Repairs Design Furniture

How to choose the right furnace for the cauldron? Street oven-Kazan DIY furnace for Kazan from Kiegy

Kazan is a special dishes in which it is easy to cook dishes oriental cuisine.

But for this required special oven.who has its own pros: The speed of assembly, high heating rate, relative mobility, the possibility of manufacturing from undergraduate agents.

Of minuses It should be noted: Fast cooling and exercise, difficulty in finding a quality thick-walled pipe.

Types of furnaces under Kazan

Among metal furnaces allocate several types of designs:

  • simplewhere you can prepare only dishes in the Casane;
  • complex or multifunctional - for cooking can be used both Kazan and other devices, such as grille for meat frying or hot smoking mobile smokehouse;
  • portable;
  • stationary.

Simplest A causation furnace is made as follows: a cylinder is made from the pipe with a dull to the manner of the petals to the upper edge in which they are made two holes.

On high 10 centimeters from the top edge under the chimney and approximately 10-15 centimeters from Nizhny for firebox. Inside the furnace is installed grate of a grate.

Another option to eliminate the mixing of firewood with already boosal ash can be manufacturer mesh DNA The furnace on which firewood is located, and the burned coals and ashs are listed through the holes in the bottom of the furnace to the ground or the pallet installed at the bottom.

For reference. Optimal size cylindrical part Construction is order 800-900 mm, hole diameter for chimneh100-110 mm, the height of the legs each chooses for themselves so that the cooking process is as comfortable and safe as possible.

In order to avoid rash of firewood and coal, nizhny Kra It is advisable to place on top 100-120 mm from the bottom Cylinder, A. at an altitude of 350-400 mm To do additional holes For feeding fire with oxygen.

How to make a stove from the pipe

The whole process of construction of a furnace for cauldron from the pipe consists of three main stages:

  • Preparation The material and tools needed to create a furnace are the selection of the pipe optimal diameter, additional elements, electrodes that are suitable for a specific type of metal.
  • Creature drawing With the specific structural features of the furnace and the size of additional elements: at what height the handles, holes, shape and height of the legs are located, etc.
  • Assembly Furnaces in accordance with the created drawing and primary protood to identify possible shortcomings and their corrections.

Important! Each stage should be given maximum attentionSince all of them in their aggregate work on the final result.

Selection of materials and tools

For the construction of the furnace, the following materials will be required:

  • Tolstoyed trumpet - Than the walls will thicker, the better, since such metal is functionally preserved heat.
  • Trumpet for chimney - Depending on its diameter, a chimney hole is made in the furnace housing.
  • Metal corners To create handles of design, legs and additional device elements.
  • Metal plate For the bottom of the furnace.

  • Grate - If the project provides its installation.

As for the tools used for construction, they include:

  • bulgarian and cutting circles to it;
  • drill and rolled over metal to create holes of a small diameter provided by the furnace project;
  • welding machine and electrodes suitable for a specific type of metal;
  • a hammer;
  • level;
  • protective gloves, glasses and welding mask.

Council. All materials can also be selected from available in stock. programmingFor example, a thick-walled pipe can be replaced by a gas cylinder, and the handles make from similar elements of the old dishes.

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Project creation

At this stage, it is determined that what scheme is preferable For a particular oven, whether it is chosen for the existing cauldron or subsequent causane is planned to be selected under the existing furnace and so on.

The design stage corresponds to the tasks of creating a drawing of a particular furnace, taking into account all its features. On this drawing is displayed not only dimensions, but also location of all major holes, pens and other components.

At the design stage displays information on the creation of additional elements, for example, a table for products or woods, produced calculations of transportation opportunities Designs.

Assembly with your own hands: photo

The assembly is the main stage in the construction of the furnace from the pipe. Despite the seeming simplicity, with its implementation, the retreat from the drawing is extremely undesirable, as it can entail violation of structural features And the subsequent misconception of the entire structure.

