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How to find out iodine deficiency in the body. All things will postpone - Iodine test. How to learn about the lack of iodine to avoid hypo-or hyperthyroidism. Learning and memorization problems

The deficit of the substance provokes rough endocrine malfunctions in the body. How to determine the lack of iodine in the body with your own hands? Look for an answer in our detailed review of popular self-diagnosis, photos and videos in this article.

In addition to participating in the synthesis of hormones of the thyroid gland, iodine performs the following functions in the body:

  • "Runs" metabolism, contributes to the acceleration of metabolism;
  • it has antiseptic properties, destroys microbes falling with blood flow into the thyroid gland;
  • makes a person more energetic and vigorous, helps to fight stress and apathy;
  • improves the plasticity of cerebral vessels and brain circulation, stimulates the development of mental abilities.

Iododeficiency and cancer

Iodine is vital for the health of the mammary glands in the elderly, with low arrival of the trace element, the danger of breast cancer increases.

Women follow the content of iodine in the body is necessary with the same thoroughness as for the health of the mammary glands. Among the chemicals and enzymes present in the chest tissues, a powerful antioxidant action is comparable to vitamin C.

Fabrics experiencing iodine deficiency manifest:

  • increased oxidation of lipids, which is the earliest factor in the development of cancer;
  • dNA change;
  • an increase in estrogen receptor proteins.

These biological factors together explain the relationship between the deficit of iodine and the disease of the thyroid gland. Women in postmenopausal is often diagnosed with thyroid and breast cancer.

With increasing the intake of iodine to cancer breast cancer, they will absorb it intensively, he, in turn, suppresses the growth of the tumor and causes the death of oncoclets.

The role of iodine in heart health

The test for iodine deficiency is necessary even in the absence of obvious symptoms, hypothyroidism contributes to the heart disease, is the cause of stroke and premature death from these pathologies.

Thyroid dysfunction leads to violations in lipid profiles, contributes to the formation of low density lipoproteins, increases cholesterol and increases the risk of atherosclerosis.

Hypothyroidism weakens the heart muscle, contributes to arrhythmia, which becomes noticeable even with moderate physical exertion. It is necessary to carefully assign hormones when the doctor will establish a yododeficiency treatment contributes to the safe and efficient modulation of health problems.

How much iodine need the body

The average daily dose of a microelement that falls into the body should be at least 120-150 μg, and for women who are preparing to become mothers this amount increases to 200 μg. The deficit of iodine occurs in the event that for a long period, the amount of daily arriving trace element does not exceed 10 μg.

Iodine content norms

In an adult body, the normal amount of iodine varies in the range of 15-25 mg, according to separate research data it can be up to 50 mg. Exactly half of the element falls on the thyroid gland, which uses it for hormonal activity.

If in detail and accurately consider the content of iodine in the human bodies, then we will see the following:

  1. The largest concentration in the thyroid gland is 1000-12000 μg / g;
  2. Liver tissue contain - 0.2 μg / g;
  3. The number in female ovaries and kidneys - 0.07 μg / g;
  4. In lymph nodes 0.03 μg / g;
  5. In the brain, muscle tissue and male testicles - 0.02 μg / g.

There is data on the accumulation of iodine in glands (dairy during feeding, salivary) and in the mucous membrane of the stomach epithelium.

Iod intake to the body

When entering the body, trace elements are digested mainly in the upper sections of the gastrointestinal tract, and those that fell into the intestines quickly absorbed into the blood. With an excess of iodine, the urine is excreted, so in the regulation of iodine is also important activities of the excretory system and kidneys in particular.

Since the level of removal is directly dependent on its consumption, then in the study of the content, the blood test for iodine and urine is handed over to determine the level of microelerant consumption by the body.

Please note that the excessive use of natural products containing iodine has no side effects, even if the amount of natural iodine contained in them exceeds the daily norms.

The level of hormonal regulation of the thyroid gland is regulated not only by the activity of the gland itself, but also the brain, in particular the pituitary gland and peripheral departments.

Risk factors

Potential causes that increase the likelihood of iodine deficiency:

  • lack of selenium;
  • pregnancy;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • increased consumption of calcium with food;
  • female;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • oral contraceptive methods;
  • elderly age.

Causes of lack of iodine

The iodine can act in the body in several ways: with food, liquid and even inhaled air (in the form of vapors), so the main reason for the shortage of this trace element is its lack in the surrounding nature.

