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The terrible killer in the history of the United States: "Brooklyn vampire. Facts about Albert Fiche - the most cruel American maniac Fish Killer

Albert Fish was born in Washington in 1870. At the age of 12, the boy receives the first homosexual experience with the postman. At the same time, a public bath is becoming a favorite entertainment of Albert. In 1890, FISH goes to New York to work as a "prostitute", but the boys and raping them.
After time, in 1898, the mother can organize the marriage of the Son. By the way, the wife believed her husband a good family man, gave him six children. Yes, sometimes the oddities happened to his behavior, but in general everything was fine, according to his wife. In 1903, on charges of embezzlement, Fish is being jailed to Sing-Sing, where he spends two years, continuing its homosexual contacts.

Fish in youth.

In principle, the sexual preferences of the Fish would be a little excited, except, except, his wife. However, Hamilton's harassment and rape of boys, who has changed the name on Albert, is moving to murder. According to the stories, the first one happened in 1910, but I could not find the body of the murdered Thomas Bedean.

Fish after arrest.

And the first documented incident was the abduction of Francis McDonyla. A 8-year-old boy played at the playground on July 14, 1924. Witnesses have seen how he left with the elderly man's man.
A few hours later in the forest found the body of a boy - raped, brutally beaten, stood out. The killer was looking for, but to no avail.
In 1927, Billy Gafni is becoming a victim of the maniac. Two children played near the house. They disappeared, but a neighbor boy, Billy Biton, discovered on the roof of the house. Biton and said that his four-year friend brought "Bugi-Men" - an elderly gray-haired man in gray.

The events of 1928 brought new "names". He under the name of Frank Howard met the 17-year-old Edward, who was looking for work. "Howard" met the boyfriend's family and made a wonderful impression as a respectable elderly gentleman. During the last visit, FISH offered to hold a younger sister Edward for a holiday. After that, the ten-year-old Grace Budd has seen no one.
Police searched for a girl. Quite quickly they managed to establish that Howard does not exist in nature. For several months, there was a consequence, but even the body of the girl was not discovered.

Dressed in the best weekend dress, trusting the little girl went with Fist on the northern outskirts of New York, in an abandoned secluded house. There he strangled her, destroyed the body and cut out several pieces from him.
Returning home, Fish prepared from this "gentle meat" (as he was expressed) cannibal roast, seasoned with carrots, onions and pieces of bacon. He spent the next nine days, locked in his room, devouring this eerie food and masturbating.

And after 7 years, the Budd family received a letter. The mother was not strong and gave to read an anonymous message from Son Edward, who immediately appealed to the police. The letter was written on the face of the most Howard, who told how he led the girl, recalled the details of the day, as she led her empty house, worse, separated and eaten.
All this was painted in the smallest nauseous details. In particular, it was pointed out that the killer took 9 days to eat all the harvested meat. That's how the maniac turned into a "Brooklyn vampire".
This is the letter and led to the murderer of William King detective (William King). According to a specific stamp on paper, it was possible to calculate its place of residence, where the criminal and caught.

In the process of the investigation, the murder of three children was proven, although they assume that there were 15. Fish was willingly shared memories of the process, how she cut the body of children, as she prepared and what pleasure from food received.
Famous New York Psychiatrist Dr. Frederick Verthem, who was defended to examine the Fish, said that this old man was engaged in "all known sexual perversions", as well as some other, about which no one and never even heard (so, Fish received special pleasure , Introduce yourself in the urethra of the rose cutter).
The x-ray of the pelvic region, made the Fisher in prison, showed that he was stuck around twenty-nine needles around the bladder, which he himself was delivered.

Needles in the crotch Fish.

Although at the trial in 1935, the sworn recognized the Fisha's extinction, the sentence was unanimous - the Higher Measure. After making a death sentence, this abnormal old man exclaimed: "What delight is to die on an electric chair! This will be the highest pleasure - the only one I have not experienced!"
January 16, 1936 Sixtieth-year-old Fish sat on an electric chair - it was the oldest person of all ever executed in Sing Sing prison.

