Bedroom design Materials House, garden, plot

Thematic lesson on energy conservation. Energy saving lesson Energy saving lessons at school

Lesson-project: "Energy saving"

8th grade

The purpose of the lesson:

create conditions for deepening students' knowledge in the field of energy saving, forming a correct understanding of the meaning of the standby mode, its positive and negative sides

Lesson objectives.


    to acquaint students with the peculiarities of the operation of radio and television equipment in the "stand-by" mode; develop practical skills for calculating energy losses by devices in standby mode; to establish the relationship between saving energy resources and improving the environment.


    contribute to the formation of the scientific worldview of students; to intensify the cognitive activity of students; develop students' ability to work with educational information, analyze and systematize the material being studied, and draw conclusions.


    to form a positive attitude to the problem of saving energy costs; promote the development of a culture of energy use;  to educate the cognitive activity of students.
Equipment: 2 personal computers with access to the Internet, a multimedia projector, a screen, a disc with a presentation on the topic of the lesson.

Introductory speech of the teacher.

The use of electricity has allowed humanity to create devices and devices that have radically changed their lives. The need for energy is constantly increasing. Often, electric lamps burn in empty rooms, electric stove burners work aimlessly, TV screens glow. It has been established that 1520% of the electricity consumed in everyday life is lost due to consumer negligence. The simplicity and availability of electricity gave rise to many people an idea of \u200b\u200bthe inexhaustibility of our energy resources, dulled the feeling of the need to save it. Meanwhile, the prices of electricity services are constantly growing. In this regard, the economical consumption of electricity should become the norm for every Belarusian family, every person. Many devices, even when turned off, remain energized and uselessly consume electricity. Sometimes we do not even suspect that this is happening - after all, we turned off the device not with the remote control, but using its main switch. Examples of such devices include copiers and active speaker systems. Electricity almost always "seeps" through those devices that are not used for some time, but remain connected to the network, so that: it is more convenient to turn them on through the remote control (TVs ); they were automatically switched on through a time relay (electric stoves,

coffee makers, stereos, etc.); receive signals from an external network (faxes); easier and faster to switch from mode to mode.

This type of idle operation, called stand-by mode, was originally conceived as a "lean circuit" with reduced power consumption. Teacher:Guys, in what cases do you think standby mode is useful?

Student responses:

    When a person is partially or completely restricted in movement. When it is necessary to turn on the device (microwave oven, washing machine, stereo system, etc.) in the absence of the owner.
Teacher.Power consumption of devices in standby mode is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Electricity consumption by devices in standby mode


Teacher.Using the table, it is necessary to determine the devices that consume the largest amount of electrical energy in standby mode; the smallest amount.

Student responses.

Teacher.Perhaps the most "popular" device in every family is the TV. The average TV idle time is 19 hours. To determine the power consumed by the TV in standby mode, you can use the passport of the device or the user manual. Let's calculate the power loss associated with the TV in stand-by mode for a year and compare these losses for older and modern TVs.

(Students solve problems 1 and 2 in groups, each group gets one problem).

Objective 1. Calculate the average annual power consumption of a Horizon 42AF TV in stand-by mode, taking into account that the power consumption in standby mode is 11W. (Average TV idle time is 19 hours).


The energy consumption of the TV in stand-by mode per day is 11W · 19h \u003d 209W · h. For one year, energy losses will amount to 209Wh 365 \u003d 76285 Wh ≈ 76.3 kWh. Answer:76.3 kWh. Objective 2. Calculate the average annual electricity consumption of a Samsung UE42F5500 TV in stand-by mode, taking into account that the power consumption in standby mode is 0.3W. (Average TV idle time is 19 hours).


The energy consumption of the TV in stand-by mode per day is 0.3W · 19h \u003d 5.7W · h. For one year, the energy losses will amount to 5.7 W · h · 365 \u003d 2080.5 W · h ≈ 2.1 kW · h. Answer: 2.1 kWh. Teacher.Thus, it can be seen from the calculations that the idle power consumption for an older model TV differs by almost 35 times. The standby calculator can be used to calculate the energy loss of various appliances used in households and offices (, which will also help to calculate the cost of consumed energy and the corresponding emissions of CO2 greenhouse gas into the atmosphere.

