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The most violent serial killer in the world. Cannibals Cannibals monsters Maniacs

A small introduction. I will not name the real names of the characters, and I will not name the city where the events took place. This is not the point, the point is in the story itself. When I heard it, horror went through me. Narration on behalf of a law enforcement officer is more convenient.

We have a not very prosperous area. You know, those, where the old people stayed in Khrushchev, and the rest of the apartments were occupied by “marginal” faces.

The family settled there, where and how they were formed there, it is not really known whether it is an inheritance, or some other luck. A family of three - mother, father, son. The son is 7-8 years old. Parents from the family of "Bukhari", the son is a beggar, he always ran by himself, but he behaved politely with his neighbors, greeted, helped the grandmothers carry bags to the apartment.

I will tell you from the words of a girl friend of a case that happened several years ago in the Krasnodar Territory.

An acquaintance of mine (let's call her Natalya) was on the train in a compartment car. Sits, bored, here a guy of twenty-seven, hefty, pumped up, asks to her in the compartment. We talked - it turned out that he was either a contract soldier or a former marine (the girl spoke, but I did not remember).
The guy went to the same city as my friend, with the aim of rest and see the world. Natalia immediately liked his tattoos, especially the blue anchor on a strong male forearm.

When a person is preparing for a vacation, few people know what awaits him. The end of the story fell on 84, and neither investigators nor journalists could establish the beginning. The story itself made a lot of noise, but the authorities did everything to forget about it, and as soon as possible. It all happened in one former region - now the North Caucasian republic, not far from one city in the restaurant "Old Fortress".
The local ATC began to receive regular inquiries from the ATC from other cities, and from the most remote areas, with a request to report on the whereabouts of their missing citizens. And all would be nothing, if they had not accumulated an impressive pack.

The specifics of the profession are such that we work in remote places, up to which it is 10 hours on an all-terrain vehicle, helicopter, boat or raft, adventure, romance, but this is also work. North, taiga and forests. We have small hut-stations where equipment is stored, especially if long-term research is underway, foresters look after them, but there is firewood, sometimes some food, but we bring everything with us or on boats. There are such huts deep in the forest, on the rivers and so on, there are no people at all. We almost never have a gun, and if we have, then not everyone, usually zoologists.

Imagine a botanist girl and a birdwatcher boy walk into such a hut, and it is open and warm, which is amazing in itself.

It was during the winter holidays. My brother and I were brought to the village to see my grandmother and grandfather. There are more snowdrifts, and the air is cleaner. But it gets dark early in winter, so the evenings had to while away sitting at home. And for the old people, just at this time, work began in the yard: to feed the cattle, clean the manure and other delights. Our neighbor grandmother Matryona came to look after us with one eye. She was an ancient dry old woman, seemed to us very wise and all-knowing. We gave her tea, and she told us stories from her life. I'll tell you one now.
The time was post-war: hunger, devastation, despair. How many men have not returned home from the war!

My grandfather lived a long and eventful life. I've seen and experienced a lot, as they say, on "my own skin." He died a few years ago, but his image will not be erased from my memory, no matter how hard time tries to turn everything past into dust and send memories to the wind. Stories from life, of which my grandfather was a participant or witness, and which he told me in between times, return to him the outlines of a living person in my imagination every time I turn to them and reread them. It seems to come off the pages covered with my uneven, clumsy handwriting. All his stories have been written down and kept very carefully. So, I would like to tell you one of such stories now, dear readers.

Murderers, maniacs, cannibals - all these are criminals, guilty of terrible crimes. Among them there are representatives of the weaker sex, who were not less cruel than men.

The most brutal killer maniacs

There are many killer maniacs in the world. They are responsible for the death of several thousand people. According to psychologists, maniacs are people with serious mental disorders caused by mental trauma or congenital diseases received in childhood.

Killer clown

In 1994, the Clown Killer died after a lethal injection. His real name is John Wayne Gacy. The maniac worked at children's parties as a clown, for which he received his nickname. 33 boys were raped and killed by him. The police found 27 of them in the basement of the maniac, the rest, according to Gacy, he drowned in the river.

Maniac named "Clown" euthanized

Serial maniac Sergei Tkach

Another cruel killer maniacs is Sergei Tkach. He himself claims that on his account there are about a hundred lives of teenage girls. Law enforcement agencies were able to prove the rape and murder of only twenty-seven girls. The most surprising thing is that Tkach himself worked as an investigator in law enforcement agencies. The killer was detained in his house in the town of Pologi, Zaporozhye region in August 2005.

Indonesian maniac Ahmad Suraji

Ahmad Suraji is an Indonesian maniac who killed forty-two women. He killed in a very original way. Ahmad buried the victim up to his throat in the ground, after which he choked with a piece of cable and drank the saliva that appeared. In 2008, he was shot.

"Red Ripper" Andrey Chikatilo

Andrei Chikatilo is recognized as the most severe maniac in the post-Soviet space. Fifty-two people have been killed in more than twelve years. This maniac received several nicknames - "Red Ripper", "Rostov Ripper", "Rostov Butcher". The maniac was shot in 1994.

