Bedroom design Materials House, garden, plot

Korneev Boris Vasilyevich (Korneev, Boris). Korneev Boris Vasilyevich (Korneev, Boris) works B.V. Korneeva

The Order of the Honor Sign, the Medals "for the courage", "for the defense of Leningrad", "For the victory over Germany", "For the liberation of Prague".

After demobilization, he graduated from LCPP and in 1946 he was adopted on a picturesque department. I was engaged in Boris Fogel, Semyon Abugova, Gleb Pavlovsky, Viktor Oreshnikov, Yuri Nestztseva, Andrey Myotov.

In 1952, Boris Korneev graduated from the Institute at the workshop of Viktor Oreshnikov with the award of the skills of painting artist. The graduation picture is "Schoolchildren at a concert in the Leningrad Philharmonic" (State Art Museum of the Altai Territory, Barnaul).

Since 1952, Boris Korneev participated in urban, republican, all-Union and international exhibitions. Member since 1954. He wrote genre and thematic compositions, portraits, landscapes, still lifes, etudes from nature. Taught in (1962-1973), Professor of the Department of Figure (1973).

The theme painting and the portrait of the contemporary became leading genres in the works of Korneev. The artist has been to the heroic, socially significant topics, to the image of a strong, enthusiastic personality dream. Creative Manera is distinguished by pronounced lyrical color, the desire for simplicity of the storyline, the monumentality of the shape, a concise color scheme. Clear structural composition is built on expressive silhouette. Coloring discreet, based on sonorous black and white contrasts and is descended mainly in cold colors.

In 1950-1960, Korneyev makes creative trips to Altai, Zauchery, Kola Peninsula, visits a number of European countries (Italy, France, Yugoslavia, Spain). In 1965, the honorary title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR was awarded to Korneev. Since 1970, Korneev headed the painting section of the Leningrad Organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR, was also elected Deputy Chairman of the Board of Losch and the Secretary of the Board of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR. In 1971 he was awarded the Order of the Honor Sign.

Among the root works created by the rooted works are the paintings "Home Street in Biysk" (1953), "Altai (Teleto Lake)", "[[: Portrait of an artist M. A. Kozlovskaya]]" (Both 1954), "Birch", "Andreyka "," Saturday "(all 1956)," Portrait of the artist V. F. Podnek "," North night "(both 1957)," Stern Edge. Spring "," Great Luba "(both 1958)," Katya Baltina from the brigade of the finishers "(1959)," Mastering the North "," By the evening "," Worker "(all 1960)," the country needs a metal. Geologists "(1961)," Wet morning "," Self-portrait "(both 1962)," Ice track. Ladoga on April 23, 1942, "," The Plotter of Yakut Diamonds L. A. Pargeva "," Road of Life "," 1941th year "(all 1964)," Cola noise "(1966)," Village "," in the steppes under Kherson "," Gold Polaria "(all 1967)," Portrait of Pasta V. Baikov "(1970)," M. M. Eparin, Captain of the Murmansk Fish Port "," Cosmetologist A. Sakeranskaya "," Portrait of Son "(all 1971)," on vacation "," Tanya "," N. E. Efimov, an employee of the factory, a printed courtyard, a former commander of the company of the 466th regiment of the Leningrad Front "," Leningrad. 1944 "(All 1972)," Return "," Girl on a pink background "(both 1973).

Personal exhibitions of works by Boris Korneev passed in Leningrad at the Museum of the Academy of Arts (1975) and in St. Petersburg at the N. A. Nekrasov Museum (1997). In 1989-1992, B. V. Korneev was successfully presented at exhibitions and auctions of Russian painting. L "ECOLE DE LENINGRAD in France .

Korneev Boris Vasilyevich died in Leningrad on December 24, 1973 at the fifty-second year of life. His works are located in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, in numerous artistic museums and private collections in Russia, USA, Japan, Great Britain, France and other countries.