(Students in groups calculate the energy losses of the appliances used in their families using a stand-by calculator).

Teacher.On average, the amount of energy wasted by all appliances in the apartment in stand-by mode is about 600 kWh per year. If we assume that there are about 120 thousand apartments in Voronezh, then we get that the overrun of electricity in the city will be 75,960,000 kWh. To generate electricity, high costs are required, which, unfortunately, lead to the death of forests and other natural resources. This is a very serious problem. Let's calculate the amount of burned fuel required to ensure the operation of devices in stand by mode in the city of Voronezh for one year.

(Students solve problems 3 and 4 in groups, each group gets one problem).


To solve the problem, we will take into account that the specific heat

dry wood combustion is 8.3 MJ / kg

75,960,000 kWh \u003d 75,960,000,000 W3600s \u003d 273456000 Mj.

To find the mass of firewood, we use the formula m \u003d q / Q, where Q - the amount of heat released during fuel combustion, q - electricity m \u003d 273456000 * 10 6 / 8.3 * 10 6 J / kg \u003d 3295903≈3.3 * 10 6 kg Answer: 33 * 10 6 kg dry firewood.


To solve the problem, let's take into account that the specific heat of combustion of dry firewood is 35.5 MJ / kg. 75,960,000 kWh \u003d 75,960,000,000 W3600s \u003d 273456000 Mj.


Answer: 7.7 * 10 6 kg of natural gas.

Teacher.It should also be taken into account that when burning even the most environmentally friendly fuel - natural gas, emissions into the atmosphere due to energy consumption in the "stand-by" mode will amount to more than 91 million m 3 СО 2.

Teacher.Our lesson is coming to an end. Hopefully, the advice you received today will help you and your family to reduce energy costs and thereby save your family budget.


The work of students in groups is assessed by the teacher and the group leader .


Draw up a savings plan for appliances in your apartment.



Currently, in our country there is an urgent need to optimize costs, introduce energy and resource-saving technologies and equipment, observe the principles of economy and thrift in order to ensure the most efficient and rational use of natural and fuel and energy resources. After all, wasteful use of resources leads to their depletion, as well as environmental pollution. Standby mode is considered economical, but energy is still consumed. Reducing the energy consumption of electrical appliances and standby systems is at the forefront of the international electronics industry. However, the main choice of using the mode remains with consumers. Conducting a lesson on this topic will deepen the knowledge of students in the field of energy saving, form a correct understanding of the meaning of the standby mode, and also carry out direct quantitative calculations of energy losses associated with the use of the stand-by mode.


Energy saving is the implementation of measures aimed at reducing the volume of energy resources used, such as electricity, heat, water, gas, while maintaining the corresponding beneficial effect from their use. The wasteful consumption of water, gas, electric and heat energy in everyday life is not only an expensive "pleasure", but also a sign of bad manners, "bad form". By reviewing our habits and behavior in our daily life, you can significantly reduce the need for energy resources. And this does not mean a deterioration in living standards or a rejection of comfort. The habit of saving energy is a sign of a smart and modern consumer.

Many of the devices equipped with the "stand-by" mode work "just like that", although each watt of their power in continuous operation leads to wasted energy.

By conserving energy, you can not only save your money, but also improve the ecological state of the planet.

This methodological development can be used in the practice of physics teachers, in particular when studying the topic "Using and saving electricity" (grade 8).

Prepared by the Center for Energy Saving of the Perm Region

Justification of the relevance of the introduction in schools
new discipline "Fundamentals of Energy Saving"

The global trend of the modern world community is the constant and active implementation of various scale and type of projects dedicated to the efficient use of energy. Such projects are not only of economic importance, but also ecological, since they directly affect the environment. In particular, we are talking about reducing greenhouse gas emissions arising from the production of energy from fossil fuels. Consequently, a reduction in the production and consumption of energy resources leads to an immediate improvement in the surrounding world.

For Russia, this problem has also become one of the priorities, especially given the lag of our country in the field of energy efficiency from the industrialized countries of the world. At present, the Russian state is taking a number of key steps to achieve positive changes in the current situation in the field of energy conservation, in particular: new regulatory documents are being developed and enacted to address issues of increasing energy efficiency and energy saving; modernization of the entire housing and communal services system has begun; innovative technologies for energy saving are being developed, etc.

