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The spelling of vowels about E after hissing. Oh and E after hissing. Writing it in the root of the word

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Specifying letters O and E after hissing
To unmistakably write a dubious vowel (O or E) after hissing (f, sh, h, sh) and not to choose, you need to figure out exactly what part of the word is the vowel-checked - in the root, suffix or end. In addition, if the vowel is in a suffix or ending (in other words, outside the root), then you need to know which part of the speech is the test word (that is, it is the name of the nouns, adjective, adverch, verbal).

How to choose a vowel in the root of the word?

1. At the root of the word, under the emphasis, you need to write it in the event that in other forms of this word or in one-items, the letter E is written: a whisper (because whispers), bees (because the bee), black (because black), Yellow (Because yellowing), walked (because came), etc. So writes most roots.
2. If the inspection word is not able to pick up, then after hissing, in the root, under the emphasis, you should write about: seam, rustling, shores, heartburn, gooseberry, grooming, changing, slum. There are not very many words, and they are usually remembered as exceptions.
3. If the word is in front of you, then you need to write about after a hissing consonant in the root under stress, for example: hood, shock, juggle.

How to choose a vowel in the suffix and end?

1. In the suffix of the noun, adjective, adverbing under the stress is written the letter O: Dog-Onk-A, Kamysh-Oy, hot-oh.
2. In the end of the noun and adjective, the letter is written about: the doctor, the largest.
3. In the suffixes of verbs, communions and all words formed from the verbs, the letter is written by the letter: Pechs, you-Cort-Yuv-H, you-Korch-Yuv, re-sech-yong , North-Yev, Lish-Yong.

Please note that nouns stew, thickening, overnight and some others are written through the letter E. letter ё is written in the suffixes of these words, as they correspond to the meaning with the verbs to stew, thicken and spend the night.

Please note that the words of the river, the smallest, the cloak is written through O. The letter O is written in the souffixes of the nouns according to the above rule.

Please note that the word of the Bacuke is written with the letter E. letter it is written, because this vowel is part of the root and is checked by the word BECHEVA.

Separately, it is necessary to remember the word writing rule with the root of the coherent.
If the word is a noun, then you need to write the letter O. For example: Strong burn, performed arson at home. But when the word is a verb, it is written with the letter E. For example: Highly burned a hand, an unknown speech house, the author is burning a manuscript.

1. - And in the way, I do not pm _ l right on Sagittarov! - Barodavkin exclaimed with bitterness. (E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)
2. He was struck by silence during the day and sh _ rooh during the night. (M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)
3. The bus stopped, and sh _ Fer said: "We arrived." (A. and B. Strugatsky)
4. At this very moment, a mask appeared in front of him and put his hand on his arm. (M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)
5. Orlovtsy went to them, hoping in the old man sterling to enjoy, but our _ l, which is "only a dirt is rather." (M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin)
6. ... looks in the field through the solution of the window of the window, sees funny birds, freely floating in the sea of \u200b\u200bair ... (n. M. Karamzin)
7. For some time he listened voltage. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
8. At the bottom, the fat, dense-green flowering meadows, and for them, by _ lifted sands, flows a light river (N. M.Karamzin)
9. Soon the world was concluded, and the Erast returned to Moscow, aggravated by the debt. (N. M. Karamzin)
10. ... I would bow to him with a smile and said it would be friendly: "Hello, kinds of shepherd _ to. (N. M. Karamzin)
11. ... a sad story of those times when fierce Tatars and Lithuanians fire and sword _ M empty the neighborhood ... (N. M. Karamzin)
12. Enlighten the _ needed reader that Shakespeare and Walter Scott Both presented their headquarters with people cheerful and joking. (A. S. Pushkin)
13. Dunya sat down into a kibitka near the hussar, the servant jumped on the bare _ K, the yamper whistled and the horses rocked. (A. S. Pushkin)
14. Officer, delirious wine, Iron and laughter comrades, so _ loom is cruel offended. (A. S. Pushkin)
15. Actual, but troublesome, and not so much honorable, how much troublesome, and in the end and not so _ is at all, and so. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
16. The boundary of the illuminated space was laugulating a car with a tarp riding, and next to the car two in brilliant raincoats were adjusted to the bridge third - in h _ rno and wet. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
17. Hefty humble dilda with ruddy cheeks, proking _ climbing on the move with fingers and dancing, headed for the rack. (A. And B. Strugatsky)
18. Victor retreated a step. It was a patient from Leprosoria - "Moquery", or "CHAKARIK", as they were called here for g _ lovy circles around the eyes, - in a dense part of a single bandage hiding the lower half of the face. (A. And B. Strugatsky)
19. Only one day he said that it was though and loudly said: "I do not know." (A. and B. Strugatsky)
20. And he pulled out a fountain pen and began to twist the cap _ K, with the interest of an extraneous listening to his feelings, and he was not surprised, feeling pride. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
21. Do you know the toy called "evil wolf _ k"? (A. and B. Strugatsky)
22. First, it may not be copper at all, but a brick _ m, and secondly, you never know where I can give a skull? I can hang me at any time, so now, now - from the room not to go out? (A. and B. Strugatsky)
23. Two in rascoats turned around and watched a few moments at Viktor from under the grooved hood _. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
24. Society, at least, it would be sweet W _ Corn, and the pale boys with burning eyes would be trapped for you on the heels. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
25. I have a sick liver, Qatar Kish _ K and something else with the stomach. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
26. "Our psyche with you is not adapted to you. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
27. And a whole minute did not hear any sound, only some W _ Roh, as if fog, rustled, rushing over the ground. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
28. - Well, stand! - Sh _ then they said from darkness and rested in breasts with something familiar. Victor mechanically raised his hands. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
29. The jeep was drunk to the entrance, the door opened, and under the rain, covered with one cloak _ M, got out the young man in glasses and with a portfolio and his long-grade satellite. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
30. Such words could only know Teddy - the shelter rat, the pupil of port drums _ b. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
31. Here were covertly showcases and illuminated by neon light into a cinema, where there were very identical young people of an indefinite floor under the canopy, in brilliant rascoats to heels. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
32. Mr. President learned to breed himself to the last degree, from the fanging mouth flew splashes and I took out a handkerchief and demonstratively wiped myself to _ ku, and it was probably the most brave act in my life, except for the case when I fought With three tanks immediately. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
33. - Did you read my works?
"Yes," children's voices responded. - read. Everything.
"Perfect," said Victor puzzled. - Polava _ N, although surprised. (A. And B. Strugatsky)
34. Whether they will start confusion _ NGO overlook, whether their faces are illuminated by understanding, or a certain sigh of relief will sweep on the hall as a sign that the misunderstanding explained. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
35. Diana sensately reasoned that Rosselper, with all its abnormal progress, or such a mass of berries alone, do not manage. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
36. Where the banner _, he thought. Where did I put the banner _? (A. and B. Strugatsky)
37. It was full of people, some semi-nominal men and women, they stood around and clapped in their hands, and in the center of the circle Diana danced with the very yellow-told Pizh _ NOM, the owner of the eagle profile. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
38. This morning came to me an investigator. You see, the izo _ hectare of the brutal, the head is cracking, I sit, I look out the window, and here this dubb is and starts to sew the case. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
39. He jumped up, zazh _ g light and, firing from a cut in his eyes, began to look for his clothes. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
40. Cars with _ headlights have coughed before the police department. (A. and B. Strugatsky)
The exercise was prepared by N. Gorbanev-Gamaley and B.A. Panov ("League of Schools")