Note! To date, it is clearly traced the relationship between the remoteness from the sea and the level of iodine in the soil and sources of fresh water. Central part of Russia and the Republic of Central Asia are experiencing a significant deficit of this trace element. Less than the foothills and highland areas are saturated. Residents of these regions need diverse, balanced nutrition and in additional iodine sources.

Also among the main causes of iodine deficiency, experts call the scarcity of the diet and disease of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by a disruption of nutrient absorption.

Signs of iodine deficiency

According to statistics, about 30% of the world's population suffers from a yododefection of varying degrees of severity. Among Russians, the symptoms of this disease are found in 70% of the inhabitants of megacities.

Endemic goiter

Endemic goiter is the most common disease of the thyroid gland in Russia. As a rule, the deficiency of iodine correlates with a disadvantage and other trace elements, mainly these are microparticles of copper, selenium and cobalt.

The thyroid gland is expanding with the aim of capturing a larger amount of circulating blood trace element, i.e., the low content of the iodine is the root cause of increasing the anatomic thyroid sizes. The disease was called "endemic" due to the fact that it is distributed in people living on one territory with low content of iodine in the surrounding ecosystem.

The goiter is also called the base disease, the main signs of which:

  • pathological growth of the thyroid gland;
  • lethargy;
  • fast weight gain with increasing subcutaneous fat.

What slows down or reassures iodine

There are trace elements that take part in the assimilation of iodine, acting as enzymes with the biochemical hydrolysis reaction, and vice versa those that impede these processes. Such trace elements are shown in the table.

For example, lithium acts antagonistically on the activities of the gland, as well as calcium in large quantities. Without selenium, the absorption of iodine is simply impossible.

Thus, all trace elements are interconnected, and the presence or absence of one of them affects the activity of the thyroid gland.

Many are wondering if there is a shelf life at iodine. Since pure iodine is an element of the 7th group in the Mendeleev table and refers to halogens, it has several oxidation degrees and easily enters the reaction. Therefore, for example, iodine in iodized salt will evaporate for 3-4 months, in her sea carade it will be in the associated state and will be useful until algae herself is alive.

So, the consumption of laminaria will be extremely useful in the treatment of iodine at a node on the thyroid, Zob and other diseases associated with iodine deficiency. Sea cabbage salad can be bought in a supermarket or cook with your own hands. It is not only tasty, but also very useful.

The disadvantage in the body of iodine always has several clinical signs, each of which we will look more below.

Symptoms lack of iodine in the organism of adults

We often do not pay attention to the signals that our body sends us, disgusting from them, written off on fatigue, workload at work and the eternal shortage of sleep.

At the same time, the iodine defense may have many manifestations:

  • chronic fatigue, reducing activity;
  • fast fatigue, reduced performance;
  • impairment of memory, slowing the reaction;
  • depression, plasticity, reduced stress resistance;
  • weight gain with unchanged diet;
  • heavy, poor cold tolerance;
  • violation of menstrual function, changes in the analysis of sex hormones - frequent signs of iodine deficiency in women;
  • reducing sexual activity, problems with potency in men.

Drowsiness and chronic fatigue - signs of iodine deficiency, for which we often do not pay attention

In the future, the noncompensated deficit of iodine in the body leads to a decrease in the formation and discharge into the blood of thyroid hormones, disruption of the work of the thyroid and the development of endemic goiter - an increase in the size of the endocrine organ.

Yododeficiency in childhood: Serious problem of modern health care

Yododeficiency in children is especially dangerous, as kids, like no other in need of a trace element, ensuring growth and normal physical and mental development. The main clinical forms of lack of iodine in the body are presented in the table below.

Table 2: Variants of the clinical flow of iodine deficiency in children:

Disease Congenital hypothyrier Cretinism Endemic goiter
Features of the current It may be associated with the iodine deficiency and failure to develop hormones of the thyroid gland from the mother.

It takes harder than the acquired hypothyroidism.

Severe irreversible state, which develops, if congenital hypothyroidism has not been diagnosed, and treatment is not appointed. The disease developing on the background of the iodine deficiency, which is caused by unbalanced nutrition, unfavorable atmosphere in the iodine in the region.

More often occurs in children of younger school age and adolescents.

