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Stones in the kidneys and their types. What are the types of stones in the kidneys and what is their difference? Phosphates: Causes, Diet, Treatment

For the successful treatment of urolithiasis, it is important to know which types of stones in the kidneys and what they differ from each other. These data will help choose an adequate therapy scheme, pick up a special diet, which will allow you to avoid repeated formation of pathological counters.

Classification in composition

Cummary counters are formed as a result of violation of the functionality and metabolism in the body. There is such a classification of stones in kidneys in composition:

  1. Phosphate and oxalate kidney stones when diagnosing are met most often. Calcium salts are at the heart of the concretion.
  2. Urates are formed in disruption of the kidney, when urine acid accumulates in excess tissues. Another reason for the occurrence of urate neoplasms - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Phosphaus-amone-magnesium and plification concreters are formed in chronic infectious damage to the kidneys and urinary tract.
  4. Custine and xanthine inclusions are formed in people who were born with kidney pathology caused by the genetic failure.

Depending on the amount, single and multiple counters are distinguished, located both in one and in both kidneys. Form are flat, in the form of coral, round, sharp with spikes. Size can be up to 3 mm, and large kidney occupying the entire cavity. Depending on the location, the neoplasms are localized in the kidneys, ureters and urea.

When diagnosing, mixed types of concrections are most often found, so only a doctor who will pick up complex drugs, complementing each other, are prescribed therapy.

Sizes inclusions

Conductors in the paired organ can have different sizes. Small stones can be the value of 5 mm, a maximum of 10 mm. They get rid of drugs with medication, surgical treatment is not applied. Medium stones reach sizes from 10 mm, with treatment initially uses drug therapy, but if this method failed to dissolve the concretion, laser crushing is assigned. Large kidney stones reach sizes in diameter from 5 cm or more, they are life-threatening.

Oxalates and their feature

Oxalates are called the embodious kidney inclusions that look like crystals. They are formed in the body in the violation of metabolism, with excessive use of products containing in a large amount of vitamin C, when the pyelonephritis is running. Oxalates have a dark color, they can be black, often occurs and dark red or brown. Red concreters are formed due to hemorrhages that occur as a result of injury to kidney tissues. If there is oxalates in the urine, blood and pus may occur in the urine, since the stone is acute, which is injured by the walls of the organ. To remove an oxalate stone from the kidneys, drug therapy is assigned, abundant drinking and a special diet. If these events did not help dissolve the concretion and the disease progresses, operational intervention is appointed.


At the heart of carbonate neoplasms - coalic acid, which settles in kidney with a calcium sediment. The advantage of the accretions of this kind is that they are easily treatable, quickly dissolve and are painlessly derived from the body. It is important to adhere to the right nutrition, eliminate greasy dishes and bad habits. To maintain and comply with the diet together with the doctor, the menu table is compiled for a period of therapy with the names of the allowed dishes and products, it is also necessary to discuss a description of the cooking method.

Phosphate inclusions

The main reasons why phosphate species in kidney stones are formed - chronic inflammation of kidney tissues with the addition of bacterial infection. Determine the type of such a type of councils simply - they have a porous loose structure, a smooth, smooth surface, which eliminates the injury of gentle tissues of the organ. The neoplasms are white on color, the chemical composition includes a calcium salt of phosphoric acid. To learn that phosphate stones are present in the kidneys using a x-ray study on which the correct outlines of the concrections will be clearly visible.

The main danger of this type of neoplasms is their rapid growth, if not starting therapy on time, the stones are becoming more and more and occupy almost the entire cavity of the organ.

Uralny stones

Uraban stones are formed in a person's body when drinking poor quality water, due to a sedentary lifestyle, metabolic disorders, abuse of harmful and greasy food. Stones are soft according to the consistency, loose structure, the color of the kidney stones varies from light yellow to brown. In young children and older people, such types of stones are localized in the urea, middle-aged people suffer from the emergence of neoplasms in the renal tissues and ureters.

Since the density of urates is small, they are quite easily dissolved using medicines and plenty of drinking. Also during therapy, it is necessary to exclude harmful, heavy foods from the diet, and connect the medical physical education classes. If you adhere to these rules, it will be possible to prevent re-formation of renal accumulations of such a variety.


Struvitis - a variety of stones in the kidneys, which belong to phosphant form. Pebbles consist of ammonium phosphate, magnesium and carbonate apatitis. The neoplasm, which is called a clip, is formed as a result of the propagation in the organs of the genitourinary system of bacterial infection, therefore the main causes of the occurrence are chronic diseases of the kidneys, bladder, urination, and alkaline composition of urine. This type of concreshrants is dangerous, as it is rapidly increasing in size, and it is possible to get rid of it only with laser crushing. If the stone is big, it is necessary to ensure that the crushed particles completely left the body, otherwise small concrections are delayed and start to grow back. Plugging stones in women are much more common than in men.


