Bedroom design Materials House, garden, plot

Erecting construction objects in a dense urban building. Construction of the ZIS in the conditions of a dense urban building information about the rules

General provisions

When building buildings and structures in the conditions of dense urban development, a number of factors arise, the observance of which ensures the quality and durability of not only directly erected objects, but also the surrounding structures:

The need to ensure maintaining the operational properties of objects located in close proximity to the building stain;
the impossibility of location at the construction site of a full range of household and engineering structures, machinery and mechanisms;
development of special constructive and technological measures aimed at optimizing the construction processes;
Development of technical and technological measures aimed at protecting the environmental environment of the object and the existing development.

The feature of the factors listed above is that for many of them today there is no regulatory framework, comprehensively considering them in binding to the construction of buildings.

Arriving in the first months of construction problems associated with the formation of cracks on walls, floors and ceilings of existing buildings may entail not only financial losses, but also lead to the closure of construction. The same consequences may arise from the impossibility of ensuring engineering and sanitary requirements for the arrangement of the construction site. To work out solutions to carry out not only the quality construction of a building, but also providing a steady equilibrium of both nearby buildings and the urban environment as a whole, consider the problems arising in the construction of buildings in more detail in a dense urban building.

Specific features of the buildingplane

The boundedness of the areas allocated to the building site prevents the full deployment of the construction site. At the same time, there is a whole range of mandatory events, without which construction will be immediately suspended by the controlling authorities. These include fire fighting events and safety measures. Mandatory is the presence of evacuation passages (exits) at the construction site prepared for the use of fire hydrants, aggravated fires; The restrictive pickup or fencing around the pita, pointers of the areas of work on the construction site, canopies over pedestrian zones located along the construction site.

In cases of limited area of \u200b\u200bthe construction site outside the construction site can be located:

Administrative and household premises;
Cutlery and sanitary premises;
reinforcement, carpentry and plumbing workshops and workshops;
open and closed warehouses;
Cranes, concrete pumps and other construction vehicles.

Administrative, household, warehouse, production workshops and workshops(Fig. 26.1). The location within the construction site of certain premises is difficult due to the absence of areas required by standards, and attempts to find technical solutions to place temporary structures, such as an increase in their floors, complicating configurations in accordance with the configuration of the building stains, lead to significant technical difficulties and appreciation of the project.

Fig. 26.1. Accommodation of a domestic town outside the construction site:
1 - construction site; 2 - open and closed warehouses; 3 - Administrative and household premises

In some cases, the platform has so limited dimensions that no technical solutions allow to place auxiliary premises in its borders. At the same time, there are organizational and technological solutions that allow you to place these premises outside the building stain without significant damage to the building of the building. In this case, the economic and organizational and technological feasibility of placing certain premises on the territory of the construction site and outside it is considered.

Administrative and domestic premises endowed beyond the construction site can be located in existing buildings or in newly erected household towns. Prior to the construction of buildings, it is possible to place household premises for the period of construction, or the land plot on which the household town can be erected. Requirements for search objects are as follows:

Location in maximum proximity to the construction site;
Availability at the facility the possibility of accession to network infrastructure - heat supply, power supply, water supply and sewerage;
Minimum cost of renting premises or land plot.

By choosing the room or plot of land, there are an administrative and domestic town, if possible, approached by its dimensions to the requirements of sanitary standards. If the town is placed in close proximity to the construction site, the staff independently gets to their jobs and back. In some cases, if it is impossible to accommodate the town in close proximity to the site, the staff is delivered to the object and from the buses object.

The removal from the platform from the canteens and sanitary premises is connected not only with the absence of the necessary areas, but also with difficulties in the first stages of construction with accession to urban networks. Nevertheless, the presence of toilets is necessary from the first day of construction, therefore, from the very beginning of the deployment of the construction site, biological toilet cabins should be installed there. The premises of canteens, shower and toilet rooms should be provided for deployed near the object of leased territories and in buildings.

Delivery of products and equipment at specified time.The lack of reinforcing, carpentry and plumbing workshops and workshops make it difficult to manufacture products and elements of building structures, such as fittings prepared by size, reinforcement frames, elements of bearing metal structures, carpentry and plumbing elements. To solve this problem, all elements listed above are brought to the construction site in the form prepared for use. They are made on their own production facilities located outside the construction site, or specialized enterprises on special orders. They are delivered to the site in accordance with the charts of delivery, in accurate days and hours. At the construction site, they are unloaded and served to the place of production of work, i.e., their installation is carried out directly "from the wheels". Failure to fulfill the delivery of any product can lead to a breakdown of the construction schedule of the entire structure. Therefore, when working "from wheels", the role of dispatching services for construction and installation organizations, carrying out control over the development of delivery schedules and their subsequent implementation.

The inability to accommodate open and closed warehouses in the construction site leads to necessity, first, to carry out a large amount of installation work "from wheels", and secondly, especially for expensive imported equipment, create intermediate warehouses. These rooms located on the territory of their own production bases or rented in close proximity to the construction site are delivered, as a rule, directly from the supplier plumbing, electrical and elevator equipment, sometimes window blocks, doors, various finishing materials. As they demand, the construction site and materials are delivered from the warehouse and mounted directly from vehicles.
In some cases, the supplier assumes the obligations to supply the requested equipment directly to the construction site within the agreed period as well as the suppliers of products and structures make. Some problems in the supply of imported equipment are associated with the fact that delivery from abroad and the implementation of customs procedures is quite difficult to normalize in time and almost impossible to accurately indicate the day and hour when the equipment will be delivered to the site. In this case, the equipment is ordered in advance, 2 ... 3 weeks before the desired period and before installation it is stored in the supplier's warehouse. In the presence of a large number of such suppliers, there is no need for intermediate warehouses, however, all the participants in the building process are in very rigid temporary boundaries established by the charts of the work and supply of equipment.

The location of the cranes and large-sized construction machines.A large problem in the conditions of dense urban development is accommodation directly on the site of large-sized construction machines and cranes. Cranes and concrete pumps must be located on a construction site or in close proximity to it. This is due to the technical capabilities of the equipment - the maximum departure of the arrow of the crane or the feeding organ of the concrete pump. However, in most cases, there are previously built buildings and structures around the construction site and accommodation nearby large tower cranes, the installation of the crane routes is impossible. In this case, easy-mounted tower cranes are used without crane paths, for which the subsecuting area is required to 9 m2, heavy self-propelled cranes or self-lifting cranes, installed directly in the building stain.

The foundation plate is mounted using a mobile crane, then a tower crane is installed on it. As the designs arranged above the foundation slab, the crane can rise and mounted on mounted overlaps. Sometimes a faucet remains on the foundation plate until the end of the building is completed, so unfinished areas with reinforcement releases remain in the ceractions around the crane. The dimensions of these areas are determined on the basis of the dimensions of the most extended horizontal parts of the crane. After completion of the work, the crane is dismantled, removing by sections. Unplanded overlap zones reaching 10 ... 20 m2 each, concrete, starting from the bottom. Concrete is placed with self-propelled heavy cranes.

General.When building buildings and structures in the conditions of dense urban development, a number of factors arise, the observance of which ensures the quality and durability of not only directly erected objects, but also the surrounding structures:

The need to ensure maintaining the operational properties of objects located in close proximity to the building stain;

The impossibility of location at the construction site of a full range of household and engineering structures, machinery and mechanisms;

Development of special constructive and technological measures aimed at optimizing the construction processes;

Development of technical and technological measures aimed at protecting the environmental environment of the object and the existing development.

Specific features of the buildingplane.The boundedness of the areas allocated to the building site prevents the full deployment of the construction site. At the same time, there is a whole range of mandatory events, without which construction will be immediately suspended by the controlling authorities. These include fire fighting events and safety measures. Mandatory is the presence of evacuation passages (exits) at the construction site prepared for the use of fire hydrants, aggravated fires; The restrictive pickup or fencing around the pita, pointers of the areas of work on the construction site, canopies over pedestrian zones located along the construction site.

