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How is the calculation of fee for heating on a standard? Calculation of heating in the apartment: principles, algorithms, formulas, how is the calculation for heating

The heating is growing every year, and many consumers are interested in what they pay, and why the numbers in the payment are becoming more and more. The cost of heating is calculated according to the standard of heat consumption, and in apartment buildings it depends on the heated area and from general expenses.

Each consumer should know how to calculate the charge for heating according to the standard to be able to control the fairness of accruals in the management company.

The size of the heating fees depends on different factors

In Russia, there are two main documents for which the fee for heating is calculated. The first of these is the Government Decision No. 354th 06/05/11. It regulates the rules for providing utilities to residents of apartment buildings. This document became an alternative to the Government Decision No. 307 of 05/23/06, however, in practice, the old ruling still continues to operate.

The decision on which rules payments are accrued, are accepted at the local level, the region itself chooses for itself the optimal option. There is a very important difference between them: according to the rules established in Resolution No. 354, the heating fee is charged only in continuation of the heating season, and not distributed for the whole year. On the one hand, it simplified the calculation technique, on the other, it led to an increase in the financial load on the consumer.

According to the new rules, in the period from October to May grows sharply, as it is starting to include the cost of heating. Many consumers are difficult to pay for enlarged accounts, which leads to an increase in debt. According to the traditional method, installed in the rules. Resolutions No. 307, consumers throughout the year pay for an apartment for approximately the same amount, and it is adjusted taking into account the overall growth of tariffs.

The size of the heat charge depends on the established common counter, the presence of heat meters in the apartments, as well as the presence of distributors sensors in residential and non-residential premises.

Calculation of fees with an unidentified general class counter

The general counter allows you to save

If the apartment building is not equipped with a general homework, heating fee is calculated based on three main factors:

  • Regulatory for heating. This is the amount of gigacalry that is required to heat up to the required temperatures of one kV. meter square. In each region, its standard is established depending on climatic conditions.
  • Tariff for heating. This is the cost of one heat gigaclorine installed for the region.
  • The magnitude of the heated area. The apartment building does not turn on the area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia or balcony.

Thus, the calculation of the heating card in this case is carried out on a relatively simple formula:
Board size \u003d standard * Tariff *, standard and tariff establish regional authorities.

The total cost of heat does not depend on the number of calories of thermal energy actually consumed, so this method of calculation is applied more and less. Now all over Russia is a campaign to improve the energy efficiency of heat supply, therefore counters are actively installed on heat.

Calculation of fees with a general aware meter

The situation is more common today - in an apartment building set by a general one, while there are no individual heat consumption counters in the apartments, the design of engineering communications in many homes are such that individual counters are simply impossible to include in the heating system, and each consumer does not have the ability to independently increase or decrease the heating . In the case there is a calculation based on four main parameters:

  • The total amount was consumed by the house of thermal energy, it is determined by the testimony of a general-friendly meter. Its installation allows you not to pay for the heat lost on the road due to uninsulated heat mains and other problems of thermal networks.
  • Heated area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment of the consumer or non-residential premises.
  • The overall heated area of \u200b\u200bthe building. All residential premises are taken into account, as well as entrances, attached stores connected to the total thermal system, etc.
  • Established by law tariff for thermal energy. Tariffs defines local authorities.

The calculation formula is as follows: Heat Feep \u003d Total volume * Apartment area / House area * Set rate. Thus, the distribution of the board becomes more fair, as each house actually pays for itself for itself.

However, in this case, the calculation system is non-ideal: since consumers do not have the ability to control heat consumption, often it is necessary to simply "fuck the street", the release of heat outwards because of its excess. At the same time, pay for it will still have to be fully. Because of this, a more modern option for calculating with individual counters becomes more and more popular.

Calculation of fees when installed individual counters

An individual counter allows you to pay for actually spent heat

If individual means of heat consumption are installed in all apartments, the calculation will become more complex, but as a result, the consumer pays for actually used energy, and this option is most advantageous. The calculation takes into account the following parameters:

  • The amount of heat consumed by one residential or non-residential premises is determined by the testimony of an individual counter. Accounting devices should be equipped with at least 95% of the premises in the building.
  • The amount of heat consumed to the whole house, it is taken into account on the basis of the testimony of a common counter.
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment for which the charge fee is calculated.
  • Common heated area of \u200b\u200bthe house. Residential and non-residential premises are taken into account.
  • Established by the government tariff for thermal energy.

All these parameters are taken into account when calculating according to the following formula: board size \u003d (individual heat + total heat * Apartment area / total area) * Tariff.

The sum of the testimony of individual counters is subtracted from the readings of the general counter, and the residue is divided between all consumers. Thus, residents at home independently pay for heating the entrance and other general premises, but the main calculation is based on individual counters.

This allows you to significantly reduce the heating, as it does not have to pay for worn-out networks and endless utility accidents. Nevertheless, the option with individual counters can be implemented not always: most often the general counter is mounted in the house, and as a result, tenants still have to partially pay each other. It also causes difficulties in the fight against debtors: they cannot be disconnected from a single heating system, and in the end they continue to use heat paid by other people.

The procedure for calculating the fee for the heat according to the rules of 2006

According to the rules, every year it must recalculate

If the payment for the heat is charged by the old rules, and the house has a public counter, the final figures in the consumer receipts will depend on how much the heat building has consumed by lasting the past year.

This value is divided into the total area of \u200b\u200bthe building, while taken into account both residential apartments and non-residential premises, such as offices and shops. As a result, it turns out the amount of heat per 1 square meter. Meter square, it is divided by 12 months.

After that, the resulting average monthly energy consumption is multiplied by the tariff approved by the local government. The value obtained must be multiplied to the apartment area. An example of calculation based on the 2011 tariffs for Izhevsk. According to a general aware meter, the total amount of thermal energy consumed in one year was 990 gigacalories.

The total area of \u200b\u200ball apartments at home and public premises is 5,500 meters. After the calculation, it turns out that during the year per 1 kV. The meter is spent 0.015 gigacalories per month. The resulting average monthly volume is multiplied by the cost of 1 heat gigacloralia at the set tariff. 943.60 (tariff) * 0,015 * 1,18 (VAT) \u003d 16.70 rubles per 1 kV. Meter heated area.

The value of each specific apartment should be multiplied to the area. If, for example, it is 45 square meters. meters, then the final monthly cost of heating will be 751.5 rubles per month. It is this number that the tenants will see in the payments throughout the year, as not the amount of heat spent per month, but the average monthly consumption obtained by the results of last year is taken into account.

How is the heating fee for these rules, if the house does not set a general counter? In this case, the standard is used - the amount of thermal energy required for heating. For each house, it is determined separately, this information must be in public access. When contacting the manager of the apartment building, the apartment building should receive all the information on how the heat charge is charged.

According to the rules of Resolution No. 307, every year in the house should be recalculated. It takes into account the amount of heat consumed last year, and on its basis the new board is calculated.

If the numbers in the payment are called in doubt and seem overestimated, it has the right to demand recalculation again. This is written a statement and sent to the management company, it is necessary to specify the time for which it is necessary to recalculate. The public utilities do not have the right to refuse to appeal, the answer is provided within 4 days. If after a re-calculation, the overpayment will be detected, it should be deducted from the amount of debt for the next month.

Knowledge of laws allows you to fight for your rights and seek justice. Regular increase in tariffs creates a serious load on, so it is necessary to achieve equitable metering heat loss.

How to calculate the charge for heating, you can learn from the video footage:

Payment of centralized heat supply services has become an essential of the expenses of the family budget of the residents of the apartments. Accordingly, the number of users who wanted to understand the difficult method of accrualing payments for thermal energy consumption. We will try to give a clear explanation, as the fee for heating in a private and apartment building is calculated in accordance with applicable standards and rules.

What payment method to choose to calculate

Calculate the cost of hot and cold water, indicated in the receipt of the municipal enterprise, is quite simple: the readings of the apartment meter are multiplied by the approved tariff. It is not possible with heat - the order of calculation depends on a number of factors:

  • the presence of either the absence of a household thermal energy meter;
  • whether heating is taken into account by all the premises with individual heat meters;
  • as you have to pay - during the winter period or year-round, including in the summer.