"Doctor Death"

In 2004, a maniac named "Doctor Death" hanged himself in his cell. On account of his at least two hundred and fifty deaths. He administered lethal injections to his victims. The killer's name is Harold Frederick "Fred" Shipman.

The worst cannibal killers

Among the maniacs there are those who kill in order to then eat their victim.

Cannibal Nikolay Dzhumagaliev

One of the most famous cannibal killers is Nikolai Dzhumagaliev. This cannibal lived in Alma-Ata in 1980, where he worked as a handyman. He was charged with 47 murders, but only 10 cases were proven guilty. Dzhumagaliev himself claimed to have killed and ate about 50 prostitutes. He prepared various dishes from the meat of the killed girls and treated his friends with them. Sentenced to eight years in a closed clinic.

Indian cannibals

The cannibals from the Indian village of Nithari are a well-known local businessman and his servant named Kohli. Together they lured and ate at least thirty-eight children. After the killing, violent acts were committed over the bodies.

Japanese cannibal Issei Sagawa

Issei Sagawa is a cannibal who wrote the memoirs that made him famous. He grew up as a shy child with a developed inferiority complex. While studying at the Sorbonne, he invited a classmate to his literary conversation, choosing her because she was beautiful. Issei Sagawa killed the girl by shooting her in the neck and then ate her flesh for 2 days to "absorb her energy." After the arrest, a student from Japan was imprisoned for two years. Sagawa was later transferred to a psychiatric clinic. In Japan, after Sagawa was deported there, he was found sane and released.

Issei Sagawa has become a famous restaurant critic, he writes books, often gives interviews, he is invited as a guest on many television programs. We can say that this tragedy, like most high-profile crimes, brought fame to the killer. It is surprising that fate was pleased not only to keep the cannibal alive, but also to open doors in front of him that he could never have opened earlier.

The worst female killers

When talking about killer maniacs, men are usually imagined. The image of a maniac is least of all associated with the image of a woman. Forensic science knows many examples of bloody murderers - women who are not inferior in cruelty to strong men.

"Black Widow"

The most brutal female murderer of the 19th and early 20th centuries is the Black Widow. Her name is Belle Sorenson Gunness. With her help, about forty people were sent to another world. More than half of all those killed were relatives or close friends of the “widow”. The woman did not work, she subsisted on the insurance that she received after the death of her relatives. She killed her husband, children and several potential suitors. It is not known for certain about her death. The decapitated and charred body of a woman who could have been Belle Sorenson Gunness did not give one hundred percent guarantee that it was the "Black Widow".

Sister of Mercy Jane Toppan

Nurse Jane Toppan attacked infirm patients. It is known that her father was crazy, so Jane was brought up in an orphanage. The girl was adopted, but the adoptive parents turned out to be poor, because of which the anger of the future killer towards others only intensified. At first, nurse Toppan injected her patients with drugs, observing their condition between life and death. From this she received the strongest sexual pleasure.

Later, the woman transformed her experiments into murder. After her arrest, the police were able to prove eleven murders. While under arrest, the nurse confessed to thirty-one more murders. Examination has proven that Jane is insane. She spent the rest of her life in a psychiatric clinic.

"Bloody Countess"

That was the name of the Countess Elizabeth Bathory. The exact number of her victims is unknown, it ranges from thirty to six hundred and fifty people. According to the legends, the countess preferred to take baths filled with the blood of young girls. The woman believed that this way could prolong her youth.

Bathory lured girls to her castle, under the pretext of a job offer, locked them in a dungeon, and then killed. Her own husband Ferenc Nadashi helped her in this. To avoid publicity and a loud trial of the Countess, her noble relatives locked Elizabeth in her own dungeon, where she died three years later.

The worst killer in human history

Throughout the history of mankind, the Indian tug Behram was recognized as the most terrible killer, who was the leader of fanatical thugs (tugs), stranglers and poisoners, who believed that every murder committed prevents the arrival of the goddess of chaos and death (Kali). Behram lived from 1765 to 1840. He killed about a thousand people. In general, members of his sect killed at least eighty thousand people. Murders were often carried out in large numbers.

In about the twentieth year of the nineteenth century, Behram was captured, but he was given life and freedom for betraying all his accomplices. The fearsome serial killer was hanged by his own brother in 1840.

Sometimes it is not only the cruelty that surprises, but also the age of the criminals. The site has a website about an 11-year-old boy who was imprisoned for life.
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Mikhail Viktorovich Popkov (born March 7, 1964) is a Russian serial killer and rapist who committed at least 22 murders of young women between 1994 and 2000 near the city of Angarsk, Irkutsk Region. Former junior lieutenant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Before his dismissal in 1998 from the police, he committed some crimes in the uniform of a policeman and in an official car. Arrested after the resumption of the criminal case and comparison in March 2012 of his genotype and the results of the molecular genetic examination of the remains of the victims, carried out back in 2003. Sentenced to life imprisonment. In total, he confessed to 81 murders.