In cases of limited area of \u200b\u200bthe construction site outside the construction site can be located:

Administrative and household premises;

Cutlery and sanitary premises;

Reinforcement, carpentry and plumbing workshops and workshops;

Open and closed warehouses;

Cranes, concrete pumps and other construction vehicles.

Maintaining the operational properties of the existing development.The buildings located in close proximity to the construction site may be subject to a number of influences arising during the construction of a new building. It:

Jought in the immediate vicinity of the building of the pit for new construction;

Vibration from the immediate vicinity of construction machines and mechanisms.

Their decline to permissible levels achieve the implementation of special engineering events.

Strengthening grounds and foundations. Before the start of earthworks need

implement the strengthening of the foundations and foundations of existing structures and urban

infrastructures located in close proximity to the construction site.

Strengthening the structures of the bases and the foundation should provide a static equilibrium of the building for the period of open pit to the construction of the supporting structures of the underground part of the new building.

Measures to strengthen the foundations and foundations are divided depending on the impact on the carrier frame and the adjacent grounds for permanent and temporary. The constant relatives include the implementation of which the strengthening of the design becomes an integral part of the erected structures.

Before the start of earthworks around the entire perimeter, a knockout fence is arranged (Fig. 26.2). purpose

Plunte fencing to prevent slipping and collapse of soil arrays outside the construction site.

In zones, where the existing structures are directly adjacent to the border of the construction site, it is necessary to carry out measures to strengthen their underground structures. For this, the wells passing through the body of the story, their characteristics are the length, diameter, the class of the existing foundation, and the concrete is injected under pressure. The number of piles, Mesbeton is determined by the calculation.

Upon completion of the construction of the underground part of the building, a tongue fence is usually removed from the soil, it can be reused. Therefore, a tongue fencing device can be attributed to temporary reasons for strengthening grounds. In contrast to the tongs, drilling piles remain in the body of reinforced foundations and after the end of the new construction. The construction of the underground part of the building can also be attributed to permanent activities using the fulfillment of the previously considered "walls in the soil". However, as noted, the "wall in the soil" is quite complex and expensive engineering structure, and its construction is economically appropriate only in cases of large-scale or unique construction.

Specific activities aimed at maintaining the exploitation properties of the existing development are developed in the work projects. These include:

Strengthening grounds and foundations, which should ensure a static equilibrium of the building for the period of open pit to the construction of the supporting structures of the basement of the new building and the filling of the sinuses of the kittle. The most often apply the following constructive solutions: "Wall in the ground", punching fences, strengthening the foundations and walls of basements of existing buildings, strengthening the grounds of the bases by the inexpection methods;

Development of catalovans and the foundations of queues - this reduces the consumption of temporary retaining structures;

Selection of machines and mechanisms with minimal dynamic characteristics;

Vibration isolation of the ground massif adjacent to existing buildings and facilities.

Protection of the environmental environment.The impact of an erected object on the surrounding buildings and infrastructure is mainly the following:

Noise effect accompanying any building process;

Dynamic impact of working machines and mechanisms;

Release into the atmosphere of a large number of dust particles of small and medium fractions;

Development of a huge number of construction and domestic garbage;

Increase in discharge of the effluent in existing and reconstructed city networks, as well as on the soil;

Violation of the usual transport schemes due to restriction, and sometimes a complete ban on traffic through the streets on which construction is carried out.

To reduce the noise level at the construction site, manufacturers of work are prescribed at the stage of passage of state expertise, i.e., in the process of coordination of basic technical and technological solutions, use noise-imaging techniques and equipment. For example, when conducting pile and tongue work, a mandatory requirement is the use of bromane piles or piles into bored wells. Equipment with less noise characteristics with common equal capabilities are recommended as lifting and concrete-feeding machines. Causeing a special noise effect Pneumatic jackhammers are replaced by electrical mechanical. A temporary limitation is introduced for all types of work at the construction site, with a special allocation of a resolved period of the most noisy work, such as assembly, welding, concrete, etc.

Approximately the same venerer measures to reduce the dynamic impact of working machines and mechanisms. In addition to introducing restrictions on the use of certain means of mechanization, activities are developing on a device for technical structures aimed at reducing dynamic loads on soil and base. To do this, in the installation zones of cranes, concrete-feeding and other machines causing dynamic impacts, the damping (forcibly calculated oscillations) engineering structures that significantly reduce the spread of dynamic oscillations on the surrounding bases and soils, and therefore, on an existing building.

The emission of dust particles of small and medium fractions into the atmosphere is the most difficult control parameter. The maximum amount of dust particles is thrown into

the atmosphere is mainly in finishing work, such as putty and painting. Therefore, providing the delivery to the construction site the largest number of pre-painted products and equipment, you can minimize the implementation of these processes in the running conditions, and therefore, reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere. In addition, in the processes associated with the mechanical impact on the erected reinforced concrete and stone structures, such as drilling, hollow out, adjust the size, etc., is recommended before starting and in the process of work, it is abundantly waging with water processed surfaces. This leads to the deposition of dusty particles on the horizontal surfaces, followed by the cleaning of them from the site together with the construction garbage.

From the very beginning of the construction of the facility, a huge number of construction and domestic garbage accumulates, which can lead to pollution located nearby territories. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a clear system for collecting and exporting construction and domestic garbage from the object. On the territory of the construction site, there are container-standing containers under construction trash, including under the leased waste, such as scrap metal, glass battle, household garbage. As far as filling

containers are exported to urban dumps or reception points.

The increase in wastewater discharge of water, storm and fecal sewage in the construction process is a serious environmental problem, since at the time of the start of the work of the existing capacity of urban networks is not enough, resulting in an unauthorized discharge of concomitant effluents in the environment. To prevent it, it is necessary at the preparatory work stage to provide organized stock from the construction site; reconstruct, according to the technical conditions issued for periods of construction and operation of a built building, existing city networks; tie the zones of the whey wheels to storm sewage networks; establish zones at the construction site in which it is allowed

use water, sewer for household and industrial needs. In the process of conducting work, prohibit any discharge of water at the construction site outside the established zones.

Under the conditions of a dense urban development, new construction leads, as a rule, along the existing transport highways, and sometimes crossing them by violating the current system of familiar transport schemes. This leads not only to the complication of motion, but also the formation of truncated transport streams, traffic jams, additional exhaust of harmful gases from vehicles, and therefore, worsening the environmental situation in the city. Therefore, when coordinating the buildingplan, together with the road safety authorities, the schemes of the rational movement of transport around the construction site on the periodist plant are developing. There are standard road signs around the construction site, prescribing road traffic, clocks and stop areas, and if necessary, the device for additional pedestrian crossings are the need.

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foundation Engineering Excellence

With a large variety of engineering and geological conditions of construction sites, in many cases the construction of new buildings on tight construction sites leads to deformations, and sometimes the destruction of near-locked existing buildings. Therefore, the main goal in carrying out work is to ensure the reliability of existing buildings in the construction of new buildings of any design on the built-up venues with various engineering and geological and hydrogeological conditions. Features of designing grounds and foundations of new buildings and developing measures to preserve the reliability of existing buildings under dense construction requires careful consideration and accounting for the characteristics of the designated buildings and possible structures of their foundations, as well as the technical characteristics and conditions of the designs of existing buildings.

To ensure the safety and possibility of normal operation of objects in the area of \u200b\u200binfluence of new construction, it is necessary, in addition to the adoption of reliable constructive design solutions, provide for the implementation of special technological events.

When building buildings near existing in the conditions of a dense urban development, monitoring should be monitored for the state of the built building and the surrounding buildings and the medium both during the period of construction and during operation.

The implementation of these decisions and events does not exclude the possibility of damage to the elements of the designs of existing buildings, and there may be required to carry out additional work with the inclusion of the cost of these work on actual volumes in the estimate for the construction of a new or reconstructed building.

Basic concepts and classification of foundations

The foundation (lat. Fundamentum) is a supporting structure, part of the building, facilities that perceives all loads from the overlying structures and distributes them on the basis.

