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What are the facial expressions of a person. Facial expressions: exercises, how to develop beautiful facial expressions. I know beauties who secretly spend hours in front of a mirror, studying themselves, their faces

Facial expressions and gestures are the most important elements of communication. These are what are commonly referred to as non-verbal communication methods. These tools help to place semantic accents in the conversation, enhance the emotionality and expressiveness of speech.

In addition, "body language" is often able to say much more about the speaker than the words themselves. Mimicry and other non-verbal means of communication are poorly controlled by the speaker, therefore they can become a source of additional information about a person. About his intentions, emotional state, mood and attitude towards the interlocutor.

This article will help you understand the nuances of the psychology of facial expressions and gestures.

Contrary to popular belief, gesticulation is not just an "addition" to a conversation, not just a manifestation of individual or cultural habits. According to modern scientific research, gestures and other elements of non-verbal communication are one of the primary ways of communication between people. Some scholars generally believe that at some point in history this was one of the main means of communication.

These means of communication not only accompany the conversation, they greatly influence its semantic content. Moreover, in such a way that the listener often does not even understand this, since such signals are read subconsciously. On the one hand, they greatly facilitate communication, because they help to place the necessary accents in a conversation, expressively highlight some elements of the conversation, and set the very modality of speech. On the other hand, they work effectively as a means of persuasion.

In addition, facial expressions and gestures can be a source of additional information or, in some situations, replace speech altogether.

Mimicry and gestures in humans, from the point of view of psychology, perform the following functions:

  1. Regulation. These are gestures that accompany imperative speech - orders, requests, etc.
  2. Representation of the internal emotional state of the speaker, his attitude to the interlocutor and the situation of the conversation itself.
  3. Spatial function - gestures indicate the spatial position of the speaker and the interlocutor.
  4. ... Gestures replace or complement such linguistic means of expression as metaphor, irony, hyperbole, etc.
  5. Communicative function.
  6. Function of displaying speech actions. Gestures can illustrate an offer, a threat, a request. Not to be confused with the first point. This function is associated precisely with the speech action of the subject of the dialogue.
  7. Function for describing the physical parameters of an object, its actions and properties.

Gestures, facial expressions and other elements of non-verbal communication have a strong connection with speech. We can say that they form a single communication system, which is designed to most effectively convey information and influence the interlocutor.

Which part of the brain is responsible for gestures?

The use of gestures and facial expressions is due not only to cultural characteristics. The source of this lies much deeper - in the very human psyche. Facial expressions and gestures, first of all,.

Gestures and facial expressions of a person are perceived and produced by different parts of the brain.

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The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for production. The same hemisphere allows a person to navigate in space, to recognize voices, intonations, rhythm, and music. The right hemisphere is responsible for specific objective thinking.

However, the same areas of the brain that are responsible for speech - the inferior frontal gyrus and the posterior temporal region help to perceive, decipher the signals of gestures and facial expressions. In other words, the brain perceives a gesture as a symbol equivalent to a word.

What gestures can tell about a person

Gestures and facial expressions are an inexhaustible source of information about a person. You should not, of course, take this as a universal way of obtaining information about the intentions or thoughts of the interlocutor, because you always need to take into account the individual context, individual habits of the partner and the environment in which the conversation takes place.

Mimicry can also talk about a purely physiological state of a person. However, there are some general behavioral patterns, knowledge of which will help to navigate in a specific speech situation.

The face and eyes are rightfully considered the most expressive parts of the body when it comes to facial expressions.

  1. Direct gaze, long and continuous eye contact with the interlocutor indicate interest, a desire for dialogue and a high level of trust.
  2. Closed and slightly lowered eyes - physical or emotional fatigue, passivity, disinterest.
  3. Squint is traditionally read as a sign of either increased attention, or as evidence of malicious intent, a negative attitude towards the interlocutor.
  4. A bowed head and a bottom-up look is subconsciously perceived as a sign of aggression, readiness and desire to use force.
  5. A bowed head with a bent back, on the other hand, indicates a desire to please.
  6. A "running", constantly evading gaze signals the uncertainty or anxiety of the interlocutor. Or that the situation in the conversation makes him uncomfortable.
  7. Side view - skepticism or disbelief.
  8. Raised eyebrows, wide eyes and an open mouth are a surprise.
  9. Fine lines around the eyes give out joy.
  10. Tightly compressed lips, frowned eyebrows and widened, as if "swollen" nostrils - anger.
  11. If a person wrinkles their nose, it is quite possible that they are disgusted. This instinctive reaction to bad smell also works on a more symbolic level.

Head position

The position of the head itself can say a lot:

  • The head is at the level of the interlocutor - readiness for dialogue.
  • Slightly lifted with a protruding chin - self-confidence, high self-esteem, arrogance, readiness for action.
  • Head, tilted to one side or lowered down - weakness, fatigue, willingness to compromise.

Hand gestures

  1. Involuntary manipulations with wardrobe items, strangers and objects or the face (rubbing the nose or earlobe) can indicate intense excitement, anxiety, that the interlocutor is waiting for something or is not sure of something. Such gestures, oddly enough, are designed precisely to hide the excitement and stress, to distract the person himself from them.
  2. Open, raised palms - this gesture is used in a situation of explanation, persuasion. We can say that this is a kind of stop sign.
  3. Hands folded into a "lock", covering certain parts of the body, hidden in a pocket - this often speaks of uncertainty and alertness. A person unconsciously resorts to protective gestures when he feels threatened.
  4. Hands behind the back are perceived as a signal of unpreparedness for dialogue, a signal of timidity and doubt.
  5. If the arms hang freely along the body, this can be read as a symbol of passivity.
  6. Hands clenched into a fist are perceived as a sign of determination, aggression or concentration.

