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Translation 1 Gcal in m3. Let's learn the calculation for heating taking into account the OJSC. Gigakloria and gigakloriy now what the difference

This publication in our housing and utilities Activist Fedor Moiseyev wrote at the request of those senior home to whom he told how to deal with how to understand the accounts for hot water. We warn that the edition of the editorial office may not coincide with the opinion of the author on those problems that it concerns in its blog speeches on the "Chelny Ltd" site.

How to translate gigaklora to cubic meters

To understand payments for hot water, it is useful to be able to translate gigaclorai into cubic meters. Why? Yes, because with the supplier of thermal energy, calculations are carried out for consumed gigaklora, and the board for tenants is numbered in rubles per cubic meters of water.

It is necessary to make a reservation that the thermal energy that is measured in gigacularities, and the volume of water, which is measured in cubic meters, are completely different physical quantities. It is known from the course of high school physics. Therefore, in fact, we are not talking about the transfer of gigacalories to cubic meters, but about finding the correspondence between the amount of heat spent on heating water, and the volume of hot water obtained.

Calico is the amount of heat that is required to heat one cubic centimeter of water for 1 degree Celsius. Gigakloria -, this is a billion calories. In one cubic meter - 1 million centimeters. Thus, to heat the water cube by 1 degree, a million calorie will be required or 0.001 Gcal.

The temperature of the hot water flowing from under our crane should be at least 55C (this is for a closed system, and for open - 60C). For example, if the cold water at the input in the so-called ITP is an individual heat item has a temperature of 5C, it will need to be heated by 50c. Heated 1 cubic meter will require 0.05 Gcal i.e. It turns out that this is 0.055. (I'll be silent while the heat loss that occurs when the water moves through the pipes, and the amount of energy spent on the provision of DHW, as we assure us that all the heating occurs in the basement of the house, and therefore, when transporting pipes from CHP, heat is not lost). The average standard of thermal energy consumption to obtain a hot water cube we accept equal to 0.059 Gcal. That is, such must be QMZ or the standard of heat generation, that is, what is being written in the receipts below. It is easier - this is the amount of heat required for heating 1 cube Cold. Water to a temperature of 60s. Or if you multiply 0.059 for the cost of 1 Gcal 1439 rubles, it turns out that the price of heating 1 of the cold water cube is 85 rubles. To this, it is necessary to add a tariff for cold-chipped water (now it is 26.44 rubles) and multiply on the coefficient. Losses of heat in an uninsulated heated towel rail (1 + K), where k \u003d 0.03. That is, almost the formula is almost obtained from the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 306 as amended by Resolution No. 238 and the price for 1 cubic meter of hot water 115 rubles.

Small Note: I was repelled on the temperature of the cold water -5C, and the NCTS uses 6 +1.33 \u003d 7.33c. To note, in Moscow, the average. The temperature is cold. The water is 8.90 degrees, in Orel - 9.16, in Tyumen - 8.59, even in Petrozavodsk, where the climate is colder, it is 8.16. That is, everywhere for some reason more than us. And further. We often come a receipt with the meaning of the heat content 0.09 or 0.101. It turns out, the water is heated to 90c-101c?!

There is a direct proportional dependence between the heat generation and the temperature of the hot water and it is perfectly seen from the formula of heat engineering QM3 \u003d C * P * (TGVS - TXVS) / 1000 (GKAL / MH). Where with -reat capacity and p is the density of water that conventionally equal to 1. Multiply this value of the heat generation per 1000 and we obtain the approximate value of the temperature of the water temperature from under the tap in the apartment. Look at this temperature and ask your management company as it is possible.

But all these calculations are only a classic understanding of how the process occurs. In our case, in the heating period, heated cold water with a plate heat exchanger in the basement (for some reason it is called "boiler" and with its help an open heat supply system turns into a closed) due to the energy of the heat carrier from the heating pipe. That is, all thermal energy is calculated at the entrance to the house. Minus from it heat from the return pipeline. The same thing happens when the heat supply system is open, when all the thermal energy is also calculated by the heat meter at the entrance to the house. That is, the hot water tariff should be considered according to the formula 1 of Appendix No. 2 from the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 as amended by Resolution No. 344: p \u003d V x T. Where T is a tariff for cold-chipped water (coolant), and V is the entire amount of consumed resource, that is, the number of hot water cubes consumed.

By the way, as it turned out now, with a closed heat supply system, with all its ecology (clean cold water heats up and goes to the DHW system at home), corrosion increases and the surface of metal pipes is "eaten". Because of what, as one serious specialist told me (I can't call him, the conversation was private) in the republic at a high level there are debates about lowering the temperature of hot water to 50c. I want to warn that both the open heat supply system has its own minus. In this case, we use hot-chemically purified water from the heating pipe, and it is generally not harmless to health. Therefore, the dishes are necessary to be allocated with cold water. And you can smile, but in my opinion in those houses where the opening system of heat supply is operating, the number of bald men and people having skin problems are much more than in houses with boilers.

Sincerely, Fedor Moiseev 8 917 263 39 55

When building buildings, all measurements and heat engineering calculations are made in gigacularities. Communal services also prefer this unit of measurement, for its approximateness to real life and the possibility of calculations on an industrial scale.

From the school course, I remember that calorie is the work that is needed for heating 1 gram of water per unit ° C (at a certain atmospheric pressure).

  • 1 kcal \u003d 1 thousand feces
  • 1 Gcal \u003d 1 million kcal, or 1 billion. Cal.

In receipts for heating can be used:

  • Gkal;
  • Gkal / hour.

In the first case, it is referred to in mind the heat supplied for some period (it may be a month, year or day). Gcal / hour is the characteristic of the power of the device or process (such a unit of measure may report on the performance of the heating device or the speed of the heat loss of the building in winter). The receipts implies heat that let go in 1 hour. Then it is necessary to multiply the number by 24 for a day, and for a month for another 30/31.

1 Gcal / hour \u003d 40 m3 of water, which heated to 25 ° C in 1 hour.

Also, the gigaklorine can be tied to the volume of fuel (solid or liquid) Gcal / m3. And shows how much heat can be obtained from a cubic meter of this fuel.

How to translate gkal to kwch and gkalch in kw

Various metric values \u200b\u200bindicate various metric values \u200b\u200bon various thermal power industry. Thus, kilowatt and kilowatt per hour are specified on heating boilers and heaters. At countable devices (meters), Gkal is more common. The difference in values \u200b\u200bprevents the correct calculation of the desired value by the formula.

To facilitate the calculated process, you must learn to translate one value to another and vice versa. Since values \u200b\u200bare constant, it is simple - 1 Gcal / h is equal to 1162,7907 kW.

If the value is presented in megawatts, it can be translated back to Gcal / h, multiplying for a constant value of 0.85984.

Below are auxiliary tables that allow you to quickly translate the values \u200b\u200bfrom one to another:

Table reverse Previous:

Using Table data will greatly simplify the process of calculating the cost of thermal energy. In addition, to simplify actions, you can use one of the online converters proposed on the Internet, transforming physical quantities one to another.

Independent calculation of energy consumed in gigaculariums will allow the owner of a residential / non-residential premises to control the cost of utilities, as well as the work of utilities. Through simple calculations, it is possible to verify the results with similar in the received payment receipts and contact the relevant authorities in the case of the difference difference.

Here is what the ratio of feces and gkal with each other.

1 Cal.
1 hectoral \u003d 100 feces
1 Kilokal (kcal) \u003d 1000 feces
1 megakal (μal) \u003d 1000 kcal \u003d 1000000 kal
1 gigakal (gkal) \u003d 1000 μal \u003d 1000000 kcal \u003d 10,000,000 kal

When, speaking or write in receipts, Gkal - We are talking about how much heat you have let go or let go for the entire period - it may be day, month, year, heating season, etc. When they sayor write Gkal / hour - This means how much heat we will be released in one hour. If the calculation goes in the month means these ill-fated Gcal multiply by the number of hours per day (24 if there were no interruptions in heat supply) and days a month (for example, 30), but also when we got warm in fact.

And now how to count this very gigacalria or heocaloria (Gkal) released personally.

For this we need to know:

The temperature on the supply (supply pipeline thermal network) is the average value per hour;
- The temperature on the return temperature (inverse pipeline thermal network) is also average per hour.
- coolant consumption in the heating system for the same time.

We consider the difference between temperatures between the fact that it came to our house and the fact that we returned to the thermal network.

For example: 70 degrees came, 50 degrees we returned, we left 20 degrees.
And we still have to know the water consumption in the heating system.
If you have a heat meter, I'm fine looking at the magnitude of t / hour. By the way, on a good heat meter, you can immediately find Gkal / Hour - Or, as sometimes they say instant consumption, then it is not necessary to count, just multiply it on the clock and days and get warm in Gkal for the range you need.

True, it will also be approximately about, exactly the heat meter thinks for every hour and speaks himself to his archive, where you can always see them. On average different heat meters Store watch archives 45 days, and monthly up to three years. The testimony in Gcal can always be found and check on them a management company or serving organization.

Well, how to be if there is no heat meter. You have a contract, there are always these ill-fated Gcal. According to them, we consider consumption in t / h.
For example, the contract is written - permissible maximum heat consumption - 0.15 Gcal / hour. It may be written both differently, but Gkal / hour will always.
0.15 Multiply with 1000 and divide on the difference of temperatures from the same contract. You will have a temperature schedule - for example 95/70 or 115/70 or 130/70 with a cut by 115, etc.