However, in any complex system, people form the basis of its functioning. In order for Russia to take its rightful place among the countries that care about the well-being of our planet, so that ordinary residents of our country can live no less dignifiedly in it, it is necessary to purposefully educate and educate the younger generation as zealous users of natural resources.

Comprehensive training in energy conservation at different stages of a child's developmental development will allow him to grow up as a thinking person, caring about the world around him.

Main course content

The main goal of the course "Fundamentals of energy saving" in a general educational institution consists in transferring knowledge to students in the fields of energy and energy saving, as well as in providing conditions for acquiring practical skills for rational use of energy resources.

The structure of the training course can include three main blocks:

  • § Theoretical block - a set of theoretical material on a designated topic;
  • § Practical block - a set of educational and practical tasks;
  • § Block of game learning - integral training of students.

Theoretical block of the training course contains materials that reveal basic concepts in the fields of energy and energy conservation.

For better assimilation of the theoretical material of the training course in the learning process, it is advisable to use detailed illustrations, which are presented in various forms, for example:

  • posters with pictures, graphs, diagrams corresponding to the topic under study;
  • some real metering devices: heat and water meters, individual thermostats, etc.;
  • electronic manuals with video images of energy objects, etc.

Practical course blockis a system of educational and practical classes, in particular, on some aspects of energy audit, the creation of energy-saving lamps, etc.

The practical block of the training course may contain the following thematic areas:

1. Analysis of the state of objects (classrooms, classrooms, etc.) of the school by the levels of electricity they consume in order to determine measures to reduce the cost of its consumption.

2. Practical actions to reduce the cost of electricity consumption and assess the degree of their effectiveness, for example, making energy-saving plastic lamps and placing them in all school premises, etc.

3. Analysis of the state of objects (classrooms, offices, etc.) of an educational institution by the levels of heat energy consumed by them in order to determine measures to reduce the cost of its consumption.

4. Practical actions to reduce the cost of heat energy consumption and assess the degree of their efficiency, for example, if the school does not have double-glazed windows - laying window frames with foam rubber and pasting them; placement of automatic finishing for entrance doors, etc.

Game learning block - integral training students involves the use of a combinatorial combination of training exercises aimed at developing students' reflexivity, flexibility and creativity, as well as role-playing games and a set of cases devoted to energy-saving topics. The content of the cases may include such problematic tasks as:

Development of schemes and methods for assessing the quality of the functioning of the power system according to the levels of energy consumption of various residential objects (schools, apartments, houses);

Development of innovative models for the implementation of an energy saving system in residential premises;

Substantiation of strategies for the implementation of the developed innovative models for the introduction of energy saving systems in residential premises;

Substantiation of indicators for a comprehensive assessment of the created models, methods for implementing such an assessment;

Implementation of methods for a comprehensive assessment of the degree of efficiency of the implementation of models of the energy saving system with subsequent analysis of the results

The dynamics of the level of competence of students on energy saving and energy efficiency when mastering the training materials of the course "Fundamentals of Energy Saving" is monitored by an objective control system. For these purposes, as well as for self-checking the level of mastering the educational material, you can use thematic tests containing, for example, next questions.

QUESTION 1. What types of power plants do you know:

1) hydroelectric power plants (HPP);

4) wind power plants;

5) helium stations;

6) tidal power plants;

7) thunderous power plants;

The correct answer would be to simultaneously list the first 6 types of power plants.

QUESTION 2. What types of power plants on renewable energy sources do you know:

1) hydroelectric power plants (HPP);

2) nuclear power plants (NPP);

3) thermal power plants and combined heat and power plants (TPP, CHP);

4) wind power plants;

5) helium stations;

6) tidal power plants;

7) thunderous power plants;

The correct answer will consist in the simultaneous enumeration of the species: 1, 4, 5, 6.

QUESTION 3. What types of power plants cause the greatest harm to the environment:

1) hydroelectric power plants (HPP);

2) nuclear power plants (NPP);

3) thermal power plants and combined heat and power plants (TPP, CHP);

4) wind power plants;

5) helium stations;

6) tidal power plants;

7) thunderous power plants;

QUESTION 4. In what units is electricity usually measured:

1) KJ, MJ, GJ;

2) kW, MW, GW;

3) Kcal, Mcal, Gcal;

The correct answer will be to indicate the form 4.

