Repairs Design Furniture

Circular table for manual disk saw. Table for circular saw. With your own hands we make a table for circular saw. Video: Washing table for disk saw

For more convenience, a manual circular saw can be fixed on the table. Such a design will help to handle and cut the wooden parts without any problems.

Working with a circular saw fixed on a special table greatly simplifies the process of cutting and safely when using special devices.

In this article we will tell, with their own hands for manual circular saw.

Table design for circular saw

The base of the table for the circular saw may be wooden or metal.

The table top is made of metal or sheet wood materials. It makes a hole under the circular saw disk.

According to the guides in the tabletop, the supports are driven, which move the timber and any other sawing material.

First of all, the table should be convenient, stable (not stagger!), The surface of the table top must be smooth. These factors will help a person to avoid injury during work.

The hole at the base is cut under a specific brand saw

Before starting the cutting material and assembling the circular table, you must calculate its size and make the drawing.

The hole at the base should correspond to the dimensions of the area of \u200b\u200bthe circular saw. For each brand saw it will be a definite size.

The stove installed on the tabletop should not outweigh the table in one direction - the base should be resistant to external mechanical loads.

Macarites countertops must match the stream.

Someone sufficiently folding table, a small table with a removable circular saw. People who have a spacious workshop are needed, a full-fledged table for a circular saw or even a circular machine.

Note: If you plan to leave the materials on the table during work, the table top area should be at least square meters. The optimal size for such a table is 120 x 120 cm.

Materials from which you can make a table for sawing wood:
  • array of wood;
  • LDSP, chipboard, MDF, plywood;
  • metal (steel or aluminum).

Plastic is poorly suitable as a material for the manufacture of the saw table.

Until the final assembly, all wooden parts of the table should be for protection against moisture and rotting.

For the manufacture of a saw table, we need the following materials with your own hands:

  • LDSP or plywood with a thickness of 21 mm;
  • a beam for the table frame (you can use a 50 x 150 mm cutting board with a length of 3 meters - 5 pcs.);
  • wooden wars 10 mm - 12 pcs.;
  • glue joiner;
  • metal attachments for the CARG and legs - 4 pcs.;
  • metal corners - 10 pcs.;
  • saws.

Required tools:

  • pencil, marker, roulette, meter;
  • electrolovik;
  • manual;
  • sander;
  • sandpaper medium and fine grain;
  • plane;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver.

Step 1. For the beginning of the Rubank, hang all sides of the bar. From the bar we collect the framework of the table: in each side of the countertops we drill two holes for 5 mm under the sews to each kingua and one hole for each set of the table.

Step 2. In the kings you need to make two holes (5 mm), and in the legs - one (5 mm).

Step 3. We establish the waders in the worktop, pre-lubricating them with carpentry glue. Top of the tsargi and legs are installed on top.

If there are clamps with screeds, you can fix the table with them. After complete grazing, the king glue is bonded with legs and between themselves with special metal fasteners for tables and tightened with self-draws.

Note: The table will be stronger and more stable if used metal corners for an additional attachment of the table top: two for a short side and three are long.

Step 4. Now it is necessary to consolidate the circular saw on the inside of the table top. Here there may be two options: fix the platform of saws with m4 bolts or mount the platform using bars with self-draws. The first option is faster and reliable. The second option does not require drilling holes in the metal platform for bolts.

Step 5. Consign the saw can be bolted or blades with self-draws. We will be attached to the bars, so in small parschers, we drank the width with a sawdust. Brucks with self-drawing on both sides fasten the circular saw with the worktop.

Step 6. When the saw is installed, we take another little bar longer and screw themselves to the tabletop (directly to the points marked earlier, on which the saw platform was exhibited). This bar is needed so that in the future when removing the saw from the table, it was possible to quickly return it to the place without resorting to the markup.

Step 7. We set the circular saw disc in place and weep the tabletop so that the longitudinal opening is obtained. We turn the tabletop.