Mikhail Popkov was born on March 7, 1964. In the mid-1990s. worked as an operational duty officer at the police station No. 1 of the city of Angarsk, Irkutsk region. He resigned in 1998, as soon as he received the rank of junior lieutenant, which caused great bewilderment among his colleagues. Was married. He was positively characterized both by his colleagues from a professional point of view and simply by acquaintances. After his dismissal from the authorities, he worked in a private security company, where, in turn, he was characterized by employees negatively and from where he quit in 2011. He worked as a cab driver and digging graves.

"Angarsk maniac"
From November 1994 to 2000, 29 brutal murders of young women were committed in Angarsk, which, due to the similarity in the criminal handwriting and the type of victim, the investigators combined into one series.

According to medical experts, the criminal used various murder weapons: an ax, a knife, an awl, a screwdriver, a stranglehold, in some episodes using several different weapons in a row. For example, he struck one of the victims multiple blows to the head with a metal object, 8 stab wounds with a screwdriver, and stab wounds to the face and neck. In nine cases, the death of the victim occurred from multiple blows of the ax.

The majority of the victims at the time of the murder were between 19 and 28 years old. One victim was fifteen, four more were between 35 and 40 years old. All women were of medium height (155-170 cm) and tended to be overweight. All but one were in a state of moderate or severe alcoholic intoxication at the time of the murder and were raped before death. The only victim who was sober at the time of the attack was not raped. The perpetrator strangled her with a scarf and stabbed her already dead body with a knife. Popkov burned one of the victims after the murder. The other's heart was cut out.

The killer left the victims in the vicinity of Angarsk, in the forests adjacent to country roads departing from major highways (Siberian tract, Krasnoyarsk-Irkutsk bypass highway). 26 women were dead at the time of discovery, three more were fatally wounded and died in hospital.

The similarity of the type of the victim and the behavior of the victims at the time of the murder led the investigation to the conclusion that the murders are committed by one person. In 1998, a rumor appeared in Angarsk about a maniac operating in the city, and in December of this year, an investigative-operational group was formed, consisting of employees of the prosecutor's office, the Department of Internal Affairs and RUBOP. At that time, 24 victims were attributed to the killer.

Over the next year and a half, the investigation into unsolved murders did not make any progress, and in June 2000, a new investigative and operational group was created with the participation of the senior assistant of the East Siberian Transport Prosecutor to supervise the implementation of the law of the Russian Federation "On operational search activities" and the investigation of special cases. the importance of N. N. Kitaev, known in the case of the serial killer Vasily Kulik. Kitaev, having analyzed 15 cases of unsolved murders in Angarsk, concluded that the investigative measures in these cases were carried out poorly.

In particular, on January 28, 1998, a naked girl was found unconscious due to severe head injuries in the snow near the village of Baikalsk (the territory of the city of Angarsk). The minor victim was raped. Only almost six months later, after numerous complaints from the victim's mother, a criminal case was opened on the fact of the attack. In June, a description of the perpetrator was received from the victim. As it turned out, on the evening of January 27, a driver of a police car, dressed in an official uniform, offered a ride to a girl who was walking home. The girl agreed. The rapist took her to the forest, where, forcing her to undress, he beat her head on a tree until she lost consciousness. The girl woke up already in the hospital. During the investigation, the victim identified the senior sergeant of the Angarsk Department of Internal Affairs. The case, however, remained unsolved. According to this episode, Kitaev in his conclusion indicated the absence of a forensic medical examination of the victim and the formality of checking the alibi of the sergeant, who led a dissolute lifestyle and infected his partner with syphilis.
In March 2001, investigator Nikolai Kitaev was dismissed from the authorities in connection with the dissolution of the regional transport prosecutor's offices.

Popkov's arrest, investigation and trial.
In 2012, a previously closed, allegedly hopeless, criminal case was reopened by the Investigative Committee. Already in March 2012, the results of a molecular genetic examination of the traces of rape in 2003 made it possible to identify the culprit, who was Mikhail Popkov, who had participated in the previous investigation. On June 23 of the same year, Popkov, when he tried to drive a newly bought car from Vladivostok, was arrested on suspicion of rape and murder of three women committed in March, June and December 1997. The suspect surrendered without resistance and already in the police department he confessed to dozens of murders. He also admitted that he stopped killing because of impotence, which he received as a result of a neglected venereal disease.

In August 2012, the media reported that the defendant tried to hang himself in the jail cell. Soon this information was refuted by the FSIN officers.

On October 31, 2013, Popkov was charged with 22 murders and two attempted murders. In May 2014, the case went to court. The materials of the criminal case amounted to 195 volumes. More than 300 forensic, forensic examinations, over 2.5 thousand genomic studies were carried out in the case, over two thousand witnesses were questioned. On January 14, 2015, the Irkutsk Regional Court sentenced Mikhail Popkov to life imprisonment in a special regime colony. After the verdict, Popkov confessed to another 59 murders, while new charges were brought against Popkov only for 47 episodes. Presumably, the final number of Popkov's victims is 83 (including 1 man, police captain Yevgeny Shkurikhin, who was killed in 1999).