QUESTION 5. In what units is thermal energy usually measured:

1) KJ, MJ;

2) kW, MW, GW;

3) Kcal, Mcal, Gcal;

4) kWh, MWh, GWh;

The correct answer will be to indicate the form 3.

QUESTION 6. What types of energy savings do you know:

1) replacement of incandescent lamps with fluorescent lamps;

2) replacement of fluorescent lamps with incandescent lamps;

3) the use of electric heating devices (electric kettles, irons, etc.), reduced to the required minimum;

4) intensive use of electric heating devices (electric kettles, irons, etc.);

5) turning off the electric light when there is enough natural light;

6) turning off the electric light when leaving an empty room.

The correct answer would be to indicate the species: 1, 3, 5, 6.

QUESTION 7. What types of thermal energy savings do you know:

1) pasting windows;

2) replacement of double-glazed windows with three-layer;

3) insulation of entrance doors;

4) intensive use of electric heating devices (calorimeters, heaters, fan heaters, etc.);

5) rational regulation of heat supply in the heating system in the presence of regulators;

6) thermal insulation of heating mains supplying the heating system.

To assess the dynamics of the level of competence of students on energy saving and energy efficiency when mastering the training materials of the course "Fundamentals of Energy Saving", it is also advisable to use a system of control tasks of the differential category of complexity. For example, on the topic “Analysis of the state of objects (classrooms, classrooms, etc.) of the school according to the levels of electricity they consume in order to determine measures to reduce the cost of its consumption: students can be offered to solve the following problem.

Objective 1.

Table 1 shows monthly data on electricity consumption for the premises of 4 classes of this school.

| free download Energy saving lessons at school, Center for Energy Saving of the Perm Territory,

completely free, and we,

destroying natural systems,

"Energy saving is everyone's business"

State educational institution

"Secondary school No. 22 of Vitebsk"

Extracurricular activity

"Energy saving is everyone's business"

Prepared by: 6th grade class teacher,

physics teacher Kulko Irina Valerievna

Event type: Educational and developmental

Time of the event: 45 minutes

Learning principles: cooperation, activity approach

Form of work: group

Goals and objectives:

    actualization of the problem of rational use of energy and energy resources and the search for possible ways of energy saving;

    promotion of energy saving ideas among schoolchildren;

    the formation of a culture of energy conservation among young people to create a stable positive motivation for saving resources and energy;

    development of interest in the practical application of the knowledge gained.

“Nature supplies us with everything we need

completely free, and we,

destroying natural systems,

destroying our own future "

The problem of rational use of energy is one of the most pressing problems of mankind.

Now many people already understand that if we do not start to consume resources wisely today - water, energy, etc. difficult times await us in the near future.

Energy consumption is constantly increasing. The difference between Stone Age man and modern man is enormous, especially in the use of energy. The caveman consumed about 1% of the amount of energy consumed by a modern inhabitant of the Earth. So, there is more energy on Earth? Not! It has become more accessible, but there is no more of it than before.

Our modern world is entirely dependent on energy. It is required for any of our activities, any machines and devices.

Today at our event we will try to look at energy saving from different perspectives: why and how? We really hope that you will draw conclusions, share your impressions with your parents and loved ones, and change your attitude towards energy conservation.

Presentation 1

In the context of the growing demand for energy resources and the growth of tariffs for them, as well as the deterioration of the environment, the reduction of oil, coal and gas reserves, the issues of energy conservation are of particular importance. Sustainable development and wise use of resources - water, oil, gas, which are sources of heat and electricity - is the basis for the safety of the planet and the people living on it.

However, how successfully this program will be implemented depends on each individual individually. If we did not pass by small outrages, there would be no big disasters! What else must happen for us, the inhabitants of the earth, to come to our senses?