Note. The decision on the heating fee in the summer receives local authorities. In the Russian Federation, a change in the method of accrual is approved by the state management body (according to Decree No. 603). In the rest of the countries of the former USSR, the issue may be solved in other ways.

The legislation of the Russian Federation (Housing Code, Rules No. 354 and the New Resolution No. 603) allows you to consider the amount of payment for heating five in various ways, depending on the factors listed above. To understand how the payment amount is calculated in a particular case, select your option from the following:

  1. The apartment building is not equipped with accounting devices, the fee for the heat is charged during the provision of the service.
  2. The same, but heat supply is paid evenly all year.
  3. The residential apartment building has a collective meter at entering, the fee is charged during the heating period. Individual devices can stand in apartments, but their testimony is not taken into account, while heat meters do not register heating of all rooms without exception.
  4. The same, with the use of year-round payments.
  5. All rooms are residential and technical - equipped with accounting devices Plus on entering is a common meter of consumed thermal energy. The 2 payment method is implemented - year-round and seasonal.

Comment. Residents of Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus will surely find among them suitable options that meet the legislation of these countries.

The scheme reflects the existing options for accrues for the central heat supply service.

On the installation of apartment heat meters and the benefit of such accounting is described. Here we suggest considering each technique separately, in order to maximize the solution of the problem.

Option 1 - Pay without heat meters during the heating season

The essence of the technique is simple: the amount of heat consumed and the amount of payment is calculated on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling, which takes into account the square of all rooms and the utility rooms. How much is the heating of the apartment in this case, determines the formula:

  • P - the amount you need to pay;
  • S - the total area (indicated in the technical passport of the apartment or a private house), m²;
  • N is the heat rate highlighted on heating 1 square meter area during the calendar month, GKAL / m²;

For reference. Tariffs for utilities for the population are established by government agencies. The price of heating takes into account the cost of heat production and maintenance of centralized systems (repair and maintenance of pipelines, pumps and other equipment). The specifications of heat (N) are established by the Special Commission depending on the climate separately in each region.

To correctly carry out the calculation, find out in the office of the company - provider services the value of the established tariff and the standard of heat per unit area. The above formula allows calculating the cost of 1 sq. M. The heating of an apartment or a private house connected to the centralized network (instead of s substitute the figure 1).

Example of calculation. In one-room apartment 36 m² supplier serves heat at a rate of 1700 rubles / Gcal. Consumption rate approved in the amount of 0.025 Gcal / m². The price of heating as part of rent for 1 month is as follows:

P \u003d 36 x 0.025 x 1700 \u003d 1530 rub.

Important moment. The given methodology is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation and is fair for buildings, which cannot be established by general thermal meters for technical reasons. If the accounting device can be delivered, but the installation and registration of the node is not completed until 2017, the formula is added to the formula 1.5:

An increase in the cost of heating is one and a half times, provided for by the Resolution No. 603, also applies in cases:

  • the incomplete metering node of thermal energy was commissioned and was not repaired within 2 months;
  • the heat meter is stolen or damaged;
  • the readings of the home appliance are not transmitted to the heat supply organization;
  • specialists are not allowed to admit the organization to the house meter in order to verify the technical condition of the equipment (2 visits or more).

Option 2 - year-round accrual without metering devices

If you are obliged to pay for heat supply evenly during the year, and at the introduction of an apartment building, a node of accounting is not established, the formula for calculating thermal energy takes the following form:

The decoding of the parameters involved in the formula is given in the previous section: S - the area of \u200b\u200bthe dwelling, N is a heat consumption standard for 1 m², T - the price of 1 gkal of energy. The coefficient K remains, showing the frequency of payments during the calendar year. The value of the coefficient is calculated simply - the number of months of the heating period (including incomplete) is divided by the number of months in the year - 12.

As an example, consider the same one-room apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b36 m². First, we determine the frequency coefficient at the duration of the heating season of 7 months: K \u003d 7/12 \u003d 0.583. Then we substitute it in the formula along with other parameters: p \u003d 36 x (0.025 x 0.583) x 1700 \u003d 892 rubles. We'll have to pay monthly during the calendar year.

If your home is not equipped with a heat meter without documented reasons, the formula is supplemented with an increase in the 1.5 coefficient:

Then the fee for the heating of the apartment under consideration will be 892 x 1.5 \u003d 1338 rubles.

Note. In the case of transition to another method of payment of the utility service of heating (from year-round to seasonal and vice versa), an organization - a supplier produces a correction - recalculation of monthly payments.

Option 3 - fee on a general class counter in the cold period

This technique is used to calculate the payment of central heating services in apartment buildings, where there is a common meter, and only part of the apartments is equipped with individual heat meters. Since thermal energy is supplied to the whole building, the calculation is still made through the area, and the readings of individual devices are not taken into account.

  • P - amount to pay for the month;
  • S - Square of a specific apartment, m²;
  • Singchp - the area of \u200b\u200ball heated buildings of the building, m²;
  • V - the total amount of heat consumed according to the testimony of the collective meter during the calendar month, GKAL;
  • T - Tariff - price 1 Gcal of thermal energy.

If you want to independently determine the amount of payment in this way, you will have to find the values \u200b\u200bof 3 parameters: the area of \u200b\u200ball residential and non-residential rooms in an apartment building, the readings of the metering device at the input of the thermal highway and the tariff value installed in your area.

This is what the recorder of consumption of heat is a multi-apartment building.

Example of calculations. Initial data:

  • quadrature of a particular apartment - 36 m²;
  • the square of all rooms at home is 5000 m²;
  • consumed in 1 month the volume of thermal energy - 130 Gcal;
  • pricing 1 Gcal in the region of accommodation - 1700 rubles.

The amount of payment for the accounting month will be:

P \u003d 130 x 36/5000 x 1700 \u003d 1591 rub.

What is the essence of the method: through the quadrature of the dwelling is determined by your share of payment for the heat consumed by the building for the estimated period (as a rule, 1 month).

Option 4 - Accrual for the instrument of accounting, broken down for the whole year

This is the most complicated method for calculations. The calculation procedure looks like this:

Here are ROGGES and RKV - the sum of last year's charges on the introductory heat meter to the entire building and a specific apartment, respectively, RP is the size of the adjustment.

We give an example of calculations for our one-room apartment, given that last year the general heat meter counted 650 Gcal:

VSR \u003d 650 Gcal / 12 calendar months / 5000 m² \u003d 0.01 Gcal. Now we consider the amount of payment:

P \u003d 36 x 0.01 x 1700 \u003d 612 rub.

Note. The main problem is not the complexity of calculations, but the search for the source data. The owner of the apartment, who wants to check the correct payment of payment, should find out last year's testimony of a common counter or to fix them in advance.

In addition you need to perform an annual adjustment with reference to new meter readings. Suppose, the annual consumption of heat building increased to 700 Gcal, then an increase in the payment for heating must be determined as follows:

  1. We consider the total amount of the fee for the past year according to the tariff: ROG \u003d 700 x 1700 \u003d 1190000 rub.
  2. The same, relative to our apartment: RKV \u003d 612 rubles. x 12 months \u003d 7344 rub.
  3. Size of surcharge will be: RP \u003d 1190000 x 36/5000 - 7344 \u003d 1224 rubles. This amount is charged to you next year, after recalculation.

If the consumption of thermal energy decreases, the result of the correctional calculation will be with the "minus" sign - the organization must reduce the amount of payment for this amount.

Option 5 - Heat meters installed in all rooms

When a collective meter is installed at the entrance to an apartment building, plus individualized heat is organized in all rooms, payment during the heating season is determined by the following algorithm:

Why are such difficulties? The answer is simple: the testimony of good hundreds of individual devices of a priori cannot coincide with the data of the common meter due to error and unrecorded losses. Therefore, the difference is divided between all apartment owners in the shares corresponding to the area of \u200b\u200bhousing.