Step 8. We make parallel emphasis. To do this, we scream from plywood two strips with a length equal to the width of the table, and about 8-10 cm wide. Corners twilight with the help of the transport and pencil.

Step 9. We glifting both strips and fasten with the help of self-tapping screws at an angle. Inside screwing the metal corner.

Step 10. With constant work with a table for a circular saw and the need to fix the stop on the table top perpendicularly, the guide is secured. The roller or the second part of the guide is attached to the lower part of the stop, so that the stop can drive up / drive away from the circular saw disk.

Security of the workplace

In order not to be injured when working, it is necessary to carefully monitor the position of the saw table, its stability, fortress.

Before each inclusion of circular saws must be checked, it is well fixed in its place.

Hold the material cutting with hands is strictly prohibited! This may lead to injury to the fingers of the hands or bite the tree in the face when hitting bitch and irregularities.

Also in order to avoid eye injury while working should necessarily wear safety glasses.
Do not neglect these simple rules, take care of your own health.

For details on how to make a table for manual circular saws with your own hands, see the following video:

The disk saw applies to cut wood.

The use of a manual saw is not always comfortable, the use of the table allows you to make the sawing process to the smooth and accurate

The cutting base has a plane resembling a disc equipped with an outer edge with teeth. There are models not only manual type, but also with the ability to fix on the table.

Work with large volumes of wood by the usual circular is difficult, so it is better to install it on the table

There are several ways to get the latest for the convenience of performing manipulations. The table for the disk saw can be constructed independently, accurately adhering to a specific scheme.

Circular saw table

The table is manufactured with the fact that the hand tool will be installed and fastened on the table, turning into stationary equipment

The construction of the element with their own hands allows you to make a saw as suitable as possible under individual conditions. Difficulties in the process will not arise if carefully examine the question. You can adjust the product for the desired size, distribute everything so that it is convenient for you.

Make a table for a circular saw Full forces to each wizard

The model's own created model will be the only one in its kind, which makes it unique.

Small desktop stand for circular

Determine with design and design

The easiest way to the table for the circular is the design of sufficiently thick plywood and boards

The base can be made of wood or metal. For countertops choose leafy trees. It should make a special hole under the disk. The key property of the created table should be convenience.

Stanna Circular Machine

It is necessary to take care of its sustainability. It is unacceptable no inclusiveness, otherwise it will negatively affect the safety. The countertops should get the most smooth surface. Then the likelihood of injury is reduced.

The table for circular saw requires the mandatory presence of the guides

The construction can be complemented by a special proplining knife. He can be removed. It is equipped with a special disk protection that allows you to get rid of flying in working chips.

Circular Table Guide

Some remove the factory casing and change the factory platform to homemade. If you are not going to carry out sawmills at an angle, you can remove parts that adjust the slope of the disk.


Circular saw design circuit

Before starting work, it is recommended to pass the preparatory stage. Be sure to make a drawing. This will facilitate the design of the design. First calculate the size of the table, then transfer the received data on paper. The hole performed in the construction must accurately approach the sizes of the saw. It all depends on the brand of equipment. Therefore, it is impossible to make a universal hole. The base should differ stability and well withstand mechanical loads.

Drawing of the table for circular do it yourself

It is unacceptable to outweigh the design to one of the parties. Dimensions of the countertops must be approached under the flow of sawing. The final version is detected, based on individual desires. Some comfortably work with a folding table or a product with small dimensions.

Drawing of a universal tabletop

In the drawings, you should consider an important point. If in the plans when working to leave on the table tools or materials, then the dimensions of the countertops need to be increased to a square meter in the area. A suitable size will be 120 to 120 cm. You should make the drawing gently and slowly to do everything competently.

Circular table circuit with equal description

Necessary materials

Homemade table can be made of wood

For such a table, wood, plywood or chipboard can be used. Also suit MDF and chipboard. Some prefer to choose steel or aluminum.

