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Horoscope Taurus wives. Woman's compatibility in love and relationships. Love and family

Text: Sasha Gluvene

The constellations under which we were born can affect our character and choose a partner. represents a cycle of articles in which he will tell about representatives of all the signs of the zodiac.

Do not consider this article as the truth in the last instance. "Ideal" representatives of any sign of the zodiac, 100% appropriate under the above description, in nature does not exist, as there are no phlegmatics, cholerics, melancholics and sanguits in its pure form. Nevertheless, get a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you need is quite real. In any case, we do not encounter you to launch the already established relationship, if suddenly it turns out that according to this text you do not fit each other.

Woman - Taurus

She does not need a tutorial to master the art of flirting and seduction, it submits non-verbal "sexual signals" as naturally as breathing. In order to charm the man you like, a woman is enough to send his "erotic antenna" in his direction.

Her eroticism has a powerful attractive force, do not have a woman - Taurus well-developed intuition, which immediately allows you to "cut off" inappropriate dating, she would have to make a lot of effort so that at least somehow streamline the flow of men who wanted to talk with her closer.

This person is the venue by nature, already at the very beginning of the novel, she is ready to attach his beloved from the head to the heels with ads "Do not touch, kill," "Hands do not touch", "he already has a girlfriend and it is", "Private property" etc. Is it wondering that Taurov's novels are never "smooth and sweet"? You can send a woman to the internship of the best scripts from Hollywood to show them how to actually need to arrange jealousy scenes. If only the Taurus feels forgotten, she will not be silent. Immediately gives out his opinion out loud, and in order to strengthen the effect of what was said, reinforce the words with spruce.

As a rule, women 'girls know what they want, they are ready to put into the course of all permitted and unauthorized funds from the female arsenal - from tricks and bow to tears and threats to achieve the desired, they are pathologically stubborn.

Many people, communicating with the young lady, born under this sign of the zodiac, make the same mistake, not having to answer their intellect. In fact, women 'women usually rely on their feelings and sensations. Their intuition is a special gift to see the truth, and it is extremely rarely mistaken.

Woman - Taurus - practical, someone, and it can not be counted for idealists. She will not suffer on the hero of the film, whether it is even three times a sex symbol if a pretty man sits next to her in the cinema. This woman does not believe in Platonic love, considering her invention of impotents, for her love automatically means sex.

Tales are usually good, dress up with taste, but they manage to do this without going beyond the budget. They adore decorations - rings, earrings and especially chains, necklaces, beads and necklaces. Neck and neckline are the subject of their special pride.

Women girls especially "susceptible" to luxury - fur, diamonds and other accessories of beautiful life they are simply hypnotized.

Serious relationships (or marriage) often play with a woman-taulders a keen joke - feeling that her personal life "looked around," she can stop holding herself in hero of the leaders and ... to start it, having crushed out. In the soul of any slim girl, born under this sign of the zodiac, lives a bbw, which is just waiting for a convenient point to take power over the body into their chubby handles.

The woman-Taurus is confident that the path to the heart of a man lies through the stomach, because more than once she was convinced of this on his own experience. She is almost a virtuoso in the kitchen, however, as in bed.

The ballet destiny can be called a man whom the Taurus woman will invite to a romantic dinner. He will probably receive pleasure in full program: excellent wine, which is an ideal gastronomic couple with a masterpiece of cooking, which will be on the table; A pleasant voice of the hostess (among the calves there are a lot of singers), muted light and cool smoothness of silk pillows and sheets (calves are delighted with silk) .... the secret is that she will never call the one who she does not like.

Among the undoubted advantages of the calves - gentle, shining skin and a magnificent neckline, as a rule, nature of these women generously dresses with a bust.

Taurus in bed

At the beginning of the relationship, the woman is waiting for patience, tenderness and cautious, gradual rapprochement from a man. She needs sex pleasure, and not a hurrying "walk" in the debris of erotic extreme. It may seem that the calves are somewhat conservative and not really crave for novelty - in fact it is not. After the successful completion of the "adaptation sex period", it will hope that the partner will have enough mind and fantasy to ensure that every intimacy has been unlike the previous one, and it will show all new and new "tricks" from his erotic arsenal, getting them At the right moment, like a magician gets rabbits from a hat.

Every side of a man is important for a female Taurus - hug, kiss and even gentle (or not very) flop on the ass. However, it will be pretty soon it will be ready for more active actions - what's the point to configure the tool if it does not play on it?

In bed, it is extremely important romantic mood, entourage and scenery. The situation should fully comply with what is happening - the Taurus is worth noting the favorite fur to the floor to raise an "erotic degree." Sex for her is the opportunity to demonstrate all of its most seductive perspectives, and the bed is a scene where one of the erotic roles can be played, for example, which the snow queen is not even at the notes, or a vampire, which can compete with twilight saga characters.

The smell of a sweaty male body can bring it crazy. Tales do not have anything against oral sex and make their partners with great pleasure.

What a man needs her

The woman is full of tenderness, tenderness literally overwhelms it, so without the "exhaust pipe" can not do. As a rule, the calves adhere to several "old-fashioned" views, so the husband usually stands in the role of "pipes", and not a lover. They need a reliable man for which, as behind a stone wall, you can survive any adversity and bad weather without special losses. Loom-speaking mumps, however, as uncommon to be the bodies are not impressed.

Taurus fit

Quiet and "comfortable" man - Fish - the perfect partner for Taurus. With him, this strong woman can enjoy calmness and silence, but at the same time, without the risk, dislocate the jaw, yawning from boredom. He extols her to heaven and gives exactly what she needs.

A man - cancer - another "favorite", his whims and constant change of moods, multiplied by the constancy of the Taurus, as a result of the Union, which has every chance to last infinitely long. At the beginning of the relationship, this pair lies with difficulties, but if the dating phase is successful, the gap is practically excluded.

The following option is a male Capricorn. True, there is more rationalism in this novel than passion, but from it can get out of a great marriage for the calculation, which is able to withstand the test of time, because both of these signs are distinguished by the tendency to pragmatism.

Excellent prospects for Women-Taurus and Men - Virgin: She gives him what the Virgin is so lacking in the emotional plan. And he, in turn, then "aligns" and "smoothes" spiritual impulses and throwing the Taurus, then, on the contrary, "swinging" as needed.

Two tales will be the same and then beyond the horns (as a rule, reasons for conflicts are only two - jealousy and money), but they have so much in common, so strong is the power of erotic attraction, which can be concluded that they are created for each other, as That boring and predictably this union did not look from the side.

Taurus is not suitable

The woman and the woman and the male scales absolutely do not fit each other, with a man - the twin can spend one beautiful night and learn a lot about themselves, but it is unlikely that this novel will last too long - it seems too serious and thoroughly pragmatic girls of frivolous twins. With a shooter, a female Taurus is unlikely to endure longer than a month - as soon as he gets to decline it to change his lifestyle, it will not stand and run away.

The relations of the Taurus and Men-Scorpio are doomed initially - in this union there is a clear "overdose" of jealousy and revenge. At Aries and Aquarius with a woman - a taper too little in common. The lion for her is too brutal (however, due to such an obvious difference, sex for one night can get very different).

On February 5, 2019, the yellow earthen pig (boar) will take all astrological symbols under its care. What to wait for the Tales from the wayward hostess of the period? The horoscope will open the veil of secrets and will share star predictions and tips.