Schools are serious consumers of energy: both electricity and heat. Almost all educational buildings were built during the Soviet era, when few thought about saving. As a result, “cool” heat is especially expensive. And it is not easy to preserve it - previous technologies did not take into account the problems of energy saving. Meanwhile, energy savings contribute to a significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Everyone will be able to introduce energy-saving technologies in new buildings. But to make the maintenance of large, low-tech three-story buildings less costly - this needs to be learned.

Hearing the results of mini-studies in the field of energy saving.

Energy saving at school

Purpose of the study:identify objects that are a source of energy consumption in the school building and make recommendations for saving.


And now guys, we invite you to answer the questions of the energy saving quiz. Division into three teams.

Presentation 2 (interactive quiz game)

Summing up the game. Winner's reward ceremony.

As a result, I would like to note that the habit of saving is a sign of a reasonable and modern consumer and not necessarily a poor one; in new homes, rich people use modern technologies more often than “ordinary” consumers. Energy-saving technologies are now available to everyone, use and enjoy this process.

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We have compiled a list showing the main types of energy-saving measures that should be taken at the school:

Installation of meters - something that cannot be counted, cannot be controlled

Replacing lamps with energy-saving ones

Replacing windows with plastic double-glazed windows - many schools still have old wooden windows installed in the 70s. In addition to saving energy, new windows will improve indoor lighting in classrooms and other rooms.

Use of occupancy sensors - lights will automatically turn off in empty rooms - electricity consumption for lighting can be reduced by 30%

Use of temperature sensors (thermostats) - in most schools they are not currently available

Turning on the heating at full capacity only when students are present

Energy saving at school

- switching off the light in the corridors in the evening and at night - in many schools, the lights in the corridors are on all night. Installation of light switches in corridors in convenient and easily found places.

- painting walls and floors in light colors, for more efficient use of lighting

- shutdown computers and printers at the end of the school day

- door and roof repair

- roof and wall insulation

"Energy saving is everyone's business"

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on energy saving



Category 2

Category 3


In order to save water, we recommend that you clean the dishes and wash them with detergent with the tap closed, and only rinse them under running water. And this writer once said that while washing the dishes, thoughts of murder come to her mind. State her first and last name.

Agatha Christie


Another way to conserve water is to take a shower, not a bath. This saves as much as 100 liters of water! By the way, 100 liters is the volume of water, which is enough for HIM to drink for just a day. And to take a shower, this animal does not need additional devices. Name it.



Electric lighting appeared at the end of the 19th century. And this expression came from the speech of card players, when there was no electricity, and originally meant that the rates are so small that even the costs of lighting will not pay off. Write this expression.

It is not worth it


If you choose a faucet for a bathroom or kitchen, it is better to use a lever faucet, it mixes water faster and it does not go to waste. It is interesting that lever taps were invented for representatives of this profession: they could wash their hands, and after washing, close the tap with their elbows. Name this profession.



Plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen and thus fight the greenhouse effect. Therefore, protecting forests from deforestation is one of the most important tasks of society. Nowadays, few people hand over waste paper, so a new slogan has appeared: "Buy IT - save the tree". Name the device in question



To save energy resources, so-called alternative energy sources are used. For example, in hot countries, solar panels are used that convert light energy into electric current. Jokingly, the first place in the ridiculous inventions competition went to this solar-powered device. Name this device.



In no case should the batteries in the house be covered with decorative panels, as they reflect heat and energy is wasted. And in the city of Samara, a monument to the battery was erected several years ago. Above the battery there is a window, a curtain and HE lies. Although the chain isn't there, name it.



To use less resources for cooking, the pot should be covered with a lid. This will keep the temperature high while consuming energy. Interestingly, in 1996, a volcano began to erupt at the bottom of Lake Karymskoye in Kamchatka, and the water immediately boiled. They joke that it was the largest portion of HER in history. A portion of what?



Carbon dioxide, which is emitted in large volumes during the combustion of fuel in enterprises and vehicles, causes the so-called greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is called one of the reasons for THIS PROCESS. This process is mentioned in the title of the second part of the famous cartoon. Name this process.

Global warming


Energy production from environmentally friendly sources is still much more expensive than, for example, a thermal power plant, which emits large amounts of carbon dioxide. In order to stimulate the production of energy from renewable sources, many states purchase electricity at high prices. This policy is called SUCH tariff. Write the adjective that we replaced with the word SUCH.