The main reason for the formation of cystine concrections is congenital pathology, which has the name of cystinuria. The disease is manifested in the period when the child is completely small. The main danger is that it is difficult to get rid of the concrete of this species, and the only method of cure is the removal of the affected kidney. The main component of the cystine stone is an amino acid.


Xanthine stones are formed in the human body as a result of a genetic defect, in which the deficiency of the cacantinoxidase enzyme is manifested. This leads to the fact that xanthine is not processed into uric acid, it enters the kidneys, where it is crystallized and forms xanthine concrections. The urine analysis shows an increase in acidity, crystalluria is observed.

Protein and cholesterol view of kidney stones

Kidney protein stones are rare, they have a white color, size up to 6 mm, a flat shape, and the consistency is mild. The main component of protein accretions - fibrin, which is formed during blood coagulation. Cholesterol neoplasms have a dark color, a soft consistency, in size not more than 7 mm, the main component of cholesterol. Determination of the belonging of renal stones is important in order to assign adequate therapy and do not harm the health.

What to do when detecting?

If a person in the kidneys have identified the concrections, primarily it is important to determine the composition of the stones, their type and name. If the inclusions of small sizes and do not bring tangible discomfort, conservative therapy is assigned, in which the doctor selects drugs to help dissolve and bring stones from the body. It is worth sticking to the principles of proper nutrition, eliminate heavy foods, smoked meals, canned food from the diet, alcohol.

When conservative therapy does not bring the result, the operational removal is assigned. It happens that when crushing the stones appear sharp edges, and if the concrections moved and began to go out, a person is worried about strong kidney colic, the symptom of which is eliminated by painkillers. So that the urolithiasis does not recur in, it is important to follow their health, change the lifestyle, get rid of bad habits.

It is a pathological condition in which stones and sand are formed in the kidneys. Such a phenomenon occurs in the event that a person in the body is disturbed by water-salt equilibrium. The formation of stones at urolithiasis begins with the formation of microliths. The composition of these crystals includes either calcium salts with phosphoric, oxalic acid, or their main component - uric acid.

Salt crystals are beginning to form against the background of inflammatory processes occurring in the kidneys and the urethral channel, their basis is the matrix of a protein, which includes bunches of exfoliated epithelial cells of the mucous layer. It is on it that salts are deposited, after which microliths are formed, and then the concrections. Types of stones can be different depending on their chemical composition.

How to classifies kidney concrections

Above, we mentioned that the types of stones can be different. In accordance with the composition shall be divided into urates, oxalates, phosphates. But much more often the type of stones in the kidneys mixed, although any of the minerals still prevails.

The composition of the stone is not the only thing that is taken into account in the classification of renal formations. Among the criteria that should be taken into account:

  • Number of concretions. Approximately 50% of cases in victims are given solitary stones, but often diagnose the presence of two or three elements in the kidneys. In rare cases, multiple concrections may be observed.
  • Location. It can be like single and bilateral. At the same time, concrections are deployed not only in the kidney, but also in the bladder, ureter.
  • The form. Conductors are distinguished by the form and are round and flat, with spikes or faces. Coral formations are found.
  • Dimensions. The urban croquer in its dimensions can resemble a needle's eyelet or borrow the volume of the body. Consider the kidney stones - which types of stones may be depending on the sizes. About microliths are spoken if education reaches up to 10 mm. If they exceed 1 cm, we are talking about macrolite. Coral stone can exceed 15 cm.
  • Density. This indicator is important, since in the case when the density of the stones formed in the kidneys exceeds 1000 units of Hounsfield, they cannot be crushed neatly. You have to either repeat the holding of lithotripsy, or engage in the selection of other methods of treatment.

About what is exactly in one or another variety of kidney stones, we will talk later. As for what concreshments are in composition, it should be noted that almost all of them include calcium. Its percentage in total may reach 75-80%, that is, it is about calcium salts of numerous acids. As practice shows, the formation of the concrections is more likely, the greater the dehydration of the body, since the density of urine in this case increases, and the salts are crystallized without difficulty.

Those stones that include calcium, are perfectly noticeable on x-ray and called x-ray positive. If we are talking about pure urates, these cumoris on x-ray are not displayed. Accordingly, any of the elements of this species is called X-ray-negative. It should also be mentioned about the stones of organic origin, which includes protein, cystine, cholesterol, xanthine education.

