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General End. Ryazan Guards Higher Airborne Team School

In the famous Ryazan Supreme Airborne Command School (RVVVDC), a criminal scandal flared up. The deputy head of the educational institution Anatoly End and two of his subordinates in Novorossiysk is judged for the exceeding authority. The investigation believes that they brutally beat one of the five-year schools of the School for the fact that he went to the field construction without a gas mask. Now they face up to 10 years in prison.

As Izvestia found out, the incident occurred at the beginning of October 2010 during the teachings of cadets RVVDKU at the military ground under Novorossiysk. In the morning, paratroopers were to lift into the air and relieve parachutes in the area of \u200b\u200bTula. From there they planned to make a hiking march to Ryazan. Among the cadets there was a pent-woofer Dmitry Shmelev.

Before leaving the airfield, the construction was announced, during which it turned out that Dima forgot the gas mask, "says the former classmate Schmelev Sergey Kulikov. - He ran after him to the tent. Following him, Colonel End, our Kombat Alexander Bezrukov and Ramil Ramil Gainulov were ran. For some reason, they were bothering that Dima made such an oversight.

According to investigators, in a tent, officers pushed Shmelev to the ground and began to be brutally beat with their feet.

When Dima brought out of the tent, I barely found out - all his face turned into a solid bloody messenger, "recalls the kelits. "After that, we were lucky on the airfield, and Dima was sent to Ryazan to Kamaz.

The officers hoped that the bruises had a cadet and he would not complain about them. However, the Shmelev in Ryazan recorded the beatings from the doctors and appealed to the local military prosecutor's office. According to the results of the inspection, a criminal case was initiated under the article "Exceeding Official Powers".

The testimony of the investigation on officers was given by Schmelev, as well as his colleagues Sergey Kulikov and Roman Oskin. After that, the end, Bezrukov and Guinulov went on the bench of the defendants of the Military Court, and the cadets of Praveradorubov were expelled from the school.

We were simply not allowed to answer in the December session, interrupted and said "wrong," - explains Kulikov. - Shmeleva is a pity, because he was almost an excellent student.

22-year-old Dmitry Shmelev grew up in a small village near the city of Inza Ulyanovsk region.

They wanted to become officers with an elder brother since childhood, "says Dmitry Svetlana Sveleva's mother. - engaged in sports and entered the landing school on their own, without bribes and related ties. The elder managed to merge, and Dima was lucky.

According to his mother, even after Dmitry's deductions from the RVVDKU, they tried to put pressure on the family.

After the deductions, Dmitry went to serve under a contract to the Sofrinian division, but after two months the command, having learned that a criminal case against the deputy head of the landing school was initiated, broke a contract with him, "Svetlana Schmelev says" Izvestia ". - Officers also threatened to dismiss the elder brother from the troops.

In the intentional school itself, the situation does not comment.

We have not heard any criminal cases, "the officer's duty officer said" Izvestia. - Anatoly End and a number of officers are in the service business trip.

The press service of the Airborne Forces also abandoned comment. However, Izvestia still managed to contact Colonel. He argues that his duder cadets stated.

I did not beat anyone, "ending the" Izvestia ". - Shmelev was drunk, so he was not allowed to jump and sent by car to Ryazan. When the question arose about his deductions together with two other cadets, he stated me. But I think the court will figure it out.

In the Committee of Soldier's mothers, they are surprised how such a matter is generally reached the court.

In fact, in all military schools mounted more than in military units, "says Valentina Melnikova Chairman of the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers. - Thus, officers appear, which then beat their soldiers.

Guard Colonel Anatoly End - a famous man in a military environment.
From 2003 to 2006, he commanded the 45th individual Guards Region, which took part in a counterterrorist operation in Chechnya. It has combat awards. Since 2009, he holds the position of Deputy Head of the School.

In case of a compoland, the terminal was already a feasurant of a high-profile trial. In 2003, the Observer of the Novaya Gazette, Anna Politkovskaya accused the commanders headed by the military unit in the fact that the regiment was used to prepare members of the Podolsk organized criminal group. The command considered these approval by the disruption of the "business reputation of the regiment". Consideration of the claim in the Basmanny Court lasted ten months, after which the judge decided to satisfy the lawsuit, recovered 15 thousand rubles from the journalist and 25 thousand rubles from the editorial office of the New Gazeta.

For almost three years, the Ryazan Supreme Airborne School command Anatoly End. Ryazan is rightfully considered the capital of the Airborne Forces - after all, with rare exceptions, the entire officer composition of this kind of troops at the time took, what is she here, cadet porridge. Since September 1998, the Ryazan Higher Airborne Airborne Twice Red Banner, the Order of Suvorov Command School named after the Army General V. F. Marghelova is called the State Military Institute. It sounds a little civilian, but continues to be the standard of the military spirit and recognized by the forge of frames of blue beret. She once passed the cadet of Anatoly End - now Guard Major General and the Blacksmith Ryazan ...

To get to Ryazan, the future cadet to the terminal was to end in 1985 to graduate from high school with a gold medal - already then the competition in the paratroopers was huge. Yes, he was born not in the capital - in the village of Dmitrievka Gomel region, in the south-east of Belarus. Of course, the semi-million regional center worked the Aeroclub and to the barracks of the 103rd Vitebsk Division, which went to Afghanistan, was not so far away, but for the fulfillment of the Youth Dreams needed anyway to get to Ryazan and get up to the Classian system.

