Bedroom design Materials House, garden, plot

Scenario of a home or friendly party "Unforgettable New Year: memories - for the year ahead!" Merry New Year with your family: scenario, games, contests How to spend the New Year at home scenario

According to statistics, 9 out of 10 families celebrate the New Year at home. Relatives and friends come to them, and together they sit down at the New Year's table and wait for the chimes to strike. Time at the New Year's table flies quickly, but sometimes it can be boring. Therefore, we offer a funny scenario for the house for the new year: 2017 is the year of the rooster! The script has funny contests, interesting ideas and cool games. Even for children, this little New Year's plan will be interesting. So watch and play.

Game - let's remember the events of the outgoing year!
3-5 guests take part in the game. For each of them, the presenter hangs plaques with words on their backs. It is necessary to hang it so that the participants of the game do not see these signs, and all the other guests can see. The inscriptions on the plates are as follows: registry office, sober, bushes, bathhouse, gay club.
When the plaques are put on and the rest of the guests laughed, then you can start the game. The moderator asks leading questions to the participants, and they answer.
Examples of questions:
- how often in 2016 did you visit this place?
- Have you ever been there in previous years?
- do you like the place you go to?
- will you go there in the new year? How often?
- would you take someone with you there?
- Who? What are the names?
- why would you take them there?
Such a competition will go off with a bang, because the participants do not know about the place that is written on their backs. So everyone will laugh heartily.

Game - see off the old year.

And now it is time to spend the old year so that he does not come back. We will see him off by playing with pins. And so, you need pins. On the pins, you need to write the numbers: 2, 0, 1, 6. That is, on each pin there is one number. And you also need small balls with which you will knock down the pins. Also prepare gifts for guests. Gifts are such that they remember the outgoing year 2016. write gifts on the cards and put the cards in a bag. The first participant picks up the balls and steps back five meters. His task is to knock down all the pins with balls. As soon as he knocks them down, he takes out one card from the bag and reads what kind of gift awaits him.

Video competition - what kind of movie?
Every year, a huge number of films are released. Of course, you won't be able to revise all of them, but we watch many of them. And in this video competition we will guess films and TV series!
For this we have prepared a video. Freeze frames will appear there, and guests must guess the title of the movie. Think simple? No, because the faces of the heroes in the freeze frame are decorated with masks! When all the guests have made their assumptions, the next frame is shown, where the faces are already open.
Watch the video below for a better understanding of how to play:

Competition - what are you expecting from the new year?
This is a card game. You need two kinds of cards. The first is the question and the second is the answer. First, the participant takes out a card with a question and reads. Then he reads the card with the answer.
Examples of question cards:
- will you go to the gym in the new year?
- Are you expecting a salary increase in the new year?
- do you have a plan for the new year?
- will you go to rest on the sea?
- what is the most important thing for you in the new year?
- how do you plan to spend this summer?
- do you think the new year will bring you good luck?
- are you expecting some miracles from the new year?
- have you made a wish for the new year?

Examples of responses:
- here it is impossible to say for sure. There are many nuances that I would not like to talk about.
- this is my dream!
- you know, even if this does not happen, I still love life!
- I'd rather do what I just adore - lie on the couch!
- let it be my secret.
- I have everything under control!
- I don't want to jinx it, so I'll knock on wood three times.
- I just want to eat and drink today!
- I know exactly what to do. So you can be calm!

Competition - Draw the Symbol of the Year.
And here the task is simple - you need to draw a symbol of the coming year. This competition can be conducted in different ways.
First option.
Here guests are just drawing funny cocks. Who's funnier wins.
Second option.
And here the guests draw a blindfolded rooster. Whoever does the best wins.