  • big weight of the child at birth;
  • signs of immaturity at birth Despite the dead;
  • long (month or more) jaundice in the period of newborn;
  • long healing of the umbilical wound;
  • reducing physical activity and later acquisition of skills under the age of the year (the kid late late, crawled and went independently);
  • lethargy, drowsiness, low physical and motor activity;
  • later teething;
  • long-lasting spirit of spring;
  • the voice is hoarse, rough, "bass";
  • eveniness, finescence of the skin of the face, feet and hands;
  • language large size.
  • gross lag in physical and mental development;
  • possible dwarfship;
  • problems with coordination of movements (children can hardly sit or walk);
  • pathological structure of the skeleton: short upper and lower limbs with a big head;
  • hearing loss;
  • chronic constipation;
  • lethargy, apathy, unwillingness to take the initiative;
  • the face is thought-out, with a characteristic blunt expression: the eyes are widely placed, half-closed, breathing is carried out through the mouth due to the edema of the nasopharynk, the language is dried.
  • lethargy, fatigue, reduction of academic performance at school;
  • memory violation and concentration;
  • drowsiness, inhibition;
  • the appearance of excess body weight;
  • violation of menstrual function among girls;
  • an increase in the thyroid gland, which can be seen when visual inspection, palpation of the neck, ultrasound examination.

Important! Any signs of iodine deficiency in the body of a child - a reason to immediately consult a doctor. The earlier treatment begins, the higher the probability of the complete recovery of the baby without serious and irreversible consequences for the body.

Iodine deficiency in pregnant women

Yododeficiency in pregnant women is also extremely dangerous.

It can cause:

  • spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) in early time;
  • premature births;
  • intrauterine abnormalities and congenital malformations of the fetus;
  • premature celaiming placenta;
  • severe birth provoked by the big weight of the fetus;
  • massive postpartum bleeding.

In addition, iodine deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman becomes the cause of congenital hypothyroidism in a child, the proper formation of the thyroid gland and the functioning of the internal organs of which is carried out under the influence of maternal hormones.

Note! One of the frequent reasons for infertility in medical practice is iodine deficiency: women's symptoms include a disruption of the menstrual function, hormonal imbalance, problems with conception, and the desired pregnancy does not occur. When filling out the insufficiency of this trace element, it is observed normalization of the reproductive system.

How to identify iodine deficiency

In addition to the laboratory test on iodine in the blood (its average price in private laboratories is 700 p.), It is possible to reliably determine the shortage of this trace element can be simple methods of self-diagnosis.

So, how to learn iodine deficiency in the body:

  1. If you have noticed one or more signs of the disease, which are indicated above, be sure to consult a doctor. Listen carefully to the signals that your own organism gives you.
  2. The test using iodine mesh is one of the most popular methods of "home" definition of iodine deficiency. In the evening, apply on any part of the body (with the exception of the area of \u200b\u200bthe thyroid gland and the heart) a small iodine mesh. In the morning carefully inspect it.

If the grid completely disappeared, most likely the body is experiencing a serious deficiency of iodine. If small traces remained on the skin, everything is in order.

  1. The test with three lines is considered more accurate. Instructions: In the evening, apply three lines of iodine alcohol solution on the skin: thin, middle and thick.
  2. Forming the result: if a thin strip was disappeared from the skin after 8-10 hours, the visible traces remained on the place of the middle and thickness - it means that the iodine level in the body is within the normal range. The disappearance of the fine and medium strip speaks of a possible iodine deficiency, and if the skin of the forearm in the morning does not have any traces at all, immediately consult a doctor for the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases.

Note! Official medicine does not confirm the accuracy of similar methods of study of the iodine deficiency. Official data about the fact that fast absorption and disappearance of the alcohol tincture of the substance from the skin are signs of iodine deficiency in the body, no. In addition, the application of the iodine grid can cause a chemical burn or cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, answering the question how to determine iodine deficiency in the body, doctors are often categorical - only with a laboratory study of the concentration of this microelement in the blood.

Tests for the definition of the concentration of iodine - which may offer official medicine

It is important to note that official medicine skeptically refers to the methods for determining the iodine deficiency described above. Doctors argue that the dependence of the absorption of iodine into the skin from the shortage of this trace element is not scientifically proven and may be a consequence of human characteristics.

And how to check the lack of iodine in the body "in scientific"? First of all, to suspect a decrease in the concentration of the trace element by a specialist allow clinical data.