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Russian language - spelling:


The letters of o - e in the root of words after hissing

After hissing in the root of words under the stress instead about Written her)if change Words or education related Words in this root appears e.: sh e.l - S. e.j. e.ltoy - J. e.tweet, Sh e.lK - Sh e.lKA; C. e.t, Zac e.t, due e.t, sch. e.t - Vych e.t; sh e.gol - Shch e.golan, J. e.lob - J. e.loba, J. e.crap - acorn e.rT - Ch e.rTI, Sh e.pot - Sh e.patch etc.

Letter about Written in roots under the stress After hissing in the absence of alternation with e.: zazh aboutr (Ice plug during icefall), life safety fundamentals aboutrA, J. aboutblur (blit, wither), j. aboutm., (press), j. abouth. (passer), j. aboutnKA (Light ship), mAZ. aboutrune (cheerful), sh aboutin, sh aboutmPOL, S. aboutrnik. (making belt harness), sh aboutrOH, C. aboutporn, Ch abouthom (Wholesale, without a score), etc.

The same rule applies to words kryzh aboutinnik, Trumpet aboutba, crack aboutfabricin which the root or suffix is \u200b\u200bdarkened.

Writing about / e after hissing in the suffixes and endings of nouns, adjectives and adverbs

Writing letters "about" or "E" After hissing in the suffixes and endings of nouns, adjectives and adverbs depends on the stress.

Algorithm for selecting letters O / E after hissing

To choose a letter "about" or "E" After hissing, act step by step using the next algorithm.

  • First step - Determination of the part of the speech to which the word belongs.
  • Second Step - Disbanding words in composition (morphemal analysis) to find out which part of its part is a spelling problem.
  • After breaking the word according to the composition, make sure it is suffix. or end noun, adjective or adverb. Then to write correctly after a hissing consonant letter "E" or "about" In the suffix or end of the words of these parts of speech, guided by the spelling rule:

    Consider how this rule is valid on the examples of the words of the specified parts of speech.

    Writing letters o / e after noun happing

    Nouns under the stress after the hissing root in the suffixes and the endings of the forms of the cartoon case will write the letter "about".


    listen ok, chest OK, OK jump;

    girl onk a, the birth of ONK and, Rubash Ong A;

    with strongman Ohm, soup, under the rack of Ohm, circulation Ohm;

    with Om doctor, rho, candle, saurance oh oh ohm.

    We write a letter without stress "E":

    In borrowed nouns with suffix - and in Russian word "SHAZHER" After the hissing root writes the letter "E":

    I distinguish these writing from the word "Major" and the adjective derivative, in the morpheme composition of which there is no specified suffix:

    major na - root / suffix / ending.

    We mean that nouns formed from verbs retain the suffix of this part of speech and write after the hissing root with the letter "E":

    night Eva - Night Yev to A;

    korch Eva - Korch Yule K a;

    between Eva - between Yev K a;

    rustust Eva - Rastushki Yula K A;

    shocking Eva - Shocking EV to a.

    Writing letters o, e after hissing in suffixes and endings of adjectives

    At adjectives, similarly under stress in suffixes -On-, -On. and endings after the hissing consonant root writes the letter "about".

    • walrus ryy
    • redemya
    • parch Osh
    • penny
    • hedgehog
    • waschai
    • choir He (Big "about")
    • large
    • strank oh

    but fish j. Eu, good sh to her.

    Writing Suffix Naschy after hissing

    In accordance with the specified spelling rule in the suffixes of the shorter after the hissing consonants, the letter is written under stress "about", without emphasis - "E":

  • hot c. about
  • st. j. about
  • about sh about
  • goats sh Oh.
  • nagi sh ohm
  • but Tish E, near E, Dal She, clumsy

    Vowels after hissing and c

    Rules of use of letters

    After well, sh, h, sh, c Write letters a, U. (and not written i, Y. ),

    for example: sorry, Jeanne, Cross; ball, noodles; hour, candle silent; Playground, raincoat; Heron, father; Creepy, I will say; Noise, Shura, Greater; feeling, silent; Pike, forgive; Tsugom, Otva.

    Note 1. In several foreign language nominal nouns after well, Sh Written letter yu : Jury, Julien, brochure, parachute And some other, more rare.

    Note 2. In some foreign language own names, ethnic names after well, sh, c Write letters i, Y. , For example: Zhamyitskaya Highway, Jules, Saint Just, Jurajtis, Siauliai, Zurich, Kotsubyubinsky, Tsyurup, Quysh Yuan, Tshevilovsky, Tsyanjiang, Qiang (Nativity). In these cases, the sounds transmitted by letters well, sh, c , are often pronounced gently.

    Letters yu and i written by tradition after c. In some surnames ( yu - mainly in Lithuanian), eg: Churlenis, Steponavicus, Mkrtchyan, Chumin.

    After well, sh, h, sh Written letter and (and not written s ),

    for example: fat, Ryzhik, Inter-Fake, Tell, Sewing, Cams, Clean, Rays, Shield, Looking.

    After c. Written letter and or s .

    Letter s writes in the following cases.

    1. In the root of words: gypsy, chicken, chick, chicks, tiptoe, on tiptoe, chick chick, tsyz, tsykhat, curs (and in derivative words, eg:: gypsy, Gypsy, Hanging, Chicks, Chick, Picky, Take a Take).

    2. In the end of nouns and adjectives, for example: cucumbers, Archers, Capital, Klintsy, Lyubertsy; Kutsy, pale, narrowly.

    3. In suffix adjectives -Yn, For example: nisitsyn, Lisitsyn, Tsaritsyn, Tritizn Day. The geographical names are also written on - Tsyn, - Tsyna, For example: Tsaritsyn, Golitsyno.