Turn your New Year's Eve into a fun adventure, forget about boring feast and continuous change of dishes on the festive table. It is important not only to have a hearty meal, but also to make the holiday cheerful and bright. You yourself can write a script for the New Year 2017 of the Rooster if you are familiar with the books of the wonderful author of fantasy - Andrei Belyanin. His fairy-tale cycle about the King of Peas is best suited for creating scenes, it contains both Baba Yaga, and the wise district police officer Ivashov, who is also the detective's father Voevoda, and the good-natured Mitka Lobov, and, of course, the cunning loud-voiced Rooster - the thunderstorm of any evil spirits.

Pick up any of the eight books from the cycle about the Tsar of the Peas - you will be happy to get to know all his characters and easily choose any scene that is so easy to stage even for non-professional artists. At the same time, you will learn how fun it is to fight evil spirits, overcome obstacles, and just meet a great author of fairy tales.

Choosing a bride for the King of Peas

“Shooting Brides” is a wonderful New Year's scenario for 2017, in which the whole intrigue lies in the choice of a bride for the king of the fairy-tale popular state. To hold the celebration, you will need interesting costumes for brides from all over the world, because even a representative of the African tribe Tamtama came to the bride at Belyanin's in Lukoshkino. You can offer your guests a great holiday:

  1. Fashion show - each bride comes out in her own national dress.
  2. Dances and songs of the pretenders to the throne, preferably to the music appropriate for their country.
  3. Competition "Who Cooks Better" - brides from the simplest ingredients must make a delicious dish for the King of Peas (of course, the initial ones are the same for everyone). And, of course, speed is important: the king wants to eat!
  4. Sports competitions for men - if Belyanin describes the creation of hockey teams in Lukoshkino, then let your guests show their strength in inflating balloons at speed (do not forget to pierce a couple of balloons) or in "tug-of-war" (over a coffee table, try to pull a string from a neighbor but don't break it).
  5. You meet the year of the Fire Rooster - who can call the rooster louder and more interesting than everyone else.

In this scenario, let all representatives of the evil spirits participate. We have known the characters of these tales from childhood from animated films and books, so there is no need to talk about them additionally:

  • Water;
  • Kikimora;
  • Leshy;
  • Mermaids;
  • Brownie.

Each character prepares to answer several tricky questions from the detective warlord, who is investigating the case of the theft of the plans of the flying ship:

  • What materials is a flying ship made of?
  • Whoever can assemble the paper crane faster is important that he also fly.
  • What ballast did Nikita Ivashov use?
  • What is the fastest way to eat a pound of salt?
  • How to see the evil spirits hiding under the invisible hat?

You can continue the list of questions yourself. Of course, the characters go on stage in outfits that match the images.

Scenario for the New 2017 of the Rooster: Task Force in the Village

Decorate your space for a country-style Fire Rooster New Year celebration. After all, it seems logical that it is in the village that Petukh feels best - you can get up early, the air is clean, the ecological situation is excellent.

The script, as well as in the book of Belyanin, will contain characters:

  1. Nikita Ivanovich Ivashov - junior lieutenant of the police, detective governor under Tsar Pea. Later - a police lieutenant.
  2. Baba Yaga - Mistress of the tower where the police station is located. Later - forensic expert of the task force.
  3. Dmitry Lobov (Mitka) - assistant to N.I. Ivashov.
  4. Tsar Pea is the king of the kingdom-state, the capital of which is the city of Lukoshkino.
  5. Foma Eremeev - Commander of the Strelets Hundred.
  6. Gruzdev Filimon Mitrofanovich is a Duma clerk. Serves at the court of Tsar Pea.
  7. Kashchei Kirdykbabeevich is the main enemy of the entire Lukoshka branch.

When carrying out this scenario for the new year 2017, each guest will be given a large number of opportunities to show themselves. This is a corporate party scenario with no contest restrictions. Don't forget about the Red Rooster - the brightest character. It is he who will lead all the games, and Nikita Ivashov will have to answer Rooster's questions and complete his tasks:

  • How to attract good luck?
  • What kind of work to do month by month throughout the year?
  • Make a delicious dish for the Rooster.
  • Any tricky games you know.
  • Masquerade, since such famous characters are involved, then all guests should change into improvised outfits or just change a little.