General Forecast for 2019 for Taurus

The horoscope for 2019 predicts a fruitful period, full of large-scale change and favorable opportunities. You will be occupied not only by the device of our own life, but will also become in every way to help others. Therefore, it is extremely important not to pick up the unbearable cargo of other people's problems.

Tales, disharmony knocks you out of the habitual track, so in 2019 it will have to competently express priorities: decide which things really require your attention, and where it will cost and without you

From the first days of next year, the stars recommend that you career or business: complete the necessary affairs and show the initiative in new tasks and projects. However, do not forget that arrogance and self-confidence are two completely different qualities that should not be confused. Use charisma where necessary, but do not abuse the personal charm. From February to March to the Tales, it is worthwhile to address business conflicts, strengthening relationships with a team, bosses or partners, demonstrate all your positive parties not only with professional, but also from a human point of view.

  • Spring is time - the perfect moment for self-development, training and creative self-realization. Fortunately, it is in this period of time that you will have a traction to everything new and interesting. Use any falling capabilities: deal with the study of foreign languages, dancing or handmade, sign up for the courses you are interested in or in the sports section. The main thing is to enjoy what you do. In addition, there is a possibility that by the summer some hobbies will become additional sources of income.
  • The events of the summer season will be associated with family matters and solving important business issues. The horoscope claims that all June shoulders will be surrounded by close relatives and far relatives. Be hospitable and friendly, otherwise intimidate conflicts not avoid. And the summer is suitable for repair work at home or in the country.
  • From September to October, try to take leave and in no case are not sitting at home. These days you need to get a charge of bright impressions and unforgettable emotions. Active holidays with friends or family, long journeys for unfamiliar places - this is what the calves are needed in the fall of 2019.
  • From the end of November and throughout December you will see the ideological generator: this is a great moment to demonstrate talents, knowledge and skills. Moreover, many will be able to shine with a high level of communicative skills, so that the calves will be able to establish contacts with influential persons. The horoscope recommends how to cope with all the priority cases by the 16th of December, otherwise the pre-holiday days will be extremely tensely and most talked you.
  • Yellow pig will allow the earthly sign to realize the most bold ideas and plans, to realize the long-standing dreams, discover unexpected qualities and talents, but under one condition - calves should not choose the pedunked tracks, refusing personal purposes and leaving outside the outside.

    Love horoscope and family relationships

    Tales, horoscope advises you spend more time with your relatives and loved ones: Do not forget that large-scale events are good, but much more important to take their care daily

    The love forecast for 2019 claims that the Earthy Pig will be patronized by faithful and devotional calves. This is a flawless time for planning and birth of children, most family couples will finally learn the happiness of fatherhood and motherhood.

    Meanwhile, the lack of fans and fans is not planned, and this applies not only to single calves. Therefore, the stars recommend to refrain from the light flirt, it is better to look at your half, most likely you will see a loved one with a completely new side. Show tenderness and sensitivity, then romance will return to your union, and feelings will become stronger and deep.

    Free calves can count on fateful acquaintance with that very man. The most favorable margin for marriage is the middle of autumn.

    Vasilisa Volodina will proper: the love of 2019 will turn out to be turbulent and complex. Dating, parting, scandals and reconciliation are expected, - in one word the most real passions. In the summer, you tremblely protect your love from your own incontinence and hotness, and in the fall tirelessly "say" about the feelings of actions so that the half felt her need and importance. Lonely stars promise the beginning of a serious relationship.

    Financial Horoscope for Tales

    By the horoscope from Tamara Globa per year of pig (boar) Taurians should avoid transjurry, during this period money will require respect

    In the monetary sphere on the horoscope for 2019, problems are not planned. Under the care of a pig (boar), the shoulders will learn to save, save and make competent financial investments.

    Prediction from Astrologer Paul Globes says: At the beginning of the period, your financial situation hardly pleases with stability, but at the same time promising prospects will appear. Any justified risk in the first half of 2019 will be wrapped with a good profit. Calves should not be abandoned from any suggestions for work and part-time engagement if they are promoted income.

    Autumn - an extremely inappropriate moment for registration of installments and loans, it is also not recommended to climb into debts. And by the end of the period, positive trends in finance will prevail.

    Career and business

    Big luck is expected in creative projects: the ideas will be many, not everything will be able to realize, but the fully implemented will bring a dizzy

    In a professional field, unprecedented persistence and hard work, but it is worth it from representatives of the earthly element. Personal natur awaits career growth and an increase in the salary, and some will switch to a new more profitable place of work at all. It is possible that you first go to foreign business trip.

    Businessmen horoscope promises a lot of excellent opportunities to expand business and conclude promising transactions. The only thing is to read into all documents and do not trust unfamiliar personalities, the potential partners can easily be fraudsters.

    Creative tales will fall into the most epicenter of exciting events, if they do not make itching and will be engaged in the active search for an influential sponsor. Lay out for all a hundred, and the result will not make yourself wait.

    According to the Astrol, Paul Globa, for entrepreneurs the year of Kabana will become a good time. However, in the autumn months in affairs there may be minor difficulties. And for careerists the most measured and at the same time a fruitful stage will be the second half of the year.


    Tales, in the year of earthy pigs, say goodbye to the habit of rummaged at night, otherwise you have to turn to a nutritionist and play out to exhaustion

    Earthy pig ultimately does not advise you to root, because in 2019 there will be detractors in the elder, they will be in hand if the calves will weaken the grip. In order to stay in excellent mood and good health will not need a lot: observe all the well-known postulates of a healthy lifestyle and, if possible, get rid of evil habits.

    Mad rhythm of life is able to shake even the most endless nervous system, and the calves are no exception. Learn to the art of relaxation, you won't lose. And also do not overhead, pour out and find your free time for trips to nature and friendly meetings.

    Meanwhile, the astrologer Vasilisa Volodina warns: do chronic ailments, the signs of which you were ignored for one reason or another. The new period carries with you a full update, so with diseases it is necessary to end first. Especially vulnerable to the neck and throat. Avoid provoking factors not only in the cold season, but also in the heat. And the cervical spine trust a good massession.

    Horoscope for Women-Taurov For 2019

    Tales, fewer illusions and more real actions: to get everything about what is dreaming about, in the year of the yellow pig you will have to work hard and not to turn in the clouds

    Stars recommend that you put creativity and family life in the chapter. Of course, not everything will go smoothly. However, self-control in the emotional sphere and self-confidence will help overcome any complexity. Patient and prudent ladies will enjoy the first fruits of achieved success already at the beginning of the summer season.

    Married Lady costs more often to show flexibility and fasciance in relations with his spouse. Do not provoke conflicts and watch what and how you say. It is from your position that the homely atmosphere will depend on and even the well-being of the family budget.

    Lonely women Astrologer Tamara Globa advises to open his heart for something new and light. A favorable time for romantic dating will come in March to April 2019. However, the highest chances will meet their love fall out for a summer time.

    What is waiting for men

    Tales, on the professional arena will have to compete for the best place under the sun, especially it concerns those who will change the work or receive a new position.

    According to the horoscope for 2019, the new period will be very eventful and efficient. True, without excerpt and purposeful, men can not do. Want a career jerk? Stars are defined unequivocally - do not reduce the same tempo, but in some moments, go to acceleration. You can count on absolute adoption and support from family and friends. But with colleagues and partners, be alert, do not devote them to your plans.