Shoulder gestures

  • A person is perceived as confident and decisive when they move their shoulders freely.
  • Signs of high self-esteem and a desire to act can be called a protruding chest with the shoulders laid back.
  • On the contrary, "hollowness" of the thoracic region is often interpreted exactly the opposite. As well as the shoulders pressed to the head or "protruding" forward.

Gait and posture

  1. A confident person has a straight posture and does not slouch.
  2. While slouching can be a sign of an inactive, sedentary lifestyle, for example, it is often interpreted psychologically.
  3. The gait is fast, with active hand gestures, gives decisiveness and desire to act.
  4. A shuffling and slow gait is subconsciously associated with laziness and slowness.
  5. A straight, measured and wide gait speaks of openness and confidence.
  6. Small steps indicate caution, prudence, and prudence.


Extremely rich and varied. Gestures and facial expressions make speech richer, more varied and richer in terms of expression.

Gesturing for a person is natural and necessary. Even in those cultures where it is not customary to emphasize speech abundantly with facial expressions or movements, they play a large role. It is important to be able to "read" and decipher these more or less obvious signs.

It is equally important to be able to use them yourself. Appropriate, expressive and vivid gestures, correct gaze and posture will help build a dialogue as efficiently, efficiently and convincingly as possible.

How to make your face beautiful? How is the face formed? What you need to do to look beautiful. Emotions, facial expressions ... About this article ...

Who is exercising their face?

Do you think anyone? - You are wrong.

Here is a little girl spinning near the mirror. Mom reproaches her: “You can't do that! Stop showing off! Decent girls don't do that! " And then the girl does it on the sly. When nobody sees.

Or maybe he never does it anymore, feeling the forbidden.

What determines the beauty of the face? Read about this in the article ...

I do not know what parents are afraid of, forbidding children to study their face, to train facial expressions. Maybe the parents are afraid that the child will learn to manipulate the parents using his face? That the child will deceive them?

To portray sadness, while not being sad.
Feign obedience while disobeying.
Maybe so?

However, the parents are just so accustomed themselves. In childhood, they were taught to "grimace" in front of the mirror. And parents were weaned by their parents ...

- So uncivilized! It’s not supposed to be! You can not do it this way!

Even the legend about Narcissus was invented, who looked at his reflection for a long time and became a flower.

What determines the beauty of the face?

I am writing this article on a laptop, in a cafe, drinking my favorite coffee with milk ... At the next table three girls are talking about something.

It was the observation of them that gave the idea for the article.

They seem to be beauties. But no.

Beautiful bodies. Wasp waist, accentuated chest. Apparently, these girls are busy with their bodies.

Maybe yoga, dancing, running, gym - I don't know. Plus, probably, diets are different. It can be seen that they are working on bodies, withramming.

Wonderful hair, each with its own style. There are imperceptible traces of makeup on their faces, each trying to look good.

But I am sure - none of them is engaged in the development and change of their face.

One or two smiles on duty (for photographs) - that's the whole arsenal of facial expressions.

Each of them could become a beauty. The kind of girl with whom I would like to sit in a cafe over a cup of coffee.

To be enchanted ... And to fall in love ...

And there is everything for this.

It remains to work on the face

Above the expression of lips, eyes, eyebrows.

And if they worked on their face, not only with the help of cosmetics, they would be beauties.

But ... Alas ...

How are faces formed?

Those people who are often dissatisfied develop dissatisfied faces.

Sad faces come from those who are sad most often. Closed faces, without emotions - in cautious, distrustful people. And funnyfaces appear in cheerful people.

It is important to constantly monitor your facial expression.

Is always. Or as often as possible.

And not to allow discontent, disappointment, sadness. Even in the most common situations.

When we drink tea in a cafe, for example.

And if it is allowed, then so that in this case the face remains beautiful.

(Well, let it be ugly - whatever you want!)

It is important to study your face in advance, how we talk, how we rejoice, wonder, admire.

Are we so offended?
Is this how we show discontent?

How do we get offended? How do we express dissatisfaction?

And if we don't like some emotion, it can be changed, developed, trained.

At this point, I often hear criticism. That, they say, this is dishonest, unnatural, not right. What, they say, to whom it is given - to those it is given, and if it is not given - then it is not given! You can't learn this!

Usually, I don't insist or argue.

Yes, someone was more fortunate, and someone less fortunate.

I know beauties who secretly spend hours in front of a mirror, studying themselves, their faces.

Experimenting. Trying new emotions. By charming yourself. Talking to yourself, imagining the interlocutors and their faces.

But no one admits it.

Why? Because it's very intimate. Just like having sex with yourself. Nobody admits to this either? Right?

But if you see a wealth of emotions on your face, beautiful expressions on your lips and eyes, this is most likely the result of training.

Good girl, girl!

It is clear that not only the face needs to be dealt with

Moreover, do not go to extremes, doing only facial expressions.

It is important to learn other skills as well.

Including the oratory, of which I am a coach.

I personally know such beauties who work on their face.

I first heard about this when I was a student, and could not believe my own ears.

And then he bought himself a large mirror. - Guess what for? - And even skipped the lecture, stayed in the hostel so that no one would see how I train my smile.