    In all other cases after c. Written letter and , namely:

    but) In the roots of words, including foreign-speaking own names, eg: circus, cycle, cylinder, cybee, ration, mat, digit, shell, civilization, specificity, cyclone, barber, vaccine, revolution, tsuzic; Cicero, Cyrcing, Zimmervald, Cincinnati;

    b) In the suffixes of foreign-speaking origin, for example: organization, Electrification, Medicine, Calcite, Publicist, Skepticism;

    in) After the first parts of complex and comprehensive words and in sound abbreviations, eg: blossinterview, specialty, CEC.

    Letters about, e., e. After hissing

    Letters about, e., e. on the place of shock vowels

    After well, h, sh, sh e. Written letter e. ,

    for example: tin, swing, rustle, ginseng, twitter, same (name of the letter), in front of the candle, soul, purest; Zhenya, Jack, Shannon.

    After well, h, sh, sh To transfer shock vowel about Written letter about or e. .

    Letter about writes in the following cases.

    1. In the end of the names of nouns and adjectives, as well as in the suffix of the shorter -O., For example: shoulder, knife, shoulder, Ilyich, Slash, Cloak; truck, cord, candle, soul, prash; someone else's big, alien, big; Fresh, hot, good, general (Brief forms of the middle kind of adjectives and adverbs).

    2. In souffixes of nouns:

  • oK, For example: circle, hook, rooster, brush, jump, push, and in derivatives from such words: circle, hooks, jump etc.;
  • onok and -Honok, For example: bear, Mouse, Galkonok, Barrel, Arapchonok;
  • oNYSH: Uzhinysh;
  • he to (a) and -One (s), eg: banchonka, Handmade, Shirt, Spaschonka, Study, Brackets, Outskirts;
  • oWK (a) (in defiating derivatives), for example: chizhovka (female reading), momovka (rodent), krychovka, Smokovka;
  • about (but): cHACKABLE, CHISHACOBA (forest cutting); Same in the word slumwhere the suffix in modern language is not allocated, and in the desired ironic education khrushchoba. Exception: in the word study Written e. ;
  • oPC (but): ratchet;
  • sheer (but): powjoon.
  • 3. In the suffix of the names of adjectives -One, For example: yoy, brocade, penny, canvas, as well as in nouns on -Ok, -Onnikderived from adjectives with suffix -One (-Ev): gRUSHOVKA and personal (cf. pear), hacksaw (cf. knife and option knife), alychovka (alychova), gouuzovka (huzheva), punshovka (punesh), kolyovka 'Heron with a sticky beak' ( kleschye), drachevka (draca, OT. drache 'Rod Rubanka'), cloak (cloak), rechovka (speech), borshovnik (borschi), ohovnik (okoy). The word is also written gooseberrywhere the suffix in modern language is not standing out.

    Note 1. References Nouns on -Ove Type smart, hacksaw, crying It should be distinguished from exclusive nouns outdoor (See § 19, p. 3).

    Note 2. In Russian surnames on hissing + -One (-One) Written about or e. In accordance with tradition and registering in official documents: Wed, for example, Chernyshov and Chernyshev, Kalachov and Kalachev, Khrushchov and Khrushchev; Emelyan Pugachev.

    4. In the suffix of adjectives and adverch -Okonk, For example: freshly, good, good.

    5. On the site of a runaway vowel about In the names of nouns and adjectives, for example: zhor, Grooming, Voracious (cf. eat), rom (cf. sMU), burn, arson, facing, heartburn (cf. lIGHT, ZHAGA); rozhon (cf. bodies p. rozn), the seam (seam); knyazhon (gen. p. Mn. h. from knyazhna), knife (born n. from sheath - Charging. Option word sheath), moshon, Midgeka (born p. Mn. h. and decrease. from purse), guts, intestines (born n. and decrease. from kiska), kvashonka (Reduce. from quashnya), socyomka and cat (from koshma), ocephal (from glasses), opener (from point), riddles (brief shape husband. kind from funny); This also includes words with suffix -One: hook, jump (born n. hook, jump) etc. (see above, p. 2). However, in words accounting, standing, starts, account, calculation (cf. cHOOSE, CISTAIN, NATH, TYPE, DIVISION) The letter is written e. (See § 19, p. 7).

    6. In those roots of Russian words, where vowel about After hissing always shock and not alternate with e. (in writing e.): stall (and play), joofer, Zhazhor (and option journal), uzho; Chok, Chokutnaya, Chomga, Poor, Chokh, Choch; Short, rustle, shores (and shorn, Shornnik).

    The word is also written evening (and cherish), although it is known to the word evening (and evening) (cf. § 19, p. 7).

    With letter about Some Russian own names are written, eg: Jora, Zhostovo, Pechora (river), Pechora (city), Sholokhov.

    7. In the roots of borrowed (foreign language) words. List of basic words: board, Joker, Johnka, Joule, Major, Pijon, Tamburmzhor, Force Major; ANCHOUS, HARCHO, CHOCER; Hood, Kornishon, Krysuon, Offshore, Torchon, Shock, Schompeol, Shop, Shorts, Shores, Show; Same in own names, eg: John, Georges, Joyce, Choseer, Show, Shchors.

    In all other cases, to transfer the drum voice about after well, h, sh, sh Written letter e. , namely:

    1. In verbal endings - "Do," do, ", For example: flash, cuts, cook, pushes.

    2. In the verbs of an imperfect - Owl and exclusive nouns on -Evilia, For example: squeeze, hardened, switch, faster; Opening, Overlooking, Flowing; In the suffering parties on -One, For example: indoor, chopped, fascinated.

    3. In exclusive nouns on - Wow, For example: outdoor (from night), corckeeper, Potkey, Positioning, Retoothie (from retouch), lushshok. (from lult).

    4. In the suffix of nouns -Er., For example: conductor, Retushera, Trainee, Highway, Simulator, Massager.

    5. In the suffixes of the suffering communals and exclusive adjectives -One and -One, For example: tense (and stress), burnt, ductic, softened, expedited, simplified; labeled, burning, baked, scientist, stew, high; Same in words derived from such communities and adjectives, for example: tension, extension, simplistic, teaching, tense, extensively, simplified, tension, Zhezhka, stew, condensed milk.

    6. On the site of the flight about In the verb forms of the last time a husband. kind: very and substracks ( burned, burned, burned, facing, pitch and etc.; The same in communations: podgeysh and etc.; cf. zageg, Zazhgla), -Hell (read, studied et al., cf. read, studied), shel and substracks ( came, gone et al., cf. went, came, gone). At the same time writing the verb forms with the root very opposed to writing single-sided nouns with the letter about : burn, arson, facing (See § 18, paragraph 5).