Commanded the second legendary school, General Albert Slyusar, the Hero of the Soviet Union and twice Cavalier of the Order of Lenin, who had just returned because of the "River", where under his beginning I fought on Panjsheter 103rd Airborne Division. Could the first-grade end of the end that a quarter of a century on him, three times the Order, will be almost the same as he was once on Albert Evdokimovich, watch future landing officers?

What a war is, Lieutenant Anatoly End realized very quickly. Only released from the School and began - Azerbaijan, Baltic States, Fergana Osh, South Ossetia. So, from one hot point to another, became the deputy commander of the battalion in the 104th shelf of the Pskov division.

When the second Chechnya began, he served in the 45th separate Guards intelligence regiment. And in essence - in the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces. This is a unique combat part for Russia, where every fighter is five worth. To solve the tasks of increased complexity, the 45th airborne regiment is equipped with all the necessary weapons and equipment, and the servicemen receive enhanced training even on hard landing regulations. From recruits withstand such tests only a third. It is walking that when there was no replacement in 1999, a detachment of veterans from among those who passed earlier service went to the North Caucasus. While the unexpectedly returned to the system "from citizen" fought in the mountains, there was an additional preparation of fighters of the airborne special forces soldiers on the basis of Cuba. Perhaps this is just beautiful. But it accurately accurately reflects the principles of the military partnerships, which are adopted in the elite division of the winged infantry.

In 2008, the 45th regiment went out to crowd out Georgian troops from Tskhinval, but without his commander, who was previously appointed to the post of Deputy Comdiga in the 76th Pskov Division, and by the beginning of the operation for coercion to the world became the Deputy Head of the Ryazan Supreme Air landing school. Anatoly Kontseva led the State War Institute in September 2012, in February last year another young general appeared in the Airborne Forces.

Airborne troops and special purpose troops are first to go on battleship. Therefore, high demands are presented to our graduates, "explains Anatoly End. - Everyone who wants to enter the school should be in addition to high physical indicators and sports achievements to have certain intellectual and communicative abilities, knowledge of a foreign language. And most importantly - every future paratrooper officer must be a real patriot, confident that he is able and wants to defend the frontiers of our great and immense homeland ...

Already almost a hundred years - long before the birth of the Airborne Forces, highly professional military specialists are produced from the walls of the school. Higher military school leads its history since 1918, when the first Ryazan infantry courses of red commanders were formed. In 1941, in its walls, they began to prepare military personnel for the Airborne Forces in its walls. But only twenty-three years later, the School with the filing of Vasily Filippovich Marghelov was fully intent. Today, the Military Institute is not only a base for theoretical classes, but also fire and technical complexes, the stadium, the training center near Ryazanu, Aviation Military Transportation Squadron and the Central Parachute CVD club. And the museum of the history of airborne troops, quite reasonably, is located in this blacksmith of blue beret.

According to Major's Major, on average, each cadet for learning makes forty-five parachute jumps from all types of military transport aviation, most of them are assigned a special title "Parachutist". Twenty percent of the participants in the school are already veterans of hostilities.

Marsh throws at fifty kilometers and more, marine landing preparation and receptions of hand-to-hand combat in all conditions - the daily life of Ryazan cadets. The training of mining and field yields on the basis of the 7th division of the Airborne Forces in Novorossiysk with the development of potential clashes and indispensable landing with IL-76 is completed. According to the hardware conviction, the head of the Ryazan Supreme Airborne School, local wars and armed conflicts of recent years, as a rule, occurred and continue to occur in the mountains, and the communities of the units in the conditions of hostilities do not always have the necessary skills to manage subordinates. But each cadet Anatolia End knows how to survive in such a terrain, can interact with aviation and artillery.

Therefore, by the way, cavalry preparation has been recently introduced in the landing school. After all, in mining terrain, not any technique will pass, and mobility is one of the elements of victory. Dump horses from the air, naturally, no one is going. But learn how to handle these animals, paratroopers teach seriously.

Ryazan Higher Airborne School does not cease to surprise with their initiatives. Since December 2009, in a military school, for the first time in Russia, they began to prepare specialists of secondary vocational education - in three years there are highly qualified sergeants and elders for parts of the Airborne Forces, Ground Forces, a special-purpose team and maritime. In 2013, there was a release of the first set of women's servicemen who became commander of the platforms of parachutes and ensure the execution of managing personnel and the ejection of military equipment.

The rather history of the school is fifty-three heroes of the Soviet Union and seventy-four heroes of Russia, thousands of kavallers of combat orders, numerous record holders of the country and peace in parachute. He considers him a cadet of the High Warluggers and the entire Supreme Commander of the Airborne Forces. Today, officer personnel for the airborne troops Anatoly Kontseva continues in Ryazan, and, together with him, twenty one doctor of sciences and one hundred seventy candidates, a high-class faculty, where almost everyone has a war behind his back.

