Repairs Design Furniture

Metal crafts for home. Crafts from iron welding. How to make a casket from aluminum can

Everyone seeks to decorate his home. Some for this buy in stores various decor items, others make figures from the girlfriend with their own hands. Made of wood, glass or metal, crafts occupy a worthy place in the house and attract their originality.

Making metal ornamental decorations

In our time, the manufacture of decor elements, many are engaged independently. Why spend money on purchasing ready-made decorations, if you can make it from the girlfriend? Of course, working with metal requires certain skills and knowledge, so it is recommended to start it with creating simple figures.

To learn how to make a metal craft from metal, you will need to master the techniques of work with welding equipment. Welding is the best way to bore metal parts with each other. If you do not have a welding machine, you can buy it in the tool store or ask for a neighbor. Electrodes will still need to work.

The material for its creations can be found in the garage among unnecessary parts and sheets of metal. Those who are constantly engaged in the creation of decorative decorations from iron, even attend landfills in search of suitable details. Already talked to their design due to the hands of masters acquire a new life, embodying beautiful figurines and sculptures. In this case, this material gets completely free.

Metal crafts

Iron is a durable material that is used in a huge amount of structures.

From it you can make a lot of useful things, such as a table and a bench for the cottage, a brazier, a stove, as well as the original figures that the plot will decorate. Today, landscape design is very popular in country houses, which can be supplemented with metal products. Crafts of this kind are very harmoniously look at the site and cause envious views of the neighbors.

Having patience, you can implement the most bizarre design. You can make an iron beast or a person, a model of an airplane or a motorcycle. It all depends on your imagination. If you can't think about anything, you can look at the ready-made crafts from the metal. Photos of some of them are presented in this article.

Basic security rules

When working with metal and welding, follow safety techniques. You should not take a sheet of iron in your hands without tight gloves. The material may have uneven and sharp edges, which are easy to cut.

Starting welding, be sure to put the mask or safety glasses. In general, it is better to work in a special costume, which will save from sparks flying around in all directions. Do not boil near flammable materials: plastic, paper, wood.

Of all the above, it follows that we can make decorative decorations made of metal, crafts for home and cottages with your own hands. At the same time, you will not only save on the purchase of a finished product, but also enjoy work.

What can be done with your own hands from old scrap metal

Back in ancient times, starting from the 11th century, it became a popular craft, making crafts with their own hands, from scrap metal or then they were called metal rocks. Gradually, such a craft turned into a real art, which is now an integral historical part of architecture and ancient facilities you will be interested to see sculptures from sculpture with your own hands.

Today, there are many types of special tools that allow you to make sophisticated cutouts on a metal surface, as well as welded or solder to connect several parts of colored or black scrap. Modern technologies make it possible to any person to make a product to your liking, for this it is not necessary to own any special feature skills. Only a desire and perseverance is needed. Photos and videos of such personnel crafts can be seen on our website.

Be sure to look - crafts from waste with your own hands!

DIY with their own hands, always enjoyed demand and were quite valuable, as they emphasize the individuality, the feature of their owner.

Metal is one of the most durable materials, it can be used to create both garden furniture or a children's swing and small jewelry, like a ring or bracelet.

For example, steel, much cheaper than gold or silver, but has greater strength, it, as well as precious metals, does not lose its color and cannot be corrosion, it is possible to make many individual and original things with it:

  • from steel barrel, you can make a wood stove.

From spent automotive parts, you can also make many useful and interesting things, for example,

  • from internal combustion motor valves, excellent linking bells will come out for doors,

  • piston system and connecting rod mechanism, excellent table stand, easy to make beautiful legs.

Environmental benefit

Scrap is annually annually and simply rotes in the ground, instead you can give it a second life, making any damn, it is not only an interesting hobby, but also a way to protect the ecological system, from hazardous elements allocated when the metal decomposition in the soil.

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Some stainless steel things

Metal products do it yourself: features, types and drawings

In modern conditions, when the market is overflowed by goods of mass production, handmade products begin to use in great demand. Specialized departments and whole shops or salons are beginning to appear in the cities, which sell exclusive things made by craftsworn masters. If you want to present an unusual gift to someone, the best option will be made of metal, do it yourself, although there are many other souvenirs in the style of Hand Made.

Exclusive handmade

Execution techniques can be so diverse that the product range affects the imagination of even a sophisticated person. Most often, such souvenirs are purchased to decorate the interior or as a gift. You can buy or order the following things:

Products can be performed in such techniques:

  • decoupage;
  • ceramics;
  • art forging and casting;
  • fusing;
  • batik;
  • crochet;
  • beadwork;
  • embroidery.

It all depends on the fantasy and technical equipment and the abilities of the authors. Among customers with great financial opportunities are specially popular with artistic products made of metal.

Scope of application

Objects made in artistic casting and forging techniques are used to decorate elements in various design spheres:

  • architecture;
  • furniture;
  • sculpture;
  • eaves;
  • bales of stairs;
  • fireplaces, stoves, mangals;
  • jewelry and jewelry.

Decorative metal items effectively complement any interior, giving it a certain chic and luxurious style.

Types of jewelry

Want to learn how to perform metal products with your own hands? Photos of such items fascinate beauty. All things look very elegant, and most importantly - keep the heat of the author's hands. That is why such products are quite expensive. True style connoisseurs are ready to pay well for exclusive.

You can perform various metal products with your own hands. Such techniques use such equipment to process this material:

Objects that can be made by these methods are very diverse. Masters do:

  • bracelets;
  • earrings;
  • rings;
  • suspension;
  • belt;
  • caskets;
  • flowers;
  • decorative vases;
  • interior decorations;
  • elegant plates for fruits or candies.

Metal products are simple enough. The main thing is to know the stages of the process and have the necessary equipment.

For the production of complex things, it will take a lot of time and expensive devices, and some souvenirs can be made practically from nothing. It all depends on what you are going to do this. If you choose artistic metal processing as a sphere of professional activity, then you should be patient and realized that some financial investments will be required. For the manufacture of simple, but original gifts, friends, relatives and acquaintances will only need a desire and prerequisite.

Manufacturing technologies

You will be quite able to create metal products with your own hands. Photos of the drawings and stages of the process will help you with this. Artistic work involves stages for molding, processing and finishing. The manufacture of things, as already mentioned, occurs in different ways.

