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The meaning of the name Fathers and children briefly. An essay on the topic: The meaning of the name of Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children" (2 options). Why fathers and children

In the novel, "fathers and children" described a conflict of two generations. This disagreement takes place not only because part of the heroes belongs to the generation of "fathers", and the other - "children", but also because they represent different layers of society - nobility and democrats, and are expressed by opposite ideas, various opinions.

Evgenia Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov can be attributed to the generation of "children", and Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - by the generation of "fathers". Children received a lot from their parents, but went much further in their development.

What is the meaning of the name of the novel? "Fathers and children" is a symbol of ever-renewed life. The novel "Fathers and Children" - about life, such as I appeared before Turgenev, and as he understood it. In the novel "Fathers and Children" is very rich problems. But the main problem, in my opinion, is Nihilism.

What is the essence of nihilism, in particular Nihilism of Bazarov?

He considers the entire state system of Russia, so he denies everything: autocracy, serfdom, religion - and the fact that the "ugly state of society" is generated: a folk poverty, imaging, darkness, ignorance, patriarchal antiquity, family. However, the positive program of bazaars does not push. When P. P. Kirsanov tells him: "... You all destroy ... but it is not necessary to build," the bazaarov answers: "This is no longer our business ... First you need to clear."

The novel is directed against the nobility, and in this work, the entire class of landlords is reflected in this work, and not separately taken nobles, they are shown their inability to lead Russia further along the path of development. The former who, I granted morality, is obsolete, giving way to a new, progressive movement, a new morality. One of the carriers of this morality is Evgeny Bazarov. Bazarov - a difference, which, seeing the decline of the state, does not get up yet on the path of construction of new managers, but on the path of nihilism preceding this coming construction.

According to him, he denies absolutely everything - art, poetry, authorities, religion, autocracy, even love. A distinctive feature of Nihilism Bazarov is that he does not fight against what he denies. He will still, whether he will go behind him for his convictions, he does not preach nihilism, only does not hide his convictions and is not afraid to express them openly. He is materialist, and this is not the best feature - he calls the spirituality "romanticism" and "nonsense", and her carrier people, despises. "A decent chemist once every twenty helpful of a high poet" - the words of Bazarov, of which we can conclude that the material world is much more important for him.

Although it must be said that he does not have such a respectful attitude to the entire material world - he does not care about his own material condition and what other people think about him. He is unpretentious, little cares about the firmness of his clothes, the beauty of his face and the body, he does not seek to get as much money as possible - he is enough that he has. And this feature is a sign of strong and smart people.

Turgenev did not see the future over the generation of "fathers", it has emerged his age, but also the author did not see the future and for the "children" who came to the world to "destroy" him, "clear the place" without creating anything new. That is why Turgenev "kills" his hero, without seeing the future behind him, the role he could play in the movement of Russia forward. But the merit of the author is that he created the image of a modern man, a representative of the dispenseed youth of the 60s.

Roman Turgenev stuck all the layers of Russian society. The controversy of nihilism, about the image of the natural source, the Bazar's Democrat continued for a decade on the pages of almost all magazines of that time.

Critics of the 20th century V. V. Borovsky and A. V. Lunacharsky considered the novel "Fathers and Children" a significant phenomenon of not only literature, but also of all social life, a large fact of ideological struggle of the 60s.

The meaning of the name of Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"

In the fall of 1860, Turgenev begins work on a new novel whose hero should be "Russian Insar". This novel Turgenev attached great importance, he wanted to bring in it the result of his disagreements with Dobrolyubov - disputes between liberals and democrats.