Kirill Metelev, Commander magazine №1, 2015 (founder - Sveva "Afgower")

Immediately I note: the visit was private. Anatoly Georgievich comes from the Gomel region, came to visit his mother to Dobrush and, as he confessed himself in an interview, he simply could not help himself with his good friend - Vladimir Gabrov, who was repeatedly invited to visit.

For Scythians and paratroopers Anatoly End - this is a legendary personality. In 1989, he graduated from the Ryazan Higher Airborne Team School. From 2003 to 2006, he commanded the 45th Separate Guards Region, which took part in a counter-terrorist operation in Chechnya. It has three combat orders, as well as other awards. It was Anatoly Endaway for several years at the parade of May 9 in Moscow personally leads a box of paratroopers in Red Square.

Anatoly Georgievich arrived in the Rechitsa, it is no coincidence that: the whole thing is that two years ago at a party in Ryazan visited our Richitsky boys, the pupils of Skif. In general, Ryazan is a special city, he is called the capital of the Airborne Forces, it is here that the only university in the world is located in the world, and our countryman leads them.

In Rechitsa, Anatoly Georgievich visited a monument to the participants of local wars and armed conflicts, fallen and alive, in the Victory Park on Alea Heroes. As well as the district gymnasium, where there is a memorable place of all paratroopers, the main symbol is the BMD-1 and Bust Marghelov. A particular point of visit was the only museum of the History of the Airborne Forces and Special Forces. There, Vladimir Gabrov spent a tour of the museum, spoke about the exhibits.

And here, the reaction of A. End, a person who knows about the Airborne Forces, was very interesting. Those who have been in Ryazan, in one voice say that the whole infrastructure works on the Airborne Forces. Imagine: in the school there is own 22-meter pool with underwater tire, submarine layouts, aerotube with a special parachute system, a huge museum ... There is no such thing in the world. And so everyone was waiting for the general to say about our museum. A. End restrainedly looked at the exposition, but it was clear that he was very interested. This issued at least that he almost all exhibits photographed on the phone, and after the end of the excursion, some time he looked at the weapons, uniforms and information stands.

- It is surprising that, in fact, in one school class you managed to collect a very informative museum with exclusive exhibits, "A. Kontseva summed up. "I even took a picture of something to show my colleagues to work, as you need to work, and in turn I want to say that we would help you with some exhibits. Let our contribution to this good deed.

The word general is customary to believe. I think A. Kontsevaya will confirm this, and in a short time we will see new exhibits.

Leaving the Rechitsa, Major General Anatoly Kontsevaya gave a mini-interview with a journalist "Raproўts":

About Rechitsa

For the first time in your city and pleasantly surprised: everywhere clean, beautiful, neatly. Quiet and pleasant town, many greens, colors. It was noted that in Belarus in general, and in the Gomel region, in particular, very polite drivers, practically do not violate the rules. For me, this is an amazing fact. I will try to return to the Rechitsa once again, but not alone, but with Vadim Ivanovich Pankov, the hero of Russia, also a native of Gomel.

About "Skiff"

The guys from Skiff every time I am surprised at something. They are already doing what we teach in the army today. And this is not soldiers, but schoolchildren who are engaged in their own accord. Today I looked at the clip, where the guys on the program of combat swimmers had completed a number of complex tasks, and this is despite the fact that they have no specialized pool. Fiction! In turn, I promise that the best pupils of Skif invite Ryazan, where they will be able to visit our unique pool complex.

Ryazan Military School was formed on November 13, 1918 on the basis of the first Soviet Ryazan infantry courses.

  • In November 1921 Ryazan infantry school For the courage and courage of the personnel is awarded the revolutionary red banner of the VTCI.
  • 1941 (August 2) - in Kuibyshev (now Samara), on the basis of the infantry school, a military parachute school was secretly created for the preparation of military personnel of the Airborne Forces, which was hidden behind the number of military unit No. 75021.
  • By the beginning of the war, the school had two cadet battalions. They commanded Colonel P. D. Golovlov and Major L. I. Yagudin. On the beginning of the war, the personnel of the school found out in the Selec camp during the next opening of this camp. The reference performances of the mouth and sporting events were canceled. A rally was held on which many cadets, Red Army and Commanders made. They swore to give all the strength and knowledge on the defeat of the enemy, to protect their homeland and asked them to direct them to the existing army. Approximately, after a half months, the school has passed on the abbreviated period of learning. Scheduled classes were carried out at 8 o'clock a day, but for 10-12 hours, not counting the self-preparation and care of technology. The number of night occupations has increased. New cadets selected by military enrolls arrived in the school, most of the emergency service previously held in the Red Army. There were three cadet battalion and several political units. The battalions were commanded by Lieutenant Colonel P. D. Golovlov, Major L. I. Yagudin, Major N. N. Bogdanov. On July 20, 1941, an early release of senior cadets was made from the school. The release was made without examinations on the average annual assessment and the military rank "Lieutenant" was assigned to all the issued orders of the Military Council of the district. The graduates were first sent for staffing formed priority rifle parts, for subsequent formations and spare parts for the training of red-Armenians and the receipt of practical skills. Instead of graduates, the school was quickly equipped with a handchill to a complete state, taking into account the upcoming expansion. The quality of the acquisition can be partially evaluated by the book of Viktor Alexandrovich Titova - Cadet of the School of March 1942, "1000 days and nights under the sight":

    ... In 1941, from Bellev, I got to Ryazan, in infantry school. Voroshilova. The selection was motley, mainly from the higher educational institutions of Moscow. No one wanted to be a military man, thought that the war would not detain them for a long time. To enroll the cadet of the school, personal consent was required, but no one wanted to agree to become a cadet. When at the reception at the head of the school, Colonel Garrussky asked my consent, I replied that I wanted to be an artist, and I was ready to fulfill the debt to my homeland. The head of the school replied that the Motherland demands, and I am already enrolled by the cadet of the school ...