Then there were gestures. The ones that I have now.

Actors, artists, photo models are engaged in the development of facial expressions ...

Have you seen the wonderful film "The Artist"? If not, take a look! Recommend. A film without words, so everything is based on facial expressions, gestures, emotions.

Time will pass…

I think time will pass, and my article will become completely irrelevant.

The world of girls, and guys, will be engaged in training and developing their faces.

In the meantime, as they say: "Everything is in our hands"

Go to the mirror right now. Explore all your emotions!

Everything! And anger, and joy, and irritation - too!

And also very important: speak in front of the mirror! Learn to be surprised beautifully. Learn to express gratitude. Interest.

After all, a face is in motion much more often than a static one.

Smile with the corners of your eyes. Smile with the corners of your lips.

Learn to change your face and smile as you talk.

Smile with the corners of your lips.
Smile with the corners of your eyes.

And train-train-train ...

And further. About women's faces. If a woman wants to please men, what kind of facial expression should she train? A?

Right. Men are attracted to faces that show the desire for sex. Such persons also need to be trained, if this is important.

What kind of faces are repulsive?

Fear and fear make faces so that you do not want to approach them. This is a defensive reaction. Mask. And, unfortunately, it is with such faces that people most often meet.

Fear, fear, discontent disfigure our faces. And, if such a state is not uncommon for a girl, it makes a reliable imprint on her face. And to make such a face beautiful will be more and more difficult.

By improving character, we improve appearance.

Our behavior and emotions are related to our appearance, our face. The most common emotions shape our character and shape our face. Therefore, the direct connection of our character with our faces. So be kinder! Avoid irritability. By improving our character, we improve our appearance.

For eight years I ran the club of practical psychology. We have conducted many different classes and trainings, completely different. But there were also such activities aimed at inner and outer beauty, at harmony. And I saw how people “blossomed” and changed faces.

There is a wonderful poem on our theme of human faces.

About the beauty of human faces. Poet, Nikolay Zabolotsky , splendidly revealed the theme of the beauty of human faces. Comparing faces with the facades of houses is a wonderful metaphor, you must agree ...

About the beauty of human faces

Nikolay Zabolotsky

There are faces like lush portals
Where everywhere the great appears in the small.
There are faces - the likeness of wretched hovels,
Where the liver is cooked and the abomasum gets wet.

Other cold, dead faces
Closed with bars, like a dungeon.
Others are like towers in which
Nobody lives or looks out the window.

But I once knew a little hut,
She was ugly, not rich,
But from her window at me
The breath of a spring day was flowing.

Truly the world is great and wonderful!
There are faces that resemble jubilant songs.
Of these, like the sun, shining notes
The song of heavenly heights is composed.

There is another poem. Vladimir Vysotsky. All the same topic, but covered in a different way. You can scroll through, if you're not interested, and read the article further.


Vladimir Vysotsky

I laugh out loud among the crooked mirrors
I must have been cleverly played:
Hooks of noses and grin from ear to ear -
Like at the Venetian carnival

What should I do? Run, hurry up?

Or maybe have fun with them?
I hope I'm under the mask of beasts
Many have human faces.

All in masks, wigs - all as one.
Who is fabulous and who is literary.
My neighbor on the right is a sad harlequin,
Another executioner, and every third is a fool.

I enter the round dance laughing,
But all the same, I am not at ease with them, -
What if someone is an executioner mask
Like it, and he won't take it off?

Suddenly the harlequin will be sad forever,
Admiring your own sad face?
What if your foolish look
So he will forget on a normal face?

A ring closes around me
They grab me, draw me into a dance.
Well, well, my usual face
Everyone else took it for a mask.

Firecrackers, confetti! But it's not like that ...
And the masks look at me reproachfully.
They scream that I'm out of time again
I'm stepping on my partners' feet.

Evil masks laugh at me
Merry - they start to get angry
Hiding behind a mask, as if behind a wall,
Their real human faces.

I'm chasing the muses
But I won't ask any of them to open:
What if the masks are off, and there
All the same half-face masks?

I nevertheless got into the secret of masks.
I'm sure my analysis is accurate:
And the mask of indifference among others -
Protection from spitting and slapping.

But if he was a scoundrel without a mask,
Wear it. And you? Everything is clear for you.
Why hide under someone else's face
When is yours truly beautiful?

How not to miss a good face,
How can the honest ones guess for sure?
They decided to wear masks
So as not to smash your face on the stones.

P.S. An important addition in the end.

Since you have already read the article to this point, I am very pleased.

I made this unexpected observation (for myself) on the train. And I travel very often, this is the job.
Waking up early, I looked out the compartment window and at the beautiful sleeping girl opposite. It is, of course, indecent to look at the girls while they are sleeping. But she was asleep. She had wonderful breasts under her T-shirt. Beautiful long hair. Correct facial features ... And a tired, displeased face, and therefore not a pretty face.

I sat and simulated in my mind, what will she be like when she wakes up?
The frozen discontent was already evident in the wrinkles on his face. I thought this girl often falls asleep like that. And that she could be much more beautiful than she is now. If I smiled more often. And smiled before bed.

Sleep takes up a third of our lives. Falling asleep - think about this article! Smile!

Is it possible to make a beautiful face before going to bed? Can. And you need to. This is much more beneficial than brushing your teeth. And I often remember this before falling asleep, even if in an unpleasant compartment of the carriage.