The funniest ditties from Dmitry Lobov

The scene will be fun and completely unpredictable, because in the memory of each of us there are funny ditties, sometimes even with "difficult to pronounce" words. Invite all party participants to remember their favorite funny ditty - there will be enough fun for everyone and for a long time! This scene always causes laughter, especially if the ditties are performed by a large person who is fluent in facial expressions. Although everyone can add their own ditty, if they wish, the scene turns into general singing accompanied by cheerful laughter.

Presentation of "sober buffoons"

How can you do without clowns at the party? Masquerade costumes can be rented, and any number of characters can participate in the scenes. Let it be a parade of costumed scenes on the theme of the Rooster: how your guests imagine him in Turkey, Japan, Mexico ... Just give the task to show the Fiery Rooster in all countries of the world!

New Year's Scenario 2017: "The Black Mass Conspiracy"

In any fairy tale, good necessarily triumphs over evil, this is an irrefutable truth. Prepare one presenter who will try to harm everyone - add sugar to someone's salad, replace someone's vodka in a glass with water. This is the machinations of the Black Mass. Whoever sees the pest first should also discreetly hang a tiny red cockerel tied to a pin on his back. You can use a sticker or a baby signet - discreetly put a seal on your neck or arm. The stage turns into an entertaining game throughout the evening - it will be interesting to gather all the “victims” of the Mass, and then the “pest” himself will then collect red cockerels from the costume. If there are more “victims” than cockerels, stickers and seals, the performer of the role of the Black Mass receives a prize.

Brownie and Baba Yaga - transformation

In the scenario about the coming of the New Year 2017 to your house, the Brownie, the keeper of the hearth, should participate. And his direct mistress in the books of Andrei Belyanin is Baba Yaga. This is a performance scene for both men and women. Everyone chooses a pair for himself, now each Baba Yaga is decorated with a Brownie, respectively, and Baba Yaga wants to see an attractive gentleman next to her. It is impossible to show the participants of the scene the result of the "cosmetic operation", only during the defile they will see themselves in the mirror. You can use only cosmetics, if you wish, change or complement the costumes. And be sure to take a photo for memory and choose the best pair!

Games for children are the most important part of the script

It's great when everyone, young and old, participates in the scenes for 2017, because it is the children who are looking forward to the New Year, it will be a time of goodies, gifts and entertainment. You will definitely go with the kids to the Christmas tree and, probably, more than once.

But at home during the celebration, kids need to pay special attention - for them the game is much more important than the feast. Game options:

Scene for 2017 for those who are still very young

Children should not be frightened, scary characters may then appear in their dreams. Therefore, only the Good Fairy participates in the scene. For the performance, it is worth preparing balloons filled with helium, and in each of them put a small number corresponding to the prize. Fence off a small space in the room with curtains, fill it with balls.

The kind sorceress goes to the center of the hall and gathers the kids around her. At the touch of the curtain with a magic wand, the doors swing open and the balls fly into the hall. Now only parents or older brothers and sisters can help catch the balls to give them to children. To complicate the task, the strings should be tied short.

This scene will delight both kids and their parents, because it is a competition, and the presentation of prizes, and just entertainment.

Save the Fire Rooster!

A funny scene "for sweets", when everyone has already played enough, a little tired and wants to rest again: celebrating the New Year is a rather difficult task. You will need a large cake in the shape of a Red Rooster, a lot of tiny candles that stick into the cake, and a knack. It is better to work together or even three - small candles burn out quickly.

Light all the candles, put out the lights in the living room and bring in a beautiful burning miracle - the effect is amazing. It's good if you have an assistant who turns on the light, because you need to gather all the guests around the cake and blow out the candles.

Red Rooster is saved! You can put on tea, cut the cake and continue to celebrate the coming of the New Year 2017.