    On October 25, 1941, the School from Ryazan is replicated to the city of Ivanovo, and on February 15, 1942 he returned from Ivanovo to Ryazan. Performing an operational task on the basis of the order of NKO No. 02011 of 20.10.41, on the redeployment of the school to the city of Ivanovo, the personnel successfully made a hiking transition to a distance of 470 km - the transition to a high disciplinary level at a specified period. Heavy property was transferred on board on the Oce until Gorky
  • November 12, 1943 Ryazan Infantry School named after Voroshilov In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of education for military merit to the homeland and outstanding progress in the preparation of officer personnel, the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Head of School Major General M. P. Gāruzsky was awarded the Order of Lenin, the commander of the cadet battalion Captain F. A. Alexandrov - the Order of the Red Star.
  • From 1946 to September 1947, the parachute-landing school was located in the city of Frunze, the capital of the Kyrgyz SSR.
  • 1958 (June) - Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the SSR Union Ryazan Red Banner Infantry School (average) It was transformed by B. Higher Officer Command School With a four-year learning time. Graduates called His RCPP and received diplomas about higher civil education, and military training remained at the same level. These transformations did not touch the Almaty Asanic School, and the Armor of the Airborne Forces V. F. Margelov proposed the leadership of the country to the merger of two schools.
  • 1959 (May 1) - The first echelon paratroopers cadets went from Kazakhstan to Ryazan, who headed Colonel A. S. Leontyev, appointed by the commander Ryazan Supreme Communication Command Red School. Only on the completion of all issues of cadets-infantrymen on April 4, 1964, the school replaced his sign on Ryazan Higher Airborne Team Red Banner School. Since 1959, when the Alma-Ata Military Parachute School entered the "RCPU", the school has become "to kill" officers for the Airborne Forces. V. F. Margelov constantly kept the school in sight and was inadefully worn. The school has rummaged, gained an excellent training base both in Ryazan and in Selec camps, which are unrecognizable from military pores.
  • 1962 - The school has passed on a new training profile, and knowledge of one of foreign languages \u200b\u200bwas set at the head of the corner. The reception and training of foreigners in the school began (in the 4th Canthast Rota, the fourth platoon was joined, consisting of Vietnamese, and in the following years the company was replenished with Indonesians, cadets from 32 countries are currently being trained).
  • 1964 (April 4) - to the completion of all the issues of cadets-infantrymen, the school was renamed Ryazan Higher Airborne Team Red School and was transformed unrecognizable.
  • On February 22, 1968, in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the School for great services in the preparation of officer personnel is rewarded with the Order of the Red Banner. He is assigned the honorary name "name of the Lenin Komsomol".
  • In 1989, for a great contribution to the preparation of Polish soldiers, the School was awarded the "Commander Cross" of the merit of the merit of the Polish People's Republic.
  • November 13, 1995 in the territory institute A monument was opened by the former commander of the Airborne Forces General of the Army, V. F. Margelov, who made a great contribution to the development of the Airbornefactor.
  • November 12, 1996, given the numerous requests for the personal composition and veterans of the landing service, the President of the Russian Federation assigned the new honorary name, as a result of which the School began to be called "Ryazan Higher Airborne Command Command Double-Rivalent School named after the army of Marghelov V. F.".
  • On August 29, 1998, in connection with the reorganization of military educational institutions and in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 417 of September 16, 1998, the Ryazan Higher Airborne School named after the General Army Army Margelov V. F. was renamed Ryazan Institute of Airborne Forces "
  • On November 11, 2002, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 807, the Institute returned the name "name of the General Army Marghelov V. F.".
  • 2004 (July 9) - given the numerous requests of the personnel and veterans of the School, it again renamed the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School (Military Institute) named after the Army General V. F. Marghelov (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.07.2004 No. 937- R).
  • 2006 - Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation School awarded the pennant Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

I. Korutochko: Hello, this is the program "General Staff", in the studio Igor Korutochko. I am pleased to introduce our guest - the head of the Ryazan Supreme Airborne Command School, Major General Kontsevaya Anatoly Georgievich. Anatoly Georgievich, hello.

A. Kontsevaya: Good afternoon.

I. Korutochko: I would like to start our conversation with the story about the school that you are heading. This is a legendary military university, known throughout the world, and even more so in our country. Soon marks 100 years old to your school - what has been done in recent years, as the preparation of paratroopers officers changed, what is the Ryazan School today?

A. End: I would like to note that our Ryazan School has always been and remains one of the most prestigious military educational institutions of the country, and the competition in the School even in the most difficult years related to the reform of the Armed Forces of Russia has always been high and remains such This day. The school was, there is a forge of personnel for airborne troops and special forces. Here are alive martial spirit, direction and charges for the fulfillment of combat missions, dedication to airborne troops, their traditions, and most importantly - loyalty to his homeland.

