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Contests on DR 12 years Girl at home. How to spend a home birthday fun. "Sign" is a developing game

When a child turns 12 years old, he is already pretty an adult. And so he wants funny and funny contests on his birthday. We offer you contests for children of 12 years, with whom the birthday will be fun and laugh. Contests for the birthday of 12 years will make your child the happiest.

Competition 1 - only with hands.
Children are divided into two teams. At first, one team makes a word and says his one participant in the second team. And he, with the help of hands, without words and sounds, should explain that the participants of the first team were sought for the word. So you can 3-5 words. A team that gave up more words is declared the winner.

Competition 2 - cheerful relay.
Children are divided into pairs. And each couple becomes back to each other. And connected with elbows. On the signal, the pair begin to run, jump or go ahead, not extinguishing the elbows. Having reached the desired mark, for example, the stools they start moving back. Couple that the first came to the place won.

Competition 3 - what word?
For this contest, you need to cook cards with words. But words on cards must be written back in advance. You can also make a few cards with words where all the letters are scattered. The player who guesses the most words and is declared a speaker, that is, the winner.

Competition 4 - Stop, open!
This is a funny contest. For him, you need colored ribbons, blue, red. Ribbons are put on the floor, the child tie his eyes and disassemble a few steps. You can also twist it several times. And then they offer to walk to these tapes. The one who passes them failed. Wins the one who approaches the closer to the cliff. And so that the children just did not go to the accident, come up with good prizes for the victory. Then they will be afraid to go to the ribbon.

Competition 5 - see, monkeys.
4 banana put on the stool. And four children get up near the dressing squat. At the signal, they are without hands, the hands should be behind the back, only with the help of the mouth and lips clean the bananas and eat them. Who will do it forward, he won.

Competition 6 - Duel.
On the rope hang inflated balloons. For each side of 5-10 pieces. The two children tie their eyes and give to the toothpick. On the team they are suitable for their end of the rope and begin to poke into the balls. Who all the balls burst faster, he won.

Competition 7 - cars.
Need children's cars, better the same. Plus, you need pencils and threads. One end of the thread tie to the pencil and the second to the machine. And on the team, we begin to wind up a pencil thread, thereby attracting the cars to yourself. Who will bring his car forward to the finish, he won.

Competition 8 - who applies to.
Children stand in one row. Leading throws the ball to someone and says: sushi. The child who caught the ball should say the animal that lives on sushi, for example, a bear. If the presenter said the sky, you need to call the bird, for example, a pigeon. Etc.

When you want to spend a holiday for your child, spend a lot of time in search of contests, games, entertainment on the Internet. They should be original, interesting and they could be carried out in the absence of a senior lead, because children at 13 years old are adult children.

The task is not simple. There are merry contests, but some of them in adolescence will spend early. Some are focused on the "preheated" adult company. It does not fit us. In connection with the emergence, we picked up a few exciting competitions who like the noisy company of your child.

Examples of competitions


So, guests came and it's time at the table. This game can be held as an invitation for a festive. To build all the guests opposite the table and the front voice: "For a sought dinner, I arrived: Tsarevna East Burur, Cinderella, Show Business Stars: Justin Bieber, Madonna, President of Great Britain, Boxing World Champion, and Kroch, who was born today.
Guests need to enter the role and take the table in the image.

Try, fall!

For the game you need to make 5-6 simple paper airplanes and take the basket. In the basket to fold about 20 paper "bombs" (crumpled lumps of paper). The participant launches the airplanes, and the rest try to knock down the flying plane. You can make this game competition, and to determine the winner to give a few attempts to everyone.

Draw 3D

Going up with the times, this master class can turn out to be relevant and modern. Interestingly, such a drawing is obtained from everyone and always. To work, it will take the sheets of A4 format (album), simple pencils and markers.

Let's proceed. We put my palm, left or right (as convenient as convenient), and supply a simple pencil. Take a marker of any color, draw parallel lines, the distance between the lines is approximately 1 cm. From the edge of the sheet straight line, and where the contour of the hand begins - draw the arc. After the contour, the hands again draw a straight line. Using other colors of markers, repeat the bends of the first lines. Your drawing is ready! True great!

Mark the thirteenth birthday can be with an enthusiasm. This will help the competition

"Take your own".

Before the game, one of the adults asks each guest a personal thing, whether it is brooch, keys, gum, etc. It is better to ask for things in secret so that others do not see that they took their neighbor. All the items taken to fold in the box.

So, choose the lead. Participant to tie my eyes and offer to get out of the box the first thing that happened. To return the thing to the legitimate owner, leads the desire that the owner must fulfill. The game goes fun.

Games and contests with objects. Animator chest.


You can banana, cucumber or eggplant. And you can and inedible to take something. To understand the meaning of the game, remember the cartoon "38 parrots". There, the growth of boa was measured in parrots. And we offer in pears, or bananas! This is a kind of growth. From Paul to Makushka measuring the culprit of the celebration of a pear, and if it turns out that height - 13 and a half pears, we take and bite off an extra centimeter. Can anyone else, birthday, guests or parents.


If the name day goes in winter, when it becomes dark early, you can entertain and so interesting way. All kids distribute lanterns, turn off the light and declare the competition for the funny cast. How to do it? Turn on the flashlight, bring the chin on the book and the tricks of the face. Laughter is guaranteed!

The fight of extrasensories

It will take a box with a lid (you can shoe, or any other, shock with colored paper and ready). Guys get up around the box. So, the battle begins. It takes each one in turn "feel" what is in the box. Offer the guys to make the appropriate movements with your hands, roll your eyes and for all shaman. Each two attempts. Who is closer - that winner.

Put sweets, toys or confetti into the box.

Dance with a ball

For the game you need a steamed balloon. Guests are divided into couples, between their foreheads, the ball and the music starts to move (dancing). The main thing: keep the ball, and if it falls, for this pair the game is over. Competition lasts before the winner.

If you decide to organize a fun birthday for your child in honor of his 12th anniversary, it is worthwhile to come up with the topic of parties, draw invitations, and prepare an entertainment program for children, contests that will be interested in birthday.

Happy Uncle Fedor

At the very beginning of the evening, when part of the guests had already come for a birthday, and part of the only contest only in the way, so that the guests do not bored. Competition is called "Letter of Uncle Fedor". The essence of the game is that the children will be in turn to record the answers to the questions that lead to them will ask them, and then wrapping the leaves so that the answer is not visible and transferred to the next participant.

Questions can be different: "Who?", "When?", "What is the situation?", "What did you do?" etc. When the leaflek is filled with the answers of children, it will need to deploy and read the guests of the experiencing history. Such a birthday competition will help to liberate children and make the minutes of waiting not so boring.

Also for warming up the next competition is suitable.

Collective art

For this contest, it is necessary to divide children into two teams. Each team is issued a sheet of paper and pencil. The first participant at the top paints the head of the arbitrary creature chosen to them with the neck, wraps the sheet so that only the bottom of the neck can be seen and the next player passes the sheet. The second participant continues the drawing and turns back to the sheet and so until the last player. The resulting collective image can then be assessed, come up with a name for it.

Such competitions develop the fantasy of children aged 12 years.


This competition will be not only interesting for children for 12 years, but also useful. The fact is that not every guest with ease is ready to prepare good congratulations and wishes to the birthday man, and such a competition will help to draw the process of congratulations on an exciting game.

The meaning of the competition is that each participant in the festival in turn comes up with the wish to the perpetrator of the celebration to the next letter of the alphabet. That is, the first "adequator" begins his greetings with the letter "A", the second with "b" and so on. The competition may be suddenly cheerful and will develop a fantasy.


For this contest, it will be necessary to divide the participants to equally, breaking them into two teams. Players of each team issues a stack of paper, and some distance from the team is put a basket. The meaning of the competition is that each participant takes turns of a sheet of paper, turning it into the "snowball" and is trying to get into the basket. Then, who threw the participant goes to the end of a rank, giving way to the next player. The team defeats the team that threw the greatest number of snow in the basket.

