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Working in a small town: is it realistic to find a good option? Relocation: how to find a job in another city

In my life, I have moved and got a job many times. St. Petersburg - Yaroslavl - Novorossiysk - Petrozavodsk ... I have gained considerable experience and would like to tell you about one of the options I have tested.

How to find a job in unfamiliar city? Traditional options lot. You can contact the Employment Center. Where a polite consultant sadly begins to list completely inappropriate vacancies. You don’t even ask about the salary, the numbers on the monitor screen are absolutely unhappy. You go out into the hall, and there the same unemployed are scurrying about ...

You can buy a bunch of newspapers with ads. Call. Do you need specialists? All vacancies are already taken! Another call. “Come, come! Only for the period probationary period we do not pay wages ... ”We make several more attempts, trips to meetings with potential employers. One did not like you, the other you ...

And there is no more time to search. Money is running out, and you need to hold out until the first paycheck at a job that has not yet been found. How to proceed? Everyone, probably, proceeds from his own situation, from the specifics of the circumstances.

Option one- get a job at least somewhere. To have money for a piece of bread. Can. But immediately new difficulties appear in finding that very cherished job - in the profile, vocation, with a decent salary. Or at work that has turned up, the schedule is from eight in the morning to six in the evening (when will you run to interviews?). Or the employer is a beast, you can't even make a call for an advertisement that interests you ... In such a situation, you can become limp and discouraged.

Second option- persistently seek a job worthy of you. A week passes, another, and suitable option no. The means of subsistence have also run out. We are already walking to the next interview, and the smell of coffee in the reception waiting for an audience is maddening.

And you can choose intermediate option... As I once did. Choose a company that provides services a large number clients. For example, installation and maintenance of legal systems. Do not be afraid. Even if you have never done anything other than typing, in a week in the office you will be taught a few simple operations.

So, the first plus - you will have a good knowledge of the software product (which you did not know yet) - the legal system, you will always quickly find the document you are interested in, wherever you work later! This means that you can quickly get used to any workplace, and even consult relatives and friends. And that's not all.

The second plus. You are given thirty clients who have a weekly legal system update. What does it mean?

Firstly, communication! You will develop communication skills and then apply them to your benefit. The first acquaintances in a strange city will also appear.

Secondly, in a couple of weeks the city will become familiar and familiar. To find where thirty companies are located - you have to try. Soon you will know all the streets and alleys. How to shorten the path or what transport to get there. You will be mistaken for an aboriginal and asked where the Barmaleevsky lane is.

Thirdly, you will learn useful information about thirty organizations. What they produce or what services they provide. What is the climate in the team. And even if the boss has a mistress ... But the main thing is that you will become your own person in thirty organizations, and this is already a lot!

The second or third week - and they are already talking to you about the level of salary and about the available vacancies. And this is exactly what you need! You know the team, the team knows you! Now is your time to choose who to give preference to.

There are many options and ways to find a job, and you can make it so that you choose, not you! Good luck!

There are many reasons for moving. Someone is actively searching better life, and someone is forced by circumstances. Whatever you are guided by, it is advisable to find a job in a foreign city before moving, so that upon arrival at a new place you do not think about what you will live on.

Looking in advance

Immediately after the move, you will settle in new apartment, take up the registration at the place of residence. And there is practically no time to look for a job (especially in the first month), so study the labor market of the place where you are going to live and work in advance.

Get ready for innovation

In megacities, there are vacancies for any specialty, which cannot be said about small cities. There are fewer employers in the provinces, and there are enough people who want to get their dream job.
Passing special courses, getting a second higher education for promotion, retraining - all these innovations will have to get used to if the need arises.


A well-written resume is half the battle. In the line "City of residence" indicate the place of residence. Add information that you are ready to move to such and such a city if you are planning to move to a specific city. If you don't care where to live, just write that you are ready to move to any city. In the second case, the list of potential employers will be larger.
Add more information about whether you are ready to look for housing yourself or whether you definitely need a job with the provision of finished real estate.

Work searches

Special portals, newspapers, recruiting agencies will come to the rescue. Talk to friends, relatives. It is easier to find the desired place on the recommendation.
If you are registered on social networks, join special groups that will help you find a job.
Almost all companies have their own website. Take a look at the section "Vacancies".

Moving dates

At any time, the employer can call and ask about the timing of arrival at a new place of residence. If you answer vaguely, for example, “I plan to move before the end of the summer” or “I can’t say for sure yet,” then the employer can automatically delete you from the list of candidates for the position. If you decide to move, put at least for yourself an approximate date of arrival at a new place.


