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A shot down 6 year old boy was drunk. Against the championship, who recognized a drunk child, whom the car was shot down, opened a criminal case. Who was driving

Secrecy of the investigation.
Narcologists experts are surprised by the version of Kleennov and the official investigation, which is now leading a division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Balashikha.
- 2.7 ppm, found in the blood of a six-year-old child, are approximately equal to 400 ml of drilled vodka. If the child probably drank so much, it would be in an unconscious state, would not respond to anything, and he would have to be ambulance, "said Nicklog's doctor Oleg Stetsenko. "Well, then, in the case of a child, he would have theoretically could not drink all 400 ml, because after 200 ml could not continue to drink. That is, it turns out that the alcohol was introduced intravenously? Rave! Such laboratory data are doubtful. The expert could sign such a conclusion, just without looking at him.
According to parents, experts simply try to harm themselves and avoid responsibility by any ways. The fact is that the Investigation Committee has already opened a criminal case on the results of a strange examination under the article "negligence". First of all, experts, as well as carriers of biological materials, can become its defendants.
The words of Kleenov about the experts spent only one say: "He meant: two test tubes, the main and control samples showed alcohol, which means that two samples are crazy."
Also, the family of the child explained, on what their confidence is that the kid did not use alcohol.
"If the son drank alcohol, he would have fucked trachea and there would be a couple of alcohol in the intestine, they are not, alcohol only in the blood," said Father, confirming his words by the conclusion of experts.
Do not pass your
For an objective investigation, on Saturday, the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin asked to convey this case to his subordinate.
- In case of refusal to the supervisory department at the regional level, the issue of the transfer of a criminal case will be solved with the leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office, "said the official representative of Svetlana Petrenko, then.
However, the investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutors do not burn with the desire to transfer this case to the CCR, which indicates a lot. Either the police protect the honor of the uniform and fear an objective investigation, or for some reason they are trying to harm the culprit of the accident.
- If something is unclean and experts and investigators played in favor of the accused, then the CCR participation will end for them very serious problems, "says one of the employees of the TCR. - It is easier for them to send a case to the court with the conclusion that the boy was drunk, so that this makes questions about the quality of the investigation, and the judge this fact can also be interpreted in favor of the accused.
Recall that the tragedy was played on April 23 in the Micraree of Pavlino of the city of Zheleznodorozhny. After dinner, six-year-old Alesha and Grandfather went to the playground. The boy walked ahead, and his grandfather was his bike. To the site was hand to file - it was only necessary to go through the road near the house. Alyosha did not have time to step on the asphalt, as his black "Hönde Solaris" was shot down.
31-year-old Olga Alisova, who was behind the wheel of foreign cars, charged under Article 264 of the Criminal Code ("Violation of the Rules of the Road, the Persistent Man's Death"). For her, they chose a measure of restraint in the form of a subscription about the unseason.

And without the scandalous story around the six-year-old Aleshi Shimko, who hit the car in the near Moscow railway 31-year-old Olga Alisova, received a new continuation. The foreman Mikhail Klemenov insists that in the blood of the child really found 2.7 ppm alcohol, which corresponds to a serious stage of intoxication. Previously, he urged the parents of the child and Life, which only took the samples from the corpse, directed them to expertise to Moscow and signed a ready-made act.

Now he declares that the content of the act is immediately embarrassed, therefore additional examinations were appointed, including genetic ones. After that, he is absolutely confident that blood with alcohol was from the body of Aleshi. Doctors narcologists are skeptical about this version and say that with such a intoxication the child could not move. The investigative committee is ready to clarify the entire foggy situation, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not burn with the desire to transfer this case to sedresses.

And was there a drunk boy?

Today, the Jewelperspert Mikhail Kleenov publicly voiced his version of how a six-year-old baby was recognized as drunk. Only five days ago, he spoke Life and parents that he had no relation to research directly, but only signed an act of examination, which came to him from the GBU "Bureau of the Forensic Medical Examination" of the Moscow Regional Research Institute named after M.F. Vladimir (Monica). Today, the brainters have already publicly stated that the content of the act, which was stated about 2.7 ppm alcohol in the blood of the child, immediately caused his doubts, so he appointed additional examinations, including genetic. And new experts confirmed that it was these samples from the body of Aleshi he directed to the laboratory, where a large amount of alcohol was found in them. Thus, it turns out that the boy at the time of the accident was drunk.

Genetic examination was really conducted. During the study of the corpse, two blood samples were taken. One was sent to determine the blood group in the biological department, and the second sample to determine the concentration of ethyl alcohol was sent to the forensic chemical department. These are different departments of the laboratory, "Mikhail Klemenov told Life. "When the result of a study from Monica came, I saw that the concentration of ethyl alcohol was high, I naturally had doubts that I had to resolve. After the meeting with its immediate leader, I decided to appoint an additional molecular genetic study comparing both samples sent by me to the laboratory. These samples occurred from one person with a probability of almost 100%.

According to him, now, in order to definitely speak whether these samples belong to the boy, the competent authorities need to be prescribed a molecular genetic examination and compare the sample that he sent to determine ethyl alcohol, with a sample of a biological object that will be taken from the mother. The expert does not doubt that samples will be identical.