0.15 x 1000 / (95-70) \u003d 6 t / h, these 6 tone per hour we need, this is our planned pumping (coolant consumption) to which it is necessary to seek not to have a passage and unluck (unless of course In the contract you correctly indicated the value of Gkal / hour)

And finally, we consider the heat obtained earlier - 20 degrees (the temperature difference between the fact that it came to our house and the fact that we returned to the thermal network) we multiply on the planned pumping (6 tons / hour) we get 20 x 6/1000 \u003d 0.12 Gcal / hour.

This magnitude is warm in Gkal, the management company will personally consider you personally, it is usually done in the ratio of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment to the heated area of \u200b\u200bthe whole house, I will write more about it in another article.

The method described by us is certainly rough, but check how heat meter works For each hour, this way can only be given to that some heat meters averaged the values \u200b\u200bof consumption for different intervals from a few seconds to 10 minutes. If the water consumption is changing, for example, who disassembles water, or you have a weather-dependent automation, the testimony in Gkal may differ slightly from the you received. But this is at the conscience of the developers of heat meters.

And one more little remark the value of the consumed thermal energy (the amount of heat) on your heat meter (Heat meter, the amount of heat calculator) can be displayed in various units of measurement - GKAL, GJ, MWTC, kWh. The ratio of units of Gcal, J and kW I cite for you in the table: and even better, more precisely, it's easier, if you download a gkal to your computer, and you will use the calculator to transfer the energy measurement units from Gcal to J or KW.

For curious

  • We save heat with an apartment recuperator of the supply air.
  • How to calculate the power of the boiler for heating a private house?
  • how much gkal in 1 cubic meter hot water?
  • How to calculate the amount of gas to Gkal?
  • All about how weather-dependent automation, the principles of its selection, schemes, varieties, price and main thing, as a weather-dependent automation saves heat.

The ratio of units of measure


1 inch

1 millimeter

0,03937 inches

1 foot

1 centimeter

0.3937 inches

1 yard

1 decimeter

0,3281 Futa

1 rod

1 meter

3,281 feet

1 Chane

1 meter

1,094 yards

1 Furlong

10.94 yards

1 mile

1 kilometer

0,6214 miles

1 Maritime Mile

1 kilometer

0.539 Sea Mile


1 cubic. inch

16,387 cubic meters cm

1 cubic. centimeter

0,061 cubic meters. in

1 cubic. foot

0,0283 cubic meters. M.

1 cubic. decimeter

0.035 cubic meters Futa

1 cubic. yard

0,7646 cubic meters. M.

1 cubic. meter

1.308 cubic meters. yard

Why it is necessary

Apartment houses

Everything is very simple: gigacalories are used in the calculations for heat. Knowing how much thermal energy remains in the building, the consumer can be set a completely specific account. For comparison - when operating central heating without counter, the account is exhibited by the area of \u200b\u200bheated room.

The presence of a heat meter implies a horizontal sequential or collector wiring of heating pipes. The apartment has tans of feeding and returns; The configuration of the intravartic system is determined by the owner. Such a scheme is characteristic of new buildings and, among other things, allows you to flexibly regulate heat consumption, choosing between comfort and savings.

Horizontal collector wiring in the apartment.

How is the adjustment?

  • Throtting the heating devices themselves. The throttle allows you to limit the patency of the radiator by reducing its temperature and, accordingly, heat costs.
  • Installation of the general thermostat on the return pipeline. The coolant consumption will be determined by the temperature in the room: when cooled air it will increase, when heated is reduced.

Private houses

The owner of the cottage is interesting primarily by the price of heat gigaklora, obtained from different sources. We allow themselves to bring approximate values \u200b\u200bfor the Novosibirsk region for tariffs and rates of 2013.

The cost of gigakloria, taking into account transportation costs and efficiency of the heating installation, rubles

Thermal energy units of measurement and their proper use

Thermal energy is a heat measurement system that was invented and used two more centuries ago. The main rule of work with a given value was that thermal energy remains and cannot simply disappear, but can go to another type of energy.

There are several generally accepted thermal energy measurement units. They are mainly used in industrial sectors, such as energy. Downstairs describes the most common of them:

  • Calorie is a unit of measure that is not included in the general system, but often used for comparison with other parameters. Basically, calculus is produced in Kilokal, Megakal, Gigakal
  • Couple ton is one of the specific and most rarely used values, with the help of which the amount of heat energy is measured in particularly large volumes. One unit "Couple tons" is equal to the amount of steam, which can be obtained from 1 ton of water
  • Joule is a common unit of measure from C, which is used for the overall designation of the amount of energy in different types of its species. The main values \u200b\u200bare KJ, MJ, GJ
  • kW per hour (kW x) - the main unit of measurement of electrical energy used in particular CIS countries.

Any unit of measure, which is included in the SI system, has a purpose in determining the total number of one or another type of energy, such as heat release or electricity. The time of measurement and the amount do not affect these values, why can be used for both consumed and for already consumed energy. In addition, any transmission and reception, as well as losses, are also calculated in such values.

Where the unit of measurement of thermal energy is used

  1. Counting the developed energies of steam in boiler houses in one season or year.
  2. Determination of the required amount of heat for heating a certain amount of water with a specific temperature regime.
  3. Full counting of the amount of thermal energy, which serves to ensure heating hot water, heating structures and ventilation of rooms.
  4. In some embodiments, the magnitude of thermal energy is used to measure the volume of natural gas. In this case, the ability of a certain amount of substance is taken into account when burning.
  5. In the katalnyh, it is often used this amount to determine the indicator of the electricity used in the heating seasons.

Energy measurement units translated into thermal

For a visual example, the following are comparisons of various popular X thermal energy indicators:

  • 1 GJ is equal to 4 Gcal, which in the electric equivalent is 3,400 million kWs per hour. In the equivalent of thermal energy 1 gidge \u003d 0.44 tons of steam
  • At the same time, 1 gkal \u003d 0.24 gd \u003d 16000 million kW per hour \u003d 1.9 tons of steam
  • 1 ton of the pair is 2.3 gidge \u003d 0.6 gkal \u003d 8200 kW per hour.

In this example, the variable pair value is adopted for evaporation of water when 100 ° C is achieved.

To carry out the calculations of the amount of heat, the following principle is used: to obtain data on the amount of heat, it is used in the heating of the liquid, after which the mass of water is multiplied by the gear temperature. If a mass of liquid is measured in kilograms, and the temperature differences in degrees Celsius, then the result of such calculations will be the amount of heat in kilocalories.

If there is a need to transmit heat energy from one physical body to another, and you want to know the possible losses, then it is worth a mass of the heat obtained to multiply to the increase temperature, and then learn the product of the resulting value to the "specific heat capacity" of the substance.

How gkal for hot water and heating are calculated

Heating is calculated by formulas similar to the formulas of finding the value of GKAL / h.

Exemplary payment calculation formula for warm water in residential areas:

P i gv \u003d V i gv * t x gv + (v V cr * v i gv / σ v i gv * t v kr)

Values \u200b\u200bused:

  • P I GW - the desired value;
  • V i gv - the amount of hot water consumption for a certain time interval;
  • T x gv - installed tariff fee for hot water supply;
  • V V gv - the volume of energy spent by the company that deals with its heating and supply to residential / non-residential premises;
  • Σ v i gv - the sum of the consumption of warm water in all rooms of the house, which calculates;
  • T V GV - a tariff fee for thermal energy.

This formula does not take into account atmospheric pressure, since it does not significantly affect the final desired value.

The formula is approximate and not suitable for self-calculation without prior consultation. Before using it, you need to contact local utilities to clarify and adjust - maybe they use other parameters and formulas for calculating.

Calculation of the size of the heating fee is very important, since often impressive amounts are not justified

The result of calculations depends not only on the relative temperature values \u200b\u200b- it is directly affected by the tariffs established by the Government for the consumption of hot water supply and heating of premises.

The computing process is greatly simplified if you install a heating meter on an apartment, an entrance or a residential building.

It should be borne in mind that even the most accurate counters may allow error when calculating. It can also be determined by the formula:

E \u003d 100 * ((V1 - V2) / (V1 + v2))

The following indicators are used in the presented formula:

  • E - error;
  • V1 - the volume of hot water consumed during admission;
  • V2 - consumed hot water at the exit;
  • 100 - auxiliary coefficient that transforms the result in interest.

In accordance with the requirements, the average value of the estimation of the calculated device is about 1%, and the maximum allowable - 2%.

Video: An example of calculating heating fees

The concept of energy, units of measurement

Topic 2. Energy and energy resources

With the concept of energy, the person faces constantly and sometimes does not think about a deep sense. Energy is defined as a total quantitative measure of various forms of motion of matter. In accordance with the variety of motion forms and distinguish between mechanical, thermal, electrical, nuclear, chemical and other types of energy.

In accordance with the law of conservation, open M.V. Lomonosov, the energy is not lost, but is preserved and converted to other types of energy.

Therefore, the energy is the rod that binds together all the processes and phenomena of the material world. For energy facilities, energy analysis is the main tool for the study of energy conversion processes with a check at each stage of the technological process of carrying out the strength of the energy balance. In the process of conversion, part of the energy can change its appearance that it often complicates quantitative accounting and testing of the balance.