With nonresident employers, the first interview is often conducted via Skype. Prepare thoroughly: write a short story about yourself, about your achievements. Business style clothes, neat appearance increase the chances of success.
Do not tell the employer about your problems (about the difficulties of moving, about financial problems) and do not ask for any indulgences.
If you are at home during the interview, ask your family not to flicker on background... The video calling area should be in order.

A personal meeting

If you're not satisfied with a Skype interview, take a day off from work and go to a direct meeting with your employer. You will be able to assess the situation on site with your own eyes, talk to the staff and personally meet with the management. Only after such a meeting, you will definitely understand whether you need this place or not.

Set yourself up for success

Do not be afraid of change, believe in your success. After all, the right attitude determines the outcome of a conceived idea. If you have doubts, take a few hours for something pleasant: go to the cinema, bake a cake, walk around the city, and then boldly conquer new heights.

What not to be afraid of

1. The unknown... At first, at any job, it is unusual and difficult. In 3-4 months everything will fall into place, and the difficulties will disappear.
2. New position... If in your city you are a director of a company, then in a new place you are unlikely to be immediately offered a similar position. You will most likely have to start from the very beginning. It shouldn't hurt your self-esteem in any way. In megacities, everyone starts like that.
3. New team... If you are a sociable person, you will quickly get used to a new place. At first, it may seem that your colleagues are hostile and dislike you. It will pass. Show your work spirit. The hardworking and punctual worker will be appreciated immediately.

Try to find a job in your familiar field. There is enough stress in a strange city: new team, new job... And if the business is unusual, it will be doubly difficult.

With the development of the Internet, the problem of finding a job has become much easier. Now, in the virtual space, you can not only fill out a resume on a thematic site, apply for a vacancy, but also pass an interview, and even get a job at remote work... Such a remote job search is optimal if you are looking for a job in another city.

If you have such an idea, then the first thing to do is to study the main aspects of life in a particular region as carefully and carefully as possible. This can be done using the Internet. It is quite realistic to analyze the labor market, study vacancies, compare salary levels, find out the cost of housing, and, based on the data already obtained, weigh all the pros and cons of changing your place of residence.

If you have made the decision to move, then this should be reflected in your resume. In the column "Place of residence" indicate the city where you live now, and in the column "Moving" make a mark "Ready". This will expand the circle of potential employers, because such a resume will be seen simultaneously in several cities. In addition, it will convince the employer of the seriousness of your intentions.

It is also necessary to indicate whether you are ready to independently search for housing or are looking for a job with a living. It would be useful to indicate the timing of a possible move.

When responding to a certain vacancy, it is worth considering what exactly to write in your cover letter. It is worth describing in it the scope and specifics of your previous activities, telling what position the company occupies in the market. At the same time, you should not get carried away with abbreviations and abbreviations that are understandable only to residents of your region of residence. It is better to indicate the full names of professions and enterprises.

You don't have to be there physically to look for work in another region. Traveling to a different city for every interview is expensive and not always wise. Therefore, you can pass a preliminary interview by phone and via remote video communication, for example, via Skype. At the same time, there is no need to spend money on transportation costs, on renting housing. If you still fail to find a job in another city, this will save a significant part of your money.

By the way, you need to prepare for such an absentee interview in the same way as for the most ordinary one: negotiate a convenient time, dress in a business suit, think over the answers to the most likely questions. When asking questions, try to find out everything. key points the desired vacancy, but do not heap a lot of questions and problems on the HR employee.

When answering questions, be specific as possible. For example, when answering the question of how soon you will be able to start work in a new place, name specific deadlines. If you are looking for a job in another city without leaving the old one, then announce the deadlines for completing current affairs at your current place of work. Check how long it will take you to travel. And what is the approximate date of release to the new location. Avoid vague vague language. Certainty and specificity will convince the employer of the seriousness of your intentions.

It does not matter for what reasons you decide to move to another city - in search of a better life or the circumstances are so, first you need to take care of the financial side of the issue, namely, on what means you will live in a completely new and unusual place. Of course, you can solve problems as they come and look for work already when you put the last things on the shelves, but it is better to spread straws in advance and arrive where a warm workplace awaits you.

Look for a job in hometown much easier - ask friends, read advertisements in local newspapers, send or take a resume personally, and then wait for an interview. Finding a job in another city is a little more complicated, but even the distance cannot prevent you from finding your ideal office with the most best colleagues and a perfect boss.

We do it smartly

Job search in another city can be divided into several main stages, which, in general, are similar to the usual "announcement-resume-interview", but with some reservations.

Don't forget to join special groups in in social networks, there you can find something interesting too.

1. Study the labor market of the place where you are moving. Of course, you can send your resume for the first ad that is more or less suitable for you, but it is better to know which companies have really established themselves, and which are the Sharashkin's office.

