Bedroom design Materials House, garden, plot

Scenario on March 8 corporate party. The script of the corporate party "March 8 in the fairy kingdom" in verse, contests and musical accompaniment to them. Corporate party in the style of the movie "There are only girls in jazz"

Every year, on the eve of the beloved holiday on March 8, the same question arises: how to congratulate women so unusually, humorously, fervently, so that everyone likes it, and at the same time, not spending too much time preparing festive events.

And so that the program does not drag on: congratulations, presented gifts, and - we ask to the table ... And already there, after a good snack - contests, fun, laughter!

What to think of? How to surprise?

Don't rack your brains! We came up with everything for you: we offer 9 cool scenes for a corporate party on March 8! Suitable for mini-performances in the workplace, and for a party organized on a grand scale.

All that remains is to choose good gifts, several contests for a feast (or a buffet table), and that's it - International Women's Day can be considered a success!

Scene number 1

"Gift Lottery"

7 men participate in the performance, but the number of participants can be reduced.
Five men come out with a rose in their teeth, perform a small free dance to the song of S. Mikhailov "Everything for you".
Then women are presented with flowers and tokens with a serial number according to the number of women.

Male 1: Dear women, gifts are waiting for everyone today! But we have 5 super prizes, and we are ready to present them to those who are lucky today!

Male 2: It's simple, my lucky hand will look for one number here, and whoever gets it, takes the super prize!

Spins the drum, takes out one number.

Male 1: Hurrah! Please come out to us! We are announcing a super prize, here it is!

A man enters the hall to the music, a large poster is attached to his chest, on which is written “I do not work today! He does everything for me! "
To applause and laughter, a poster is presented to the woman whose number the host has drawn.

Man 2, pulls out the next number. A man comes out to the music, also with a poster on which is written "Ready to discuss this!"

Man 1 (handing the poster to the winning woman): Oh yes, he is ready to discuss anything with you! Up to discounts on tights in the store and a new manicure for the secretary!

Male 1: We invite our incomparable, courageous and wonderful chief (name) to get the next number! He has a lucky hand!

As soon as the number is drawn, a man comes out, on him is a poster with the inscription "5 compliments from the chef!" The leader compliments the woman whose number has been pulled out of the drum.

Male 2: I get the next number! Hooray, (name of the winning woman)! Come out, please! For you he will perform his famous song "Oops!" world star Britney Spears, whom we invited specially for this performance!

Three men come out, one of them plays Britney (brightly painted lips, a short fluffy skirt over the trousers), the rest are dressed as a dancer (for example, in leotards). The group sings the song "Oops!" To the soundtrack, the funnier the better, for example, standing motionless, folding his hands on his stomach, looking at one point on the ceiling, and only opening their mouths wide.

Male 1: And, the last number in our holiday lottery!

The man spins the drum with zeal, then, as if by accident, spills all the numbers on the floor, while all the other men take out firecrackers, blow them up and shout: “This prize is for all of you! Our declaration of love! We just adore you! "
To the music of the song that opened the holiday (S. Mikhailov "Everything for you"), gifts prepared in advance are presented to women, and everyone is invited to the table.

Scene number 2

"Serious challenge"

Leading: Dear ladies! Let us join you for a while, feel what it's like to be a woman ?! Our most daring volunteers, to amuse you, agreed to become women today to get into the worst female situations! Help them cope with this, lovely ladies!

Dressed up Man 1 comes out, shoes on his feet. Stumbles as if breaking a heel. Freezes, in theatrical horror, raising his hands to his face.

Leading: So, option 1: I'll go barefoot! Tell me what?

The women shout: "No!", Man 1, also shakes his head negatively.

Leading: Option 2: I'll call my relatives and friends, let other Louboutins drag me! Will it go?

Women shout "No!" (or "Yes!"), but Man 1 shakes his head anyway.

Leading: Maybe go to that nice stranger and ask for a ride?

Man 1 happily nods his head, runs up to any of the men, shakes his shoe in front of his nose, and, opening his eyes, says: "Save the lady, please!"

Leading: Fuuu ... We successfully coped with one task, let's move on!

To the music, Man 2, dressed as a lady, enters the hall, and a usually dressed man comes towards him.

Male 2: Dear, give 5 thousand!

Man: But where are you all the money business ?! I just gave it to you yesterday!

Man 2 sadly dulls his eyes, the Man looks at him menacingly.

Leading: We are looking for options for the correct answer: “Okay, don't come on! But know that I spent all the money on charity! " - will it go?

The women shout “No!”, Man 2 also shakes his head.

Leading: And like this: “Don't you want your wife to look great ?! Nails, hair, eyebrows, eyelashes - all this beauty do you know how much money it costs? !! \u200b\u200b"

Women shout out their answer, and Man 2 shakes his head.

Leading: Option is: “You! Me! Not! Do you love! "

Regardless of the prompts from women, Man 2 agrees with this option, vigorously shaking his head and moaning “Doesn't love! Doesn't love! ”, To which the Man, in fright, shouts:“ Of course I do! Love! Sorry! I agree to everything! " The men of the collective join them to the music to congratulate the women.

Male 1:

We cannot understand how you are,
So tender
You know how to be strong
Stronger than us a hundred times!

Male 2:

On a wonderful spring day, we
Ready to present you
Flowers, compliments,
And do everything for you!


Please please,
May never be sad
And also an offense, and an extra-kilogram-onion
Will not meet with you!