Table of Circular Machine from Steel Plate

It is not recommended to use plastic, it is completely unsuitable for the table of this purpose. If the wood is selected, then after the assembly is completed, the product should be treated with a special antiseptic composition. This will ensure reliable protection against humidity and help avoid rotting.

To make the saw desk independently need to prepare materials.

  1. Selected raw materials for the base. Thickness should be 21 mm.
  2. Bar required for frame. A cutting board is 3 meters long with 50 meter dimensions by 150 mm. Total need 5 pieces.
  3. Woodwoods with dimensions of 10 cm. Not less than 12 pieces.
  4. Carpentry glue.
  5. Metal mounts in the amount of 4 pieces.
  6. Metal corners. Enough 10 pcs.
  7. Saws.

These items must be prepared in advance and locate near the workplace.

Required tools

In addition to the materials, you should prepare tools.

Among them:

  1. pencil and marker;
  2. measurement tools, including meter and roulette;
  3. electrolovik;
  4. manual frezer;
  5. grinding machine;
  6. sandpaper (must have a medium or fine grain);
  7. planer and drill;
  8. screwdriver.

You need to prepare everything in advance and keep at hand throughout the process.

Production Process: Step-by-step instruction

Marking point of fastening saw to the table

Marking and fixing rigid ribs

Countertop under the circular saw in the finished form

To make a high-quality structure, you must follow some tips. The process consists of several steps presented in the table.

Steps Description
1 Bar from all sides should be fired with the plane. Then the framework of the future table is going out of it. In each of the parties, the countertops need to drill several holes of 5 mm. Additionally, one through the end-to-end is performed for the legs of the product.
2 There are several holes of a similar diameter in the kings. The legs are performed in one through. The diameter remains the same, 5 mm.
3 Getting Starting the setting of the wrenches in the worktop. Before that, they are covered with joinery glue. Legs and kings are placed on top. In the presence of clamps with screeds, the product should be attached using them. When the glue is completely dry, you need to bore the kings and legs using special fasteners of metal. Additionally, you should pull out self-draws. You can add the construction of reliability and strength using corners. They will become an element of additional fastening, give the product of stability. For a short side, there are enough 2 pieces, and for a long one will fit 3.
4 The next step implies the fastening of the saw on the product from the inside. There are several methods to make a task. M4 bolts or bars with self-draws are suitable for fixing. The first case is characterized by speed and reliability. The second method does not imply additional holes, which eliminates the need for drilling. You need to do it drank in bars, the width of which is equal to the dimensions of the saw site. Next, self-tapping screws and bars on both sides fasten the equipment and countertop
5 After installing the saw, you will need more larger bar. Its using selflessness is fixed on the basis of the design. Screening is carried out at the marks made when placeing the platform in the smooth position. Specified manipulations will help, removing the saw, return it usually quickly without looking for marking
6 The saw disc is installed on the place. The base is powered to produce a longitudinal hole. Then the product needs to turn over
7 Then begin the manufacture of parallel stop. Two strips are scorn from plywood. Their length should coincide with the width of the table. On average, these dimensions are equal to 10 cm. Corners should be rounded
8 The obtained bands are grouped. They must be copped at the angle of self-drawing. Inside the metal can be screwed
9 If you need to fix on the basis of the focus and the construction will often be used, you should attach the guide so that it is perpendicular to the disk. Attach the roller on the bottom. This will allow him to move.

Filling legs to the table

Mounting saw to table top

Fixing the launcher

The design is made and ready to use. When performing the manipulations described, it is important to remember the observance of security measures. Concerns any manipulations with a disk saw.

Check the table position regularly and its fortress. The design should be stable, without increasing.

An example of a manufactured desktop for circular saw

Options for manual circular saw with lifting mechanism

First make sure to reliably fix the saw, only then turn it on. It is impossible to keep the material cutting his hands. It will help to avoid hanging wood in the face when they start bounce a bitchka. Additionally, it is recommended to use special safety glasses when working.