In the title of Turgenev novel, "Fathers and Children" immediately stated the problem of social conflict between the people of the old and new worlds. The topic of the novel is a difference, sometimes turning into an open struggle, between the liberal nobility and the revolutionary democracy during the abolition of serfdom. Over time, the situation is changing around, and this cannot but impose a print on the formation of the consciousness of the younger generation, to his attitude to life. Often, the people of the older generation, the worldview of which was formed in completely different conditions, are unable or not wanting to understand new views and a new way of life. There are situations where this misunderstanding develops into hostility. If, in addition, the formation of the younger generation is complicated by false social transformations in the life of society, the disagreements between the fathers and children turn into the abyss that separated them. This is characteristic of events taking place in our society at present. In the novel, Turgenev Liberals as supporters of old views are called "fathers", and the Democrats, defending new ideas, "children".

Pavel Petrovich is a clever, volitional man who has certain personal advantages: he is honest, in his own way is noble, faithful to morality. But he does not feel the movement of time, does not understand modernity, adheres to solid principles, without which, according to his concepts, only immoral and empty people can live. But his principles entered a contradiction with the so-called progressive glances of the grown-up generation. Pavel Petrovich himself calls himself a man "Liberal and Loving Progress". But this is his own opinion about himself, and from the point of view of the author, behind his liberalism is hiding a supporter of an old building, the old rules. Bazarov felt this already at the first conversation with Pavel Petrovich, when he asked him with his views on life, to the existing political system: "Well, what about others, in the human everyday of the adopted decisions, do you adhere to the same negative direction?" - "What is it, interrogation?" - asked the bazaars. Pavel Petrovich was lightly pale ... ". Bazarov does not believe in the nobility of the aristocrat, he sees that this person does not share his convictions, and most importantly, he will not be able and will not try to understand him, and prefers not to frank him.

Externally, the opposite of Pavel Petrovich his brother, Nikolai Petrovich. He is kind, soft, sentimental. Unlike the idle Pavel Petrovich Nikolai Petrovich is trying to engage in the economy, but at the same time perfect helplessness. He is trying to change something, therefore, takes a step towards at least somehow bring himself to bring himself to the circumstances of a new life - this is already progress.

Arkady Kirsanov by age represents the younger generation. It grows in a medium other than that which he brought his father and uncle. Arkady stretches to the Bazarov and seriously considers himself his follower. But in fact it turns out to be able to imitate Eugene. Arkady himself very much inspired, and away from the house is fond of the bazaarov as a strong person, unlike others. But the views of the Father and Uncle still much closer to Arkady. In his native estate, he gradually departs from Bazarov. Acquaintance with Katya Elkeva finally removes them from each other. Subsequently, Arkady becomes a more practical owner than his father, - this is precisely the true progress and the positive influence of the new time. But all the same Arcadia want to attribute to the representatives of the old generation, despite his young age.

In my opinion, one representative of "children" is shown in the novel - Evgeny Bazarov. He is exactly the new hero that can be called "Russian Insarov". The dysfolinary bazar is opposed to the nobles of Kirsanov. In this opposition and is the conflict and meaning of the novel. Bazarov emphasizes his connection with the people with Pavlom Petrovich in a conversation: "My grandfather's grandfather smelled. Ask any of your men, in whom of us - in you or in me - he rather recognizes the compatriot you are not able to speak with him. "

Special importance for the characteristics of the Bazar is its relationship to Odse. In all works of Turgenev, the hero is a test of love. Such a test falls to the share of Bazarov. In the love conflict of Bazarov and Odentova there is something new, different from those that we see in other novels of Turgenev. Bazarov turned out to be capable of selfless love that scared Odintsov. "No," she finally decided - God knows where it led, this cannot be joking, calm is still best in the world. " In the face of Odsely Turgenev showed one of the best representatives of the nobility. But the morals of that time of the sincere and intelligent person are made cold and calculating. She does not understand Bazarov, she is difficult to her and scary with him, it feels that they are separated by misunderstanding, and refuses him. For her, this is the easiest way out of the current situation. Showing that it refuses the storms of passions, preferring them to the usual peace, Turgenev refers it to the generation of "fathers".

And at the same time, Turgenev draws his hero as a person, not inclined to give his life for the benefit of the people. Bazarov does not idealize the Russian man. He condemns his gray, backwardness and uneducation. Rustic men are well referred to the Bazarov, because they see it simple and intelligent, but at the same time someone else who does not understand their person.