Balloon volleyball

This contest will develop a quick response and dexterity in children.

Players are still divided into two teams, children sit down on the chairs, which are pre-exposed opposite each other about a meter. Between the commands on the floor put the rope, which shares the field of commands.

Children are issued an air ball, they begin to play volleyball, but at the same time the participant is not allowed to get up from the chairs and catch the ball, you can only beat it. The purpose of each team so that the ball falls on the territory of the opponent the account goes up to 12 points.


Light children's competition for the development of fantasy and liberty.

For the competition, you must select one participant, you can start with a birthday room. He sits on a chair face to the rest of the guests. The task of the rest of the children would notice "Nonmeyan" without touching it with his hands. That guest that was able to laugh a princess - he himself sits on the chair and becomes "unmeasured."

Zhmurki Eskimo

This game for children is similar to ordinary bumpers, the lead you need to tie my eyes, and thick mittens to wear in the hands. The game begins, each participant is swept away. The task of the leading to determine the power to be in front of him. When the presenter identified the participant - it becomes the lead.


The game will be interesting for children 12 years. All guests are in a circle and take each other by hand, while the presenter comes out of the room or turns away. Participants start confused, breaking between the hands of each other, but not extinguishing them. The task of the leading is to unravel the resulting tangle. Such contests will operate in children of 12 years a logical thinking and attentiveness.

Three, thirteen, thirty

All participants are built into the straight line so that they are at the distance of the elongated hands from each other. The lead explains to them what action is performed for which number. For example: "3 - hands on the belt, 13 - up, 30 - hands on the sides, etc.". The lead starts the game, calling a number, and the guests perform a specific action. Gradually, the tempo is growing. The one who makes a mistake becomes next to the lead - opposite the players and trying to knock down the participants, making knowingly the wrong movements with their hands.

Wins one who in the end will never be mistaken.

Siamese twins

All guests are divided into two teams, each team should have a reader number of players. Command participants are divided into pairs. Children in a pair become sideways to each other, hugging one hand over the shoulders of a partner. As a result, "Siamese Gemini" should be obtained, in which the right hand will be free from one guest, and the left of the other. The task of each pair will reach the chair on which candy lie and deploy it together and eat it, using free hands. The winner will be the team, which was the first to eat all the candy. The game can be diversified by other tasks, for example, tie a lace or make a paper aircraft.

Such contests are developing in children 12 years old team skills, and also liberate and allow children to get acquainted closer.


On sheets of paper, write the names of all guests, and then distribute players. What is written on the leaves is not necessary to show anyone. Guest, whose name got a player, becomes its prey. Music turns on, during the dance, the player needs to easily follow its prey, and when the music turns off - grab it. The game is that each participant will be the extraction of another hunter.

Cheerful photo session with mustache

In the middle of the holiday, you can spend a small photo session for guests with a mustache. Similar photos are always obtained very fun, and children really like to pose and enter the image, and the mustard on chopsticks contribute to this.

If you planned a thematic party for the child's birthday, then attributes can be other corresponding to your subject.

Memorial board

On the wall in the room or at the entrance you can hang a big watman, where all guests can leave congratulations and wishes to the birthday birthday. This poster can be prepared in advance, decorate it with photographs and colorful inscriptions.

Downed pilots

For the competition, it is necessary to prepare several paper aircraft and a basket with paper lumps (it can be taken from the competition with snowballs). One participant will launch airplanes, and everyone else will try to knock them down with paper lumps. Despite all the simplicity, this contest is very exciting. The winner will be the one who will be able to knock down more aircraft.


Shutters - it will be very relevant for children of 12 years. Usually these contests are very fun.

Example Revital: Boosch Correct Sauce. (which means Do not spoil porridge by oil).

Proverbs and sayings

  1. Happiness moves through a pile. - The trouble does not go alone.
  2. Get away from the new washing machine. - Stay from a broken trough.
  3. Lysin - Male disgrace. - Spit - Maiden Beauty.
  4. From the courage of the back of the head. - Fear has big eyes.
  5. Other people's shoes on the legs. - Your shirt closer to the body.
  6. On the policeman, the boots are wet. - On the thief, the hat is burning.
  7. Below the heels do not go down. - Night heads do not jump.
  8. He hid that algae, - come out of the aquarium. - Gruzdev called himself get in the body.
  9. Chicken booze girlfriend. - Goose pig is not comrade.
  10. Boching sauce will correct. - porridge butter will not spoil.

Lines from poems

  1. My dance is destroyed and dying. "We have to build a song and help us."
  2. Girls so little married - the guys are so much idle.
  3. In the field birch cut down. - The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
  4. I thought about weeks from below. - Do not think about seconds down.
  5. Old men have no dead end. - We have the way everywhere.
  6. You left me, not saying goodbye. - I came to you with greetings.
  7. Under the young swamp bar, a worm crawls modestly. - Over the gray plain sea, the petrel is proudly.
  8. You forgot the terrible eternity. - I remember a wonderful moment.
  9. Your Masha laughs quietly. - Our Tanya cries loudly.
  10. You hate my cow. - I love my horse.

Names of movies

  1. Your terrible Mrs. - My beautiful lady.
  2. Roar of bushes. - singing in a thorns.
  3. Hangar. - Garage.
  4. African tailor. - Siberian Barber.
  5. Home Tale. - Love affair at work.
  6. So far, clever. - Hello, foolie.
  7. Young stallions. - Old Klyachi.
  8. Sad girls. - Funny boys.
  9. Boiled rain. - Burnt by the sun.
  10. We will die after the medium. - We live to Monday.
  11. Three hours of autumn. - Seventeen Moments of Spring.
  12. Darkness of a small village. - Lights of the big city.
  13. Sit box. - Cranes are Flying.
  14. Hatety man was a sidoroid cleaner. - Favorite woman Mechanic Gavrilov.
  15. Cleaning under the Berorgo Bear. - Flying over the cuckoo nest.
  16. Your enemy Jean Makaronov. - My friend Ivan Lapshin.
  17. A man is dancing. - Woman who sings.
  18. Bucked wave. - Gone With the Wind.
  19. Horrible six. - Magnificent seven.

Tags of fairy tales and books

  1. Fox or six chickens. - The wolf and the seven Young goats.
  2. The king under the beans. - Princess on the Pea.
  3. Dog wreck. - Cat house.
  4. Duck turkey. - Swan geese.
  5. Dressed servant. - Naked king.
  6. Falling wooden general. - The Steadfast Tin Soldier.
  7. Walking freak. - Sleeping Beauty.
  8. Pale bush. - The Scarlet Flower.
  9. Magnificent turkey. - Ugly duck.
  10. Seven worships. - Three fathers.
  11. Dog without sandwichees. - Puss in Boots.
  12. Iron mock. - Golden Key.
  13. BELICH WASTKA. - Overweight skins.
  14. Alexey Borisovich or two prosecutors. - Ali-Baba and forty robbers.
  15. Girl like a house. - C-finger boy.
  16. Sand bench. - The Snow Queen.
  17. Turkey-Domeska. - Frog traveler.
  18. A terrible tour of Nina without domestic cockroaches. - Wonderful Nille's journey with wild geese.
  19. Without a frog. - By magic.
  20. Razvalian. - Teremok.
  21. Ivan ugly. - Vasilisa is beautiful.
  22. Poem about the hunter or game. - The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.
  23. Village from the box. - town in Tabakcoque.
  24. We arena about the cast-iron chicken. - Tale of the Golden Cockerel.
  25. Horse-urodin. - The Little Humpbacked Horse.
  26. Blue baseball cap. - Little Red Riding Hood.
  27. Square. - Kolobok.
  28. Continent garbage. - Treasure Island.
  29. Happiness from nonsense. - Mount from the mind.
  30. Law and promotion. - Crime and Punishment.
  31. Sunny prince. - The Snow Queen.


