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Posters on the topic of ecology and environmental protection. About the family creative competition “Ecological poster. Garbage crafts

A new exhibition has opened in the reading room of the department of art publications, which will run all summer: "Soviet ecological poster of the 1980s." These are not just pretty pictures - although the posters chosen by the department staff are certainly pleasing to the eye and cheer up the visitors of the reading room. These posters call for a conscious attitude towards nature. Stop, read, think. Do what depends on you.

An exhibition of posters dedicated to the first years after the revolution has recently ended in the reading room of the art department. It was the dawn of an art poster. Now on the walls of the reading room there are posters of the peak, the heyday of social advertising: the end of the eighties of the twentieth century. No censorship, no hard and fast art advice, no forbidden topics. An artist can create as he sees fit in order to reach out to the viewer, to convey what he wants to say.

“Social advertising calling to protect nature appeared in our country already in the sixties. But we chose a late period, when the topic of ecology was, albeit not as popular as a political poster, but already had its own established language, its own images that were understandable to everyone, traditional plots, ”says Lyubov Vitalievna Rodionova, head of the department of art at the Russian State Library.

However, the exhibition "Soviet Ecological Poster of the 1980s" covers both familiar and completely unusual topics. For example, the poster "Alcohol - Nature's Pain" by Nikolai Ivanovich Litvinenko is a combination of two relevant topics at that time: anti-alcohol propaganda in the framework of the 1985-1990 campaign and environmental protection. Or the eye-catching work of Yakov Markovich Zlatopolsky "Less and less surrounding nature, more and more environment." Looking at the brick “box” depicted on the poster, you understand what the artist wanted to say. And the name was given to him by lines from a poem by Robert Rozhdestvensky:

We crush the ice, change the flow of rivers,
we repeat that there are a lot of things to do ...
But we'll still come to ask for forgiveness
by these rivers, dunes and swamps,
at the very gigantic sunrise,
the smallest fry ...
While reluctant to think about it.
Now we have no time for this yet.
Airfields, piers and aprons,
forests without birds and land without water ...
Less and less surrounding nature.
More and more - the environment.

The fund of the department of art contains many posters of the republics of the former USSR. Most likely, they are no longer in their homeland, but visitors to the exhibition will see two wonderful posters by graphic artist Mikhail Vsevolodovich Gromyko, created in Uzbekistan in 1989 - “Is there a gift for spring water like this? A drop is like a pearl, reflecting the heat of the sun. " These paired posters remind us how much depends on the skill of the artist: you can admire them for a long time, look at them, mark the details.

Vitaly Evgenievich Wolf, a recognized poster artist and friend of the department of art, says: “The image is important in the poster. The poster should have a metaphor. The metaphor can only be expressed through the image ... The purpose of the poster: to stop a casual passer-by, to seize his attention, to make him look, think. " This fully applies to the environmental poster. But here it is not enough just to catch and attract attention: it is important to show each person what he can do for himself and his children, his city, his republic, his country, his planet.

Elena Filimonova

Master class on creating a poster for the protection of nature:"Not pick flowers, not rip

Educator: Filimonova Elena Valerievna.

The modern environment in the field of ecology is becoming more and more depressing every year. The condition of soils is deteriorating, water is polluted, forests are being cut down mercilessly and the number of green spaces is decreasing, and therefore Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which 2017 is declared the year of ecology in Russia. The purpose of this decree is to draw attention to problematic issues in the environmental sphere and improve the environment in our country.

Our garden hosted a competition for creative, collective works on ecology. We also took part with our kids, did not stand aside. Children of the younger group created an environmental poster, which is addressed to parents and children, helping to pay attention to environmental problems and calling for the preservation of the beauty of our land and the protection nature.

Of all the variety flowers as the main flower We chose white chamomile for our discounts.