The relationships of different generations are one of the eternal problems that psychologists and journalists, writers and critics, artists and composers are trying to solve. In the novel of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Children" this topic sounds already in his title. It can be assumed that the author of the work sought to find an answer to one of the "eternal" issues.

The novel was published at the time of the extreme exacerbation of the public struggle. The topicality of the work is confirmed by the beard of criticism, which caused his appearance. So, critic A. Skabichevsky in the "domestic notes" of 1868 noted that the main goal of the novel was to oppose the philosophy of fathers and philosophy of children. D.I.Pisarev in the article "Realists" The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel determined as answers to questions for the younger generation: "What are you for people? I do not understand you, I can't and I do not know how to sympathize." Let's try and we answer the question, what is the meaning of the name of the novel?

In the center of the plot, the conflict Evgenia Vasilyevich Bazarov - a representative of a new generation, nihilist, who deny the beauty, art, feelings, emotions and Paul Petrovich Kirsanov - a retired military, a conservative, respecting the social foundations. Their views were completely opposite, they did not reveal from the first meeting, disagreements arose between them for each issue. Pavel Petrovich is a bright representative of the highest society and, despite the fact that he lives in the village, retained the habits of the aristocrat.

Bazarov is a simple grandson of Dycachka, the son of the county Lekary. It is energetic and rapid, a supporter of the entire new and progressive, atheist, materialist, "man of science", very smart, rational, hardworking. The worldview of these heroes is also absolutely contradictory: Yevgeny Bazarov believed that it was necessary to live exclusively by the mind, denying feelings and emotions, Kirsanov also adhered to liberal views on life, defended the high ideas of the merits and personal rights of the individual, spent for self-esteem, honor and freedom of each person.

Another storyline, which reveals the theme of "fathers and children" - contradictory and complex relations of Eugene Bazarov with their parents. The old men love their son, "the souls do not break in it," but their son does not share their emotions, parents cannot understand her son, and he is quite cold with his mother and his father, refers to them condescendingly and indifferent, at least outwardly.

In my opinion, I.S.Turgenev in his novel helped readers to understand what causes the conflict of generations. The newly rigging new, constant changes are easily picked up by young people, but the values \u200b\u200band traditions that are trying to preserve the "fathers" must be honored.

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Writing Meaning Tagging and Names Fathers and Children Roman Turgeneva

Roman "Fathers and Children" occupies an important place in the work of Turgenev. The name of this work can be interpreted from different points of view.

First, the main conflict of the work is a clash of liberal and democratic views. From the first pages, we understand that the "fathers" of Kirsanov and "Children" (essentially only one bazaars) are opposed to each other. At the first meeting with Nikolai Petrovich, Kirsanov Bazarov did not immediately filed his hand. And the hero was right, Brother Nikolai Petrovich did not give her hand to Basarov in general and even hid it in his pocket. So there was a basic conflict of the novel. The portrait of heroes also opposes them: Balachon Bazarov and the neat view of Pavel Petrovich is immediately noticeable to the reader.

In Sarah Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov, we learn about their views. Evgeny declares that he is a nihist, and Arkady supports his friend. But later, we understand that in fact the views of Bazarov Arkady does not share. Evgeny considers the nature of the workshop, and Kirsanov perceives it as something more than just a workshop. Kirsanov love poetry, music, and Eugene denies it.

The culmination of the storyline with Pavel Petrovich and Bzarov will be a duel of heroes. Kirsanov will be wounded and Eugene will forever leave the house in Maryino. In this way, Brothers Kirsanov can not accept the views of Bazarov. Conflicts and misunderstandings between generations are inevitable, young carry new ideas, and the old things are convinced of the right time tested by the time. Neither Aristocrat Pavel Nikolaevich nor a simple barin Nikolai Petrovich does not accept the democratic views of Eugene.

