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Anniversary script for man 60 portal php. Scripts. Congratulations from friends

So that bright sunny day has come when your loved one - father, uncle, husband, will celebrate his first "adult" anniversary, his sixtieth birthday. Festive dishes are already being prepared, guests have been invited, gifts for the hero of the day have been bought, congratulations are learned by heart, and you can start. Stop, let's go back in time.

In order for the holiday of your dear hero of the day to be a success, you need to prepare properly: come up with interesting unusual congratulations, funny contests, games, entertainment, etc. Here is our scenario for the anniversary of a 60-year-old man without toastmaster and will help you organize everything.
This is what the birthday man will remember his holiday, colorful pictures he will remain in photographs for many years.

By the way, it is not necessary to involve an experienced presenter for the preparation and holding of the anniversary - you can easily cope yourself if you unswervingly follow the advice from the scenario of the anniversary of a 60-year-old man without a toastmaster. We offer two friends of the birthday boy to spend the holiday. It is good if it is a married couple who has known the hero of the day for many years. We will conventionally call them "Leading" and "Leading". The script of the holiday is written in a nautical style, because our birthday boy is a strong, courageous captain of his family ship.

Scenario of holding an anniversary for a man without a toastmaster “60 years in the passport, but in the soul - youth and fire!”

So, the guests are "on the doorstep", the hero of the day is not yet. The hosts of the holiday invite guests to gather in the banquet hall, and in a few minutes the hero of the day will appear here.
In advance, you need to agree with the hero of the day that he will not appear among the guests ahead of time.
The solemn chords of the holiday sound, the presenters come out to the center of the hall.

Meeting of the hero of the day

MODERATOR: We are glad to meet everyone who is with us today, here and now!

HOST: We welcome all of you in the beautiful hall of the most refined and luxurious restaurant Versailles, which today is filled with awe of the hearts of all who have gathered here to share the joy of the holiday with a wonderful, wise, and always young man.

MODERATOR: So, just to date, he bought a brand new white suit, bought excellent white shoes in the best shoe store in the city and all this in order to amaze all of you with his excellent shape, dear friends.

HOST: Yes, our birthday man is a well-known personality of our city, both adults and children know him. What is his name?
The guests answer amicably.

MODERATOR: Today - he is especially handsome, his image is carefully chosen, gray hair suits him like never before. Who is he?
The guests answer.

HOST: Who is the most charming and generous man on our street?
The guests answer.

MODERATOR: Of course, you all recognized him, only the age of our hero of the day did not name! How old is the birthday boy today?
The guests answer.

HOST: So let's meet the hero of the day in our hall with loud applause and admiring glances!
Music sounds, guests applaud, the birthday man enters the hall, greets those present

MODERATOR: Our dear friend! Today you are truly the star of our evening. If you could see what admiring glances the women present here are looking at you!

MODERATOR: I confirm. Well, for the health of our hero of the day we offer to drink full glasses of fine drinks, and for this we invite everyone for!


HOST: On the yoke of the summer and autumn of this year, many greetings and wishes are addressed to the wise, kind, folk, constant in his thoughts and actions, a known person of our land, our good friend Sergei Alexandrov, on the occasion of his anniversary!

HOST: Congratulating you on your birthday, we express our admiration for your kind and friendly heart, which knows how to both help and support. We are sincerely glad that we have known you for so many years. We know that your mind, honor and dignity have a high calling to be needed by people.
We wish you further inspiration, a solemn uplift of the soul, great personal and family happiness!

Fun "Portrait of a real man"

HOST: Dear friends! We have no doubts for a minute that our birthday boy is a real respected man. But, even the most confident man will never refuse real female attention.

MODERATOR: So, to participate in our competition, we invite our birthday boy and several women to the center of the hall.
The presenter chooses from among the women present five participants of the middle age category, puts on their head hats with the name "Cologne", "Watch", "Tie",

HOST: So, dear women, everyone knows that before a man leaves the house, he needs to create a certain style. The first piece of style is cologne. Come to the birthday man, create a unique fragrance with your hands.
To the melody of the song "Delicate aroma of love" "Cologne" approaches the birthday boy, dances next to him.

MODERATOR: After the cologne, the man puts on a stylish tie corresponding to the status.

The song "Stylish lilac tie" sounds, the girl - "Tie" dances near the birthday boy. But the presenter stops her and invites her to "hang" on the hero's neck.

MODERATOR: We continue to look after the man. The next step is to put on the watch. "Clock" is your way out!

A girl in a hat "clock" to the tune of the song "Tick-tock" approaches the birthday boy, I dance, takes his arm.

MODERATOR: Our birthday boy lacks a gun for his image.

"Shotgun", to the music "Bang-bang", approaches the hero of the day, and climbs behind him.

HOST: There is not enough car to complete the image. So, the Niva car is in the studio!
A girl in a "Niva" hat, to the song "We bought a car", approaches the hero of the day.

MODERATOR: Birthday boy, lean on your car. And now, attention, we are filming: all the girls take their positions at the same time - pervak \u200b\u200b"Cologne", then "Tie", then "Watch", then "Gun" and "Car". And now, everyone kissed the birthday boy together. Happened! Look, friends, this is the portrait of a real man!


HOST: Today our congratulations to a real man, a caring husband and father, a reliable friend and just a wonderful person
From the bottom of our hearts we wish to preserve our best human qualities for at least up to a hundred years and always remain so energetic, businesslike, responsible and necessary people.

MODERATOR: Good health, happiness without measure, harmony and well-being, and also good luck in everything, no matter what he undertakes. And may the Lord give many more bright and happy events in life, which will always be nice to remember, such as tonight!

