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Witchcraft recruitment, or How a witch before her death tried to "transfer" for service to a too curious doctor ... four demons! Shuddering with horror, she told the monks about this when she ran to the monastery! - Monomakh. How Black Witches Die How Witches Die

Two years ago my wife and I visited her grandmother's farm. The village is small, everyone knows everyone about each other, and during evening home gatherings, my wife's grandmother told us about her neighbor, a witch who lived two houses towards the forest - they say, the witch hurts both people and pets, and keeps the majority in fear the inhabitants of the farm. I just laughed at this story, and even wanted to see this supposedly witch, but somehow I didn’t remember it in the morning, and on the same day we went back to the city, and I completely forgot about this story, told as a horror story for the night ...
And then, half a year later, I had a chance to come back to the farm to visit my wife's sick grandma - to bring her food, medicine, and so to cheer up the old woman. I just got to the village, and some pale middle-aged farmer runs to meet me, grabs my hand and asks for help - they say help a person badly or badly. I did not force myself to beg for a long time and obediently followed her. I was amazed a lot when she led me to the house where, according to my grandmother's assurances, the witch lived. And I saw this witch! In an untidy house, three men crowded near the bed. Behind their backs, I did not see what was happening on the bed, but the fuss was serious, accompanied by abuse and abuse at my mother - it seemed that they were fighting with someone and this was not far from the truth.
My guide quite impudently pushed me out the threshold, but she did not go further, and even closed the door. I got scared, after all no one explained anything, but I recognized this house from my grandmother's stories. In general, goosebumps ran as it should ...
One of the men unceremoniously, and even kind of abusively called me over, and leaving my things near the stove, I came close to the bed. The sight was not pleasant - a heavy gray-haired old woman with such black and evil eyes was reclining on a greasy mattress that not only I, but everyone present tried not to catch her eyes, she kicked and silently barely moving her lips pulled out some words from herself -sighs, obviously referring to the men, and they, in turn, kind of nailed her to the bed - two held their hands, and the third held their legs, but he could hardly cope with his task, and obviously I was called to help him.
I was so shocked by what I saw that I was simply dumbfounded, but I was not allowed to fall into a daze for a long time. I had to keep one leg of this old woman, pressing her to the bed, and it turned out to be a difficult task, and in two minutes I was sweating a lot. Finally, one of these uncles told me in a whisper that this grandmother is a witch, that she is dying, she is dying for the second day, and her attacks of powerlessness are replaced by black rage, in the gusts of which she jumps up from her deathbed and runs around the village, cursing everyone she meets, and then helplessly falls to the ground. It turned out that she had another burst of dark energy and she again wants to be evil and mad. In short, we held her for another half hour, and then she subsided and somehow became limp, her eyes began to slowly turn glass and we all decided that she had departed to another world. One of those present with the professional air of a rural paramedic, said: "I was tortured ..." - and there was no need to doubt it. Naturally, I did not stay a minute in this house, but immediately ran to my wife's grandmother. I was shaking all over, and almost without explaining to the old woman, I collapsed on the bed and tried to fall asleep. Oddly enough, but I fell asleep pretty quickly, only at night I dreamed of some kind of creeping reptiles and an endless swamp.
I woke up from the screams in the street, my grandmother was not at home ... Going out into the yard, I saw something that almost made my heart go away. By our gate, limping and swaying, yesterday's deceased witch walked with a brisk pace ... A terrible and sticky fear spread over my entire body, my arms and legs became completely pewter - I was barely alive. I wanted to try to convince myself that it was a hallucination, as our grandmother brought me out of stupor. He baptized me and read Our Father, and I stammering asked if she had seen the deceased. The old woman firmly but sadly confirmed my fears with a nod of her head and crossed herself. Unbelievably frightened, I started calling my employee to come and pick me up by car. Obviously, my frightened voice made an impression on him, because on the same evening he took me from this damned farm ... did not go.

Is it true that black witches die hard and long? What does the death of a black witch look like? What happens to the soul of a witch after death?

Probably many of my readers have heard stories of black witches dying long and painfully. Is it so? Yes, usually a person who did damage to people and other witchcraft muck, before his death, experiences severe prolonged torment. And his soul undergoes even greater torment after death. Such is the inevitable payback for black witchcraft.