Chamomile is a little sunny flower, blooms in the fields and makes us happy almost all summer. It is believed that chamomile with its petals connects many different destinies, since there is a well-known tradition of guessing on chamomile. White chamomile has also been a symbol of the fight against tuberculosis since 1912, a symbol of the purity of breathing in the lungs. Ecological poster calls to protect these flowers.

For environmental poster a sheet of foam 50-60 cm will be required.It was covered with a white cloth and applied with gouache colorful background.

The next stage of work - by imprinting palms, depicted grass in a clearing.

A beautiful sun shone in the sky. Volumetric applique of yellow and orange stripes colors... The image of the sun was prepared in advance by the teacher, the rays were glued to it.

It started to rain from the clouds and a rainbow appeared. Children glued the finished clouds, and the droplets - raindrops and rainbows were painted with watercolors with their fingers.

Then we glued on a ready-made sign, reminiscent of the rule of conduct in nature: not pick flowers!

Butterflies and a ladybug flew to our beautiful daisies. Children glued ready-made insect silhouettes.

Here is such an ecological we got the poster!

With the children they learned a poem about our chamomile:

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Frankly, I was not going to show this master class, having decided, well, what to show there, and so everything is clear, but when they turned to me.

A poster, a wall newspaper, a collage are an integral part of the decoration of holidays in a preschool institution. They are meaningful and aesthetic.

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For each holiday, I want to somehow customize and decorate the hallway in a special thematic way. Most often, we decorate with creative works of children:

Crafts on the theme "Take care of nature", drawings on the theme "Ecology of nature" will help children to instill a love for their native land, to learn how to use waste material.

The content of the article:

Children need to cultivate a respect for nature from childhood. After all, if parents allow themselves to litter in the forest, then their children will behave the same way. If adults show children how to protect nature, love it, then the kids will grow up as worthy people. Be more in nature with children, tell them about plants and trees. Collect natural material: cones, rowan bunches, plant seeds, so that you can do joint work at home.

Crafts "Take care of nature"

Children love to color. Therefore, print a poster on this topic in black and white, give the kids creative freedom. Let them add bright colors to the canvas using crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. Tell them what shade the elements of the poster should be, but if the children want to show their vision of the plot, do not interfere with them, let them show their individuality. Then teach them how to make a “Take care of nature” crafts. Prepare everything you need in advance.

Craft "Waterfall"

If you went out with the children on a picnic, after the feast, tell them that plant residues can be buried in the forest, they will rot. But with plastic bottles, such a number will not work. Therefore, you need to take them with you in order to throw them into the trash can or do a wonderful job for which you need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • water;
  • Cup;
  • beads;
  • colored paper;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • gouache.
Use scissors to help your baby cut the plastic bottle in half across, almost in half. The top should be slightly smaller than the bottom. The child will paint this half with a neck to turn it into a fish, then draw an eye for it with a felt-tip pen.
The sheet of blue cardboard will turn into water. At the bottom you need to glue the beads, and cut out a kind of pebbles from multi-colored paper.

It remains to glue the "fish" on the blue cardboard, draw air bubbles in the water.

Crafts from natural material

To create it you will need:

  • Walnut;
  • cone;
  • dry grass;
  • tree branches;
  • saw cut from a dry tree trunk, which will become a stand;
  • glue.
On the saw cut of a tree - a wooden stand, the child will glue dry grass, and attach the twigs using plasticine. Lesovichek will live in this forest. His baby will make from a walnut, which will become a head and cones - this is a body. These parts must be connected with plasticine. Facial features are also made from it. But it is necessary to use plasticine of the corresponding colors, as well as for plants, mushrooms, which must be attached to a stand.

Write “Take care of the forest!” With a bright marker along the edge of the stand, and if the child is already familiar with literacy, let him do it himself.

Drawings on the theme "Ecology of nature"

Such creativity will also instill in children a love for their native land. If they were asked to bring drawings on the theme of the ecology of nature to the children's institution, the following can be advised.