The profession of the officer in our country has a centuries-old history, after three years the school will be released at the level of the age of the anniversary. For these 100 years, glorious traditions, strength, generation, in which we, the current generation, starting with the manual, as I with my commanders, the same variable composition, cadets draw strength. And they have no other right, how to be the same as their predecessors, their veterans, they should be a benchmark of how to protect their homeland, and this was proven over the years.

The many years of experience in training cadets in the school shows that one of the important components became a good, perfect, innovative material and technical base. At this stage of the development of the school, the entire educational and material base is almost completely updated, a new technique is being received to work out practical skills, the best training platforms have been created, the direction of combat training has been created.

Already in the presented pool and special class, the officer cadets work out the basics of dive, perfect buoyancy, working with equipment under water, receiving hand-to-hand combat under water, including with cold weapons, oriented under water, they get acquainted with the latest diver equipment samples for performing specific Tasks.

Created and used in the educational process two specialized classes on training on automated controls to obtain work skills. A comprehensive tactical simulator was commissioned for practical training in a platoon with strengthening and support.

For exercise on fire training, a national rifle complex, a length of more than two kilometers for shooting from various weapons, military vehicles of the second, fourth generation, armored personnel carriers, rifle special sniper foreign weapons, grenade launchers.

Equipped highway tank and foot biathlon with sections of firing for integrated learning exercises in the crews and units, such as separation, platoon. Created tires to prepare on special high-speed shooting in a closed space in a special gallery using the latest target equipment.

Angular airborne mountainous marine, moral and psychological, international barns of obstacles was reconstructed and created. The educational process of the school introduced an equestrian complex with a stable for the content of horses and an equestrian fee of both open and closed. Works on the construction of an urban structure of the building of the urban type are completed, where cadets are trained in a platoon management in the attitude on the approaches to the city, in houses, quarters, which is now relevant, based on the last armed conflicts.

For example, in a two-story double-dear building on the system of video surveillance of target equipment, the trainee will perform a special exercise with combat cartridge, combat shooting. The walls of the building, door and window are performed from a poolevous material that eliminates the ricochet and providing the possibility of conducting classes using combat ammunition.

There is a reconstruction of the town of survival, the construction of a multifunctional rifle complex is underway to improve shooting both under the ground and in a closed space, on Earth and air. The construction of a multifunctional complex of airborne preparation for laying, training both human parachutes and multi-polar parachute systems and preparation of equipment for landing is completed.

The construction of an aerodynamic tube has been completed, which allows high-cost training with the entire category of cadets and officers in training and reappear on more complex parachute systems.

The construction of a multifunctional deep-water diversion complex with a diving tower of a depth of 21 meters is ends, where cadets will learn actions under water in various types of diving equipment. It will be worked out by shooting under water from combat weapons, landing from a helicopter with a rapid way, evacuation and rise aboard the helicopter.

Also, the coastal baroque complex, which is designed to test the borofunction, checking the compliance of individual physiological features, various generators of flowing flows of buoyancy, both under water and on the surface, assault actions, the aircraft actions of the ship and much more, including special technical actions, as applied to Action in water. It is planned to complete the equipment of another specialized class of unmanned aerial vehicles.

Thus, the cardinal change in the educational base of the School provides not only an improvement in the quality of learning, but the effectiveness, the intensity of the entire educational process. It's not about the walls, people decorate the walls, but very good, when people are motivated, and the educational base is made with such a calculation that it is as close as possible to combat conditions.

I. Korutochko: Who are you cooking: paratroopers, special forces, translators, Morpekhov, mountain rangers? What are the directions of training officer personnel?

A. Kontseva: The school performs a state personnel order for training specialists of higher professional education on three military specialties: the use of units of airborne troops, units of special intelligence, as well as units of communication of airborne troops in two specializations: the use of land supply units and marines with Learning for five years.

Including on the first and second courses, two platforms of girls on a connected specialty are trained. These professionals are intended to replace primary officers in airborne troops, on the Navy, landing assault brigades of district subordination, the General Directorate of the General Staff, the Federal Security Service, the Federal Security Service and other federal executive bodies.

Serve in airborne and special forces - a special honor, the service requires big courage, physical fitness, only strong and fearless, who are not afraid to get into the rear of the enemy and at the site of hostilities are ready for tense physical workloads, heavy work can get into the ranks of paratroopers or special forces. Our school takes out only weathered and strong people. About 20% of applicants this year served in airborne troops and special forces, also have a certain combat experience.

I. Korutochko: Is it possible in your school to get a secondary vocational education? And how is the preparation of such specialists?

A. Kontseva: Since December 2009, the School first in the armed forces of our country began to prepare a professional sergeant composition, deputy commander of the platforms and their equal. Since 2014, graduates of this faculty, secondary vocational education, the military rank is ensigned.

Training of specialists with secondary vocational education is one of the most important stages of creating a professional army of our country. At the Faculty of Medium Vocational Education, candidates who want to associate all their professional careers with the army are recruited.

Graduates receive a diploma of medium vocational education, the military rank ensign. When appointed to the vacant officer's post, graduates who ended with a diploma with controversy can receive the military rank of younger lieutenant and continue to continue in the officer rank.