Features formed in kidney stones

It is possible to determine the type of stone in the kidney in a number of features, and to begin with the main formations that are diagnosed in the kidney most often:

Names Structure Appearance Features
Oxalates. Educated of calcium combination with oxalate calcium oxalate. Cheep shape, possibly the presence of spikes, the surface of black color with brown tump. It is about 75% of cases, among the renal concrections - the hardest formation, with difficulty dissolving. Due to the form, it is easy to damage the mucous membrane layer, which contributes to the acquisition of dark brown or black. Well viewed when conducting X-ray.
Urates. Middle Conductors include ammonium and sodium urates. Painted in yellow-brown, surface smooth, consistency solid. They are diagnosed in 5-15%, more often in those who suffer from gout, includes wine, fish and meat dishes, eggs. Formed in the case of increased concentration in urine of uric acid salts and pH less than 5.5. No x-ray is viewed.
Phosphates. Calcium salts of phosphoric acid. Surface smooth or slight rough, soft consistency, white, light gray color. It is formed at 8-10%, if the urine is alkaline - the pH indicator is more than 7. They differ in the rapid growth and ease of crushing. More often formed in those who prefer vegetable and dairy diet, practically does not use meat dishes. Stones are visible when conducting radiography.


The first sign that the formation of oxalates begins in the kidneys - the appearance of crystals representing the response to the calcium and oxalic acid reaction. The main source of it is the fruits enriched with C-vitamin. When determining the predisposition to oxalateuria, it is desirable to abandon the use of chocolate and coffee, since their composition includes an increased amount of calcium.

Among the causes of oxalate formation:

  1. Lack in the body of magnesium, vitamin B6.
  2. Violated metabolic processes.
  3. The presence of sugar disease or pyelonephritis of chronic flow.
  4. Presence of Crohn's disease.

Usually, surgery is needed to eliminate oxalates, given their increased density. A method of crushing of concrections by ultrasound can be applied. Treatment should include abundant drink, the use of pharmaceutical preparations, diet appointment and physical activity.


The main reason for the formation of phosphates and their increase in size becomes infections that penetrate into the urinary system for the most part of the intestine. As a result, urine becomes alkaline, which contributes to the flow of the process. The main danger of phosphates is the speed of their growth and the possibility of filling the organ. The only exit becomes surgery, which can end the kidney removal.

Due to the fragility of the phosphate structure, they can be fragmented or dissolved with a change in acidity, for which the reception of special mineral water and pharmaceutical agents, therapeutic nutrition are prescribed.


With the predominance of ultras, the main feature of the disease is the ability of stones to appear in different parts of the system, which depends on the age category of the patient. Such types of stones in the kidneys or ureters are more often formed in those who achieved middle age. Usually the body will acquire such renal concretions under the influence of:

  • insufficiently purified water and irregular nutrition, when fried, acidic or salty dishes are present in the diet on an ongoing basis;
  • unfavorable ecology;
  • not enough mobile lifestyle;
  • violated metabolic processes;
  • lacks in vitamins.

Realizing that there are urates in the body, one should focus on treatment. The main rule is knowing about the stones, it is important to focus on eliminating inflammation, reception of pharmaceutical agents and therapeutic nutrition.

Rare species of concrekrins

In addition to the stones described above, other formations can be present in the kidneys - cystine, protein, cholesterol and other concrections. As you understand, they also differ in composition and some features.

Thus, the trimps are coral concrections, including magnesium, calcium carbonate and ammonium phosphate. They grow rapidly, painted white color, which can have a yellowish tint.

Very rarely in the body formed cholesterol counters. They are black, soft and easily crumbling. Soft consistency have rounded cystine stones painted in yellowish-white colors, characterized by smoothness of the surface. Against the background of the genetic defect, under the influence of which the deficiency of xanthine oxidase is formed, xanthine concrections are formed. On X-rays, they are not visible, but they are found with ultrasound. The main problem is the impossibility of eliminating xanthines by conservative therapeutic methods.

Protein stones are usually formed from fibrin, to which salts with bacteria are mixed. They are distinguished small dimensions, soft consistency, flat shape. The color of such concretions is white. Calcium salts of coal acid take part in the formation of carbonate stones. Such concrections are painted white, have a smooth surface, demonstrate a variety of forms and a soft consistency.

Important. In order to correctly eliminate the urolithiasis, it is necessary to obtain complete information about the concrevents, including not only the composition, but also size, form and location in the organ.