For security, be sure to use safety glasses

Specified Simple Tips will help avoid injury in the workplace.

Video: Table for Circular Circular Materials

The circular machine is the tool without which no home master can do. This equipment is especially relevant for a country house or cottage. But it is not always convenient to work with a manual machine, and the factory machines are quite expensive.

The output from the current situation can be the manufacture of this device with your own hands. The basis of this machine may not only be a manual circular saw, but even an electric drill or Bulgarian.

Make a bed for a circular machine with your own hands very simple. For manufacture, the most ordinary pilomber And quite a bit of time.

Before thinking through the design of the upcoming machine, you need to calculate the load that it will be exposed. The main thing in the bed is reliability and stability. For powerful production saws, the base is a welded reinforced metallic design. But for use with your own hands, such an aggregate is not needed.

If you just decided to make your woodworking machine, then you need take into account the main parameters equipment. Since the saws can be different, naturally can be the design of the bed.

First you need determine the power tool. As a rule, equipment is chosen for domestic use, where the power parameters do not exceed 850 watts. But, for example, in the construction of a cottage or country house, it is often necessary to cut a very large amount of wood.

That is, and the power of the circular is required more. But experienced masters do not advise you to buy saws, where this figure is more than 1250 watts. Installing this equipment in the home workshop is absolutely not justified. And the work on it will only increase the cost of electricity.

The larger the machine performance, the stable for it it is necessary. For professional circulars, as a rule, establish the basis, steel profile. Sometimes these birds are even concreted into the floor. Since the vibration of the device can lead to a danger to life.

Technical Features of Circular Machines

Depth of the alleged cut. This parameter depends the thickness of the material to be processed on your machine. This indicator in semi-professional and professional machines ranges in the range of 5-8 cm. For cutting boards and thick plywood, this is quite enough.

But it will be inconvenient to work with the brothers on this machine. In addition, it is necessary to consider that this characteristic of the homemade saw is reduced. The depth of the cut will be less than approximately 1 cm. But this can be avoided if you provide in the table of the table the ability to omit or lift the disk.

In the manufacture of the tool you need take into account the frequency of its rotation. If the circular is required for the workpiece of the building material, then this indicator may be less. If a clean and even cut is required, the rotational frequency is needed quite high. It is necessary, for example, for the manufacture of furniture.

But in this case there are certain nuances. For cutting plastic materials, this saw is not suitable. Due to the very large turns of the tool the disc is heatedAnd plastic begins to melt.

Therefore, it is better to choose a device where the speed of rotation is not more than 4500 rpm, in this case the bed for circular saw can be make from wood. The vibration of this machine is low and the additional strengthening of the table is not required.

Well, at the end that it is necessary to foresee, this is the location of the buttons and other controls on your machine. When assembling saws, do not forget that access the control panel must be safe. Moreover, this is the rule in the case when the open part of the saw is located at the bottom of the table top.

In this design, the panel with switches is best postpone from the outside of the machine Either make a rising countertop. This design is convenient for maintenance of the device. Then, when you took into account all the nuances and trifles, you can start directly assembling the table.

Making a circular saw with your own hands

The easiest option of the beds for the circular is a design made from boards and thick plywood. And directly the tool is attached to the bottom of the stationary countertop. For a saw in the table lid, a special slot is made.

Dimensions for the table can be changed as it will be convenient for it to work on it. For example, the middle table is described, the height of which is 110-120 cm. But there is a lot of depends on the growth of a person working with equipment. Also, at your request, you can change the length of the tabletop.

If it is supposed to work with boards, in which the length is more than 2.6 m, then the lid on the bed will need more. In this case, it is necessary to make changes directly to the design and additionally. add a few supports (legs). Otherwise, the table will create strong vibrations.