At the end of the event, you can hold a contest that will be enjoyable for all holidays of the birthday. The birthday boy sits on a chair, the presenter becomes rear with a bag of small commemorative presents that will be given to guests. The presenter takes out a gift and asks: "To whom?", And the birthday girl chooses who will get this prize.

The rules of the game are very simple. Any an even number of people can play (and in general, and odd comes out). If possible, in an equal ratio of guys and girls. To begin, the following questions and answers must be applied on the cards of the same size. It is advisable to use dense paper or a thin cardboard. There should be two identical decks: in one - questions, in the other - the answers. And then everything is simple. Mix every deck thoroughly and put in the table of the table. The first player takes a card with a question and reads her neighbor. He takes a card with the answer and reads the answer out loud. Then the question asks already answered his next neighbor and so further in a circle. Even when watching the list below, you can imagine what coincidences can be here. Why, for example, it is: "Do you like to swim naked? - On Saturdays it is for me - the need." Or: "Tell me, do you like me? - When I'm drunk, and I always always!". Just sit down, it is desirable: a guy - a girl - a guy - a girl. Since when two guys sit nearby, all questions like: "Do you like me?", "Do you like to look into my eyes?" And even "what would you say if I kissed you now?" They come across exactly these guys (repeatedly verified on their own experience). And what they come across this answers, it is generally "Mind is not stretching." So dare! Questions: Do you have extravagant men (women)? How would you react to if you change my husband (wife)? Tell me, are you always so sassy? Do you respect men (women)? Are you friendly? Tell me, your heart is free? Tell me, do you like me? Do your conscience torment small fraud? Do you like to make gifts? Do you make mistakes in your life? Tell me, are you jealous? Do you want to have a lover (mistress)? Do you like your husband (wife)? Are you often driving in public transport without a ticket? Would you like something? Tell me, are you ready? Have you often happened to fall from the bed? Do you like to read other people's letters? Do you often find it in an interesting position? Would you like to kiss your husband (wife)? Are you able to intoxicate into alcohol? Are you often lying? Do you spend your free time in a funny company? Do you have intrusive, coarse? Do you like to cook delicious lunches? Could you put a pig to your beloved person? Would you like to get drunk today? Tell me, have you sinned a lot? Do you like to dream with the moon? Do you like gifts? Do you often climb a neighbor in raspberry at the cottage? When drink, do you drink a head? Do you often be lazy? Are you capable of buying love for money? Do you like to laugh at others? Do you want my photo? Are you often subject to passions? Do you like meat? Do you make a temptation of love pretties? Do you often take money? Have you tried to seduce someone else's man (woman)? Do you like to swim naked? Do you want to achieve the favor of a married man (married woman)? Tell me, do you often eat so much? Do you want to meet me? Do you have a clean conscience? Have you ever sleep in someone else's bed? Tell me, are you an interesting interlocutor? Are you frank with your spouse (wife)? Tell me, are you temperamental? Do you like Mondays salty cucumbers? Do you do sports? Do you like to look into my eyes? Do you often wash in the bathroom? How do you feel about striptease? Does you sleep in your workplace? Tell me, are you cowards? Are you snoring in a dream? Do you have a habit to promise him (she) more than this in your capabilities? Do you like to eat well? Will you kiss yourself in public places? Do you increase your productivity? You did not have to get lost in someone else's house? Do you like vodka? Do you like to get acquainted on the street? Do you often show your temperament? What would you say if I had kissed you immediately? Do you like to sleep after dinner? Do you like to dress fashionable? Do you have a lot of secrets? Do you have a tendency to sin? Are you afraid of a policeman? Tell me, do you like me? Do you think that a loved one needs to talk only to the truth? What would you say if we stayed alone with you? Do you know how to own yourself? Do you like to visit? Do you add in weight? Do you often ask for work from work? Would you go with me at night through the forest? Do you like my eyes? Do you often drink beer? Do you like to interfere in other people's affairs? Does you often pull you towards art? Do you pay a lot of time to love? Do you hide your age? Answers: I can't imagine my life without it. I do not answer political questions. I love, but for someone else's account. Only on the day of pay. No, I am a very shy man. I find it difficult to answer the truth, since I do not want to spoil my reputation. Only when I feel some weakness. Land from home you can try. Himself (a) I do not know, but others say that yes. This is my hobby. Only not here. Please do not put me in an awkward position. You ask more sober. Why not? With great pleasure! My redness is the brightest answer to this question. Only when it rest. Youth has long passed. Without witnesses, this business, of course, will go. This feature can not be overlooked. I'll tell you in bed. Only when I want to go to bed. It is already possible to try. If this can be arranged now, then yes. Only when there are trouble at work. If it is great for this very much. I can clock, especially in the dark. It rarely allows my financial situation. No, I tried once (a) - it did not come out. Oh yeah! It is especially great for me! Damn it! How did you guessed. In principle, no, but as an exception - yes. Only on holidays. When I'm drunk (a), and I'm always drunk. Only away from their (s) beloved (oh). I will tell you in the evening when you appoint a date. Even one thought about it leads me to ecstasy. Only at night. Just for decent payment. Only if no one sees. It is so natural. Always when it orders conscience. But something you need to do! If there is no other output. Always when you drink healthy! Well, who does not happen !? Could you ask a more modest question? It all depends on how much little things have enough. If it does not hit the pocket. Do I really look like this (s)? I have a tendency from childhood. I will ask my wife (husband). These are the best minutes in my life. Though all night. On Saturdays it is for me - the need. Without a pair of wine, I can't say that. Only in the morning with hangover. It has long been my greatest desire. My modesty does not allow me to answer this question. It all depends on the situation. Madly! With great pleasure. Yes, only within the framework of decency. Of course, it is impossible to do without it. This is the main goal of my life. I just can't stand. Never refuse such an opportunity. Nowadays it is not a sin. Why not, if you can and there is no fear. I would still, I am capable of everything. This often happens to me away. Only in the company. Not always, but often. Yes, if necessary. Everything happens, because I am also a person. No, I am too well brought up. Only when you wake up in someone else's bed, you can not even imagine. If then there is no major trouble. I am much more interested in other problems. And not that yes, and not that is not. We will not be naive, and no need to ask such issues to which it is difficult to sincerely answer. Today I do not want to talk about it. In principle, yes, although it will be very difficult. Only in despair. Unfortunately no. Well, this, sorry, luxury! In daylight, it is not especially especially, but in the dark - with pleasure. ...

No cheerful children's holiday will be able to do without games. Children love competitions and will gladly take part in contests. The main thing is to choose them in accordance with the age of guests.

Playing in a bow of plastic bottles with children

What kind of child does not like bowling? Some seamless - and this game in two accounts is organized anywhere.

The number of children - from one.

What will required?

  • Plastic bottles (better fill them with water) or real kegli.
  • Ball.
  • Ribbon, rope and other remedies that can be applied to designate the feature.

How to prepare?

We put the bow in a row. We count on them a certain number of steps and lay the feature.

How to play?

The child must be behind the line and throw the ball on the kegs so as to bring the maximum number of them.

Pluses of the game:

It allows children to show dexterity and move.

We catch a tail of each other's ribbons

In just a couple of minutes, funny disgrace is arranged!

The number of children - from two.

What will required?

  • Ribbons of approximately 1 m or long belt for each player.
  • Funny music.

How to prepare?

A tape is tied to each player to the belt so that the node is behind and hung the tail.

How to play?

Children to the music are caught a girlfriend over the tail, but they do not give their tail.

Pluses of the game:

Super fun, moving.

Create art with the whole team in teams

How to laugh from the soul with the fantasy and do not turn everything upside down? Easily!

What will required?

  • 2 sheet of paper.
  • What you can write - 2 pcs.

How to prepare?

How to play?