  • Under the casting is understood to fill the shape of a liquid alloy.
  • The forging is plastic processing of the material with a hammer, a press, as well as bending, twisting, cutting.
  • Bending is a simple form of the previous version, which is performed by slurring or welding parts of the product.
  • Diffoff is a method for treating a thin, no more than 2 mm, a metal sheet with a hammer blow, thanks to which it acquires the necessary configuration.
  • Stamping and cutting prepare individual elements, make holes.
  • Filigree makes from twisted or smooth, sometimes flattered copper, silver, rarely gold wire. The curved parts of the patterns solder.
  • In case of chasing, the embossed pattern is obtained using stamps or special tools that have between the hammer and the product.

Metal product drawings can be performed manually or in special programs on the computer. Three-dimensional modeling allows not only the usual drawing, but also to build a bulk model of the future product. It makes it possible to see the appearance of things, including in the interior, long before its real appearance. In this case, it is possible to adjust the parameters of the product without material costs for re-manufacturing.

How to make a casket from aluminum can

The most elementary thing from metal can even perform a schoolboy. The main thing is that this will not be required practically nothing but time, hard work, fantasies and desire to create. You can make a beautiful casket from a regular jar from the soda.

Materials and equipment

Raw materials for production, you can say, lying on your feet on the street. You will also need the following items:

  • sandpaper (skar);
  • sharp scissors;
  • line;
  • pencil;
  • ball pen;
  • solid base format no more than A4 (depending on the size of the box);
  • sheet of paper for the scheme.


At the first stage, a layer of paint is removed from the cans with sandpaper. It is better to do it with an unopened container, as it remains elastic under the influence of the contents. The process will go faster and you will not spoil the metal. If you use empty, do everything carefully to not minimize the jar.

In the next step from the workpiece you need to get a thin sheet of aluminum size with the scan of the future box.

For this bank is cut. Just the sharp and uneven edges.

At the next stage, the marking of the ribs and the parties to the product.

A thin metal sheet is placed on a solid base.

The box of the casket can be drawn directly on the metal sheet.

And you can circulate in advance performed on paper sketch.

When the casket sweep is ready, proceed directly to the drawing of the pattern. This is done using a ballpoint pen or sharply sharpened pencil. It should be noted that it is necessary to circle patterns several times on both sides. This will give greater decorativeness and bulge drawing.

You yourself were able to make sure that it is very easy to perform products from thin-sheet metal.

You will be quite able to try your strength in this direction. It is not only a box that can be made in this way, but everything that comes to mind.

How to turn a hobby into a little business

The execution of such exclusive gifts can be more profitable. You can sell crafts through ads or recommendations of acquaintances. If your city has a salon that takes souvenirs, you can pass them there. It is quite advantageous today to create products made of metal with your own hands. For sale, they can be set on many specialized sites. Such internet playgrounds are easy to find. Well works "Fair Masters", but you can use other services.

How to sell your crafts via the Internet

If you decide to stop your choice on online trading, then take into account that the principle of operation of all stores is the same:

  1. You register as a master who sells objects.
  2. Fill the profile.
  3. Expose your work.
  4. Contract with the customer.
  5. He pays for the goods.
  6. You deliver.

There you can set both ready-made items and take orders. It is very important to choose the right category of goods, come up with his description, pick up a high-quality image. Be sure to make a signature to the photo and indicate that you are performing metal products with your own hands. For sale accept exclusive items that can easily be sent with a courier or by mail to the customer. Things should not contain very thin or fragile elements that can break during transportation. If there are such parts, you must provide high-quality packaging to the client the product came to the priority. After all, each error can significantly affect your image. Try to perform all the decorative metal products with high quality and on time. Good customer feedback plays an important role in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity. So you will turn your favorite lesson in the source of income.


So, as you understand, it is easy enough to perform products made of metal with your own hands. This type of classes will be an excellent hobby option. Also, your friends and loved ones will become happy owners of exclusive gifts. In addition, setting samples for sale, you will create an image of a good wizard and will be able to make a profit.

Crafts from scrap metal

From what is lying under the welding table. Please do not judge much for the corruption, but because There is no Greenman, no milling machine, made with the help of a grinder, electric welding, a file (when it was not lazy))), and the cutter.

And done in lunch breaks, well, and when you delay ...)))

I'll start with small things like cold cut. From the bearing clove. Hardening and vacation made in the mind, you can shave.))) I went to the furnace for calculating the electrodes.

Full-sized. Spring, bearing clip. Pistol on the right-acting Pugach on capsules. At first, I made on the building cartridges, but it hurts the ears in the rubble tears ...))) Coldier (large) is rebounded and chained in the forge.

Full-sized Mosche.

It works all before clicking the drummer. I did a week (if you count for a couple of hours a day). No workers sights (in the sense not moving). And the cupcake does not open (there is no longer no cartridges)))).

Source: The same is right. Shop without spring. Not collapsible. The muffler and the cover did not do on the trunk.

Experimented with trees.)))

DIY DIY FOR GARDEN: Step by step ideas and photos

For all lovers to make, invent and create, our today's selection of crafts is designed with your own hands for the garden. There are no unified concept in them, some of them have an applied value, others are intended for a purely to raise the mood. And on the other hand - is it not the most important thing that we want to see in the crafts for giving?


Most crafts do it yourself for the garden, the photos of which you will see below are made of simple and available for each materials. They will not require possessing complex tools, although construction skills can be useful to you, like a fiction artistic. In addition to wood, plastic and metal, which we traditionally use for many years, designers offer us new ideas for the garden and the garden. For which not quite ordinary materials are used. Who among us could assume that knitted products will be able to become decorations of the site? And they became! We present to your attention a whole egenide family created by the help of spokes and dense woolen threads.

The hedgehogs will look great both on the lawn, in the grass and on the veranda or in the house. Similar interior crafts will also become excellent souvenirs for friends. As you can see, they are all different sizes, all because their foundation make up banks and tin robes of different volumes. Even a child will make them, if there are the most basic knitting skills in his arsenal. Pay attention to the choice of the shade of the thread to imitate the needles. If you can't get a melange yarn of gray-black and white shades, then you can do differently and simply keep a mating in two threads, connecting black and white. In order to determine the size of the canvas, measure the selected capacity with a centimeter: the length of the circle and the height is necessary. On the knitting needles, you gain such a number of loops that will correspond to the length of the circle. We take a mating, handful, alternating facial and insane loops. When the web will be connected, cut it as the sleeve type through the narrow edge white threads. They knit four knitting needles or special wear, from four sides. By sticking a little, put the jar inside the formed stocking, which is designed for the base. After that, tighten the "rear" of hedgehog. Starting from the middle of white mating, reduce the number of loops by half in each row to get an elongated face.

At the very end of the knitting, replace white threads black literally on a couple of rows to get a nose. It remains only to sew buttons as an eye, to build legs and the first hedgehog from a large family is ready.