  1. . - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1975. - P. 14.
  2. . - M.: Union of Artists of Russia, 2000. - p.144.
  3. Ivanov S. Unknown socialism. Leningrad school. St. Petersburg, NP Print, 2007. p.362.
  4. Boris Vasilyevich Korniev. Catalog of exhibition works. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1975. - P. 14, 18.
  5. Boris Vasilyevich Korniev. Catalog of exhibition works. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1975. - P. 15, 16.
  6. Boris Vasilyevich Korniev. Catalog of exhibition works. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1975. - P. 15.
  7. Boris Vasilyevich Korniev. Obituary. // Evening Leningrad, 1973, December 25th.
  8. - St. Petersburg: NP Print, 2007. - p.331.
  9. - L.: Isogiz, 1954. - p.12.
  10. Ivanov S. V. Unknown socialism. Leningrad school. - St. Petersburg: NP Print, 2007. - p.46.
  11. - L. Leningrad artist, 1958. - p.14.
  12. - L. Leningrad artist, 1958. - p.18.
  13. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1959. - p.15.
  14. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1961. - p.22.
  15. - M.: Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR, 1960. - p.43.
  16. // Artist. 1962, No. 2. - P. 8.
  17. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1964. - p.22.
  18. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1962. - p.15.
  19. Ivanov S. V. Unknown socialism. Leningrad school. - St. Petersburg: NP Print, 2007. - p.139.
  20. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1976. - C.20.
  21. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1965. - p.26.
  22. Artist. 1965, No. 3. - C.2.
  23. - M.: Soviet artist, 1965. - p.22.
  24. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1980. - p.17.
  25. - M.: Soviet artist, 1975. - p.22.
  26. Soviet Russia. Third republican art exhibition. Catalog. - M.: Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR, 1967. - p.32.
  27. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1972. - p.13.
  28. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1972. - C.10.
  29. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1973. - S.7.
  30. ] - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1974. - p.15.
  31. Artist. 1976, No. 2. - p.16.
  32. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1983. - p.12.
  33. - Paris: Drouot Richelieu, 11 Juin 1990. - P.58-59.
  34. L "ECOLE DE LENINGRAD. AUTION CATALOGUE. - Paris: Drouot Richelieu, 16 Juin 1989. - P.46-47.
  35. Ivanov S. V. Unknown socialism. Leningrad school. - St. Petersburg: NP Print, 2007. - P. 6-7.
  36. L "ECOLE DE LENINGRAD. AUTION CATALOGUE. - Paris: Drouot Richelieu, 12 Mars 1990. - P.72-73.



Exhibitions with Boris Vasilyevich Korneev

  • Year (Leningrad): Exhibition of theses of the graduates of the institute named after I. E. Repin 1952.
  • Year (Leningrad): Spring.
  • Year (Leningrad): .
  • Year (Leningrad): 1917-1957. Exhibition of works of Leningrad artists.
  • Year (Moscow): All-Union Art Exhibition dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
  • Year (Leningrad): Autumn exhibition of works of Leningrad artists.
  • Year (Leningrad): Exhibition of works of Leningrad artists in 1960.
  • Year (Leningrad): Exhibition of works of Leningrad artists.
  • Year (Moscow): Soviet Russia. Republican art exhibition .
  • Year (Leningrad): Exhibition of works of Leningrad artists Opened in the halls of the State Russian Museum.
  • Year (Leningrad): Autumn exhibition of works of Leningrad artists.
  • Year (Leningrad): Leningrad. Zonal exhibition.
  • Year (Moscow): Soviet Russia. Second Republican Art Exhibition.
  • Year (Moscow): Soviet Russia. Third Republican Art Exhibition.
  • Year (Leningrad): Our contemporary. Exhibition of works of Leningrad artists in 1971.
  • Year (Leningrad): Our contemporary. Second exhibition of works of Leningrad artists.
  • Year (Leningrad): In the native country. Exhibition of works of Leningrad artists.
  • Year (Leningrad): Our contemporary. Third exhibition of works of Leningrad artists.
  • Year (Leningrad): Our contemporary. Zonal exhibition of works of Leningrad artists.
  • Year (Moscow): Soviet Russia. Fifth Republican Exhibition.
  • Year (Leningrad): Exhibition of works by Boris Korneev in the halls of the Scientific Research Museum of the Academy of Arts of the USSR.
  • Year (Leningrad): Portrait of a contemporary. Fifth exhibition of works of Leningrad artists.


