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Great War Rating. Who are they the best teamar RKKKA? Marshals of the Great Patriotic War Commander of the army during the Second World War

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Jugashvili, 6 (18). 12.1878, on the official date 9 (21) .12 1879 - 5.03 1953) -

Soviet state, political and military leader. The Secretary General of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) since 1922, the head of the Soviet government (Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars since 1941, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR since 1946), Generalissimus of the Soviet Union (1945).

During the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945) - Chairman of the SCS of the USSR, Chairman of the GKO, Chairman of the BGK rate, the People's Commissar of the Defense of the USSR, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Armed Forces. The headquarters headed by him with its management body - the General Staff - carried out direct leadership of military actions, planning campaigns and strategic operations. Headed by Stalin GKO, other higher state and political authorities conducted a vast work to mobilize all the country's forces to resist the aggressor and the achievement of victory. As head of the Soviet government, Stalin participated in the work of Tehran (1943), Crimean (1945) and Potsdam (1945) conferences of the leaders of the three powers - the USSR, the USA and the United Kingdom.

Sovietgenerals and Admirals, diede.on fronts Great Patriotic War

Avvakumov Yakov Alexandrovich Major General Deputy Commander of the Troops and the head of the rear of the 61st Army heavily wounded during the airline in Bellev (Tula region) 7.07.1942, died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in the hospital of the 226th individual health battalion (Bellev, Tula region) 7.07.1942 Averkin Dmitry Ivanovich Major General commander of the 4th partisan district he headed the cover of the cover Retreat of Yaltinsk Detachment A killed on the north edge of Yalta Yayla on the descent to the Snowstand, the Crimean ASSR) 12/13/1941 Alekseev Vasily Mikhailovich Lieutenant-General of the Tank Troops Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated September 13, 1944) Commander of the 5th Guards Tank Corps is killed when his car hit the ambush at the city of Tecuci (Tecuci, Romania) 08/25/1944 G. Alexseenko Ilya Prokofievich Major General Tank Forces Commander of the 5th Mechanized Corps was wounded during mortar shelling at Solovyovsky crossing across the Dnipro River (Solovyosvo Village, Cardimovsky District, Smolensk Region) 2.08.1941, died from wounds in the hospital in Vyazma (Smolensk region ) 3.08.1941, Al.e.hin Evgeny Stepanovich Major General Commander of the 27th Guards Rifle Corps mortally wounded duringair raid at the village of Sedelz (Sedlec, Břeclavsky district (Okres Breclav), Czechoslovakia) 04/22/1945, died from wounds in the hospital in g. Hlohovec, Czechoslovakia 24.04.1945 ?? AlfierevPeter Fedorovich Major General Deputy Commander of the 2nd Shock Army disappeared at the village of Meat Bor (Novgorodsky district, Leningrad region) 06/25/1942 Alyabushev Philip Fedorovich Major General Commander of the 87th Rifle Division killed at the village of Berezovichi (Vladimir-Volynsky district, Volyn region, Ukrainian SSR) 06/25/1941 Anisov Andrei Fedorovich Major General Chief of Staff of the 57th Army shot himself from Burvenkovo \u200b\u200b(Kharkiv region, Ukrainian SSR) 05/25/1942 Antonov Grigory YakovleviCH Major General Tank Troops Deputy Commander of the 4th Guards Tank Corps of the Umlennaya Time Avia Ralt in G. G. G. G. G. G. G. APANASENKO Joseph Rodionovich Army General Deputy Commander Voronezhoh front and mortally wounded during airborne avoidance, Belgorod 5.08.1943 Arshintsev Boris Nikitovich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 05/16/1944) Commander of the 11th Guards Rifle Corps killed by direct hit of the projectile into the block at an altitude of 115.5 y Kerch (Crimean ASSR) 01/15/1944 Asechev Anatoly AlekseeviCH Major General of the Tank Troops at the headquarters of the 13th Tank Corps are mortally wounded during the aviation of the village of Red (Krasnogvardeysky district, Belgorod region) 2.07.1942, Died from wounds from the village of Svoykak (Ostrogogsky District, Voronezh Region) 3.07.1942 . Aslanov Aslanov AgadoviCH(Asha Akhad Ogla) Major General Tank Forces twice Hero of the Soviet Union (Medal N 727, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated December 22, 1942 and posthumously, Decree of the USSR PVS dated 21.06.1991) Commander of the 35th Guards Tank Brigade mortally wounded duringartillery shellingat Priekule (Priekule, Latvian SSR) 01/25/1945 Ahlustin NikolaeviCH Major General Commander of the 13th Mechanized Corps killed by OS-oscillate on the Sloyee River Priojisc (Mogilev Region, Belarusian SSR) 07/28/1941 Babakhin Nikolai Ivanovich Major General The commander of the 9th Guards Rifle Division exploded on Mine in Polotsk (Vitebsk region, Belarusian SSR) 06/30/1944 Babayan Amaik GrigorieviCH Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from 05/31/1945) Commander of the 35th mechanized brigade killed in Weissensee (Weissensee, Weißensee) - suburb of G. Berlin (Berlin, Germany) 04/21/1945 Baltic Ivan Mikhailovich Major-General Artillery Commander Artillery of the 43rd Army Heavyly wounded ... 11.1943, died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Hospital of the 358th Medical and Sanitary Battalion (Vyshny Volochyuk, Kalininsky region) 20.11.1943 Batygin Ivan Terentyevich Aviation Major General Senior Assistant Inspector General Inspector Inspector Inspectory Inspection Inspectorate of the RKKA mortally wounded during aviation bobs in Lutsk (Volyn region, Ukrainian SSR) 8.06.1944 Bahahar Boris SergeeviCH Major General Tank Troops Commander of the 9th Tank Corps killed by direct hit of the projectile at the village of Shakuni (Pruzhansky district, Brest region, Belarusian SSR) 07/16/1944 Tatsanov Terente Kirillovich Major General Commander of the 24th Rifle Division killed at the station Greubenka (Grebelkovsky district, Poltava region, Ukrainian SSR) 20.09.1941 Belov Alexander Ivanovich Major General Commander of the 3rd Guards Rifle Corps is seriously injured 03/28/1944, died from RAS in Dnepropetrovsk (Ukrainian SSR) 04.04.1944 Belov Nikolay NikanoroviCH Major General Commander of the 15th Rifle Division was seriously injured during the art crew at the village of Podlevokoye (Umansky district, Vinnitsa region, Ukrainian SSR) 7.08.1941, died from RAS at the village of Podlevokoye 9.08.1941 Berezin Alexander Dmitrievich Major General Deputy Commander of the 22nd Army is mortally wounded by the village of Demyakhi (Belsky district, Smolensk region) 5.07.1942 Blazhevich Ivan.Ivanovich (Blasshavicyus Ionas Ionasovich) Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 04.28.1945) Commander of the 99th Guards Rifle Division is seriously injured, having exploded at Mine on the northern outskirts of Berndorf (Berndorf, Imperial Region of Nizhny Danube (ReichSgau Niederdonau ), Germany) 04/23/1945, died from wounds in Berndorf 24.04.1945 Bobkin Leonid Vasilyevich Major General Assistant Commander of the South-Western Front for Cavalry killed at the village of Lozovyna (Petrovsky district, Kharkiv region, Ukrainian SSR) 05/26/1942 Bobkov Semen Alekseevich Major-General Artillery Head of Artillery of the 44th Army killed in a shootout, when the car, in which he was located, mistakenly drove into the army of the enemy from the village of Great Lepes (the magnetic district, Zaporizhia region, Ukrainian SSR) 6.11.1943 Bobrov Boris Dmitrievich Major General Commander of the 139th Rifle Division killed at the village of Volochek (Yelninsky district, Smolensk region) 7.10.1941 Bobrov Fyodor Alexandrovich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 28, 1945) Commander of the 42nd Guards Rifle Division is mortally wounded when his car blew up on Mine in Bistrita (Bistrita, Romania) 09/25/1944 . Bogitichuk Pavel Petrovich Major General Commander of the 125th Rifle Division killed by direct hit of the projectile in the blonde from Kolpino (suburb of Leningrad) 12/21/1941 Bogdanov Ivan.Aleksandrovich Lieutenant-General Deputy Commander of the 39th Army is seriously injured by the village of Nelidovo (Kalininsk region) 07/19/1942, died from RAS in the hospital in Kalinin 07.22.1942 Bodin Pavel Ivanovich Lieutenant-General Head of the Staff of the Transcaucasian Front is mortally wounded during the airborne Aviation of Ordzhonikidze November 2, 1942 Bolotnikov Nikolai AntonoviCH Major General Tank Forus Commander Armored by Armored and Mechanized Troops of the Volkhov Front killed by direct hit of the bombing during the avoidance of the city of Volkhov? (Leningrad region) 01/26/1943 Borzilov Sem.e.n VasilyeviCH Major General Tank Forces Head of the Car Autogle Divine Department of the 51st Separate Army killed by a fragment from the village of Kula (Kullah, Krasno-Perekopsky district, Crimea ASSR) 09/28/1941 Borisov Vladimir Borisovich Major General Commander of the 21st Rifle Corps killed at the Rubeburg village (Column District, Minsk Region, Belarusian SSR) 06/30/1941 BRODA Yakov Isaakovich Major General Artillery Commander of Artillery of the 64th Army killed during the Avia bombardment on the River Don at the village of Nizhne-Chirskaya (Stalingrad region) 07/27/1942 Budanov Fedor Ivanovich Major General Deputy Commander 5 Rifle Corps disappeared ... 06.1941 Vasilyev Ivan Vasilyevich Major General Member of the Military Council of the 1st Guards Army Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from June 29, 1945) killed during the artillery shelling at the village of Krintyat (Turkovsky district, Lviv region, Ukrainian SSR) 7.08.1944 G. Vasilyev Ilya Vasilyevich Major General Commander 337th Rifle Division killed in the village of Protopopovka (Kharkiv region, Ukrainian SSR) 05/25/1942 Vasilyev Sergey Terentievich Major General of the Intensdant Service Head of the rear of the 38th army of the KVTVO TIME AVIUM OF THE AIR RETE IN KAMETS-PODOL '? (Khmelnitsky region, Ukrainian SSR) 24.04.1944 Vatutin Nikolai Fedorovich General of the Army Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 6, 1965) Commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front is seriously injured in the hip leg of the right leg during the shelling of the auto-colonna fighters of the UPA in the village of Milyatin (Ostrog district, Rivne region, Ukrainian SSR) 29.02.1944, died of blood infection in the hospital in Kiev (Ukrainian SSR) 15.04.1944 Verry Sergey Vladimirovich Major General Commander of the 173rd Rifle Division shot himself from Uman (Kiev region, Ukrainian SSR) 08/08/1941 Vilin Ivan Petrovich Major Aviation Major Deputy Commander of the 214th Storm Aviation Division is seriously injured when his plane hit over Cape Chersonese, crashed into the mountain of the village of Okhar-Karalez (Bakhchisarai district, Crimean ASSR) 04.04.1944, died from wounds in the hospital In the city of Simferopol (Crimean ASSR) 04/19/1944 Vladimirov Vanifatii(INaboutnifati) Vladimirovich Major General Artillery Deputy Head artillery of the 12th Army, Killed from the village of Levkovka (Novoarhangelsky district, Kirovograd region, Ukrainian SSR) 7.08.1941 Vlasov Trofim Leontievich Major-General Artillery Head of Artillery of the 16th Army was mortally wounded by a projectile fragment at the village of Khokhlovo (Smolensk district, Smolensk region), died on the way to hospital 14.07.1941. Voloch VasilyeviCH Lieutenant-General Tank Forces Commander of the Armored Armor and Mechanized Forces of the South-Western Front killed during the air raisi (Kharkiv region, Ukrainian SSR) 08/25/1943 Vorobiev Pavel Ionovich Major General Deputy Commander of the 52nd Army Heavyly wounded in Malaya Vishera (Leningrad Region) ... 03.1942, died from RAS in Malaya Vishera 03/22/1942 Gavrilov Ivan Aleksandrovich Major General Member of the Military Council of the 4th Guards Army is seriously injured by having exploded in Mine at Kalarash? (Moldavian SSR) 08/23/1944, Died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in the hospital in Odessa? (Ukrainian SSR) 08/24/1944 Galstyan Beniamin Oganesovich Brigadier Commissioner, Major General - from December 6, 1942 Member of the Military Council of the 42nd Army mortally wounded duringartillery shelling At the village of Upper Koyrovo (Slutsky district, Leningrad region), died when evacuated with advanced 4.12.1942 Gaponov Nikolay Vasilyevich Major-General Artillery Commander of the 26th Artillery Division Reserve of the Chief Command Killed during the Avia Bombing at the height of 19.6 near Mr. Dzhankka (Crimean ASSR) 04/10/1944 Garnov Alexander Vasilyevich Major General Commander 5th Rifle Corps disappeared from Volkovysk (Grodno region, Belarusian SSR) ... 06.1941 Pikes Vasily Andreevich Major General Commander of the 35th Guards Rifle Division is seriously injured by the village of Upper Elshanka (Prog Stalingrad), killed when trying to evacuation 09/08/1942 Goncharov Mikhail Dmitrievich Major General Deputy Commander of the 2nd Guards Tank Army Heavyly wounded during the artillery shelling of Naugard (Naugard, Pomeranian region (Gau Pommern), Germany) 3.03.1945, Died from RAS in the hospital in Brest ?? (Belarusian SSR) 6.03.1945 Gorbatsevich Leonid Antonovich Major General Aviation Commander of the 244th Bombarding Aviation Division is mortally wounded during the aviation of the village of Damovitsi (Berezovsky district, Voronezh region) 07/26/1942 Ivan Sergeevich Major General The commander of the 250th rifle division is seriously injured in the stomach of the projectile by the village of Demyakhi (Belsky district, Smolensk region) 07/25/1941, Died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in the 101st Military Hospital (village of Olenino, Kalinin region ?? ) 07/25/1941 Gorodynan Avcente Mikhailovich Lieutenant-General Commander of the 6th Army shot himself on the farm Orlinoyarsk (Petrovsky district, Kharkiv region, Ukrainian SSR) 27.05.1942 Gubarevich Joseph Ivanovich Major General Commander of the 34th Guards Rifle Division is seriously injured during the airline at the village of Zlumeski (Kagalnitsky district, Rostov region) 4.02.1943, died from RAS in the hospital in Bataysk (Rostov region) 02/23/1943 Gurthev Leonty Nikolaevich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from August 27, 1943) Commander of the 308th Rifle Division killed by a fragment of Mines at the village Kalinovka (Bolkhovsky district, Oryol region) 3.08.1943 Guriev Stepan Savelievich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 04/19/1945) Commander of the 16th Guards Rifle Corps killed by a projectile fragment from Pillau (Pillau region Eastern Prussia (Gau Ostpreussen), Germany) 04/22/1945 . Davydov Ivan Vasilyevich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 05/31/1945) Deputy Commander of the 125th Rifle Corps killed in Potsdam (Potsdam) - suburb of Berlin (Berlin, Germany) 04/26/1945 . Ninth Kuzma GrigorieviCH Colonel, Major General Tank Forces - from 08/21/1943 The head of the 3rd tank corps headquarters killed at the village of Krasnikovo (Oryol region) 2.08.1943 Dedaev Nikolai Alekseevich Major General Commander of the 67th Rifle Division is seriously injured by the chips of the projectile at the ruins of the Grizobe Fort (Liepaja (Liepaja), Latvian SSR) 06/24/1941, died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Naval Hospital of Liepaja 06/25/1941 Dergach Konstantin Sergeevich Colonel, Major General Artillery - From July 11, 1945, the Commander of the Artillery of the 35th Rifle Corps is seriously injured in Kustrin (Kustrin, Mark Brandenburg (Gau Mark Brandenburg), Germany) 04/26/1945, Died from wounds Military Pole Hospital 04/27/1945 Dovator Lev Mikhailovich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated December 21, 1941) Commander of the 2nd Guards Cavalry Corps is mortally wounded by a machine-gun queue at the village of Palashkino (Ruzsky District, Moscow Region) 12/19/1941 Dudko Stepan Ivanovich Major General Deputy Commander of the 7th Guards Cavalry Corps killed in the village of Ivanovka (Voroshilovgrad region, Ukrainian SSR) 02/23/1943 Evdokimov Vasily Pavlovich Major General Commander of the 50th Rifle Division killed at the Moscow-Minsk highway on the eastern outskirts of Smolensk at the end of July 1941 Egorov Daniel Grigorievich Major General Commander of the 150th Rifle Division killed in the village of Protopopovka (Kharkiv region, Ukrainian SSR) 05/25/1942 Egorov Pavel Grigorievich Major General Head of the 28th Army headquarters killed at the village of Utekhovo (Roslavl district, Smolensk region) 4.08.1941 Syshin Tikhon Fedorovich Major General Commander of the 332rd Rifle Division was seriously injured by the projectile of the projectile from Daugavpils (Daugavpils, Latvian SSR) 07/31/1944, died from the Russian Academy of Sciences 08.08.1944 EPe.min Stepan Illarionovich Major General Commander of the 20th Rifle Corps killed when crossing the coolant river Sproisk (Mogilev region, Belarusian SSR) 07/28/1941 Efremov Mikhail Grigorievich Lieutenant-General Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously, Medal N 378, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation N 1792 dated December 31, 1996) The Commander of the 33rd Army is seriously injured, shot himself from the village of Heat (Vyazemsky district, Smolensk Region) 04/19/1942 Zholudev Viktor Grigorievich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 11/11/1944) Commander of the 35th Rifle Corps killed during artillery shellingin Volkovysk (Grodno region, Belarusian SSR) 07/21/1944 Peter Mironovich Major General of the Medical Service Head of the Supply Department of the Health and Sanitary and Economic Property of the Chief Military Sanitary Office of the Red Army died, having exploded at Mine in Orel 8.08.1943 Jurby Alexander Afanasyevich Major General Commander of the 14th Rifle Division killed in the hollow between the western tip of the ridge of Musta Tunturi and the lip of a small fiber (Murmansk region) 06/30/1941 Zaitsev Pantelemon Aleksandrovich Major General Commander of the 122nd Rifle Corps is mortally wounded from Narva (Narva, Estonian SSR), died on the way to Hospital 1.03.1944. Zelentsov Andrei Ivanovich Major General Commander of the 88th Rifle Division killed a direct hit of the bombing at the Louchi station (Caro-Finnish SSR) 08/15/1941 Zinkovich Mitrofan IvanoviCH Major General of the Tank Troops Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 17, 1943) Commander of the 6th Guards Tank Corps is mortally wounded during the air raging village Grigorovka (Kanevsky district, Kiev region, Ukrainian SSR) 24.09. 1943 Zuykov Nikolai Ivanovich Council Admiral Deputy Headquarters Staff of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet killed during the artillery shelling of Leningrad 3.09.1942 Zygin Alexey Ivanovich Lieutenant General Commander of the 4th Guards Army is mortally wounded when his car blew up on Mine at the village of Kiryakovka (Globinsky district, Poltava region, Ukrainian SSR) 27.09.1943 Ivanov Alexander Konstantinovich Colonel, Major General - from 02.22.1944. The commander of the 81st Rifle Corps is mortally wounded during the artillery shelling east of the village of Bogushevsk (Vitebsk Region, Belarusian SSR) 01/10/1944 Ivanov Vasily IvanoviCH Major General Tank Troops Deputy Commander of the 13th Mechanized Corps killed in a shootout with saboteurs at the village of Eremichi (Koreich district, Grodno region, Belarusian SSR) 1.07.1941 Ivanov Mikhail Mikhailovich Major General Deputy Commander of the 60th Army on the rear killed during the artillery shelling at the Borzovsky village (Berezovsky district, Voronezh Oblast) 09/15/1942 Ivanov Nikolay Petrovich Major General Commander 41 Guards Rifle Division died in east of Pavlograd (Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukrainian SSR) 02/25/1943 Ivanovsky Nikolai Mikhailovich Colonel, Major General - from January 17, 1944. The commander of the 206th Rifle Division died in Obukhov? (Kiev region, Ukrainian SSR) 12/31/1943 Ilyin Alexander Mikhailovich Major General Commander of the 61st Rifle Corps is seriously injured, having exploded on Mine Northeast, Vladimir-Volynsky? (Volyn region, Ukrainian SSR) 05/22/1944, Died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in the hospital in Lutsk? (Volyn region, Ukrainian SSR) 05/28/1944 CossacksAlexanderFilimonovich Major Major Artillery Head of Artillery of the 63rd Rifle Corps is seriously wounded in the stomach, killed by a direct hit of the mines in the wagon, on which he followed the Skepthen-1 village (Zhlobinsky district, Gomel region, Belarusian SSR) 08/17/1941 KalashnikovDmitriyDmitrievich Major General Artillery Commander of Artillery of the 2nd Shock Army killed by direct hit of the projectile in the blonde at the village of Sinyavino (Mgin City District, Leningrad Region) 02/14/1943 Karmanov Ivan Petrovich Major General Commander of the 62nd Rifle Corps? Lost with the city of Nevel (Kalininsk region) in October 1941 Karuna Vasily Petrovich Major General The commander of the 152nd Rifle Division is seriously injured by the Occarrid of the shell on the island of Green (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukrainian SSR) 09/30/1943, died from RAS in the hospital of the 152nd Rifle Division in Dnepropetrovsk October 2, 1943 Kachalov Vladimir Yakovlevich Lieutenant-General Commander of the 28th Army killed by a direct hit of the projectile in the tank, in which he was located, at the village of Starinka (Roslavl district, Smolensk region) 4.08.1941 Kirponos Mikhail Petrovich Colonel-General Hero of the Soviet Union (Medal N 91, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 21.03.1940) Commander of the South-Western Front Furtly wounded by a fragment of mines in the chest in a borishche Shumeikovo (Lohvitsky district, Poltava region, Ukrainian SSR) 20.09.1941 G. Kiselev Alexander Yakovlevich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 23.05.1945) Commander of the 140th Rifle Division killed during the artillery shelling at the village of Taxball (Krakowski (Powiat Krakowski), Krakowskie (Wojewodztwwwwwo Krakowskie) , Poland) 01/24/1945 Kichikilov Alexander Alekseevich Colonel, Major General - from 3.05.1942. The commander of the 294th Rifle Division killed in the Conduya tract (Tosnensky district, Leningrad region) on the night of 03.23.1942 Klishev Tikhon Davydovich Colonel, Major General - from 05/30/1942, the head of the rear of the 11th Army is seriously injured, died from wounds in the hospital? (Village Lazhina, Polavsky district, Leningrad region) 3.05.1942 Klyaro Ignatius Vikentyevich Major General Deputy Commander of the 13th Guards Rifle Corps in the Terminal Parts exploded on Mine at the bridge across the Padel River in the city of Pastavy (Vitebsk Region, Belarusian SSR) 07/13/1944 Kozlov Georgy Potapovich Major General Artillery Head of the Ryazan Artillery School was missing ... 09.1941 Trump Maxim Evseevich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (Medal N 1964, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 05/17/1944) Deputy Commander of the 50th Rifle Corps killed when his car hit the ambush in Rygrad (Rajhrad, Brno District (Okres Brno ), Czechoslovakia) 04/23/1945 Konstantin Vasilyevich Commissioner Major General Commander of the 183rd Rifle Division killed at Lebzino village? (Rzhevsky district, Kalininsky region) 2.03.1942 Condrushev Semen Mikhailovich Major General Commander of the 22nd Mechanized Corps killed by a fragment of the projectile at the village of Aleksandrovka (Vladimir-Volynsky district, Volyn region, Ukrainian SSR) 06/24/1941 Copts Vasily Alekseevich Major General of the Tank Troops Hero of the Soviet Union (Medal N 175, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from 11/17/1939) Commander of the 15th Tank Corps is seriously wounded into the right shin of the projectile of the projectile at the village of Hychaya (Novovodolazhsky district, Kharkiv region, Ukrainian SSR ), died from wounds 3.03.1943 Kopian Ivan Andreevich Major General Commander of the 140th Rifle Division disappeared from Millerovo (Rostov region) 7.08.1942 Korezhovsky Nikolai Nikolaevich Major General Commander of the 26th Guards Rifle Division killed during the art crew in Vitebsk (Belarusian SSR) 01/01/1944 Korzun Pavel Petrovich Lieutenant-General Commander of the 47th Army is mortally wounded when his car blew up in Mine in Gadyach (Poltava region, Ukrainian SSR) 09/16/1943 Kornev Nikifor Vasilyevich Major General Aviation Headquarters Headquarters, VR.I.D. The commander of the partisan detachment "For the Motherland" killed in the village of Osinovoy Boloto (Dumynichsky district, Smolensk region) 12/30/1941 Koreev Andrei Dmitrievich Major General Chief of Staff of the 20th Army killed his own guard as a result of panic and shooting, provoked by the attack of saboteurs in the village of Red (Smolensk Region), 06/28/1941 Cornilov-Friends Vasily Georgievich Lieutenant-General Artillery Deputy Head of Artillery Workers-Peasant Red Army (RKKKA) Deadly wounded by a fragment of the bomb under the airbobes of the city of Stalingrad 09/18/1942 Krakov Fedor Grigorievich Major General Aviation Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 14, 1942) of the Deputy Head of the Military Air Force of the USSR of the USSR is killed by direct hit by heavy air bombs in the Angar of 36 Aviation Workshops located on the banks of the round Bays in Sevastopol 04/24/1942 Alexander Ignatievich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from 10.25.1943) Commander of the 23rd Rifle Division killed by a fragment of the projectile during the artillery shelling at the village of Studenac (Kanevsky district, Kiev region, Ukrainian SSR) 29.09.1943 G. King Fedor Petrovich Major General Commander of the 111st Tank Brigade killed by direct hit of the bomb in the tank during the air raid in Voronezh 29.09.1942 Kososovogov Lim Vasilyevich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 05/16/1944) Commander of the 117th Guards Railway Division died along with all the crew when the boat on which he was located to blew up on Mine in Kerch Strait 17.11. 