"Hannover vampire" Fritz Harmann, one of the most famous sexual killers, was born in the work family in Hanover (Germany) in 1879. In childhood, he was sullen, closed and inhibited; His favorite entertainment is to fall into women's clothing.
At seventeen, he fell into a psychiatric hospital after an attempt to seduce children. Six months later, he fled to Switzerland, and then returned to Hannover.

Some time, Haarmann tried to conduct a respectable life. He settled to work on the tobacco factory and launched a young girl. But this relatively normal period was short-lived. Haarmann threw his bride and entered the service in the army.
Server got into the 10th Hanger Battalion, based in Colmar (Alsace Province). There is no evidence that Haarmann took part in the fighting of the First World War, but after the dismissal of Haarmann from the army in 1918, he received a good retirement, which allowed Trice to open a confectione shop in Hannover. In his shop, Haarmann traded not only with cakes, but also meat, that in those hungry times was not unusual.

According to other data, Haarmann returned to his hometown and became a member of a group of smugglers, industrial, among other things, the sale of beef in the black market.
In addition, he worked on the police by the "messenger duck" and a knocks that for some time gave him protection against possible arrest. However, in 1919, Haarmann was found in bed with a boy, and he was in prison.
And nine months later, after liberation, his truly bloody path began. Settling in Hannover slum, he fell under the effect of Hans Gran's homosexual engaged in prostitution.
Haarmann and Granis began together to track down, rape and kill young men refugees who were very many in the post-war city.

Khatmann and Granns.

Although Haarmann was charged with twenty-seven murders, in reality he made it most likely not less than fifty. He always used the same method. Hungry for the hungry young man in his room, Haarmann fed him first, and then beat and twisted (often with the help of the granus), after which the sacrifice was raped, and then Hartman drank the miserable teeth in the throat and pulled the gorten. It brought him a huge sexual pleasure.
Then Haarmann and Granted the body and sold buyers under the guise of beef in the black market. The clothes of the victims were also sold, and inedible bones and guts were thrown into the canal.
As the number of disappearances of young people grew, the police began to suspect Haarmann. One woman who bought "beef" from him, realized that it was human meat, and turned to the police. However, for a long time Hartmann saved his curator from the police.

In the summer of 1924, several skulls and boys were found on the banks of the canal. On June 22, 1924, Haarman tried to force the young man named Fromm at the station to go with him to "eat meat."
The guy did not want, he heard about the murder of vagrants from the station Hanover and refused. Haarmann tried to undermine the young man. Fromm had resistance, the police arrived at the station and detained both. In the From plot confidently stated that Haarmann dirtily praised him. And also reminded his rumors about killing people from the station.
The police listened to the words of Fromma. Haarman, despite his belonging to the police, left in the chamber. In his shop spent a search. They found the remains of human bodies, and Granssa caught in the shop at the moment when he seized the body of a guy who had disappeared from the station a few days ago.

In the end, Haarmann confessed to his crimes. In 1924 he was tried, they were convicted and sentenced to death. On the trial, Fritz Haarmann admitted that 24 boys killed in 1918-1924. However, the number of corpses, according to the investigative data, was 27. All victims were between 10 and 22 years.
Hans Granns was accused of complicity in crimes and sentenced to death. Later, the sentence was revised and changed for 12 years in prison. After listening to the sentence, Haarmann first fell into a stupor, and then laughed. - I still come back! He shouted. - You know that the vampires are immortal!

Waiting for the execution, "Hannover Vampire" (the newspaperrs doused him) composed a whole report in which without repentance described, which joy was delivered to him perfect atrocities.
Early in the morning of April 15, 1925, in the courtyard of the prison of the city of Hanover, the sentence was carried out. The head was submitted to the researchers scientists. For a long time she was in Gotengen, and four parts of the brain - in Munich. The researchers could not explain the passion of Haarman to the use of someone else's blood.

Hatman's head.