Why the stones are formed, and how to learn about their availability

In accordance with the statistics of manifestation of urolithiasis in various regions, 7-15% of the inhabitants are observed. The pathology is a special danger, for those who are constantly in dry terrain with a hot climate. In such zones, dehydration of the body is increasing, as a result of which the density of urins increases, which contributes to the development of crystalluria. In addition, a kidney stone can be formed under the influence of the following factors:

  1. Incorrectly selected nutrition.
  2. Disruption of the drinking regime when the need for the body in water is constantly ignored.
  3. Excessive drinking water rigidity.
  4. The presence of the pathologies of the urinary system.
  5. Lack of vitamin D and calcium or their overabundance.
  6. Diseases affecting parachitoid glands.
  7. Hereditary predisposition.
  8. Long immobilization.
  9. The use of certain pharmaceuticals.
  10. Not enough active and mobile lifestyle.

Not necessarily the presence of listed factors will lead to urolithiasis, but if unpleasant symptoms appear, in particular soreness, the best solution will be a visit to the urologist. If there is a suspicion of the congregation in the kidneys, how to determine how big the risk? It is enough to carry out a general analysis of urin. However, when it becomes necessary to determine which kidney stones, the question arises how to do it. Here you will need to conduct a number of studies.

In addition to the appointed usual, a complex of events in addition to the general study includes:

  • Chemical analysis Urin. In this case, the level of acidity is required. Estimated salts.
  • Ultrasound examination of the body. The ultrasound conducted regularly helps to observe the increase in the accretions in size.
  • Excretory Urography. It should be borne in mind that X-ray allows not to detect each stone, therefore appoints an excretory urography using contrast.

Is it possible to clarify exactly which concreters were formed, and how to determine the composition of the stones in the kidneys, without resorting to the services of the urologist? Such an opportunity exists when sand is in the urine or small-sized concrections. In the presence of such pebbles, it is possible to determine the type by their shade and density after exiting urinus. Another way to find out what stones in the kidneys are to use litmus paper. The appearance of a red shade speaks about an oxidized medium, a color change to green - indicates the obesching.

Important. Any presumptive diagnosis needs clarification - if there is an opportunity to assemble the stones that have released independently, it is necessary to collect them and attribute a urologist for laboratory analysis.

Kidney stones can occur for a variety of reasons, but it is knowledge, to what kind of type they attribute - will make it possible to choose the right method of treatment and recovery of the patient.

It is about the varieties of stones that can be formed in the kidneys, their composition and methods of treatment and will be discussed further.

basic information

Kidney stones are formations that act as a consequence of complex physicochemical processes, salt crystallization in the composition of urine and their subsequent deposition in the kidneys.

The photo you can see the main types of stones that are found in the kidneys.

The size and their shape, the structure - may be the most different, and the weight to reach up to 1 kilogram.

When diagnosing sharp pain at the bottom of the abdomen, accompanied by nausea - it is worth visiting or.

A timely diagnosis and prescribed treatment is a guarantee of positive predictions.

Types of formations

The stones formed in the kidneys may be very different - it all depends on the causes provoking their appearance, as well as their localization.

- According to statistics, this is 15% of all cases of appearance.

If the last is too big - the operational removal is shown.

Protein and cholesterol

Protein in its structure in the kidneys of the neoplasm - soft and flat in shape, whiten stones. There are very rare and their composition form fibrin and salts, with the presence of pathogenic, bacterial microorganisms.

If we talk about cholesterol types of stones - their composition includes exclusively cholesterol, soft and black.

It is sufficiently dangerous - often crumbling and can injure internal organs.


The main components of this type of stones in the kidneys - amino acids, in practice - are found in the practice of doctors rarely and most often affect children, young mothers due to the developing cystinroid, genetic disease.

These are rounded, yellow stones having a smooth surface. They diagnose them according to the results of the ultrasound.

The course of treatment provides for the drug change in the level of acidity through a specially selected diet-friendly diet - but this is only if the stones are small, with large-scale size - operational removal.


They diagnose them according to the results, although they will not show x-ray on their pictures.

Treatment provides for the removal of stones through operational intervention and shock lithotripsis, applying an endoscope.

Diagnostic methods

It is precisely an accurate and timely analysis, the diagnosis is the key to successful operational treatment. So the main methods of diagnostics that will allow you to identify one or another type of accrete doctors are called the following.

General analysis of urine composition

The very first analysis that the patient gives this analysis of urine, it does not require preliminary training and according to the results you can almost immediately judge the presence of pathology.

For this result, the morning and the main indicator is the level of erythrocytes in its composition, as well as crystals of salts and proteins, the presence of pathogenic microflora.

The study of the very composition of urine on chemical indicators will determine the type of concretions - it is important to take into account the level of alkaline or acidic reaction.

If acidity is increased - the risk of the development of oxalate and uragual species of concrections, with an elevated level of alkaline reaction - the risk of formation, like phosphate, trifle types of neoplasms.