Assembling the furnace consists of defined steps:

  1. Marking Pipes are all holes created in the furnace, are made in strict accordance with the drawing compiled.
  2. Incision Pipes and all additional elements according to the applied markup - carried out by a grinder using circles of different diameters, so it is necessary to remember the safety technique and protect your eyes and hands when working with this power tool.
  3. Primary assembly for checking Compliance of holes made in the pipe housing, calculations in the drawing.

Photo 1. Checking the holes cut into the pipe with a centimeter tape. Dimensions must match the scheme.

  1. Assembly Designs using weldingfor finite decoration of the furnace.

Important! In the implementation of all operations with the metal, it is necessary to protect yourself from possible injuries with Protective glasses or masks, as well as gloves. Equipment Before starting work, check for faults.

When assembling the furnaces are performed the following actions:

  1. Upper region Pipes and all "unnecessary" cropped With the use of the grinder, all uneven parts are subject to trimming, which can later cause curvature of the structure.
  2. After trimming received cylinder check with level in horizontal and vertical planes.
  3. On distance 10-15 cm from the bottom Cut out hole for firebox. The remaining piece of the pipe should not be thrown out, since it can be made of it door To reduce fire hazard furnace.

Photo 2. Attaching the door to the furnace with the help of a bolt on the side of the pre-cutting hole for the furnace.

  1. At a distance of approximately 10 cm from the top edge pipe cutting hole for chimneh In accordance with the diameter of the selected pipe.
  2. On the sides furnaces to create an additional oxygen inflow is done some small holeswith the help of a drill or a grinder - when creating them, it should be noted that too much their amount can negatively affect the strength of the structure.
  3. chimney is welded to the main cylinder. The main condition of the chimney is its location directly or blunt anglewhat is achieved by connecting the chimney pipe at an angle at 45 degrees.

Photo 3. Long chimney pipe, welded to an almost finished oven under a stupid angle.

  1. With the welding machine mounted legs Constructions - their number and height each chooses itself, observing the basic rule: the maximum stability of the resulting structure.
  2. Based on the cylinder metal plate bottom, but if necessary colonial lattice - At the height of the lower edge of the furnace, the lattice is installed for firewood.
  3. At the top of the device are attached pens.

Photo 4. On the finished oven you can install the cauldron from above, breed the fire and start cooking.

After all these steps are made, it is advisable to implement first protood stove for diagnosing possible flaws Constructions and fixes. If no shortcomings are detected, the device is covered fire resistant paint or special refractory varnish.

Possible difficulties

In the manufacture of a furnace for a cauldron from a pipe may occur various difficulties:

  • Metalused in the creation of the design, not melting, but burns. This can be caused by a small metal thickness or high current used during welding. Correction option - either reduce current strength (if the reason is in this) or replace Metal for more durable.

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Oven for cauldron from pipes with your own hands or how to conquer Eastern cuisine without leaving home

Eastern cuisine dishes are not only incredibly tasty, but also very usefulWhat can be evidenced by numerous laborer records belonging to residents of Asia. The main secret of the presence of so important quality for food is a peculiar way of cooking, which is to use special dishes, called Kazan, and a special oven. And if the first one can only buy, then the second is completely under the power to create with your own hands, what I will tell you in detail and tell you.

Getting to work

Immediately note that the appropriate furnace can also be postponed from the brick and to deceive its clay. This is exactly what comes often in the countries of Central Asia.

As you can see, in this case, a special round ring is also created for a convenient immersion of spherical dishes. But for myself, I chose a variant of the metal pipe for the following reasons:

  • Simplicity and speed of manufacture. To work, of course, have to work, but the whole process will take much less time and forces than the construction of a brickwork;
  • High speed heating. The brick holds the heat longer, but you do not heat the room. The steel shell will create the necessary temperature regime for a much faster, in which it will be possible to start cooking;
  • Compactness and mobility. Metal construction takes a lot less space and can easily be transported to any place on the site or and at all in the Hozblock at the time of your absence;

  • Low cost price. Most of the materials you will most likely be able to find in our own dacha, which will significantly save a family budget.

