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Is it harmful to health processing of electroplating details. Electroplating Implications for health workshop hot galvanizing harm

Central ventilation systems with the necessary conditions for creating a normal air exchange to remove harmful impurities and replacement of air exchange to clean: premises of medical institutions, pharmacological industries, electronic industries, etc. Must be contained in perfect cleanliness.

Technologies that are used in similar areas require a minimum level of aerosol concentration in the air.

Comprehensive assessment of working conditions working in galvanic shops Complex Evaluation of Working Conditions in Galvanic Workshops text of a scientific article in the specialty - Medicine and Healthcare

Comprehensive assessment of working conditions working in galvanic workshops Complex Evaluation of Working Conditions In Galvanic Workshops The text of the scientific article in the specialty "Medicine and Health" shows the results of a comprehensive assessment of working conditions working in electroplating workshops, which are obtained on the basis of research of factors of the production environment of jobs.

The hygienic classification of galvanic workshops under labor conditions is provided.

In accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 29, Art. 3702) Government of the Russian Federation p about with t and n o in l i t: Approve the attached list Heavy works and works with harmful or dangerous working conditions, when performing the use of women's labor.

Safe galvanic

The galvanic is a science that allows the electrodeposition of a thin galvanic layer, to give metal new properties. It turns out quickly and beautiful. Alas, everything is not so simple: modern galvanic production occupies one of the leading places for industrial harmfulness. Professional diseases (asthma, allergies, internal organ ulcers, loss of smell), obtained by attendants in these shops, are largely related to the impact on the person of harmful substances.

Draft ventilation and heating of a galvanic workshop

Building drawings of the building are attached, technological equipment (according to the methodological instructions to the project OVIV Prom. Buildings: electroplating and travelers), automatic installation AHP-2M (2 pcs.), Placement location in axes 1-5, in d and 5-9 , In d; And-500/250 generators, count. 2 pcs. Type of supporting structures: farm.

Specific thermal characteristic of the building Q \u003d 0.55 kcal / (m³ · h · ˚С).

Organization of electroplating production

Galvanic production It is customary to be considered almost the most dangerous source that has a negative impact on the state of the environment.

The main danger threatens with various reservoirs, both underground and superficial.

With this production, a lot of waste water is formed, which represents the maximum level of threat. This water contains many impurities with heavy metals, there are alkaline composition and other highly toxic compounds.

Characteristics of harmful and poisonous materials used in galvanic production

In the shops of electroplating, a number of harmful and poisonous materials and chemicals are applied, the main properties of which need to know in order to be correct, in compliance with the safety condition, p.

contact them. Sulfuric acid.

For electrolytes nickelting, galvanizing, copper, chromium and other purposes, chemically pure sulfuric acid is used, which is a colorless oily liquid.

Side Spautions, Exhaust Umbrellas

Side computers - devices for removing harmful sections from the surface of solutions in the baths, where the processes of etching, degreasing, metal-powered, etc. occur.

Exhaust umbrellas - such a kind of measurement of suction, when the air acceptor (receiver) is at some distance from the source of harmfulness and the surrounding air can freely act into the zone of the suction action area.

As is known, about 15 thousand people die in production in Russia annually and approximately 670 thousand are injured.

human. This is determined by the importance of human security. In the first chapter of this section, we consider one of the most important conditions for the normal life of a person when performing professional activities. Next, security issues will be considered in many other harmful factors, in relation to the engineering enterprise.

Machine-building production is characterized by its complex of dangerous and harmful factors.