Full blood test

For the most part, its results will be normal, but with exacerbation of the pathological process - will show yourself. If leukocyte indicators in% by the ratio will move to the left - this indicates the course of inflammation, the change in the level of EEE is the development of anemia.


Helps determine the composition of the stone in the kidneys and, accordingly, his appearance. Perfectly will be visible in the pictures - oxalates, phosphates containing calcium, and protein and urates in the pictures of the concrections will not be viewed.


Contraindications to its conduct does not exist, the only thing - before the examination with the help of the ultrasound it will need to drink one and a half - two liters of water.


In conclusion, it is possible to summarize the following - with timely identification of pathology, kidney stones, timely treatment, projections of doctors are positive. Do not postpone the visit to the doctor if the kidney stones are suspected.

The classification of kidney stones on various features is the main criterion for choosing the further method of treating urolithiasis.

The diagnosis of the chemical composition of solid formations, their quantity, the forms helps the doctor to make an accurate picture of pathology and appoint the most effective course of therapy.

In addition, the accomplination of the concrete to a specific group involves the assignment of a specific power mode.


Stones are formed from a mixture of minerals and organic substances. Modern medicine offers four main groups of renal concrections:

- Oxalates and phosphates. This is the most common category of education. Stones are diagnosed in 70% of patients with a diagnosis of "Urolithiasis". The basis of the formations of inorganic origin is calcium salts.

- Triple and phosphate-ammonium-magnesium Stones. This type of stones is formed in 20% of patients. The reason for the appearance of formations are diseases of the urinary tract of an infectious nature. That is why they are called infectious.

- Urata. Diagnosed in 10% of all patients. The reason for the appearance is an excess of uric acid and some pathologies of the digestive tract.

- Xanthine and cystinovye stones. Pretty rare education. There are 5% of patients. Their appearance specialists are associated with congenital pathologies and genetic disorders.

It is quite difficult to detect clean stones in the composition, half of the patients are diagnosed with the formation of a mixed type.

What are the kidney stones

Criteria classifications are quite a lot.

By quantity: Half patients are diagnosed with single stones, it is often necessary to deal with the formation of two or three kidney concrections, the least rare cases are the multiple bud in the kidneys. By location in the body: one-sided and bilateral. Form: Round, flat, with edges, spikes, coral. Size: The size of education may vary from the needle of a needle to the size of the entire kidney cavity. At the location of the dislocation: Conductors are formed in the kidney, bladder or ureter.

Types of renal crystals

The most common classification of solid formations for chemical composition. If earlier doctors assumed that the formation of stones is associated with the quality of water, which is consumed by the patient, climate and geographical features of the area, where he lives, today among specialists there are many supporters of other hypothesis. It is believed that the urolithiasis process begins in the body, when the ratio of salts and urine colloids is disturbed.

Classification of accretions for chemical composition as follows:

oxalates - are formed from salts of oxalic acid; phosphates are formed from calcium phosphate; Urates - the main component are salts of uric acid; carbonates - are formed from carbonic acid calcium salts; Studs are formed from ammonium phosphate.

Classification of Cookie Creews

In addition, it is necessary to highlight the calculations of organic origin. These include:

custine and xanthine; cholesterol; Protein.


The first sign of the formation of oxalate specialists call the oxalance process - the appearance of crystals that are the result of the reaction of oxalic acid with calcium.

The main source of oxalic acid is vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C.

The reasons for the development of oxalateuria:

vitamin B6 and magnesium deficiency; violations of exchange processes; diabetes; pyelonephritis in chronic form; Crown disease.

The formation of oxalate stones

What do oxalate kidney stones look like? Oxalables are highlighted in a dark color scheme, they are painted in dark brown or black colors. Also at oxalates a remarkable form - stones have spikes that are easily wounded by the body fabric and cause bleeding.

Oxalate the most durable formation among existing, sometimes they may have a layered structure.

As a rule, treatment of urolithiasis in the event of oxalate requires surgical intervention. This is due to the density of formations.

It also uses the method of crushing ultrasound formations.

The course of therapy implies:

abundant drink; physical activity; receiving medicines; Diet nutrition.


The main component of such stones is calcium salts of phosphoric acid.

You can detect education during X-ray radiation.

Stones have a loose structure and a smooth surface, which eliminates the likelihood of injury internal organs.

Phosphate color varies from grayish to white.

The main reason for the appearance and growth of phosphates becomes infectious diseases in the urinary system. The predominant majority of infections fall into the urinary tract from the intestine. Thus, urine acidity changes dramatically, becomes alkaline, which leads to the development of pathology.