1943 Kostenko Fedor Yakovlevich Lieutenant-General Deputy Commander of the South-Western Front Forces died (shot himself?) At the city of Kharkov (Ukrainian SSR) 05/26/1942 Kostitsyn Alexander Stepanovich Major General Commander of the 183rd Rifle Division killed during the airborne aviation Belgorod (Kursk region) 07/24/1943 Kotelnikov Leonid Ivanovich Major General Commander of the 60th Rifle Division killed from the city of Dorogobuzh (Smolensk region) 5.10.1941 Kotelnikov Yakov Georgievich Major General Commander of the 19th Rifle Division killed at the village of Panfilovo (Vyazemsky district, Smolensk region) 10/14/1941 Kotov Grigory Petrovich Lieutenant-General commander of the 6th Guards Rifle Corps killed during an erroneous attack of the Soviet Auto Colonna of American Aviation in Nish (Yugoslavia) 7.11.1944 Kravchenko Grigory Panteleevich Lieutenant-General Aviation twice Hero of the Soviet Union (Medal N 120, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from 22.02.1939 and Medal N 1, Decree of the USSR PVS dated August 29, 1939) Commander of the 215th Fighter Aviation Division died in air combat, When his plane was shot down, and the parachute did not reveal, at the village of Sinyavino (Mginsky district, Leningrad region) 02/23/1943 Krasnov Ignatiy Alexandrovich Major General Commander of the 200th Rifle Division killed at the village of Zvitsani (Polotsky district, Vitebsk region) 07/16/1944 Kryukov Filippe Yakovlevich Major-General Artillery Deputy Head of Artillery of the South-Western Front for Anti-Armenian Artillery killed in Valuyki (Belgorod Region) 28.02.1943 Kuznetsov Mikhail Andreevich Major General Commander of the 126th Rifle Division was seriously injured in Great Luki (Kalininsk region) 07/21/1941, died from RAS 6.08.1941 KuzminGrigoryIvanoviCH Major Major General Commander of the 21st Tank Corps is seriously injured in the belly in the belly of Villavekovo (Balaklesky district, Kharkiv region, Ukrainian SSR), shot 28.05.1942. Kukushkin Alexander Vasilyevich Major General Tank Forces Commander Armored and Mechanized Forces of the 6th Army killed during the air raid from Millerovo (Rostov region) 04/25/1943 Kulakov Theodore Sergeevich Colonel, Major General - from 11/17/1943 Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 05/16/1944) Commander of the 339th Rifle Division killed in Kerch (Crimean ASSR) 11/16/1943 Kuliev Yakub Kulievich Major General Deputy Commander of the 4th Cavalry Corps in the Terminal Part of the Mainly Ranned During the Air Betting at the Working Plant Kotelnikovsky (Stalingrad Region), died from Rounds on the way to the hospital in the village of Abganerovo (Oktyabrsky district, Stalingrad region) 12/19/1942 Kupriyanov Alexey Filimonovich Major General Commander of the 215th Rifle Division is mortally wounded by a fragment of a shell during an artillery shelling at the village of Big Monastery (Safonovsky district, Smolensk region), died from wounds on the way to hospital 03/20/1943 Kupriyanov Sergey Petrovich Major General Artillery Commander of Artillery of the 22nd Army killed by direct bombs during the air raid from Krustpils (Krustpils, Daugavpils County (Daugavpils Aprinkis), Latvian SSR) 08/17/1944 Kutlin Zaki Yusupovich Major General Commander 270th Rifle Division is mortally wounded in Lozova (Kharkiv region, Ukrainian SSR) 05/25/1942 Kolashev Gabriel Efimovich Major General Commander of the 4th Guards Rifle Division is mortally wounded by the village of Tkachevka (Nikolaev district, Nikolaev region, Ukrainian SSR) 03/20/1944 Lavrinenko Matvey Illarionovich Major General of the Tank Troops Deputy Commander of the 5th Guards Tank Corps on the Building Part Heavyly wounded from Komarno (Komarno, Czechoslovakia) 8.01.1945, died from RAS 9.01.1945 Lavrinovich Vaclav Bronislavovich Major General Head of the 23rd Army killed a Finnish sniper in the village of Krasnostrov (Pargolovsky District, Leningrad Region) 20.09.1941 Lagodujuk Yakov Osipovich (Josephovych) Major General Communication Deputy Head of Communication of the 1st Baltic Front killed during the artillery shelling of Daugavpils (Daugavpils, Latvian SSR) 07/27/1944 Lazarev Pavel Efimovich Major General Commander of the 19th Rifle Division killed during the artillery shelling from Odessa (Ukrainian SSR) December 8, 1944 Lazarenko Ivan Sidorovich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 21, 1944) Commander of the 369th Rifle Division killed by direct hit of the projectile in a car at the village of Hills (Chaussky District, Mogilev Region, Belarusian SSR) 26. 0 6.1944 G. Lapshov Afanasy Vasilyevich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (Medal N 508, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 27.03.1942) Commander of the 16th Guards Rifle Corps killed, hitting the ambush at the village of Ulyanovo (Kaluga region) 07/14/1943 Larione Georgy Andreevich Major General in the reserve of the Military Council of the Leningrad Front disappeared at the village of Pulkovo? (Pavlovsky district, Leningrad region) at 09/18/1941 Lebedev Timofey Vasilyevich Major General Commander of the 191st Rifle Division died when his car was undermined on the Anti-Tank Mine at the village of Selishi (Chudovsky District, Leningrad Region) 01/26/1941 SwanMichaelPetroviCH Major General Deputy Commander of the 5th Guards Mechanized Corps is mortally wounded during the artillery shelling of Belgorod (Kursk Region), died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in Hospital 22.08.1943. Alexey Fedorovich Major General The commander of the 4th airborne building died at the time of landing, when the plane in which he was heated by German fighters at the Village of Ozhechny (Safonovsky district, Smolensk region) 02/23/1943 LieseukovAlexanderIl.iCH Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (Medal N 531, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 5, 1941) Commander of the 2nd Tank Corps died when the tank in which he was, was hit by the village of Lebyazhye (Semiluksky district, Voronezh region ) 07/25/1942 LuppsVladimirVasilyeviCH Colonel, Major General Tank Forces - from 11.03.1944 Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 10, 1944) Commander of the 71st Mechanized Brigade is mortally wounded when the tank in which he was Woven in the village of Rachi (Chimunsky district, Zhytomyr region, Ukrainian SSR) 5.01.1944 Lviv Vladimir Nikolaevich lieutenant-general commander of the 51st Armyand killed by a fragment of airbabs during the airline on the mountain horse north withela Kyaig (Leninsky district, Crimean ASSR) 05/11/1942 Lubar Stepan Ivanovich (Siriska Stepan Frantseich) Lieutenant-General Head of the headquarters of the 3rd Guards Army killed when crossing the Neisse River (Lausitzer Neiße) in Forst (Forst, region Mark Brandenburg (Gau Mark Brandenburg), Germany) 04/16/1945 Magon Erman Yakovlevich Major General The Commander of the 45th Rifle Corps killed during the artillery shelling of Chasus (Mogilyov region, Belarusian SSR) 08/14/1941 Maksimov Vladimir Konstantinovich Major General Tank Troops Hero of the Soviet Union (Medal N 1224, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 10/17/1943) Deputy Commander of the 7th Guards Mechanized Corps killed in Berlin (Berlin, Germany) 04/19/1945 Lieshitsky Isaac Yakovlevich Major Major General of the Rifle Division killed at the village of Borisovka (Kursk region) 03/16/1943 Malyar Fedor Gavrilovich Major-General Artillery Head of Artillery of the 57th Army killed at the village of Pavlovka-2 (Izyumsky district, Kharkiv region, Ukrainian SSR) 05/25/1942 Marcinkevich Vladimir Nikolaevich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 04.04.1945) Commander134th of the Rifle division is seriously injured during aviation bombardment of Pulawy (Pulawy, Lublin (Lubelskie), Poland (Wojewodztwo Lubelskie) ) 07/29/1944 ,? Died from wounds on the way to Medsanbat 07/30/1944 Matykin Filipp Nikolaevich Major General Commander 47th Mornetral Division killed at the village of Lozovenka (Balakleysky district, Kharkiv region, Ukrainian SSR) 05/25/1942 Mikhail Mikhail Ivanovich Major General Commander of the 309th Rifle Division killed in the town of Stary Oskol (Kursk region) 03/14/1943 Mikushev Georgy Nikolaevich Major General Commander of the 41st Rifle Division killed on the bridge across the river is the island at the village of Kozhelets (Chernihiv region, Ukrainian SSR) 09.09.1941 Miroshnichenko Pavel Petrovich Major General Head of the Staff of the 39th Army died surrounded by northeastern G. White (Smolensk region) 07/24/1942 MitrofanovAlexanderStepanoviCH Major General Artillery Head of Artillery of the 6th Mechanized Corps killed, hitting the village of Klepachi (Slonimsky district, Baranovichi region, Belarusian SSR) 06/25/1941 Mikhailin Ivan Prokofievich Major General Assistant Commander of the Western Front over fortified areas killed by a fragment of the bomb during the airline at the village of Makarovtsy (Berezovitsky district, Grodno region, Belarusian SSR) 06/23/1941 Mikhailov Nikolai Ivanovich Major General Aviation Head of the Aviation Department Headquarters 21 Army killed during the art crew in Smolensk 08/13/1943 MishaninTimofeyAndreeviCH Major General Tank Forces Commander of the 12th Tank Division killed at the village of Sitia (Brodovsky district, Lviv region, Ukrainian SSR) 06/28/1941 Monakhov Dmitry Petrovich Major General I.O. The commander of the 28th Guards Rifle Corps is seriously wounded north of Nikopol (Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukrainian SSR), died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in the 4581st Evacuation Hospital (Silkarevka village, Nikopolsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukrainian SSR) 02/18/1944 Mukhin Gerasim Vasilyevich Major General The commander of the 34th Guards Rifle Corps is seriously wounded by a fragment of the projectile at the village of Privoloye (Lisichansky district, Voroshilovgrad region, Ukrainian SSR) 21.05.1943, died from wounds in the 2386th Sorting and Evacuation Hospital (Moscow) 26.05 .1943 Muskov Konstantin Romanovich Lieutenant-General Artillery Deputy Head of the Main Artillery Department (GAU) of the Red Army Heavyly wounded during the airfield at the Humki airfield (Stalingrad), died from Rounds on the way to Hospital 10.08.1942 Naidiyshev Pavel Nikolaevich Colonel, Major General - from 04/19/1945 The commander of the 113rd Rifle Division was exploded in Mine in Sombor (Yugoslavia) 03/29/1945 Neretin Vasily Ivanovich Major General The commander of the 266th Rifle Division killed in Shhors (Chernihiv region, Ukrainian SSR) 08/30/1941 Nikulin Nikolai Aleksandrovich Major General of the Intensdant Service Head of the Staff of the Tar Management of the 2nd Belarusian Front is seriously injured ... 1944, ?? Died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Central Military Hospital (Moscow) 7.01.1945 Novik Konstantin Ignatievich Major General Deputy Commander of the 48th Army killed during the artillery shelling at the Dishnya station (Zalenchensky district, Oryol region) 08/27/1942 NosdrunovMichaelKuzmiCH Major General Deputy Head of the Military Academy of Motorization and Mechanization (VAM) of the Red Army, in the internship in the current army heavily wounded from Berlin (Berlin, Germany) ... 04.1945, died from wounds in a military hospital (Moscow? ) 04/19/1945 OganesyanNikolaiAlexandroviCH Major General Artillery Commander Artillery 3rd Guards Tank Army Heavyly wounded in Knurow (Knurow, Silesian Voivodeship (Wojewodztwo Slaskie), Poland) 01/21/1945, ?? Died from wounds in a military hospital (Zhytomyr?) 28.01.1945? Onufriev Alexander Alekseevich Major General Commander 38th Guards Rifle Division killed at the village of Eremeevka (Petropavlovsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukrainian SSR) 02/25/1943 Spratkov Nikolai Alekseevich Major General of the Aviation Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 14, 1942) Commander of the Air Force of the Black Sea Fleet killed by direct hit by heavy airbabs in the Angar of 36 Aviation Workshops located on the banks of the round bay in Sevastopol 24.04.1942 Orthodoxes Peter Nikolaevich Major General Artillery Head of Artillery of the 33rd Army Heavyly wounded in the chest at the village New Mikhailovka (Vyazemsky district, Smolensk region) 04/17/1942, Died from Ran ... 04.1942? Pavlov Vasily Fedotovich Major General commander of the 23rd Rifle Division killed a machine-gun queue from Ionava (Jonava, Kaunas County, Lithuanian SSR) 06/25/1941 Padosk Pavel Mikhailovich Major General of Engineering Troops The head of defensive construction on the Mozhaisk direction was missing for the west of Moscow 24.11.1941 Pankov Alexander Nikiforovich Major General Artillery Commander of Artillery of the 13th Army killed during the aviation raid at the village of Korop (Chernihiv region, Ukrainian SSR) 09/14/1943 Pankratov Joseph Nikolaevich Major General commander of the 287th Rifle Division died, having exploded to the Fugasa North. Cottbus (Cottbus, Brand Brandenburg (Gau Mark Brandenburg), Germany) 04/25/1945 Panfilov Ivan Vasilyevich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 12.04.1942) Commander of the 8th Guards Rifle Division killed by a fragment of Mina at the village of Khusenvo (Volokolamsky district, Moscow region) 11/18/1941 Parafo Terente Mikhailovich Major Coastal General Commander of the 7th Guards Airborne Division is seriously injured in north? Kursk ... 1943, ?? Died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in the 2037th Evacuation Hospital (Lipetsk, Voronezh Region) 06/22/1943 Perks Stepan Pavlovich Major General Commander of the 132nd Rifle Corps is seriously injured by blowing up on Mine? (Karelian-Finnish SSR), died from the Russian Academy of Sciences 09/27/1944 Peschin Mikhail Alexandrovich Colonel, Major General - from 04/04/1955 (Resolution of the USSR USSR N 645) Commander of the 225th Rifle Division is seriously injured in Oppeln (Oppeln, Upper Silesia region (Gau Oberschlesien), Germany) 11.02.1945, Died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in the 3958th Evacuation Hospital (Czestochowa (Czestochowa), Kelets Voivodeship (Wojewodztwo Kieleckie), Poland) 3.05.1945 Petrov Konstantin Ivanovich Major General commander of the 6th Guards Rifle Division was seriously injured on January 31, 1942, died from wounds in a military hospital (Yelets, Oryol region) 02/13/1942 PetrovMichaelPetroviCH Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (Medal N 31, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 21.06.1937) Commander of the 50th Army, 10/17/1941 appointed commander of the troops of the Bryansk Front, but did not have time to join
it is seriously injured in the upper part of both legs on the River Resset 10.10.1941, he died from gangrene in the timber project 7 km from the village of Golyanka (Karachevsky district, Oryol region) 10/13/1941 (for other purposes in mid-November or in December 1941 G.) Petrovsky Leonid Grigorievich Lieutenant-General commander of the 63rd Rifle Corps, August 13, 1941, was appointed Commander of the 21st Army (not joined) Killed by the village of Old Rudnya (Zhlobinsky district, Gomel region, Belarusian SSR) 08/17/1941 Pisarevsky Dmitry Semenovich Major General Chief of Staff of the 5th Army killed North-west of Lubny (Poltava region, Ukrainian SSR) 09/20/1941 Pichugin Ivan Pavlovich Major General Commander of the 9th Guards Airborne Division killed during artillery shellingat an altitude of 175.0 west of the village of Chermin (Czermin, Meltssky, Krakowskoe Voivodeship (Wojewodztwo Krakowskie), Poland) 08.08.1944 PogodinDmitriyDmitrieviCH Major General Tank Troops Hero of the Soviet Union (Medal N 26, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated December 31, 1936) Deputy Commander of the 1st Mechanized Corps killed at the village of Perekop (Vakrovsky district, Kharkiv region, Ukrainian SSR) 09/13/1943 . Boris Boris Andreevich Major General Commander of the Separate Cavalry Corps of the 51st Army died at Sloboda Bolshaya Martynovka (Martynovsky district, Rostov region) 07/29/1942 Podlus Kuzma Petrovich Lieutenant-General Commander of the 57th Army killed (for other information - shot himself, not wanting to get in captivity) at the village of Kopanki (Izyumsky district, Kharkiv region, Ukrainian SSR) 05/25/1942 Polbin Ivan Semenovich Aviation Major General twice Hero of the Soviet Union (Medal N 758, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from 11/23/1942 and posthumously, Decree of the USSR PVS dated 04.04.1945) Commander of the 6th Guards Bombarding Aviation Corps died when his plane PE-2 was hit by a direct hit of the projectile during the bombing of the Breslau fortress (Breslau, the area of \u200b\u200bLower Silesia (Gau Nieder-Schlesien), Germany) 11.02.1945 PolozkovBasilJudoviCH Major General Tank Forces Commander of the 18th Tank Corps is seriously injured in East of Fokshani (Focsani, Romania) 08/27/1944, died from wounds in a military hospital (Balti, Moldavian SSR) 08.28.1944 Assistants Alexander Ivanovich Major General Deputy Headquarters of the 1st Baltic Front died? (Lithuanian SSR) 10/30/1944 Pospelov Mikhail Ivanovich Major General Artillery Commander of the 7th Separate Cannon-Artillery Brigade killed by a fragment of the projectile at the village of Andryushino (Karamyshevsky district, Leningrad Region) 12.04.1944 Potapov Pavel Andreevich Major General Commander of the 189th Rifle Division killed in Elva (Elva (Elva), Estonian SSR) 24.08.1944 PotekhinSavvaCalistratoviCH Major General Tank Troops Deputy Commander of the 4th Guards Mechanized Corps in the Terminal Parts is mortally wounded during aviation bobs at the village of Toraditsa (Taracli district, Cagulsky County, Moldavian SSR) 08/22/1944 Proshiz Nikolai Andreevich Major General Commander 61 Rifle Division is seriously injured at the holy village (Zhlobinsky district, Gomel region, Belarusian SSR) 08/16/1941, died from the Russian Academy of Sciences at the village of Morozovichi (Buda-Koshelevsky district, Gomel region, Belarusian SSR) 08/18/1941 . PuganovVictorPavloviCH Major General Tank Troops Commander of the 22nd Tank Division killed in Kobrin (Brest region, Belarusian SSR) 06/23/1941 Putyuko Mikhail Konstantinovich Major General Commander of the 254th Rifle Division Heavyly wounded a bullet in the belly from Bautsen (Bautzen, Saxony region (Gau Sachsen), Germany) 20.4.1945, died from wounds in the 756th Field Mobile Hospital 21.04.1945 . PushkinEfimGrigorieviCH Lieutenant-General of the Tank Troops Hero of the Soviet Union (Medal N 622, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 9.11.1941) Commander of the 23rd Tank Corps is mortally wounded by a fragment during the airline at the village of Novoivanovka (Bashtan district, Nikolaev region, Ukrainian SSR) 03/11/1944 Perfts Peter Stepanovich Lieutenant-General Commander of the 3rd Army died when his car blew up on a minefield in the village of Chernnya (Tarnysky district, Oryol region) 12/28/1941 Ragula Ivan Leontievich Major General Commander of the 80th Rifle Corps is seriously injured in Baranovichi? (Brest region, Belarusian SSR) 07/20/1944 ,? Died from wounds in a military hospital in Baranovichi 07.22.1944 Racutin Konstantin Ivanovich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, medal N 11622, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 5, 1990) Commander of the 24th Army killed in the Gavryukovo tract (Dorogoguzh district, Smolensk region) 7.10.1941 Rakhimov Sabir Umarovich(Umar Ogla) Major General Commander of the 37th Guards Rifle Division Heavyly wounded by a fragment of a shell in the head in Danzig (Danzig, Imperial Danzig Region - West Prussian (ReichSgau Danzig-WestPreuußen), Germany) 03/25/1945, died from wounds in 489- M evacuation hiking and field hospital 03/26/1945 Rozanov Anatoly Nikolaevich Major General Deputy Head of the 11th Army headquarters is seriously injured on September 20, 1943, died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in the 2313rd surgical hiking and field hospital (Ordzhonikidzegrad, Oryol region) 09/21/1943 Romanov Ignatiy Dmitrievich Major General Artillery Commander of Artillery of the 11th Rifle Corps Heavyly wounded at the village of Keslerovo (Varenikovsky District, Krasnodar Territory) 09/14/1943, Died from the Russian Academy of Sciences in the hospital (Krasnodar?) 09/17/1943 Rubtsov Fedor Dmitrievich Major Commander Major Commander (Office of the 66th Rifle Corps and Forced Refilled Residues of Broken Parts) In the Pyryatin area (Poltava region, Ukrainian SSR) is seriously injured, not wanting to give up to the captivity, undermined himself a grenade at the village of Gorodishche (Chernukhinsky district , Poltava region, Ukrainian SSR) 09/19/1941 Rudnev Semen Vasilyevich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from 4.01/1944) Commissioner Connection of partisan detachments of the Sumy region killed in Deljatin (Nadvornian district, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukrainian SSR) 4.08.1943 RudchenkoGrigorySergeeviCH Major General Tank Troops Commander of the 9th Tank Corps of the Umlennaya Time Avia Ring in Glukhov (Sumy region, Ukrainian SSR) 09.09.1943 Sakseev Peter Ivanovich Major General Commander of the 24th Guards Rifle Division killed at the village of Solomki (Gornostaevsky district, Nikolaev region, Ukrainian SSR) 01/14/1944 Samkin Nikolai Yakovlevich Major General Artillery Head of Staff department of Chiefartillery of the Crimean Front deadly Ranned during Aviation Hallu P. Cordon Ilyich (Temryuk district, Krasnodar region) 15.05.1942 Safonov Dmitry Potapovich Major General Commander of the 143rd Rifle Division killed in Nesvizh (Minsk Region, Belarusian SSR) 06/26/1941 Safronov Athanasius Ivanovich Major General The commander of the 48th rifle division is seriously contused as a result of a direct projectile hit in the blonde near Narva (Narva, Estonian SSR) 03/17/1944, died of contusion in Lomonosov (Leningrad region) 03/18/1944 Seliverstov Nikolai Ivanovich Major General Commander of the 33rd Guards Rifle Division was seriously injured by a fragment of the bomb during the airbob of the village of Marinovka (Sezhinsky district, Stalin region, Ukrainian SSR) 07/20/1943, died from wounds in a military hospital (in Rostov-Na- Don?) 07/30/1943 Sereshev Emelyan Parfenovich Major General Commander of the 13th Guards Cavalry Division killed at the village of Cherkasy Lozovaya (Dergachevsky district, Kharkiv region, Ukrainian SSR) 03/10/1943 Sivakov Ivan Prokofievich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 22, 1944) Commander of the 71st Guards Rifle Division killed by a fragment of the procession artillery shellingin Mood Antalep (Zarasaysky district, Lithuanian SSR) 07/27/1944 Sivkov Arkady Kuzmich Lieutenant-General Artillery Commander Artillery of the North Caucasian Front killed by a fragment of the procession artillery shellingon the Spit Chushka (Temuryuk district, Krasnodar region) 3.11.1943 Silkin Tikhon Konstantinovich Major General Head of Velikoluksky Garrison killed in Great Luki (Kalininsk region) 08.26.1941 Sklyarov Sergey Fedorovich Major General Commander 218th Rifle Division killed in Zhytomyr (Ukrainian SSR) 12.11.1943 Zhidkanov Vingeniy Vasilyevich Major General Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously, Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 04.04.1945) Commander of the 14th Guards Rifle Division is seriously injured North-west of Oppeln (Oppeln, Region Upper Silesia (Gau Oberschlesien), Germany) 22.01 .1945, died from RAS 27.01.1945 Smirnov Andrei Kirillovich Lieutenant-General Commander of the 18th Army killed by the village of Popovka (Kuibyshevsky district, Zaporizhia region, Ukrainian SSR) 10/8/1941 Smirnov Andrey Nikolaevich Major General Commander of the Consolidated Group (Office of the 27th Rifle Corps and Forwardly Reformed Residues of Broken Parts) At the Orzhitsa village (Poltava region, Ukrainian SSR) disappeared from the village of Orzhitsa 19.09.1941 Smirnov Vasily Stepanovich Major General Commander of the 81st Rifle Division is seriously injured during the aviation bombardment of the village of Ozerovo (Tomarovsky district, Kursk region) 02/16/1942, died from wounds in a military hospital in Voronezh? 02/18/1942 Sokolov Nikolay Alexandrovich Major General Commander of the 375th Rifle Division is seriously injured in Rzhev (Kalininsk region) 09/12/1942, died of blood infection in the 1812th evacuation hospital (Kalinin) 4.10.1942 SolyankinEgorNikolaeviCH Major General Tank Troops Commander of the 2nd Tank Division killed in the forest northeast, Raseiniai, Lithuanian SSR) 07.26.1941 Stelmakh Grigory Davydovich Major General Head of the South-Western Front Headquarters killed in Khkov's farm (Bokovsky district, Rostov region) 12/21/1942 Stepanov Alexander Mikhailovich Major General Commander of the 27th Rifle Division killed in the village Krasnitsa (Yartsevsky district, Smolensk region) 08/11/1941 Sudakov Fedor Pavlovich Major General Commander of the 49th Rifle Division killed a machine-gun queue at the Ozega station (Prionezhsky district, Karelian-Finnish SSR) 2.10.1941 Surzhikov Mikhail Iosifovich Major General Commander of the 8th Guards Cavalry Division killed a direct bomb hit during aviation bombing in the forest Northeastern Natural Village (Spare Derensky District, Smolensk Region) 08/19/1943 Filipp Grigorievich Major General Commander of the 124th Rifle Division is seriously injured, died from wounds from the village of Kozin (Chervonoarmey district, Rivne region, Ukrainian SSR) 5.07.1941 SytnikVladimirVladimiroviCH Colonel, Major General of the Tank Forces - from 09/10/1943 The commander of the 24th Tank Brigade killed at the village of Viznaya (Bolkhovsky district, Oryol region) 07/18/1943

The Creator of Victory in the Great Patriotic War was the Soviet people. But for the realization of his efforts, to protect the fatherland on the battlefields, a high level of military art of the armed forces was required, which was supported by the regulatory talent of military leaders.