  • Spring exhibition of works of Leningrad artists in 1954. Catalog. - L.: Isogiz, 1954. - p.12.
  • Autumn exhibition of works of Leningrad artists. 1956. Catalog. - L. Leningrad artist, 1958. - p.14.
  • 1917-1957. Exhibition of works of Leningrad artists. Catalog. - L. Leningrad artist, 1958. - P. 18.
  • All-Union Art Exhibition dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Catalog. - M.: Soviet artist, 1957. - p.37.
  • Autumn exhibition of works of Leningrad artists of 1958. Catalog. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1959. - p.15.
  • Swedov V. What does Leningrad artists work on // Artist. 1959, No. 9. - P. 5-9.
  • Exhibition of works of Leningrad artists in 1960. Catalog. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1963. - C.11.
  • Exhibition of works of Leningrad artists in 1960. Catalog. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1961. - p.22.
  • Soviet Russia. Republican art exhibition. Catalog. - M.: Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR, 1960. - p.43.
  • Schmarinov D. New Stage - new tasks // Artist. 1960, No. 8. - C.2.
  • Exhibition of works of Leningrad artists of 1961. Catalog. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1964. - p.22.
  • Herman M. First impressions. Notes on painting and graphics at the autumn exhibition. // Evening Leningrad, 1961, September 23.
  • Vishnyakov B. from the standpoint of life truth // Artist. 1962, # 2. - p.8.
  • Autumn exhibition of works of Leningrad artists of 1962. Catalog. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1962. - p.15.
  • Leonova N. Heroes of paintings - Soviet people // Evening Leningrad, 1964, January 18th.
  • Leningrad. Zonal exhibition. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1965. - p.26.
  • Moldavian D. "Leningrad". At zonal art exhibitions // Literary Russia, 1964, November 27.
  • Butkevich O. from finds to discoveries. Notes from the exhibition "Leningrad" // Soviet culture, 1964, December 26th.
  • Dmitrenko A. Gear of contemporary // Change, 1964, December 27th.
  • Krivenko I. "Leningrad" (Painting section) // Artist. 1965, No. 3. - C.27-36.
  • VEYNOVA I. Main Hero - Contemporary // Art. 1965, No. 3. - P.9.
  • Soviet Russia. Second Republican Art Exhibition. Catalog. - M.: Soviet artist, 1965. - p.22.
  • The Third Republican Art Exhibition "Soviet Russia". Catalog. M.: MK RSFSR, 1967. - C.32.
  • Spring exhibition of works of Leningrad artists of 1971. Catalog. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1972. - C.10.
  • Our contemporary. Catalog of the exhibition works of the Leningrad artists of 1971. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1972. - p.13.
  • Our contemporary. The second exhibition of works of Leningrad artists of 1972. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1973. - S.7.
  • Our contemporary. The third exhibition of works of Leningrad artists of 1973. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1974. - P.9.
  • In the native country. Exhibition of works of Leningrad artists. Catalog. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1974. - p.15.
  • Our contemporary. Zonal exhibition of works of Leningrad artists of 1975. Catalog. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1980. - p.17.
  • Dmitrenko A. World of contemporary. // Leningrad Pravda, 1975, October 12th.
  • Soviet Russia. Fifth Republican Exhibition. - M.: Soviet artist, 1975. - p.22.
  • Boris Vasilyevich Korniev. Catalog of exhibition works. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1975. - 52 p.
  • Fine art of Leningrad. Catalog of the exhibition. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1976. - C.20.
  • Portrait of a contemporary. Fifth exhibition of works of Leningrad artists in 1976. Catalog. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1983. - p.12.
  • Exhibition of works of Leningrad artists dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the enemy blockade. Catalog. - L.: Artist RSFSR, 1984. - C.10.27.
  • L "ECOLE DE LENINGRAD. AUTION CATALOGUE. - Paris: Drouot Richelieu, 16Juin 1989. - P. 46-47.
  • L "ECOLE DE LENINGRAD. AUTION CATALOGUE. - Paris: Drouot Richelieu, 27 Novembre 1989. - p. 27.
  • L "ECOLE DE LENINGRAD. AUTION CATALOGUE. - Paris: Drouot Richelieu, 12 Mars 1990. - p. 72-73.
  • PEINTURE RUSSE. Catalogue. - Paris: Drouot Richelieu, 18 Fevrier, 1991. - p. 7.57.
  • L "ECOLE DE LENINGRAD. AUTION CATALOGUE. - Paris: Drouot Richelieu, 11 Juin 1990. - P. 58-59.
  • Leningrad artists. Painting 1950-1980. Catalog. - St. Petersburg: Exhibition Center PSX, 1994. - C.3.
  • Etude in the work of Leningrad artists. Exhibition of works. Catalog. - St. Petersburg: Memorial Museum N. A. Nekrasova, 1994. - C.4.
  • Painting 1940-1990. Leningrad school. Exhibition of works. - St. Petersburg: Memorial Museum N. A. Nekrasova, 1996. - C.3.
  • Boris Korneev. Painting. Exhibition of works for the 75th anniversary of birth. Catalog. - St. Petersburg: Memorial Museum N. A. Nekrasova, 1997. - 6 p.
  • Communication times. 1932-1997. Artists - members of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists of Russia. Catalog of the exhibition. - St. Petersburg: Manezh Central University, 1997. - C.34,283.
  • We remember ... Artists, art historians - participants in the Great Patriotic War. - M.: Union of Artists of Russia, 2000. - p.144.
  • Ivanov S. V. Unknown socialism. Leningrad school. - St. Petersburg: NP Print, 2007. - P.9.20,21,24,362,389-399,403-406,442,446.
(1973-12-24 ) (51 years)