What is dangerous phosphate kidney stones? The main danger of phosphate doctors call the speed of their growth. As a result, the concretion fills the entire kidney cavity.

Diet with phosphate stones

In such a situation, the only possible method of treating pathology is surgical intervention, and even the removal of the kidney. The technique of crushing formations is also successfully used, this is due to their fragile structure.

Experts are often used in the treatment of phosphates their property dissolve as a result of a change in urine acidity. To do this, it is recommended to consume special mineral waters, drugs and adhere to therapeutic nutrition.

The causes of urolithiasis are often hereditary.

Symptoms of kidney stones

Diagnosis of the disease, pathogenesis of the formation of concrections. Consider possible complications - cystitis, urethritis, renal failure.

Kidney stones can be formed due to metabolic disorders. What factors cause predisposition to illness, read in this article.


The main feature of the urates is their ability to appear in various places of the urinary system.

The age of pathology varies from 20 to 55 years.

The patient's age does not directly affect the localization of the stone in the body.

In children and elderly patients, urates are formed in the bladder, in middle-aged people, the stones are diagnosed in the kidneys and a ureter.

Among the main factors affecting the formation of urates, experts identify:

poor water quality; unfavorable environmental situation; sedentary lifestyle; violations of exchange processes; Incorrect meals: excess acid, salty products, as well as fried dishes; Lack of vitamins of group V.

Stones shape round, surface smooth, loose structure. Color gamma varies from yellow to brown.

Uralna Education

Stone treatment is associated with the elimination of the inflammatory process. Also therapy implies the appointment of therapeutic nutrition, the reception of drugs.

Urata or urates in kidney stones are characterized by the ability to quickly dissolve, which is why patients prescribe abundant drinking and course of medicinal cakes.

Considering that the urates are a fairly common type of stones and pathology may appear at any age, experts recommend adhere to the elementary rules of a healthy lifestyle: to move and balanced.

Such preventive measures will help avoid problems with stones in the future.


These formations refer to the category of phosphate stones.

The formations of ammonium-magnesium phosphate and carbonate apatite are present.

Stipps can only be formed in an alkaline environment affected by infection.

Thus, the main reasons for the formation of plification stones are:

alkaline urine reaction; The presence of certain bacteria in the urinary tract.

Students are distinguished by the ability to quickly increase in size, filling themselves the entire kidney cavity and provoking such complications as sepsis and acute renal failure. It is also worth noting that the pupils are usually formed in women.

In the course of therapy, it is important that the smallest particles of stones come out of the body. Otherwise, the disease will manifest itself.

Cystine stones

A rather rare species of stones, the cause of the formation of which is genetic pathology - cystinuria.

The most susceptible to the appearance of cystine stones Children and people in young age.

The main component of the stone is the amino acid.

The main feature of the symptoms of the disease doctors is called constant pain even after conducting painkillers.

Treatment of pathology is as follows:

a change in urine acidity with citrates; special diet; medication treatment; crushing stones; Surgery in the event that conservative therapy turned out to be ineffective.

In some cases, a kidney transplant remains the only way to cure the patient.

Mixed concrections

They are formed primarily as a result of long-term reception of certain drugs.

Stones combine the characteristics of salt and protein renal formations.

Prevalence of stones by type of crystals

Treatment In this case is determined individually in each clinical case, depending on the results of the tests and the severity of the disease.

From the author

Five secrets of healthy kidneys.

Movement and active lifestyle. Proper nutrition. Abundant drink. The kidneys should be warm. Warn the disease: Drink renal fees, brew the floor.

And, of course, do not self-medicate. In this situation, any illuminated act may aggravate the problem.

Video on the topic

In medicine, the renal disease is made classified by chemical composition, form and location of the concrections. This is due to the fact that different types of kidney stones have characterized causes of occurrence and require a specific approach in treatment.

Stones in renal oils are formed in the form of salt sediments and may differ in mineralogical classification, form, dimensions and number of formations. By its chemical composition, they are divided into the following types:

Custine and xanthine concrections;

Most often, the stones appear only in one right kidney. Less often postponed in two organs. Quantitatively may be single, pair and even multiple. Their weight varies from several milligrams to a kilogram, and dimensions from fine sands to the size of the fist of an adult. The form distinguishes flat and rounded deposits, as well as stones with pointed walls and faces.

When a kidneyless illness appears, the patient needs to know exactly which there are stones in the kidneys, and only after begin to treat. To do this, it is worth considering the composition of each type separately.


Oxalate stones

Oxalables are salts of oxalic acid. Excessive use of citrus, cocoa, coffee, tea, sorrel, chocolate, rosehip, currant, beets and vitamin C, as well as the effect of roast climate leads to an increase in the concentration of this compound in the urine and the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys.