It is important to take care of the decoration, since it is it that in many cases creates a festive atmosphere. Since the year of the Rooster is coming, you need to pay special attention to bright and shiny colors to appease the bird. Thinking over images, menus and musical accompaniment will not be superfluous. The presented scenario is perfect for celebrating the New Year in a spacious room that can comfortably accommodate up to 20 people.

Santa Claus ,
Snow Maiden,
New Year 2017.

gifts for contests, a bag of wishes, cards with New Year's words and phrases, cards with songs, a roll of paper towels, New Year's rain, New Year's beads, a hat, a carrot (all in duplicate).

The guests take their places. The presenters appear in the hall.

New Year is in a hurry to visit us,
We'll drop all problems
Let's drink and dance
We will celebrate the holiday!

We are glad to see everyone this evening,
And I propose to start
So let's light our candles
We will see off the old year!

(A toast is made about the outgoing 2016)

Toast options:
1. Here the old year is leaving,
Let him take with him
All adversity and sorrow
All people who have been offended.
All problems, all troubles
Let it carry away for good
Let's drink friends for this,
For more laughter!

2. Let's drink to us for the outgoing year,
Thank him for everything that he gave
Let it take away with you
All the troubles that he sent us!

3. Let's raise our glasses,
We spend our 16th year
We will remember him for a long time,
Let all the evil take away with you.
Thank you for the experience,
For the wisdom he gave
For the fact that he was still good,
That Trump suddenly became president!
And if it's no joke, we spend it with dignity,
And let's drink to everything that the year brought us,
For the fact that we still lived calmly,
For not seeing grief and tears!

(Toast options may be different)

I’m wondering, what wishes will you have for the New Year 2017?

So, let's check it out!

Great, I just have a magic bag in which there are so many wishes and desires that you can get tired to read!

Game "Wishes for 2017".
In advance, you need to write on pieces of paper the options for wishes-wishes for the coming year. Put it all in an opaque bag and invite each guest to draw out a piece of paper and read it out loud.
You will need: a bag of wishes.

Example cards.
I want 2017 to bring me ...
1. ... 10 kg of sweets, a mink coat, a fox fur coat and a pink telephone;
2. ... calmness and a million dollars;
3. ... a lot of new toys and a new dress for mom;
4. ... diamond necklace and ice cream;
5. ... I have a unicorn and a Hottabych beard;
6. ... happiness and new boots.
7. ... a new screwdriver, a wrench and a bottle of Armenian brandy;
8. ... long vacations and gifts;
9. ... a lot of days off and a huge salary;
10. ... a new set of tools and 2017 is the best year ever.

(The options for desires may be different, it all depends on the imagination. Just remember that if there are children among the invitees, you need to take care of the wishes for them)

So let's drink to make all your wishes come true and say goodbye to 2016 again!

(Everyone raises their glasses)

They say that on the New Year,
Congratulations are very important,
How do you pronounce it
So you will start your year!

(If there are children in the hall, they say, and if there are no children, then adults read)

All good fellows, all prepared, but do you know that the Rooster, the symbol of 2017, likes spontaneity?

So, this is the Snow Maiden to what she tells you. She and I thought about it and decided that it wouldn't hurt anyone to be spontaneous!

Contest "Spontaneous congratulations".
Cards are prepared in advance, on which one word or phrase is written. The guests are divided into 2 teams, each receiving 10 cards (5 words, 5 phrases). The task is to make a New Year's greeting from the received set. The winning team will receive a prize. Lead time 1, 5 minutes.
You will need: cards with New Year's words and phrases.

Examples of words and phrases.

The words:
New Year, Santa Claus, Olivier, fireworks, gifts, winter, rooster, snowman, tree, round dance.

i wish you happiness, joy; Happy New Year; finally waited, we gathered at the table; what happiness and luck, what a miracle, a mood; kind Grandfather Frost; I congratulate, congratulate, and I wish prosperity to everyone; and the beautiful Snow Maiden; let him bring magic; miracle holiday New Year.