Note! Especially hard, the iodine deficiency is reflected on the health of children who have a lag in physical and mental development, as well as gross metabolic disorders.

And how to check the number of iodine in the body using laboratory tests? The table below presents popular methods for determining the trace element.

Table: tests for defining iodine level in the body:

Name Description Norm average price
I (urine) The analysis allows you to determine the content of iodine, which was allocated along with the urine. Since this indicator can sharply fluctuate during the day, several tests are usually required, followed by the study of the median of iodine 100-500 μg / l 1000 p.
I (hair) Determination of the concentration of iodine in aggravated hair, subjected to pretreatment and dissolution. This method received the name of atomic emission spectrometry - NPP-ISAP 0.3-10 μg / g of dry material (hair) 300 p.
I (nails) The study of the obtained samples is also carried out on an atomic emission spectrometer using the method of NPP-Isap. 0.3-10 μg / g 300 p.

Note! Since the iodine vascular channel moves not in free form, but as part of various biological compounds, the medical instruction does not imply the definition of it in the serum. Instead, the doctor may assign additional tests on the hormones of the thyroid.

Treatment and prevention of iodine deficiency

The basic principles of the recovery of iodine level in the body are:

  • diet with an increased content of these products;
  • treatment of iodine preparations (iodomarine, iodine asset, etc.) in the therapeutic dose of 100-200 μg per day;
  • with clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism, levothyroxine hormonal preparations are appointed in a dosage of 50-75 μg with further dynamic observation and correction of dosage.

In addition to sea products, there are others who will help to cope with the situation:

The prevention of iodine deficiency in children and adults is a balanced diet, inclusion in the diet of fish, seafood and other iodine sources, regular prophylactic examinations from a doctor and a healthy lifestyle.

Excess iodine in the thyroid gland

In the event that an excess of iodine occurs, hyperthyroidism develops. In this case, it does not occur a strong increase in the thyroid gland, but there is the possibility of developing goiter, base disease, heartblow violations.

In addition, there is general weakness, sweating, weight loss, chair disorders. As a result of the accelerated metabolism, it is observed to a subfebrile temperature, the skin pigmentation changes, the sensitive areas are enemifted, the acne rash appears, and the accelerated appearance of gray hair due to the loss of melanin.

Thus it can be seen how the thyroid gland and iodine are tightly connected. With a shortage of the trace element and for prevention purposes, there are natural products containing iodine or use medicines.

At home today is not much difficulty. The easiest way is to replace the usual salt, but iodine iodined or sea salt, or use seafood for cooking dishes.

People's methods for the treatment of thyroid gland with iodine have proven well. Homeopaths use animals and vegetable components to replenish the deficiency of iodine, for example, such plants as walnut, cleanliness, etc.

Iodine is one of the thirty most important trace elements in our body. The main role of iodine is the synthesis of thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland - substances responsible for most metabolic processes. It is known that thyroid hormones consist of more than 65% from iodine. His drawback leads to a decrease in the production of hormones and, as a result, the development of hypothyroidism. A long deficit of iodine can be a source of problems of cardiovascular, bone, digestive systems, obesity, neurological disorders, as well as lag in physical and mental development.

According to statistical data, more than 35% of Russians suffer from iodine deficiency to one degree or another, and in the northern regions this indicator reaches 80%. Despite the prevalence, the disease is often detected late, as the changes caused by the lack of iodine changes are often confused with overwork, other diseases, pregnancy. The severity of symptoms of iodine deficiency depends on many factors, but it is possible to detect its main signs with moderate iodine effect. Let's talk about them below.

Lost, drowsiness, dilution of forces - the first thing that people pay attention to the reduction of the concentration in the blood of the thyroid hormones, whose tasks include including the body's provision of energy. The peculiarity is that these signs may arise without any prerequisites and do not pass after rest. Chronic fatigue is observed in 99% of cases of iodine deficiency and is often accompanied by muscle fatigue for no reason. This is the first alarming bell, meaning that it is worth consulting a doctor and pass the analysis to the level of thyrotropic hormones in the blood.



Evenkers - an obvious symptom of iodine deficiency. The most frequent localization of edema at the same time - under the eyes, the edema of the legs can also be observed. Moreover, the use of diuretic tools to eliminate swelling will not only be useless, but also dangerous: useful substances are washed from the body, including trace elements, and the water-salt balance is broken.


