Bedroom design Materials House, garden, plot

Themes of physics seminars for teachers. April physical session. GMO Physics Teacher Papers

Criteria assessment

Help on the results of monitoring the state of teaching chemistry in OO Bakhchisarai district

Help on the results of monitoring the state of teaching mathematics in OO Bakhchisaray district

Chemistry workshop

December 06, 2019 on the basis of MBOU "Bakhchisarai secondary school No. 2" workshop workshop chemistry teachers of the Bakhchisarai region on the topic: "Lesson in developmental control in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard".

An open lesson was held by the teacher of chemistry MBOU "Bakhchisarai secondary school № 2" Galkina OI, a master class on the topic of the seminar was presented by Tomchak AA. (MBOU "Kuibyshev secondary school named after Khrustalev NT".

The modern lesson is the territory of success

On November 25, 2019, on the basis of MBOU "Bakhchisarai secondary school No. 1", an offsite seminar for teachers of mathematics of the Bakhchisaray region was held on the topic: "Models of modern lessons. The modern lesson is the territory of success. "

The participants of the seminar were greeted by the director of the school Bundina S.V.

Open lessons were conducted by the school mathematics teacher G.A. Akhtemova. (geometry grade 10 "Tetrahedron") and TV Vereshchenko (algebra grade 11 "Tangent equations").

The district mathematics teachers took part in the training "Pedagogical methods of creating a situation of success", which was conducted by T.V. Vereshchenko.

The seminar was held at a high methodological level.

Biology Seminar

On November 20, 2019, on the basis of MBOU "Bakhchisarai secondary school No. 5 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages \u200b\u200bof instruction", an off-site seminar for biology teachers of the Bakhchisaray region was held on the topic: "Development of a strategy for semantic reading and work with text in training classes in biology."

The participants of the seminar were greeted by the director of the school, D.F. Kurtametova.

Open lesson in grade 10 “Cell structure. General plan of the structure of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells "was conducted by the teacher of biology Seydametova Z.E.

Teachers N.V. Yampol (MBOU "Verkhorechenskaya secondary school") and Goncharenko E.A. (MBOU "Nauchnenskaya Secondary School") held master classes with the participants of the seminar.

The seminar was held at a high methodological level.

Physics teachers workshop

October 11, 2019 On the basis of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Crimean Gymnasium-Boarding School for Gifted Children", an off-site workshop for physics teachers was held on the topic: "The use of developmental education technology in physics lessons to realize the creative potential of students." Students of the gymnasium warmly welcomed the participants of the seminar and conducted a tour of the gymnasium. The gymnasium was presented by the director Yu.A. Tulaev. Physics teacher Golovko OM spoke to the participants of the seminar. "Organization of multilevel research work during frontal laboratory work", showed a fragment of the lesson in grade 8 - A "Elements of developmental education in the conduct of oral questioning." Physics teacher MBOU "Nauchnenskaya secondary school" Kryzhko VB held a master class with 10th grade students. The subject game "Physical battle" (a personal-team competition of senior schoolchildren in the ability to solve complex research and scientific problems, convincingly present their solutions, defend them in scientific discussions) aroused keen interest and desire to take part in it.

The seminar was held at a high methodological level.

August 27, 2019 On the basis of MBOU "Gymnasium", instructive and methodological meetings of teachers of mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology were held. At the meetings, a report was heard on the work done by the RMO of teachers of the subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle, an analysis of the work for the 2018/2019 academic year, the results of the academic year, the results of the GIA in grades 9 and 11 were considered and analyzed. The goals and objectives of the work of the RMO were determined, the work plan (separately by subject) for the 2019/2020 academic year was approved. The peculiarities of teaching subjects in the 2019/2020 academic year were studied with teachers.

May 04, 2019 on the basis of MBOU "Gymnasium"III municipal intellectual tournament for the Small Cup of the nature magazine "Kolosok" among students of grades 7 - 8 of educational organizations of the Bakhchisarai region of the Republic of Crimea.

The game was attended by 8 teams from 7 schools of the district (MBOU "Bakhchisarai school №2", MBOU "Gymnasium", MBOU UVK "School Academy", MBOU "Plodovskaya secondary school", MBOU "Krasnomakskaya secondary school", MBOU "Bakhchisaray secondary school №1" , MBOU "Vilinskaya secondary school №2 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages \u200b\u200bof instruction").

The third place was taken by the "Tornado" team (MBOU UVK "School Academy", team leader TS Bagirova, biology teacher), the second place - the team "Academics" (MBOU UVK "School Academy", team leader TS Bagirova, biology teacher). The winner of the game was the team "Pochemuchki" (MBOU "Bakhchisarai secondary school No. 2", team leader OA Shapetko, geography teacher).

"Play with us, explore the natural world!"

April 13, 2019 on the basis of MBOU "Gymnasium"Vii municipal intellectual tournament for the Small Cup of the natural history magazine "Kolosok" among students of 5-6 grades of educational organizations of the Bakhchisarai region of the Republic of Crimea.