    7. In those roots of Russian words, where shock sound about Corresponds to other single words or vowel (shock or unstressed), transmitted letter e.. The following is a list of basic words with such roots (in brackets indicate single words or forms with the letter E after well, h, sh, sh ).

    Roots with a combination just :

  • yellow (chew),
  • gOLOD (gutter, groove, groove),
  • yellow (yellow, yellowish, yellowish, yolk),
  • acorn (acorns, stomach 'Little Acorn', acorn),
  • blue, Hall (cf. options bile, bile; Grocery, Zellevik),
  • wives, zhenka, hazel, newlywed (wife, groom, woman, female, marry, marry),
  • jirdochka (prank, Geria, Zherdyana),
  • millstone (gernova, Zhernova),
  • hard, rigidity (hard, harsh),
  • overarm (sashen and sashen),
  • heavy (heavier, Heavy, Study. silest).
  • Roots with a combination che :

  • twine (bECHEVA, BACHEY),
  • evening (evening, evening),
  • liver, liver (liver),
  • honor, honorary (honor),
  • bees, bees (bee, pselnik),
  • the score, starts, standing, report, accounting, counter, accountable, credit, accounting, will, inquire, clear, odd, even (read, count, consider, borrow, take into account, deduction, accounts, account, invalid),
  • cheeky (chebotar),
  • chelka, Cheechka, Chel (mn. h.) ( manobyat, Wanted),
  • canoe (chelny, shuttle),
  • fuck, twitch, cheer out, shrink, cross out, emphasize (cf. Option smash draw, delete, cross, stroke, cross, emphasize),
  • the black (black, black, black, black, blacknist),
  • surround, severity (drawing, stittle),
  • damn, damn, fucking (devils, devils, damn, thistle, damn, thoughts),
  • dash (damn, damn, draw, draw, drawing),
  • chest, Cherska, Chasanka, Chasany, Worchers, Benefits, Occasions, Solochka, Cottage, SHE (scratch, scratch, it will take effect),
  • clear, clarity, decent (check),
  • checheki (chechet).
  • Roots with a combination shy. :

  • cheap, cheapest (cheese, cheaper, cheaper, cheaper),
  • koshude (koshev),
  • walk (wallet, wallet),
  • wrencher, Pshong (millet),
  • grid, solid (mn. h.), lattice (Option: lattice; Swelto, Reshetnik),
  • silk, Shelkova (silk, silky),
  • whisper, pass (whisper whisper whispering),
  • stresty, long-haired, shorthair (wool, wool, wool).
  • Roots with a combination shy :
  • dandy (shchegolskaya, SHG, SHOG, SHOG),
  • cheeks, cheek, silent, rocked (cheek, pussy),
  • shchekov (tickle, tickle),
  • click, pitch (gap, slit),
  • close, click (clutch, click),
  • click, shchelch (alkali, alkaline),
  • shubnaya (pure, puppy),

    8. In the predic P. Primhension what: what about whatas well as in words how much, no matter how; in a word yet.

    9. In some borrowed words where the letter e. passed under the stress a special other than Russian about, vowel sound of the source language, for example. wedroom Premier, Schönbrunn, Schönberg.

    Letters about, e. on the spot of unstressed vowels

    In an unstressed position after well, h, sh, sh Written letter e. e. (in writing e. ) and with shock about (in writing about or e. ).

    This also applies to roots, and to suffixes, and to the end. Examples: a) tin (cf. tin), cap (cepchik), shenkel (shenkel), ironing (angling), tuche (candle); b) shit (cf. yellow), whisper (whisper), polkah Deta (petushok), punesh, cloak (penny, borschy), walk out (chizhom), more (cf. big), redhead (alien), mogue (hot). Some writing S. e. After hissing are not checked by a shock position, eg: wish, stomach, gelatin, attic, stitch, whisper, grungy, cheek.

    In some words of foreign language origin after well, h, sh in an unstressed position, the letter is written about .

    List of basic words: jonathan, Jockey, Jongleor, Majord, Majoritarian, Banjo, Flagolet; Chonguri, ledge, poncho, ranch, capriccho (cf. Option capricchio); chauvinism, chocolate, highway, driver; Own names, eg: Scotland, Zhores, Chopin, Shostakovich, Bokcchcho. Also written derivatives from words of foreign-speaking origin with shock about After hissing (see § 18, paragraph 7) and the forms of such words, where the vowel after the hissing is unwind, for example: shock (from shock), turn down (from torchon), chokerovka (from choker), schompol (mn. h. from ramrod).

    Note 1. Letter about written after hissing not under the stress in words with the prefix inter And in comprehensive words, if she starts the second part of the word, for example: interoblastic, intercommunal, intersectoral, leather-shop.

    Note 2. Letter about After hissing, not under the stress is also written in the individual, not legalized literary norms, eg: johwed (from stupid), sopornic (from tin), rocky ('Barely audible rustle'), powered (from fresh, Sample nut, full).

    Letters about and e. after c.

    After c. To transfer shock vowel about Written letter about for shock transmission e. - Letter e., For example: tsoke, base, dancer, dancer, dance, facing, punch, face, face, cucumber, cucumbers, sheep; valuable, whole, tse (name of the letter), tseet (fly), sheep, about father.

    In an unstressed position after c. Written letter e. - in accordance with the shock e.and with shock about, For example: a) price (cf. prices), tSID (cEDIT), censorship (censor), bird (pollen); b) dance (cf. dancer), punchsey (crimson), sitseva (pepper), bolotze (porch), bird (dusty), fingers (wise men), kutsoeg (cf. big), kucket (cf. oK). Some writing S. e. Not checked by a shock position, for example: kiss, cellophan.

    In some words of foreign language origin in an unstressed position after c. Written letter about : duke, Intermezzo, Mezzo, Palazzo, Scherzo, Kanzonetta, Zeisit (mineral), pozzolans (rocks). The word is also written tobot and derivatives from it ground, cloak (cf. base).

    Note 1. Letter about Writing after c. not under the stress in words with the first parts blitz, social, specialIf she starts the second part of the word, for example: blitzoperation, blitzoprosis, social obligation, overalls, special.

    Note 2. Letter about after c. Not under the stress is also written when the transfer of abnormative points of stress penetrating into a written speech, for example: dancer (Emphasis option found in verses) cool (Professional shape them. p. Mn. h. words cocol - Tsocoli.).

    Letter e. After hissing I. c.

    Letter e. Written after letters well, h, sh, c Only in the following special cases.

    1. In abbreviations, eg: Zhea. (housing operational office), JES (railway power station), CEZ (frequency electromagnetic sensing), Calt. (Color electronic radiation tube), CEM. (Centraelectromontazh - the name of the trust).