Also, the name of this novel can also be understood as a relationship between fathers and children in the literal sense. Relationship between Arcadia and his father and the relationship of Bazarov with parents. Nikolai Petrovich tries to get closer to his son, but at the same time hesitates to say about his new wife and child. Arkady being kind and sensitive himself gets acquainted with Fencing. The hero is happily helps her father.

Very different relationship from Eugene with his parents. In the first visit, he holds back his feelings, his mother is afraid to ask something once again, and his father is trying to be not intrusive. In the second arrival, everything changes, the bazaars have already experienced the love of one, he begins to revise his views. In addition, the hero is deadly sick. In his last days, he allows you to fulfill religious rites for the comfort of parents, which would never have allowed a nihist at the beginning of the novel. Bazarov asks for the parents to call Odintsov to see her last time.

Thus, the meaning of the name of the novel is the opposition of two generations. Both in one family and in a larger scale, as the confrontation between liberals and democrats. In the epilogue, we see that Kirsanov happily live in their estate, Arkady married Kat, Pavel Petrovich went abroad. Bazar's parents come to the grave of the Son. Why died bazaars? Only death could force the hero to abandon nihilistic views. The bazaars are doomed to death because it is only on the eve of the future.

There are a identical date in Russia, which is celebrated on December 9. On this day of memory, the heroes of the Fatherland, the heroes who were never afraid of nothing, boldly defended their homeland and were always the most bold residents of the country.

The most important feature of an amazing talent I.S. Turgenev is a sharp feeling of his time, which is the best test for the artist. The images created by them continue to live, but already in a different world, the name of which is the grateful memory of the descendants who have learned from the writer of love, a dream and wisdom.

The collision of the two political forces, the liberals of the Liberals and the revolutionaries, the differences, found an artistic embodiment in a new product, which is created in a difficult period of public confrontation.

The idea of \u200b\u200b"fathers and children" is the result of communication with the team of the contemporary magazine, where the writer worked for a long time. The writer was seriously survived from the magazine, because the memory of Belinsky was connected with him. Dobrolyubov's articles, with whom Ivan Sergeevich constantly argued and sometimes did not agree, served as a real basis for the image of ideological disagreements. A radically configured young man was not on the side of gradual reforms, as the author of "fathers and children," and sacredly believed in the path of the revolutionary transformation of Russia. The editor of the magazine, Nikolai Nekrasov, supported this point of view, therefore, the classics of fiction - Tolstoy and Turgenev left the editorial office.

The first sketches to the future novel were made at the end of July 1860 in the English island of White. The Bazarov image was determined by the author as the character of a person of a self-confident, working, nihilist who does not recognize compromises and authorities. Working on the novel, Turgenev involuntarily penetrates sympathy to their character. In this he helps the diary of the protagonist, who leads the writer himself.

In May 1861, the writer returns from Paris to his own estate Spassky and makes the last entry in manuscripts. In February 1862, the novel is published in the Russian Bulletin.

Main problems

After reading the novel, you understand the true value of its value created by the "genius of measure" (D. Merezhkovsky). What is Turgenev loved? What doubted? What did you dream about?