Of course, it is easier to merge everything in the nearest reservoir or bury in the forest if it comes to 50 liters or 10 kg per year. But if these are dozens of cubic meters per week or tons per month? As far as we are aware of this (here should be mentioned about our right to know the amount of harm and receive compensation for it)? As a result, we have hundreds of tons of poisonous waste. What are they harmful? Most ITM carcinogenna means that they cause cancer. They accumulate in the body and very slowly leave it. Chrome, for example, can be absorbed even through the skin and carcinogenic effect manifests in extremely low concentrations. Here we note that the hexavalent chromium is most harmful - the main component of chromium electrolytes, as well as zinc passivation. But this is not limited to the harm of ITM. And she completely removed all the reagents with their subsequent disposal, as well as demolition and cleansing the site where the warehouse was located.

Electroplating shop harmful

In addition, the workshop device should be planned in such a way that the equipment is not more than 20% of its premises. There is a galvanic workshop on the coating of metals. Harmfulness, regret, an integral part of it. In order to work in a galvanic workshop, you need to possess numerous skills, and understand that there is a danger at every step.
So what is it? Harbor on electroplating does not secret that work in the galvanic workshop is associated with the danger of health. That is why the state provides social guarantees for workshop workers.

Galvanic shop is indeed dangerous by emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Be sure to have passes and travel, not to create obstacles in the process of work.


At the legislative level, certain rules apply to the work of the galvanic workshop. First, in the rules for labor protection at enterprises and in the organizations of mechanical engineering approved by the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, it is said about the need to clean ventilation emissions, because harmful emissions are dangerous for both employees and the atmosphere as a whole.

In addition, the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of August 29, 2001 No. 68n found that in the galvanic workshop, each month should be carried out inventory with full equipment stripping.

After that, a town-planning conclusion is given, justifying the calculations produced. The next step is to make consideration of the issue of building the ability to public hearings. If a positive decision is made on them, the developer can start design. So far, all these conditions are fulfilled, no sale of the site on the territory of the plant and any of the construction can also go and speeches. "

Nikolai Pavlov, Head of the Territorial Department of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Saratov Region in the city of Saratov: "This is nonsense. There are rules in which it is clearly written that in the sanitary and protective zone of existing enterprises cannot be placed facilities of the residential fund.

Consequently, on the territory of the saz, this construction cannot be conducted at all. Galvanic shop is indeed dangerous by emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.

What health will have a galvanic workshop operator after 3 years of work?

Designers guaranteed that any harmful substances will not be able to detect even 30-40 meters from the workshop. Naturally, I will receive all the necessary official positive conclusions.

After that, the Earth will start selling. So I see no reason for anxiety. " Vladimir Virich, Chief Architect Saratov: "Any decision to change the functional purpose of a part of the plant - the construction of housing or other social infrastructure on it - can only be accepted after a comprehensive study of the situation and determining sanitary protection zones with maximum preservation of green plantings, as well as after solving The issue of removing harmful industries.

After that, the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor is made. Next begins the consideration of the scheme of summing up transport routes and the opening of the view on the Volga.

City on the river Samara

First, it is necessary that the premises in which are the workshops, if possible, were one-story. All rooms must be as isolated as possible, and a good ventilation system must be present, which is especially important in production, polluting air.

In addition, the workshop device should be planned so that the equipment makes no more than 20% of its premises. What health will have a galvanic workshop operator after 3 years of work? A simple example is a membrane cleaning technology.

In such an installation, the main consumable membrane. But where will it go after working out his time? It turns out that now we must come up with a waste membrane processing plant.

So, if you do not use skin protection tools, you can get sick with eczema or dermatitis. Very often, such a phenomenon is observed in workers dealing with nickel.

Even poisoning can wait for the electroplating shop workers. This can occur when the production of cyanide hydrogen is presented in sufficiently large quantities.

In addition, degreasing solutions can also contribute to this. Therefore, work in the galvanic workshop should be ensured in such a way as to maximize the safety of employees.

This will be described in more detail in the next section. In particular, more substances should be more substances for greater safety in the pharmacets of the galvanic workshop than in the usual first-aid kit: there must be a vacuine for lubricating the inside of the nose and hands when working with chrome, sodium hyposulfite solution, protective ointments, etc.