Contest "Captains for Life"

HOST: Dear friends, today, together with the birthday man, on his ship of life we \u200b\u200bare sailing another beautiful island called "60, but in the soul - youth and fire!" The atmosphere on our ship is positive, the degree of alcohol is normal, the guests' sense of humor is in abundance. The guests have already tasted hot dishes and noble drinks.

HOST: According to the decision of the passengers of the ship, our dear birthday man, Sergei, was appointed captain of our voyage, and his wife Natalia was appointed captain. Let's dress them with insignia!

The guests dress the hero of the day with a captain's cap, and his wife - a beautiful sun-protection hat.

HOST: And now, we suggest the captain and the captain to recruit teams for themselves, and in a fair "battle" decide which of them is more important. "Captain" is recruiting a team of men, "Captain" - a team of women.
A team of men can be dressed in suits of "sailors" (vest, cap), and a team of women - in suits of sailors (sunglasses, hats, summer scarves, etc.)

MODERATOR: The first task for the teams is intellectual. On a tray, the host will bring out shells, inside which questions about the hero of the day are hidden. The task of the teams is to guess the largest number of correct answers. We take the captain and the captain in the other direction, he must give written answers to the questions posed, and the leaders must compare the answers of the teams and the hero of the day, and determine the correct one.


1. On which day of the week was the birthday person born?
2. What is the name of the city in which the hero of the day was born?
3. What was the name of your favorite kindergarten teacher?
4. What school did you finish?
5. How many specialties did you get at the university?
6. How old did he become a father?
7. How many bottles of vodka were drunk in honor of your son's birthday?
8. How many days did the guests walk when the first granddaughter was born?
9. How many cars did the hero of the day have?
10. How many wives?
11. How many times will the captain kiss his captain now?

The leaders determine the victory in the game by the number of correct answers.

Dance competition

HOST: The team of the captain and the captain coped with the first, intellectual task perfectly. The next competition is dance.

MODERATOR: We invite the teams to stand against each other and use dance to prove which of you is stronger.
For you, various compositions, modern and not so, will sound alternately. The team that does the best job wins the dance competition.

Further, according to the scenario of the anniversary for a man of 60 years old, without the participation of a toastmaster, it is necessary to select in advance the phonograms of dance melodies, starting with lambada, rumba, twist, ending with hip-hop and rock compositions. First, the captain's team dances, then the captain's team. The dances should take place to the applause of the guests of the anniversary evening.

Competition for men and women
"Sailors and Mermaids"

HOST: As you know, more than four million different marine animals live in the sea. But there are among them - unknown creatures, whose name is hidden by a veil of fairy tales and legends. Their name is Mermaids.

HOST: Now the team of the hero of the day will turn into mermaids for a few minutes, but a team of young and young fishermen, members of the captain's team, will go hunting for mermaids.

The presenters dress the women who take part in the contests with multi-colored wigs with long hair. The men are dressed in marine caps and vests. There should be one more female mermaids than male fishermen

MODERATOR: Let's ask the fishermen to stand in a circle, and the mermaids to form a circle around them. Now the famous marine musical composition will sound, mermaids and fishermen must dance, seducing each other.

MODERATOR: Then, the music will stop, and the fisherman must pick up one of the mermaids.

HOST: Of course, as you can see, a fisherman of one of the mermaids will not be enough - in that case, she gets an incentive prize from our game and leaves it.

The competition begins. As the game progresses, 1 mermaid is eliminated in each round, she must also take 1 fisherman with her .. The competition continues until 2 mermaids and 1 fisherman remain. And this will be the most "dramatic" moment of the game.

Final of the holiday

HOST: Dear guests of our birthday boy. Now I want us all to go outside together, where big gel balloons are prepared. Let's write all the best wishes to the hero of the day.

HOST: Let's write those golden words that the guests of the holiday uttered with all their hearts.

MODERATOR: And after that, we will definitely drink to the longevity of our birthday man and to celebrate the 61st birthday in a year with the same composition.

All the guests go out into the street, the presenters give them colored gel pens, markers, felt-tip pens with which they can write beautiful words for the birthday boy.
Beautiful music sounds, everyone together releases balls into the sky

TOGETHER: Happy holiday, dear friend!

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To spend an anniversary for 60 years, a man needs a cool script, you can do it yourself at home. In the family circle, there will definitely be a person who will take on the role of a leader. A memorable holiday can be organized without a toastmaster and renting a cafe, you just need to prepare responsibly.

The beginning of the anniversary

Before the start of the holiday, you need to decide who will help the presenter and what items should be purchased for the contests.

Characters and escorts

Because the holiday will be held at home, there will be few actors:

  1. Anniversary.
  2. Wife, children of the birthday boy.
  3. Presenter and his assistant, who will turn on the music.
  4. The rest of the guests.


Because during the jubilee, contests and skits with dressing up will be held, you will need:

  1. Bunny hats for a dress-up competition.
  2. Tickets with questions.
  3. Printed banknotes.
  4. Baskets.
  5. Bag for forfeits.
  6. Jubilee diploma.

Congratulatory part

We are waiting for all the guests to come and, led by the hero of the day, sit down at the table.

Host: Hello friends! Let's start our holiday. Let's not waste time in vain, let's raise our glasses to the health of the birthday man. On my own behalf, I want to wish you happiness, health, vigor and fun. So that you live beautifully, do not know troubles and everyone gathered in this home circle as often as possible. Happy Birthday!

At this time, the music turns on and everyone starts singing the song “Happy Birthday”, while clapping their hands.

Let me say a few words

Six decades have passed since birth,

Everyone understands and knows that he is a man of gold!