Foundations classify:

According to the material: from natural materials (wood, buttone) and artificial materials (boot concrete, concrete, prefabricated or monolithic, reinforced concrete);

In shape: the optimal form of cross-section of rigid foundations is a trapezoid, where the pressure of the pressure distribution is usually received: for boot and booton - 27--33 °, concrete - 45 °. Almost these foundations, taking into account the needs of the calculated width of the soles, can be rectangular and speed. Pillow blocks perform a rectangular or trapezoid form;

According to the method of construction, foundations are prefabricated and monolith;

According to the structural solution - tape, columnar, pile, solid;

By the nature of static work, foundations are: tough, working only on compression, and flexible, the designs of which are designed for the perception of stretching effort. The first type includes all foundations, except reinforced concrete. Flexible reinforced concrete foundations are able to perceive stretching efforts;

In the depths of the investment: the foundations of small embezzlement (up to 5 m) and deep downlies (more than 5 m). The minimum depth of the foundation for heated buildings is taken under the outer walls of no less precision plus plus 100-200 mm and at least 0.7 m; Under the inner walls of at least 0.5 m.

Features of engineering surveys

Engineering surveys To design new buildings near existing conditions, not only the study of engineering and geological conditions of the construction site of the new building, but also to obtain the necessary data to verify the influence of the new building for the sediment of existing, for the design of measures to reduce the influence of the new building on the deformation of existing, as well as For design, if necessary, strengthen the foundations and foundations of existing buildings.

The technical task on the research is after inspection by the representative of the project organization of the existing buildings located near the new, in order to visually assess the state of the supporting structures of buildings (both outside and inside) and clarify the reference requirements.

In the technical task of the research, the characteristic of the new building and the characteristics of a number of arranged buildings operated (floors, construction, type of base, type and depth of the foundations, year of construction, level of responsibility, geotechnical category, etc.) are given. Information about the existing reference materials for these buildings is indicated (survey organization, the year of research, archival business numbers) and information on the technical condition of buildings designs based on the results of previous surveys, as well as a preliminary visual examination. The tasks of research are extended due to the presence of nearby buildings.

The volume and composition of the technical examination of the above-ground and underground structures of existing buildings are established taking into account the preliminary examination of the building.

The collection and analysis of the archival materials of the research of specialized organizations is carried out not only for the site of new construction, but also for nearby existing buildings. Also collect information on the planning, engineering training and landscaping of the site, documented documents for the production of earthworks. Under the conditions of the existing development, special attention is paid to identifying underground structures and engineering networks (collectors, communications, etc.).

Based on the comparison of new materials of research with archival data, we establish the existing buildings of changes in engineering and geological and hydrogeological conditions.

Mountain production and probing points are placed not only within the new platform, but also in close proximity to the existing buildings. Provide Schurfs near the foundations of existing buildings for examination of the structures of foundations and soils of the base.

In the districts of historical development, the presence and location of existing and existing underground structures, basements, foundations of demolished buildings, wells, water bodies, underground workings, etc.

The depth of drilling and sounding is appointed not only on the basis of the type and depth of the foundation of the foundations of the new building, but also taking into account the type and depth of the attachment of the foundations of existing buildings. When the probation method is selected under dense residential building, preference is given to static sounding.

The program of engineering and geological surveys in the development areas of unfavorable processes and phenomena provides for the implementation by specialized organizations of stationary observations in order to study the dynamics of their development, as well as the establishment of the areas of their manifestation and depths of intensive development, derisions to geomorphological elements, relief forms and lithological types of soils, conditions And the causes of the emergence, forms of manifestation and development.

Special primer studies are performed to evaluate possible changes in their properties due to these processes.

In the construction of unique structures, structures of increased economic, social and environmental risks (I level of responsibility), as well as in the presence of complex engineering and geological conditions (Geotechnical Category III), an increase in the volume of engineering and geological and hydrogeological surveys by 40-60% is economically appropriate Recommended by regulatory documents, and this increase is carried out mainly due to the mining workings and determining the characteristics of the soils by field methods. When performing these works, specialized organizations are attracted.

For structures of an increased level of responsibility, observations are organized from the moment of laying their foundations.

The technical report (conclusion) on engineering surveys is drawn up in accordance with SNiP 11-02-96. Additionally lead:

- information about the archival materials of the research for nearby buildings and an analysis of the compliance of new materials of research in archival data;

- characteristic of engineering and geological surplus, physicomechanical properties of soils and hydrogeological conditions of bases of existing buildings;

- forecast of the possible influence of the construction of a new building on deformation of existing;

- information about the availability and state of underground water supply and other communications.

Characteristics of designed buildings

For construction, under conditions of tight construction, the design of buildings and structures of housing and civil and industrial purposes, overhead and underground complexes are performed. These buildings and structures can be designed with swallowed rooms without them.

The conditions for the placement of the designed building or structure determine not only its architectural and national economic significance, but also specifications and methods of manufacturing work.

The main technical characteristics of the designed buildings are shown in Tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. The approximate area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the foundations of various types, depending on the bases transmitted to the soil, as well as on the features of the sites allocated for construction, and the specifics of the construction object are shown in Tables 3.4 and 3.5.

Depending on the established historical development, the designed buildings can directly adjoin the existing building or are located at some distance.

The height (floors) of the designed building is dictated:

Architecture of the existing development;

Mutual influence with the existing development;

Operational requirements.

The technical characteristics of the supporting structures of the designed buildings (according to the existing experience of design and construction) are shown in Tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.

Table 3.1 Main characteristics of residential buildings




Residential buildings

Floors, fl.

Type of supporting structures

Bleeds. panels, frame, brick walls

reinforced concrete panels, frame

Step of carrier structures, m

The presence of basement

usually available

The presence of underground rooms

may exist

Type of foundations

ribbon, pile

tape, slab, pile

ribbon, slab, pile, combined boiler-pile

SNIP 2.02.01-83 *)

Relates. The difference of sediment

middle sediment, see

Table 3.2 Main Characteristics of Public Buildings




Public buildings

Floors, fl.

Type of supporting structures

frameless of the monolithic or precast concrete

frames of monolithic reinforced concrete

mixed frame of monolithic reinforced concrete

Step of carrier structures, m

The presence of basement

usually available

The presence of underground rooms

usually available

Colich. floors of the underground place., fl.

Type of foundations

ribbon, pile, slab

ribbon, slab, pile, combined, boiler-pile

Limit deformation of the grounds (by apply.4

SNIP 2.02.01-83 *)

relative difference of sediment

middle sediment, see

Table 3.3 Main characteristics of production buildings



Floors, et.

underground up to 4 floors

Approximate Load Level for Foundations, KN

Type of supporting structures

monolithic reinforced concrete or steel columns

monolithic Bleeds Walls or Frame

Step of carrier structures, m

The presence of basement

may be

usually available

The presence of underground rooms

may be

all afternoon construction

Number of floors of the underground room, fl.

Type of foundations

monolithic column, pile

monolithic column, slab, pile

monolithic tape, slab, pile

Limit deformation of the grounds (by apply.4

SNIP 2.02.01-83 *)

relative difference of sediment

middle sediment, see


Floor. in building. for 1996-2000

Percent Soot. HR. On the floor.

Approx. ur. Pressure. under the fond., kp

Type of foundations

On esstest. Base

Pile foundations

Reinforced concrete foundations

Piles of sanding. Plot. Mixes

Piles of rampage.

Piles Buozavinc.

Piles scoring.

Piles Buronob.

Combinir. SWINOP.

Features of the platforms allocated for

construction, specificity of construction object

Type of foundations

On nature. Base

Pile foundations

Congestion. Foundation

Piles from the sand .. compact .. mixtures

Piles Buuroin.

Piles Brown ..

Piles scoring

Piles Buronob.

Combinir. SWINOP.

Build. on newly allocated territories

Build. to the territory. After their before .. Engine. Premium.

Construction on free or released. territories in the area of \u200b\u200bexisting development

Recon. Buildings with change. (Frequently. Or full) its contest.

Reconstruction of architectural monuments

Underground premises of the designed buildings are classified:

For floors and depth (from 1 to 4 floors, a depth of 3-12m and more);

In terms of size (under the entire building, under a part of the building, more building size);

On technological purpose;

By a method of device (in open pit, in a temporary or constant fence, using enclosing structures as carriers).