  1. Out one participant from the team and draw each on your sheet at the top of the head.
  2. The piece of the sheet is flex, so that the main part of the head is not visible.
  3. A new participant is suitable from each team and draws part of the body below.
  4. Similarly raises the sheet. And so far the drawing will not be ready.

Pluses of the game:

Quiet, but fun. For creative.

Artistic on the relay raises the team spirit

To start hard to raise the team spirit? Elementary, and without too much noise!

The number of children - from 6, preferably a pair.

What will required?

  • 2 sheet of paper.
  • What you can write - 2 pcs.

How to prepare?

Divide all participants for 2 teams. For each team, put your leaf and pencil.

How to play?

  1. The ultimate goal is to draw an animal.
  2. Out one participant from the team and draw each on its sheet only one piece of drawing.
  3. Another participant draws another detail. And so everything is in turn until the drawing is ready.

Pluses of the game:

Makes it possible to fantasize a cohesive team.

Eat a candy on the fishing rod and win the competition

Want to connect a snack with the game? Not a problem.

The number of children - from one.

What will required?

  • Candy in the candy.
  • Thread or fishing line.
  • Rod. It may be an ordinary pencil.

How to prepare?

I will bring a thread on a stick, on a thread - a candy.

How to play?

Holding for a rod, to bring candy to the mouth, without the help of the hands to deploy a fantasy and eat candy.

Pluses of the game:

Tasty, fun, you can shine dexterity.

We divide the territory and play with the balloon

Want to make children sit a little? It's possible.
The number of children is 4 and more, better than a pair.

What will required?

  • Balloon.
  • Chair for each player.
  • Ribbon or rope for marking.

How to prepare?

We divide the territory in half with the help of a tape. In both parties (equal number) at a distance of 1 m from markup.

How to play?

  1. Participants are sitting on the chairs and should not get up.
  2. We throw the ball and play, like in volleyball.
  3. You can not take in the hands! At whose territory the ball landed, he lost.

Pluses of the game:

A quiet game, but for the dextering the most!

Try to laugh me or lose

When it is necessary to discharge the situation, you can laugh unbeaten.

What will required?

  • Stool, but it is possible without it.

How to play?

One participant sits on a chair and looks at all. Everyone is trying to laugh. Do not tick! Who launched, sit down in his place.

Pluses of the game:

Allows you to take resourcefulness, liberates.

Find me in the mittens blindfolded!

Tired of ordinary sals and hide and seek? They can easily combine and make an order of magnitude more interesting.

What will required?

  • Thick mittens.
  • Scarf or scarf.

How to play?

  1. One participant tie his eyes, clothes mittens and catches other players.
  2. The one who caught, you need to learn with the blindfolded eyes to the touch through the mittens.

Pluses of the game:

Develops memory and not only.

Interesting game without additional attributes "Dae-Naka-Gaughty"

The most for the younger erudites. The main thing is to correctly explain the rules and set the tone of the game.

What will required?

How to play?

  1. Selected presenter.
  2. Then the topic is determined. For example: transport, animals, cartoon characters.
  3. The presenter comes to the subject of voiced topic.
  4. Everyone asks to him leading questions, and he can only speak "yes" or "no".
  5. Who first guessed the said word, he takes the place of the lead.

Pluses of the game:

Develops logic, helps communication.

Flashing phone for children aged 4 years

Old-kind game for dad and mothers. And for many children, it can become a small discovery, how to spend time.

What will required?

How to play?

  1. The first participant makes any word, says him quietly and quickly the second participant in the ear.
  2. The second also transmits this word to the third.
  3. And so to the last player who utters the word out loud. Maybe it is very funny!

Pluses of the game:

Developing hearing, brings together participants, fun.

The game "Unlock live tangle" for children from six years

Children of the marked age many games consider children and do not want to play them. But this game is accurately like.

The number of children is 4 and more.

What will required?

How to play?

  1. Selected presenter. He turns away.
  2. All the rest are taken by arms, form a circle.
  3. Then they are confused - they will penetrate each other, they are crawling between the legs, stretching opposite each other - and all this is not a blurred hands!
  4. The task of the lead is to unravel this living tangle. At the same time, smear the hands of the participants of the chain, of course, it is impossible.

Pluses of the game:

Develops logic, attention, smell and fun.

Game for any children's holiday "Fairy tales"

How to surprise the younger videos? You can offer to invent fairy tales. But not just to write, but do it in the form of the game.

The number of children is 3 and more.

What will required?

  • Any book, you can log or even a newspaper.

How to play?

  1. It is necessary in turn (from each person - one sentence) come up with a fairy tale.
  2. For this, one person without looking at his finger in printed text on any of the pages of the book.
  3. The word for which the choice fell, the first story of the fairy tales should introduce into its proposal.
  4. In the same way, the second sentence is invented by the second storytellor.
  5. Then the third and so on.
  6. If there are few children, you can pass the baton in a circle several times.
  7. Must happen a fairy tale. As far as it is interesting and cheerful depends on the fantasy of the children's children.

Pluses of the game:

Developing fantasy. For read guys - this is a real chance to show yourself.

What you still need to read:

Game for children aged six years "Catch the fish"

If children dressed and they are tired of the games that make brain strain, you can switch to a more sporty wave.

The number of children is 3 and more.

What will required?

  • Rope.

How to play?

  1. Selected presenter.
  2. He takes a rope at one end.
  3. The other end of the rope remains on Earth.
  4. The master is spinning around its axis and circling a rope. And everyone should be lined up in a circle and jump over the rope.
  5. Who will not have time and the rope will bet on it, leaves. And so far will not remain the most resistant.

Pluses of the game:

Develops a quick reaction. In this game you can show a dexterity, stamina.

Air attack using hoop and balls

At first glance, well, not a children's game! But children cope more like!

At the same time, it is not enough sensitive and with a rapid outcome. It may turn out very fun.

The number of children is 4 and more, but necessarily a pair number.

What will required?

  • Hoops - 1 on two people.
  • Balloons - one for two.

How to prepare?

We put hoops to the floor.

How to play?

  1. In every hoop comes two people.
  2. Each pair is given a ball.
  3. On the team, the ball needs to throw and blow on it, but not to concern either with your hand or other parts of the body.
  4. The task of the couple is to hold the ball in the air as long as possible. In this case, it is impossible from the ring.

Pluses of the game:

Allows you to show all your sports craftsmanship and smell. It does not require a lot of room in the room. Develops a quick reaction. Who has a good breath, he can show a class.

Smart grovets for shock and active children

If you see that they gathered well, just "reactive" children, followed by direct, one can offer them to boast of their speed reaction.

Plus, at least briefly to squeeze them, so that they do not run.

The number of children is 7 and more, but it can be less, although then it will not be so fun.

What will required?

  • Cards with numbers - one for each player.

How to prepare?

Each player is given a card. That is, everyone will have their own number.

How to play?

  1. Everyone becomes a circle.
  2. To begin with, we ask rhythm. For this, everything is chloride together: in the palm "times, two", on the knees of "times, two", then we repeat.
  3. Then one of the children clap into his hands and says not "times, two," and repeats his number twice. For example, "three, three". When slapping on the knees, shouts the number of someone from the players: "Six, six" and so on. Out of order.
  4. He whose number is named, continues.
  5. The main thing is not to get down. Who is confused or called the number of the retired player, he is retired himself.
  6. We defeat the most persistent, that is, those that will remain only together.

Pluses of the game:

Develops attention, the smallest squeezes.

We play in conventions with the guys to twelve years

Usually, the conventions scare adolescents, but this is not the same option.

If you approach such a game with a fantasy, then you can choose conventions, which will actually have fun.

The number of children - from 4. But the more, the more fun.

What will required?

How to prepare?

Everyone becomes in a car. Leading opposite face to rank.

How to play?