On March 27, 2017, the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Irkutsk Region filed a final charge against Popkov with the murder of 60 more women. During the investigation of the second case, it was revealed that the suspect did not have any mental abnormalities.

Everyone knows that there was no sex, religion and democracy in the Soviet Union, and if something scandalous happened, the authorities preferred to keep silent about it. Nevertheless, it was difficult to hide the bloody details of the most terrible crimes from society. Some of the maniacs listed in this collection could not be caught for a long time even after the collapse of the USSR, and some people were even accused by accident.

1. Anatoly Biryukov - "Baby Hunter"

The maniac Biryukov seemed like an exemplary family man and a respectable citizen: no one suspected that a decent husband and father lead a double life.

Biryukov committed his first murder in 1977. He kidnapped the baby from the stroller, took it to a deserted place and tried to commit violent acts of a known nature over him. However, the maniac was frightened off by onlookers, and he killed the baby with a knife. In the same year, Biryukov committed several more rapes and murders of abducted babies, but by the sixth case, witnesses began to persecute him. Fortunately for the investigation, they were able to examine the rapist and draw up a composite sketch.

After the arrest, investigators and psychiatrists came to the conclusion that Biryukov suffered from a severe form of non-pyophilia - a passion for babies. In his defense, the criminal said that he committed his atrocities because his wife refused to maintain an intimate relationship with him. In 1979, Biryukov, who killed a total of five babies, was shot.

2. Alexey Sukletin - "Alligator"

On account of Sukletin seven girls and women, whom he killed and ate with his accomplices Shakirova and Nikitin. The first victim was a woman named Ekaterina Osetrova in 1981. Sukletin insisted that his mistress Shakirova help him kill, butcher and cook the dead. Madina Shakirova, who was in love and tamed, was ready to do anything for her lover, so she agreed to take on the duties of a cook.

The idyll of the cannibals did not last long - after the murder of the little girl, Sukletin and Shakirova parted. The maniac did not grieve for long and immediately found a replacement - his relative Anatoly Nikitin often visited him, with whom they, as a result, killed and dismembered a new victim.

In the village, rumors began to circulate that Sukletin was selling high-quality meat and tenderloin, and in the meantime the gang began to engage in extortion, which was what was caught. In the garden of Sukletin, 4 bags of human bones were found. The maniac was shot in 1994, and Shakirova and Nikitin were sentenced to 15 years in prison. On account of the cannibals - at least seven victims.

3. Anatoly Onoprienko - "Citizen O"

By 1996, when Onopriyenko was taken into custody, he had about 52 killed. The exact number of deaths to this day remains unknown, but according to the investigation, there were much more victims.

Onopriyenko began his activity in 1989 together with his partner Sergei Rogozin. The "Deadly Duo" killed couples and even companies of young people, and they also broke into houses and shot all family members, including children. Often, Onopriyenko shot bystanders.

The motives behind the crimes of citizen O are still unknown. According to him, he killed people because some forces and voices ordered him to do it. The crimes included three waves: against communism, nationalism and the plague of the 21st century. After a long search, the investigation finally got on the trail of Onoprienko. True, before that, an innocent person was detained, who died during torture. After the trial, Anatoly Onopriyenko was sentenced to death, but the sentence was never carried out due to the abolition of the death penalty in Ukraine.

4. Sergei Golovkin - Fischer

Sergei was considered a young attractive man, but despite the fact that girls always curled around, he did not show interest in them. Fischer was more interested in teenage boys.

The first attempt at rape and murder was an incident in 1984 (many years later, the surviving victim was able to identify Golovkin). The first murder that took place was the strangulation in 1984 of 16-year-old Andrei: threatening with violence, Golovkin dragged the boy into the forest, raped, strangled and abused his body. Then the killings continued and caused a public outcry, which is why Fischer decided to go underground for a while.

In 1989, Golovkin "rushed into business", but changed his handwriting somewhat. He built a basement in his garage where he tortured, raped and killed boys. Due to the fact that the killer became careless and carelessly buried the last bodies, he was quickly tracked down and found. In 1992, Fischer was finally detained. He was sentenced to death, the sentence was carried out in 1996. On account of the maniac 11 killed teenagers.

5. Anatoly Utkin - "Ulyanovsk maniac"

Anatoly Utkin, born in 1942, was a driver by profession. In 1968, his car was stopped by a 14-year-old girl, Liza Makarova, who urgently needed to go to the hospital to see her mother. Taking advantage of the moment, Utkin raped and killed the poor thing, leaving himself several of her personal belongings "as a keepsake."

The victims of the roaming maniac were both young girls and middle-aged women. After the disappearances of the girls and the finds of corpses, the public got excited: a serial killer appeared in calm Ulyanovsk! Over time, Utkin began to be more careful in choosing victims - he was guided by careful planning.