In this poster, the author shows how specifically each person can help preserve a normal ecology and pies. For this you need:
  • clean up trash after yourself;
  • after resting by the fire, be sure to put it out;
  • not pouring water in vain;
  • save electricity;
  • take care of your home.

Reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere will also help preserve the environment. It is not for nothing that in the summer, motorists are encouraged to change to bicycles in order to get to work on this transport.

Parents can go cycling with their children, thus also playing sports in the fresh air.

The following figure on the topic of ecology of nature is symbolic. Under a bright rainbow, the child depicted a representative of animals, birds, insects, plants and calls on everyone to preserve our nature.

The next work is intended for schoolchildren. To do it, you will need:
  • sheet of paper or whatman paper;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • paints.
First, on paper with a pencil, you need to outline the main elements of the canvas. If some didn't work out right away, you can erase them with an eraser and redo them.

The picture is divided into 2 thematic parts. On the left there is a beautiful nature, a grazing horse, soaring birds in the blue sky, and on the right - industrial enterprises that carry out harmful emissions into the atmosphere and, as a result, dead trees, bushes, grass.

The next poster on the theme “Protect Nature” shows children how to protect the forest from fire.

If the child is asked to draw a picture on this topic, you can give him the following idea. There is a forest, a river, a rainbow, and animals.

If this drawing on the theme "Ecology of Nature" is intended for secondary schoolchildren, the next one can be reproduced by children from primary school and older groups of kindergarten. Show them how to draw cone-shaped tree crowns and a lush crown. Children will also be able to draw lilies of the valley and strawberries.

Another work was done in a very interesting technique. To do the same, take:
  • a needle;
  • colored threads;
  • a sheet of white cardboard;
  • simple pencil.
First, barely pressing a pencil, you need to draw a rainbow, below - the rays of the rising sun. In the center of the picture there are outstretched palms and the inscription “Take care of nature!”.

We start at the bottom of the canvas. Help your child pass the yellow thread through the eye of the needle, tie a knot at the two ends of the thread. The sun's rays can be made long or multi-stitch. Children will embroider a rainbow with threads of different colors, they will finish the work in the same technique.

The following canvases are based on comparison and contrast.

A corner of the globe is drawn on the right. Explain to the children that it will stay that way if we all protect nature. On the left, it is shown what it will become if you litter, not worry about putting out a fire behind you or burning it in the wrong place. The pollution of water bodies will also lead to such sad consequences. The child will understand all this if he draws such a canvas.

Another work develops this idea and shows that people have the power to resist atmospheric pollution, it is necessary to reduce the amount of exhaust gases, and to remove trash after themselves.

The following drawing is also intended to instill in children the correct thoughts regarding ecology.

To let the guys know that a lot of interesting things can be made from junk material, offer them the following ideas.

Garbage crafts

Children love kinder surprises, so they almost always have packages from the gifts inside. Teach the children by showing what can be made from such waste material.

The result is wonderful funny chicks. To make them, the kids will need:
  • plastic containers for kinder eggs;
  • glue;
  • beads or pins;
  • yellow and red cardboard;
  • scissors.
Wings of yellow and combs of red paper need to be glued to one plastic package, and bead eyes should be attached in the same way.

You can pierce the top of the kinder egg package with two pins. Then the beads remaining outside will become chicken eyes.

To make the shell, have the parents cut the top of each half of the package in a zigzag pattern. It will be more difficult for children to do this. Together with them, make a nest from straw or dry grass, or from thin twigs, fastening the elements with thread or glue.