Smile before bed. Smile while you sleep! Smile after sleep!

Thank you for reading the article to the end!

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It is natural for a person to express his emotions and feelings in the process of communication, regardless of oral presentation or in the form of written messages. People, in direct contact with each other, using facial expressions, body language and gestures, bring bright colors to the story. There is an opportunity to understand whether the interlocutor is interested in this topic or left him indifferent.

Non-verbal communication. True or myth?

Some people doubt the existence of body language, considering all the talk on this topic to be empty fiction.

Opponents of the theory of postures and gestures argue that changes in body position occur for completely different reasons. For example, when sitting, it is more convenient for a person to cross his arms if there are no armrests, and not at all because he is a misanthrope.

They start yawning not only because they start to get bored. Lack of oxygen in a cramped office or overwork can trigger this process. Therefore, before formulating conclusions, it is necessary to understand why the interlocutor began to actively gesticulate or rotate an object in his hands.

An experiment will help reveal sign language. And the test subjects can be friends and relatives, facial expressions, postures and gestures of which change in different life situations. But in no case should you impose and press, otherwise you can damage long-term friendship and good relations.

Non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication is the process of transmitting thoughts without the use of speech - the second signaling system. It absorbs 60-80% of the covert information.

Each of us, communicating with an opponent, who correctly expounds the essence of the matter and arguing facts, often feels a kind of catch in his words. But, despite the reliability and truthfulness of the information, intuition suggests that you should not rely entirely on this person. And with further communication, discomfort is felt, the person is looking for something to find fault with.

And, indeed, the interlocutor is betrayed by changes in facial expressions, posture and gestures that contradict his smooth presentation. Some kind of inconsistency appears and there are serious fears that he is not acting in your best interest.

It is difficult for a person to restrain emotions for a long time, they must find a way out. But due to circumstances, the rules of decency and the norms of society, we are not free to surrender to the will of feelings and express them by changing posture, facial expressions and gestures. Often, this behavior becomes the norm and turns into a habit.

Examples of non-verbal communication

  • If a girl, showing her wrist, communicates with a representative of the opposite sex, she lets him know that she is ready to get closer to him. And if she still paints her lips with bright lipstick, then he really became the object of her passion.
  • There is a common method of making contact with new acquaintances: you should copy his gestures and postures. If the interlocutor has crossed his arms, you can repeat this gesture. This manipulation promotes non-verbal communication. There is a whole body of such little tricks.

To capture the true meaning, it is necessary to pay close attention to the position of the interlocutor's hands and feet.

Mainly, gestures and postures emphasize the correctness, and sometimes contradict what was said.

It is difficult to believe a person with crossed limbs convincing another of good intentions. It is unlikely that he will fulfill his promise. Surely he uses the location and trust of partners in his personal interests.

Through gestures and posture, you can hide some information from opponents. Despite the ease and ease of communication, the pose makes it clear that the owner does not intend to share important information with anyone.

Psychology of gestures

Alan Pisa, a famous psychologist, is called "Mr. Body Language". The author has released his works in millions of copies. Alana Pease set out to not only teach the reader to “decipher” body language, but also to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Even the slightest changes do not escape his attention, up to the dilation of the pupils and the confusion of the eyelids.

First, there is an opportunity to establish communications.

Secondly, it is possible with a high degree of probability to calculate the further actions of a person.

From the standpoint of psychological knowledge, Alan focuses on the distinctive features of behavior and gestures in women and men.

In addition to gender differences, the body movements of managers and subordinates differ sharply. Observing the conversation, you can record a rapid change in emotions.

Non-verbal behavior and gestures

  • If a friend is hunching down, this indicates that he was inflicted with the strongest offense or he experienced severe stress. The exorbitant "severity of problems" does not allow him to straighten his shoulders. He is uncomfortable with the fact that he cannot cope with the situation and thus closes.
  • If the interlocutor leans towards the speaker, it means that he is interested in the topic of the conversation. So he tries to get closer to the source of information.
  • By tilting his head and simultaneously dropping his eyelids, the interlocutor expresses complete approval. There is no doubt about his respectful attitude. On the contrary, if a person often touches his face with his hands, touching his eyes or the corners of his mouth, he does not trust you.
  • The state of the individual is betrayed by the hands. With excitement and irritation, it is common for a person to stroke himself, straighten his hair, or roll and fiddle with the first objects in his hands. Sometimes he sticks his fingers in his mouth. In this case, he needs the support and approval of his opponent.
  • Open palms demonstrate trust, openness, willingness to cooperate. If he doesn't cross his elbows and legs, he will appeal to you. And if he put his hands behind his back and raised his chin high, he thereby demonstrates his superiority.
  • To convince a partner of a serious and responsible approach to further cooperation, the following method should be used. During business negotiations, it is necessary to mentally draw a triangle between the eyes of a potential partner above the bridge of the nose and look into this area.

75 Signs of Body Language According to Max Eggert

Physical sign

Possible values

Adam's apple movements

Anxiety, lies

Hands in front of the body, touching a purse, jewelry, shirt collar, etc.