The game was attended by 7 teams from 6 schools of the region (MBOU "Bakhchisarai secondary school №2", MBOU "Gymnasium", MBOU UVK "School Academy", MBOU "Plodovskaya secondary school", MBOU "Krasnomak secondary school", MBOU "Golubinskaya secondary school").

The third place was taken by the "Comet" team (MBOU "Gymnasium", team leader E.Ya. Ganina, biology teacher), the second place - the team "Lions" (MBOU UVK "School Academy", team leader TS Bagirova, biology teacher ). The winner of the game was the team "Integral" (MBOU "Bakhchisarai secondary school No. 2", team leader OA Shapetko, geography teacher).

Congratulations to the winner and awardees! We wish you continued success!


On March 29, 2019, the SECOND Republican Intellectual Game for the BIG CUP "SPINKLE" among students of 3-4 grades of educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea was held at the MBOU "Secondary School No. 30" of the Ministry of Defense of Simferopol, Republic of Crimea. The game was attended by - 21 teams from 7 regions of the Republic of Crimea: the cities of Dzhankoy, Evpatoria, Simferopol and Yalta, as well as Bakhchisarai, Dzhankoy and Simferopol regions. The game was dedicated to the 5th anniversary of the Crimean spring and the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the Periodic Law by D.I. Mendeleev.

The winner of the Small Cup "Kolosok" and gold medals, the team "Pochemuchki" (MBOU "Bakhchisarai school No. 2", team leader Turyanskaya S.E. primary school teacher), winner of silver medals, the team "Comet" “Gymnasium”, team leader TS Zaitseva, primary school teacher), winner of bronze medals, the “Constellation” team (MBOU “Plodovskaya Secondary School”, team leader Y. Kustova, primary school teacher).

According to the results of the SECOND Republican intellectual game for the Big Cup "SPIKE" among students of 3-4 grades of educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea, the Big Cup and a set of Gold medals were won by the team "PERVOTSVETY" from the municipal educational institution of the city of Dzhankoy of the Republic of Crimea "School-gymnasium No. 6" (team leader Ruchko A.A. primary school teacher).
Silver medals were won by the team "UMNIKI AND UMNITSY" from the municipal educational institution of the city of Dzhankoy of the Republic of Crimea "School-gymnasium No. 6" (team leader Budz S.P. primary school teacher). Bronze medals were won by the KAKTUSA team from the Prostornenskaya School MOU of the Dzhankoy District of the Republic of Crimea (team leader NM Tarata, primary school teacher).

The game was interesting, instructive, at a high emotional, cognitive and organizational level.

Regional Methodological Association of Mathematics Teachers

On March 28, 2019, on the basis of MBOU "Bakhchisarai secondary school No. 2", a meeting of the regional methodological association of mathematics teachers of the Bakhchisaray region was held. The reports of certified teachers were heard at the meeting: D.Kh. Asanova. (MBOU "Dolinnenskaya secondary school"), Dzhemilova Kh.N., Gafarova M.Z. (MBOU "Vilinskaya secondary school №2 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages \u200b\u200bof instruction"). Head of RMO Zhuravel E.V. commented on the lesson analysis criteria. Methodist of RMK Golovtsova M.F. read out a certificate on the results of monitoring the state of teaching mathematics in the public association of Bakhchisaray region, analyzed the statistical indicators of research carried out within the framework of monitoring. We exchanged experience in preparing students for the GIA.

"Play with us, explore the natural world!"

On March 09, 2019, on the basis of MBOU "Gymnasium", the second municipal intellectual game for the Small Cup of the nature magazine "Kolosok" was held among students of grades 3 - 4 of educational organizations of the Bakhchisarai region.

The game was attended by 10 teams from 9 schools of the district (MBOU "Bakhchisarai school № 2", MBOU "Gymnasium", MBOU UVK "School Academy", MBOU "Bakhchisarai secondary school № 5 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages \u200b\u200bof instruction", MBOU "Vilinskaya school № 1 ", MBOU" Plodovskaya secondary school ", MBOU" Tabachnovskaya secondary school ", MBOU" Krasnomakskaya secondary school ", MBOU" Nauchnenskaya secondary school ").

The third place was taken by the team "Constellation" (MBOU "Plodovskaya secondary school", team leader Yu.V. Kustova, primary school teacher), second place - the team "Comet" (MBOU "Gymnasium", team leader Zaitseva T.S., teacher of primary classes). The winner of the game was the team "Pochemuchki" (MBOU "Bakhchisarai school №2", team leader SE Turyanskaya, primary school teacher).

Congratulations to the winner and awardees! We wish you continued success!

Physics teachers seminar

On March 1, 2019, on the basis of MBOU "Skalistovskaya Secondary School", an off-site seminar for physics teachers of the Bakhchisarai region was held on the topic "Technology of the activity-based teaching method as a tool to improve the educational outcome and development of the student's personality in the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard".