In 1972, the maniac's motives changed: now his goal was not violence and murder, but profit. In the same year, Utkin killed a man for the sake of robbery, and in 1973 he was taken into custody. After the investigation and the evidence found in the house of the suspect, the police had no doubts about his guilt. In 1975, Utkin was shot; a total of nine murders of his "authorship" were established.

Oddly enough, his family and friends spoke of Anatoly Utkin extremely favorably. He was married twice and had two children.

6. Sergey Tkach - "Pavlograd maniac"

Tkach has operated since 1980, and his motives for crimes have always been sexual. The killer began to commit crimes after moving to Ukraine; he chose girls from 9 to 17 years old. The weaver carefully concealed the evidence, leaving no traces of semen, prints or tissue on the bodies, however, he did not refuse the memorabilia of his victims, which he carefully kept.

In 2005, Tkach dealt with another victim - a nine-year-old girl - after which he was detained. During his search, 14 people were innocently convicted of crimes, which Tkach then confessed to.

Today Sergei Tkach is serving a life sentence. For some time in custody, he had access to the Internet and communicated with interested people. On account of this cruel maniac from 30 to 150 victims.

7. Vladimir Mukhankin - "Lenin"

Vladimir was born into an incomplete family as an unwanted child (his father abandoned his mother even before the birth of his son), as a result of which he endured constant bullying and a bad attitude at home. Fierce to the environment, Mukhankin periodically wandered, stole, attacked people and tortured and mocked animals. His nature did not prevent him from marrying at the age of 18, he had a son, who later died.

In 1995, "Lenin" begins to kill and commits eight murders in a few months. Mukhankin mocked his dying victims, performing horrific actions on the agonizing body. The real passion of the maniac was human organs, with which he often went to bed.

After the capture, the criminal behaved indecently and declared that he was the second Chikatilo. Mukhankin was happy to describe his crimes in detail, but at the trial he retracted all his testimonies. He was found guilty of 22 crimes, eight of which were murder. Now Mukhankin is serving a life sentence in the Black Dolphin colony.

8. Vladimir Ionesyan - Mosgaz

During the Khrushchev thaw, it was difficult to imagine that an intruder would enter your apartment, posing as an employee, for example, of Mosgaz or ZhEK, which gave the criminal the opportunity to use this simple method. The authorities were enraged, all forces were thrown into the capture of the maniac.

Due to the quick investigation and quick reprisals against Ionesyan, his motives remained unclear. Most likely, he killed for the purpose of robbery. There is also a version that after leaving his wife for the ballerina Alevtina Dmitrieva, the criminal entered the apartments to find gifts for the woman. According to the third version, the murders helped Ionesyan to assert himself.

The first murder was committed by Mosgaz in 1963: after entering the apartment, he hacked to death a 12-year-old boy who was alone at home with an ax and took several things. The last murder of a 46-year-old woman took place in 1964, in the same year the criminal was taken into custody and shot.

There is an unproven version that Khrushchev himself spoke with Ionesyan. The killer has five victims, four of whom are children.

9. Roman Burtsev - "Kamensky Chikatilo"

Burtsev's parents were alcoholics, which probably influenced the formation of his personality. He began his bloody "career" as a pedophile in 1993 with the murder of the Churilovs' brother and sister. First, he got rid of the boy, and then raped and killed the girl. He buried the corpses in a hole.

Burtsev was always distinguished by accuracy: he hid the bodies of the victims so carefully that almost all of them were found only when the killer himself showed the burial places. However, the thoroughness of the burial of corpses let Burtsev down - after another murder, he asked for a shovel from one of the residents of his village, after which he threw away the weapon. The woman described the appearance of a strange man, and a little later he was also identified by one of the victims who managed to escape.

In 1996, Roman Burtsev was caught and sentenced to death, but then the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. "Kamensky Chikatilo" managed to kill six people.

10. Vasily Kulik - "Irkutsk monster"

As a child, Vasily Kulik was a sickly child, but in the family he was always looked after and cared for. Due to constant illnesses, almost everything was forgiven him, so Vasily grew up quite selfish and cruel, in adolescence he poisoned and hung cats.

With age, Kulik got stronger and began to play sports. After being attacked and hit on the head in 1980, he began to develop sexual desires for children; in 1982, Kulik committed the first rape, and two years later, the first murder of a nine-year-old girl. The maniac did not disdain the murders of pensioners: by his own admission, he made a list of old women of interest to him.

Panic began in Irkutsk, and the killer tried to be more careful, however, during another assassination attempt in 1986, passers-by managed to stop him. The "Irkutsk monster" confessed everything, but at the trial he suddenly began to deny his involvement, stating that he was framed by the Chibis gang. After a thorough investigation, Vasily Kulik was shot in 1989. On his account there were 13 murders.