Be sure to have passes and travel, not to create obstacles in the process of work. At the legislative level, certain rules apply to the work of the galvanic workshop.

First, in the rules for labor protection at enterprises and in the organizations of mechanical engineering approved by the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, it is said about the need to clean ventilation emissions, because harmful emissions are dangerous for both employees and the atmosphere as a whole. In addition, the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of August 29, 2001 No. 68n found that in the galvanic workshop, each month should be carried out inventory with full equipment stripping. At the same time, it is necessary to draw attention to the fact that the cleaning of electroplating systems is recognized as the work of increased danger (order of Rostechnadzor of January 18, 2012 No. 44). Modern work in the galvanic workshop should be maximally automated.

Is it dangerous to live near the Galvanian shop

If we talk about residential premises, then in sanitary standards, a gap from such a workshop is at least 300 meters (!). In this case there is no such distance. Moreover, on the square, offered for sale, until recently there was a warehouse of hazardous substances and materials.


As the public offer is obvious (offer to buy something for a certain price under certain conditions), it is proposed to buy right to a plot that refers to the land of industry. However, the price offered for the transaction clearly does not imply the construction of warehouses and workshops.

On the contrary, we are talking throughout the construction of residential buildings, shops, etc. This lies in this new factory management.
  • Electroplating shop harmful
  • Is it dangerous to live in the house built on the place of the electroplating shop
  • What health will have a galvanic workshop operator after 3 years of work?
  • City on the river Samara
  • Environmental problems of electroplating production
  • Is it dangerous to live near the Galvanian shop

Galvanic workshop Harmful Important Home → Environmental problems of electroplating production in the modern industry is still alive Soviet atavism - consumer attitude towards natural resources. It is noticeable at the preparation of engineers and workers.

Unfortunately, it is believed that the capacity of nature is limitless that it is able to absorb all dirt and productivity products of production, accumulating it in itself and forever sealing in their depths. A kind of unlimited toilet.
Hello!! The question is very important for me. 40 years old ATE plant existed (Tyumen factory of autotractor equipment). With it was a galvanic workshop. The plant in the 90s went bankrupt and liquidated it.

In the early 2000th, residential buildings were built on its territory. In particular, I know exactly that the treatment facilities were not and the drains were literally under themselves.

One houses worth exactly at the place of the electroplating shop. Tell me please, is there now a real danger to the health of living and how harmful is it ?? Thanks in advance.

Sincerely, Fedorov Pavel, Tyumen answer. Dear G.Forovorovynya from afar on your question is not possible. However, it can be assumed that there should be no danger to health living in the house.

Danger may probably arise if someone starts to grow S.-H.

Read about an additional vacation for harmful working conditions In the process of working in the galvanic workshop, the following categories of harmful factors can be distinguished:

  • Air pollution
  • Skin damage
  • Blow of mucosa nose
  • Poisoning

Tell in order. It seems that one of the greatest dangers on electroplating production is the release of nitrogen oxides, sulfuric acid, trichloroethylene.

With a long place in the room, the air in which is impregnated with these substances, of course, this is reflected in the inner state of the body. This is also connected with the possible damage to the nasal mucosa, especially when constantly working with chrome.

What are the surcharges for harmful working conditions there is another danger that galvanic production is associated with. The harmfulness of the aggressive substances with which they have to face, is obvious to human skin.

In the modern industry, the Soviet Atavism is still alive - consumer attitude towards natural resources. It is noticeable at the preparation of engineers and workers. Unfortunately, it is believed that the capacity of nature is limitless that it is able to absorb all dirt and productivity products of production, accumulating it in itself and forever sealing in their depths. A kind of unlimited toilet. But the reality is such that sooner or later, this toilet clogs and everything comes out. This happens either explicitly - man-made accidents, emissions, or in an implicit - Waste subcolting in the reserved environment: water, soil, air, where everything in the end falls into the body nothing suspects. And electroplating production, for the most part, has a second type of impact. Do people generally know about him at all? Do many people know about the dangers that are applied to their health electroplating? But these pollution stand in the first place, surpassing oil spills and radiation!