The school's business card was presented by the school director Kupriyanova N.V., BOSS President Milena Manaenkova and 11th grade student Tatyana Rumyantseva. Master class "Using the program" Active Inspire "in physics lessons" and an open lesson in grade 10 "Fundamentals of electrodynamics. Electric charge. The law of conservation of electric charge ”was conducted by the physics teacher RN Dzhemilev. Students of the 7th grade "Judgment over inertia" spoke to the participants of the seminar.

Chemistry is Me, chemistry is my life, chemistry is our future, there is no life without you! "

On February 28, 2019, on the basis of the Krasnomakskaya Secondary School, an off-site seminar for chemistry teachers of the Bakhchisarai region was held on the topic "Effective methods of goal-setting and reflection in chemistry lessons in the context of the implementation of FSES LLC."

The school's business card was presented by the school director L.A. Buk. An open lesson in the 9th grade "Finding metals in nature and their methods of obtaining" was conducted by the teacher of chemistry Shuraeva M.S.

Chemistry teachers A.A. Osmanova shared their work experience. (MBOU "Bakhchisarai secondary school No. 5 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages \u200b\u200bof instruction") and Ziyadinova Kh.E. (MBOU "Kashtanovskaya secondary school"). A wonderful tour of the school museum was conducted by S.A. Gerasimov. The seminar was held at a high level.

Biology teachers seminar

On February 20, 2019, on the basis of the MBOU "Vilinskaya Secondary School No. 1", an off-site seminar for biology teachers of the Bakhchisaray region was held on the topic "System-activity approach in the context of organizing a modern biology lesson".

The school's business card was presented by the Deputy Director for Water Management E.A. Nadeina. Open biology lesson in grade 6 on the topic “The structure of a flower. Laboratory work No. 7 "The structure of a flower" was conducted by the teacher of biology ZE Islyamova.

Within the framework of the seminar, master classes were held: "Pedagogical technologies in biology lessons" Zusko L.N. (MBOU "Vilinskaya secondary school №1"), "Laboratory work as a way to study new things" Chernikova S.L. (MBOU "Gymnasium"), "Group work within the framework of a modern lesson" Ametova Z.R. (MBOU "Bakhchisarai secondary school No. 5 with Russian and Crimean Tatar languages \u200b\u200bof instruction"). The seminar was held at a high methodological level.

Workshop for chemistry teachers

December 06, 2018 On the basis of MBOU "Kuibyshevskaya secondary school named after N.T. Khrustalev" a workshop was held for teachers of chemistry in the Bakhchisarai region.

The topic of the seminar is "Activation of mental activity in chemistry lessons in the light of the requirements of the second generation FSES."

The participants of the seminar were met by the director of the school S. N. Pasha, presenting a business card. Students of the school, under the leadership of A. Tomchak (teacher of chemistry), G. L. Kocherzhenko (teacher of biology), O. Inyushina (teacher of technology), presented a fragment of the extracurricular event "Drink tea - be healthy."

An open lesson of chemistry in the 8th grade on the topic "Composition of air" was conducted by A. Tomchak.

Chemistry teacher MBOU "Pochtovskaya Secondary School" AP Golikova held a master class "Differentiation of tasks in the classroom in order to increase the effectiveness of educational activities."

VB Kryzhko, a chemistry teacher at the MBOU "Nauchnenskaya secondary school" presented her experience on the topic "Activation of mental activity in chemistry lessons."

"Whoever comprehends the new while cherishing the old can be a teacher"


November 26, 2018 on the basis of MBOU "Kashtanovskaya Secondary School" was held a traveling seminar-workshop for teachers of mathematics of the Bakhchisarai region. The topic of the seminar is "Increasing motivation to study mathematics through the use of new information technologies."

The participants of the seminar were met and presented by the school's business card, acting school director A.F. Topale. Teachers of mathematics MBOU "Kashtanovskaya Secondary School" showed open lessons: in the 8th grade "Square root" - T.V. Krivosheina and in the 9th grade "Solving inequalities by the method of intervals" - ARBarasheva. Within the framework of the seminar, teachers of mathematics of the district presented master classes: "Using a document camera in mathematics lessons and in extracurricular activities" - T.S. Ovchinnikova, MBOU "Bakhchisarai secondary school No. 2" and "From experience on the Yaklass website" - T. G. Chavkina, MBOU "Krasnomak secondary school".

The seminar ended with a musical gift from the children's creative teams of the school, prepared by the music teacher A.Yu.Dorosh.

The seminar was held at a high methodological level.

Biology teachers workshop

November 21, 2018 on the basis of MBOU "Secondary School No. 1" in Bakhchisaray, an off-site workshop of biology teachers of the Bakhchisarai region was held

    Another - that "the sun leads all the planets with it";

    Then ask questions:

    1. What is the dispute about?
    2. Whose point of view does the author share?

    After hearing and discussing the answers, you can smoothly move on to explaining the schemes of the universe according to Ptolemy and Copernicus.