    In the middle of the year, the stars are stilted by the strengthening of financial positions. The time of the desired expensive acquisitions and travels will come. But it should not relax, on the contrary, strive to improve the professional level and learn from the new one.

    Family mans need to be remembered, then the probability of the family quarrel will be reduced to the minimum mark. And also get rid of your half from business worries, and she will answer you sincere love and care. Lonely calves looking for their love, horoscope advises to end the monotony and routine. You often choose from home or office, attend cultural events, travel, engage in sports ... Do our best to feel the taste of life.

    Horoscope for calves for all the signs of the Chinese calendar

    Tales, horoscope for 2019 includes special predictions depending on your year of birth


    Good luck on the professional field is promulit the horoscope to people born in the year of the rat. The greatest success is possible in creative regions and personal projects. However, the overall picture in this area can overstate the constant attacks of competitors and attempts to negative effect on the part of the enviousness, so remove the pink glasses and do not forget about the vigilance. In addition, learn the competent distribution of temporary resources to find time and for productive activities, and for recreation, and for romance.


    All sorts of pleasant surprises commemorate the year of yellow pig (boar) for bulls. It seems that the iconic events will occur outside the house and office: on the country picnic you will be able to find decent companions, and on the evening walk it is possible to meet with the second half. Stars call you to activity and permanent movement, the most targetful nature will achieve financial heights by the end of 2019.

    Taurus tiger

    If you are a Taurus, born in the year of the tiger, the absolute support of the hostess of the year is provided to you: in February, you will put all the possibilities for your feet for your feet that you wish, but if you want to slow down, you will misunderstand your chance

    The first half of the year will be the most labor-intensive and stress, despite the support of the yellow guinea. Tigems will have to be found to keep professional positions and authority. The only weapon from the guests of competitors will be your faith in yourself and courage. As for beginner businessmen, active actions are better planning for the second half of the year.

    Taurus-cat (rabbit)

    Punching rabbits will definitely advance in the career, and everything will go to your favor without any particular effort. The gift of eloquence and tactfulness will contribute to your professional successes. If you need support, look for it in close friends, you won't lose. In the love sphere, difficulties are possible, competitors can be drawn on the way of free representatives of the symbol, so for their love will have to compete. Nevertheless, many can count on marriage by the end of the year. Stars encourage: marriages prisonered under the perturbed pork, will be a fortress.


    Fate will check you for strength throughout the year, be prepared for its challenges. Beware of dubious personalities, refrain from gambling and participation in ambiguous enterprises. The boar will end you with a colossal amount of vital energy, and dragons should be sent to the right track. Do not be afraid of difficulties, because it is they who teach you internal strength and wisdom. Fearless nature will be generously rewarded at the end of the year - the budget is strengthened, and full harmony will be reigned on the personal front.

    Taurus Snake

    Taurus-snake will not be easy to move towards the intended goals, because the boar requires decisiveness and work in the team, and such a prospect you do not like

    In the year of the Earthy Pig, you will have to learn to take those who are surrounding as they are. Show loyalty even to those people whose worldviews you are not free, try to find something positive in every person, and then many will answer you with reciprocity. Fortunately, around you many faithful and understanding comrades who really can be trusted. As for romantic relations, it's time to become more open and more confident, only then you will receive an emotional response from the person you like.

    Taurus horse

    Horses, horoscope offers you to relax. No, not to quit all things, and just relax a little and stop all pull exclusively

    Palums of Fortuna will dream of horses' tales in 2019. Throughout the period, you will overfill energy, fresh ideas and physical forces. By the way, for the same reason you will be constantly surrounded by the rear and fans. True, the horoscope advises not to waste resources wasted: make a decision of the priority issues, accept responsible decisions in your personal life. In a professional and financial sector, stability is expected, moreover, you can count on all kinds of cash bonuses. For example, there is a high chance of winning the lottery.

    Taurus-Goat (Sheep)

    Born in the year goats expect a good period. True, the difficulties in the romantic sphere associated with your explosive character are not excluded. If you want to save relationships, start working on yourself from the first days of the year. But in the work and business you will not be equal, so many will achieve a salary or promotion, and someone will decide to change the field of activity at all. The end of the period will bring large profits, you can afford expensive purchases or traveling your dreams.


    Bright charisma will help monkeys in business and entrepreneurship. Just do not bend a stick, and then companions feel not in their plate and change your mind to cooperate with you

    Success in the professional field of activity to monkeys this year is provided. The only nuance is not forget about tacty, and also refrain from familiar jokes when communicating with the authorities and potential partners, otherwise it is possible not the most pleasant consequences for you. Family mans of the pig will serve calm and mutual understanding with halves and households. And lonely people will have to show the initiative to say goodbye to idol.

    Taurus cock

    Successful time will bring material stability to roosters, progress in work, harmony in love and internal equilibrium. The hostess of the period will help you in everything, the main thing is to ask a certain goal. Family couples can count on the long-awaited replenishment, and the singles will finally acquire a satellite life.


    Dogs, thirsting on the career ladder, will have to reconsider their views on the world and the people around: you are accustomed to everyone to trust, but around a lot of not the most honest personalities

    Successful, but a rather difficult period awaits dogs-dogs, you will have to have to be causing and worry before finding the desired one. The purposeful nature will achieve their own by the end of the year and sigh with relief, the time to rest and friendly sites will come. Family mans will find support in the face of halves and native people, and the free representatives of the combination are likely to play a wedding.

    Taurus-pig (boar)

    The attentive mistress of the year will patronize you in all spheres of life, catch a good luck. This is the right time for active actions in the professional field, strengthening the budget and intensive work on its own reputation. Family pigs will enjoy romantic and comfort, the relationship will play with bright colors. And bachelors will plunge into a stormy novel, which can end with a lush wedding.

    According to the Horoscope for Tales for 2019, the art of communication will play a key role in the events of the period. It is love for people and the ability to communicate in front of you a lot of doors, will help link useful contacts and establish harmonious relationships with your loved ones and relatives.

    Compatibility horoscope: What is waiting for the zodiac sign Taurus - the most complete description, only proved theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

    Taurus - the second zodiac sign. His symbol is a horned bull head. This sign personifies the power of will, patience and hard work.

    A rock: Jadeit, agate

    Mascot: Owl, Golden Taurus

    Color: Red, orange

    Characteristic of the sign

    Taurus has a huge stock of inner strength. It manifests itself in high performance, patience and independence of representatives of this sign of the zodiac. Taurus looks solid, he has a strong physique and excellent health.

    The surrounding love him for optimism and goodwill. Taurus is hard to deal with himself, because he knows how to keep himself in his hands. It helps him to maintain the presence of the Spirit in unforeseen situations. But if the "bowl is full", and his patience came to an end, from a peaceful good-natured calf, it turns into an angry bull.

    The main negative features of the character of the representatives of this sign of the zodiac - slowness, stubbornness and passivity.

    Woman Taurus

    The characteristic features of women-Taurus are perseverance, hard work, patience. She is calm and restrained, knows how to listen. It is nice to communicate with her. She does not like objections. He performs a good mistress and a caring mother. Loves to create comfort in the house, do with children. Recognizes the chief of her husband's husband. Economic and hospitable. In bed, sensual and gentle.