The feeder for birds is, of course, a noble handicraft, but the cats also may want to take such a wonderful house. However, such crafts for giving from logs are decorative themselves, regardless of what tenants they occupy. Especially since each site, the fruit foundation is updated from time to time, therefore there are a large number of logs that can be used to work. This design is very simple, but it looks very impressive, especially if you place it on the territory of the Alpine slide or in thick thickets.

Beer in tin cans and metal caps from bottles are not at all optionally sent to the trash. Start with the winter to save the original materials so that in the summer to please your children with ridiculous crafts from metal for the country area in the form of a face of owls.

You will need a variety of metal parts and details for work (even you can even see crafts from a wheel from a bicycle), but another two round items are screwed onto a round base part with screws to a round basic part - Owl's eyes, and a tiny nose between them. The mount is done with the help of a wire, it will start in the basic material of three pieces on each side to imitate claws and is screwed to the branch, beam or other place where you want to place a cradle.

Ideas of crafts do it yourself for the garden

In search of the ideas of the crafts with their own hands for the garden you can go far and find products that are actually complex designs.

On the other hand, it is they who will cause your guests the greatest delight, unlike the simplest crafts from bottles for giving. Which is on each site. The following characters who will revive your country landscape, you can try to do if you have minimal skills in creating sculpture. And, by the way, the basis of these garden sculptures are just plastic bottles, but no one guesses about it.

For sculpting such work, you will need to first create a frame of bottles. If you want to make the same big figures as in the photo, it will be necessary to use not ordinary 1-2 liter bottles, but eggplants of 5-6 liters. They are inserted into each other, after each of them is cut in half diagonally. Hands and legs will serve pieces of plastic pipes, you also bend them as you please. At the ends of the tubes, we attach pieces of wire, between which we give the fabric, it turns out excellent webbed paws. When the frame is completely ready, you can begin to coating the surface of the plastic with a facade putty, we are dragging it to a dense consistency and failed the frame with a smooth layer. The dried plaster is covered with paint, and already on top of it glue fabric folds, which will be looked like a frog of the skin. And the final stage - on the fabric we applied paint and PVA glue, which will allow our figure to be outdoors, not afraid of the sun, no wind, no rain.

The recycling of the nature of the materials are devoted to the nature of the decorative garden with their own hands. Such chicken are made of colored cellophane packages, which means they will also not be afraid of moisture, and will be able to delight you for a long time. The only minus is on the bright sun they can burn and lose the brightness of their plumage. To create a polyethylene chicken, you will need a large wire frame at first. Take tight packages of bright colors, cut them into stripes and rolling on the needle, collecting into the ruffle. This thread (or fishing line), on which packages are located, tie gradually around the frame. But while on the chicken it is not too much like, for this, arm with scissors and just cut the layers of polyethylene, removing everything too much. In order for the chicken to confidently stand on Earth, two legs of the wire are screwed to the frame, which are tied with a black tape. The final stages are purely decorative - to make eyes for chicken, beak with a beard and scallop. For the targets you can use a tight cardboard.

How to make crafts do it yourself for the garden

We continue to look for interesting ideas how to make crafts with your own hands for a garden from such materials that you have at hand. So the following example can be advised to make those who recently finished the repair, because we will dispose of the remnants of the corrugated pipe by making bright pumpkins from it.

For the garden, you can make such metal vegetables with your own hands literally in minutes. In the photo you see the hint, how it can be easily accomplished: the pipe is simply tightened to the center and the edges are connected, for example, an industrial stapler. After that, when the correct form is already purchased, you very quickly color the metal with an orange aerosol paint. Inside insert a piece of pipe and some building fibers. Now your area of \u200b\u200borange pumpkins will be decorated not only in the fall, and all year round, confusing with your neighbors.

If you like to play bowling and in the country you lack this hobbies, you can make a children's bowlinglers from plastic bottles. But it's boring just shoot down the bottle filled with sand, much more interesting when they are painted with paints. It can be gnomes, as in the example, or face characters from favorite children's cartoons, in any case, shoot down their even simple soccer ball instead of a ball will be fun.

Beautiful crafts do it yourself for the garden

The following beautiful crafts with their own hands look different for the garden, but they are based on one principle of manufacture. These are balls made of concrete, and after paint covered.

If in the first case is an excellent decoration for the playground, then the second option, using metal paint, makes such a decor with unearthly, cosmic.

Canisters from under various detergents also have to dispose somewhere. We offer you two options for such an artistic disposal. You can on the basis of a canister of a smooth bright color to make a figure of such a funny boar. Additional materials you need a minimum - anchor bolts for legs with hooves, an old brush to create a real boar of bristles and plastic pieces for the ears. You can make it one or a whole brood and put on permanent Sandbox.

And from the canister with inscriptions you can make a feeder for birds. Previously, it must be thoroughly rinsed and ventilated to remove the remains of chemicals. Cut the middle to make a space for falling asleep, but there remained enough sterns. The surface of the plastic is flawed with PVA glue and the hemp rope or twine is wounded with smooth rows.

Creative ideas for arrangement can be applied everywhere, even in the unusual design of the frequency. He immediately acquires an unusual appearance, it is worth sharper each peg and paint it in different colors. Such an original set of color pencils will not leave indifferent not only children, but also adults

Unusual crafts do it yourself for the garden

Unusual crafts with their own hands for the garden are limited only by your fantasy, since with the availability of detailed information, create simple figures can any of us. It can be crafts from disks for the garden. Colored stones, mosaic on tracks or elegant straw chucks.

The only thing that is always worth remembering is that decor elements should still be beautiful, so as not to look like just cropped plastic bottles. If you are not sure about your artistic talents, then it is better to buy ready-made crafts in the store or order masters of weaving, forging, modeling, which already have experience in creating gardening gardens.

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Imagine that you have become the owner of a country cottage area in a beautiful place and with wonderful clean air!

But still your site is just a gray inexpressive cluster of the Earth, without structures, country buildings, fruit trees and colors. How to arrange your country area? How to make it alive, beautiful and attractive?

Not bad tips in this article. For a person who has its own household, a storehouse of wonderful ideas! I do not know when the drinking bowl for chicken or other poultry has always been a problem. After all, it is not advisable to get into the quirks, especially the legs. Often because of this, they begin to root. Therefore, a selection of ideas is a very useful tip.

My mother-in-law has a lot of smoking kernels, but I have not yet met anything like that. Especially liked the ideas of hoping for chickens, advise the mother of mother-in-law such solutions. I think that it will be only glad, and the chickens too.