(Variants of words and phrases may be different, it all depends on imagination)

That's what I understand, spontaneity! Friends, I propose to drink to the talent, so that next year it will bring many pleasant surprises.

(Everyone raises their glasses. Loud steps are heard)

What is the noise, who is knocking here?
Who stomps so loudly?

This New Year is coming
Happiness, joy brings us!

(The door opens and New Year 2017 enters)

New Year 2017:
Here I am, hello friends,
How are you all doing?
Are you tired of waiting for me?
What are you planning here?

Well, until the clock strikes
I'll sit quietly
I will look, I will observe
I will spread my wings!

And I'll decide, then friends,
Will I bring you good,
Will I bring you health,
Will I take away all the bad!

Well, shame on you, just like that from the doorway! People are tired of waiting for you, do you know how many hopes and plans you managed to build?

New Year 2017:
And that, they waited for a year, they will still wait. You know, the bird is important, I love attention. Let them appease me, and I'll think about whether to come or not!

Look what you have found! Yes, we will celebrate the New Year without you!

New Year 2017:
I can mark it, and mark it, but whether I will come, it's already my business!

Wow, how harmful! And we can do without you, so sit in your corner, spread your feathers, we don't need you like that!

Somehow wrong, they waited, waited, but here's how it happened. All this is not good, it is not good.

What are you proposing, Grandpa, there, the guests are all tired of waiting, sitting, bored.

So we will cheer! Let's sing!

Announced competition "New Year's ditty".
3-4 participants are selected from the guests. Everyone should sing a New Year's ditty, but while standing on one leg. Whoever lowers his leg during the song is eliminated. The most persistent will receive a prize.

(After the competition, a dance break is announced, lasting 10-15 minutes)

I suggest you friends
I drink for the New Year,
To be calm, kind,
Let him distribute happiness to everyone!

(Everyone raises their glasses)

I suggest you play
You can guess riddles
And the riddles are not easy
Oh, what funny!

(Guides for children (if they are in the hall) or funny riddles for adults. Whoever gives the most correct answers will receive a prize)

Another competition is waiting for you friends,
Obviously it's time for you to move,
It will be easy, interesting, cool,
There will be fun, it will be perky!

Competition "I dance as I can".
The presenter selects 3-5 people from all participants (including children). The task is to depict a given emotion during the dance (the dance cannot be interrupted. Depict not only with facial expressions, but also with gestures). It turns out fun and interesting. A prize can be awarded for the best performance.

Emotion options:
1. Joy;
2. Anger;
3. Annoyance;
4. Resentment;
5. Happiness;
6. Bliss;
7. Enjoyment;
8. Calmness;
9. Anger;
10. Rage.

(You can choose music from the 80s and 90s as a musical accompaniment for this competition)

For the coming time for us to drink,
May everything be good in him
Let all troubles recede
And let everything be like in the movies!

(Everyone raises their glasses)

Soon the chimes will strike
It's time to get ready
And you need to appease with you,
Such a harmful Rooster!
As you know, he loves songs,
I invite you to sing
To make it interesting
And there is a task for you!

Competition "I'll guess the song".
The participants are divided into two teams. In each captains are chosen, whose task is to cull the song. Each song is given 15 seconds. The team that guesses the most songs will win. The second version of the competition - the captains must show songs without words. All songs are placed on cards.
What you need: cards with songs.

Songs for the competition (you can choose others):
1. Disco Crash "New Year is Rushing to Us";
2. Well Wait "Tell the Snow Maiden";
3. "Three white knights";
4. "While the clock strikes twelve";
5. “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”;
6. From Prostokvashin "If there was no winter";
7. "Near the forest at the edge";
8. "New Year's toys, candles and crackers";
9. "The January blizzard is ringing";
10. Gubin "Winter, cold weather, lonely houses";
11. "Snow whirls, whirls and falls" ";
12. "Little Christmas tree, it's cold in winter."

(After this competition, you can announce a musical pause, lasting 10-15 minutes)

The chimes are already striking
New year is on its way
Pour the glasses
New Year is already on the doorstep!