Many of the time of that time claimed that Haarmann's head was cut off by the sword, which was consecrated in the church. After the maniac's arrest, the relatives of the alleged victims of Haarmann studied his wardrobe, and it turned out that absolutely all the clothes of the Hanover vampire and his lover consisted of things of their victims. Relatives of the victims argued with each other about who owns the most expensive clothes, trying to take someone else's.
Haarmann did not kill a single woman. He considered them "spacing vice and distributors of venereal diseases." And therefore it was swayed by their blood. You just didn't want to kill the Hannover maniac. Yes, and the Bible does not allow. He was generally a rather religious person.

Monument to the victims of Hatman. The collected bones and fragments ran down in a fraternal grave.

Albert Fish is a criminal, about whose acts is scary to just think. All that he did (and this is a whole bouquet of all kinds of perversions), throws into a shiver of any healthy person. You can only explain his behavior: Albert Fish was abnormal, and the "abnormal" is the most soft definition ...

Albert, at birth, the named Hamilton was born in 1870 in a noble American family. However, his family was quite unfavorable: almost all his relatives suffered from psychological disorders of various types, which, of course, could not do not affect the formation of his personality. Childhood and youth Hamilton spent in the boarding house "St. John, "Fish began to experience the excitement from getting bodily punishment or from observing them. After the achievement of the majority, he moved to New York and changed the hated name Hamilton, because of which he was teased all the time in College, Albert.

Soon Fish marries a young girl who gives birth to him six children. It is worth noting that Albert was a fairly caring father, although with oddities: so, for example, one day he was without any reason, he drove a big nail into his hand.

The first arrest of Fisha took place in 1903, he robbed the store where he worked. For this crime, FISH was planted for 2 years in Sing Sing Prison. There, by the way, he will finish his days, but about it below.

On July 14, 1924, Esthetic Francis McDonnel disappears. His friends tell that the boy left the playing platform in the escort of an elderly gullible man with gray mustache. In the middle of the day, the boy was found in the nearby forest. He was wound with his own suspenders and brutally beaten. The police began searching the elderly man who was assigned the name "Gray Man." Unfortunately, the investigation initially went wrong - after all, in the 20s, this kind of crime was rare. By the beginning of the 25th year, the investigation went into a dead end.

On February 11, 1927 another child disappeared, Billy Gafni for 4 years. Another witness of the abduction was another Billy, for the year younger. He described a man who stole Hafni. It was a certain "bougie", not terrible, on the contrary, fabulous and interesting. It was a thin old man with dense hair. He even allowed his gray mustache ... Billy's corpse did not find it.

Perhaps modern investigators would find the similarity between the "gray" and "bugs-person." But, as already mentioned, the experience in this case was small in the police, and therefore no one would guessed to compare. As a result, it was not revealed.

June 3, 1925, i.e. more than a year, the most loud abduction occurred. True, it was somewhat different from the previous ones. Seventeen-year-old Teen Edward Budd filed an advertisement to the newspaper about finding work. A certain Frank Howard responded to him, a slim old man with gray mustache (familiar description, is not it?). He came to the house to Buddham, where he made an excellent impression on the chapter of the family. Howard was pleasant in communicating, kind to children, generous, neat and polite. When Howard came to Buddham for the last time, he met one of their daughters - a decade of the Grace. He offers the parents of the girl to reduce that holiday, where he himself goes, and where there will be many children. First, parents fluctuate, but then agree - Grace has so few holidays in life. And they commit the most, perhaps, a big mistake in all his life. Is it worth saying that Grace, June 3, who went with Frank Howard, whose true name was, of course, Albert Fish, never saw his parents anymore.

The police did not wait for the last two days to start looking for the missing. Almost immediately after the beginning of the investigation, it became known that no Howard had existed in risen. Search starts, but after a few months they stop - the grounds consider Grace Budd there is no killed; It should be closed.