  • For those who live in the countryside, such a thing is needed. In the village, my grandmother was dropped by chickens with an inverted can and a long saucer.
  • The system in the work is very simple, and the beneficial is maximum, and in everyday operation comfortable, poured water and do not think about it to constantly top up for. Conveniently on the street and indoors. After repair, there were pieces of pipes, there will be where to apply them to use.

    Photo forged products

    If you like metal strength and sophistication of its forms, then the selection with forged metal products will not leave you indifferent.

    As you can see, the photo shows various binding items and interior, fully consisting of wrought metal, or include part of it.

    Artistic forging perfectly fits into the interior, adding the usual subjects charm, notes of romanticism and antiquity. As you can see, forged can be lattices, fences, feet of furniture, backs of beds, bases and stands under the lanterns and much more.

    Forged products can be painted in any color, but black forged products are considered a classic option.

    Forged products for many years have not come out of fashion, this is a kind of classic style that emphasizes the exterior of any site. It is noteworthy that forged products fit practically to any interior of the room.

    All photos on this page are taken from the site and the products depicted on them are made for the "Walnut" blacksmith

    Metal furniture do it yourself - the manufacture of metal furniture for home and garden

    Several samples of metal furnitureThat we want to offer to your attention, easy to manufacture and practical. The lack of adhesive compounds and a relatively small weight of metal furniture allow you to recommend these products as garden furniture and furniture for giving.

    Making metal furniture

    For the manufacture of furniture, they are characterized by special techniquesYou need to know. The source material usually serves duralumin or thin-walled steel tubes with a diameter of 16 to 22 mm. For furniture made of metal, the description of the manufacturing process of which is given in this section, you can use the separation of duralumin clams, folding chairs, ski sticks, etc.

    The main operation in the manufacture of metal furniture is bending pipes. At home this operation is the easiest to perform in a special device consisting of two bars and a flat disk.

    Details of the adaptations are desirable to make solid wood and securely strengthen on a solid base (workbench, table, etc.

    p.). The bars of fixtures are fixed so that the gap remains between them, allowing you to freely invest in it for bending. The prerequisite for the qualitative implementation of this operation is the padding of pipes with sand or pouring their molten rosin. To do this, the wooden plug is clogged into the workpiece of the pipe, then the tube is tightly stuffed with dry fine river sand. Now it remains to drown out the tube on the other side and you can proceed to bending.

    With bending parts of furniture made of metal complex configuration, for example, a frame of a chair, it is necessary to use the plasma. The simplest plasma for bending is a sheet of plywood or cardboard, on which the outlines of the future part are drawn. To reproduce the contour of the spot on a natural value, the coordinate grid is applied to it (in the same way as the grid shown in the figure on this page) and carry part configuration from the picture.

    In the process of bending, the part is periodically verified by the contour on the plaza. For connecting parts, wooden transition sleeves, which allow us to apply ordinary fasteners - screws or studs to be used. In the support ends of the legs put plugs. Tubes must be made from well-weathered dry wood solid rocks. They can be pulled out on a wood lathe, and the diameter of the traffic jams are trying to make it possible to provide a more dense (tight) landing.

    A few words about the finishing of metal furniture. Details made of duralumin pipes are best separated by polishing to a mirror gloss, followed by a colorless varnish coating, but it is possible only in the presence of a mechanized tool, an electric drill or a motor, as well as a polishing circle.

    If you do not have such tools, then metal parts of furniture need to carefully clean the skin (especially steel) and paint black or other colored varnish or paint for metal.

    So, on the following pages of the site we will describe in more detail how to make furniture from metal: a round metal table, a metal chair, a chair made of metal tubes, a kitchen table and a bench semi-light metal.

    All materials section "Furniture do it yourself"

    How to make a bucket with your hands from tin

    How to make a bucket with your own tips, from galvanized iron or stainless steel with straight walls.

    Cut out products from the material

    h. - height (set the specified value)
    d. - diameter (set the specified value)
    l. - the length of the circle (we find the calculation)

    l \u003d πd \u003d 3,14 * 329 \u003d 1033 (mm)
    h \u003d 310. (mm)

    Cylinder manufacturing

    In the middle of the sweep, mark the bore for attachment

    1. On a rectangular sheet of thin-leaf galvanized steel GOST 14918-80, on a homemade manual sheet bending, or manually, with the help of a color and a bar, we have a knitting of the edge of the sheet in the opposite sides. Bend the sheet into the cylinder.
    2. We fasten the curved edges.

    Evenly press the obtained seam with a cyan or a beater along the entire length of the cylinder.
    3. So that the seam remains inside the cylinder, it is necessary to carry out the following operation: turn the finished seam so that it is located near the rib of the bar; Having hitting a chicken in a seam, we obtain the outer surface of the cylinder without a protruding seam.

    Fillet folding

    The width of the fold depends on its purpose: receiving the lock; Wire ordering.

    4. We set the cylinder relative to the bar in the original position. Thrust the hammer and flexing Falk.
    5. Tapping a sharpened side of the hammer. Watch the fold width - it must be the same.
    6. Align Falts tapping a stupid side of the hammer.
    7. Finally, we flexion at the right angle a bent folds.

    Wire ordering

    Insert a circle around the perimeter of flaming,

    made of wire, the diameter of which should coincide with the outer diameter of the cylinder.

    We round the circular edge and finally bring the clock.

    Cylinder connection with bottom

    8. We will run the edges of the circle and insert into the cylinder.
    9. Easy blows of a pointed part of the hammer, bend fals inside the circle.
    10. Strong blows of a stupid part of the hammer cut the fold on the bar, turning the cylinder at the same time.
    11. Fall to the outer plane of the cylinder.
    12. If the result is a convex bottom, it is necessary to align it.
    13. By the very edge of the bottom, we hit the stupid part of the hammer, throughout the perimeter of the circle. The bottom at the same time is leveled, the connections ribs will receive a pronounced contour.

    Attaching the intermediate hoop

    The bottom of the bucket can be attached to the intermediate hoop, and the intermediate hoop to attach to the cylinder.

    14. Fresh bottom bucket with hoop.
    15. We connect the hoop with the cylinder (bucket housing).
    16. I flexing Falk at the hoop.
    17. Fall to the outer plane of the cylinder and thoroughly tapping around the perimeter of the entire circle.


    Ears snatch from a similar material. Tour or drill through holes: two under rivets; One under the metal handle.

    Manufacturing knob

    The handle will bend from metal wire with a diameter of 5 ... 6 (mm) GOST 18143-72.