(The chimes ring out. With the twelfth beat, everyone lights up the sparklers together and congratulates each other, pronounces, and Santa Claus distributes gifts with the Snow Maiden. New Year 2017 is approaching the presenters)

New Year 2017:
Something I was completely arrogant,
Forgive my friends,
So I came,
I took up my post!
I will bring good to everyone,
I will help everyone in business,
And at home comfort and happiness,
And, of course, wealth!
I'm not an easy Rooster,
Red, fiery like that
I will justify all hopes
Congratulations on my year!

So our capricious thought better of it!

Happy New Year,
I wish everyone to laugh
Never lose heart
To fulfill all desires!

For miracles to live
There was magic in full
Happy New Year,
I wish you all good health!

New Year 2017:
From myself, I wish you
So that all dreams come true
To forget the bad
To find good luck!

I propose, New Year,
We start with fun
I ask you to leave the table
There will be a mood!

Stand up all of you in a round dance,
We will dance now
We will be with you today,
Relax and light up!

(Everyone becomes in a round dance, in the center of which is the New Year 2017. It seems nothing unusual, but there is still a trick, all the participants in the round dance must repeat the movements behind the central figure)

What a New Year without a woman
I'm talking about snow
We need to fix it
Let's create a woman!

Contest "Sculpt me, sculpt".
The participants are again divided into two teams. Captains and those who will play the role of "snow women" are selected. Captains receive the same set: a roll of paper towels, New Year's rain, New Year's beads, a hat, a carrot. With this set you need to decorate the "snowman". The trick is to do this with your eyes closed, only relying on the team's prompts. Lead time 1 minute.
What you need: a roll of paper towels, New Year's rain, New Year's beads, a hat, a carrot (all in duplicate).

(After the competition, you can drink for the New Year and have a dance break, lasting 10-15 minutes)

Come on, congratulations,
Again you tell me
Only grandpa is deaf
You shout them to me!

Contest "I speak very loudly, and I want to congratulate everyone".
2 participants are selected. The task is to congratulate each other and all the guests on the coming Year of the Rooster. A prerequisite: the congratulation should include the word Rooster, red, fiery and congratulations should be pronounced loudly, and most importantly at the same time! After that, the guests reproduce what they have heard, and the one who shouts louder and clearer will receive a prize.

(After this competition, you can say a couple more toasts and have a dance break, lasting up to 20 minutes)

Our holiday is coming to an end,
We will say goodbye
But, literally a year later,
I promise to get back together!

Don't be sad, don't be bored
Your wonderful life
Celebrate the holiday for a long time
Let the year be clear!

New Year 2017:
I promise I'll be the best
I will bring joy to everyone
I will fulfill all dreams in a moment
I will give prosperity to everyone!

It is important to consider the number of children invited to the party. If necessary, you can add several

An article about how you can originally meet the New Year 2020 at home. It tells about creating a kind of festive atmosphere and describes the scenario of a small New Year's game.

On New Year's Eve, we strive to see some special meaning even in the most ordinary things, we try to put some symbolism into them.

We kind of play with ourselves and with others, indulge in dreams a little and guess, looking for hints and signs in everything.

And what is amazing and mysterious: the world around us responds to our innermost desires and appeals. Fir-trees are especially responsive at this time.

Next year, naturalness and frankness are in fashion. This also applies to the New Year's interior, so let's come up with something original, but not too pretentious.

New Year tree in a new way

Let's try, for example, this year to abandon the big queen-tree, imperiously gathering around all the gifts, all household members and guests.
We will introduce a Christmas tree "democracy": let small independent Christmas trees be in all living rooms, as well as in the hallway, in the kitchen, in the hall - wherever there is a cozy place.
Let's not use the usual cross stands or containers disguised as "snow".

And we will take and find in the house the most common household containers - beautiful linen baskets, free flower pots, mushroom baskets, pickles, all kinds of buckets, pots and other household items. Here in all this we will plant pines and Christmas trees!
No glamorous pretentiousness, long live simplicity and naturalness!