Probably it would be all over, but Fish himself gives himself. Without coping with his sick mind, he, almost 10 years after the abduction of Grace, sends it a letter to her parents. In order to submit how terrible this person was, the text of the letter is provided in full:

"My dear Mrs. Budd!
In 1894, my friend sailed by a sailor on the "Tacoma" steamer under the team of Captain John Davis. From San Francisco they sailed to Hong Kong, China. Upon arrival, my friend and two other sailors went ashore and got drunk. When they returned the ship was already gone.
At that time in China was hunger. Meat of any variety cost from 1 to $ 3 per pound. T. K. Most of all suffered the poor, then all children under 12 years old were sold to food, in order to save the elder. A boy or a girl under 14 years old have not been safe on the street. You could go to any store and ask Bifstex - and you would prepare meat. You would be given pieces of bodies of a boy or a girl if you only wished tenderloin from such meat. The back of a boy or girl is the most delicious part of the body, it was sold at the highest price.
A friend who delayed there, acquired the taste of human flesh. Upon returning to New York, he captured two boys - 7 and 11 years old. Hiding them in your remote home, he kept them connected in the toilet. Several times the day he slept them to make meat tastier. He first killed a 11-year-old boy, because he was thicker and had more meat. Each part of the body was divided, except for the head, bones and guts. His ass roasted in the oven, and the rest of the parts were welded, grilled and extinguished. Little boy repeated this path. At that time I lived in the house 409 in the 100th Eastern Street. My friend often told me about the taste of human flesh that I decided to try, in order to make my opinion.
On Sunday, June 3, 1928, I turned to you at: House 406, 15th Western Street. Brought you a basket of strawberries. We have breakfast. Grace sat on my knees and kissed me. I decided to eat it. I offered to take her for a holiday. You said: "Yes, she can go." I brought her to an empty house in Westchester, who chose ahead.
When we got, I ordered her to stay outside. She collected wild flowers. I rose upstairs and took all my clothes. I knew that if I start to do what I intended, I blister her blood. When everything was ready, I went to the window and called it. Then I disappeared into the toilet until she entered the room. When she saw me naked, then shouted and tried to escape on the stairs. I grabbed her, and she said that he would tell mom. First, I am the section of her devil. How she was kicking her legs, bit and rushed! I strangled her, and then cut the soft parts to attribute to my room. Cook and eat.
How sweet and pleasant her little ass, roasted in the oven! I needed 9 days to fully eat her meat. I did not bother with her, although I could if I wanted. She died with a virgin. "

Of course, the parents were shocked. However, they did not believe that it was written in the letter - some details were indicated inaccurate. (It is worth noting here that Fish generally remembered the events of his life, the place where he visited, with whom he was familiar, vaguely, superficially). Budda decided that some scoundrel brutally cheered over them.

However, Detective William King, who worked for investigating this case, adhered to other opinions. He began a serious investigation, many options were checked, but, as it often happens with serial killers (enough to recall at least theodore of Bandy), the criminal was found almost by chance. By disadvantaged King, King caught him on the hook. However, when attempting to detention, FISH rushed to a detective with a knife, which greatly aggravated his already deplorable position.

After the detention of Albert Fish with law enforcement agencies, he was charged with more than 100 harassment for children. Fish himself declared that there were about 400. Thus, he tried to imitate madness. The exact number of children who died from Albert Fish's hands is unknown, it ranges from 7 to 15.

Also FISH described the actions performed by him with the little Billy Gafny:
"I cut his cheeks, cut out the language, glands and washed them. I put everything on the tray, turned on the stove. Then I laid bacon strips for each cheek and put everything in the stove. Then four bulbs cut, after the meat was roasted for a quarter of an hour, poured it with a liter of water to get juice, and put onions. Therefore, it should have turned out beautiful and juicy. Approximately two hours later it was ready - beautiful in appearance, with a brown crust. I never tried turkey, which would be at least half tasty, like his sweet meat. I ate all meat to the last crumb in four days. His little tongue was sweet like a nut, but I could not ship the glands. Threw them into the toilet. "

During a medical examination in the groin area, 27 needles were discovered, stuck the criminal himself. It became known that one day Albert, who did not allow himself an irony in relation to religion, climbed onto the hill and, spreading on his hand, shouted: "I am Jesus! Look, people, I'm Jesus! " Fish told that the breakdown of himself was a lean, he walked on his chest and kicks a stick.