This section will give a libez on the ecology of galvanic production. This is especially important in the Urals - electroplating in one form or another at all our plants, and the engraving is generally impossible without electroplating coatings. The problem is that in most enterprises there are neither sewage treatment plants nor technologies of selfless production. And the main pollutants are heavy metal ions - ITM. Recall the school chemistry course ...

ITM. Heavy metals ions are zinc, nickel, chrome, copper, tin, lead ... and good part of the entire Table of Mendeleev. And they merge because early or late the electrolytes of the coating fail, and the volumes of them and the frequency of replacement are significant. Of course, it is easier to merge everything in the nearest reservoir or bury in the forest if it comes to 50 liters or 10 kg per year. But if these are dozens of cubic meters per week or tons per month? As far as we are aware of this (here should be mentioned about our right to know the amount of harm and receive compensation for it)? As a result, we have hundreds of tons of poisonous waste. What are they harmful? Most ITM carcinogenna means that they cause cancer. They accumulate in the body and very slowly leave it. Chrome, for example, can be absorbed even through the skin and carcinogenic effect manifests in extremely low concentrations. Here we note that the hexavalent chromium is most harmful - the main component of chromium electrolytes, as well as zinc passivation.

But this is not limited to the harm of ITM. They also have an allergenic, teratogenic, general toxic effect, which is mainly in blocking enzymes and hormones and violation of regulation in the body, as well as impaired metabolism. For justice, let's say that, probably, only gold and a small number of other chemical elements are unclear for science function in the human body. The remaining elements and metals are also playing important roles. They are divided into macro, micro, ultramic-elements and are contained in the body in size from kilograms to micrograms. The harm from them comes when they are openly or systemically enter the body in quantities exceeding physiologically acceptable. For control of these quantities, the norms of extremely permissible concentrations of chemical compounds - MPC were invented. Without going into the subtleties of the PDC unit in the category, let's say that they are in Russia - one of the toughest. But this does not mean that they are always executed. Since the fines for their violation are unfairly small, and methods for installing an environmental crime are extremely imperfect and ineffective. Especially in the light of the latest innovations of our government. Only a fact - there is no ecological police in Russia. And who will investigate ecoprising?

Ways to enter the ITM into the human body. On the issue of cleaning waste. Until now, the most common method of disposal of electroplating waste is the reagent method. Its essence is that all waste is transferred to a solid uninsecable state by treating special reagents. Then, tons of such waste are styled on special funds. In the Urals there are not enough such polygons. And it is quite logical to ask, but where are the waste? Answer to this question do not know even many directors of enterprises, on which these waste are formed. And their dislocation in common landfills is perhaps the best of what they do with them. But even if the waste is buried correctly, it does not mean that they are neutralized. So, at least kicked compounds (mainly hydroxides) and smallly soluble, but some part of them still comes with raindrops, thales, underground waters in drinking water sources, and from there - to our organism. Or these compounds are accumulated in plants that eat livestock or in water, which he drinks. The IT will then accumulate in meat, milk, animal fat and joyfully come to our table, continuing its expansion. As mentioned earlier, the human body ITM leaving with great reluctance.

There are also numerous alternative developments, but all of them are united by two points - the huge cost of equipment, technology and consumables and the fact of transferring pollution from one sphere of production to another. A simple example is a membrane cleaning technology. In such an installation, the main consumable membrane. But where will it go after working out his time? It turns out that now we must come up with a waste membrane processing plant. And then the installation for the processing of what will remain after processing membranes, etc.

It is necessary to use resources 100%, that is, to bring technology to such a level so that all the "tails" obtained commodity products, which can then be used either within the enterprise, or sell to the external market. And it is possible!