And a congratulatory word for his beloved wife.

After the poem, the wife of the hero of the day gets up and makes a toast. She talks about life together, how they met, and other stories. The wife gives a gift to the hero of the day.

Host: Every year, day after day

He was (name of the hero of the day) well done.

And in the family, he earned the right to be called a father!

And he always tried honestly

To have prosperity in the family,

So let the children talk about it!

Father in turn is congratulated by sons, daughters and their spouses. The leader calls each family member by name. Then gifts are presented.

Despite the round date,

Our birthday boy is young and fresh.

If we didn't see our grandchildren,

You wouldn't know how old you are!

Never would have guessed

But you gave us a secret.

And now your grandchildren want to congratulate you!

Grandchildren take turns congratulating their grandfather and presenting gifts. If the family has small children, then they can also give their grandfather their children's crafts.

After all the relatives of the birthday boy have congratulated him, the floor is given to other guests. The hero of the day hears the toasts of his friends, and this is where the congratulatory part ends.

Game and competition part


The presenter holds contests in turn.

Competition number 1 "Poem for the birthday boy".

Guests are divided into 2 teams, about 5-7 people. They are given a little time to write a poem that will praise the hero of the day. The text should contain the words: anniversary, schoolboy, life.

While the guests are composing the text, the wife of the hero of the day can bring out new dishes or remove excess dishes.

After the poem is ready, the presenter reads it out, and the rest of the guests choose the winner.

As a prize, the team members are given tokens, which they can exchange for a gift at the end of the evening.

Competition No. 2 “Break the Ice”.

Three men are participating in the competition. Each is given a piece of ice. The task of the participants is to melt the ice as quickly as possible. During the competition, cheerful music is played. The one who can be the first to melt the ice is given a token and a gift.

Contest number 3 "60 compliments".

The leader must form 2 teams, each must have 5-6 people or more.

The birthday person should hear 60 wishes and warm words. Each team should quickly come up with 30 compliments. The participant who calls the compliment receives a token.

Contest No. 4 “Guess the Guest”.

The host selects 10 people of any gender. They line up. The hero of the day is blindfolded. He must go up to each person and shake his hand, and if there is a woman in front of him, then kiss her hand. After that, the hero of the day guesses which of the guests is in front of him.

Competition No. 5 “Say a tongue twister”.

The presenter distributes to the participants sheets of paper on which tongue twisters are written. Each person should take turns reading it quickly and without hesitation. The winner is the one who managed to do it better than the others.

Dressing up scenes

For this scene, the presenter distributes hats with hare ears and baskets to several men. Printed dollars are scattered across the floor.

Host: Bunnies, do you want our hero of the day to be rich?

Hares answer: Yes.

Host: Then you need to collect all the greens and put them in the pockets of the birthday boy. Ready?

They turn on the song “We don't care”.

Guests must collect the scattered dollars from the floor to the music and put them in a basket. The one who has the most banknotes wins.

Host: Dear (name), I wish you that your pockets are always heavy. Let's drink to this!


The presenter takes out a bag containing papers with tasks. Each guest pulls out a piece of paper and does what is written there.

Examples of tasks:

  1. Scratch the ear of the neighbor on the left.
  2. Name 2 things that a person is wearing, but not visible to others.
  3. Say the words of love to the hero's thumb.
  4. Pronounce a tongue twister in an affectionate voice: “They took off the colored clothes from Nadezhda, Without clothes, Hope does not attract, as before”.
  5. Drink what is in the glass from the neighbor on the left.
  6. Kiss all the guests on the cheek.
  7. Dance lezginka.
  8. Grunt any song.
  9. Sing a song while holding your nose.
  10. Eat a banana while being held by another person.
  11. Say 15 wishes to the hero of the day.
  12. Tell what animal each of those present looks like.
  13. Portray any actor or singer.
  14. Share what you do every day at work or school.

Humorous riddles

The host takes turns approaching the guests and asking them tricky riddles. People with a good sense of humor like this comic program.

Examples of riddles:

  1. What does the watchman do when a sparrow sits on his hat? (Asleep.)
  2. Who can't get their hair wet in the rain? (Bald man.)
  3. Who has one eye and one horn, but not a rhino? (A cow looking around a corner.)
  4. If you are sitting on an airplane and you have a horse in front and a carriage in the back. Where are you? (On the carousel.)
  5. Why doesn't a chicken have breasts? (Because the rooster has no hands.)
  6. Why does Koschei have no children? (Because he has only one egg, and that is far away.)
  7. Blue gold, what is it? (When the wife came drunk.)
  8. Who has a mustache longer than legs? (Cockroach.)
  9. To whom does the president even take off his headdress? (In front of the hairdresser.)
  10. If you cut the bread into 3 pieces, how many cuts should you make? (2.)

Everyone who gives the correct answer is given a token.

Song contest

To make the holiday atmosphere more cheerful, a song contest is organized.

Competition number 1.

Two teams of 2-3 people are formed.

Any popular song that everyone has heard is included. The guests begin to sing, while pronouncing the words in different ways.

The team in which the participants sang a song louder, funnier and more fun wins. The host distributes tokens to all of them.

Competition number 2.

Conducted while sitting at the table. Guests are divided in pairs. A popular song is played and each couple sings a few lines. The couple who sang the best to get tokens.


Competition number 1.

Music from different countries is included, for example: Georgian, Arabic, Turkish, etc. The guests dance to every song. The one who danced the best is awarded a token.

Competition number 2.

To engage all guests, the host puts them in one line. To the music, the presenter shows the first movement, and the guests repeat. Then - the second movement. There should be 5-7 movements in total - and then you will get a groovy dance.