Despite all the above, Albert Fish was recognized as sane and sentenced to electric chair. He himself noticed that the execution on an electric chair seems to him entertaining, although he does not suit his sentence.

Early in the morning of January 16, 1936, the oldest prisoner Sing-Sing prisoner and, perhaps, one of the most terrible, was executed.

Hannibal lecturer performed by Anthony Hopkins groans horror on us, but in the end, it is just a movie. Cannibals who live among us are a terrible reality. Their crimes seem particularly cruel and frozen, and the history of Albert Fish is not an exception.

The Fisha can rightly be called one of the most perverted criminals: he began to cannibal after "found" himself in pedophilia. Already being arrested, Fish confessed that more than 400 (!) Children were victims of his inclinations, and he suffered and killed. At the same time, the sadist looked completely harmful: a citizen with an intelligent appearance, which seemed so kind and understanding.

The fact that it is just a mask under which the cruel monster is hidden, it could not come to my head. That is why his crimes and seemed completely wild. Even his own execution, by rumors, became the embodiment of one of his fantasies.

The figure that appeared on May 19, 1870, it seemed to be written to become a criminal: the boy was born in a family that had a long history of mental illness. After the death of his father, the mother gave a five-year-old Fish in Washington shelter. There Albert constantly beat and mocked him, but it seems to him, even liked it: the beatings caused his erection. He received a very mediocre education and learned to work only with his hands, but not head.

In 1890, Fish moved to New York, where he began the search for his little victims. Modus Operandi The Fish was fully established: at first he lured his children away from home, torture (one of his favorite torture torture was padded, covered with nails), and then raped. Over the years, his passion for violence grew only, and now the bullying of children often ended with the murder and devouring parts of their body.

In 1898, Fish married, and for 19 years he seemed completely normal family man: a young wife and six children, marriage as a marriage. However, in 1917, Albert's wife escaped with another man, and then he turned into full force. To begin with, he began to attract his own children to his sadomasochist playing. One of the entertainment was this: Fish handed a child that heard with nails, which he used when torture his victims, and asked him to beat him until he began to flow blood with his streams. Not less pleasure delivered to him and sticking the needles deep into the body.

Fiasco's victims in family life, Fish hit the story - Women enabled in the newspapers announcement of acquaintance, he sent letters in which he described how it would like to have sex with them. Messages were so disgusting that they were never made public, although they appeared in court as evidence. None of the female Fishes never answered that he was not surprising: he asked their hands not for what she was usually asked for, and in order for him to hurt.

Although the intellectual work, Fish would not have been able to do with all the desire, he worked hands well - a maniac masterfully painted at home and often drove to work to other states. Some believe that he specifically chose those where the black population prevailed - Fish, they say, thought that the police would attach less effort to find a missing black child than if the white baby was missing. Indeed, among his victims there were a lot of dark-skinned children, in which he experienced his "guns of hell", as he himself called them: Favorite paddle, shells for cutting meat and all sorts of knives.

In 1928, Fish stumbled upon an announcement filed by 18-year-old Edward Badd, the guy was looking for a part-time job to help his family solve financial problems. Fish, recommending Mr. Frank Howard, met Edward and his family to discuss working conditions. According to Legend, Frank was a farmer from Long Island and was ready to pay a $ 15 assistant avenue a week. The work seemed to Edward perfect, and he immediately agreed to rise.

The family of Baddov Fish promised that he would return next week and just takes Edward with him. On the appointed day, he did not appear, but sent a telegram with apologies and appointed a new date. On June 4, he came to Buddham, as promised, and gave all children in the family with gifts. Budda were fascinated - Frank seemed typical loving grandfather.

After dinner, Fish told Buddham that he would take Edward later, and now, they say, he should go to a children's holiday in his sister's house. The maniac persuaded Chet to let the sister of Evard, a ten-year-old Grace with him. Not any suspects of parents agreed, Grace in an elegant dress came out of the house along with Fish, and no longer saw the girl.