  1. The lead explains to all the rules: what a number, which conventional is denoted. Very convenient to take numbers with the same numbers. For example: two, twelve, twenty. And then it all depends on the fantasy of the lead. Let two mean action: cotton. Twelve means: Hands up. Twenty: squat.
  2. So began: two are cotton, twelve - hands up, twenty - sat down.
  3. Then we pronounce only numbers, and every time everything is faster.
  4. You can change order: twenty, two, twelve, twelve, twenty, two.
  5. Who is confused and will not fulfill the action that conventionally implies the number said, he drops out.
  6. Moreover, while others continue to play, he can distract them, specifically demonstrating the wrong movements.

Pluses of the game:

Replaces boring charging. Develops attention, speed of reaction.

Give freedom to prisoner and become a liberator!

When the children entered the excitement, played out and are ready to talk to the full, it's time to start the game with prisoner, conversion and liberators.

The number of children - from 5, but the more, the more fun.

What will required?

  • Chairs for each participant, except one.
  • Scarf or scarf -1 pcs.
  • Ropes for binding of hands and legs - 2 pcs.

How to prepare?

One chair is placed in the center of the room. Around them all the other chairs. Select prisoner. He is planted in the center and tie his hands and legs to him. Next, choose an escort and tie his eyes. All other participants are the liberators. They sit down on the chairs that form a circle.

How to play?

  1. Convoir must protect the captive. And the task of the liberators to unleash the rope on the body of the prisoner and not get caught in the hands of a convector.
  2. If the escaler caught the liberator on the hot, he displays it from the circle.
  3. Who freed and got caught, the winner.
  4. The winner and convoir are changing in places and the game can continue.

Pluses of the game:

If you come to the game thoroughly, you can come up with a release plan. It develops and thinking, and smelting, and dexterity and skill too. In short, this is a real team game!

Game with chairs "right, left, chaos!"

Continue to fool, but at the same time without having demolished the entire room, thanks to the next game.

The number of children is 5 or more.

What will required?

  • Chairs for each participant.

How to prepare?

Chairs are placed in a circle so that they stood tightly.

How to play?

  1. Selects the presenter, it enters the circle.
  2. All other players sit on the chairs. One chair, respectively, remains free.
  3. Next, the lead distributes commands. For example: "Right!" And everyone moves their ass from the chair to the chair in the appropriate direction.
  4. Similarly, the team "Left!"
  5. Third team "Chaos!" Means that participants must pass in chaotic order.
  6. There may be other commands if you think about it.
  7. The task of the leading to confuse participants and have time to take a free stool itself.
  8. Who did not prevent such maneuver of the lead, that is, he made it to a free chair, he himself becomes the leading and distributes the teams.

Pluses of the game:

Develops the speed of the reaction, attention, dexterity.

Merry game "Two hands for two"

The number of children is 4 or more, better than a pair.

What will required?

  • Two chairs.
  • Candy in wraps (at least one per person).
  • Paper sheets - one for two.
  • Shoes with laces - one boot for two.

How to prepare?

Chairs put on one distance. They put one of the items (we have candy, sheets of paper and boots) in turn. You can come up with your items and, accordingly, what will need to be done with them.

How to play?

  1. Children disassembled over couples.
  2. Couples are built in two queues.
  3. The first two couples are at the same distance to the chairs.
  4. The couple should stand in such a way that the partners look at each other. Moreover, one person puts her right hand on the partner's shoulder, the other is left. It turns out that another hand and one, and the second - remain free. They need to work!
  5. The first task for each pair: go to the chair, take candy, deploy them and eat them.
  6. But it is impossible that the pair blur over their "arms".
  7. Second task: in the same way to fold and sheet paper airplane. You can boat or so on.
  8. Third task: Tie shoelaces.
  9. Tasks may be how much you think about.

Pluses of the game:

Locked, contributes to communication, the development of smelting. Fun.

Combat Task for Merry Music with Cards

Shortly before the real birthday disco it would be nice to warm up with the first game. Like everyone!

What will required?

  • Cards with the names of the participants.
  • Funny music.

How to prepare?

Cards need to mix well and distribute to the participants - who will go.

How to play?

  1. As soon as the cards found themselves in the hands of the participants, the music is presented and everyone dances.
  2. Everyone carefully looks, whose name is written on the card, that he has in his hands. This is a combat task: the owner of this name must be caught!
  3. It is important that the other does not see your card.
  4. As soon as the music stops all hurrying to fulfill its combat task, but it is important not to get caught.

Pluses of the game:

It is best prepared for the disco, liberates, fun. Developing attention, dexterity.

Create a miracle xerox with a scarf

Well, a very fun game! And most importantly - it's easier to think!

The number of children is from 3, the more, the more fun.

What will required?

  • Scarf or scarf.

How to prepare?

One of the participants tie their eyes.

How to play?

  1. He who is with tied eyes - copier.
  2. Another one of all participants is a picture, well, or sculpture - how it is more convenient to call.
  3. The rest are the audience.
  4. The task of the picture to accept any interesting posture and frozen in this position.
  5. The task of the xerox blindfolded to explore the picture and make an accurate copy of it, that is, to become the same pose.
  6. As an option: xerox should make an accurate copy of the sculpture from another participant from among the audience. All this, of course, blindfolded.
  7. The most ridiculous when Xeroxes unleash his eyes and he sees what he did wrong.

Pluses of the game:

Helps shy to cope with their uncertainty.

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Write a finger and meet everyone on the holiday

Children somehow did not dislike each other? After this game, they will definitely start a rapid discussion of events.

The number of children is from 4, the more, the more fun.

What will required?

  • Pen and paper.

How to play?

  1. All participants are in the column one by one. If there are many children, you can make 2 columns that will compete with each other.
  2. The last and first standing in the columns is given by the handle and the sheet of paper.
  3. The latter must draw something on paper. It can be any figure, animal, vegetable or some word. And the same thing must draw a finger on the back in front of standing.
  4. The picture is transmitted by the relay. Each draws on his back in front of standing what, as he felt, painted on his back.
  5. As a result, the first of the column depicts a handle transmitted on his sheet of paper.
  6. Then the drawings are compared.

Pluses of the game:

Helps become more sociable. Develops feelings and small motility. Cheerful, not boring, albeit little.

Children in the role of tin soldiers share territory

If you can jump, you can arrange a real festival of tin soldiers.

The number of children - from 2.

What will required?

  • Ribbon or rope for boundary designation.
  • If desired - music.

How to prepare?

The floor is laid out on the floor, which will divide the territory in half.

How to play?

  1. One soldier stands on one half, the other - to another. Stand on one leg. Hands like soldiers.
  2. The task of each move to the enemy's territory, but not to give the enemy to move to him. All this in the position of the tin soldier, on one leg.
  3. Who is the first to cope - the winner.
  4. If someone accidentally rose on both legs, then lost.

Pluses of the game:

Super mobile, but does not require much space.

Game for children from 10 years "Hands - in line"

The game capable of confusing even the smallest and smeared

The number of children is 3 and more.

What will required?

  • Chairs for everyone.

How to prepare?

Chairs put in a row.

How to play?

  1. All participants sit down. Everyone puts hands on the neighboring hand of a neighbor's knee. The extreme sitting puts one hand on his knee. You can sit in a circle, then all your hands will be on other people's lap.
  2. At the team, every hand makes cotton on the knee in the order of the line.
  3. What a hand got down, coming out of the game.
  4. The winner is the one who was not mistaken.

Pluses of the game:

Develops a sense of rhythm, attentiveness, coordination of movement.

Merry game for children up to 12 years "Caterpillars"

And finally, you can just relax

If you decide to organize a fun birthday for your child in honor of his 12th anniversary, it is worthwhile to come up with the topic of parties, draw invitations, and prepare an entertainment program for children, contests that will be interested in birthday.

Happy Uncle Fedor

At the very beginning of the evening, when part of the guests had already come for a birthday, and part of the only contest only in the way, so that the guests do not bored. Competition is called "Letter of Uncle Fedor". The essence of the game is that the children will be in turn to record the answers to the questions that lead to them will ask them, and then wrapping the leaves so that the answer is not visible and transferred to the next participant.