    How to make a bucket with your own hands from the tin - as you can see anything complicated. Having mastered the simple model. You can go to a more complex model with sloping walls.

    More than 90% All products made of metal in the world fall on iron And its alloys.

    Such a tendency in industry and the active mining of ore caused the depletion of many deposits.

    To date, the secondary gains momentum.

    A lot of it contributed to the simplified processing process and low receipt price on metal bias.

    Precisely because of the low cost and high demands when leaving the scrap metal many industrial enterprises refuse to carry Lom. in special. Scrap is obtained unprofitable Business for the enterprises themselves.

    So that state observational bodies do not impose a recovery for surplus cast iron and steel waste, the company and individuals are attempted independently solve this problem.

    TO waste ferrous metals include iron and its various alloys.

    Scrap is divided on the:

    • cast iron (carbon fraction is more than 2%);
    • steel (carbon fraction less than 2%);
    • extracurricular waste.

    In turn, alloys may have alloying elements (aluminum, nickel, molybdenum, etc.) and subdivide on the:

    • carbon;
    • alloyed.

    By qualitative indicators Includes 25 species and 67 groups. In more detail, it is possible to read in GOST 278-86.

    Typical waste options

    The most common black Metal Waste Options:

    1. Whole slices Metal uncertain form. It can also be flattened pipes or other hollow products.
    2. Pipe Various diameters and thickness. For used in everyday life, their cleaning from slag and contamination is provided.
    3. Automotive Scrap: parts of the engine, wheels of wheels and other mechanisms.
    4. Rail Metal, including mounting bolts.
    5. Steel sheet and perforated scrap. Trimming or non-Adcession Metal.
    6. Methizan Products: Nuts, bolts, washers and other small scrap metal.
    7. Steel shavings, including briquetted.
    8. Steel wireand ropes.
    9. Oversized cast iron: Heating radiators, baths, irons, etc.
    10. Enameled or galvanized Scrap metal: dishes, buckets, etc.
    11. Details household electrical appliances.
    12. Armature.
    13. Details gunsand ammunition. Dismant up to a non-working state. Do not have explosive devices.
    14. Military Technics. It should be disassembled, disassembled and exempt from fuel and lubricants and ammunition.
    15. Various vessels: Cylinders, barrels, etc.
    16. Stanins And other details of industrial equipment.
    17. Non-founded Waste: scrap, cast iron slag, furnace slag, waste from manganese production, etc.

    Such a variety of black scrap demonstrates the indispensability of iron in our lives.

    Favorable realization of the mushroom

    receive kopeika For the delivery of scrap metal, while spending a lot of time and forces on bringing old parts, I do not want anyone. Therefore, the owners prefer to store worn out products in the garage or barn, in the hope that it will once everybody acquires value.

    It is not necessary to save this trash for years, clutching the useful space. There are quite affordable ways to implement it favorable price and free space In the utility room.

    Through the Internet

    A cast iron bath, a heavy radiator or a base for a sewing machine - it would seem trash, but someone for such things hunts not the first year.

    You can take a picture of them and put up for sale on the relevant site (Avito, from hand to hand, etc.). It will take no more than half an hour.

    But there is a chance to free yourself from unnecessary things to you pretty quickly.

    Sale in the market

    No need to sit in the market with rusty files or nuts. Pass this little merchant It will be more profitable than through the receiving items of the scrap metal.

    Direct sale

    Small private enterprises engaged in figured forging and castingInterested in acquiring high-quality black scrap. If one of such companies is located nearby, you can offer your metal For the price a little higher than they offer on the point for collecting recycling.

    So, scrap of ferrous metals:

    • gland,
    • become,

    you can pass to redemption items. It may be more profitable to sell it via the Internet, pass to the implementation in the nearest market or sell the enterprise, which is engaged in curly forging and casting.

    Household crafts from the wilderness

    The bad is the owner who will not give the second life from consuming things. This is especially true of the products of ferrous metal. Pipes lying on landfills, radiators and stainless steel tanks can still serve a service.

    What can be made from iron waste? We list the most common wine use options.

    This is a simple, but very popular fixture requires capacity and welded to her pipes with crane.

    In the presence of parts and welding machine, work takes no more couple of days, or even less.

    Summer souls will help substantial save on hot water In the warm season.

    Contour for grounding

    In the private sector and houses of the old building on the ground did not think when housing was erected. Now the set of household appliances have so high power that it is not necessary to do without grounding.

    For grounding device is necessary Three thick metal rodslena 1.5-1.8 metersand Steel rodslena 1-1.2 meters.

    As rods fit stripped from paint pipes small diameter reels remnants, metal profile. Instead of rods, you can take the used armature..

    You still need an insulated wire, a welding machine and a pair of worker hands for digging a pit.

    Although the grounding device is not such a simple thing, but it is forever mustocite Your households from the electric discharge.

    Watering in the garden and in the garden

    Big barrels Can accumulate precipitation. Attached to them from below plum will help use rainwater as optional source for watering.

    Conveniently, if your own well is missing on your summer cottage, or to go far to the source of water.


    The most common way to use small but non-format piece of iron.

    Many hostesss announcement of cottage cheese or juice Use the press.

    Sufficiently skillful hands are able to construct a convenient device that replaces juicer.


    Trimming sheet metal or non-ended material Completely suitable for this device. Laid on top of the grid helps to cook not only kebab, but also meat or fish barbecue.

    This man must have mangal At home, to please guests with meat dishes on May holidays.


    Frame from old washing machine and residues metal Pool Can become excellent housing for your pet. In such a booth, he will not be afraid of a strong wind, and it can be insulated from the inside from the frost.


    Although the old oven has long outlived herself, on open space This type of heating is more effective than inciting the conventional fire. Suitable for shepherds or people of other professions working constantly outdoors.

    As you can see, you can make a set of metal residues useful In everyday life. All that is needed - desire and skillful hands.

    Designer products

    On the streets of cities you can see original installationsMade from Wine Waste.

    Various animal sculptures, Frames for flower Or other crafts organically fit into the urban landscape.

    There are also more original products of folk craftsmen.

    Small souvenirs From the scrap of ferrous metals is suitable for both a gift and as an exclusive thing.

    As ideas use different focus.

    Military topics

    Inlaid flasks, handles from shells, tank models will be an excellent addition to congratulations on the day of the defender.

    Matching inventory


    • mugs
    • knives
    • spoons
    • openers

    just indispensable for dinner near the fire.

    Decorations on the shelf

    Beautiful little things Sometimes they resemble the lesche products with their refinement and grace.