Maniac Albert Fish is considered one of the first officially recognized maniacs of America. This blessing old man was kidnapped at the beginning of the twentieth century, raped, killed and joined the children. The exact number of his victims is not installed to this day.

"I always wanted to hurt others, and forcing others to hurt me."

Albert Fish.

Maniac, whose name is remembered for centuries

The future maniac and cannibal Fish was born in Washington in 1870. His father, Raddela Fishh, the fertilizer merchant, was 75 years old. He was older than Mother Albert for 43 years. Maniac had two brothers and sister, but he was the youngest. Much later, psychiatrists and researchers will argue that all members of the Fishe family suffered from various mental disorders. Most likely, the correspondence diagnoses, scientists tried to find the most real from their point of view the explanation of what turns an ordinary person in a bloody monster. In any case, reliable evidence of the psychic deviation of the Fisha never was presented. At birth, the future maniac received the name Hamilton. When he was five years old, his father Randel Fish died right outside of the heart attack. There was no special accumulation of Fish, and Hamilton's mother was forced to give it to the shelter. There's a Fish and got a nickname "scrambled eggs", which was consonant with his name - Nago And Eggs. From this nickname he could not get rid of very long. Because of what was unbelievable the name given to him at birth. And also, being in the shelter, Fish realized that he enjoys violence. In those days, in many shelters of America, physical punishments were practiced in the form of spanking. During the punishment, and then the beatings of the little Fish fell erection. For the five - eight-year-old boy, it is unusual and served as an additional stimulus for the etching Fish.

Four years later, in 1879, the Mother of Albert was able to get a public service and took the son. But the survived in the shelter forever changed the future bud. He was only 12 years old when he joined a homosexual communication with a postman's boy who broadcast telegrams. At about the same time, Fish began to attend public baths, where he could unhindered to consider naked bodies. Especially he was attracted by boyish bodies, aged 7 to 12 years old.

Maniac and his prison "experience"

In 1890, Fish moves to New York. Immediately after moving, he changed his hate his name Hamilton to Albert. Later he said that he moved to do prostitution. Was he a man-prostitute, it is not known for certain. But now that after arrival, he began to regularly rape small boys, it was possible to establish. The maniac chose his victims among the streets, which in those days on the streets of New York was a lot. They did not seek to declare into the police, and therefore the police did not have known about the arts of the Police Fish. However, Albert's mother suspected something and decided to urgently marry the Son. In 1898, Albert married a 19-year-old girl, whom his mother picked up. From this marriage, Bugmen had six children, four sons and two girls. But he continued to hunt for children. In 1903, Albert Fish caught on the embezzlement from the warehouse, where he worked with a loader, whether the storekeeper. He was sentenced to two years in prison and sent Sing Sing to the famous prison.

In prison, Albert was very popular. In those days, homosexuals still tried not to advertise their addictions. Therefore, the short-term prisoners, decades who did not see women, had to rape more weak models. And here it is not necessary to rape, Albert was always "for".

Bugmen's liberation

Coming from prison in 1905, Fish for a while arrived. Or maybe not surpasses: in those days there were no global informatization, and therefore no one really learned about some crimes. His first murder that the Fisher is imputed, he committed in 1910. The victim was nine-year-old Thomas poor from the state of Delaus. The next murder occurred in nine years. Fish, according to the police, stabbed the mentally backward boy in Virginia. The fact that both of these crimes committed the bugmen is quite controversial. But now check it too hard.