New Year Gift Ideas

Packaging, placing and presenting New Year's gifts have long been part of a special home ritual.

In addition to the usual surprises in Russia under pillows, in wardrobes and under forest beauties, we often resort to European traditions of hiding gifts in socks and stockings.
But let's change the usual way a little: let's try to update the already familiar socks and stockings, replacing them with mittens, felt boots and boots.

Room decoration ideas for the New Year 2020

Small Christmas trees, combined with the innocence of mittens hanging around the house, create a single style.

But there should be no uniformity this year.

Therefore, it's time to scatter a handful of funny shiny details around the house - they will emphasize the soft sound of natural decoration with their sonorous silver voices. Now we're making a little hilarious commotion.

Let the shiny outfit of Christmas trees (balls, garlands, beads, gimp, rain and any other tinsel) migrate into transparent glass vases and glasses, take places in tureens and salad bowls, magically transforming familiar things.
Let the sparkling signs of the holiday greet you all over the house - on tables, windowsills, shelves and even armrests of chairs.

Now, in the glitter of silver and gold, the house is truly ready for the holiday!

Home New Year's Scenario

In a house with a magical decoration, the "mystical" scenario of the New Year should be perfectly perceived. It is he who will complement the novelty of your decoration, bringing his zest to the grand celebration.

  • Atmosphere: relaxed.
  • Company: a large family or a group of people who have known each other for a long time.
  • Number of participants: from five to twelve people.
  • Scene: apartment.
  • Training: nothing is required from guests except a good mood.

Guests enter the house, undress and take places at the set table.
In the center of the table there is a magic hourglass, a magic arrow and an equally magic chest.
The hosts, who have taken on the role of leading, explain the rules of the ceremony to be performed:

follow the arrow, follow the instructions of the casket, keep track of the time.

New Year's game at the home meeting of the New Year

  • As soon as everyone is seated, the arrow will begin to rotate (to set it, use a children's tape measure or a spinning top).
  • The guest, whom she points to, should think about something good, put his hand in the chest, pull out one note and read it aloud.
  • It encrypts the place where the magical iconic thing is stored. Now we all go together in search of her. Soon there is a plate with three pies.
  • The presenter explains that the guest, at whom the arrow pointed, must take one pie for himself, and distribute the rest.

Hidden inside one of the patties is a small salty dough cookie that says "Luck".

So, someone got lucky. So that she does not leave the participants of the holiday for a whole year, it is necessary to cast a spell.

The magic hourglass turns over, and while the sand is pouring, there is time to tell everyone a story about good luck. This story is a spell.

If you finish the story before the time is up, your luck won't go away next year.

The game continues. The arrow spins to indicate the next competitor.

  • He puts his hand into the magic box and pulls out a piece of paper that says "Look under the plate."
  • A note with the wording "Joy" is found under the plate.
  • Now it's the new member's turn to tell the story - time has passed.

  • The next guest takes a piece of paper from the magic chest with the appeal "Take a flower" and receives a chamomile from the hosts.
  • They let her go in a circle for the well-known game "Loves - Doesn't Love".
  • The last one who tears off the petal from "Loves" will receive love.

Congratulations! Now all that remains is to keep it with history.

The arrow starts again.

  • The selected person is instructed to look for the next definition under the seat of their own chair.
  • Looking there, the guest discovers the inscription "Support".
  • Surely, besides the chair, there is some kind of support in life that you can talk about while the sand timer counts down the time.

And again along the arrow.

IMPORTANT: The number of notes in the box must exactly match the number of people sitting at the table.

Game "Magic New Year's cake"

When all the guests have gone through the rite of New Year's spells, a magical fruit and berry cake appears on the table.

  • Try to distinguish between apples, cranberries, grapes, tangerines and other gifts of nature baked in it.
  • Cut each piece. After that, the last instruction is taken from the magic box.