This article is the intellectual property of LLC "NPP electrochemistry" any copy without a direct link to the website www .. The text of the article is processed by the Yandex service "Original texts"

The industry uses a metallic zinc and its connections. ZnO zinc oxide is used as pigment for white colors, in the production of rubber, glass, ceramics, matches, dental cement, cosmetics, as well as rubber filler and in galvanoplasty.

In the work premises, ZnO may also be present in the form of a highly dispersed condensation aerosol with technical processes associated with zinc heating above its melting temperature. Zinc chloride and sulfate are used for canning wood, in the pulp and paper industry, in the production of viscose fiber, zinc mineral paints, as a flux with hot zinc, tinning, soldering.

The metallic zinc and its compounds under production conditions enter the body mainly through the respiratory organs and partially through the digestive tract as a result of dust swallowing. The toxic effect of zinc vapor and fine aerosol, which are formed in the process of melting metal zinc oxide metal is most trained. When they are inhaled in significant concentrations, prof. The disease is the so-called zinc, or foundry fever. The soluble zinc salts have a significant migration effect on the skin and mucous membranes.

In chronic poisoning of zinc oxide, atrophic and subatrofic changes in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract can develop, hypochromic anemia, jerk, -kish. Disorders, sleep disorders, increased fatigue, noise in the ears, reduced hearing acuteness. With prolonged exposure to dust zinc oxide on the human body, it is possible to develop slowly progressive pneumoconiosis. With prolonged inhalation of dust of zinc oxide in significant concentrations, moderate phenomena of pneumosclerosis and emphysema are developed, less frequently fine dissemination due to the deposition of x-ray-contrast zinc oxide in the lungs; Urobilinuria and porphyrinuria is possible. On the back of the brushes (mainly), irritation and skin ulceration are noted.

The clinical picture of chronic poisoning of zinc chloride is associated with its sharply irritating effect on the mucous membranes and on the skin, up to the development of dermatitis, as well as a weakly allergizing effect on the body. Inhalation of the smoke of zinc chloride causes cough, nausea, inflammation in the upper respiratory tract, bronchi, lungs. In severe cases, the nasal partition is performed.

Sulphate and zinc stearate also possess an irritating effect. Dry zinc sulfate and its concentrated solutions cause ulceration of the skin of hands, especially their back surface, by type of so-called bird eyes. Experimental data on the oncogenic action of zinc and its compounds were obtained.

Acute poisoning of zinc compounds were noted when inhaled zinc oxide in high concentrations (for example, when the metal zinc is heated above the temperature of its melting). The victims appears a sweet taste in the mouth, after 1-5 hours there is a strong thirst, painful stencils in the chest, dry cough, chills and other signs of the foundry fever. When inhalation of the aerosol, the zinc chloride can develop eases of lungs.

In case of poisoning with soluble zinc salts through the mouth, the victims also note the metallic taste in the mouth, there is nausea, salivament. The burden of the mucous membrane of the mouth, the esophagus, the stomach is developing, vomiting with blood admixture, abdominal pain, diarrhea, sharp arousal, involuntary twitching of individual muscle groups, seizures of calf muscles, is possible collapse and shock. With a longer period of poisoning, acute renal failure is developing.

Treatment of zinc poisoning

First aid and emergency therapy with acute poisoning of zinc salts, especially when they were orally, consists in washing the stomach through a probe 3% sodium bicarbonate solution or 2% tannine solution, administration of unitiola, intravenous glucose administration with ascorbic acid, calcium chloride, alkaline chloride Mineral waters, warm milk, mucous decoctions, assigning salt laxatives. With inhalation poisoning with zinc and its compounds, prednisolone or other glucocorticoids are used.

Further treatment, as well as the treatment of chronic poisoning with zinc and its compounds, symptomatic.

The prevention of poisoning with zinc and its compounds is to mechanize and seal the processes related to the melting of non-ferrous metals and other works, the creation of rational local and general ventilation, the use of individual means of protection - respirators, industrial gas masks. Protective ointments or fat creams, etc., washing hands with alkaline solutions.