One arm across the body, holding onto the other arm


Hands and palms open

Openness, sincerity

Arms crossed over chest

Fencing off from someone or something that is not recognized, expressing a negative attitude

Arms crossed, one holding the other


Hands hold on to a purse, cup, etc. as a barrier



Desire to protect

Blinking (rapid)

Deep breath

Relaxation, consent

Chin stroking

Consideration of the decision, evaluation

Sincere smile

Greetings, desire for rapprochement, approval

Rubbing eyes

Confusion, tiredness

Extinct look

Boredom, deliberation

Touching the face (including mouth, eyes, ears, neck)

Trying to hide the truth or nervousness

Finger (bow of glasses, etc.) in the mouth

Assessment or pending confirmation

Direction of the toes of the feet

An indication of where attention is directed (to the door, if the person wants to leave, to the interlocutor, if he is attractive)


Stroking the interlocutor

Desire for intimacy


Show interest in the interlocutor

"Chopping" with the palm of your hand


The girth of the wrist behind the back

Complete trust or vice versa - frustration

The hand rests on the head

Interested appraisal

Stroking the back of the neck

Feeling threatened or angry

Face resting on open palms, elbows on the table

Feminine trick to make yourself look more attractive or attract a man's attention

Clenched fists

Frustration (the stronger the frustration, the higher the fists)

Hands behind your back

Confidence, domineering

Hands in pockets

Seeking Confidence, Convincing Me, or Demonstrating Detachment

Hands with elbows apart on the knees

Using space to demonstrate dominance

Hands open, palms up


Rubbing palms

Hope for success

Hands are clasped

Confidence, relaxation, arrogance

Support on hands

Expressing power through the use of space

Handshake with an elbow girth

Attempt to Demonstrate Close Friendship

Stretching out the hand with the palm down

Trying to apply pressure

Stretching out the hand, palm up

Subordination sign

Handshake, other hand on the shoulder

Attempt to Demonstrate Intimacy

Handshake with the other hand on top

Desire to show primacy

Handshake with vertical palms and approximately equal strength

Showing respect, recognizing equality and "inviting" to rapport

Handshake with the girth of the wrist

The manifestation of joy when meeting. Acceptable in close relationships

Gesturing in the face

Negative attitude; lies or nervousness

Increased breathing

Fear or anxiety

Forward tilt

Interest, approval

Crossed legs

Closure, a posture of submissiveness or protection; in women - a sign of comfort

The leg is thrown over the leg so that the one farthest from the neighbor is closest to him

Sign of approval or sympathy

Legs "four": the ankle of one on the knee of the other

Confidence, headship, rivalry posture

Socks apart (men)

Openness or primacy

Legs apart

Using space to assert primacy

Lip biting

Anxiety, unwillingness to speak out

Licking lips

Anxiety, attracting attention

Watching the clock

Desire to leave, boredom, indifference


Covering the mouth

Willingness to ask if someone is lying to you, or unwillingness to say too much

Backward movement

Disagreement or anxiety

Forward movement

The palm is bent, the index finger is pointing forward

Striving to achieve agreement or submission

Palms facing down

Demonstration of power

Palms facing up

Consent, willingness to listen


Desire to be attractive

Inhale quickly or sharply

Surprise, shock

Sitting opposite each other

Competitive or defensive position

Sitting next to each other, chairs slightly turned towards each other

Cooperation position

Smile with lips alone

Submissiveness or insincerity

Smile all over your face

Greetings, benevolence, an invitation to confession

Arrogance or insincerity

Free and fast speech


Sudden slowdown in speech

Full length pose

Striving for domination, for attractiveness


Trust or, on hearing, the sign "Convince me!"

Clenched teeth

Frustration, anger

Thumb playing, such as sticking thumbs into jacket or trouser pockets

Sign of superiority, domination, authority

Thumbs stuck in a belt or in pockets

Sexual aggression pose

Increased ticks


Learning to understand people is not an easy task, people can embellish the truth or wishful thinking. How to learn to read between the lines? Mindfulness will help in this matter - most of the information comes through gestures, facial expressions, and the sound of a voice. Showing observation, you can always understand what is the essence of the issue, where a person speaks sincerely, and where there is a high probability of deception.

You can learn to understand people without words, our article will help to reveal the secret signs of gestures, people's behavior in various situations, will help you navigate in communicating with new acquaintances, and will tell you what you should pay attention to during negotiations. So, how to understand a person by gestures and facial expressions?

Psychology of gestures and facial expressions

To understand a person without words allows a person's facial expressions, gestures, postures. Let's consider the main aspects that require special attention:

  1. Torso bends- if a person tilts his torso and head towards the interlocutor - this indicates a clear interest, a desire to communicate, find common topics, a desire for mutual understanding. When leaning back in a chair, looking around, there is a lack of interest, inattention;
  2. Personal space, communication zones- each person has a personal zone, from about 46 cm to a meter, social - 1.2-3.6 m, public - over 3.6 m. The desire of a stranger to be very close usually causes a negative reaction. Only friends, close people can come close to us, it is worth considering and not violating these zones when meeting new people. Patting on the shoulder, touching an unfamiliar person is not worth it, this will cause negative at the subconscious level.
  3. Standing torso position:
  • rocking the body - the person feels anxious or in a hurry;
  • fidgeting, shifting from foot to foot - speaks of uncertainty, the person is nervous, worried, perhaps wants to leave as soon as possible, stop the conversation;
  • legs are straight, directed towards the interlocutor - the person is ready for communication, interested in the conversation;
  • legs crossed - a defensive position, a person feels insecure, is for the first time in a new environment, among strangers, or does not completely agree with the opinion of others.

You can learn to understand people if you closely follow the interlocutor during a conversation.