Competition number 3.

The host asks the guest to take out a piece of paper from the bag, which says which dance to dance. It can be tango, lambada, lezginka, waltz, etc. The music turns on - and the participant dances, the presenter presents a token.

Jubilee finale

At the end of the evening, guests count their tokens. Whoever has the most gets a prize - a bottle of champagne.

The presenter says: “Thank you all the guests for the evening. Once again, congratulations to (name) on the anniversary. " The hero of the day is awarded a certificate.

Veda . We gathered for the anniversary

A fine man.

He sits here among friends

Satisfied. There are reasons.

He looks at us with a smile

And he is happy to meet.

And we do not take our eyes off him.

Ready to push speech.

Let's raise our glass together

For our Valera!

Health to you, hero of the day!

Forward to the century boldly!

Happy anniversary! Hurrah! Hurrah!

(raise glasses, drink)

Veda . Guests gathered at the table.

Everyone made toast.

We will ask Aunt Sveta.

We give her the first floor.

Veda . Unfortunately, the parents of our hero of the day are no longer among us. But we all remember them. It was they Vera Nikolaevna and Veniamin Ivanovich who raised a wonderful person, whose anniversary we are celebrating today. I think today they look at him from transcendental heights with a smile of pride and approval. Let's remember them and wish them the kingdom of heaven. (On the screen are photographs of the parents of the hero of the day and his childhood photos).

Veda . The years passed quickly.

Our Valera has matured.

Hair is already gray.

And what did he manage to do?

We know that Valera has 4 grandchildren. What do they know about grandfather?

A small quiz for grandchildren

  1. What's your grandfather's name?
  2. And who knows his middle name?
  3. What do you like about grandpa?
  4. How old are we celebrating him today?
  5. Who he is by profession?

(Grandfather gives gifts to grandchildren)

Veda . Grandchildren are great. Do the guests know a lot about Valera?

Guest quiz:

  1. What date and what day of the week was our hero of the day born?
  2. At what time of day did such a remarkable event take place and where?
  3. What were the names of the parents of the hero of the day before their marriage?
  4. What kind of child in the family was our hero of the day?
  5. What school did he go to first grade?
  6. What kind of student was you?
  7. Where did you continue your education after school?
  1. First place of work
  2. Where did you serve in the army?
  3. How many years did you serve in the army?
  4. Where does he work now?

Veda . Well it is clear to all the Anniversary

Exclusive copy!

Here's a DIPLOMA for him.

I wonder what is in it?

(We read the diploma)

And there is a medal for the diploma

It's not a pity to give it to him!

(They are awarded a diploma and a medal.)

1. Congratulations from the family of the eldest daughter

2. Congratulations from the family of the youngest daughter.

3. Congratulations from your wife. (film prepared for husband)

Winter and New Year again.

Fabulous. Magically.

Christmas tree. We lead a round dance.

We drink, we eat immensely.

New year is the year of the rooster

A bright wondrous bird

Anniversary at hubby-

We have to work hard.

I thought for a long time, decided

what to write to my husband.

How to congratulate on the anniversary?

What else can I tell him?

So much said and sung

Both in words and in poetry!

We have experienced so much together!

How to tell about it?

Together we are with you,

Honey, soon 20 years old.

20 years, how many!

And they flew by instantly, they are not.

20 years, and how many good

there were days with you and me!

If you put it down, so the years will come out!

Years of happiness, my dear!

No, of course everything happened

Misunderstandings, quarrels, crying.

It all rushed away long ago

Gone off somewhere galloping.

Only the feeling remains

That you are so dear to me.

Without you, there is no doubt

It's sad, bad for me alone.

You warm me with love

You can hug with your eyes.

You will always help me in everything

You will not be slow to support.

For you and I try.

I cook and feed deliciously.

I am talking while eating ...

Even in breadth I grow with you!

But the side effects

you and I will survive.

Like sweet candy

We will wrap them in wrappers.

You have children, grandchildren.

You are a wonderful husband, father,

And the grandfather is good!

In general, you, friend, well done!

And you are quite proud

Maybe all your relatives.

Serve homeland learn

You are all ready.

Even if you don't wear epaulettes,

But at heart you are an officer!

You don't sit, you don't rest

Though he is a pensioner for a long time.

Nice design engineer.

I embodied a lot of ideas

That's why you get

Respect from people.

Behind your mighty back

I can hide now.

You will save me from the cloud

And you will hide from losses.

I want, love, years

To live all my own with you.

Joy and adversity

Always divide in half.

Anniversary with you was not called.

He came to us without asking.

But at six o'clock, we knew it

You can live well.

Because I wish you

From the heart, my dear,

Good health,

Stay young!

May you succeed

And dreams come true!

Life is sung like a song.

The words are clear and simple.

Children delight, and grandchildren

Meetings are looking forward to.

There will never be boredom!

Let desires grow.

And opportunities over the years

They get stronger, they will grow up.

And love is between us

Bloom in lush color.

The angel protects you

Helps gives strength.

Happiness attracts to our house

May you be lucky in everything.

(they raise their glasses to a toast, and the wife invites her husband to dance)

Veda . I invite everyone to dance a little too)

Veda . While you were dancing, a telegram was brought to the name of the hero of the day, but the name of the author was erased in the telegram. Valera has to guess who the telegram is from. And the guests will try to help him with this.

I am sending you a gift.

I love you and hug you.

You loved fairy tales as a child.

Here's my gift. (Crocodile)

Veda ... He gives a box, and there is a new note:

She hid the gift. Until.

With love grandma (Yaga)

All the same you have a birthday!