It is the needs of energy measurements at the dawn of the electrical engineering development stimulated an active discussion at the International Exhibitions of 1851 in London and 1855 in Paris the need to introduce a unified system of measures and scales. At the I International Congress of Electricians, held in 1881, a draft full system of units of SSS was proposed, which was based on a centimeter as a unit of length, grams as a unit of mass and second as a unit of time. But the use of this system in engineering calculations created certain difficulties due to the smallness of the main units. In 1918 in France, and in 1927 and in the USSR, a system of MTS units based on a meter, tons and seconds was adopted. However, it turned out to be uncomfortable, but because of another extreme.

In October 1960, the XI General Conference on measures and weighs approved the draft unified system of units, on which the Special Commission worked since 1954. This system has become known under the name of the International Unit System. In 1961, GOST 9867-61 "International Units" GOST 9867-61 was approved in the USSR, which was the preferred use of SI units in all areas of science, technology, education and national economy.

The main SI units are the seven of the following units: length - meter, mass - kilogram, time - second, electric current forces - amp, temperature - Kelvin, the amount of substance - mole, the light of the light - Candela.

In addition to the main units, a large number of derivatives determined by industry and technology are introduced into the sectors. Below in Table. 3 shows derivatives of SI units that are used in electrical engineering.

Thus, despite the variety of energy species, they are all measured in Joules. For mechanical work, for example, one joble is determined by the work performed by the unit of force on the way to one meter, i.e. 1J \u003d 1N # 903 1m.

Derivative Units System System Table 3

When you need to put all the points above i

But there is a completely reasonable question. "And how to calculate what is invisible and will disappear by the VMIG, literally in the window." It is not worth a despair from this fight against air, it turns out that there are quite clear mathematical calculations of the calories for heating.

Moreover, all these calculations are hidden in official documents of state communal organizations. As usual in these institutions, documents of such several, but the main one is also called the "Rules for the metering of thermal energy and a coolant". It is he who will help to solve the question - how to calculate Gkal for heating.

Actually, the task can be solved quite simply and do not need no calculations if you have a meter not just water, namely hot water. In the testimony of such a counter already "clogged" data for obtained heat. Removing the testimony, you multiply it at the cost rate and get the result.

Basic formula

The situation is complicated, if you do not have such a counter. Then you will have to be guided by the following formula:

  • Q - the number of thermal energy;
  • V - the volume of consumption of hot water in cubic meters or tons;
  • T1 - hot water temperature in degrees Celsius. More precisely in the formula to use the temperature, but given to the appropriate pressure, the so-called, "enthalgia". But for the absence of the best - the corresponding sensor, we use just a temperature that is close to enthalgia. Professional heat accounting sites are able to calculate the enthalgia. Often, this temperature is not available for measurement, therefore, they are guided by the Constant "from the Jeep", which may be different, but is usually 60-65 degrees;
  • T2 - Cold water temperature in degrees Celsius. This temperature is taken in the cold water pipe of the heating system. There are no consumers, as a rule, access to this pipeline, so it is customary to take constant recommended values \u200b\u200bdepending on the heating season. in season - 5 degrees; outside the season - 15;
  • The coefficient "1000" allows you to get rid of 10-digit numbers and obtain data in gigacularities (and not just in calories).

As follows from the formula, it is more convenient to use the closed heating system, which once the necessary water volume is poured and its receipt does not occur in the future. But in this case, you are forbidden to enjoy hot water from the system.

The newest developments in the field of radiators to some extent can, and allow you to keep warm, but the desire to still consider everything will not disappear anyway

Using a closed system causes a slightly to improve the resulting formula that already takes the form:

Q \u003d ((V1 * (T1 - T)) - (V2 * (T2 - T))) / 1000

  • V1 - the flow rate of the coolant in the supply pipe, and regardless of whether water or steam is served by heat carrier;
  • V2 - coolant consumption in the return pipeline;
  • T1 - the temperature of the coolant at the inlet, in the supply pipeline;
  • T2 - the temperature of the coolant at the output, in the return pipe;
  • T - Cold water temperature.

Thus, the formula consists of a difference of two factors - the first gives the value of the heat received heat in calories, the second is the value of heat at the output.

Helpful advice! As you can see, there are not many mathematics, but the calculations still carry out. Of course, you can immediately rush to your Calculator on a mobile phone. But advises you to create simple formulas in one of the most famous computer office programs - the so-called, Table Microsoft Excel processor. included in the Microsoft Office package. In Excel, you will not only be able to quickly calculate, but also to "play" with source data, simulate different situations. Moreover, Excel will help you with the construction of the production schedules - heat consumption, and this is a "unborn" card with the future possible conversation with government agencies.

Representation of the data

The price of all computations is your confidence in the adequacy of your financial costs obtained from the state heat. Although, in the end, you are still and you will not understand what Gkal is in heating. Put your hand on the heart, let's say that in many ways it is the magnitude of our self-assumption and attitude to life. Some database "in numbers" is definitely necessary to have in the head. And she is expressed in what is considered a good norm when you have 3 Gcal per month on an apartment in 200 square meters per month. Thus, if 7 months last the heating season - 21 Gcal.

Calculation is much more complicated if produced for a system of mass use heating, which requires the introduction of much larger equipment

But all these quantities are quite difficult to represent "in the shower" when it really is necessary to heat. All these formulas and even correctly issued by them will not warm you. They will not explain to you why even 4 Gcal per month, you still warm. And the neighbor has only 2 gkal, and it will not appeal and constantly holds an open window.

The answer here can be only one - he has a warm atmosphere and warmly surrounding him, and you have no one to nice to whom, although "full of people's barns". He gets up in the morning in 6 and runs in any weather for charging, and you learn to the latter under the blanket. Heat yourself from the inside, hang on the wall photo of the family - all in the summer in swimsuits on the beach in Foros, see more often the video of the last rise on Ai-Petri - everything is divided, it's hot, then you will not even feel a lack of a couple of hundreds of calories.

What is gigaklorine, and how much calories in it

The concept of gigaklorine is most often found in the documents of the heat efficiency. This magnitude can be found in receipts, notifications, payments for heating and hot water.

It denotes the same as calorie, but in more volume, as evidenced by the gig's prefix. Gkal determines that the initial value was multiplied by 109. In simple language: in 1 gigakloria - 1 billion calories.

Like calorie, gigaklorine does not apply to the metric system of physical quantities.

The table below shows the comparison of values:

The need to use GKAL is due to the fact that when the volume of the water, which is necessary for heating and domestic needs of the population, even 1 residential building is highlighted with a graded amount of energy. Writing numbers denoting it in documents in the calorie format for too long and inconvenient.

Such a magnitude as gigacalria can be found in the deployment of heating documents

It can be represented how much energy is spent during the heating season on an industrial scale: when heating 1 quarter, district, cities, countries.

Calorie value for man life

In addition to the development of various diets for weight loss, this unit is used to measure energy, work and heat. In this regard, such concepts as "calorieness" is common - that is, the heat of the combustable fuel.

In most developed states, when calculating heating, people have been paying no longer due to the amount of gas cubic meters (if it is gas), namely for its caloric content. In other words, the consumer pays for the quality of the fuel used: the higher it is, the smaller the gas will have to be consumed for heating. This practice reduces the ability to dilute the substance used by other, cheaper and less calorie compounds.

Translate gkal to kvkhat

Thermal energy can be measured in various units, but in the official documentation from housing and communal services, it is calculated in GKAL. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to translate other units in the gigakloria.

The easiest way to do this when the ratio of these values \u200b\u200bis known. For example, it is worth considering watts (W), in which the energy power of most boilers or heaters is measured.

Before considering the translation into this amount of Gkal, it is worth remembering that, like Caloriya, Watt is small. Therefore, it is more common to use kW (1 kilowatt, equal to 1000 watts) or MW (1 megawatt equals 1000,000 watts).

In addition, it is important to remember that the power is measured in WT (kW, MW), but for calculating the number of consumed / manufactured electricity, it is used in connection with this not the transfer of gigacalories into kilowatts, but the translation of GKAL to kW / h. . How to do it? In order not to suffer with formulas, it is worth remembering "Magic" number 1163

It is so much kilowatt energy needs to be spent in an hour to get one gigakalry. In practice, when translating from one unit of measurement to another, you simply need to multiply the amount of Gcal at 1163.

How to do it? In order not to suffer with formulas, it is worth remembering the "magical" number 1163. It is so much kilowatt of energy needs to be spent in an hour to get one gigacalria. In practice, when translating from one unit of measurement to another, you simply need to multiply the amount of Gcal at 1163.

For example, let's transfer 0.05 Gcal to kW / hour, which is necessary for heating one cubic meter of water by 50 ° C. It turns out: 0.05 x 1163 \u003d 58.15 kW / hour. These calculations will especially help those who reflect on changing gas heating to a more environmentally friendly and economical electric.

If we are talking about huge volumes, you can not translate into kilowatts, but in megawatts. In this case, multiply needed not at 1163, but by 1,163, since 1 MW \u003d 1000 kW. Or just split the result received in kilowatts per thousand.

Counters of heat

  1. The temperature of the fluid at the entrance and output of a specific portion of the highway.
  2. Fluid consumption, which moves through heating devices.

Consumption can be determined using heat meters. Heat metering devices can be two types:

  1. Foreign counters. Such instruments are used to account for thermal energy, as well as hot water consumption. The difference between such meters and appliances for the consideration of cold water is the material from which the impeller is manufactured. In such devices, it is most resistant to high temperatures. The principle of operation is similar to two devices:
  • Accounting device is transmitted to the rotation of the impeller;
  • The impeller begins to rotate due to the movement of the working fluid;
  • Transmission is carried out without direct interaction, but by the help of a permanent magnet.