    2. After the prefix inter, first parts of complex and comprehensive words at the beginning of the roots starting with the letter e. , For example: inter-Staten, Inter-Ethnic, Vnesheconombank, Blitzamisia, Special Equipment, Special Efficiency, Special Electrode.

    3. When sending some Chinese words, eg: sE (Nature in China), jen. (the basic concept of Confucian philosophy), Lao She. (Chinese writer), Chengdu, Shenyang (cities), Zhejiang (provinces), Shenzhen (industrial zone in China).

  • Why do you need to remember the rule

    In Russian languages, Cho and Che Well, Sho and Sho, Jo and I, Scho and Shchy are read the same. Compare: Chocanted - Study, Sow - Silk, Gooseberry - Yellow, ratchet - cheeks.

    This is because the letters of h and the uch denote only soft sounds, and w and w - only hard, the nearby vowel cannot soften the already soft or always solid sound.


    In order to choose the right letter correctly, determine which part of the word it is: in the root or on the root.

    If the letter is in the root, you can try to choose such a single word in which I can clearly hear E. E and alternate, so it can always be checked. For example, yellow - yellowing. If your word is not chosen to be chosen with e - write O.

    It is more convenient to learn all the words, in the root of which after the hissing is written about, and act method of exception: if the word is in the magic list - we write about, if there are no words in the list - choose ё. Here are a few words from the list: gooseberry, heartburn, anchovies, seam, shock, rustling, Johnka, Harcho. The list is replenished with borrowed words and is constantly growing. Now in our collection of about 40 words, in the root of which should write O. Full list can be obtained and learn .

    And now let's see how to choose the desired letter if it turned out to be in suffix or end.

    There is a completely different principle. First of all, you need to determine whether the word action is in the meaning. From this, the choice of letter is dependent: in the verbs and the exclusive words, it is written by E, in other cases - O.

    Take the word "overnight". There is a verb "Night". In the meaning of this word there is an action. Write after ch - e. Take the word "girl". No verb "nim". In the meaning of this word, there is no action. After h is written O. An exception- dispense.

    Most textbooks provide the formulation of the rules associated with the emphasis. We do not contradict the main rule of 1956, and we consider only one item - the shock position of the letter. In an unstressed position, it is practically impossible to be mistaken ( want more, younger brother). Also quite clearly heard vowels after C, this item rules does not cause difficulties in writing.

    What to pay attention to

    • Note: suffix OK. After hissing is always written with Oh, even if there is an action in the meaning of the word (engine, jump, etc.).
    • In a special group, it is necessary to highlight words with suffix Er.denoting occupation. This suffix is \u200b\u200balways written with the letter E. Words in which this suffix was after hissing, little. Here is an almost exhaustive list: conductor, high school, man, retoucher, massagers, simulator, community.
    • Until recently, the word was exception smokyovka. It was written through it. Now the word summed up under the main rule.
    • In words burn and arson The letter should be chosen according to part of speech: the nouns are written about, in the verbs - E.For example: Boy Oh e.g hand.What did the boy do? Occorn hand. The word of the burn is verb. We write E. OH. aboutg strongly hurts. What hurts? Burn. In this proposal "Burn" - noun. We write the letter O. We also choose the letters in the sentences "Boy inlets a poplar fluff" and "He almost committed a sort."


    Champions among the word errors ratchonka, Girl, Handle (in the root, no action).

    Sh e.sweat (letter in the root, check whisper)

    Home e.out (the letter is rooted cheaper)

    Sh aboutrOH (the letter in the root, is in the list)

    Urine e.nyu (letter in sfifix, communion)

    Diriza e.r (Suffix ED)

    SUCH aboutto (Soufix OK)

    Furnace e.t. (ending the verb)

    Key aboutm.(Ending noun)

    Night of the exchanging noun, there is an action to sleep)

    History of Rules

    Now all the formulations of the Rules are attempts by different ways to bring the spontaneously established norms of spelling. Support here is made on the tradition. A lot of words for centuries people wrote with combinations of hissing and about with it without any rules who liked how. He followed writing all these words to uniformity during the reform of 1918. Ushakov offered it to do more than a hundred years ago. But for some reason, in the revolutionary time, the proposal of philologists was not accepted. And now we have a very inconvenient rule. It is not even a rule, but its absence and attempt to describe the schemes of the Language Element.

    The illogy and inconvenience, a huge amount of exceptions and contradictions in the use of O and E after hissing rush to many specialists, so reform the rule is offered constantly at each other case. It is possible that that is why the rule is not included in either the exam, nor in Gia a separate question. Children will learn, but suddenly - the reform! But so far supporters did not win changes, let's learn the rule in the form in which it is.

    After well, h, sh, sh Do not write yu, I, s , and write y, a, and , eg: miracle, pike, hour,grove, fat, sew.

    Letters yu and i Allowed after these consonants only in foreign language words (mostly French), for example: jury, parachute (including the names of their own, for example: Saint-Just), as well as in comprehensive words and alphabetic abbreviations, in which, according to the general rule, any combination of letters are allowed.

    After c. letter s written in the end and in the suffix -yn , eg: birds, about the invents and sheep; Cucumbers, Belolitz, Nisitsyn, Lisitsynas well as in words gypsy, chicken, tiptoe, ksyz (Arctic) and in other words of the same root. In other cases after c. always written and , eg: station, Tsibik, Mat, Cimbal, Zinc, Medicine.

    The words of exclusion are easy to remember, if you learn the phrase "Gypsy tipped to chicken on tiptoe and gilt the tsyz"

    After c. Letters yu and i Allowed only in foreign language names of their own, for example: Zurich, Svlenzyany.

    BUT. If after well, h, sh, sh Under the stress pronounced about , then letter about Written:

    1. In the end of the names of nouns and adjectives, for example: shoulder, knife, salas, shoulder, foubling, cloak, truck, soul, soul, candle, prash, strangers, big.

    2. In suffixes:

    a) nouns names:
    -OK , eg: horn, Cockerel, Hook, Rush;
    -Onek , eg: bear, Mouse, Galkonok, Barrel;
    -One-A. , eg: banchonka, Shubashonka, Handle; also money;

    b) adjectives:
    - , eg; yoy, penny, brocade, canvas;
    -is he- (with Bighew -about- ), eg: riddles;

    c) adverch, for example: fresh, hot, general.

    3. in the genus. Pad. pl. h -, -On National names, for example: kishok, Knazhon.

    4. In words (and in derivatives from them): grooming, gooseberries, risp, rattling, slum, chat, choking, tin, Pechora, seam, rustling, shores; In noun names: heartburn, burn, arson (Wedp. writing with -Eg Last time verbs: lentally, burned, settled); Also in some regional and spaticrous words, for example: show, zazhopa. (and burden), zHOH, UPO (in meaning "Then", "after"), evening (in meaning "last night"), chole (for example, in expression "Does not believe in a dream, nor in choke"), adverb chole.