The oven under the cauldron from the pipe is made in three stages:

Step No. 1: Preparation of Tools and Materials

From the materials you will need:

  1. Fragment of large diameter pipe. This will actually be the main "body" of the future furnace. It is best that the product remaining after any construction work, of course, find on its own site, but if there is no suitable piece among your stocks, you can search for his virtual "flea markets", for sure someone turned out to be more .
    In extreme cases, you will have to go to a specialized store, but keep in mind that there are most likely the segments will be much longer than you need and this will lead to overpay;

  1. Fragment of pipes with a cross section of 100-150 mm to create chimney;

  1. Several iron corners or profile tubes to create legs;

  1. Lattice or fabric of steel To create a bottom.

From tools:

  1. Electric drill with metal cutters for creating the necessary holes;
  2. Grinding machine grinding for cutting iron products;
  3. Welding machine To connect the main fragments of the furnace. This is the most expensive of the tools required to create a furnace;

Welding machines are pretty expensive "pleasure". Therefore, if you do not have such an aggregate in the farm, I recommend not buying it for one-time use, but to rent, which will be released much more economical.

  1. Hammer without which I personally do not start any work at all;
  2. Waterpas so that the design is smooth.

Step # 2: Design

At this stage, you need to take some important solutions:

  1. Will you pick up a pipe under Kazan or, on the contrary, "Kazan under the pipe? This for the most part depends on what you already have available. But the main thing is that as a result of the dishes in the housing of the furnace for two thirds or even at the top kaym. In the opposite case, it will require an irrational amount of wood and time for its full heating;

  1. Do you plan to install racks? You can install the design and to the ground, it is simply being done higher, and the fire itself becomes roasting right on the ground. If you attach legs, which is much more aesthetically functional, then in this case it will also be necessary to weld the bottom to the bottom of the pipe.;
  2. Who will most often use the stove? From this depends the height of the racks. That is, if you personally gathered to engage in eastern cooking, then in the cooking process you should not bend, and racks should be under your height;
  3. How much do you need to cut the harvested cut pipe? To obtain the highest efficiency, it is necessary that the distance from the combustible firewood to the bottom of the cauldron does not exceed 300 mm. Under such parameters and adjust the steel cylinder;
  4. Are you going to transfer the furnace from place to place? Since the choice fell on a metal structure, then, most likely, the answer is positive. Then do not forget about the handles, the size of which should correspond to the size of the palm of the palm;

As a result, you should get about the following drawing:

Step number 3: Implementation of assembly works

Now we proceed to the assembly of the prepared materials into a single useful design, which will allow you to join the wonders of oriental cuisine right on our own lawn:

  1. We apply all markups according to the draft being drawn up;
  2. Cut off the extra part of the pipe with the help of "Bulgarian". After that, it is necessary check the closer and vertical of the resulting cylinder;

  1. Closer to the bottom cut the gun hole. Its form can be both rectangular and semicircular, depending on your taste, this factor does not affect the functionality. The separated piece is not worth throwing out, as it can later become an excellent door or damper;

In no case do not use an angular grinding machine without protective casing.
Not only is the sparks and scale can fly to your face, there is also a danger of a disc disk, whose fragments are able to cause very heavy injuries.

  1. Now turn the cylinder and at a distance of 100 from the upper edge, we create a hole for the chimney pipe appropriate diameter;
  2. With the help of a drill or the same "Bulgarian" on the sides of the design, we make several ten-minute meter meters through open-cutting. Thanks to them, the fire will be able to obtain the required amount of oxygen;

Too high, do not make the filter points with air, since the smoke going through them will unpleasantly pinch eyes and interfere with the cooking process.

