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Cool chamomile tasks for an adult company. Comic tasks for guests at the birthday table. Comic New Year's tasks for guests at the table. To make it more fun, Sing us a song soon

We offer you to download cards that are suitable for the celebration.

Job options:

  1. Show the fireworks so that everyone around them guesses what it is.
  2. Draw a scene from the cartoon "Tom and Jerry". Call on other participants to help you.
  3. Draw a terrible monster.
  4. Draw the hero of any cartoon so that everyone around him guesses what it is.
  5. With your eyes closed, tie another participant's shoe laces.
  6. Draw an animal so that everyone around you can guess who it is.
  7. Take a felt-tip pen or pencil in your mouth and, without using your hands, draw a balloon on the string.
  8. Guess the riddle: A house grew up in a field, a house full of grain. The walls are gilded, the shutters are boarded up. We walk the house shaking on a gold pillar.
  9. Take water in your mouth and try not to swallow and spit it out for 1 minute while others around you make you laugh.
  10. Draw a mirror and “reflect” one of the participants in the game.
  11. Say compliments to everyone present.
  12. Take one participant in the game as your assistants, tie your left hand to his right leg, go around the whole room together.
  13. Take several participants in the game as your assistants and together portray the Bremen Town musicians.
  14. Remember your favorite song and sing an excerpt from it, adding “Ku-ku” after each line.
  15. Close your eyes and describe from memory what the participants are wearing.
  16. Say the tongue twister “If“ if ”before“ after ”twice, then“ after ”after“ if ”. If “if” is after “after”, then “after” before “if”.
  17. Imagine a kakmama putting on makeup in front of a mirror.
  18. Fill your mouth with sweets or nuts and tell the tongue twister 3 times “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying”.
  19. Tell a funny incident or anecdote in a sad voice.
  20. With the help of two participants, portray the characters of the painting "Three Heroes".
  21. Take a few participants in the game to help you, a locomotive and carriages. Drive several stops to pick up and drop off passengers.
  22. Put your shoes on from the right foot to the left, and from the left to the right and go around all the premises.
  23. Say the tongue twister three times "The gorilla cooked hercules hamadryas. And the hamadryas thanked".
  24. Picture a conversation on the phone.
  25. Depict any athlete so that others would guess.
  26. Sing the chorus from any song while jumping on one leg.
  27. Close your eyes and draw a funny face.
  28. Close your eyes and draw a portrait of anyone in the game.
  29. Draw an evil hare, and then a kind and sweet wolf.
  30. Tell the verse “I love my horse” in a scary voice (like in a horror movie).
  31. Tell the tale "turnip" confusing all the characters: "Grandma planted her granddaughter, granddaughter grew up ..."
  32. Yawn until one of those present also yawns.
  33. Place any fruit on your head and walk from one corner to another (diagonally).
  34. Bow to each person present in different ways without repeating yourself.
  35. Name 10 names that start with one (any) letter.
  36. Get on all fours and go around the whole room, pretending to be a bear.
  37. For 1 minute, play the princess Nesmeyana, at this time the other participants in the game should make you laugh.
  38. In one corner of the room - cry, in another - laugh, in the third - yawn, in the fourth - sleep.
  39. Give one of the participants in the game an unusual hairstyle.
  40. Image of samovar.
  41. Go out onto the street or on the balcony and shout "Hello sleepwalkers!"
  42. Guess the riddle: Not a beast, not a bird, a sock like a knitting needle. Flies - squeaks, sits down - is silent.
  43. Crawl under the chair.

In the set you will find 5 sheets of A4 format with ready-made cards and 1 sheet for self-writing forfeits, as well as covers for forfeits.

How to prepare forfeits:

You need to print first the cover for the forfeits, then print the tasks on the back. After all the sheets have been printed, it is necessary to cut the sheets into separate cards.

Or !

Therefore, you definitely need to figure out how to entertain guests and have a fun holiday! The easiest option would be to distribute cool tasks to guests that they will have fun doing. You can arrange something like a lottery, where each guest will pull a fun task out of the bag for himself.

You just have to print in advance the finished tasks, which are presented below.

Comic tasks

- Play as an astrologer and predict the future of each guest for the next week.

- Congratulate the hero of the occasion in another language, using at least 5-10 words.

- Perform the melody of the children's song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" on your belly, spanking blows on the stomach.

- Turn on imagination and depict a plane with the sounds of bzhzhzh, viiiu, fly in a circle.