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    Male Taurus

    Distinctive features of the character of a man-Taurus - slowness, stubbornness and practicality. He knows what he wants and knows how to achieve his goals. This is a romantic and sentimental nature. In family life, he acts as a model of the perfect spouse and father - a devotee, a caring and economic man, the head of the family. He loves comfort, comfort and order in everything. In bed, gentle and passionate.

    Love and family

    Taurus rarely falls in love. He prefers to look at more carefully for the qualities of the character of his chosen one and only then determined with the choice. At the same time, it is important for him to take the first step first. He does not like to be a passive "object" of relationships.

    In satellites of life, chooses people who are similar to him by nature. Appreciates a relaxed atmosphere and comfort in the house. He loves to eat hearty and loves to cook. The soul does not make children, often pampers them. Family life with a representative of this sign of the zodiac becomes happy, if you take proper respect for him and not to infringe on his freedom.


    Taurus gets well with the representative of his zodiac sign, with Capricorn, Cancer, Virgin. Low compatibility with lion, Silver.

    Career and profession

    Taurus is a wonderful worker. It works leisurely, but high quality. With its characteristic constancy and great performance can actually cope with any task. True, for a worthy performed work, he is waiting for the relevant remuneration and recognition of his work.

    The practicality and thoughtfulness of actions makes the Taurus an excellent boss. He is fair with subordinates and tries to create for them the most comfortable working conditions for them. Waiting for the discipline and work "on the result" from them.

    Representatives of this zodiac sign approaches a scrupulous work that requires practicality. Of the calves, excellent doctors, engineers, journalists are obtained. In your business, the representative of this sign of the zodiac is to large-scale projects and easily bypass competitors.

    At the Taurus from nature good health. He rarely sick. Loves delicious and sneaking, therefore inclined to completeness. For him, diet is a terrain meal. To maintain the form, it is important for it sometimes to arrange unloading days and "sit" on fruits and vegetables.

    In the Taurus due to the nature of the slower reaction, which increases the risk of injury. It is not recommended to engage in extreme sports - skiing, snowboarding, rollers.

    His passivity can lead to a protracted depression. Therefore, it is important for him to be able to be distracted and change the situation with a long-lasting decline of the spirit.

    Representatives of this sign of the zodiac carelessly belong to visiting doctors, so delaying the disease before the started state. They need to remember that the health needs to be monitored constantly. At the very first signs of malaise, you must contact a specialist. Weak vents - throat, nose, ears, glands, thyroid gland.

    Characteristic of other zodiac signs

    Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac Taurus: description of men and women, boys and girls

    Representatives of this sign are distinguished by solidity and categorical. Taurus, the characteristic of it is stability, on temperament they are melancholic, it does not give them to be vigorous, to fall into a state of sudden activity. For action, it is necessary first to thoroughly think about all possible consequences. But, like most people on Earth, they sometimes can give in to the mood and make something unscheduled, on emotions.

    For all the actions, the carts are treated and try to fix their mistakes.

    Adult Taurus Character Description

    These people are open and friendly, they are extroverts. Taurus, characteristic of the sign of the zodiac - inexhaustible patience. They can long be silent about their experiences, are indulgent. But the bowl of patience even has the edge, and, overcrowded by its emotions, they can be enraged, ruthless, capable of insulting.

    They look through a clear prism of realism, do not like to dream. Thanks to this feature, they are rarely disappointed in something, because the fabulous prospects were not built in thoughts, which were actually ordinary. There is also a minus in this feature, realistic perception does not give the calves to enjoy the beauty of the world, causing their attention to the disadvantages.

    Positive features

    Tales will not allow them to command them, indicate what to do, impose their opinion, but they listen to good advice. They feel freely with those who are compliant and soft in nature, does not try to conceal their interests and rights.

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    Heavy times for calves - a real test, but they will not understand their externalities, how are his business, what mood he is inside. Despite the fact that they are truly difficult to get out of the depressive state, they rarely complain and are looking for support. In case of failure, the Taurus prefers to hide and wait for the weather by the sea, because he patient to the impossible.

    The people of this sign of the zodiac are closely connected with their elements of the Earth, they love nature. They are filled with energy, being in the fresh air, calm down, the long-awaited solutions come to them.

    Taurus character has the right and decent, they always keep the word, very responsible in all spheres of life, honor and comply with the rules and laws. You can safely and reliably, you can always be confident, he is not able to betrayal and escape in a difficult moment. Even if the circumstances have developed in such a way that he had to break the promise, he will be very worried and find a way to fix this turmoil as possible. The shoulders are open, they are susceptible and strive to know the world, while remaining conservatives.

    Stability and monotony - the best features for

    Tales say, not a cry of soul, sincerely expressing their emotions and feelings.

    Tales, they strain at the form of changes in the usual rhythm of life. From sudden change it is not going anywhere, but the calf is not in a hurry to adapt to a new way, he is waiting for everything until everything becomes.

    Material is of great value in their eyes, they are tied to things, do not think of life without well-being, stability, convenience, dimension. Preference the society of intellectuals, meaningful persons, but also at others, will not look. Taurits manit luxury and glitter, they are lovers of parties.

    Home Taurus is important to feel comfort and comfort. To the money, as well as in their lives, they are responsible. The debt will give, but only if the reason for the treatment is worthy of attention, they do not waste money, but they do not differ. Love to carry everything into the house, they like to see the reflection of their efforts in the material things that they ward.

    what is waiting for the sign of the zodiac Taurus

    English name Taurus comes from Greek Tauros, "Bull"

    According to mythology, Zeus took the shape of a snow-white bull when he kidnapped Europe, Princess of Phenicia.

    The symbol is a simplified image of the head and horns of the bull. Sometimes it is argued that the image is an endocrine organs in the throat, which the sign has an impact (as well as on the whole one).

    Ownership, determination, practicality. Sign of expedient determination of force. Being a sign of the Earth, he is designed to engage in material affairs. It tries to master the practical sides of life, seeks to take possession of material values. Appreciates the convenience, contentment, pleasure; Satisfying your needs is achieved without gentle energy. Watch that nothing fell into his way.

    It is often not understood in the motives of your behavior, it is simply not very interested in the knowledge of himself. Plans to live for many years ahead, and, as a rule, his efforts do not disappear for nothing. Do not love interference with your affairs, does not like attempts to influence them.

    Have you been born under the sign of Taurus?

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    Children's horoscope

    You got a wonderful child - resistant, persistent, cheerful, friendly. It is not indifferent to art, especially for music, and at the same time practical. But get ready for unexpected difficulties. It is quite difficult - to be the parents of a child born under the sign of Taurus. You will enjoy how your child is achieved: Building a house, learn to write a difficult letter. But sooner or later he will show such persistence in achieving the goal, which, from your point of view, is completely dissatisfied and even harmful. For example, one day he may declare that he does not want to go to kindergarten, because he does not like it there. And it will not go. And if you drag it there, it will behave in such a way that you still have to pick it up from there.

    What can your child hurt? First of all, any diseases associated with the throat and neck: angns, laryngitis, pharyngitis. In addition, there may be consequences of increments, diseases associated with blood pollution, abscesses. The viability of children is high.

    How should you handle your child in order to achieve the desired without disturbing his internal equilibrium?

    Never order him without explaining why you need to do so, and not otherwise.