You dear, beloved,
You are the most beautiful
So let us today
Congratulate you!

Men give gifts to music, after which women are invited to the table.

Mini-scene number 3

Oh! What are we going to give ?!

The participants in the scene are sitting at tables or just standing in a group, expressing complete bewilderment.

Man 1 (runs bustlingly back and forth, screams): Colleagues! Colleagues! Well, what are we going to decide? Give Gift Suggestions !! What are we going to give our ladies ?!

All: Candy!

Male 1: It's corny!

All: Postcard!

Male 1: Generally sucks!

All: Diaries!

Male 1: It was already!

All: Shaving foam!

They look inquiringly at the speaker, talk among themselves: “No, but what! They need it too! "

Male 1: I will not even comment!

All: Shower gels!

Male 1: It was too!

Solemn music sounds (you can march), a man dressed in white clothes enters the hall, wings behind him.

Angel man: I am a beautiful angel who has flown to you from heaven, because I see that things are going hard without me! But your prayers have been heard, and here are gifts for your lovely women!

The angel puts a basket in front of the men - there are bouquets of flowers and gifts in it. Men shout "Hurray!", Jump into a dance to celebrate, then hand the ladies flowers, gifts and invite them to the table.

Scene No. 4

Beauty and mind

Suitable for a team of 15 to 30 people.
Women are asked for a moment of attention, and they are invited to the “Beauty and Mind” program.

The presenter introduces the “heroines of the holiday”: 2-3 men dressed as women, while the outfit can be quite conventional: a hat, an apron, a paper fan, large beads - the more ridiculous the better.

1. Ivanova Daria Mikhailovna - well-deserved (choice of profession).
2. Petrushkina Agrafena Muratovna - People's Artist of cinema lovers.
3. Listopadova Mirabella Izmailovna - an honored consultant on any issues.

Leading tellsthat today, in honor of the 8 March holiday, these women will participate in the Beauty and Mind competition, and the one who becomes the winner may receive an early pension.

Competition program:

1. Leading offers tasks on the topic "Who knows more".
For example, the theme is "flowers", "cosmetic companies", "jewelry".
Participants' task: Name words in no particular order related to this topic.
One point is received by the participant who will say the last word.

2. Leading offers tasks for verification ability to think logically... Names several items. “Women” should name an item that is not on this list and explain why. The more serious the questions and the more ridiculous, inappropriate answers, the funnier it will be to watch it.
Examples of tasks:
Hair coloring with basma, Vella paint, henna. (Excess paint "Vella").
Vanilla crumbs, bread crumbs, raisin crumbs (excess bread crumbs).
Viscose, cotton, polyester (polyester - excess).
Eau de toilette, lotion, perfume (excess-lotion).
Basting, machine stitching, overlock (basting is too much).
In order for the competition to fully withstand the style “outside of logic”, the leader awards the victory and one point to the participant who, in his opinion, is “the nicest of all”.

3. Competition task on the topic "Cosmetic bag".
Leading "Scatters" cosmetic items (nail polish, eye shadow, mascara, hygienic lipstick, bright lipstick, lip pencil, eyeliner, eye cream contour, nail polish remover, eyelash brush, cosmetic milk, foundation, powder, face toner).
The presenter assigns each participant a task, according to which she must choose the correct item "from the cosmetic bag". Time is limited.
Suggested assignments:
wash off your makeup,
lipstick for a business meeting,
hide your freckles,
paint your nails,
tint the eyes,
wash off nail polish,
bring your eyes, etc.
The presenter vividly comments on his actions and the actions of the participants.
For the correct answer - the participant gets a point.

4. The host offers non-standard situations to the participants... We need to find an original way out of them.
for instance:
Let's say that you met an extraordinary man. It seems to you that he is "head over heels" in love with you and is about to make a marriage proposal. You come to your friend to tell her your joy. But here you see on her table a photo of your lover. Your actions?
Before an important date for you, you visited a hairdresser. As a result of a terrible mistake, your hair was dyed green. What will you do?
You came to a business meeting-buffet in a knitted dress. You are communicating with your partner and suddenly you notice that one of the visitors - guests caught the button of your jacket on the thread of your dress. Moving further and further from you, he dismisses your dress. What will you do in such a situation?
The winner, according to the moderator, gets one point.

As a result, having counted the points, the host announces the winner of the competition. And presents the prize: the right to turn into a man again and congratulate the real heroes of the occasion on the 8th of March!
The "woman" transforms into a man, congratulates the women's team with beautiful words, the losing participants remain women and are used "to run errands" - they give out gifts.
The host invites everyone to the festive table.

Scene number 5


Suitable for a team of 10-15 people.

1. Men should ask employees for their baby photos in advance. Put each in a frame and hang it in the form of an exhibition.
2. At the scheduled time, the men gather women and invite everyone to the opening day.
3. Slow music sounds, the audience must guess their colleagues in the children's photos.
4. After guessing, the photo is handed over to the women. There are numbers on the back of each photo.
5. Carry out a cool holiday lottery.

Examples of prizes for draws:
Room for personal archive (photo album).
Without it, the photo desktop is empty. (Frame).
Disposable cosmetics (set of napkins).
A necessary detail for a mink coat (hanger).
Means for keeping the figure in the right tone (spoon).
Love potion (spices).
Universal gel from the past (laundry soap).
Husband scrubber (brush).
Incense (insect repellent).
Gloves 3D (rubber gloves).