With the diversity of engineering and geological conditions of platforms, as well as differences in the structures and structures used, are used, as a rule, columnar, tape and slab foundations on a natural or artificially fixed base and pile foundations from burbilling, screw, crushed, scoring, drilling, and other piles .

The choice of the foundations is carried out depending on the engineering and geological and hydrogeological conditions of the construction site, the location of the designed building, the depth of the underground room, from the state of structures and the foundations of existing buildings, near which construction is planned.

Characteristics of protected buildings and foundations

Protection of existing buildings (including grounds and foundations) in the construction of new ones is carried out in cases:

The location of the existing building in the zone of influence of the new building;

Erection of blurred premises affecting the deformations of an existing building;

When performing a device for foundations using special types of work (freezing, injection, etc.);

If it is necessary to perform construction watering.

Protected buildings are characterized by:

Historical significance;

Technological purpose;

Dimensions (dimensions);

Age (service life);

Type and condition of carrying structures;

Type and dimensions of underground rooms;

Type and state of foundations;

Geological and hydrogeological conditions of grounds.

By age, protected buildings are divided into:

Historical (age more than 100);

Architectural monuments regardless of age;

Old (age 50-100 years);

Modern (age 10-50 years).

The general technical characteristics of buildings, near which construction work is carried out and which are subject to preliminary protection, are shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Technical characteristics of existing buildings to be protected



Age of construction

XIX century And earlier

the end of the XIX is the middle of the XX century.

end of XX century


Residential and civil buildings

Floors, et.

Approximate level of pressure under the foundations, kPa

Type of supporting structures

wooden, Stone, Brick Walls

brick, reinforced concrete walls, columns, steel structures

Step of carrier structures, m

The presence of basement

cellar, basements

cellars, technical underground

The presence of underground rooms

existed in shopping buildings

there were in various buildings

Colich. floors of the underground room

Type of foundations

butt, boot concrete, brick, pile, from wooden piles

butt, boot concrete, brick, pile, wooden piles, reinforced concrete, tape and detached, slab, pile of reinforced concrete and burbilling piles

reinforced concrete, ribbon and separate., Lithuani, pile from the reins. Burning and buried. piles, "slotted", the way "Wall in the ground"

Previous Deformation of the bases by adj. 4 SNiP 2.02.01-83 ")

relative difference of sediment

Environments Sediment, see

Assessment of protected buildings is made on the basis of consideration:

Archival design and survey materials and executive documents;

Results of the imperative examination.

To ensure the operational suitability of existing buildings and structures, near which new construction is planned, it is advisable to apply the following basic methods for their protection and works, including:

Foundations on a natural basis: reinforcement of bases, an increase in the reference area, a device of cross-tape or a foundation plate, strengthening the foundation plate, strengthening with puzzles of various types (drilling, boronobibilic, composite pressed, scoring);

Pile Foundations: Strengthening (repair) piles, device of additional piles with stupid broadening, changing the design of the pile foundation due to the transfers of the supporting structures on additional piles with a significantly greater bearing capacity, a device of cross-tapes or a solid reinforced concrete slab on pile foundations, wadder-enhancing, body strengthening woodwork;

Fencing structures (clogging, spool, walls in the ground of various structures and methods of their manufacture);

Preliminary fixation of soils in various ways (cementation, consumption, boosamest method, etc.) in the conjugation zones of the reconstructed and new structure;

The use of constructive solutions that do not create additional impacts on the existing designs (console type solutions with piles, the use of pressed and screw-in structures of piles).

Methods for assessing the impact of the construction of new buildings on the near the buildings and facilities

The main causes of deformations of existing buildings and structures during construction near them may be:

Changes in hydrogeological conditions, including flooding associated with the barrage effect during underground construction, or lowering groundwater levels;

An increase in vertical stresses at the base under the foundations of existing buildings caused by construction near them;

Device of recreation or changing the planning marks;

Technological factors, such as dynamic effects, the effect of the device of all types of piles, the foundations of deep downstream and the enclosing structures of the kittlers, the effect of the device injecting anchors, the effect of special types of work (freezing, injection, etc.);

Negative processes in the ground array associated with the implementation of geotechnical works (suffosion processes, floating formation, etc.).

The degree of influence of the construction of new buildings on the nearby building and structures, as a rule, is largely due to the technology of manufacturing work and quality of construction.

Methods for assessing the impact of construction on nearby buildings and structures are focused on strict adherence to all technological requirements for the production of work. Technological deviations can lead to much greater influence of construction for an existing building.

When performing the calculations of the foundations of the existing buildings and structures subjected to the influence of new construction, take into account changes in the physical and mechanical properties of soils and hydrogeological conditions in the process of neighboring construction, including, taking into account the seasonal freezing and thawing of the ground massif.

The calculation of the foundations and foundations of the existing buildings according to the I group of limit states is performed in the following cases:

Kotlovanov's devices near buildings;

Devices of workings and tranches (including under protection of thixotropic solutions) near buildings;

Reduce the planning marks near the exterior walls of buildings;

Changes in pore pressures in the soil array with an incomplete consolidation process;

Transmission to existing foundations of additional loads and impacts.

The purpose of calculating the I group of limit states is to ensure the strength and sustainability of the grounds, preventing the shift or overturning the existing foundations.

In the case of applied during the construction of the Piai or Shpunte vibration and vibration, they perform the test for the dynamic strength of the supporting structures of the existing building nearest to submersible elements.

The calculation of the foundations of existing buildings or structures under the II group of limit states is carried out in all cases, if they are in the zone of influence of new construction.

The calculation of additional deformations of the foundations of buildings and structures undergoing the influence of new construction is carried out from the conditions for the collaboration of the construction and grounds.

Choosing the method of the device bases and foundations of the new building

When erecting a new building, closely adjacent to the existing, minimum distance between the edges of the new and existing foundation is established when designing, depending on the method of the development of the soil and depth of the pit, the design of the foundations and the separation wall.

The design, dimensions and mutual placement of the foundations of the new building, arranged near the existing buildings, are appointed taking into account the development of additional uneven deformations of the foundations of the existing buildings and the formation of distortions of the supporting structures of these buildings (foundations, walls, overlaps, etc.) caused by additional sediment.

If the project of the new building does not provide for supporting its structures on the design of an existing building, the sedimentary seams are arranged between the new building and existing ones.

The sedimentary seams are constructed and carried out so that the seam width ensures the separate movement of new and old buildings during the entire period of their operation.

If it is necessary to attach the foundations of the new building in an unshameded pit below the layout of the foundations of the existing, the permissible difference of marks is determined.

Fig. The location of neighboring foundations at different depths

If the values \u200b\u200bof the deformations of the existing building from the influence of the new building exceed the maximum permissible values, then measures aimed at reducing the impending of the new building to the existing one are taken. These measures include:

The use of fasteners of the pit;

Separation wall device;

Transfer of pressure from a new building on a layer of dense underlying soils by using deep supports or piles of various designs;

Strengthening soils of the base of buildings with various technological means (chemical fixation, reinforcement, rubbleth, etc.).

As a separation wall can be used:

Tongue row;

A number of screwed steel pipes with a wire navill (bromewly pile);

Wall from piles, including burbilic, boring and induced;

Row of scoring piles;

- "Wall in the ground."

The question of the type of wall is solved on the basis of a technical and economic comparison of the options or possibilities of the artist.

The rigidity and depth of the sealing of the separation wall, and in case it serves as a fence of the pit, determined by the calculation, or constructive activities (a device of anchors, troops, struts with an emphasis in the pre-erected design of the new building, etc.) should ensure that horizontal displacements are restricted in The basis of an existing building.

The depth of the sealing of the separation wall is to be calculated in the longer soil layers or in the soil layers located below the compressible thickness of the base of the designed foundation.

Scheme to calculate the separation wall

The separation wall goes along the entire line of adjacent the foundation of the new building to the existing and on each side goes beyond the existing building in terms of at least 1/4 of the compressible strata.