Sun, 02/02/2014 - 20:08

A huge number of different people live in our country, and not all of them are good. In the criminal history of Russia, there were many ruthless monsters who were noted as serial killers and bloodthirsty maniacs. Many of them you have never heard of, but, nevertheless, they committed truly gruesome murders and each of them became a serial killer. Read on about the maniacs, their murders and their fate .. Not for the faint of heart! We tried to write about little-known maniacs and serial killers, so we did not specifically include Chikatilo and the Bitsa maniac in this list.

Valery Hasratyan

Valery Hasratyan, also known as "The Director", was the worst nightmare of aspiring actresses. From 1988 to 1990, the Moscow maniac presented himself as an influential director (hence the nickname), luring unsuspecting girls to him with empty promises of wealth and fame.

Hasratyan's main goal was sex crimes, ultimately he embarked on the path of a serial killer in an attempt to cover his tracks. During his criminal activities, he raped dozens of victims, killing at least three of them. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, the offender used different methods of murder each time, so the police did not suspect that the killings were the work of one person.

Hasratyan was very smart and had experience in psychology. His favorite method of luring the victim to his home was to present himself as a director (complete with fake documents), after the victim got into the den, he beat the victim until he lost consciousness, and then drugged and kept it at home as a sex toy. for days. The few surviving prisoners, after their release, testified against the maniac.

Some victims were able to point out the place where Asratyan kept them. During the investigation, the police managed to find and arrest the maniac, thereby ending his terror. He was shot dead in 1992, in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Alexander Bychkov

Alexander Bychkov did not like alcoholics and homeless people. In fact, he hated them so much that he dreamed of exterminating them all. Bychkov began to call himself "Rambo", as the hero of the famous character Sylvester Stallone, armed with a large knife and hammer, he began to wander the streets in search of victims.

Between 2009 and 2012, "Rambo" lured at least nine unfortunate victims into desert areas, where he attacked, killing them, and then dismembered the bodies and hid them. Each of these attacks were carefully recorded in a journal, which he called "the bloody hunt of the predator born in the year of the dragon." He also claimed to have eaten at least two of his victims' hearts, although no evidence of this has been found.

Bychkov was only 24 years old when he was caught. His only explanation for his actions was a desire to impress his girlfriend, for which he tried to behave like a lone wolf.

Anatoly Slivko

Anatoly Slivko is a Soviet serial killer, sadist and pedophile. For many years, this monster kept the city of Nevinnomyssk at bay. Little boys began to disappear from the city, whom no one had ever seen. The police did their best to investigate the abductions, but no serious evidence was found.

In 1985, the culprit was finally caught. Anatoly Slivko was the leader of the local tourist club "Chergid", he successfully used his position to win the trust of young tourists. In his youth, Slivko witnessed a terrible accident, during which a motorcyclist crashed into a column of pioneers and one of them died in the heat of burning gasoline. He experienced sexual arousal, and this picture haunted him throughout his adult life. After he became the head of Chergid, he tried to recreate this terrible scenario. He forced the boys to play roles and take poses, which he saw once a terrible incident. But soon it became not enough for him just to look at these scenes. Ultimately, Slivko began killing children, dismembering and burning the remains.

He used a frightening method to persuade the boys to participate in gruesome scenes. He told the boys that they could be the main characters in a movie about how the Nazis abused children, which was a popular topic at the time. The maniac dressed boys in pioneer uniforms, stretched them on ropes, hung them on a tree, watched torment and convulsions, and then carried out resuscitation measures. The surviving victims either did not remember what happened to them, or were afraid to talk about the "secret experiment". Nobody believed the children, who nevertheless told about everything.

Even after he was captured and sentenced to death, Slivko's behavior remained oddly benevolent. He was very helpful and courteous to the authorities until the very end. When the police were on the hunt for another serial killer, he even gave interviews to investigators, in the style of Hannibal Lecter, a few hours before his execution.

Sergey Golovkin

Sergei Golovkin was a quiet outsider who practically did not communicate with other people. Although he was rather withdrawn and shy, he could make people nervous with just one look. No one could have guessed that the guy would become a serial killer. He was a serial killer known as "Boa constrictor" or "Fisher".

During his school years he suffered from enuresis. I was afraid that others could smell his urine. When masturbating, he often fantasized about torturing and killing classmates. At thirteen, sadistic tendencies first appeared. Golovkin caught a cat on the street and brought it home, where he hanged and severed his head, which caused a release, the tension in which he constantly stayed subsided. I also roasted aquarium fish on the stove.

Between 1986 and 1992, Golovkin killed and raped 11 people. He was known for first strangling his victims and then dismembering bodies in a hideous manner, like in horror films. He cut his victims, cut off the genitals, head, cut the abdominal cavity, removed the internal organs. He took "keepsakes" from the remains of his victims. He even experimented with cannibalism, but it turned out that he didn't like the taste of human flesh.

One of the 4 boys, whom Golovkin offered to take part in the robbery, refused to participate in the proposed case and later identified him. The other three boys were never seen again.