I. Korutochko: What is the difference between the training program of officers and ensigns?

A. Kontsevaya: The main difference is to prepare. If higher education - we are preparing the commanders of the platoon, officers, then on average vocational education - junior commanders, deputy commander of the platoon, deputy commander of the intelligence group, heads of hardware and so on. The federal state standard provides for training for five years on higher education and two years to ten months on average.

Having a narrower specialization on some issues, ensigns are more seriously prepared than universal officers, which should affect the level of professional training of units in the troops. Higher education program training covers a wider range of academic disciplines, we are preparing a commander with a wider range of well-known technique, weapons, subordinates and able to navigate in any complex setting.

I. Korutochko: What are the methods of learning, including innovative, are used in the preparation of paratroopers?

A. End: A system of studying, generalizations, introduction into the educational process of modern experience in the armed struggle, was created and effectively operating and effectively operates. The knowledge and skills of the cadet are formed at the point of permanent deployment, practically skills are fixed on the basis of the training center.

Innovative methods are used to form skills and skills, first of all, on a stationary educational database, among them the relevant computer programs, improvement and creation of new training software in relation to the tactics of the actions of airborne troops, special forces.

For example, programming of training combat, defensive, offensive, raid actions and other tactical special tasks. This is a big job that needs to be performed. In order for the cadet not to start practical actions, it is necessary to work out the appropriate skills on the simulators, which are equipped with a training program, and subsequently proceed to practical actions.

On the one hand, it saves Matresurries and ammunition, on the other - produces a conceptual apparatus, which allows the trainee to enter and grow into a situation, as in combat conditions and the commander as close to them, the commander has a very small period of time to assess the situation, To adopt the only correct solution and it is concise, clearly convey to his subordinates to understand it correctly. Of course, it requires detailed study and continuous control.

We have already made a significant step in improving these methods, and this work continues. At the moment, in the framework of the Ministry of Defense, scientific companies have been created, which have been helpful in this work. With us, unfortunately, there is no such company, but we give orders, and we allocate such soldiers from other units of scientific mouths in the interests of our school.

In the educational process, in addition to conducting various classes, a large number of innovative approaches aimed at improving the effectiveness of the educational process are used. Classes are widely used by such methods as a problem, based on obtaining new knowledge by solving tasks, answers to questions, when setting students to the problem situation.

Associative thinking method is also used; Multimedia accompaniment of classes based on the presentation of materials of classes using slides, fragments of video films for a clearer visual and auditory communication with educational materials.

The modular rating system of learning is when the exposition of the learning material occurs in the form of submission of it by splitting into modules that have a certain rating in the course of training on discipline and the systematization of them. The discussion method is also used - this is a brainstall method, a round table, a dialogue, a press conference, a business game method, role-playing games that are used to obtain a role-based role in the framework, which contributes to more active and permanent participation.

If you proceed from the classroom training system, then the training platoon, 20-25 people, it turns out a small mass assimilation coefficient. The student must be in a constant tone of the educational material that creates its rustling into the situation where his correct thinking comes from, and most importantly - the decision of the commander.

I. Korutochko: Let's talk, how can I become an applicant, and then the cadet of the school? I know that the contest is crazy. How is the selection, what does the process look like that you need to make a young man to get to the school and become an officer-paratrooper? What is the percentage of dropout when admitting for training, who has it above: in young men or girls?

A. Kontseva: A large number of young guys and girls want to enter our school, a big contest. Naturally, radio listeners perceive my speech and my information as a certain preparation for admission. Taking this opportunity, I would like to remind you that all the conditions for admission are posted on the website.

It is emphasized that all citizens who have a secondary education are considered as candidates for admission, who have been serviced in airborne troops that have not held military service under the 22nd years, which have passed military service and servicemen under the age of 24 , and servicemen who serve under the contract - up to 27 years. Conditions for admission to higher education programs include an assessment of the level of educational preparedness based on the results of a single state examination, determination of the state of health, an assessment of the level of physical fitness, as well as determining the category of professional suitability.

Of course, all the conditions of reception are displayed on the School website. I would like to emphasize that, taking into account all exams and requirements, we have an additional requirement for physical training, where we have the number of points for each individual type of testing raised instead of 28 for all higher educational institutions up to 50, in relation to our school. This is due to the fact that applicants should be prepared for further loads that will be subsequently implemented during five years of study.

For athletes, these regulations may seem not so significant, for example, pulling up at least 10 times, if nine pulled up - he will not be able to enter the school, running 100 meters - 13.9 seconds, 3 kilometers - 12 minutes 25 seconds, swimming: 100 meters - 2 minutes 24 seconds.

It is necessary to take into account that before admission it is necessary to have a margin of safety, because the applicant, arriving in the school, is faced with large serious physical exertion, as we understand that we have no rights to error, and in accordance with this, from the first day of the abiturient We put in the most difficult conditions.

I. Korutochko: Is the big contest?

A. End: This year the competition was 7 people in place, but this is not the main indicator. There are certain problems in the military registration and enlistment offices, since a very large number of wishes to act in the school are not everywhere satisfy the wishes of our future cadets for the receipt and direction of documents in the school.