The project for the production of earthworks (PPR) and work on the construction of the foundations of new buildings, which are erected next to existing, is developed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.02.01-87 "Earth structures, grounds and foundations".

In the case of direct adjustment to the foundations of existing buildings, ways to develop the soil and disassembly of old foundations, if any on the site, are selected in accordance with the intense state of the base of existing foundations. It does not apply:

Ball or wedge - hammer for crushing frozen soil and old, subject to disassembly of foundations;

Explosive way;

Excavator with bucket type "Drevyant";

Powerful hydraulic shock action mechanisms.

When applying foundations near existing buildings:

Maximen as possible the timing of work in construction pitchers;

Do not allow warehousing of building materials in close proximity to the existing foundations and on the brow of the pit;

When immersing the metal or wooden sheets to reduce the friction forces, the locks of the tongs are filled with plastic clay, with a solution of thixotropic bentonite clay, polymer and other lubricants.

The admissibility of the use of scoring piles near existing buildings should be established only according to the results of the instrumental measurements of oscillations during the testing of piles with the participation of specialized organizations to determine the level of vibrational impact and its compliance with regulatory restrictions. Special attention dangers of dynamic influences when driving piles are shown in cases:

Buildings, the deformation of the grounds of which are in the process of stabilization;

In the bearing structures of buildings there are cracks with a disclosure of more than 3 mm;

Based on the foundations, weak soils (iba, organo-mineral and organic soils, water-saturated loose sands, etc.);

Unique buildings, including architectural and historical monuments, for which, under the terms of operation, elevated requirements for limiting the level of vibration and variations are established.

The immersion of precast concrete piles and metal sheets near the existing buildings is made by heavy hammers with a small height of the impact of the shock part according to the indications of the WPC 490-87. Preferred is the ratio of the weight of the shock part of the hammer to the mass of the span of at least 5: 1 and the use of leader wells. At the adjacent area, you should first immerse one piles, the closest to the existing building, which is the screen.

In the production of works on the construction of a new building next to existing, as well as in cases of disassembly, the old buildings do not allow:

Disorders of the structures of the bearing layers of the foundation and the loss of sustainability of slopes in passage of the pitchers, trenches, etc.;

Filtration destruction of the base;

Technological vibration effect;

Frozening the base of the existing building from the side of the open pit.

Development of environmental protection projects

Events on environmental protection, their design solutions, work production methods and their volumes are directly related to the decisions of the newly under construction. Design solutions for the construction of a new building and environmental protection are accepted based on the analysis of their interaction. To achieve an optimal solution to the development of projects for the protection of buildings located in the zone of influence of the newly under construction, are carried out in the project of the newly under construction building. The surrounding project is part of this project.

The surrounding protection project is carried out by specialized organizations that have relevant licenses for such work.

The influence zone of the newly under construction building on the existing development is established by the general designer with the involvement of specialized and scientific organizations and is determined with:

Stock materials of engineering and geological surveys in the construction area;

Results of the examination of the existing development before the start of construction;

Report on engineering and geological surveys for new construction;

The presence of negative geological processes (karst, suffosic processes, gas isolation, landslide processes, etc.), forecast data on the change in groundwater level.

The design of the foundations of the new building and the magnitude of the loads on the base under them;

Methods for the construction of work on the construction of the newly under construction of the building: the use of lowering the level of groundwater, the boolean of piles, tongs, a deep-pitched device, the design of the walls of the walls (slopes), anchor attachments, etc.

The surrounding protection project is based on the following source data:

Tasks for the design issued by the Customer in coordination with the general designer;

Report on engineering and geological, engineering and geodetic surveys;

Report on the results of the survey of existing buildings located in the zone of influence of the newly eared building;

The results of the analysis of the adopted method for the construction of a new building and evaluating its impact on possible deformities of the buildings of the environment for the period of construction and the subsequent period of operation.

The influence of factors of the negative impact of new construction on existing buildings of the environment is expressed in the emergence of additional uneven deformations of the foundations and foundations of existing buildings.

The emergence of these deformations is due to the following main reasons:

Changes in the stress-deformed state of the soil in the zone of influence of new foundations on the environment;

Change in the hydrogeological regime on the construction site;

Leaks and other negative phenomena during damage to underground water supply networks.

The factors listed above must be taken into account when designing and erecting a new building.

Monitoring when building buildings near existing

Monitoring on sites where the construction of new buildings is carried out near existing in dense construction conditions, is a comprehensive system designed to ensure reliability of both the building and the surrounding building, as well as the preservation of the environment.

The purpose of the monitoring is: an assessment of the impact of new construction to the surrounding buildings and structures, ensuring the reliable construction of a new building, preventing negative environmental changes, the development of technical solutions to prevent and eliminate deviations exceeding those provided in the project, as well as monitoring the implementation of these decisions.

Methods and technical means of monitoring new construction and the environment are appointed depending on the level of responsibility of structures, their design features and conditions, engineering and geological and hydrogeological conditions of the site, the method of erection of a new building, the density of the environment, operational requirements and in accordance with the results of geotechnical forecast .

Monitoring is carried out on a specially designed project. The composition, methods and volume of monitoring are established depending on the geotechnical category of objects in accordance with the MHSN 2.07-97 by the joint decision of the customer of the new construction and the general proactor.

Features of the production of works near existing buildings

To ensure the safety and possibility of the normal operation of the objects surrounding the construction site, in addition to the adoption of constructive solutions in the work of work near the existing buildings, provide for the implementation of special technological measures, as well as the prevention of violation of existing drainage systems, waterproofing, etc.

Before starting the work of work, a thorough examination of all buildings and structures located in the zone of influence of the planned construction work should be carried out.

For the production of geotechnical work near existing buildings, the technological regulations develop on their implementation and impose strict control over compliance with all the requirements of the project and the technological regulation. Control over the implementation of the technological regulations and the quality of work performed is carried out by the engineering and technical service provider of the manufacturer of work, is checked by a representative of the author's supervision and technical supervision of the customer.


In the manufacture of work on the design and device of bases and foundations, when building buildings near existing on dense construction conditions, control methods in accordance with SNiP 3.02.01-83 and Gosta 18321-73 and 16504-81 are provided.

List of used literature

1.TheTichenko, V.I. Technology for the construction of buildings and structures. "Classes for builds, universities. V.I. Telichenko, O.M. Terentyev, aa. Lapidus - 2nd ed., Pererab. And add. - M.: Higher 2004. - 446 s; Il;

2. The government of Moscow. Moskomarchitecture. "Recommendations for the design and construction of grounds and foundations in the construction of buildings near existing in conditions of dense development in the city of Moscow" from 13.01.99 g;

3.Vikipedia - Summary Encyclopedia [Electronic resource] //

Posted on


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  • Specialty of the WAK RF25.00.08
  • Number of pages 196.

Chapter 1. Analysis of the current state of the problem of engineering and geological surveys (IGIs) in urban areas.

1.1. Development of ideas about IGAs in urban areas.

1 2 Retrospective analysis of the development of the domestic regulatory framework for IGAs on "built-up territories.

1.3. A brief overview of the state of rationing of IGIs in urban areas in some overseas countries.

1.4. Analysis of the existing approaches to the characteristics and evaluation of the density of urban development from the standpoint of the possibility of their accounting when conducting the IGA.

Conclusions on chapter 1.

Chapter 2. Methods of research and characteristics of the objects studied.

2.1. Methods, composition and volume of published studies.

2.2. Characteristics of construction objects and typing engineering and geological conditions of their placement.

Conclusions on chapter 2.

Chapter 3. Influence of a dense urban building on the conduct of the IGA.

3.1. Analysis of the requirements of regulatory documents in terms of the detail of the IGA, in relation to the conditions of tightly built-up city territories

3.2. Influence of a dense urban building on the conduct of an IGA.

3.3. The influence of the specifics of the engineering and geological conditions of urban areas on the conduct of the IGA.

3.4. Features of the IGA to characterize the engineering and geological conditions of the existing building falling into the zone of influence of the projected construction.

3.5. Analysis and systematization of the main factors complicating the conduct of IGIs for / "construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures in urban areas. 3.6. Establishment of criteria and rating factors, definition cramped conditions for the existing urban development in order to assess the category of complexity of IDGs in urban territories.