    Note. Initial words are written according to pronunciation, for example: cryson, Major, Schompol - Schompol, Choseer (surname), but: gesture, tablet.

    B. In all other cases after well, h, sh, sh The letter is written under the stress e. , although pronounced about , namely:

    1. In verbal endings - You are, it's, - - , eg: lower, Lzhet etc., cutting, bake etc.

    2. In the verb suffix - , eg: sharpen, swing, also sharp, flush.

    3. In the suffix of exclusive nouns - , eg: swinging, label.

    4. In the suffix of nouns -er , eg: conductor, Retuscher, Intern, Worger.

    5. In the suffix of communion of the suffering -Nag- (-en-) and in words formed from such communities, for example: tense, tense, tension, stress; undeveloped, extension; softened, softened; Simplified, simplistic; scientist, scholarship; crushed; Luggage, Zhezzhe.

    6. In words, in the root of which are pronounced under the emphasis -about , alternating S. e. In other forms or in other words of the same root, for example: yellow (yellow), hard(harsh), millstone (millstone) acorn (acorns), perchochka (Gerdia); cheap, cheap (Cheaver) silk (silky), {!LANG-87e4544d0332b52a28a5815a3bfba17a!}{!LANG-c1798773e77fc971a6f3cb9e427d3d54!} {!LANG-e95210cdc6547faeb05931f24ffa46e0!}{!LANG-973ff9df32b3f690a118027518c65a7d!} {!LANG-90e0f8a13de89f5872f2bf075c45a1f9!}{!LANG-08fa31259b4d023e17466374dc629394!} {!LANG-b5b1f82436ba839761106a20441c82f9!}{!LANG-dd70f8d924e8f9ff2a6d4a32b925bf82!} {!LANG-58c9a79f617cd5f863594fba8e5320cb!}{!LANG-96fe663af1cbede20b6b13c11aa64fa1!} {!LANG-435103c18e0cf031541ad618bd81f44c!}{!LANG-3434982d939a2dd4e78460e17b5d337e!} {!LANG-0e5d6405fd21691e79bb4f516d49f376!}{!LANG-f1be62051f12b6513aaf82f7b499a028!} {!LANG-4001f4a429fb3b56d12f543c6e955a21!}{!LANG-f2cedcd6707ae0c9a11d98cc58a1fc67!} {!LANG-a3f737d18650a6204aecd52430c30938!}{!LANG-6631a6a5283425bf9a3567f8c12040d2!} {!LANG-de0f3913826ecd81a4cb6055d5833bd7!}{!LANG-b66da8daf5514838dc2d5759c9ed28fd!} {!LANG-d2f669c83489823293e8dacdae2ceb78!}{!LANG-8688964502409c8597dc4c90eb1bb961!} {!LANG-16c1d18270c6da77d243322e24c25ff0!}{!LANG-3f5f8be1bcc884d4d00a8c5f88fad1ec!} {!LANG-0e479bead30627e9c520d1ea54a45b54!}{!LANG-1a01a6e3e334307fd1a5507a218b2424!} {!LANG-41c36021b4869a97c443c572eb728c5d!}{!LANG-61db88cad8c52372ca4a159f2c58a251!} {!LANG-f1cf93db691a63f5d4f614cf405e6742!}{!LANG-a5064bd5bf436be9f947ac69bfd64ec9!} {!LANG-8386e3a23fce7fe956cba55d9c7a3e7b!}{!LANG-9f7bc6672743da17e39309ca94bdf438!} {!LANG-c6c05c048b89d2bb1cf6a1f63b3d5503!}{!LANG-6924c2721a5aebf211a498d8cd941fae!} {!LANG-26c6e739282bd7c7f3e1a12267d5a1ad!}{!LANG-8a47bfd7c8b6486308811719a42d03d6!} {!LANG-87a4b3452ace9227fa8cbc51e02db541!}{!LANG-826e67cc071b90b25ba9151ae415daeb!} {!LANG-175af1ad9bcaf46f43e37675a5caa1fa!}{!LANG-4ffc5139ce1a23d6a7f5496e0539e93b!}

    {!LANG-a4cda2c93ac2e88efa066554d75e7007!} {!LANG-7435d00dd04f78e0f64fee04cda67585!}as well as in words {!LANG-1193edee91ff528b3092903e4bed2a32!}.

    {!LANG-423c4fbfb4a015930826b28e0c4a6546!} well, h, sh, sh letter about{!LANG-143bda1a9c338c315ade73c73c6be5c4!} {!LANG-5d09b6be9e157ce8116d7c0d99d62058!}{!LANG-27dad751a9ccbd57f90a109fa1b0ab50!} {!LANG-c1599953e3b1e570e838acd8d7253b13!}{!LANG-e54e63bfd8620d0d13237375854809bd!} {!LANG-988a10e16cefb9f5b7a30fc924a15cd3!}{!LANG-7f93f82615f720a24547f04f3a783e2e!} {!LANG-d341dc24503228e2ab8badba3abc5b1a!}{!LANG-db145ea3bb95ca13ae9a62d34a86317f!} about{!LANG-cacbf4d3e21ba88cd2ae9579d1465c2d!} {!LANG-3f14ce9baa48e9be0e663bbceb129c40!}.

    {!LANG-d1c5ee840a9d24bbe383ba3d63a7f49d!} about or e. after c. {!LANG-bde8d2ea6765e1dc8339dda52eaee4ef!}

    {!LANG-bc937a6ed9194c48d838089ab3e6fbfc!} about or e. {!LANG-71e594b2dab0f2543d96321a5f39ca36!} {!LANG-66a1fc0c1705b11fbb674a3da4e8b4bc!}{!LANG-15c1ee57c7af393964aaf08709e4f9e4!} {!LANG-ed55cdbc319952350653c5217c69b6fa!} etc.

    {!LANG-0b99a24038a063baf31e3f058b68a498!} about {!LANG-04f53500308d3d855f5a18a4aa11b162!} {!LANG-650567e9c63f1b091832cb02de859059!}{!LANG-3f7d206788f4146c06fb3c0887a9c8bd!} {!LANG-a897dbd5678f7a3cd7d950b6de8825cd!}).

    {!LANG-4fbe660554d4a29261a70c63682cc458!} e. , eg: {!LANG-2eb72abd4decdbb94b2eff1013054a41!}.

    {!LANG-8aa4d6d20914e43e1b70e0a7c87fee07!} about after c. {!LANG-3e85052a4bb8f770f6f4f2bd8d82501b!} {!LANG-656e14a5f5f9238f5a0d9793eab5bf68!}.