  1. Central in the book is the moral problem of the relationship of generations. "Fathers" or "Children"? The fate of everyone is associated with the search for a response to the question: what is the meaning of life? For new people, he lies in labor, but the old guard sees it in reasoning and contemplation, because the crowds of peasants work on them. In this principled position and is the place of an irreconcilable conflict: fathers and children live in different ways. In this discrepancy, we see the problem of misunderstanding opposites. Antagonists cannot and do not want to take each other, especially this deadlock can be traced in the relationship between Pavel Kirsanov and Yevgeny Bazarov.
  2. Also acute is the problem of moral choice: on whose side is true? Turgenev believed that it was impossible to deny the past, because only thanks to him the future was built. In the form of Bazarov, he expressed the need to preserve the continuity of generations. The hero is unhappy, because alone is understood, because he himself did not want to understand anyone and did not want to understand. However, changes, like this to people of the past or not, will still come, and they need to be prepared. This is evidenced by the ironic image of Pavel Kirsanova, who lost a sense of reality, putting in the village. Parade fruits. The writer urges to respond sensitively to change and try to understand them, and not climbing themselves as uncle Arkady. Thus, the solution to the problem is in the tolerant attitude of different people to each other and attempt to know the opposite life concept. In this sense, the position of Nikolai Kirsanova defeated, who was tolerant of new trends and never hurried to judge them. His son also found a compromise solution.
  3. However, the author made it clear that the tragedy of the Bazar was worth a high purpose. It is such desperate and self-confident discovers that make the world along the world, so the problem of recognizing this mission in society also takes an important place. Eugene rolling on a mortal apparent, which feels unnecessary, this awareness and ruins him, and he could become a great scientist or a skilled doctor. But the brutal morals of the conservative world displaces it, as they feel a threat.
  4. The problems of "new" people, the dispenser intelligentsia, difficult relationships in society, with parents, are also obvious in the family. The differences do not possess revenue estates and position in society, so they are forced to work and hardened, seeing social injustice: they work hard, and nobles, stupid and urgent, do nothing and take all the top floors of the public hierarchy, where the elevator simply does not reach . Hence the revolutionary moods, and the moral crisis of the whole generation.
  5. Problems of eternal human values: love, friendship, art, attitudes towards nature. Turgenev knew how to disclose in love of the depths of a human character, check the true essence of man with love. But not everyone passes this check, an example of the bazaars that breaks under the onslaught of feelings.
  6. All interests and plans of the writer were entirely focused on the most important tasks of time, they were towards the most burning problems of everyday life.

    Characteristics of the heroes of the novel

    Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov - a leaving of the people. Son of regimental gear. Grandfather from the father "Light Pakhal". Evgeny himself pierces his way in life, gets a good education. Therefore, the hero is careless in clothes and manners, nobody raised him. Bazarov is a representative of a new revolutionary-democratic generation, whose task is to destroy the old way of life, fight against those who slow down social development. The person is complex, doubting, but proud and adamant. How to fix society, Evgeny Vasilyevich is very uncertain. Denies the old world, takes only what is confirmed by practice.

  • The writer displaced the type of a young man who believes solely into scientific activities and denies religion in Bazarov. The hero is experiencing a deep interest in natural sciences. Since childhood, parents gave him love for labor.
  • It condemns people for illiteracy and ignorance, but proud of its origin. The views and convictions of Bazarov do not find like-minded people. Sitnikov, Boltun and phrase, and "emancipated" Kukshin - Nichkham "followers."
  • In Evgenia Vasilyevich, the soul is noticed. What to do with her physiologist and an an annea? It is not visible under the microscope. But the soul hurts, although it is a scientific fact - no!
  • Turgenev most of the novel explores the "temptations" of his hero. He places his love of old men - parents - how to be with them? And love for one? Principles are not combined with life, with alive movements of people. What remains the bazaarov? Just die. Death is its last test. He takes her heroically, does not console himself with the spells of the materialist, and the call of his beloved.
  • The Spirit wins the mad mind, overcomes the error of the schemes and postulates of the new teaching.
  • Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov -carrier of noble culture. Basareas will be prestitted by "starched collars", "Long Nails" Pavel Petrovich. But the aristocratic manners of the hero are inner weakness, the secret consciousness of their inferiority.

    • Kirsanov believes that to respect himself - it means to keep track of your appearance and never lose its dignity, even in the village. He is on the English manner of his daily day.
    • Pavel Petrovich resigned, indulging in love experiences. This decision was "resignation" from life. Love does not bring a man of joy if he lives only by her interests and whims.
    • The hero is guided by the principles adopted "on faith", which meets his position Barin - a serf. His Russian people for patriarchalness and obedience.
    • In relation to a woman, the power and passion of feelings are manifested, but he does not understand them.
    • Pavel Petrovich is indifferent to nature. The denial of her beauty speaks of his spiritual limitations.
    • This man is deeply unhappy.

    Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov- Father Arkady and her brother Pavel Petrovich. Make a military career failed, but he was not desperate and entered the university. After the death of his wife dedicated himself to his son and the landscaping of the estate.

    • Character characteristic features - kindness, humility. The intelligence of the hero causes sympathy and respect. Nikolai Petrovich - Romantic in the soul, loves music, declares poems.
    • He is an opponent of nihilism, any brewing disagreement is trying to smooth out. Lives in harmony with his heart and conscience.

    Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov - A person is indifferent, deprived of his life principles. He completely obeys a friend. He joined the Bazarov only on the young bearer, because he did not have his views, so a gap occurred in the final between them.

    • Subsequently, he became an empty owner and got a family.
    • "Nice small", but "meak, liberal baric," says Bazaarov.
    • All Kirsanov "More children of events than fathers of their own actions."

    Odintsova Anna Sergeevna- "related" identity of the Bazarov "Element". Based on what can be done with such a conclusion? The hardness of a look at life, "proud loneliness, mind - make it" close "the main hero of the novel. She, like Eugene, brought sacrificed personal happiness, so her heart is cold and fearfully refers to feelings. She shed them herself, coming out married.

    Conflict "Fathers" and "Children"

    Conflict - "Collision", "Serious Disagreement", "Spore". To say that these concepts have only a "negative shade" - it means not to understand the processes of development of society. "Truth is born in the dispute" - this axiom can be considered a "clavicle", opening the veil over the problems set by Turgenev in the novel.

    Disputes - the main composite technique, allowing the reader to determine its point of view and take a certain position in views of this or that public phenomenon, development area, nature, art, moral concepts. Using the "reception of disputes" between "youth" and "old age", the author claims the idea that life does not stand still, it is multifaceted and multi-sided.

    The conflict between the "fathers" and "children" will never be resolved, it can be designated as a "constant". However, it is the conflict of generations that is the engine of the development of everything earthly. The pages of the novel lead a burning controversy caused by the struggle of revolutionary-democratic forces with liberal nobility.

    Main topics

    Turgenev managed to saturate the novel by progressive thought: protest against violence, hatred for legalized slavery, pain for the suffering of the people, the desire to establish his happiness.

    Main topics in the novel "Fathers and Children":

  1. Idea contradictions of the intelligentsia during the preparation of reform on the abolition of serfdom;
  2. "Fathers" and "Children": the relationship between generations and the theme of the family;
  3. "New" type of man on a fracture of two eras;
  4. Immense love for homeland, parents, woman;
  5. Human and nature. Does the world: workshop or temple?

What is the meaning of the book?

The work of Turgenev sounds anxious Nabat over all Russia, calling on fellow citizens to unification, sanity, fruitful activities for the benefit of the Motherland.

The book explains to us not only the past, but also today, reminiscent of eternal values. The name of the novel means not the older and younger generation, not family relationships, but people of new and old views. "Fathers and children" are valuable not as much as an illustration for history, a lot of moral problems affected the work.

The basis of the existence of the genus of Human is the family, where everyone has their own duties: the elders ("fathers") are torn by the younger ("children"), transmit them to the accumulated ancestors experience, traditions, bring up moral feelings in them; Younger - honor adults, they adopt their all important and better, which is necessary for the formation of a person's new formation. However, their task is also the creation of fundamental innovations, impossible without a certain denial of past misconceptions. The harmony of the world order is that these "communications" do not rush, but not that everything remains in the old manner.

The book has a great educational value. To read it at the time of the formation of your character means to think about important life problems. "Fathers and children" teach a serious attitude towards peace, an active position, patriotism. It is teaching to produce solid principles, engaged in self-education, but at the same time honor the memory of ancestors, even if it does not always turn out to be right.