Such instruments have a simple design, but they are low. And also they have reliable protection against testimony distortions. With the help of the antimagnetic screen, it is prevented from braking the impeller by an outer magnetic field.

  1. Devices with drop recorder. Such meters are working under the law of Bernoulli, which claims that the flow rate of fluid or gas flow is inversely proportional to its static movement. If the pressure is registered with two sensors, then you can easily determine the consumption in real time. The meter implies in the design of the electronics design. Almost all models provide information on the flow rate and temperature of the working fluid, and also determine the consumption of thermal energy. Customize work can be manually using a PC. Connect the device to a PC via the port.

Many residents are wondering how to calculate the amount of Gcal for heating in an open heating system, in which the selection for hot water is possible. The pressure sensors are installed on the reverse tube and serves simultaneously. The difference that will be in the flow rate of the working fluid will show the amount of warm water that was spent for household needs.

Alternative options

As there are various ways to provide housing with a warm choice of coolant - water or steam, there are also alternative techniques for calculating the obtained heat. Here are two more formulas:

Thus, calculations can be carried out with their own hands, but it is important to agree on your actions with the calculations of the supply of heat organizations. Their instructions of calculations may be very different from your

Calculations will be much more complicated if you are going to mount in the house and heated floors, but here it will be necessary to turn on electricity. And this is completely different "Opera", with new performers, but from the same state bodies

Helpful advice. Often, reference books lead information not in the national system of units of measurement, to which calories include, and in the SI international system. Therefore, we advise you to remember the coefficient of conversion of Kilokalorius to Kilowatta. It is 850. In other words, 1 kilowatt is 850 kilocalories. It is already easy to make the transfer of gigaklory, if we consider that 1 gigacalory is a million calories.

The calculation is all the more necessary, if we are talking about the heating of a country house

All counters, and not only the simplest houses, unfortunately suffer from some measurement error. This is a normal situation, if, of course, the error does not exceed all the imaginable limits. To calculate the error (relative, percentage), a special formula is also used:

  • V1 and V2 - previously considered indicators of the coolant consumption, and
  • 100 - Translation coefficient percentage.

It is considered permissible percentage of error when calculating heat - no more than 2 percent, given that the error of measuring instruments is no more than 1 percent. Of course, it is possible to do with an old proven way, here and no calculations do not need to do.

This yield is sometimes saving and most convenient

Other ways to determine the amount of heat

We add that there are also other ways with which you can calculate the volume of heat that enters the heating system. In this case, the formula is not only somewhat different from those shown below, but also has several variations.

As for the values \u200b\u200bof variables, they are the same here as in the previous paragraph of this article. Based on all this, it is possible to make a confident conclusion that it is quite possible to calculate heat for heating. However, it is not necessary to forget about consultation with specialized organizations, which are responsible for providing housing with warmth, since their methods and the principles of the work of settlements may differ, and significantly, and the procedure may consist of another set of measures.

If you intend to equip a "warm floor" system, prepare for the fact that the calculation process will be more difficult, since not only the features of the heating contour, but also the characteristics of the electrical network, which actually will warm the floor are taken into account. Moreover, organizations that are engaged in installing this kind of equipment will also be different.

Note! People often face a problem when calories should be translated into kilowatts, which is due to the use of a unit of measurement in many specialized manuals, which in the international system is called "C". \u003e. In such cases, it must be remembered that the coefficient, thanks to which kilocaloria will be translated into kilowatts, is 850

If we say a simpler language, one kilowatt is 850 kilocalories. This calculation option is simpler than the above, as it is possible to determine the value in gigacularities in a few seconds, since Gkal, as noted earlier, it is a million calories.

In such cases, it is necessary to remember that the coefficient, thanks to which kilocaloria will be translated into kilowatts, is 850. If they speak a simpler language, one kilowatt is 850 kilocalories. This calculation option is simpler than the above, as it is possible to determine the value in gigacularities in a few seconds, since Gkal, as noted earlier, it is a million calories.

In order to avoid possible errors, do not forget that almost all modern thermal counters work with some error, albeit within the limits permissible. Such an error can also be calculated personally, for which it is necessary to use the following formula:

Traditionally, we now find out what indicates each of these variables.

1. V1 is the flow rate of the working fluid in the feed pipeline.

2. v2 is a similar indicator, but already in the pipeline "Furning".

3. 100 is a number by which the value is translated into interest.

4. Finally, E is the error of the account.

According to operational requirements and standards, the maximum permissible error should not exceed 2 percent, although in most counters it is somewhere 1 percent.

As a result, we note that the correct calculation of the GKAL for heating can significantly save funds spent on the heating of the room. At first glance, this procedure is quite complex, but - and you were convinced of this personally - if there is a good instruction, nothing hard in it.

Video - How to calculate heating in a private house

What is calorie

Calodie is not included in the international measurement system of metric values, however, this concept is widely used to designate the amount of dedicated energy. It indicates how much energy should be spent on heating 1 g of water so that this volume increases the temperature by 1 ° C under standard conditions.

There are 3 generally accepted designations, each of which is used depending on the area:

  • The international importance of calories, which is 4.1868 J (Joule), and is indicated as "Cal" in the Russian Federation and CAL - in the world;
  • In thermochemistry - relative value, approximately equal to 4,1840 J with the Russian designation of Cal TX and the World - Cal Th;
  • The 15-degree calorie indicator is approximately 4.1855 J, which is known in Russia as "Cal 15", and in the world - Cal 15.

Initially, calories were used to find the amount of heat allocated in the production of fuel energy. Subsequently, this magnitude began to use to calculate the amount of energy spent by the athlete when performing any physical activity, since the same physical laws are applicable in these actions.

Since fuel is needed to release heat, then, by analogy with heat efficient in plain life, "refueling" is also needed to generate energy to produce energy, which people are taking regularly.

A person receives a certain amount of calories, depending on which product used.

The more calories in the form of food a person got, the more he gets energy for sports. However, people do not always consume the amount of calories, which is necessary to maintain the life processes of the organism in the norm and performing physical exertion. As a result, some losing weight (with a deficiency of calories), while others are gaining weight.

Calorie is the amount of energy obtained by a person as a result of absorption of a product

Based on this theory, many principles of diets and healthy nutrition rules are built. The optimal amount of energy and macronutrients, which are necessary for a person per day, can be calculated in accordance with the formulas of famous nutritionists (Harris-Benedict, Miffline-San Schore) using standard parameters:

  • Age;
  • Height;
  • An example of daily activity;
  • Lifestyle.

These data can be used by changing them for itself - for painless weight loss, it is enough to create a deficiency of 15-20% of the daily calorie content, and for a healthy set of mass - a similar surplus.

Why housing and utilities in calculations for heating are overestimated by the amount of energy spent

Conducting its own calculations, it is worth paying attention to the fact that housing and communal services are slightly overestimated by thermal energy consumption standards. The opinion that they are trying to additionally at this, erroneously

After all, the cost of 1 Gcal includes maintenance, salaries, and taxes, and additional profits. Such a "allowance" is connected with the fact that during the transport of hot liquid in the pipeline during the cold season, it tends to cool, that is, there are inevitable heat loss.

In numbers it looks like this. According to regulations, the water temperature in pipes for heating should be at least +55 ° C. And if you consider that the minimum T water in power systems is +5 ° C, then it is necessary to heat it by 50 degrees. It turns out that 0.05 Gcal is used for each cubic meter. However, to compensate for the heat loss, this coefficient is overestimated to 0.059 Gcal.

Heat unit in different measurement systems

To estimate the effectiveness of the operation of thermal power plants, it is necessary to measure the chemical energy of the fuel, incinerated in boilers, with the amount of electrical energy produced by the power plant.

Solar measurement units:

  1. calorie;
  2. joule.

Historically, it has been accepted as a unit of heat in the technical system of units. 1 calorie, It is warm, which is necessary for heating one gram of water for one degree Celsius. From the course of physics, it is known that the amount of heat is determined by the formula:

Q \u003d M * C * (T2-T1), where

  • M - the amount of substance, mass, in grams;
  • C - heat capacity, then the amount of heat that must be reported by a single substance to lift its temperature to one degree. In the technical system of units, water heat capacity is equal to one calorie / (gram * hail);
  • T1- Water temperature before heating, in degrees Celsius;
  • T2- Water temperature after heating, in degrees Celsius.

In the future, it was necessary to unify the translation of mechanical energy into thermal, needed a more perfect unit of measurement. However, due to inertial thinking, the calorie firmly entered our use. Even the energy value of products is measured in calories.

In the international system of SI units per unit of heat adopted 1 J.

Joule - work performed by force in one Newton on the way of moving to one meter.

1 Newton \u003d M * a \u003d kg * m / (sec * s), where

  • M - mass, kg;
  • A - acceleration, m / (sec * s) \u003d m / s2.

Per 1 joule In the heat engineering, the amount of heat is taken equivalent to work in 1 J.

Joule, attributed to a unit of mass or volume, gives the characteristic of the volumetric fuel calorism.

The heat capacity in the international unit of units is measured in J / (kg * hail), the heat capacity is 4.19 J / (gram * hail).

Translation from one heat measurement system to another:

  • 1 cal \u003d 4,1868 j;
  • 1 j \u003d ¼, 1868 \u003d 0,239 feces

Often try to link completely different units of measurement: the amount of heat measured in the GKAL, with the power measured in the MW. It doesn't care as if the sea miles passed by the vessel with its speed in the nodes.

Megawatts can only be translated in the heat power measured in Gcal / Hour. Below we give the calculation of the transfer coefficient.