The unstable menstrual cycle is the symptom of the initial stage of the iodine deficiency, since the lack of iodine directly affects the work of the hormonal system. The state of the iodine deficiency in women can be fraught with infertility and premature climate attack. No less dangerous is the disadvantage of iodine and in the coming pregnancy: the lack of a vital element may adversely affect the intrauterine development of the fetus and lead to spontaneous abortion, identifying, congenital pathologies.


Due to the decrease in metabolic activity, iron deficiency is often accompanied by iron deficiency anemia - a disease associated with iron deficiency in the blood. In this case, anemia is usually unbearable and, as a rule, manifests itself in the mature stage of hypothyroidism. The main symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are noise in ears, dizziness, weakness, pallor.


The uncontrolled increase in body weight is one of the symptoms of a serious lack of iodine in the body. Overweight in this case is due to a greater extent without the presence of fatty mass, and an edema caused by a disorder of metabolism. The connecting tissue becomes more susceptible to the liquid, and, in addition to excess weight, the iodine deficiency is manifested by thickening of the skin, the endlessness of the face, limbs, swollen language and lips. As a result of extensive edema in the heavy stage of hypothyroidism, rumor, difficulties with nasal breathing, voice hoarseness may occur.


Violations of the cardiovascular system - a sign of the hypothyroidism developed against the background of the iodine deficiency, and to a large extent. Due to blood circulation disorders, people with hypothyroidism may have a complication in the form of hypotension - reduction of blood pressure. This condition is characterized by weakness immediately after awakening, dizziness, headache, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, sweating and fatigue. It is important to remember that hypotension often accompanies other endocrine diseases, becomes the result of stress, an uncontrolled reception of drugs, a sedentary lifestyle, without having nothing to do with iodine deficiency.

You complain about drowsiness and lethargy, the performance has decreased, it became difficult to concentrate attention and memorize new information? Perhaps the cause of such a state is a shortage of iodine in the body. Unfortunately, many not perceive this problem seriously. And in vain!

After all, more than a billion people on Earth suffer from iodine deficiency.

What kind of importance is this trace element for a female body and how to deal with the lack of iodine, let's talk today on the women's site "Beautiful and Successful".

Lack of iodine in the body: Symptoms

The work of the thyroid gland depends on whether iodine is enjoyed in the body enough. If its lack is observed, the thyroid gland receives a signal: "Hormones lacks!". It begins to increase, compensating in this way the lack of an important trace element.

The yoke of the thyroid gland appears. Also, when lacking iodine, another thyroid disease is developing - hypothyroidism.

Lack of iodine in the body hits mental and physical abilities. Here are just the brightest signs of the lack of iodine in the body of a woman:

  • Total fatigue: depression, fast fatigue and decay, irritability, tear, and beability.
  • Physical ailments, such as chills, frequent heartbeat, headaches, poor alarming sleep, reduced pressure, weight gain;
  • Noticeable external changes, such as the appearance of hoarseness in the voice, a decrease in sexual attraction, malfunction in the menstrual cycle, the formation of bloating around the thyroid gland, hair lone and nails.

These symptoms can, of course, accompany other diseases, but it is impossible to reset the lack of iodine in the body too.
If you have noticed these signs of a lack of iodine in the body, consult a doctor from an endocrinologist, but for a start, try to determine the amount of iodine in your body at home.

Risk group

Iodetic diseases become the first enemies of female and children's health. Lack of iodine in the body of women is especially dangerous during pregnancy and lactation. At this time, it is necessary to use an increase of iodine (250 μg per day), because the consequences of the lack of iodine in the body are especially dangerous for the future child:

  • with a lack of iodine, the risk of miscarriages increases;
  • deaf children may appear on the light;
  • the formation of a child's nervous system in the mother's womb directly depends on whether iodine has enough mom during pregnancy.

In addition, iodine comes out of the body with breast milk mother, so women are very important to follow the intake of iodine into the body.

No less important iodine for the mental and physical health of children. It affects the formation of the bones of the growing child, the digestibility of calcium and fluorine in the children's body. Schoolchildren who have iodine deficiency, it is difficult to focus, remember the new material. Children are sluggish, capricious, drowsy, quickly get tired and slowly grow.

The extreme form of manifestation of the lack of iodine is mental retardation - cretinism, which at the launched stage is not amenable to treatment.