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August meetings section: "Physics"

Topic: "Creative interdisciplinary conferences, seminars"

Prepared by: L.S. Trubichkina, physics teacher at the Kairaktyn secondary school.

Establishing interdisciplinary connections in the educational process is an important and

a difficult task whose significance

especially increases in terms of

requirements of an integrated approach

in teaching and educating schoolchildren.

Teaching physics will be more successful if schoolchildren feel the need for educational knowledge, accept the studied phenomena and laws with interest, if they feel they are participants in the cognitive process and use the a posteriori approach. All this is facilitated by taking into account the knowledge gained in the classroom in other academic disciplines.

The sciences are differentiated, but scientists in their service to the truth are united by the general principles of knowledge of nature. Many of the greatest achievements of the human mind in recent times are due to the transfer of the results of theoretical and experimental research from one field of science to another. Therefore, in the educational process, the role of intersubject connections is also important. When used, formalism is excluded when studying the material.

The use of information obtained in the study of other academic subjects contributes to the development of not only cognitive interest, but also outlook, a deeper understanding of the material.

Students are happy to substantiate physical patterns with knowledge and examples from biology, geography, history, etc.

You can suggest a number of interdisciplinary insertions into lessons on some issues:

    Grade 9: "The Relativity of Movement" - you can offer to listen to an excerpt from a poem by MV Lomonosov, previously studied in literature lessons:

Two Astronomers Happened Together at a Feast

And they argued very among themselves in the heat.

One kept repeating: "The earth, turning, the circle of the Sun goes round,"

Another - that "the sun leads all the planets with it";

One was Copernicus, the other was Ptolemy.

Then the cook decided the dispute with his smile.

The owner asked: “Do you know the flow of stars?

Tell me, how do you talk about this doubt? "

He gave the following answer: “That Copernicus is right about that,

I will prove the truth without being in the sun.

Who has seen such a simple cook

Who would spin the hearth around the roast? "

Then ask questions:

    What is the dispute about?

    How do you imagine the movement of the Sun, Earth, planets?

    Why was Copernicus' teaching banned by the church?

After listening and discussing the answers, you can smoothly move on to explaining the schemes of the universe according to Ptolemy and Copernicus.

    Before studying the graphic interpretation of uniform rectilinear motion (grades 9 and 10), you can invite students to write down the equation y \u003d 2 + 4x and recall the following from the algebra course:

    What dependence does this equation represent?

    How does the linear dependence y \u003d f (x) look graphically?

After that, you can ask to compare the "mathematical" equation y \u003d 2 + 4x and the "physical" x \u003d x + vt, which expresses the regularity of the coordinate change during uniform motion. Remembering algebra, the students themselves come to the conclusion that the expression: x \u003d x + vt is a linear function, that time t serves as an argument, and x (coordinate) is a function.

a) x \u003d 0; b) x0; c) xv

And then they build graphs and characterize each type of movement.

    When studying simple mechanisms and machines, I show a table on history with the Egyptian pyramids and invite students to talk about their construction.I also remind about the throwing machines used to repulse the Tatars in 1238 near the city of Kozelsk, in the Kaluga region, showing illustrations. The students name the devices used, assemble their models from the available parts, activate and explain the principle of operation. The considered example is from the physics-history communication unit.

Similar examples can be considered in connection with:


Geography chemistry biology Russian language

Fundamentals of Life Safety

I suggested only a few "lines", that is, directions, interdisciplinary connections. I would like to emphasize that there are many such "lines" and they can all be revealed, this work is important, and therefore deserves the attention of a teacher.


    V.M.Dukov "Historical images in the course of physics of high school"

    NV Malakhov "Inter-subject connections in the formation of cartographic knowledge"

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"Seminar for physics teachers, presentation Creative intersubject connections Trubichkina LS"

Creative interdisciplinary conferences, seminars

Establishing interdisciplinary connections in the educational process is an important and complex task, the importance of which especially increases in terms of the requirement for an integrated approach in teaching and educating schoolchildren.

Physics teacher

MBOU "Kairaktyn secondary school"

Trubichkina L.S.

presentation at the seminar

physics teachers

August conference

"Fan" of interdisciplinary connections in physics lessons.

Sciences are differentiated, but scientists in their service to the truth are united by the general principles of cognition of nature. Therefore, in the educational process, the role of intersubject connections. When using them, formalism is excluded when studying the material.

  • Literature
  • Biology
  • Geography
  • Story
  • Maths

Fundamentals of Life Safety

  • Technology

Folk wisdom

"No matter how heavy the burden is: climbing is always easier than descending."