Operations conducted in the past war by our warlords are now studying in all military academies of the world. And if we talk about the assessment of their courage and talent, then here is one of them, brief, but expressive: "As a soldier who observed the campaign of the Red Army, I imbued with the deepest admiration for the skill of her leaders." It said Dwight Eisenhower, a man who understood a sense in military art.

The harsh school of war selected and secured by the end of the war in the posts of the fronts of the most prominent commander.

The main features of the colonical talent George Konstantinovich Zhukov(1896-1974) - creativity, innovation, the ability to take unexpected decisions for the enemy. It was also distinguished by a deep mind and insight. According to Makiavelli, "nothing does the Great Timber, as the ability to penetrate the opponent's idea." This ability of Zhukov played a particularly important role in the defense of Leningrad and Moscow, when, with extremely limited forces, only at the expense of good intelligence, the foresight of the possible directions of the opponent's blows, he managed to collect almost all available funds and reflect the strikes of the enemy.

Another outstanding warlord of the strategic plan was Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky (1895-1977). While during the war, the head of the General Staff over the 34th months, A. M. Vasilevsky was only 12 months in Moscow, in the General Staff, and 22 months was on the fronts. G. K. Zhukov and AM Vasilevsky possessed a developed strategic thinking, a deep understanding of the situation. This circumstance has led to the same assessment of the situation and developing far-sighted and reasonable decisions on a counter-projective operation near Stalingrad, to the transition to strategic defense on a Kursk arc and in a number of other cases .

The invaluable quality of Soviet commander was their ability to reasonable risk. This feature of the colonical talent was noted, for example, in Marshal Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky (1896-1968). One of the wonderful pages of the colonical activity K. K. Rokossovsky -Belorusska operation, in which he commanded the troops of the 1st Belarusian Front.

An important feature of the regulatory talent is intuition, which allows you to achieve suddenness of impact. With this rare quality possessed Konech Ivan. Stepanovich (1897-1973). His colonical talent was most convincingly and brightly manifested itself in offensive operations, during which a lot of brilliant victories were obsessed. At the same time, he always sought not to get involved in protracted battles in big cities and bypass maneuvers forced the enemy to leave the city. This allowed him to reduce the loss of his troops, prevent large destruction and victims among civilians.

If I. S. Konev showed the best colonical qualities in offensive operations, Andrei Ivanovich Yerömenko(1892-1970) - in defensive.

A characteristic feature of the present commander is the originality of the plan and actions, care from the template, military cunning, which was succeeded by the great commander A. V. Suvorov. Especially distinguished by these qualities Malinovsky Rodion. Yakovlevich (1898-1967). Throughout the entire war, a remarkable feature of his commander talent was that he put into the idea of \u200b\u200beach operation. The method of action was able to introduce a whole system of well-thought-out measures to mislead the enemy.

Having experienced the entire anger of Stalin in the first days of nightmarish failures on the fronts, Tymoshenko Semen Konstantinovich He asked to send it to the most dangerous site. Subsequently, Marshal commanded strategic directions and fronts. Under his command, heavier defensive battles were walking on the territory of Belarus in July - August 1941. With his name, the heroic defense of Mogilev and Gomel, Kontrudars under Vitebsk and Bobruisk are connected. Under the leadership of Tymoshenko, the largest and stubborn battle of the first months of the war was unfolded - Smolenskoye. In July 1941, the western troops under the command of Marshal Tymoshenko stopped the offensive of the Center for the Center "Center".

Troops under the command of Marshal Ivan Khristoforovich Baghamyaparticipated actively in defeating German - the fascist troops on the Kursk arc, in the Belarusian, Baltic, East Prussian and other operations and in mastering the Königsberg fortress.

During the Great Patriotic War Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov He commanded the 62nd (8th Guards) army, which is forever inscribed in the chronicle of the heroic defense of the city of Stalingrad. Commander Chuikov introduced a new clock tactic to the troops. In Berlin V.I. Chuikova called: "General Sturm. After the victory in Stalingrad, operations were successfully carried out: Zaporizhia, the forcing of Dnipro, Nikopol, Odessa, Lublin, Forkov Vistula, Poznan Citadel, Kustere Fortress, Berlin, etc.

The youngest of the commander of the fronts of the Great Patriotic War was the Army General Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky. Chernyakhov's troops participated in the liberation of Voronezh, Kursk, Zhytomira, Vitebsk, Orsha, Vilnius, Kaunas, other cities, distinguished themselves in the battles for Kiev, Minsk, among the first to come to the border with fascist Germany, and then rumbled Nazis in East Prussia.

During the Great Patriotic War Kirill Afanasyevich Metskov Commanded the troops of the northern directions. In 1941, Meretskov inflicted Feldmarshal Leeb's troops under Tikhvin's first serious defeat. On January 18, 1943, the troops of the generals of Govalov and Metskova, applying a counterfeit under Schlisselburg (Operation "Spark"), broke out the blockade of Leningrad. In June 1944, Marshal K. Mannerheim in Karelia was defeated under their command. In October 1944, Meretkov's troops broke the enemy in Pozherm under Pechenga (Petsamo). In the spring of 1945, "Sly Yaroslavl" (as Stalin called him) under the name "General Maksimova" was directed to the Far East. In August-September 1945, his troops participated in the defeat of the Kwantung Army, broke out of Primorye in Manchuria and freeing the areas of China and Korea.

Thus, during the Great Patriotic War, many wonderful commander qualities have manifested themselves with our warlords, which made it possible to ensure the superiority of their military art over the military art of the Nazis.

In the books proposed below, you can learn more about these and other outstanding commander of the Great Patriotic War, the creators of her victory.


1. Alexandrov, A.Generally buried twice [Text] / A. Aleksandrov // Echo of the planet. - 2004. - N 18/19 . - P. 28. - 29.

Biography of the General Army of Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky.

2. Astrakhan, V. What did the Marshal Bagramyan [Text] / V. Astrakhan // Library. - 2004. - N 5.- S. 68-69

What literature was interested in Ivan Khristoforovich Baghamyan, what was the circle of his reading, a personal library - another touch in the portrait of the famous hero.

3. Borzunov, Semen Mikhailovich. The formation of the commander G. K. Zhukova [Text] / S. M. Bombunov // Military-historical magazine. - 2006. - N 11. - P. 78

4. Bushin, Vladimir. For home! For Stalin! [Text] / Vladimir Bushin. - M.: Eksmo: Algorithm, 2004. - 591c.

5. In memory of Marshal Victory [Text]: By the 110th year from the birthday of Marshal Soviet Union G. K. Zhukova // Military Historical Journal. - 2006. - N 11. - P. 1

6. Gareev, M. A. "Sassess the name ... Commander of the Communist Party by mass armies" [Text]: By the 60th anniversary of Victory: Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov / M. A. Gareev // Military-historical magazine. - 2003. - N5. -C.2-8.

The article tells about the outstanding Russian commander Marshal of the USSR G. K. Zhukov.

7. Gassiev, V. I. He not only could take the rapid and necessary solution, but also to turn out to be in a timely manner where this decision was performed [Text] / V.I. Gassiev // Military-historical magazine. - 2003. - N 11. - P. 26-29

The essay dedicated to the prominent and talented commanders contains fragments of memories of those who in the years of the Great Patriotic War fought side by side with I. A. Pliev.

8. Double Hero, twice Marshal [Text]: By the 110th anniversary of the birth of the Marshal of the Soviet Union K. K. Rokossovsky / Material preparation. A. N. Chabanova // Military Historical Journal. - 2006. - N 11. - S. 2nd p. oblast

9. Zhukov G. K.At any cost! [Text] / G. K. Zhukov // Motherland. - 2003. - N2.- p.18

10. ions, P. P. Ratary Fatherland Glory [Text]: KN. For reading on the "History of Russia" for Art. CL. general education. Shk., Suvorov. And Nakhimov. School and cadet. Housings / P. P. ions; Scientific study. Firm "Rau-Un-T". - M.: Rau University, 2003 -.. 5: Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945: (military. History of Russia XX century). - 2003. - 527 p.11.

11. Isaev, Alexey. Our "Atomic Bomb" [Text]: Berlin: the largest victory of Zhukov? / Alexey Isaev // Motherland. - 2008. - N 5. - 57-62

Berlin Operation Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.

12. Kolpakov, A. V. In memory of the Marshal-warlord and INTENDANTE [Text] / A. V. Kolpakov // Military-historical magazine. - 2006. - N 6. - P. 64

About Karpov V. V. And Bagramyan I. Kh.

13. Commander of the Great Patriotic Wars [Text]: Review of the editorial post of "Military Historical Journal" // Military Historical Journal. - 2006. - N 5. - P. 26-30

14. Kormaltsev N. V. The collapse of the offensive strategy of the Wehrmacht [Text]: to the 60th anniversary of the Kursk battle / N. V. Kormiltsev // Military-historical magazine. - 2003. - N 8. - P. 2-5

Vasilevsky, A. M., Zhukov, G. K.

15. Korobushin, V. V. Marshal of the Soviet Union. - 2005. - N 4. - P. 18-23

16. Kulakov, A. N. The debt and glory of Marshal G. K. Zhukova [Text] / A. N. Kulakov // Military Historical Journal. - 2007. - N 9. - P. 78-79.

17. Lebedev I. Order "Victory" in the Museum of Eisenhawer // Echo of the Planet. - 2005. - N 13. - P. 33

On mutual awarding by the highest state awards during the Second World War of large military commanders of the winning countries.

18. Lubchenkov, Yuri Nikolaevich. The most famous commander of Russia [Text] / Yuri Nikolayevich Lubchenkov - M.: Veva, 2000. - 638 p.

Yuri Lubchenkova's book "The most famous commander of Russia" is completed by the names of Marshals of the Great Patriotic Wagon, Rokossovsky, Konev.

19. Maganov V.N. "It was one of the most capable of our headquarters' chiefs" [Text] / V. N. Maganov, V. T. Iminov // Military Historical Journal. - 2002. - N12 .- P. 2-8

The activities of the headquarters of the association, his role in the organization of hostilities and the management of the troops of General Colonel Leonid Mikhailovich Sandalov are considered.

20. Makar I. P. "By the transition to the overall offensive, finally achieve the main grouping of the enemy" [Text]: to the 60th anniversary of the Kursk battle / I. P. Makar // Military-historical magazine. - 2003. - N 7. - P. 10-15

Vatutin N. F., Vasilevsky A. M., Zhukov G. K.

21. Malashenko E. I. Six Marshal Fronts [Text] / E. I. Malashenko // Military Historical Journal. - 2003. - N 10. - P. 2-8

About the Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Stepanovich Koneva - a man of difficult, but amazing fate, one of the outstanding commander of the 20th century.

22. Malashenko E. I. Ratoborets Earth Vyatka [Text] / E. I. Malashenko // Military Historical Journal. - 2001. - N8 .- P.77

About Marshal I. S. Konev.

23. Malashenko, E. I. Commander of the Great Patriotic War [Text] / E. I. Malashenko // Military Historical Journal. - 2005. - N 1. - P. 13-17

Research on commander of the Great Patriotic War, which belonged to an important role in the leadership of the troops.

24. Malashenko, E. I. Commander of the Great Patriotic War [Text] / E. I. Malashenko // Military Historical Journal. - 2005. - N 2. - P. 9-16. - Continued. Start N 1, 2005.

25. Malashenko, E. I. Commander of the Great Patriotic War [Text]; E. I. Malashenko // Military Historical Journal. - 2005. - N 3. - P. 19-26

26. Malashenko, E. I. Commander of the Great Patriotic War [Text]; E. I. Malashenko // Military Historical Journal. - 2005. - N 4. - P. 9-17. - Continued. The beginning of nn 1-3.

27. Malashenko, E. I. Commander of the Great Patriotic War [Text]: Commander Tank Forces / E. I. Malashenko // Military Historical Journal. - 2005. - N 6. - P. 21-25

28. Malashenko, E. I.Commander of the Great Patriotic War [Text] / E. I. Malashenko // Military Historical Journal. - 2005. - N 5. - P. 15-25

29. Maslov, A. F. I. H. Bagaman: "... it is necessary, it is necessary to come" [Text] / A. F. Maslov // Military Historical Journal. - 2005. - N 12. - P. 3-8

Biography of Marshal Soviet Union Ivan Khristoforovich Baghamyan.

30. Master of Artillery Strike [Text] / Material Premise. R. I. Parfenov // Military Historical Journal. - 2007. - N 4. - S. 2nd with region.

By the 110th anniversary of the birthday of Marshal Artillery V. I. Kazakov. short biography

31. Merzalov A. Stalinism and War [Text] / A. Merzalov // Homeland. - 2003. - N2 .- P.15-17

Stalinist leadership during the Great Patriotic War. Place Zhukova G.K. In the manual system.

32. "We are in vain now Keep "[Text] // Homeland. - 2005. - N 4. - P. 88-97

Record the conversation of military leaders and political workers, held on January 17, 1945, General A. A. Epishev. The question of the possibility of completing the Great Patriotic War earlier. (Bagramyan, I. Kh., Zakharov, M. V., Konev, I. S., Moskalenko, K. S., Rokossovsky, K. K., Chuikov, V. I., Rothmistrov, P. A., Batitsky, P. F., Efimov, P. I., Egorov, N. V., etc.)

33. Nikolaev, I.General [Text] / I. Nikolaev // Star. - 2006. - N 2. - P. 105-147

About General Alexandra Vasilyevich Gorbatov, whose life was inextricably connected with the army.

34. Order "Victory" [Text] // Homeland. - 2005. - N 4. - P. 129.

On the establishment of the Order "Victory" and awarded military leaders (Zhukov, G.K., Vasilevsky A. M., Stalin I. V., Rokossovsky K. K., Konev, I. S., Malinovsky R. Ya., Tolbukhin F.I., Govorov L. A., Tymoshenko S. K., Antonov A. I., Meretkov, K. A.)

35. Ostrovsky, A.V. Lviv-Sandomir Operation [Text] / A. V. Ostrovsky // Military Historical Journal. - 2003. - N 7. - P. 63

About the Lviv-Sandomir operation of 1944 on the 1st Ukrainian Front, Marshal I. S. Konev.

36. Petrenko, V. M. Marshal of the Soviet Union K. K. Rokossovsky: "The commander of the front and ordinary fighter at times equally influence success ..." [Text] / V. M. Petrenko // Military-historical magazine. - 2005. - N 7. - P. 19-23

About one of the most prominent Soviet commander - Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky.

37. Petrenko, V. M. Marshal of the Soviet Union K. K. Rokossovsky: "The commander of the front and ordinary fighter at times equally influence success ..." [Text] / V. M. Petrenko // Military-historical magazine. - 2005. - N 5. - P. 10-14

38. Pecheneckin A. A. Commander of the fronts of 1943 [Text] / Pecheneckin A. A. // Military-historical magazine. - 2003. - N 10. . - Pp. 9 -16

Warlords of the Great Patriotic War: Bagramyan I. H., Vatutin N. F., Govorov L. A., Eremenko A. I., Konev I. S., Malinovsky R. Ya., Metskov K. A., Rokossovsky K. K., Tymoshenko S. K., Tolbukhin F. I.

39. Pecheneckin A. A. Commander of the fronts of 1941 [Text] / A. A. Pecheneckin // Military Historical Journal. - 2001. - N6 .- P.3-13.

The article describes the generals and Marshals who commanded the fronts from June 22 to December 31, 1941. These are Marshals of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyanny, K. E. Voroshilov, S. K. Tymoshenko, Army generals I. R. Apanasenko, G. K. Zhukov, K. A. Metskov, D. G. Pavlov, I. V. Talev, Colonel-General A. I. Eremenko, M. P. Kirponos, I. S. Konev, F. I. Kuznetsov, Ya. T. Cheversichenko, Lieutenant-General P. A. Artemyev, I. A. Bogdanov, M. G. Efremov, M. P. Kovalev, D. T. Kozlov, F. Ya. Kostenko, P. A. Kurochkin, R. Ya. Malinovsky, M. M. Popov, D. I. Ryabyshev, V. A. Frolov, M. S. Khozin, Major General G. F. Zakharov, P. P. Sovennikov and I. I. Fedyunnsky.

40. Pechenkin A. A. Commander of the fronts of 1942 [Text] / A. A. Pecheneckin // Military Historical Journal. - 2002. - N11 .- P. 66-75

The article is devoted to the Commander of the Red Army fronts in 1942. The author cites a complete list of military chairs in 1942 (Vatutin, Govorov, Golikov Gordov, Rokossovsky, Chibisov).

41. Pecheneckin, A. A. They gave life for their homeland [Text] / A. A. Pecheneckin // Military Historical Journal. - 2005. - N 5. - P. 39-43

On the loss of Soviet generals and admirals during the Great Patriotic War.

42. Pecheneckin, A. A. Creators of the Great Victory [Text] / A. A. Pecheneckin // Military Historical Journal. - 2007. - N 1. - P. 76

43. Pecheneckin, A. A. Commander of the fronts of 1944 [Text] / A. A. Pecheneckin // Military Historical Journal. - 2005. - N 10. - P. 9-14

On the actions of the leadership of the Red Army in offensive operations against the German invaders in 1944.

44. Pecheneckin, A. A. Commander of the fronts of 1944 [Text] / A. A. Pecheneckin // Military Historical Journal. - 2005. - N 11. - P. 17-22

45. Popelov, L. I.The tragic fate of Comandarm V. A. Khomenko [Text] / L. I. Popelov // Military Historical Journal. - 2007. - N 1. - P. 10

On the fate of the commander of the Great Patriotic War Vasily Afanasyevich Khomenko.

46. \u200b\u200bPopova S. S. Marshal's combat awards of the Soviet Union R. Ya. Malinovsky [Text] / S. S. Popova // Military-historical magazine. - 2004. - N 5.- P. 31

47. Rokossovsky, Konstantin KonstantinovichSoldier duty [Text] / K. K. Rokossovsky. - M.: Milivdat, 1988. - 366 p.

48. Rubtsov Yu. V. GK Zhukov: "Any indication ... I will accept such as due" [Text] / Yu. V. Rubtsov // Military Historical Journal. - 2001. - N12. - P. 54-60

49. Rubtsov Yu. V. On the fate of Marshal GK. Zhukova - the language of documents [Text] / Yu. V. Rubtsov // Military Historical Journal. - 2002. - N6. - P. 77-78

50. Rubtsov, Yu. V.Marshals of Stalin [Text] / Yu. V. Rubtsov. - Rostov - N / D: Phoenix, 2002. - 351 p.

51. Russian military leaders A. V. Suvorov, M. I. Kutuzov, P. S. Nakhimov, K. Zhukov[Text]. - M.: Wright, 1996. - 127 p.

52. Svetovumov, V. F. About Marshal Chuikov and Bonapartism Zhukov [Text] / V. F. Okodumov // Neva. - 2006. - N 7. - P. 205-224

Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov as a commander of the land forces spent relatively long. It should be assumed, his irreconcilable character did not come to the court in higher education.

53. Smirnov, D. S.Life for the homeland [Text] / D. S. Smirnov // Military Historical Journal. - 2008. - N 12. - P. 37-39

New information about the generals killed during the Great Patriotic War.

54. Sokolov, B. Stalin and his marshals [Text] / B. Sokolov // Knowledge-force. - 2004. - N 12. - P. 52-60

55. Sokolov, B. When was Rokossovsky born? [Text]: Strokes to the portrait of Marshal / B. Sokolov // Homeland. - 2009. - N 5. - P. 14-16

56. Spikhina, O. R. Master of environments [Text] / O. R. Spikhin // Military-historical magazine. - 2007. - N 6. - P. 13

Konev, Ivan Stepanovich (Marshal of the Soviet Union)

57. Suvorov, Victor.Suicide: Why Hitler attacked the Soviet Union [Text] / V. Suvorov. - M.: AST, 2003. - 379 p.

58. Suvorov, Victor.Shadow of Victory [Text] / V. Suvorov. - Donetsk: Stalker, 2003. - 381 p.

59. Tarasov M. Ya. Seven January Days [Text]: By the 60th anniversary of the breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad / M. Ya. Tarasov // Military Historical Journal. - 2003. - N1. - P. 38-46

Zhukov G. K., Govorov L. A., Meretkov K. A., Dukhanov M. P., Romanovsky V. Z.

60. Tyulakevich, S. A. Chronicle of the Entition of the Communist Party [Text] / S. A. Tyushkevich // Patriotic history. - 2006. - N 3. - P. 179-181

Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich.

61. Filimonov, A. V."Special Folder" on Komdiva K. K. Rokossovsky [Text] / A. V. Filimonov // Military Historical Journal. - 2006. - N 9. - P. 12-15

On the little-known pages of the life of the Marshal Soviet Union K. K. Rokossovsky.