Visiting on chapter 3.

Chapter 4. The principal approaches to the IGA methods in the conditions of a dense urban building.

4.1. The concept and principles of the IGA techniques in the conditions of dense urban development

4.2. The territorial and zonal approach to the conduct of IGA in conditions of dense urban development.

4.3. Features of working with archival and stock materials under the IGA in the conditions of dense urban development.

4.4. Displays survey information in technical reports and conclusions.

Conclusions on chapter 4.

Conclusions on chapter 5.

Common vita.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Features of the application of the method of engineering and geological analogies during surveys in the city territories: on the example of the city of Moscow 2008, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Tunin, Nina Vitalevna

  • Application of piles immersed by indestructible, with the reconstruction of historical buildings of cities 2008, Doctor of Technical Sciences Savinov, Alexey Valentinovich

  • Engineering and geological substantiation of urban planning activities in the territory of Kislovodsk 2009, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Kuznetsov, Roman Sergeevich

  • Ensuring the operational reliability of the foundations and foundations, buildings and facilities of urban development during groundwater flooding 2001, Candidate of Technical Sciences Yunishev, Nikolai Petrovich

  • Modeling the state of urban development in order to ensure the operational reliability of the foundations and foundations, buildings and structures during flooding 2005, Doctor of Technical Sciences Skein, Gennady Mikhailovich

The dissertation (part of the author's abstract) on the topic "Features of engineering and geological research techniques in a dense urban building: on the example of the city of Moscow"

The relevance of work. Last decade, in the practice of urban planning, attention has been intensified to the reconstruction and concerning the density of urban development, as well as intensive development and use of the underground space of urban areas. In Moscow, as in other major cities of Russia, the rates and volumes of construction work, their conduct in the areas of dense development, as a rule, in complex and dynamically changing engineering and geological conditions, caused numerous surcharge of complications in construction, including deformation and accidents on the reconstructed objects and the concept of construction work entering the zone.

Analysis of the current situation conducted by the MGSU, GSC OKPS under the Government of Moscow and a number of other organizations, showed that in the overwhelming majority of cases, these complications in construction are caused by insufficient attention to engineering and geological surveys (IGIs), as well as insufficient consideration of survey information in design and design and Production of the work of the zero cycle in the constrained conditions of the existing urban development.

Despite the development of the regulatory framework, in the validity of SNiP, SP, TSN and other documents, there are no scientifically based approaches to the establishment of the necessary detail and informativeness of the IGIs in urban areas, especially in the zones of historical and tight construction. The features of the PTS "Geological Wednesday - City", urban zoning, regional engineering and geological conditions and their technogenic changes are not sufficiently learned. Therefore, the search for ways and ways to match the level of IGIs and survey information in the conditions of a dense urban building is a very urgent task, on the solution of which surveys, designers and builders orient the number of decisions of the Moscow Government (for example, No. 896 of December 16, 1997, No. 111 of February 10 1998).

The purpose of the work: the rationale and development of the main provisions of the IGA methodology in the conditions of dense urban development (on the example of the characteristics of the natural and technical conditions of the territory of the city of Moscow).

The main idea of \u200b\u200bwork; Accounting in the IGA methods of the influence of the existing dense urban development to receive the necessary and sufficient information about engineering and geology: the conditions of the designed construction (reconstruction) of buildings and structures, as well as construction sites in the zone of influence.

Tasks of work:

1) analysis of the state of the problem and the level of regulatory support of IGIs in urban areas, including dense building;

2) assessment of the influence of a dense urban development on the specifics of the requirements for engineering and geological information, and difficulties in obtaining it;

3) Development of methods of accounting for the arms of cramped conditions for their conduct in territories with dense urban development;

4) Development of methods for analyzing and using stock survey materials when setting up IGA in the territories of dense urban development;

5) the rationale for the concept and principles of the approach to the conduct of IGA in conditions of dense urban development;

6) Development of the basic provisions of the IGA methods in a dense urban building.

Scientific novelty (values);

1) the comprehensive effect of the dense urban development on the features of the TCP "Geological Wednesday Cities", the specifics of the requirements for engineering and geological information for construction (reconstruction) and difficulties in obtaining this information;

2) for the first time the concept of "cramped conditions of the IGI" in urban areas was established, a complex of complicating factors was established, their rating assessment and criteria for the creation of the category of the complexity of IGAs on stanennep should be carried out; The meaning of this data is shown in the practice of the IGAs for the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures in the conditions of dense urban development;

3) the concept and principles of the territorial and zonal approach to the conduct of IGI for construction (reconstruction) at urban areas are substantiated;

4) A method is proposed for a multidimensional use of archival (stock) IGA materials, taking into account the assessment of their accuracy and variability over time.

Practical importance. Developed recommendations will increase the level of reliability and informative of the IGA, optimize the composition, volume and technology of survey work. Practical developments may be used as a base for the development of federal and territorial regulatory documents on IGA, including MGSN.

Protected positions;

1. Engineering and geological aspects of ideas about the dense urban development, its comprehensive influence on the production of IGIs, from the point of view of the requirements for the necessary information to substantiate decisions on the construction and reconstruction of the designed object and engineering protection of the environment, as well as the conditions for obtaining this information in the constrained Terms of survey work.

2. Systematization of factors forming cramped conditions for conducting research in urban areas; The recovery of the relevant categories of the complexity of the Egyse, establishing them based on the rating assessment and phenomenological approach.

3. The concept of the territorial and zonal approach to the IGA, which provides for the comprehensive accounting of urban zoning and engineering and geological zoning of the territory under study, spatial, including the zonal characteristic of engineering and geological conditions of construction (reconstruction) in conjunction with data of the technical condition of the construction of buildings and structures, Entering the influence of the projected object. Principles of IDGs in the conditions of dense urban development.

4. The need for a wide and multidimensional analysis and use of archival (stock) survey data with IGIs in conditions of dense urban development, taking into account their reliability, informativeness and variability with time.

5. Recommendations for the integrated display of geological and construction information in technical reports and conclusions based on the preparation of special private and synthetic geological and construction cards and cuts.

6. Technological blocks and sequence of the IGA under conditions of dense urban development.

The accuracy of scientific provisions, conclusions and recommendations is confirmed by the analysis of literary and stock materials, the generalization of the experience of internally and research on 103 facilities of the reconstruction of buildings and structures in Moscow.

The author's personal contribution is to formulate the objectives of research, a critical analysis of literary and funds of materials, the preparation of programs of the IGA and the examination of the grounds and foundations of the reconstructed and operated buildings, carrying out relevant field work on a large number of construction sites in Moscow, the generalization of the research materials and the development of recommendations for Conducting IGA under dense urban development.

Research methods include: summarizing scientific and technical information; Careful critical analysis of regulatory documents; Analysis and summary of the experience of the IGI on real objects of construction and reconstruction of the city.

The object of research was the geological environment of the city, as a component created during the construction operating during operation and transformed during the reconstruction of the "Geological Wire-City".

The subject of studies was the methodology for the construction and reconstruction of buildings and consignments in urban areas, including under dense development.

Approbation of work. The main results of the research of Bishi reported at the Karstological Monitoring Scientific and Technical Seminar Dzerzhinsk Nizhny Novgorod Region, 1999; scientific-practical conference of universities in Moscow "The potential of Moscow universities and its use in the interests of the city", 1999; The second, third and fourth scientific and practical conferences of young scientists, graduate students and doctoral students "Construction - the formation of a vital activity" MGSU, 1999-2001; The 1st International Scientific and Practical Symposium "Natural Terms of Construction and Preserving the Churches of Orthodox Rus", held 7

October 11, 2000. in the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra in Sergiev Posad; International Scientific Conference "New Types of Engineering and Geological and Ecological and Geological Maps", held on 2930 May 2001. in Moscow State University; International Symposium "ENGGEOLCITY-2001. Engineering and geological problems of urbanized territories ", held on July 30 - August 2, 2001. in Yekaterinburg; The International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of MGSU MISI "Construction in the XXI century. Problems and prospects ", MGSU, 5-7 December 2001

Implementation. The results of the studies were used in the vigor of the IGU laboratory of the MGSU "Survey and reconstruction of buildings and structures" and developing recommendations for the design of construction (reconstruction) of a number of buildings and regulations, as well as at the vigor of state budget Nir MGSU on the development of regulatory and methodological documents on IGIs (Topic No. 24 "Development of scientific foundations of engineering and geological research methodologies in large cities of Russia", "The concept of the development of Moscow city building standards (MGSN) on engineering and geological surveys").

