous stress, nervous tension and bad habits: smoking, alcohol use, incorrect diet, sedentary lifestyle.
A dream or dreaming should also be fear of various kinds of surprises: it will not be superfling several times before moving the street, and from walking in a proud loneliness at night it is better to abandon at all.
  • Black raven, eating something in a dream, is the foresight of problems in personal life. A dream or dreamy should pay more attention to its second half: it is possible that it is already a long time to dream about the campaign "left". Accordingly, the full black raven will decline to the already accomplished marriage.
  • Flying and cake black raven In a dream - a bad omen. Such a dream promises getting unpleasant news.
  • If in a dream, the Black Crow does not draw attention to a dream or a dream of attention, in reality, or it can be a feeling of deep longing.
  • Dying black raven in a dream foreshadows a meeting with a screw.
There is a black crow in a dream - one of the most unpleasant omen.

Such a dream foreshadows a dream or a dream of a series of small failures, household troubles, skirmishes and moves, which in general will leave him or her in a bad arrangement of the Spirit and pretty touched him or her life.

Interpretation in Wang's dream book

In this dream book black Raven is a harbinger of misfortunes, bad news and trouble. If the bird shouted with a bird - you should expect severe illness or death. In the event that you had to kill in the Crow's dream - prepare for the fact that you will be powerless in trying to help a sick person, and he will most likely die.

  • Crows, circulating nests in a dream - sign of the approaching epidemicwhich will affect people, cattle and all living around.
  • If a black crows of their packs cover the ground, you should prepare for the faulty year. Hunting on raven in a dream, on the contrary, prevents extremely prolific harvest or a good result from a matter in which a lot of strength was invested.
  • A flock of birds, circling in the air, is a symbol of a political conflict that will entail many human victims.
Salvation from all these victories of Vanga sees in prayers, patience to neighbor, water and herbs.

Interpretation of sleep for the dream of Miller

The black raven is considered precursor of sad events, and the heard carcage warns against the danger of betrayal or negative influence.

It is especially necessary to pay attention to this dream to a young man, perhaps a woman's intrigue against him.

Bird sitting on a tree symbolizes the tests that still have to go. If in a dream it is not possible to drive it, probably awaits you parting with a close person.

Dream of Freud.

An interesting interpretation is given in this dream book, pointing to the problem in personal life. According to Freud, dreaming black Raven symbolizes relations in which the sexual side prevails over the spiritual. In other words, you yourself do not know what connects you with a partner, except the bed, because at regular time you can not even find general those for conversations, not to mention the harmony and mutual understanding. Such a dream encourages to think about the current state of affairs and understand if you need these relationships.