    {!LANG-f4a41979114b5cf50f5299caa3c06206!} {!LANG-82a3e90c931f0a6a02b2c67879a020f9!}{!LANG-f1fe3ab439ba07ecb4943cd727eb8cf5!} {!LANG-0d28da3ae2ddd94803f2610c51a5f2e4!} After hissing

    {!LANG-92bc562a162131f6335a759e64b82586!} {!LANG-82a3e90c931f0a6a02b2c67879a020f9!}{!LANG-2037d64782dedad0b055766815054665!} {!LANG-0d28da3ae2ddd94803f2610c51a5f2e4!}{!LANG-d9bb66d1aab4591fd078b1af00438901!}

    {!LANG-d1c5ee840a9d24bbe383ba3d63a7f49d!} {!LANG-ada0dfe5df14550398a2128eecfb1423!}{!LANG-bf2e305a4c0024b4f7a86285150056b0!} {!LANG-4c30150f83c4a7ae3ca6caf591db9e10!}{!LANG-1e64a270bd8d4dcf0128b0006e28e965!}


    {!LANG-58e3463c0db9c3a3eebc6ab3530444a4!} {!LANG-5f5476159bfe3fed7c7f4c5641836ac4!}{!LANG-0ae3d24c94177ab743ecc9dbf6c08f5b!} {!LANG-f811ff3ef393b457076ccccdf253a765!}


    • {!LANG-443459236b52d3bb95a1a4a92e6bd5f8!}
    • {!LANG-3ddf76ab9a97f04682f76723b1a58853!}{!LANG-4e9acdd5271884b9a3cd0a3757daa453!} checheki{!LANG-2d62e15ce15fefdd873e40d98afedfb3!}
    • {!LANG-324850017a283c4ad98f2c42140ec743!}{!LANG-4e9acdd5271884b9a3cd0a3757daa453!} study{!LANG-c604d2ff8bbe88243f548e07d78a770a!}
    • {!LANG-7f764ee44b3c7c7fdceb8b7e75214951!}{!LANG-2d6ed2f9ecc1ea493e20ec16741d4f4f!} {!LANG-ed384136891bbca6c7ab5637a281a718!}
    • {!LANG-cedd1afebd3a466954ec0e2861531880!}{!LANG-2d6ed2f9ecc1ea493e20ec16741d4f4f!} {!LANG-691ee4863847b08d348865cc4ba04701!}
    • {!LANG-ccd18b0611b0236b753d5fd1f803cd9a!}
    • {!LANG-408e621759155453e767e484359d9add!}{!LANG-279c173c790babc32ae8f82f58bc51a1!} {!LANG-82a3e90c931f0a6a02b2c67879a020f9!}{!LANG-0de26de031326dbacac71e68227566f8!} {!LANG-bd2dd99217a80e4a75d6cb054017ada8!}

    {!LANG-9e0f3322d46b1a1e32b475fdcce76e88!} {!LANG-47b2ee7fbdb3c6b456d411f423e1c3ea!}For example: {!LANG-85d9e18b080c230bb3797094602e2b59!}

    {!LANG-b45d357591d81cc83e8f1b638136cc9f!} {!LANG-153ef435b7a372015a2e805753872a4e!}For example: {!LANG-a21d53449f691aba0c7d66751311c749!}

    {!LANG-a062b37aaf8419631acd2ba446c9ac98!} {!LANG-5f5476159bfe3fed7c7f4c5641836ac4!}{!LANG-5c9040b0b6e7a2f16ceb6fc4dd03fdfa!}

    • {!LANG-bc4f211a98801605c289c604ab142979!} {!LANG-1a16d8df62e602b0e29aab9480a53687!}
    • {!LANG-bc8f8d77805d3908dba1ec7c1b5be3fd!}
    • {!LANG-445aa28acbb86839928e4c75358a2481!}
    • {!LANG-74bbbd0df6f0db019f87009fda392af8!}
    • {!LANG-6ab0e050839f14141ac8419c0def6efd!}
    • {!LANG-2ffcadfc31fcd598729d1b8f4fadce3a!}
    • {!LANG-8e41310272196e942e4c0dab6d88b548!}
    • {!LANG-430e60235b9eeb2536ee5d3a13383504!}

    {!LANG-054b571756e505ee94faafc6fb850c70!} {!LANG-82a3e90c931f0a6a02b2c67879a020f9!}{!LANG-0f722c96192db6167784bec283c48a6e!} {!LANG-0d28da3ae2ddd94803f2610c51a5f2e4!}{!LANG-36fe86893fcc065c9113ca82e4c36bf7!} {!LANG-bc7406ebba44e7dd6e2598fe85e703ac!}

    {!LANG-6aeafa1985adb4ba95cebbf77b18d016!} {!LANG-82a3e90c931f0a6a02b2c67879a020f9!}{!LANG-2d6ed2f9ecc1ea493e20ec16741d4f4f!} {!LANG-0d28da3ae2ddd94803f2610c51a5f2e4!}{!LANG-d8e2e111d4281d2c4ec49653103e9bf7!} {!LANG-293be2a2dc0627a6a0d70bb99e1e7ad3!}

    {!LANG-b4173cc0515d147f7b7a79a38fbe16f2!} {!LANG-82a3e90c931f0a6a02b2c67879a020f9!}{!LANG-8fef7eefe5868611f499c7f250c79f62!} {!LANG-79eae48359ccff1f03f60c208b2bf631!}

    {!LANG-de6a65881d8070c976fca6c11ce88180!} {!LANG-82a3e90c931f0a6a02b2c67879a020f9!}{!LANG-a142fdd31256b8e8189303c2266a9516!} {!LANG-7379f8219618c2eba3dd221e46f47863!}

    {!LANG-fb292825f01a2acd296e0e41d92e26c9!} {!LANG-17085229243dc6e5fdb9ae1a44c5691d!}For example: {!LANG-fee2995499ddcc168b4105dcad6c079d!}


    {!LANG-b0ab2c82a1c6eff05192f41efdc80321!} {!LANG-7bbe5da2af478a6ce1094142637754cc!}For example: {!LANG-b58f48856ff790ad5addf527d685ee6d!}

    {!LANG-102d1ef7e0491629cf51f86b19be87b6!} {!LANG-03534493279d5151c01061d73bda18e3!}{!LANG-fb5dfb613578df1588f8dbbe8229ae3f!} {!LANG-0019eb52cd89611efe2b70cdc44046a5!}

    {!LANG-5cb676c3c931e328f5cbccf384cbd7b4!} {!LANG-1c4a884a361656e373beffe527729975!}For example: {!LANG-7d613be39e80b79856a9e1ce09026080!}