  1. Using the welding machine, weld the chimney of two pieces of pipes connected under a straight or blunt angle. Here you can apply "knee" for or cropping the edges under 45 or less degrees, orient on the situation;

  1. Owned the chimney is welded to the hole cut on the housing;
  2. Now mount Corners or profiled pipes as legs. You can use both four and three supports, the main thing is that the equal distance is respected between them, and the oven eventually turned out to be sufficiently stable;
  3. Make up the bottom of the grille or a solid metal sheet;

  1. Fix the knobs in the upper part of the design;
  2. With one of the sides of the furnace and on a pending piece of metal drills a pair of or more holes, through which the wire protruding in the role of the loops. So you will have a homemade floppy door, to which you still need to adhere to the handle;
  3. We clean all the burrs and eliminate other possible disadvantages of the design;
  4. We apply a chimney or fire-resistant, after which you can consider the work end.

But perfection there is no limit, and the design you make can always be improved. Here are some of the ways:

  • Ability to use Casans of different diameters. It is done very simple. It is enough to fight on the top edge of the furnace ring, the outer diameter of which will correspond to the cross section of the cylinder, and the internal approach to install the rings from the standard wood furnace. Thus, adding or removing them, you can adjust the width of the outlet for different dishes;

  • Realization pushed. To do this, it is enough to arrange the grille at the very bottom, but slightly higher, and for the bottom compartment, make an additional door. It will get significantly improve the performance of the furnace;

  • Creating a stand under Kazan. This is not completely improved by the design you created, rather some useful addition to the process of its operation. By building a high ring on which you can install a spherical dishes, you can take it off from fire at any time and put on a flat surface. For this, it is quite suitable for a pre-made segment from the main pipe.

Gas cylinder oven

Many dachas can have used gas cylinderSo why not use it as a pipe? Especially since it already has the bottom. The workflow is very similar to those described above, but has some differences:

  1. Elimination of Gaza residues. Earlier in the cylinder there was a fuel and explosive substance, remember this! Therefore, before starting work, open the valve and leave the product for several days to eliminate the possibility of tragedy;

  1. Application markup. This procedure is similar to that which is carried out when creating a furnace from the pipe;
  2. Creating a firebox. Cut the desired hole with the "Bulgarian" according to the applied lines. Here, again, the form can be made any at your discretion, the main thing is to conveniently put the firewood;
  3. Supply the height of the furnace. On the markup cut the top of the balloon. If necessary, flexing the "petals" of the edge so that the cauldron is during the cooking at an optimal distance from the hearth;

  1. Installation of functional accessories. Here we are talking about legs and handles, with which the construction is much more convenient with the design, and it will look more aesthetic;
  2. Internal firing. You can do without painting, but here to lay firewood and roll the inner part to remove balance of unpleasant residual odors before you start cooking, it is necessary.


After you build a stove, you will finally have an excellent opportunity to practice in the culinary findings of the East. It is especially pleasant that the described method allows you to do the minimal cost of finance, forces and time. So dare, please yourself and your loved ones with delicious and useful oriental dishes.

The video in this article will give you an extra opportunity to get acquainted with some information that is directly related to the above topic. If you have appeared as you need any questions, set them in the comments.

July 25, 2016.

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Some Eastern and Caucasian cuisine dishes are simply inconceivably prepared without using cauldron. Kazan is a unique cook sought, which is a boiler with a specific bottom having a spherical shape. Such a configuration of the Kazan provides a fully uniform heating at once all the layers of the stuffy products, which creates a kind of extinguishing mode or cooking.

But for the proper functioning of Kazan, a special focus is required - a special oven for the Kazan. This product may be the result of the following versions:

  • Industrial samples.
  • Stationary cobblestone furnaces or bricks.
  • Homemade light designs.

Furnaces of industrial manufacture

The modern industrial furnace under Kazan is usually well thought out and competently counted. They have optimal dimensions, very functional and elegantly look.

Examples include furnaces: Samarkand, Vesuvius and self-banner

The furnaces are made of steel and equipped with a retractable ashtel, which can be removed even during burning. The grate of each of them is cast-iron.

Industrial furnaces can be equipped with additional devices and equipment. The kit includes:, cauldron, hot smoked device, scoop and chimney pipe, if it is provided by the design.