Surveillance was organized for Golovkin. He was arrested on October 19, 1992. For Golovkin, this was a surprise, but during interrogation he behaved calmly and denied guilt. At night in the isolation ward, Golovkin tried to open the veins. On October 21, 1992, his garage was searched and, going down to the cellar, they found evidence: a baby bath with burnt layers of skin and blood, clothes, belongings of the killed, and so on.

Golovkin confessed to 11 episodes and showed the investigators in detail the places of the murders and burials. During the investigation, he behaved calmly, spoke monotonously about the murders, sometimes joked. He was executed in 1996.

Maxim Petrov

Dr. Maxim Petrov is not the only person known as "Doctor Death", but certainly one of the most terrifying. A ruthless killer, he specialized in stalking his elderly patients. He came to retirees' homes without warning, usually in the morning when their relatives left for work. Petrov measured blood pressure and informed the patient that an injection was needed. After the injection, the victims lost consciousness, and Petrov left, taking valuable things with him. He even removed rings and earrings from patients. The first victims did not die. Petrov committed his first murder in 1999. The patient was already unconscious after the injection when his daughter unexpectedly returned home and saw the doctor commit theft. He hit the woman with a screwdriver and strangled the patient. After this episode, the principle of Petrov's work changed. He injected the victims with a variety of deadly drugs to prevent the police from thinking that the culprit was a medic. Petrov set fire to the houses of his victims to hide the traces of the crime. The stolen things were later found in his apartment, some of which he had already managed to sell on the market.

More than 50 people died at the hands of Petrov. One survivor recalls how they woke up in their burning house, while others, after waking up, were in an apartment filled with gas. Petrov killed the witnesses mercilessly.

In the end, he put on a constant stream of lethal injection murders and apartment fires, but he was too greedy. Investigators soon noticed a logical connection between the illnesses of those killed and the crimes committed, and made a list of 72 potential future victims. They soon arrested Petrov when he was "visiting" one of his patients in 2002. He is currently serving a life sentence in prison.

Sergey Martynov

For some people, a prison is a correctional institution. For others, it is simply a place where they while away the time between crimes. These people often return to their criminal activities after being released. Sergei Martynov was from the second group of people.

He has already served 14 years in prison for murder and rape since his release in 2005. The same thirst for blood was seething in him. Shortly after his release, he began to travel around the country in search of victims.

Over the next six years, Martynov began a series of murders. He traveled to ten different regions, leaving a trail of murder and rape in his wake. His victims were mostly women and girls, in whose murders he used terrible methods.

Martynov's bloody journey ended after he was finally caught in 2010. He was charged with at least eight murders and multiple rapes in 2012. Serves a life sentence.

"Hammers from Irkutsk" - Academovsky maniacs

Morally unstable killers are one of the most dangerous types of criminals. They are as unpredictable as they are brutal and it is very difficult to immediately recognize serial killers in them.

Nikita Lytkin and Artem Anufriev were two young men who decided to try themselves in neo-Nazism, or rather they were skinheads. Dressed in all black, they were active members of various fascist communities. They were known online by names such as "Peoplehater" and moderated social groups such as "We are gods, we alone decide who lives and who dies."

Lytkin and Anufriev became notoriously famous as "Academovsky maniacs". Between December 2010 and April 2011, they killed six to eight people. Fortunately, these two were rather poor at hiding traces of the murder, so their streak of murders did not last long.

On October 16, 2012, Anufriev, right in court, inflicted cutting wounds on the side of his neck and scratched his stomach with a razor, which he carried in a sock when he was taken from the pre-trial detention center to court. He could not explain why he did it. His lawyer Svetlana Kukareva considered this the result of a strong emotional outburst, which was caused by the fact that his mother first appeared in court that day. "AiF in Eastern Siberia" mentioned the case when Anufriev, before one of the meetings, cut his neck with a screw unscrewed from the sink in the convoy room.

On April 2, 2013, the Irkutsk Regional Court sentenced Anufriev to life imprisonment in a special regime colony, Lytkin - to 24 years in prison, of which five years (three years, since the two-year term he had served before sentencing was taken into account). will spend in prison, and the rest - in a strict regime colony.

Vladimir Mukhankin - killer from Rostov-on-Don

In 1995, Mukhankin begins to kill and committed 8 murders in 2 months. He dismembered corpses and manipulates dead and agonizing bodies. He had an unhealthy passion for internal organs, repeatedly went to bed with them. There was an episode where, after the murder in the cemetery, Mukhankin left a sheet with a poem he had composed. On his last day at large, he commits 2 murders and 1 attempted murder. In addition to 8 murders, he also committed 14 more crimes: theft and robbery.

Mukhankin was caught by accident after attacking a woman with her daughter. The woman was killed, and the girl survived and later identified her attacker.

During interrogations, the maniac behaved defiantly, did not repent of what he had done, called himself a student of Chikatilo, although he also said that "compared to him, Chikatilo is a chicken." Mukhankin described his crimes in detail, while trying to persuade those around him to think about his insanity. However, he did not succeed - the examination recognized him as sane and fully accountable in his actions.