Questions can be different: "Who?", "When?", "What is the situation?", "What did you do?" etc. When the leaflek is filled with the answers of children, it will need to deploy and read the guests of the experiencing history. Such a birthday competition will help to liberate children and make the minutes of waiting not so boring.

Also for warming up the next competition is suitable.

Collective art

For this contest, it is necessary to divide children into two teams. Each team is issued a sheet of paper and pencil. The first participant at the top paints the head of the arbitrary creature chosen to them with the neck, wraps the sheet so that only the bottom of the neck can be seen and the next player passes the sheet. The second participant continues the drawing and turns back to the sheet and so until the last player. The resulting collective image can then be assessed, come up with a name for it.

Such competitions develop the fantasy of children aged 12 years.


This competition will be not only interesting for children for 12 years, but also useful. The fact is that not every guest with ease is ready to prepare good congratulations and wishes to the birthday man, and such a competition will help to draw the process of congratulations on an exciting game.

The meaning of the competition is that each participant in the festival in turn comes up with the wish to the perpetrator of the celebration to the next letter of the alphabet. That is, the first "adequator" begins his greetings with the letter "A", the second with "b" and so on. The competition may be suddenly cheerful and will develop a fantasy.


For this contest, it will be necessary to divide the participants to equally, breaking them into two teams. Players of each team issues a stack of paper, and some distance from the team is put a basket. The meaning of the competition is that each participant takes turns of a sheet of paper, turning it into the "snowball" and is trying to get into the basket. Then, who threw the participant goes to the end of a rank, giving way to the next player. In the competition, the team defeats the greater number of snowballs in the basket.

Balloon volleyball

This contest will develop a quick response and dexterity in children.

Players are still divided into two teams, children sit down on the chairs, which are pre-exposed opposite each other about a meter. Between the commands on the floor put the rope, which shares the field of commands.

Children are issued an air ball, they begin to play volleyball, but at the same time the participant is not allowed to get up from the chairs and catch the ball, you can only beat it. The purpose of each team so that the ball falls on the territory of the opponent the account goes up to 12 points.


Light children's competition for the development of fantasy and liberty.

For the competition, you must select one participant, you can start with a birthday room. He sits on a chair face to the rest of the guests. The task of the rest of the children would notice "Nonmeyan" without touching it with his hands. That guest that was able to laugh a princess - he himself sits on the chair and becomes "unmeasured."

Zhmurki Eskimo

This game for children is similar to ordinary bumpers, the lead you need to tie my eyes, and thick mittens to wear in the hands. The game begins, each participant is swept away. The task of the leading to determine the power to be in front of him. When the presenter identified the participant - it becomes the lead.


The game will be interesting for children 12 years. All guests are in a circle and take each other by hand, while the presenter comes out of the room or turns away. Participants start confused, breaking between the hands of each other, but not extinguishing them. The task of the leading is to unravel the resulting tangle. Such contests will operate in children of 12 years a logical thinking and attentiveness.

Three, thirteen, thirty

All participants are built into the straight line so that they are at the distance of the elongated hands from each other. The lead explains to them what action is performed for which number. For example: "3 - hands on the belt, 13 - up, 30 - hands on the sides, etc.". The lead starts the game, calling a number, and the guests perform a specific action. Gradually, the tempo is growing. The one who makes a mistake becomes next to the lead - opposite the players and trying to knock down the participants, making knowingly the wrong movements with their hands.

Wins one who in the end will never be mistaken.

Siamese twins

All guests are divided into two teams, each team should have a reader number of players. Command participants are divided into pairs. Children in a pair become sideways to each other, hugging one hand over the shoulders of a partner. As a result, "Siamese Gemini" should be obtained, in which the right hand will be free from one guest, and the left of the other. The task of each pair will reach the chair on which candy lie and deploy it together and eat it, using free hands. The winner will be the team, which was the first to eat all the candies. The game can be diversified by other tasks, for example, tie a lace or make a paper aircraft.

Such contests are developing in children 12 years old team skills, and also liberate and allow children to get acquainted closer.


On sheets of paper, write the names of all guests, and then distribute players. What is written on the leaves is not necessary to show anyone. Guest, whose name got a player, becomes its prey. Music turns on, during the dance, the player needs to easily follow its prey, and when the music turns off - grab it. The game is that each participant will be the extraction of another hunter.

Cheerful photo session with mustache

In the middle of the holiday, you can spend a small photo session for guests with a mustache. Similar photos are always obtained very fun, and children really like to pose and enter the image, and the mustard on chopsticks contribute to this.

If you planned a thematic party for the child's birthday, then attributes can be other corresponding to your subject.

Memorial board

On the wall in the room or at the entrance you can hang a big watman, where all guests can leave congratulations and wishes to the birthday birthday. This poster can be prepared in advance, decorate it with photographs and colorful inscriptions.

Downed pilots

For the competition, it is necessary to prepare several paper aircraft and a basket with paper lumps (it can be taken from the competition with snowballs). One participant will launch airplanes, and everyone else will try to knock them down with paper lumps. Despite all the simplicity, this contest is very exciting. The winner will be the one who will be able to knock down more aircraft.


Shutters - it will be very relevant for children of 12 years. Usually these contests are very fun.

Example Revital: Boosch Correct Sauce. (which means Do not spoil porridge by oil).

Proverbs and sayings

  1. Happiness moves through a pile. - The trouble does not go alone.
  2. Get away from the new washing machine. - Stay from a broken trough.
  3. Lysin - Male disgrace. - Spit - Maiden Beauty.
  4. From the courage of the back of the head. - Fear has big eyes.
  5. Other people's shoes on the legs. - Your shirt closer to the body.
  6. On the policeman, the boots are wet. - On the thief, the hat is burning.
  7. Below the heels do not go down. - Night heads do not jump.
  8. He hid that algae, - come out of the aquarium. - Gruzdev called himself get in the body.
  9. Chicken booze girlfriend. - Goose pig is not comrade.
  10. Boching sauce will correct. - porridge butter will not spoil.

Lines from poems

  1. My dance is destroyed and dying. "We have to build a song and help us."
  2. Girls so little married - the guys are so much idle.
  3. In the field birch cut down. - The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree.
  4. I thought about weeks from below. - Do not think about seconds down.
  5. Old men have no dead end. - We have the way everywhere.
  6. You left me, not saying goodbye. - I came to you with greetings.
  7. Under the young swamp bar, a worm crawls modestly. - Over the gray plain sea, the petrel is proudly.
  8. You forgot the terrible eternity. - I remember a wonderful moment.
  9. Your Masha laughs quietly. - Our Tanya cries loudly.
  10. You hate my cow. - I love my horse.

Names of movies

  1. Your terrible Mrs. - My beautiful lady.
  2. Roar of bushes. - singing in a thorns.
  3. Hangar. - Garage.
  4. African tailor. - Siberian Barber.
  5. Home Tale. - Love affair at work.
  6. So far, clever. - Hello, foolie.
  7. Young stallions. - Old Klyachi.
  8. Sad girls. - Funny boys.
  9. Boiled rain. - Burnt by the sun.
  10. We will die after the medium. - We live to Monday.
  11. Three hours of autumn. - Seventeen Moments of Spring.
  12. Darkness of a small village. - Lights of the big city.
  13. Sit box. - Cranes are Flying.
  14. Hatety man was a sidoroid cleaner. - Favorite woman Mechanic Gavrilov.
  15. Cleaning under the Berorgo Bear. - Flying over the cuckoo nest.
  16. Your enemy Jean Makaronov. - My friend Ivan Lapshin.
  17. A man is dancing. - Woman who sings.
  18. Bucked wave. - Gone With the Wind.
  19. Horrible six. - Magnificent seven.