It will be necessary to play all the numbers, so that each woman receives her gift.
In conclusion, men give flowers and invite everyone to the table to celebrate the holiday.

Short scene number 6

flying ship

1. Women are invited to the room for congratulations to the melody from the cartoon "The Flying Ship".

2. If this is not possible, then the men dress up in a secluded place and appear at the workplace already in the desired form of cheerful Hedgehogs: sundresses, kerchiefs, brooms (brooms). In the hands of toy accordions.

3. A congratulation song is performed to the soundtrack of the song by Babok Yozhiek from the cartoon "The Flying Ship".


* * *
Stretch the fur, accordion,
Eh play play!
Congratulations to women,
And don't talk!

* * *
I walked on the forest side
The holiday ran after me!
Spat on his bald head
And sent to the devil!

* * *
I say to him: Pour!
You are a holiday, not a villain,
Although I myself do not believe
I'm into these superstitions!

* * *
Stretch the accordion fur
Eh, play trick!
Our women are beautiful
Sales, do not persuade!

* * *
We have known them for many years,
This is the secret of beauty!
Everyone will always be twenty -
Even at eighty!

* * *
I walked back home
The holiday is all running after me!
What is the reason for this?
Well this is devilry ?!

* * *
Stretch the accordion fur
Eh, play it, play it!
We congratulate all women!
Persuade to sit down at the table!

Men escort women to the festive table, make toasts, congratulate, give gifts.

Scene congratulation number 7

Self-assembled tablecloth

Men prepare in advance a large gift box and colorfully decorate it.
When the women appear, each is given a flower.

The men take turns talking:

1. Congratulations, congratulations!
2. Tomorrow came quickly.
3. We have gathered you today
4. To congratulate on March 8!
5. And our gift is in a box,
6. So that you can guess
7. What has been picked up for a long time,
8. What we will hand over!
9. He is undeniably very cute!
10. Even we will give you a hint:
11. He will delight you for sure!
12. Because it's ... a fairy tale?
13. No, you didn't!
14. This is home decoration!
15. And it will come in handy today!
16. Is this the right ... bench?
17. Didn't hit, well, it happens!
18. Where is where is your ingenuity?
19.To receive guests, respect
20. Will a miracle (pauses) rolling pin come in handy?
21. By, even very by
23 you need it
24. Drink coffee, meet guests
25. Make a beautiful table
26. Treat a neighbor with tea
24. We give you a super - tablecloth!
25. All together (or one congratulations): after the presentation of gifts, we invite you to the festive table!

They give gifts and invite to the table.
The first toast to the festive mood, to the best housewives, to the laid tables and to women's hands, which can even work a miracle!

Scene 8


Men talk to each other.

Male 1: Hello everyone, well, March 8 "on the nose." For gifts, we need to throw off our women.

Male 2: Why should we throw off, let us read poems to them, we will sing different songs there. After all, creative gifts are the most desirable and inexpensive!

Male 3: Come on, let's buy flowers. All women love flowers! Give me a flower and that's enough. They didn't bother us with gifts. Foam and socks again!

Male 4: What kind of guys are you all the same mercaltile. After all, we are so lucky with the girls. And beauties and clever girls, they bake pies, and they will always treat them, they will say a good word, they will raise the mood. You look at any and immediately want to sing.

Male 1: Yes, yes, I agree with (name Men 4). Our girls deserve to be presented with unusual gifts. But what to give something ?!

Male 4: Let's think! We need something beautiful and romantic!

Male 1: Can each get a ticket to the cinema?

Male 3: Why should each, let's take them to the evening session. Very romantic!

Male 2: Yeah, what will the wives say? I can't even imagine how I will show up home after watching together in the evening!

Male 1: Yes, and husbands will not be too happy. They will also give a "hat"!

Male 4: It is necessary that in the evening it was connected, and that everyone was delighted!

Male 1 (thoughtfully): I'll give you a star!

Male 2: Exactly! Stars must be presented! And cheap and beautiful and romantic!

Male 4(dreamily): Each of our girls is a star! Or maybe even a constellation! Let's give them a night starfall! Every girl is comparable to a constellation!

Male 1: Resolved! Speak!

Male 4 (clears his throat): Our dear girls! For us you are like celestial stars, united into constellations! Allow me on the eve of International Women's Day on March 8 to identify you with the beautiful heavenly bodies and give each of us our modest gift, forming a starfall!

They call the names of the girls, the constellation consonant with their name.


Irina - Polar Star (laudatory characteristics and compliments);
Anna - Andromeda (praises, compliments);
Maria - Ursa Major,
Ella - Capella,
Bella - Betelgeuse and so on.

After the announcement of the entire list and the presentation of gifts, women are invited to the table.

Game mini-scene number 9

Long live women!

Suitable for a team of 15-20 people.

1. Men prepare balloons of different shapes in advance.

2. Women are invited to the room where the congratulations will take place (or they do it in the workplace).

3. The presenter announces that men are capable of anything for their female colleagues! And as a proof, now, immediately, exact copies of the employees will be made!

4. Now the men will have to create female figures from the balls using scotch tape in a strictly defined time. The funnier and more ridiculous the "creations" are, the better.

5. Women count out loud in chorus, help with advice. Or the music turns on at the right time.

6. Once the time is up, the men take turns showing their "masterpieces", telling the best about the woman whose "copy" is being presented, and giving the gift.

The host invites everyone to the table (or a small buffet table). Where the games and draws can continue.