Oxuats are deposited in the kidneys with a deficiency of magnesium and vitamin B6, resection of the small intestine and the disease Crown. The reason may also be a violation of metabolism, diabetes and pyelonephritis.

With the councils of this type, doctors face 70% of cases. Oxalates have increased hardness and density, poorly soluble and practically not derived from the body. All treatment is directed not to get rid of them, but to the prevention of relapses.

Most often oxays have a yellowish color. Sharp spikes on the surface of this type of stones can injure the tissues of urethra. It gives stones a brown-red shade. You can diagnose oxalates in the kidneys using urine analysis, urography and ultrasound.


Running stones

Plowed salts of potassium and sodium in the urine are called urates. They are capable of forming uragual stones in the kidneys. Such types of formations are found in 5-10% of cases. Frequently, their owners are men. Women urates form coral rocks that have large sizes and can be very dangerous to health.

The causes of the occurrence of the urate type of concrections are:

low pH of urine throughout all day (less than 5.0); excess of urates in the urine; slow motion formation of urine.

With the elevated content of urates in the urine, doctors recommend drinking up to 2 liters of water per day. So that the fluid is recycled by the kidneys, and did not go through sweat, it is recommended to drink it one liter in the morning and in the evening for half an hour. Well, if it is mineral water from pH\u003e 7.0 (Borjomi, Essentuki 17, Dilijan, Polyana Kvass).

Uraban stones differ from other types of concretions by the fact that in addition to the kidneys can be formed in other urinary system organs. From urates in the urine it is impossible to get rid of quite, as they are a finite product of protein exchange in the body.

To prevent deposits of urabs in the kidneys, you need to eat dairy and vegetable foods to food. They increase the pH of urine. Meat products, on the contrary, leads to the risk of occurrence of such a type of stones.

Men neglected vegetable food, giving more preference to meat. This explains the fact that men have such a type of urolithiasis occur more often than women. From urates you can get rid of a properly selected diet and diurendic decoctions.

Uraban stones are diagnosed with ultrasound, general urine and blood tests, urography, tomography and pyelography. They are invisible on X-rays due to their low density.


Phosphate stones

The phosphate species of the kidneys are formed from phosphoric acid calcium salts. Unlike other species, they rapidly increase in size. Often are satellites of the flowing pyelonephritis.

The vital products of the pathogens of pyelonephritis are alkalizing the urine (pH\u003e 7.0), and excessive use of calcium-containing products leads to an increase in calcium concentration. In such conditions, phosphates begin to crystallize and form stones.

Disturbance of metabolism, consumption of strong coffee, tea and chocolate beverages, a sedentary lifestyle, a lack of vitamins A, D and E also leads to the deposition of phosphate species of concrections.

Phosphates are dangerous in that they can not declare themselves for a long time. In shape they are rounded and smooth, do not injure the tissues of organs, do not cause pain and isolated blood with urine. They have high density, but with the help of special preparations can be loosen and subsequent excretion from the body. It is possible to detect them with the help of an ultrasound, CT, MRI, urography and X-ray.

In the formation of this type of counters, it is recommended to include mineral water from pH in its diet<7, мясо, рыбу, брюссельскую капусту, кислые фрукты и ягоды, макароны, мед и горох. Не стоит забывать про прием витаминов А, Е и D. Найдите время для вечерней пробежки или прогулки по свежему воздуху.


Students are a type of phosphate concrete. Have an infectious cause of origin. The alkaline reaction of urine together with a group of certain bacteria lead to the formation of a sediment from phosphates, ammonium, carbonates and magnesium. This mixture forms stones that are rapidly growing in size and converted to coral deposits.

The pathology of the bladder and urination disorder can create a medium for the development of bacteria and the formation of trimps. This type of stones has a white or grayish color. Their surface is smooth or rough. Different with poor solubility. Lithotripsy is assigned to the patient to get rid of them.

Custine and xanthine stones

Cystinian and xanthine types of kidney formations are rare phenomenon (1-5%). It is due to genetic location for such a form of renal disease. The main reason for the appearance of cystine and xanthine stones is a violation of amino acid exchange. Due to heredity, the formation of the concrections begins to occur already at the young age.

Mixed composition

Almost 50% of patients suffering from urolithiasis are diagnosed by mixed types of kidney stones. Their education is a consequence of prolonged medication. With this diagnosis, the treatment is assigned individually and depends on the results of the survey.

It is important to remember that any diet aimed at eliminating a certain type of stones from the body must be observed no more than 2 months. Healing from urates without adequate care in a diet, you can become the owner of phosphates and vice versa.