Korneev Boris Vasilyevich Born February, 15 1922 in Petrozavodsk , Karelia.

In 1938, Boris Korneev entered Leningrad Art and Pedagogical School which graduated after the Great Patriotic War. In 1942-1945, he was in the existing army. As part of the 749th Rifle Regiment participated in the breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad, in the liberation of Baltic States, Karelia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, in the forcing of the Vistula, Oder, Narva. Awarded The Order of Fame , Order " Badge of honor ", Medals" For courage », « For the defense of Leningrad », « For the victory over Germany », « For the liberation of Prague » .

After demobilization graduation LCP And in 1946 he was adopted on a picturesque department. Was engaged in Boris Fugher. , Semen Abugova , Gleb Pavlovsky , Viktor Oreshnikov , Yuri Naktsev , Andrei Mynikov.

In 1952, Boris Korneev graduated from the Institute for the Workshop Viktor Oreshnikov With the qualifications of painting artist. The graduation picture is "Schoolchildren at a concert in the Leningrad Philharmonic" (State Art Museum of the Altai Territory, Barnaul).

Since 1952, Boris Korneev participated in urban , Republican, All-Union and International Exhibitions. Member since 1954. He wrote genre and thematic compositions, portraits, landscapes, still lifes, etudes from nature. Taught in (1962-1973), Professor of the Department of Figure (1973).

The theme painting and the portrait of the contemporary became leading genres in the works of Korneev. The artist has been to the heroic, socially significant topics, to the image of a strong, enthusiastic personality dream. Creative Manera is distinguished by pronounced lyrical color, the desire for simplicity of the storyline, the monumentality of the shape, a concise color scheme. Clear structural composition is built on expressive silhouette. Coloring discreet, based on sonorous black and white contrasts and is descended mainly in cold colors.