In conclusion, I would like to note that when preparing for the holiday, especially in small groups, attention should be paid to each woman, using humor, ingenuity, but in no way offensive or insulting!

Try to joke, say congratulations with ease. Use sketches, a pre-prepared program of drinking and outdoor games. Let small souvenirs be present in your congratulations.
The funnier the scenes, the more impression you will make on the female half of the team.

The script is designed for a holiday at work. All preparations for the celebration are taken on their strong shoulders by men. There is no need to prepare some kind of extraordinary table, it is quite possible to do with light snacks and wine or champagne. However, the table should look smart. To do this, place bouquets of snowdrops, mimosas or tulips - the very first spring flowers - on the table in small vases. The room in which the holiday will take place is also best decorated with flowers and, no matter whether they are alive or artificial, it can be garlands or flower arrangements; flowers can be used to make a congratulatory inscription. You can dilute the floral theme with posters and balloons.

It is best to start the holiday with official congratulations from the company management to all female employees. You should not make a forty-minute masterpiece of oratory from congratulations, in short, a report. It is enough to say a few kind and sincere words, mentioning, if possible, every woman in the hall.

Here are some greetings in poetic form.

There is still snow all around

It's getting dark too soon

And maybe a winter blizzard

Suddenly come unexpectedly.

But the sun's first rays

Traces - thawed patches will trample,

And the spring drops are knocking

Louder, louder, louder, louder.

Shaking off the cold dream

Snowdrop - the firstborn woke up

For so long he was trying to reach the light

And the first to smile at the sun.

Spring has come and the hour has come

And this means - renewal of life,

So, women, now

Please accept our congratulations.

From year to year, to all ages

Serenades were dedicated to you,

And you were carried in our arms

And all the whims of you were forgiven.

We are still at your feet

And the speech of men will not be long

We love you so much, God knows

The fairest half!

You are a wife and friend, a daughter and a mother,

Bride, sister and goddess!

Men will bless you

Forever and forever.

And let time accelerate its run

A man will always remember:

Without a woman, he's not even a man

And only half of it.

May everyone be warmed by your warmth,

And we wish you today

Good luck, health and happy years

And congratulations on the holiday!

After the official part, all those present are invited to the table. When everyone has a little refreshed, you can start the more active part of the event. First, you should hold a few table games and competitions.

Best Toast Contest

This competition is for men, although it is exclusively dedicated to women. The presenter invites men to compete in eloquence. Men take turns to make toasts, and women appreciate them. At the end of the competition, the "best speaker" receives a small prize.

Game "The ideal man"

Women are playing. To do this, the presenter gives one of the women a sheet of paper and a marker. The host explains that today women will be painting a collective portrait. Drawing should start from top to bottom, that is, the first participant draws only the hairstyle of the "ideal man", after which she needs to fold the sheet so that the next participant can only see the bottom edge of the already drawn hairstyle. After that, the second participant draws the face of the “ideal man” and also folds the sheet so that only the chin is visible. The third woman draws the neck and shoulders, the fourth - the torso and arms, the fifth - the "intimate part", the sixth - the legs. After the portrait is finished, it is unfold and shown to everyone present.

If there are a lot of women in the team, you can divide them into groups and paint several portraits. In addition, women decide for themselves whether to paint a man with or without clothes.

When those present feel more relaxed, the presenter suggests starting a pair competition. Each team consists of a man and a woman. In these competitions, the winner can be either one pair or several, in principle it does not matter.

Competition "Ski Tandem"

Each pair is given "skis", that is, two sheets of thick cardboard, about 50 cm long and 20 cm wide. The pairs stand on the "skis", a man in front, a woman in the back. The couple must ski to the mark and back without losing them. The mark is located at a distance of 3 meters from the start line. The couple that managed to do it faster than the others wins.

Competition "Tango"

The task is completely repeated with the only difference that now the man is walking the distance facing his partner and back in the direction of travel.

Competition "Common Cause"

Each pair is given a balloon, which must be squeezed from both sides at hip level. At the command of the leader, the couple must carry the ball to the mark and back without touching it with their hands.

Competition "I give you flowers"

Each pair receives an empty bottle (glass or plastic) and a flower (live or artificial). Women squeeze bottles under their arms, and men take a flower in their teeth. The task of each pair is to shove the flower into the bottle as quickly as possible.

Contest "Guide"

In each pair, the man is "blind", the woman is the "guide". The "blind man" is blindfolded. He must complete some simple task (for example, pour tea), using the tips of the "guide". The winner is the couple that completes the task faster and more harmoniously than others.

Based on the results of all competitions, one or several winning pairs are selected.

It is best to continue the holiday with dancing, and before the end, you can hold a win-win lottery for women. For this, it is necessary to prepare in advance plates with playful inscriptions. Each woman chooses the plate that she likes the most, after which the presenter gives gifts corresponding to the inscriptions.

Examples of labels:

1) a thrill-seeker (adjika or a bunch of hot chili peppers);

2) a lover of soft relationships (soft toy);

3) the one who does not like to sleep alone (book);

4) the one who loves cleanliness and order (soap);

5) the lover should think it over (roll of toilet paper).

Prizes should be funny enough and somewhat ridiculous, then the lottery will be very fun. And, of course, the prizes are fun additions, not gifts.

How pleasant it is to celebrate holidays in the company of men, bathing in the friendly attention of colleagues! But if they, that is to say, male colleagues, simply do not exist? Bored chewing a cookie for tea? In no case! And without the stronger sex, a corporate party for March 8 in a women's team will turn out to be cheerful, bright and noisy if you approach the organization with imagination!