In some countries, residents turn on the light on stairwells and near the elevator by pressing special switches that are on each floor. The savings in electricity lies in the fact that the switches are equipped with THIS. THIS is, for example, in some TVs. Name it.



Here is an original pump that allows, using wind energy, to raise water from a depth and supply it to consumers without consuming electricity. This unit is called SHE. SHE sometimes helps to dispel doubts. Name her.



The so-called "Smart Home" is a modern type of dwelling, organized for the convenience of people living with the help of high-tech devices. Such a house helps to save a lot of energy by combining different systems. He is often controlled by a voice, so his predecessor can be called a character in fairy tales. Name this character.

A hut on chicken legs


To host water sports competitions during the Beijing Olympics, an eco-friendly Water Cube pool was built. The building is made of foil-covered inflatable cells that collect and store solar energy, which is used to heat and light the pool. Where does the water come from?

Water collects when it rains


This plant appeared in Russia in the 18th century. Nowadays, scientists have come up with a new application for it: in 2010, a way was invented how to get electricity from it. It is interesting that the operating time of such a battery is up to a month, and during cooking the power increases 10 times. Name this plant.


On October 26, Lyceum No. 87 named after LI Novikova hosted a Unified Day of Action - Energy Saving Day! During the action, the Lyceum hosted interactive lessons on energy conservation, quizzes and creative workshops for the production of posters and leaflets. Participants of the action filled out questionnaires on energy saving in their home.

As a result of the analysis of students' questionnaires, it turned out that most of the children follow simple rules for energy saving: they turn off the light in the room when they leave it, do not put furniture in front of the heaters, use energy-saving lamps, use local lighting (table lamp, floor lamp), glue the windows for the winter, or replace old wooden windows with new plastic ones, close the pot lid when they cook lunch, walk to school, don't buy goods in large wrappers, fix old things instead of buying new ones.
During the discussion on the economical use of energy, the students suggested different ways to reduce energy costs: turn off electrical appliances from the network, reduce computer time, heat food on the stove, not in the microwave, use a regular kettle instead of an electric one, replace incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones. turn off the tap so that no water drips from it, turn off the water when you brush your teeth, write on both sides of a paper sheet, buy domestic products, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, since production, delivery and preparation of food requires a lot more energy. The Day of Energy Saving ended with a power outage in all school rooms, corridors, recreation areas, leaving only the necessary lighting on the 1st floor and a video surveillance camera.
Such activities are really necessary for schoolchildren. Children will learn a lot of interesting and important information, and for teachers, tips on energy saving are very useful.




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Environment and energy



Energy resources oil - 33%, (balance for 25 years) coal - 27%, (100 years) gas - 18%, (70 years) Non-renewable resources

Renewable resources are our future! Solar energy Wind energy Small-scale hydropower Biomass energy Tidal energy Thermal energy

UN forecast for the world's population: year in forecast variants 2000 6.1 6.1 6.1 2050 7.7 9.4 11.2 2100 5.6 10.4 17.5

We need sustainable development; population growth leads to increased energy consumption; there is a reduction in non-renewable energy resources; Society began to think about saving natural resources and their impact on economic development.

Energy saving measures Production of small cars; Production of household appliances with low energy consumption (Class A); New generation fluorescent feet have been developed. The energy consumption of these lamps is 10 times lower than conventional ones. Sealed windows (double-glazed windows) were developed, New heat-insulating materials, more efficient and safer: films "for wrapping" houses, special mounting foam; Electrical switches combined with a mechanical time relay have become more widely used; Biogas use; Increased use of wind turbines. Solar energy has been developed; Reducing excess illumination.

What can we do? Introducing energy saving at home! Implementation of energy saving at school! Education (I want to know more, I can tell my parents and friends)! Transition of the whole society to energy-saving behavior!

By saving resources, we care about the future of the planet and the future of our children!


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Respectfully yours energy saving

Energy consumption and its consequences 1. Energy consumption and its consequences Energy problems of mankind

Energy consumption and its consequences Energy problems of mankind Environmental disaster What is this disaster? Is it so dangerous for humanity? And what should be done to prevent it? Efficient use of energy is the key to successfully solving environmental problems! Why do you think?