    Written instruments

    Ideally fit into the interior of a business man's office such unique crafts from the wilderness as:

    • stand for stationery,
    • pens,
    • ashtray And other accessories.

    Fishing gear

    Brillons and weights, Made by their own hands, they brought a bigger catch than purchased in the store.

    For details on the manufacture of crafts from Waste Waste, see the video:


    In the presence of fantasy and desire, something original and pleasant to the soul can be made from any thing. A new interpretation of parables about puddles comes to mind.

    We can say that one in the pile scrap metal see trash, and others - magnificent art sculpture.

    In contact with

    Crafts from metal with welding or without best suitable for decorating a private house or country cottage. The choice of technology for creating such products requires to take into account their skills and skills. In addition, we should not forget about certain financial spending on the purchase or manufacture of special tools.

    A bit of history

    The history of self-made metal products has more than a thousand years. Gradually, such crafts turned into one of the directions of artistic art. And from the beginning of the XI century, they became a mandatory attribute of European architecture.

    Nowadays, their popularity has not been fed. Despite the high cost, beautiful handmade metal crafts remain loved by both interior designers and simple inhabitants, since it is a great way to add a uniqueness and originality.

    Technique of creating decorative products from metal

    Metal products made by personnel will add attractiveness to any kind of designs, starting with eaves and ending with furniture. As can be seen in the photo of metal crafts, there are the following manufacturing techniques:

    • casting;
    • diffoff;
    • forging;
    • bend;
    • stamping;
    • cutting;
    • filigree;
    • chacking.

    The most common is the last six. The uniqueness of the metal, as a material, is that it can be used to create a variety of compositions and for interiors, and for exteriors.

    You will be ready to implement the plan to fulfill creative and interesting things only after you choose the idea and instructions for making crafts.

    The most simple forged decor items

    If you are a novice that only begins to comprehend the subtleties of forging, then you should begin to start with the manufacture of simple crafts from metal with your own hands, for example, from a casket or lars.

    Rat from metal

    A good option will be a rat figurine. To create it, you will need the following materials:

    • steel bars with a diameter of 4, 6, 10, 12, 14 mm;
    • metal sheet 2 mm thick;
    • wire;
    • bearings - 3 pcs.

    Also should prepare a grinder, drill, scissors for metal, electric welding, a circle for stripping.

    Here is a brief step-by-step instruction:

    • Of the two pieces of the pipe, we make head and torso. To do this, cut the required parts for the entire diameter of the pipes and weld them.
    • Clean the elements of the grinder with a circle;
    • We weld the head of the rat to the body.
    • We make sketches of ears, paws and carry them on a sheet of metal. Cut the resulting blanks.
    • We turn into the funnel of the workpiece of the feet, eat them and clean the seams.
    • We collect a rat.
    • We make a paw brushes from prutics. For this, rod 4 mm with welding with a 3 mm with a rod, and the lower 6 mm from 12 mm. Then we insert into the funnel and dislike.
    • From the rod 14 mm we make the tail and attach it to the rat.
    • We do a hole for the peephole, insert the bearings in them and weld them. The third bearing must be used to create a nose.
    • Drills holes for mustache and insert wire in them.
    • We clean everything with a grinder and make a furs. To do this, you need to apply longitudinal welds to each other.
    • The finished rat is covered with varnish.

    Panel "Fish"

    Consider one of the popular children's crafts from metal with the manufacture - Punk Fish. To create it, you need to prepare a wire of different thickness, beads, beads, paper, scissors and pencils.

    Here is a small master class:

    • Draw a sketch of fish.
    • Accordingly, it makes a wire frame with roundings.
    • From thin wire we build jumpers.
    • Fill the torso fish beads and beads. To do this, to the roundabilities on the frame of the frame of the wire and we ride the decorative material on it. Then pin it on the back of the panel. Beads are used to make focus on large scales and eyes.
    • Thus, gradually fill the whole fish. Its color depends on the color of beads.

    The finished image you can decorate the wall of the corridor or the baby's room. Such a panel is a wonderful gift of fisherman.

    In conclusion, we note that the manufacture of crafts from metal looks difficult only at first glance. In fact, make them everyone can. Therefore, do not be afraid - try, experiment. And, perhaps, a real work of art will be released from under your hands.

    Photo Crafts from Metal




    Products from various metals surround a person in many areas of its activities. For home, these are decorative elements, household items and garden tools. The use of metal objects in the industrial sphere is not to describe several words. In recent decades, metal products began to be created by many amateur masters. Home forged home forges.

    The most affordable type of metal processing, which do not require high costs and complex equipment is a cold forging, which results in individual figures. And with the help of welding, they are combined into a single product.

    Created with their hands with a cold forged, objects are presentable, they can be put up for sale. Therefore, it is one of the options for profitable private business.

    There are many other methods of manufacturing metal objects that deserve separate attention.

    Ideas of crafts for beginner masters

    Before considering ways to work with metals, it is worth staying on ideas and drawings of possible crafts.

    Metal crafts - decorations for any interior. Popular animals and vegetable scenes, monograms, geometric shapes and national ornaments.

    A simple product for beginners will be owl from metal. It is made by many ways. So, bent into rounded rod shapes, cooked with each other, form a wall-mounted colors in the form of an owl contour.

    Products from sheet metal with welding are made in this way:

    • pre-on paper prepare a sketch of the product and its details;
    • carry the pattern on the metal sheet, carefully cut with a grinder and cleaned the edges;
    • chisel and hammer are applied notches so as to make the image of the feathers;
    • form the beak, the parts of the paws are cut out of the rod, and into the holes under the eyes, made by chisel in the head part - invent the bolts;
    • all bird details are welded;
    • the chemical solvent purify the surface from rust and varnished.

    Plant ornaments decorate protective or fences, and the bouquet of iron roses can become an independent decoration of the room. Cold and hot forks are suitable for the manufacture of branches, colors and leaves.

    Cold forged leaves are created from thin metal 3.5 mm thick, which is well bended.

    Briefly the stages of the process can be described as follows:

    • from the cardboard, the leaf of the desired form is cut;
    • transfer images to a metal sheet, cut out with special scissors;
    • edges are grinding with the machine;
    • "Sowing" is removed with a metal brush;
    • purified and surface surface;
    • the chisel applies veins on the sheet plate;
    • the edges of the leaves and petals make thinner, chopping them with a hammer;
    • with the help of round-heads, the edges are bent and attached to products;
    • ready-made shapes are fixed with spot welding on the branch;
    • color the product or covered with special varnish.

    Cut across and painted, it turns into an unusual bedside table or coffee table.

    The craftsmen design the walls of the barrels openwork threads, and then build a headset for lunch in nature: a table and armchairs.