    Do not undermine the foundations of his safety, never even in a joke, do not tell him: "Get out of the house, since you are so bad." He also should not have two houses, because, from his point of view, two houses are not like a single one.

    What does your child need?

    He likes art, especially music. A calm music acts well on his nervous system. Give him the opportunity to express yourself in art. It has a rare gift - combine beauty and utility in the right proportion.

    Temperament and character

    The double influence of Venus and the Moon causes sensitivity and sentimentality, which gives a calm and confident taste. Loves a little, but well-stitched clothes, rich silk and wool, leaving the right to extravagance for Aries, does not like necklaces, hard collars and ties, love perfume with a gentle smell. Saves clothes for a short time, turns to the same style, if he believes that he suits him.

    Usually, the calves of peace-loving and patient. The need for harmony makes one of the many, but terrible when their patience comes to an end. Tales do not like controversy, especially in an increased tone and do not bring disharmonic life.

    Trust your perception, inner conviction, based on more feelings than on conclusion. Careful observers preferring to look again in advance before drawing conclusions.

    Objectivity is important for calves, they do not like to reflect, less religious than other signs of the zodiac, have excellent memory, keep the word. They annoy themselves and other indecisiveness, reluctance to deal with a variable situation.

    They are hidden when it comes to their personal affairs, even if they are talkative. Generous, but at the same time greedy, owners. It is necessary to learn the right balance: "Giving - Take."

    Taurizes are inherent in common reason, simplicity, pragmatic intellectuality. The feelings of the Taurus is sharper than other signs.

    Psychosxual characteristic

    Taurus, perhaps the most sensitive sign of the zodiac. People who are ruled by Venus love to caress, but prefer to caress them, stretch the time caress. What characterizes the Taurus from the positive side, this is that they are usually good spouses. Women of this sign are usually sincere and faithful wives and they know how to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony in their home. Most calmets work well when they have a cozy home and a family where you can relax and restore energy. The wife's wife often complain that their husbands are not demonstrative in sexual relationships. They take a passive role, waiting for the wife to be active. If not so, then the husband willingly find another woman.

    When he easily succeeds, he can become greedy for money. But he likes to spend and spends.

    Women girls should delight their Venus Nature with various luxury objects: expensive jewelry, clothing, cars - everything in order to flatter the goddess of love and beauty and cause admiration for Mars. When she admire, the daughter of Venus becomes completely indifferent to sex, while the male-taurus is rarely so indifferent: he will not deny him.

    Venus often acts on their subjects so that they become aggressive and when they occupy such a position, they become agile and get what they want through non-dual maneuvers. Tales occupy a significant place in the list of famous "expensive mistresses". They love when they admire and indulge them, and thus they achieve expensive gifts.

    Because They believe in a fair game - they are bad delints and businessmen and therefore should avoid economic areas that require incommation and quirmenity, otherwise they will not stand competition. In general, non-dual maneuvers of the Taurus work better not in affairs and society, but in personal life.

    The attitude of the Taurus to sex can easily become too prosaic and when he is not associated with a partner in a deep feeling and when he just get bored. Taurus will not be ashamed to ask them the phone number of any other suitable partners.

    Taurus is a peace-loving person and in our time, when everyone strives to show his desires in a frantic manner, the Taurus is an example of virtue. Thanks to the strength and ability to concentrate energy on something one, success is easily coming. They successfully succeed in affairs that require time and perseverance. They often act with any commercial ideas that seem insignificant first, and later turn into objects of national scale. Remember, the Taurus rules the house of the money and he knows how to cuddle gold from other wallets.

    If anyone wants relationships, which would swim on the smooth waves of Venus, sit on a steamer "Taurus" - no troubled waves. Venus, the goddess, which makes young girls fall in love, and young guys - to climb the lighted moon balconies and sing passionate serenades, makes people born under the sign of the Taurus, most suitable for novel and marriage. They are great demand in this area.

    Stubbornness, indifference, egoism - that's where to begin but the main drawback of the Taurus is to indulge in its weaknesses, indulgence in their desires. Another drawback is oveucquentness. If something does not succeed, this happens because of his insecurity and inability to take advantage of the case. In the personal relationship, the Taurus brings the inability to combine sex and emotions. At least they should come up with a spiritual life, pretend, if not for themselves, for their partner, if they want to preserve the world. Women love to talk, and men must occasionally listen. Men-carts love flattened and their partners should force themselves to say something caressing their rumor. Sexual impulses of the Taurus are closely related to the stomach and habits of food, and they must remember that extra weight appears from the increment.

    The calves want to have everything and joy come into the game "Economy of Love". Usually they exalt the Golden Taurus and are extremely skilled in the use of money to meet personal purposes, especially sexual. Taurus attracts many, but he himself often wants an inaccessible - a man who gives back to His Charam for the expensive price. Then, he has enough one person: he needs not only quality, but also the quantity. He needs two cars, two houses, and if not two wives, then at least a mistress. And the female Taurus is not shy to let the money in order to take the most beautiful man. Positive types of calves can be generous with money. Loving art, they promote him and in their sex life. But they rarely take under the patronage of a person who does not have beauty and talent: Venus endowed them with a subtle feeling relative to these two qualities.

    Until 29.5 years, the most appropriate partners - people know. Capricorn and Virgin. All three are earth signs and until 29.5 years old, they are all looking for random, some passive sensual ties. But if the calf chooses a virgin, he must keep in mind that she is beautiful, but cold, and if Capricorn is that he is a good partner and spouse, but later he will not be able to satisfy him sexually.

    After 29.5 - the calves begin to grow spiritually and can find a suitable partner among twins and Aries. Gemini will increase its intellect, and Aries - fire and energy. Aries and twins are rather intelligent signs and, like a calf, do not hide so high in the clouds. Sometimes it is useful to lower it to the ground, so that he can carefully look at his life and change the future.

    After 41.5 years, when the Taurus has already acquired the long-awaited well-being, it is ready for deeper, idealistic, spiritual relations. Here it can be compatible with scorpion.

    In general, always "good". Twitted sign, Taurus does not like more. In the young years, the Tales are especially versed by their dpusiam and the foreigners. In the Support, their venibility is constant and dependent.

    Why don't you want to seek spirituality, possessing 95 pochants of all dpuchi dyspeteers, what will make you a more active sign of the zodiac?

    When will you learn to participate in a two-way student?

    When will you give the opportunity to send people to speak?

    When do you draw depend on the circumstances?

    And finally, why Venine left his dpo-compound casket with poetic, intellectual weights of the scales and only then puppy to you?

    Erotic horoscope

    Born under this sign is charming and exquisite, capricious and sensual. She seeks to surround himself with beautiful things and brilliant men. Excellent understanding her character, men, however, seek closeness with her, as she is a magnificent partner who can give a sophisticated sensual pleasure. The epicurean perception of life helps her avoid many serious problems and dignity connections. The joy of the completeness of the sensations is transmitted to its chosen one. However, his joy is short-lived. After a short time, he discovers his epicureau in the arms of the other. She is sincerely in erotica and gives it to his attraction beless, trying to draw an unknown pleasure in a new partner. We must admit that for men, it is as attractive and male, how much and destroyed. Her married life is often Mesborn and unstable.