2. Carefully review the announcements. Most likely, large Internet resources with thousands of vacancies will suit you, although it would be useful to visit city sites, which, as a rule, also have a "Work" section. By the way, do not forget to join special groups on social networks, there you can also find something interesting.

3. Connect acquaintances. If in the city where you are moving, you already have acquaintances to whom you can turn for help in finding a job, then do not miss this opportunity. Just tell the person that you will be very grateful to him if he informs you about any vacancy that has appeared. For demand, as they say, money is not taken.

4. We send the resume. When suitable vacancies are found, it is time to send your resume to potential employers. Be sure to indicate in it that you are ready to move. Some companies provide accommodation for nonresident employees, if this is your case and if you need it, then also note this on your resume.

A potential employer should not hear phrases like “well, I don’t know how it will turn out”.

5. Online interview. If the employer has responded to your resume and offers to meet in person, check if it is possible to conduct the first interview via Skype. For many recruiters, this method of interviewing job seekers is not new. Be prepared to be asked about the timing of a possible move, and do not hesitate to answer the question. A potential employer should not hear phrases like “well, I don’t know how it will turn out”. Uncertainty will only scare him away, and you probably won't get the job. By the way, it would be useful to indicate the reasons for the move, of course, if they are not very personal.

6. Reconnaissance in force. If an interview via a webcam is not enough for you or your employer, then take a short vacation from your current job and go on "intelligence" - personally meet with a company representative, inspect the office, talk to employees. Perhaps, on the computer monitor, the picture seemed much better than it actually was.

What you shouldn't be afraid of

1. Unknown. Of course, now you are afraid of everything new, but half a year will pass, and the new will become painfully familiar and familiar. Therefore, do not wind yourself up in advance, the main thing is perseverance and a desire to move forward. And then you will definitely succeed.

2. Demotions. It is likely that in another city you will have to start from a lower position than you previously held. Do not think that this "downgrade" undermines your self-esteem, especially if you have moved to a metropolis. Set yourself up in advance that everything will have to start all over again and this is not a cause for concern.

3. New team. In the first weeks it will seem to you that you are not at ease - another city, other people, and new colleagues are particularly hostile towards you, you are a “stranger”. But this is a game of imagination, nothing more. You are not from another planet, you speak the same language and want to achieve common corporate goals together. Therefore, relax - now you are not in the camp of the enemy, but only at a new job.

When moving to another city, try not to change your usual field of activity, so as not to aggravate the stressful state in which you will definitely be at first. A new place, new people - all this is enough to make you feel uncomfortable. Do not torment yourself with the fact that you suddenly have to do something completely unusual for yourself. Let at least something remain the same.

So, you have decided that it is time to leave your native land and start looking in a more promising city. What's next? And then read this article from and slowly collect your thoughts and suitcases.

Make sure you need it

Before changing your location, decide exactly where you want to go. We recommend proceeding from the following criteria:

  • Do you have friends, acquaintances or relatives in the selected city. Still, at least minimal support in a new place will not hurt anyone. It's good if you have someone to turn to for help in an unfamiliar city.
  • Are specialists of your profile in demand in this city? Maybe, of course, you dreamed of working at a coal mine in Kiev, but most likely, certain difficulties will arise here.
  • What prospects will open before you after the move. If in city N you will find plus or minus the same as at home, think carefully. Especially if in your locality you are already provided with your own home. Moving is a crucial step, and it's good if it turns out to be justified.

Evaluate the offers on the market

In the city you are interested in. See what they offer, what salaries, conditions, requirements. Think about whether you can find housing in the right area, how much of your salary will have to be paid for rent (if necessary). Find as many options as possible in order to immediately appreciate all the possibilities.

It's good if you know which company you want to work for. Then it is possible in all cities where its offices are located.

Perhaps at first you can, and if you and the employer suit each other, then you will already make a decision to move.

Send your resume, wait for the interview

  • In be sure to indicate in which city you want to work and that you are ready to move.
  • In also, tell us why you decided to take this step. Emphasize that this is a mature decision of a determined person.
  • If possible, agree on. If there are several of them, it will be more convenient to communicate with employers so as not to travel to another city for a conversation.

Enlist the support of loved ones and make up your mind!

Even when fully prepared to move, it can be difficult at first to drop everything and leave. But if you decide - go for it! Especially if you found exactly what you were looking for.

It's great if your loved ones support you. If you have a family, it will not be easy for her either. But it will be easier to get through the changes together. If your family is against it, you will have to overcome this obstacle as well. Tell them about the prospects that await you in your new place, about the opportunities that will open up for your family. Infect them with faith in yourself.

Remember the old adage: “The fish seeks where it goes deeper. And where is the better man? Look for the best and find "yours"! knows that you can do everything!