How should the relatives of a dying black witch (or black sorcerer) behave, who, more often than not, are also victims of the witch's magical aggression? By the way, do not be surprised that black sorcerers do damage even to their own children, brothers and sisters, daughters-in-law and sons-in-law ... For black sorceresses, this is a common thing. So, contacts with a dying black witch should be limited as much as possible. In order to avoid the risk of adopting black witchcraft power, do not give the witch's hand in any case (although she will most likely ask someone to hold her hand). Before entering the witch's room, you need to read protective conspiracies and prayers. And in order to speed up the witch's departure from the physical world, a knife is placed under her mattress. But the surest way is to make a hole in the ceiling of the house in the room where the dying black witch is.

Below is an excerpt from a letter from one of my clients, which describes the death of a black witch. The story is instructive primarily for those who have an interest in practicing black magic. If someone is close to the idea of ​​learning how to make damage and love spells, it is useful to find out about what awaits him. If you do not belong to the category of those stupid personalities who dream of becoming black witches and sorcerers, but have yourself ever suffered from the acts of such non-humans, and want to understand what the reckoning is for black magic, then a classic example of this reckoning is described. The letter is presented in an abbreviated form, since I found it necessary to delete details that are especially unpleasant for impressionable readers.

"... My husband asked me to look after his mother, and I could not refuse him. But he told me to throw away and burn everything" strange "that I find. It turns out that he knew all the time that his mother was engaged in black witchcraft , but he did not tell me. And his father told him everything ...

The mother-in-law then did not get out of bed, her lips turned blue, her eyes went out. Once, while cleaning, I found a skein of black twisted woolen thread. She threw segments of just such a thread to me. I burned the whole skein. Then she came to feed her mother-in-law, but she does not breathe. There is no pulse, the nose is pointed, the lips are blue. But after a while she suddenly came to life. And so it was repeated several times. When I came in the morning, the neighbors complained that my grandmother was screaming so much from midnight to three in the morning that they could not sleep. I asked my mother-in-law: "Why are you shouting? Does something hurt?" - "Nothing hurts". "Maybe something is interfering?" - "Nothing interferes!" "Maybe someone is in the way?" Then she looked at me with such anger and muttered: "Nobody bothers!"

All this lasted for about a month. I was very tired, lost weight, just fell off my feet. Once a neighbor of my mother-in-law told me: "She is fueled by your energy. Before you go to her, read the protective prayers:" May God rise again "and the 90th psalm." I did so. On that day, the mother-in-law ate almost nothing, although she had not previously suffered from a lack of appetite. She suddenly became so heavy that I could not turn her to change the bed. My husband put a mattress on the floor, and the two of us moved it from the couch to the floor. And they couldn't put it back on the sofa, no matter how hard they tried. She was attracted to the floor as if by a strong magnet. The next day, a neighbor greeted us with the words: “Your grandmother did not let us sleep until four o'clock in the morning.

The furniture was all intact. The mother-in-law is dead, all soiled from head to toe. The women from the monastery washed and dressed her, I closed all the mirrors and put out all the light. My husband and I left. The next morning our whole family gathered for the funeral. The deceased was lying on the sofa, her head turned towards the mirror hanging on the wall. The mirror was open! There was no cover on it, and there was a light in the kitchen. No one could enter the apartment, since only my husband and I had the keys.

On Easter, on the memorial day, I ordered a prayer service for all our deceased relatives, including my mother-in-law. On the same night I dreamed of her - in a black robe, dirty, all in fuel oil. Everything is wooden around: the floor, walls, trestle beds. The mother-in-law pulls her arms to me to hug, but I pushed her away with disgust. And she sadly said: "Well, here I have my own dwelling, but I have nowhere to lay my head. I am wandering around the world." In the morning I told about it in church. I was told that the Lord does not accept her ... "

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Numerous legends have been invented about how sorcerers die, real facts of history have been recorded. During their lifetime, witches develop a powerful astral essence, use it in various rituals, rituals, predictions. Before dying, they must transfer magical power to another person, freeing the soul to go to the afterlife.

Western Europe experienced a witch-hunt until the 17th century, Catholic, Protestant states. Some are skeptical about magic and spells, others are afraid of the manifestations of magic, others cross, having met such a person, spit over their left shoulder, pray to the Almighty. Sorcerers are treated differently. There are legends about how witches die, about the transfer of the gift, the consequences of love spells, damage, conspiracies. The Church attributes the power of magicians to devilry, however, they continue to turn to the help of magicians.

To bewitch, protect from the evil eye, scare away evil spirits, look into the future - a modest list of the abilities of magicians and wizards.

Bridget Bishop, Salem Witches, Anna Koldings, Danish Kael Merry died under the flames. Sorcerers are no longer subject to savage punishments, but they need to convey the obsession with evil spirits. New abilities, secret inheritance gets:

  • blood relative of the witch;
  • student, follower of the soothsayer, possessing magical knowledge in theory;
  • warlock, dark sorcerer;
  • any daredevil who is ready to accept a different fate by agreement;
  • a person who happened to be near a dying witch.