At the trial, Mukhankin, realizing that he was facing capital punishment, retracted all the testimony he had given. The court found him guilty of 22 crimes, including 8 murders, of which three are minors. Vladimir Mukhankin was sentenced to death with confiscation of property. Subsequently, the shooting was replaced by life imprisonment. Currently held in the famous "Black Dolphin" colony.

Irina Gaidamachuk

When your criminal nickname is "Satan in a Skirt", chances are you are not the nicest person in the world. Irina Gaidamachuk fully deserves this nickname. For seven years, she visited senior citizens of the Sverdlovsk region as a social security worker. After entering the victim's apartment, she killed elderly citizens by smashing their heads with a hammer or ax. After that, she stole money and valuables and hid from the scene, as if nothing had happened.

The scariest thing about Gaidamachuk is that she has never been an antisocial single, she was married and is a mother of two. She liked to drink too much and did not like to work. She decided to kill people as an alternative method of making money. However, it was not a very profitable business, none of her robberies exceeded 17,500 rubles. And she kept doing it over and over and over.

She killed 17 pensioners in 8 years of criminal activity. As she told the police: "I just wanted to be a normal mother, but I was dependent on alcohol. My husband Yuri would not give me money for vodka."

Gaidamachuk was detained only at the end of 2010. Gaidamachuk was charged with 17 murders and 18 robberies (one of the victims survived after Irina's attack). She was recognized as sane.

She was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Such a lenient sentence is due to the fact that, in accordance with Article 57 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, life imprisonment is not assigned to women (as well as to men under 18 or over 65). 20 years was the maximum punishment for her.

Vasily Komarov

Vasily Ivanovich Komarov, the first reliable Soviet serial killer maniac, operated in Moscow in the period 1921-1923. His victims were 33 men.

Vasily Komarov came up with an entrepreneurial scenario for his murders. He met a client who wanted to buy a particular product, often horses, brought them to his house, gave them vodka, then killed them with hammer blows, sometimes strangled them, and then packed the bodies in a bag and carefully hid them. In 1921, he committed at least 17 murders, in the next two years - at least 12 murders, although he himself later confessed to 33 murders. The bodies were found in the Moskva River, in ruined houses buried underground. According to Komarov, the whole procedure took no more than half an hour.

Between 1921 and 1923, Moscow trembled with a ruthless killer who strangled and clubbed people to death and threw their bodies in sacks through the city's slums. It was, of course, Komarov. He was not particularly smart in his actions, however. After the authorities realized that the murders were related to sales in the horse market, they quickly put him on the list of suspects. Although he appeared to be a kind, innocent family man, it soon became clear that he was in fact a cruel and rude person who even tried to kill his eight-year-old son.

Komarov tried to escape from the hands of the law, he was soon arrested. Most of the bodies of the victims of Vasily Komarov were found only after his capture. Komarov talked about the murders with particular cynicism and pleasure. He assured that the motive for his atrocities was self-interest, that he only killed speculators, but all his murders brought him about $ 30 at the then exchange rate. During the indication of the burial places, angry crowds of people hardly pushed Komarov away from him.

The maniac did not repent of the crimes he had committed, moreover, he said that he was ready to commit at least sixty more murders. The forensic psychiatric examination found Komarov sane, although it recognized him as an alcoholic degenerate and a psychopath.

The court sentenced Vasily Komarov and his wife Sophia to capital punishment - execution. In the same 1923, the sentence was carried out

Vasily Kulik

Vasily Kulik, better known as the "Irkutsk Monster", is a famous Soviet serial killer. He killed in order to hide the rape. Subsequently, he also admitted that he received stronger sexual satisfaction when strangling the victim.

Since childhood, Vasily Kulik has felt the connection between violence and sexual arousal. As a teenager, he had many girlfriends who developed an unhealthy appetite for sex. His mental health was always very shaky, but when the girl he loved moved to another city, his mental health deteriorated dramatically ..

Between 1984 and 1986, Kulik raped and killed 13 people. Its victims were elderly women or small children. Kulik committed murders in different ways: he used firearms, strangulation, stabbed and other methods of killing his victims. The oldest victim was 73 years old, the youngest victim was a two-month-old child.

During another attack, on January 17, 1986, he was beaten and taken to the police by bystanders. Kulik soon confessed everything, but at the trial he retracted all the testimony, stating that he was forced to confess everything by the gang of a certain Chibis, who committed all the murders. The case was sent for further investigation.

However, his guilt was nevertheless proven and Kulik was arrested on the day of his 30th birthday. On August 11, 1988, the court sentenced Vasily Kulik to capital punishment - execution.

Shortly before the execution of the sentence, Kulik was interviewed. Here is an excerpt from it:

"Kulik: ... There is already a verdict, the trial has passed, so ... to remain only a man, there are no more thoughts ...
Interviewer: Are you afraid of death?
Kulik: Something I didn't think about it ... "

Kulik also wrote poems about love for women and children. On June 26, 1989, the sentence was carried out in the Irkutsk pre-trial detention center.