Megawatt is a power measurement unit in the international system of units and is equal to 1 MJ / 1SEK.

Mega's prefix indicates a million, or 1 mJ \u003d 1000000 J, the gig's prefix indicates a billion, or 1 gkal \u003d 10,000,000 kal.

Thermal power in the technical system of units denotes the heat unit reported to the working fluid per unit of time, 1 Gcal / 1 hour

Transfer thermal power to megawatts:

  • 1 Gcal / hour \u003d 4,1868 * 100000000039/3600 seconds \u003d 1163000 j / s \u003d 1.163 MJ / s \u003d 1.163 MW;
  • or 1 MW \u003d 1 / 1,163 \u003d 0.860 Gcal / hour.

This coefficient often appears in empirical formulas with heat engineering.

Gigakloria and gigakloriy now what the difference

In addition to the fictional value under consideration, in receipts, it is sometimes encountered such a reduction as "Gcal / Hour". What does it mean and what is different from ordinary gigakloria?

This unit of measure shows how much energy was used in one hour.

While just gigaklorine is the value of measuring the consumed heat for an indefinite period of time. Only from the consumer depends on which time frames will be indicated in this category.

Significantly less often is the reduction of GKAL / M3. It means how much gigakloro needs to be used to heat one cubic meter of matter.

The first law of thermodynamics

The first law of thermodynamics argues that energy does not appear nowhere and does not disappear at all. It moves from one species to another. Joule's experiments showed the equivalence of mechanical work and warmth.

To get electricity, in the fireboxes of boilers on power plants, fuel is burned, chemical energy is converted to heat and transmitted through the heating surface with the working fluid - water, the water turns into steam entering the turbine blades, where the thermal energy of the pair goes into the mechanical rotation energy of the rotor, and then Electricity is produced in turbine generators.

At nuclear power plants, the internal energy of uranium turns into thermal energy of water in the cooling circuit. On hydroelectric power plants, the potential water energy goes into the mechanical energy of hydro turbines, then in the generators is also converted to electrical.

If the boiler is a steam, then steam is formed at the outlet of the boiler, in the hot water boilers, water is heated to a certain temperature.

Gigakloria is what is and how much calories in it

As it is clear from the definition, the size of 1 calorie is small. For this reason, it is not used for the calculation of large quantities, especially in energy, it is not used. Instead, it consists of such a concept as gigaklorine. This is a value equal to 109 calories, and it is recorded in the form of a reduction of Gkal. It turns out that in one gigaklorine one billion calories.

In addition to this size, a slightly smaller - kcal (kilocaloria) is sometimes used. It places 1000 feces. Thus, we can assume that one gigaklorine is a million kilocalorium.

It should be borne in mind that sometimes kilocaloria is recorded simply as "cal". Because of this, confusion arises, and in separate sources it is indicated that in 1 Gcal - 1,000,000 kal, although in reality it is about 1,000,000 kcal.

Translation in Gkal

Sometimes it is necessary to carry out the reverse process, that is, to calculate how much Gcal is contained in one kW / hour.

When transferring in gigaculory, the number of kilowatt-hours must be multiplied by another "magic" number - 0.00086.

The correctness of this can be checked if you take data from the previous example.

So, it was calculated that 0.05 Gcal \u003d 58.15 kW / hour. Now it is necessary to take this result and multiply it by 0.00086: 58.15 x 0.00086 \u003d 0.050009. Despite the slight difference, it almost completely coincides with the source data.

As in previous calculations, it is necessary to take into account the fact that when working with particularly large volumes it will be necessary to translate not kilowatts, but megawatts in gigakloria.

How is it done? In this case, again it is necessary to take into account that 1 MW \u003d 1000 kW. Based on this, the comma on three scratch moves in the "magic" number, and voila, it turns out 0.86. It is on it that needs to be multiplied to carry out the translation.

By the way, a small inconsistency in the responses is related to the fact that the coefficient of 0.86 is a rounded version of the number of 0.859845. Of course, for more accurate calculations it is worth using them. However, if we are talking only about the number of energy used for the heating of an apartment or a house - it is better to simplify.

General principles for performing calculations Gkal

The calculation of the KW for heating implies the implementation of special calculations, the order of which is regulated by special regulatory acts. Responsibility for them lies with utilities, which are able to help when performing this work and give an answer regarding how to calculate Gcal for heating and deciphering GKAL.

Of course, a similar problem will be completely excluded in the case of having a meter on hot water in the residential room, since it is in this device that there are already pre-exhibited readings displaying the resulting heat. Multiplying these results at the established tariff, it is fashionable to obtain a finite parameter of the consumable heat.

Tables recalculating physical quantities.

Energy, heat, work





mm RT. Art.(millimeter mercury pillar)

mm waters. Art.(Millimeter Water Pillars)

kgf / cm2(technical atmosphere)

atm(physical atmosphere)

1 bar.

1 mm Hg. Art.

1 mm waters. Art.

1 kgf / cm2

1 atm

Pressure - This is a physical value equal to the ratio of the module of force acting perpendicular to the surface, to the area of \u200b\u200bthis surface. Pressure unit - Pascal (PA), equal to pressure produced by force in 1 Newton to an area of \u200b\u200b1 square meter. All fluids and gases transmit pressure on them in all directions (Pascal law). All bodies that are on the earth's surface are experiencing the same pressure of the earth's atmosphere from all sides - atmospheric pressure. At every point of the atmosphere, this pressure is equal to the weight of the overlying air column; With a height decrease. The average atmospheric pressure at sea level is equivalent to a pressure of 760 mm Hg. Art. (1013.25 GPa). In addition to atmospheric, absolute and overpressure distinguishes. Absolutely called total pressure, taking into account the pressure of the atmosphere, counted from the absolute zero. The pressure is redundant, the pressure is over atmospheric, equal difference between absolute and atmospheric pressure. Excessive pressure is counted from the conditional zero for which the atmospheric pressure is taken. Absolute pressure less than atmospheric is called a vacuum or vacuum. In other words, the vacuum is equal to the difference between atmospheric and absolute pressures. To measure the overpressure of gas, steam and fluid, pressure gauges are used; small pressures and vacuum - pressure and cravingters; Vacuum - vacuummers; Pressure and vacuum - TAGONPORMERS AND TRANSFERSMETERS.


Temperature - This is a physical quantity characterizing the degree of heated bodies. It is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the translational movement of molecules. The larger the average speed of molecules, the higher the body temperature. The concept of temperature is also associated with the ability of bodies with a higher temperature to transmit its heat with lower temperatures until these temperatures are equal. Simultaneously with the change in body temperature, their physical properties may vary. The temperature measurement devices are divided depending on which method is based on their design: the contact (when the measuring device comes into contact with the measured medium), or non-contact. The instruments based on the contact method of measurements include liquid glass thermometers, gauge thermometers, thermoelectric thermometers (thermocouples) and thermocouples of resistance. The devices based on the non-contact method include radiation pyrometers.

Heat counters

Now find out what information is needed in order to calculate heating. It is easy to guess what kind of information.

1. The temperature of the working fluid at the output / entry of a particular site of the highway.

2. The flow rate of the working fluid, which passes through the heating devices.

Consumption is determined by the use of heat metering devices, that is, counters. Such can be two types, read them.

Foreign counters

Such devices are intended not only for heating systems, but also for hot water supply. The only differences between those counters that are used for cold water is the material from which the impeller is performed - in this case it is more resistant to elevated temperatures.

As for the mechanism of work, it is practically the same:

  • due to the circulation of the working fluid, the impeller begins to rotate;
  • the rotation of the impeller is transmitted to the accounting mechanism;
  • transmission is carried out without direct interaction, and with a permanent magnet.

Despite the fact that the design of such meters is extremely simple, the threshold of response is quite low, moreover, there is a reliable protection against testimony distortion: the slightest attempts to brake the impeller by means of an outer magnetic field are hampered due to the anti-magnetic screen.

Different devices

Such devices are functioning based on the Bernoulli law, which argues that the speed of movement of the gas flow or fluid is inversely proportional to its static movement. But how does this hydrodynamic property applies to the calculations of the flow rate of the working fluid? Very simple - you just need to block her way through a retaining washer. In this case, the pressure drop in this washer will be inversely proportional to the speed of the moving stream. And if the pressure will be registered at once with two sensors, you can easily determine the flow rate, and in real time.

Note! The design of the meter involves the presence of electronics. The predominant majority of such modern models provide not only dry information (the temperature of the working fluid, its consumption), but determines the actual use of thermal energy

The control module here is equipped with a port for connecting to a PC and can be manually configured.

Many readers will certainly be a lawsager question: and how to be, if we are not about a closed heating system, but about open, in which the selection for hot water supply is possible? How, in this case, make the calculation of GKAL for heating? The answer is quite obvious: here the pressure sensors (as well as the retaining washers) are placed simultaneously on the feed, and on the "return". And the difference in the flow rate of the working fluid will indicate the amount of heated water, which was used for household needs.

What is the measuring unit as gigaklorine? What does it have to do with traditional kilowatt-hours in which thermal energy is calculated? What information need to have to correctly make the calculation of Gcal for heating? In the end, what formula must be used during the calculation? About this, as well as many other things will be discussed in today's article.

What is Gkal?

You should start with adjacent definition. Caloria implies a certain amount of energy that is required to heat one gram of water to one degree Celsius (under atmospheric pressure conditions, of course). And in view of the fact that from the point of view of heating costs, let's say, at home, one calorie is a meager value, then for calculations in most cases, gigaculors (or abbreviated GKAL) are used, corresponding to one billion calories. We decided on this, moving on.