First of all, find a room in which it is possible to organize a mini-stage, a dance floor, and arrange tables. It is advisable that no one bothers you, and you do not bother anyone

A corporate party in a team of teachers can be held right at school, educators in a kindergarten, a corporate party in a medical team on the territory of the clinic, if there is an assembly hall. But all ideas need to be discussed with the management in advance.

  • decorate the room so that the ladies from the doorway plunge into a festive atmosphere... Instead of fresh flowers, expensive in spring, use paper pom-poms, lanterns, fans. Flickering electric garlands always cheer up, especially if the light in the hall is dim;
  • make a greeting banner and / or a funny booth with a photo of your colleagues... In the team of teachers on March 8, you can put fives under the pictures for excellent work, in the medical team - to sign funny diagnoses (chronic cheerfulness, progressive hohonitis, etc.);

  • pick up funny contests, congratulations in verse, songs - corporate events for women are unthinkable without music... If March 8 is held at the table, make a selection of humorous tests, chants, thematic toasts;
  • do not forget to think over the menu, because in the women's team, every first sweet tooth is not necessary, and every second is on a diet. Look on the net for "delicious" ideas for a corporate party on March 8 to fit the treats into the festive surroundings (toppers, skirts, fish / fruit flowers, etc.);

  • hand out beautifully designed invitations, even if you work in the same room literally side by side - a nice little thing that you shouldn't forget about.

Script, entertainment

Our scenario for a women's corporate party for March 8 is universal, regardless of the scope of the company. After all, this is a women's holiday, and the main theme of the corporate party is congratulations to the heroes of the occasion. And to emphasize the scope of the institution, add prof. jokes in the leader's remarks.

If everyone knows each other well, and the whole team is friendly, the scenario can be supplemented with alcoholic contests and spicy games. When appropriate, such ideas at the corporate party on March 8 for women, as well as on purely men's holidays, invariably raise the degree of fun!

Introductory part

The corporate party begins with a scene for March 8 - a short preamble. Two young ladies are sitting on chairs, talking, passing the test from the magazine:

Masha, there is such an interesting test "How dependent are you on men." Let's tell fortunes?

Why guess? I can't open a jar of cucumbers without my husband's help, it means I'm addicted, I love cucumbers like a passion!

With vodka? (chuckles). Can you open the bottle yourself?

Ugh at you, what vodka! I'm a decent woman. But I can open the bottle.

You can have a bottle, but you can't - it's incomprehensible. Let's guess. Question one: "Have you driven a car at least once in your life?"

She, I failed my license exam

Why did you fail, practice or theory?

She, I'm like in a joke - a trash can and a couple of passers-by ...

Hmm, that's a really stunning woman. Then the next question: "Have you ever lifted luggage heavier than your purse?"

My husband was on the 6th floor ... Does this count? And on February 23, he gave me a gift - he reached the 3rd himself!

Okay, I write that yes. The next question: "If you are lost in an unfamiliar city, who will you most likely ask for help, a man or a woman?"

A smartphone, damn it. Katya, 21st century in the yard. What kind of test is this, what is the point?

Well, here if you answer “yes” to most of the questions, it means that you are highly dependent on men, and if “no”, you do not need them at all.

How is it "absolutely"? But what about that, well, this ... Um ... Stupid test, in short. Is that what women need a man just to carry around the shops and carry bags? I myself will carry a galloping horse out of the burning hut, but without a peasant, I still can't!

She can carry a horse, but she cannot open a can! Okay, Mashun, it's good to sharpen the fringes, all the guests have already gathered there. One evening without men, surely we will not get bored?

Here's another! It's even more fun between us girls, I’ll look without a keen eye! Okay, lift the bins of your homeland from your chair, it's time to perform!

Welcome song-rework

A choice of two songs for a corporate party on March 8. It is easy to replace them with others of your choice, there are many examples on the net. The girls from the scene can be supported by their friends who came out to them at the end of the dialogue - it is not so shy to sing in chorus.

On the motive "Good Girls":

Crazy girls, cherished friends,
Laughing faces, the lights of sly eyes!
As soon as we drag on the song, like everyone, everyone, everyone around
They are tearfully asking the police to pick us up as soon as possible.

On heels to destiny we rush without looking back
Wherever you send us, we will send you there ourselves!
We are ready to celebrate in a barrack and a tent,
If the whole team suddenly wanders there.

But not today that you are! Today we are all ladies
Today we are all ladies and solid mademoiselle
Girls pour it - the appetizer is getting cold
You just need to close the front door more tightly.
Girls pour it - the appetizer is getting cold
And the riot police won't get to our party now!

To the tune "If you frown":

We left the house with a sunny smile,
After all, today is the best holiday day!
Everyone congratulates us - an unfamiliar uncle,
Dad, husband, and every cute boy you meet!

And a smile without a doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes,
And good mood
We will give it to you now!

At the corporate party, the case brought us together
And it's definitely not in vain!
Gentle, kind, modest, women of the best
From March 8, we will congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

And now from emotion
Everyone's eyes will shine.
Pour - we will tell you a toast
What can we pull in vain!