Look for a gift from yourself.

(He finds a note in his pocket):

Let the figure be slim.

Hello hot from the north. (Snow Maiden)

The present is hidden on the table.

Lies and waits for you warm.)

The next note is on the table under the hero's plate.

It's winter now. Fluffy snow flies.

Good health to you (Aibolit)

Forgive me, I could not resist-

The neighbor had a gift.

The next note is affixed to the back of the tablemate.

Fun, laughter on the anniversary!

Love, kindness, Yours (Barmaley)

I put the present in the bag.

In his wife's bag, he finds a gift (a bottle of cognac, with an additional label

With Love Crocodile)

Relatives and friends continue to congratulate.

Comic congratulations from women: In advance, during the dances, 3-5 women from the guests are invited for comic congratulations to the hero of the day. They are tied with aprons in their hands on a mitten

Ducklings dance to the music.

They are singing:

We came to Valery,

Congratulations brought

And they brought gifts

Him now.

Look at Valera

And give Valera a wink.

You wink at Valera,

At least once.

We ate and drank.

They hugged the hero of the day

They hugged the hero of the day.

Not in vain, not in vain!

He sits nice now,

Everyone is happy and good-looking.

Looks like Valerochka

Not in vain, not in vain!

Chorus: For a moment it is necessary

Return childhood.

We're dancing now

And it's great for us to live in the world.

Veda . Everybody dance!


After the dance, those who wish to make toasts to the hero of the day.


  1. Each guest has two pieces of paper. On one, he writes himself a good wish in his other name.
  2. What's in your pants, what's under your skirt. Clippings from the newspaper are handed out to the guests, and then they are read in turn, starting with the words of the Woman: and under my skirt (headline from a newspaper or magazine) For example, a gift from Santa Claus
  3. And now we ask the hero of the day and his sons-in-law to come out. Imagine. Hot day. Summer. The hero of the day and his sons-in-law decided to fish. They went into the water. Stop. And to enter the water, you need to roll up your trousers to the knee. Well done! We go into the water, Throw fishing rods ... and wait. Oh! Look at the hero of the day, it seems to bite! No It seemed. Our good fellows are standing, catching a fish. And you guests are closely watching the fishermen and, of course, have already determined which of them has the hairiest legs!

Children pull out wishes and a name. Valera is reading.

Men: in my pants, for example, Kolobok

(Men receive prizes.)

Veda . Years are running, in a hurry

Everyone is in a hurry somewhere

Will not stop

They fly, they fly, they fly.

And life goes on

The colors do not fade in it

And let you still

Desires own

The desire to live, love, dream,

And admire the world

Blossom, create and create

Climb to the peaks.

Let the whole world turn to you

The bright, kind side

And you take luck and good luck

On the road with you

May it be light in your life

Let it walk easily

What is intended, always

Let it happen

Happiness, health, well-being.

Closing remarks of the hero of the day.

The table is set and everything is ready. So there is an anniversary in the house! Hey, master, pour, Bowls full soon, Open your ears wider To accept congratulations, Sit up straight, get ready to listen, Well, it's time to start.
By right, the first word for congratulating the hero of the day is given to the mistress of the house, the beloved wife of our birthday man.

My dear, beloved, gentle, dear You are quite worthy of all these words. I hasten to tell you that the past years are doubly roads next to you.
I wish you good health and luck, That we would live with you for a long time on earth, With an open heart and a cheerful mood I wish you all the best.

Our hero of the day has a beloved and only daughter. She also wants to congratulate her father on the anniversary.

Daddy beloved you are not relatives, You are so beautiful on this anniversary. And although the whiskey is silvering with frost, there is no sadness, sadness and longing in the eyes. As always, you are wise, young at heart,

We are always safe and easy with you. We wish you vigor and strength, So that the business brings lasting profit.

"The son-in-law joins the congratulations to the Daughter."

We wish you health, our daddy,
What would raise grandchildren
Brought to the people by grandpa,
Have fun on your anniversary, don't be bored
And in the morning with a hangover we will come for tea!

Toast to the hero of the day!
We wish you so much health
To last for a hundred years
So that on the hundredth birthday
We came here for lunch!

Our dear hero of the day has very good acquaintances, one might say girlfriends, they have prepared a surprise for him, welcome!

(To the tune of "Grandmothers an old woman from the repertoire of V. Dobrynin")

We dressed up in the morning
In a bright sarafan,
Were slightly sweaty
They brought gifts.
Our young hero of the day
Although not a boy anymore
And look in the circle
Jumps like a bunny

Grandfather, grandfather "
Grandpa, grandpa,
Are dancing around you
Drunken grannies
We are with you until the morning
Let's have fun
On your jubilee day,
You can get drunk.

Everything is alright with you
Home, family, work,
He didn't call us in vain,
Hunt to dance.
Play music louder
Let the walls shake
You dance well
At least now on the stage.

Attention! Competition!

For this relay competition, two teams must be created.
The competition is called “Swim the Stream”.
Each team is given a boat: "basin". Your task, putting one foot in a basin, as quickly as possible to cross the stream, in which there are stones (any obstacles), they must be bypassed, without touching and return to the team, passing the baton.

The guests prepared another song for our hero of the day.

(The motive "If I were a Sultan")

We gathered today for a reason
Friends came together on your birthday
Sing and dance on your anniversary day
Happy birthday to you, we will congratulate you

Today is a holiday, a big anniversary
Come on master, pour it tight
Today we want to wish you
Pistol tail
Hold tight

You are so beautiful, oh, Vasily Dzhan,
There are many women around, as if you were a sultan.
Everyone's looking at you, sweet peach you
Everyone is smiling and carrying flowers.