To date, such a phenomenon is very common as the coating of metal products with the help of electrolysis. This is done with acidic or alkaline salts, the solution of which is called electrolyte. The need to coating metals is caused primarily by the possibility of corrosion, breakdown. Also, they are resorted to beauty considerations.

There is a galvanic workshop to work on the coating of metals. Harmfulness, regret, an integral part of it. In order to work in a galvanic workshop, you need to possess numerous skills, and understand that there is a danger at every step. So what is it?


It is no secret that work in the galvanic workshop is associated with the danger of health. That is why the state provides social guarantees for workshop workers. For example, for workers dealing with chrome and dismissal shafts, state singing on preferential terms and in preferential sizes is provided.

In the process of operation in the galvanic workshop, the following categories of harmful factors can be distinguished:

  • Air pollution
  • Skin damage
  • Blow of mucosa nose
  • Poisoning

Tell in order. It seems that one of the greatest dangers on electroplating production is the release of nitrogen oxides, sulfuric acid, trichloroethylene. With a long place in the room, the air in which is impregnated with these substances, of course, this is reflected in the inner state of the body. This is also connected with the possible damage to the nasal mucosa, especially when constantly working with chrome.

There is another danger from which electroplated production is associated. The harmfulness of the aggressive substances with which they have to face, is obvious to human skin. So, if you do not use skin protection tools, you can get sick with eczema or dermatitis. Very often, such a phenomenon is observed in workers dealing with nickel.

Even poisoning can wait for the electroplating shop workers. This can occur when the production of cyanide hydrogen is presented in sufficiently large quantities. In addition, degreasing solutions can also contribute to this.

Therefore, work in the galvanic workshop should be ensured in such a way as to maximize the safety of employees. This will be described in more detail in the next section. In particular, more substances should be more substances for greater safety in the pharmacets of the galvanic workshop than in the usual first-aid kit: there must be a vacuine for lubricating the inside of the nose and hands when working with chrome, sodium hyposulfite solution, protective ointments, etc. It is forbidden to eat and smoke directly in the workshop, and before doing it beyond it, employees must necessarily wash their hands - they are instructed by them.

Prevention measures to prevent harmful effects of electroplating production

The consequences of which you read in the previous paragraph will not necessarily manifest, if you follow the prevention measures and properly organize production. First, it is necessary that the premises in which are the workshops, if possible, were one-story. All rooms must be as isolated as possible, and a good ventilation system must be present, which is especially important in production, polluting air. In addition, the workshop device should be planned so that the equipment makes no more than 20% of its premises. Be sure to have passes and travel, not to create obstacles in the process of work.

At the legislative level, certain rules apply to the work of the galvanic workshop. First, in the rules for labor protection at enterprises and in the organizations of mechanical engineering approved by the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, it is said about the need to clean ventilation emissions, because harmful emissions are dangerous for both employees and the atmosphere as a whole. In addition, the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of August 29, 2001 No. 68n found that in the galvanic workshop, each month should be carried out inventory with full equipment stripping. At the same time, it is necessary to draw attention to the fact that the cleaning of electroplating systems is recognized as the work of increased danger (order of Rostechnadzor of January 18, 2012 No. 44).

Modern work in the galvanic workshop should be maximally automated. After all, the main risk of adverse effects during work with harmful substances is in manual work. In addition, the workshop should be in a situation where it is possible to replace toxic materials into less toxic. It is clear that there are situations where dangerous materials cannot be avoided, but still sometimes it can be done.

And, of course, the workers themselves should pay great attention to their safety. It is necessary to use protective tools for hands from a waterproof material, such as leather, as often as possible wash your hands, use the cream after work. It is necessary to regularly visit doctors for the prevention of occupational diseases, in particular, the otolaryngologist.

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