This is energy efficiency. These are activities to organize the efficient use of energy resources. Experts say that energy consumption, on average, can be reduced: at home by 34% for small consumers by 22% in transport by 24% in industry by 13-33% What do we mean by energy saving?

The place of our society in a number of economically developed countries and the standard of living of citizens depend on the results of solving this problem. The problem of rational use of energy is one of the most acute problems of mankind. Why do we, it seems, everyone who knows, do not save electrical energy? Maybe we have a bad idea of \u200b\u200bthe real results of even elementary energy savings?

Through the faucet, from which water drips (10 drops per minute), up to 2000 liters of water flows out per year. If each of the four members of your family leaves the water tap open for only 5 minutes a day, are you wasting 7 kWh of energy by throwing 1,000 rubles out the window? Taking a shower is much cheaper than taking a bath. Taking a bath (140-180 l), you spend three times more energy than taking a 5-minute shower. Sprayers on taps allow for more efficient use of water. Do you know that:

Problem 2 Meeting of the discussion club Problem 1 In a big city, traffic lights flash yellow at night. The power of one device is not great, but there are many traffic lights in the metropolis. The total power is rather big. On the other hand, you cannot turn off the traffic light - it warns rare drivers that there is an intersection ahead. How to be? Huge heat losses occur in factories, in heated warehouses, hangars through doorways at the entrance and exit of vehicles. What to do: put a special employee at the gate or ask the drivers to close the door behind them?

Problem 1 In a big city at night, traffic lights flash yellow. The power of one device is not great, but there are many traffic lights in the metropolis. The total power is rather big. On the other hand, you cannot turn off the traffic light - it warns rare drivers that there is an intersection ahead. How to be?

Problem 2 Huge heat losses occur at enterprises, in heated warehouses, hangars through doorways at the entrance and exit of cars. What to do: put a special employee at the gate or ask the drivers to close the door behind them?

Energy saving - business for everyone - benefit for everyone Use pots with a bottom diameter equal to the diameter of the electric stove burners. Install the refrigerator away from heating and heating devices. Use energy-saving lamps for lighting - they consume 4-5 times less electricity than incandescent lamps. If you are working at a computer and do not use its speakers, turn them off. If you leave the computer on and leave, turn off the monitor and speakers.

Saving energy - business for everyone - benefit for everyone Close up gaps in window frames and doorways! Do not obstruct heating devices! Heat from heating devices will efficiently enter the room if: The heating devices are not covered with curtains; Heating devices are not covered with decorative panels; The heating devices are not covered by furniture or other objects. Heating batteries will effectively heat the room if heat-reflecting screens are installed behind them. Ventilate the premises not for long, but intensively!

In the center of Hamburg, the German artist Ralf Schmerberg created an unusual igloo house 5.6 meters high and 11 meters in diameter. It took 322 old refrigerators and 1,718 meters of wire to create the igloo. This installation is an expression of protest against uncontrolled energy consumption. Next to the igloo, the author placed a huge electric meter, which shows how much electricity 322 old refrigerators will consume. "Waste is the biggest source of energy!" - says the artist. If you put the refrigerator in a room where the temperature reaches 30 degrees, then the energy consumption will double.

Every year on the last Saturday of March, millions of people around the world turn off their lights for an hour, because the future of our planet Earth is important to them. "Earth Hour" is a symbol of respect for nature, concern for the limited resources of our planet. 134 countries of the world cut off electricity for an hour

Ovchinnikov A.A. Lesson on the topic "Energy saving" in grade 11Place of work: Physics teacher MOU secondary school № 95 Krasnooktyabrsky district of Volgograd

Lesson on the topic "Energy saving" in grade 11 Lesson objectives: Educational: explore the possibilities of energy saving - renewable energy sources, energy-saving technologies, development of devices with increased efficiency or reduced energy consumption
Developing: contribute to the development of creativity, skills to work with educational information, analyze, compare.

Educational: fostering a culture of energy consumption,Form a positive attitude towards the problem of saving energy costs

Lesson type:lesson in generalization of knowledge.

Form of carrying out:lesson - conference.

Forms of work: group, frontal, individual.

Preliminary preparation for the lesson.