The use of this value is governed by the relevant document of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy, published in 1995.

Note! On average, the standard of consumption in Russia is one square meter equal to 0.0342 Gcal per month. Of course, this figure may vary for different regions, since it all depends on climatic conditions.

So, what is the gigaklorine, if you "transform" it into more familiar for us? See yourself.

1. One gigaklorine is approximately 1,162.2 kilowatt-hours.

2. One gigaklorine energy is enough for heating thousands of tons of water to + 1 ° C.

Why is it all necessary?

The problem should be considered from two points of view - from the point of view of apartment buildings and private. Let's start with the first.

Apartment buildings

There is nothing complicated here: gigakloria is used in thermal calculations. And if you know how much the amount of thermal energy remains in the house, then a specific account can be submitted to the consumer. We give a small comparison: if the centralized heating will function in the absence of a meter, then paying the heated area. If there is a heat meter, this is already a wiring itself implies a horizontal type (or a collector, or sequential): two risers are settled in the apartment (for "inverter" and feed), and an already intra-quarter system (more precisely, the configuration) is determined by residents. This kind of scheme is applied in new buildings, so that people regulate heat consumption, making a choice between savings and comfort.

We find out how this adjustment is carried out.

1. Installation of a common thermostat on the "Furniture" highway. In this case, the flow rate of the working fluid is determined by the temperature inside the apartment: if it decreases, then the flow rate, respectively, will increase, and if you increase it - it will decrease.

2. Heating radiators throttling. Thanks to the throttle, the patency of the heating device is limited, the temperature decreases, which means that thermal energy consumption is reduced.

Private houses

We continue to talk about the calculation of Gcal for heating. Owners of country houses are interested, first of all, the cost of the gigaklorine of thermal energy obtained from a particular type of fuel. This can help the table below.

Table. Comparison of cost 1 Gcal (taking into account transportation costs)

* - Price prices, as tariffs may differ depending on the region, moreover, they are also constantly growing.

Heat counters

Now find out what information is needed in order to calculate heating. It is easy to guess what kind of information.

1. The temperature of the working fluid at the output / entry of a particular site of the highway.

2. The flow rate of the working fluid, which passes through the heating devices.

Consumption is determined by the use of heat metering devices, that is, counters. Such can be two types, read them.

Foreign counters

Such devices are intended not only for heating systems, but also for hot water supply. The only differences between those counters that are used for cold water is the material from which the impeller is performed - in this case it is more resistant to elevated temperatures.

As for the mechanism of work, it is practically the same:

  • due to the circulation of the working fluid, the impeller begins to rotate;
  • the rotation of the impeller is transmitted to the accounting mechanism;
  • transmission is carried out without direct interaction, and with a permanent magnet.

Despite the fact that the design of such meters is extremely simple, the threshold of response is quite low, moreover, there is a reliable protection against testimony distortion: the slightest attempts to brake the impeller by means of an outer magnetic field are hampered due to the anti-magnetic screen.

Different devices

Such devices are functioning based on the Bernoulli law, which argues that the speed of movement of the gas flow or fluid is inversely proportional to its static movement. But how does this hydrodynamic property applies to the calculations of the flow rate of the working fluid? Very simple - you just need to block her way through a retaining washer. In this case, the pressure drop in this washer will be inversely proportional to the speed of the moving stream. And if the pressure will be registered at once with two sensors, you can easily determine the flow rate, and in real time.

Note! The design of the meter involves the presence of electronics. The predominant majority of such modern models provide not only dry information (the temperature of the working fluid, its consumption), but also determines the actual use of thermal energy. The control module here is equipped with a port for connecting to a PC and can be manually configured.

Many readers will certainly be a lawsager question: and how to be, if we are not about a closed heating system, but about open, in which the selection for hot water supply is possible? How, in this case, make the calculation of GKAL for heating? The answer is quite obvious: here the pressure sensors (as well as the retaining washers) are placed simultaneously on the feed, and on the "return". And the difference in the flow rate of the working fluid will indicate the amount of heated water, which was used for household needs.

How to calculate the consumed thermal energy?

If there is no thermal counter for one or another reasons, then to calculate heat energy it is necessary to use the following formula:

Vx (T1-T2) / 1000 \u003d Q

Consider what these conditional symbols mean.

1. v Indicates the number of hot water consumed, which can be calculated either by cubic meters or tons.

2. T1 is the temperature indicator of the hot water itself (traditionally measured in the usual degrees Celsius). In this case, it is preferable to use exactly the temperature that is observed at a certain operating pressure. By the way, the indicator even has a special name - it is enthalpy. But if the desired sensor is absent, then the basis can take that temperature regime that is extremely close to this enthalpy. In most cases, the average indicator is approximately 60-65 degrees.

3. T2 in the above formula also denotes the temperature, but already cold water. Due to the fact that to penetrate the highway with cold water - the case is quite difficult, constant values \u200b\u200bare used as this value, capable of changing depending on the climatic conditions on the street. So, in winter, when the heating season is in full swing, this indicator is 5 degrees, and in the summer, with a disconnected heating, 15 degrees.

4. As for 1000, this is the standard coefficient used in the formula in order to obtain the result in the gigaklorials. It turns out more accurate than if Calori was used.

5. Finally, Q is the total number of thermal energy.

As we see, nothing complicated here, so we move on. If the heating circuit of the closed type (and this is more convenient from the operational point of view), then the calculations must be made somewhat differently. The formula that should be used for a building with a closed heating system should look like this:

((V1x (T1-T) - (V2X (T2-T)) \u003d Q

Now, respectively, to decoding.

1. V1 denotes the flow rate of the working fluid in the supply pipe (as a source of thermal energy, which is characteristic, not only water, but also steam) can act.

2. V2 is the flow rate of the working fluid in the "Furniture" pipelines.

3. T is the temperature indicator of the cold fluid.

4. T1 - water temperature in the supply pipeline.

5. T2 is a temperature indicator that is observed at the output.

6. And finally, Q is all the same amount of thermal energy.

It is also worth noting that the calculation of Gcal for heating in this case from several designations:

  • thermal energy that entered the system (measured by calories);
  • temperature indicator during the removal of the working fluid on the "Furniture" pipeline.

Other ways to determine the amount of heat

We add that there are also other ways with which you can calculate the volume of heat that enters the heating system. In this case, the formula is not only somewhat different from those shown below, but also has several variations.

((V1x (T1-T2) + (V1- V2) X (T2-T1)) / 1000 \u003d Q

((V2x (T1-T2) + (V1- V2) X (T1-T) / 1000 \u003d Q

As for the values \u200b\u200bof variables, they are the same here as in the previous paragraph of this article. Based on all this, it is possible to make a confident conclusion that it is quite possible to calculate heat for heating. However, it is not necessary to forget about consultation with specialized organizations, which are responsible for providing housing with warmth, since their methods and the principles of the work of settlements may differ, and significantly, and the procedure may consist of another set of measures.

If you intend to equip a "warm floor" system, prepare for the fact that the calculation process will be more difficult, since not only the features of the heating contour, but also the characteristics of the electrical network, which actually will warm the floor are taken into account. Moreover, organizations that are engaged in installing this kind of equipment will also be different.

Note! People often face a problem when calories should be translated into kilowatts, which is due to the use of a unit of measurement in many specialized manuals, which in the international system is called "C".

In such cases, it is necessary to remember that the coefficient, thanks to which kilocaloria will be translated into kilowatts, is 850. If they speak a simpler language, one kilowatt is 850 kilocalories. This calculation option is simpler than the above, as it is possible to determine the value in gigacularities in a few seconds, since Gkal, as noted earlier, it is a million calories.

In order to avoid possible errors, do not forget that almost all modern thermal counters work with some error, albeit within the limits permissible. Such an error can also be calculated personally, for which it is necessary to use the following formula:

(V1- V2) / (V1 + v2) x100 \u003d e

Traditionally, we now find out what indicates each of these variables.

1. V1 is the flow rate of the working fluid in the feed pipeline.

2. v2 is a similar indicator, but already in the pipeline "Furning".

3. 100 is a number by which the value is translated into interest.

4. Finally, E is the error of the account.

According to operational requirements and standards, the maximum permissible error should not exceed 2 percent, although in most counters it is somewhere 1 percent.

As a result, we note that the correct calculation of the GKAL for heating can significantly save funds spent on the heating of the room. At first glance, this procedure is quite complex, but - and you were convinced of this personally - if there is a good instruction, nothing hard in it.

Video - How to calculate heating in a private house

Since July 1, 2014, according to the order of the Committee on Prices and Tariffs of the Moscow Region No. 8-p dated 07.02.2014, "On the establishment of tariffs for drinking water, hot water and water disposal for organizations of water supply and sewage and organizations engaged in hot water supply" Communal service Hot water supply is calculated based on 2 components:

- component for cold water (m3);

- component for thermal energy (Gcal.)

DHW \u003d Q / VB) * VKV. + VKV. * RF tariff;

Q is the total volume of thermal energy;

Vost. - total amount of DHW;

VKV. - Apartment volume of DHW;


For June 2014, the house has consumed 176.94 cubic meters. M GWS

The volume of thermal energy required for heating the above volume of 15.8 Gcal.

Cost 1 Gcal: 2033,90 rubles.

The standing is calculated on the heated 1 cubic meters. Mp: 15.8 / 176.94 \u003d 0.089295 Gcal / m3

Apartment x Consis for June 3 cubic meters. m. GVS.