This is a detailed description of which fruits and berries in the pie correspond to which.

Thus, if you got a piece with an apple is creativity.

What if with raisins - pleasant surprises.

Pieces of the magic pie can be exchanged and shared.

As you can see, nothing complicated and requiring some kind of supernatural effort, additional costs or unusual skills.

But everything is completely new, everything is unusual, fun and with a twist!

Please yourself and your loved ones on this most fabulous night of the year, and they will definitely answer you with sincerity, sincerity and love!

Video: Fun for the whole family for the New Year

So the next year has flown by, and again the most coveted and beloved holiday is on the doorstep - New Year. If you have a country house, where you usually come in the summer to be closer to the ground, fresh herbs and vegetables, then this is the perfect place to celebrate the New Year away from the bustling city. You will feel the pensive beauty of winter nature, enjoy the fresh frosty air and silence and have a wonderful rest. The whole family needs to go to the dacha, and even better - with friends. You will determine the number of guests yourself, taking into account the capacity of your house. Take care of food: you need to take everything you need, as there will not be a supermarket nearby where you can run for bread and mayonnaise.

Arriving at the place, it is necessary to assign responsibilities. Men are heating the stove, clearing snow in the yard, preparing a dance and entertainment area and a campfire site. Women in the kitchen are preparing a festive dinner and tidying up the house. Children decorate the house and decorate the Christmas tree. To prevent children from interfering with adults, instruct them to make Christmas tree decorations (snowflakes, lanterns, garlands). To do this, do not forget to take with you colored paper, scissors, glue, tape, threads. Someone from adults or older children must necessarily control the kids, help them in their creativity and ensure that safety measures are followed. In the evening, when everything is ready for the holiday, guests and hosts go out to spend the old year. Here the table has already been laid, the tree has been decorated and a fire is burning. The head of the family makes a toast:

The moment comes, it remains a little bit,

Soon the arrows will show twelve

In the meantime, I want to tell you a few words.

Old year. What will he tell you about?

This year was not bad, and quite calm,

Thank you very much for that.

You did not bring us news of a terrible war,

So life was going on happily.

But getting used to you

Still, we are waiting for changes.

Maybe a new one will bring good luck?

But the moment of goodbye is already coming.

I certainly won't pay now,

I suggest everyone raise their glasses of wine.

Let the faces shine with joy!

And for the past year, just drink to the bottom

And then we'll all have fun!

Everyone is drinking and eating.

Leading. In the New Year, you always want to look very good, original, fashionable, stylish. We were unable to invite either Vyacheslav Zaitsev or Valentin Yudashkin to the holiday, did not purchase dresses and suits from Versace, but today, on New Year's Eve, a miracle bag from Baba Mani is in special demand. With it, you will become simply irresistible. We're hosting a mini carnival!

At the dacha there are always old clothes - hats, hats, skirts, sweaters, scarves, shawls, quilted jackets, trousers. Add to this the masks brought with you, the hat of Santa Claus with a beard and the crown of the Snow Maiden. Put all these things in a bag, turn on the music and pass the bag around as you dance. As soon as the music stops, the person with the bag takes out and puts on one of the things. Then the music starts up again and the bag is passed on. When things are finished, it will be clear who is Santa Claus, who is the Snow Maiden, and the rest of the guests should come up with names for their costumes and celebrate the New Year in them. The music can be turned on and off by older children or by the presenter, who can get herself a suit in advance.

So, everything is ready for the New Year. After the President's congratulatory speech and the chimes, fireworks, firecrackers and champagne, Santa Claus makes a congratulatory speech or reads a prepared text:

I wish you health, happiness and joy

I want to wish you a New Year.

To live to a ripe old age,

Meet good luck at the gate

So that the sun gently warms,

And the nightingales sang for everyone,

Everything that I wanted would come true

And - a sea of \u200b\u200bbeautiful love.

May sorrows, troubles, misfortunes

Run away somewhere

Let the fun stay

On this beautiful night.