The dear birthday boy, all those present at your holiday, wish you a fabulously happy life, and therefore now real fairy-tale heroes will appear in your house.


Once upon a time there were grandmother and grandfather,
They lived together side by side,
Once on a birthday
The grandfather asks to bake a pie.
The grandmother is playful from her youth,
Cheerful and talkative ...

No money for pie
I'll bake a bun
So that I spend less
I will mix flour and water.

Ok grandma i agree
The gingerbread man will be beautiful
You cook it with your soul
And at the same time sing songs.

(bailiff to grandfather)
Oh, you, dear old man,
Let me touch the barrel.

Get off, go and cook,
But don't touch me yet,
The night will be ahead
Then come

(Rolls a "bun" - a balloon or a ball, while humming)

Gingerbread man, gingerbread man,
Will be your ruddy side
How the old man will eat you
Will become strong like a bull
He's like young again
Have fun with me
I will be happy then
And forget about the years.

(Grandma made a bun, put it on the window and left)

(blows the ball off the window)

Hello guys everyone!
I am the grandfather's old lunch.
For birthday as pie
And I am called - Kolobok,
I have a hot side
Until my grandfather appeared, I rolled further ...

A bun is rolling through the forest, and a hare is going to meet him.

(Runs, trembles, empty bottles jingle in the bag)

Hey hello!
Who are you?
Where are you going, scythe?

I'm running to the stall on business
Koresh has sent for the white one.
I wanted to drink heavily
I quickly flew.

(walks around the hare)

Who is your friend, spine? A goat or a cockerel?

What are you, what are you not, of course,
My friend is so sinless.
The gray wolf is his name.
A real woman's rogue.
He walks with Kuma - Fox,
Well, the heifer lures,
He loves to have fun
Free to get drunk.

Okay, okay don't shake
Well, relax, smile ...

(sniffs, touches the kolobok)

What's your name buddy?
Oh, what a hot side!
The spirit of bread is all around ...

I am called kolobok
You can only listen to me
But do not try to eat me,
They didn't bake me for you
Where you went, go there.

Into the forest, why are you stupid rushing,
What will they eat, are you not afraid?

I know the remedy from enemies
I invite everyone to the holiday
Grandfather's birthday
Come and you for dinner.

Well then I'm leaving
I will warn everyone in the forest

What are these miracles
Not a pie, not a sausage?
No arms and no legs ...
Hey who are you?

I am Gingerbread Man.

Well - ka,
you billiards with eyes
Let me touch the barrel ...
(tries to touch the kolobok)

Immediately feel, what a ilk!
Are you blue for an hour?

For your words now
I'll eat you ...

Those are the times !?
I'll eat it right away,
Wait a wolf
Come visit my friend
Do you know grandma's and grandfather's house?
Come there for dinner.

Okay, persuaded.
Well, for now, I've got some dust.

What kind of ball is this
Riding in my clearing?
Hey, rosy, who is it?

(Gingerbread man avoiding, wants to pass by)

I'm not tasty ...

Hey, wait!
Once I want to eat you,
Then I will continue to stomp.

Himself, who are you clubfoot?

I am the Bear, the storm of animals!

Okay, Misha, don't growl,
Better come visit
To grandfather for his birthday
I invite guests
Come and you soon.

Okay, since this is the case,
Then I will come, go, not brave.

Who else is this?
Oh, what bodies!

Oh, ruddy bun
Wow, what a fragrant side!
You come to me friend
I remember you a little.

Oh, beautiful Fox,
The gray wolf damsel,
I won't walk with you
I'm afraid of your friend.

Don't be afraid of his friend, I'll deal with the wolf.
I'm afraid of him myself
But I'll have fun with you
And then I'll help myself.

Oh, you are a cunning cheat,
Well, I'm not sewn with a bast,
You will come to my grandfather,
You will spend the night with me.

Okay, I'll come, of course ...

Amuse myself, who is not sinless?

(goes out to see if the bun has cooled down or not, but it is not)

Strange, where is the bun,
Birthday cake?
What to treat grandfather with,
How to lure by night?
Are the treats ready?
For my birthday?

(runs out to the grandfather with the woman)

Hey hosts, hello!
Have you prepared lunch?
Guests will come to you now
I called them ...

Those are the times !?
Grandfather, look at miracles
Gingerbread man opened his eyes
I cooked a bun,
We turned out to be a son

Oh yes grandma, well done!
At least back down the aisle
Gave me my son
Can we make a daughter too?

Oh, you are a cute old man,
Is your pod still alive?

Oh, you are all naughty old woman,
Set it on the table soon
Get out the plates, mugs
I went for champagne.


Unfortunately birthday, only once a year

(comes with a bottle in runes)
Kolobok, where are the guests?

And here they are.

(A drum roll is heard, noise, din. A squad of congratulations appears)

(steps in front of the column)

Who is marching together in a row ?!

Congratulations to the cyclists!

One, two, three, four, five
We will congratulate grandfather

We came to congratulate grandfather,
Happy birthday to the whole crowd ...

You are the mistress, do not be shy, Sing a song with us!

(Everyone is singing)

(to the tune of the song "Wonderful Neighbor")

Grandfather's birthday
The table is set for all guests
You are the owner, smile
Pour champagne for us
Toasts for you today
Raised everything more than once
You have a holiday today
So we have a holiday too.

Pa-pa-pa-pa-raru-pa, etc.

Happy birthday
And we wish you many years
Because you are darling
Wonderful neighbor
Dance with us,
The song is ringing binge
We celebrate your anniversary
Cheerful crowd.