In 1950-1960, Korneyev makes creative trips to Altai, Zauchery, Kola Peninsula, visits a number of European countries (Italy, France, Yugoslavia, Spain). In 1965, an honorary title was awarded to Koreev Honored artist RSFSR . Since 1970, Korneev has headed the painting section Leningrad Organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR was also elected deputy chairman of the Board Los. and the secretaries of the board of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR. In 1971 he was awarded the Order " Badge of honor ».

Among the root works created by the rooted works are the paintings "Home Street in Biysk" (1953), "Altai (Teleto Lake)", "[[: Portrait of an artist M. A. Kozlovskaya]]" (Both 1954), "Birch", "Andreyka "," Saturday "(all 1956)," Portrait of the artist V. F. Podnek "," North night "(both 1957)," Stern Edge. Spring "," Great Luba "(both 1958)," Katya Baltina from the brigade of the finishers "(1959)," Mastering the North "," By the evening "," Worker "(all 1960)," the country needs a metal. Geologists "(1961)," Wet morning "," Self-portrait "(both 1962)," Ice track. Ladoga on April 23, 1942, "," The Plotter of Yakut Diamonds L. A. Pargeva "," Road of Life "," 1941th year "(all 1964)," Cola noise "(1966)," Village "," in the steppes under Kherson "," Gold Polaria "(all 1967)," Portrait of Pasta V. Baikov "(1970)," M. M. Eparin, Captain of the Murmansk Fish Port "," Cosmetologist A. Sakeranskaya "," Portrait of Son "(all 1971)," on vacation "," Tanya "," N. E. Efimov, an employee of the factory, a printed courtyard, a former commander of the company of the 466th regiment of the Leningrad Front "," Leningrad. 1944 "(All 1972)," Return "," Girl on a pink background "(both 1973).

Personal exhibitions of works by Boris Korneev passed in Leningrad at the Museum of the Academy of Arts (1975) and in St. Petersburg at the N. A. Nekrasov Museum (1997). In 1989-1992, B. V. Korneev was successfully presented at exhibitions and auctions of Russian painting. L "ECOLE DE LENINGRAD in France .

Korneev Boris Vasilyevich died in Leningrad on December 24 1973. Fifty-second year of life. His works are located in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, in numerous artistic museums and private collections in Russia, USA, Japan, Great Britain, France and other countries.

In 1942-1945, he was in the existing army. As part of the 749th Rifle Regiment participated in the breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad, in the liberation of Baltic States, Karelia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, in the forcing of the Vistula, Oder, Narva. He was awarded the Order of the Fame of the third degree, the Order of the "Honor Sign", the medals "for the courage", "for the defense of Leningrad", "For the victory over Germany", "For the liberation of Prague".

After demobilization, he graduated from LCPP and in 1946 he was adopted on a picturesque department. I was engaged in Boris Fogel, Semyon Abugova, Gleb Pavlovsky, Viktor Oreshnikov, Yuri Nestztseva, Andrey Myotov.

In 1952, Boris Korneev graduated from the Institute at the workshop of Viktor Oreshnikov with the award of the skills of painting artist. The graduation picture is "Schoolchildren at a concert in the Leningrad Philharmonic" (State Art Museum of the Altai Territory, Barnaul).

Since 1952, Boris Korneev participated in urban, republican, all-Union and international exhibitions. Member since 1954. He wrote genre and thematic compositions, portraits, landscapes, still lifes, etudes from nature. Taught in (1962-1973), Professor of the Department of Figure (1973).

The theme painting and the portrait of the contemporary became leading genres in the works of Korneev. The artist has been to the heroic, socially significant topics, to the image of a strong, enthusiastic personality dream. Creative Manera is distinguished by pronounced lyrical color, the desire for simplicity of the storyline, the monumentality of the shape, a concise color scheme. Clear structural composition is built on expressive silhouette. Coloring discreet, based on sonorous black and white contrasts and is descended mainly in cold colors.