You can make such a picturesque bouquet out of garbage. To create it take:
  • packages from under kinder eggs of different colors;
  • scissors;
  • sisal or green plastic bottles;
  • cocktail tubes;
  • nail.
Crafting workshop:
  1. Also cut the egg halves in a zigzag pattern. On the reverse side, use a heated nail to poke through the hole.
  2. Insert a straw into each, push the edge further away first to cut it into 2 pieces. Then tie them in a knot, then this "stem" will be firmly fixed in the flower.
  3. Arrange them all the same way. Connect the flowers, cover with sisal, tie with a ribbon.
  4. If there is no sisal, then the top and bottom of the green plastic bottle should be cut off and the remaining part spiral into a thin strip.
For the following crafts on the topic, take care of nature, you will need:
  • kinder egg packaging;
  • toothpicks;
  • scissors;
  • plasticine;
  • paints;
  • thin colored rope;
  • flat lid from a cardboard box;
  • green colored paper;
  • glue.
Step-by-step production:
  1. Let the child glue colored paper inside the lid of the box, this is a carpet of green grass. Toothpicks need to be pre-painted, when dry, stick along the edge of the box, like a palisade. These pickets are tied with rope in several rows to make a fence.
  2. Pierce the lower parts of the plastic blanks with an awl, let the child insert toothpicks here. He will coat them with black plasticine, from it he will make small circles, attach them to the body of a cow. Then you need to sculpt horns, and a muzzle from yellow plasticine.
  3. In the same way, let the child create other animals: a pig, a cat, a dog, a sheep. Then you get a whole village farm, but you already know how to make chickens from kinders.

The following crafts, take care of nature, are no less interesting to perform. After all, after the feast, the holiday, there are plastic cups, disposable plates. Make such a clown from them together with the children.

For him you will need:
  • durable wire;
  • disposable plates and glasses;
  • plastic tray;
  • rubber gloves;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • buttons;
  • multi-colored threads;
  • cardboard;
  • plastic bottle;
  • glue.
Manufacturing sequence:
  1. Make a skeleton of the man out of the wire. String cups on each wire that have become arms and legs, piercing their bottom.
  2. Glue 2 plates together, placing the hair of plastic between them. Glue the threads on the face in the shape of the mouth, cheeks, eyelashes. And the pupils can be made from a plastic bottle.
  3. Two trays will become the back and front of the clown. Decorate his clothes with buttons, sequins, cardboard, which will turn into a jacket collar.
  4. Stuff the gloves with padding polyester, attach them in place. This is how the theme of the ecology of nature began to play. After all, this garbage will not harm her if you make such crafts for a summer residence or for a competition.
And an empty container from the "Dressing Duck" or other household chemicals will easily become a toy bus. And another bottle - by helicopter.

To make the first toy, you need to take an empty plastic bottle of a similar shape, for example, from a "toilet duck", rinse it well, remove the label. Draw the windows and doors of this minibus with a felt-tip pen, cut them out with a knife and scissors.

To prevent the child from getting hurt on the sharp edges of the plastic, sand them first with coarse, then fine sandpaper.

The covers can be glued with super glue by making wheels or using wire axles. Make two punctures with an awl on the same and the same number on the other side of the bottom of the bottle. Insert one and the second wire into them, on the ends of which you need to glue on the lid, which will become the axes.

And to make a helicopter, you will need:

  • 2 bottles of drinking yogurt;
  • glue;
  • 2 plastic bottle caps;
  • cocktail straws;
  • 2 nails;
  • scissors.
The first bottle of drinking yogurt will be the main bottle. You can just draw a booth on its bottom or cut off the bottom and glue here half of the plastic packaging from the kinder egg.

Make runners from two straws, attach them to the strips of plastic cut from the second bottle.

Use a hot thin nail with a wide head to make a hole in the lid and the place where it is attached, as well as in the ends of the straws. Match these parts to create the top propeller. In the tail section, make it out of straws.

If you need to quickly make a craft about the ecology of nature, use plastic bottles. Tell your child that those who throw them in the forest are damaging the environment. After all, such a container will rot only after 200 years! It is better to make a craft out of it for the competition. It will take very little time and materials to make the next one, here are the ones:

  • milk bottle;
  • plasticine;
  • 2 buttons;
  • black and white cardboard;
  • glue;
  • pliers;
  • wire wrapped in white.
Cut 4 pieces of wire with pliers, glue them to the bottom of the bottle, turning it horizontally. Make a tail from the thinner wire in the winding.