  • The daily rate of iodine intake for a person starting from 12 years old is 150 μg.
  • Children up to a year need up to 50 μg iodine per day.
  • Preschoolers - 90 μg.
  • Children from 6 to 12 years old are at least 120 μg.

How to check the lack of iodine in the body?

The human body does not produce iodine and does not accumulate it: how much trace element fell with food, as much as it came out of him through the sweat and urine - the next day it is necessary to replenish it in the body again. How to determine the lack of iodine in the body?

We do not know how accurately a popular popular method of determining is whether the iodine is enough to your body, but it will not be difficult to carry out such diagnostics at home. Therefore, check yourself yourself if it is not possible to conduct a serious diagnosis in the laboratory - you will not lose anything!

People's method

To determine if iodine is enough, you need to apply iodine mesh with a cotton stick and throw out how much time it will last:

  • If iodine has absorbed in less than 3 hours - you have iodine deficiency, it's time to take serious measures;
  • If more than 3 hours passed and only then the mesh began to disappear - there are problems, but small;
  • If the mesh holds more than 6 hours - there are iodine in the body!

Medical practice

Please note that the people's test method Many specialists are not considered reliable, so if you have any doubts, whether iodine has enough of your body, it is better to pass tests in the laboratory. The most accurate and reliable methods of diagnosis that helps determine whether iodine is enough, the following are:

  • laboratory blood tests on thyroid hormones;
  • urine analysis (iodine is derived from the body through the urine);
  • Ultrasound thyroids.

Lack of iodine in the body: Prevention and treatment

The problem of lack of iodine in the body, the treatment of which is reduced to the daily use of this trace element, can be carried out in two ways: to take special medical preparations, additives and food rich in iodine. It is impossible, drinking a "tablet", stocking of iodine. How to replenish its reserves?

Competent solution to this problem is timely prevention. You can choose two paths - receive medicines or food with iodine content.

Before talking about how to replenish the disadvantage of iodine in the body, we will debunk several "iodine" myths.

  1. You can often find information that the application of the iodine mesh on the field of the thyroid gland once a week will give the body the necessary dose of an important trace element. In fact, iodine can enter the body only with products or medicines - they are not replenished through the skin stocks in the body!
  2. It is said that in the sea salt there is iodine. Not true. Salt is obtained by evaporation, and iodine is also evaporated. This trace element is not contained in the sea, but in iodized salt.
  3. Using iodized salt, you can cause an excess of iodine in the blood, which is no less dangerous than the lack of iodine. Answer the question: Can a person be able to eat half a cup of iodized salt? It's impossible! It is so much that you need to eat salt a day to overstat the organism to iodine.


Getting the right rate of iodine is the easiest way, taking special medicines - capsules and pills that contain iodine ("Joda", "Eutiros"). It is important not to forget that all vitamins and trace elements that our organism gets are interrelated. In the complex they give a person a charge of energy. If there is not enough vitamin or trace element or its excess is observed, then other elements cannot function fully. Therefore, choosing ready-made drugs to replenish the body with iodine, make sure that the "accompanying" elements include calcium, selenium, cobalt, manganese. They will help to fully interfere with Yes.


Another method of preventing iodine deficiency is also known.

  • It is necessary to undergo yodotherapy within 20 days every six months. The course starts with a reception of 1 drop of iodine added in a half-table of milk. Daily dose increases by 1 drop, when you reach 10, start the countdown, a daily decreased the amount of drops added to milk to 1.
  • Take milk with iodine should be eating. Doses from 8 drops should be divided into several receptions per day.
  • Iodine can be added to juice.

Iodized salt

The first place in the prevention of iodine deficiency occupies an iodized salt. At one time, in most European countries, the law was adopted in Belarus and Kazakhstan - Iodized Salt to take everything necessarily! 5 - 6 g per day. This solution was helped for several years to reduce the problem of iodine deficiency among the population. Unfortunately, in Russia and Ukraine there is no such law. But iodized salt in stores is, so the site advises its readers to replace its usual kitchenware to replenish the body with iodine.

It should be remembered that iodine quickly evaporates. Therefore, the iodized salt is stored less than ordinary kitchen. Shelf life - up to 6 months (expiration date to look at the package), after this time it loses its healing properties.

Store salt with iodine content better in opaque polyethylene or foil. In Solonka, pour out only as much as you exercise in 5-6 days. After a longer contact with the air, iodine will destroy.