Further minus without words, it is better to slightly muffle the music and pour drinks under it. When everyone is ready, congratulations on March 8 for the female team from the presenter or those who sang sound. Options for congratulations in verse:

Congratulations to the neat
Gentle, affectionate, depraved
Nice, kind and dangerous
Smart, stupid and wonderful!
Congratulations to the birds, bunnies
Kat, Oles, Natasha and Raek (names of colleagues)
Mice, donuts and skinny ...
Stop, what am I talking about?
Happy spring women's day everyone!
2. Every day we come back like bees
Now rags in hands, then brooms
Feed, drink, wash
Cook and then remove
And don't forget to work
Make your way through worries.

But today without a doubt
We will sweep aside the problems
And let's celebrate the holiday brightly -
Let's drink, sit, sing!

Our holiday! We have the right
A little cognac to start!
Happiness, joy, health
Girls, since March 8!

Games, contests

After the introductory part - sketches, songs, toasts and congratulations - hold contests at the table. A corporate party for women, and even on March 8, does not fit well with active contests (all smart, in dresses, on heels).

Of course, sitting at the table for the whole holiday will be boring, so dancing and a few moderately active games can and even should be added to the script. We offer fun contests for a corporate party on March 8 in the women's team:

  • The most big-eyed miss (title for humorous diplomas for the winners) - guess which of the colleagues is shown in the photo. These can be pictures of children or parts of the body (neckline, butt, knee, eyes). V. shows a photo of who will answer correctly faster - plus a point;
  • The sweetest mademoiselle... This competition can be held either at the table or on stage. Props - caps with a ribbon hanging on the visor (on a clothespin). A candy is tied at the end of the ribbon. Put on a cap, swing the candy without using your hands and catch it with your mouth before your rivals;

  • miss Charm... Table drawing. V. says that now he will read the phrases, the guests must repeat them all together. Like, let's check who has a tongue without bones, and who has bubbles in the head. First phrase: a lilac fog obscures the eyes the next morning after a corporate party. Everybody repeats. Second phrase: runners are running fast. Repeat.

Here the presenter very naturally says: "Well, what are you wrong, on the second phrase!" And seize the moment - surely someone will begin to be indignant that they said correctly. Diploma of a charming miss and a fine - to come up with a toast for March 8 with the words "repeat, for sure, the rally."

  • Michelangelo in a skirt... This competition is great for a corporate party in a team of kindergarten teachers, but by and large it is universal. V. gives the guests a pen and asks them to write on a napkin (not to show it to anyone) the most important quality of a real man.

And now you need to mold your ideal from plasticine or draw, highlighting the recorded dignity. For example, a big head - wisdom, wide-spread arms - openness, generosity. Then you need to guess (all in turn, as they sit at the table) what quality the neighbor on the left / right portrayed. Applause for creativity and humor.

In a medical team, using the same principle, you can draw an ideal man with iodine, brilliant green and cotton swabs. Give participants surgical gloves to avoid ruining their nails.

Gifts are not gifts!

This entertainment, even if it is familiar to the collective, still causes laughter on the head heated with champagne. It's simple - the host offers to take two pieces of paper from two different trays. Papers are numbered - if anyone has the same numbers (the same on both), award the title "Donna Fortune".

But that's not the point - it's funny because of the discrepancies. For example, to the photo of the idol, the lady draws "Since childhood I love, eat right away!" The first pile of pieces of paper are gifts, the second is the application (mix well):

gold chain - such a gift can only be proudly worn around the neck!
Mikhailov Photos (anyone who is a sex symbol for the women of your team) - I will kiss every night before bed
Chocolate - I will eat and share with my friends
Silver spoon - I will stir tea, because it kills germs
Barrette - I will wear it on my head, but what else?
Silk napkin - I definitely won't wipe my nose with this, it's a pity to spoil such a thing!
Candy on a stick - I love it since childhood, I'll eat it right away
Soft toy - I will sleep with her in my arms
Fruit basket - I will cut a salad, pour it with yogurt and eat
Trinket - I will immediately hang on the keys so as not to lose, etc.


To raise the degree of fun or, conversely, to relieve emotions a little after competitions. At the corporate party in honor of March 8, a chant about what is important for every woman.

IN.: Dear ladies! We are all a bit of a sorceress, and some even witches, according to the evil gossips. But it plays into our hands! Now we will conjure ourselves a simple feminine happiness - the louder we scream, the faster our wish will come true!

The presenter reads, the ladies support in chorus:

What does every girl need
We answer in chorus, together!
Foreign car, house, perfume?
(in chorus) So that the men love!

All are beautiful
Better than ours - not to find!
But admit it, because we need
(chorus) So that the men love!

Maybe a fur coat, chocolate,
In Sochi three times a year?
I’m not with you, women, I’m drinking!
(chorus) So that the men love!

What, girls, are we lighting up?
Away from boredom and longing!
We walk like that today
(chorus) So that the men love!

For a beautiful ending to the script, prepare an unconventional congratulation. You can take a touching text from the network, but be sure to add something from yourself that is relevant to the team. In addition to the anticipated gift bouquets, buy fun souvenirs, candy sets, etc. as presents for the activity shown in competitions.

There are no men in your team, but do you need to somehow congratulate yourself, your loved ones on March 8? We will give you a lot of ideas on how to spend a fun holiday in a women's team on our own, and without the participation of the male half of humanity. A holiday in a purely female team can also be very interesting if you prepare not only congratulations on March 8, but also funny sketches, funny games and contests, ditties, riddles, funny questions with answers, quizzes, humorous performances and remake songs. Our full script for a corporate party on March 8 in a women's team without men can be supplemented with other contests for women's day at your discretion.