Physics and Literature

  • Dispute between Ptolemy and Copernicus

(M.V. Lomonosov)

  • "Revezor" N.V. Gogol (who said:

Physics and Algebra







  • Simple mechanisms and machines
  • Atom structure
  • Nuclear weapon
  • The invention of radio
  • Ballistics
  • Aerodynamics and hydrodynamics

  • Teacher activity
  • Student activities
  • Providing students with the necessary knowledge
  • Organization of discussions on the problem
  • Organization of lessons and observations
  • Teaching students how to formulate conclusions, make generalizations, and also interpret the results
  • Collection of information about the nature of the activities of the groups.
  • Asking your own questions in the process of research and searching for answers to them
  • Putting hypotheses
  • Using information to build a proof of a hypothesis
  • Generating new ideas
  • Design and manufacture of observation instruments
  • Collection, classification of processing of the received data
  • Analyze the data and formulate conclusions.

I would like to end the presentation with the words of an oriental sage

  • "I can lead a camel to a watering hole, but I cannot make him drink"

On October 31-November 1, a seminar of physics teachers from Sergach and the Sergach region "Actual problems of teaching physics under the conditions of the second generation FSES was held at school No. 5."

Professors from FIAN, Moscow State University, Leningrad State University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, experienced teachers, employees of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Education took part in the development of the standard. The main thing that the developers of the new standard paid attention to was an integrated approach and the interconnection of the main didactic units with each other. Physics, like chemistry or biology, is a very integral subject, which has a certain foundation, a foundation that cannot be destroyed. And this basis was preserved. Today, a path has been chosen to reduce the number of hours spent studying subjects in the natural science cycle. This affected physics to a lesser extent than other subjects (for example, biology and geography in secondary school only an hour a week was left, physics - two hours), but it did. In the new standard, the study of any physical phenomenon should go through the following stages: observation and description of the phenomenon; measurement of physical quantities; independent conduct of simple experiments and experiments to identify the main properties of the phenomenon; practical application of physical knowledge; explanation of the principle of operation of a physical device. And the study of thermal phenomena is based on the same blocks, and the study of the electromagnetic field - on them. This is the activity approach - observation, description, measurement of physical phenomena. The novelty here also lies in the fact that an important goal of physics standards is to master students in scientific methods of studying nature.

This has not happened before. After all, now training is organized so that children learn to conduct research on their own, and not just get acquainted with other people's results. There is a well-known biblical wisdom: “It is better to teach a person to fish than to bring him fish every time”. Students must be convinced of the correctness of the laws once discovered by scientists. Can they do it? They can. Because modern school instruments for studying physics, no matter how bad they are, are still much better than those used, for example, by Newton or Faraday. Children themselves can take measurements, experiment and independently discover the same laws. Of course, I would like the standard to reflect the basic elements of knowledge, not to destroy physical education, which we are rightfully proud of. At the same time, the standard should be of an activity nature, be personality-oriented, aimed at mastering the methods of scientific knowledge. The requirements for the studied material set out in it should be as close as possible to practice, to everyday life and at the same time should form a holistic picture of the world for students. On the other hand, we constantly talk about the fact that children in schools are overwhelmed and with difficulty learn new material. The essence of the solution to the problem of overload is to divide the material in the standard into two parts - into the mandatory, which is included in the main frame and included in the requirements for the level of training of graduates, and the material to be studied, but not included in these requirements. The latter is in italics in the standards. Of course, less attention will be paid to these topics, but you don't need to go through them in detail. It is not necessary, for example, to study the generator device in detail, although it is worth talking about it in general terms (for example, hang up a table, talk about the main components of the generator). The main thing is that the students learn that the principle of operation of the generator is the law of electromagnetic induction. This is what they will ask for in the final certification.

The standard defines the boundaries of learning within such limits so that children do not experience overload, but children learn from textbooks, not standards. If the author of a textbook increases the amount of material several times compared to the standards, then overload is inevitable. It turned out that the number of concepts in textbooks is almost three times higher than their number recommended in the standard. Of course, the textbook should exceed the standard in size, focus on further development, give more examples - but within reasonable limits! But so far the authors of textbooks do not take into account the restrictions on the number of concepts introduced in the standards and write what they please. In my opinion, standards should define not only the lower limit (minimum knowledge), but also the upper one. It makes sense to limit the amount of additional material to at least 30% of the required minimum, and mark those assignments that go beyond the requirements for the level of training of graduates in order to avoid overloading students. What should a teacher do? Use old textbooks while new ones are being developed and experimentally tested taking into account the requirements of the new standard.
- Education in basic and specialized classes has different goals. If in basic classes the emphasis is on the study of physics as an element of general culture, on the formation of a physical picture of the world, then in specialized classes an advanced course is offered, designed to continue education in physical and technical specialties. This is a completely different level and a different number of hours. Concepts marked as optional in the base standard are mandatory in the profile classes.
For classes with advanced study of physics (6 hours or more per week), standards will not be developed. The Ministry of Education is approving a program for the creation of textbooks and educational and methodological support.
A separate situation has developed with humanitarian classes. In these classes, the study of physics, chemistry and biology is not provided at all. But the educational area "Natural Science" was introduced, synthesizing knowledge in physics, chemistry and biology. We have developed a natural science standard. The purpose of this course is to systematize and generalize students' knowledge on these subjects, combining them into a holistic picture of the world. But there are certain difficulties in its implementation: there are no relevant personnel, textbooks. There are few teachers who knew all three subjects together at the proper level. The topic of advanced training courses in the IPC and in pedagogical universities has not yet been developed. Therefore, for now, instead of natural science, physics, chemistry and biology will most likely be taught separately (one hour a week for each subject, or 2 hours if it is possible to add hours from the school component).