0.267885 Gcal. * 2033.90 rubles / Gcal. \u003d 544.85 rubles - the amount translated from heating 3 cu. m. GVS.

Cost HPV: 3 * 33,46 \u003d 100.39 rubles.

We find a total amount for 3 cubic meters. M: 100,39 rub. + 544.85 rub \u003d 645.24 rub

Cost 1 cubic. DHW will be equal: 645.24 rubles. / 3 \u003d 215.08 rubles. Cost 1 cubic shopping

Taking thermal conductivity when combustion of gas according to the Directory: 9080 kcal / cube. m, we calculate that the production of one gigaklorine goes smooth 110.13 cubic meters.

Wholesale prices for natural gas in 2012

Explaining the calculation of the size of the cost of hot water using the two-line tariff.

in the Leningrad region 3406 rubles. For 1000 m3:
110.13 m3 - x rubles. x \u003d 110,13 * 3406/1000
1000 m3 - 3406 rub. x \u003d 375 rub.

That is, the production of 1 Gcal need to spend gas for 375 rubles.

And in the calculations of the MUE "BTS" gas should be spent on 758.25 rub.
In the calculations of the Bugrovsky administration - on 801,81 rub.

Question: Why does the local administration and resource-supplying organization have such different calculations of the same tariff for heating? (1781.80 rubles. For 1 Gcal)?

More task in physics Grade 8

On heating 1m3 cold water from 15 to 65 degrees by C, residents of p. Bougra turns out that it is necessary to spend 9.41 m3 Natural gas, and in the analysis of MUP "BTS" 15 m3.

W \u003d C * V (T1-T2), where

C is the specific water heat capacity equal to 4.19 kJ. This indicator means that for heating 1 kg of water for 1 degree, it is necessary to spend the amount of heat energy equal to 4,19k.

V is the amount of water heated. 1 m3 contains 1000 kg of water.

T1 - the temperature to which water is heated. In this case, 65 degrees Celsius.

T2 temperature with water heats up. In the case under consideration, 15 degrees Celsius.

W \u003d 4.19 * 1000 * (65-15) \u003d 209500 kJ \u003d 209.5 MJ

Thus, for heating 1 m3 of water from 15 degrees to 65 degrees Celsius, 209.5 MJ of thermal energy will be spent.

For a gas heater, the maximum efficiency may be 85% (taking into account the high combustion temperature and the heat loss accompanying). The real efficiency of the gas columns is 70%. That is, in ideal conditions for heating a cubic meter of water, natural gas should be spent:

209.5 MJ: 0.85 \u003d 246.5 MJ

Practical consumption will be

209.5 MJ: 0.7 \u003d 299.3 MJ

The specific heat combustion of gas according to GOST 5542-87 is 31.8 MJ / m3.
Therefore, for heating a cubic meter of water in ideal conditions it is necessary to spend:

246.5 MJ: 31.8 MJ / M3 \u003d 8.32 m3 of natural gas

Practical consumption will be:
299.3 MJ: 31.8 MJ / M3 \u003d 9.41 m3 of natural gas

In comparative analysis of the MUE "BTS" consumption amounted to about 15 m3 of Natural Gas * (52,13 rubles.)
* The calculation is made on the basis of wholesale prices for natural gas in Lo in 2012: 3406 rubles. For 1000 m3.

But my calculations are true if the water is warm from 15 degrees of heat to 65 degrees (water temperature in hot crane).

And from what temperature will our MUE "BTS" warm water? "S -15!"

Minus 15 degrees is the average annual temperature on the Taimyr Peninsula.

We "live in the conditions of permafrost, on the pole of cold! That is, we have all year round temperatures of cold water (ice) in the pipes underground minus 15 degrees! " And if under Earth -15, what kind of air temperature?

Water turns into ice already at 0 degrees, and when freezing, the ice expands and the pipes are bursting. Now it is clear why in the fights all the time the land is digging and the pipes change.
Officials Physics, in general, did not study at school! Just apocalypse!

Calculation of utility tariffs MUP "BTS" - Economist Chulkov

Studently different calculation of the same tariffs of the LCA local administration

⇐ Previous12

Calculation of the cost of heating and DHW services

2017 year

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2017:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1197.50 rub / Gcal \u003d 43,8285 rub. / sq.m.

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1197.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 14,6095 rubles / sq.m

october 0,0322 * 1211.33 rubles / Gcal \u003d $ 39,0048. / sq.m.

november-December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1211,33 rub. / Gcal \u003d 44,3347 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2017:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1197.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 253.87 rubles / person.

july-December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1211.33 rubles / Gcal \u003d 256.80 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply in the DHW Council in 2017:

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1197.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 55,9233 rubles / cubic meters. m.

july-December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1211,33 rub. / Gcal \u003d 56,5691rub. / Cube. M.

2016 year

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2016:

The standard of heating consumption * tariff for thermal energy \u003d the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. M:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1170,57 rub / Gcal \u003d 42,8429 rubles / sq.m.

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gcal \u003d 14,2810 rubles / sq.m

october 0,0322 * 1197.50 rub / Gcal \u003d 38,5595 rubles / sq.m.

november-December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. M * 1197.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 43,8285 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2016:

GVS consumption ratio * Tariff for thermal energy \u003d Cost of a DHW service for 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1170,57 руб. / Gkal \u003d 248,16 руб. / person.

july-December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1197.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 253.87 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2016:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic. M of water * tariff for thermal energy \u003d cost of service for heating 1 cubic. M.

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gkal \u003d 54,6656 rubles / cubic meters. M.

july-December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1197.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 55,9233 rubles / cubic meters. M.

2015 year

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2015:

The standard of heating consumption * tariff for thermal energy \u003d the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. M:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 36,2523 rubles / sq.m

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. M * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 12,0841 rubles / sq.m

october 0,0322 * 1170,57 rub / Gcal \u003d 37,6924 rubles / sq.m.

november-December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gcal \u003d 42,8429 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2015:

GVS consumption ratio * Tariff for thermal energy \u003d Cost of a DHW service for 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 990.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 209,986 rubles / person.

july-December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 1170,57 руб. / Gkal \u003d 248,1608 rub. / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2015:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic.

m of water * tariff for thermal energy \u003d cost of service for heating 1 cubic. M.

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 46,266 rub. / cube. M.

july-December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 1170,57 rub. / Gkal \u003d 54,6656 rubles / cubic meters. M.

year 2014

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2014:

The standard of heating consumption * tariff for thermal energy \u003d the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. M:

january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 34,2001 rubles / sq.m

may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 11,4000 rubles / sq.m

october 0.0322 Gcal / sq. M. m * 990.50 rub. / Gcal \u003d 31,8941 rubles / sq. M.

november - December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 36,2523 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2014:

GVS consumption ratio * Tariff for thermal energy \u003d Cost of a DHW service for 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 198,0991 rub. / person.

july - December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 990.50 rubles / Gcal \u003d 209,986 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2014:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic. M of water * tariff for thermal energy \u003d cost of service for heating 1 cubic. M.

january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 43,6378 rubles / cubic meters. M.

july - December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 990.50 rub. / Gkal \u003d 46,266 rub. / cube. M.

year 2013

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2013:

  • january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. M * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 31,1477 rubles / sq.m
  • may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 10,3826 rubles / sq.m
  • october 0.0322 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 30,0886 rubles / sq. M.
  • november - December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 34,2001 rubles / sq.m

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply per person in 2013:

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

  • january-June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 851,03 rubles / Gcal \u003d 180,4184 rub. / person.
  • july - December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 198,0991 rub. / person.

Calculation of the cost of the service for hot water supply on the DHS meter in 2013:

  • january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube.

    How to calculate the normative consumption of GKAL to heated cubic meters. Hot water (DHW)?

    m * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 39,7431 rubles / cubic meters. M.

  • july - December 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 934,43 rub. / Gkal \u003d 43,6378 rubles / cubic meters. M.

year 2012

Calculation of the cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. Meter of the total area in 2012:

Heating Consumption Number * Tariff for thermal energy (Supplier of MUP "Chkts" or Mechel-Energo LLC) \u003d Cost of thermal energy to heating 1 kV. M.

  • january-April 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 27,3578 rubles / sq. M.
  • may 0,0122 Gcal / sq. M. m * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 9,1193 rubles / sq. M.
  • october 0.0322 Gcal / sq. M. m * 851,03 rubles / Gcal \u003d 27,4032 rubles / sq. M.
  • november - December 0.0366 Gcal / sq. M. m * 851,03 rub. / Gcal \u003d 31,1477 rubles / sq. M.

Calculation of the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person in 2012:

DHW consumption ratio * Tariff for thermal energy (supplier of MUP "Chkts" or Mechel-Energo LLC) \u003d Cost of a DHW service for 1 person

An example of calculating the cost of a hot water supply for 1 person with full flatness of the apartment (Floor from 1 to 10, equipped with a sink, washbasin, a 1500-1700 mm bath with a shower) in the absence of hot water counters:

  • january - June 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 158.47 rubles / person.
  • july - August 0,2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 792,47 rub. / Gcal \u003d 168.00 rubles / person.
  • september - December 0.2120 Gcal / for 1 person. per month * 851,03 rubles / Gcal \u003d 180.42 rubles / person.

Calculation of the cost of the cost of hot water supply on the DHW Council in 2012:

Regulatory of heat energy flow per heated 1 cubic. M of water * Tariff for thermal energy (supplier of MUP "Chkts" or Mechel-Energo LLC) \u003d The cost of the heated service is 1 cu. M.