Tags of fairy tales and books

  1. Fox or six chickens. - The wolf and the seven Young goats.
  2. The king under the beans. - Princess on the Pea.
  3. Dog wreck. - Cat house.
  4. Duck turkey. - Swan geese.
  5. Dressed servant. - Naked king.
  6. Falling wooden general. - The Steadfast Tin Soldier.
  7. Walking freak. - Sleeping Beauty.
  8. Pale bush. - The Scarlet Flower.
  9. Magnificent turkey. - Ugly duck.
  10. Seven worships. - Three fathers.
  11. Dog without sandwichees. - Puss in Boots.
  12. Iron mock. - Golden Key.
  13. BELICH WASTKA. - Overweight skins.
  14. Alexey Borisovich or two prosecutors. - Ali-Baba and forty robbers.
  15. Girl like a house. - C-finger boy.
  16. Sand bench. - The Snow Queen.
  17. Turkey-Domeska. - Frog traveler.
  18. A terrible tour of Nina without domestic cockroaches. - Wonderful Nille's journey with wild geese.
  19. Without a frog. - By magic.
  20. Razvalian. - Teremok.
  21. Ivan ugly. - Vasilisa is beautiful.
  22. Poem about the hunter or game. - The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.
  23. Village from the box. - town in Tabakcoque.
  24. We arena about the cast-iron chicken. - Tale of the Golden Cockerel.
  25. Horse-urodin. - The Little Humpbacked Horse.
  26. Blue baseball cap. - Little Red Riding Hood.
  27. Square. - Kolobok.
  28. Continent garbage. - Treasure Island.
  29. Happiness from nonsense. - Mount from the mind.
  30. Law and promotion. - Crime and Punishment.
  31. Sunny prince. - The Snow Queen.


At the end of the event, you can hold a contest that will be enjoyable for all holidays of the birthday. The birthday boy sits on a chair, the presenter becomes rear with a bag of small commemorative presents that will be given to guests. The presenter takes out a gift and asks: "To whom?", And the birthday girl chooses who will get this prize.

12 years old is a completely special holiday. Childhood actually ended, and before you there is already a teenager. Most often at this age, children are already preferred to celebrate holidays in the company of their peers, adults will only embarrass them. Therefore, games for the birthday of a child 12 years old you already organize, rather, this will not have to. But advise the birthday man, what can you play and how to make the holiday goes more fun, you can. Of course, if he appeals to you for such advice.

How to prepare and how to celebrate the birthday of a child 12 years

Immediately need to say that at this age you will have to come out not only from your financial opportunities, but also from how the birthday itself is celebrated. Even if you had the closest and trusting relationships before that, in the adolescence, the nature of your sibling change dramatically - and not at the best side. Therefore, do not be surprised if all your suggestions that seem like tempting and original, will be met by "in the bayonies" and are subject to sharp criticism. Do not insist on your own, in the end, this is his birthday, so it is decided. You can only apply all efforts to, for example, a possible teenage catch in nature or something like that, it has passed as safe as possible.

Your main task is to offer your assistance to the perpetrator of the celebration in organizing the holiday. Of course, he must understand that not all his desires can be completed. For example, due to the limitedness of your financial capabilities. Only you have to talk to your son or with your daughter on an equal footing, as with adults, then they will definitely understand you and you will be able to come to a general agreement without mutual offense. On the other hand, you also should not reject all the proposals of your child just because you consider them wrong or they just do not like them. You can help - help. Can't - explain it clearly why.

Active games for the birthday of a child 12 years

Even adults love to spend all sorts of games and contests on their holidays or corporate parties. Children are 12 years old, although they are trying their best to seem adults, too, with great pleasure they take part in them. Only the games that you can offer them must correspond to this age. Here are some possible options.

  • For this game you will need several long ropes and only one bell. It can be played as in the room and somewhere in nature. First you need to organize a bar of obstacles. To do this, we stretch the rope at different height across and along the room or between the trees. In the task of each player, it includes choosing the most fast and convenient way. Tooling between ropes or stepping through them. But the problem is that the bell is hanging on the neck, which in no case should not ring during the passage of obstacles. Accordingly, one of whom it will turn out, becomes the winner and receives a prize.
  • All players are divided into two teams. Each chooses a captain. Players take off the legs on one shoe and fold them one common for both teams. The challenge of captains is enters as quickly as possible again to launch all the players of their team. That team wins, the captain of which will cope with his task first.
  • And here's another game. All players are re-divided into two teams, each of which is built into the chain. The first player of each team gets a glass and an air ball. The ball must be put on the glass and keep it so that it keeps stability - you can not touch the ball to the ball. The player should averany his team circle, return to his place and transfer the cup with the ball to the next player. The game continues until all players of the same team fulfill its task. If someone has a ball during the execution of a task falls to the floor, this player must return to his place and start all over again. Naturally, the team wins, which is the first to cope with this jogging.
  • Zhmurki. Older children and even adults are playing this game. Choose a leading and tell him the eyes. The rest of the children should run around him, from time to time make some sounds. Drinking tries to catch someone from the players, and if he managed to determine to the touch, whom he caught. If he succeeded, the bandage passes to the eyes of the player's eyes, and the presenter becomes in the overall circle and the game continues.

Calm games for the birthday of a child 12 years

Since even the most active players get tired all the time run, jump and dance, we bring to your attention a few calm games for the child's birthday 12 years, where participants can show their attention, erudition and intelligence.

  • The same player tie his eyes and brings him a beautiful bag, in which several different items were hidden. The player takes turns of these objects from the bag and tries to the touch to determine what it is. If a player is guessing, he can pick up this item as a deserved prize. If I could not guess, then nothing can be done, the subject goes back to the bag, and the queue will guess to another player. The fun of this game is addicted to the fact that the rest of the guests see what he took out of the bag.
  • Who is bigger. Lead, for example, a birthday name, calls some letter. And all the players, having a sheet of paper and the handle must write more words on one theme starting with this letter in two minutes. The most erudite player wins, he receives a prize.
  • All players are divided into two teams. Establish each team on the paper leaves. She should think some word out of five letters. But on the leaves to write only medium three letters from this word. For example, like this: -the. Then, this leaflet is transmitted to the opponent team, whose players should add to the right and to the left of these letters in one letter, so that the whole word is. In this case, it may be the word "decoction". The team wins that faster to cope with the task.
  • Put in front of each other two stools. Two players sit on them and begin to look into each other's eyes. Loses one who first will take a look. He leaves the chair, and anyone will be sisted in his place. The participant who will be able to "overweight" the greatest number of players wins.

In contests for the birthday of 12 years, the birthday boy and the company is unlikely to jump in bags and choir to guess riddles. Here you need a more serious program, for girls girls, for example, a beauty contest with a finalist birthday girl, for boys - with the main pirate - a birthday party. Think over all the stages.

Competition or master class?

Master classes are now very popular. If the holiday passes in the cafe, you can arrange a competition for the best hairstyle of wicker braids. And if you select contests for a birthday of 12 years at home, you can make the manufacture of gel candles with sparkles, soap, the benefit of the finished sets (with the basis, dyes - flavors and molds) for children's creativity is now abused. Children will be able to pick up their hearts and angels as memorable souvenirs.

Souvenirs for parents

You can go further - make souvenirs for parents invited, for example, - applique from black velvet paper "Cats". Print in advance drawings to buy all the same frames. Ideas for such gifts are many - painted hand-painted plates (special paints of ceramics), glass glasses decorated with rhinestones (needed glue for glass), small mirrors with decorated wooden frame.

12 years are not 10 years old. Teens in all seek independence and have already learned to entertain themselves. Does their adult arrange in the role of the lead, must be discussed in advance. But your ideas, the preparation of the props in any case will not interfere.

Golden Gus

As an iceboarder, for warming up bored (waiting for those who are late), guests can offer a fun game based on an old fairy tale, where everyone was glued to each other, and the boat was a golden goose. Children stand in a circle and each, in turn, calls any part of the body (nose, heel, etc.). After the signal, you need to stick to the neighbor on the left of this particular part. The place of attachment of the role does not play - the main thing, just not to fall.