For countertops usually used plywoodwhich has a thickness of at least 5 cm. But you can also choose a plexiglass or stove of fiberglass. But the use of chipboard professionals are not recommended, this material is not reliable enough.

Tools and materials for assembly

For circular saw, you must provide for the guides. They help to cut wood much more accurately. This design weld from steel corner And fixed to the lid of clamps.

Fasten the same stationary guides is undesirable, since later you will not be able to change their position.

For the construction of the table you will be needed such materials:

  • iron sheet;
  • plywood sheet;
  • bar size 50 × 50 mm;
  • 50 × 100 mm size board;
  • steel corner for guides;
  • two clamps;
  • manual circular saw.

You also need to pre-cook all the tools that will be necessary for the background assembly:

  1. Sculpture, electric drill.
  2. Hacksaw or electric jigsaw.
  3. Measurement tools (roulette, square, ruler).
  4. Manual milling cutter or milling machine.

When everything is prepared, you can begin the assembly of the table itself. Sometimes masters collect countertops from unnecessary dining or kitchen tables. But this design is unlikely to serve for a long time. Therefore, much more intelligently all elements of the design make with your own hands. In this case, you can also take into account your personal needs.

Making countertops for circular machine

Assembly of the table start from the manufacture of table tops. The plywood sheet is placed so that two edges of the lids are in size with the edges of the iron sheet. Phaneur is cut with a hacksaw or an electric bike.

The edge of the spike can be treated with a cutter, but this operation is optional. Since in the face the main parameter is reliability, and not an attractive view. The countertop rubbing "Naturally" sandpaper.

From the bottom of the countertops noted circular circle. For which at first it is necessary to measure the size of the soles of the aggregate. It is easiest to do this if you unscrew the disk from the device and simply bore the desired part of the saw. These measurements are required to determine the seating.

With the help of a manual cutter, the bars are chosen to a depth of approximately 0.9-1.1 cm. If you do not have a cutter, then this work can be done using a chisel, but this will take it much more.

Then, when the seat is done, try the saw, and if necessary, adjust the recess. Follow the spaces of the slot for the circle and fixing fasteners. If you need a circle to raise and lowered, then it is necessary install pendulum mechanism For countertops.

In this case, the slot must be made in the form of a truncated pyramid. In this case, the hypothetical peak of the pyramid will be directed down. Directly frame for the lifting mechanism is best make from steel cornerswho are welded with each other.

Making frame frame

Markup for fixing transverse speakers and longitudinal, which perform the function of rigidity, it is best to install from the wrong side of the table top. Directly the planks are made from the bar. You will be needed:

  • Two transverse parts, a long equal tabletop width minus 7-9 cm on each side.
  • Two longitudinal ribs, the size of equal length of the lid minus 7-9 cm on each side.

Then need make nest for screws. The rails need to be fixed on the lid so that the countertop goes beyond the edges of the frame by 7-9 cm. Fasteners should be as reliable as possible and durable.

The first mount must be set by approximately 40-50 mm from the edge of the rail. Distance between self-sustaining approximately 23-25 \u200b\u200bcm. All items you need to drill through. Saws is attached from the side of the lid so that its hat is completely accumulated in the tree.

Initially fasten the transverse ribs. So that the table lid was as strong as possible, the edges of the rails are predefined wash in joinery glue. The design is fixed by clamps, and without removing them, screws the screws.

The countertop is allowed to dry. After, the longitudinal rails are installed in the same way. Then parts of the frame are tightened with each other by installing two fasteners on each side. Now clamps can be removed.

Fastening legs (supports)

The stands of the table are made of bar. The height of the support is selected individually. In practice, it is more convenient to work at the machine when the countertop located at the hinder level. Before mounting each support, you need to compatinate it so that the leg came down from below. So, the base of the support should be slightly larger, unlike the top area.

It is best to fix legs with steel corners. They need to squeeze a bit so that the base of the machine is in the "strut." It gives the table additional resistance. As a fastener, bolts with washers are used, they are attached to the hats outside. Otherwise, during work, you can be injured about the protruding pieces of fasteners.