  1. Hand position- often helps to learn to understand people , determine the mood and state of a person:
  • hands on hips - a signal for a man: ready for action, conversation, active action, there may be hostility, such a position is used in disputes; for women - emphasize the beauty of the costume or the decisiveness of the mood, depending on the situation;
  • thumbs are laid behind the belt or in pockets - a person wants to attract the attention of the opposite sex, in a conversation between men - assessment, rivalry, goes into conflict, aggression with a tense position of the legs and torso;
  • hands open - a position conducive to communication and trust;
  • arms crossed on the chest - a defensive position, a negative attitude to the situation, with clenched fists - hostility, with a grasp of the forearms - nervousness, expectation of something exciting. Arms crossed, and thumb up - a posture of superiority, self-confidence;
  • hands in front of you, palms over palms - help a person gain confidence during a performance, for example. Talk about the need for support, lack of confidence;
  • raising the shoulders - "I can't say for sure", "I'm not sure", but sometimes, if you want to tell a lie, there is a sharp twitching of the shoulders;
  • waving hands - a person cannot restrain emotions, is overly excited - angry, upset or outraged;
  • hands behind the back - openness, self-confidence, even at times superiority - bosses, leaders, government officials often use this hand position;
  • hand behind the head - a person likes to dominate, to feel his superiority;
  • the desire to hide the fingers - usually using pockets or other methods, symbolizes hiding information, lack of honesty, trust in a conversation;
  • wrinkles of the hands - a person is very nervous, possibly experiencing stress, tension or depression;
  • tapping fingers - haste, nervousness, you need a quick solution to the issue, or help in calming down;
  • a hand in a "house" position - confident people prefer to connect their fingers, building a pyramid, observed among diplomats, ministers;
  • rubbing hands - impatience, anticipation of an event, obtaining information, great interest.

We read the gestures and facial expressions of a person, observing the movements of the hands, head, facial expressions.

  1. Head gestures help you learn to understand people:
  • tilt towards the interlocutor - interest in communication;
  • sudden head movements - not agreeing with the point of view;
  • leaning back - arrogance, contempt;
  • nodding your head - a desire to be liked, a manifestation of consent, support of the interlocutor;
  • head turns - doubts about the words sounded, misunderstanding or disagreement;
  • low head - self-doubt, low self-esteem, a person feels awkward, uncomfortable, willingness to make concessions, a person does not always keep track of his interests;
  • scratching the head - a person is embarrassed, feels uncertainty, misunderstanding of the essence of the issue, reflections.
  1. Facial expression, gestures in the area of ​​the face. how to read a person by gestures and facial expressions?
  • Covering your mouth with your hand - a desire to hide something, false information;
  • touching the tip of the nose is a modified gesture of the same meaning - disbelief in words, suspicion, a desire to hide a lie;
  • rubbing the eyelids - unwillingness to see something unpleasant, hear a lie, hiding information;
  • rubbing the ear - the person is tired of listening, may not believe the words, wants to express an opinion himself;
  • scratching the neck - speaks of doubts and uncertainty, it is difficult for a person to make a decision;
  • fingers in the mouth, a pencil, a cigar - getting moral support, possibly worries, a nervous environment;
  • stroking the chin - thinking, making a decision, analyzing information.
  1. Handshake- you can learn to understand people by shaking hands:
  • hand turned palm down - a person likes to dominate;
  • shaking with both hands - found among politicians, the desire to win over, friendliness, although it should not be abused, is not always perceived positively;
  • sluggish handshake - self-doubt, weak character;
  • very strong squeezing of bones - aggressiveness, toughness of character, bad manners, a challenge to others;
  • squeezing fingertips - occurs when a person does not reach fully, speaks of self-doubt;
  • shaking the shoulder, elbow with the second hand is permissible in relations with close people, in other cases it is undesirable, they can perceive negatively, an invasion of the territory of the personal zone occurs.

We considered the main points of what gestures and facial expressions of a person say. It is interesting that gesticulation occurs at an unconscious level, we often do not notice how we stand, how we hold our posture, what movements we make with our hands. At the same time, facial expressions and gestures of a person, psychology of behavior are interrelated concepts, often by the characteristic features of behavior, one can understand what kind of person we are dealing with - open, sociable, honest or restless and prone to deception. How to learn to read facial expressions and gestures of a person, if you see for the first time, are unfamiliar?

Having the necessary knowledge, it is easy to learn to understand people, read their intentions, facial expressions and gestures of a lying person

  1. Often, after uttering a lie, such gestures are observed - loosening a tie, touching the neck, nose, covering the mouth. Often, during a conversation, they hide their hands, they can fidget, sway, which indicates anxiety. The opposite behavior also happens - they stand motionless, like petrified ones, without showing emotions. Gesturing is not enough, because the brain is busy inventing and controlling the storytelling.

The position of the legs - they can swing their legs, showing nervousness, impatience, often the legs are turned in the other direction from the interlocutor. They can make sharp movements with their shoulders, touch the interlocutor, trying to "get into trust."

  1. Facial expressions - hide their gaze, look in the other direction, running gaze or, on the contrary, do not reduce their gaze, stare at close range. The smile is usually taut, unnatural, only lip movement, and no changes are visible in the corners of the eyes. Frequent blinking also expresses nervousness or a desire to hide information, feelings.
  2. Speech - Usually spoken in a calm tone, giving meaning to words. May raise their tone when showing off or in an agitated state. Usually, the change in the tone of speech does not happen by chance, watch the tone and words. They can stutter, uh ..., mmm ..., make other sounds, get lost in thought.