From brick

The stationary brick oven is undoubtedly the best option for the proper heating of the cauldron. Such a stove provides a more uniform allocation of heat, longer keeps heat and has a system for adjusting the combustion process itself.

Brick furnaces can be both the simplest structures in the form of a stone tube and in the form of complex complexes that can be combined into a single whole: a brazier, a wood slab, a furnace for the cauldron, a smokehouse, barbecue, and so on. The complexity of the design with such furnaces can only be compared to the Russian stationary stove.

Construction of bricks, and especially from the cobblestone, will certainly become a highlight in the landscape design of any subsidency

Even a homemade furnace-stand for Casan will require certain masonry skills with strict compliance, which will be very difficult for many. Therefore, for dacha, household plots or during trips to nature, there will be more suitable furnaces for cauldron from metal.


If the construction of a brick design is a rather complicated procedure, then the manufacture of a metal furnace for cauldron, however, like mangala, is a fully achievable target. Numerous drawings of a variety of homemade, which are on the Internet, allow you to choose the most optimal option for repetition.

From trimming pipes

The homemade stove from the pipe is most attractive to its elementality of manufacture and minimum of all costs.

Such a stove will require quite a few materials:

  • Suitable in length of a pipe cut, the diameter of which is determined by a specific calculation.
  • Pipe of small diameter for chimney with a diameter of ~ 110 mm.
  • Any metal profile, which will be used for the manufacture of handles and support legs.
  • Sheet steel segment for bottom formation.
  • Two dishes for the door.

Next, the necessary diameter of the pipe is calculated according to the size of the existing cauldron. All calculations are based on a generally accepted statement that it is 2/3 of the body of Kazan who should be included directly into the oven, and 1/3 remains open.

When calculating, calculated:

  • Size H1, that is, the height of the cauldron.
  • Then the value of H1 must be divided into 3.
  • The resulting number is doubled, and the result will give the value of H2.
  • Further, the size of the H2 on the outside of the cauldron, the line D is stated, which will determine the length of the circumference of the required pipe.
  • If you need the value of the diameter of the pipe-blank, then the value D is divided by 3, 14 (the number "PI").

Having finished all the preparatory activities - you can proceed to the creation of a furnace structure from the pipe with your own hands.

The process of creating the product:

  1. According to the drawing, the pipe-blank is cut.
  2. Cut a hole for the furnace. The hole can be both round shape and a rectangular configuration. The carved fragment will serve the door.
  3. To remove the smoke in the top of the pipe, either the cloves that will serve as a chimney, or a hole for the chimney pipe is made.
  4. To create additional air flows, so necessary for the combustion process, a number of small holes will be drilled in the pipe-blank.
  5. The bottom of the structure is formed from the sheet of steel.
  6. Then the legs of the furnace for cauldron made of metal, portable handles and hinges of fastening of the coaster door are welded.
  7. Then the chimney assembly is collected, and the furnace is considered almost ready.
  8. The created furnace under Kazan must be cleaned, rolling and paint with special paint, which is able to withstand high temperatures.

Additions to the design of the created furnace from the pipe:

  • The cut from the workpiece pipe will serve as a steady stand for any spherical dishes.
  • A furnace from the pipe can significantly increase the efficiency of adjusting the combustion process. To do this, it is necessary to form an additional lattice for firewood above the existing door to raise it. As a result, we obtain an improved design, where there is not only the heat chamber, but also pissed.

From the gas cylinder

The original metal furnace for the cauldron will be from an ordinary gas cylinder. In the simplified version, it may look something like this:

In such an elementary design of the furnace under Kazan, which is a hiking version, there are nuances:

  • The height of the furnace is not critical and determined by the criterion for the possibility of transportation.
  • At the top of the hiking furnace device, rectangular petals are cut down, which ensure the fixation of the cauldron at an optimal height in the body of the furnace.
  • The slots between the petals serve to remove smoke, thereby replacing the chimney.
  • The door in the furnace is absent, and the air supply to the furnace is regulated by a partial cover of the flue hole.
  • There are no legs in this mobile oven, since the base of the balloon provides sufficient stability of such a product.