During his lifetime, the sorcerer makes a pact with the dark forces. A kind of barter involves the transfer of the physical body of mediums, psychics for the use of evil spirits. Performing certain rituals, it is noticeable how witches change their voice, appearance, eye color. A certain trance occurs with the sorcerer, he resembles a schizophrenic. Obsession is a confirmation of close contact with otherworldly forces.

When a sorcerer dies, the evil spirit needs another abode. The new home is a strong man who can sell his soul to the devil. The sorcerer dies peacefully, being familiar with such a daredevil. A blood relative, if this is an unmarried girl, even against her will adopts the knowledge, the gift of a soothsayer.

When a witch dies, relatives can refuse, disown her. Then there is a completely unfamiliar wanderer, ready to take on a powerful gift. Before dying, a witch may not find someone to transfer evil spirits to. She begins to rage, curse, scatter threats, sometimes falls into a lethargic sleep. When the prophet does not have options for the transfer of forces, the first signs that she is dying a serious death will be:

  • decay, rotting of the body during life;
  • covering the skin with ulcers, warts;
  • the rapid formation of a stoop;
  • unpleasant cadaveric odor that cannot be removed.

These phenomena prove that before physical death, the witch's soul gradually moves to the afterlife, and the body continues to live under the control of evil spirits, rot, the witch dies painfully.

There is a belief that in order to alleviate the dying fate of a witch, it is necessary to break the ceiling above the body of a half-dead witch in the house. After the period of the Inquisition, when sorcerers were burned at the stake, sorcerers were buried in coffins. They were pierced with an aspen stake and laid face down. There are many skeptics who are convinced that mysticism and magic do not exist. In the cemetery, witches are not buried and in the church there is no funeral service after they die.

Is it possible to ease the suffering of the sorcerer

The death of a witch is the astral struggle of the human soul. It is believed that the painful agony of magicians is the punishment for their dark deeds committed during their lifetime, the main reason for the painful reckoning. When a witch left for another world, her house was boarded up tightly. It was forbidden to be present at the time of the death of the healer, you can not react to the terrifying screams, screams that last more than one night. There is only one way to alleviate suffering: before she dies, she must have time to transfer the gift.

The souls of the innocent from love spells, conspiracies and curses make the witch suffer suffering.

An attempt to alleviate the witch's agony with exorcism can be successful. It is believed that it is the demons who have possessed the body of the witch who make her experience unbearable pain. If the ritual is successful, then witchcraft disappears after the death of the witch, magic disappears as soon as the witch dies.

There are several rules of conduct during the death of magicians:

  1. If he dies in a private house, the roof, the slope is dismantled. It is impossible to break the concrete ceiling in the apartment, therefore, to facilitate the fate of the magician, doors and windows are opened.
  2. It is important to close the mirrors in the room, reflecting glass with dark canvases, so that the witch's soul at the moment when she dies does not get into the looking glass, does not harm the living.
  3. In ancient times, death throes were stopped with a spindle made of aspen. The object was placed in the hands of the sorceress, and she spoke all her atrocities. Later, the spindle was burned in a furnace, and the witch gave up the spirit.
  4. In our time, it will be possible to alleviate the torment of the sorcerer with the help of fumigation with incense at the moment he dies. Dark entities are afraid of the aromas of incense, juniper, sandalwood.

A priest can conduct a certain rite to drive out the devil, but rarely anyone agrees.

Power transmission is an effective way to ease agony. Finding a fearless daredevil is difficult, so often witches die in anxiety and torment.

Where does the magic power go and can the sorcerer help after death

If the magic gift has not passed into the hands of the next generation, the energy is transformed into certain substances. They can take the form of a ghost, ghost, larva. When a black witch dies, the consequence of her death is the appearance of evil spirits in the house. It is recommended to consecrate the room, hang an icon on the wall to drive out the negative. Nightmares, strange noises in the apartment, fast shadows on the walls, the howling of a dog, the hissing of a cat and the raging of other animals are clear signs of the presence of a restless soul in the house.

In the afterlife, witches have no powers and supernatural powers. But they are capable of helping loved ones or those who turn to them mentally. Thanks to certain rituals, conspiracies, a seance, you can call their spirit. Any energy does not disappear, but only passes from one state to another.