    Women strive for marriage with him. They are conquering his confidence, self-esteem, a correct and respectful attitude towards partner. He is not called a sophisticated and sophisticated lover, but his passion is strong and actively acts on women. In proximity he is inclined to equality and does not seek to suppress the partner with sensuality. It is open in all manifestations of proximity and assumes the presence of the same openness and in a woman. Jealous, but considers it its weakness. In the choice of women, as in the whole other, absolutely independent and relies only on their own experience. It is almost impossible to "seduce" with all sorts of female tricks. For this, it is quite a smart and permeable. Keeps excellent physical shape to deep old age. The marriage of his long and happy, although he does not attach to this special effort.

    In my youth think a lot about the choice of profession, they want to be confident that they will all work out and will be able to do everything well, to earn a lot. Do not object against some routine, against a certain repeatability that creates the impression of stability. Committed to the compliance with the rules and love success. No sign spends so many forces on trifles.

    From the biblical times, the Taurus sign is associated with wealth, the money that the Taurus attracts to themselves and who elude losers, for they spend too much.

    Well manifest itself in the fact that they love comfort in the house: architecture, internal interior, construction as a whole, are located to fashion, concern for beauty. Capable to poetry, pedagogy (especially to teaching languages), painting, music, economics, stock exchange. As a rule, apolitical (hereinafter the economy, sociology, biology, anthropology, not going to acquaintance with politics).

    In his youth, dreamed, fall in love long before the first object of love. When it happens, they need time to wake up, relevant reality, another personality, while their personality becomes an object of love.

    Passion, even in more mature years, does not arise suddenly, but it grows slowly and unnoticed, but when the feelings are talking, there is no more sensual sign. He does not retreat from his choice.

    For the calves of feeling and desire - the same thing. Troubles are complete: it goes to the end, regardless of whether it is sweet or a fever. In the love of Taurus, neither criticism or inconvenience, nor discomfort, although in other respects the Taurus is practical.

    Tales want to own their beloved (s) and belong to them to the end.

    If reality does not correspond to the ideal, the Taurus passes through the hell of jealousy, despondency, does not want any reconciliation and distracts, sometimes even can die due to a broken heart. They can fall into other extremes - "denunuance", alcoholism, increasing, but it is relatively rare.

    Women girls want to worship and wait from their favorite evidence of their feelings. Unsured in this, become balanced, affectionate and lively. Usually they know how to keep men.

    Communication with Taurus is confused, the retracting is sometimes in a predicament. Marriage with Taurus drops away the possibility of divorce and is designed for harmony.

    Taurus succeed in the harmony of family life, do not carry the quarrel, can be slightly dictators in relation to children.

    Sentimental Taurus and Scorpio - two opposites to each other. Not always a favorable Taurus Union with Virgin, Capricorn, Aquarius, Lvom (for love and friendship). Fish, cancer should be avoided.

    Taurus is born with a strong design and can live to old age without any disease. Does not know where and when to stop, tend to work too much, drink, smoke, love. With the disease, too long does not recover. Most of the diseases due to excessiveness are inherent in the despondency, boredom, decay of the spirit.

    Main diseases: fullness, diabetes, hepatitis, rash, allergies, cough, brain disease, overwork, schizophrenia, depression.

    Most calmets love smoking (more than other characters) and are difficult to dump from smoking (other signs have allergies to smoking), more often than other signs there are homosexuals.

    Communication with scorpion often causes genital infection, especially if the Taurus is a woman. Men must follow the throat.

    Precautions: Feet warm and dry, Avoid drafts, regular, but not too long sleep and rest, regular chair.

    Taurus does not like exercises, diet, physical stresses and any restriction.

    Gastronomic horoscope

    A sign of order and wisdom. In life, it is not small, but very rational. These positive qualities often come up when it comes to the table. The Taurus, who loving tasty food is very expressed, the processes of absorption are very expressed and therefore the danger of excessive completeness is real. Consequently, constant meal control is the main care of the Taurus.

    Your stones

    Color - white, pink, yellow, red-brown, brick and cherry-red, rarely occurs green or blue.

    Mineral-fine-grained translucent quartzite with the inclusion of mica or other minerals that make a flickering with golden, red, green "sparks".

    Compliance with the sign of the zodiac - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

    Color - alternation of gray-blue and white layers. If layers of yellow, red, brown, black or other color alternate with white layers, then such a kind can have its own name.

    Mineral-sleeve historical variety of silicon oxide, mainly thin-fiber chalcedone. Jewelers are called agate chalcedony without clear lamination, but with various inclusions that create a specific drawing, - Mokhovaya Agat, agate star, etc.

    Compliance with the sign of the zodiac-tape.

    From the history of stone. Since ancient times, used for the manufacture of jewelry, seals, vessels, and as well as material for cutting images. Processed in the shape of an eye, the agate was placed in the stands of the statues and served to scare the black forces. In the Middle Ages, the agate was broken with water was used in the form of a river in the bite of snakes and scorpions. During the rebirth in Italy, the masters were considered a talisman. The largest agate product is stored in one of the veins museums, it is almost a flat dish with a diameter of 75 cm., Carved from solid stone.

    Tiger eye

    Color - overflowing golden-brown, brown, brown.

    Mineral-translucent quartz or chalcedony.

    Compliance with the sign of the zodiac - Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo.

    Stone properties. Helps in economic activity, it shirts anger, brings good luck to the good and mental people, exacerbates intuition, heals unreasonable jealousy.

    Color - diverse, the most famous red and green varieties, coloring can be a gelding, stripped, spotted, etc.

    Mineral silicon rock, opaque, painted by iron and manganese oxides into different colors.

    Compliance with the sign of the zodiac - Taurus, Virgo.

    ✔ About me ✉ Feedback

    With the help of stars, you can find out a lot of interesting things about a person, it is enough to know the date of his birth and look into the horoscope. Of course, 100% of coincidences in the description of the sign of the zodiac and the character of a person are very difficult to find, but the main features can be predicted with a high probability. In this article, consider the character of women born under the sign of Taurus.


    "Patience and work is all a little" - words that do not more accurately characterize the stubborn tales.

    The woman is rarely changing the life sets, so it seeks to choose the failed roads. Their rationalism does not allow participation in adventures, because the outcome of risky clauses is unpredictable. Even following a specific action plan, a woman's calf is usually trying to think over other options for developing events to be ready for everything. However, with all the staticness of character, they have a very rich inner world.

    People born under the auspices of the Taurus are rightfully considered one of the most domestic and family. This is especially brightly traced when it comes to the representatives of the beautiful sex. They are soft, patient and very economic personnel. In their apartment, each thing has a purpose, while the general view of the interior is decorated concisely and tastefully. As a rule, this woman does not care noisy parties and public events, she with a greater hunt will spend his free time at home, in the circle of relatives and loved ones, and saved money will spend on the arrangement of their nest.

    Externally, the representative of this sign looks pretty feminine.Usually she has a wonderful, luminous leather health. Beautiful neckline, soft features always attract the attention of men, which this woman is not surprised at all. Her calm and confident behavior add more charm even more. The silhouette of it is not deprived of rounded forms, and if the woman does not follow the diet, it can gain extra kilograms.

    With all the positive qualities of the lady, Taurus does not tolerate comments and objections. She loves everything to be on her head painted in her head, and sincerely upset when she was tried to disobey. If it is often unjustly offended, she can take offense, and a person will soon be able to rehabilitate in her eyes.