Naturally, it is advisable to make a more serious design of the gas cylinder for the cottage or the naudel. As a basis, you can take the above drawing for the furnace from the pipe. The process of creating a full-fledged focus for the cauldron from a gas cylinder is completely similar to the actions during the creation of the stove from the pipe.

Such a furnace, thanks to its thick walls, is a rather durable design.


The stove of the wheeled disks is no less popular, reliable and durable product, which is also easily manufactured with their own hands. It turns out this is a very compact stove made from a pair of automotive drives:

For the manufacture of this unique chimney, you will need quite some tools:

  • Welding device.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Cutting disc.
  • Tools for stripping the created furnace.
  • Marking and measuring instruments.

Discs of suitable dimensions fold together, and you can begin to transform them.

Direct design creation is performed in the following sequence:

  • The upper disk is installed so that the fastening side is at the top and was a platform for installing the cauldron.
  • Then, according to the holes, considering the sizes of the idea, the circular hole is cut.
  • The lower disk that will serve as a float chamber and the base is installed otherwise, that is, the fastener side down.
  • The folded discs are aligned, and their pairing places thoroughly boil.
  • Next is formed by the coaching chamber. To do this, the bottom disk is cut out a rectangular hole with dimensions ~ 20x12 cm. When the camera is marked, an indent is 2 cm. From the bottom disk edge. This will ensure the efficiency of the furnace and give the entire structure of the furnace with the necessary rigidity.
  • At this stage, the simplest street stove is considered completely ready for use, despite the fact that it has an open-type furnace camera. The welded design is quite suitable for cooking in the Kazan, but adjusting the thrust will have to be partial cover of the heat chamber, which is not entirely convenient. Yes, and its appearance is perceived not quite aesthetic. Therefore, it is extremely desirable to continue the conversion.
  • Now it is necessary to make the firebox door. The door will serve as a disk fragment that was carved while creating a heating chamber. It is processed, and the fastening loops are welded. An ordinary bolt will serve as an excellent handle of the cooker.
  • In the final of the assembly works are manufactured, and then the necessary functional accessories are welded - handles for carrying and paw resistance.
  • A fully created furnace construction from wheeled wheels should be cleaned, calcined and it is desirable to paint the heat-resistant enamel or refractory paint.

Metal sheet

The next version of the Metal Furnace will require certain skills of the welder.

Such a homemade metal design can be improved to infinity.

In the simplest version of the execution, all actions are reduced to the following:

  • The circumference of the circle according to the procedure described above is calculated, and the allowance for welding seam ~ 2-3 mm is added.
  • The height is determined either from practical considerations, or the drawings of the furnace structures presented above are used.
  • In the workpiece, the necessary slits are cut for handles, fireboxes and upper teeth.
  • The billet is then folded into the cylinder and boils through the entire line of the leaf edges.
  • That's all. The oven under the Kazan is fully ready for operation.

This simplest product is completely lacking chimney, since with a discharge of smoke, gear slotes are perfect. In addition, such a stove does not have the bottom, that is, it is installed directly on the ground or for any reason.

A shortened version of this furnace is perfectly combined with a metal brand. The result is a great tandem from two cooking devices.

This is a small overview of popular embodiments under Kazan. And it is indisputable that it's simple to make a furnace for the cauldron. The main thing is to correctly assess your abilities and financial opportunities.

The author of the channel "Snejkoff" shared his experience in making a stove stove under Kazan from beer kega.
Some time ago, a 12 liter causane was purchased. I had to make a street stove for him. Options were considered a lot. I wanted to make a sheet metal. Skid a piece of a suitable pipe. Then the Barrel was found in the attic of the garage - Kega. She served her, but for the stove came up. The result was such a stove.

Let's look in detail as a master worked with your own hands. To begin with, the stove was put on four supports from the 12th rod. Ribs of dozens. That is, 4 supports. The stove is stable.