Deciphering the parameters involved in the calculated formulas:

  • P is the desired payment amount;
  • S - the square of your apartment, m²;
  • Singch - area of \u200b\u200ball rooms, m²;
  • V - heat consumption recorded by a collective meter for the estimated period, GKAL;
  • VP - the heat consumed in the same period, shown by your apartment meter;
  • Ver is the difference between the expenses shown by the house component and the group of other instruments facing non-residential and residential premises;
  • T - Cost 1 Gcal Heat (tariff).

As an example of the calculation, we take our apartment 36 m² and suppose that for the month an individual counter (or a group of individual meters) "screwed down" 0.6, houses - 130, and the group of instruments in all rooms of the building gave in the amount of 118 Gcal. The remaining indicators are left for the same (see previous sections). How much is heating in this case:

  1. Vr \u003d 130 - 118 \u003d 12 Gcal (determined the difference of readings).
  2. P \u003d (0.6 + 12 x 36/5000) x 1700 \u003d 1166.88 rub.

When it is required to calculate the amount of year-round heating card, an identical formula is applied. Only indicators of thermal energy costs are used average monthly, taken over the past year. Accordingly, the fee for spent energy is adjusted annually.

Why residents of neighboring houses pay for heat different amounts

This problem arose with the introduction of various payment methods - in quadrature (standard), according to the general meter or by individual heat meters. If you searched the previous sections of the publication, then probably noticed the difference in the amount of the monthly fee. The fact is explained quite simply: in the presence of measuring instruments, the tenants pay for a real resource consumed.

Now we will list the reasons why apartment owners receive payments with different amounts, despite the heat meters installed in homes:

  1. Different heat supply organizations are engaged in heating two neighboring buildings, for which various tariffs are approved.
  2. The more apartments in the house, the less you can pay. Increased heat loss are observed in the corner rooms and the dwellings of the last floor, the rest borders only through 1 outdoor wall. And such apartments - the vast majority.
  3. One meter at entering the house is not enough. The flow regulator is required - manual or automatic. Armature allows you to limit the flow of too hot heat carrier than the heat supply organizations sin. And then charge the appropriate fee for the service.
  4. The competence of the leadership selected by co-owners of an apartment building plays a major role. A competent worker will solve the issue of accounting and regulating the coolant in the first place.
  5. The uneconomic use of hot water heated by the coolant from the centralized network.
  6. Problems with accounting devices from different manufacturers.

Final output

There are many reasons for the emergence of large amounts in heating accounts. Obvious: The building with thick brick walls lose less heat than reinforced concrete "nine-story buildings". Hence the increased consumption of energy, fixed by the meter.

But before being taken for modernization (insulation) of the building, it is important to establish control and accounting - install heat meters in all rooms and on the feeding line. The estimated technique shows that such technical solutions give the best result.

One of the important steps towards saving budget funds on heating is the organization of metering thermal energy. Accounting for resources as gas, water and electricity - has long been common to most of consumers. At the same time, most thought that the heat could not be brought under this feature, so the installation of meters to heating in the apartment was a kind of innovation. How to carry out the right installation of a thermal energy metering device? Let's figure it out.

The options for installing the meter can be two: a common heat meter or an individual apartment. And each option is your advantages and disadvantages.

Option number 1 - a general a thermal counter. For the residents of an apartment building, heat accounting can be conducted by installing a public heat meter for heating in an apartment building. By the way, this decision is the cheapest. After all, the cost of the meter itself, which is very decent, and the price of its installation will be divided among the apartment owners of the high-rise buildings. As a result, the amount that will have to pay, will not be so high.

The data from the meter is removed monthly. And the amount obtained is distributed between apartments, respectively, with its area. Also, if the service provider does not comply with the temperature indicated in the contract, according to the law, it is obliged to return the money paid by the residents. But before installing the meter of this type, some nuances should observe.

To begin with, you need to hold a general-style meeting, to interview all those wishing to put the meter meter. It is necessary to discuss the peculiarities of the subsequent installation of the heat meter, as well as choose who the meter readings will be removed and the receipt is displayed to pay for thermal energy. The result of the assembly must be recorded in the protocol, after which the management company can send a written application for the desire of tenants to establish a thermal energy accounting device.

From the installation side of the most economical are common thermal counters for heating. But there are a number of moments that reduce its effectiveness on saving budget funds in the future. For example, heat loss may arise due to weakly insulated entrances or apartments of other tenants, and for heat will have to pay more.

Option number 2 - Individual accounting devices. Undoubtedly, the arrangement of a general-friendly heat meter is cheaper, but in the future there is no special economic effect from him. For this reason, many consumers choose individual heat meters, the installation of which is carried out directly in the apartment. Installation of such an appliance is much more expensive, but the result from its use is much higher. For the heat you will pay less than on a general aware meter!

It is important to understand how the heating meter works: a distributor is mounted on each radiator in the apartment. Their task is to fix the temperature and its drops within a month. Based on this data, the payment of thermal energy is calculated.

But before starting any preparatory activities to install a metering device, you need to familiarize yourself with some technical limitations. The heat meter is installed on the riser, which leads to the apartment. Old apartment buildings are often equipped with vertical pipe wiring. From this it follows that several risers can enter the apartment, each of which needs to be mounted a heat meter, which is very significantly hurting the budget. An exit of such a situation can be the installation of special counters for heating radiators.

The manufacturers of heat meters recommended in houses with vertical wiring to mount the so-called distributors whose task is to measure the flow of the coolant, based on the temperature difference, on the surface of the radiator and in the air of the room.

Buildings where horizontal layout is made, the installation of any heat meters is not complicated. Compact devices are installed on the pipe that supplies the coolant in the residential premises. Sometimes it happens that the heat poles are installed on the return pipeline, they have another principle of operation.

Is it profitable to install the counter in the apartment?

Install the meter for heating in the apartment is beneficial. The owner of housing spends money only for the heat, which gives the heating batteries, without paying the loss during its transportation. In order to save maximize, you need to get rid of any possible sources of heat as possible: insulate the room, install sealed window frames, etc.

Guaranteed can be saved on payment and return the funds spent if:

  • get permission to install and technical conditions from an organization that supplies heat;
  • explain the responsible, which was elected by a general a meeting;
  • on the entire apartment you can install 1 metering node;
  • project Documents Consider with heat supplier;
  • pass the installed device to be commissioned, after that the device must be sealing.

In fact, it is quite difficult to comply with all the listed items in order to mount a heather in the apartment and pay for the supply of heat according to its testimony. The most successful option may be a new building, where a separate heat input is in each apartment. And then there may be various obstacles in the form of various legislation. For example, in the Russian Federation there is a resolution, which states that the testimony of individual heat meters is subject to accounting under the following conditions:

  • heat meters must be in all apartments;
  • at the introduction of central heating to the house should be installed a common heat meter.

Almost all high-rise buildings of the Soviet era are equipped with a single-tube heating system with vertical risers. Present the number of devices that you have to put on each accession to the riser. The permission is also unlikely that you will be issued, and the refusal will be justified. Tubes of risers also highlight heat, which will not consider an individual counter.

If hearing radiators are installed in the house on the staircases and other technical premises, despite the installation of an individual heat meter, you will have to pay for their stake for their heating. Here, it is also necessary to agree with the leadership of Osmd. Maintenance work is a fairly simple stage, most of the time you need to spend on the design of various approvals and permits.

It is possible to install a heat meter yourself, then difficulties may arise during its commissioning of the management company. So you can contact a contract organization, which for a fee will help you solve the issue with papers.

How to choose an optimal heat meter?

The varieties of heat meters are quite a lot, but 5 species are most adapted for installation in the apartment:

  • mechanical (otherwise - tachometric);
  • electromagnetic;
  • vortex;
  • ultrasound;
  • overhead sensors on batteries.

Mechanical heat meters are so called that the coolant consumption is determined by the immersed impeller. With the help of 2 sensors, which are crashed into the feed and return pipelines, the temperature difference is determined. Based on these data, the calculator issues the result of the flow of thermal energy. The heat meters of this type are fairly cheap, but at the same time very demanding of the quality of the coolant.

Organizations engaged in the supply of heat do not particularly complain such devices not so much because of the sensitivity to the quality of the coolant, due to the fact that, according to specialists, this type of instruments are poorly protected from external influence on it with unauthorized persons in order to undertake testimony.