Chorus: the same

(and all the participants in the tale)

Take it, birthday boy,
Instead of a bun, pie
What would he be your birthday
He could do it together in dreams.
(Give a cake or pie).

Here is the end of the fairy tale,
Who was with us, well done.

Meet another famous guest.

Vitas! And his team!

I came to you, but not alone
My dancer is with me,
Someone on the road
For no reason
Friends poured them vodka.

I told them
What do you want to perform
So you can't drink so much
So they can't dance now,
Just how I vote

Well, you have to puff yourself and sing without dancing.

(To the tune "Love while you love")

Let this day be remembered
And let everyone smile at you.
And my song for this
It is sung with such a chorus

Love bye, love
Jealous bye, jealous
Suffer while suffering,
Dream for now, dreaming.
I wish you joy
Health and just good luck,
No need to be sad about old age
You are alive, which means
Chorus: the same

Anniversary is a short word,
But, and in it many years lived
Life goes by with an inaudible gait
Leaving only a trace in the memory.
But you shouldn't feel sorry for the previous years,
Many new ones are yet to come
Spread open your boundless wings
And fly bolder like a bird.
Happy birthday to you
You are a good father, a good grandfather
All dear friends with admiration,
They wish you new victories.
Be healthy, happy and affectionate
We wish you dear
To many more birthdays
We celebrated together with you.

End of the jubilee script.

Oh, you guests are gentlemen
Why did you come here?
Or live at home htsdo -
But the dress is just a miracle.
And the answer is quite simple,
Our __________ young
With your friends
I decided to celebrate the Anniversary.

Dear ______________ (name of the hero of the day), let me congratulate you on behalf of all those present on your anniversary and retirement.
We wish you on your anniversary
So that you sit for champagne,
To dance, sing songs,
So that this glorious feast
He brought health, happiness, peace.
Be happy and healthy
Don't remember the years
Let life be harsh at times
But don't you dare give in to her.
Wow, I'm looking. Are you moving something? Wait, I will introduce you to the bylaws of our evening. Our charter states:
1. That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.
2. It is announced that 2000. anniversary of __________________ (name of the hero of the day) is not canceled
3. Remember: for a start, everyone did not interfere with a glass.
4. It is announced that laughter in this house is not canceled.
5. Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted 24 hours a day for another month after this evening and are non-refundable.

I offer the floor to congratulate colleagues and friends. (friends of the hero of the day perform) We congratulate you on a significant event,
Today is your legal anniversary,
We wish you great health,
And there are many sincere friends in life.
Anniversary is a special date
Where do you summarize,
What a mistake could be sometime
What is expensive, probably saved.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
And we want to wish you happiness.
Let in your home climate
There will never be bad weather.
We do not hand over to the birthday boy
No headset, no rings
Surely you will accept it warmer
Greetings from friendly hearts.

And now I would like to say a few gentle words about our hero of the day, but for this you must help me. I need you to list any 12 adjectives.
(the presenter inserts these adjectives in the missing places) __________________ (name of the hero of the day) was born in ... ____ g. He grew up very ... a child. For many ... years, he has not changed at all, which speaks of the constancy of his ... character. In ... ______ was accepted into the ranks ... (pioneer organization named after V.I. Lenin). He received his education and specialty in ... _____. In the same year, he joined the ranks of our ... friendly team and since then has not parted with us. He contributed ... to ... the affairs of the country. __________________ (name of the hero of the day) possesses ... appearance and ... efficiency, which is what won the love of the collective.
We wish the hero of the day
We are health and happiness
What more could you wish for
If we drink today
Health will not weaken
Tomorrow we can continue again. And now, on behalf of the Department of Education of Russia, I have been entrusted to present a diploma of __________________ (name of the hero of the day) that he is indeed a pensioner.


This diploma was issued by __________________ (name of the hero of the day) in that, in his 60 years of life, he completed the course on the topic "Know and be able to" and discovered the following knowledge: Literature (Conversation with his wife in anger) - 4
Mathematics (Recalculating the wife's salary in your favor) - 4
Geography (Where it doesn’t bring, but everything will come home) - 5
Music (Playing on the nerves) - 3
Chemistry (Moonshine) - 4
Diligence (On the right side) - 5
Diligence (On the left side) - 4 Based on the above, recognize Comrade. ... fit for the further course of life.
Coursework: "If you want to live, be able to spin" - protected by 5.
By the decision of the state examination commission from ... _____ g. assign comrade ... the title of "Free young pensioner".

But there is no need to be too upset the birthday boy is greeted by his friends. Congratulations from friends.
They say that at 60, every birthday person is happy
Exchange your years for twenty, twenty-five.
No friends, not at all, who thinks so eccentric.
At twelve years old, holes are everywhere,
No wife and no apartment
At sixty you have a garden
And, of course, three guys.
At twenty-five only in a club
I had a chance to drink vodka.
At sixty you are all in smoke
You can drink vodka.

At twenty-five - the little bit is empty,
At twenty-five - sheer hell
At sixty - a savings account in rubles,
At sixty, there is cronyism everywhere.
At twenty you plow at work
Like a horse or an ox
At sixty you will tell your colleagues
You work hard, I went.
No friends, he is very happy
That I'm exactly sixty.
Every year he grows smarter,
Years fly by like birds
He will not regret a hundred
That he is now sixty.

Leading: I would like to give advice to a newly-made pensioner.
Keep your family as strict as possible
Come, go and get out
One look of yours, just one word
And for them it is already the law.
And on holidays of the country
In the morning - read the moral to them,
For dinner, read the severity,
And in the evening sit down for tea.