How does the behavior of an honest, trustworthy person manifest?

  1. Calmly maintains eye contact, is open to communication, tilts towards the interlocutor during a conversation. Keeps himself calm and confident. Can nod, maintain a calm conversation. Likes to gesticulate, hands are open, palms are turned upside down, saying "everything is fair." The legs are in a calm state, stand side by side or are thrown one after the other, but without sudden movements. Turns with his whole body and feet towards the interlocutor.
  2. The facial expressions are lively, a light and lively smile is visible on the face, always sincere, it is felt, the fun is transmitted to others. The smile is transmitted to the corners of the eyes, which also "laugh". The facial expression always corresponds to the emotions and words experienced, if a person is sad, upset about something - this is immediately visible, does not pretend that everything is fine.
  3. Speech - can express different feelings and emotions, which is reflected in the voice. The tone of the voice corresponds to the mood, situation, feelings. The voice changes depending on the topic of discussion, tries to pronounce the words clearly, the voice is deep, low, sonorous, we often hear optimism, cheerfulness.

Psychology of human behavior, facial expressions and gestures help to learn to understand people, their condition, mood, to find a special approach to everyone, to distinguish sincerity from the desire to please or deceive. Gestures and facial expressions give a lot of information, but the voice is also a reflection of a person, allows you to learn more about the inner world and state at a particular moment in time.

Secrets of the voice, how to identify a person by the manner of speaking?

You can learn to understand people by listening to the voice, intonations, timbre, emotions that sound in speech.

The main features of the voice, their meaning:

  1. Too high voice- causes a feeling that the person is immature, inexperienced, insecure, irritable. Often people with a high voice, faced with mental trauma in childhood, which became the reason for the arrest of emotional development, the formation of a voice. An experienced psychologist can help correct the sound of the voice and resolve internal conflicts.
  2. Low voice- the presence of such a voice depends on the device of the vocal apparatus, however, a low voice sounds more pleasant than a high one, it causes more sympathy. You shouldn't underestimate your voice too much, it will be noticeable and sound unnatural, pretentious. It is enough to speak calmly, not to raise the tone. Women who can speak in a low voice are considered more attractive and sexy. Men are usually naturally given a deep voice, that's enough.
  3. Quiet voice- not always the reason for shyness and uncertainty, it can be used to want to draw attention to yourself, so that people ask again, you should not abuse the patience of others, it is better to try to speak at a loud enough level for understanding to avoid conflicts.

Scientists have noticed that a quiet voice is often the cause of depressed mood, upset, depression, and a feeling of powerlessness. At the same time, such a feeling does not bring joy in life and creates tension in the soul, which can result in outbursts of anger and discontent.

  1. Loud voice- loud-speaking people want attention, power, control over the situation, they are arrogant and domineering, prone to rivalry. Such people are not really confident in themselves and constantly demand confirmation of their superiority. This behavior is observed among people from large families, where it was necessary to "fight for a place in the sun."

Loud speech in combination with a high tone also indicates irritability, there is a factor that causes a change in voice. A person may be dissatisfied with something about himself or the world around him, therefore, he switches to loud speech with shades of dissatisfaction.

  1. Fading speech towards the end of a sentence- a person with such a manner of speech also does not feel enough self-respect, manifests itself in negligence of speech, lack of clarity, thoughtfulness. In addition, improper breathing can lead to a similar effect, you need to learn how to inhale before the sentence, so that there is enough air for speaking, take small breaths and exhales during a conversation, as when singing.

Often people with a fading speech have a peculiarity - it is difficult for them to bring what they have begun to the end, they take on a lot of things at once, leave them halfway through, they lack organization.

  1. Trembling voice- people with a trembling voice are often upset, worried, worried about trifles. They are often afraid of life, difficulties, constantly replaying various situations, pondering what will happen. There are neurasthenics who themselves spoil their own lives with unnecessary worries about the future, forgetting to live today.
  2. Nasty notes- Pronunciation in the nose: the effect of a whining or complaining person is usually negatively perceived by others, most dislike such people. If you do not use this specificity for filming in TV shows, then it is better to work on the voice and get rid of the unpleasant specificity. People with such a voice often become the object of ridicule, are not taken seriously, and are not at all suitable for career advancement.
  3. A hoarse, harsh voice- speaks of the owner as a rude and domineering person who prefers to dominate in life, you should be on the alert with such a person, you should not trust too much, get carried away with good words.
  4. Voice sexy aspirated- this manner of speech usually does not inspire confidence, it is appropriate only with close people, and it will not work to seduce everyone with your voice. Such people are not entrusted with responsible work, although they may be hired as secretaries. Others often get the impression that such a person cannot be competent in important matters. They are not very sincere if they flirt with everyone.
  5. Speaking too fast- people who are inclined to chatter incessantly are often not balanced in life and are in a state of stress, haste, constantly trying to catch up with something, catch up with the departing train. It is difficult to consider such people reliable, they prefer to control the conversation, seize the initiative, talk more about their problems, have little interest in others, and therefore tire even loved ones. Fast speech irritates people.
  6. Staccato speech- typical for people who are clear-cut, straightforward, they always stand in their positions, do not like to give in, tend to lead others, teach, give instructions, like a teacher at school. Others seem arrogant, arrogant.
  7. Sugary voice- often observed in two-faced people who want to make a special impression, to achieve what they want from others, they draw out words, remind the character of a fairy tale - "little fox-sister". Such people should not be trusted, they can play a double game.
  8. Very slow speech- often people with slow speech are carried away by the inner world, problems, do not notice others, may be depressed. Self-esteem is often underestimated, speaking and performing actions very slowly, fearing to make mistakes in life. They can be arrogant, crush with words with a slow and clear speech, trying to convince them that they are right, ignoring the reactions of the interlocutor. Often the cause of slowness is despondency, but there are others - impaired neuromotor, inhibiting the effect of drugs.