Have a child smear black plasticine on the bottle cap to make this rat's nose. He will cut out the ears from white cardboard, and a mustache from black cardboard for her. Using plasticine, he will attach eyes to the muzzle.

To make fun snowmen, show the children how to paint Actimel bottles with a felt-tip pen to create the facial features of these characters. You can teach your child to knit. Cast on 2 knitting needles loops, show him how to knit a rectangular fabric with garter stitch. Then it must be sewn on the wrong side. Then - thread the needle and pass the thread into the upper part of the cap, tighten it.

How to make a fan of forks was described in the corresponding article. Next to him, such an animal from a plastic bottle will look wonderful.

From the other two, you need to cut off the necks and glue them directly with the plugs to the main container. The legs are done. The ears are cut from the remains of the auxiliary bottle.

It is easy to create an adorable horse from two colorful bottles and a thread mop attachment.

To make a cat, you will need:
  • 3 identical bottles;
  • scissors;
  • paints;
  • brush;
  • glue;
  • a piece of fur.
The necks of two bottles are cut off, they need to be inserted into one another to make the body of a cat. From the third bottle you only need the bottom, glue it instead of the head. Make ears from the scraps of plastic, also glue them in place. It remains to paint the base to make a cat, glue a piece of fur on the head, and the tail can be made of cardboard or plastic.

Flowers from a plastic bottle can also help turn your trash into decorative items or competition work. The petals are cut from this container. In order for them to bend like this, you need to hold the blanks over the flame for a short time.

Crafts from textiles and other materials

They will also show children how to craft from junk things, from the remnants of fabric, leather.

To make such a panel, take:
  • scraps of tissue;
  • pieces of suede;
  • buttons;
  • lacing;
  • old zipper;
  • unnecessary things;
  • cardboard.
Step-by-step production:
  1. A sheet of cardboard will become the basis of the canvas. If you want it to be voluminous, you can put a sheet synthetic winterizer between it and the fabric. If not, then immediately glue the rectangle of fabric onto the cardboard, or a child will do it.
  2. Let him carve the trunk and branches of a tree from brown suede, and its crown from green fabric. If it’s an apple tree, have it cut the fruit out of patches of the corresponding color. Sew loops to them, let them put them on the buttons sewn to the crown.
  3. For the child to develop hand motor skills, sew a zipper onto the barrel, let it unfasten and fasten it. Sew the lacing here, which will also help your baby's fine motor skills.

Like apples, cut out butterflies out of thick fabric, or you can attach them to the tree with loops and buttons.

A doll made of threads will turn out to be delicate and airy. To create it, you will need:
  • 2 balloons;
  • the cloth;
  • PVA glue;
  • needle;
  • brush;
  • flaps;
  • buttons;
  • some wool or roving.
Have the child inflate 2 balloons, one of which will be slightly larger. Now you need to grease them in turn with PVA and wrap them with threads. These blanks are left to dry for a day. Then you need to burst the balls with a needle, remove them.

Let the child glue these 2 balls, glue one roving or wool on top, which will become the hair of a tumbler. Tie her a handkerchief. A button will become her nose, a piece of red cloth will become her mouth, and blue and white will become her eyes. It remains to tie a scarf, the work is completed.

If mom has a cord left from needlework, let him show her daughter or son how this thin braid can be sewn by folding it to make a flower. You can first trim the fabric petals with this cord, and then stitch them onto the canvas.

Handicrafts take care of nature can also be made from metal waste. See how unnecessary parts from a computer and an SD disk turn into a clock.

You can make a whole city out of garbage using wallpaper scraps, cardboard boxes, plastic bottles.

Even shavings from colored pencils can be used by turning them into a chic princess dress. The girl herself will cut out of colored paper.