In 1950-1960, Korneyev makes creative trips to Altai, Zauchery, Kola Peninsula, visits a number of European countries (Italy, France, Yugoslavia, Spain). In 1965, the honorary title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR was awarded to Korneev. Since 1970, Korneev headed the painting section of the Leningrad Organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR, was also elected Deputy Chairman of the Board of Losch and the Secretary of the Board of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR. In 1971 he was awarded the Order of the Honor Sign.

Among the root works created by the rooted works are the paintings "Home Street in Biysk" (1953), "Altai (Teleto Lake)", "[[: Portrait of an artist M. A. Kozlovskaya]]" (Both 1954), "Birch", "Andreyka "," Saturday "(all 1956)," Portrait of the artist V. F. Podnek "," North night "(both 1957)," Stern Edge. Spring "," Great Luba "(both 1958)," Katya Baltina from the brigade of the finishers "(1959)," Mastering the North "," By the evening "," Worker "(all 1960)," the country needs a metal. Geologists "(1961)," Wet morning "," Self-portrait "(both 1962)," Ice track. Ladoga on April 23, 1942, "," The Plotter of Yakut Diamonds L. A. Pargeva "," Road of Life "," 1941th year "(all 1964)," Cola noise "(1966)," Village "," in the steppes under Kherson "," Gold Polaria "(all 1967)," Portrait of Pasta V. Baikov "(1970)," M. M. Eparin, Captain of the Murmansk Fish Port "," Cosmetologist A. Sakeranskaya "," Portrait of Son "L" Ecole de Leningrad and other countries.

Kopekin Mikhail Semenovich Born on February 14, 1905 in the village of Borschovo Klin district of Moscow province. He studied in 1926-1930 in Moscow at the picturesque faculty of the History of Arts named after A. V. Lunacharsky, in 1934-1939 in Leningrad in the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculptures and Architecture of the All-Russian Academy of Arts, V. N. Yakovlev, A. M. Lyubimova, and . I. Brodsky. In 1939 he graduated from the Institute for the workshop I. I. Brodsky with the assignment of the title of artist of painting. Thesis is the picture "Life of women and children of our collective farms" [participated in exhibitions since 1935, exhibiting their work together with the works of the leading masters of the visual art of Leningrad. In 1946, he was admitted to the Leningrad Union of Soviet artists in the Painting Section. After the war, he taught in the Leningrad Higher Art and Industrial School (1946-1950), in the Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculptures and Architectures named after I. E. Repin (1950-1981). Wrote thematic and genre compositions, portraits, landscapes. Picture by "Portrait of the Girl" (1941), "On the streets of Vienna" (1945), "Portrait of a Honored Teacher of the RSFSR A. L. Serkova", "Portrait of a teacher L. A. Sokolovskaya" (both 1950), "Portrait of Pioneerworthy Rai Shibanova "(1951)," Portrait of I. Casino "(1958) and others.

Kopekin Mikhail Semenovich died on March 29, 1983 in Leningrad at seventy-ninth year of life. His works are located in the State Russian Museum, in museums and private collections in Russia and abroad.

Strong people were always. And often strongholds performed in a circus, showing people seemed incredible power techniques. One of these circus storm was Boris Korneev.

He toured with one of the circus. Speaking at the arena, he was very stalling the attention of the public. But on one of the speeches, throwing up and catching 50 kilogram girches, strongly broke on one of the hands of a tendon. Circus had to part.


Boris had some means. Therefore, at first he could reduce ends with the ends. When the funds approached the end, he came to the city of Voskresensk. In 1967, Korneev meets Julia Trofimova, who had a 11-year-old daughter Oksana. It seems like happy family life begins. The girl accepted the new "dad".

At the same time, Boris gives an ad in the newspaper about meeting a woman and creating families with her. Two young girls answered this ad. Boris met at first with one, then on the other. And in the end began to meet with them. Julia, he explained the constant disappearance by looking for a job in another region. In fact, Alfons was led by three families. But it was enough for a short time. Boris began to psych that after leaving the circus, became unclaimed in life. The role of Alphonse him did not sit down. But she was not going to work.