But we actively interact with the military registration and enlistment offices of all 86 subjects of our country, and every year, taking into account the demographic burst, population growth, this indicator will grow. And if at my time arrived in 1985, and the competition was about 35 personal affairs in place, then I think that in the near future we will also get closer to this standard. The girls who came this year, the competition was 20 people in place.

Anyone who want to do and link their lives, further fate with airborne troops, special purpose troops and enroll in our school, will be able to do this, for this there is everything. It does not work the first time, it will turn out from the second, the main thing is not to lose confidence. We are strong that since the first day we seek young people who come to the school, in the future become strong, strong, confident commanders, loving and values \u200b\u200btheir homeland without exaggerations and those borders of our country, which our older generations have passed , grandfathers, great-grandfathers, fathers, we should not only save, but, if possible, to increase, as the last example with the Crimea, when competent, clearly well-coordinated actions at all levels allowed us to return our homeland such historical value as Crimea.

I. Korutochko: is it taken into account with the competitive selection the motivation of the guys to the profession of the teacher officer? Are there any benefits of those who have already served in special forces or airborne units for enrollment, compared with the usual applicant with a school bench?

A. End: I can not unambiguously answer. On the one hand, the motivation is taken into account, it develops into a desire, the desire to show the result. But as a state person, I put everyone in the same conditions. It happens, someone is trying to show what he wants more, and the second is near and, maybe it is not able to openly show his emotions, but he is not weaker than that who is openly declare. Therefore, our task is to deal with professional psychological testing, which continues within five hours, and after which we have an understanding of the integrity of the nature of this apprimate.

However, such merits and accounting for individual achievements, as a champion status, the winner of the Olympic Games, World Championships, Europe, the winners of championships, sports masters, the candidates for the Master of Sports, the first discharges on military-applied sports, the presence of a certificate of average general education With honors, participation in the Olympics and the high achievements on them give the right to a competitive commission to accrue to the sum of the unified state examination no more than 10 points total.

It will be a great help, because sometimes one point is missing for admission. Everything is transparent, everything is clear to everyone: all the digits of the state examinations are marked, posted, they receive up to 100 points.

Intelligent abilities, personal qualities, degree of military professional motivation are estimated on a professional psychological selection, separately taken by professional important quality.

Filled forms are processed by electronic method and are the source material for interviewing, identifying the motives of admission, which attracted it in the officer's profession, as he prepared himself to her, what a presentation has. According to the results of this test, we determine what is his degree of readiness for the four-bullous system: the first and second is the highest, the third is conditional, and the fourth - is not suitable for admission to the school. As the experience of the last three years shows, averaged somewhere 20-25% does not pass a trade unit according to one of the types of testing.

I. Korutochko: And on the receipt of girls, what are the features, in particular, according to the standards?

A. End: Now the burst of patrioticity among our youth. We have a beautiful young youth to be proud of, but at the same time to teach them right, then it will be invincible. Applicants' girls differ from the guys to enter only physical training standards. Running 100 meters from them - 17.2 seconds, Running at 1 kilometer - 4 minutes 27 seconds, Swimming: 100 meters - 3 minutes 53 seconds, bending-extension of hands in Löj's stop at least 12 times.

This is only necessary for receipt and for the first course. The subsequent task and our requirements are such that from the second year of the girl perform all the standards as well as the guys, they are the same servicemen, like young people, because when performing combat missions, no one will divide on the floor, and all the abilities for this there is. Everything needs to be carried out very neatly, consistently, without sharp changes, so as not to disturb the inconsiderable bone skeleton or muscle mass.

I. Korutochko: How many jumps during training are cadets, how is the process from the point of view of organizational and other factors?

A. Kontsevoya: The cadets of our school during the training period are jumping with parachute from airplanes, military transport aircraft helicopters, such as An-2, Il-76, Mi-8 and others. According to the curriculum, jumps are made both in the night and during the daytime, in complex meteo conditions on limited landing sites with execution immediately after landing tactical tasks.

For the entire period of training, the cadets of higher vocational education make at least 32 jumps, including the girl's cadets, and cadets students at the Faculty of Special Purpose - at least 41 jumps for five years. Cadets of secondary vocational education for three years produce at least 18 jumps. The cadets of the landing faculty and the faculty of special purpose besides parachute systems D-6, D-10 is mastering the parachute system "Cross-2", allowing to carry out targeting from large heights and complex tactically tasks.

I. Korutochko: What kind of weapons is led by the cadets of your school, what program do they study?

A. Kontsevaya: For five years of study in the program, a large number of weapons and weapons. If you come from today's realities, it is more than 28 species. I will not say that we are studying and making fighting spiders to be separately engaged and subject to certain secrets, but with some part of the convention to exotic types of weapons, we can include the mastered crossbow, onions, a scout knife, various fixtures of sting, cutting, axes, knives The blades that can be successfully used and apply for execution: the more the range of possibilities for performing this task will be the easier the commander to adopt the only correct solution for this.

Foreign weapons, such as M-16, M-4 rifles, M-30 machine guns, Stein Mannlicher rifles. Cadets are studying everything without exception, but in the future, depending on the specialty and specialization, this spectrum is either increased, or decreases, but requires a detailed approach in accordance with what tasks will have to be carried out, including in someone else's territory.