Criticism about the novel

  • After the publication of "fathers and children" a fierce controversy broke out. M.A. Antonovich in the magazine "Contemporary" interpreted the novel as "merciless" and "destructive criticism of the younger generation."
  • D. Pisarev in the "Russian Word" highly appreciated the work and created by the master the image of Nigilist. The critic stressed the tragedy of the character and noted the hardness of a person who does not depart before testing. He agrees with other authors of critical articles in the fact that "new" people can cause indignation, but it is impossible to refuse them in "sincerity". The appearance of Bazarov in Russian literature is a new step in the coverage of the country's socio-public life.

Do you all be accepted with criticism? Probably no. Pavel Petrovich He calls "Pechist of small sizes." But the dispute of two characters gives rise to this doubt. Pisarev argues that Turgenev does not sympathize with one of their heroes. The writer considers the Bazarov "Beloved Baby".

What is Nihilism?

For the first time, the word "nihist" sounds in the novel from the mouth of Arkady and immediately attracts attention to himself. However, the concept of "nihilist" is in no way connected with Kirsanov.

The word "nihist" was taken by Turgenev from the review of N. Dobrolyubov on the book of the Kazan philosopher, a conservative professor of V. Bervi. However, Dobrolyubov interpreted him in a positive sense and consolidated over the young generation. In a wide use of Ivan Sergeevich, Ivan Sergeevich was introduced, which became synonymous with the word "revolutionary".

"Nihilist" in the novel is bazaars, which does not recognize the authorities and all denying. The writer did not accept the extremes of nihilism, incorporateing Kukshin and Sitnikov, but sympathized with the chief hero.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov and today teaches us with their destiny. Anyone has a unique spiritual image, be it a nihist or a simple man. Respect and respect for another person makes up of honor to the fact that there is the same secret flickering of a living soul that in you.

Interesting? Save on your wall!

"Fathers and children" are one of the best works I. S. Turgenev. It was written in the second half of the XIX century, but does not lose its relevance and in our times. For his time, the novel was a sign, and the image of Bazarov for many representatives of the then youth was ideal. In the novel, each other is opposed by representatives of the older, conservative, generation and junior, progressive.

The relevance of the work

Write an essay "The meaning of the title of novel" Fathers and Children "will not be difficult for those schoolchildren who are already familiar with the work. In addition to the need to prepare a lesson, there are a large number of other reasons for which this novel is worth reading. After all, it addresses the topics of friendship and love, nature and man. The conflict, which is described in the work, does not lose relevance also in our time. The main merit of the great Russian writer is that he managed not to just describe this clash of different worldviews, but also to describe the psychology of each hero, masterfully reveal the spiritual aspirations of each acting character, their inner struggle.

Opposing parties in the novel

In the composition "The meaning of the title of novel" Fathers and Children "The student can indicate that the most detailed writer shows us this conflict in the relationship between the two generations - the older and young. Through the entire Roman Turgenev shows the abyss that shares them. The worldview of representatives of senior and younger generations is distinguished, their views on various events, as well as on universal ideals. However, the writer shows that despite the differences, there is something in common between them. In spite of everything, representatives of fathers and children always love each other. No matter how much their principles differed, and as opposed to the views on the world, this love cannot be denyed.

In the work of Turgenev, much more than in the works of other writers, the political ideas of that time were found their display - this can also be mentioned in the composition "The meaning of the title of the novel" Fathers and Children ". At the same time, the writer himself did not adjacent to the group of revolutionaries, nor to those who considered himself with the democrats of liberals. However, the closer to his worldview, Turgenev was like the last group, as well as to those representatives of the Society of their time, which hated serfdom.

What did the author wanted to say?

The work saw the light in 1862. And in itself, the name of the novel is already pushing the reader to think about the fact that it will be a difficult question about the struggle of contradictions between two different generations. But, working on the writing "The meaning of the title of the novel" Fathers and Children ", you need to avoid a common mistake and correctly indicate what a writer meant.