Separate recommendations on the IGA methods at urban areas were included in the new SP 11-105-97, prepared by the publication in 2002, part of the V "Engineering and Geological Research for Construction. The rules for the production of works in areas with special natural and technogenic conditions "Chapter 5" Engineering and geological surveys in the built-up territories (including historical development). "

Volume and structure of work. The thesis consists of the introduction, five chapters, conclusions and applications. The amount of work is 195 pages, 49 drawings and 48 tables. The reference list contains 234 names.

Similar dissertation work in the specialty "Engineering Geology, Merzlotting and Grids", 25.00.08 CIFR VAK

  • Theoretical and methodological foundations for ensuring the safety of construction and operation of buildings and structures in the complex engineering and geological conditions of St. Petersburg 2011, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Shashkin, Alexey Georgievich

  • Principles of engineering and geological surveys for the design and construction of high-rise buildings in urbanized territories: On the example of Moscow 2012, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences of liquid, Roman Yurevich

  • Exogenous geological processes and their impact on the territorial planning of cities: on the example of about. Sakhalin 2011, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences GENSIOROVSKY, YURY VLITITEL'EVICH

  • Geoecological support for the safe development of urban ambulance-beam territories 2004, Candidate of Technical Sciences Kaznov, Stanislav Stanislavovich

  • Optimization of the aeration parameters of urban development 2001, Candidate of Technical Sciences Gutnikov, Vladimir Anatolyevich

Conclusion of dissertation on the topic "Engineering Geology, Merzlotovatology and Grids", Vorontsov, Evgeny Anatolyevich

General conclusions

The results of the research performed allow us to draw the following conclusions:

1. The current regulatory documents on the IGAs for construction do not take into account the features of the TCP "Geological Wednesday Wednesday" and its diverse subsystems, Grado-Gorya Zoning, Stages of Town Planning Design, as well as the specifics of the pro-igs in Sturity And, in connection with GIm, they require further improvement.

2. The dense urban building authorizes a multifaceted influence on the production and implementation of the [IGI, presenting, on the one hand, expanded, including specific, requirements for obsessing and the volume of engineering-geological information, necessary and sufficient for the construction of the construction (reconstruction) of the projected The object under conditions is extensively substantive and transformed by the TCP and the engineering protection of the existing surrounding development in the zone of the influence of the planned construction, on the other hand, it is significantly difficult to obtain the information due to the constrained conditions for conducting survey work.

3. The priority value for the IGIs under the conditions of a dense urban building has a territory-zial-zone approach to their conduct at all stages of urban design and the subsequent stages of the life cycle of construction sites with the title of the features of the differ TCP of the city. At the same time, it is necessary to justify in conjunction with the designers of the boundary of the territory under study and the depth of research, as well as differentially approach tasks, composition and volume of research within the "spots" of the projected object, the zone of its active influence on neighboring buildings (structures) and the zone of progenicized potential influence on adjacent Built the territory.

4. When setting up and conducting an IGA in urban areas, especially in the zones of dense development, along with the level of responsibility of the elevated (reconstructed) building or structure, categories of the complexity of engineering and geological conditions and the geotechnical complexity of the construction object, it is necessary to establish and take into account the category of the complexity of the IGA cramped conditions for their conduct, guided by recommendations §3.6 of the dissertation.

5. The most important importance for the IGI in the conditions of a dense urban development (and in the practice of design and survey work in the city territories as a whole) has a multidimensional analysis and use of stock survey materials, taking into account their reliability, informativeness and opportunities to obsoletrate individual information, including to establish :

Features and patterns of the structure of the geological environment of the city within the boundaries of the territories studied (including within the designed construction site and zones of its environmental impact);

The dynamics of changes in the geological environment and engineering and geological conditions of the concidum construction facilities and the built-up territories under the influence of long-term technogenic lambrants of the city;

Possible objects-analogues of the TCP for the use of the method of engineering and geological fees when conducting the IGA and the preparation of relevant survey information and ing- [Erno-geological recommendations;

Regional regulatory characteristics of soils at the base of buildings and structures, in Ohm, taking into account their genetic and stratigraphic affiliation, distribution in the concret-gas engineering and geological areas, areas and subarea and exposure to certain: aggregate effects of the city;

Optimal programs for additional ygs, taking into account the assessment of the engineering and geological toughness of the specific territory (plot, platforms) on the stock materials of the IGA, examination of the grounds for construction sites and conducting comprehensive monitoring of the geological environment and the PTS of the city as a whole.

6. To the mandatory requirements of the IGI in the conditions of dense urban development include intercoulations of research under the designed facility with the work on the examination of Esnovy, the foundations and the propulsion structures of buildings and structures, in the Savior of the influence of construction or subject to reconstruction, as well as with engineering and environmental surveys. At the same time, IGA programs, engineering and environmental surveys and construction sites, as well as reporting survey documentation, should be contacted and adjusted.

7. In order to increase the informativeness of the survey materials and the validity of engineering and geological recommendations, as well as to ensure their best perception and understanding of designers, mainly specialists in the design of grounds, foundations and underground structures, as well as developers of the PIC and engineering protection systems for construction objects from hazardous geological processes, it is advisable to make geological and construction cards and cuts that combine survey information from construction, including the planned location of construction sites, the setting of underground elements of structures, foundations, nose of piles, walls in the soil, areas of deformations of structures, stress concentration places, and as For the designed structure and existing in the zone of its influence.

8. Essential importance for raising the level of IGIs in the conditions of dense urban development has the obverse of requirements for the compilation of technical tasks and programs of survey work, including in terms of optimizing the technological scheme of their organization and conduct, according to the recommendations set out in Chapter 5.

8. Personal work allows you to outline the following directions of further research. In the framework of the problem under consideration:

Development of a methodology for the preparation of advanced pre-investment engineering and eological information for the initial stages of urban design;

Development of the method of engineering and geological analogies in relation to the peculiarities and 1 available tasks of its use in the IGIs for the construction and reconstruction of buildings of I structures in the conditions of dense urban development;

Improving the exist and the development of new methods of predicting the change of the physicomechanical properties of the soil under the influence of the development of dangerous engineering and eological processes at the base of the construction facilities of the city, especially in the zones of historical and tight construction;

Development of techniques for the study of soils by inclined drilling, sensing during the examination of the bases of buildings and structures, the subject of the reconstruction and in the zone zero of the designed construction.

9. To the urgent objectives of the level of IGI for construction and reconstruction in conditions of dense urban development should also be attributed:

Completion of the development and publication of a special chapter of the Federal Regulatory Document of SP P-105-97 Part V, dedicated to IGAs in urban territories;

Development and publication of territorial construction regulations (including MGSN) on engineering surveys in the territories of large cities;

Improving the existing and developing new technical means to ensure the possibility of conducting an IGA in the constrained conditions of the existing urban development, including from buildings of buildings (based on small-sized, electric drivers).

It should be noted that studies on a number of specified VIP directions are currently being carried out in MGSU through postgraduate work and state budget NIR Department of Engineering Geology and Geoecology, including the author's participation.

Preparation of technical means for IGA, the conclusion of subcontracting contracts

Collection, analysis and processing of IGA stock materials under the territory under study

Study of stock materials

Collection and analysis of information about the deformation and accidents of the building and structures on the territory under study

Collection and analysis of data on accidents of water supply engineering networks on the territory under study

Collection and analysis of information "On the strengthening of soils of the bases of buildings and structures. Too

Specials for deformations of buildings on the territory under study

Additional research



Forecast modeling

Joint processing of materials of additional and stock igs about< I 1

On the designed object I

On existing buildings ^ and facilities. There are 3 zone of influence Builder


Mathematical W X.