62. Chuikov, V. I.Banner of Victory over Berlin [Text] / V. I. Chuikov // Free Thought. - 2009. - N 5 (1600). - P. 166-172.

Rokossovsky K.K., Zhukov G. K., Konev I. S.

63. Schukin, V.Marshal of the Nordic Advisions [Text] / V. Schukin // Warrior of Russia. - 2006. - N 2. - P. 102-108

Military career of one of the most outstanding commander of the Great Patriotic War Marshal K. A. Mestsky.

64. Ecchatut S. Admiral and host [Text] / S. Echatut // Homeland. - 2004. - N 7. - P. 80-85

About the Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union Nikolae Gerasimovich Kuznetsov.

65. Ecchatut S. The debt of the commander [Text] / S. Ecchatut // Homeland. - 2004. - N 6 - pp. 16-19

The history of the battle at the Khalkhin-goal river in 1939, the biography of the Commander George Zhukov.

66. Erlikhman, V.The commander and his shadow: Marshal of Zhukov in the Mirror of History [Text] / V. Erlikhman // Homeland. - 2005. - N 12. - P. 95-99

About the fate of Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.

Batov Pavel Ivanovich (1897-1985)

Born on May 20 (June 1) of 1897 in the village of Firenovo now the Rybinsky district of the Yaroslavl region.
In military service since 1915. Member of the 1st World War (from 1916). For differences in battles, he was awarded two George crosses and two medals. In the Red Army since 1918. Almost 4 years fought at the fronts of the Civil War in Russia, participated in the suppression of the uprisings in Rybinsk, Yaroslav, Poshekhonye. He graduated from the courses "Shot" (1927), Higher Academic Courses at the General Staff Military Academy (1950). After the war, he commanded Rota, since 1927 - a battalion, then the head of the headquarters and the regiment commander. In 1936-37, he took part in the National Revolutionary War of the Spanish People. Upon return - the commander of the Rifle Corps (1937) participating in the Soviet-Finnish War. Since 1940, the Deputy Commander of the Transcaucasian Military District.
Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Batov - commander of the 9th Rifle Corps, from August 1941 - Deputy, in November-December - Commander of the 51st Army of the Southern Front, then the Commander of the 3rd Army (January-February 1942), Assistant Commander of the Troops Bryansky Front (February-October 1942). Subsequently, by the end of the war, he commanded the 65th Army who participated in hostilities as part of the Don Stalingrad, Central, Belarusian, 1st and 2nd Belarusian fronts.
Troops under the command of Batov distinguished themselves in the Battle of Stalingrad and Kursk battles, in the battle for the Dnieper, in the battles in the liberation of Belarus, in the Visolo-Oder and Berlin operations, freed the cities of Glukhov, Rechitsa, Mozyr, Bobruisk, Minsk, stormed Rostock, Shttin (Szczecin). Batov skillfully applied to support the attack of infantry and tanks a double fire tree in the Bobruisk operation of 1944, resolutely carried out the maneuver for the army troops from one destination to another in Belarusian (1944) and East Pomeranian (1945) operations. The combat successes of the 65th Army under his leadership were noted 23 times in the orders of the Supreme Commander.
For the organization of a clear interaction of subordinate troops during the forcing of the Dnieper, the strong retention of a springboard on the West Bank of the River and the personal courage and the courage was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The second medal "Golden Star" was awarded for the initiative and courage shown in the organization of forcing the rivers of Vistula and Oder, mastering the city of Shattin. In the course of numerous combat operations showed itself a decisive, energetic warlord.
After the war, he commanded the mechanized and general-official armies, was the 1st Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (1945-55), Commander of the Carpathian Troops (1955-58) and the Baltic Military Districts (1958-59); South group of troops (1961-62). In 1959-61, the Senior Military Specialist in the People's Liberation Army of China. In 1962-65, the head of the united armed forces of the States Parties to the Warsaw Agreement. Since 1965, in the General Inspectors of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. In 1970-81, the chairman of the Soviet Committee of War Veterans. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 convisions. He was awarded the eight orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, three orders of the Red Banner, three orders of Suvorov I degree, the orders of Cutuzov I degree, Bogdan Khmelnitsky I degree. Patriotic War I degree, "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, the "sign of honor", medals, foreign orders.

Galanin Ivan Vasilyevich (1899-1958)

13 (25) of July 1899 was born in the village of Pokrovka now the Vorotnsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
In the Red Army since 1919. In civil war was ordinary. He participated in the suppression of the Kronstadt uprising of 1921. He graduated from the Military School named after VTCIK (1923), "Shot" courses (1931), M. Frunze Military Academy (1936).
In 1923-38, on team and staff posts in the Moscow and the Trans-Baikal Military Districts. Since 1938 - the commander of the division, which took part in the battles on the Khalkhin-goal River (1939). Since 1940, the commander of the Rifle Corps, with whom he entered into the Great Patriotic War, then the commander of the 12th Army of the Southern Front (August-October 1941), the 59th Army of the Volkhov Front (November 1941 - April 1942), Commander of the Army Group of Troops 16 "The Army of the Western Front, Deputy Commander of the Voronezh Front (August-September 1942), Commander of the 24th Army of the Don Front (October 1942 April 1943), the 70th Army of the Central Front, the 4th Guards Army, acting as part of the Troops of Voronezh , then the steppe and 2nd Ukrainian fronts (September 1943 - January 1944), the 53rd army and again the 4th Guards Army (February-November 1944) of the 2nd Ukrainian Front. Spellly led the troops in operations in Ukraine, in the Stalingrad and Kursk battles, in the Yaskovo-Chisheven and Budapest operations. He was awarded two orders of Lenin, two orders of the Red Banner, two Cutuzov orders of 1 degree (including Order No. 1), the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky I degree, medals. He has foreign awards.

Gerasimenko Vasily Filippovich (1900-1961)
11 (24) of April 1900 was born in the village of Great Master Bourcoma of the Cherkasy region.
In the Red Army since 1918. Member of the Civil War in the North Caucasus and South Front. He graduated from Commostava courses (1922), Minsk United Military School (1927), M. V.Fruunz Military Academy (1931), Higher Academic Courses at the General Staff Military Academy (1949). After the war, he commanded the rifle units. Since 1931 at staff work.
From August 1937 - the commander of the rifle building. Since August 1938, deputy, since September 1939, is temporarily acting by the commander of the Kiev Special Military District. Since July 1940, the commander of the troops of the exclusions of the Military District.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he commanded the 21st Army (June-July), then the 13th Army (July) on the Western Front. In September-November 1941, the Deputy Commander of the backup front for the rear, the assistant chief of the rear of the Red Army for the Supply of Fronts. From December 1941 - the commander of the troops of the Stalingrad Military District. In September - November 1943 - the commander of the 28th Army in the Stalingrad, South and 4th Ukrainian fronts.
Army under the command of V.F. Gerasimenko participated in the Stalingrad defensive operation and in the counteroffensiveness of 1942-43 in the Astrakhan direction, in the Rostov and Melitopol operations of 1943. From January 1944, the commander of the Troops of the Kharkov Military District, in March 1944 - October 1945 - the People's Commissar of the Defense of the Ukrainian SSR and the commander of the troops of the Kiev Military District. In 1945-53, the Deputy and Assistant Commander of the Troops of the Baltic Military District. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 1st convocation.
He was awarded two orders of Lenin, four orders of the Red Banner, the orders of Suvorov 1 degree, Cutuzov II degree and medals.

Danilov Alexey Ilyich (1897-1981)

15 (27) January 1897 was born in the village of Mosino, now the Vladimir region.
In military service since 1916. Member of the 1st World War. During the civil war - the commander of the platoon, the company in the southwestern and Western fronts. In the postwar period - commander of the rogue, head of the regimental school, battalion commander. He graduated from the Alekseevskoy Military School (1917), "Shot" courses (1924), M. V. Frunze Military Academy (1931), Higher Nachsostava Improvement Courses (1939) and Higher Academic Courses at the General Staff Military Academy (1948). Since 1931 - Head of the Operational Department of the Headquarters, then the head of the headquarters of the 29th Rifle Division, Chief of Staff of the 5th Rifle Corps. Since 1937 - Head of the 81st Rifle Division, Chief of Staff and Commander of the 49th Rifle Corps. Since July 1940, an assistant commander of the Kiev Special Military District for Air Defense.
During the Great Patriotic War from July 1941, the head of the air defense of the South-Western Front, from September 1941 - the head of the headquarters, and from June 1942 - the commander of the 21st Army. From November 1942 - Head of the 5th Tank Army headquer, from April 1943 - Head of Staff, from May 1943 - Commander of the 12th Army. Troops under the command of A. I. Danilov took part in the Kharkov battle of 1942, the Stalingrad battle, the liberation of Donbass and the Left Bank of Ukraine, in the forcing of the Dnieper and the liberation of Zaporozhye. From November 1943, the commander of the 17th Army participating in Hingano-Mukden Operation during the Soviet-Japanese war.
After the war, he commanded the army, the Rifle Corps (1945-47), was the head of the highest academic courses at the General Staff Military Academy (1948-51), the assistant commander of the Troops of the Transcaucasian Military District (1954-55). In 1955-57, the main military adviser to the Korean People's Army. From June 1957 to 1968 - in the General Staff.
He was awarded the two orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, five orders of the Red Banner, two orders of Suvorov I degree, the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky I degree, medals, foreign orders.

Zheadov Alexey Semenovich (1901-1977)

17 (30) of March 1901 was born in the village of Nikolskoye now the Oryol region.
In military service since 1919. In November 1919, as part of a separate detachment of the 46th Rifle Division, he fought against Denikintsev. From October 1920 - the platoon commander in the 11th cavalry division of the 1st equestrian army, participated in the battles with the troops of General P.N. Wrangel, then with armed detachments operating in Ukraine and in Belarus. In 1923, he fought with Basmachs in Central Asia, was seriously injured. He graduated from cavalry courses (1920), military political courses (1929), M. Frunze Military Academy (1934), Higher Academic Courses at the General Staff Military Academy (1950).

From October 1924, the commander of the educational platoon, then the commander and political officer of the squadron, from May 1934 - the head of the Kavaliysky regiment headquarters, in 1935 - 37, the head of the operational part of the headquarters of the Cavalry Division, from December 1937 - the head of the corps headquarters. From May 1938 - Assistant, then Deputy Inspector Cavalry of the Red Army. Since 1940, he commanded the division.
In the Great Patriotic War - the commander of the 4th Airborne Corps (from June 1941), which in the Western Front fought at the borders of the Berezina and Coolars. From August 1941 - Head of the headquarters of the 3rd Army at the Central and Bryansky fronts, took part in the battles near Moscow, in the summer of 1942 he commanded the 8th Cavalry Corps in the Bryansk Front. From October 1942 - the commander of the 66th Army (from April 1943 - the 5th Guards), which operated north of Stalingrad. As part of the Voronezh Front, the army participated in the battle under Prokhorovka, and then in the Belgorod-Kharkov offensive operation. Subsequently, the 5th Guards Army was part of the 2nd, then the 1st Ukrainian fronts, fought for the liberation of Ukraine, in Lviv-Sandomir, Volo-Odtskaya, Berlin and Prague operations. For the skillful management of troops in battles with the German-fascist invaders and the courage and courage, A. S. Zhadov, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
In the post-war period - the Army Commander, then Deputy Commanded Commander for Combat Training (1946-49), Deputy Head, Head of the M. V. Frunze Military Academy (1950-54), Head of the Central Group of Troops (1954-55), Deputy and the 1st Deputy Commissioner of the Ground Forces (1956-64). Since September 1964, the 1st Deputy Chief Inspector of the USSR Ministry of Defense, took an active part in the development of charters, instructions and textbooks, in improving the training methodology for troops. From October 1969 - in the group of general inspectors of the USSR MO. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd convocation.
He was awarded three orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the five orders of the Red Banner, two orders of Suvorov I degree, Cutuzov orders. Red Star, "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, medals, as well as foreign orders and medals.

Kozlov Dmitry Timofeevich (1896-1967)
Born on October 23 (November 4) of 1896 in the village of Razguleyka now Semenovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
In military service since 1915, in the Red Army since 1918. Member of the 1st World War. During the civil war and military intervention in Russia, the battalion commander, the assistant commander and the regiment commander, fought on the eastern and Turkestan fronts. He graduated from school of ensigns (1917), "Shot" courses (1924), MV Military Academy Frunze (1928), Higher Academic Courses at the General Staff Military Academy (1949). From 1924 (at the end of the course "Shot"), he commanded the regiment, then the chief of headquarters of the Rifle Division, the head of the Kiev Infantry School, the commander and the commander of the Rifle Division, I.O. Commander of the Rifle Corps.

In 1939, in teaching work at the M.V. Military Academy Frunze. During the Soviet-Finnish war, 1939-40 was commanded by the Rifle Corps. In 1940-41, the Deputy Commander of the Troops of the Odessa Military District, the head of the Main Department of the Red Army Air Defense, Commander of the Transcaucasian Military District.
During the Great Patriotic War, from August 1941, he commanded the Transcaucasian (since December - Caucasian), from January 1942 - Crimean fronts. Under his control, the Caucasian Front troops together with the Black Sea Fleet successfully completed the Kerch-Feodosian landing operation of 1941-42, as a result of which the Kerch peninsula was released. However, the troops of the Crimean Front under the leadership of Kozlov failed in May 1942 to repel the offensive of the German fascist troops in the Kerch Peninsula; Large losses, they were forced to leave the peninsula and evacuate to Taman.
From August 1942, he commanded the 24th Army, who participated in the Battle of Stalingrad. From October 1942 - Assistant, then Deputy Commander of the Voronezh Front, a representative of the BGK bet on the Leningrad Front (May-August 1943). From August 1943 - Deputy Commander of the Troops of the Trans-Baikal Front. He participated in the defeat of the Kwantong Army during the 1945 Soviet-Japanese war. In 1946-54, the Deputy Commander of the Troops of the Zabaykalsky, Assistant Commander of the Troops of the Transbaikalsko-Amur and Belarusian Military Districts.
He was awarded three orders of Lenin, five orders of the Red Banner, Medals, as well as foreign orders.

Kolpakchi Vladimir Yakovlevich (1899-1961)
Hero of the Soviet Union, Army General
Born on August 25 (September 6) of 1899 in Kiev.
At the military service since 1916, in the Red Army since 1918. During the civil war and military intervention, in Russia, the ordinary fought for Petrograd, then in the position of commander of the company and battalion fought in the area of \u200b\u200bVoznesensk, Odessa (1920), participated in the suppression of the Kronstadt uprising and in battles against Basmacha in the Turkestan Front (1923-24). He graduated from the MV Military Academy. Frunze (1928), higher academic courses at the General Staff Military Academy (1951). Since 1928, the commander of the Rifle Regiment, since 1931 - the head of the headquarters, in 1933-36 - the commander and commissioner of the Rifle Division, since 1936 - Deputy Headquarters of the Belarusian Military District. In 1936-38, he participated in the national revolutionary war of the Spanish people. Upon returning from March 1938, he commanded the 12th Rifle Corps, and from December 1940 - Head of the headquarters of the Kharkov Military District.
At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the head of the 18th Army headquarters, in October-November 1941 he commanded it, in December 1941 - January 1942, headquarters of the Bryansk Front. From January 1942 to May 1943 - Assistant Commander of the South-Western Front, Deputy Commander of the 4th Shock Army, Commander of the Backup Army, 62nd Army, Deputy Commander of the 1st Guards Army, Commander of the 30th Army, 10th Guards army. From May 1943 - the commander of the 63rd army, from February 1944 - Head of the Staff of the 2nd Belarusian Front, from April - Commander of the 69th Army.

Troops under the command of Kolpakchi fought in the South, South-West, Kalininsky, Stalingrad, Donskoy, Central, 2nd and 1st Belarusian fronts; Participated in the defense of Donbass, Moscow, Stalingrad, in the Rzhevskoye-Vyazemsky, Orlovskaya, Bryansk, Lublin-Brest, Warsaw-Dissensky, Berlin and other operations. Especially distinguished the troops of the 63rd army during the forcing the Derne River (1943) and the 69th Army - in the battles for mastering the cities of the hill (Helm), Radom, Lodz, Mesheritz.
For the skillful leadership of the 69th Army in the Warsaw-Posnan operation of 1945, during which the fortified long-term defense of the German fascist troops was broken and the strong group of the enemy was crushed, as well as for the successful forcing the army with the river Odider Kolpacci awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union . In the Berlin operation, the 69th Army, under the leadership of Kolpacci, in collaboration with other armies broke through the defense of the enemy, covered by Berlin from the East, then participated in the completion of the environment and defeat the Frankfurt-Gajnaya group of the enemy.
After the Great Patriotic War, Kolpacci is the commander of the troops of the Baku Military District (1945), then the 1st Red Banner Army, in 1954-56 - the troops of the Northern Military District. In 1956-61, in the central office of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. Being a head of the main department of combat training of land forces, he conducted a great job to improve the training and education of personnel and an increase in the combat readers. Died in the performance of official duties in the aviation catastrophe.
He was awarded three orders of Lenin, three orders of the Red Banner, three orders of Suvorov I degree, two orders of Cutuzov I degree, the Order of the Red Star and Medals, as well as foreign orders.

Krasovsky Stepan Akimovich (1897-1983)

8 (20) August 1897 was born in the village of Deaf, now the Mogilev region (Belarus).
In military service since 1916. Member of the 1st World War. At the end of the courses, the mechanics of wireless telegraph in the rank of Unter-Officer served as the head of the radio station in the corpus aircreet on the Western Front. In the Red Army since 1918. He graduated from the advanced courses of the Air Force (1927). Military Aircraft of the Republic of Redek (1936; now - Air Engineering Academy).
During the civil war in Russia, there was an aircraftist, then the head of communication of the 33rd aircroids on the Eastern Front, during the service mastered the specialty of the observer pilot. From the fall of 1919 - the Commissioner of the Avia District, which was part of the 4th, then the 11th armies. Participated in battles for Astrakhan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia. After the Civil War - the military commissar of the Aviation, squadron. From November 1927, he commanded an airline, from March 1934 - an aviation brigade, since November 1937, the Aviation Corps, from October 1939, the Aviation Base region. The commander of Murmansk Aviabricade participated in the Soviet-Finnish War. From March 1940, the head of the Krasnodar Military Aviation School, then Assistant Commander of the Air Force of the North Caucasus Military District on military-educational institutions, from June 1941 - Most of the Air Force of this district.
During the Great Patriotic War from October 1941, he commanded the Air Force of the 56th Army, from January 1942 - the Bryansky Front Air Force, in May-November 1942 and from March 1943 to the end of the war - the 2nd, from November 1942 to March 1943 - 17th air armies. Aviation compounds and associations under the leadership of Krasovsky, participating in battles in the South, Bryansk, South-West, Voronezh, the 1st Ukrainian fronts, the enemy near Rostov-on-Don, in the Stalingrad and Kursk battles, during the forcing the Dnieper, the liberation of Kiev, In Korsun-Shevchenkovskaya, Lviv-Sandomir, Nizhne-Silesian, Berlin and Prague operations. During the fighting, the principle of massive use of aviation persistently implemented. For the skillful command of the air armies, personal courage and heroism of Krasovsky was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
After the war, he commanded the 2nd Air Army, from May 1947 - the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Far East, from October 1950 he was deputy, and from October 1951 - the main military adviser to the PRC. From August 1952, the commander of the Moscow Air Force, from June 1953 - the North Caucasus Military Districts, and from April 1955 the -26th air army. In 1956-68, the Head of the Air Force Academy, Professor (1960). From October 1968 to July 1970 - in the Group of General Inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense.
He was awarded the six orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the four orders of the Red Banner, the orders of Suvorov I and II degree, Cutuzov I degree. Bogdan Khmelnitsky I degree, Red Star, "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, medals, as well as foreign orders and medals.

Krylov Nikolai Ivanovich (1903-1972)

16 (29) April 1903 was born in the village of Galyaevka (now cherry) Tamalinsky district of the Penza region.
In military service since 1919. He graduated from the infantry and machine guns of the Red Commanders (1920), Courses "Shot" (1928). During the civil war and military intervention in Russia, the ordinary participated in the battles with the White Guards on the South Front, and after the end of the infantry and machine-gun courses, the commander of the platoon and Rota, fought in the North Caucasus and in the Transcaucasia, the battalion commander participated in the liberation of Spassk and Vladivostok from White Guards and Japanese. After the war - on team and staff posts in the compounds of the Siberian Military District and a special red-known Far Eastern Army; Then the head of the headquarters of the Border Danube fortified area.
During the Great Patriotic War, he fought in the South, North Caucasian, Stalingrad, Donskoy, South-Western, Western, 3rd Belarusian fronts; At the beginning of it - the head of the Operational Department, from August 1941 - Head of the Staff of the Primorsk Army. In difficult conditions, ensured the management of troops during the defense of Odessa and Sevastopol. Since September 1942, the head of the 62nd Army headquarters participating in the Battle of Stalingrad.
The headquarters led by Krylov conducted a great job in the troops, which for more than 2 months with the greatest resistance and perseverance, developed defensive battles in the city, summarized the experience of fighting in Stalingrad and introduced it in the shelves and army divisions in order to increase the stability of defense. During the elimination surrounded by Stalingrad, the enemy grouping, he successfully ensured the management of the army troops. From April 1943 - Head of the 8th Guards Army headquarters, since May - Commander of the 3rd reserve army, from July - 21st Army, whose troops took part in the Smolensk operation of 1943. From October 1943 to October 1944 and from December 1944 - the commander of the 5th Army. In the Belarusian operation of 1944, the army, acting as part of the shock group of the 3rd Belorussian Front at the Bogushevsky direction, provided input to the breakthrough of the equestro-mechanized group, and then the 5th Guards Tank Army. The troops of the 5th Army under the command of the Krylov were the first to force the Berezin River and participated in the liberation of the city of Borisov, and in the East Prussian operation of 1945 - in the liquidation of the Earth Group. For courage and heroism, manifested in the fight against the German-fascist invaders, the skilled leadership of the troops were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
During the Soviet-Japanese war, with the defeat of the Kwantung Army, the 5th Army of the 1st Far Eastern Front, acting on the main direction of the offensive, broke through the powerful strip of long-term defensive structures of the enemy and ensured the fulfillment of the front task. For a successful command of the army in the war with Japan N.I. The wings were awarded the second medal "Golden Star".
After the war, he commanded the 15th army, was the deputy commander of the Archors of the Primorsky Military District (1945-47). In 1947-53, he commanded the forces of the Far Eastern Military District, since 1953 - the 1st deputy commander of the troops of this district. Then he commanded the troops of the Urals (1956-57), Leningrad (1957-60), Moscow (1960-63) military districts. Since March 1963, the Commander-in-Chief of the Rocket and Strategic Troops (RVSN) is the Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR. I had a great job on the equipment of the RVSN with new samples of missile armaments, improving the system of learning and education of personnel, methods of work of management bodies, organization and carrying of combat duty. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 3-8th conveners. He was awarded the four orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the four orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Suvorov I degree, Cutuzov I degree and medals, as well as foreign orders. Awarded honorary weapon. He was buried on Red Square in Moscow.

Kryuchenkin Vasily Dmitrievich (1894-1976)
1 (13) January 1894 was born in the village of Karpovka now Bugurlan region of the Orenburg region.
At military service since 1915, the younger non-commission officer; From December 1917 to February 1918 - in the Red Guard, from February 1918, in the Red Army. Civil war and military intervention in Russia in Russia as part of the 1st equestrian army (since 1919) participated in the battles against the White Movement and Polish troops: the commander of the platoon, a squadron, an assistant commander and the commander of the cavalry regiment. He graduated from the cavalry school (1923), Commostava improvement courses (1926), graduation courses of the Senior Commostava (1935), improvement courses of the highest natch station at the M. Frunze Military Academy (1941), the accelerated course of the General Staff Military Academy (1943).
After the civil war, he commanded the squadron, was the head of the regimental school, head of the headquarters, a military commark and the commander of the cavalry regiment. From July 1938, he commanded the 14th Cavalry Division, with which he entered into the Great Patriotic War; From November 1941 to July 1942 - commander of the 5th Cavalry Corps (from December 1941 - 3rd Guards). From July 1942 - Commander of the armies: 28th (July 1942, South-West Front), 4-yttankan (August-October 1942, Stalingrad Front), 69th (March 1943 - April 19441., Voronezh and Steppe front. Reserve RTC rates) and 33rd (April-July 1944, 2nd Belorussian front); From January 1945 - Deputy Commander of the 61st Army, then Deputy Commander of the 1st Belarusian Front.
Troops under the command of Kryuchenkina successfully the action of Vali in the Kharkov battle and Stalingrad battle, participated in the Belarusian and Virolo-Operations, especially distinguished themselves when reflected by the German offensive in the Kursk battle, when the liberation of Kharkov, forcing the Dnipro River.
After the war (until June 1946) - Deputy Commander of the Troops of the Donsky, then the North Caucasus Military Districts.
He was awarded to the four orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the four orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Kutuzov I degree and medals.