But the next crime directly indicated that it was the maniac Fish who made it. On July 14, 1924, Eight-year-old Francis McDonnel disappeared. The boy's friends told that he left with an elderly slender man with gray mustache. The police began to search for a gray man, one of the nicknames of the Fish, given to him by the police for the color of the raincoat. But in those times, the investigation of such, unmotivated, the police had no crimes. And the investigation has not led to anything. On February 11, 1927, four-year-old Billy Gafni was missing. The witness of the abduction was a three-year friend of Hafni, too, Billy. He told that they were playing at home, the bugs-man buffa came up to them. Why "Bugs"? "He was such a fabulous, not terrible," the child told. Well, the real "Bugi-man". What put a three-year-old child to the concept of a bugin, not so important. Most likely something good. But it was he who gave the definition of the real horror in all his unsightly glory. And the little witness described the gray mustache bugmen, which he even allowed to touch. There is no doubt that today's police would be quicted to gray mustache and could connect a gray man with a bugman. But the experience of the then policemen affected ... The most famous abduction and murder Magyak performed in June 1928. The 18-year-old Edward Budd filed an advertisement to the newspaper about finding work in the countryside and pointed out its address. There and came the 58-year-old Fish. It is quite possible, he wanted to kidnap a young man. However, when he came, he saw a ten-year-old sister Edward - Grace. And his plans have changed. He spent several hours from Baddov, promised to hire Edward and left. Returned, as promised, in a couple of days. He stated that Edward collected things, and he would go later. In the meantime, Edward will gather, Fish, he introduced himself as a farmer Frank Howard and convinced Grace's parents to let her go with him for a holiday. Like, his niece, which lives, is not very far away, just a birthday. Governing Badda let go of the girl and never seen it anymore. By the way, two years after the disappearance of Grace, the police arrested a certain Charles Edward Poor. The fact that he kidnapped the girl, his wife reported to the police. Poop was planted for a bars for four months. But at the court it was not possible to prove his guilt. But it turned out that Poop was going to divorce with his wife and even moved from a shared apartment. Women's revenge?

Maniac sent a shocking letter

And after six and a half years after the disappearance of Grace, in November 1934, her mother Delia received an anonymous letter. This letter, which sent a maniac, became the most famous of all the messages of the maniacs. Too shocking details made a bugman in his message. This is what was written in the letter: "My dear Mrs. Budd! In 1894, my friend sailed by a sailor on a steamer "Tacoma" under the command of Captain John Davis. From San Francisco they sailed to Hong Kong, China. Upon arrival, my friend and two other sailors went ashore and got drunk. When they returned, the ship was already gone. At that time in China was hunger. Meat of any variety cost from 1 to 3 dollars per pound. Since the poor people suffered, then all children under 12 years old were sold for food, in order to save themselves from the hunger of the elders. A boy or a girl under 14 years old have not been safe on the street. You could go to any store and ask Bifstex - and you would prepare meat. You would be given pieces of bodies of a boy or a girl if you only wished tenderloin from such meat. The back of a boy or girl is the most delicious part of the body, it was sold at the highest price. A friend who delayed there, acquired the taste of human flesh. Upon returning to New York, he captured two boys - 7 and 11 years old. Hiding them in your remote home, he held them connected in the toilet. Several times the day he slapped them to make meat tastier. He first killed a 11-year-old boy, because he was thicker and had more meat. Little boy repeated this path. At that time I lived in the house 409 in the 100th Eastern Street. Friend often told me about the taste of human flesh, that I decided to try, in order to make my opinion. On Sunday, June 3, 1928, I turned to you at: House 406, 15th Western Street. Brought you a basket of strawberry. We have breakfast. Grace sat on my knees and kissed me. I decided to eat it. I suggested take it to the holiday. You said: "Yes, she can go." I brought it to an empty house in Bectsterster, which chose ahead. When we got, I ordered her to stay outside. She collected wild flowers. I rose upstairs and took all my clothes. I knew that if I start to do what I intended, I blister her blood. When everything was ready, I approached the window and called it. Then I disappeared into the toilet until she entered the room. When she saw me naked, then shouted and tried to escape on the stairs. I grabbed her, and she said that he would tell mom about everything. First, I am the section of her devil. How she was kicking her legs, bit and rushed! I strangled her, and then cut the soft parts to attribute to my room. Prepare and eat ... I needed 9 days to completely eat her meat. I did not bother with her, although I could if I wanted. She died with a virgin. "

Manyak said to his lawyer that Grace was raped. But the police did not confirm this statement. In general, as psychiatrists noted, Fish was simply pathological man.