The whole design will be stable if additional supports are pulled by diagonal slats. They are fixed in pairs from each side of the machine.

Surface cover polished and treated with varnish Or used to cover a steel sheet, which is attached to the screws. At the very end, to the prepared place, the instrument is fixed directly.

On the cover of the table can be additionally make markingShe will help smoothly and properly saw wood. The circular saw control panel is located on the outer side of the machine. As a rule, it is fixed on one of the legs of the table. That's all, circular saw with their own hands ready.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

For cutting wood, plastic is used round saw. Its cutting base is a flat metal disc with a gear outer edge. Choosing such a tool, each decides for themselves, what kind of variety it needs: desktop, manual, stationary. Many prefer manual option. However, in some situations it is required to fix the saw. In this case, you can make a table for a circular saw with your own hands, getting the opportunity if necessary to fix the tool.

Preparation of tools and materials

Deciding to make a table for a manual circular saw alone, it is necessary to take care of the presence of all materials necessary for the work:

  • laminated plywood (9 or 11 mm), size 800 mm per 800 mm;
  • LDSP 16 mm or other sheet material suitable for the manufacture of the housing, the size of the sheets 400 is 784 mm - 4 pieces;
  • 40 mM bruks (length depends on the installation method);
  • self-tapping screw;
  • bolts.

For such a table, any manual disk saw will fit. It should be remembered that when attaching to the table, the depth of reise decreases by 10-20 mm. So saws with small discs for such a table will not fit.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling tables for circular saw

1. Production of the case. Sheet material for the case is displaced in size: 400 mm per 800 mm. Details are attached using self-tapping and bars. It is better to keep an assembly, pre-drill exterior box details. As a result, it turns out a rectangular box without the bottom and cover. The top of the bars are subsequently used to fasten the plywood sheet.

2. Preparation and fixing the upper part of plywood. Digit hole. First, from the sheet of plywood, the part 800 mm per 80 mm is cut out. Next, measure the reference shoe of the saw, which will be mounted on the tabletop. On the back of the plywood perform markup. 2 central axes will be required. Without them, do not perform accurate marking. Then, tags apply to the sizes of the support shoe are applied to the phaneer. Then they make such measurements that have a circular: the diameter of the lower protective casing, its thickness, the maximum distance from the edges of the support shoe. In accordance with the resulting sizes put tags and cut a rectangular hole with a jig.

3. Fastening the saw to plywood countertop. First 4 holes make in the shoe. Diameter - 10 mm. Next, install the tool so that the working part goes into the bought hole. When the saw is aligned, it is necessary to mark the place of the holes. Tags made in the central part. In order for the tool to stood reliably, the leverage bolts that have a secret cone head (M8) will be needed for attachment. To establish them, you will have to take care of the high-quality hand deepening, it can perform a maximum of 1 mm in an uncomfortable form.

Plywood is drilled from the outside, the diameter of the bores of the holes should be 8 mm, and then it should be done with a cenchka under the hat. When the holes are ready, a saw itself is installed on a sawing table for circular saws, the bolts are tightened from the inside using nuts with plastic grovers or spring washers.

4. Mounting countertops to the case. Start button. First, at a distance of 30 mm make holes in the corners of the plywood countertops. Then drill a hole in the central part of the bars. Details are connected using steel Fortors M818 mm. On the side part install the usual "Start - Start" button. Inside the housing is paved, and the button on the tool itself is clamped.

5. Production of a thrust beam. A simple table for a circular saw will be much more convenient if equipped with a thrust beam. Drawings contain all the necessary dimensions. The beam can be made of plywood, and secure with the help of furniture guides full extension. The resulting beam should slide above the surface at an angle of 90 ° to the plane of the cut with a slight gap.