Then we will put a bold point on this loud business. I could not confuse the samples, because I took two blood samples from the Boy's corpse. Do you really think that I took my blood? I am a public forensic expert, I subscribe to each conclusion under the criminal article that I was warned about the responsibility for a false conclusion. I am an adult man with work experience for more than 26 years, explains the branded.

In favor of its version, he draws attention to another detail.

I do not know whether the boy was drunk or not, but he also found acetaldehyde in his blood. This indicates the decay of alcohol in the body under the influence of the liver enzyme. This can only be with a lifetime alcohol in the human body. About the state of the boy let's talk like this: if he has just accepted alcohol, then some time passed, until alcohol in complete volume he was in the blood. He could still be in a state of activity until the toxic effect of this substance came, "the expert explains.

At the same time, he believes that the questions should not ask him and not to police officers, but people who surrounded the child.

It is necessary to ask questions to people who surrounded the child - summed up the brainets. The expert does not exclude that their relatives simply did not know that the boy could use alcohol.

Secrecy of the investigation

Narcologists experts are surprised by the version of Kleennov and the official investigation, which is now leading a division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on Balashikha.

2.7 PRMILL, found in the blood of a six-year-old child, are approximately equal to 400 ml of drilled vodka. If the child really drank so much, it would be in an unconscious state, I would not respond to anything, and he would have to come an ambulance, "Oleg Stetsenko told Life. "Well, then, in the case of a child, he would have theoretically could not drink all 400 ml, because after 200 ml could not continue to drink. That is, it turns out that the alcohol was introduced intravenously? Rave! Such laboratory data are doubtful. The expert could sign such a conclusion, just without looking at him.

Life contacted the parents of the deceased baby. In their opinion, experts simply try to harm themselves and avoid responsibility by any ways. The fact is that the Investigation Committee has already opened a criminal case on the results of a strange examination under the article "negligence". First of all, experts, as well as carriers of biological materials, can become its defendants.

According to the parents, only one thing says about the tests of the experts: "He meant: two test tubes, the main and control samples showed alcohol, which means that two samples are crazy."

Also, the family of the child explained, on what their confidence is that the kid did not use alcohol.

If the son had drank alcohol, he would have fucked trachea and there would be a pair of alcohol in the intestine, they are not, alcohol only in blood, "said Father, confirming his words by entering into experts.

Do not pass your

For an objective investigation, on Saturday, the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin asked to convey this case to his subordinate.

In the event of a refusal of the supervisory department at the regional level, the issue of the transfer of a criminal case will be decided with the leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office, "said Svetlana Petrenko's official representative of Svetlana Petrenko.

However, according to Life, the investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutors do not burn with the desire to transfer this case to the CCR, which indicates a lot. Either the police protect the honor of the uniform and fear an objective investigation, or for some reason they are trying to harm the culprit of the accident.

If in this case something unclean and experts and investigators played in favor of the accused, then the participation of the TCR could end for them very serious problems, "says one of the employees of the TCR. - It is easier for them to send a case to the court with the conclusion that the boy was drunk, so that this makes questions about the quality of the investigation, and the judge this fact can also be interpreted in favor of the accused.

Recall that the tragedy was played on April 23 in the Micraree of Pavlino of the city of Zheleznodorozhny. After dinner, six-year-old Alesha and Grandfather went to the playground. The boy walked ahead, and his grandfather was his bike. To the site was hand to file - it was only necessary to go through the road near the house. Alyosha did not have time to step on asphalt, as his black "Hönde-Solaris" was shot down.

31-year-old Olga Alisova, who was behind the wheel of foreign cars, charged under Article 264 of the Criminal Code ("Violation of the Rules of the Road, the Persistent Man's Death"). For her, they chose a measure of restraint in the form of a subscription about the unseason.

In the spring of this year, in the near Moscow region of Zheleznodorozhny in the courtyard of the house 39 in the microdistrict Pavlino, 31-year-old woman driving Hyundai Solyaris knocked down 6-year-old Alyosha.

It is known that the child returned from a walk with a grandfather. The grandfather carried in his hands a children's bike, and the boy, having hurried home, ran to the entrance and got under the car. After the departure, the driver Hyundai dragged a few more meters under the bottom of the child, Alyosha died on the spot. Olga, the driver of Hendai, who is rumored is the wife of a local criminal authority, guilty of what happened herself did not think, arguing that the boy himself rushed under the wheels.

Here is what the eyewitness writes: "There was an eyewitness of events, the parents of the deceased boy are our neighbors, grandfather walked with a child, the parents of the house were .. This is a shot down on a boy on a boy and dragged from one entrance to another. , It's very hard and no one has ever chased there .. And here coming is unmanned ... Instant death. After a 3 hour, all structures arrived in addition to the ambulance .. I came only after an hour and a half arrived after events ... "

Not so long ago, the case was recorded that in the blood of the deceased boy contained 2.7 ppm alcohol, that is, a bottle of vodka. According to investigators, the child himself is guilty of his death, because he was very drunk and fell under the wheels, the criminal case on the driver of Hyundai was not established.

Related relatives of Little Alesh were advised to re-examine, applying the exhumation procedure.