SEMINAR for physics teachers SEMINAR for physics teachers OBOSHI Sudzhan boarding school "Activity approach in teaching physics in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education." "The activity approach in teaching physics in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education." Mr. Sudzha Novikova Lyudmila Viktorovna Physics teacher

Operations Result Action Structure of activity Motive 1 Needs Purpose and task Reflection 6

Lesson of general methodological orientation Activity goal: formation of students' ability to a new mode of action associated with the construction of the structure of the studied concepts and algorithms. Educational goal: identifying the theoretical foundations for constructing content-methodological lines. The lesson of "discovery" of new knowledge Activity goal: formation of students' ability to a new way of action. Educational goal: expanding the conceptual base by including new elements in it. The lesson of developmental control Activity goal: formation of students' ability to carry out the control function. Educational goal: control and self-control of the learned concepts and algorithms. Reflection lesson Activity goal: the formation of students' abilities for reflection of the correction-control type and the implementation of the correctional norm. Educational goal: correction and training of the learned concepts, algorithms. Typology of lessons in the didactic system of the activity method

The structure of the lessons of maintaining new knowledge within the framework of the activity approach. Actualization and fixation of individual difficulties in a trial learning action. Building a project for a way out of a difficulty (goal and topic, method, plan, means). Knowledge inclusion and repetition. 1 Motivation for learning activities. Identify the place and cause of the difficulty. Reflection of educational activities in the lesson (result) Self-directed work with self-test according to the standard. Primary reinforcement with pronunciation in external speech. Implementation of the completed project 7

Requirements for the lesson Traditional lesson Modern-type lesson Formulation of the topic of the lesson The teacher informs the students Formulate the students themselves (the teacher brings the students to the awareness of the topic) Setting goals and objectives The teacher formulates and informs the students what they should learn Formulate the students themselves, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance (the teacher brings students to the awareness of goals and objectives) Planning The teacher informs the students what work they have to do in order to achieve the goal Planning by the students how to achieve the intended goal (the teacher helps, advises) Practical activities of the students Under the guidance of the teacher, the students perform a number of practical tasks (more often the frontal method of organization is used activities) Students carry out educational activities according to the planned plan (group, individual methods are used), the teacher advises Differences Differences

Requirements for a lesson Traditional lesson A lesson of a modern type Implementation of control The teacher monitors the implementation of practical work by students The students exercise control (forms of self-control, mutual control are applied), the teacher consults Implementation of correction The teacher in the course of execution and following the results of the work performed by the students carries out correction The students formulate difficulties and carry out correction independently, the teacher consults, advises, helps Assessment of students The teacher evaluates the work of students in the lesson Students assess the activities based on its results (self-assessment, assessment of the results of the activities of friends), the teacher consults Lesson summary The teacher finds out what the students have remembered Reflection is carried out Homework The teacher announces and comments (more often - the task is one for all) Students can choose a task from those suggested by the teacher, taking into account individual capabilities Differences Differences

To build a lesson within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is important to understand what the criteria for the effectiveness of the lesson should be, regardless of which typology we adhere to. The goals of the lesson are set with a tendency to transfer functions from teacher to student. The teacher effectively (adequate to the purpose of the lesson) combines reproductive and problem forms of learning, teaches children to work according to the rule and creatively. In the lesson, tasks and clear criteria for self-control and self-esteem are set. The teacher achieves comprehension of the educational material by all students, using special techniques for this. The teacher systematically teaches children to carry out reflexive action. Various forms, methods and techniques of teaching are used, which increase the degree of students' activity in the educational process. The teacher owns the technology of dialogue, teaches students to pose and address questions. The teacher strives to assess the real progress of each student, encourages and maintains minimal success. The style and tone of the relationship set in the lesson create an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation, and psychological comfort. In the lesson, a deep personal influence "teacher-student" is carried out.

Resources: 1. Dusavitsky A.K., Kondratyuk E.M., Tolmacheva I.N., Shilkunova Z.I. Lesson in Developmental Learning: A Teacher's Book. - M. VITA-PRESS, Matveeva E.I., Patrikeyeva I.E. An Activity-Based Approach to Primary School Learning

Workshop report

physics and mathematics teachers

On the topic:

A modern physics lesson

In the light

requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Prepared by the physics teacher Tokayeva T.A.