Electromagnetic counters. This type of counter work on the principle of electrical current when the coolant is passed through the magnetic field. These devices are quite stable and successfully used. Inaccuracy of measurements may occur if impurities may appear in the coolants or during the installation, wires are connected poorly.

Vortex heat meters. This type of equipment works on the principle of evaluating the vortices, which are formed for the obstacle, which is located on the path of the coolant. Mounted both on horizontal and vertical pipelines. These counters are very sensitive to the availability of air in the system, as well as demanding on the quality of impurities in the coolant and the quality of welding.

To properly work, you need to install a magnetic and mesh filter. Deposits within the pipeline do not interfere with the proper operation of the device. Large requirements This device presents the dimensions of the direct portions of the pipeline before and after the flow meter.

Ultrasound heat meters practically do not have the disadvantages. They are not demanding of the quality of the coolant, since its consumption is determined using the ultrasound passing through the working section. The temperature difference is calculated using the sensors installed on the feed and reverse. The only negative is the device more expensive than a mechanical at least 15%, but the management companies recommend these instruments for installation. And it is logical, since it is impossible to intervene in the operation of this device.

The heat meters mounted on the battery measure the temperature on its surface and the air temperature indoors. After that, the calculator issues the data on the consumed heat based on the passport data on the power of the radiator, which are entered manually.

This type of device is unlikely to commission the company supplying heat energy, but if there is a common heat meter, this device will help more accurately calculate the heat consumed in each apartment, but it should be borne in mind that these devices must be installed in each room.

Like any accounting and measuring instrument, the heat meter must have a passport and certificate. Documents must necessarily indicate the data on the primary verification, which was carried out by the manufacturer. This information should also be indicated on the instrument housing in the form of special stamps or stickers. During operation, these devices must necessarily pass by periodic calibration. Its deadlines depend on the type of device. On average, calibration is produced every four years.

How is it better to install heat meter?

The easiest solution will be the installation of an overhead device, as it does not require hiring the corresponding specialist and cutting pipes. It will be enough to consolidate the heat meter on the battery. A different situation is the situation with mechanical instruments, to mount these devices, you need to block the risers, merge water and dismantle a portion of the pipe. The same situation and ultrasonic devices that are crashed directly into the pipeline.

As mentioned earlier, before putting this equipment, there should be permission and a ready-made project. And in order not to have problems with the commissioning and payment of the device by the company by the supplier, its installation should be made by a licensed firm, which will be indicated in the act of work performed. Specialists of this company conduct work according to the following steps:

  • make a connection project;
  • coordinate the necessary documentation with the supplier of thermal energy;
  • mount the heat meter;
  • register the device;
  • for delivery to operation, transmitting it to the controlling organization.

If you decide to carry out these work yourself, first carefully examine the instruction of the heat meter. There are recommendations on the installation of the device and its operation, which need to be able to observe. By the way, ultrasound and mechanical devices must be provided with a measuring portion of certain sizes. That is, before and after the device, a straight pipe without turns and bends should be installed.

The measuring portion for the mechanical heat meter must be at least 3 diameters of the pipe to the flow meter and one after. Ultrasonic heat meters are more demanding, there the measuring portion must be at least 5 diameters to and 3 after the device (these data depend on the manufacturer).

Now let's talk about whether it is possible to mount an individual heat meter on the return pipeline. Most manufacturers make counters that can be installed on any highway, the main thing is not to confuse the temperature sensors in some places. Usually they are screwed into a tee or a special crane equipped with a separate nozzle for this purpose.

In fact, in countries in the post-Soviet space, it is most often quite difficult to solve and pass the individual heat meter. Perhaps the forces and material resources invested in this device will not cost the result. Therefore, it is recommended before turning to the organization of individual accounting, it is better to consult with the supplier of thermal energy.

Accounting devices, these are pretty good helpers for those who want to save their means. All whoever want to pay for the losses during the transportation of heat, it is recommended to think about the installation of the heat meter. Especially since this is not such a difficult task. The main thing is to determine which accounting device you want to establish a general or individual, the rest of the work is better to entrust professionals.

How to pay for heating in 2019

From January 2019, the Decree of the Russian Federation №1708 entered into force. The regulatory act has changed the rules for the provision of utilities (Government Decision No. 354-PP) in terms of calculating the cost of heating.

New rules provide for four options for calculating hot batteries - depending on the availability of individual accounting devices and radiator distributors. And also divided heating to the general and individual ( S OI, S ind).

Most of the Criminal Code prefer to ignore the settlement on the new rules - they say, the time of adjustment will come there and will understand.

Of course, collecting money on a standard from square meters is much more profitable for the management organization. After all, with heat suppliers, it is calculated on the basis of the actual consumption of heat. And the difference puts in his pocket.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The refusal of the artist to take into account the testimony of the IPU in different reasons, they say, "this calculation is not provided for by the software", "the new procedure for calculating is not studied" or "we are not aware of the change in the procedure for calculating", illegal. Law is law!

With our instructions, "New Rules for Calculation For Heating in 2019" we offer to owners independently understand how to pay for heating. This will help save the budget to those who have a house with radiator distributors who have an individual heat metering device, and those who dismantled the batteries and use autonomous sources for heating the apartment. For those who continue to be considered according to the standard, we recall how to require the adjustment of the heating fee.

Why formulas for calculating heating decided to revise

In July 2018, the Constitutional Court of Russia ruled in favor of a resident of an apartment building from the city of Pushkino, which challenged the heating fee on the standard, as an individual accounting device was installed in his apartment. The house was completely equipped with individual heat meters. But someone broke, someone dismantled, and someone did not pass the testimony. As a result, the owner was denied the calculations for the heat on the basis of the actual testimony of its IPU.

The man had to circumvent all courts. And everything, right up to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, refused to refer to the existing resolution No. 354-PP. The resolution was: if at least one of the premises are not equipped with a good thermal energy, then in the rest of the premises, the calculation of the heating fees can also be carried out on the basis of the readings of individual accounting devices.

However, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation did not accept such arguments. The court decided that such an approach violates the principle of justice. On July 10, 2018, the COP recognized the approach to the calculation of fees for the heat of the Russian Federation. The court gave the Government of the Russian Federation. An indication of amendments to PP of the Russian Federation No. 354, which was done by the Government Decree of December 28, 2018 No. 1988.

From January 1, 2019 calculation of heating fees with a good IPU Must be done on the basis of the testimony of such an instrument, regardless of the availability of meters in other rooms. MKD (Abs. 4 p. 42 (1) of PP of the Russian Federation No. 354).

The decision of the COP of the Russian Federation applies only to the houses commissioned after January 1, 2012, including after the overhaul, and in which all the premises were equipped with IPU heat, but their safety in some apartments was not provided.

A brief list of basic changes in the fee for heating in 2019

This is what has changed in the calculation of heating in 2019:

Heating was divided into individual and generalic.

Formulas appeared to calculate unheated premises and indoor rooms with autonomous heating (which dismantled batteries).

An individual calculation for heat became possible to carry out in the MKD, only partially equipped with individual heat meters (IPU).

In the formulas for calculating the board for heat supply, new quantities appeared: the area of \u200b\u200bcommon areas and the amount of heat consumption by summing up the data taken from individual heat metering devices (IPU) or installed on the batteries of the owners of radiator distributors (PP).

Features of charges for heating, if the house and apartments are equipped with heat metering devices

1. For what period is the calculation of the board for your home: during the heating period or during a calendar year, that is, all 12 months.

2. Installed or not in your house a network of thermal energy accounting (OTP).

3. Is your apartment equipped with an individual heat metering device (heat meter with horizontal wiring of heating systems) or radiator distributors (with vertical wiring are attached directly on radiators).

4. The method of supplying thermal energy into an apartment building. The house is connected to the central heating networks or it prepares hot water using equipment that is part of the common property of an apartment building (individual heat-plug - ITP is either a roof boiler room, etc.).

For convenience, we broke information on the subsections. Search for information on the formulas used to calculate the fees in the subsection corresponding to your type of house and equipment:

I. The house is not equipped with OPE, the heating fee is charged during the heating period.

II. The house is not equipped with OPE, the heating fee is distributed equal to shares throughout the calendar year (12 months).