Scenario of a corporate party on March 8 in a women's team without men

By the way, a theme party can be a good idea to spend March 8 in a team. For example, in a retro style, or in the style of the 80s, in the form of a masquerade, ball, rock party, with the appropriate dress code.

What will come in handy for this fun scenario:

  • Potatoes;
  • Dolls and clothes;
  • Items of women's clothing;
  • Briefcase for men and school;
  • Robes and buttons, threads, needles, scissors;
  • Fruits vegetables;
  • Comic giant panties;
  • Chocolate coins;
  • Boxes with pieces of paper;
  • Prizes for the beauty contest: tights, varnish, ink, beads, pillow, belt;
  • Competitions for the women's team on March 8 without the participation of men

    1 competition. Whose subject?

    The essence of the competition: one participant leaves, she is taken to the side, and without her the presenter collects on the subject from women from the team. It can be watches, rings, beads, belts, phones or cases from them, any jewelry, jewelry, maybe even a shoe! Our participant must guess where whose subject is and draw a conclusion whether she knows her colleagues well.

    2nd competition. Mistresses.

    This competition is attended by at least 2 participants. But more is possible. They will need to perform comic tasks for speed and the ability to be a good hostess. For example, there may be such tasks:

  • Peel 5 potatoes at speed;
  • Dress the doll in clothes;
  • Dress up for work - in comic items of clothing: a hat, beads, shoes, a skirt - over your clothes.
  • Sew 5 speed buttons to the robe.
  • Disassemble the things of the husband and the child: some in the portfolio of the husband, others in the portfolio of the child.
  • Etc. The most agile woman participant and hostess wins.

    3rd competition. Dance.

    They call two participants who can dance a waltz, and invite them to dance to the music. But the music starts to change in style, then rap, then jazz,

    4th competition. Fruit seduction.

    You need to buy fresh strawberries, bananas, apples, oranges, kiwi, lemon and other fruits. Also cucumber, or potatoes. Cut everything into large slices and mix in two bowls.

    5th competition. Characteristic.

    The head of the organization characterizes each colleague briefly on a piece of paper. Next, the leaves are mixed.

    6th competition. Try to laugh.

    Call one of those wishing to take part in the competition. She goes backstage, the host gives her giant leggings, which she must wear over her clothes. …………………………………………………….

    7 beauty contest.

    All women of your team can participate in the beauty contest.

    Comic nominations:

    1.) Longest legs
    2.) Longest nails
    3.) Longest eyelashes
    4.) Largest breasts
    5.) Biggest booty
    6.) Thinest waist

    The meaning of the competition is simple: girls are given cardboard numbers of the participants on a ribbon, or round numbers are glued on their backs. You need to walk beautifully along the podium, showing all the nominations. The winners receive small prizes.

    The owner of long legs: tights, long nails - varnish, long eyelashes - mascara, large breasts - beads, big priests - a pillow under the butt with buckwheat, thin waist - a belt.

    Game: If ...

    The presenter prepares two boxes, in one box there are pieces of paper with the beginning of phrases, in the other box - the end of phrases. The presenter gives each woman one piece of paper from each box. And then read them in order. Fun questions with answers match each other.

    Examples (beginning of phrases):

    1. If I were our boss, then ...
    2. If I knew the President personally, then ...

    Examples: (end of phrases):

    1. Then I would be the happiest in the world.
    2. I wouldn't work here anymore.

    Scene for March 8 for a women's corporate party on the motive: Three girls under the window

    Three women take part in the scene - three girls. Who sit under the window on a bench and gossip about this and that.

    Leading: Three girls under the window, chatted in the evening, talking about this and that.

    1 girl: I wish I could get drunk now

    Leading: One girl says

    Scene for March 8 for a women's corporate party on the motive: I am writing to you, what's more

    Text of the letter:
    We write to you, what more,
    What else can we say.
    Today at a corporate party,
    Of course we will drink.

    Comic dressing up scene: declaration of love for women

    A woman disguised as a man comes out. The costume is such that it was funny, the man is supposed to be macho.

    Macho: Good evening, dear ladies!
    I am a macho, conqueror of women's hearts.
    It will be fun with me, just fuck!
    I won't let you get bored and sad,
    Don't believe me? I'm worth a lot.
    All the secular lionesses hunted for me

    Chastooshkas for a corporate party on March 8

    1.) We are sports beauties
    We love to sing and dance.
    And we'll put on sneakers
    You definitely won't catch up with us!

    2.) I have three boyfriends,
    I'm fed up with attention.
    Can't choose someone
    I'd rather be alone.

    Riddles for a corporate party on March 8 (for adults, with a trick)

    1.) Above the knee, below the navel, a hole - a hand can easily go through. (answer: pocket)
    2.) Sometimes long, sometimes short, sometimes thick, sometimes thin. Everywhere pokes, called three letters. (answer: nose)

    Song-alteration to the tune: "Let them run awkwardly ..." on March 8

    Verse 1:

    Let all men run
    Shops in the morning
    Buy bouquets of flowers.
    On this day we are goddesses
    Queens, princesses,
    Be whimsical, man, ready!


    End of introductory snippet. To purchase the full version of the scene, go to the cart. After payment, the material will become available for download on the page with the material, and by the link that will come to you by e-mail.

    Price: 199 r kill

    How to hold a corporate party in a women's team on March 8, 2020 in order to create a fun atmosphere at the holiday, and none of those present were bored? The organizers of such celebrations will diversify them with fun contests, comic scenes, funny games. At the same time, they try to take into account the age of all participants.