    There are many famous singers and actresses among the calves, they often have a nice voice.Among them are Natalia Oreiro, Rene Zelweger, Penelope Cruz, Natalia Andreychenko, Marina Vlad, Svetlana Svetlynaya.


    The value of girls born under this sign is not only in their economic activity and anxious attitude towards the home hearth. They are real women who are not trying to compete with a man pulling the blanket for themselves. Taurus respects his male qualities in his companion and knows how to maintain the balance of energy in the Union.

    After all, her ideas about the family can be called absolutely classic: the husband is a minider, his wife is his support, the keeper of the hearth and mother.

    From an astrological point of view, it is suitable for satellites of the life of the Virgin and Capricorn. They also support the traditional ideas about marriage and are able to make a beautiful pair with Taurus. Cancer and fish are also pretty good with her, the main thing is to be able to compromise and take some inconsistencies to the partner ideal. Not too successful astrologists consider the union between the two tales, since at least one of the partners should be more active, and sometimes capable of risk to move forward. Not recommended starfoots to conclude Taurus-Sagittarius and Taurus Taurus. The first is too unstable and independent, the second and worse - forever hovers in the clouds and expresses incredible ideas.

    A family

    Woman Taurus is ready to dissolve in the care of the family and the house. She enjoying guests with pleasure, treats them with a variety of dishes, creates a setting situation and demonstrates itself as an exemplary wife. Children appreciate her love and even in transition can share with their problems with their problems, knowing that she will be able to give a good advice and gently send to the right decision.

    Like any insult, a partner's flirt with other women, she will definitely remember and will keep everything in himself, tormented from incorrect injustice. But hardly she shut down such behavior to her man. Gradually, quiet aggression will fall into the righteous anger, and then her man dared to offend her man will receive a grand scandal with far-reaching consequences.

    To conquer the heart of the lady Taurus is not so easy, because it prefers to decide with whom she is, and she clearly knows what he wants. The annoying seductors often endure defeat. Help charm this lady can expensive gifts, exquisite restaurants and an impeccable view of the Uchager himself. Primitive sex, even in an extreme environment, does not like it. It is much better if everything happens in exquisitely furnished apartments, with all the attributes of the romantic night of love. If a man prepare everything properly, then she will not shake on her affection and passion.

    If a representative of this sign met his big love and a person in all suits it, she will be predicted to him to the end. Undoubtedly, she has many positive qualities, but the husband must fit and be at one level with it. A man who too relaxed in marriage with her and began to treat her virtues as properly, risks becoming a cuckold.

    Realizing that the partner is not "that very", the Taurus is capable of being a polygamine, to love several men at once, and at the same time it is to rush with relations with them.

    Career and Finance

    As the Taurus appreciates stability in everything, money for her is very important, because they give it such a necessary sense of security and confidence in tomorrow. Our heroine is not chasing easy prey and knows that free cheese is only in the mousetrap, so it is ready to work much and hard. People who have just achieved their work cause genuine admiration for the woman's woman.

    Most often in its sphere of interests are concrete classes with clearly prescribed duties.If this is a creative specialty, it must be associated with the arrangement, repair or design of the house, needlework, agriculture. Not bad, such a woman can show itself on the sale of property. She likes to create beautiful things. It is possible to implement in this area in the profession of couturier or publisher of the fashion magazine, for example.

    But despite the craving for the beautiful, such a woman rarely becomes a "free artist", which is creating at the destruction of a capricious muse. It is characterized by high performance and it does not regret the forces on the way to success. Her will and purposefulness can be envied - the natural restraint and the ability to behave in society helps in this. Tales may seem too slow down in work, but they are able to truly delve into the essence of the case, without missing important trifles that others can miss sight. Becoming the boss, and this woman is completely able to the woman, it remains a courteous and friendly communicating with colleagues, adopts weighted solutions and will never come with work for personal affairs.

    As is known, each zodiac has 30 degrees in the zodiacal circle, and they are divided by astrologers for decades.

    We give the main distinguishing features of the Tales born in different days.

    The first decade (from April 21 to May 1) is under the authority of the planet Venus. For these women, starmen are extended by a higher sensuality than their "colleagues" on the constellation. Important years in life: 16, 24, 30, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57. Such women are especially like to receive pleasure from life, stretch to the beautiful, sometimes they themselves are trying to develop vocal and theatrical talents.

    The second decade (from March 2 and 11) is experiencing a powerful influence of Mercury. Important years in life: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64. It is a good luck in such professions as a lawyer, teacher, seller, editor, diplomat.

    They are especially careful and know how to make the right solutions to promote their careers.

    The third decade (from May 11 to 20) is under the auspices of Saturn. This is truly stubborn calves, but often they closed themselves in too narrow frames. But in his desire to success, the mountains can roll and achieve impressive results. Important years in life: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64. In their sphere of interest, it is recommended to include all professions associated with land, real estate, as well as management, entrepreneurship and engineering work.


    The main mascot-animal of this sign is the bull, which is not surprising, because it is the "face" of the constellation. Wisdom and composure gives a woman to the owl to the woman. And for specially valued career successes, astrologers advise to acquire a horse figurine as a symbol of performance and success.

    According to professional astrologers, stones as talismans should not be too active. Their main task is to concentrate and direct the congenital energy of representatives of this zodiac to the right direction.

    Women Taurus very much in favor of our favorite people and stability in love and professional relationship is important for them, so most experts in astrology recommend them to wear turquoise decorations. So that the man was devoted to the partner, she can entertain little pebbles of this mineral in a clothing lining.

    Calves who have not yet been tied by the bounces of marriage seeking themselves and seeking to know the sapphire.Also, he will help to lure a secured cavalier, which will help her to fulfill all the dreams. Since the calves are distinguished by sensitivity and vary, they can be advised to wear green agate. It will help to move sad thoughts, get rid of the prayer and strengthen its energy. Another green agate helps to sear all unnecessary and concentrate on really important.

    Yashma is another natural stone recommended by our heroine. The mineral protects against the negative forces, the evil eye, envy, helps to attract success. Bloody Jasper is especially good for those born in the first decade - from April 21 to May 1. Ensures his mistress from accumulated fatigue, returns vigor and self-confidence.

    The coral increases the vitality of the Tales born from 2 to 11 May. Helps remove negative attitudes that make her doubt her. Representatives of this sign, the date of birth of which falls on the third decade, especially recommended to wear decorations with a diamond.

    The stone increases the sociability of its owner, develops all the best qualities in man and gives the ability to clearly think in any situation.

    What plants fit?

    Taurus instinctively stretches to farming and gardening, because this is the first sign of the zodiacal circle of the elements of the Earth. In her house, it is often possible to see indoor flowers. For her, growing plants is not just an opportunity to decorate your home and bring comfort to it, this is what helps to feel harmony and restore his strength.

    There are many color talismans.

    To support positive energy in the house and attract success, they are advised to "settle" the following plants:

    • kalanchoe;
    • cyclamen;
    • primulus;
    • tulip;
    • lily of the valley.

    All of them are plants that attract prosperity, but special attention astrologers advise to turn to Calankhe. With a neat appearance, it has a lot of power. This green friend will not be just a talisman for her mistress, but also will help in the fight with many ailments. Cyclamen will help the calves to gain harmony with them, bring peace and peace to their home.

    Among the Talisman trees are called Talismans:

    • hazel;
    • osin;
    • lipa;
    • ash.