ABOUT the main form of organization of training was and remains a lesson, so I decided in my article to reflect on what a modern lesson should be.The teacher is offered various methodological approaches to building lessons that provide the student's subject position.

Feature federal state educational standards of general education - (GEF ) - their systemic-activity character, as is known, is aimed at the development of the student's personality.

Modern education differs from the previous concept in the following strategic directions:

The transition from the goals of school education as the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities within the framework of individual academic subjects - to a single goal as the ability to learn to meet the need for self-education and self-development throughout life;

From an isolated, conceptual study of academic disciplines - to the inclusion of the content of education in the context of solving significant life problems, which changes the educational and subject content of education to an understanding of learning as a personal process of education and the generation of meanings;

Change of the student's educational activity to the strategy of its purposeful organization and systematic formation, taking into account age and personal characteristics;

Of fundamental importance is the transition from an individual form of assimilation of knowledge to an understanding of the decisive role of cooperation in achieving the goals of education, mastering the ways of interacting with the world.

Today, the most widespread technology is the "activity-based teaching method", which is based on the activity of not a teacher, but students. The implementation of the technology of the activity method in practical teaching is providedsystem of didactic principles:

1) Working principle - lies in the fact that the student, receiving knowledge not in a finished form, but obtaining it himself, is aware of the content and forms of his educational activity, understands and accepts the system of its norms, actively participates in their improvement, which contributes to the active successful formation of his general cultural and activity abilities, general educational skills.

2) The principle of continuity - means continuity between all stages and stages of education at the level of technology, content and methods, taking into account the age-related psychological characteristics of the development of children.

3) The principle of integrity - involves the formation by students of a generalized systemic view of the world (nature, society, oneself, the sociocultural world and the world of activity, the role and place of each science in the system of sciences), the use of meta-subject connections.

4) Minimax principle - is as follows: the school should offer the student the opportunity to master the content of education at the maximum level for him (determined by the zone of proximal development of the age group) and ensure at the same time its mastering at the level of a socially safe minimum (state standard of knowledge).

5) Principle psychological comfort - involves the removal of all stress-forming factors of the educational process, the creation of a friendly atmosphere at school and in the classroom, focused on the implementation of ideas of cooperation pedagogy, the development of dialogue forms of communication.

6) The principle of variability - involves the formation of students' abilities for a systematic enumeration of options and adequate decision-making in situations of choice.

7) the principle of creativity - means the maximum orientation towards creativity in the educational process, the acquisition of students' own experience of creative activity.

Within the framework of the activity approach, the student masters the universal educational actions - UDD, which have a supra-subject character.

There are the following types of UDD:

personal; regulatory; cognitive; communicative.

Thus, in contrast to the 2004 standards - GOS, now, when preparing a lesson, the teacher must clearly understand what universal educational actions - UDD - he should develop and what results to achieve.

Objectives in the lesson should be set taking into account the implementation of educational and developmental functions. The formation of the student's subject position is associated with the formulation and solution of the educational task of mastering a new way of action. The internal structure should highlight the stages of solving a specific practical and educational research problem, as well as the stages of educational activities aimed at motivation, discovery and assimilation of new knowledge. The internal structure of the lesson is also determined by the system of productive tasks that contribute to the activation of cognitive processes, providing variability and, as a result, differentiation and problematicity of teaching.

The structure of lessons within the framework of the activity approach is as follows:

1. Motivation for learning activities.

This stage of the learning process involves the student's conscious entry into the space of learning activities in the classroom. For this purpose, at this stage, his motivation for educational activities is organized.

2. Actualization and fixation of an individual difficulty in a trial educational action.

At this stage, the preparation and motivation of students for the proper independent performance of a trial educational action, its implementation and fixation of individual difficulties are organized.

Accordingly, this stage involves:

1) actualization of the studied methods of action, sufficient for the construction of new knowledge, their generalization and symbolic fixation;

2) actualization of the corresponding mental operations and cognitive processes;
3) motivation for a trial learning action and its independent implementation;

4) fixation of individual difficulties in performing a trial educational action or its justification.

3. Identifying the place and cause of the difficulty, building a project for getting out of the difficulty: goal, theme, method and means.

At this stage, the teacher organizes the students to identify the place and cause of the difficulty. To do this, students must:

1) restore the performed operations and fix (verbally and symbolically) the place-step, operation, where the difficulty arose;

2) correlate your actions with the method of action used (algorithm, concept, etc.) and, on this basis, identify and fix in external speech the cause of the difficulty - those specific knowledge, skills or abilities that are lacking to solve the original problem and tasks of this class or whatever.

3) the process is guided by the teacher: at first with the help of a leading dialogue, then with a stimulating one, and then with the help of research methods.