- Get in your arms with the help of another person, reach the lovers and wish them happiness.

- Fall on your knees and confess to your guests the three sins of your past.

- Take a special group photo. Participant's task: to arrange all the guests in unusual positions.

- Show alarm clock.

- Stand on one leg, imitating a heron and read any nursery rhyme.

- Greet each guest and give each a compliment.

- Have a drink with the man on the right at the Brotherhood.

- Tell a funny anecdote.

- Imagine an extinguishing candle.

- Raising one leg and waving your arms, jump to the opposite corner, while shouting "I am a butterfly."

- To portray a child whose toy was taken away.

- Depict 7 different emotions on your face.

- Quickly pronounce a tongue twister. For example, “There is grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Don't chop wood at the edge of the yard. "

- Ask the guests for alms (for travel to your hometown, for a Bentley for yourself, etc.), extort until 100 rubles are collected.

- To portray an athlete so that the audience can guess the sport.

- The host reads a wish poem for a Birthday, Anniversary or Wedding, and the guest must act as a sign language interpreter, for example:

"Live well, love each other,
After all, from this day on you are a spouse.
Divide everything in life, friends, in half -
And labor and anxiety that you will meet.
Let your life flow like a river
On the way that knows no barriers!
And let over your head
Only three constellations are burning:
One constellation - Love,
The other is Fidelity and Happiness. "

- The name of a famous person is glued to the guest's forehead. The guest should ask guests questions and understand who he is from their answers. For example: Am I a man or a woman? Am I an artist? What movie did I star in? etc.

- Depict melting ice cream.

Undoubtedly, with these on your holiday there will be a lot of laughter, smiles and funny photos. But unrestrained fun is an indicator that the holiday was really a success!

Wish you a great festive mood,
Ekaterina Akhmetzyanova, author of the idea.

Comic tasks for guests at the table are good because you can cheer up each guest, but you don't have to get up. Of course, you will need to prepare some contests and tasks in advance.

Knowing how much work and worries before the new year we have done all the work for you. Now you just need to choose among interesting contests and tasks and adapt the selected options for your company. Do not forget to prepare your own for each guest.

Comic tasks for guests at the table for the new year


The participants, as already mentioned, sit at the table. One person is selected among them, who will have to catch the candy. Other guests should pass the candy to each other under the table. The person who was caught with the candy receives the baton for its further search.

Sobriety test

It is necessary that each guest in turn utters the following tongue twister: "Lilac tooth picking out from under the vypodverta." The joke here is that even a sober person will stumble, but the company will laugh for a long time, and at the table it will immediately become more interesting and more fun. Try to remember other tongue twisters along the way and also include them in this task.

Comic test

Another task that should reveal the abilities of the guests. We need to distribute pens and pieces of paper. Various abbreviations should be written on the leaves in a column, and opposite each - a line from a text or poem. After that, it will be necessary to inform the meaning of the incomprehensible abbreviation and show it to the neighbors at the table. It is important to make the game more fun, to come up with a hundred thematic ones. For example, APG (first week of the year), SG (mid-year), NDOG (week of the end of the year) and so on.

Happy well

The presenter needs to take a bucket and pour some water into it. Then put a glass. The person who plays first must hit the glass with a coin. If the coin hits the water, the next participant throws. The one who gets into the glass first has the opportunity to pick up all the coins from the bucket.


Again, you need a presenter who will say that for every word and even sound you will either have to pay a fine or perform some kind of presenter's task. After this, all statements subside, communication is now possible only using gestures. You need to be silent until the presenter says stop. If someone makes the slightest sound before this room, then you have to complete the task or pay a fine.

Red or black

All guests will have to split into a red team and a black team. Each team receives five matches. The leader has a deck of cards in his hands. He asks who to give the top card to. The team must decide whether to take the card for itself or give it to the opponents. When a card of its color is taken, another match is earned. If the color is different, then the leader takes one match from the team.

To make the game more interesting, the host can pre-assign some cards "special". For example, if a team takes a king of a different color, then it can pay off by fulfilling the wishes of the participants in another room. If the room takes a lady of the wrong color, then the guy should kiss the girl from the opposite team. The winners are those who have collected more matches by the end of the deck.

Love and dislike

Each guest should name one trait or appearance of the neighbor on the right and left, which he likes and which he does not like. It is important that this game is played by people who already know each other well and will not be offended in case of awkward situations.