III. The house is equipped with OPE, but individual accounting devices are absent in all residential / non-residential premises.

IV. The house is equipped with OPA, some apartments are equipped with individual heat metering devices.

I. The house is not equipped with ONPA, the charge for heating is charged during the heating period.

In homes that are not equipped with a dormitory heat metering device, the calculation for heating is carried out according to standards.

Regulatory - This is the calculated amount of thermal energy, which is necessary for heating 1 kV. meter housing for a month. Since the temperature regime in different regions of the country is different, the regulations establish regional authorities. The value of the standard may depend on the type of housing: wooden barak, panel five-story or brick tight of the 80s construction.

Formula for calculating for houses that are not equipped with OTP and IPU:

The area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment must be multiplied by the established standard of consumption of thermal energy and multiplied to the tariff set on thermal energy.

Pi \u003d s i (Apartment Area) x N (Consumption standard) x Tt.

II. The house is not equipped with ONPA, the heating fee is distributed in equal shares throughout the calendar year (12 months)

The peculiarity of this formula of the calculation is related to the use of the frequency of consumers to make consumers for a utility service for heating. The frequency coefficient is determined by dividing the number of months of the heating period per year by the number of calendar months per year.

The formula of the monthly calculation of heat during the calendar year:

The area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is multiplied by the standard of consumption of thermal energy, multiplying the frequency coefficient and multiply to the tariff.

Pi \u003d Si. (Apartment Area)x Nt. (Consumption standard)x K. (frequency coefficient)x Tt. (tariff for thermal energy).

III. The house is equipped with OPA, but individual accounting devices are missing in all residential / non-residential premises.

The heat meter is installed on the so-called entrance to the apartment building. His testimony makes it possible to understand how much heat entered the house. The distribution in this case occurs in proportion to the area of \u200b\u200bapartments. For calculations, according to the rules, formulas No. 3 and No. 3 (6) will be needed.

Despite the awesome type of formula, it is possible to calculate the heating fee as follows:


P I.

S I. - the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment;

S Ob. - The total area of \u200b\u200ball residential and non-residential premises located in an apartment building. Its size can be found on the GIS website of the Housing Hospital, clarify in the Criminal Code or view in the payment receipt;

V D. - The volume of thermal energy according to the testimony of the general-purpose metering, if the calculation of the size of the board is carried out during the heating period. Or based on the monthly average volume of thermal energy defined by the testimony of a general-friendly metering of accounting for the previous year. This information management organization is obliged to provide the owner on the first request;

T T. - tariff for thermal energy. Its value is indicated in the receipt;

V I. - Volume (number) of thermal energy, which falls on the apartment. But this amount is to calculate By Formula No. 3 (6). We give this formula below;

ΣV I. - the sum of the volume of thermal energy consumed in all residential and non-residential premises defined by Formula No. 3 (6). See just below.


S I. - the total area of \u200b\u200byour apartment;

S Ob.

S OI - the total area of \u200b\u200bpremises belonging to the general property (MOS);

S ind - the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential and non-residential premises located in an apartment building, in which there are no heating devices (radiators, batteries) or which use individual sources of thermal energy;

V D. - The volume of thermal energy according to the testimony of the general-purpose metering, if the calculation of the size of the board is carried out during the heating period. Or based on the monthly average volume of thermal energy defined by the testimony of a general-friendly metering of accounting for the previous year.

To calculate component ΣV I.It is necessary to subtract the amount of thermal energy consumed in all apartments. For this necessary The volume of thermal energy defined according to the testimony (V D.), divide by the total area of \u200b\u200bthe whole housewhich includes the total area of \u200b\u200ball residential premises and the total area of \u200b\u200bpremises that are part of the common property ( S Ob.+ S OI), and then multiply on the total area of \u200b\u200ball residential premises (apartments) ( S Ob.).

Now that all data is known, apply them to Formula No. 3:

IV. The house is equipped with one. Part of the apartments are equipped with individual heat metering devices (IPU)

If the apartment building is equipped with a general-friendly heat metering device (OTP) and at least one room in this MKD is equipped with an individual accounting device (IPU) of heating, then the testimony of such an IPU should be taken into account in the calculations of the owner for heating. Even if it is just one apartment for the entire residential building.

The calculation will be completed on the basis of the actual consumption of the heat of the apartment and the calculation for the generalic heating, which goes to heating the entrances. So, consider the calculation for heating for an apartment with IPU.

For calculations in a house equipped with ONE, but at the same time, where some apartments have an IPU, formula No. 3 (1) is applied:


P I. - the size of the boards for heating around the apartment;

S I. - the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment;

S Ob. - the total area of \u200b\u200ball residential and non-residential premises located in an apartment building;

V D. - The volume of thermal energy according to the testimony of a general-purpose accounting device (ODA), if the calculation of the size of the board is carried out during the heating period. Or on the basis of the average monthly volume of thermal energy defined by the testimony of a general-friendly metering device for the previous year;

T T. - tariff for thermal energy;

V I. - The volume of thermal energy for rooms equipped with IPU. Below is the formula for calculating it;

ΣV I. - The sum of the volumes of thermal energy consumed in all residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building.

For premises that are not equipped with individual accounting devices, the heat fee is calculated by Formula No. 3 (7):


S I. - the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment;

ΣV IPU - The sum of the volume of thermal energy, consumed according to the indications of individual accounting devices, if the size of the heating fee is carried out in the heating period. Or on the basis of the average monthly thermal energy of such accounting devices, if the calculation of the size of the board is carried out during the calendar year;

Σs Iip - The amount of the area of \u200b\u200bpremises equipped with individual thermal energy metering devices that are involved in the calculation.

Features of charges for heating, if the house has an individual heat-plug (ITP)

Today, most new buildings are equipped with autonomous heat supply systems.

In such houses there is no centralized heat supply and hot water supply, and utilities "Heating" and "hot water supply" are manufactured using common equipment, which is included in the general property of the owners of the premises of such an apartment building.

Calculation of fees for utilities for heating and hot water supply in such houses is otherwise produced than in houses powered from CHP.

In the manufacture of utility services for heating or hot water supply, various utility resources can be used, such as electrical energy, cold water supply, gas or other fuel.

The fee is calculated according to formulas No. 18 - for heating and No. 20 - for hot water supply (Appendix No. 2 to the Rules).

The volume of the communal resource used in the production of a communal heating service is distributed in proportion to the size of the total area of \u200b\u200bresidential or non-residential premises. The fee is calculated as a product of a specific amount of volume and tariff for a suitable communal resource.

The cost of hot water consists of two components: a product of the volume of hot water consumed in a residential or non-residential room, the tariff for cold water supply and the volume of the communal resource consumed for heating the cold water supply, which is distributed proportional to the consumed hot water volume.

In Appendix No. 2, formula No. 18 looks like this:


V. V. kr - volume (number) of the municipal resource (gas or other fuel, electrical energy, cold water) used for the estimated period in the production of a communal heating service;

S I - The total area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises (apartments) or non-residential premises in an apartment building;

S. about - the total area of \u200b\u200ball apartments and non-residential premises in an apartment building;

T V. kr - Tariff (price) on utility resource (gas, electrical energy, cold water) used for the estimated period in the production of a communal heating service established in accordance with the legislation.

Thus, the fee for the communal heating service in the absence of a centralized heat supply system in the house is calculated according to the usual principle, which is based on the distribution of the volume of consumed communal resource according to the total area of \u200b\u200beach room. residential or non-residential.

Non-residential premises include various premises, you can say, commercial type - shops, offices, cafes and so on.

With the calculation of hot water, things are a bit more complicated than with the calculation of heating, but also here, if you figure it out, you can understand the method of charging.

Formula 2 of Appendix No. 2 to the Rules looks like this:


V. V. gv - the volume of hot water defined for the estimated period in a residential / non-residential room in an apartment building based on the value of consumption, readings of individual accounting devices or calculated volume;

T. kh - Tariff for cold water used in the estimated period during the independent production by the Contractor of the Communal Services in Hot Water Supply;

V V. kr - the volume of municipal resources (thermal energy, gas or other fuel, electrical energy) used for the estimated period for heating of cold water with independent production by the executor of a communal service for hot water supply;

T V. kr - Tariff (price) on a communal resource used for the estimated period in the production of a communal service for hot water supply.