4. Implementation of the completed project.

At this stage, the completed project is being implemented: various options proposed by the students are discussed, and the best option is selected, which is fixed in the language verbally and symbolically. The constructed method of actions is used to solve the original problem that caused the difficulty. In conclusion, the general nature of the new knowledge is specified and the overcoming of the earlier difficulty is fixed.

5. Independent work with self-test according to the standard.

During this stage, an individual form of work is used: students independently perform tasks of a new type and carry out their self-examination, step by step comparing with the standard. At the end, a performing reflection of the implementation of the constructed project of educational actions and control procedures is organized.

The emotional orientation of the stage consists in organizing, if possible, a situation of success for each student, motivating him to be included in further cognitive activity.

6. Incorporation into the knowledge system and repetition.

At this stage, the boundaries of applicability of new knowledge are identified and tasks are performed in which a new way of action is provided as an intermediate step. Organizing this stage, the teacher selects tasks in which he trains the use of previously studied material that has methodological value for the introduction of new methods of action in the future. Thus, there is, on the one hand, the automation of mental actions according to the studied norms, and on the other hand, preparation for the introduction of new norms in the future.

7. Reflection of educational activities in the lesson (summary).

At this stage, the new content studied in the lesson is fixed, and reflection and self-assessment by students of their own educational activities is organized. In conclusion, its goal and results are correlated, the degree of their compliance is fixed, and further goals of the activity are outlined.

An integral quality of any lesson should be the final goal of the lesson and the way to achieve it, clear to all students in the class. Moreover, each student should know in advance how many lessons the topic under study is designed for and what the teacher's requirements for the final result will be. Moreover, each previous lesson should be a means of ensuring the success of the next one.
In accordance with the planned goals, the teacher selects the content of the educational material, the information that should be assimilated in the lesson. The content should be scientifically sound, logically structured and accessible.

Solving problems in physics lessons.

When starting to solve the problem, it is necessary to remind students of the need to have a plan of action: to imagine which physical quantities will lead to the final goal.
In particular in the classroom solving problems in mechanics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, my main attention is drawn to the formation of the ability to solve problems, to the accumulation of experience in solving problems of varying complexity. The features of solving problems in each section of physics are analyzed, the solution is analyzed and various methods and techniques for solving physical problems are considered. A general idea of \u200b\u200bsolving problems as a description of a particular physical phenomenon by physical laws is gradually emerging. Students, during the course, will acquire:
-the skills of independent work;
- possess the skills to analyze the condition of the problem, reformulate and remodel, replace the original problem with another problem or divide it into subtasks;
- draw up a solution plan (Appendix 1);
- to check the hypotheses proposed for the solution (i.e., master the basic mental operations that make up the search for a solution to the problem).
Solving physical problems, children should have an idea that their work consists of three sequential stages:
1) analysis of the condition of the problem (what is given, what is required to find, how the data and the sought-for values \u200b\u200bare related, etc.),
2) the actual decision (drawing up a plan and its implementation),
3) analysis of the decision result.
The following types of work can be used to control the acquired knowledge and acquired skills:

  • development and creation of a computer program illustrating a phenomenon or process;
  • preparation and conduct of a presentation reflecting the sequence of actions in the study of the effect of changing a parameter on the state of the system;
  • tests or tests.

In the lesson, the interaction of the teacher and the student is supposed to exchange content, experience of knowledge. The teacher in the lesson is the bearer of socio-cultural samples of knowledge, realizes his experience in the form of his own position, but he does not cease to remember that the student also has subjective experience in the form of disparate representations in various fields of knowledge. Finding new ways of teaching has always been an important part of any science. Teaching, following the development of science, must continuously change its forms, break traditions, seek new forms. However, great care must be taken in this process. And in conclusion, I would like to quote the words of VM Monakhov: "Pedagogical technology is a well-thought-out model of joint pedagogical activity in the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers."

Attachment 1.

The proposed algorithm for solving physical problems.

  1. Read carefully and think over the problem statement.
  2. Write down the condition in literal form.
  3. Express all meanings in SI.
  4. Complete the drawing, drawing, diagram.
  5. Analyze what physical processes and phenomena occur in the situation described in the problem, identify the laws (formulas, equations) that govern these processes and phenomena.
  6. Write down the formulas of the laws and solve the resulting equation or system of equations with respect to the desired value in order to find the answer in general form.
  7. Substitute the numerical values \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200bof quantities with the name of their units of measurement in the resulting formula and calculate the desired value.
  8. Check the solution by acting on the naming of the units included in the calculation formula.
  9. Analyze the reality of the result.

Materials used:

  1. Federal State Educational Standard [Electronic resource]:\u003d2661 .;
  2. School Guide [Electronic resource]: official site / URL: .
  3. 3. New standards in the subject area "Physics". - B.E. Zhelezovsky, N.G. Nedogreeva., 2012
  4. Elective course "Methods for solving problems in physics 10-11 grade" - Paskhover VV, 2008.