At the same time, this space is used as a peculiar woodcut. Conveniently. The height of the stove did not allow to make a separate underwear. Everything was combined in one plane. That is, opening the door immediately turns out the place where firewood falls. It was welded from the twelfth reinforcement a circle and to it from the 12th wade rounders. He was made by challenges, who lifted the firewood so that they did not lie at the bottom of the stove, and to be a little more higher. In the door there are holes-air ducts for air intake. It turned out everything is fine, successfully. The oven cauldron passed tests. Already prepared on it. The holes are enough to prepare everything and worked with a closed door.

Kega itself has many technological holes. In particular, there were handles carved for carrying. This place is closed with a decorative metal strip. All sorts of holes are closed simply - bolts with a round hat and flowers of blacksmith stamping. Transfer handles are made of two purchased "currency". They are cut in half and they turned out such handles.

Street Kazan 45 centimeters in diameter also went to the stove. The work area is basked normally. Exhaust pipe from 89 drains pipe. The knee was welded at 90 degrees. Pipe is cut under 45. Metal strip used. Schinka is made of trophycle. Screwed, made a clutch and a fool. Pipe is removed. Dress up density. Convenient when you need to transfer. Pipe disassembled.
At first there was no table. Not comfortable without it. After short reflections and small experiments, a table from the twelfth round was made. Ten. The table is made removable.

I look at the Friend-tape, looking for blogs by keywords and I bump into the same thing!
Listen, comrades, ladies-gentlemen, bloggers! Well, it is impossible. After all, 12 years old I am writing about cooking, seven years ago my first book was released, where I seemed to have described everything in detail and showed. But no! Mockery over the unfortunate cauldron continues!

It's time to understand, dear friends that each utensil requires an individual approach. A frying pan needs a stove. Pan - burner. Pot - Russian oven. And Kazan needs a focus.
With that, the focus is needed at least the easiest that can be built in five minutes at least in the pure field.

A hole is digging in the ground. It puts Kazan. The side of the cauldron is placed land and stones. The sub-hole-hole is left in front and below, where the firewood is poured, and the hole is satisfied with the back, so that the smoke goes out.
Everything! Do not need anything else!
How it works?
As can be seen from the figure, the flame languages \u200b\u200blick only the lower part of the Kazan. At the beginning of cooking, when the products are most often roasted, this heating is quite enough. Gradually, the Earth and stones, of which the focus are built, are heated, and by the end of cooking, when rice is laid in Kazan, they are already so much so that they are going to go there, where it is necessary - in the walls of Kazan. That is why the rice will not remain a sticky porridge, as it turns out quite often during the preparation on gas or electric stove, where the heating of the cauldron occurs only below. That is why food does not burn, as often happens in inexperienced cooks on the stove. When the food is ready, the firewood can be removed at all, but the cauldron will be still very hot - as if waiting for intact eaters.
On such foci they cook the chaps in the evenings, they are preparing at weddings. This focus is suitable for a 3-liter cauase for two or three consumers, this focus is perfectly coping with the Casans, for carrying which is cast into four healthy guys.
Weddings in Uzbekistan, many people still cope at home, in their courtyards. Wedding Casanes - Public property, there are several pieces for all Mahalla or Kislak. Where the wedding is there and carry. And what, for the sake of one day there will be some special oven under a two-hundred-tire cauldron? No, of course! It will be done exactly as I just told, and will prepare a pilaf, which is also not in any teahouse.