  • In second place all seafood. You can not ignore fish oil.
  • In addition, iodine is contained in beef, milk, walnuts, in apple seeds, buckwheat.
  • It is rich in iodine black currant and persimmon, pineapples, citrus fruits, grapes, peaches.

Establishing iodine

Pay attention to the following information: no less dangerous not only in the lack of iodine in the female body, but also its oversupply. You can "overnight" the thyroid, using an inorganic iodine, which contains medical preparations and additives.

  • If you decide to replenish the stocks of iodine, using certain foods, then the Iodine is not happening. The fact is that the products contain organic iodine, it helps to be learned in the body of the liver. If iodine is enough, then enzymes in the liver, which are needed for the processing of iodine are not produced, and the remnants of the trace element are derived through sweat and urine. In short, the body takes iodine as much as he needs.
  • In medical preparations, the badges contain an inorganic iodine. His body takes fully. Therefore, taking iodine in the preparations, you can overstat yourself with iodine and get another thyroid disease - hyperthyroidism.

Lack of iodine in the body, as well as his oversupply, are reflected on our health. The Endocrinological Center of the RAM reports that our population uses iodine several times less from the daily norm - from here many health problems.

Adult people need about . In 2012, Rospotrebnadzor published According to which more than 70% of Russians suffer from iodine deficiency.

Hormones of the thyroid gland, which regulates most of the main metabolic processes in the body, on. Often iodine deficiency can be impaired externally, especially if its shortage is not yet critical.

With a shortage of this trace element, serious hormonal disorders and malfunctions are beginning. Weakness, bad mood, fast fatigue, no appetite, frequent colds, memory deterioration.

Natalia Fadeeva

doctor nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences

Iodine is a vital trace element. It participates in the construction of thyroid hormones that affect the operation of the cardiovascular system, metabolic processes, the development of the brain and the function of nervous, endocrine, muscular, digestive and reproductive systems of the body.

Lack of iodine can lead to serious deviations: in childhood - to mental retardation and crealth, in adulthood - to impaired the function of the thyroid gland, hypothyroidism (condition due to the lack of hormones of the thyroid gland. - Approx. Red.), To increase the thyroid gland and the formation of goiter. Serious iodine deficiency can appear and externally. The signs of hypothyroidism include the edema of the face and age, hair loss, dryness and pallor of the skin, the slowdown of the heart rhythm, rare pulse, drowsiness, inhibition, voices, increasing the level of cholesterol in the blood, reduction of hemoglobin and iron levels. If you have increased the front of the neck, it is necessary to immediately turn to the endocrinologist.

Constant fatigue, irritability and dissatisfaction with themselves and others around us are written off on poor weather, overwork or excessive load, not even guessing that there is a disadvantage of iodine in the body in everything "to blame". According to the WHO, about 80% of adult population suffers from iodine deficiency, and in endemic areas, this figure is committed to 100%! The lack of a trace element for children and pregnant women is especially dangerous, the lack of iodine can cause a delay in physical or mental development, or thyroid diseases.

Causes of iodine deficiency

The iodine is among the 30 most important micronutrients, without which the normal existence of the human body is impossible. Iodine is the most important component of the thyroid hormones, with this specific weight - about 65%. Triiodothyronine and thyroxine activate the metabolism, stimulate mental processes and other cognitive functions, are responsible for human reproductive abilities and immunity and perform more than a hundred less "significant" functions.

The main reason for the lack of iodine in the body - the inability to synthesize this substance within the human body from some other elements. If iodine in sufficient quantity does not come from outside - the body is doomed to "starvation", to cope with which only the addition of iodine-containing products or additives into the diet is possible.

A daily adult person requires about 25 mg of iodine, part of which should be done with food, and some of the environment, with water out of air.

Therefore, the cause of iodine deficiency in the body most often becomes not improper nutrition, but a shortage of trace element in water and earth. Unfortunately, most of Russia and countries of the former Union republics cannot boast a high content of iodine in the soil, because of which the percentage of people suffering from the iodesidicity is very high there.

Another reason for the lack of iodine in the body can become national Kitchen or Food Habits. If the human diet is mainly meat and dairy products, vegetables and fruits, and there are almost no marine fish and other seafood in it, it is possible to say with 100% confidence that iodine is not enough.