I. Korutochko: Are electronic simulators are used to prepare cadets and in practice everyday training, mastering military specialty?

A. End: Yes, undoubtedly, I already said in the previous question that all innovations in training are implied and simulating actions using simulators. They exist, are actively developed, are made with the possibility of maximum approximation to combat conditions. At the moment, in all subjects of preparation, we have simulators that allow you to quickly approach the practical component of the combat conditions of the shooting, tactically accomplishment of tasks.

Suppose, at the department of airborne preparation of such simulators of various kinds up to six species, such as parachute towers, various kinds of simulators for landing with military transport aircraft. According to the department of weapons and shooting such simulators, about 20, in tactics - three simulators are already actively used, by driving the combat vehicles - seven. They are an integral part in the learning process.

I. Korutochko: how many hours a week cadets pay for physical training? And what percentage of graduates has sports discharges?

A. End: Graduate of the School, Lieutenant is obliged to have the highest qualification level of physical fitness not lower than the first discharge on the military-applied sport, either by other species, to perform such an exercise on the fifth year, as a marathon running 42 kilometer 195 meters, to go through daily orientation in The composition of two people for the set time and indicators for finding the necessary objects and points on this route.

Of course, you need to have special skills in mastering and receiving special hand-to-hand and other varieties of battle, as well as shooting. This is achieved not in one day and not one year, it gives five years old and begins with Morning Physical Charging Daily, at least four planned hours weekly for all students, sports work, which are held in the evening, sports and sports holidays on weekends . And most importantly, in all this - independent classes and self-improvement, without personal understanding and the fanaticity of their physical improvement there can be no question of these results that I listed below.

In accordance with this, the future lieutenant must have iron muscles, which should be ringing, must be elastic, strong. It is no secret that the moral and psychological state of a separate warrior directly depends on its physical condition, its physiological and physical possibilities.

I. Korutochko: Communicated with one of the leaders of intelligence of the Airborne University, and heard such words from him as a healthy landing chauvinism. People who finish your university and come to the troops, probably, are distinguished by love and special diet before they serve in the Airborne Forces, have appropriate signs and shape that highlights a paratrooper among the total mass of servicemen. Important criterion - love for airborne?

A. End: By the way, chauvinism can be treated differently. A healthy landing and special forces chauvinism implies itself that this is not some kind of arrogance, elevation. We are simple people from our people, and it is for this love of the people to the landing troops that this healthy landing chauvinism is born, because we understand what our homeland is needed, we are her guarantor of security, so the people love us, and we are obliged to love us His homeland, protect it from enemies.

No wonder we hang the slogan in the school: "Whoever offends Russia will deal with airborne troops." We are proud of these words, because there is an integral part of the fact that we are Russian warriors, we must eat history. If we forget the story and their ancestors, we can put the cross right away.

I. Korutochko: How is the career officer career after the release from the school, if possible, on your personal example?

A. End: So that it is confidently, it is necessary to study well in the school. To get to a healthy landing chauvinism, you need to become a professional, you will not throw anyone with the caps and the words and threats will not convince anyone - there must be clear right things, actions and the result of our preparation.

The young boy came to us, 20% of the troops, they are already easier, and 80% are yesterday's schoolchildren who immediately fall into the army, who need to quickly and steadily convey. Starting from the commercial training course, the course of a young fighter, where he, by making the first jump, is already receiving a vest, he earns it.

When he makes a big jump from the aircraft of military transport aircraft Il-76, he is solemnly handed the blue takes. This suggests that he is already as part of the division, is able to land and perform the task. At the end of the overall training, it commits a two-day 100 kilometer transition a month after he came to the army, in conditions close to combat, with the performance of tactical tasks, 100 kilometers go to school, where I personally meet cadets, and we solemnly conduct Presentation of well-deserved cadet. It is for this month that the ability to be in the future officer is already determined.

The main milestone chosen in the life of the profession is a military oath, where he swear to the loyalty to the Motherland, after these words he studies for four years, consistently mastered and passing military internships in the troops, understands who and how to work, serve and how to work with Perform the tasks.

Because the soldiers who will be imputed to him, the future platoon commander, have parents, and parents, giving their children to service in the army understand that their sons are intended, born by warriors, learn to defend their homeland, while most importantly, minimizing combat losses.

Subsequently, before issuing from the School, we spend a good test for our graduates - a mining field, which begins in Ryazan from takeoff from our airfield, landing on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, and continues three-day 150-kilometer transition to the location of the field camp , the performance of educational tasks, in relation to mining and wooded areas. Upon completion - landing back between Ryazan and Tula regions, performing a three-day transition with educational tasks.

I. Korutochko: How do you see the future of the school?

A. End: The future of the college is multifaceted. As we talked to the 95th anniversary of the school, we are waiting for a good promising future, taking into account the whole for the school, this hurt we have for the nearest at least 10-15 years. But the forms and methods of maintaining the armed struggle are changed, and we must always be ready, be on guard, and everything that changes the changes immediately contribute to educational activities to be ready for various changes, and most importantly - to perform the set combat Task.

I. Korutochko: Thank you! We meet, as always, in the Program "General Staff" smoothly in a week.

A. End: Thank you.