With the right ritual, the spirit of the magician can help you gain strength, attract good luck. Personal belongings of witches help: pendants, household items, a book of spells, etc. They are endowed with special magic and can both help and harm. Any sorcerer helps after his death, if he is treated with due respect. But disturbing the soul of a deceased witch without knowledge of ritual magic is not worth it unless absolutely necessary.

Why when the witch dies dismantle the roof

Great importance is given to the roof of the house when parting with the witch, at the moment when she dies. The soul of the soothsayer was sold to the devil during her lifetime. It's just that the dark forces cannot leave the body alone. The confined space in which the witch dies only exacerbates her pain.

The ceiling and the roof are dismantled over the old woman's bed, opening a kind of portal through which it will be easier for the soul to fly out when the body dies.

Witchcraft has two sides to the coin. The magical practice of a witch is capable of destroying fate, bewitching, making you act against your will. Rituals are designed to seal the union of the young, cure ailments, and attract good luck.

In both cases, people are dealing with otherworldly forces. The devil grants power to the magician, which as a result turns into evil, and the torment from the deed pursues him to his last breath and brings terrible pain when the sorcerer dies. Human faith, love and fortitude are capable of breaking the heavy shackles in which the witch has imprisoned herself.

Orthodoxy insists on the prohibition of the funeral service for magicians and soothsayers, but even during his lifetime, any fortune-teller can atone for his guilt through the sacrament, prayer, before he begins to die. Selling the soul to the dark world, a fortune-teller, psychic, magician will not save themselves from mortal torment. Hospitals will not guarantee recovery, and funerals will take place away from the common cemetery. If, according to legend, there were sorcerers or healers in your family, try to study in more detail their gift and the reasons for the death of the witch.

Since ancient times, many rituals and ceremonies have been associated with the death of a witch. It is believed that when the one that collaborated with the dark forces dies, one cannot be near because one can drag a terrible gift onto oneself.

During their lives, witches sin a lot, because it is with their help that ceremonies and rituals associated with evil spirits, damage, curses, love spells are performed.

How a witch dies, not everyone knows. Unlike an ordinary person, the one associated with evil spirits dies painfully and hard. In the old days, the house of a dying witch was boarded up tightly and no one was present at the time of her death nearby. Sometimes people heard wild screams and screams for several days and nights in a row. But, if a witch before death transfers her gift, then she dies easily and quickly, without suffering.

It is believed that just before her death, the souls of those whom the witch killed come to her. It is the souls of the innocent who make the witch suffer torment. They never approached the dying witch and did not give her anything. The sorceress felt an approximation of the end and tried to make her last minutes easier by trying to transfer her dark power to another person, even if he was against it. And together with the power, she passed on all the sins for the created damage, curses and love spells. It is not uncommon when she was guilty of the death of a person and not one. People unknowingly took responsibility for everything created by a stranger and, after death, held accountable for the sins of others at God's judgment.

There is also a version that the life of a dying witch is supported by the entities that served her and did the dirty work. These spirits and demonic beings do not want to be left without their mistress, therefore they support her body, increasing torment and suffering.

So how to ease the death of a witch and protect yourself from a terrible gift or curse on the last gasp? Many people are interested in this question. In the old days, in order for the spirit of the witch to leave the body faster, men dismantled the roof of the house or raised the ridge on which the roof slope was installed. It was believed that in a confined space, a sinful soul cannot find a way out and therefore is in no hurry to leave the body.

But all these measures are good if the witch lives in a private house and it is possible to disassemble the roof slope. But for those who live in an apartment, it is much harder to die, because you cannot make out the concrete ceiling. But even in this situation, you can help a dying person. To do this, windows and doors must be opened throughout the apartment. Those entities that were the sorceress's assistants leave through these kind of portals. And with the departure of the evil that served the dying, her torment decreases.

It is also necessary to close all the mirrors in the dying woman's dwelling so that the witch does not go into the looking glass and does not harm people who will live in a house or apartment after her death.

Even in the old days, the death throes of a witch can be relieved with the help of a spindle, which is made of aspen. The spindle must be new. He was given into the hands of a dying woman and the woman had to speak out all her sins and terrible deeds on this thing. After that, the spindle had to be broken in half and burned in the fire. For making a fire, only spruce legs had to be used. After the spindle burned out, the witch calmly and without torment gave up her spirit.

In order for a person's death to occur as quickly as possible, the room in which the dying person is located must be fumigated with incense. This smell is unpleasant and terrible for dark entities that do not want to leave their mistress and prolong her life.

Not all people know how witches die. This is a long and scary process. If possible, it is advisable to facilitate the departure of a sinful soul, but at the same time one must be wary of transferring a terrible witchcraft power.