Kuznetsov Vasily Ivanovich (1894-1964)

1 (13) January 1894 was born in the village of Ust-Punchka now the Cherdynsky district of the Perm region.
In military service since 1915. Member of the First World War, Podororuk. In the Red Army since 1918. During the civil war and military intervention in Russia, he commanded his mouth, battalion, regiment, participated in the battles on the Eastern and South Fronts. He graduated from the School of Inport (1916), "Shot" courses (1926), Higher Commostava Improvement Courses (1929), MV Military Academy Frunze (1936).
After the civil war - the commander of the Rifle Regiment, the assistant commander and the commander of the Rifle Division (November 1931 - December 1934 and October 1936 - August 1937); From August 1937 he commanded the Rifle Corps, then the Vitebsk army group of troops, and from September 1939 - the 3rd army formed on the basis of this group. In September 1939, the joints of the army participated in the campaign in Western Belarus.
With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the 3rd Army under the command of V. I. Kuznetsova (until August 25, 1941) as part of the Western Front in the border defensive battle, heavy battles were led with superior enemy forces in the Grodno area, Lida, Novogrudok. From August 25 to September 1941 - the commander of the 21st Army, the troops of which took and participate in the Smolensk battle of 1941 (Bryansk Front). In September 1941, he was injured and after healing commanded the Kharkov Military District (October - November 1941). Then he was on Western, Southwestern, Stalingrad, 1st Ukrainian, 1st Baltic, 1st Belarusian fronts, commanded the 58th (November 1941), 1st shock (November 1941 - May 1942), 63- Y (July - November 1942), 1st Guards (December 1942 - December 1943) armies.
Troops of the 1st Shock Army (Western Front) under the leadership of V.I. Kuznetsov successfully acted in a countertime near Moscow, the 63rd army - in the battle near Stalingrad, and the compounds of the 1st Guards Army (South-West Front) liberated the Donbass and Left-Bank Ukraine, participated in the Raisin-Barvenkovskaya and other offensive operations. From December 1943, the Deputy Commander of the 1st Baltic Front, from March 1945, until the end of the war, he commanded the 3rd shock army, whose troops as part of the 1st Belarusian Front took part in the East Pomeranian and Berlin operations. For a skillful organization and conduct of combat operations on the breakthrough of the enemy's defense on the river Oder and mastering Berlin, the manifested personnel and courage was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
After the war, he continued to command the 3rd shock army. From May 1948 - Chairman of the DOSAAF Central Committee, since September 1951 - DOSAAF USSR. In 1953-57, he commanded the troops of the Volga Military District, and from June 1957 until 1960 he worked in the central office of the USSR Ministry of Defense. He was elected by the deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd and 4th convocation.
He was awarded the two orders of Lenin, five orders of the Red Banner, two orders of Suvorov I degree, the Order of Suvorov II degree, medals, as well as foreign orders.

Lelyushenko Dmitry Danilovich (1901-1987)
Double Hero of the Soviet Union, Army General
Born on October 20 (November 2), 1901 on the farm Novokuznetsky now the Zazhnograd district of the Rostov region.
During the civil war and military intervention in Russia in early 1918 he was in the partisan detachment B.M. Dumenko, then as part of Kavopolka, ordinary, participated in the battles against the troops of the generals E.M. Mamontova, A.G. Shkuro, P.N. Wrangel. In the Red Army since 1919. He graduated from the Leningrad Military Political School named after F. Engels (1925), the Cavalry School of Red Commanders (1927), MV Military Academy Frunze (1933), Military Academy of the General Staff (1949). Since 1925 - Politruk Squadron, then shealing school, Cavopolka's military commark. Since 1933, the commander of the company, assistant chief and headquarters of the mechanized team, since 1935, the commander of the educational battalion, since 1937 - the head of the 1st Department of the Office of the Head of the Car Complete Troops of the Moscow Military District. Since June 1938, the commander of a separate tank regiment, and from October 1939 - Tank Brigade. He participated in the campaign in Western Belarus in 1939. In the Soviet-Finnish war commanded a tank brigade; For successful combat actions of the brigade, the manifested personal courage was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Since June 1940 goal - commander of the 1st Proletarian Moscow Division.
Since March 1941, the Yud-Commander of the 21st Mechanized Corps, which from the first days of the Great Patriotic War acted in the North-West Front. From August 1941, the Deputy Head of the Main Auto-Retal Control Department of the Red Army and the Head of the Department of Formation and Completion of Avtoblene Troops. From October 1941, again in the current army - in the Western, South-West, 3rd, 4th and 1st Ukrainian fronts. He participated in the battle near Moscow: as a commander of the 1st Rifle Corps in the Oryol-Tula direction, commanded the 5th Army on the Mozhaisk direction, the 30th Army on the nearest approaches to the capital and in the counteroffensiveness of the Nadmitrovsk-Klin direction. During the Stalingrad Bit-you from November 1942, he commanded the 1st shock army (from December - the 3rd Guards Army), which played an important role in the environment and destroying the German fascist troops under Stagingrad and then participated in Voroshilovgrad, Donbas, Zaporizhia . Nikopol-Krivoy Rog Operations. Her troops were especially distinguished in battles for Donbass, when the Zaporozhye and Nikopol is liberated. From March 1944, the commander of the 4th Tank Army (from March 1945 - Guards), who took part in Proskur-Chernivtsi, Lviv-Sandomira. Nizhne-Silesian, Upper-Silesian, Berlin and Prague operations.
For a successful command of the 4th Tank Army with the defeat of the Kelets and Radom group of the enemy, as well as when forceing the Oder River and the courage and courage, the second medal "Golden Star" was awarded the second medal.
After the war, he commanded the 4th Guards Tank Army, then - by armored and mechanized troops of the Soviet troops group in Germany, from March 1950, the 1st Red Banner Separate Army, from July 1953 - the first deputy commander of the Carpathian Military District Commander, from November commanded The 8th mechanized army. From January 1956, the commander of the Troops of the Zabaykalsky, and from January 1958 - the Ural Military Districts. In June 1960 - June 1964 - Chairman of the Central Committee DOSAAF USSR. Since June 1964 - in the group of general inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense. He was elected by the deputy of the Supreme Council 1, 5, the 6th convocations. Hero Czech Republic (1970).
Awarded six orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the four orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Suvorov I Degree, two orders of Cutuzov I degree, the orders of Bogdan Khmelnitsky I degree, the Patriotic War of I degree, "the destruction of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree and medals, and Also foreign orders. Awarded Honorary Weapon (1968).

Lopatin Anton Ivanovich (1897-1965)
Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant-General
Born 6 (18) January 1897 in the village of Kamenka now Brest district of the Brest region (Belarus).
In military service since 1916. In the Red Army since 1918. During the period of the Civil War and military intervention in Russia, as part of the 1st equestrian army, the assistant commander of the platoon, then the assistant commander and the squadron commander participated in the battles in Tsaritsyn, South-West and Western fronts. He graduated from the Cavalry Courses of Commostava (1925 and 1927) and Higher Academic Courses at the General Staff Military Academy (1947). After the Civil War - the squadron commander, the head of the regimental school, the commander's assistant, since 1939 - the commander of the cavalry regiment, since 1937 - the commander of the 6th Cavalry Division; Since 1938, the teacher of the Tactics of cavalry courses of improving Nachsostav, from 1939 - the cavalry inspector of the Trans-Baikal Military District, and since 1940 - the front-line group. Since June 1940, the Deputy Commander of the Army, from November - commander of the 31st Rifle Corps.
At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in August-September 1941, he commanded the 6th Rifle Corps, distinguished in battles in the Lutsk area (South-West Front). In October 1941, he was appointed commander of the 37th Army of the Southern Front, which in the Rostov offensive operation hit the flank of the tank army of the Clay, and part of the forces went to the rear. The blow of the 37th Army played a decisive role and forced the enemy to retreat to the Mius River. The army troops in the Bavenkovo-Lozovskaya and Donbass operations of 1942 were successfully operating.
Subsequently, he commanded the 9th Army of the Transcaucasian Front (June-July 1942), which was involved in the reflection of the onset of the German fascist troops in the Donbas and the Break of the Don River, then the 62nd Army of the Stalingrad Front (August-September 1942). From October 1942 - the commander of the 34th Army, from March 1943 - the 11th Army, who participated in the Demyanic operations. In September-October 1943, the commander of the 20th Army (Kalininsky Front), from January 1944 - Deputy Commander of the 43rd Army. In July 1944, at his personal request, he was appointed commander of the 13th Guards Rifle Corps (43rd Army), which as part of the 1st Baltic and 3rd Belarusian Fronts participated in the liberation of the Baltic States, in the East Prussian operation, and then as part of Zabaikali front - in war with Japan. For the skillful command of the corps, distinguished by the elimination of the Königsberg enemy grouping, and mastering Königsberg, as well as for the manifestation of the courage and courage, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded.
In the post-war years, he commanded the Rifle Corps, was the Deputy Commander of the Army, an assistant to the commander of the Transcaucasian Military District (until 1954). In January 1954, dismissed in the sickness.
He was awarded three orders of Lenin, three orders of the Red Banner, two orders of Cutuzov I degree, the Order of the Red Star and Medals.

Malinovsky Rodion Yakovlevich (1898-1967)
Double Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union
Born 11 (23) November 1898 in Odessa.
In military service since 1914. Member of the 1st World War. From February 1916 - as part of the Russian Expeditionary Corps in France. In the Red Army since 1919. He graduated from the MV Military Academy. Frunze (1930). During the civil war and military intervention in Russia, they fought the White Guards on the Eastern Front. From December 1920, after studying at the School of Junior Nachsostav, the Machine Blightened Commander, then the head of the machine-gun team, the commander's assistant, from November 1923 to October 1927 - the battalion commander. Since 1930, the head of the cavalry regiment headquarters, then served in the headquarters of the North Caucasus and Belarusian military districts. Since January 1935, headquarters of the 3rd Cavalry Corps, from June 1936 - Assistant Inspector on Cavalry of the Belarusian Military District. In 1937-38, he participated in the National Revolutionary War of the Spanish People. Since 1939, in the teaching office at the MV Military Academy Frunze, from March 1941 - commander of the 48th Rifle Corps.
Colonous Talent R.Ya. Malinovsky was brightly manifested in the Great Patriotic War. From August 1941, he commanded the 6th Army, from December 1941 to July 1942, the South Front, in August-October 1942 - the 66th Army, who fought North of Stalingrad. In October-November 1942 - Deputy Commander of the Voronezh Front. From November 1942, he commanded the 2nd Guards Army, which in December in cooperation with the 5th shock army and the 51st army stopped, and then defeated the troops of the Don Army Group, who tried to release a large grouping of German troops surrounded by Stalingrad. In the success of this operation, an important role was played by the rapid nomination of the 2nd Guards Army and the entry into the battle with the go.
From February 1943, Malinovsky's goal - the commander of the South, and from March - South-Western (October 20, 1943 was renamed in the 3rd Ukrainian) fronts, the troops of which were fighting for the Donbass and Right-Bank Ukraine. Under his leadership, Zaporizhia Operation was prepared and successfully carried out: Soviet troops were trained with a sudden night storm mastered an important node of the opponent's defense - Zaporizhia, which had a great influence on the defeat of the Melitopol grouping of the German-fascist troops and contributed to the insulation of the Nazis in the Crimea. In the subsequent troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, together with the neighboring 2nd Ukrainian front, expanded the bridgeheads in the area of \u200b\u200bDniprovskaya emitting. Then, in cooperation with the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front, Nikopol-Krivoy Rog operation was successfully conducted. In the spring of 1944, the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian front under the leader of Malinovsky conducted the Bereznegovo-Snigirevskaya and Odessa operations: forced the South Bug river, Nikolaev and Odessa were released. From May 1944 - Commander of the 2nd Ukrainian Front.
In August 1944, the Troops of the Front, together with the 3rd Ukrainian Front, was covered and successfully implemented by the Yaskovine-Chisinau operation - one of the outstanding operations of the Great Patriotic War. Soviet troops have achieved large political and military results in it: defeated the main forces of the German fascist group of the South Ukraine armies, liberated Moldova and reached the Romanian-Hungarian and Bulgarian-Yugoslav border, thereby radically changing the military-political situation on the southern wing Soviet-German front.
In October 1944, the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front under the command of Malinovsky successfully conducted a Debrecen operation, during which a serious defeat of the group of Army "South" was inflicted; German fascist troops were expelled from Transyl. The troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front took a favorable position for the attack on Budapest and had a great help to the 4th Ukrainian front in overcoming the Carpathians and the liberation of Transcarpathian Ukraine. Following the Debrecen operation, they implemented Budapest operation with the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front (October 1944 - February 1945), as a result of which the Soviet troops were surrounded, and then eliminated the major grouping of the enemy and released the capital of Hungary - Budapest.
At the final stage of the defeat of the German-fascist troops on the territory of Hungary and the eastern regions of Austria, the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, together with the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, successfully conducted a Vienna Operation (March-April 1945). In the course of its Soviet troops, the German-fascist occupiers from Western Hungary were expelled from Western Hungary, liberated a significant part of Czechoslovakia, the eastern regions of Austria and the Citu settlement.
During the Soviet-Japanese war, R.Ya. Malinovsky again showed high chifter art. Since July 1945, he commanded the troops of the Trans-Baikal Front, who applied the main blow to the Manchurian strategic operation, as a result of which the Japanese Quantong Army was crushed. The fighting of the front troops was distinguished by a skilled choice of directions of the main strike, the bold use of the tank army in the 1st echelon of the front, a clear organization of interaction in the conduct of the onset of individual separated operations, extremely high for that time the onset rate. For a large commander, courage and courage R.Ya. Malinovsky was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
After the war with Japan, the commander of the Troops of the Trans-Baikal-Amur Military District (1945-47), the commander-in-chief of the troops of the Far East (1947-53), commander of the troops of the Far Eastern Military District (1953-56). From March 1956 - the 1st Deputy Minister of Defense and Commander-in-Chief of Ground Forces. Since October 1957, the USSR Defense Minister. For merits to the Motherland in the construction and strengthening of the Armed Forces of the USSR and in connection with the 60th anniversary, the second medal "Golden Star" was awarded. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd -7-th conveners.
He was awarded the five orders of Lenin, three orders of the Red Banner, two orders of Suvorov I degree, the Order of Kutuzov I degree and medals, as well as foreign orders and medals. He was awarded the Higher Soviet Military Order "Victory". He was buried on Red Square in Moscow.

Moskalenko Kirill Semenovich (1902-1978)
Double characters of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union
Born on April 28 (May 11) in 1902 in the village of Grishin, now the Krasnoarmeysky district of the Donetsk region (Ukraine).
In military service since 1920. The participant of the civil war and battles during the military intervention in Russia: ordinary in the 6th Cavalry Division fought in Ukraine and in the Crimea. He graduated from the Ukrainian United School of Red Commanders (1922), artillery courses for improving the KOMSOSTABA RKKKA (1928), courses of improving the highest committee at the artillery academy named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky (1939). Since 1922 - Between the platoon, then the battery, division, headquarters of the artillery regiment. Since 1934, the commander of the artillery regiment. From May 1935, the head of the 23rd mechanized brigade in the Far East, and from September 1936 - the 133rd mechanized brigade of the Kiev Military District. Since 1939 - Head of Artillery of the 51st Paint Rifle Division. Weight travelery participated in the Soviet-Finnish war. Then the head of the artillery of the 9th Rifle, and from August 1940 to April 1941 - the 2nd mechanized corps of the Odessa Military District. From April 1941 - commander of the 1st Motorized Anti-Tank Artillery Brigade. In this position met the Great Patriotic War.
Since August 1941, he commanded the 16th Rifle Corps, then the Deputy Commander of the 6th Army, from February 1942 - the commander of the 6th Cavalry Corps. From March 1942 - the commander of the 38th Army, since July - the 1st Tank Army, from August - the 1st Guards Army, from October - the 40th Army, from October 1943 - the second commander of the 38th Army.
Troops under the leadership of Moskalenko fought in the southwestern, Stalingrad, Bryansk, Voronezh, 1st and 4th Ukrainian fronts, took part in defensive battles under Vladimir-Volynsky, Rivne, Novograd-Volynsky, Kiev, Chernigov, in Stalingrad and Kursk Battles, in Ostrogozhsko-Rossoshanskaya, in the Ronezhsky-Kastornsnian, Kiev, Zhytomyr-Berdichevskaya, Proskur-Chernivtsi, Lviv Sandomira. Carpathian-Duklinskaya, West Carpathian, Moravian-Ostrava and Prague operations. They distinguished themselves in battles in the breakthrough of a strong, deeply echelonized enemy defense in the Lviv direction, as well as in mastering cities of Kiev, Zhytomyr, Zhmeryanka, Vinnitsa, Lviv. Moravska-Ostrava, etc. For the skillful control of troops during the forcing the Dnieper and the Heroism of Moskalenko, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded.
After the war, he continued to command the 38th Army, since 1948 he headed the troops of the Moscow region (renamed it in the district) air defense, since 1953- Commander of the MVO troops. In 1960-1962, Moskapenko is the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Federation and Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, since 1962, the main inspector of the Ministry of Defense, Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR. For merits to the Motherland in the development and strengthening of the USSR, the USSR was awarded the second medal "Golden Star". Since 1983-- in the group of general inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Deputy of the Supreme Council of the USSR 2-1 of the 1st convocations.
He was awarded the family of the orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the five orders of the Red Banner, two orders of Suvorov I degree, two orders of Cutuzov I degree, the orders of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 1 degree. Patriotic War of 1 degree, "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, medals, honorary weapons, as well as ino-walled orders and medals.

Popov Markaan Mikhailovich (1902-1969)
Heroes of the Soviet Union, Army General
2 (15) November 1902 was born in Stanitsa Ust-Medreeditskaya (now the city of Serafimovich) of the Volgograd region.
In the Red Army since 1920. He fought in a civil war on the western front ordinary. He graduated from infantry command courses (1922), "Shot" courses (1925), M. M. Military Academy Frunze (1936). Since 1922 - the commander of the platoon, then the assistant commander of the company, the assistant chief and the head of the regimental school, the commander of the battalion, the inspector of military schools of the Moscow Military District. From May 1936 - Head of the headquarters of the mechanized brigade, then the 5th mechanized case. From June 1938 - Deputy Commander, from September - Head of Staff, since July 1939 - Commander of the 1st Separate Red Banner Far Eastern Army, and from January 1941 - commander of the troops of the Leningrad Military District.
During the Great Patriotic War - commander of the Northern and Leningrad Fronts (June-September 1941), 61st and 40th armies (November 1941-October 1942). He was Deputy Commander of the Stalingrad and South-Western Fronts, Commander of the 5th Impact Army (October 1942 - April 1943), Reserve Front and Troops of the Steppe Military District (April-May 1943), Bryansky (June-October 1943), Baltic and 2- M Baltic (October 1943 April 1944) fronts. From April 1944 and until the end of the war, the head of the head of the Leningrad, the 2nd Baltic, then again the Leningrad Fronts. Participated in planning operations and successfully led the troops in battles near Leningrad, near Moscow, in the Stalingrad and Kursk battles, with the liberation of Karelia and Baltic States,
Troops under his command distinguished themselves when the cities of Eagle, Bryansk, Bezhnitsa, Unsch, DNO, when forceing the gumsa river. Spellly used military experience in training troops in the post-war period, taking office of the commander of the troops of Lviv (1945-1946) and Tavrichesky (1946-1954) of military districts. From January 1955, the Deputy Head, then the head of the Main Board of Combat Training, from August 1956 - the head of the General Staff - the first deputy of the Commander-in-Money of the Ground Forces. Since 1962, the military inspector of the Group of General Inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd -6 conveners.
Hero of the Soviet Union (1965). He was awarded the five orders of Lenin, three orders of a red banner, two orders of Suvorov I degree, two orders of Cutuzov I degree, the Order of the Red Star, medals, as well as foreign orders.

Romanenko Prophyus Logvinovich (1897-1949)
Born 13 (25) February 1897 on the farm Romanenka now the Ramensky district of the Sumy region.
Member of the 1st World War (since 1914), ensign. For fighting differences on the fronts awarded in four George's crosses. In the Red Army since 1918. He graduated from the advanced courses of Nachsostav (1925) and courses of improving the highest committee (1930), MV Military Academy Frunze (1933) and the General Staff Military Academy (1948).
After the October Revolution was the Volos Military Commissar in the Stavropol province. During the Civil War, the partisan detachment was headed, fought in the South and Western fronts by the squadron commander, shelf and assistant commander of the Cavalry Brigade. After the war, he commanded the cavalry regiment, since 1937 - a mechanized brigade. Participated in the national revolutionary war of the Spanish people. For the heroism manifested in Spain was awarded the Order of Lenin. Since 1938, the commander of the 7th mechanized corps. Participant of the Soviet-Finnish war. From May 1941 - the commander of the 34th rifle, then the 1st mechanized buildings.
In the Great Patriotic War - Commander of the 17th Army of the Trans-Baikal Front. From May 1942 in the current army: Commander of the 3rd Tank Army, then Deputy Commander of the Bryansk Front (September-November 1942), from November 1942 - Commander of the 5th Tank Army, then Commander of the 2nd Tank Army, 48th Army (until December 1944). Headed by P.L. Romanenko troops take part in the Rzhevsk-Sychevsky operation, in the Stalingrad and Kursk battles, in the Belarusian operation; Different in mastering the cities of Novgorod-Seversky, Rzchitsa, Gomel, Zhlobin, Bobruisk, Slonim, as well as in the breakthrough of a strongly fortified defense of the enemy on the Bobrussian direction and when forceing the river balls. In 1945-1947, the commander of the troops of the East Siberian Military District. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd convocation.
He was awarded two orders of Lenin, four orders of the Red Banner, two orders of Suvorov I degree, two orders of Cutuzov I degree, medals and foreign orders.

Rudenko Sergey Ignatievich (1904-1990)
Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal Aviation, Professor
7 (20) October 1904 was born in the village of Korop now Chernihiv region (Ukraine).
In the Red Army since 1923. He graduated from the 1st Military School of pilots (1927), N. E. Zhukovsky Air Force (1932) and its Operational Faculty (1936). Since 1927 - pilot. Since 1932 - commander of the squadron, then the aviation regiment and aviation brigada, Deputy Commander of the Aviation Division and from January 1941, the commander of the Aviation Division.
During the Great Patriotic War - Commander of the 31st Aviation Division on the Western Front, Commander of the Air Force 61th Army, Deputy Commander and Commander of the Kalininsky Front, Deputy Commander of the Air Force Volkhovsky Front, Commander of the 1st Aviation Group and the 7th Shock Aviation Magrorize of the NGC Rate . From June 1942, the Deputy Commander of the South-Western Front Air Force, from October 1942 and to the end of the war-commander of the 16th Air Army in Stalingrad, Donskoy, Central, Belarusian and 1st Belarusian fronts. Participated in the Stalingrad and Kursk battles. Belarusian, Warsaw-Dissense, East Pomeranian and Berlin operations. For the skillful leadership of the air army and the courage and heroism, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded.
After the war - in responsible posts in the Air Force: Commander of the Airborne Forces (1948-1950), Head of the Main Staff of the Air Force (1950), Commander of the Far Aviation - Deputy Commanded of the Air Force (1950-1953), Head of the Main Staff - 1st Deputy Commanded of the Air Force (1953 -1958), 1st Deputy Commanded of the Air Force (1958-1968). In May 1968, he was appointed Head of the Yu.A. Air Force Academy Gagarin. From 1972 - Professor. Since 1973 - Military Inspector Advisor of the General Inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd and 6th convocation.
He was awarded the five orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the four orders of the Red Banner, two orders of Suvorov I degree, the Order of Cutuzov I degree, Suvorov II degree, "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, medals, as well as foreign orders.