People understand each other without words and learn to perceive the image, paying attention to small details - gestures, facial expressions, the sound of a voice. We often feel in our subconscious mind the discrepancy between information and behavior or the sound of a voice. With the right knowledge, learning to understand people will be much easier.

We wish you to always successfully interact with others and learn to read thoughts without words!

Our facial expressions and gestures every day tell the world around us about what mood we are in and what our character is. Very often we would like to hide our true attitude to the subject under discussion, but facial expressions betray our thoughts. How to recognize whether a business partner or close friend is lying to you and how to learn how to manage facial expressions yourself in order to remain a mystery to

others? Let's try to answer these questions and figure out what facial expressions mean.

Physiognomy of the face is not as simple as it seems. Only professional psychologists are capable of "reading" 90% true thoughts using the meanings of facial expressions. But it is enough for us to know a few simple secrets. To begin with, let's highlight a number of emotions that are easy to distinguish on the face of the interlocutor.

Astonishment. It can often be confused with fear. What these two emotions have in common are raised eyebrows and dilated pupils. Further differences appear. Wrinkles appear on the forehead in surprise. The mouth is either straightened or the corners of the mouth are lifted up to form a smile. But if a person is scared, then his smile will become unnatural.

Pain or sadness. With pain, the lips are slightly raised, the face is almost the same as with physical pain. The eyebrows of the face are raised, or brought closer to each other, making a crease between the eyebrows. If a person is in sadness, their eyebrows will be pulled down, so that the eyes are almost invisible. The shoulders will be compressed and the head will be lowered.

Neglect, mistrust. A person with such facial expressions will have a raised chin. One raised eyebrow can be added to it, as a symbol of insincere surprise or skepticism. The tucked-in corners of the mouth, pulled inward, also speak of distrust.

Joy. This emotion is manifested in the facial expressions of a person's face with a slight tension of all muscles. Wrinkles may form around the eyes. Lips are stretched in a smile.

Anger. Most often accompanied by aggression. The eyebrows are pulled towards the bridge of the nose and the muscles between the eyebrows are tense. When angry, the gaze will be directed directly at the interlocutor, and the corners of the lips are lowered down.

Facial expressions - eyes

When reading facial expressions of a person's face, the eyes are the main assistant. You can only get confused if the person you are studying is left-handed. In this case, you need to study the facial expressions of his face in a mirror image.

  1. If a person looks to the left and up, he imagines some kind of visual image in his head.
  2. Right and up - the interlocutor is trying to remember a familiar visual image from the past.
  3. If the interlocutor looks to the left, it means that he is creating a sound image in his mind.
  4. If the interlocutor looks to the right, this indicates that he is trying to remember some melody or sound sequence.
  5. If you see the position of the eyes to the left and down, then the person is trying to remember a kinetic image (taste, smell or sensation). (except for sounds or pictures)
  6. If a person looks to the right and down, this indicates an internal dialogue taking place at the given moment. Or your interlocutor is deeply thinking about something.

Facial expressions - lips

With the help of the area of ​​the mouth and lips at different times interpreted the character of a person and his state of health. According to the shape and size, there are 7 types of lips:

  1. Plump, luscious lips are found in talkative people with a lively and open character, who are distinguished by a light temperament and friendliness.
  2. Thin small lips with soft outlines are found in generous, intelligent and honest people.
  3. Lips with a "bow" show such character traits as coquetry, frivolity, and sometimes insincerity.
  4. Delicate natures, as well as eloquent and witty people, have thin but long lips.
  5. Lips that are harmonious in all respects speak of a harmonious personality that combines different character traits.
  6. A large upper lip is characteristic of a domineering and restrained person, subject to reason and rationality at the expense of emotions.
  7. Thick lips are possessed by people with a firm character, in control of themselves, but sensual and loving pleasures.

Facial expressions when lying

If you do not want to be deceived by your interlocutor, then when reading the facial expressions of his face, it is important to remember: insincerity of feelings is always an asymmetry of the face. The person trying to trick you will make their facial muscles not work the way they want. This struggle with your own facial expressions is unlikely to go unnoticed by you. The hardest thing for a potential liar is to fake his gaze. In practice, this turns out to be impossible. Therefore, when talking with the interlocutor, it is important to look into his eyes. If the glance is cursory, or the person looks sullenly, they are trying to deceive you. True, if a cursory glance is not directed at you from under the eyebrows, then this person is simply cowardly. If your interlocutor looks directly at you, does not try to divert his gaze and hide his eyes, one can hardly doubt his sincerity.

To remain a mystery to the interlocutor and be able to maintain composure in a few exercises a day. The main thing is to always keep a small mirror with you and remember a few simple tricks.

And finally. Don't try to characterize someone you don't know. The likelihood that you will make a mistake and misinterpret the character and emotions of a person in this case is too great.

And if you want to remain invisible, try not to experience visible emotions. Don't look anyone in the eye, be calm and you won't be noticed.