    All of them are very firmly fixed in the ground, and the Tales in a sense also have "powerful roots", which is expressed in their reverence of ancestors and traditions. Also these trees are characterized by healing properties. Of these, you can make a small guard, which will protect the hostess from the negative and will attract good luck.

    Oak, Oshness and Lipa allow these women to gain energy for great achievements.Ospen helps soft calves to defend their opinion, despite the head of others. Walnings enhances the communicative abilities of modest zodiac sign representatives and helps to keep forces to work.

    Happy numbers

    According to numerologists, our lives right, and every person is somehow experiencing magic of numbers.

    In each month, there are favorable days. They have to carry out business meetings, financial operations and even romantic dates. 2 is the number of contact opposites. At the same time, he is a digit of equilibrium, which means that its energy is consonant with Taurus. A happy number by the date of birth for Taurus is 4. This is a symbol of the square: it is characterized by strength, stability, as harmony of four elements or four seasons. Also safely begin the undertakings that Taurus started 3 numbers of any month.

    The main figure that determines the successful days of the Taurus is a figure 6. In addition, they are also in favor of them and other numbers, multiple six. They have two troops or three two.

    According to the opinion of numerologists, it all should be considered when appointing dates of important activities.

    Consider the eastern horoscope

    To more accurately tell about the personality of a woman-taurus, you need to take into account her year of birth along the eastern calendar.

    Rat-Taurus is a classic business woman who has time to keep home and look good in order.However, to please this "Miss Perfection", a man will have to try, because it makes high demands not only to himself, but also to others.

    Due to outstanding mental abilities and endurance, the Bull-Taurus woman is able to build a good career and a strong exemplary family. Being very serious and practical, she will not give too much time to give himself a loved one and hardly pleased with his visit to friends. Empty spending and useless pastime at parties - not for her.

    Tiger-Taurus is very brazed, but not aggressive. However, her confidence allows him to seek everything that she wants, without quarrels and scandals. The undoubted advantages of the Tager-tiger are the desire to justice and the sense of debt, erected into the rank of life principle.

    Taurus-rabbit loves homemade comfort and surround himself only truly loved ones and expensive people.In her circle, new acquaintances rarely fall, but it does not suffer from this at all.

    The snake loves to paint on any topics and penetrate into the essence of any question. It is difficult to deceive, because it perfectly predicts the actions of people. Thanks to the inner attractiveness, the Taurus born this year loves people without showing this apparent effort.

    Openness of the world and tag to communication - distinctive quality of the horse-calf. And thanks to the endurance and the absence of timidity, it reaches great success in the work.

    The goat (sheep) is brazed in everything related to the business sphere, but it happens defenseless and even naive in relations with the opposite sex. This girl needs an understanding man who can support her.

    Monkey, born under the sign of Taurus, a very brisk nature and a born leader.She is not afraid to get involved in verbal duel and confident that he knows the answer to any question.

    Born in the year of the rooster the sign of the Taurus somewhat softens, hanging such a lady to prudence and caution. Before rushing into battle, she will restrain, but if they take it out, she will paint on the enemy. Especially if you need to defend weaker or unfair offended.

    The dog-Taurus is very careful and prudent, so it is planning everything to the smallest detail. In her head, many options for developing events for any occasion.

    She is not pleasing surprises.

    The pig knows how to plan life well, but also the risk does not mind at all. It is multifaceted and in communication shows itself from different sides. For a family - affectionate and caring, for outsiders - closed, in work - hard, with loved ones - soft, etc.

    Taurus woman - The real woman. It is called superant: everything is present in it, which can nature give a weak floor. She has a calm mild glance, it is graceful, beautiful and fresh.

    The Taurus-Women has a great smell, and she knows how to pick up perfume and cosmetics, does not smoke.

    She has smooth movements and a calm voice. It is pleasant to be next to her, plunging in peace and peace. She communicates with a friendly, in a pleasant manner, with dignity, knows how to be a patient listener, she is not peculiar to any sharpness, rudeness and rest, she attracts the liveliness of the mind.

    Taurus - a woman who dream men dreams. She is a wonderful companion of life, respecting in himself - a woman, in a man - a man and not trying to change them in places and take a major situation. She gives the right to her husband to be the first in everything and does not try to break out ahead to overshadow it. She knows his destination - to be a supporting husband, a good mother and to keep the house.

    The girl-woman is an excellent hostess, she has talent for home economics, she has no competitors among women of others. In her house, the house, unthinkable purity, the house is good, tastefully furnished, it is cozy from flowers, from beautiful smells. She is driving and economical, but there is everything in the house. Friends love to come here, they will make their hospitality, they will feed with magnificent dishes, they will spend time in a warm family atmosphere, see a sample of a virtuous mother and loving wife.

    A lot for this woman knows children. She dedicates all his free time. With her, children feel protected, she is always ready to help them and advise. And they see the sample of devotion and love. They feel her more as a girlfriend than the mother, share with her their troubles and grief even in adolescence and youthful age, when usually children depart from mothers.

    This woman loves nature and environment of children. She is suitable for living in the village, to have his estate, where her garden bloomed, the air was separated by smelling and rang guys.

    With all his femininity, the calves are not sideways, love and know how to work. They are strong, perfectly owning themselves, patient and volitional. Whatever they do, do with pleasure and always want to receive satisfaction from labor results.

    The Taittsovskaya nature manifests itself in this woman just like in a man: although it is restrained and calm, but does not like when she objects, and if the remark made by her will hear outsiders, it will bring it out of the usual state. True, it happens very rarely: it is incredibly weathered. But still surrounding should know that their claims, objections, comments should be really good, have the soil. Without reason, it is impossible to blame for it: it will take frivolous suspicion and poverty with offended and will be quite violently to react to them. If this will be repeated, this woman can be simply unbearable and malicious.

    Enough in a woman-woman and jealousy. She patiently demolides his suspicions, can not pay attention to the appropriate outcomes of her chosen one and his compliments to other women will hide her storm of feelings. But all this is until the time before, and her husband or lover, long experiencing her patience, then it will be bitterly regretful about it, for, in the end, she is a man born under the sign of the Taurus, and the anger of these people does not know the fractions of decency.

    Like a man, the girl chooses a partner herself, and the one who pursues it is trying to bring closer to himself, will not use her favor. She, with all the charming, will be impregnable and cold to the annoying seductors.

    The one who decides to care for this woman is obliged to know that he should be beautiful, brilliant, flawless and be prepared for the ruin of his pocket: she loves signs of attention, loves flowers, beautiful, even luxurious things, and everything that would suggest He should be exquisitely, ranging from resting sites, wines, kitchen, ending with sex.

    Primitive sex Taurus-Woman despises the same as undoubtedness in the whole friend. She is very sensual, gorgeous in intimate relationships, giving the partner all the richness of pleasures, which only possible, giving up and herself with erotica with the same pleasure, rejoicing the completeness of sensations.

    If a man is not interested in sex in sex, he will not attract her attention, although she can tease him, as he knows about his attractiveness.

    Taurus-woman - polygamist; She can have several partners at the same time, and everyone she can give his feelings and everyone is afraid of losing. Because of this, it is often in her relationship with her husband there are complications, and family life can be unstable. But if the Taurus loves truly, it is rarely capable of treason to her beloved - this is a very reliable life companion.