    From unnecessary gardening and pipes create sculptures of animals or fabulous characters.

    Sades love furniture from the profile pipe made by their own hands. This material is practical, inexpensive, allows you to create many useful things: from furniture to the greenhouse. Combined with other materials: wood and plastic.

    For the manufacture of bench with dimensions of 2.3x0.6x0.45 m, the profile pipe of the square section is used 0.03x0.03 m, a total length of 11 m. And also a boards with a length of 2.3 m, a width of 0.06 m.

    The scale of colors of passion from yellow to purple is used by blacksmiths when determining the heating temperature of the metal. The color manifestation depends on very thin, in several molecules, oxide film on the surface. Modern masters have learned to control the colors of the metal, and use it when designing the product.

    The temperature also helps in the creation of frosty patterns from tin. Based on the principle on its allotropic forms. Under normal conditions, it is white and called β-form. Heated to a temperature above 160 ºС, transitions to a substance with a different crystal lattice - γ-form.

    In practice, the following happens:

    • the sheet of tin cans covered with a thin layer of tin, bring candles to the flame and warm up;
    • in places to increase the temperature there are divorces, which diverge in different directions of curls.

    In this process there are nuances:

    • uniform warming of the entire sheet will lead to a change in its color without divorce;
    • quite point heating - divorces are formed in an arbitrary direction independently;
    • overheating of the surface will lead to a laying of tin - its melting point is about 232ºС.

    Nevertheless, the effect is beautiful and easy to do at home. The sheet painted in this way can be used to create crafts from tin with their own hands.

    Tin as it is

    Tin is the form of sheet steel, thick up to 0.36 mm, coated with tin, zinc, chrome, varnish or other substances.

    The source of material for crafts with their own hands can become can be tin or beer cans. Interesting household items or decor just make at home.

    Tin is well cut by scissors or a stationery knife, therefore you can create openwork crafts. I cut off the bottom of the canning can and cut out the drawings on its walls onto it, it turns out a lamp lamp. It can be painted and mounted the cartridge.

    A simpler lamp will serve as the same carved lampshade, but with one bottom. Tinned Candlesticks will create a mood and ensure the safety of the use of open fire.

    All these techniques are distributed to amateur masters. But 3 basic methods are expelled in particular attention: cold and hot forging, as well as art welding.

    Cold forging

    Includes two main methods of impact on metal: Pressing and bending. The first is a shock effect leading to the seal of the upper layer and the mobility of the inner metal blank. The second is to bend it by certain lines, getting waves, curls, spirals, zigzags.

    Metal products created by cold forging, beautiful, uncomplicated, if the master has all the necessary equipment. Industry offers cold forging machines, however, they can be made independently, which reduces the cost of the product.

    Lack of cold forging - the inability to correct errors. Such a workpiece will be considered spoiled.

    Hot forging

    Allows you to get a variety of plastic metal items. Heating gives high plasticity material and the ability to give it the shape by force. A variety of hothead methods form an assortment of products for every taste.

    Choosing this technology must be considered:

    • the presence of the hill and ensuring fire safety equipment;
    • the final result depends on the properties of metals, not all of them can be forging and welding;
    • high cost of equipment and materials;
    • the effect of heating temperature on the properties of the workpiece.

    Despite the disadvantages, the advantages of classical forging are in the diversity and beauty of products.

    The new course originated at the Institute named E.O. Paton, led technical welding to a new level - fine art. This is no longer rough crafts from scrap metal in the country area, but a way to create masterpieces with welding.

    Little figurines of insects or animals in full growth, as well as wickets - all this works of art welding.

    To work at home in this technique you need:

    • welding machine and consumables;
    • iron blanks;
    • inspiration and agility of hands.

    The main material is Titan, but the masters speak about the possibility of working with zirconium and stainless steel.

    Tools and equipment to help masters

    Any technology for creating metal products in a home workshop requires a special tool and equipment. Consumables - metal (iron) blank - can be specially purchased, or to be scrap metal. Cleaning our metal items will probably find in any garage or dacha. Secondary metal processing is a promising ecological method that reduces the cost of the product.

    Admiring the beauty of an openwork metal fence or admiring an incredible twisted pattern on the railings of the iron staircase, few people think about the fact that they are made by the method of cold forging. It will be learned to embody beauty in metal without much effort. To do this, it is enough to have minimal skills to work with the metal and have special cutting machines for cold forging.
    What is a cold forging? What machines are needed for her? What can be made on these machines? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

    Cold forging will correctly be called - mechanical bending of a metal rod on specialized machines, to give it a shape with a planned manufacturer. Flexing of rods in the machine can be performed both in manual with levers and with the use of electric motors. In addition to a metal rod, a cold forging method can be flexing a small diameter pipe, narrow iron strips and fittings. With the use of the cold forging method are produced:

    • Twisted fences.
    • Decorations for residential buildings.
    • Patterned gate.
    • Fencing for balconies and stairs.
    • Metal garden benches.
    • Decorations for arbors and lamps.
    • A large number of lattice options.

    Cold forged elements

    Having mastered the cold forging method, in with ease, you can start your business for the production of products made of metal. At the same time, the initial financial investments will be required only for the purchase of machines, and if you make machine tools with your own hands, you can do minimal cost.

    Below we will give you instructions for self-assembling machines for cold forging.

    Machine "Snail"

    The manufacture of the machine "Snail" is one of the examples of independent design, while tips with an exact indication of the size of all parts does not make sense. You need to focus on your idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the machine, how and what will be to bend, how many turns of the spiral will be enough for high-quality work, what size will be a lever with a tabletop. If you understand the essence of the machine manufacturing process, the assembly itself will not cause special difficulties.

    Machine "Snail"

    Making the main nodes of the machine


    The process of flexing the iron rod, exposes the machine with strong loads, so when making a frame for "snail", only metal corner, a channel or a thick-walled pipe are used. Do not make a frame of wooden bars, such a table does not withstand long-term loads and collapsed.


    The tabletop for the "snail" is made of metal slabs cut in the form of a circle, a thickness of at least 4mm. From the same slab, the second table top is cut, repeating the form of the first. On the second tabletop will be located snail segments and flexing products. In the process of cold forging, the tabletop takes on the bulk of the load, so it is not necessary to save and make it from a thinner sheet of iron.

    The main shaft and lever.

    The main shaft is located in the center between the countertops and is attached to the base with four rectangular triangles. You can make the shaft from a thick-walled pipe of the desired diameter.
    The lever is attached to the shaft with the help of the ring and rotates around it, additionally, the roller is installed on the lever for flexing the rods on the top countertop.