  • january - June 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 747,48 rub. / Gcal \u003d 34,9073 rubles / cubic meter. M.
  • july - August 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 792,47 rub. / Gkal \u003d 37,0083 rubles / cubic meters. M.
  • september-Pectery 0.0467 Gcal / cube. m * 851,03 rub. / Gkal \u003d 39,7431 rubles / cubic meters. M.

How much is it necessary to heighten the water cube in the boiler of indirect heating?

Fuel consumption for heating

Consumers heating their greenhouses, shops, houses and other premises are interested in fuel consumption.

To accurately calculate the flow of firewood, it is necessary to take into account the wood breed, humidity and other components.

Table.1.Heat combustion of various fuels (average values).

Comparative fuel consumption for heating

For the heating of the room 100 m² (more precisely 300 m³), \u200b\u200bthere are 20 gigakallaries of thermal energy for the heating season, regardless of the type of fuel (firewood, gas, coal, pellets and other fuels).

Solid fuel pyrolysis boilers produce 1 gkal burning - 312 kg of firewood.
Pellet boilers for obtaining 1 Gcal of pellets burned - 222 kg.
In the coal boiler for obtaining 1 Gcal of anthracite, it is necessary to download - 143 kg.
Gas boiler for obtaining 1 Gcal will burn - 119 m3 of natural gas.

Table.2.Table of the required amount of fuel per season

Calculations are made for a normal warmed room in the climatic zone of Moscow.

According to Resolution No. 1149 of the Government of the Russian Federation (from November 8, 2012), the calculation of the cost of hot water is carried out according to a two-component rate with closed and with open heat supply systems:

  • in open - using components for heat carrier and for thermal energy (according to Art.

    How much gkal in 1 cubic meter hot water.

    9 p. 5 of FZ No. 190);

  • in closed - using components for cold water and for thermal energy (according to Art. 32 p. 9 of FZ No. 416).

The format of accounts with the division of the service for two lines was changed: the cost of DHW (in tons) and thermal energy - Q. To this, the DHW tariff (hot water supply) was calculated for 1 m 3, including the value of this volume of cold water and thermal energy, spent on its heating.

Dependence of the order of calculation

Depending on the price of components, the calculated value of 1 m 3 of hot water supply is determined. For calculation, consumption standards operating in the territory of the municipality are used.

The procedure for calculating the cost of hot water on the meter depends on:

  • type of heat supply system at home,
  • the presence (absence) of a general-friendly device, its technical characteristics defining whether it can distribute q to the needs of water supply and heating,
  • availability (lack) of individual devices,
  • suppliers of thermal energy and coolant.

Separation on the price per cubic meter and heating costs, among other things, should stimulate the management companies serving the hillophund, fight straight heat lines - to warm the risers. For owners, two-component charges means that the fee for 1 m 3 of hot water can vary relative to the normative in case of exceeding the flow Q in fact.

Apartment houses without household flow meters

The amount Q for heating 1 m 3 of hot water is determined according to the recommendations of the State Committee on Tariffs, according to which the volume of thermal energy is calculated by the formula: Q \u003d C * p * (T1- T2) * (1 + K).

In this formula for cubic meters consumed, the coefficient of heat loss on the pipelines of the centralized DHW is taken into account.

Based on this, in the following example, the volume of thermal energy will be:

Q \u003d 1 * 10-6 Gcal / kg * 1ºC * 983.18 kgf / m3 * 53,5 ° C * (0.35 + 1) \u003d 0.07 Gcal / m³

Its cost for 1 m 3:

1150 rub. / Gcal (Tariff DHW) * 0.07 Gcal / m³ \u003d 81,66 rub. / M³

Tariff for DHW:

16,89 руб. / M³ (Component Hall) + 81,66 руб. / M³ \u003d 98,55 руб. / M³

Example number 2 of calculation without taking into account the heat loss coefficient on centralized pipelines for one person (without an individual water meter):

0.199 (Gcal - DHW consumption rate per person) * 1540 (rub.

- Cost 1 Gcal) + 3.6 (m 3 - Consumption ratio of DHW consumption per person) * 24 (rub.

- Cost M 3) \u003d 392.86 rubles.

Apartment houses with house flow meters

The actual payment of hot water in house-equipped houses will change monthly, depending on the volumetric indicators of thermal energy (1 m 3), which, in turn, depend on:

  • quality of operation of the instrument of accounting,
  • heat loss in hot water networks,
  • excess of the supply of heat carrier
  • degree of setting optimal flow Q and others.

In the presence of individual and communication devices, the payment of the DHW is calculated according to the following algorithm:

  1. The readings of the house flow meter are removed by two indicators: a - the amount of thermal energy and in the amount of water.
  2. The amount of thermal energy spent on 1 m 3 of the coolant is calculated, by dividing A on B \u003d C.
  3. The readings of the apartment waters in M \u200b\u200b3 are removed, which is multiplied by the result with to obtain the size Q for the apartment (value D).
  4. The value D is multiplied by the tariff.
  5. The component is added to heating the coolant.

An example when consuming 3 m 3 in the apartment meter:

At the same time, if it is difficult to influence the results of general awareness with the forces of one apartment, then the readings of individual water meters can be influenced by legal methods, for example, using the installation of water economists:

How to translate gkal in cube m

With the accrual of monthly payments for heating and burning water, confusion appears often. Let's say if there is a general-friendly heat meter in an apartment building, then the calculation with the Contractor of the Heat Energy is carried out for consumed gigaclorai (GKAL). At the same time, the tariff for burning water for tenants is traditionally established in rubles per cubic meter (M3). In order to deal with payments, a beneficial to be able to translate Gcal to the cubic meters.


1. It is necessary to make a reservation that the thermal energy that is measured in the gigacularities, and the volume of water, the one that is measured in cubic meters is ideally different physical quantities. This is a testimo from the course of high school physics. Incidentally, in fact, we are not talking about the transfer of gigaclores in cubic meters, but about finding the correspondence between the number of heat spent on heating water, and the volume of the obtained burning water.

2. By definition, calorie is the number of heat that is required to heat a single cubic centimeter of water for 1 degree Celsius. Gigaklorine used to measure thermal energy in thermal power and utilities, is a billion calories. 1 meter 100 centimeters, in effect, in one cubic meter - 100 x 100 x 100 \u003d 1000000 centimeters. Thus, in order to heat the water cube by 1 degree, it will take a million calorie or 0.001 Gcal.

3. The temperature of the beaky water, current from the crane, should be at least 55 ° C. If cold water in the entrance to the boiler room has a temperature of 5 ° C, then it will be necessary to heat 50 ° C. The heated 1 cubic meter will need 0.05 Gcal. However, when the water flows, the heat loss, and the number of energy spent on the provision of DHW, will appear in reality in reality, are inevitably appeared. The average standard of thermal energy consumption for acquiring a cube of burning water is taken equal to 0.059 Gcal.

4. Let's see an easy example.

Since January 1, the procedure for calculating the heat and hot water has been changed

Let them go to the inter-drinking period when everything is warm only for the provision of DHW, the consumption of thermal energy according to the testimony of a general-friendly meter amounted to 20 Gcal for the month, and tenants, in the apartments of water meters, were consumed by 30 cubic metering water. They are brought to them 30 x 0.059 \u003d 1.77 Gcal. Heat consumption on all other residents (let them 100): 20 - 1.77 \u003d 18.23 Gcal. One person is brought 18.23 / 100 \u003d 0.18 Gcal. Transferring Gkal to M3, we obtain the consumption of the beak water 0.18 / 0.059 \u003d 3.05 cubic meters per person.

How to translate gigakalria in cubic meters

Receiving accounts for utilities, it is quite difficult to understand in many aspects of calculations and understand: where did one or another figure come from? One of the bright examples of such "conversion difficulties" - payment for the heat supplied. If your house has a single heat meter, the bills will come for used GKAL (gigakloria), but the tariff for hot water is known to be installed for cubic meters. How to deal with the calculation of the cost of heat?



Perhaps the greatest difficulty lies just in the technical inability to translate gigakloria into cubic meters or back. These are absolutely different physical quantities: one serves as a measurement of thermal energy, the other volume, and, as the basic course of physics suggests, they are incompatible. The task of consumer of utility services in the end comes down to calculate the ratio of the expended amount of heat and the volume of consumed hot water.


To finally not get confused, it is worth starting with the definition of calculated quantities. So, under the calorie, the amount of heat, which is necessary for heating by 1 ° C of a single cubic centimeter of water. In Gkal billion calories, in the cubic meter - a million centimeters, therefore for heating at 1 ° from one cubic meter of water you will need 0.001 Gcal.

Considering that hot water should not be colder than 55 ° C, and the cold water enters at a temperature of 5 ° C, it is obvious that it will be necessary to heat it at 50 ° C, that is, to spend 0.05 Gcal energy for each cubic meter. In the area of \u200b\u200butility tariffs, there is a slightly higher standard of heat consumption on the heating of one cubic meter of water - 0.059 Gcal, this is due to heat loss, which occur during water transportation through the pipeline.


Further, everything is simple, heat consumption according to the readings of the house meter is divided into the number of tenants. Treat the heat consumption for each tenant, and delivering the resulting digit to the value of 0.059 - the volume of hot water in cubic meters, which should be paid by each resident. The only subtlety under this calculation is the need to subtract those tenants from which the consumption counters in the apartment are installed.