The description of the above symptoms has an introductory character. Only the specialist will be able to determine what stones in the kidneys are. Whatever the types of renal concrections, do not try to cure yourself on their own. Follow the recommendations of the doctor. Be healthy!

Excess amounts of these amino acids are excreted with urine. However, the solubility of cystine (cystine is a dimeric form of cysteine) in the aquatic environment is small, which causes the development of clinically pronounced stone formation. Cystinic stones are detected from about 1% of patients with renal disease. However, children have renal stones of this type detect in 5-8% of cases. Cystinuria is present in 1 person out of every 15,000 (US statistics). Purely cystine stones are formed only in homozygous carriers of anomaly. Normally, an adult will extrates with urine no more than 19 mg of cystine on every gram of creatinine per day. Due to the presence of cysteine \u200b\u200bsulfhydrile residues, cues can be x-ray-contrast.

Causes of cystine kidney stones

The solubility of cystine in water is approximately 250 mg / l. This indicator increases as the pH increases. The magnitude of the RCA in cystine is 6.5, therefore the increase in its solubility is particularly noticeable with increasing the pH in the range from 6.5 to 7.5. If the concentration of cystine in the urine is above 250 mg / l, urine is in a state of interaction on this compound. When holding the concentration of cystine in the urine at less than 200 mg / l, cystin stones are not formed. The homozygous carriers of the above anomaly per day with urine output from 800 to 1000 mg of cystine. To prevent the formation of stones, such patients must allocate at least 4 liters of urine per day with a normal pH.

Symptoms and signs of cystine kidney stones

Custine stones are usually formed under the age of 40. Patients usually identify coral rocks in both kidneys, which often lead to the obstruction of the urinary tract. In the urine, especially in its first morning portions (which usually have a low pH), characteristic hexagonal crystals may be present. In heterozygous media mutations, urolithiasis is possible with stones that are not containing cystine at all or containing it in minimal quantities. In such cases, cystine crystals serve as initiating centers that are launching the crystallization of other substances (for example, oxalate or calcium phosphate).

Diagnosis of cystine stones in the kidneys

The sign of cystinuria is characteristic hexagonal crystals detected by the first morning portion of urine. However, such crystals are rare. The direct primary test for the presence of cystine in the urine is a test with nitroprusside sodium, which reveals cystin in an amount of 75 mg / g of creatinine and higher. It should be noted that nitroprusside forms complexes with any sulfhydryl groups, therefore the test can give a false positive result in patients receiving medications containing such groups. Alternatively, you can use a test with phosphorus-tungsten acid. If the results of primary testing turned out to be positive, the patient should obtain a daily portion of urine and determine the amount of cystine deposited per day. Cystinic stones are more x-ray transparent than calcium-containing and trollery-carbonate. In structure, they are usually homogeneous and have no lamination.

Treatment of cystine kidney stones

Water is considered the best medicine from cystinuria. The required amount is determined on the basis of estimating the daily excretion of cystine with urine.

The aim of increasing the volume of water consumption should be a decrease in cystine concentration in the urine to the level below 250 mg / l. Often this requires that the patient excreted at least 4 liters of urine in the day. To do this, it should drink 250 ml of water every 4 hours. Since the patient does not drink water at night, he should drink 500 ml of water before bedtime. To assess the effectiveness of therapy, it is possible to periodically investigate the urine of the patient to the presence of cystine crystals in it.

Some effect in the treatment of cystine stone formation gives urine lacking. The constant of dissociation of cystine is 6.5. This means that at pH 7.5, about 90% of this substance is in ionized form. However, at pH 7.5, the likelihood of the formation of calcium phosphate stones is large. Therefore, urine seeding under cystin nephrolithiasis should be considered only as an aid therapy. Calicia citrate is used as a means for latching.

Application of sodium-containing alkalis should be avoided: the increase in the increase in the volume of the ACTC leads to the activation of the excretion of cystine with urine.

If all of the above events turned out to be ineffective, prescribe such drugs as penicillamine, α-mercaptopropionylglycine and captopril. All these compounds are thiola and selectively bind to cysteine, forming complexes that dissolve in water much better than cysteine \u200b\u200bdimers (cystin). In α-mercaptopropionylglycine, there are fewer side effects than that of penicillamine. Penicilline can also bind pyridoxine. Therefore, when used to prevent the development of the deficiency of pyridoxine, it is prescribed its reception in the amount of 50 mg / day. Sometimes penicillamine and α-mercaptopropionylglycine cause loss of smell and violation of taste. To prevent these side effects, it is necessary to add to the ration of zinc in the form of food additives. Although the smallest side effects of the captive, this drug least effectively reduces the concentration of cystine in the urine.