Summing up the procedure for calculating the size of the fee for the hot water supply in the absence of a centralized DHW system, we note: payment is made for the volume of hot water consumed in the room, at the price of a rh3, plus the charge is additionally charged for heating this cold water to the DHW temperature.

The costs of maintenance and repair of equipment, which is used for the production of utility services for heating and hot water supply, are not included in the fee for these services. They are paid at the expense of the line in the receipt for the maintenance and the current renovation of housing.

How to adjust the heating fee for 2018

According to the adopted changes in housing legislation, public utilities gave the right to adjust at any time of the year.

Previously, the adjustment was carried out in the first quarter of this year last year. Now the managing organization itself determines the period when to recalculate. But this should take place at least once a year.

The decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation took place on July 10 last year. Therefore, to adjust the size of the heating fee in 2018 will have to use two formulas at once: oldand new.

To correctly adjust the charge for heating for 2018 in homes, where individual carbon taking into account, the KU must be preserved in all rooms.

For the period up to July 10, 2018 to use old formula number 3 (2) from Appendix No. 2 to PP of the Russian Federation №354;

For the period from July 10 to December 31, 2018 to use formula number 3 (3) from Appendix No. 2 PP of the Russian Federation No. 354, substituting in it or indications of the IUP, or the calculated value derived from the standard, and not the norm itself.

You can calculate such a value for the room without a working counter: multiplying the cost of consumption on the area of \u200b\u200bthe owners; Sharing the result in the amount of the areas of all rooms in the house, including the common property of the Ministry of Measures; Multipling the resulting specific amount on the area of \u200b\u200ba particular room, where the IPU was not preserved.

How to adjust the apartments equipped with radiator distributors

If the house is equipped with OPE, and at least 51% of apartments in the house are equipped with radiator distributors, the calculation for heating such apartments can be adjusted. However, the calculation of the size of the board in the presence of distributors is somewhat different from the calculation according to individual accounting devices.

In distributors, as a rule, no monthly calculation of the size of the heating fee is not made. Their testimony is taken into account once a year (or more often, if such a decision is made at the general meeting with owners, members of the partnership or cooperative) - when adjusting the size of the heating fee.

Correction of the board size is made only within the amount accrued by the testimony of a general-purpose accounting device for all apartments in which distributors are installed.

That is, the use of heat distributors does not mean at all for the consumer for payment only for heating provided in its premises. The amount accrued on the general gauge will still include thermal energy consumed in common areas of the apartment building, and the distribution of the board is made only between consumers in the premises in which distributors are installed. In the volume of thermal energy that came to them according to the testimony of OTP.

For calculation is usedformula number 6. Applications number 2 Rules:


P I. - fee for the provided utility service for heating in i-M. equipped with dispensers residential room (apartment) or non-residential room in an apartment building for the period for which adjustment is carried out;

k. - the number of residential premises (apartments) equipped with dispensers (apartments) and non-residential premises in an apartment building;

p. - the number of distributors installed in i-M. apartment or non-residential room in an apartment building;

m Q.I.- the proportion of the consumption of the communal heating service coming to q-J. distributor installed in i-M. apartment or non-residential premises, in the amount of consumption of the communal heating service in all equipped apartments and non-residential premises equipped with dispensers in an apartment building;

Σ - The sum of certain indicators.

Answers to "Hot" Questions

1. I decided to equip an apartment IPU. Technical characteristics of the house allow. The management company does not want to apply for commissioning. Is such a position right?

The municipal service performer has no right to refuse to put into operation individual heating counters or radiator distributors. Introduce an IPU into operation, the management organization should be no later than a month starting from the date of application.

If we are talking about individual accounting devices (IPU), the accrual of heating fees is carried out taking into account the testimony from the first day of the month following the commissioning date.

2. The apartment is too hot. We want to dismantle the batteries. Does this mean that it will disappear to pay for heating?

First of all, it is worth considering that, in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 25 and art. 26 LCD RF, installation, replacement, transferring or dismantling engineering networks, sanitary, electrical or other equipment should be carried out in compliance with the requirements of legislation in coordination with the local government authority.

With a positive coordination, the owner is obliged to notify the management organization conducted by the reorganization of intra-quarter communications. Since this will depend on the calculation of your heating bills.

In connection with the new rules for calculating heating with autonomous heating of housing or dismantling radiators, you will pay 0 rubles for the volume of heat consumed from the centralized system for heating directly your apartment.

But you will keep the duty to pay for the volume of thermal energy spent on public needs - entrances, strollery, elevator halls, staircases and other places inside the house where heating radiators are installed.

IT'S IMPORTANT TO KNOW!The COP of the Russian Federation in paragraph 1.1 (No. 46-P) of its decision noted that the disconnection of individual premises of the house from the centralized heating system does not stop consumption by the owner of such a thermal energy option for generalic needs. The consumer who has disabled centralized heating in the apartment may not pay indoors for him, but must pay for heating spent on the mainstream of owners.

3. Communal payments exhibits a single settlement center. Came overestimated for heating. Called in the Criminal Code. We were sent to understand EERC. It is legal?

No, illegal. The executor of the communal services can attract organizations to accrual the fee for utilities and delivery of utility receipts (EPC, RCC, etc.).

However, the responsibility for the correctness of the calculations continues to carry performers of services. Whether it is the Criminal Code, the HOA, the RCS or directly the resource-channel organization.

It is the executor of the Service is obliged to carry out an inspection of accrual, debt or overpayment upon request of the consumer. And immediately according to the results of the verification, to issue documents to the consumer containing correctly accrued payments. Documents issued by the consumer should be certified by the signature of the head and print of the Contractor. So reads p. "D" paragraph 31 of the rules No. 354-PP.

To offer the consumer to apply for the verification of the correctness of the accrual into the settlement center, the Contractor does not have the right. In addition, it is the executor of the service (and not his payment agent at all!) In violation of the procedure for calculating the fee for utilities, it is obliged to pay a fine in favor of the consumer (part 6 of Art. 157 LCD RF, paragraph 155.2 of Rules 354).

4. In our house the roof boiler room. How do we change the order of payment for heating?

Houses in which thermal energy is made with the help of domestic equipment, as in 2018, calculate the heating fee according to Formula No. 18. Appendices number 2. PP of the Russian Federation №354 (if not all rooms are equipped with IPU) or according to Formula No. 18 (1) of Appendix No. 2PP of the Russian Federation №354 (if all rooms are equipped with IPUs).

On February 22, 2019, a letter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation was issued on this score, in which the Office explained to which MKD does not apply to PP of the Russian Federation No. 1988. Repeat: it is at home with a decentralized heating system and hot water supply, in which there is no centralized heat supply.

5. If I do not pass the data from thermal energy, can I subsequently require recalculation for heating?

The recalculation is possible for the entire period of lack of periodic readings, if your IPU has no longer expired and is not disturbed by an intermediate interval. To transfer the testimony of IPU is the right, not the duty of the consumer.

At the same time, remember: management company or resourceman (depending on who sets the fee) have the right to test the health of your heat metering device. If IPU is working, the seals are not damaged, the period of calibration is not expired, the fee will be recalculated.

Heat / Heating, Heat supply - Payment

With the beginning of each heating season, the inhabitants of apartment buildings again and again the question arises: according to what principle do we pay "for the heat?", "Is there too much?" And "How to check the correctness of the charges for heating?".

And also, the fee for heating is the most incomprehensible part of payment for citizens for the "communal". In the receipts that we get, there is a string "Heating". In it - nothing says the unit of measure - "Gigaclorai". And even less to us, explaining the figure in the "Volume of the Services rendered" column.

What services? How are they considered? And here are calories? And where does their number come from that for some reason attributing to your apartment? Let's figure it out.

But let's say immediately - the calculation of the amount you must pay for the heat is in fairly difficult rules. They include many formulas and require some time to figure out.