Smirnov Konstantin Nikolaevich (1899-1981)
Lieutenant Aviation
Born 3 (15) October 1899 in Moscow.
Participant of the Civil War. In the Red Army since 1918. He graduated from the Yegoryev Aviation School of pilots (1921), courses of improving Nachsostav at N.E. Air Force Academy Zhukovsky (1928 and 1930), courses of improving the highest command formulation at the same academy (1936). Since 1922 - pilot, link commander, detachment, squadrons. Participated in the elimination of bacmaches in Karakum (1928), the commander of the aviation detachment. In 1936 - 1940, the assistant commander, then the commander of the bombarding aviation brigade, the commander of the 46th Aviation Diovision. Since November 1940, the commander of the 2nd Aviation Corps with which he entered into the Great Patriotic War.
From October 1941 - commander of the 101st Fighter Aviation Division. From January 1942, the Commander of the Air Force of the 12th Army, and from July - the commander of the Air Force of the Volga Military District. From November 1942 - the commander of the 2nd Air Army. He fought on the Western, Southwestern, South, Voronezh fronts. Participated in defensive battles of 1941, Barventico-Lozovskoy operation, Stalingrad Battle, Ostrogozhsko-Rossoshanskaya, Voronezh-Kastornian operations. From May 1943 - the Commander of the Air Force of the Volga Military District, since 1946 - the Commander of Aviation of Airborne Forces.
He was awarded two orders of Lenin, two orders of the Red Banner, the Orders of Cutuzov I degree, the Red Star, medals.

Tolbukhin Fedor Ivanovich (1894-1949)
Heroes of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union
4 (16) June 1894 was born in the village of Andronika now the Yaroslavl district of the Yaroslavl region.
In 1914, it was called up to the army, he graduated from the Surpenk school (1915), participated in the battles in the North-West and South-Western fronts, commanded Rota and Battalion, headquarters. In the Red Army since 1918. After the February Revolution was elected secretary, then the Chairman of the Regimental Committee. During the Civil War - the Military Head of the Sandirsvian and Chapter Survival Commissariators in the Yaroslavl province, then the assistant chief and head of the division headquarters, head of the operational department of the army headquarters, took part in the battles with White Guards in the North and Western fronts. He graduated from the school staff (1919), courses of improving the highest committee (1927 and 1930), MV Military Academy Frunze (1934). Then he held the post of headquarters of the Rifle Division and the Corps. Since September 1937 - Commander of the Rifle Division, July 1938 to August 1941 - Head of the Staff of the Transcaucasian Military District. I was distinguished by a high staff culture, paying a lot of attention to combat training and management of troops.
In the Great Patriotic War - Head of the Staff of the Transcaucasian, Caucasian and Crimean Fronts (1941-42). In May-July 1942 - Deputy Commander of the Troops of the Stalingrad Military District. From July 1942, the commander of the 57th Army in the Stalingrad Front, from February 1943 - the 68th Army in the North-West Front. Since March 1943, the commander of the South, since October - the 4th Ukrainian, since May 1944, the IO End of War - the 3rd Ukrainian Front. At these posts, the organizational abilities and the commander talent of F.I. Tolbukhina. The troops under his command successfully acted in the operations on the rivers Mius, Dairy, with the liberation of Donbass and the Crimea.
In August 1944, the Troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, together with the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, was secretive and successfully implemented by the Yaskovine-Chisinau operation. After its completion, the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front participated in Belgrade, Budapest, Balatonian and Vienna operations. In these operations, F. I. Tolbukhin skillfully organized joint combat actions of the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian front and interacting with them the associations of the Bulgarian and Yugoslav armies. For successful fighting in the Great Patriotic War, the search commanded by F.I. Tolbukhin, 34 times were noted in the orders of the Supreme Commander. Since September 1944 - Chairman of the Union Control Commission in Bulgaria, as part of the Soviet delegation participated in the Slavic Congress (December 1946). In July 1945 - January 1947, the commander-in-chief of the southern group of troops, then the commander of the Troops of the Transcaucasian Military District. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd convocation. Hero of the People's Republic of Bulgaria (posthumously, 1979).
He was awarded the two orders of Lenin, three orders of the Red Banner, two orders of Suvorov I degree, the orders of Cutuzov I degree, the Red Star, medals, as well as foreign orders and medals. He was awarded the Higher Military Order "Victory". F. I. Tolbukhin was built a monument in Moscow, his name was assigned by one of the rifle divisions, the highest officer school of self-propelled artillery. The city of Dobrich in Bulgaria was renamed to Tolbukhin, Davydkovo village in the Yaroslavl region - in Tolbukhin; Memorial boards are installed on the buildings of the Military Academy named after M. V. Frunze and the headquarters of the Transcaucasian Military District. He was buried in Red Square at the Kremlin Wall in Moscow.

Trufanov Nikolai Ivanovich (1900-1982)
2 (15) May 1900 was born in the village of the Great Now Ganrilov-Yamsky district of the Yaroslavl region.
In the Red Army since 1919. In civil war - ordinary, then - the onset of the field telephone office in the southeast and southern fronts. Windows of Chil United Military School named after VTCIK (1925), MV Military Academy Frunze (1939) and Higher Academic Courses at the General Staff Military Academy (1950). In 1921-37, an assistant to the military commissar of the Cavalry Regiment, the commander of the cavalry platoon, the assistant commander and the commander of the cavalry squadron, the head of the regimental school, the assistant commander and the head of the Kavali regiment headquarters. Since 1939 - Head of the Staff of the 4th Rifle Division, participated in the Soviet-Finnish War.
From January 1941 - Assistant commander of the 23rd Rowling, from March - Head of the headquarters of the 28th mechanized buildings, from August - Head of the 47th Army headquarters in the Transcaucasus. From December 1941 - in the current army in the Crimean, North Caucasian, Stalingrad, Voronezh, 2nd Ukrainian, 2nd and 1st Belarusian fronts: Head of the headquarters, then the head of the rear and deputy commander of the 47th Army, in April - June 1942 commanded the 1st individual Rifle Corps, from July 1942 to February 1943 - the 51st Army, from June 1943 - Deputy Commander of the 69th Army, and from March 1945 - the commander of the 25th Rifle Corps. He took part in the Stalingrad and Kursk battles, in the defeat of the German fascist troops in Belarus, the Lublin-Brest, Volo-Oder, East Pomeranian and Berlin operations.
After the war - in responsible positions in the Soviet military administration in Germany. Since June 1950 - Head of the Communist Party of Combat and Physical Training of the Far East troops, and then Far Eastern Military District, from January 1954 - on the responsible command posts in the troops, from January 1956 - the 1st Deputy Commander of the Troops of the Far Eastern Military District, since June 1957 - the main military adviser, then the Senior Military Specialist in the Chinese Army.
He was awarded two orders of Lenin, three orders of the Red Banner, two orders of Cutuzov I degree, the orders of Suvorov II degree, Patriotic War I degree, Red Star, Medals, as well as foreign orders and medals.

Kharitonov Fyodor Mikhailovich (1899-1943)
11 (24) of January 1899 was born in the village of Vasilyevskoye now the Rybinsky district of the Yaroslavl region.
In the Red Army since 1919. Participated in the Civil War on the East and South Fronts, Red Army. In 1921-30, he worked at the military office. He graduated from the courses "Shot" (1931) and courses of improving the highest natch at the Military Academy of the General Staff (1941). Since 1931 - the commander of the rifle regiment. In 1937-41, headquarters of the 17th Rifle Division of the 57th Rifle Corps and Head of the Department of the Moscow Military District.
During the Great Patriotic War from June 1941, the Deputy Head of the Staff of the Southern Front, since September - the commander of the 9th Army of the same Front, from July 1942 - the 6th Army of Voronezh, then South-Western Fronts. He took part in defensive battles in Western Ukraine, Moldova and Donbas. The troops of the 9th Army under the command of Kharitonov during the Rostov defensive operation of 1941 were especially distinguished. Based on the strong anti-tank defense created by the army, its right-hand compounds reflected numerous attacks of the enemy tanks. Successfully led the troops in the Rostov offensive operation, the Stalingrad battle, Ostrogogo-Rossoshansky operation and in the battles in the Kharkov direction.
Awarded the orders of the Red Banner, Cutuzov I degree.

Khryukin Timofey Timofeevich (1910-1953)
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General Aviation
Born 8 (21) June 1910 in the city of Yeisk Krasnodar Territory.
In the Red Army since 1932. He graduated from the Lugansk military school of pilots (1933), courses of improving the High Commostat at the General Staff Military Academy (1941). Since 1933 - a military pilot, then the link commander. In 1936-1937 during the National Revolutionary War of the Spanish people - in the ranks of the republican army: a pilot-bomber, then the commander of the aviation detachment. For manifested heroism and courage was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
In 1938, volunteer fought against Japanese militarists in China - the squadron commander, then the commander of the group of bombers. For exemplary execution of tasks awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. During the Soviet-Finnish war, the Commander of the Air Force of the 14th Army, to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, in which the Commander of the Air Force of the 12th Army entered, had about 100 combat departures.
From August 1941 - Commander of the Karelian Front Air Force; I did a great job of organizing in the north of the hostilities of aviation, which, together with the Civil Air Defense, securely covered the Kirov Railway and Murmansk from the air. In June 1942 he headed the South-Western Front Air Force. In the most complex setting, he guailed the military actions of aviation near Stalingrad. At the same time, the tasks of the formation of the 8th air army, which was then under his command (June 1942 - July 1944) participated in the Battle of the Battle, the liberation of Donbass, Right Bank of Ukraine, Crimea. Since July 1944, the commander of the 1st Air Army who participated in the 3rd Belarusian Front in Batti for the liberation of Belarus, Baltic, in East Prussian and other operations. For the skillful command of the army and the heroism and courage, the second medal "Golden Star" was awarded the second medal.
After the Great Patriotic War, he was in leadership posts in the Air Force, was the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force (1946-47 and 1950-53). In 1947-50 - on the responsible team positions in the Air Force and the military air defense forces.
He was awarded the Order of Lenin, three orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Suvorov I degree, two orders of Cutuzov I degree, the orders of Bogdan Khmelnitsky I degree, Suvorov II degree, Patriotic War II degree, Red Star, Medals, as well as foreign orders.

Tsvetaev Vyacheslav Dmitrievich (1893-1950)
Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General
Born 5 (17) January 1893 in Art. Maharkhangelsk now the Oryol region.
Since 1914 in the army. Member of the 1st World War, commander of the company, then battalion, lieutenant. In the Red Army since 1918. He graduated from higher academic courses (1922) and courses for improving the highest natch, at the M. Military Academy Frunze (1927).
After the October Revolution, he passed on the side of Soviet power. In civil war, he commanded the company, battalion, regiment, brigade and the 54th rifle division in the North and Western fronts. After the war, the Kombdir of the Rifle Brigade and Division. He took part in the fight against bass quality in Central Asia. Since 1931 - Senior Lecturer at the MV Military Academy Frunze, from February 1937 he commanded the 57th Rifle Division, since September 1939 - the newly senior teacher, and from January 1941- Head of the Department at the M. V. Military Academy Frunze.
In the Great Patriotic War in 1941-42, the commander of the Troops of the 7th Army, Deputy Commander of the 4th Army, Commander of the 10th Reserve Army, from December 1942 - the 5th Shock Army. In May-September 1944 - Deputy Commander of the 1st Belarusian Front, then the commander of the 6th and 33rd armies. Troops under his command participated in Rostov, Melitopol, Nikopol-Krivoy Rog, Bereznegovato-Snigrevskaya, Odessa, Vorol-Odereck and Berlin operations. For manifested courage and dedication V.D. Tsvetaeva was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
After the war, the Deputy Committee and the Commander-in-Chief of the Southern Group of Troops. From January 1948 - Head of the M. V. Frunze Military Academy.
He was awarded two orders of Lenin, four orders of the Red Banner, three orders of Suvorov I degree, the orders of Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky I degree and medals.

Chistyakov Ivan Mikhailovich (1900-1979)
Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel-General
14 (27) of September 1900 was born in the village of Chaninsky Region, the Kashinsky region.
In the Red Army since 1918. He graduated from machine-gun school (1920), Courses "Shot" (1927 and 1930), Higher Academic Courses at the General Staff Military Academy (1949). The ordinary and assistant commander of the platoon participated in the Civil War. After the war, he commanded a platoon, rotary, battalion, was an assistant commander of the rifle regiment and the head of the 1st part of the rifle division headquarters. Since 1936, the commander of the Rifle Regiment, since 1937 - the Rifle Division, since 1939 - Assistant Commander of the Rifle Corps, since 1940, the head of the Vladivostok Infantom School, since 1941, the Commander of the Rifle Corps.
During the Great Patriotic War, he commanded the 64th Rifle Brigade on the Western, 8th Guards Rifle Division, 2nd Guards Rifle Corps in the North-West and Kalininsky fronts (1941-42). From October 1942 - Commander 21st (from April 1943 - 6th Guards) Army. He fought on Don, Voronezh, 2nd and 1st Baltic fronts. Troops under the command of Chistyakov participated in the battle near Moscow, in the Stalingrad and Kursk battles, in the defeat of the Nevelsky grouping of the enemy, in the Belarusian, Siaulyan, Riga, Memel operations and in the elimination of the Kurneda group of the enemy. For the skillful command of the army and the courage and heroism of I.M. Chistolyakov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. In combat actions against the Japanese troops in the Far East, the 25th Army commanded.
After the war on command positions in the troops, since 1954 - the first deputy commander of the Troops of the Transcaucasian Military District, since 1957 - in the General inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Since 1968 retired. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 2nd and 4th convivations,
He was awarded the two orders of Lenin, five orders of the Red Banner, two orders of Suvorov I degree, two Orders of Cutuzov I degree, the Order of Suvorov II degree and medals, as well as foreign orders and medals.

Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich (1900-1982)
Double Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union
Born on January 31 (February 12) 1900 in the village of Silver Ponds (now the village of urban type) of the Moscow region.
In 1917 he served Jung in the detachment of miners in Kronstadt, in 1918 he participated in the suppression of the counter-revolutionary rebellion of the left speech in Moscow. During the civil war, he was an assistant commander of the company PA South Front, from November 1918 - Assistant Commander, and from May of the year - commander of the regiment on the eastern and Western fronts; Participated in battles against the White Guards and Belopolds, for courage and heroism was awarded two orders of the Red Banner.
He graduated from military instructor courses in Moscow (1918), MV Military Academy Frunze (1925), the East Faculty of the same Academy (1927) and academic courses at the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Republic of Redek (1936), since 1927 - a military adviser in China, in 1929-32 - Head of the headquarters department of a special Red Banner Far Eastern Army. Since September 1932 - Head of the Improvement courses by Nachsostav, from December 1936 - the commander of the mechanized team, from April 1938 - the 5th Rifle Corps, from July 1938 - the commander of the Bobruisk Group of Forces in the Belarusian Special Military District, then the 4th Army who participated in the liberation campaign to Western Belarus. During the Soviet-Finnish war, he commanded the 9th Army. From December 1940 to March 1942 - Military Attache in China.
In the period of the Great Patriotic War from 1942 - in the current army in the Stalingrad, Donskoy, South-Western, 3rd Ukrainian and 1st Belarusian fronts. From May 1942, he commanded the 1st reserve army (from July - 64th), then the operational group of the 64th Army, which led active fighting against the German fascist grouping of troops, broken in the area of \u200b\u200bKotelnikovsky. From September 1942 to the end of the war (with a break in October-November 1943) - Commander of the 62nd Army (from April 1943 - 8th Guards), held with battles from Stalingrad to Berlin.
In fierce battles for Stalingrad with a special force, Military talent was manifested by V.I. Chuikova, who developed and creatively used a variety of ways and techniques of hostilities in the city. After the Stalingrad Battle of the Army's troops under the command of Chuikov, he participated in the Raisin-Barvenkovskaya, Donbass, Nikopol-Krivozhskaya, Bereznegovato-Spegievskaya and other operations, in the forcing of the Sevrsky Donets and Dnieper, Night Sturma Zaporozhye, the liberation of Odessa. In July-August 1944, the army in the course of the Lublin-Brest operation forced the West Bug river, then forcing the Vistula, took possession of Magnushevsky bridgehead. In the Visul-Oder operation, the troops of the 8th Guards Army participated in the breakthrough of deeply echelonized defense of the enemy, liberated the cities of Lodz and Poznan, and then captured the bridgeheads on the West Bank of Oder. In the Berlin operation of 1945, acting on the main direction of the 1st Belorussian Front, the army broke through the enemy's strong defense at the Zelovsky altitudes and successfully led the fighting for Berlin. The troops who were commanded by Chuikov, for the differences in the battles during the Great Patriotic War, were noted 17 times in the orders of the Supreme Commander. For the skillful management of them and the heroism and dedication of V.I. Chuikov was twice awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
After the war, the Deputy, the 1st Deputy Commander-in-Chief (1945-49) and the Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Forces Group in Germany (1949-53), and at the same time from March to November 1949 he was the main-private Soviet Military Administration in Germany, and from November 1949 - Chairman Soviet Control Commission in Germany. Since May 1953, the commander of the Kiev Military District, the commander-in-chief of the Ground Forces and Deputy Minister of Defense, and from July 1961 - the head of the USSR Civil Defense since June 1964 - the head of the USSR Civil Defense. From 1972 - in the group of general inspectors of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. Since 1961, a member of the CPSU Central Committee. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 2-10th convocation. Buried in Volgograd at Mamaev Kurgan.
He was awarded the nine orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the four orders of the Red Banner, three orders of Suvorov I degree, the Order of the Red Star, Medals, Foreign Order and Medals, as well as Honorary Weapons.

Shumilov Mikhail Stepanovich (1895-1975)
Hero of the Soviet Union, General Colonel
5 (17) of November 1895 was born in the village of Verzhatsyanskoye now Shadrinsky district of the Kurgan region.
Member of the 1st World War, ensign. In the Red Army since 1918. Fucked with White Guards on the Eastern and South Fronts, commanded a platoon, mouth, regiment. He graduated from command-political courses (1924), Courses "Shot" (1929), Higher Academic Courses at the General Staff Military Academy (1948), Chuguev Military School (1916). After the Civil War - the regiment commander, then division and corps, participated in the liberation campaign to Western Belarus (1939) and the Soviet-Finnish War.
In the Great Patriotic War - the commander of the Rifle Corps, Deputy Commander of the 55th and 21st Arms on the Leningrad and South-Western Fronts (1941-42), from August 1942 and until the end of the war - the commander of the 64th Army (transformed in March 1943 in the 7th Guards), which operated as part of the Stalingrad, Don, Voronezh, Steppe and 2nd Ukrainian Fronts. Troops under the command of M.S. Schumilova participated in the defense of Leningrad, in battles in the area of \u200b\u200bKharkov, heroically fought under Stalingrad and together with the 62nd army in the city itself, defended him from the enemy, participated in battles near Kursk and for the Dnieper, in Kirovograd, Umansky-Botoshanskaya, Chisinau, Budapest, Bratislavsko-Brnovsk operations; Released Romania, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. For excellent combat actions, the army's troops were noted 16 times in the orders of the Supreme Chief. For the skillful leadership of military actions in operations and the heroism of M.S. Shumilov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
After the war, the commander of the troops of Belomorsky (1948-49) and Voronezh (1949-55) of military districts. In 1956-58 - retired; Since 1958 - in the general inspectors group of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 3rd and 4th convocation. Buried in Volgograd at Mamaev Kurgan.
He was awarded three orders of Lenin, four orders of the Red Banner, two orders of Suvorov I degree, the orders of Cutuzov I degree, the Red Star, "For the service of the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, medals, as well as foreign orders and medals.

War is always a cruel test, she does not spare anyone, even the generals and marshals. Each commander during the fighting is running and falling, each has its own fate. As one American president rightly noted, the war is a dangerous place. Statistics of deaths of high-ranking officers during the fighting of World War II visual confirmation of this.

If the military fate and losses of the Red Army general, in the course of the Great Patriotic War in recent years, quite a lot written, then about their German "visa" those who died on the eastern front know where how less. At least, books or articles published in Russian, on the topic made in the title, the authors do not know. Therefore, we hope that our work will be useful for readers interested in the history of the Great Patriotic War.

Before proceeding directly to the narrative, you need to make a small note. In the German army, the practice of posthumous assignment of general ranks was common. Such cases are not considered and we will be discussed solely on the persons who had the general title at the time of their death. So, proceed.

1941 year

The first German general killed on the Eastern Front, became the commander of the 121st East Prussian Infantry Division, Major General Otto Lancelle (Otto Lancelle), who died on July 3, 1941. East of Kraslava.

In the Soviet Military Literature, various information was given about the circumstances of the death of this general, including a version of involvement in this episode of Soviet partisans. In fact, Lanzello became a victim of a rather typical of the offensive case. Here is an excerpt from the history of the 121st Infantry Division: " When the main forces of the 407th Infantry Regiment reached a forest massif, General Lanzello left his command post. Together with the officer of the division headquarters, he went to the KP of the 407th regiment. After reaching the advanced divisions of the battalion, the coming left of the road, the general did not pay attention that the right battalion was lagging behind ... Red Army launched before this battalion have suddenly appeared from the rear. In the nearest night battle, the general was killed ...».

On July 20, 1941, the executing position of the commander of the 17th tank division Major Carl Von Weber (Karl Ritter Von Weber) died in the field hospital. He was on the eve of the wounded in the artworks of the fragments of the Soviet projectile in the area of \u200b\u200bSmolensk.

On August 10, 1941, the first general of the SS troops was killed on the Soviet-German front, the MOP and Lieutenant-General Police, the commander of the SS police department Arthur Mulvershtedt (Arthur MulverSted).

The division commander was at the forefront, during a breakthrough parts of his division of the Luzhsky defensive border. This is how the death of the general is described on the pages of the Divisional Chronicles: " The enemy fire paralyzed the attack, she lost his strength, she threatened a complete stop. General instantly appreciated the situation. He rose to resume promotion with a personal example. "Forward guys!" In such a situation, anyway, who will show an example. The main thing is that one fascinates the other, almost as the law of nature. May raise the arrow in the attack Lieutenant, and maybe a whole battalion is a general. In the attack, forward! The general looked around and ordered the nearest machine-gun calculation: "We stick to that Elnika from side by side!". A machine gunner gave a long queue in the direction of the direction, and General Mulvershtedt again moved forward, into a small hollow, overgrown with a olhov shrub. There he got on his knee to look better. His adjutant, Lieutenant Rymer lay on Earth, changing the store in a gun-gun. Nearby changed the position of the mortar calculation. General jumped up his team "Forward!". At this moment, the explosion of the projectile threw the general to the ground, the fragments struck the chest ...

Officer and three soldiers delivered toIljishe. PROROGE . There was organized the dressing point of the 2nd sanitary company under the leadership of the senior doctor of Dr. Ott. When the soldiers delivered their cargo, the only thing that could do doctors - to state the death of the division commander».

According to some data, the foundation of the general directly in the combat order of infantry was caused by dissatisfaction with the higher command not too successful actions of the Division.

A few days after Mulvershtedta, August 13, the explosion of Soviet anti-tank mines put a final point in the quarry of the commander of the 31st Infantry Division of General Major Kurt Kalmukov (Kurt Kalmukoff). He, along with his adjutant, blew up in a passenger car during a trip to the forefront.

Colonel-General Eugene Ritter Von Schobert, Commander of the 11th German Field Army, became the highest ranking officer of the Wehrmacht, who died on the Soviet-German front in 1941. He fell fate to become the first German commander of the army who died in World War II.

On September 12, Schobert flew on the coherent "physilar-curtaine" Fi156 from the 7th courier squad (Kurierst. 7), driven by the pilot of the Captain Suvelak, for one of the divisional command items. For an unknown reason, the plane landed, not affiliated to the destination. It is possible that in the way the car received battle damage. The plant for "physiwork" (with factory No. 5287) turned out to be a Soviet mine field near Dmitrievka, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe road Kakhovka - Antonovka. The pilot and his high-ranking passenger died.