And what are the foci in teahouses? Yes, about the same on the device as the earthenware, simply for convenience they are satisfied with the pedestal, so that the cook does not bend or not work, sitting squatting. The upper surface of the hearth is aligned, look at the tile - so, of course, it is more convenient - and the smoke is discharged into the pipe so as not to breathe them all day.
I would like to warn that the cast-iron stove with a hole under the Kazan installed on a similar furnace is so-so replacing brick and clay. The focus should be made from one material, both the lower and the upper part. You will now reread the written above again and understand everything yourself.
Try to make the main conclusion for yourself - the iron furnace, barrel on the legs of the ITP ITP is all the way out of the situation, but not a capital solution. And the rings above the barbecue for kebabs, tripods, even worse - cauldron on the cast-iron lattice - the decisions are not suitable for anything.
Capital solution - to build a simple furnace from chamotte brick, put it with brick easier and install the furnace door in it, arrange a ash bar, put a configuration door, a grain and a shifter in the chimney. If all this is put, then such an improved focus becomes simply more convenient during operation.
After all, in the earthy focal temperature as regulated? Need for a short time the fire is more accurate, a firework - lay the brushwood and sinters. We need a heat for a long, not hurry, lay down the long, thick branch, trunk or root - let him smooth. EXPLAINS - Saving it deeper. Suddenly you need to remove the heating at all? Opa, come on, rarebai corners from under the hearth!
In a focus with the doors and pensions, everything is much simpler - adjustments are carried out mainly by traction.
True, in this case, unexpected effects sometimes arise. For example, if you cover the flap of the chimney and supply the air, then in the Kazan, on some minute, everything starts to boil two times stronger. This is because, in normal mode, cold air constantly flows under Kazan, the focus as it is ventilated. And if the air flow is blocked, then the coals do not immediately, but the heat is already nowhere to go - only in Kazan!
Of course, for a radical decrease in the temperature of firewood and coal from near the cauldron, it is better to remove at all, but the doors should be left to the ladder, so that under the cauldron it is ventured as soon as possible, the bottom cooled and the food in the cauldron is not burned.
In general, everything is convenient, but the energy efficiency of such a focus is not much higher than the usual, earthy.
Another disadvantage is the uneven heating of the cauldron. After all, cold air comes on the one hand, and the hot gases warm more than the other side of Kazan. Yes, you can cope with this disadvantage, adapting firewood and coals in the right place.

But what if you do not have one exit for smoke, but to arrange, for example, four khaila are evenly distributed in the top of the furnace? Imagine that you look at the cauldron from above, and the holes for the exit of smoke are located every ninety degrees, the letter X, and then the smoke is going to the common manifold, and only then into the chimney? After all, heat will be distributed much evenly!
And also imagine the flame in the context. Below, where firewood, it has one diameter, and at the top where the faster flame languages \u200b\u200bare expanding. What if the firebox of the focus is not arranged not in the form of a brick drawer, which itself warms up for quite a long time, and build it in the form of a vase - with an extension to the top, how would repeat the shape of the flame from the fire? After all, the CPD of the hearth from this will undoubtedly increase.
But that's not all! In order to increase the focal efficiency even more in my kitchen, a diagram with a collector for collecting smoke was used ... at the bottom, below the level of the grate. Do not believe that it can work? You ask yourself a question, how does this hot air go down? I also did not believe the master when he offered me such a move, but now I am grateful to him.
See how it works and why it is good. The hot air from the flame until the bottom remains at the bottom of the cauldron, giving him his warmth, until he is boosting it from below. Then the cooling air is already spreading along the edges and lowers down, once again warming the wall of vase-furnaces. And only after that, under the pressure of the air flow following him, he goes into the chimney pipe. In general, the difference in the levels between the confusion door and the chimney tube, and the fact that along the way the hot air can rise and go down - the fact that the burns are well known.
Nevertheless, if some of you decides to build such a rather difficult focus, then think about to do also overlap, the so-called summer move. Simply put, in the rear of the hearth, from above, you should leave one small move leading directly into the chimney pipe. It should be put a damper that needs to be opened when the hearth is still heated and overlapping when the chimney is already heated. The fact is that after long breaks in the work of the hearth, I still happened that the smoke did not want to go to the pipe in any way, had to warm the chimney for quite a long time before the system was launched.

So what now, if you do not build such a furnace, then it is impossible to start cooking? Practice shows that it is not. You can cook in bad conditions, the cauldron forgives a lot, but if you want to do something well, you first need to create conditions.
After all, if you create conditions, it is not bad for both gas and electric stove. But about this next time!