Maniac made a fatal mistake

Grace's parents did not believe in the reality of what a maniac described. They thought that someone was stupid and scared on them. But the letter was still delivered to the police and fell into the hands of the main investigator William F. King. And the policeman did not consider that this is a draw. And he immediately noticed that the letter was sealed into the corporate envelope. But the envelope clearly recognized the hexagonal emblem of the New York Private Charitable Driver Association. Such envelopes were not produced by millions, but in small batches. King ordered to carefully interview all employees of the organization for the misuse of envelopes. The doorman admitted that he took several envelopes for his own needs. However, he did not have time to use them. Forgot a few in the furnished rooms, from where I recently moved. The mistress of the rooms told that after this Swiss room, the room was shot by an elderly thin man with gray mustache. And she reported that the guest receives money from his son. Having gone a few days ago, he did not receive the last translation. And I must come for him. King decided to independently meet a suspicious grandfather. In those days there was no special forces, and the police sometimes went to the arrest of criminals alone. And he entered King. Albert Fish, as soon as the investigator introduced himself and suggested to go with him, pounced on King with two dangerous razors in his hands. But the policeman twisted maniac and took the headquarters. There, Bugiemen immediately admitted to the murder of Grace. Yes, and mother with brother girls identified him. But the police decided to "try on" other disappearances. His photo was published in the newspaper. And soon the police officer turned to the police, who identified the Fish as a person, who was driving in his transport with a small boy on February 11, 1927. Witness said he remembered a strange couple because the boy was without a jacket, cried and constantly called Mom. It was the day of the disappearance of Bill Hafni, whose body did not find it. The boy's mother turned directly to the freak and asked that the maniac spoke about his son. That's what Bugmen told about the murder of Gaphny: "I brought him to Ricker Avenue. There is a secluded house, not far from the place where I met him. I started the boy there. The section of his donaga, tied his arms and feet, shouted his mouth with a piece of dirty rag found by me at the landfill. Then I burned his clothes. Threw off his shoes on the landfill. Then I went back, at 2 o'clock in the morning I sat down in Trolleybus to 59-yulits and came to the house. The next day, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I took the tool - a good heavy cat "Reta-nine-bustting". House made. Short pen. It cut one of my belts in half, and the halves cut into six lanes eight inch. I whipped him on a naked way, until the blood ran down my feet ... He soon died ... I brought 4 old bags from under potatoes and scored a bunch of stones. Then I cut it. I had a sacter with me ... I came home with my meat. I had the front of his body, I love the best ... in four days I ate all his pieces. "

Execution or double pleasure

Already after the letter of Mother Grace, most psychiatrists began to declare that Albert Fish was inspired and it was impossible to judge him. Apparently, this is the verdict and the maniac, painting his "feats". And the maniac argued that he was deeply believed in God. And even when I put my victims and drank their blood, I just made the rite of communion. "Are you when you come to church and take a request from the priest's hands and wine, what does he tell you?" - said Fish. "That's you the flesh and blood of Christ, says Pastor." Didn't I do the same thing, drinking the flesh and blood? But although psychiatrists led to the thoughts of insaneness, Fish was still suggested before the jury jury. It is possible that it was a political decision. One way or another, but on March 11, 1935, the court began, ended in ten days by death sentence. After listening to the sentence, the maniac exclaimed: "What a delight is to die on an electric chair!" It will be the highest pleasure - the only one I have not experienced!

He really was a masochist and did not exaggerate himself, he enjoys pain. In particular, such a fact is known. When on January 16, 1936, Albert Fish was chained to the electric chair in the already familiar Sing Sing prison, then the current could not be passed through his body. The switches had to be included twice before the doctor stated death. The reason turned out at the opening. It turned out that Fish himself was driving a few dozen needles. Only in the groin region, they were discovered 27 pieces! This metal and prevented the normal flow of electric current. But the same metal brought unbearable suffering Fishes. It seems that the maniac received a completely "pleasure" from a double execution.

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