Siamese twins

Complete version of the previous competition. Participants are divided into pairs and pull pre-harvested cards, which are written in what parts (elbows, backs, heels, etc.) they glued. Then you need to tie each other handkerchiefs. One pair performs, the rest are observed for the purity of the experiment. The couple wins, which deservedly coped with the most difficult task (tie a handkerchief, bonding back, for example)

Culinary competition

While all the hungry, you can spend a culinary competition for the most (romantic, funny, strange, greedy). Products must be cut, spitting and dishes are prepared. Like the jury, with certain sympathies to the birthday man. Beautiful design in the form of an original dish with napkins will complement the competition. You can assign the number to sandbrokes, then the jury will be impartial.


And finally, you invite guests to the table. This moment can also be interesting to beat. Children build up from the opposite wall and solemnly declare: "Baba Yaga, famous yoga, an oriental dancer, a single-legged pirate, cannibal, ballerina, President of Russia, a champion in bodybuilding, supermodel, a child who learned to go to us in the name of the name. You don't need to warn guests about the role in advance. Each, in accordance with the role received, must produce to the table in the image and take its place.


The Chinese calendar has a twelve-year cycle, and for the first time since the birth of the child celebrates his birthday in his year, snakes, horses. In this regard, it will be a relevant festive makeup contest -. Photocollage of samples and chalk for drawings on the face and body should be prepared in advance, well, and the fantasy of reincarnation in a monkey or dragon in children is limitless.


Another artistic competition. You can play teams. Players are built into the column one by one (you can even sit at the table), and the party with a simple pattern, for example, a snowman is issued the last in the column of the participant. He must depict him on his neighbor's back. He tries to delve into the plot and transfer his feelings on the back of the next. When the first one will apply what remained from a snowman, he is handed a leaf, and he must portray his feelings. As a rule, from a snowman, as in a spoiled phone, one bun remains.

Competition video clips

Another competition for girls is 12 years old. Young stars like to be filmed in the clips. Very funny, if suddenly someone in the frame nominates from somewhere on the side. They will find music to your roller, trying to open your mouth, getting into the words of the song, but the candles, balloons, rose petals, soap bubbles and confetti, as well as a bunch of clothes and a hairdryer for fluttering hair (what clip is now without it?) Must be on a table with a details for contests.


It does not cost birth and without a photo shoot. The contest for the funny photo will make it easier for computer special effects of Photobooth, transforming all parts of the body beyond recognition. In addition to makeup and clothing, and overhead mustache, sponges-bows, glasses, wigs, hats.

Air battle

Something we were fascinated by a native topic, but what about the birthday competitions for boys 12 years old, in nature or in a cafe? Without a doubt, this game and girls will also play with the same excitement. Everyone makes a plane (in the technique of origami, folding from paper), now the squadron. Now we harvest the "bombing", lump balls from paper (you can add them to the basket). We choose the longest room, and the lead starts the airplanes, and the players are still trying to knock them down. For the competition, you need to decide on the number of attempts and calculate the trophies.

Sea Boy

A similar competition will be appropriate at a pirated party in honor of the birthday party. In the same in size, the pelvis is poured, and the flooded candles are injured - ships. Determine the distance from which you to stew them. If the game is in nature, you can fill out of the sprayer for flowers, well, and if in the house, maybe just blend, like on the cake?

Space Boy

"Robot" on the "other planet" is managed from the "Earth Center". "Robots" (or "lunas") blindfolding eyes, arranging the kegli or other obstacles in front of them. In the "Flight Center" must manage the "robot" so that he successfully overcoming all obstacles. The choice of teams for the "robot" is limited: "Left", "Right", "Forward", "Back". With each command, you can take one step. Levo - not only children are confused.

Swan geese

Simplified option for the youngest guests. To the hut Baba Yaga leads a path. It is necessary to go to her at night (blindfolded) to pick up the toy she kidnapped. At the end of the path in the hut (Nora, Box), you must put a toy. In a straight line with tied eyes, even with tips, few people manage to pass.


On the floor scattered a lot of balloons. At the signal, all participants collect them, trying to capture as much as possible. After the set time, count the number of balls. Wins the one who managed to keep more.


Who likes games with balls, another boy game. Participants associate hands behind their backs (so that they do not interfere in the game). To the leg at the level of the ankle ties the air ball on the thread of 30 - 40 cm. At the signal, everyone tries to burst the ball of the opponent, protecting his own. If they are not filled to the limit, it is not so simple. So that the fun has not ended in injury, organize the players with sufficient game space without sharp corners.

And what did you do there?

12 not 10, although children, and adults play this game with Azart. On the signs are printed by the inscription: "Cabinet of the Director", "Cabinet of the Dentist", "Banya", "Pension Fund", "Cinema", "Shop", "Toilet", "Kindergarten", "Uninhabited Island", "Construction", "Zoo", "Hairdresser", "Mail". The participant turns his back to the audience and on the back it is fixed with one of the plates. The presenter sets the player questions (give one-one responses like "yes" - "no" can not):

  • Are you often there? (every Monday, three times a week, rarely, but with pleasure).
  • Do you like this place? (I still did not understand, there are better).
  • Who do you go there?
  • Which celebrities do you dream there to see?
  • What three things are you always taking there?
  • What are you usually doing there?
  • Why did you choose this place for myself?
When the player told how he walks into a kindergarten with Dima Bilan, taking a toothbrush and a laptop to eat a pizza there and work out the ballet, call the next participant with a new sign.

Guess your prize

Another way to leave guests without a gift is a contest for guessing toys. There are small gifts (safe, without sharp angles) and children, without looking, with one hand, feeling a selected item, should guess their prize. Guessing immediately and takes him.

Every day is unique in its own way and is good in its own way. And if you have a birthday this year and you are 12 years old, then you have to prepare a bright and unforgettable entertainment program for your guests. What come up with? You may be helped by our new birthday competitions for children for 12 years. Funny and fun contests in which you can play even at home. And the number of participants is not limited! So you can boldly call all friends and arrange real competitions.

By the way about friends.
Have you decided how to invite them to their names? Look. They will help you.

Competition 1.
The first competition is team and sweet. For the competition you need sweets, preferably lollipops. And it is desirable that the wrappers be different colors, such as green and red. We divide all children for two teams. Each team gets candy in its color. Each team has the same amount of candy.
Now you need a table. Teams get up on different sides of the table, and each team decides their candies on their edge. After they, in turn begin to "shoot" their sweets, in other people's. "Shoot" simply - you need to do it by clicking the finger, it seems like shorter.
As a result, the team wins, who has candy on the table. And the one loses that all candy fell.

Competition 2.
For the next competition you will need plastic bottles. They need to cut off the bottom as shown in the picture:

From paper makes a ball. Paper ball puts in a bottle. And each participant, in turn blowing in the neck of the bottle, tries as far as possible to throw a paper whom. Which of the participants will be able to send com further all, he wins.

Competition 3.
The next contest for those who love tricks and circus. Children compete with couples. The loser drops out, and the winner goes to the next round. And so until there is one winner.
And the task is as follows:
Each participant on the index finger is put on one teaspoon. And who can keep the spoons on their fingers longer, he wins. That is, you just need not to drop the spoons.

Competition 4.
Musical competition. Only not need to sing, nor dancing here. You need to come up with riddles for children's songs. For example, such:
1. Song about the animal, which is very similar to the cucumber? (in the grass Grasshopper sat)
2. Song about the saddest day, about ice cream and wizard? (I play on the harmonica)

And so on, a lot of children's songs. And you need to cook signs with the words:
Nicely sing;
Etc. When some kind of child guess the name of the song, he takes out one sign. It says how he must fulfill this song. If we sharpen, it grunts on the motive of the song. If you see, then whistles on the motive of the song.