    {!LANG-a8add5e9cc086d5e68f35dd589efce8d!} {!LANG-4fe3012240378ee99afaa35685a261e9!}For example: {!LANG-05be3a3d6f8727783b5c514ffa6b5e7f!}

    {!LANG-09aa230622044897c2551f65ff80d668!} {!LANG-55ad0f0f34840b466919bf9656be108a!}{!LANG-cb05fade26ce2ab8224eb7a6fffb247e!} {!LANG-39182d0beb1c38fdd45c0dd140dd362c!}{!LANG-1fe42df5d5630b66ab00f1831d40a9da!} {!LANG-11f1b0a65e58e77d8dcab86ba01264ca!}

    {!LANG-79b33b9f712b613dea439352d8b5bab9!} {!LANG-17085229243dc6e5fdb9ae1a44c5691d!}For example: {!LANG-6306a769bae3e805e04ecba460bec511!}

    {!LANG-ef9ad130a3727449409cdfc81e526d47!} {!LANG-b9775570c753a22d2bedf3a7d8c7f8fe!}{!LANG-d8776baf2759716799f88cde0f8db5f1!} {!LANG-7a829bf4f3bf7d62235955e43accddd2!}

    {!LANG-ab6f9e7e7809f38621d3ab83bcae81c4!} {!LANG-51d86eee5c79c2ec5ff8c55e2765b7c6!}{!LANG-dd725def191e1476c918df17759ee371!} {!LANG-0d28da3ae2ddd94803f2610c51a5f2e4!}{!LANG-8e2dbe3a31f6f8a19f4541ce46575b8d!} {!LANG-0831b664651c71868df83442a92ac976!}{!LANG-5c9040b0b6e7a2f16ceb6fc4dd03fdfa!}

    • {!LANG-c1cc2a1408dee5d51aab5fa6ac062528!}
    • {!LANG-bfbb8c7366dc22e76e7986b18450a9db!}
    • {!LANG-87797f3b706f86afad9309d728cd6026!}
    • {!LANG-64fba0c35880c03dead9e08e0a00cd61!}

    {!LANG-5902fb6ffb475bb31c711e26876a3af0!} {!LANG-17085229243dc6e5fdb9ae1a44c5691d!}For example: {!LANG-f795681ef3908f82d930688656c8b596!}

    {!LANG-4dcf51bd02055f596c241ff6b177b916!} {!LANG-82a3e90c931f0a6a02b2c67879a020f9!}{!LANG-bf2e305a4c0024b4f7a86285150056b0!} {!LANG-de9c630211a2ba5b90b7bd4a98f68087!}{!LANG-ad4b52a38c04af0b2c1fd59230cb94d8!}

    {!LANG-d5fd97ee1caa4ef9a510302bef4c705d!} {!LANG-82a3e90c931f0a6a02b2c67879a020f9!}{!LANG-2037d64782dedad0b055766815054665!} {!LANG-0d28da3ae2ddd94803f2610c51a5f2e4!}{!LANG-31e196c5c053b0ab76122caac72ce1f4!} {!LANG-5233b5d6d26e2aa3be8230fcbb9fcf99!}{!LANG-20bcb259ee03e3ba883c4172f2f178b4!}

    {!LANG-e442f57355215a4e92837862d2d42f62!} {!LANG-17085229243dc6e5fdb9ae1a44c5691d!}For example: {!LANG-07e2a5edb47a4bc945724a3a4bd2a8f3!}

    {!LANG-43c21f615f353f60c9607c64ff2fcab6!} {!LANG-64b8405aa500230a1ac747997985c34b!}{!LANG-d08c14f62733998f89ac7e041dff923f!} {!LANG-82a3e90c931f0a6a02b2c67879a020f9!}{!LANG-ecbd5021f285a5d51259ffba124f4b00!} {!LANG-2cd5d69d02289fe90bd64a57d81f0a3a!}

    {!LANG-12840e239a3a8d5dc9c248866abb10d5!} {!LANG-82a3e90c931f0a6a02b2c67879a020f9!}{!LANG-2037d64782dedad0b055766815054665!} {!LANG-0d28da3ae2ddd94803f2610c51a5f2e4!}{!LANG-c8f87c242f3bccb6a25b33786eadbc4b!}


    {!LANG-13ba2186fce555a3ef1a2fdc9b01bf8b!}{!LANG-9fbf7c2c4277f22f44d9d9e06eac5a8a!} :



    {!LANG-671c77b67a2c912927e6a37fec73f5a2!}about ):


    {!LANG-6110659d0fb027684a331c4cbb7004ca!} {!LANG-552667ac88d5796bf54866b973ff72ea!}

    {!LANG-94a25b67592cecabcfdeb3e971937a24!}under the stress {!LANG-b3bfe65db17b203be0d1d3ae69c7cff4!}

    {!LANG-a8a549926371985e006b181ee488eb24!}{!LANG-6110659d0fb027684a331c4cbb7004ca!} {!LANG-f86ff3348709729a552805c9d425a678!}

    {!LANG-a8a549926371985e006b181ee488eb24!}{!LANG-877b75b6b1a61c04c3016ac9af25ae3f!} :


    {!LANG-e579d501e60a4dfbcd2dacf0dd1c8f26!} about

    {!LANG-6110659d0fb027684a331c4cbb7004ca!} {!LANG-2b3f6091ba98cbe2ea456d8129d22b48!}

    {!LANG-e579d501e60a4dfbcd2dacf0dd1c8f26!} e. {!LANG-ed275f770c40196353548ea52300a833!}{!LANG-877b75b6b1a61c04c3016ac9af25ae3f!} {!LANG-9bce739e8076d796b49ee16a9402e73e!}


    {!LANG-442bc59e56c93ab7e6346898c36dbd30!} {!LANG-dc0777245c697748af5fa304465eec79!}{!LANG-e09deeeb84b492999221f8a50b400fd5!}









    {!LANG-fdac3b6a5a136bcffa568f01ea5883dc!} {!LANG-7a9597ebf7f6d850d669ab13018ea81f!} {!LANG-d681cfff09245df60be32a3704105823!}{!LANG-1f1df2b1805ebaf9da329eaa01f88310!}










    {!LANG-cbeeda52930bf47f155ae26ab6121497!} {!LANG-b37b5065e42338e993cf20a18e7c784e!}{!LANG-4f52c8c2a98da29289584bf78fead1b8!}















    {!LANG-fac0297725e88fe6fde98a23fdebf4a9!} {!LANG-ada0dfe5df14550398a2128eecfb1423!}{!LANG-9452e958c3d616c6645ed74b39d517de!}










