Therefore, we offer this: first consider the logic of calculations in general, you can understand which of the options relates to your home. And then go through the formulas for which the heating fees are calculated in each specific embodiment.

How the heating fee is calculated. General logic

So, let's start with the "calories", or rather gigakloria (GKAL). These are units of thermal energy. She, thermal energy, is served in your apartments by means of a coolant - i.e. Heated to the desired water temperature.

Passing through the home heating system, the coolant gives part of its energy and makes hot batteries and risers in your apartment. Therefore, it is natural that the volume of heat that goes to the house, and is measured in GKAL.

If you have a heat meter in the apartment, then answer this question is relatively simple. How much counter counted, so much and consume. Plus, it is necessary to add that part of the heat that goes on heating the staircases, elevator halls, etc. This is called warmth to general work. How its volume is calculated, we will specify below.

In general, it can be said that in the apartment meter of heat, calculate the amount of its consumption, of course, easier to this. The problem, however, is that the heat meters in the apartments of high-rise buildings began to put quite recently and few of whom they are installed now. Nevertheless, there are such people, and the current legislation clearly describes how they calculate their payment. We will consider this in detail.

The case is much more common when the heat meter is at the "entrance" in the apartment building. Such a counter is called a general or collective. His testimony makes it possible to understand how much heat entered the house. Then can be calculated which part of this energy falls on each apartment.

The distribution in this case occurs in proportion to the area of \u200b\u200bapartments. This calculation looks quite logical. All the necessary formulas we give below.

Well, what happens if there is no heat meter? We answer: the calculation is carried out according to the standards of heating. The standard in this case is the calculated amount of thermal energy, which is necessary for heating one square meter of housing during the month. They are measured in gkal per square. meter.

Since the temperature regime in winter in different parts of the country is very different, then the standards for heating are determined by regional authorities and differ in various subjects of the federation. In addition, different standards can be installed for different types of housing. That is quite logical - heat loss in the old barrack and relatively modern 11-tying buildings of the 80s, of course, different.

The algorithm for calculating the fee for heating on standards is quite simple. The area of \u200b\u200byour apartment is multiplied by a valid standard, the result is the volume of thermal energy, which (theoretically) is necessary for you to heat. Naturally, all these counts are somewhat speculative and often do not correspond to the actual costs of thermal energy.

Our government with a heating fee for standards has been fighting for some time. The installation of generalized heat meters is mandatory. And if there is no common meter (although the technical opportunity for its installation is available), then the fee for heating is charged with "penalty" coefficients. From January 1, 2017, it is 1.5. Details of the calculation according to the standard also give below.

In the meantime, let's summarize the result. The figure that in your payment describes the amount of heat consumed may appear in one of three ways:

  • based on the readings of your apartment meter of heat (plus, a part of the heat consumption for general work)
  • based on the total volume of heat consumption that came to your share (calculated on a dormitory meter)
  • based on the standards for heating, if you have a common meter in the house.

Another important clarification: according to the current legislation, the heating fee can be calculated:

  • within only the heating season
  • all over the year

Which of these options follow - regional authorities solve. If the decision is made to charge the heating fee for the entire year, then special correction factors are applied in the formulas for calculating the heating fees. We will tell about them below, in the section where formulas are dealt.

Also, we note one important thing about the calculations for the heat during the whole year: if you pay for heat and in the summer months, and in your home there is a generalized heat metering device, then you should annually make a correction payment for heating.

Just mark it for yourself, we will return for more details below.

Now that we generally found out how the heat fee is calculated, we turn to the formulas describing exactly what payment should you have.

How is the charge for heating, if payments come only during the heating season?

Currently, the cost of heating services is calculated on the basis of "rules for the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011. Actual version of this document.

To not be confused in the future, we will call this document easier - "Rules".

Once again, if you have a fee for heat only, only October - May, it means that everything written by this section concerns you. If, in your case, the bills for heat come monthly, including in the summer, then.

Let us turn directly to the calculations for the heat fee. Their algorithm, as we wrote above, depends on the following factors:

  • availability in the House of the General Counter
  • availability in all apartments and non-residential premises of the house of apartment (individual) heat meters
  • and also (we did not write above, but now we will introduce you to the case) from the presence of an apartment house of so-called in at least 50% of residential (and non-residential) "Dispensers»

Tell me with each of these items.

Option 1. Your house has no heat metering device.

In this case, the heating fee is calculated based on three parameters:

  • approved in your region a standard for heating, how much gigacalry (GKAL) is necessary for heating one square meter during the month
  • approved for your supplier heat tariff for heating, i.e. how much is one gkal
  • the area of \u200b\u200byour apartment (in the heated area, we will remind, the area of \u200b\u200bthe loggia or balcony does not turn on).

The formula that describes the calculation of the heating fee in the absence of an individual (apartment) and a general-friendly meter looks like this:

P i \u003d s i x n t x t t

S I. - The total area of \u200b\u200bthe I residential or non-residential premises.

N T. - Regulatory of consumption of public utility services.

T T. - Tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation

In other words, the area of \u200b\u200byour apartment is taken, multiplied by the heating standard (how many hycalaloria is considered necessary for heating one square meter of the square) and is multiplied by the operating tariff in you in the region (the cost of one gigaklorine).

It is also worth considering that if you have a general-friendly heating meter in an apartment building, although the technical opportunity for its installation is available, then when calculating the heating fee is applied to the boost. Thus, the government stimulates managerial organizations of houses and residents to install general-purpose accounting devices.

The magnitude of this increasing coefficient for 2016 is taken equal to 1.4. And from January 1, 2017 - 1.5.

Option 2. A common heat meter is, in apartments heating counters are not installed

It is worth noting that the formula referred to below is valid only if none of the apartments of the house are equipped with an individual heat meter. If so, then the calculation is carried out as follows:

P i \u003d v d x s i / s about x t t

V. d. - Volume (number) consumed for the estimated period of thermal energy, determined by the testimony of a collective (general-purpose) device metering of thermal energy, which is equipped with an apartment building.

S I.- the total area of \u200b\u200bthe i-th residential or non-residential premises

S. aboutb - the total area of \u200b\u200ball residential and non-residential premises of an apartment building

T T. - Tariffs for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If you simplify, then the total amount of heat consumed in an apartment building is taken.

It determines the proportion in your apartment (based on the ratio of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house and the apartment area).

The resulting amount of heat in gigacularia is multiplied by the tariff in your region.

Option 3. A common meter stands, individual heat meters equipped with all apartments (non-residential premises)


V I. n. - Volume (number) consumed during the estimated period in the I-M residential or non-residential premises of a communal resource defined by the indications of an individual or general (apartment) metering device in the I-M residential or non-residential premises.

V I. oNN

V I ONN \u003d VD - Σ i V i n

S I.

S Ob.

T T.

The bottom line is that the amount of heat consumed in the apartment (based on the readings of the apartment meter) is a part of the total heat consumption of heat that takes place on this apartment.

Option 4. A common counter stands, individual heat meters equipped at least one, but not all apartments

In this case, the heating fee is carried out in the following form:

P i \u003d (V I + S i x (V d -σv i) / s about) x t t

S I. - Apartment area,

V D. - the volume of consumption in the house, calculated on the general workforce of heat metering,

S Ob. - the total area of \u200b\u200ball residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building,

T T. - tariff for heat,

V I.- Consumption of heat in the apartment, which is in question. If it is installed in it, the heat meter is installed, then there is due to the consumption of consumption on the meter.

If we are talking about an apartment that is not equipped with a heat meter, the sweat is calculated for it by a separate formula:

V I. \u003d S i x σv IPU / ΣS iipu

In other words, for calculating the volume of heat, the average volume of heat consumption per square meter is taken in apartments equipped with heat meters and this average reading is multiplied by the apartment area, which is in question. Those. The average heat consumption is extrapolated to apartments without meters, which is counted for apartments with meters.

In general, in option 4 suggests that the proposal of heat consumption on generalic needs is added to the consumption of heat in the apartment. This amount is proportional to the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bthis apartment and the sum of the squares of all residential and non-residential premises.

As you can see, the principle is the same as when calculating the heating fees in homes, where all apartments are equipped with individual heat meters.