The following work shows how you can use various waste materials, these are:
  • candy wrappers;
  • juice straws;
  • plastic bottles for milk, sauces;
  • buttons;
  • corrugated paper;
  • braid.
If there are no remnants of corrugated paper, cardboard, thick fabric will do. On this base, you need to glue flowers made as follows. Cut flowers from yellow and red plastic bottles, as well as from candy wrappers. Fold these blanks, place the button on top. Sew on it, connecting all the elements.

The cut straws will become the stamens of the flower; they need to be glued around the button. The next flower can be created from a wrapper. It is folded like an accordion, folded, a button is glued or sewn to the center. The next flower is made of one plastic.

All these plants are attached to the base, decorated with braid panels.

When creating such crafts with your children, tell them about the ecology of nature, so that they know how you can make such beautiful things out of garbage. Videos can help you get familiar with other fun ideas as well.

How to make a craft on the topic "Protect nature", see the following video:

The topic of ecology in recent years has been one of the topical topics all over the world. Therefore, special attention is paid to the ecological education of children from preschool age. Our teaching staff sets itself the task of not only enriching pupils with knowledge about the world around them, teaching children to value nature, forming their need for environmental protection, but also preventing actions that are harmful to nature. After all, it is so important from childhood to teach children to foresee the consequences of human intervention in nature. We perfectly understand that all our efforts will be in vain without the help of the parents of our pupils, therefore we actively involve parents in the upbringing process, through participation in various competitions, promotions, events and holidays.

From 17 to 24 March, our kindergarten hosted a family creative competition for an ecological poster. Parents of all groups took an active part. But 2 groups turned out to be especially active: the smallest group No. 8 "Zateyniki" (educators Abakhova A.V., Doronicheva E.A.) and the oldest group No. 3 "Stars" (educators Shcherbakova S.Yu., Bryantseva L.V. .). We want to thank all the participants in the competition. The works amaze with their thematic variety, technique of execution, used material.

There must of course be winners in the competition. Our jury evaluated the works in the following nominations: "Protect the forest from fire!" In each category there are winners who took 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. The Grand Prix was awarded to the works of Alexandra Koroleva's family, group number 8 "Zateyniki" and the family of Nikolai Murashov, group number 2 "Fireflies". All participants and winners will be awarded with diplomas and certificates.

In conclusion, I would like to say that organizing and conducting environmental campaigns, contests, events, holidays with children is an interesting and fruitful business. But the most important thing is that the result of this activity will be environmentally literate children who are not indifferent to nature - future citizens of our country.

The article was prepared by a member of the jury of the family creative competition

"Environmental poster", educator A.V. Abakhova

Olga Karpenko

It is known that 2017 has been declared the Year ecology in Russia... And the new year began with us with participation in the city competition dedicated to the year ecology... We have selected four of the many nominations for the city competition. One of them is a competition wall newspaper... We are with educator senior group Afonkina Marina Nikolaevna thought for a long time what to call our newspaper. And in the end, we decided to call it " Ecolonok", as she has to tell about the work on education respect for nature in our kindergarten. I will not deny that we were looking for similar wall newspapers wanting to know: how best to arrange it. As a result, we decided to depict a tree, on the foliage of which we place notes and photographs about the work on ecological education of children of our preschool educational institution.

In the left corner we have placed the emblem of the year ecology... Next to it is the name of the newspaper.

In the center of the tree, between the branches, is a symbolic globe, on which B. Zakhodera:

A call to protect the earth from debris was placed on the branches, and on the trunk there was a photo of crafts made of waste material made by our parents pupils.

Each leaf of the crown of a tree is a small story about what is being done in d / s to ecological education of preschoolers.

In the lower left corner there is an ANNOUNCEMENT of articles, and in the right - the names of those who published the newspaper.

This is how we got it wall newspaper... Our guys looked at it with pleasure and recalled all the events reflected in the newspaper.

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