    Machine scheme

    Marking and installation of mounted parts

    Depending on whether you wanted to produce only the same type of samples or you will need more artistic products, there are three options for the device "snail".
    Option number 1.
    This is the easiest of three options, the essence of it is that the contour of the spiral is drawn on the countertop.

    Check-in segments "Snail"

    In essence, this is a drawing of future products that you will produce on the machine. After applying the scheme, it is enough to cut out of thick bands of iron of different widths, several segments that repeat the drawing line and welcome them on the markup to the tabletop. On such a static "snail" you can produce the simplest bends.
    Option number 2.
    The second option is the most popular among homemade machines, it implies the manufacture of collapsible snail from removable parts. Along the circuits of the markup drill holes in which the thread is cut. Next, from cardboard or plywood, templates for the stops of the stops are made and overlaps are made from metal. At the end, the holes are drilled in the lining, which must match the landing sockets on the worktop. To secure segments, mainly bolts are used, but you can make cylindrical stops. This design "snail" will allow on the same machine to produce spiral blanks with different radii.

    "Snail" from metal stripes

    Option number 3.
    In the third embodiment, instead of folding segments, the stops are made, several removable modules with different velocities that change as needed are made. The module is made of a piece of iron on which the segments of the repeating parts of the spiral are welcome.

    Modules "Snails"

    Assembling machine.

    1. Install the frame in place where you will have free access to the machine from all sides.
    2. Reconfigure the frame legs in the floor or secure the frame to another available way.
    3. Welcome to the frame of the main table top.
    4. Install the main shaft welding it to the tabletop and strengthening triangles.
    5. Put on the shaft rotating lever.
    6. Install the top countertop, welding it to the main shaft.
    7. Set snail segments on the table top.

    After the assembly, swipe the rod trial.
    What more to learn more about the assembly of the machine for the cold forging "Snail" Check out the video:

    Machine torsion machine

    This machine is designed for the uniaxial longitudinal twisting of the billet from the rod of the transverse or square form.

    Machine torsion machine

    For the base of the torsion machine, a channel or a stubborn is used. With the help of welding, the thick iron strip is attached to it, which is installed by vice for the climb of the stationary part of the rod. Things are fixed with four bolts with a diameter M16 or more. To increase the strength of the rod clamp, the corrugated plate plates made of sheet steel are welded. On the opposite side of the base, the guide rollers are installed to which the clamping unit is attached to the moving part of the workpiece. It is made of steel sleeve, in which it is necessary to provide holes for clamping bolts located at an angle of 120 degrees. Bolts must have a flat end and be made of high-quality steel. Both clamping devices must be placed coaxially, for this they need to be checked using a level, plumbing kit and caliper.

    Types of machine tools

    Next, it is necessary to make a handle to turn the moving part of the clamp. Her lever must beat as long as possible, to reduce the effort applied. The handle itself is better to do with a rubber sleeve, to eliminate arm slipping during operation.
    After the complete assembly of the machine, it is checked on the reliability of the moving elements and the accuracy of the production of bar deformation. After checking the machine is attached to the support frame.

    Simple model torsion machine

    How to make a torsion machine with your own hands Look in the video:

    Machine "Gnutic"

    To qualitatively form an angle in the product with a cold forging method, you will need a machine called "Gnutka". It consists of a steel plate with moving focus on which there are two supporting shafts and a lever.

    Machine "Gnutic"

    The billet is placed between the wedge and the supporting shafts. After that, with the help of the lever, the wedge displacement towards the shafts, which leads to the bending of the workpiece.

    Computer model machine

    Making such a machine is quite simple, the main thing follows the drawing and use tool steel, because during operation on the part of the device a large load is performed.
    How to make the machine "Gnutka" you can also look in the video:

    Machine "Wave"

    It is more correct to name this machine - a controlled wave. Equipment of the machine consists of a pair of steel disks with a diameter of 140 mm., Which are attached with the help of bolts to the working desktop. The main disk is fixed by the axis of rotation of the universal twist.

    Machine "Wave"

    The wave control occurs in a consequence of the change in the distance between the disks. When running the rod rod around the drive disc, the pattern is generated, after that, the rod is removed from the conductor and the pattern is formed on the other side.
    View the operation of the machine you can in the video:

    Machine - Press

    For the formation of rod tips, press is required. This machine works on the principle of the flywheel, at the beginning rotating a barbell with cargo weighing the screw bracket back to the stop. After that, insert a shift stamp into the nest and put the workpiece. Further, quickly spin the barbell in the opposite direction and leave it freely rotate. In conclusion, the battlefields strongly across the shank of the stamp, due to this, an effort is developing enough for stamping.

    Rolling press

    As for the manual rolling mill, it can be done independently, but you still have to order - rolls from special steel, bearing sleeves and trees, and gears buy in the store. It is possible to make on this machine only the "goose paw" and "sheet" tips.

    Connection and painting of parts

    The elements produced by cold forging are connected in two ways:

    • Welding - details are welded to each other, and the scale is stepping with a "grinder" or other grinding machine.
    • Clamps - this kind of connection looks much more beautiful. For clamps use stamped metal strips with a thickness of 1.5 mm.

    Painting of finished products produce blacksmith enamels or paints for metal on an acrylic basis.

    Connections of parts using welding

    Cool Forging Produced Products

    We suggest you familiarize yourself with product options that you can make using the cold forging method:

    • The fence element is fully made by the method of cold forging. Clamps used for connecting parts. Machines were used for manufacture: "Snail", torsion, "Bunk" and "Flashlight".

    • Soda bench is made by cold forging and wood-covered. For the compounds of elements used welding and clamps. The manufacture used machines - "snail", torsion, press.

    • Balcony railings - production method - Cold forging. Rail elements are connected by welding and clamps. Used machines in production - "Wave", "Snail", press.

    • Staircase railing - produced by the method of cold artistic forging. Details are connected by welding. In the production of machines - torsion, "flashlight", "snail".

    • Visorok - the method of cold forging is made of a visor frame. Details are connected by welding. In the manufacturing process, machines - "Snail", "Wave", press.

    • The brazier is a simple design made according to the cold forging method. For connecting parts used clamps and welding. Mangala elements were made on machines - torsion, "snail".

    • Double bed - for the backs used a cold forging method. Compounds are made welding and clamps. In the manufacturing process, the machines are used - "snail", "wave" and press.

    As can be seen from all over the above, the cold forging method does not require large financial costs and quite a lot in mastering, so if you decide to start training for a blacksmithing case from this method, then you did the right thing.