In reality, Turgenev is completely different. "Fathers and children" are two large groups: those who live the ideas of the past, conservative views; And also those new people who came to break an existing arrangement. And in his work the writer is trying to understand who these new people are. The novel "Fathers and Children" is, above all, the history of the struggle of two completely different political worldviews. The confrontation is carried out between the two groups: the old noble intelligentsia, the views of which are liberal, and a new generation that has revolutionary-democratic views.

Bazarov - Single Buntar

In writing with quotes "The meaning of the title of novel" Fathers and Children "The student can use, for example, such phrases:" Dead living is not a comrade ";" I do not share any opinions, I have my own. " They displays those sentiments that are present in the novel. The author built his work so that the main acting character is in a hostile social environment. The reader does not see Bazarov along with his like-minded people, in the struggle for his views. He appears only surrounded by a hostile society. He is in constant opposition to those who are next to him.

Pavel Petrovich: the representative of "fathers"

In a brief essay, "The meaning of the title of the novel" Fathers and Children "can be described by the main characters, as well as what category they relate to the writer. Pavel Petrovich appears in front of the reader as a clever person, a representative of the intelligentsia, which has certain advantages. He is honest, and also adheres to the morality, which he learned in the young years. However, his minus lies in the fact that he does not see the movement of time, those new trends that appear in society.

Pavel Petrovich adheres to only the principles of his youth, considering that only completely immoral people can live without them. However, his worldview enters into a contradiction with those ideas that are called progressive in the novel. The character himself calls himself "Liberal, who loves progress." However, this is just his personal opinion about himself. The author emphasizes that behind this liberalism is hiding the desire for the old building and its ideas. All this bazaars feels already at the first communication with Pavel Petrovich. He did not believe in his nobility, and did not share his views. The meaning of the title of the novel "Fathers and Children" is that the struggle between the two generations is a indestructible phenomenon.

Nikolai Petrovich: the desire for progress

The opposite Paul Petrovich Hero is Nikolai Petrovich. He is much kinder than brother. He is peculiar to some sentimentality. Unlike his brother, who loves to indulge in idleness, Nikolai Petrovich tries to engage in the economy. However, it demonstrates absolute helplessness. However, the fact that he wants to at least change something in his life, already talks about his desire for progress.

Arkady Kirsanov and his belonging to the elder generation

In their age, Arkady Kirsanov refers to the younger generation. His growing occurs in the environment that distinguishes him from the environment. Kirsanov is fascinated by the ideas of Bazarov, and he considers himself his follower. However, in reality, it turns out to be capable only to imitate the chief hero. In itself, Kirsan is very inspired, and therefore it is attracted by the identity of the Bazarov.

However, those views that are peculiar to the Father and Uncle are still closer to Arkady. And gradually, being in native estate, he leaves Bazarov. Finally gives two heroes to the acquaintance of Kirsanov from Katya Elkon. In the future, he becomes a much more practical owner, surpassing even his father. And this can see the progress and the trends of the new time. However, even despite the youth of Arcadia, he wants to be attributed to the representatives of the Fathers.

The image of Bazarov

In the whole of the work, only one representative of "Children" is described - it is the Bazarov himself. He is opposed to the nobility family of Kirsanov, and is the new hero of his era. In the composition-reasoning "The meaning of the title of novel" Fathers and Children "can be indicated that in this opposition and is the main conflict of the whole novel. During communication with Pavel Petrovich, Bazarov emphasizes their relationship with the people, says that his grandfather's grandfather "said. Therefore, he can consider himself closer to peasants.

Odenty - a female character belonging to "fathers"

We looked at what is the meaning of the title of Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children". But in it, in addition to the opposition of two generations, the theme of gentle feelings is also considered. In all works I. S. Turgenev his main character is tested by love. The same fate falls to Evgeny Bazarov. And he finds himself on selfless love, which even scares Odintsov. She sees that the abyss of misunderstandings shares it with Bazarov, she feels fear with him, and therefore refuses to relationships with him. For one, this is the easiest way to cope with the situation. Since the heroine refuses the storm of passions, then its writer refers to the generation of "fathers".