It is curious that in Soviet times, a heroic story was written by T.S. "Motibus" of this event. According to his plot, the German general observed, as his subordinates forced the Soviet prisoners to deminate the minefield. At the same time, the prisoner was announced that the general lost his watch in this field. One of those who participated in demining captive sailors with just a little-shot in his hands came to the surprised Germans with a message that the clock was allegedly found. And, approaching, blew himself and enemies. However, it may be that the source of inspiration for the author of this work was completely different.

On September 29, 1941, he was injured by Lieutenant-General Rudolf Krantz (Rudolf Krantz), commander of the 454th Security Division. On October 22 of the same year, he died in the hospital of Dresden.

On October 28, 1941, on the road Valki - Kovagi (Kharkov district) exploded on the anti-tank minister of Lieutenant General Erich Bernecker (Erich Bernecker), commander of the 124th artillery command. When undermining, General - the artilleryman received a fatal injury and died on the same day.

In the early morning of November 14, 1941, together with the mansion on Dzerzhinsky Street 17 in Kharkov, Lieutenant-General Georg Braun (Georg Braun), the commander of the 68th Infantry Division took place. It worked for a radio-controlled Fugas, laid by mineraters from the operative engineering group of Colonel I.G. Starinov in preparation for the evacuation of the city. Although by this time the enemy has already learned more or less successfully to fight with the Soviet special equipment, but in this case, German sappers stole. Together with the general, under the rubble, two officers of the headquarters of the 68th division and "almost all of the writer" were killed (or rather 4 Unters and 6 ordinary), as the entry in the German documents. In total, 13 people died in the explosion, and, in addition, the head of the division intelligence department, translator and Feldfelbel received heavy wounds.

The Germans, without any proceedings, heated opposite the place of the explosion seven first citizens who fell under the armor, and in the evening of November 14, the explosions of the Radio-controlled Fugasov had taken hostages from among the local population from the number of Kharkov. Of these, 50 people were shot on the same day, and another 1000 should have paid their lives in the event of a repetition of sabotage.

The death of General Dama Curt Month Brizen (Kurt Von Briesen), the commander of the 52nd Army Corps, opened the account of the losses of the Soviet aviation senior officers from the actions of Soviet aviation. On November 20, 1941, at about noon, the general went to a small ribbon to put the task of his subordinate parts for mastering the city of Raisin. At that moment a couple of Soviet aircraft appeared above the road. Pilots attacked very competently, planning with engines working on small gas. The goal fire was opened from a height of no more than 50 meters. The Germans who were sitting in the general car found a danger only on the root of newly earned at the full capacity of motors and whistle of fluttering bullets. The two officers accompanying the general managed to jump out of the car, one of them was wounded. The chauffeur remained unharmed at all. But the background of Brizen received as many as twelve bullet wounds in the chest, which died on the spot.

Who was the author of this queue label, is unknown. It should be noted that according to the operational report of the South-West Front Air Force, on November 20, our aviation, due to bad weather, operated limited. Nevertheless, parts of the Air Force of the 6th Army, who operated just above the district of the death of Bizenne, reported on the destruction, during the assaults of the enemy's troops moving along the roads, five cars.

Interestingly, the father of the deceased Bizenne von, Alfred, was also a general and also found his death on the Eastern Front in 1914.

On December 8, 1941, the Commander of the 295th Infantry Division, Lieutenant Gerbert Geitner, was injured under Artemovsky (Herbert Geitner). The general was evacuated with an advanced, but the wound turned out to be fatal, and he died on January 22, 1942 in the hospital in Germany.

The death of Lieutenant General Conrad Cochenhausen, the commander of the 134th Infantry Division, was very unusual for the Wehrmacht "Sample 1941". The general division, together with the 45th Infantry Division, was surrounded by parts of the south-western front in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Yelets. The Germans had to breed from the resulting "boiler" to the connection with the other parts of their army. Cohenhausen could not stand the nervous tension and December 13, considering the situation with hopeless, shot himself.

Most likely, such a tragic outcome was predetermined by the characteristics of the nature of the general. That's what I wrote about this: " Already when, on September 30, 1941, I met Lieutenant-General Background Cohenhausen, he was very pessimistically responded about the general military situation on the Eastern Front" Of course, the environment is a thing not from pleasant and losses of the Germans were great. We do not know exactly the losses of the 134th division, but her "neighbor", the 45th Infantry Division, lost from 5 to 17 years over a thousand people, including 233 killed and 232 missing. Veliki were and losses in the material part. Only the lung field warmness of the 45th division was left when retreat 22 pieces. But, in the end, the Germans still managed to break through.

The remaining shiphut divisions in the central section of the Soviet-German front fell into similar situations more than once and not two. Losses were also very significant. But their comes of coolness, nevertheless, did not lose. How not to remember the folk wisdom - "all diseases from nerves".

The penultimate General of Wehrmacht, who died on the Eastern Front in 1941, became the commander of the 137th Infantry Division Lieutenant-General Friedrich Bergman (Friedrich Bergmann). Division lost commander on December 21 during the Kaluga operation of the Western Front. Trying to remember the release of the mobile group of the 50th Soviet Army at Kaluga, parts of the 137th division took a number of counterattacks. General Bergman arrived at the team point of the 2nd battalion of the 449th Infantry Regiment, located in the forest north of the village of Savka (in 25 kilometers southeast Kaluga). Trying to personally appreciate the situation on the battlefield, Bergman moved along with a battalion reserve to the edge of the forest. In the Germans immediately opened the fire Soviet tanks that supported their infantry. One of the machine-gun queues was mortally wounded by the general.

Latest in 1941 (December 27), the commander of the 1st Motorized SS Brigade, Brigadefürer SS, and Major General Major General Richard Hermann (Richard Hermann) died in battle. This is how this episode is reflected in the magazine of hostilities of the 2nd Field Army: " 12.27.1941. From the very early morning, the opponent with force of up to two reinforced rifle regiments, with artillery and 3-4 squadrons of cavalry, began an offensive to the south through Alexandrovskoye and works. By noon, he managed to move to high and break into the settlement. Major General Major General Herman».

Two more episodes should be mentioned directly related to the theme affected in this article. In a number of publications, information on the death of October 9, 1941 is given on the Soviet-German front of the Soviet-General of the 38th Army Corps of Erich Barcha (Erich Bartsch). However, Dr. Barch, who died from the undermining on Mine, at the time of his death the title of a wubber veterinarian, i.e. It does not have a relationship to purely general losses.

In some sources of the SS brigadefuer and Major General of the Police, the commander of the 2nd police regiment SS Hans Christian Schulze is considered. In fact, Schulz was a colonel as at the time of his injury under Gatchina on September 9, 1941, and at the time of death on September 13.

So, summarize. In 1941, twelve generals of Wehrmacht and SS were killed on the Soviet-German front (counting and deceased in 1942. The commander of the 295th Infantry Division), and another general committed suicide.

German generals who died on the Soviet-German front in 1941

Name, title


Cause of death

major General Otto Lanzello

Commander 121st PD

Killed in the near battle

major General Carl Von Weber

i.D. Commander

Artillery fire

lieutenant General Police Arthur Mulvershtedt

Commander MD SS "Polyzay"

Artillery fire

major General Kurt Kalmukov

Commander 31st PD

Undermining on Mine

colonel-General Eugene von Scheret

Commander of the 11th Army

Undermining on Mine

lieutenant-General Rudolf Krantz

Commander of the 454th Security Division

Not installed

lieutenant-General Erich Bernecher

Commander of the 124th Art. Command

Undermining on Mine

lieutenant-General Georg Brown

Commander 68th PD

Diversion (undermining radioofugas)

general Infantry Kurt von Brizen

Commander of the 52nd AK

Aviation Flap

lieutenant-General Herbert Gaitner

Commander 295th PD

Not installed

lieutenant General Konrad Cochenezen Background

Commander 134th PD


lieutenant-General Friedrich Bergmann

Commander 137th PD

Tank machine

major Major General Richard Hermann

Commander 1st ICBM SS

Killed in the near battle

1942 year

In the new 1942, bloody fights, in the end, who swept the entire Eastern Front, could not but give and as a result they gave a steady growth of irretrievable losses among the senior guidelines.

True, the first loss in the second year of war on the Soviet-German front, the Goshrmacht general structure suffered on the nearee reason. On January 18, 1942, Lieutenant-General Georg Georg Hewelke, Commander of the 339th Infantry Division, was died in Bryansk from infarct.

We are now going to the southernmost plot of the Soviet-German front, in Crimea. On the variety, connecting the Kerch peninsula with the rest of the Crimea, there are stubborn battles. The combat ships of the Black Sea Fleet are available for the land forces of the Red Army.

On the night of March 21, 1942, the Linear ship "Paris Commune" and the leader "Tashkent", maneuvering in the Feodosi Gulf, fired the accumulations of the enemy's troops in Vladislavovka and Novo-Mikhailovka. The linear ship has released 131 the main caliber projectile, the leader - 120. According to the chronicles of the 46th infantry division, parts located in Vladislavovka suffered serious losses. Among the seriously edged, the division commander, Lieutenant-General Kurt Gimer (Kurt Himer). In the hospital, he was amputated to his leg, but the life of the general German did not succeed. On April 4, 1942, he died in a 2/610 military climbing in Simferopol.

On March 22, Soviet pilots achieved a new success. Under the airline on the command post in the village of Mikhaylovka, the commander of the 294th Infantry Division Lieutenant General Otto Gabke (Otto Gabcke) was killed. This is what the author of the book about the 294th division Stefan Heinzel said about this episode: " In the village of Village, Mikhailovka was located a team point of the division. In 13.55 two so-called "rates" Four bombs dropped on a shaking flight. Together with General Gabke killed Major Yarosh Foundation Swordler, two Feldfel, one senior corner and one efreitor" Interestingly, Major Yarosh, the bombardment, Major Yarosh, the Swedler, was the head of the headquarters of the neighboring 79th infantry division, temporarily seconded to the headquarters of the 294th.

On March 23, 1942, the head of "AinzattzGroup A" completed his bloody path, head of the Police of the Order and Security Service of Reichskisariat "Ostlata" Walter Chapecker (Walter Stahletcker). If the biography of the SS brigadephuer and major major general is quite well known, the circumstances of his death are quite contradictory. The most believable version is that the brigadefuer was seriously injured in battle with Soviet partisans, heading the detachment of Latvian policemen, and died during transportation in the rear hospital. But at the same time, the area indicated in all sources without exception, in which a combat clash with partisans - Krasnogvardeisk occurred, looks very dubious.

Krasnogvardeisk in March 1942 is the front-line zone of the 18th Army, precipitated Leningrad, occasionally fearing under the shells of Soviet railway artillery. It is unlikely that partisans could lead open battle with the Germans. Chances to survive for them in such a battle were close to zero. Most likely, Krasnogvardeisk - more or less conditional clause (like "Ryazan, which near Moscow"), to which the events are "tied", and in reality everything happened much further from the front line. There is no clarity and the date of the battle, in which the stacker was injured. There is an assumption that he occurred several earlier on March 23.

In the introductory part of the article, the principle was extended - not to include in the list of losses of officers who received the general title posthumously. However, in common thinking, we decided to make several deviations from this principle. We are justified by the fact that the officers mentioned in these retreats were not only posthumously produced into the general title, and, and this is the main thing, at the time of death, the general posts of divisional commanders occupied.

The first exception will be Colonel Bruno Hippler (Bruno Hippler), commander of the 329th Infantry Division.

So, the 329th Infantry Division, in the recent days of February 1942, a defendant on the Eastern Front from Germany, took part in the "Brykenschlag" operation, the result of which should be a Deblocade surrounded by the Six divisions of the 16th Army of the Wehrmacht.

At dusk on March 23, 1942, the division commander Colonel Hippler, accompanied by an adjutant, drove on the tank for reconnaissance. After a while the crew of the car radished: " The tank appeared for mine. Russians are already near. Rather at the helpb ". After that, the connection was interrupted. Since, exactly the place was not indicated, then the search for the next day remains unsuccessful. Only on March 25, the enhanced interlock found a undermined tank, the body of the division commander and its satellites on one of the forest roads. Colonel Hippler, his adjutant and the crew of the tank, for all visibility died in a near battle.

Another "non-secrecy" general, but the Wehrmacht commanded division lost March 31, 1942. True, this time Colonel Karl Fisher (Karl Fischer), the commander of the 267th Infantry Division, was not died from the Soviet bullet, but died of a rapid typhus.

On April 7, 1942, the West Village of the Glushchaza, the talent shot of the Soviet Sniper set the final point in the quander of the Colonel Franz Shaudise (Franz Scheidies), the commander of the 61st Infantry Division. Shadiz joined the command of division only on March 27, heading the "national team" from various parts and units reflecting the attacks of the Red Army north of the miracle.

On April 14, 1942, the commander of the 31st Infantry Division, General Major Geerhard Bertold, was killed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Korolev (Gerhard Berthold). Apparently, the general personally led the attack of the 3rd battalion of the 17th Infantry Regiment to Soviet positions at the Zaitsevaya Mountain on the Yukhnov Highway - Roslavl.

On April 28, 1942, the commander of the 127th Artillery Command General Major Friedrich Cammel was shot at the village of Parkkin (Friedrich Kammel). This is the only German general who died in Northern Finland during the Great Patriotic War. The reason for his suicide is not known to us.

The beginning of the summer campaign of 1942 was marked how they love to write the Germans, the "spectacular" success of the Soviet anti-aircraft workers. As a result, the first general Luftwaffe died in the Soviet-German front.

So, in order. On May 12, 1942, the Soviet anti-aircraft artillery in the Kharkov region was shot down by the German transport aircraft "Junkers-52" from the composition of the 300th transport group. Survivors and captured Feldfeld Leopold Stefan at the interrogation reported that four members of the crew were on board the aircraft, ten passengers and mail. The car lost orientation and was shot down. However, the Penal Feldfebel at the interrogation did not mention a very essential detail - among the passengers there was a whole German general. It was the commander of the 6th Building Brigade of Luftwaffe General Major Walter Helling (Walter Heling). It should be noted that since Feldwebel Stefan could be saved, then Heling could well become the first general of Wehrmacht, who was captured.

On July 12, 1942, the habit of using the benefits of the flight on the aircraft of the Communication was crystally ended for one General Wehrmacht. On this day, the chief of staff of the 4th tank army, Major General Julius Von Bernut (Julius Von Bernuth) on the aircraft "Physilar-Curtain" flew into the headquarters of the 40th Tank Corps. It was assumed that the flight would pass over the territory that is not controlled by Soviet troops. However, the stork never flew to the destination. Only on July 14, the search group of the 79th Infantry Division found in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village the preserved broken car, as well as the Body of General and Pilot. Apparently, the plane was lit down with the earth and made a forced landing. The passenger and pilot were killed in a shootout.

During the summer campaign of 1942, heavy battles walked not only on the southern flank of a huge Soviet-German front. The troops of the Western and Kalininsky fronts tried to knock out from the hands of the Wehrmacht "Pistol, close to the heart of Russia" - Rzhev-Vyazemsky ledge. The fighting on it quickly accepted the nature of bloody battles within the line of defense, and therefore fast and deep breakthroughs, leading to a violation of the enemy management system and, as a result, the losses among the highest command formulation, these operations did not differ. Therefore, among the losses of German generals in 1942, only one who died in the central section of the front was listed. This is the commander of the 129th Infantry Division Lieutenant-General Stephen Rittau (Stephan Rittau).

This is how Komdiv's death is described on August 22, 1942 in the Division chronicle: " At 10.00, the commander of the 129th PD, accompanied by an adjutant on the all-terrain vehicle, went to the KP of the 427th Infantry Regiment, located in the forest between Tobacco and Markovo. From there, the division commander intended to personally reconnect the battlefield. However, after 15 minutes, a connected-motorcyclist arrived at the CP division, which was reported that the division commander, Lieutenant-General Rittau, his adjutant, Dr. Marshner and the driver were killed. Their all-terrain truck received a direct hit of an artillery projectile on the southern road from Martynovo».

On August 26, 1942, another General of Wehrmacht replenished a list of losses, this time again on the southern flank of the Soviet-German Front. On this day, the commander of the 23rd Tank Division, Major Erwin Mac (Erwin Mack), with a small operational group, drove into front of the division, reflecting the fierce attacks of Soviet troops. Further events, are reflected in the dry rows of the "Combat Magazine" 23rd TD: " At 08.30, the commander of the Division arrived on the team point of the 2nd battalion of the 128th motorway regiment, located in the collective farm. He wanted to personally figure out the situation in the Uranian bridgehead. Soon after the start of the discussion, a mortar mine broke in the middle of the participants. Division commander, commander of the 2nd battalion Major von Ungher, adjutant 128th regiment Captain Count von Hagen and accompanied Comda Ober Lieutenant von Puttkamer received fatal injuries. They died in place or on the way to Lazaret. Miraculously survived the commander of the 128th shelf Colonel Bakhmann, who received only a slight injury» .

On August 27, 1942, a medical service General Dr. Walter Hanspakh (Dr. Walter Hanspach) of the 14th Tank Corps was in the lists of permanent losses. True, while we did not find information, as under no circumstances did this German general died.

The authors who have grown on the Soviet military-patriotic literature and cinema, have repeatedly read and watched the Soviet military intelligence officers penetrated the enemy's rear, arranged an ambush, and then successfully destroyed the German general in the car. It would seem like this plots just the fruit of the activities of a sophisticated writer mind, but in the reality of war such episodes were indeed, although of course there were not many of them. During the battle of the Caucasus, in such an ambush, our fighters managed to destroy the commander and headquarters of the 198th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht.

On September 6, 1942, about noon on the road leading to the northeast of the village of Kuiskaya in Saratov, drove the passenger car "Opel" with the commander flag on the hood. The car was the commander of the 198th PD Lieutenant General Albert Beech (Albert Buck), Chief of the Division Staff Major Boule and Chauffeur. At the entrance to the bridge, the car slowed down. At that moment, the explosions of two anti-tank grenades were heard. The general was killed on the spot, the major was thrown out of the car, and the heavily edged driver turned "Opel" in the ditch. The construction company soldiers who worked on the bridge heard explosions and shots, were able to promptly organized the persecution of Soviet intelligence officers and were able to capture several of them. From the prisoners it became known that the reconnaissance-sabotage group consisted of a military personnel of the intelligence and mortar mouth of the 723th rifle regiment. Scouts arranged an ambush, taking advantage of the fact that a thick shrub in this place was approached by the road itself.

On September 8, 1942, the Losses of Wehrmacht's losses replenished General Medical Service from the 40th Tank Corps Dr. Scholl (Dr. Scholl). September 23, 1942, in the same lists, Major General Ulrich Schutze (Ulrich Schutze), commander of the 144th Artillery Command. As in the case of General Medica Hanshpach, we have not yet been able to find information under what circumstances these two generals died.

On October 5, 1942, the command of the Wehrmacht issued the official message in which it was said: " On October 3, 1942, on the front line of the front on the Don River, the commander of the Tank Corps, General Tank Forces, Baron Langermann Und Erlencapm, Kavitar Knight's Cross with oak leaves. Colonel Nagi, the commander of one of the Hungarian divisions killed her shoulder with him. They fell in battles for freedom of Europe" The report was about the commander of the 24th Tank Corps, General Willibald Langermanne Und Erlencamp (Willibald Freiherr Von Langermann Und Erlencamp). The general fell under the fire of Soviet artillery when traveling to the front line at Storozhevsky on the Don.

In early October 1942, the German command decided to bring the 96th Infantry Division to the reserve of the North Army Group. Division commander, Lieutenant-General Baron Yochim Von Schleinitz (Joachim Von Schleinitz), to obtain the appropriate orders, drove to the command post. On the night of October 5, 1942, an accident occurred on the way back to the division. The commander of the division and accompanying his Ober-Lieutenant Koh killed in a car accident.

On November 19, 1942, the hurricane fire of Soviet artillery announced the beginning of the winter onset of the Red Army and the rapid fracture during the war. With regard to the topic of our article, it should be said that it was then that the first German generals missing. The first of them was Major General Rudolf Moletz (Rudolf Morawetz), head of the forward camp for prisoners of war # 151. He disappeared on November 23, 1942 in the Chir Station area and opened a list of the losses of German generals during the winter campaign of 1942-1943.

On December 22, 1942, the Promirmary of the 62nd Infantry Division General Major Richard-Heinrich von Reuss was killed in the Brikhard-Heinrich von Reuss. The general tried to slip through the columns of the Soviet troops, rushing into the rear of the enemy after the breakthrough of German positions during the operation "Small Saturn".

It is noteworthy that 1942, which began with a heart attack by General Geverke, ended with a heart attack from another German comgon. On December 22, 1942, Major General Viktor Koch died (Viktor Koch), the commander of the 323rd infantry division, which was engaged in the defense in the Voronezh district. In a number of sources, it is argued that Koch was killed in battle.

On December 29, 1942, he committed suicide General Medical Service Dr. Josef Ebbert (Josef Ebbert), Corpsist of the 29th Army Corps.

Thus, in 1942, the losses among the German generals amounted to 23 people. Of them, 16 people died in battle (counting two colonels - commanders of divisions, which the general title was assigned to posthumously: Hipplera and Shadesa). Interestingly, the number of killed in the battle of German generals in 1942 was only a little more than in 1941. Although the duration of hostilities increased twice.

The rest of the irrevocable losses of the generals occurred in stable reasons: one person died as a result of an accident, two - finished with him, three - died as a result of the disease, one - disappeared.

German generals who died on the Soviet-German front in 1942

Name, title


Cause of death

lieutenant-General Georg Geverke

Commander 339th PD

Died from the disease

lieutenant General Kurt Gimer

Commander 46th PD

Artillery fire

lieutenant-General Otto Gabake

Commander 294th PD

Aviation Flap

major Major Police Walter Chapecker

Head of the Police of Procedure and Security Service Reichskisariat "Ostlata"

Middle battle with partisans

colonel (posthumously Major General) Bruno Hippleller

Commander 329th PD

Middle Boy

colonel (posthumously Major General) Karl Fisher

Commander 267th PD

Died from the disease

colonel (posthumously Major General) Franz Shaydies

Commander 61st PD

Killed sniper

major General Gerhard Bertold

Commander 31st PD

Not installed

major General Friedrich Cammel

Commander of the 127th Art. Command


major General Walter Helling

Commander of the 6th Construction Brigade of Luftwaffe

Died in a shot of the plane

major General Julius von Bernut

Head of the 4th Tank Army

Killed in the near battle

lieutenant-General Stephen Rittau

Commander 129th PD

Artillery fire

major General Erwin Mac

Commander 23rd TD

Mortar fire

general Medical Service Dr. Walter Hanespakh

Cabinet of the 14th Tank Corps

Not installed

lieutenant-General Albert Beech

Commander 198th PD

Killed in the near battle

general Medical Service Dr. Scholly

Cabinet of the 40th Tank Corps

Not installed

major General Ulrich Shutez

Commander of the 144th Art. Command

Not installed

general Willibald Langermann Und Erlenkamp

Commander of the 24th Tank Corps

Artillery fire

lieutenant Lieutenant Baron Layman

Commander 96th PD

Died in a car accident

major General Rudolf Moletts

Head of the forward camp for prisoners of war №151


major General Richard Heinrich von Rostuss

Commander 62nd PD

Not installed

major General Victor Koh

Commander 323rd PD

Died from the disease

general Medical Service Dr. Josef Ebbert

Corpsist of the 29th Army Corps


As we see, in 1942, there were no prisoners among German generals. But everything will change dramatically in just a month, at the end of January 1943, in Stalingrad.


Of course, the most important event of the third year of the war was the capitulation of the German 6th Field Army in Stalingrad and passing her command led by Field Marshal Paulus. But, besides them, in 1943, a "Russian steam rink" fell and quite a few other senior German officers who are little known to lovers of military history.

Although losses in 1943, the Wehrmacht general began to carry before the final of the Stalingrad battle, but we will start with it, or rather from a long list of captive senior officers of the 6th Army. This list for convenience is presented in chronological order as a table.