On the adjacent territory

Physical about.

Final work

Drawing up a technical report on IGAs with development


Materials for expertise

Discussion technical

Approval of the technical report, transfer to its customer and in geofonds

Fig. 5.2. But, to what extent of the selected research facilities reflect the diversity of engineering and geological conditions of the territory, as well as the constituent development of Moscow, and, consequently, the approaches to the conduct of the IGA.

Geomorphological conditions. Within the territory of the city there are four lands-shaft and geomorphological areas: valleys of r. Moscow and its tributaries, the heat-station hill, the Moscow-Yauz interference (Smolensko-Moscow convulsion) and the Yauzian-Pehore interfluve (Meshchersk lowland). In the valleys of rivers, sealed and flu-virgincial (rapid) plains are distinguished (see Fig. 2.2.3).

These areas are significantly distinguished by the absolute marks of the earth's surface (1204-160, 175-A250, 175-5-185 and 155-AI65 m, respectively), the steep slopes (range of 3-A20 degrees) and some other parameters.

Of principled importance: a significant width of river valleys; deep rivers cuts (including on a number of areas with the erosion of the Jurassic waterproof); substantial man-made modifications of relief, due to the custinous of ravines and small streams and the formation of technogenic sediments; The presence of landslide of slopes, ravines and local wetlands.

It is important to note that 355 watercourses within the Moscow region in Moscow are within the territory of Moscow, including about 70 rivers, 80 pruring springs with short streams and about 205 temporary watercourses (Spring

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164. ENV 1997 1 Eurocode 7 "Geotechnical Design. Part 1 General Rules" (Geotechnical Project. Section 1 General Rules), Cen - European Committee for Standardization, 29 * September 1994. P. 123.

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174. Foundations, foundations and underground facilities. Directory of Designer / M.I. Gorbunov-Posadov, V.A. Ilyichev, V.I. Circles and others; under total. ed. E.A. Sororan and Yu.G. Rowfimenkova. M.: Stroyzdat, 1985. - 480 s, Il.

175. Health Building Directory. Engineering surveys in construction. Avt.: JV. Abramov, L.I. Belyavsky, A.S. Spiridonov and others. M., Stroyzdat, 1975. 480 p. PNIIIS USSR Gosstroy).

176. Builder's reference. Directory. / Boodin GM, Stebakov V.V. M.: Publishing House of the DS, 1996. -340 p. With IL.

177. Ecological Atlas of Moscow. / Hands. Project I.N. Ilina /. M.: Publishing House "ABF / ABF" .- 2000. -96 p.


179. Ground Engineer "S Reference Book. / FG. Bell. 1st. Publ. London et al.: Butterworths, 1987.

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Construction of buildings and structures in complicated construction conditions

The main advantages of Ethernet technology

1. The main advantage of Ethernet networks, thanks to which they became such popular, is their economy. To build a network, it is enough to have one network adapter for each computer plus one physical segment of the coaxial cable of the desired length.

2. In addition, in Ethernet networks, sufficiently simple access algorithms are implemented, addressing and data transmission algorithms. The simplicity of the logic of the network leads to simplification and, accordingly, to reduce the cost of network adapters and their drivers. For the same reason, the Ethernet network adapters have high reliability.

3. And finally, another wonderful property of Ethernet networks is their good extensibility, that is, the ability to connect new nodes.

Other basic network technologies, such as Token Ring and FDDI, although they have individual features, at the same time have a lot in common with Ethernet. First of all, this is the use of regular fixed topologies ("Hierarchical Star" and "Ring"), as well as divided data media. The significant differences between the same technology from another are associated with the features of the access method used to the shared medium. Thus, the differences between the Ethernet technology from TKEN Ring technology are largely determined by the specifics of the environmental separation methods of the Random access algorithm in Ethernet and the access method by transferring the marker to TECKEN Ring.

The construction of buildings and structures has to be carried out in various conditions of construction: in large cities and in non-heated locality; in winter and in a hot climate; In complex geological and hydrological conditions and in permafrost. These so-called, extreme conditions of construction impose certain restrictions on standard work technologies or require the development of new technologies.

Consider some specific construction conditions.

During construction in conditions of dense urban development, a number of factors arise, the observance of which ensures the quality and durability of not only directly erected objects, but also to the surrounding countries. These factors belong:

§ the need to operate objects located in direct proximity to the building stain;

§ the impossibility of location at the construction site of the entire complex of construction infrastructure, provided for by the technological logistics of the work of work (household and engineering structures, machinery and mechanisms);

§ the need to develop technical and technological measures aimed at protecting the environmental environment of the object and the existing development.

The boundedness of the area isolated under construction prevents the full-fledged deployment of the construction site. At the same time, there is a whole range of mandatory events, without which the builder will be suspended by the controlling authorities. These include fire fighting and ensuring labor protection and maintenance techniques of construction and installation work:

§ the presence of evacuation passage at the construction site;

§ prepared for the use of fire hydrants and emergency aging means;

§ the fencing of the construction site and hazardous zones (pitched, assembly stationary crane, structural warehouses);

§ Sheds over pedestrian zones adjacent to the construction site.

In cases of limited area, the construction site outside the construction site can be located: administrative and household premises; Cutlery and sanitary premises; reinforcement, carpentry and plumbing workshops and workshops; Open and closed warehouses. When organizing construction, it is advisable to provide for these purposes restitutors, In coordination with their owners. To limit warehouse space, you can organize the installation of building structures with wheels, apply the most enlarged elements, apply advanced construction technologies applied in similar conditions. Sometimes organ-navigation intermediate storage areas in the maximum proximity to the object under construction. In this case, the required materials and products are hung to the object as needed and placed in the use zone. The use of intermediate warehouses impose on participants in the construction production (including suppliers and customers) strict requirements for the implementation of work schedules and delivery of techno-logical equipment.

Administrative and household premises endowed beyond the construction site can be located in existing buildings or in newly erected towns, as close as possible to the construction site. Squares used should meet the regulatory requirements for minimal sanitary and hygienic standards per working. Delivery of working on an object is carried out by the customer service.

A serious problem in the conditions of dense urban development is accommodating directly on the site of large-sized construction machines and cranes. Cranes and concrete pumps must be located on a construction site or in close proximity to it. However, there are previously built buildings and stories from them in indemnity, which prevent the movement of the arrow of the crane or concrete pump, or there is no possibility to pave the crane paths. In this case, low-incurred inpatient type (self-lifted) cranes are used (for concrete work) to compact and (for concrete work), beto-naewklogging complexes associated with vertical supply of concrete mixes inside the building and its subsequent distribution on the tier manipulators of various types . In technological design, you need to strive to maximize the construction experience in similar conditions and modern mechanization.

Maintaining the operational properties of the existing building.

The buildings located in close proximity to the stitching of the bundle may be subject to a number of influences arising during the construction of a new building. These impacts include: Cotele's reversal in close proximity to the building and vibration from the direct proximity of construction machines and mechanisms.

The first group of defects arises from changing the static nature-ristyik. Removing the soil near the foundations of buildings leads to a change in the power field around them. Therefore, the creation of a structural balance allows you to compensate for the emerging effects.

The second group of defects is a consequence of the dynamic effects of working construction machines and mechanisms. Their decline to permissible levels achieve the implementation of special engineering activities.

Specific activities aimed at maintaining the exploitation properties of the existing development are developed in the work projects. These include:

§ Strengthening grounds and foundations, which should ensure a static equilibrium of the building for the period of open pit to the construction of the supporting structures of the basement of the new building and backfill the sinuses of the kittle. The most often apply the following constructive solutions: "Wall in the ground", punching fences, strengthening the foundations and walls of basements of existing buildings, strengthening the grounds of the bases by the inexpection methods;

§ Development of kittlers and a device of foundations queues - this reduces the consumption of temporary retaining structures;

§ Selection of machines and mechanisms with minimal dynamic hara-kateristiki;

§ Vibration isolation of the ground massif adjacent to existing buildings and structures.