Option 5. Fee for heat in an apartment building, where more than 50% of apartments are equipped with distributors

The distributor is a sensor that is installed on the heating battery (outside) and takes into account the amount of heat that the battery gives into the environment. In other words, this is an analogue of the heat meter acting on other principles.

Rules require from public utilities to make indications of distributors to calculate the heating fees. It is only necessary to comply with two conditions:

  • multi-storey must be equipped with a general (collective) heat metering device
  • distributors must be installed in apartments, cumulatively occupying the area of \u200b\u200bmore than 50% of all residential and non-residential premises of the house

If these conditions are complied with that once a year (and by decision of the assembly of residents - and more often), the fee for heating apartments with distributors is adjusted based on the testimony of these devices.

The formula in this case acts such:

P I.- the size of the fee for the granted communal heating service in the I-M equipped residential premises (apartment) or non-residential room in an apartment building for the period for which the adjustment is carried out,

k. - the number of residential premises equipped with distributors (apartments) and non-residential premises in an apartment building,

p. - the number of distributors installed in the I-M residential room (apartment) or non-residential premises in an apartment building;

m qi. - the proportion of the consumption of the communal heating service, which comes to the Q-th distributor, established in the I-M residential room (apartment) or non-residential room in an apartment building, in the amount of consumption of a communal heating service in all residential distributors (apartments) and apartments non-residential premises in an apartment building.

The meaning in this formula is:

  • all the heating fee is taken, which (based on the standards, by the formula 2), they paid apartments where distributors are installed
  • it is calculated by the share of each of your heat distributors in the volume of heat, which was taken into account by distributors in all apartments
  • then these shares are summarized and thus calculates your share in heat consumption among all apartments equipped with distributors
  • we multiply the cumulative amount of fees for the heat of all apartments with distributors to your share in this consumption (judging by the testimony of distributors).
  • the resulting digit and will be your payment for the heat for the corrected period.

If it is more than you already paid - you count your future fee for heat. If less, an additional corrective payment will be exposed.

How is the charge for heating, if payments come throughout the year?

In this case, the fee for heating is charged during the entire year equal shares. The algorithm for calculating payments here will also depend on

availability / absence of a general-friendly heat metering device

the presence / absence of individual heat meters in apartments.

At the same time, if the house has a general student accounting device, then tenants should carry out adjustments for heating fees annually.

So, consider possible options for charges for heating.

Option 1. There is neither general-purpose in the house nor individual heat metering devices

The heating fee in the I-Tom of the room (apartment) is calculated by the standards. The calculation formula is this:

P i \u003d s i x (n t x k) x t t

S I.

N T. - standard of consumption of thermal energy for heating (GKAL / sq. M);

TO - The frequency of the consumers of consumers for communal services for heating, determined by dividing the number of full months of the heating period per year by the number of calendar months in the year.

T T. - tariff for thermal energy established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (rub ./gkal);

At the same time, if in your apartment building, a general-friendly heating meter is not worth it, and the technical opportunity for its installation is available, then when calculating the heating fee will be applied to the boost.

The coefficient does not apply if there is an act of examination of the house, during which the absence of the technical possibility of installing a collective (general-purpose) device for taking into account thermal energy was recognized.

Option 2. The house has a common heat meter, the apartment meters are installed not in all apartments and non-residential premises.

In this case, the calculation of the heating fees is carried out according to the following formula:

P i \u003d s i x v t x t t

S I. - the total area of \u200b\u200bthe I-Tom premises (apartments) in an apartment building or the total area of \u200b\u200bthe residential building (sq. M);

V T. - the average monthly consumption of heat energy for heating for the previous year (GKAL / sq. M) based on the testimony of the collective heat metering device;

T. T. - Tariff for thermal energy, established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (rub ./gkal).

In the absence of information about the volumes of heat consumption over the past year, the size of the heating fee is determined by the formula for calculating the board for heat according to the standard.

Once a year, the size of the heating fee in the I-Tom residential room of an apartment building should be adjusted by the formula:

P i \u003d p x s i / s about - p fn.i

P K.PR - the size of the heat-energy fees, determined on the basis of the testimony of collective (generalic) accounting devices installed in an apartment building (rub.)

S I. - the total area of \u200b\u200bthe I-Tom premises (apartments, non-residential premises) in an apartment building or the total area of \u200b\u200bthe residential building (sq. M);

S Ob. - the total area of \u200b\u200ball rooms in an apartment building or residential building (sq. M);

P FN.I. - The total size of the heating fee in the I-Tom residential premises of the apartment building over the past year (rub.).

In other words, the charge charge for heat is based on the average monthly volume of consumption recorded by a general aware meter last year.

When data on the average heat consumption appears in the current year, recalculation (adjustment) based on these data.

Option 3. The house has a generalized heat metering device, all (100%) apartments and non-residential premises are equipped with individual heat meters

The key here is to clarify that heat metering devices are equipped "everything "(100%) Apartments and non-residential premises.

In this case, the following formula is applied:

P i \u003d (v i n + v i ω x s i / s v) x t t

V I. n. - volume (number) of thermal energy, determined on the average monthly volume of heat consumption for heating according to the testimony of an individual (apartment) metering device for the previous year

S I. - The total area of \u200b\u200bthe i-th room of an apartment building

S Ob. - the total area of \u200b\u200ball residential premises (apartments) and non-residential premises in an apartment building

T T. - Tariff (price) to a communal resource (in this case - for thermal energy), established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

V I. oNN - Volume (number) of thermal energy, provided for the estimated period for general-friendly needs in an apartment building equipped with a collective (general-purpose) device for the metering of thermal energy.

This volume of heat for general business needs is calculated, in turn, according to the following formula:

V I OND \u003d V D - Σ I V i. N.

V D.- The volume of thermal energy consumed in an apartment building for the estimated period, determined on the average monthly volume of thermal energy consumption for heating according to the testimony of a collective (generalic) metering device for the previous year.

The bottom line is that the amount of heat is taken, which was consumed by the apartment on average a month last year (according to the readings of the apartment meter) and part of last year's healthy heat consumption takes place on this apartment.

The resulting digit is multiplied by the current tariff for heating.

At the same time, the size of the heating fee in the I-Tom residential or non-residential room of an apartment building once a year is adjusted by the formula:

P i \u003d p k.p - p n.p. - p n.n. / S about. X S I.

P K.P. - the size of the heat-energy fee, which was consumed over the past year in all rooms, determined on the basis of the testimony of the collective (generalic) instrument of accounting and tariff for thermal energy, approved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (RUB);

P N.N. - the size of the heat-energy fee, consumed for the estimated period in rooms not equipped with accounting devices, determined on the basis of the standard of consumption of thermal energy and tariff for thermal energy, approved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

S Ob. - the total area of \u200b\u200ball residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building (sq. M);

S I. - the total area of \u200b\u200bthe i-Tom premises (apartments, non-residential premises) in an apartment building (sq. M);

P NP. - the size of the heat-energy fee, consumed over the past year in an apartment building equipped with a collective (general-purpose) heat metering device, with the exception of the volume (quantity) of thermal energy, consumed over the past year in all residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building. This indicator is determined, in turn, by the formula:

V I OND \u003d V D - Σ I V i. N.

V D.- The volume of thermal energy consumed in an apartment building for the calculated period, determined on the average monthly volume of thermal energy consumption for heating according to the testimony of the collective (generalic) metering device for the previous year.

V. i. - the amount of thermal energy consumption in the I-volume residential or non-residential room, based on the average monthly volume of thermal energy consumption for heating in the counter for the previous year.

Instead of imprisonment

Dr. all written above, we believe, you could not not ask a question - and what's next? Well, formulas are more or less understandable. But how to find out if we have a collective metering device in our house, how to get acquainted with his testimony? What is the standard for heating in the region, heat tariffs? Where is all this?!

These questions are legitimate and hopefully, in the foreseeable time we will try in the following material to give them (and a number of other, no less relevant) answers.

But, we hope this article you have already read, will give you the opportunity, although in general, begin to navigate in the question. And this is already a big deal. After all, for heat from utility services, we pay more expensive. And it would be nice to understand, at least in the first approach, where the numbers are taken from our receipts in the line "heating".