Tract for killings

Boris Korneev's first murder committed in his opinion, due to hopelessness. One of his "wives", Irina Schelkuna got pregnant from him. All if nothing. But she demanded a wedding from Boris. Korneev not wished to marry. Therefore, Irina was strangled with a thick rope. Then the killer managed to raise the body on the attic of the nearby two-story building, and throw off the corpse on the roof of the bus stopped at thenime. This action touched upon some tricks in his subconscious, removing the monster from there.

Once 19 Summer Natasha Deljagina, with one of which "lived" Boris, complained that her non-Votor mother, after the death of his father, forced her to have sex with men for helping them at home - then firewood is sharpened, then to ride the water.

Could not withstand such a strong. He strangled a woman who mowed over the stepdaughter, and the hack of the body to the only quarry in the Voskresensk. Boris was very surprised that he liked the murder process.

After that, he began to notice a tendency to Sadizm. Returning to the family to Julia, he began to fasten the 12-year-old chains to 50 kilogram horses, and forced her to drag her throughout. I woke up in the cornea maniaca delivered pleasure to mock the child.

Oksana could not believe that the person with whom she liked to play and communicate, creates such things with her. Julia, at first, believed that thus Boris tears a girl to sports. Although the tears of the daughter trying to cope with the Gary, soon opened the yule eyes.

Once upon a time, Oksana's father came to visit them. They sometimes went to walk with her. He saw her daughter chained to the hiring, and he ventured. He began to yell on sadist.

But he possessing a huge force, grabbed the guy, and brought him out of the house. He broke his neck, after which he took the body to the ravine, which was not far from home. Boris was missing for a long time. When I came, Julia did not dare to ask where her former husband.

Murder and end

It took quite a bit of time. Boris understands that Natasha, who seen the murder of his fellow mother is a dangerous witness. Therefore, he decides to kill her. He is closer to her at night. But there is running on the policeman.

The fact is that the train of the maniac was already operatives. And they staged an ambush in Natasha's house. There was something that the operative remained in the house alone, without support. Celebrates who came in the morning will discover the corpse of his colleague, with the trails of violent death. Sadist Sadist also strangled the policeman as all of his victims. Crawing with the operative, Boris takes the Natasha trusting him, and takes it to a landfill with chemical waste. It also souls, and bursts the body into limestone. The same night returns to Julia's house.

The next day, Julia will take daughter to her grandmother, and herself returns home. Having learned that Julia took Oksana, the maniac comes into rabies. He beats a woman, and calls grandmother. There is an oxana tube. Maniac tells her:
- Tonight will come to the old garages. Otherwise your mother will die. You know me.

And then almost gentle adds:

- Take the chains with you, they will come to you.
The exhausted girl does not turn to her grandmother or in the police. She calls his best friend Misha, and tells him:
- Today we must end it with him.
A teenager promises that he will not let her down.

In the evening, the children came forward to the garages. They took with them a kitchen knife and a hammer. Misha hidden a tree with a hammer. Wait for a short time. Soon appeared. He with a smirk approached the girl. And at that moment, the child, gathering his whole strength and will, threw her hand with a knife forward. The blade entered the sadist's chest as oil. But for his surprise, Boris did not fall. He continued to move towards the girl. And she stood in a stupor, thinking that this is the end.
And at this moment, Misha hit Korneev with a hammer on the back of the head. The blow was strong. But here the sadist stood. He turned to the boy, grabbed him, and he threw a teenager in a tree with everything. Then she turned to Oksana again, and suddenly stumbled and fell lost consciousness.

Manyak and teenager who arrived at the place of ambulance. Misha will subsequently will not be able to walk for several years.

And the maniac recovered, and was sent for treatment in a psychiatric hospital. But he lived for a short time. Patients who were with him, found out the story of their neighbor. Maniac Korneev was strangled with his neighbors on the ward as well as he stifled his victims.