6. Far for longitudinal saws. It is made from aluminum cornice. 150 mm from the edges first drilled holes for bolts, and then 2 traits are carried out from the place of attachment of the bolts to the axial line. At the place of intersection and further towards the bolts at a distance of 30 mm, the holes are 12 mm. Bolts from below are tightened with nuts. And on the drawn lines make tonic slots, their width can be seen in the photo.

Wizards of joinery always seek to increase productivity of their own work. If you make a table for a circular saw with your own hands, you can easily work with large lots of lumber, while spending the minimum of money.

If you make a table for a circular saw with your own hands, you can easily work with large lots of lumber, while spending the minimum of money.

Table Requirements for Circular

Before starting work, you need to understand that the desktop circular saw is a source of increased danger. Therefore, in the manufacture of the table, it is necessary to clearly adhere to technology using only the highest quality materials. Industrial tables are made of metal. But homemade fixtures are performed from improvised or easily accessible materials, the most popular of which is wood. It should be borne in mind that the final structure should be rigid and stable, and the surface of the table is smooth and covered with varnish to increase the durability and optimization of the workflow.

List of essential materials and fixtures

In addition to a certain amount of time and skills to work with a tree, you will need such tools and materials:

  • sheet of plywood with a thickness of 20 mm;
  • paintwork materials for wood processing;
  • 50 × 50 mm bar, from which legs will be made;
  • hand table circular saw;
  • drill, electric jigsaw, milling;
  • clamps;
  • pencil and simplest line.

When glue takes, it is possible to fasten the design by self-drawing so that their caps are entirely in the worktop. To avoid distortion, clamps at this stage are better not to remove. With the help of 2 self-screws, the rigid ribs are torn together, after which the clamps can be dismantled. Throw out legs from a 5 × 10 cm board with a height, comfortable for work. Usually height is about 1 meter. The legs are attached so that they are slightly arranged from the center to the edges of the structure.

Mount the saw in the previously prepared groove at the bottom of the table top so that the disk entered the slot. To minimize the influence of moisture and ensure good blank sliding, the circular sawing table is covered with several layers of varnish. Stand on the location of the longitudinal ribs of stiffness, after which it is possible to cut them down and glue with joinery glue, pre-pressing them with clamps. The lateral ribs ribs are also performed and attached.

When designing a table for a circular, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the materials that will be processed on it, because the quality of the cut will be much higher if the billet will fully rely on the surface of the table. At the same time, the strong excess of the size of the billets leads to the irrational use of the working area. The height of the table is selected for each masters individually based on its growth.

Self-making table for circular

Table assembly technology for manual saw saw does not represent difficulties for an experienced joiner. To make a table for circular saw with your own hands, you need:

  1. Take a plywood sheet with a thickness of at least 20 mm and make a worktop blank from it. For this, the pencil is placed as a sheet according to a certain size in advance, they are sawing with an electric jigsaw. The resulting workpiece is treated with a manual milling, after which it is sanding with large or medium emery paper.
  2. Place the bottom side of the tabletop for circular saw. To do this, you can use a circular saw with a disk removed by installing it to the desired location and placing the sole size. In this section of the workpiece, it is necessary to cut through with a milling recess with a height of 8-10 mm.
  3. Install the saw into a cut outflow. If necessary, at this stage you can make adjustments so that the tool stably stood on the table top. When everything is adjusted, you can place the tool fastening sites and a disk slot. If the material needs to be cut at different angles, it must be foreseen when marking. Then the cross section of the slots should be made of trapezoidal with a vertex directional.
  4. Place the bottom countertops for ribs stiffness that will be located all over the perimeter of the table at a distance of 70-100 mm from its edge. After that, you need to attach the board to the tabletop and circling it. On the central line, it is necessary to outline the places for the self-tapping screws located 50 mm from the edges of the ribs every 150-200 mm. On the markup performed you need to drill through holes.

So you will get a simple, but reliable homemade table on which you can easily work with the billets of certain dimensions.