So let's lift our spell
Each took his wine,
And for the friendship of his family.
May life be rich in joys.
And happiness will not leave your doorstep.
We wish you as little trouble as possible,
But they still cannot be avoided,
So let there be strength to win.
So, today these forces are our guests. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, this is not a fairy tale. So, our guests are internal forces, i.e. Ministry of the Interior. (one of the invitees puts on a police uniform. road signs are drawn up in advance)

Policeman: On behalf of the GIDD and the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Yekaterinburg, I present mementos. Since the constant movement in the apartment can be forgotten and lost, we decided to help with this. Signs with a TV, glasses, a fork, a pipe, a bottle with a glass and a light bulb:
"Do not forget to turn off the TV" - the sign is attached to the TV screen
"Be careful, wipe your glasses" - the sign is attached to the bathroom
"Caution, sharp objects" - the sign can be hung in the kitchen and in the room where the thread is located
"Caution, children may appear here" - the sign is attached to the sofa
"Caution, do not overdo it" - the sign is attached in the kitchen
"Caution, gas and electrical appliances" - the sign is attached over gas and electrical appliances
Be careful in your movements and God forbid you attach or mix up the signs incorrectly. All the best.

May this day be solemn and holy
Today it happened - you are sixty!
But do not be sad, do not consider that the limit,
There are still many things ahead of you.
From a pure heart, we wish you
So that everything that you have in mind comes true in the judge.
Go through life as before boldly,
To meet more than one beat.
We wish you in the future
Never, never give up
And health for many years
We want to wish with all our hearts.

We gave you gifts
But it's not a secret for anyone
That a heart-felt gift is better than a song. (The lyrics of the song are printed and reproduced in advance. To distribute to guests)

Song to the melody "U Spyasla"
1. So autumn has flown by
Vova gathered all the guests,
Let's sit at a feast, as it were
Let's talk about the anniversary.
2. And what is true is true,
The anniversary is not easy here,
Well this should be so measured
Shake your head.
3. And yours has survived,
Surprise takes
By God I would have fallen in love
It's a pity Lyudmila does not give.
4. The hero of the day still needs something,
And works like an ox,
How will they go to dig potatoes,
Nobody will keep up.

5. Oh really, it's true,
This master is wherever,
And besides, we need to tell
What's crazy about grandchildren.
6. We will not praise my wife,
The lady is not great.
Let's look at the hero of the day
You are nowhere without him.
7. Yes, what a concern to her,
but he lives ready-made,
In the morning he will get up and shake himself off,
Have a snack and leave.
8. Oh, girlfriend, do not swear,
Oh, girlfriend, don't be sad
Although ay, these are women,
Without men, nowhere.
9. This is our share,
You don't need to be angry
We wish the hero of the day
Live another 100 years in harmony.

Leading: And now we offer you a lottery.

Comic lottery
1. To cook the orsh wonderfully, you need cabbage for seasoning. (cabbage)
2. Ayetylsalicylic acid will also warm you without cognac. (aspirin)
3. Do not try to get angry at everyone and a nail in the household will come in handy. (nail)
4. You thought that there was no happiness,
Oh, what a weirdo you are
Buy yourself some candy
For the won penny. (penny)
5. When you go for a walk,
And so that your pants do not sleep
You must have with you
Steel pin. (pin)

6. After the glass, have a snack
The matter is very important.
Here's a sleeve for you
Oily napkin. (napkin)
7. Kofer 2x3. (handkerchief)
8. Here's a flower for you,
We ask you to save
He will help you
To entice Luovnik (tsu). (flower)
9. To throw off ten years ago
You don't need to think long,
Excellent will give advice
This lovely lipstick. (beet)
10. We have provided you with hooks
Well, sew the skirts yourself. (hooks)

11. Fry, cook, boil,
Just don't salt too much. (pack of salt)
12. That to send greetings to friends is also useful a carpet. (the envelope)
13. Pour 100, pour 200, you can't do it alone, let's do it together. (vodka)
14. You are the best guest today.
This nail is a gift to you. (nail)
15. Don't be angry with us buddy
Here's a match for you (matches)

16. If you don’t wash your heels, you will cover them with a follower. (follower)
17. You will save up a thousand on time if you have a wallet. (purse)
18. Here's a badge
Pin it instead of a roshka. (icon)
19. For a good friend, there is a head of garlic. (garlic)
20.How will you put a bow on the ribbon
You will immediately become the first dandy. (thread)
21. If you want to cry, rub your eyes with an onion. (bow)

Leading: I invite all guests to take part in games and attractions. Games:
1. "To the touch". 8-10 small objects are folded into a dark bag and material: scissors, a bottle cork, a fountain pen, a button, a spoon, threads, a thimble, a knife from a meat grinder, etc. It is necessary to guess by touch what lies there. The fabric should not be too coarse or too thin.
2. "Couples in reverse". Two or three pairs are tied back to back (legs and arms free). These couples must dance the waltz, tango, arnya and travel 10 meters back and forth like Siamese licks.
3. "Whose ball is bigger." The competition is simple: the participants receive a balloon and, on command, begin to inflate. Whose balloon bursts, he is eliminated. The winner is the one with the largest ball in terms of volume.
4. "Match-spear".{!LANG-dfa49c2ca99e94e8f31cb379ac81012b!}
5. {!LANG-096a7dd65c78b5a0351e0cf02746b05e!}{!LANG-2da626b5fe63571bb7818eec98255ec0!}


Leading:{!LANG-ebca06b985095dbcd5b504937a1116ee!} {!LANG-2bf69c0363b344753607bc9c74776163!} {!LANG-06cf284fc622271811c7d58372b00ac6!}