    It is important that all the ladies attending the event feel comfortable. We offer one of the possible options for how you can organize a holiday on March 8 in a team, including interesting tasks that will appeal to most of those present.

    Scenario of a corporate party for March 8 in the women's team

    Decorate the room where the holiday will take place with garlands, balloons. You can draw 1-2 greeting posters or prepare a wall newspaper for this day.

    –Hello, our dear guests! An amazing holiday comes again, when the sun shines brighter, and there are more smiles and louder drops. We are glad to welcome you to this hall, which looks like a flowering meadow. It is you, our lovely ladies, who filled it with the light of your beauty today!

    The most beautiful and most beloved
    Women are beautiful, unique
    Congratulations on the women's holiday,
    We wish you the very best in life!
    Always be loved and desired
    Affectionate and very welcome.
    In life - wonderful and bright emotions!
    Happy holiday, women, you! March 8!

    Further, at the festive corporate party in honor of March 8, according to the script, congratulations will be heard from the company's management. At the same time, it is important to mention each employee, thanking them for their contribution to the common cause. You can present them with awards: "For the best report", "The most punctual", "Golden hands", etc.

    Then the presenters will take the floor:
    - The snow will melt the prankster March,
    Hearts will thaw from winter.
    Let's celebrate a women's holiday
    The way only we can!

    - How unflattering men speak about the so-called female logic! At the same time, many representatives of the fair sex in this regard not only keep up with them, but can also give them a head start. Let's put your skills to the test and have a fun quiz.

    Several participants are invited to the stage, who need to answer questions. Each sentence has an extra word that is not related to the rest in meaning. Girls and women must define it.

    For example, in the list of "cotton, polyester and linen" polyester is superfluous, since it is an artificial material. In the phrase “henna, supra and basma” the word “supra” is superfluous, since it is a chemical composition made in the laboratory, and henna and basma are natural dyes. Then the results of the competition are summed up and the winners are awarded.

    - Well, you coped with this task brilliantly! And so that you don't get bored, I suggest you take a fun test.

    You at least once in your life ...

    • got behind the wheel of a car?
    • hammered in a nail?
    • lifted luggage heavier than a handbag?
    • changed a car wheel?
    • fought with the shop assistants?
    • did you buy your own jewelry?
    • do you know what the word "pliers" means?

    The presenter will summarize:

    • for those who have never answered “yes”, men are simply necessary for survival in this complex world;
    • those who answered in the affirmative to half of the questions still have a chance to become independent and independent;
    • who answered “yes” to most of the questions, do not be discouraged: you are real Russian women who will stop a horse at a gallop and enter a burning hut!

    The corporate event on the occasion of the 8 March celebration in the women's team will be continued by the scene "Harmful advice".

    - They say that there is no female friendship, and there are jokes about how quarrelsome a female collective can be. Everything is different in our company, so I want to give you some bad advice.

    Tip 1:
    - If your colleagues
    Gave a big prize
    And they completely forgot about you
    And they did not give any,
    Instead of paint
    Pour into the printer
    Strawberry jam,
    And about you in the institution
    They will never forget.

    Tip 2:
    - If at the workplace
    Everything is covered with paper
    And find there what they ask for
    There is no hope -
    Get it all down quickly
    Flood from above with your feet
    And leave such a job
    Where there is no one to clean up the table.

    Tip 3:
    - If everything is at once in the office
    Got sick with a terrible flu
    And the work immediately got up,
    And the customers are calling
    You with some piece of paper
    Approach the patient to them.
    Let them get sick too
    There will be no one to call!

    The scenario of a corporate party on March 8 may include various fun contests.

    In the "Hostess" competition, the participants will need:

    • prepare a delicious dish, such as a salad, in the allotted time;
    • determine by touch, with closed eyes, the types of cereals (buckwheat, barley, semolina, etc.);
    • answer the questions: "How much is a liter of milk, a kilogram of a doctor's sausage, a loaf of bread, a pack of washing powder, children's tights?"
    • sew on a button as soon as possible, etc.

    Teams consisting of two participants will take part in the next competition at the corporate celebration on March 8th.

    One participant takes out cards from the box with the words “car”, “flowers”, “child”, “iron”, “cat”, “candy”, “dress”, “bracelet”, “vase”, “carcass of a chicken”, etc. Another lady will take out, in random order, from another box, cards with phrases: “I will cook for lunch,” “I will receive it as a gift,” “I will send to kindergarten,” “I will wear it in the evening,” “I will go to a restaurant in this," etc.

    If the words match the meaning, the team will receive prize points. The team with the highest score will be the winner.

    At this holiday, you can also talk about the achievements of employees at work and not only. After all, many have hobbies that will be interesting for everyone to learn about. Surely one of your colleagues writes poetry, sews and knits beautifully, grows rare flowers at home or in his garden.

    Organize a lottery with humorous gifts at the party: it can be a compliment from the boss or a prize in the form of a few free hours for shopping.

    - Once again, with the women's holiday all of you! Let's wish each other happiness, spring, love, kindness!

    - Dear colleagues,
    Congratulations on the women's holiday!
    I wish you a lot of love,
    I wish you a lot of happiness!

    A lot of joy and mood
    Many new, wonderful ideas,
    And I also wish you luck
    And health, and memorable days!

    I wish you flowers and gifts
    And the attention of the best men
    I sincerely congratulate you, friends!
    Let your worries melt like smoke!