Increased need for iodine in pregnant and nursing women, children during the period of active growth and people experiencing increased emotional and mental loads.

Symptoms of lack of iodine in the body

Identify that in the body the deficiency of iodine is not so difficult - the first symptoms and signs appear rather quickly, but, unfortunately, most of us "writes off" to anything - from overworking to age-related changes, not even thinking about changing the diet and shortage vital substances in the body.

For what signs can I recognize the disadvantage of iodine?

1. Changes in behavior and lifestyle - The first symptoms of the lack of iodine can dramatically change the usual lifestyle, behavior and mood of a person, it is worth thinking about iodine prevention if:

  • you often suffer headaches, migraines or insomnia;
  • you suffer from mood drops, reduce emotional tone or constant irritation;
  • you are not interested in anything - "The whole world has become gray for me";
  • you have decreased performance, the memory has worsened, it became difficult to focus on solving problems;
  • you have chronic lack of sleep, and after sleep - fatigue and headache;
  • there is no strength and desire to deal with something in addition to everyday duties, any other work or hobby - in a burden.

2. Exterior signs - If the iodine deficiency increases, visible signs appear:

  • the hair becomes dull, brittle and "non-residents", they are seriously stacked and radically;
  • nails break and walk;
  • the skin is pale, it becomes land, and under the eyes appear "bruises";
  • overweight and swelling may appear.

3. Internal changes - With chronic lack of iodine, all organs work worse, without exception. The most noticeable symptoms are considered:

  • reducing immunity - frequent colds, herpes and aggravation of chronic diseases, these problems have all people with iodine deficiency;
  • "Racing" of pressure, atherosclerosis and arrhythmia - if you have all 3 of the above symptoms, and get rid of atherosclerosis and pressure drops by conventional methods, it is possible that the reason for the problems with the vessels is a banal lack of iodine;
  • anemia is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, from which no iron-containing additives are also saved are associated with a disadvantage of iodine;
  • the pain and convulsions in the muscles are "heavy" by the end of the day of the limb, the pain and tremor of small muscles also indicate problems with this trace element.
  • other diseases are also a lack of iodine may be the cause of irregular monthly, problems with potency, infertility, and so on.

The effects of iodine deficiency

In addition to all the above health problems, a long-term deficiency of iodine in adults is first the thyroid hyperfunction first, which is trying to develop more hormones, and then a gradual decrease in thyroxine and triiodothyronine. If the lack of iodine becomes chronic, a person may have a compensatory increase in the thyroid gland - diffuse endemic goiter.

In children, a strong decrease in the concentration of iodine can lead to even more sad consequences. Thus, the lack of iodine during the period of intrauterine development may cause cretinism, and in the first years of life - to cause a delay in mental and physical development.

How to diagnose and treat iodine deficiency in the body

You can independently determine the disadvantage of iodine in the body with the help of "home" tests or if you have several symptoms from different groups at the same time.

More reliable results gives blood research to the level of thyroid hormones or consultation of an endocrinologist, which can more accurate your state.

The easiest and fairly reliable "homely" way to check the lack of iodine and your loved ones is to apply on the skin of the shoulder on the inside of the iodine mesh. If it lasts more than 1-2 days, there is no lack of iodine in your body if it disappears after 12-24 hours - if a small deficit, and if it is no longer visible in 2-4 hours, you need to urgently contact the endocrinologist.

You can fill in iodine deficiency using:

  • iodine-rich foods - all seafood: fish, shrimp, crabs, the champion in the content of iodine is the sea cabbage and other algae; Vegetables: asparagus, spinach, rhubarb, radish, carrots, onions, cabbage; Meat products: beef liver and other sub-products; egg whites; Cereals: millet, buckwheat; Nuts, honey;
  • iodized water - iodized mineral water is very useful, although far from everyone to taste;
  • iodized salt - adding salts to the food with iodine can help with iodine deficiency, provided that such a salt was stored correctly. Unfortunately, iodine - it is easy to destroy when air intake and if the salt is not stored in a hermetically closed container, it quickly loses its useful properties;
  • fish fat is a biologically active additive rich not only by vitamins A and D, but also iodine;
  • iodine-containing drugs - iodomarine, iodine asset and other drugs should be taken only after consulting with an endocrineologist or therapist, since there is a risk to exceed the normal content of iodine in the body, as well as there are contraindications and side effects.