German generals captured in Stalingrad in January-February 1943

Date of captivity

Title, name


lieutenant-General Hans-Heinrich Sikst Background Armin (Hans-Heinrich Sixt Von Armin)

Commander of the 113rd Infantry Division

major General Moritz von Drebber (Moritz Von Drebber)

Commander of the 297th Infantry Division

lieutenant-General Henrich-Anton Debua (Heinrich-Anton DeBoi)

Commander of the 44th Infantry Division

major General Professor Dr. Renoldi (Otto Renoldi)

Head of Medical Service of the 6th Field Army

lieutenant-General Helmut Schlomer (Helmuth Schlomer)

Commander of the 14th Tank Corps

lieutenant-General Alexander Baron Von Daniels (Alexander EDler Von Daniels)

Commander of the 376th Infantry Division

major General Hans Woolts (Hans Wulz)

Commander of the 144th Artillery Command

lieutenant-General Werner Zanne (Werner Sanne)

Commander of the 100th Hsenther (Light Infantry) Division

feldmarshal General Paullus (Friedrich Paulus)

Commander of the 6th Field Army

lieutenant-General Arthur Schmidt (Arthur Schmidt)

Head of the 6th Field Army

general artillery Max Pfeffer (Max Pfeffer)

Commander of the 4th Army Corps

general artillery Walter von Zeidlitz Kursbach (Walther von Seydlitz-Kurzbach)

Commander of the 51st Army Corps

major General Ulrich Vasol (Ulrich Vassoll)

Commander of the 153rd Artillery Command

major General Hans-Georg Leyser (Hans-Georg Leyser)

Commander of the 29th Motorized Division

major General Dr. Otto Korfes (Otto Korfes)

Commander of the 295th Infantry Division

lieutenant-General Karl Rodenburg (Carl Rodenburg)

Commander of the 76th Infantry Division

major General Fritz Poska (Fritz Roske)

Commander of the 71st Infantry Division

colonel-General Walter Hatez (Walter Heitz)

Commander of the 8th Army Corps

major General Martin Lattman (Martin Lattmann)

Commander of the 14th Tank Division

major General Erich Magnus (Erich Magnus)

Commander of the 389th Infantry Division

colonel-General Carl Streker (Karl Strecker)

Commander of the 11th Army Corps

lieutenant-General Arno Background Lenski (ARNO VON LENSKI)

Commander of the 24th Tank Division

This table needs to make one note. The German bureaucracy seems to have sought to do everything to make the life of future researchers and military historians as difficulty. Examples of those belonging to numbers. Stalingrad in this regard did not exception. According to some reports, the commander of the 60th Motorized Division Major General Hans Adolf Von Arenstorff (Hans-Adolf Von Arenstorff) became the general in October 1943, i.e. Already after half a year spent in the Soviet captivity. But that's not all. The general title was assigned to him from January 1, 1943 (the practice of assigning the title "In the back" was not so rare in the Germans). So it turns out that in February 1943 we were captive by 22 German generals, and after six months there were one more!

Surrounded in Stalingrad, the German group lost its generals not only by prisoners. A few more top officers died in the "boiler" under different circumstances.

On January 26, the South River Tsarina died commander of the 71st Infantry Division Lieutenant-General Alexander Von Hatmann (Alexander Von Hartmann). According to some reports, the general deliberately looking for his death - rose to the railway mound and began to shoot a rifle in the direction of the positions occupied by the Soviet troops.

On the same day, the death of Lieutenant General Richard Stamp (Richard Stempel), who commanded the 371st infantry division. February 2, a list of irrevocable losses replenished the commander of the 16th Tank Division Lieutenant General Gunter Angern (Gunter Angern). Both general committed the life of suicide, not wanting to give up.

Now from the Grand Battle of the Volga will still be back to the chronological presentation of the events of the Winter Campaign of the Third War Year.

The molded by Mor was attacked in January 1943 on the commanders of the 24th Tank Corps, when the part of the body fell under the blow of the upcoming Soviet compounds, during the Ostrogozhsko-Rossoshansky operation of the troops of the Voronezh Front.

On January 14, at his command post in the area of \u200b\u200bSotnitskaya, the Lieutenant General Martin Vandel (Martin Wandel) was killed. The commander of the 387th Infantry Division of Lieutenant General Arno Jaar (ARNO JAHR) joined the Corps Command. But and on January 20 he suffered the fate of Vadel. According to some information, General Yar committed suicide, not wanting to get into Soviet captivity.

Only one day, January 21, was procused by the 24th Tank Corps Lieutenant Carl Eibl (Karl Eibl), commander of the 385th Infantry Division. In the confusion of the retreat of the column, in which his car was located, came across the Italians. Those accepted allies for Russians and opened fire. In a rapid battle, it came to hand grenades. The fragments of one of them, the general was seriously injured and died in a few hours from a large blood loss. Thus, within one week, the 24th Tank Corps lost his staff commander and commanders of both infantry divisions included in the compound.

The "yield" on the general losses was the Voronezh-Kastornian operation that carried out the troops of the Voronezh and Bryansky fronts, trusting the defeat of the Southern Werkete flank on the Eastern Front.

Under the first blow of the advancing Soviet troops, the German 82nd Infantry Division fell. Her commander, Lieutenant-General Alfred Bench (Alfred Baentsch), is listed for the dead from the Russian Academy of Sciences on January 27, 1943. The confusion that reigned in the German headquarters was such that on February 14, the general was still considered missing together with his headquarters of Major Allmer. The division itself by the command of the 2nd Field Army of the Wehrmacht referred to the category of crushed.

Due to the rapid promotion of the Soviet parts to the Kastorno railway assembly, the headquarters of the 13th Army Corps was cut off from the other troops of the 2nd German army, and his two divisions, in turn, from the headquarters of the corps. The headquarters of the corps decided to make the way to the West. A similar solution chose the commander of the 377th Infantry Division Lieutenant-General Adolf Lehner (Adolf Lechner). On January 29, when trying to breakthrough in the southeast direction, to parts of its compound, he and most of the division headquarters were missing. Only the head of the division headquarters, Obrist Lieutenant Schmidt, went to his middle, but he soon died from pneumonia in the hospital of Oboyan.

Surrounded by German divisions began to attempts to breakthrough. On February 1, the 88th Infantry Division broke to the outskirts of Old Oskol. For her, the parts of the 323th Infantry Division moved. The road was under the constant fire impact of Soviet troops, and on February 2, the division headquarters followed the headquarters in the ambush. Commander of the 323rd PD General Andreas Nebauer (Andreas Nebauer) and his headquarters headquarters, Lieutenant Colonel of Nauda died.

Despite the fact that in the North Caucasus, Soviet troops could not be applied to the German group of the army "A" of the same crushing defeat, as on the Volga and Don, the battles there were no less fierce. On the so-called "Hubertus line" on February 11, 1943, the commander of the 46th Infantry Division General Major Ernst Haccius (Ernst Haccius) was killed. He was recorded at their own expense, Soviet pilots are most likely, attack aircraft (in the chronicle of the division, "Attack with a shaving flight"). Poshthimously, General assigned the following title and gave the knightly cross. Hazzius became the second commander of the 46th Infantry Division, killed on the Eastern Front.

On February 18, 1943, the Commander of the 12th Army Corps was injured in the central section of the Front (Walter Grassner). The general was sent to the rear, he was treated for a long time, but in the end, he died on July 16, 1943 in the hospital of Troppaau.

February 26, 1943 Not far from Novomoskovsk disappeared "Physilar-curtains", on board who was the commander of the Parzer-Grenaderian division of the SS "Dead Head" Obergroupenfürer SS Theodor Eicke (Theodor Eicke). One of the intelligence groups expelled on the search for the search was discovered a shot down plane and an overshruphenfuer corpse.

On April 2, the SH104 aircraft (head. 0026) was crashed in Pillau (head. 0026) from Flugberetschaft Luftflotte1. The catastrophe killed on board two crew members and two passengers. Among the latter, an engineer General Fisher from the headquarters of the 1st air fleet was among the latter.

On May 14, 1943, the commander of the 39th Infantry Division, Lutenant-Ludwig Leewwig Ludwig Loeweneck, was killed. According to one data, the general became a victim of a regular traffic accident, on others, hit the minefield.

On May 30, 1943, Soviet aviation inflicted a powerful blow to the German defense at the Kuban Bridgehead. But our data, from 16.23 to 16.41, the position of the enemy was stormed and bombed 18 groups of IL-2 attack aircraft and five groups of "pellets". During the route, one of the groups "hooked" the command paragraph 97th of the Hanroom Division. The division commander Lieutenant-General Ernst Rupp (Ernst Rupp) died.

On June 26, 1943, the Germans suffered another loss in the Kuban bridgehead. In the first half of this day, the commander of the 50th Infantry Division Lieutenant-General Friedrich Schmidt (Friedrich Schmidt) headed for the position of one of the battalions of the 121st infantry regiment. On the way, his car in the area of \u200b\u200bStanitsa Kurchanskaya jumped for Ma. General and his driver died.

In the Kursk battle began on July 5, 1943, the German general of large losses did not suffer. Although cases of injury of division commanders and happened, but only one comda died. On July 14, 1943, during a trip to the foremost north of Belgorod, the commander of the 6th Tank Division General Major Valter von Hynesdorf (Walter Von Huehnersdorf) was fatal. He was seriously injured in the head of the Soviet Sniper shot. Despite the many hours of operation in Kharkov, where the general was delivered, he died on July 17th.

On July 12, 1943, the offensive of the troops of the Soviet fronts in the Oryol direction did not abound in deep breakthroughs, in which the headquarters of the enemy fall under the blow. But losses in the generals, however, were. July 16, the commander of the 211st Infantry Division Lieutenant-General Richard Mueller (Richard Mueller) was killed.

On July 20, 1943, the commander of the 17th Tank Division, Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant, Walter Schilling (Walter Schilling), was killed. The details of the death of both generals could not be installed.

On August 2, the Commander of the 46th Tank Corps was killed by General Infantry Gans Zorn (Hans Zorn). The south-west of the chrome of his car fell under the bomb strike of Soviet aircraft.

On August 7, the Commander of the 19th Tank Division, Lieutenant General Gustav Schmidt, was killed in the midst of our counter-offering under Kharkov, who was familiar to everyone who watched the film "Fire Arc" from the famous Soviet Soviet Epiphea "Liberation". True, everything was not so impressive in life as in the movies. General Schmidt did not shoot in front of the commander of the Army Group Erich von Manstein and his staff officers. He died with the defeat of the 19th division column by the Tankists of the Soviet 1st Tank Army. The general was buried in the village of Berezovka members of the crew of the Commander Tank, survived and fell into Soviet captivity.

On August 11, 1943, about six o'clock in the morning, Soviet snipers were distinguished on Berlinsky time. The label bullet rank of the commander of the 4th Gauge Division Lieutenant Lieutenant Gerson (Hermann Kress). The general at that moment was in the trenches of the Romanian parts, which blocked Myshako - the legendary "small land" near Novorossiysk.

On August 13, 1943, Major-General Karl Shujhard (Karl Schuchardt), commander of the 10th Zenith-Artillery Brigade. The details of the death of General - Zenitchik could not be found, but he died definitely in the strip of the 2nd Field Army of the Wehrmacht. According to the documents of this association on August 12, Shuhhard reported the headquarters of the army about the transition of the brigade into operational submission.

On August 15, 1943, Lieutenant General Heinrich Recke (Heinrich Recke) was missing, commander of the 161st Infantry Division. The general personally raised his soldiers in the area of \u200b\u200bthe South Red Polyana to the counterattack. In the Chronicles of the Division, the information of eyewitnesses, allegedly seen, as Soviet infantrymen surrounded the general. On this, his traces were lost. However, in the Soviet sources available to us, there is no mention of the captivity of General Rekkk.

August 26 in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Polish city of Ozarov, the commander of the 174th reserve division was killed Lieutenant-General Kurt Renner (Kurt Renner). Renner fell into an ambush, arranged by Polish partisans. Together with the general, two officers were killed and five ordinary.

Mentioned above 161st Division took Major General Charles Albrecht von Groddeck (Karl-Albrecht von Groddeck). But the division did not have a new commander and two weeks. On August 28, the Groddek von was wounded by fragments of a bomb. The wounded was evacuated in Poltava, then in the Reich. Despite the efforts of doctors, the general died on January 10, 1944 in Breslau.

October 15, 1943 began the onset of the 65th Army of the Central Front in the Loev direction. The powerful fire of Soviet artillery violated the links of the German troops, defended in this area. Lieutenant-General Hans Kamek (Hans Kamecke), the commander of the 137th Infantry Division went to the command paragraph of the 447th infantry regiment to personally navigate in the situation in the early large-scale competence of Russians. On the way back of the south of the village of Kolpen, the General Machine was attacked by Soviet attack aircraft. Games and accompanying his communication officer Ober-Lieutenant Mayer received severe injured. In the morning the next day, the general died in a field hospital. Interestingly, Lieutenant General Kamek was the second and latest secondary commander of the 137th division to the second world war. Recall that the first commander, Lieutenant-General Friedrich Bergmann, was killed in December 1941 near Kaluga. And all the other officers who commanded divisions were the "Acting Responsive" console, until December 9, 1943, the connection was not finally disbanded.

On October 29, 1943, the German troops led stubborn battles in the area of \u200b\u200bKrivoy Rog. During one of the counterattacks of the broken projectile, the commander of the 14th Tank Division, Lieutenant-General Friedrich Sieberg, was injured and his headquarters headquarters. If the planning of planpension turned out to be easy, then the general is not lucky. Although it was urgently delivered by the Hospital No. 3/610, but, despite all the efforts of doctors, Siberian died on November 2.

On November 6, 1943, the leader of the 88th Infantry Division, Lieutenant-General Heinrich Roth, died from the eve of the eve of injuries. Henrich Rott (Heinrich Roth) His division at this time led heavy battles with the Soviet troops who stormed the capital of Soviet Ukraine - Kiev.

Major General Max Ilgen (Max Ilgen), the commander of the 740th compound of the "Eastern" troops, lists the missing 15 November 1943 in the Rivne region. The general as a result of the bold operation was painted from his own mansion in exactly the legendary Soviet intelligence officer Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov, who operated under the name of the Ober-Lieutenant Paul Siberta. Due to the inability to change the prisoner of Ilgen to the Soviet territory, after the interrogation, he was killed on one of the surrounding farms.

On November 19, 1943, the Aviation of the Black Sea Fleet and the 4th Air Army inflicted the most powerful blow from the beginning of the war on the naval base of the enemy. The base of this was the port of Kamysh Burun on the Crimean coast of the Kerch Strait. From 10.10 to 16.50, six "pellets" and 95 attack aircraft worked, the actions of which provided 105 fighters. Several high-speed landing barges as a result of plaque were damaged. But only this enemy losses from our strike did not limit themselves. It was on this day that the Commander of the Navy Germany on the Black Sea ("Admiral Black Sea") Vice-Admiral Gustav Kieseritzky decided to visit Kamysh Burun and award the crew of BDB, which was successfully blocked by the Soviet fields in Elygenen. At the entrance to the base of the car, in which, in addition to the admiral, his adjutant and the driver, there were two more Navy officers, attacked the Four of the "Ils". Three, including Kizeritski, died on the spot, two received severe injured. According to A.Ya. Kuznetsova, the author of the book "Big landing", the fleet of the enemy on the Black Sea decapitated one of the four fours of the 7th Guards Storm Regiment of the 230th Steg of the 4th Air Army. We also note that Kizheritski became the first admiral of Crygsmarine, who died on the Eastern Front.

On November 27, 1943, the commander of the 9th Tank Division colonel Johannes Schulz (Johannes Schulz) was committed to the north of Krivoy Rog. He was posthumously awarded the title of Major General.

On December 9, 1943, the combat career of Lieutenant General Arnold Zhelinski was completed (Arnold Szelinski), the commander of the 376th Infantry Division. Details of his death are not installed by us.

The third military year brought both quantitative and qualitative changes in the structure of the loss of German generals on the Soviet-German front. For 1943, these losses amounted to 33 people dead and 22 people with prisoners (all captured in Stalingrad).

From the number of irretrievable losses, 24 people died in battle (counting Colonel Schulz, the commander of the division, to which the general title was assigned to posthumously). It is noteworthy that if in 1941 and 1942, only one German General died from shocks from the air, then for 1943 - already six more!

In other nine cases, the cause of steel is: accidents - two people, suicide - three people, "Friendly Fire" - one person, two missing, and one more was killed after a captivity in the German rear partisans.

It should be noted that among the losses in the sky reasons are missing due to diseases, and the cause of all three suicides was unwillingness to be in the Soviet captivity.

German generals who died on the Soviet-German front in 1943

Name, title


Cause of death

lieutenant General Martin Vandel

Commander of the 24th Tank Corps

Perhaps died in the near battle

lieutenant General Arno Yar

And about. Commander of the 24th Tank Corps, commander 387th PD

Perhaps suicide

lieutenant-General Karl Eibl

And about. Commander of the 24th Tank Corps, Commander 385th PD

Middle Fight with Union Italian Pars

lieutenant-General Alexander Von Khatmann

Commander 71st PD

Middle Boy

lieutenant-General Richard Stampel

Commander 371st PD


lieutenant-General Alfred Bench

Commander 82nd PD

Not installed. Died from Ran.

lieutenant-General Adolf Lehner

Commander 377th PD


lieutenant General Gunter Angeon

Commander 16th TD


general Andreas Nebauer

Commander 323rd PD

Middle Boy

major General Ernst Hazzius

Commander of the 46th Infantry Division

Aviation Flap

general Infantry Walter Grassner

Commander of the 12th Army Corps

Not installed. Died from Ran.

obergroupenfuer MOS Theodore Eike

Commander of the Parzer-Grenadier Division SS "Dead Head"

Died in a shot of the plane

engineer-General Hans Fisher

headquarters of the 1st Air Fleet

Plane crash

lieutenant-General Ludwig Leved

Commander 39th PD

Died in a car accident

lieutenant-General Ernst RUPP

Commander of the 97th Hanroom Division

Aviation Flap

lieutenant-General Friedrich Schmidt

Commander 50th PD

Undermining on Mine

major General Walter von Hynesmanf

Commander 6th TD

Wounded sniper. Died from the wound

lieutenant-General Richard Muller

Commander 211st PD

Not installed

lieutenant-General Walter Shilling

Commander 17th TD

Not installed

general of Infantry Hans Tsran

Commander of the 46th Tank Corps

Aviation Flap

lieutenant General Gustav Schmidt

commander 19th TD

Middle Boy

lieutenant-General Herman Cress

Commander 4th GPA

Killed sniper

major General Carl Shukhard

Commander of the 10th Zenithel Artillery Brigade

Not installed

lieutenant-General Heinrich Rekkk

Commander 161st PD


lieutenant-General Kurt Renner

Commander of the 174th Reserve Division

Middle battle with partisans

major General Carl Albrecht von Grodek

Commander 161st PD

Wounded during aviation plaque. Died from Ran.

Lieutenant-General Hans Kamek

Commander 137th PD

Aviation Flap

lieutenant-General Friedrich Siberg

Commander 14th TD

Wounded during artynetic. Died from wounds.

lieutenant-General Heinrich Rott

Commander 88th PD

Not installed

Major General Max Ilgen

Commander of the 740th compound "Eastern" troops

Killed after captivity by partisans

vice Admiral Gustav Kizheritsky

Commander of the Navy Germany on the Black Sea

Aviation Flap

Colonel (posthumously Major General) Johannes Schulz

and about. Commander 9th TD

Not installed

lieutenant-General Arnold Zhelinski

Commander 376th PD

Not installed

- GESCHICHTE DER 121. OstPreussischen Infanterie-Division 1940-1945 / Tradizionverband Der Division - Muenster / Frankfurt / Berlin, 1970 - S. 24-25

We were not able to make an adequate reverse transfer of the name of the mentioned settlement from German into Russian.

Husemann F. Die Guten Glaubens Waren - Osnabrueck - S. 53-54

National US Archive T-314 Roll 1368 Frame 1062

National Archive of USA T-314 Roll 1368 Frame 1096

Worthmenian V.K., Subrigera A.I. Kharkov, 1941. Part 2: City in fire. - Kharkov, 2009 - p.115

Tsamo F. \u200b\u200b229 OP. 161 Storage unit 160 "South-West Front Air Force Headquarters. Operational summary of 04.00 21.11.1941. "

Hartmann ch. Wehrmacht Im Ostkrieg - Oldenburg, 2010 - S. 371


Meyer - Detring W. Die 137. Infanterie - Division Im Mittelabschnitt Der Ostfront - Eggolsheim, O.J. - S.105-106

National Archive of USA T-312 Roll 1654 Frame 00579

For some reason, the incorrect number of the hull is indicated - the 37th AK.

National Archive of USA T-311 Roll 106 "The Introduced Losses of the Officers of Pri. And "North" from October 1, 1941 to March 15, 1942.

That is how, in army, and not the title of the SS troops, the title of Schulze is indicated in the document.

National Archive of US T-311 Roll 108 "Losses of the 18th Army and the 4th Tank Group from June 22 to October 31, 1941"

Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union at the Black Sea Theater - Vol. 2 - M., 1946 - p.125

SCHERZER V. 46. Infanterie-Division - Jena 2009 - S.367

It should be noted that the Germans could call any Soviet aircraft, and not only I-16

Saenger H. Die 79. INFANTERIE- DIVISION, 1939 - 1945 - O.O, O.J. - S. 58.

Einsatzgruppen der Sicherheitspolizei und Des SD is a special purpose of the SD Security Service. On the territory of the USSR, the tasks of operational and special groups include: identifying and eliminating the party and Komsomol asset, conducting search activities and arrests, the destruction of Soviet party workers, the staff of the NKVD, army political workers and officers, the fight against the manifestations of antigherman activities, the seizure of institutions that have card files and archives, etc.

By the rank of Major General Colonel Hippleller was represented on April 8, 1942

Pape K. 329. INFANTERIE-DIVISION - JENA 2007 - S.28

By the rank of Major General Colonel Fisher was represented on April 8, 1942

Hinze R.: Bug - Moskwa - Beresina - Preußisch Oldendorf, 1992 - S.306

Spektakular - Sensational Attention

JU-52 (head. Number 5752, board. NJ + CU) from KGRZBV300, Pilot Unter-Officer Gerhard Otto.

Zablotsky A.N., Larinetsev R.I. "Air bridges" of the Third Reich - M., 2013 - p.71

In German documents, this day is listed lost from the Entrepreneur FI156 from the 62nd Communication Detachment (head number 5196), Pilot Ober-Feldwebel Erhard Zemka - Va Ma RL 2 III / 1182 S. 197. True, in some sources the surname The pilot is given a different line.

Boucsein Halten Oder Sterben. Die Hessische 129. ID in Russia Und OstPreussen 1941-1945 - Potsdam, 1999 - S.259

US National Archive T-315 Roll791 Frame00720

Gracer G. Zwischen Kattegat und Kaukasus. WEG UND Kaempfe Der 198. Infanterie-Divivsion - Tubingen, 1961 - S. 184-185

Pohlman H. Die Geschichte der 96. Infanterie-Division 1939-1945 - Bad Nacheim, 1959 - S.171



National Archive of USA T-314 Roll357 Frame0269

Die 71.Infanterie-Division 1939 - 1945 - Eggolsheim, O.J. - S.296.

National Archive of US Nara T-314 Roll 518 FRAM 0448

SCHERZER V. 46.INFANTERIE - Division - Jena, 2009 - S.453

Oblotsky A., Larintsev R. Losses of German General at the Soviet-German front in 1942 Arsenal-Collection. 2014, №5 - C.2

Military Archive FRG Ba-Ma RL 2 III / 1188 S. 421-422

Time is indicated Moscow

National Archive US Nara T-312 Roll 723

National Archive of US Nara T-314 Roll 1219 FRAM 0532

Zamulin V.N. Forgotten Battle in Kursk Dug - M., 2009 - p.584-585

Ibid - p.585-586

Braun J. Enzian und Edelweiss - Bad Nauheim, 1955 - S.44

Kippar G. Die Kampfgescheen Der 161. (Ostpr.) Infanterie - Division Von Der Aufstellund 1939 BIS ZUM ENDE - O.O., 1994 - S. 521, 523

Kippar G. Op.cit., S. 578

Ozlotsky A., Larinsev R. "Chertov Dress" Losses of the Losets of the Wehrmacht on the Soviet-German front in 1941. Arsenal-Collection. 2014, №3 - p.18

Meyer- Detring W. Die 137. Infanterie - Division Im Mittelabschnitt DR Ostfront - Eggolsheim, O.J.- S. 186-187

Grams R. Die 14. Panzer-Division 1940 - 1945 -Bad Nauheim, 1957 -s. 131.

Time is indicated Moscow

Kuznetsov A.Ya. Big land - M., 2011 - pp. 257-258