Offer students topics for messages and provide assistance in the selection of literature. Prepare multimedia presentation slides with students.


Multimedia projector, screen.

Lesson structure.

    Organizing time.

    Updating basic knowledge.

    Learning a new topic.



During the classes.

    Organizing time.

Greeting. Checking the readiness of the classroom and students for the lesson. Formulation and explanation of the main purpose of the lesson. Motivation for the upcoming educational activity. Determining the place of this lesson among others in this topic.

    Updating basic knowledge.

Electricity production methods (thermal, hydro, nuclear power plants).Electricity transmission. Heat engines and their efficiency. Electric motors and their efficiency

    Learning a new topic.

Hear student speeches according to the plan:

    Traditional energy sources

    Solar energy. Wind energy. The energy of sea tides and waves. Geothermal energy sources. Biofuels.

    Energy Saving Technologies.

    Trends in the development of energy-saving devices. Halogen, fluorescent, energy saving lamps.

    Energy saving materials in construction.

At the end of their presentation, each student should summarize in the form of about 3 sentences, which all students in the class will write down in a notebook. Final proposals should contain information about the advantages and disadvantages of this technology, as well as the possibility (or reality) of its use.


Invite students to answer questions.

    List the new technologies you learned about in today's lesson.

    Which of the technologies discussed above are promising? Why?

    What energy saving methods do you use: at home, at school, on the street?

    Summing up the lesson.

Lesson materials:

1. The structure of the world energy sector today it has developed so that 80% of the consumed electricity is obtained by burning fuel at power plants. A significant percentage is also provided by hydropower (about 15%), the rest is covered by other sources, mainly nuclear power plants. Human needs are growing, and today traditional energy sources are no longer able to provide the required level of energy availability in society, because these are non-renewable sources.

2.The sun - the source of all other types of energy on the planet. Since there is no absolutely clean atmosphere, only 50% of the energy reaches the Earth's surface. And even this amount is enormous and exceeds all other forms of energy.
Solar energy does not pollute the atmosphere; solar kilowatts are free.
The problem is related to the cyclical nature of admission; solar panels need a large area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth; The efficiency of solar installations is still very low (about 10%); large funds are required for its capture and storage.

Using the power of the wind goes into distant times. The wind force can really be considered the basis for the development of future energy: free energy is used; environmentally friendly, do not affect the thermal balance of the atmosphere.
Low intensity, wind turbine operation adversely affect the operation of the television network; source of noise; spoil the landscape; if there is a lull, the wind energy becomes zero.

Primary responsibility for keeping warm lies on external surfaces - walls, foundations, roofs, since they have the greatest area of \u200b\u200bcontact with the external environment. Thermal insulation, properly organized with the help of energy-saving coatings, will not only create a comfortable microclimate in the house, but also save money on heating.

- Energy-saving plaster high-performance coating of a new generation, which is specially designed for the construction of environmentally friendly and energy-efficient housing. In total, energy-saving plaster is a standard cement mortar, to which modern fillers are added - pumice powder, expanded polystyrene, perlite sand.

- Polyurethane foam - durable and lightweight energy-saving material, which has a peculiar structure, has the smallest water absorption and the lowest thermal conductivity in comparison with other energy-saving materials.

- Foam glass - a special energy-saving material consisting of spherical and hexagonal hermetically sealed cells. In appearance, foam glass is very similar to pumice or glass foam with many cells.

- Energy saving paint - lightweight, flexible, stretchable material, highly adaptable to surfaces. Energy-saving paint consists of hollow microscopic silicone and ceramic balls suspended in a liquid that consists of inorganic pigments and synthetic rubber. The uniqueness of the energy-saving paint lies in its heat-insulating properties, which are the result of the intense action of air molecules in the balls.

- Energy saving... During the operation of electrical networks and electrical equipment of residential buildings, there are certain possibilities to reduce the consumption of electricity. Electric lighting of apartments is carried out using general and local lighting fixtures, usually with incandescent lamps. Nowadays, fluorescent lighting is being introduced more and more, which allows creating higher levels of illumination without additional energy consumption. In addition, fluorescent lamps have a significantly longer lifespan and are less sensitive to voltage fluctuations. Electricity consumption for lighting, thanks to the transition to these lamps, has been halved.